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Past weather reports for historical purposes

Last few days reports

(5 April 2022) Day 751 (according to the president) of rules

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! And yes, the SoD is over but still the rules apply. O and yes, the weather sucks. The current CF movements are a sure sign of the changing seasons as winter patterns start to appear around the WC. I hope you guys got enough flying in this summer cos summer is officially over! ;) The Cold Front still active over the WC while the SAH will continue to push cold air in from the far South onto the WC. Rain in the west and along parts of the southern regions during the day (CT and PV regions). Fresh westerly winds in general 20kts or more. Lots of cloud with base around 2-3k and tops around 10 in the west, rising towards the east with 10k around Graafies and surrounding areas. It is not a great day for flying but perhaps you will get something around the GR and further east. Sedge showing something during the day s perhaps worth a look from around mid day. Winds remain W with height with a 80kt finish up at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 7-9k. For Wilderness sunrise was at 6:45, setting at 18:19 – 11:35 min day light hours. Low tide at 11:44 this morning. Have a lekker day and remember to get closer to God! :)

(4 April 2022) 
Day 740 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. A Low pressure system to the south of us dominating our weather. (It was an extension from the interior trough) But it has moved lots of cool moist air onto the west coast so this Cold Front bringing rain and cloudy stuff to the west during the day – Ct and surrounds, gradually clearing as it moves into the interior. Winds are all westerly with a slight SW on the surface around the GR areas – Wilderness with some soaring this morning along the coast possible but it goes W above our heads quickly – more west later in the day too. To the eastern interior the CB’s very active as we move into the pre frontal areas so to speak with a more NW wind trend and high bases – good soaring but a tad strong on the NW wind side. The coasts with the W to SW dominating all the way up to EL today. Winds remain W all the way to the Tropopause for a 50-60kt finish up there. Freezing level around 11k with a few spots still at 9k in the southern parts. For Wilderness sunrise was at 6:44, setting at 18:21 – 11:37 min day light hours. Low tide at 11:17 this morning. Have a lekker day and remember to get closer to God! :)

(3 April 2022) 
Day 739 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people. The IOH dominating in the east while the interior trough takes over in the west and for the most part of the WC. IT looks like a good day of flying ahead of us with the west excellent with high base over 7k and light W to NW winds. CT with a great wind-shadow all day. Some light rain this morning along the southern parts but this should clear during the day. Sedge and the coast will have some great flying today. Winds all light moderate onshore winds. To the east it gets more cloudy and rainy. Then the wide region of CB’s in the interior – but clear in the west. See the climb rates, Q’s cover and rain and wind maps. Freezing level around 10k with a few spots still at 9k in the southern parts. For Wilderness sunrise was at 6:43, setting at 18:22 – 11:39 min day light hours. Low tide at 10:50 this morning. Have a lekker day and remember to get closer to God! :)

(2 April 2022) 
Day 738 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. And would you believe we had another amazing day at Sedge even when nothing much was predicted! Lol But with the rain outside I think it safe to say that today, today it all changes. ;) A big SAH system feeding in cool moist air over the entire WC (country actually) with SE wind trends and rain in most areas. Low bases in the southern parts but rising past the first and second ranges with up to 10k in the far interior. The west with some blue skies in the lee of the Olifantsrug mountains – looking like a great PB day but perhaps too strong in the late afternoon so fly mid day. CT and surrounds with strong and deep SE winds and no wind-shadow on the cards. The southern parts with the SE winds – the GR light variable winds in the morning with a more SE trend in the late afternoon but of course rain. The SE to East wind trend around to just shy of 10k where it backs to the NW  and W for a 100kt finish to the north but W over CT and just 20kts. Freezing level down to 9k in the southern parts. Have a lekker day and remember to get closer to God! :)

(1 April 2022) 
Day 737 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people. Another spectacular day at Sedge yesterday. Alas, today it all changes. The SAH still dominating but a weak ridge shaping up into the eastern interior with widely spaced isobars – lots of cloud and rain. But it does dry and is actually looking very good in the west. PV is the place to be today it seems. CT with deep ad strong SE winds today and no wind-shadow on the cards with the adjacent mountains also suffering form the SE. High base in the western interiors but then it lowers to the east and south. Lots of rain and CB’s out there today. (See rain maps) The southern parts with unstable air but no surface heating to trigger those thermal in most places! Bleh! Winds go NW around 10k for a W finish at the Tropopause of 70kt in the south but 100kt in the north. Freezing level around 11-12k. Have a lekker day and remember to get closer to God! :)

(31 March 2021) 
Day 736 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. More than two years of lockdown done and dusted. Hhhmmm… Another sweet day at Sedge yesterday with locals and visitors getting some cool – interesting flying. ;) The SAH dominating with an active trough in the interior with loads of CB activity across a broad section inland and reaching PE and EL and northwards on the coast in the late afternoon. S to SE winds in the southern parts with lots of cloud around and low bases. Looks like Serps and Sedge will be great but a later start – hot stuff between 12 and 14:00 I think here. Uppies not as good but perhaps something to be had there too. The west dryer but also low climbs in PV with maybe 4k on the cards. CT with the SE that is just too deep for a good wind-shadow to shape up form the looks of things and the main ranges here also  with too much SE in it. NW winds from 6-10k upwards with a 70kts finish up at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 13k. Have a lekker day and don’t forget to get closer to God! :))

(30 March 2022) 
Day 735 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people. If you don’t realise Wilderness is Heavan on Earth yet, you should not call yourself a pilot! No other place flyable in the whole WC however Sedge managed to delivered some goods! Amazing! (A few CT visitors in the know showing faces here – Ian, Barry and Patrice et al! :) Today the Cold Front still dominating our weather with slight moderations in a few places so other areas too will get some flying in. ;) PV is one of them – looking sweet here today (watch the convergence to the N and climbs to over 5k lekker light W winds) but the CT surrounds still a tad on the strong NW side of things and a spots of rain too. You guys might have to wait another day I think. :) The GR with that protected area giving some sweet flying around Sedge again – perhaps a spot on the coast today too. Uppies offering something but Sedge looking sweeter. And then PE region with that line of CB’s and rain by the looks of things – running far into the interior along the trough line. (See the rain map). Upper winds go NW from around 3/4k with a 80 kts in CT and 100kts over PE finish. Freezing level around the 13-14k mark. Next few days the SAH will be feeding in some cool unstable air onto the WC so things are looking on the up! Have a lekker day and remember to get closer to God! ;)

(29 March 2022) 
Day 734 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. The Cold Front into CT this morning with rain and strong NW winds. The rest of the country with those prefrontal NW winds and a strong active trough with a line of CB’s form N to S. Last night it was active on the NE horizon from Wilderness. So once again strong NW wind with Wave in the western mountains, except for the GR region where the systems converge (I think its called a col) ;) But the IOH with NE wind to the east, those strong NW in the interior (and close to the coast) and the NW in the west with a W to SW moving up the coast – though this is not making as much progress as you would think. It does not reach the GR for starters (some upper air effects that is slowing the surface wind progress). Once again Sedge might deliver though it does look weaker and with a tad more wind at the TOL areas (maybe 800-1000ft) with mid-teens in knots up there over lunchtime so expect the chances of a bit of shear around. The rest looking dismal with a poor BS ratio (no doubt those strong winds mixing things up). Rain in the west, some blue skies in the middle then CB’s in the trough line, and you would be hard pressed to find flying conditions in all of that. (Except if you live in Wilderness – but this is another planet of course) ;) 120kts NW at the Tropopause with freezing level down to 11k in the west. Don’t forget to get closer to God and have a lekker day!

(27 March 2022) 
Day 732 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. Another amazing flight by Shaun down in PV with over 100km to Graafwater yesterday. Today thigs are very different to yesterday around the country with the IOH dominating – lots more subsidence and dryer air around so no clouds expected except for the eastern coastal regions. Winds WNW in the far interior but NE south of that and easterly along the southern coasts. The west coast with a NW trend today. Winds go NW from around 3/4k upwards, backing to the SW around 14k for a 60-80ktss SW finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 13-15k.

CT – Another beautiful day with a light NE start – if you are early you can get those secret spots – maybe Africa face. The instability from the NE going N will be replaced by a shallow sea breeze from the W to NW. IT remains N to NE above that from the looks of it. The main ranges with a NW flow and sweet flying conditions. Maybe FH will be cool to. ;) See Spot.

RB – WWB is out! ;)

PV – Another good day on the cards but this time with some NW winds. Perhaps a flight down to DTK or FH is on the cards today. Climbs to 6k. See Spot!

Wilderness – Another light start with the SE picking up around late morning mid day. IT might blow out in the late afternoon or just hang in there. Looks like the gradient bubble will settle in in the afternoon and with some east in it. Hhhmmm. Sedge looking too east even form early on. ;) See Spot.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but climbs to less than 2000ft. See Spot.

PE and PA – NE winds all day.

EL – As above.

Inland – NE in the south but NW beyond the GE to the north. I think some of those N facing spots can work! See clouds, rain and wind map.

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 6:38 and setting at 18:31 – day length 11:53. Low at 6:20, High tide 12:32, Low at 18:49. Another beautiful morning with a fresh SE wind in the afternoon. Perfect for flying, kitesurfing, drinking coffee, eating cake and really getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 20 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(26 March 2022) 
Day 731 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people. The SAH ridging in along the southern parts of the WC with a typical easterly flow and some post frontal conditions. Lotso of clouds around except in the west. Still some rain especially in the east. This will clear gradually from the west. It of course means good flying in the west but less so the east. NW winds in the far interior and then the easterly flow in the southern parts. An afternoon with strong SE winds along the southern coastal regions and the strong stuff spreading into the adjacent interiors. Winds go W from around 6k upwards with a WSW finish at the tropopause at 50kts. Freezing level 11k in the east but 14 in the west.

CT – A beautiful start with a light SE flow and deep instability to around 6k. The SE will increase in the afternoon with only a slight chance of a wind-shadow shaping up but it does seem to be around in the morning. The main ranges with too much SE effect. ;) See Spot.

RB – Today is the day to fly to PV! ;)

PV – A good day expected with typical SW in the morning that will go more S in the late afternoon. Climbs to 6k. See Spot!

Wilderness – A light wind start with the SE at Map moving in later in the morning. Looks like it will blow out from around 14:00 onwards. Sedge looking too east even form early on. ;) See Spot.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but climbs to 2000ft. See Spot.

PE and PA – Lots of rain still around here with easterly winds.

EL – As above.

Inland – Eat in the southern parts but NW in the far interior. See clouds, rain and wind map.

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 6:37 and setting at 18:33 – day length 11:56. High tide 10:50, Low at 17:30. A beautiful morning with a fresh SE wind in the afternoon. Perfect for flying, kitesurfing, drinking coffee, eating cake and really getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 19 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(21 March 2022) 
Day 726 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. A similar pattern to yesterday with the SAH and interior trough dominating our weather. Still that CB’s activity in the west, few in the central parts and then increasing to the west. Look like some on the SW corner on the mountains in the late afternoon too. Winds SW on the west coast, SE along the southern parts, NE in the East and then the typical N to NW in the interior. The sea breezes influencing the areas near the coast with a good push into the interior in the late afternoon with some spots well over 20kts. Lots of Q’s around with high bases at the 10k mark. The southern parts with still some lingering fog patches. The winds are all westerly from 6/7k upwards with a SW finish of 30kts at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 13-14k.

CT – Another beautiful day with a southerly trending SE in the afternoon with once again a great wind-shadow day. Perhaps some CB’s around the main ranges in the late afternoon so keep a tab on those. Westerly higher up with base close to 10k and a SW later in the day. Good to head north I think away form some of those CB’s and rain. ;) See Spot.

RB – Ad it just could be another good day… ;)

PV – Another good day like yesterday but better – less chance of CB’s and more west to SW in the wind. Higher up it might have a tad NW. It should be easy to dodge the bit of rain that might be around but keep a good watch on it ;) See Spot!

Wilderness – Another foggy morning but less of that white stuff today. Maybe Map for the afternoon but again I suggest Sedge for some good cross wind flying like yesterday. ;) See Spot.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but climbs to 2000ft. See Spot.

PE and PA – Light offshores around PE but to the east the NE is around from early.

EL – NE all day.

Inland – S to SE wind trends in the south and east with more NW to W in the far interior and the west. Some CB’s but less than yesterday. See clouds, rain and wind map.

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 6:33 and setting at 18:40 – day length 12:06. Low at 11:30, High at 17:43. A slight foggy start with a moderate SE later in the day. Perfect for flying, drinking coffee, eating cake and really getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 21 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(20 March 2022) 
Day 725 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people. The SAH shaping into a light ridge along the southern parts while the interior trough is active in the west with expected CB’s and rain. Winds are easterly in the southern coastal regions and more southerly along the west coast. The interior with a W to NW flow. Lots of moisture around along the southern coastal areas with fog patches, while it is dryer in the west with high base and a chance of some CB’s over the higher mountains in the late afternoon. Winds go W from around 7k and remains west all the way to the Tropopause for a 50kts finish up there. Freezing level around 13-14k.

CT – Another beautiful day with a southerly trending SE in the afternoon but a great wind-shadow day. Once again the main ranges with big climbs in the late afternoon – see when the Q’s pop! See Spot.

RB – It just could be a good day… ;)

PV – More of a SW trending S wind day here but still good if you can get up. There is a chance of some CB’s in the afternoon with associated gust front outflows so do be careful of that. ;) See Spot!

Wilderness – A foggy morning with a slight chance of partial clearing around Map maybe. But best bet is Sedge for the morning with a better chance of finding some clearer skies there. It will trend more SE as the day progresses and freshen up. ;) See Spot.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but climbs to 2000ft. See Spot.

PE and PA – The East winds light in the morning with a few fog patches perhaps but then the wind picks up somewhat with clouds around 500m. All the East facing spots should be good

EL – As above…

Inland – SE wind trends in the south with more N to NW in the deep interior and west in the west. Lots of CB;s around up to the SB range mainly. From west to east it seems. See clouds, rain and wind map.

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 6:33 and setting at 18:41 – day length 12:08. Low at 10:55, High at 17:06. A foggy start with a fresh SE later in the day. Perfect for flying, drinking coffee, eating cake and really getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 21 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(19 March 2022) 
Day 724 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. Another big flight by Shaun yesterday at PV taking advantage of the good forecast with a big 81km triangle in the PV valley. Today it looks like SB pass is getting a turn! ;) Still the IOH with the interior trough dominating and those good flying conditions hanging around. Some fog patches along the southern parts though. Quite a bit of clouds around too with high base in the interior from 10k upwards. There is also a chance of CB’s and rain in the far interior but these should not spread southwards to past the GE lie form the looks of things. Winds are generally southerly in the southern parts and more NW in the deep interior with a SW flow along the west coast. Expecting a strong Sea breeze again by the late afternoon in the coastal adjacent interiors. Winds are W from 6/7k upwards with a WNW finish at the Tropopause 30-50kts. Freezing level up at 13-14k.

CT – Another beautiful day with a stronger SE in the afternoon but it does look like the wind-shadow holds up. The main ranges with big climbs in the late afternoon – see when the Q’s pop! See Spot.

RB – It just could be a good day… ;)

PV – Another good day on the cards but it is a later day in comparison with more with slightly more wind. It looks like it goes more SSW in the later afternoon and the sea breeze seems slightly mellower. Still should be loads of dusties! ;) See Spot!

Wilderness – Another light wind start with some fog patches around. Sedge probably the best bet with the winds going SE there in the afternoon. Map probably fogged in most of the day I think. The place to be is Swartberg pass today! ;) See Spot.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but climbs to 2000ft. See Spot.

PE and PA – Again light offshores in the morning with NE to E winds later on. Not as strong as yesterday by the looks of things.

EL – As above…

Inland – The southerly winds creeping far north to near the GE borders. SB pass of course going off with light southerly winds on the cards there and base at 10! Further north there is loads of CB activity and rain. See clouds, rain and wind map.

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 6:32 and setting at 18:42 – day length 12:10. Low at 10:22, High at 16:33. Another light start with a SW trend going SE with fog later. Perfect for flying, drinking coffee, eating cake and really getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 21 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(18 March 2022) 
Day 723 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people. Shaun had a sweet flight at PV yesterday late afternoon climbing to 8000ft with a 45km triangle in the valley – he reported lots of dusties and landing backwards in the strong Sea breeze in the late afternoon! ;) Today the IOH and interior trough dominating day with super awesome soaring inland and in the west but slow and stable along the coastal regions. The good trough stuff extending southwards along the west coast so some good things happening at PV and surrounds – winds are NW to W and nothing strong – except the late afternoon sea breezes that will be 20-30kts. Some CB’s in the far central and western interior. Winds N to NW here. The southern coastal areas with a few fog patches here and there and winds light onshore with a slight SE to E trend in the later day. Few Q’s around but for the far interior. Winds go NW from around 8k with a NW finish except right along the SW tips where it is light and S. (See upper air winds) Freezing level around 13k.

CT – A beautiful wind-shadow day here. The SE winds extending up to 2k where the inversion is and it is light and W to NW above that. But the main ranges it is NW to W winds with climbs to 9k on the cards. See Spot.

RB – Too light and stable mostly but a smidgeon of hope in the late afternoon. ;)

PV – A super day on the cards here. Light NW to W winds with climbs to 10k in the best spots. Light winds all the way up there so a day to do a big triangle. Watch those dusties and the late afternoon sea breeze of 20-30kts! ;) See Spot!

Wilderness – A light wind day with stable conditions expected. SW to SSE sift in the wind. Sedge probably the best bet with some lift going to 1000ft. So fingers crossed! ;) See Spot.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but climbs to 2000ft. See Spot.

PE and PA – Again light offshores in the morning but the E to NE winds starting soon and dominating the day. It is fresh in the late afternoon!

EL – As above…

Inland – All NW winds with a lighter and more east trend in the far southern parts. CB’s in the far North and West. Fresh sea breezes expected in the late afternoon. Big skies in the deep interior with beautiful Q’s. See clouds, rain and wind map.

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 6:31 and setting at 18:44 – day length 12:13. Low at 9:50, High at 16:00. A light SW start going SE and remaining light. Perfect for short flights probably, drinking coffee, eating cake and really getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 22 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(17 March 2022) 
Day 721 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. Some sweet flying by Rouberre, Nigel and Uppies locals yesterday. Today the IOH with the interior trough dominating our WC weather. The long trek upcountry has made the air much drier so no Q’s expected today. Winds are light to moderate Northerly in the interior with a East trend along the southern coast. The usual S to SW will set-up along the west coast. Later in the day the Sea breezes will penetrate inland with 20kts plus in a few spots. The wind is a bit all over the place with an increase in height with NE at 4-7k then light winds then a S from 18k upwards for a 40kt finish at the tropopause. Freezing level 16k in the west and 13k in the east.

CT – Upper N to NW with a lower S to SW wind. It’s a tricky one for the wind shadow to shape up – so often a bit of mixing in this direction on the cards. The main ranges with north at first then NW with the SW moving in very late in the day. Not the best of conditions. Maybe one of the sheltered further inland spots for a bit might work. FH? See Spot.

RB – Hhhmm… A ? mark day. ;)

PV – N to NE start to the day going NW but still N above. The afternoon does see the SW moving in but it is late. You could get up to 6k or so in the NW but it is a bit of a sheary day I think with the N over the mountains… ;) See Spot!

Wilderness – A light wind start then the SE will pickup during the late morning. Another gradient bubble setting up by the looks of things so not one of those perfect SE days. IT will be blown out by early to mid afternoon. ;) See Spot.

Plett – Also the gradient bubble in the bay and Uppies of course with the fresh SE flow so not the best. See Spot.

PE and PA – Again light offshores in the morning then the SE will start as a cool sea breeze trending more east later in the day. Lekker!

EL – As above…

Inland – All northerlies except in the far south where the coastal sea breezes will move inland with a S to SE trend. Some strong bits around. Lol See the wind map.

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 6:30 and setting at 18:45 – day length 12:15. Low at 9:20, High at 15:29. A light SE start but freshening during the day. Perfect for flying, kitesurfing, drinking coffee, eating cake and really getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 20 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(16 March 2022) 
Day 720 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people. An amazing new site record for Nigel who flew from Brenton to the Wilderness beach hotel via Sedgfield yesterday. Amazing flight Nigel! Today still some of that cool unstable air around being fed in by the edge of the SAH. Perhaps not as good as yesterday but still some good flying on the cards. Winds lighter with height wit a east trend up to around 6/7k. The surface flow more southerly and late afternoon sees a more SE trend. Lots of Q’s around the southern parts but dry in the west and in the far interior. Base around 3-4k along the southern ranges rising steadily into the interior with 7-8k around the SB ranges. It goes more blue north of that. Winds in the late afternoon are all S to SE with only a few spots touching the 20k mark. From 14k the wind is SW remaining SW to the Tropopause for a 30kt finish over CT but 80 over PE. Freezing level around 13k.

CT – A strong and deep SE to E wind. IT does not show much of a wind-shadow shaping up for the day. The main ranges with a similar story… ;) See Spot.

RB – Blown out here early already I think. ;)

PV – A very southerly to SE trending day. Stay in the valley if you fly. Climbs up 6k from the looks of it. ;) See Spot!

Wilderness – Looks like another sweet day of flying with the winds going form SW to SE in the late afternoon. Lower base in the clouds today but Sedge once again looking tops. The coasts should also offer something to play in. ;) Lol. See Spot.

Plett – Looking very good here today with Uppies showing base over 4k! A day to go places I think. Perhaps the northern route towards DuToits might be an option for the big boys? Lol. ;) See Spot.

PE and PA – Again light offshores in the morning but mid day the start of the sea breezes with S to SE trends. It looks like a great day.

EL – As above…

Inland – The south to SE winds far into the interior with clouds all the way to the SB ranges. To the eastern interior the Q’s penetrate further inland. A really great day for flying if you can get out there… See the clouds and rain map.

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 6:30 and setting at 18:46 – day length 12:17. Low at 8:51, High at 14:59. A light SW going SE in the afternoon day. Perfect for flying, drinking coffee, eating cake and really getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 19 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(15 March 2022) 
Day 719 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. A beautiful in between two cold fronts day ahead of us. Lots of cool unstable air around with great flying in the cards in the east, west and interior. Winds are all light with a east trend and some variations around that. Clouds mostly in the central and southern parts with base around 3-5k before or on the first ranges and a tad more further inland. The wind trends NE at hight with a SE surface flow. Above the inversion the wind is light north backing quickly to the WSW all the way to the Tropopause for a 70kt finish up there. Freezing level around 13-14k.

CT – A sweet light SE wind day with a good wind-shadow on the cards. Perhaps some SW flow along the shore front as the flow trends around the Peninsula. The main ranges with a mid day WSW flow up to 4k or so before the east flow takes over. ;) See Spot.

RB – Looking a tad light but maybe late afternoon something might come through. ;)

PV – A sweet day on the cards with a WSW start and trending more SSW later in the afternoon. Climbs to 6k during the best parts of the day. ;) See Spot!

Wilderness – A sweet day ahead here too with a good Sedge morning and a great Map ending. It might even get too strong at Map in the late afternoon. Good XC potential out on the back flats too. So pick your spot and go far! ;) Lol. See Spot.

Plett – Also a good day on the cards though it trends to the SE later and gets breezy. But you can get away early enough you can be in for a great one! ;) See Spot.

PE and PA – Light offshores in the morning but going more SE during the afternoon. Good flying here too but perhaps a slight chance of rain still around.

EL – As above…

Inland – Light winds all over trending east and SE during the day in the south. Some great flying on the cards in the southern parts with the cool post frontal air around the area… See the clouds and rain map.

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 6:29 and setting at 18:48 – day length 12:19. Low at 8:20, High at 14:28. A light S going SE in the afternoon. Perfect for flying, drinking coffee, eating cake and really getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 18 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(14 March 2022) 
Day 718 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people. The SAH still pushing in that cold moist air in behind the passing cold front today. Winds south to SW in most places with the southerly penetrating far into the interior. Still some rain around with precipitation chances increasing to the east. The eastern coastal regions still with strong SW winds as we near the rear of the strong cold front. Lots of clouds around with base around 3k in the coastal plains and then rising from the first mountains into the interior with 8k up to the GE. The west with more clear weather and better flying conditions. The winds are S up to the 7/8k mark then WSW to SW at the Tropopause of 60kts. Freezing level down to 6500ft in the far southern parts but 10k for the rest.

CT – A fresh SE wind that is strong all the way to 4k so not a usable wind-shadow setting up. The main ranges with a similar influence. ;) See Spot.

RB – If you are not up there now soaring you are missing out! ;)

PV – Not as good as one would expect with the post frontal air around – looks like the S and SE wind having too much influence here… ;) See Spot!

Wilderness – Maybe a great coastal soaring day in the mid day part. With some luck it will hold into the afternoon too. Sedge looking very good but for the freshness in the wind – 15kts at base and probably touching on that on launch too. So strictly for the big boys only. Lol. ;) See Spot.

Plett – Also a tad WSW in the morning but a chance of Keurbooms switching on in the afternoon. Uppies looking a tad strong ;) See Spot.

PE and PA – Strong SW winds with a bit more rain. Maybe late afternoon it could moderate enough for a flight at ML...

EL – As above…

Inland – Those southerly winds in the interior running far to the north. Very strong winds over the higher mountains with 20-30kts in some spots. The rain confined to the southern ranges. And base rising further inland. See the clouds and rain map.

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 6:28 and setting at 18:49 – day length 12:21. Low at 7:48, High at 13:53. A moderate WSW to start off with going SW in the afternoon. Perfect for flying, drinking coffee, eating cake and really getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 17 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(13 March 2022) 
Day 717 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. So yesterday a few of us tried to see if SkySight was accurate with the super high base at Uppies. The App was good but we just could not get the launch timing into the good stuff! ;) The whole Outenikwas was littered with mile upon mile of drooling Q’s. Ai! Lol. Today it’s the Cold Front dominating everywhere. Rain in most places with lots of it around PE it seems. Winds WSW in the bottom corner and up the coast with some slight variations in a few spots. More westerly in the interior. Base around 2-3k near the coasts but perhaps 4-5k in the first mountain ranges then up to 8k beyond that. The wind goes NW from 10k up to the Tropopause for a 120kts finish up there. Freezing level around 10-13k but the SW corner seeing some colder stuff during the day as the Cold Front makes it drop there to just 6500ft!

