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Iconic pic of the end of Paradise ridge. Pic from Mr ONE! ;)

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The weather and safety outlook for Wednesday 12 March 2025.

There is an acronym index at the bottom of the report for those not understanding some of the weather jargon. ;)

12 March 2025

Good morning all you amazing Wild2fly people! :)) Another relatively good flying day yesterday - Sedge was pretty perky, PR worked a bit, so too Buffs but Map stole the show at the end of the day with only a few lucky pilots getting into the late afternoon sweet soarable conditions. The Wild2fly, Cloudbase and Walland air newbies enjoyed the day out here... ;) Tropical storm Jude (See the Maps below) moving back towards the Mozambique channel where it will intensify and expected to get back its Cyclone status over the next two days… The trough line back along the west coast regions today (See the cloud bas map) plus we have a calm before the storm so to speak back here in Wilderness – a large IOH system setting up to bring in some rain and strong winds from the SE for the next two day - so prep to get your flying in today. ;) Today however, things are still looking sweet enough for some playful flying to take place. Winds initially in a southerly to SSE direction and later in the day will go more SE. So, Sedge and Gerrickes I think will be spots to be - Gerrickes into the late afternoon and Sedg will probably become very spicey near midday once again. If you look at the T-Phi graph you will see why. lol ;) Actually this trend seems to be around at all the sites with a 50% gradient from the surface to 1000ft AGL. This set-up also helps that compression bubble to shape up at Map - and it looks to be doing that later this afternoon. The instability depth ranging from around 1000ft over the ocean and then rising as you move into the interior. The back flats around 2000ft with Sedge and Serps also only around the 1000ft level. There is a slight chance for some flat Q's around the Serps/Sedge ridge, with a layer around 300ft over the ocean too. This will increase in the late afternoon - see the two snapshot graphs below. :)) Low tide this morning at 9 and HT at around 15:00 this afternoon. To finish off, a friendly reminder to every pilot - if you see somebody disobeying site rules, please speak up. We need to stand together on this point as our sites are in a very vulnerable stage. Go out and have fun because the next few days looks like bad weather! Enjoy but remember to take a moment to reflect on God - that’s what life is really all about. :)) (Isaiah 7:14, Micah 5:2, John 3:16, Rom 12:9-21, Gal 5:13-26)

Beach Hotel Site Briefing link here: 

SA synoptic :)


Rain for SA :)


Cloud base for SA at 14:00. :)


Vertical velocity at 10k. :))


"Sedge" Snap Shot ;)


Sedge Spot! :))


Sdge T-Phi


Wilderness wind. Map showing signs of the compression bubble. :)


Wilderness snap shot! :)


Wilderness cloud base late afternoon. :)


Do you like reading flying related stuff? ;) Check out my old blog for some interesting fun and musings on life and flying around the tropical islands of Seychelles.

Wild2Fly weather report Acronym sheet

IOH – Indian Ocean High Pressure System
SAH – Southern Atlantic High Pressure system
LSH - Lesotho High Pressure System
B/S - Boyancy Shear ration
CB - Charlie Bravo, Aviation term for Thunderstorms
CT – Cape Town
CP – Cape Point
CF - Cold Front
CATS - Clear Air Turbulence
GR - Garden Route
EL - East London
GE - Great Escarpment
LR – Lapse Rate
LH – Lions Head
SH – Signal Hill
SLP – Sir Lowries Pass
FB – False Bay
FH - Franschoek
RB - Rondebossie
PV – Porterville
PB - Picketberg
SB - Swartberg Pass
CP – CarPark
BH – Beach Hotel
WC – Western Cape
PE – Port Elizabeth
PA – Port Alfred
WWB - Wrong Way Bob
W – West
OD - Over development
Q's - Cumulous clouds
SW – South West
WSW – West South West etc
MIT - Metrology
MET - Meteoroly
VFR - Visual Flight Rules
FVR - For the dislexic - means same as above... :))
WYSIWIG - What You See Is What You Get.

If I have missed anything let me know.


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