CT – A rainy and SW wind day… The main ranges more rain… ;) See Spot.

RB – SNM! ;)

PV – Also a clagged in day form the Cold Front with rain ;) See Spot!

Wilderness – Looks like light W in the morning with slight chance of rain but from lunchtime onwards more heavier rani. Maybe one could be lucky and squeeze in a flight before the rain… lol. ;) See Spot.

Plett – W to SW wind with rain similar to Wilderness. ;) See Spot.

PE and PA – Rain and rain! SW winds but not so strong at times.

EL – Stronger SW winds with rain…

Inland – Mainly westerly winds with rain along the frontal belt in the central parts but also in the cool feed behind it from the SAH causing the rain along the larger mountains. It gets breezy during the day with plenty spots over 20kts. See the clouds and rain map.

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 6:27 and setting at 18:50 – day length 12:23. Low at 7:05, High at 13:11, low at 19:20. A moderate to strong WSW wind with rain most of the day. Perfect for dreaming of flying, drinking coffee, eating cake and really getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 20 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(12 March 2022) 
Day 717 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people. A Cold Front approaching the WC with all those typical tightening isobars and stronger winds as it approaches. NW winds all over but for the Southern and eastern coastal regions. Rain in land in a few spots once again as some CB’s are expected from mid day onwards. This gets very active along the western parts once again into the late afternoon. Base very high in the interior with 10k plus in most spots. Winds remaining NW with height all the way to the Tropopause for a 80kts finish in the west and 40 in the east. Freezing level around 14-15k.

CT – Another beautiful start in the mother city but those strong NW winds lurking up above. ;) Probably too strong later on otherwise be careful. The main ranges def too strong with some CB’s later on. ;) See Spot.

RB – WWB is out today. ;)

PV – Another strong NW wind day – prefrontal stuff with CB’s around… ;) See Spot!

Wilderness – A great day for the beach but really nothing much expected form a flying point of view. Light S then SE then all over… Hhhmmm… Map foefies or slightly extended might the best on the cards today. I think a day to go visit our neighbours in Plett… ;) See Spot.

Plett – If SkySight is to believed at mid day we are all going to hit the convergence and speck to 10k! ;) See Spot.

PE and PA – Light E to NE start but then picking up especially in the east.

EL – Strong NE in the afternoon…

Inland – All NW winds and fresh in the west. Lots of CB’s in the afternoon. See the clouds and rain map.

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 6:26 and setting at 18:52 – day length 12:25. High at 11:58 Low at 18:26. A light S start going light SE. Perfect for flying, coffee, cake and really getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 26 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(11 March 2022) 
Day 716 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. Some great flying at Sedge yesterday but today a different story! The interior trough right along the west coast with some very active CB’s that will spread from the west to the central parts – from the north to the coastal regions. (See rain map) For a rare change the west is terrible while the east is good. ;) Winds are North in the interior but with stronger NW especially within the gust front regions. The southern coast with a SE trend and then more NE in the east. The wind goes NW from 3k upwards everywhere remaining NW all the way to the Tropopause for a 50-60kt finish up there. Freezing level around 13-15k.

CT – A beautiful start to the day but high clouds and chance of some CB’s into the mid day/afternoon. Winds N to NW with a strong gradient so be careful – looks like some shear and penetration problems higher up! Late afternoon sees a shallow Southerly creeping in but still NW from 1/2k upwards. The main ranges looking dismal with high clouds and those CB’s dominating according to the forecast. ;) See Spot.

RB – WWB is out today. ;)

PV – A CB’ day on the cards with N winds all day – OD and rain in the afternoon. ;) See Spot!

Wilderness – A sweet morning with a light SE wind increasing in the east by mid day. Looks like those CB’s will get here in the mid afternoon with a change of wind from the NW so be careful. Maybe Sedge could offer something again in the morning/late morning. And Map some extended foefies or maybe some soarable spots. ;) See Spot.

Plett – Looking not so good. ;) See Spot.

PE and PA – Light east start but going fresh NE during the day.

EL – As above…

Inland – Initially light N to NW winds except for the eastern parts where there will some NE to E trend. The west riddle with CB’s and fresh NW winds. See the clouds and rain map.

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 6:26 and setting at 18:53 – day length 12:28. High at 9:36 Low at 16:38. A light SE but then fresh West late in the afternoon with rain. Perfect for flying, coffee, cake and really getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 25 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(10 March 2022) 
Day 715 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people. Still some Cold Front remnants being fed onto the southern parts of the WC. Low clouds in some spots with rain during the morning clearing more into the afternoon. Those CB’ still active in the interior and a slight more shift to the east. Winds lighter compared to yesterday out there. Easterlies in the central parts with a SW along the eastern coast that will moderate during the day. The west with a fresh S to SE wind. Winds go NW from 6k up to 10k then more W to SW with a finish WSW around 30-40kts. Freezing level around 13k.

CT – A fresh SE wind that moderates and backs with height. IT is looking like a great wind shadow day. The main ranges a bit too much SE in it. :)) See Spot.

RB – IT just could be a great day here… ;)

PV – A Sweet SW day with climbs to around 4/5k in the good parts I think. ;) See Spot!

Wilderness – A great morning for Sedge and a chance for Map for the afternoon. Perhaps some chance of fog around otherwise looking like a excellent day. ;) See Spot.

Plett – As above ;) See Spot.

PE and PA – Fresh SW moderating during the day.

EL – As above…

Inland – East in the east but NW in the far interior and more W to SW in the west. Still a lot of CB’s around. Dodging CB/s it looks nice for flying. ;) See the clouds and rain map.

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 6:25 and setting at 18:54 – day length 12:30. High at 8:09 Low at 14:35. A light to moderate SE with low clouds and fog. Perfect for flying, coffee, cake and really getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 21 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(9 March 2022) 
Day 714 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. A Cold Front moving in from the west today with some rain and CB’s along the front edge – especially in the interior. (See rain map) Winds fresh west with some initial NW variations in the morning but more S to SW later on while in the east the NE to E coastal winds will continue to dominate. The interior trough still very active with widespread CB’s in the central and western parts. Winds go NW everywhere from 3/4k upwards with a WNW finish at the Tropopause 40kts. Freezing level around 13-15k.

CT – A light NW start but it changes in the lower levels to a southerly. Still a chance of some usable wind-shadow for the rest of the day from the looks of it. The flow seems very cross shore along the promenade later on. The main ranges looking a tad on the strong side to me with 15kts or more in the big mountains but maybe a small window to be nabbed early on. :)) See Spot.

RB – WWB is out to start off with but a maybe in the afternoon as the south moves in… ;)

PV – A fresh NW start trending SW with climbs to 6/7k during the best time. A breezy day form the looks of it. ;) See Spot!

Wilderness – A light S to SE start. A very stable day with a small coastal low moving up the coast arriving in Wilderness only after 16:00. So early morning probably Sedge a slightly better bet for the tandem guys with a chance of top landing but it could be tough and scratchy. Lol. Map with some extended foefies probably. ;) See Spot.

Plett – As above – nothing exciting happening except inside the Beacon Isle hotel I think. ;) See Spot.

PE and PA – That E to NE winds blowing all day long.

EL – As above…

Inland – The west with strong westerlies as the front moves in from that side. Also the area with the best flying possibilities. The east with OD conditions and loads of CB’s around. Hhhmm… Tough flying day. ;) See the clouds and rain map.

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 6:24 and setting at 18:56 – day length 12:32. High at 7:24 Low at 13:35, High tide at 19:50. A light SE with a change to the W late afternoon. Perfect for flying, coffee, cake and really getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 24 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(8 March 2022) 
Day 713 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people. A SAH ridge along the southern parts with the trough along the central eastern parts dominating our weather. Still loads of moisture around as the CF remnants are fed in from the south onto the WC. Rain along parts of the southern ranges expected with those CB’s in the interior, especially along the eastern parts of the trough line. Winds are light easterly in the interior for the most parts with the sea breezes moving in form the coasts in the afternoon. The SE parts getting up to 20kts in places. The wind remains light with height all the way to around 10k then gently goes west for a SW finish over CT at 30kts but more WNW over PE at 50. Freezing level around 15k.

CT – A beautiful wind-shadow day form the looks of things with a SE flow but backing to the east and dropping with height. The main ranges however with too much of the SE influence. :)) See Spot.

RB – It could be a sweet day here… ;)

PV – A SSW day with the S to SE influence in the upper flow. Climbs to 5k perhaps. Not the best day around… ;) See Spot!

Wilderness – A light SE start with lots of clouds. It will pick up during the day with the possibility of being blown out at the end of the day. The gradient present but it looks a bit wider spaced so we should be able to fly for most of the day I think. ;) See Spot.

Plett – Perhaps too much SE for anything to be good today. ;) See Spot.

PE and PA – A S start trending to the SE during the day. Slight chance of rain.

EL – As above but more rain expected here…

Inland – Lots of light east in the interior that will go more SE from mid day onwards as the sea breezes kick in. Rain and CB’s along the GE and to the east of that. It is west in the west. ;) See the clouds and rain map.

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 6:23 and setting at 18:57 – day length 12:34. High at 6:49 Low at 12:56, High tide at 19:08. A light SE start but strong finish to the day. Perfect for kite surfing, flying, coffee, cake and really getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 20 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(7 March 2022) 
Day 712 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. Today the Cold Front moving into he WC the dominant feature. The SAH helping it along with fresh Southerly winds along the western parts trending more SW along the southern and eastern regions. The Southerly pushing up to the GE mainly. Clouds in the southern regions and interior with the west coast the driest region. Lots of CB’s activity in the interior with the frontal rain along the southern mountains and adjacent regions. Winds go NW from 6k upwards everywhere. Remains NW all the way to the Tropopause for a 60kts finish up there. Freezing level around 13k.   

CT – A strong SE wind day with the wind fresh all the way to 4k so not much chance of a usable wind-shadow shaping up today. The main ranges also under the SE influence so the SW coming through with lots of S in it. :)) See Spot.

RB – It looks like a another great day like yesterday. ;)

PV – A SW day with a fresh sea breeze in the late afternoon. Some SE trends higher up later on. Climbs to 5k at the best spots. So not the best. Hhhmmm… ;) See Spot!

Wilderness – A SW wind day with possible rain in the afternoon. It looks like a steep wind gradient day with the 20kts just above our heads. A good chance that things might be just a tad too breezy for good flying. Fingers crossed. ;) The coastal cliffs the best spots to be. But you can try Sedge if you want.. Lol. :) See Spot.

Plett – As above. ;) See Spot.

PE and PA – A SW start freshening during the day.

EL – NE start with the SW pushing through from PA in the afternoon. It should hit EL around 16-17:00.

Inland – The S to SW winds in the west and into the central parts form the CF. elsewhere NW winds and loads of CB’s wide spread. ;) See the clouds and rain map.

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 6:22 and setting at 18:58 – day length 12:36. High at 6:18, Low at 12:24, High tide at 18:34. A fresh SW wind expected. Perfect for kite surfing, maybe some flying, coffee, cake and really getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 23 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(6 March 2022) 
Day 711 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people. So yesterday was an epic day in the PV valley. Check out this pic and video from Wj! Climbs to 3300m! Today an approaching Cold Front just tightening up those isobars while the interior trough has shifted more eastwards and the upper air divergence has increased – net result stronger winds and more CB activity in the interior. Still super good stuff in the west while the rain and OD conditions rule in the east. The CB’s can move to the PE coastal regions in the late afternoon. Some small areas of fog along the southern coastal Cape Agulhas region which could spread though I think the wind strong enough to help disperse those. Winds are west from 2000ft upwards everywhere and then goes NW form 10k up with once again that lighter south flow over CT and 80kts over Knysna. Freezing level around 13k but up to 15k in a few spots.

CT – Another good wind-shadow day but the upper flow a bit more westerly. The main ranges looking great if perhaps a bit strong with climbs to 7k and the SW pushing in from mid day onwards. :)) See Spot.

RB – Too much SW in it today. ;)

PV – Another big day here if you can either get into the Cederbergs or find the convergence around Eendekuil – where you could get to 11k again! Watch the clouds! ;) A bit more of a sea breeze push later on so keep tabs of that. ;) See Spot!

Wilderness – Another frustrating S to SE wind day with foefies at Map on the cards. Though I think Sedge the best spot for the morning before the SE picks up here later on. Climbs to 1000ft possible. Hhhmmm Lol. :) See Spot.

Plett – As above. ;) See Spot.

PE and PA – Strong E to NE winds here all day…

EL – As above!

Inland – East in the SE areas but west in the west and NW in the far interior. High bases all round but OD and CB’s along the eastern line of the trough. Again some gust fronts and the sea breeze making for strong stuff later in the day. ;) See the clouds and rain map.

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 6:22 and setting at 19:00 – day length 12:38. Low 11:54, High tide at 18:03. A light S to SE wind. Perfect for surfing, coffee, cake and really getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 24 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(5 March 2022) 
Day 710 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. The IOH and the interior trough dominating our WC weather today. The trough along the west coast so some good flying weather expected on that side. The east not as good but it does look better than yesterday. Winds are easterly in the southern interior from west to east with perhaps slight SE trend along the coast. Further north it is more NE. Lots of Q’s inland with very high bases of 12k plus. Lower along the southern coastal regions. There is a chance of a few CB’s in the interior along the GE. Winds are E to NE up to 10k where it is North with a different pattern towards the Tropopause. Zero over CT but 80kts over Knysna! (See upper air wind chart!) Freezing level 12-13k.

CT – A sweet wind-shadow day with the upper flow going east and dropping off nicely at TM height. The main ranges a tad too much east in the influence so perhaps you need to go to PR. Or further north but it is a big skie day. :)) See Spot.

RB – Probably too light but it is worth a shot. ;)

PV – Some very high Q’s around and the trick is to get up to them. Perhaps PB is an option but also PV. The wind is very South later in the day. Climbs to 10k possible in the right place. ;) See Spot!

Wilderness – A frustrating SE wind day I think. The gradient bubble setting up at Map from the looks of things. Hhhmmm… Sedge probably offering something during the morning before it goes too east and too strong. Ai. Looks like it can be blow out late in the afternoon. Lol. :) See Spot.

Plett – As above. ;) See Spot.

PE and PA – Light W starts but then trending S then E later. Not a strong wind day…

EL – As above!

Inland – Easterly winds to NE but very strong Sea breezes moving in to the interior in the afternoon. 20-30kts in places. Some light CB’s in the GE region. Very high bases. ;) See the clouds and rain map.

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 6:21 and setting at 19:01 – day length 12:40. Low 11:24, High tide at 17:31. A SE wind day getting strong in the afternoon. Perfect for flying, kite surfing, coffee, cake and really getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 21 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(4 March 2022) 
Day 709 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people. The SAH dominating pushing in the cooler moist air form the south onto the entire WC. Rain on the higher mountains in the south and CB’s to the east with lots of rain on that side. The west dry but with a lot of S to SE in the direction. Q’s around with base 3-5k on the west and southern parts of the first mountains but rising further inland. Winds are southerly in the interior to past the GE. Base here rising to 12-15k. Flying is good in the west but the east is a tad OD with CB activity. Winds remain S to 10k then NW in the east but S in the west to just shy of the Tropopause where everything goes NW at 30kts over CT but 90kts over EL. Freezing level at 12k.

CT – A fresh SE wind day with strong stuff all the way past TM top height so not much prospects of a wind- shadow shaping up. The main ranges also with that SE influence so not the best. :)) See Spot.

RB – What a super morning it is if you are out there. Blown out later I think!

PV – A cloudy start but rising and burning off quickly though the wind is very southerly with a SE component at mountain top height. The thermals will pull up straight, so if you fly do head into the flats. Stay away form the mountain. ;) See Spot!

Wilderness – It does look like another good coastal day ahead of us. Sedge showing strong winds at TOL with quite a bit of westerly in it so it will be mixing and turbulent and strong. Lol. :) See Spot.

Plett – As above. ;) See Spot.

PE and PA – CB’s this morning but rain lessening up into the afternoon. SW winds this time all day.

EL – Rain remaining for longer.

Inland – Southerly winds all over but a tad more SW near the coast. Rain in the east with CB,s but looking good in the far NW and west. ;) See the clouds and rain map.

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 6:20 and setting at 19:02 – day length 12:42. Low 10:53, High tide at 16:59. Another SW day on the cards. Perfect for flying, coffee, cake and really getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 21 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(3 March 2022) 
Day 708 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. The Cold Front still into the WC with occasional rain this morning with SW winds in general but W in the interior and NW in the far northern parts. Lots of CB’s around today in the interior with rain in the western and southern coastal mountains. Base around 3k in the south and west but rising inland. In the NE sector of the interior it is up to 15k in places. The winds are all NW from 6/7k upwards for a 100-120kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 11-12k in the western parts.

CT – A S to SW wind day with rain in the morning but partial clearing into the afternoon. It’s a maybe wind day for LH and SH. But perhaps some of those other spots could offer something? The main ranges with low cloud and rain especially in the morning. :)) See Spot.

RB – It is all WWBs time!

PV – Still low cloud and occasional rain. Base does rise into the afternoon and it could be a pretty cool flying day then. :) See Spot!

Wilderness – Two conflicting forecasts with one showing SW winds at mid day and the other with South winds at mid day. Hhhmm… So it could be a great coastal day or a very frustrating one. ;) There are signs of wind out to sea so perhaps that will move in to shore. Otherwise Sedge looking good for the morning but it could be strong again around mid day. Serps too. :) See Spot.

Plett – As above. ;) See Spot.

PE and PA – SW winds this time all day.

EL – As above but going more S later on.

Inland – Westerlies in the central interior but NW north of the GE. There is a tad of SSW in the south as the sea breezes move inland. Lots of clouds in the southern and western parts. And of course those CB’s in the interior. ;) See the clouds and rain map.

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 6:19 and setting at 19:04 – day length 12:45. Low 10:20, High tide at 16:26. Light SW by mid day. Perfect for flying, coffee, cake and really getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 22 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(2 March 2022) 
Day 707 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people. A Cold Front moving into the western parts of the WC with rain especially along the bigger mountains. Base around 3/4k that side and rising to the east. W to NW but SW along the western coastal regions and adjacent interior. The eastern coastal areas with strong NE winds from PA eastwards. Some high bases in the interior to the east but no CB’s expected so some good flying to be had out that side. Winds are NW from 6k upwards all the way to the Tropopause for a 70-90kt finish up there. Freezing level around 13-16k.

CT – A breezy NW to W wind with occasional rain. It is a maybe on off day. The main ranges with too much cloud and rain I think. :)) See Spot.

RB – It is all WWBs time!

PV – Also some low clouds with NW winds. IT might be doable but the clouds will be just above the peaks at best. :) See Spot!

Wilderness – A west start and then by late morning it backs to the SW. Possible for some ocean cliff soaring at times but I think Sedge and Serps will be the places to be. :) See Spot.

Plett – As above. ;) See Spot.

PE and PA – SW at PE but initially NE at PA. The SW ill move up the coast reaching EL at end of the day.

EL – Strong NE winds here all day.

Inland – NW in the far interior but W in the southern parts. Rain in the western mountains but very high bases in the east. A bit windy at times – some prefrontal NW winds but doable in a hangie I think. ;) See the clouds and rain map.

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 6:18 and setting at 19:05 – day length 12:47. Low 9:44, High tide at 15:51. West in the morning backing to the SW then S and SE in the late afternoon. Perfect for flying, coffee, cake and really getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 21 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(1 MArch 2022) 
Day 706 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. Today the IOH dominating in the eastern parts while a small low west of CT and the interior trough controls the rest of the WC weather. Winds are mostly N to NW on the west coast but NW to W in the interior. The southern parts with a SW component while the eastern areas are dominated by the strong NE winds. Lots of CB’s in the interior again – wide spread with some even move south effecting the coastal areas. Base around 13-15k in the interior but low in the southern and eastern parts with even some fog patches around. The wind is N to NW with height with a 50-70 finish up at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 13k.

CT – If the fog stays away it could be a good day. Northerly start but trending NW during the day. The upper air is more North around 15kts so perhaps on the strong side higher up. The main ranges with the NW dominance so it s a flight towards FH. :)) See Spot.

RB – It is all WWBs time!

PV – Another NW trending W day with a convergence region from launch to PB after lunch. Climbs to 4/5k but higher in the convergence possible. :) See Spot!

Wilderness – A light SW start to the day with some fog possible on the coast again. Maybe some soaring along the ocean cliffs otherwise it does look like Serps and Sedge to be the go to spots. Climbs to around 1000ft looks doable. Lol. ;) See Spot.

Plett – As above. ;) See Spot.

PE and PA – Strong NE winds again.

EL – As above.

Inland – Again the NW to W winds with loads of CB all over the place. Some strong gust fronts possible so perhaps a day to watch and drink coffee… ;) See the clouds and rain map.

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 6:17 and setting at 19:06 – day length 12:49. Low 9:05, High tide at 15:1. Light SW to S winds with a bit of SE at the end of the day with rain. Perfect for flying, coffee, cake and really getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 21 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(28 February 2022) 
Day 705 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people. Some cool flying still happening in the WC with Wj getting all the way to PV from Paarl on Sat. Lekker! The IOH dominating on the southern parts while a coastal low controls things around the CT areas and the interior trough is king inland causing loads of CB’s and rain for today. Lots of fog along the west coast and also in the southern regions. Q’s in the interior but of course those OD conditions with CB’s expected. Winds NE to E along the eastern coastal regions and adjacent interior but more South around the GR and then NW around CT surrounds. The interior with southerly in the south all the way to Graafies but then the NW especially form all the CB outflows will take over and move further south. (See the map rain and CB influence) Winds are kind off all over in the upper areas with W flows in the lower mid levels in the interior but north in the west but lighter higher up with flows ranging from S to NE in places – 10-30kts. Freezing level around 14k.

CT – Another NW to W day and it could be good if the low clouds/fog stays away. The main ranges also with the NW to W influence. :)) See Spot.

RB – It is all WWBs time!

PV – A NW to W day with climbs to 4k. It actually looks like it could be nice. :) See Spot!

Wilderness – A light southerly day with very inverted conditions but with a bit of luck we might get a deep enough layer along the surface to give us something to play in. IF the TOL is above 800ft we could see fun at Sedge but of it is lower it could just be more frustrating. Lol. ;) See Spot.

Plett – As above. ;) See Spot.

PE and PA – Strong NE winds again.

EL – As above.

Inland – It is a CB dominating day in the interior so be very careful. Probably a day to do weather watching or fly early ad get down well before those juggernauts spread across the skies… ;) See the clouds and rain map.

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 6:16 and setting at 19:07 – day length 12:51. Low 8:21, High tide at 14:29. Light southerly winds. Perfect for flying, coffee, cake and really getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 23 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(27 February 2022) 
Day 704 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. Some amazing dresses and stunts at the Wilderness Paragliding festival yesterday! Wow. Today the IOH helped along by the remnants of Emnati and the interior trough culminating in some strong Easterly coastal winds in the south. Some rain in the eastern parts and then in the interior along the GE line, also in the far west and loads in the east. (See rain map). The western parts again with good soaring weather with a westerly direction on that side. Lots of Q’s in the interior but slightly less than yesterday and more coastal fog along the west coast. Still high base around the 14/15k in the far interior. Winds all go NW from around 6/7k for a few thousand feet then it backs to the east and NE for a 30kt finish up at the Tropopause. Freezing level at 16-17k.

CT – A NNW start trending west form the looks of things and going very light in the afternoon. If the low cloud stays away it is looking sweet. The main ranges with a bit more North in the wind so not so great for XC flying to the north. :)) See Spot.

RB – It is all WWBs time!

PV – A NW to W and then later going SW day. Sweet convergence setting up in the valley with some good climbs in those areas over 7k. Light winds up high so maybe a valley triangle day. See Spot!

Wilderness – Today seems like the East wind will be popping through – all the Apps show more than yesterday. So get to Map early. There’s a chance it could get blow out by 11 or the shear layer might make an appearance making things interesting! Lots of wind predicted and even Serps and Sedge looking too easterly even form early on. Bleh! ;) ;) See Spot.

Plett – As above. ;) See Spot.

PE and PA – Strong NE winds again. Less rain on occasion.

EL – As above.

Inland – SE sea breeze in the south with some strong spots in the afternoon. Otherwise it is all W to NW winds in the interior. Some CB’s along the GE line but more in the east. IT looks like a good day of flying out there! See the clouds and rain map.

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 6:16 and setting at 19:09 – day length 12:53. Low 7:27, High tide at 13:38. Light SE start but very strong in the afternoon. Perfect for flying, kitesurfing, coffee, cake and really getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 24 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(26 February 2022) 
Day 703 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people. The fancy dress is taking place this morning at Map – so if you are not flying go have a look. ;) So some good loong XC’s happening in the west with Kayan going almost 200k’s! Awesome! The IOH and the remains of the cyclone Emnati combining with the interior trough to dominate our WC weather. Still loads of moisture around with warm oceans so some precipitation expected along those SE coastal regions. Winds also picking up along the coast with fresh easterlies expected all the way down to CT but here they don’t quite make the turn onto the west coast so a sheltered SW flow this side with superb flying conditions expected around the western parts. Even inland a broad region of exceptionally high bases with good soaring expected today. Lots of CB’s along the GE with the majority in the eastern regions. Winds are southerly in the mid levels which is unusual with a SSE finish at the Tropopause of around 30kts. Freezing level 16k in the west but 13k in the east.

CT – A slightly shallower flow compared to yesterday in the SE so expecting a good wind-shadow in the morning with a possible chance of it eroding into the afternoon as the winds get stronger. The main ranges are looking exceptionally good and a great day to go long distances to the north. :)) See Spot.

RB – It might be a great afternoon!

PV – A SW lower trend but south at mountain top height. A day to go to the North. RASP saying climbs to 4k and SkySight climbs to 7k! lol See Spot!

Wilderness – Again lots of low clouds around which should lift quickly during the morning with an initially no wind then light SSE trend. By mid day it could get blown out at Map with that low level jet showing signs of settling in for the afternoon. So expecting the shear mixing from late morning to mid day. Tomorrow is looking even more so. Sedge and Serps could be on for the morning even with a bit of an east trend. ;) See Spot.

Plett – Also that morning goodness around. ;) See Spot.

PE and PA – NE winds with rain on occasion.

EL – As above.

Inland – Still lower bases in the south but rising to the north. CB’s around the GE and to the east. But it is exceptionally good in the west. See the clouds ad winds map.

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 6:15 and setting at 19:10 – day length 12:55. High 12:28, Low 18:58. Light SE start but very strong in the afternoon. Perfect for flying, wind surfing, coffee, cake and really getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 23 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(25 February 2022) 
Day 702 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. Yesterday saw a super PR day with many cloud surfing for the first time. Today a Cold front converging with some of Emnati’s outflow so expecting some CB’s along southern parts – perhaps more seawards of the coast. But lots of moisture around with rain also expected on all the high lying grounds and some CB’s in the interior too. Winds NE along the eastern coast but more SW in the central southern parts and a fresh SE in the CT areas. The southerlies push far inland today. Bas rising to 8k north of the SB ranges and by the GE it jumps to the usual 14/15k in the trough regions. The wind goes W form 10k upwards for a 40kts finish at the Tropopause while Freezing level is around 14-15k.

CT – A strong and deep SE day so not really a usable wind-shadow n the cards. The main ranges also with that East flow so you need to go far north for some W component. See Spot.

RB – It might have been a great morning!

PV – A SW in the morning but it is very south around launch height. IT trends more south during the later part of the day and increase to 15-20kts. So perhaps not the best day here… See Spot!

Wilderness – Lots of low clouds around with a SW wind. Perhaps a bit more on the W side of things. Rain on and off. Some small windows of flying probably might present themselves so if you are at the right place… ;) See Spot.

Plett – As above. ;) See Spot.

PE and PA – N winds with rain on occasion.

EL – As above.

Inland – The clouds packed in the southern parts with base rising to 5k in the Oudtshoorn valley and north of the SB to 8k and from the GE northwards it is 14-15k. But lots of rain expected along the southern ranges with occasional CB’s in there too… See the clouds ad winds map.

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 6:14 and setting at 19:11 – day length 12:57. High 10:47, Low 17:35. Light SW with occasional rain. Perfect for flying, surfing, coffee, cake and really getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 22 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(24 February 2022) 
Day 701 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people. A reminder of our Wilderness Paragliding Festival kicking off today for those that are here and have nothing better to do. ;) The sad news is that we have dropped below 13 hours of daylight time as winter is slowly creeping closer! Lol Today we have a light Cold Front along the southern parts of the WC and it is not going anywhere fast. The Tropical Cyclone on the east coast of SA is keeping things parked for now but it is also pumping in some extra moist air along the eastern and mid southern parts helping along the chances of rain. Expecting some CB activity along the southern eastern parts with lighter stuff to the west. Winds are mainly westerly on the west but east in the east. The GR area in between the changeover area so tricky winds here. ;) Lots of clouds around in the southern regions but to the north past the first ranges it starts to clear quickly with base rising to exceptionally high levels along the GE with 18k something to drool about. That’s where you should be instead of the soup on the coast! ;) Winds go NW from 7/8k and then West from around 20k upwards for a 50kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – A SE day with the winds backing and dropping in strength with height so a great wind-shadow day expected here. The main ranges also with some big gains possible (darn airspace) ;) See Spot.

RB – It could be a great afternoon...

PV – A typical SW day with a more S to SE trend higher up. Again a gradual rise in climbs with tops around 6k in the late afternoon. See Spot!

Wilderness – Clouds and odd are for spots of rain. Probably most of it in the afternoon form lunchtime onwards I think. Perhaps a short window in the late morning with the coast offering something but also Serps and Sedge probably too.:)) See Spot.

Plett – Again it is looking sweet at Uppies even if it is a tad SE. Base over 2k. ;) See Spot.

PE and PA – E to NE winds with rain and even some CB’s. The wind is fresh.

EL – As above.

Inland – A fantastic day in the interior with some prefrontal convergences but because the winds are not so strong it is actually looking great for flying. A few spots in the south as the sea breeze pushes in getting gup to 30kts. Otherwise along the GE the convergence showing 18k bases in a long line. Dreaming and drooling. Lol See the clouds ad winds map.

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 6:13 and setting at 19:12 – day length 12:59. High 9:05, Low 15:46. Light SW with occasional rain. Perfect for flying, surfing, coffee, cake and really getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 21 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(23 February 2022) 
Day 700 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. Cyclone Emnati making landfall on the Madagascar east coast while the WC GR area is bathed I light winds. For the remainder of the WC there is some strengthening outside of the Col region along the GR. To the west and southern interior parts the SW picking up strongly in the afternoon as the sea breeze pushes hard with many places well over 30kts. Few Q’s expected but some lost ones around the Outenikwas and perhaps a smidgeon over the GE region. The winds are W out there. A light SW along the GR coast but strong NE in the eastern coastal regions. Winds are NW from 10k upwards for a W finish at the Tropopause – 70kts in the west and 50 in the east. Freezing level mostly around 13k.

CT – A fresh surface southerly but SW at TM top. Not the best for a shadow to shape up so winds expected to be more cross shore and fresh along the beach front from the SW side… The main ranges with a sweet looking morning but then the wind freshens up with a strong sea breeze today. ;) See Spot.

RB – Too light today...

PV – Stronger wind this afternoon compared to yesterday when the sea breeze pushes in – expected to be there around 15:00 so be careful. Climbs to 6k at the time the sea breeze gets there… lol. See Spot!

Wilderness – It does look like another sweet day on the cards with light SW on the coast – perhaps some soaring along the ocean cliffs during the strongest parts. But Sedge and Serps are looking really great today. Climbs to just over 1000ft expected. :)) See Spot.

Plett – Also looking sweet with even Keurbooms showing signs of life after lunch. ;) See Spot.

PE and PA – Light offshore starts but then trending East and later more SE here but from PA and eastwards it is a east to NE winds the start.

EL – Strong NE winds…

Inland – A great morning with light westerly winds freshening as the day goes but then the sea breeze will be super strong today with many spots well over 30kts. Few clouds. Be careful later.

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 6:12 and setting at 19:13 – day length 13:01. High 7:54, Low 14:17. Light SSW. Perfect for flying, coffee, cake and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 21 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(22 February 2022) 
Day 699 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people. Cyclone Emnati stil doing its thing east of Madagascar while we are bathed in a sweet col along the southern parts – right between a weak SAH and IOH. Light to moderate winds at most in all placed today with a furiously good flying outlook. Lots of long flights happening in the west yesterday and the day before (many over 100km) and no doubt another long one today for a few strong enduro pilots. ;) A southerly flow along all the southern parts with a trend to the SE later on. It is more SW along the west coast. Perhaps a few fog patches there but less than yesterday. Fewer clouds today. High climbs inland especially beyond the first range of mountains. The southerlies penetrating far into the interior and Graafies looking superb today. It is more west north of the GE and in the west. The wind is NW form around 10k upwards with a 40kt finish over CT and 20kts over PE. Freezing level around 16-17k.

CT – The winds S trending more SW with height so it looks like the wind flowing around the Peninsula today at LH and SH. Cros shore near the coast but it should be goin up at launch. The main ranges again looking amazing for flights to the north. A late start probably the better time. ;) See Spot.

RB – Too light today...

PV – Another good day but with more South later on. A late start too with climbs to 6k in the late afternoon. See Spot!

Wilderness – Another good day on the cards with a light S start then going SE from late morning mid-dayish. Probably extended foefies or light soaring at Map in the late afternoon. But Serps and sedge could hold their own even in the light cross winds. :)) See Spot.

Plett – Also SE light but it looks doable. ;) See Spot.

PE and PA – Light W starts but then going light onshore. It does trend more SE in the late afternoon. Lots of Q’s to the east with some good flying prospects I think.

EL – As above…

Inland – Super nice day with a few high clouds around. Light southerlies int he southern regions but W north of the GE. The sea breeze does kick in late afternoon with a few spots reaching 15-20kts.

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 6:11 and setting at 19:15 – day length 13:03. High 7:03, Low 13:17. Light S going SE. Perfect for flying, coffee, cake and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 20 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(21 February 2022) 
Day 698 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. Cyclone Emnati on Madagascar’s east coast with max winds of 200kph… (I wonder if the Illuminati has anything to do with it?) I know. That’s so cheesy. Yesterday some great flying along the Wilderness coast with lots of airtime gained by students and others. Then Sedge made for some very interesting conditions in the afternoon. Darron flew to Rheenedal and others got to 2500ft. Today the SAH west of us with a slight ridge along the southern parts. Winds still W to SW but it does seem to be a tad lighter than yesterday. Still Q’s in the southern regions with few in the western parts – some fog patches on the west coast by the looks of it. Base from 2-5k and rising to 8-9k further inland. No rain expected. Winds remain west with height with a WSW finish of 65kt at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 14-15k.

CT – Slightly less wind with a W to SW trend. Looks like a sweet day provided those fog patches clear. The main ranges also looking great with the morning base around 3/4k. And clearing as climbs rise to 5k in the late afternoon. ;) See Spot.

RB – Still WWB day.

PV – Also looking good with early clouds but they burn off as climbs rise with 5k in the mid to late afternoon. SW winds. ;) See Spot!

Wilderness – Another SW wind day with slightly lighter stuff it seems. Serps and Sedge should be working again perhaps even with some Q’s around. Base around the 2k mark. Still some west trends at TOL around 10-12kts so there might still be that mixing taking place with a bump in the air. ;) See Spot.

Plett – Actually looking kinder and sweeter here than Sedge! ;) See Spot.

PE and PA – Fresh SW winds to start off with. Looks like there is a small window in the morning but then the gradient bubble sets in.

EL – As above and the wind moderates and backs to the South in the afternoon.

Inland – Westerlies all over with some good flying in the southern region where most of the clouds will be. The Sea breeze pushes in in the late afternoon with strong Southerlies in the southern parts of 20-30k at times.

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 6:10 and setting at 19:16 – day length 13:05. High 6:20, Low 12:32 High at 18:42. Light SW. Perfect for flying, coffee, cake and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 20 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(20 February 2022) 
Day 697 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people. The SAH dominating with the frontal movements along the WC region. Winds are W to SW in general. Lots of clouds around the southern parts with few on the west coast. Base between 2k and 6k here but rising inland with 8-9k at the SB ranges. Some light rain in places in the southern central parts. No CB’s expected today but strong sea breeze effect from the south expected to reach the GE by end of day – 30kts places so be careful. The wind goes NW from around 8-9k for a 60-70kt finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 13k.

CT – It is looking like a good flying day here with NW to SW winds higher up. Base should be rising to be just above TM. 5-15knt at most. The main ranges with a tad more cloud and wind. ;) See Spot.

RB – Still WWB day.

PV – Looks good with W to SW winds and some Q’s early on. Climbs to 5k in general. ;) See Spot!

Wilderness – A SW on the cards. Looks like – well I hope for – a coastal morning and then a Sedge afternoon. ;) But see what blows. Looks like a tad more west in the TOL flow range around 10-15kts which at Sedge sometimes just gives it that extra bump or two. ;) See Spot.

Plett – Looking really like a sweet afternoon at Keurbooms. Uppies a bit strong I think. See Spot.

PE and PA – Strong SW winds all day but moderating a bit n the afternoon.

EL – As above.

Inland – SW winds in the south but West in the deeper interior. Some Q’s around in the south and then along the GE. Watch for the strengthening of the winds in the afternoon especially form the south as the sea breezes rock inland at over 30kts in places!

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 6:09 and setting at 19:17 – day length 13:08. Low 11:53 High at 18:02. Moderate to light SW. Perfect for flying, coffee, cake and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 20 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(19 February 2022) 
Day 696 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. Another CF makings its way to the WC coast with the help of the SAH. There is a coastal low running up the southern parts this morning – the SW buster could have a role cloud with it moving past PE mid morning as the NE goes to SW. The interior with the trough and some CB’s mainly in the eastern parts. Winds are strong westerly in general and increasing as the front moves in towards CT. Rain on the western parts from late afternoon on the higher grounds expected. Lots of low cloud and fog on the west coast sporadic parts on the southern regions. Some high bases in the interior with 10-12k at SB ranges. Winds remain westerly with height all the way to the Tropopause for a 50kt finish over CT and 100kt at PE. Freezing level around 14k.

CT – If not for the low cloud it could be a good day. NW start with a SW finish – 10-15kts in general. The main ranges also very breezy for the mountains. ;) See Spot.

RB – With WWB out and about no flying today I think. ;)

PV – Hhhmm… A W to NW wind but perhaps a tad on the strong side at the top of the Mnt. Could be ok if you stay out in the valley perhaps. ;) See Spot!

Wilderness – A light WSW start becoming moderate during the course of the morning. It might be a tad too west to be brilliant but I think we should be able to get some soaring in along the coasts. Serps and Sedge with too strong stuff at TOL so it will be very bumpy here. The afternoon looks like more west in it. ;) ;) See Spot.

Plett – The WSW looking just too strong here. See Spot.

PE and PA – NE winds changing to SW as the coastal low pushes up the coast.

EL – Fresh NE with the change at near sunset only.

Inland – Westerlies everywhere but for a strong southerly that will move inland form the coast in the afternoon. IT will be near 30kts in places so be careful! ;) See rain and wind maps.

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 6:08 and setting at 19:18 – day length 13:10. Low 11:18 High at 17:27. Moderate to fresh SW. Perfect for flying, coffee, cake and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 23 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(18 February 2022) 
Day 695 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people. The IOH dominating today with SE winds along the southern parts all the way to CP but not quite making into the CT region. IT is W to NW on the west coast mostly with some amazing high Q’s around the main ranges. (Drool!) West in the western interio going more NW f= to the central parts and then the SE nfluence in the south to the south of the GE in the late afternoon. CB’s to the north of this line but also light rain on the eastern southern coastal areas. Winds go NW form 7k upwards for a W finish at the Tropoause of 70kts. Freezing level still around 13k.

CT – A nother great day here it seems with the SE very light and shallow and from 2k upwards a NW influence. Looks sweet. The main rnages going off with that good air having made its way from the north. ;) See Spot.

RB – Not today I think. ;)

PV – A great day form the looks of it with base over 10k. Look for the convergence around Bumpy to the central parts of the valley. Amazing! ;) See Spot!

Wilderness – A light SE start then picking up more than yesterday into the afternoon. The gradient bubble might show up but otherwise it doesn’t look to bad. Blown out in the afternoon. ;) See Spot.

Plett – Also the SE here with Uppies not that good. Too east. See Spot.

PE and PA – NE winds here all day…

EL – As above.

Inland – Lots of clouds in the interior with super high bases at 10k plus. CB’s in the far north mainly. A good day to fly! ;) See rain and wind maps.

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 6:08 and setting at 19:19 – day length 13:12. Low 10:46 High at 16:54. Another SE day but pretty breezy in the afternoon. Perfect for flying, coffee, cake and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 22 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(17 February 2022) 
Day 694 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. The SAH with a long ridge along the southern parts of the country, helping that interior trough to set up along the west coast today. Lots of CB’s activity on the west side while the rest of the WC expects no rain. Clouds along the Southern coastal parts with some sweet flying in those areas. Base around 3-4k with the winds all SE. The interior with a E to NE wind but very light. Towards the western interior it is more N to NW. The winds all go W from around 7k upwards remaining light until around the 20k level where it starts to pickup for a WNW finish at the Tropopause around 60kts. Freezing level still around 15k.

CT – Looks like a sweet wind-shadow day despite some strong SE winds. The afternoon it looks to be eroding somewhat so keep an eye out. The main ranges with too much easterly influence so not good there. ;) See Spot.

RB – It could be a great day here…

PV – IT is looking really nice here with a SW trending more W with height. ;) See Spot!

Wilderness – A light SE start then picking up not the afternoon. A good day of flying with early on enough south in it for Serps and Sedgies to work. XC potential today! Map might get blown out late in the afternoon. ;) See Spot.

Plett – Also the SE here with Uppies doable in the morning I think. See Spot.

PE and PA – SW start to the day but backing sweetly throughout to finish SE. Moderate strengths so looks great for flying all those lekker sights…

EL – As above.

Inland – Clouds confined to the south so blue interior with light winds out there. A great day to be out flying with a prop thingie too! CB/s expected in the far western parts. ;) See rain and wind maps.

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 6:07 and setting at 19:20 – day length 13:14. Low 10:15 High at 16:22. A sweet SE wind all day. Perfect for flying, coffee, cake and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 19 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(16 February 2022) 
Day 692 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people. The SAH helping to push the Cold Front into the entire WC and also the rest of the country today. Winds are form the S in the west and SW in the east. The interior with SW trending W further into the interior. Rain along the especially the higher grounds with base around 2-3k along the southern parts rising to 5k at the SB and then 8k at the GE but much higher to the north of that where those CB’s will be active again today. The winds are NW from 7k upwards all the way to the Tropopause for a 50-70kts finish up there. Freezing level around 15k.

CT – Base around TM top height with very strong SE winds today. RASP does not show any wind shadow today with the wind only slowing around 3500/4000ft. Looks like some Lee wave/convergence with the cloud tops rolling back towards the south up at the top. (Washing machine stuff up there!) ;) The main ranges also with a strong southerly influence and climbs not the best anyways so probably a day for contemplating life. ;) See Spot.

RB – IT could just work if you were up early enough today but looks blown out later.

PV – Also very southerly winds today and breezy so not the best day here… ;) See Spot!

Wilderness – Aahhh… Looks like the rain might not be as bad as they predicted along the coast and I see a strong SW winds for the morning but perhaps from lunchtime it (or earlier if we are lucky) it will get soarable along hose awesome ocean cliffs. Serps and Sedge looking too strong and base not high at all with 1500ft perhaps 2k on the better part. But the coast looks like it cloud be flyable until sunset today…  lol ;) See Spot.

Plett – Hhhmmm a tad strong and very west for Keurbooms. And Uppies also too strong. See Spot.

PE and PA – Very strong SW winds and rain mainly in the morning.

EL – As above.

Inland – The cloudy Cold Front stuff all the way inland to the GE area today. SW winds expected but more W to the north. Looks like rain on the higher mountains mostly and CB’s in the far north. Breezy over the mountains tops with SSW winds at 30kts in many spots. ;) See rain and wind maps. Lol ;)

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 6:06 and setting at 19:21 – day length 13:16. Low 9:45 High at 15:51. A fresh SW with possible rain in the morning. Perfect for flying (maybe not!) ;), coffee, cake and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 21 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(15 February 2022) 
Day 691 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. Today lots of CB’s everywhere as the trough has moved southwards and coinciding with the arrival of a light CF pushed in by the SAH. Winds are NW in the west, then trending to the S and SE in the south but more NE in the eastern southern parts. The interior with NW winds and of course lots of strong gust front from all those CB’s. Base around 5/6k in the west rising to 10k in the interior. The winds go NW from around 6k upwards remaining NW all the way to just shy of the Tropopause where it backs to the west for 30kts finish but the 50kts moving in from the SW. Freezing level around 15k.

CT – Low clouds with fresh NW winds but the afternoon sees a rising of the base with some SW winds pushing in at 10-15kts. Maybe better then. The main ranges with fresh NW winds and chance of CB’s mid day onwards. ;) See Spot.

RB – WWB out and about!

PV – Fresh NW winds today with chance of those CB’s around. Some high bases and possibilities but I think perhaps just a tad on the strong side. ;) See Spot!

Wilderness – Loads of high upper virga around helping with the variable winds round during the morning. It’s a tricky day with stable conditions around Sedge and Serps. So only the coast with possible options. If you are lucky and at the right place you could get a flight. Looks like loads of rain from mid day onwards as those CB’s thicken u from the mountains. lol ;) See Spot.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness. See Spot.

PE and PA – Those NE winds sticking around here all day it seems. Maybe some change from the west late in the day.

EL – As above but the NE stays.

Inland – NW winds with strong gust fronts from those CB’s. Not the best day to be out flying. 30kts in many spots. ;) See rain and wind maps. Lol ;)

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 6:05 and setting at 19:22 – day length 13:18. Low 9:15 High at 15:20. A light E to SE wind with CB’s in the afternoon. Perfect for flying (maybe not!) ;), coffee, cake and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 25 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(14 February 2022) 
Day 690 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people. Happy Valentines day to you all! ;) A sweet day yesterday along the GR with reports of flying until sunset. Today a different story as the IOH is pushing hard along the southern parts with strong Easterly winds expected for the day. Lots of low clouds from the Cold Front and warm ocean effects but it is dry on the west with superb flying on that side. East to NE winds in the interior but for the west coast where there is a NW component. Some strong convergences out in the interior between these two air masses. Strong CB activity expected in a wide band along the west then curving to the east (see rain Map) as it follows the GE line more or less. Winds are N from 6/7k then goes NW around 30k backing all the way to the SW for a 20-30kts finish up there. Freezing level around 16k.

CT – A sweet flying day here with a good chance of flying Africa face at mid day into lunchtime I think. 5kts E to NE winds up there. The afternoon sees a great wind-shadow setting up too. The main ranges suffering under those fresh east winds from the south though there is a moment DTK is looking ok in the afternoon with NW flow but the E takes over again not too much later so a tad risky to my liking. ;) See Spot.

RB – Too light when it does come up I think!

PV – A super good day here I think with some convergence around Pickeniers in the afternoon at 15:00. There might be some light Q’s forming so watch these. Climbs to 10k on the cards if you are in the right spot. A strong sea breeze expected after 17:00 20-30kts so be careful of that. ;) See Spot!

Wilderness – A sunny start but the strong East winds just on the horizon already. ;) It’s a totally kite surfing day! ;) See Spot.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness. See Spot.

PE and PA – A SE start to the day that will back during the day for a late evening NE wind. IT is not so strong id day either. Lots of low cloud around with a chance of rain early on.

EL – As above but the SE backing to the NE with lighter winds later on.

Inland – NE winds in the great Karoo but SE in the south and more WNW in the west. Lots of CB’s around but also lots of good skies around. If you can navigate you can have a great time out there. ;) See rain and wind maps. Lol ;)

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 6:04 and setting at 19:23 – day length 13:20. Low 8:43 High at 14:48. Strong SE winds all day long. Perfect for kitesurfing, coffee, cake and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 21 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(13 February 2022) 
Day 690 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. The IOH nudging in a light Cold Front along the southern parts of the WC – lots of low cloud around here with initial fresh SW winds in the eastern parts that will moderate and back during the day. CT region with super strong SE winds again wit a tad more S to SSW higher up on the west coast. The interior trough active too with loads of CB activity on the cards in a wide broad band from the NW down to the SE. Winds here mainly SW in the south but W in the interior. Super high cloud base here with some 15k spots on the cards. Winds are all W from around 6k upwards with a trend to the NW mid levels then back to the west at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 15k.

CT – A strong SE wind day – it does back to the east and moderates but might be too deep for a decent wind-shadow to shape up. Perhaps nit he morning but it erodes in the afternoon. The main ranges also effected by the strong SE flow so not good here. ;) See Spot.

RB – Too strong!

PV – A very southerly kind of day but climbs to over 7k in the mid afternoon doable. The Cederbergs with sweet base here at 10-11k! Some rain perhaps here… But that will be the place to go to! See spot!

Wilderness – A cloudy light wind start form the south gradually picking up with light soaring along the coast possible. Sedge is looking like the place with amazing sweet climbs to base around 12-1500ft for most of the day. Serps also up with a shot. ;) See Spot.

Plett – Uppies looking sweet with climbs to 3k. Eben Keurbooms looking up around mid day. See Spot.

PE and PA – The strong SW winds moving up the coast with PE and PA moderating nicely to the S. Lots of low cloud around.

EL – As above but stronger as the SW stays for longer here.

Inland – The southerlies pushing up into the little Karoo all the way to the GE but the CB’s and W to NW winds also pushing back in many spots. So W to NW to the north of the GE but then variable in the little Karoo region around the SB. CB’s expected to the N of the SB ranges mainly. See rain and wind maps. Lol ;)

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 6:03 and setting at 19:24 – day length 13:22. Low 8:07 High at 14:13. Light S winds. Perfect for flying, coffee, cake and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 21 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(12 February) 
Day 689 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people. The SAH in the west, the trough in the centre and the IOH in the east dominating their areas. The WC split with NW to West winds in the west but Easterlies in the eastern parts. The GR region the chage over area so winds light S to SE trending SW to the west around there. Lots of rain and CB’s in the interior especially along the eastern parts of the trough – to the north it is along the west coast but then spreads more to the east along the central interior. Some high base along the GE but then blue skies towards the coast where we will have clouds from the IOH influence mainly in the east. Soe coastal fog patches around during the morning. Winds are W from around 5k upwards for a NW finish around 30kts at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 14k.

CT – Some low clouds around otherwise a ok day. Low inversion with a lower S wind and trending to the west with height at TM top. Some fresh shore winds but the launch a bit more sheltered. The main ranges with the NW winds in the morning and probably a tad on the fresh side. ;) See Spot.

RB – WWB today

PV – NW to W winds with a strong pulse after lunch. It looks very breezy to me so not the best day I think. See spot!

Wilderness – A SSE wind day – starting light with soe fog low clouds around. Most should clear and be bright and sunny. Some flying at Serps and sedge even if it is a bit SSE. The run form serps to Map should be on again – a bit trickier with the lower climbs up to 1000ft but doable. The coast perhaps lightly soarable at times. ;) See Spot.

Plett – Also less good compared to yesterday. Hhhmmm… See Spot.

PE and PA – Fresh to strong NE winds with lots of low clouds around…

EL – As above…

Inland – West in the west but more north in the far north and SE in the southern eastern parts. CB in the late afternoon as far south as Frazerberg and Bedford but nothing much further south from there. See rain and wind maps. Lol ;)

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 6:02 and setting at 19:25 – day length 13:24. Low 7:21 High at 13:30, Low at 19:38. Light SSE winds. Perfect for flying, coffee, cake and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 22 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(11 February 2022) 
Day 687 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. The SAH dominating our weather with a slight ridge along the southern parts while the interior trough is far to the N – east of Uppington today. Back home light southerly to SW flows along the southern parts, SW along the west and W in the interior except for the later part of the afternoon when the sea breezes will be active with strong flows penetrating the interior from the east and the west. No clouds expected but for an early morning few along the southern parts. Some instability to be had in most flying spots so a medium kind of flying day on the cards. Lol. Winds go N near the inversions then W above that remaining west all the way to the Tropopause for a 30-59kt finish up there. Freezing level at 17k!

CT – Looks like a moderate SE wind day with it dropping off near TM height so a good chance of a wind-shadow shaping up. Probably flowing around the N side with a SW flow along the shore front – bit breezy but the launches should be lighter. The main ranges with a SW flow and looking like sweet flying – a slight E influence higher up at times but the further north you go the less this filters through. ;) See Spot.

RB – Looks like a great afternoon here...

PV – SW winds with climbs to 4-5k mid afternoon. Up to 15kts later in the valley as the sea breezes pushes in. Lekker! See spot!

Wilderness – Again a light SSW start to the day that will trend more to the SE later on but it is light and sweet. Serps and Sedge the best spots to be locally with climbs to 1000-1500ft. Super light soaring at times on the coast. ;) See Spot.

Plett – Not the best day with climbs to just over 2k in the area thought the early morning clouds will make it look really good. There is a line of light convergence to the NW from launch that one could follow over the back but the ground clearance is never that much so a tough flight. Keurbooms looking very light but some soaring probably to be had. See Spot.

PE and PA – Light SW start then backing during the day to the SE and eventually NE in the east other side of PA. A sweet day I think at the inland sites or some of those secret coastal soaring spots up the coast. ;)

EL – Similar here but more pronounced NE finish.

Inland – Some high clouds around some of the higher mountains in the EL interior (maybe some rain here too) Otherwise it is all blue with a light start then W flow but fresh S to SE in the south. Some high climbs to be had over SB and it is actually not looking too bad here – oh! Perhaps not – there is a marked N flow higher up that could mix things up a bit. Lol ;)

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 6:01 and setting at 19:26 – day length 13:25. High at 12:31, Low at 19:01. Light SSE winds. Perfect for flying, coffee, cake and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 20 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(10 February 2022) 
Day 686 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people. A light Cold Front pushing into the WC during the morning, clearing quickly as the SAH shapes up into a slight ridge along the southern parts. So expecting light SW to S winds for most regions along the coasts, initially some low clouds and slight chance of light rain but clearing by mid day in most areas. The trough along a classic NW/SE lie down the centre of the country with superb flying along that line – you could break records today in your PG or HG flying from Uppington to other side of Ugie! ;) Winds remain westerly with height all the way to the Tropopause for a 40-50kt finish up there. Freezing level around 15k.

CT – The Cold Front creating lots of low clouds around but this will clear by late morning so a sweet flying day ahead of you guys here. The main ranges also with the low clouds then clearing and it should turn out nice. ;) See Spot.

RB – WWB is out.

PV – Similar here with the low clouds rising and clearing quicker for a sweet SW flying day. 4-5k climbs with a breezy finish to the day 15kts in the valley… ;) See spot!

Wilderness – Light SW start and as the clouds thicken up this morning perhaps a slight bit of rain but then base lifts and we should have some 1500ft climbs at Sedge from just after midday. By 14:00 or so it can actually get quite breezy here with the coasts working too. ;) See Spot.

Plett – Uppies a bit more up and down with the light front but Keurbooms showing promise at mid day… See Spot.

PE and PA – Light SW start to the day with a backing to the S later on. Nothing too strong with 10-15kts in the strongest part I think. ML maybe a tad later…

EL – Similar here.

Inland – The clouds confined to the southern ranges with a blue dy in the WC interior. Those good soaring stuff far to the NE of us. All westerly winds with a more SW to S in the southern parts. See wind and rain maps.

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 6:00 and setting at 19:27 – day length 13:27. High at11:01, Low at 17:50. Light SW start, light rain then mod South winds. Perfect for flying, coffee, cake and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 20 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(9 February 2022) 
Day 685 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. Tropical cyclone Batsirai to the east of SA and losing momentum as it is sucked into the southern high pressure belt region. Locally a Cold Front just shy of CT and already ahead we are feeling the effect  of smaller counterpart. SW to Westerly winds in most areas with those coastal fog regions along the west coast and sparce on the southern coasts. No rain expected in our area. Very high base in the interior on the eastern side of the trough line – 15k with exceptional soaring conditions expected out there. Winds are W with hight all the way to the Tropopause for a 50kt finish up there. Freezing level at 15k to 16k.

CT – The Cold Front pushing lots of low clouds into the region so the low base probably spoiling flying around the Peninsula. The main ranges looking much better and a lekker sorty towards the north is on the cards. ;) See Spot.

RB – WWB is out.

PV – Another sweet day here with a light W to SW wind in the late afternoon. Climbs to around 4-5k with perhaps 7k in the convergence regions – this time it will be late afternoon from the pass towards Eendekuil. ;) See spot!

Wilderness – Another light SSW wind day with a foggy, low cloud start but it does look like it will clear for another sweet day at Sedge and serps. Lets keep fingers crossed it is so! ;) See Spot.

Plett – Looking good with climbs to just over 3k at Uppies. Keurbooms also looking in with a shot at lunchtime. See Spot.

PE and PA – All SW winds up the coast moderate to fresh. ML a maybe.

EL – Strong SW winds today with low clouds along the coast.

Inland – 9k climbs over the SV ranges and the deep Cederbergs. Lots of Q’s action in the eastern interior with superb flying out there. Base up at 15k or more! Winds all W to NW in the far NE regions. ;) See wind and rain maps.

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 5:59 and setting at 19:28 – day length 13:29. High at 9:29, Low at 16:12. Light to mod South winds. Perfect for flying, coffee, cake and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 21 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(8 February 2022) 
Day 685 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people. Tropical cyclone Batsirai loosing some steam to the south of Madagascar now while a CF is approaching the WC. Locally a similar pattern to yesterday but perhaps a tad more wind in the interior. Still those foggy low cloud patches on the west and southern coasts but this clears quickly inland with rising bases – a distinct difference along the interior trough where base is over 15k at times! Only a slight chance of CB’s in the late afternoon inland of Plett to PE region. Westerly wind in the interior with a more SW along the southern parts. To the east those E winds are still dominating with breezy stuff in the far east. Winds remain W with height, go NW at 10k then SW at 24k for a SW finish of 30-40kts at the Tropopause. Freezing level at 13k in the east but 16k in the west.

CT – Depending on the low clouds it could be a sweet day here with light S flow that will become SW along the shore fronts. Maybe up to 15kts but less near the mountains. Some instability could see up above TM at lunchtime with light winds. The main ranges with a westerly flow that is looking good but for perhaps a tad of strong bits higher up. See Spot.

RB – Too light.

PV – Another sweet day on the cards with perhaps some stronger winds at hight. Climbs to 6k late in the afternoon and a sweet convergence setting up again between bumpy and the pass in the mid to late afternoon. Maybe up to 9k climbs here. ;) See spot!

Wilderness – A light south wind and a foggy start but it does look like it will clear for another sweet day at Sedge and serps. Lets keep fingers crossed it is so! ;) See Spot.

Plett – Not as good as yesterday from the looks of things… See Spot.

PE and PA – PE with light onshore flows during the morning but then trending SW later and going even lighter. To the east the SE backs to the NE and gets stronger.

EL – Persistent strong NE winds.

Inland – Another beautiful day with light W to SW winds in most places during the morning but then it picks up stronger from mid day into the afternoon from the West mainly. Some OD conditions with CB’s around the southern ranges east of Willowmore. ;) See wind and rain maps.

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 5:58 and setting at 19:29 – day length 13:31. High at 8:27, Low at 14:51. Light South winds. Perfect for flying, coffee, cake and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 21 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(7 February 2022) 
Day 684 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. The SAH to the west, the trough in the centre and the IOH to the east – all dominating our weather. The winds are relatively light today with the afternoon sea breezes the exception. Lots of clouds around in the interior – especially to the east. Base out there fairly high with 11-14k the norm and then fog along the west coast and a bit along parts of the western southern coast. Winds light west to SW in the west and South in the southern parts. To the far east the NE dominates along the coastal regions. Some CB’s along parts of the southern ranges in the late afternoon. Winds light with height but from around 10k it trend west for a 30-50knt finish up at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 13-15k.

CT – A light shallow SE day with a good wind-shadow. The inversion around 2k. IT is looking good. The main ranges with a W to NW flow initially and high climbs around 6k. See Spot.

RB – Too light.

PV – It is looking like a sweet day with a light W to WNW flow. Climbs to around 4k initially but there is good convergence setting up along the N7 towards the pas in the late afternoon where climbs be as high as 7500ft. ;) See spot!

Wilderness – A light wind start from the sea. This is going to be the state for the whole day with the only options being Serps and Sedg. IT actually looks a little better than yesterday so there is hope. Lol. Again those high clouds to the north to make us drool. ;) See Spot.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness today – Uppies looking good with climbs to 3k. See Spot.

PE and PA – PE with light winds to start the day and it will be fairly variable but the late afternoon sees the SE to E flow moving in here too. Further east it is all East to NE.

EL – Persistent strong NE winds.

Inland – A beautiful day with light W to SW winds in most places. The sea breezes in the late afternoon will see the southerlies in the south and west in the west penetrate with some speed 20kts plus. Some CB’s along the SB and maybe some of the southern ranges too late afternoon. ;) See wind and rain maps.

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 5:57 and setting at 19:30 – day length 13:33. High at 7:41, Low at 13:56, High tide at 20:00. Light South winds. Perfect for flying, coffee, cake and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 22 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(6 February 2022) 
Day 683 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people. Another small CF making its way towards the WC while the interior trough reaching further south influencing the western parts and the IOH is still strongly persistent in the eastern parts. But first the tropical cyclone Batsirai is over Madagascar and loosing a bit of momentum – only 160km sustained winds with 230km gusts. (Only) Watch this one… But back home it’s a NW day on the west coast and breezy. The westerlies carrying into the trough region with high bases and some CB’s around. The southern parts with WSW in the western areas but around the GR it changes to the E flows from the IOH in the east. Lots of low clouds around this area. Its westerlies going NW with height with a 60kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level still around the 13k level.

CT – Some fog around on the west coast and fresh NW winds. If the fog stay away it might be flyable around SH. Looks a tad strong for the 12 Apostles though. The main ranges also in the strong range for today I think. See Spot.

RB – WWB is out and about.

PV – A general NW flow but some convergence around the Dasklip region with climbs to 6k possible but less elsewhere around 4-5k. It’s a tad on the breezy side with 15kts as a mean so probably not the best day out there. ;) See spot!

Wilderness – Another beautiful start with light SE winds. It will change though as the SE trends to the S and then SW later in the day. Map for extended foefies and Sedge or Serps for some light thermic action. Sedge with climbs to 1000ft possible in the cross winds from the left and it gets inverted from 14/15:00 onwards. Perhaps Buffs could offer something too… ;) See Spot.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness today. See Spot.

PE and PA – PE with alight E start but the strong E to NE winds will move in from midday or perhaps even earlier…

EL – Persistent strong NE winds.

Inland – A west to NW wind day and fresh with 20kts around mostly. High base with 14k in places. But quite a few CB’s on the cards (see rain map). So apart from early not the best day for flying. ;) See wind and rain maps.

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 5:56 and setting at 19:31 – day length 13:35. High at 7:01, Low at 13:13, High tide at 19:17. Light SE going SW near evening. Perfect for flying, coffee, cake and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 24 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(5 February 2022) 
Day 682 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. The SAH dominating while that tropical cyclone is striking east Madagascar! Winds here are SE along the coast but east to NE in the interior. Some amazing flying in the interior to be had today with 11-14k bases. Slight chance of CB’s to the north of Sutherland, maybe some showers along the GE region. But if you can get into that big dry airmass inland you will be gasping for O2. Lol. Low clouds in the eastern parts with some rain there – PE to EL and further. Seriously strong east winds along the southern coast but it does not quite make the turn into CT. Interesting conditions on the west coast though. Winds are east to around 7-9k then backs to the west for a 50-70kt finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 13-14k.

CT – Looking sweet here with a great wind-shadow and light east trends. Perhaps Africa face will be doable too in the late morning mid day period. The main ranges with some east influence but if Skysight is to be believed it can be 10k gains… lol. See Spot.

RB – Doubtful.

PV – A W to NW start with a SW to even S finish. RASPS says its stable but Skysight says it is orbit time with 10k climbs. Watch the clouds. PB showing up to 12k! ;) See spot!

Wilderness – A beautiful start with light SE winds. It will change though as the SE is going to blow very strong today. Blown out by 11-12ish. So get to Map early. Hope that gradient bubble is not too bad! ;) See Spot.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness today. See Spot.

PE and PA – E to NE winds with rain and low clouds all day…

EL – As above.

Inland – A sweet easterly day in most spots. High bases with 11-14k around. Some rain OD along the GE and even a CB or two to the north from there. (See rain map) But otherwise with the lighter east flows it should be a great day. Oh yes, watch the SE sea breeze from the south later in the day. ;) See wind and rain maps.

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 5:55 and setting at 19:32 – day length 13:37. Low at 12:32, High tide at 18:39. Rain in the morning with a light SE wind. Perfect for flying, coffee, cake and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 19 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(4 February 2022) 
Day 681 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people. A sweet coastal flight from Robbie and Theunis from Wilderness to Buffalo bay yesterday, while the Tropical cyclone Batsirian just east of Madagascar boasts with near 100kts surface winds. Here in the WC we don’t even have that at the Tropopause… The SAH pushing in sweet and gentle SSE winds along the entire southern coastal regions today, fresh along the west coast and light in the interior – the southerlies reach far to the north past Upington even. Low bases in the south with occasional rain that should clear more and more from the west. The winds go west around 7k for a NW finish at the Tropopause at 80kts. Freezing level around the 12-13k level.

CT – The strong SE winds here pretty deep trending East up there so the wind-shadow not really on the cards. And the main ranges also suffering form the SE winds… See Spot.

RB – It is a maybe day but worth checking it out.

PV – Very southerly and strong in the later afternoon with climbs to 4/5k. So not the best of days. Perhaps PB might a bit better… ;) See spot!

Wilderness – A cloudy rainy start to the day. But there is promise of sweet smooth thermals at Sedge and Serps today though all the rain will make for a late start. The coast should also be sweet with soaring almost everywhere in the southerly winds. Maybe Map will be best late in the afternoon. ;) See Spot.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness today. See Spot.

PE and PA – SW winds for the morning but the afternoon sees a backing to the SE. Occasional rain remaining here all day – increasing to the NE.

EL – As above.

Inland – Rain confined to the southern parts with light winds in the interior all day long. It trends SE. A great day for flying with propeller thingies I think. ;) See wind and rain maps.

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 5:54 and setting at 19:33 – day length 13:39. Low at 11:57, High tide at 18:01. Rain in the morning with a light SE wind. Perfect for flying, coffee, cake and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 19 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(3 February 2022) 
Day 680 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. The Cold Front moving into the entire WC today – SW winds driven along by the SAH in most places with occasional rain. The southern coastal regions with fresh winds around 20-30kts at times. The interior with SW in the south but west in the north. Low clouds around the west and east coasts but 2-3k in the remainder coastal regions. It rising inland with 10k around the SB region. CB’s confined to the eastern regions from PE/EL up to the NW. (See rain map) The wind is NW from 6k upwards all the way to the Tropopause for a 90-100kt finish up there. Freezing levels down to 12-13k.

CT – Rain for the morning and mid day it seems with low cloud but then clearing with base rising enough for some flying in the afternoon. SW winds 10-15kts. The main ranges with rain and low cloud for most of the day I think. See Spot.

RB – lol.

PV – Low clouds and slight chance of rain. Might rise high enough over the peaks in the late afternoon for a flight. ;) See spot!

Wilderness – A light wind start with a S to S direction but then the SW will move in with 10-15kts on the cards. Rain also from the late afternoon possible. Sedge and Serps just a tad on the strong side in the TOL wind so if you do go there expect the turbulence. ;) See Spot.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness today. Keaurboom looking good for the morning but near mid day it goes too much west and gets strong… See Spot.

PE and PA – SW winds with occasional rain. 20-30kts at times. Strong rain to the east at PA and EL.

EL – As above.

Inland – The CB’s moving off to the east with westerly winds in most regions. The Cold Front moving in from the west with some rain along the west and southern regions. Still some 10k bases in spots. See wind and rain maps.

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 5:53 and setting at 19:33 – day length 13:40. Low at 11:18, High tide at 17:23. A light to fresh SW wind later. Perfect for flying, coffee, cake and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 22 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(2 February 2022) 
Day 679 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people. Today the approaching CF and interior trough dominating our weather. It is all a general westerly flow pattern with some S to SW variations here and there. Rain in the west spreading to the east but also the interior CB’s activity spreading southwards towards the southern and eastern coastal regions. Rain expected here in the afternoon. Still some spots where flying can be had if you are on it. Varying bases today with 300ft lows to 10k highs in parts of the little Karoo. Winds are all NW from 3k upwards with a 80kts finish up at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 14-15k.

CT – Its CF weather – low clouds, rain and NW winds. HHhmm… Seems to be here for the day. The main ranges similar I think though there should have been a possible spot early on. See Spot.

RB – lol.

PV – NW winds with some W in it. Low base with possible rain. But then again SkySight gives it a chance of flying though I think it will be a tad on the strong side. ;) See spot!

Wilderness – A light wind start trending SW with Sedge the obvious spot for the morning with climbs to 800ft or so. The coast might give us a blurb of soaring before the rain gets here from around midday. See Spot.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness today… See Spot.

PE and PA – Some varying wind patterns with offshore start but trending SW in general. Theres rain on the way from mid day which will also influence things. The SW trend will move up the coast.

EL – The NE winds for most of the day with the SW popping in early evening.

Inland – Again those CB activity compounded with the approaching CF. General W to NW winds with some strong CB gust fronts in the region. A good day for weather watching. See wind and rain maps.

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 5:52 and setting at 19:34 – day length 13:42. Low at 10:38, High tide at 16:44. A light and humid SW wind with rain in the afternoon. Perfect for flying, coffee, cake and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 25 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(1 February 2022) 
Day 678 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. Mainly the IH influencing our WC weather along with that trough in the interior that one again will be creating loads of CB activity. Winds still SE trending along the southern parts but it is W to NW along the west coast. In the far interior it is more N. The CB’s will create strong gust front activities so aviators beware. High base inland with some attractive Q’s but of course the CB’s making it too risky to fly. Winds go NW from around 7-8k upwards with a 20kt over CT but 80kt finish over Wilderness up at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 14/15k.

CT – Another sweet day in CT with with a NW to W flow. It might get too strong in the late afternoon near 20kts otherwise 10-15kts so it looks like a strong 12 Apostle soaring day. The main ranges with the WNW flow too and high climbs. But perhaps those CB’s could influence things in the afternoon a bit. See Spot.

RB – WWB is out today.

PV – Again RASP showing lower climbs than Skysight – but is all westerly winds so it should be good. Perhaps getting up above 8k. Watch the OD and CB stuff to the east. ;) See spot!

Wilderness – Another sweet day at Sedge yesterday with super crowds on this tiny spot. Today looks like it could be good again this morning but with a tad more east in it. Map good for foefies or extended sled rides I think. And of course Buff should be sweet again too. IT looks better than yesterday. Climbs to 1000ft on the cards. lol See Spot.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness today… See Spot.

PE and PA – An offshore start with chance of rain form inland CB’s but the afternoon the East winds will take over again. Nothing too drastic with 10-15kts.

EL – The NE winds sticking around here…

Inland – Again loads and loads of CB’s around. (See map) A day to stay on the ground and watch the weather and cloud developments.  See wind and rain maps.

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 5:51 and setting at 19:35 – day length 13:44. Low at 9:55, High tide at 16:03. A light and humid SSE wind. Perfect for scratching, coffee, cake and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 25 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)


(31 January 2022) 
Day 677 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people. Some cool flying along Africa TM from LP and a few lucky others – here’s a pic from WJ of the action. Two days in a row apparently! ;) Today lots of IOH influence with moist air along the southern parts with low clouds, which is also helping the wide spread interior CB’s expected today. The trough very active with some nice upper divergence and with all the moist air around those CB’s strong with loads of rain for the interior. (See rain map) Winds in the far north northerly but west in the west and south in the southern parts. High bases out there with 11  to 15k in some spots. But not a flying day in the interior. It is best to find some coastal are outside of the bounds of those CB’s! lol. Wind fairly light in the first layers but form 10k upwards it trend NW all the way to the Tropopause for a 60-70kts finish up there. Freezing level around 14-15k.

CT – A sweet light wind day on the cards with some instability to just below TM top height – perhaps some punchy climbs to just above that once again. So a big wind-shadow day even in the afternoon when a light SE moves in form the south. The main ranges also looking good but perhaps some CB influence in the late afternoon to consider. See Spot.

RB – Hhmmm… Too light today.

PV – RASP showing stable conditions to 5k but SKysight showing climbs in the very late afternoon to 10k. lol. It is light west and hot. Watch for CB’s form the west. ;) See spot!

Wilderness – After yesterdays great day at Sedge we are hoping for more. Lots of fog around with Map probably in and out of the clouds all day. Sedge is looking sweet with a light southerly that seems to hold for most of the day. Climbs to 1000ft on the cards. lol See Spot.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness today… See Spot.

PE and PA – Fresh easterlies all day with some stronger bits in the afternoon. Perhaps some CB’s moving in form the north in the late afternoon.

EL – As above but NE…

Inland – Loads and loads of CB’s around today. (See map) IT is def a day not to be in the air. Strong gust fronts everywhere expected.  See wind and rain maps.

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 5:50 and setting at 19:36 – day length 13:46. Low at 9:10, High tide at 15:19. A light S with some fog patches. Perfect for flying, coffee, cake and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 20 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(30 Janury 2022) 
Day 676 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. The IOH, SAH and interior trough dominating our WC weather. Still with that strong SE flow along the southern parts, S to SW along the west coast and N in the far interior. This time loads of CB activity – widespread across most of the interior regions to the North of the GE. Winds to the south will be light SE but the afternoon sees strong sea breeze effects with up to 40kts in some places! Few clouds around in the WC interior but lots to the north of the GE and then some along the coastal regions. Winds go W from 6k up to 14k then ENE all the way to the Tropopause for a 20-30kt finish up there. Freezing level still high at 16k but lower to the north.

CT – Another SE day with a good chance of the wind-shadow shaping up in the morning and holding into the afternoon too. The main ranges with a window around mid day for the front to work but then the east influence takes over. See Spot.

RB – Hhmmm… Maybe too west at times.

PV – If the surface temps go to 40 degrees then climbs to 10k expected otherwise around 5/6k. W to SW winds and it looks great here. ;) See spot!

Wilderness – After yesterdays great day today that gradient surface shadow shaping up early in the east facing bays. So expecting that strong upper flow with a light surface wind at Map worsening into the afternoon. Sedge is looking very doable this morning before going too east and Serps for those flights to the Map are on. Lol. See Spot.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness today… See Spot.

PE and PA – Light east wind start but then freshening in the afternoon. It is more NE to the east.

EL – As above but NE…

Inland – CB’s wide spread expected north of the GE but blue skies to the south of that. Strong sea breeze expected to the south though with some spots near 40kts! A good mornings flying but watchout in the afternoon. See wind and rain maps.

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 5:49 and setting at 19:36 – day length 13:47. Low at 8:19, High tide at 14:30. A light SE start but strong in the afternoon. Perfect for flying, coffee, cake and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 20 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(29 January 2022) 
Day 675 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people. Mainly the SAH dominating our WC weather with some IOH influence in the far eastern coastal parts. Winds are SE in general but southerly along the west coast. Few clouds around so it’s a mainly blue day – some on the eastern coast and smidgeon along the southern coast. The interior winds are easterly in general with light winds 2k above the surface – east in general. There is a west trend from 10k up to 18 then it is back to east for a 20-30kts finish t the Tropopause. Freezing level at 16-17k.

CT – Another SE day with a chance of the wind-shadow shaping up in the morning and a chance of it eroding in the afternoon. The main ranges a tad too much on the east influence I think. See Spot.

RB – Hhmmm… Maybe. Maybe too east at times.

PV – Again the very southerly trend with climbs to 4/5k. Not the best. ;) See spot!

Wilderness – A short Sedge and serps window before the SE settles in. Gerrickes and Map the places to be though the afternoon showing that strong gradient shadow again – so expect that mixing airflow again. Probably blown out in the late afternoon or too mixy. Lol. See Spot.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness today… See Spot.

PE and PA – Loads of clouds around with unstable air and sweet flying if you can get into the right spot. Winds S trending SE and a tad E later on.

EL – As above…

Inland – No rain and initial light SE winds but fresh in the afternoon with 10-20kts SE to East winds up to the GE. It’s a nice day to go flying I think. See wind and rain maps.

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 5:48 and setting at 19:37 – day length 13:49. Low at 7:19, High tide at 13:34. A light SE start but strong in the afternoon. Perfect for flying, coffee, cake and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 20 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(28 January 2022) 
Day 674 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. The SAH dominating as it pushes in the Cold Front air onto the entire WC. Again a shallow layer of CF instability up to the 6k mark – lots of low clouds confined to the southern parts mainly with occasional rain along these ranges. The winds are southerly in general but SW along the southern coastal regions. Lots of CB’s in the eastern interior today as the trough is active with some upper divergence helping things along nicely. The winds in the interior are west in the far north but the southerlies will reach past De Aar at the end of day. Loads of gust fronts around with the CB activity in the eastern interior so not the best day be flying out there. Winds are W from 6k upwards for a 60-80kt finish up at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 16k.

CT – A fresh southerly flow that is pretty deep so it doesn’t look good for a wind-shadow shaping up. The main ranges also suffering with the southerly flow – fresh and turbulent along the mountains. See Spot.

RB – Again a sweet day I think with a slight chance of things blowing out in the afternoon.

PV – A southerly day with even SE higher up so not a good day. Fresh with 15-20kts on the cards… Bleh! ;) See spot!

Wilderness – It looks like a sweet morning for the coast but a tad strong for Serps and Sedge – expecting some turbulence here with the stronger flow at TOL. The afternoon dropping along the coast so the inland sites looking slightly better then. See Spot.

Plett – Uppies on the strong side but Keubooms looking promising for the afternoon. Fresh at firs but moderating nicely. See Spot.

PE and PA – It is all fresh SW winds all day…

EL – As above…

Inland – CB’s in the eastern interior with fresh southerlies in the southern parts that will penetrate all the way past De Aar in the afternoon. Its fresh to strong in the south with 20-30kts in places. See wind and rain maps.

For Wilderness - Sunrise was at 5:47 and setting at 19:38 – day length 13:51. High tide at 12:27, low at 18:59. Light to moderate SW with possible rain. Perfect for flying, coffee, cake and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 21 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(27 January 2022) 
Day 673 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people. The SAH and the interior trough dominating our WC weather today with a southerly flow along the southern parts and west in the interior. A few CB’s on the cards but these are confined to the far eastern and southern parts. North of the GE things are looking epic with very high bases and light NW winds. It is a day to go very far inland and record distances are on the cards – Upington to Queenstown! Drool! ;) The coastal region still under the influence of that cool moist air from the south so lots of low clouds along the southern ranges with some fog and low clouds along many parts of the southern coast. The west coast dryer with no clouds expected. Winds go WNW from 6k upwards all the way to the Tropopause for a 60kts finish. Freezing level around 16k.

CT – Slightly less in the SE today but still a dubious wind-shadow on the cards. The main ranges looking better with W to SW winds and climbs to 4/5k. Perhaps a day to venture to the north. See Spot.

RB – Again great I think if you are out early… blown out in the afternoon.

PV – A sweet WSW start and then a SW finish for a sweet day of climbs to 5k. ;) See spot!

Wilderness – Another fogy start but less rain on the cards. A light SSE start with light coastal soaring possible at Map and the coastal cliffs. Even Serps and Sedge is showing some promise for flying able it a late start due to all the wet grounds but you can pick your spot. Lol. See Spot.

Plett – A tad more SE and nothing too exciting here… See Spot.

PE and PA – A light SW start to the day trending to the SE later on. It drops off to the east. Chance of fog on the coast.

EL – Surprisingly light winds here most of the day it seems.

Inland – That record distance day is out there today – from Upington to Queenstown is doable. Base up at 16k out there and no CB’s or rain expected. Winds up to 20kts at hight. Though strong sea breezes expected from the south in the late afternoon with some 20-30kt spots on the cards.

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:46 and setting at 19:38 – day length 13:52. High tide at 11:04, low at 17:47. Light to moderate S with occasional rain. Perfect for flying, coffee, cake and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 20 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(26 January 2022) 
Day 672 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. The IOH dominating the southern parts with a Cold Front layer as it brings in that layer of moist air with loads of precipitation along the southern ranges. It is not very thick with around 6/7k in depth but base only around 300ft up to 1500ft in places. This layer of air slides around CP onto the west coast too – though dryer here it brings in a shallow southerly flow. The interior trough still on the go with shoes super high bases of around 15k around the GE region and northwards. A slight chance of CB’s along the southern regions so things looking good if you are one of the lucky pilots flying in the far north interior today. Winds in the south are all SE and strong in the afternoon. From around 6/7k it changes to the WNW and remains WNW all the way to the Tropopause for a 90kt finish up there. Freezing level around 14/15k.

CT – Another strong SE day with RASP showing the wind-shadow shaping up but perhaps like yesterday it might not form. So play it by ear I guess. Lol. The main ranges more effected by the SE flow today it seems… See Spot.

RB – Good if you fly early… blown out in the afternoon.

PV – A more southerly day with RASP showing climbs to 4k and Skysight to 6k… lol ;) See spot!

Wilderness – Another fogy raining start. It might lift around mid day but then it looks like Map will be too strong. So maybe maybe. Lol. See Spot.

Plett – As above… See Spot.

PE and PA – A East wind all day with rain on and off. Low clouds.

EL – As above.

Inland – The low clouds moving all the way to the SB ranges. But super high north of that. Some CB’s to the east of the Oudtshoorn region. See the rain and wind maps…

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:45 and setting at 19:39 – day length 13:54. High tide at 9:39, low at 16:21. Light to moderate SE with rain and low clouds. Perfect for coffee, cake and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 20 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(25 Janaury 2022) 
Day 671 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people. Here’s another pic of Kane’s epic Swartberg flight the other day. :) The SAH ridging in along the southern coast while the interior trough is wide spread – still some CB activity inland today. Winds are S to SE in the southern parts with a SE around the Peninsula and more SW along the Westcoast with the W to NW in the far interior north of the GE. A strong sea breeze in the late afternoon with 20-30kts in many spots. Lots of clouds in the southern parts form the ocean air with rain along parts of the coast and especially the adjacent mountains. From the SB and more north still those high bases with 10k here rising to 15k north of the GE. Winds all go WNW from 7k upwards for a 50kts finish over CT W but NW and 95kts over PE. Freezing level around 15k.

CT – A strong SE wind day but it backs to the east and drops in strength before TM to height so a good wind-shadow day on the cards. The main mountains at DTK looking good around mid day with a nice WSW but around 15:00 the SE seems to make an appearance. See Spot.

RB – Looking good as they say – but blown out in the afternoon.

PV – Another good SW wind day with climbs to 7k at the best part. Watch those Sea breeze in the afternoon ;) See spot!

Wilderness – The rain moving in and spoiling what was till a great forecast last night. So a much later start to the day on the cards with some coastal soaring in the southerly winds. Sedge is looking possible but very weak in what should be smooth climbs to 500m. Lets hope that works. Lol. See Spot.

Plett – Also weak with lots of low clouds. Maybe Keurbooms could switch on for a short while at lunch time before it goes too east. See Spot.

PE and PA – A SW start to the day but it backs to the S later on with eve some SE in it. Lots of low clouds but possibly some good flying to be had.

EL – As above.

Inland – Southerly winds all the way to the GE. The sea breeze will increase this wind from the south in the afternoon with 30kts in many places. High base north of the SB ranges but again some CB activity in the afternoon. See wind and rain maps.

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:44 and setting at 19:39 – day length 13:56. High tide at 8:28, low at 14:58. Light to moderate southerly winds with rain in the morning. Perfect for flying, coffee, cake and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 20 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(24 January 2022) 
Day 670 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. An awesome flight at SB yesterday – Kane getting to 4000m (In his shorts!). Today a slight cooler day for the western parts with upper thirties but those 40 degrees still in some southern and eastern inland parts. Lots of CB’s today over a much wider region compared to yesterday while the SW dominates on the west and the NE in the east – products form the SAH and the IOH. The changeover effect between PE and EL. Lots of coastal fog patches today and low clouds, especially along the southern parts but form the first mountain ranges the clouds part into the big interior stuff – still high bases around the 12-15k mark – the east higher than the west today. There is a big microburst pattern I found from one of the big CB outflows. (See the wind chart!) Interesting stuff that… But then the upper winds are also interesting with a 30kt N over PE and 15kts South over CT. Freezing level around 14k.

CT – A southerly wind day with 25kts in the afternoon but it does drop with height before TM top height so a good chance for the wind-shadow to stick. The main ranges with a westerly flow and looking ok. Hermanus is looking promising. See Spot.

RB – It is actually looking really good today.

PV – A SW wind day with climbs to 6k at the best part. Those CB’s over the back very active but it should not interfere with the PV flying I think. See spot!

Wilderness – The SW winds with perhaps just too much West in it and coupled with a strong gradient – 10kts on the surface with 20kts at 500ft in the late morning – it looks to be one of those bumpy cross wind rides. The afternoon now looking frustratingly too west too. Sedge with the west wins and strong upper flow a bit of a washing machine out look. See Spot.

Plett – Too west and strong… See Spot.

PE and PA – SW in the west with light stuff to the east and PA with a NE wind. It seems to dance around today a lot. (SW with a S then SW again)

EL – NE with a chance of it backing off and being light in the late afternoon – perhaps a show of the SW but its right in that changing areas…

Inland – SW wind trend in the southern interior but light N in the north. Though all those CB;s will cause lots of gust fronts with a strong S to SW finish in the afternoon – 20-30kts in many spots. Not the best day to be out there…

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:43 and setting at 19:40 – day length 13:57. High tide at 7:33, low at 13:52, high tide at 19:58. A moderate to fresh SW day. Perfect for flying, coffee, cake and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 23 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(23 January 2022) 
Day 669 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people. Today daylight time dropping below the 14hour mark and some sweet flying from PB again yesterday. WJ and co doing the flights to Malmsbury and beyond. The SAH and IOH sharing the WC dominance with the trough down the middle today. Not as hot as yesterday in the west as the southerly winds dominating a bit more – that ENE winds confined to the upper air flow today. Still great flying conditions to be had with high bases in the western and central parts – 12-14k in general. Lots of CB’s in the late afternoon in the west in the afternoon while those sea breezes are strong in the late afternoon with 30kts plus in many places. But before that its sweet southerlies in most of the interior regions except for the far north where the N to NW winds rule. S to SW on the west coast with the E to NE winds in the south and eastern coasts. The winds remain southerly to SE with height but then around 2ok it backs to the NE for a 30kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 15k.

CT – A light S surface flow with a slight SW upper trend. SSW flow around the shores of LH and SH perhaps up to 15kts. The main ranges with a W start but SW later. Still very hot here… See Spot.

RB – Hot and too much W in it…

PV – A light W start with climbs to 5k but mid to late afternoon sees a break to 10k. The sea breezes will also push in again. CB’s and high bases over the Cederberg’s. See spot!

Wilderness – A hot day here with the inverted conditions looking a tad better than yesterday. ;) Light S to SE winds with Map foefies on the cards. Sedge looks sweet for a late morning to mid-day session even if the winds are slightly form the left of launch. Buffs is also looking very good for flying today. See Spot.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness today… See Spot.

PE and PA – Again those E to NE winds dominating along the coast today… Even stronger than yesterday!

EL – Similar to above.

Inland – A remarkable southerly wind day in the interior with SB pass looking like the spot of the day. (See spot). CB’s in the late afternoon in the western parts (see rain map). A good soaring day out there with high base and good Q’s.

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:42 and setting at 19:41 – day length 13:59. High tide at 6:47, low at 13:00, high tide at 19:06. A light S to SE all day. Perfect for surfing, pina colada’s on the beach and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 27 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(22 January 2022) 
Day 668 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. The gigantic IOH dominating our weather today culminating in a long and deep stretch of offshore flow along the western parts giving rise to those super high temps over the next few days. The interior trough lined up along the west coast helping those high temps and super high cloud bases along. A few CB’s active here in the afternoon (see rain map) and also some very strong sea breeze activity along the western parts today so be hyper aware in the mid to late afternoon. But the unusual thing is that the NE winds are around from the surface all the way to the Tropopause today. The SE winds along the southern coast strong today effecting the adjacent regions. So from 40 degrees C on the surface with climbs taking you to freezing level your choice of clothing should be interesting. Lol. Freezing level 14-16k.

CT – A light wind day here with varying winds but it does settle it seems into a flow pattern where the wind flows around the Peninsula. SW along the shore at SH. Perhaps a mid day chance of flying Africa face and the apostles? The main ranges with that window of specking out to 10k but of course the airspace and stuff… If you are into that better to go to PV… See Spot.

RB – Hhhmmm… Maybe but it does look a tad SW to me…

PV – A NE start but t will back to the NW then W around lunchtime. Super high bases over the mountains with a chance of getting to 12k or higher. But watch the sea breeze moving in from 16:00 – 20-30kts in places… ;) See spot!

Wilderness – Another misty start but it is expected to clear. Once again that strong gradient effect with the gradient shadow setting up at Map (and in other similar corners/bays). Probably better in the late morning than the late afternoon even if the winds are predicted to get stronger then. Perhaps Sedge could offer something early morning before the east picks up. ;) See Spot.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness today… See Spot.

PE and PA – Those E to NE winds dominating along the coast today… Lekker sterk!

EL – Similar to above.

Inland – It is all E to NE winds except in the areas closer to the coast where the Sea breeze will take over form lunchtime onwards. Super high bases and temps. Good for flying except in the CB’s region and the sea breeze area. For the locals Graafies is within striking distance foro high climbs and long flights. ;) (see rain/cloud map).

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:41 and setting at 19:41 – day length 14:00. High tide at 6:09, low at 12:16, high tide at 18:23. A light SE start but supposedly a strong finish at the end of the day. Perfect for flying, kiting, coffee and cake including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 25 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(21 January 2022) 
Day 667 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people. The IOH pushing in the Cold Front air onto the eastern parts of the WC while the interior trough still dominates with high temps, high base and some CB’s in the deep interior. Strong SE winds along the southern parts today. (Tomorrow super high temps and high bases – be ready!;) Today the afternoon will see a strong increase in winds with the SE in the interior reaching close to 40kts in some places. It is SW on the west coast. The Q’s confined to the southern and eastern parts with low bases and slight chance of rain while those super high bases at 15k is looking attractive today with the lighter WNW winds in the far north. The winds go NW from 6/7k to 12/14k then SW and remains very light all the way to the Tropopause. Freezing level around 16k.

CT – A strong SE wind day but it does slacken and back to the east with height so a chance of a wind-shadow shaping up. The main ranges under the influence of that SE wind so not so good there… See Spot.

RB -  It looks like a good day here…

PV – A very SW and then S day so not the best outlook I think. Climbs to around 5k in the later afternoon but tomorrow it is into to space time with high temps and super high bases… ;) See spot!

Wilderness – A cloudy start that will remain as the cooler air keeps things milder here. The SE winds will get strong from late morning into the afternoon so things probably blown out by mid day I think. There is a strong gradient in the lower layers once again which complicates the airflow around our region. By late afternoon a chance of some coastal fog and base with less than 300ft moving in. ;) See Spot.

Plett – The SE influence here too but a higher base at Uppies so if you can handle the cross winds then you could get some nice flying I think. lol. See Spot.

PE and PA – A SW wind start trending to the SE and E later in the day. Lots of low cloud from the tail of the front. Even a slight chance of rain later on with the coastal fog moving in.

EL – Similar to above.

Inland – Light NW to W winds in the far interior to start the day  with high bases at 15k but then the CB’s will speed things up. The afternoon finishing with very strong gusts and influence form the coastal SE moving far inland to the GE. There are plenty spots in the 30plus knots range… (see rain/cloud map).

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:40 and setting at 19:42 – day length 14:02. Low at 11:38, high tide at 17:45. A light SE start but a strong finish at the end of the day. Perfect for flying, kiting, coffee and cake including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 21 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(20 January 2022) 
Day 666 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. A Cold Front approaching form the SW with some tightening of those gradients in the lower levels near the coastal but the interior trough and high temps very active with high bases at 15k and some CB activity (see rain map) Very strong Sea breeze effects as they combine with the westerly direction of the steepening pressure gradients so watch the interior winds later in the afternoon! 20-30kts in many places. Some clouds around along the coast with a few fog patches even otherwise its blue with the main clouds in the interior over the higher grounds. Mainly a westerly flow with some SW variations on the southern coasts and the NE in the far eastern parts. The wind goes NW from 4/5k upwards with a 30kts finish at the Tropopause though its very strong to the south of us! ;) Freezing level around the 16k level.

CT – A few low cloud spots but it does look like a sweet day. A southerly wind trending SW with hight so not the best for a wind-shadow but it does get lighter with height so that will help. The main ranges with a SW and getting breezing into the afternoon. Climbs to 5k possible and maybe a hard core flight to the north is possible. See Spot.

RB -  I think it is a bit too SW today… (Does the CAHG still exist?)

PV – An ok day here with SW trend and climbs to 4/5k but a fresh sea breeze expected for the afternoon. ;) See spot!

Wilderness – A light S start but trending SW with the coastal cliffs lightly soarable in the morning. It does get stronger in the afternoon but goes more W so not the best. Sedge possible in the morning and showing signs of deepening instability moving in in the late afternoon. Just watch the upper more West trend and strength of wind at TOL – it looks a bit rough and bumpy! Climbs to 1200ft or so in the later afternoon but less earlier on. ;) See Spot.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness today with that strong winds at TOL making for some shear in the upper air – I see most climb predictions showing the BS ratios indicative of lots of arm actions while flying. lol.

PE and PA – Right in the change over region from the SW in the west and NE ot the east. Strong NE winds towards PA and beyond.

EL – Strong NE winds… Good kitesurfing!

Inland – A sweet morning with light winds but from mid day that all changes as the W and SW winds start to kick on form the southern parts. The Sea breezes moving all the way to the GE. CBs to the north of that and W to NW winds. Be careful of flying in the afternoon with the propellor thingies. (see rain/cloud map).

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:39 and setting at 19:42 – day length 14:03. Low at 11:03, high tide at 17:10. A light to moderate SW wind. Perfect for flying, kiting, coffee and cake including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 22 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :),

(19 January 2022) 
Day 665 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people. A sweet day ahead of us with light to moderate winds as the IOH and interior trough play with each other in a waltz to the east. A SW start in the far east coastal regions but the winds will back to the east while the southern parts are all S to SE winds along with the adjacent interior. The west coast in the south it’s a southerly trend and more SW along the west coast. And then the far interior with the W to NW winds. The sea breezes pretty active today with 15-20kts in many places in the afternoon. Few clouds around with some in the S and east but dry in the west and the interior very few but for the furthers NE areas. Out that side NE of Graafies late afternoon sees some CB activity too. Winds go NW around 10 then SW from 20k for a SW finish around 25kts.  Freezing level around 15-16k.

CT – Another sweet wind-shadow day I think with light winds around the 2500ft and upwards mark as the SE changes to the WNW. The main ranges also looking good with some SW that can produce some good flights to the north. See Spot.

RB – Maybe late afternoon…

PV – A SW day with climbs to 4/5k. Sea breeze later in the afternoon around 15-20kts in some places especially to the far north. ;) See spot!

Wilderness – A light S wind start but trending more SE from mid day onwards. I think Sedge could offer some sweet morning flying with climbs to 2k. Late morning to mid day the SE making more of an appearance but the good thermal might keep it coming up for longer. Lol. The afternoon looks like a Gerrickes and Map day. ;) See Spot.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness today.

PE and PA – The SW start will back during the day from SW to S to SE and East late afternoon. Some clouds around but it looks like a sweet flying day.

EL – As above!

Inland – SE in the south and W to Nw in the north. To the NE good clouds but CB’s. Dry to the west. Watch the strong Sea breezes later in the day. (see rain/cloud map).

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:38 and setting at 19:43 – day length 14:04. Low at 10:30, high tide at 16:36. A light to moderate SE wind. Perfect for flying, kiting, coffee and cake including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 20 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :),

(18 January 2022) 
Day 663 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. The Cold front our dominant feature as it moves into the WC today. Strong NW winds around the SW areas with a more West in the interior and W to SW along the southern parts. The far east still having some IOH dominance with the NE winds along those parts of the coast. Rain on the mountains in the west and some CB’s on the east of the trough line (see rain map) spreading to the south between PE and EL areas. Some Lee Wave action along the western mountain ranges – here’s the classic lee wave over the Theewaters dam at Villersdorp. (See map). The GR in a wind-shadow area for a bit today while the wind is strong WSW above. Slightly higher the trend is all NW all the way to the Tropopause for a 100kt finish. Freezing level around 14k.

CT – A NW winter rainy morning with a slight chance of rising base to 2k or more and SH having a chance to be flyable. Depends on the winds if it moderates enough too. The main ranges totally clagged in with rain for most of the day. See Spot.

RB – WWB is out!

PV – Some reports say clagged in all day and others showing a sweet rising in the afternoon for a chance of possible some flying… Hhhmmm…. ;) See spot!

Wilderness – A light WSW start trending SW with a sharp gradient to 500ft with 20kts WW up there. So probably a bit bumpy along the coast as the upper stronger flow shears into the lower lighter flow. Lets hope its better that forecasted. ;) Sedge a big maybe today with those stronger winds at the TOL. Watchout for the washing machine! ;) See Spot

Plett – Similar to Wilderness today.

PE and PA – The SW striking PE around 11ish then PA around 16/17:00 and EL 7 to 8 o clock. Maybe CB’s later on.

EL – As above!

Inland – The cold front weather to the west and super high bases and CB’s to the east. A gap in-between but mostly strong westerly winds all over the interior. Not the best day to be flying with loads of shear turbs…. Lol. (see rain/cloud map).

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:37 and setting at 19:43 – day length 14:06. Low at 9:58, high tide at 16:04. A moderate to strong SW wind. Perfect for flying, kiting, coffee and cake including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 23 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :),

(17 January 2022) 
Day 663 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people. The interior trough dominant with some coastal influence from the IOH and Cold Front remnants from the S and SW along the coasts. Lots of clouds around in the fog patches along the southern parts a few on the west coast. Base around 1-2k on the southern and eastern parts, rising into the interior where we get the dry airmass with base around 10k from south of the SB ranges, the Cederbergs and 12k on the GE. Late afternoon sees some CB’s in the western Karoo – searing temps int e mid and upper thirties with 40 in a few areas today! Theres some rain on the eastern coastal areas too. Winds SE in the east, S to SW in the SW and west coast with that W flow in the interior to the north. From 10k it s NW but backs to the W quickly with a SW finish at the Tropopause 50-8kts. Freezing level up at 16k.

CT – A beautiful day here with a the makings of a good wind-shadow on the cards with light winds around the 2-3k level. The main ranges looking good to with W to SW winds and 6k climbs at lunchtime. It could be a day to venture to the north. See Spot.

RB – It could be a late afternoon day!

PV – Another sweet day with more SW in the direction and higher climbs later in the day. The convergence setting up late afternoon over Eendekuil – perhaps hitting 7k here at 17:00. Those sea breezes popping through again with around 15kts. ;) See spot!

Wilderness – A southerly start with Sedge looking sweet for the morning with climbs to 1500ft but then the afternoon looking to be a Gerrickes point and Map day. ;) See Spot

Plett – Uppies moring looking amazing with climbs over 3k and sweet looking clouds… Otherwise a tad too east for Keurbooms to be good.

PE and PA – Rain and a SW wind start that will back to the S and SE later on.

EL – As above!

Inland – SE winds in the southern parts with lots of clouds – it’s a good day to fly out there. Some CBs in the western Karoo in the late afternoon. Base around 10-12k in most places. A good day for flying in the west. (see rain/cloud map).

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:36 and setting at 19:43 – day length 14:07. Low at 9:27, high tide at 15:32. A light S start then SE moderate in the afternoon. Perfect for flying, kiting, coffee and cake including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 21 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :),

(16 January 2022) 
Day 662 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. The interior trough and Cold Front along the western parts affecting the WC weather today. Not as hot as yesterday but still some spots in the mid thirties in the little Karoo. Lots of clouds around still with base low along the coats – including some fog patches in the southern and western parts. Base rises further inland with 12k along the GE. CB’s active around here in the ate afternoon but frequent in the east. It is not as wide spread as yesterday. The wind is all SW along the southern parts except for the far east where the NE is still in play. The west coast is all W winds with a more southerly in the southern interior and then west in the far north. Winds go Nw from around 6/7k then west from 15k and then a more WSW at the Tropopause for a 40-50kts finish up there. Freezing level around 17 in the western parts today!

CT – A typical Cold Front cloudy day start but it does look like there will be partial lifting and clearing during the day with the promise then of good flying. The winds are all NW around 15kts. The main ranges with a cloudy start too and NW to W during the day. Maybe a bit breezy… See Spot.

RB – A WWB is out day.

PV – A sweet day form the looks  of it with 5knt W winds for most of the day. Climbs to 4/5k mostly but the convergence setting up north of Dassies with Bumpy and into the valley around 15:00 climbs to 7k possible. Follow the clouds! ;) See spot!

Wilderness – A light SW form the forecasts with light soaring on the coasts maybe but Serps and Sedge the better spots to be. Perhaps up to 1500ft climbs around – the SW winds trending S in the afternoon. But it should be flyable for most of the day fro m the looks of things. ;) See Spot

Plett – a superb day for Keurbooms according to the apps with the mid day period the best. Uppies showing promise too.

PE and PA – Fresh SW winds here moderating at times so ML a good option. PA going NE in the late afternoon.

EL – Strong NE all day!

Inland – Southerly winds in the south that goes more W further north. Base rosing to around 12k over the GE with some CB’s around in the late afternoon. The CB’s start early in the east. A good day for flying in the west. (see rain/cloud map).

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:35 and setting at 19:43 – day length 14:08. Low at 8:51, high tide at 14:58. A light SW all day. Perfect for flying, coffee and cake including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 21 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :),

(15 January 2022) 
Day 661 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people. Mainly the interior trough dominating our weather with some coastal influence form the IOH in the east and then a CF on the horizon in the west with some tightening of those pressure gradients on that side. Super high temps inland so loads of CB activity inland so not the best day to be out there however some sheltered spots near the coasts that might offer something to ply in – but not many from the looks of things. Winds fairly light in the interior with a W to NW flow and the SE in the southern parts while the west is dominated by the westerly influence form that approaching front. There is a huge sea breeze convergence front setting up along the west coast today running way up north into Nam – a super fast glider could do 1000ks there today! Lol. Winds are N from 6k upwards then NW going WNW at the Tropopause at 60-70kts. Freezing level still 14-15k.

CT – Some low cloud and chance of coastal fog with a NW wind at 15kts. Might get a tad strong in the afternoon. The main ranges at NW and perhaps a tad strong at the Mnt tops… See Spot.

RB – A WWB is out day.

PV – Another day with that convergence line setting up infront of Dassie and out into the valley. Its west in general with climbs to 4/5k but in the convergence region  sweet day with climbs to the 6k in the convergence areas. It should be great with some OD stuff to the east out over the Cederbergs. See spot!

Wilderness – A tricky day with those coastal low clouds starting to get less – seems like those sea temps dropped and the models where slow to pick up on them. But light southerly winds on the cards today with pretty inverted conditions for Serps and sedge. Though some apps showing enough wind at Sedge to make it soarable… Hhhmm… the best spot to try I think. ;) See Spot

Plett – Also the light S flow here for the day.

PE and PA – A pumping E to NE wind day.

EL – As above!

Inland – The SE winds in the southern regions will spread to the north past the GE areas. The moist influx will help those CB activity along nicely. Lol. (see rain/cloud map).

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:34 and setting at 19:44 – day length 14:10. Low at 8:14, high tide at 14:23. A light southerly day. Perfect for flying, lying on the beach, coffee and cake including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 24 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(14 January 2022) 
Day 660 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people. The IOH combining with the interior trough dominating our WC weather today. Once again strong East winds along the southern parts but W to NW along the west coast, working nicely alongside that interior trough for soe strong and wide spread CB in the interior for the afternoon. But not before there is some fantastic flying to be had. (don’t get sucked up into those clouds though!) ;) Lots of clouds around with low base in the east and along the coast, but rising to the west. It is very good in the west and if you can find that line clear of CB’s you are styling! Winds all go NW form 6k upwards and remain NW to the Tropopause for 80kts finish up there. Freezing level still 14-15k.

CT – A sweet morning with great stuff on the cards to fly the 12 Apostles form the looks of things but the afternoon going more SW. The main ranges also excellent with WN start and trending SW later. See Spot.

RB – A WWB is out day.

PV – A sweet day with climbs to the 5k level but mid afternoon a classic convergence setting up around bumpy peak out into the centre of the valley with climbs to 7k here doable. The Cederbergs and more east it is super high bases and OD with CB’s later on. See spot!

Wilderness – A misty start but it does look like we will get a window fo soaring early morning before the wind gets too strong. Sedge too east today. If the mist plays along ;) ;) See Spot

Plett – Also the SE flow here for the day. See spot

PE and PA – A pumping E to NE wind day.

EL – As above!

Inland – The SE winds in the southern regions will spread to the north past the GE areas. The moist influx will help those CB activity along nicely. Lol. (see rain/cloud map).

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:33 and setting at 19:44 – day length 14:11. Low at 7:33, high tide at 13:44. Another foggy morning with fresh to strong SE wind later on. Perfect for flying, kiting, coffee and cake including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 23 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(13 January 2022) 
Day 659 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. The SAH still with that ridge along the southern parts while the interior trough shapes up with some CB activity in the eastern interior. Strong easterly winds in the southern parts again but slightly less to the east. The west with a more SW flow and then the interior with that W to NW flow except in the south where the SE dominates. Some CB activity over some of the larger mountains but also in the SE coastal regions. Otherwise some amazing clouds in the north and west with sweet flying conditions. Base up to 15k in the NW and 10k over the southern ranges like SB and the Cederbergs. Winds trend N to NW with height and finishes W at 75kn. Freezing level around 14-15k.

CT – Another good Wind-shadow day but looks like it is more confined and specific to the SH and LH region. The main ranges too much of the SE influence today. See Spot.

RB – Another good day early and in the late afternoon as the southerly comes through.

PV – Again a SW flow but it trend S later in the afternoon. But climbs to 7k and once again if you can get to the Cederbergs where the clouds are… ;) See spot!

Wilderness – A light S start to the day with some fog patches around. Later the SE will pick up and dominate and it will be blown out later on. But the gradient bubble could stick around at Map for some time. Sedge could be sweet early morning but the East will make it unpleasant from late morning onwards. ;) See Spot

Plett – Also the SE flow here for the day. See spot

PE and PA – A lighter East flow here with rain in the morning.

EL – As above but the east wind gets lighter further east.

Inland – SE winds in the southern regions but W to NW in the far north. Lots of sweet looking Q’s around and chance of CB’s to the east of the trough. (see rain/cloud map).

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:32 and setting at 19:44 – day length 14:12. Low at 6:41, high tide at 12:59, low at 19:24. A foggy morning with moderate SE wind but very strong in the afternoon. Perfect for flying, kiting, coffee and cake including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 21 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(12 January 2022) 
Day 658 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people. A beautiful day from the looks of it as the SAH ridges along the southern parts of the country – fresh easterly flows on the south that curls around CP for some SW flows on the west coast and the interior with the usual NW winds except for the southern parts where the SE winds will dominate. Lots of clouds around still with high bases in the interior up to 15k, 12k over the SB and 11k or so over the Cederbergs. Expecting high climbs in most places except for the coastal sites. Winds go N to Nw from 5k upwards for a W finish at the Tropopause at 65-90kts. Freezing level still 13-14k.

CT – A sweet wind-shadow day all day long. The main ranges with super high climbs (Oops, airspace Ai!) ;) See Spot.

RB – Could be good in the late afternoon as the southerly comes through.

PV – A SW flow with over 7k climbs in the mid afternoon. If you can pop over to the Cederbergs where the clouds are… Sweet! See spot!

Wilderness – A light SE start freshening during the day. It looks like it might last till lunchtime before getting blown out… lol. It is stronger to the east of us. ;) See Spot

Plett – Also the SE flow here for the day. See spot

PE and PA – A light wind start with a trend from the SE. The onshore flow will slowly increase and back to the E. A nice day.

EL – As above.

Inland – SE winds in the southern regions but NW in the far north. Lots of sweet looking Q’s around and chance of CB’s to the east of the trough. (see rain/cloud map).

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:31 and setting at 19:44 – day length 14:13. Low at 5:38, high tide at 12:02, low at 18:37. A moderate SE wind but very strong in the afternoon. Perfect for flying, kiting, coffee and cake including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 20 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(11 January 2022) 
Day 657 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. The SAH dominating as it helps to push in the Cold Front air into the WC. Lots of clouds around with SW winds in the south, southerlies in the interior up to just beyond the GE. Some rain along the southern ranges in the SW corner and a few CB’s in the interior around the Graafies area. Base again around 12k in the interior but lower along the southern ranges at 4/5k. Winds go W from around 5k then NW at 10k with a 60-90kts finish up at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 14/15k.

CT – A cloudy with light rain start to the day W winds backing to the SW and then S with strong winds along the shoreline. Its not the best direction for a wind-shadow so a maybe… The main ranges with a W to SW component and rising base for a good afternoon it seems. See Spot.

RB – WWB is out today…

PV – A SW day with base rising to 4/5k later. More southerly winds later in the day. See spot!

Wilderness – A light southerly wind with the coast soarable on occasion but a midday lunchtime light wind period. Sedge looking great and so too Serps but for a strong lunchtime period with some stronger upper flows that could be a bit bumpy. ;) See Spot

Plett – Uppies again looking good with 4k climbs early on. Keurbooms looking good for the late morning. See spot

PE and PA – WNW start here then trending to the SW with a chance of ML having something around mid day. But a strong gradient around. SW up the coast too.

EL – SW winds here… Breezy but moderating later on.

Inland – Southerly winds from the southern ranges all the way up past the GE. It is a tad more SW in the west. Some rain on the southern ranges with CB’s in the far east. (see rain/cloud map).

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:30 and setting at 19:44 – day length 14:14. High tide at 10:55, low at 17:37. A light S to SW. Perfect for flying, coffee and cake including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 21 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(10 January 2022) 
Day 656 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people. Today a big change as a Cold Front approaches CT with those tightening isobars and increasing winds. A coastal low already moving up the southern parts with the SW winds. Mostly westerlies except for the far eastern coastal regions where the IOH still holds ground. Lots of clouds around with base from 300ft over parts of the ocean and rising with 3/4k along the first mountain ranges and progressively higher further inland. Also lots of rain around especially over the higher grounds with cloud tops around 14k near the coast. The CB’s further inland much higher. SW winds along the southern coasts. From 6k upwards its all NW winds to near the Tropopause where it backs to the WSW around 50-60kts. Freezing level around 14-15k.

CT – A fresh NW here with rain early on. Around 20kts probably too strong to fly I think and with the low clouds around perhaps not even good for the hangies. The afternoon does look better though with rising base and slightly moderating winds… The main ranges lots of OD stuff and strong winds. See Spot.

RB – WWB is out today…

PV – A strong NW wind day but the base does rise and the afternoon looks promising! See spot!

Wilderness – A strong SW pulse this morning but dropping off before mid day. Get your coastal soaring in early. IT does look more like a Sedge afternoon though the winds are more WSW there… Clouds moving in around 15:00 here… See Spot

Plett – Uppies looking surprisingly good! Big gains here today with base near 4k. Een Keurbooms looking good at lunchtime. See spot

PE and PA – Offshore during the morning but going S to SW into the afternoon at PE but just to the NE PA with those NE winds.

EL – NE winds here…

Inland – Westerlies and strong in the west with CB’s widely spread. Lots of strong gust fronts expected. Base at 11/12k around the GE so not the best day for flying. (see rain map). See the wind charts. High bases still around up to 15k!

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:29 and setting at 19:45 – day length 14:15. High tide at 9:44, low at 16:46. A moderate SW during the morning with rain lunchtime. Perfect for flying, coffee and cake including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 23 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(9 January 2022) 
Day 655 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. Berndt did an amazing 163km triangle yesterday – this is his flight link

He did not get as high as was predicted but he braved those 40Celcius to get the flight launching from PB while others foefied at PV. Lol. Today the IOH and interior trough dominating our weather with strong NE winds along the eastern parts while the trough dominance is all over the western parts of the WC. Lots of CB activity for the late afternoon (see rain map) with North to westerly winds in the interior and west. There is also a lot of coastal fog on the west coast that will influence the Peninsula flying. Not the best day for flying in most places today… lol Winds are northerly from around 3k upwards all the way to the just shy of the Tropopause where it backs to the NW for a 90kts finish. Freezing level around 14-15k.

CT – A sweet day if the low cloud stays away with a nice NW wind for the morning but it does freshen up in the afternoon so just be wary of that. The main ranges also with the NW to W winds – looking okish but watch those CB’s in the late afternoon. See Spot.

RB – WWB is out today…

PV – A dampener day with possibly 5k climbs on the cards with fresh W winds. Also CB’s on the bigger ranges so be careful.  See spot!

Wilderness – A frustrating day ahead of us with Map foefies and sedge very side on and inverted. Climbs later up to 1000ft doable but probably tough going with the side on conditions. Gerrickes and Buffs are options with Buffs likely to hold all day.

Plett – A big windshadow in the bay similar to Wilderness… lol.

PE and PA – Very strong E to NE winds all day.

EL – As above.

Inland – West to Northerly winds with lots of CB’s in the afternoon. (see map). See the wind charts. High bases still around up to 15k!

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:29 and setting at 19:45 – day length 14:16. High tide at 8:41, low at 15:14. A light SE all day but fresh to the east. Perfect for flying, kiting, coffee and cake including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 26 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(8 January 2022) 
Day 654 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people. The IOH ridged along the southern parts but having shifted more eastwards the Peninsula is spared those strong east winds as they blow right by – a great eddy shaping a SW to NW flow around LH and SH – sweet day here. The west coast with some coastal fog in parts and westerly winds but high temps and the interior trough far enough to the west and south to bring some super high clouds and climbs to the area – 12k or more possible at PV today. Lots of clouds in the interior with base at 15k plus and the occasional CB’s, increasing to the east. Winds here are all NW. (A super run from Nam down to the Cape possible today!) drool. The southern parts under the IOH influence with low clouds in the east and rain and strong east winds. The winds go NW from around 8k and finishes at 40-50kts at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 13-15k.

CT – A sweet day of wind-shadow and SW to NW winds here. The main ranges good early on but mid to late afternoon having that strong east influence. See Spot.

RB – Maybe later in the afternoon?

PV – A record height gain day with climbs to 12k plus possible mid afternoon. Super high temps with 40 degrees C or more around. Lol. But those climbs making it worth a try! Follow those whispy Q’s! ;)  See spot!

Wilderness – A sweet start with light east winds but it blows out early. There is again a strong gradient (low level jet) pattern setting up making for bumpy air as the strong bits mixes with the lighter bits. Lol. (See the low level jet TH graph to illustrate this phenomena) The rest is all to strong to fly but the morning is a maybe..

Plett – As above.

PE and PA – Strong E to NE winds all day with low cloud and possible rain.

EL – As above.

Inland – East winds in the southern parts but NW in the norther interior. Super high bases but lots of CB’s especially in the east. For a while in the right spot in the west it could be very very good for some distance flying. (see map). See the wind charts. High bases again around 15k!

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:28 and setting at 19:45 – day length 14:17. High tide at 7:46, low at 14:10, high 20:08. A moderate SE start but very strong in afternoon. Perfect for flying, kiting, coffee and cake including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 24 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(7 January 2022) 
Day 653 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. A sweet Map morning with 6 hangies sharing the skies – an unusual site lately. Today the IOH dominating along with the inland trough - lots of clouds around with high bases in the interior 15k I see and just 100dt along the southern and eastern coasts, rising more on the west coast and adjacent interior. Some amazing flying on the cards for PV it seems today… The rest it is so so. Lol. Winds very strong along the southern parts – that east blowing up a storm. And lots of CB activity in the interior and especially to the east. Winds go NW around 8k then backs gently to the WSW at the Tropopause for a 40-50kts finish up there. Freezing level between 13k in the east and 15k in the west.

CT – A strong ESE wind around today but with some shadowed regions. Looks like a good wind-shadow in the morning but eroding in the afternoon. The amin ranges with too much east in it. See Spot.

RB – The winds also too east. So maybe..!

PV – A very good day if some forecasts are to be believed. Up to 9k climbs in the mid afternoon to be had! Follow those whispy Q’s! ;)  See spot!

Wilderness – A low cloud drizzly morning. Mod East winds but building quickly with it being blown out by 10 (or earlier). Map is a slight maybe early on if you are willing to wet your glider and gamble a east component. ;) Strong everywhere soon… See Sedge Spot.

Plett – As above.

PE and PA – Strong E to NE winds all day.

EL – As above.

Inland – Again lots of CB activity in the afternoon around the central and eastern parts of the interior. Some sweet air to the west of the activity though (see map). See the wind charts. High bases again around 15k!

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:27 and setting at 19:45 – day length 14:18. High tide at 6:57, low at 13:14, high 19:15. A moderate SE start but very strong in afternoon. Perfect for flying, coffee and cake including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 21 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(6 January 2021) 
Day 652 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people. Some sweet XC flying along the GR yesterday… Today the IOH dominating with a ridge along the southern parts while the interior trough is strong and active with big skies and lots of CB’s too. Winds Easterly along he southern parts, SW to W on the west and then W to NW in the interior. Strong sea breeze effects in the late afternoon on both the west and southern regions. Lots of clouds around in the east, southern parts and the interior but except for the west. Winds go W to NW from 5k upwards an finishes at 55 to 75kts at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 13k.

CT – A sweet start with a beautiful wind-shadow but the afternoon getting over 30kts in paces with some eroding of the shadow. The main ranges with an early good spell but maybe some SE influence later on. See Spot.

RB – A good maybe later in the day!

PV – Another typical PV day with SW winds and climbs to 5k. Sea breeze from around from 16/17:00 onwards pretty strong…  See spot!

Wilderness – A sweet light SE start with the Map being the place to be. It will pick up and probably get blown out between 12 and 13:00 according to the forecasts. Sedge could be on for part of the morning with a high climb spot late morning. But strong stuff in the afternoon everywhere… See Sedge Spot.

Plett – Also the SE winds and breezy.

PE and PA – Strong E to NE winds all day.

EL – As above.

Inland – Lots of CB activity in the afternoon around the central and eastern parts of the trough. Strong gust front from the looks of things. See the wind charts. High bases at BW around 18k!

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:26 and setting at 19:45 – day length 14:19. High tide at 7:10, low at 12:23, high 18:27. A light SE start but very strong in afternoon. Perfect for flying, coffee and cake including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 21 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(5 January 2021) 
Day 651 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. Today a Cold Front being pushed up onto the WC by the SAH. Not much in terms of rain but for a more SW to southerly push in winds, increasing in strength during the day. Lots of clouds in the southern parts rising steadily as we move inland. The east still more under the IOH influence with much lower clouds and not so good flying – a chance of rain that side. The west with initial W winds trending SW to S later in the day. Some strong sea breezes around again today in the afternoon with many spots over 20kts. Winds are all NW from 7/8k upwards with a 60kts in the west and 100kt in the east finish. Freezing level around 13k.

CT – A SW start but from mid day the winds go marked southerly as the CF pushes in. Good flying until just before the front moves in. The main ranges looking superb with Q’s and chances of good flight to the north. See Spot.

RB – Maybe later in the day!

PV – A typical PV day with SW winds and climbs to 5k. Sea breeze from around from 16/17:00 onwards…  See spot!

Wilderness – A sweet SW morning with great coastal soaring but then dropping off in the late morning. Sedge also looking amazing today with climbs to 2k. The back flats showing some good flying too with some clouds around and climbs up to 3500ft. See Sedge Spot.

Plett – Uppies with climbs to 4k and Keurbooms looking great for the afternoon.

PE and PA – Strong SW winds here as the CF pushes up this way..

EL – As above.

Inland – Again those strong sea breezes expected - the west coast areas over 20kts and so too into the little Karoo. Lots of clouds in the southern parts rising to the north. Far inland it is 13/4k bases. A big step up from Graafies to Middelburg just to the north. lol

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:25 and setting at 19:45 – day length 14:20. Low at 11:34, high 17:40. A mod SW start trending to the S later on. Perfect for flying, coffee and cake including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 21 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(4 January 2021) 
Day 650 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! The SAH in the west and IOH in the east dominance respectively with lots more moisture in the east than the dry air in the west. The west much better though with sweet climbs to 6k later in the day and a W to SW flow – the east with a more SE trend. Base rising to the north with 7-8k over the SB ranges and the at the GE the convergence line jumping from 8k to 15k to the north! Winds out here are W to NW. Lots of CB activity to the east fo the trough line today (see rain map). The winds are NW form 6k upwards then more WSW from 20k to the Tropopause for a 50kt finish up there. Freezing level around 13k.

CT – A SW wind expected with some good flying on the cards all day. The main ranges also looking sweet with later climbs to 6k. Probably a good day to fly north. Watch the strong sea breeze winds expected from mid to late afternoon on the west today. See Spot.

RB – Hhhmmm… Maybe day!

PV – A good day with climbs to 6k later but watch the strong SW sea breeze later on. 15kts plus from 16/17:00 onwards…  See spot!

Wilderness – A light SW start then trending to the SSE. The coastal cliffs could produce some soaring and so too Sedge and Serps. It is very cloudy so weak smooth lift on the cards with base perhaps as high as 2k.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness…

PE and PA – Lots of coastal fog around from the looks of it with SE to E winds. Fresh later on. Eve some rain on the cards.

EL – As above but stronger SE winds trending more E later on.

Inland – Strong sea breezes expected once again with the west coast areas over 20kts and so too into the little Karoo. Lots of clouds in the southern parts rising to the north. Far inland it is 15k bases and lots of CB activity in the east. An interesting day to fly! lol

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:24 and setting at 19:45 – day length 14:20. Low at 10:46, high 16:55. A light SW start trending SSE. Perfect for flying, coffee and cake including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 20 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(3 January 2022) 
Day 649 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! The SAH dominating in the west and the IOH in the east. Slightly more windy than yesterday with less Q’s. Notably we have some very strong see breezes in the afternoon with 40kts in the little Karoo as the southerlies fly over those first mountain ranges towards the interior. Similar stuff on the west with PV going 20kts or more from 16:00 onwards and so to further north. CT with a medium day and small wind-shadow – over 20kts on the outside, the main ranges a tad more SW initially. RB looks good, Wilderness also looking good along the coast during the morning with Sedge and Serps working but the Map is more favourable in the late afternoon. Uppies also looking good for a flight to the west. PE a light start going SE then E to NE with EL NE all day. Enjoy! ;)

(2 January 2022) 
Day 648 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! The SAH dominating with a slight ridge along the southern parts. Sweet post frontal stuff in most areas so we are in for some great flying it seems. The winds are all southerlies with some SW and SW in a few spots. Nothing strong except for the upper west coast where it reaches over 20kts. However the sea breezes very active today with 20-30kts in the late afternoon in the south and western regions so beware. Lots of Q’s around the southern parts and also on the higher grounds in the interior with base at 12k along the GE then dropping towards the south. It is around 4-5k along the southern ranges. Winds are west from 7/8k upwards remaining west generally all the way to the Tropopause for a 60kts finish up there. Freezing level around 13k.

CT – A southerly day so not enough east in it to create that wind-shadow. Breezy along the shoreline with 15-20kts later. Looks tough. The main range looking better with a lower SW and climbs to 4/5k. Perhaps a flight to the north today on the cards. See DRK Spot.

RB – It looks one for the afternoon!

PV – An ok day with a SW start and trending more southerly later on. Climbs to 5k later in the day. See spot!

Wilderness – A sweet SW start trending SSE later on. Some light soaring on the coats possible but the action all on the inland sites with Sedge and Serps looking really good. Perhaps even some XC flights doable today. – once on the back regions it is very good.

Plett – Looking like an amazing day at Uppies. 4k plus base makes you want to go places. :) Keurnooms also looking promising. See Spot

PE and PA – A fresh SW start but backing to the SE during the day. Awesome flying in all the good inland spots and some of those onshore places firing too.

EL – As above.

Inland – Light SW in the south but west in the deeper interior. The sea breezes will move in strongly in the afternoon with 30kts in some spots. A good looking sky all over.  

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:23 and setting at 19:44 – day length 14:22. Low at 9:08, high 15:22. A light SW going SSE. Perfect for flying, coffee and cake including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 19 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(1 January 2022) 
Day 647 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! And may you all have an amazing 2022! The Cold Front moving into CT this morning and wrapping up the southern coast during the day. SW winds along the south with the buster reaching EL by mid day already. Lots of cloud around as it moves through – rain confined to the western parts though. Clouds confined to the west coast and WC parts mainly with nothing north of the GE. Winds remain W to SW all the way up to 14k where it veers slightly to a WNW for a 60-90kts finish up at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 12k.

CT – Low cloud and rain this morning but clearing for a sweet W to SW wind. Looks like a great finish to the day. The main ranges clagged in and rain for most of the day.

RB – WWB is out and about!

PV – Clagged in morning but it does look like a sweet spot of flying later in the afternoon. See spot!

Wilderness – A SW day with the CF moving in with a strong pulse around lunchtime/15:00. At this stage it does not look much stronger than 20kts but do keep a good look out. Sedge could work this morning but watch for that pulse that will see clouds moving in and a marked strengthening of the wind at TOL. Lots of bumps! Lol.

Plett – Also fresh SW with Uppies early on showing climbs to 5k and Keurbooms pulsing straight enough at times for some flying to be had there today. See Spot

PE and PA – Strong SW winds all day…

EL – From mid day onwards as above.

Inland – West to SW winds all day. Q’s in the southern parts.

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:22 and setting at 19:44 – day length 14:22 –the days are getting shorter now! Low at 8:17, high 14:31. A light then moderate SW. Perfect for flying, coffee and cake including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 19 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(31 December 2021) 
Day 646 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! A big SAH driving up a fresh Cold Front form the SW today while the IOH is still holding strong in the eastern parts. Lots of change taking place today with the NW to W winds in the west while the fresh SE winds are dominant in the east and south with the dividing lie around Cape Agulhas. The SW winds slowly taking over form the SE but the main thing is that this CF is inducing an upper offshore flow with the associated wind-shadow bubbles and shear in the effected SE bays along the south coast regions. The west with some low clouds and mostly NW to W winds – pretty breezy with the tightening of those isobars. Base is pretty high with a few Q’s around 8k or so. It is sparsely around the interior with 13k at the GE and slightly lower to the south until the coastal SE air takes over. The wind here goes from SE to east then backing all the way around to the W at 18k where it goes to SW for a SW finish 50kts. Freezing level around 12/13k.

CT – A fresh NW to W wind day – upper teens in knots so be careful of those venturi spots! ;) The main ranges also breezy. See DTK Spot

RB – WWB is out and about!

PV – NW wind with initial climbs to 8k possible but a bit breezy up there with upper teens in knots. More W later on and climbs lower to 5k. See spot!

Wilderness – A sweet Map day for the morning but this probably spoiling around mid day pending on the wind strength and low level jet strength. It looks like another compression bubble shaping up after mid day with strong stuff going over head and the associated windshear between the boundary layers again. So caution when this starts… See the TH graph for Map. Very east at Serps and Sedge. But you can try Gerrickes or Buffs early before it gets too strong.

Plett – Strong SE but also a big compression bubble in the bay. Hhhmmm… Not the best stuff around here… See Spot

PE and PA – Strong E to NE winds all day…

EL – As above.

Inland – West winds in the far interior but SE to NE in the south and east. Strong climbs with high clouds around. Change is happening so watch those boundary areas especially in the west as that west wind increases in strenth.  

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:21 and setting at 19:44 – day length 14:23 –the days are getting shorter now! Low at 7:23, high 13:40. A moderate SE start but becoming strong in the afternoon. Perfect for flying, coffee and cake including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 120degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(30 December 2021) 
Day 645 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! The SAH weakly ridging in behind the CF that has moved past the WC today. Similar to yesterdays conditions with the winds perhaps a tad more Southerly in the SW areas but still SW in the east. The interior with lighter winds and deeper southerly in the south but still that westerlies in the far or deep interior. Lots of clouds around in the south but form the GE it is sparce except for the eastern regions where the trough is very active. Winds go west to NW from around 6k up with a 60kts finish in the west but 100kts in the east. Freezing level around 12k.

CT – Looking a bit more SE with a small wind-shadow around that erodes more in the afternoon. Lets hope its this is not the case. Lol. The main ranges with a sweet SW lower down during the morning till mid day but the SE pushing in strong from lunchtime mid afternoon onwards. See DTK Spot

RB – IT could be a good day here but probably blown out later.

PV – A more southerly day with fresh winds in the afternoon. Not as good as yesterday. See spot!

Wilderness – Another sweet day on the cards. Looks like some soaring on the coast for the morning but then the afternoon are all for the inland sites. Sedge and Serps both looking superb. Sweet clouds from mid day onwards. See Spot.

Plett – Uppies fresh west in the morning but it does back to the SW later on. Base up at 4k! Keurbooms again showing promise for the late afternoon. See Spot

PE and PA – Strong SW winds moderating in the afternoon. ML looking good.

EL – As above.

Inland – Southerly winds all the way to the GE where it is W. Beautiful Q’s everywhere with base at 8-9k around the SB regions. A good day for flying.

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:20 and setting at 19:44 – day length 14:23 –the days are getting shorter now! Low at 6:23, high 12:44, low at 18:14. Light to moderate SW to south winds. Perfect for flying, coffee and cake including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 19 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(29 Decembeer 2021) 
Day 644 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! The SAH and Cold Front dominating our WC weather today. We still have those westerly moving air with lots of clouds around but less rain on the cards and the winds have moderated quite a bit. All in all it does look like a sweet day of flying on the cards almost everywhere in the entire WC. Base up at 8k in the north around the SB ranges and 7-8k over the Cederbergs. It is a tad more blue north of the GE with the developments more eastwards towards a weak trough. A SW trend along the southern coastal regions but west on the west coast and interior. The winds go west everywhere from 6k upwards with a 60kts finish at the Tropopause but 100kts in the east. Freezing level around 11k.

CT – A sweet westerly wind around 5-10kts. Instability to 4k – it looks like an amazing day here today... The main ranges also with the west but a tad more cloud around. You could head north for the afternoon… See DTK Spot

RB – WWB is out today…

PV – Also a vert amazing day here today with base up at 6k and westerly winds trending more SW later in the day. See spot!

Wilderness – Also a good day on the cards today with the coast offering some sweet soaring but also Sedge and Serps on fire all day long. Mid day might see Sedge a tad on the strong side but very doable. Base over 2k at Sedge. A slight chance of some rain during the moring but clearing into the afternoon. See Spot.

Plett – Uppies a tad strong but looking good. Keurbooms showing promise for the late afternoon. Also a chance of rain in the morning. lol

PE and PA – Strong SW winds all day here… Maybe ML for the hangies.

EL – As above.

Inland – Rain expected mainly on the southern ranges but the GE also showing some CB signs. Winds W to NW in the far interior and SW in the southern arts. Hhhmm.  

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:20 and setting at 19:44 – day length 14:24 –the days are getting shorter now! Low at 5:16, high 11:41, low at 18:14. Light to moderate SW winds. Perfect for flying, coffee and cake including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 18 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(28 December 2021) 
Day 643 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! The Cold Front effecting the whole WC weather as the SAH pushes in those westerlies – more SW along the southern parts but W to WNW in the far interior. Lots of clouds around with base around 3k in the coastal areas, rising beyond the first rages to 5-8k and then up to 12k north of the GE. Still a chance of rain and a few CB’ around in a wide region from west to east but slightly less compared to yesterday (See rain map). The winds all go westerly from around 5k upwards and backs to the WSW at the Tropopause for a 60-90kts finish up there. Freezing level around 10-11k.

CT – Lots of low clouds around with a chance of rain along the main mountains. The Peninsula with a W to SW flow pattern. It is looking like a good flying day here… See DTK Spot

RB – WWB is out today…

PV – Some rain and base rising during the day. A NW start but going more west later on. There should be sweet late afternoon flying I think… See spot!

Wilderness – A tricky day with the in-between Cold Front stages making things tough to predict. Changin winds from the west to south and a bit of a pulse at lunchtime form the ocean that could see as much as 20kts. And then even a chance of some CB around mid day. Hhmm. The coast is very light initially making Sedge attractive. Just watch the upper winds that are fresh and that possible stronger pulse at lunchtime. The afternoon is actually looking promising at Sedge… See Spot.

Plett – Uppies again with too much west in the winds and very strong near base. Keurbooms also looking a tad west. lol

PE and PA – Strong SW winds all day here… Maybe ML for the hangies.

EL – As above.

Inland – Rain expected mainly on the southern ranges but the GE also showing some CB signs. Winds W to NW in the far interior and SW in the southern arts. Hhhmm.  

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:19 and setting at 19:43 – day length 14:24 –the days are getting shorter now! High 10:31, low at 17:09. Light to moderate SW winds. Perfect for flying, coffee and cake including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 19 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(27 December 2021) 
Day 642 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! Just a caution for pilots not be tempted to fly in the mist pestering the coastal flying sites lately. The risks are not worth it guys. Hhhmmm. Today the SAH nudging in on the west helping the approaching CF towards the Cape while the interior trough has widened and moved southwards and the IOH still nudging in an effect in the far eastern coastal parts. Lots of moisture still around with plenty CB activity on the cards and wide spread rain at midday onwards. Coastal fog patches wide spread on both west and southern areas. Cloud base once again rising from zero at the coast to 2-3k on the first ranges to 8k north of the SB an then12k north of the GE. Winds W in the west, SW along the southern parts, NE in the far east and NW in the far interior. From 6k upwards it is all W winds veering to the NW for a varied strength finish at the Tropopause – 40kts over the west, 20kts over GR and 100kts in the east. Freezing level around 11-12k.

CT – Again the fog a problem but it does look like a few moments of partial clearing taking place, especially in the late afternoon. The main ranges also with lower clouds and some rain even but there does look to be some gaps for flying. See DTK Spot

RB – WWB is out today…

PV – The low clouds and rain even moving in here today. Low clouds with a westerly flow – you could get some flying in at the right moments. Be careful of those CB’s… See spot!

Wilderness – Another foggy day with some partial clearing happening on occasion. Winds are light to mod SW for the morning but then it is more west for the afternoon. Sedge a short window perhaps during the morning and some moments in the afternoon if it doesnt rain. See Spot.

Plett – Uppies with too much west in the winds and very strong near base. Keurbooms also looking a tad west and momentarily foggy… lol

PE and PA – Looks like a SW pulse moving up your way reaching PE around 11ish. Then some CB influence from mid day onwards towards PA…

EL – NE winds initially but then the CB’s with offshore winds and perhaps some SW influence moving in the afternoon.

Inland – Again loads of CB activity with base up to 12k in the far north but dropping to the south. Winds NW in the interior with over 20kts in the gust fronts areas. Not a day for flying…  

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:18 and setting at 19:43 – day length 14:24 –the days are getting shorter now! High 9:18, low at 15:55. Light moderate SW winds. Perfect for flying, coffee and cake including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 19 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(26 December 2021) 
Day 641 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2fly people. The IOH fading to the east while the interior trough deepens and moves southwards. Lots of CB activity around the interior in a very wide region from east to west. Winds are NW in the northern interior but more S to SE in the southern parts. A NE in the eastern coastal regions with low clouds, more southerly in the southern parts and SE in the west but W on the west coast. There are a lot of fog and low clouds around here too that will complicate the flying. (Throwing a spanner in the works!) lol. The winds are all NW from around 7k upwards all the way tot eh Tropopause for a 120kts in the east and just 5kts in the west finish. (See the Tropopause map!) ;) Freezing level around 13k.

CT – A bit of a foggy day here but perhaps it will clear later on around the Peninsula. Wids are generall SW on the northern parts but SE in the S. The main ranges looking much better with the westerly winds and base rising to 6k. Perhaps a flight to the north towards PV could be on the cards. :) See DTK Spot

RB – WWB is out today…

PV – Another sweet looking day. Not as good as yesterday but climbs to 5k doable. If you can get to the Cederburg then you are looking at base around 7/8k! Oh yes, those blasted CB activity might just stop play here. ;) See spot!

Wilderness – A light southerly wind on the cards. Fog patches along the coats bur rising base in the interior. Sedge and Serps the better spots. Hhhmmm the forecast not as good as last night it seems with a more S component and less SW. Lol See Spot.

Plett – Uppies showing promise with base up at 3k and S winds. Even Keurbooms… No, Keurbooms with fog! lol

PE and PA – The strong NE winds just to the north with an initial SW at PE but this changes later as the NE creeps into the bay… Lots of low cloud around

EL – It is strong NE winds here all day!

Inland – Loads of CB activity with base up to 15k in the far north but dropping to the south. Winds NW in the interior with over 20kts in the central parts of the trough. (See the rain and wind map)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:18 and setting at 19:43 – day length 14:25 – High 8:12, low at 14:39. Light S winds. Perfect for flying, coffee and cake including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 20 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(25 December 2021) 
Day 640 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2fly people. A blessed Christmas to you all. So yesterday was the roughest day I have ever experienced at Map. Lol. Today the IOH still dominating along with the inland trough – fresh coastal winds expected once again as the air circulates around the southern parts of the continent. Very high bases in the interior north of the GE – up to 16k but also high probability of some CB activity out there today (see rain map). Winds in the interior N to the north of the GE and more S to the south of that. The west coast a more SW flow pattern. There are some fog patches and low clouds around the west and southern coastal areas (again!) and these will effect flying in those regions. The winds all go north from around 6/7k with a WNW finish up at the Tropopause for a 60kt finish in the west and 90kts in the east. Freezing level around 12k.

CT – A sweet morning with a light SW flow at SH and LH. The SE coming through after lunchtime. The wind shadow eroding somewhat… The main ranges with a tad more of the SE influence so perhaps not the best there but once again some super good looking Q’s at lunch time.

RB – Another maybe day in the morning or late afternoon – pending the SSE penetration to there.

PV – Looking amazing once again today with light to mod W to SW winds. High climbs to around 6/6500ft. It is looking lighter compared to yesterday. See spot!

Wilderness – A strong SE day on the cards with a slight chance of an early morning spot to fly in. Some low clouds around that could impact things. Lol Sedge too east.

Plett – Fresh SE winds here too…

PE and PA – The East to NE winds around here today with lots of low clouds.

EL – As above….

Inland – Some CB activity from late morning onwards. But light winds and a pleasant morning for flying propellor thingies. (See the rain and wind map)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:17 and setting at 19:42 – day length 14:25 – High 7:17, low at 13:31, high 19:35. Light SE winds but fresh in the late morning. Perfect for early flying, coffee and cake including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 20 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(24 December 2021) 
Day 638 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2fly people. A large IOH dominating with fresh SE winds along the southern parts, SW to W along the west coast and W to NW in the northern interior. Only the coastal winds are fresh to strong in places. Still some lingering fog patches (frustrating!) with chances of rain but much less compared to yesterday. Lots of clouds around with base around 1000ft in the southern coastal areas rising further inland. Once again pretty good along the West coast regions with excellent flying in the PV area. (Lekker!) ;) Winds are all westerly from around 8k with a 50-60kts finish up at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 11k.

CT – And another SE day with a wind-shadow in the morning with some eroding taking place in the afternoon. The man ranges with a tad more of the SE influence so perhaps not the best there though there is a some good climbs around mid day with super Q’s. See Spot.

RB – Another maybe day in the late afternoon.

PV – Looking amazing once again today with light to mod W to SW winds. High climbs and great clouds around 7k. See spot!

Wilderness – A big change in the forecast from last night to this morning. Looks like the Wilderness corner stuck with some low cloud again and very light wind until lunchtime. A big gradient here with the strong winds around the 4=700ft level and soon after lunch perhaps getting too strong. (The forecast was still good last night) :( And Sedge showing more up stuff during the morning though some possible early morning rain. So perhaps a Sedge morning and a short Map afternoon… Hhhmmm…

Plett – A bit more SE here even from early on…

PE and PA – The East to NE winds around here today with lots of low clouds.

EL – As above….

Inland – Some rain in the higher spots with light winds in the central Karoo but freshening to the north in a westerly flow. Base rising to a sweet 12k to the north. :) (See the rain and wind map)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:17 and setting at 19:42 – day length 14:25 –Low at 12:36, high 18:41. Light SE winds but fresh in the afternoon. Perfect for flying, coffee and cake including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 17 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(23 December 2021) 
Day 637 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2fly people. The Cold Front moving far inland as the SAH pushes in that cold moist air from the south. Lots of rain along the southern parts while there’s some chance of CB activity in the interior and parts of the west. Winds are all S to SE in the south and interior well past the GE while it is more SW along the west coast. Still some fog patches along the west coast areas. Lots of cloud around with base varying from 2k in the south rising to 10k in the north other side of the GE. Wind remains in this pattern all the way to around 12/14k where it starts to veer more west and then finally WNW at the Tropopause for 30kts in the west and 50 in the east. Freezing level around 10-12k.

CT – Another fresh SE day with a wind-shadow in the morning only It erodes by mid day onwards it seems. The main ranges under the SE wind influence so not good there. See CT TH

RB – Possibly but the wind seems very east and effected by the shadowy flow patterns form the main ranges.

PV – This is my spit for the day. It is looking great with a WSW wind trending more SW up to 15kts t the end of day. But good climbs to base that will rise to over 7k on the best time. Perhaps there could be some CB’s around so just keep a look out for those. See spot!

Wilderness – It is a rainy and windy SE start to the day with a windy finish on the cards. Lol. We will have to wait for tomorrow! ;)

Plett – Similar to the wilderness area…

PE and PA – Also those SE winds with a more East finish in the day but rain and low cloud all day long….

EL – As above….

Inland – Some CB’s inland and rain. Lots of clouds around with low base in the south rising to the north up to 10k. Winds SE to S 5-10kts with a few spots more than that – especially over the higher grounds. (See the rain and wind map)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:16 and setting at 19:41 – day length 14:25 – the longest day of the year! ;) Low at 11:51, high 17:57. Rain with a strong SE wind. Perfect for coffee and cake including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 17 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(22 December 21) 

Day 636 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2fly people. I don’t know about you but I could feel it’s the shortest night of the year – I needed a longer one! ;) What a fantastic evening PG social we had – thank you Maurits and Rosie! The interior trough very active, wide spread CB’s today all over the entire WC. And those fog patches along the coast continuing to impact the regional flying. Winds along the southern parts today a SW start trending SE in the south and west. The interior also similar direction all the way to the GE. Only north of there do we have the N to NW winds. Some strong buts in the western interior from mid day onwasds (see Map) The winds remain S to SW all the way up to 14k where it veers to the west and then NW for a 30kts finish in the west and 50kts in the east. Freeing level around 12k.

CT – A SE day with some low clouds around. Looks like a wind shadow for the moring but from mid day some erosions taking place. The main ranges in a similar boat but for those strong CB activity. See Spot.

RB – If the CB’s stay away then it could be sweet…

PV – A N to NE wind day with CB’s. Hhhmmm… See spot!

Wilderness – Another misty day with a SW start trending to the SE later in the day. Once again Wilderness seems to remain locked into the mist but Sedge showing a possibility of some clearing during the morning and early afternoon. A chance of some rain from both the ocean and those northern CB’ cells spilling down southwards later on. ;) See Sedge Spot

Plett – Similar to the wilderness area…

PE and PA – Also those misty coastal patches to contend with otherwise a sweet SW trending S wind day. Mabe ML…

EL – As above….

Inland – Even more CB compared to yesterday. By mid day its raining almost everywhere in the interior. Hhhmm… (See the rain map)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:16 and setting at 19:41 – day length 14:25 – the longest day of the year! ;) Low at 11:12, high 17:19. A light SW with mist. Perfect for coffee and cake including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 21 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(21 December 2021) 
Day 635 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2fly people. Summer solstice today. ;) Today the IOH still dominating with all the moisture all over the place. Lots of coastal fog and low clouds around the coastal regions with the interior in stark contrast base rising to 14k in many spots. The interior trough very active with lots of CB’s again spreading into the afternoon from west to east. Winds easterly along the southern parts but light N to NW in the interior. It is westerly from 8k upwards with a 30kts in the west and 50kts in the east finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 13k.

CT – Another wind- shadow morning with lightish winds but the afternoon seeing that SE speeding up to 20kts plus with a wavering shadow. There is also that chance of coastal fog/ low clouds influencing the fun. The main ranges looking sweet too all day. Maybe fly to PV? See Spot.

RB – Perhaps another great afternoon of soaring on the cards!

PV – A SW trending to the SSW later but once again after lunch a chance to go into orbit – 12k base. Just watch that OD of some CB activity spilling over form the Cederbergs… See spot!

Wilderness – A misty start with light S winds trending SE. Map looking like a mist with no wind on the beach and light up at the top. It might clear late morning…. Sedge with a cross east wind but lift to 2k. Probably okish until mid day then the east might get breezy… Ai… ;) See Sedge Spot

Plett – Similar to the wilderness area…

PE and PA – Again super strong NE winds here from early already… All day long. With lots of clouds.

EL – As above….

Inland – Again lots of CB activity in the afternoon but a sweet morning. NW to W winds in the far interior. Watch for those gust fronts from the CB’s… if you are flying out there… (See the rain map)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:15 and setting at 19:40 – day length 14:25 – the longest day of the year! ;) Low at 10:37, high 16:45. A light SE with a misty start. Perfect for some flying but better for coffee and cake including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 22 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(20 December 2021) 
Day 634 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2fly people. Reminder of our PG social on Tuesday, the day of our summer solstice. Venue is the yacht club at Island lake for 18:00. Today the IOH still dominating with the interior trough and super-hot temps continuing with those strong CB activity inland. Some might move far enough south to bring some rain to the coastal regions. Strong SE winds along the southern coastal areas and NE in the east once again. The west coast very southerly also with a chance of those CB’s late in the day. Some fog patches still hanging around on the west coast but just low clouds on the southern parts. The interior with bases all around 14k. The winds remain E to SE all the way to the GE where it goes North. From 6k it is light north picking up for a NW to W finish at the Tropopause at 30kts in the west and 50 in the east. Freezing level around 13k.

CT – A morning wind shadow around but it looks like it might erode after lunch. The main ranges with a bit of a N to contend with but perhaps a shallow SW might allow some flying. Super high climbs possible. Watch the Airspace and CB’s! See Spot.

RB – Perhaps a great afternoon of soaring on the cards!

PV – A SW trending S day. From mid day it starts to work. It looks like 12k climbs might be possible if the OD and CB’s stays away. See spot!

Wilderness – A low cloud start with a E but the ESE and strong. It actually doesn’t look like a flying window will be there even from as early as 8. Lol The longest day ahead and its not looking good. Ai… ;) See Sedge Spot

Plett – Similar to the wilderness area…

PE and PA – Super strong NE winds here from early already… All day long. With fog patches.

EL – As above….

Inland – A East to SE wind in the southern regions but it is N in the far interior. Lots of CB’s around again from mid day onwards. be careful for that OD stuff if you are flying out there… (See the rain map)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:14 and setting at 19:40 – day length 14:25. Low at 10:00, high 16:13. A strong SE day. Perfect for coffee and cake including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 20 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(19 December 2021) 
Day 634 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2fly people. Reminder of our PG social on Tuesday, the day of our summer solstice. Venue is the yacht club at Island lake for 18:00.  The PG Nationals is done and dusted. The last task a tough one and finally our own local maestro Theunis DeBruin one of just four pilots to make goal. Excellent! Andre Rainsford winning overall – well done! But lots of newbies doing well. Results here… Today the IOH shaping a ridge along both sides of the country – but it is much weaker than yesterday so the strong winds are starting to let up on the southern and western parts but the eastern coastal regions still blowing up a storm of NE winds. A big influence in the interior from the IOH with unusually low clouds and lots of moisture feeding in form the IO. Lots of CB activity in the interior on the cars too with wide spread rain increasing into the late afternoon. (See rain map) Winds are all NW from around 14k upwards with a 40kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 12k.

CT – A great wind shadow day getting beter in the afternoon. SW initially but then the wind-shadow showing its muscle. ;) The main rnages with a sweet west flow and still some good gains to be had. But of course those CB’s will spoil the fun after lunch time. See Spot.

RB – Hhhmmm…

PV – A typical SW wind day with climbs to 6k in the good spots – some spots even higher in the late afternoon if the CB’s from the back doesn’t spoil the flying.

Wilderness – A light S to SW start but trending SE in the afternoon. Extended foefies at Map but Serps and Sedge the spot to be today with climbs to perhaps 1000ft. There might be some CB activity moving in form the north in the afternoon.  See Sedge Spot

Plett – Similar to the wilderness area…

PE and PA – Super strong NE winds here from early already… All day long.

EL – As above….

Inland – Lighter Northerly flow in the interior but S to SE in the south. Lots of CB activity expected today all over the show so be careful for that OD stuff if you are flying out there… (See the rain map)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:14 and setting at 19:39 – day length 14:25. Low at 9:32, high 15:41. A light S to SE day. Perfect for flying and then coffee and cake including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 20 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(18 December 2021) 
Day 633 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2fly people. The great big SAH shifted into the IOH position as it slides to the east while the interior trough slips more to the south bringing with it that big skies country stuff from the north. PV valley and surrounds showing high climbs in excess of 10k! Some CB activity too in the central interior – these factors making form some strong and far penetrating sea breezes – 20-30kts in many spots later on. Winds still that strong SE flow along the coast but less in the interior and with a more N trend here. Lots of super high Q’s around – a see a smidgeon of a Q over Picketberg mountains over 14k! lol The winds are generally light higher up and trends W around the 12k level and then NW near the Tropopause at 30-50kts. Freezing level around 13k.

CT – At last the wind shadow looks to be appearing today. A light SW flow for the morning but it does go SE in the afternoon and late afternoon the shadow might be eroded. ;) The main mountains ranges looks like a N to NW start with super high height gains. Drool. See Spot.

RB – WWB for the morning and perhaps a nit of something late afternoon.

PV – A NE start to the day backing to the NW by mid day. By 14:00 things re blowing up the front with the westerly wind around 10kts and SW around 15:00. Be super careful with a super strong Sea Breeze moving in from the north. IT reaches 30kts in places. Do pay attention to this one as it is unusual for the region. It reaches Piekeniers kloof pass first around 15:00 before moving southwards. Before that though climbs to 12k in some places expected. Super high stuff for a short period.

Wilderness – A light SE start but it will be blown out early so get out there soon. ;) I expect it to be done around 11:00… Lol. See Sedge Spot

Plett – Similar to the wilderness area…

PE and PA – Super strong NE winds here from early already… All day long.

EL – As above….

Inland – Ligher Northerly flow in the interior with the west coast more NW to W. There is a strong sea breeze effect around all the coast lines. So be careful int he afternoon anywhere in striking distance of that. Big CB activity in a wide region to the east of the trough. (See the rain map)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:14 and setting at 19:39 – day length 14:25. Low at 89:00, high 15:10. Another strong SE wind day. Perfect for early flying and then coffee and cake including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 17 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(17 December 2021) 
Day 632 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2fly people. We are moving to our summer solstice (the longest day and shortest night of the year) so enjoy it while it is the time… ;) Reminder too of our paragliding social on Tuesday 21st at Island Lake Yacht club for 18:00. (Thanks Rosie!)

Even if the task was cancelled yesterday due to strong winds, about 11 pilots made goal in the free flying session – including Patrice who flew over 150km! Here’s his track log (and they did get clearance from Langebaan ATC to fly that route) ;)

Today and almighty SAH taking over the whole weather show. Strong easterly winds all over the whole WC especially along the southern coastal areas with many many spits over 30kts. It does slack off somewhat in the interior but even here the 20-30kts will make an appearance in the late afternoon at the GE. Further north it is slightly less. The Swartland valley seems to create its own micro climate with a large wind/thermic shaded area and it is possible for them to have a task. Fingers crossed! For the rest its wind and more wind! Lol. The SE flow slackens with height but it is deep rising all the way to around 14/18k where the wind backs to the NW and W for a 30kts or so finish up at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 13k.

CT – A deep east flow with 20/25kts around CT. Perhaps a slight chance during the morning but otherwise no sign of the wind shadow today. The main ranges of course all over the back.  See CT TH graph for 14:00.

RB – It just might be a good day for the hangies here! Well.. ;)

PV – Another strong east wind day at PV, especially early on but it does slacken off from around 11 onwards. The best place to fly form obviously PB with around 10kts. The from valley showing remarkably light winds during the day, especially the Eendekuil region. Hopefully its possible to pull off a task in the surrounding area. ;) (See Spot.)

Wilderness – A super duper strong SE wind day. Even too strong to practice ground handling. Lol. See Sedge Spot for fun!

Plett – Similar to the wilderness area…

PE and PA – The east winds picking up here too during the day. Lots of clouds around here…

EL – As above….

Inland – Strong SE winds in the south moderating to the north. Few clouds in the southern eastern regions. Those 20-30kt winds reaching the GE by the end of the day….

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:13 and setting at 19:38 – day length 14:25. Low at 8:28, high 14:39. A super strong SE wind day. Perfect for coffee and cake including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 17 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(16 December 2021) 
Day 631 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2fly people. The fourth day cancelled due to wind and rain. Over all Andre, Abraham and Russel in the top three positions – all South Africans. Here are the results so far… Today a very strong SAH muscling in behind the Cold Front that is moving past Maputo at this stage. Expecting fresh S to SE winds in the central and western parts and initially SW in the east for the day. Lots of showers along the southern regions with base ranging from 2k to 4k before the first mountain ranges and rising northwards as the air dries out with base going up to 10k north of the SB ranges and eventually drying out north of the GE. There is a lot of CB activity to the east of us in the far interior – notice how the upper divergence is encouraging those CB cells from shaping up. ;) Back in the WC the winds veer to the SW around 10k for eventually a westerly finish at the Tropopause of 30kts in the east and 70 in the west. Freezing level this morning down to 6500ft in the south but later in the day it will move eastwards replacing it with a 12k freezing spot. ;)

CT – A very strong deep SE day with no wind shadow on the cards. Hhmm… The main rnages also caught in that deep strong SE flow… See RB TH graph for 14:00.

RB – It just might be a good day for the hangies here! ;)

PV – A strong east wind day at PV so the best place to fly form PB. Though it looks like a small window during the morning. Winds from lunchtime going over 15kts with 20kts or more in the mid and late afternoon around here. To the north it is more manageable. In the 80’s we had a popular flight to Graafwater with the hangies in these types of conditions. Perhaps that could be a task option for the PG Nats today. ;) (See Spot.)

Wilderness – A very tricky day for flying it seems with early SW winds near the coast but a fresh SE moving in around this time. Lots of passing showers that could be substantial at times. The SE wind is around 15kts which can make it just too strong to fly for the PG. Hhhmm… Perhaps a slight chance for an early flight before the wind gets too strong – if the rain stays away. ;) Oh boy – this winter in summer thing! lol See Sedge Spot.

Plett – Similar to the wilderness area…

PE and PA – A fresh SW start but the winds will back to the SE later. Also lots of rain showers around.

EL – As above….

Inland – Moderate S to SE winds with showers in the southern parts. Base rises inland with 10k north of the SB ranges. It dries and becomes blue north of the GE though there is activity to the east. (CB’s and more clouds but that’s far away form the WC) (See cloud base map) If only… ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:13 and setting at 19:38 – day length 14:25. Low at 7:54, high 14:07, Low at 20:22. A fresh to strong SW to SE wind with chance of rain. Perfect for some flying but better for coffee and cake including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 15 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(15 December 2021) 
Day 630 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2fly people. The third day of the Nationals was a cracker! 76km of task distance in some strong conditions. Task winner old stalwart Andre Reinsford and our own KJ in 9th position. 22 pilots made goal. Today very different as the SAH has pushed in another Cold Front into the WC while the interior trough moves slightly eastwards – a stark contrast with those super god interior trough conditions. Here the base exceeds 18k in some places with very strong NW winds while the southern parts including the west coast with the CF influence has 3-4k bases with fresh SW winds. Some rain on the cards also along the west and southern parts and later the south coast the winds strengthening with 20-30kts around PE and EL region. It’s a difficult comp day form the looks of it. Winds are all west from around 6/7k then NW from 10k all the way to the Tropopause for a 105kt finish up there. Freezing level around 11k but dropping to 8k in the SW later in the day.

CT – A NW start but going W to SW with some passing showers. 10-15kts in general but then mid afternoon the strong stuff moving in from the SW with Southerly winds over 20kts. The main ranges also with fresh westerlies and rain on off…  See Spot.

RB – WWB is out and about! ;)

PV – A difficult day with early rain and fresher winds from the W to SW. Base starts low rising to 4k but a bit of a lower bit moving in around 13:00 (I see this shows up at DTK too about an hour before PV – so there’s something to keep an eye out for.) From 14/15:00 the winds are high teens in knots. So slight chance of flying early on but watch the low clouds bits on the mountains. Maybe its better than the forecasts! ;) (See Spot.)

Wilderness – A chance for an early flight from 8:30 till 9:30 but the a strong bit popping through with passing showers. The rest of the day is looking strong and very west. See Sedge Spot.

Plett – Similar to the wilderness area…

PE and PA – A light SW start but then it will pickup during the day. A strong gust front shaping up at PA at mid day moving to EL

EL – A NE wind start but from 15 that strong SW will move into town. lol

Inland – The low bases in the south with the Cold Front effected patterns but to the north of the GE those big skies beckon! 16-18k bases! (See cloud base map) If only… ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:13 and setting at 19:37 – day length 14:24. Low at 7:17, high 13:31, Low at 19:51. A fresh to strong SW and slight chance of rain. Perfect for coffee and cake including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 18 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(14 December 2021) 
Day 629 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2fly people. The second day of the Nationals done with a 54km task and Nigel Frith taking first place. KJ also making it to goal in 13th spot. Today the SAH dominating with sweet unstable air pushing after the Cold front. Lots of clouds around marking those thermals and it looks like an epic day setting up for flying at PV for the Nationals. Winds are W to SW in the west westerlies in the interior but more NW in the eastern interior and then SE along the southern coastal regions. Base from 2/3k in the south rising to 5/6k north of the first ranges all the way to 11/12k along the GE. Slight rain along the southern coastal areas but this will clear during the day. Most areas with light to moderate winds only. From around 6/7k again the wind is all WNW all the way to the Tropopause for a 75kts finish up there. Freezing level around 13k

CT – A typical SE wind day with a slight wind-shadow shaping up around the SH region but it also seems a tad too S with the SSW cross shore winds setting up along the beachfront – 15-20kts. The main ranges looking super good with initial NW winds going SW – a day to fly to PV. See Spot.

RB – it just could be another good today. ;)

PV – A really good day form the looks of it with sweet Q’s and base rising to 7k perhaps. Strong climbs. Winds Initially W trending SW later on. (See Spot.)

Wilderness – Again a calm rainy morning but it is scheduled to clear with a sweet SE wind for Map. See Sedge Spot.

Plett – Similar to the wilderness area…

PE and PA – A light S to SW start but trending more SE to East later on. The rain will clear too…

EL – A SW start going E later on.

Inland – A beautiful day for flying with high bases and lightish wind in most places. The NE interior with fresh NW winds. The Sea breeze today also a tad lighter. (See maps!)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:12 and setting at 19:36 – day length 14:24. High 12:51, Low at 17:16. A light to moderate SE day with early rain. Perfect for flying, coffee and cake including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 19 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(13 December 2021)  
Day 628 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2fly people.  First day of the Nationals with the podium spot going to Roland DeVries Jnr! A tricky day with KJ doing the Wilderness crowd proud finishing in 11th position. Get the full results here. Today the Cold Front mixing things up with the deep interior trough helping to create conditions for wide spread CB activity around the WC areas. Low clouds along the southern parts rising into the interior – 300ft on the coast to 16k north of Graafies. Winds showing the convergence nicely with light SE in the south, SW in the west and W to NW in the interior – all coming together around the Graafie and Cradock region. The upper air once again showing that divergence helping those CB’s along in their growth! ;) Wind goes West from around 6/7k then veering to the NW for a 15kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 11k.

CT – Looks like a strong and deep SE day. Forecasts not showing any usable wind-shadow shaping up. Lots of low cloud and increasing into the afternoon. The main ranges also too much east. See Spot.

RB – it just could be good today. ;)

PV – Another sweet slow start day but becoming very strong after lunch. A strong SW sea breeze moving in with some strong convergence taking place with base and climbs to 7500ft. Hhhmmm. A tough day for the comp with the strong winds 15-20kts from 14/15:00 onwards. (See Spot.)

Wilderness – A calm morning but with rain on the way. Looks like the heavy rain missing u and striking the coast more to the east from Plett eastwards. Light SE winds… See Sedge Spot.

Plett – More rain than Wilderness form the looks of it. lol

PE and PA – A SE start to the day but with strong rain and CB’s at mid day. Varying winds that are fresh from these storms. Later it looks more SW.

EL – NE start to the day but as the rain moves in it will veer more to the SE.

Inland – Lots of varying bases around but the dominant factor the CB’s in the south and east mainly. Winds very strong NW in the interior but SE to the south of the GE – this sea breeze will be very strong later in the day.

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:12 and setting at 19:365 – day length 14:24. High 12:01, Low at 16:34. A light to moderate SE day with rain. Perfect for coffee and cake including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 19 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(12 December 2021) 
Day 627 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2fly people. The trough in the centre of the country while the IOH to the east and SAH to the west dominating respectively their regions. The torugh still very active with CB’s along the eastern side of the trough line – these will move down to the coast around the PA region late afternoon. For the west coast it is cloudy over the ocean with a few fog patches drying as it moves inland. W to SW winds here. The southern parts with light to moderate SE winds. Lots of clouds still around and also high level stuff effecting the thermal development. Looks like those CB will spread to the southern parts tomorrow as the trough again moves southwards with a trend to form a COL – lots of rain again coming tomorrow… Toda the winds all go NW form around 6k upwards with a 90kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 12-14k.  

CT – A Cod Front kept at bay to the SW by the trough and SE flows while locally the SW winds to W even seems to dominate. Up t 15kts form the looks of things. If the clouds play ball it could be a good day. The main ranges with lots of high level clouds and thermal shaping up to 4k… See Spot.

RB – WWB is round today. ;)

PV – A sweet light start with low climbs – W winds 5kts. It goes more SW to 10kts and around 15:00 possible climbs to 5k. A strong SW breeze expected from 17:00 onwards. Lots of thick high level clouds dampening the thermals… (See Spot.)

Wilderness – A light S to SE start with a slight increase in strength in the afternoon. Again the Wilderness corner showing signs of being protected with light winds on the surface but some breeze up at launch. A morning session possible at Sedge but the east taking over quickly. Serps showing promise for those flights form there to Map today. See Sedge Spot.

Plett – Again Upies showing possible session time before the wind gets too strong in the morning. Surprisingly Keurbooms just enough S in it to be doable I think. ;)

PE and PA – A S wind start to the day trending more SE to East later on. Those inland CB’s spreading to the coast east of PE so be careful of those strong gust fronts.

EL – As above.

Inland – Good flying to the west of those CB active line. High bases at 15k. Fresh NW winds and some strong CB’s from lunchtime onwards in the east Graafies to PA on the coast. a few 20-30kts spots. ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:12 and setting at 19:35 – day length 14:23. High 10:59, Low at 17:40. A light to moderate SE day. Perfect for flying, coffee and cake including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 19 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(11 December 2021) 
Day 626 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2fly people. The SAH dominating the flow on the west, the trough standing strong in the central parts and the IOH the stronghold in the east. CBs again along he eastern edge of the trough with a slight chance of light rain along parts of the southern coast. Winds SW trending SE along the southern parts while it is mainly W to NW along the west and NW in the interior but for a strong sea breeze that will move in form the south all the way to the GE. String winds in the afternoon in the interior and in that sea breeze. Also fresh around the Peninsula as that CF starts to tighten those isobars.  Winds all go WNW from 5/6k upwards for a 60kts finish. Freezing level high at 13-15k.

CT – A windy day with the NW to W pretty fresh. Also lots of low clouds around and with the 20kts winds its  tricky day. The main ranges similar with strong winds higher up so be careful. See Spot.

RB – WWB is round today. ;)

PV – A NW to W day mostly with the winds around 10-15kts. The initial clouds rising to around 4k. Could be sweet runs along the front range… (See Spot.)

Wilderness – Another misty start to the day but it looks to be clearing from mid late morning. Sedge the spot to be with the winds initially SSW. I think best times form 12 to 113:30 there. See Sedge Spot.

Plett – Clearing and Uppies looking good but so too Keurbooms.;)

PE and PA – SW start then moderating to the SE in the afternoon. Lots of low clouds around…

EL – As above.

Inland – A record distance day if you can follow that convergence along the trough line. From beyond Uppington to past Middelburg. :) CB’s to the east. Strong winds in the east with a few 20-30kts spots. ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:12 and setting at 19:34 – day length 14:23. High 9:43, Low at 16:28. A SW going to the SE day. Perfect for flying, coffee and cake including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 19 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(10 December 2021) 
Day 625 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2fly people. The Interior trough shifting southwards and dominating our WC flow patterns except for the extreme SW corner and the eastern coastal regions. Here the ocean air influencing conditions with a lot of clouds and foggy regions – on both south and west coastal areas. In stark contrast just inland the trough bringing in in that big skies with bases close to 18 around the BW regions and adjacent areas. There is also a big chance of CB activity along the eastern side of the trough but it does look like a record run could be had along the edge of the OD line – from other side of Uppington down past Graafies… lol. Light moderate W to even NW flows along the west coast and then backing more to the SW and SE along the southern coastal regions. Light rain possible in a few spots in the south. Winds go NW form 6k upwards with a 40-50kt finish at the Tropopause. Freezing levels up at 14k.

CT – A sweet clear day with a South on the south but more SW to W in the north. Perhaps a tad cross shore along the SH region but all in all looks like a good flying day. The main ranges also looking great with a W to NW flow and even some Q’s during the best times of the day.

RB – WWB is round today. ;)

PV – Another sweet day with light W to WNW winds and climbs to around 6k. Looks like a good convergence setting up between Dasklip and Bumpy peak running out into the valley from 14:00 onwards. Perhaps a Q’s or two would marks its presence. (See Spot.)

Wilderness – A misty start to the day but it looks more clear out towards Sedge. Map looking misty all day. Sedge though showing fresh SE winds so if you go go early. See Sedge Spot.

Plett – Again very similar at Plett with coastal fog and Uppies base around 2k but every east. Hhhmmm… ;)

PE and PA – S to SE start to the day but trending more E and NE later on. The foggy stuff spreading to the east during the day.

EL – A more E to NE wind here and the misty stuff less and more to the west. ;)

Inland – Another high base day with potential but for those strong CB activity along the east of the trough line. (See rain map) Bases up to 18k around BW region The winds NW to the north but more West in the southern parts. The SE sea breeze not going so far today limited around the SB ranges. Strong in the east with a few 20-30kts spots. ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:12 and setting at 19:34 – day length 14:22. High 8:27, Low at 15:03. A light misty SE day. Perfect for coffee and cake including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 20 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(9 December 2021) 
Day 624 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2fly people. Another light Cold Front brushing in along the southern parts with cooler moist air and a slight increase in rain early evening – winds moderate SE increasing to the west. The western side dryer with more influence from the SAH while the interior north of the GE is being fed mainly by the central trough with WNW winds – expecting loads of CB activity along the eastern side of that today. Though exceptionally high bases expected out there – 15k – so before the CB’s the skies probably drooling looking good! ;) South of the GE the airmass in-be-tween the two bigger ones with still good climbs and bases here with 10-12k on the cards. Expecting a massive strong Sea Breeze today with up t 30knts! It is only south of Oudshoorn along the most southern ranges that the cold front and very mist air is having a big influence. The ocean with loads of low clouds both west and south coast – expecting that to have an impact over the next few days too. Winds all go NW form around 6/7k upwards with a west finish of 30-50kts at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 13/14k.

CT – Another strong SE wind day with a bit more wind-shadow during the morning and early afternoon but signs of some eroding in the later afternoon. Winds peaking around 30knts. The main ranges from DTK looks flyable in the morning but from 14/15:00 the east starts to dominate a tad more. See DTK Spot.

RB – When the wind comes through it can work later on… ;)

PV – Looks like a good day with SW winds 5-10kts. Climbs later in the day to 7k possible. Watch that sea breeze later in the afternoon reaching over 20kts in places… (See Spot.)

Wilderness – A light S to SSW start trending more SE later in the day. It looks like Sedge and Serps the places to be – possibly PR mid late morning too. But Map showing signs of clagging in with mist from mid morning onwards. Sedge remaining flyable into the afternoon with the clouds dropping from 15/16:00 onwards here – according to forecasts. Fingers crossed! Looks like the best flying to be had for the next day or two… See Sedge Spot also.

Plett – Similar with Uppies looking ok in the morning but Keurbooms possibly in with a shot before the mist and cloud moves in here too from mid afternoon… Hhhmmm… ;)

PE and PA – Similar to the GR region with the low clouds moving in from mid afternoon onwards. Winds light mod SE.

EL – A more E to NE wind here and looks like perhaps it remains more open form that CF influence later on… ;)

Inland – A high base day with potential but for those strong CB activity along the east of the trough line. (See rain map) Bases 15k north of the GE lowering to the south. A very strong Sea breeze moving in form the south east with 30kts places. The late afternoon sees the inland NW also reaching up to 30kts especially in the east. Be careful if you are out there… ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:11 and setting at 19:33 – day length 14:21. High 7:21, Low at 13:42. Another building SE wind into the late afternoon with light rain possible early evening. Perfect for flying, coffee and cake including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 19 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(8 December 2021) 
Day 623 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2fly people. The SAH and IOH shaping up a ridge along the southern parts while the interior trough is sweetly positioned with the usual big sky country air north of the GE. SE winds in the south in general while the W to NW winds dominate to the north of the GE line. Lots of clouds around with some beautiful high Q’s over the interior mountains – Cederbergs looking at 10k today and then even higher north of the GE. There is a chance of some light rain along the southern coastal areas, especially in the eastern parts. And even some CB’s activity in the interior along the GE line or just north of there. (See rain map) Winds are fairly light lower down but form around 9k it is all NW with a 50kt west finish up at the Tropopause. Freezing level high around 13k.

CT – Another strong SE wind day with a wind-shadow during the morning and eroding out in the afternoon. Winds peaking in the mid twenties in knots. The main ranges with too much east flow in them to be ay good today but some high bases and climbs out there… See DTK Spot.

RB – When the wind comes through it can work later on… ;)

PV – Quite a bit of S trend in the wind. Climbs get better to the north with Kardoesie showing over 6k. But if you can get to the Cederbergs it is more west here with beautiful Q’s around 10k. (See Spot.)

Wilderness – A SE trending day with lots of low clouds around. Possible some light showers around mid day. Sedge could offer something in the late morning but then it goes very east again. Serps too. Possible to fly form Serps to Map today. Map will blow out late afternoon but possibly have something sweet around 10ish while there is a bit more onshore push early. See Sedge Spot also.

Plett – Another very east wind day. Hhhmmm… ;)

PE and PA – Looks like quite a bit of rain around during the moring with a slight lessening into the afternoon. Winds are all NE to East.

EL – As above. ;)

Inland – A great flying day in the far north with high bases around the 13k. Though some CB’s in the southern GE region. To the south from there it is all SE winds and much lower clouds – the IOH influence. A fair flying day in the right spots. ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:11 and setting at 19:32 – day length 14:21. High 6:24, Low at 12:34, high at 18:42. A building SE wind into the afternoon. Perfect for flying, coffee and cake including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 18 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(7 December 2021) 
Day 622 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2fly people. The SAH nudging along a light CF that should hit just the SW tip of the WC from around mid day onwards. Lots of low cloud around here but expecting a lot of Q’s over most of the WC. Even some light rain over the higher grounds during this morning but becoming less during the day. Winds are light SW to SE along the southern parts but strong SE around the CP and adjacent regions. The interior initially light to moderate S to SE up to the GE but West to the north of there and then becoming very strong in the southern parts as the Sea breeze effect strengthens those SE winds with 20-30kts even in some spots moving right past the GE by the end of the day. But still expecting good flying in the right spots. ;) The winds go WNW from 7k upwards and remains general westerly all the way to the Tropopause for a 60kts finish up there. Freezing level around 11k.

CT – A strong SE expected with a slight chance of the wind-shadow being around in the morning only. Its 30kts later with indicators that the winds will be strong cross shore along the SH region. The main ranges around DTK also with too much E in it but the skies here will be looking so good. Lol. Possible showers over some of the southern higher ranges especially towards Agulhas side. See DTK Spot.

RB – A good day here. Should be blow out later on. ;)

PV – A sweet day expected here with those Q’s just hanging out to the south of the PV valley. Climbs to just shy of 6k during the best part of the day with SW winds up to 10kts. Late afternoon sees strong winds moving in from the south. (See Spot.)

Wilderness – A sweet day expected here with Serps and Sedge being the hot spots. Climbs to 2k during the best times. Winds light S to SE in the later afternoon. Map might also be lightly soarable later on. See Sedge Spot also.

Plett – As above but perhaps more SE… Uppies OD but looking sweet, Even Keurbooms seems in with a mid day shot. ;)

PE and PA – A SW start but then the NE winds will move in from the East.

EL – SW early on but NE from mid day onwards. ;)

Inland – Still some rain over the higher grounds but getting less during the day. Base going up to 12k over the GE but much lower to the South Strong SE winds in the interior and especially to the east during the afternoon – probably helped by the good flying prior along the GE areas. ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:11 and setting at 19:31 – day length 14:20. Low at 11:37, high at 17:48. A light southerly trending SE. Perfect for flying, coffee and cake including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 18 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(6 December 2021) 
Day 621 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2fly people. So a sweet day at Sedge yesterday for a lucky few pilots, even if there was some rumblings to the North as one of those CB’s threatened the play after lunch. Today that COL much further to the SE of the country out to sea so not affecting Sus as much as originally predicted but still lots of moisture pushed in from the spinoff of that COL onto the central and eastern parts of the WC coastal regions. Still lots of rain along those regions for most of the ay but clearing form the west later on. That upper air divergence and trough line fading away and moving eastwards too so the CB’s that have been prolific in the interior also moving off to the east – the rain cells in the WC interior capped by a mid level inversion around 13/14k. In the eastern parts, especially early morning still some deeper instability around with Ctops going way past this. The western parts are the in thing today I think with the Swartland valley showing some signs for being flyable today. Winds are SW along the southern parts in general and a westerly flow in the interior. The upper air showing mostly westerly over the WC all the way to the Tropopause for a 60kts finish up there. Freezing level around 11k.

CT – A SSE wind day with fairly strong winds 15-20kts and a slight chance of the wind shadow shaping up in the morning. The rain moving off more to the main mountains side of things. The afternoon the winds fresh along the SH shoreline at 15-20kts even. The main mount ranges with low bases and a bit more SW flow from DTK onwards. Still some lingering rain… See DTK Spot.

RB – Again a maybe! ;)

PV – A clagged in start but base will lift and it actually looks like it can turn into a beautiful flying day. Winds W to SW 5-10kts and later climbs to 4k at base. (See Spot.)

Wilderness – A very rainy and wet start to the day. If the forecasts are to believed it looks like we might get a reprieve late morning into the mid afternoon before rain sets in again along the coast. Maybe some coastal soaring on the cards with the SW winds? See Sedge Spot also.

Plett – As above…

PE and PA – SW flows with rain. Some strong rain causing offshore flows around mid day. Later the winds will moderate form the SW…

EL – Strong SW all day. And rain. ;)

Inland – Still lots of showers around in the interior with the westerly winds. They are not as deep the development with tops around 13/14k. IT will get less as the day progresses. But from north of the SB things do improve and along the GE base is around 10k rising to the east with Aliwal around 13/14k even. Its def very good out there today. :)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:11 and setting at 19:30 – day length 14:19. Low at 10:46, high at 16:59. A rainy moderate SW wind day. Perfect for coffee and cake including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 18 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(5 December 2021) 
Day 620 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2fly people. Waking up to those low hanging clouds with lots of moisture in the air this morning! Another strong CB day ahead of us with only a few spots escaping the rain. The deep interior trough extending southwards bringing with it the associated CB activity. The IOH also playing its role in moving the cool moist air onto the SW parts of the WC. Rain on the west coast with a chance of CB activity too. Lots of low cloud all over the show but for the northern interior of the WC. Winds curling around the end of the trough so a NE around PE, going SE along the GR and then SW along the west coast. IT is Northerly in the interior and from around 5k it is all Northerlies except for the west coast where it is S – this all the way up to the Tropopause! (See the Tropopause wind map – again the strong upper divergence helping those CB’s along but just 5kts of wind up there over Agulhas!) ;) Freezing level around 9-12k.

CT – Today strong SE winds but it does moderate around TM top height. Possibly a chance of the wind-shadow shaping up. The main ranges with a more westerly flow but it seems to be pretty variable with often a northerly component in there. And of course the CB’s and rain playing a big role in the variances. Probably not a flying day. See DTK Spot.

RB – Maybe! If part of the SE gets there.. ;)

PV – A general west to SW but the rain and CB activity influencing the surface flows a lot. Perhaps a short flying window before mid day… (See Spot.)

Wilderness – A SE start trending more the S and even SW to W later in the afternoon. We are in the cusp of the trough flow it seems so strong stuff all around us but more protected in the Wilderness region. Rain on the mountains which can influence the local winds but it does look like Map early on and even Sedge showing signs of being flyable. Later a slight chance of CB’s from the north.

Plett – As above but more SE influence…

PE and PA – Strong east to NE winds and also a chance of some of those CB’s moving down form the north…

EL – Same as above…

Inland – Another super active CB’ day in the interior. Wide spread rain and chances of flooding over the next two days… Terrible for flying.

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:11 and setting at 19:30 – day length 14:18. Low at 9:58, high at 16:13. Strong start but moderating SE to S winds. Perfect for everything including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 19 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(4 December 2021) 
Day 619 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2fly people. The Cold Front being pushed onto the WC (mainly on the western parts) by the SAH as these collide with the interior trough. Strong CB activity spreading southwards to the southern coastal regions by the end of the day. Expecting lots of rain in most places today with the exception of some of the southern coastal regions during the morning ad mid day. Low bases in the west and into the interior and some strong NW winds north of the GE. It is also blowing strongly along the western parts as the southerly winds accelerate into the LP and trough region. Allas, it is not a flying day today. It is also looking a bit bad for the next day (or two) as the CF and Trough shapes into a COL with lots of rain in the interior but especially over the GR and southern parts. Oh well. We just need to wait and see. ;) The winds are south along the west coast but North in the interior with height. Once can clearly see the deep LP system on the upper winds chart – notice how the jet stream is divergent at the edge of the LP system – removing all that rising air form the CB’s in the area. ;) Freezing level around 13k.

CT – Strong and deep SE winds all day with the chance of CB’s in the late afternoon. The main ranges also plagued with the strong SE winds. See CT TH graph.

RB – lol

PV – Strong SE flow and CB activity from early already worsening during the day.

Wilderness – A slight possible flying morning at Map before the winds get too strong. Thick mid layers. Slight chance of CB’s from the north by late afternoon but strong during the night.

Plett – The SE just too strong and unpleasant. Possibly some CB’s in the afternoon. Lots of low clouds…

PE and PA – Strong east to NE winds and also a chance of some of those CB’s moving down form the north…

EL – Same as above…

Inland – A super active CB’ day in the interior. Wide spread rain and chances of flooding over the next two days… Terrible for flying.

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:11 and setting at 19:29 – day length 14:18. Low at 9:12, high at 15:28. Moderate to strong SE winds with CB’s possible late afternoon. Perfect for everything including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 18 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(3 December 2021) 
Day 618 of lockdown

Good morning all you upper cool Wild2fly people. A sweet flying day ahead of us after the Cold Front it seems. The SAH pushing in another Cold Front form the SW while the Interior trough is shaping up along the western central parts. Few clouds around today with only the Overberg region showing worthwhile Q’s – some clouds out to sea but few appearing in the WC region – even on the higher mountains it seems. Instability capped around the 4k level on the first mountain ranges rising into the interior with 6-7k over the SB and then the big jump to 11k from the GE and northwards. The winds too reflect these conditions with a light moderate S to SE flow along the southern parts, SW in the east and fresh South along the west coast. The west coast winds curl in nicely into he interior with a W to SW flow and even a few NW spots. In the far interior the west will veer to the NW and later ni the day become very strong – in excess of 20kts in many places. The winds go WNW from around 7k and remains NW all the way to the Tropopause for a 100kts finish up there. Freezing level much higher at 14/15k.

CT – A strong SSE wind day but it moderates nicely with height with just 5kts or so over TM top. IT does look like some wind-shadow shaping up for the morning and perhaps early afternoon but then erodes away into the later part for the day. Looks like some 25-30kts spots later on. The main ranges much better looking with even FH looking good from mid day onwards. DTK sweet too. See Spot.

RB – Maybe some wind in the late afternoon? lol

PV – A sweet lite wind day from the W with a backing to the S in the late afternoon. Climbs to 4k but in the convergence areas perhaps 5k. ;) See Spot

Wilderness – A beautiful morning with a light Southerly start trending SE during the day. Get to Sedge early before it goes too east (Sedge should start working early) possibly the coastal dunes but the east trend will chase pilots to Gerrickes and Map. Map should be amazing for most of the day I think. lol

Plett – Uppies showing a sweet early morning with climbs to 3500’ and some Q’s but these will burn away quickly while climbs drop and its all over from 10:30 by the looks of it…

PE and PA – Strong SW start but it moderates and backs to the S and even a slight SE later in the afternoon.

EL – Same as above…

Inland – A strong sea breeze effect from both coasts in the later part of the day. Southerlies in the south trending west into the interior and then strong NW in the far northern parts.

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:11 and setting at 19:28 – day length 14:17. Low at 8:27, high at 14:43, low 19:33. Light to moderate SE winds with occasional rain. Perfect for everything including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 17 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(2 December 2021) 
Day 617 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2fly people. Lots of convergences taking places with the trough extending once again out to sea – CB’s out to the SE of us from the low circulation and also in the interior along the eastern edge of the trough line. Moist air pushed up the southern coastal regions with low cloud and some light rain too for the day from a Cold Front. Lots of cloud around with base rising form the south into the interior and also on the west coast. Winds southerlies in the south and west but strong SW in the east. From the GE and northwards in the central interior it is westerly. IT is all NW winds from around 10k upwards with a 100kt finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 7500ft in the southern areas but 14/15k just north of that. (See the Freezing level Cold Front line Map)

CT – A strong SSE wind with a lot of depth in it so not much of a wind-shadow shaping up today. Its excess of 20kts later on. Very southerly along the mountains too so not nice stuff out there either unless you are an XC buff and want distance to the north. For experienced pilots only. See Spot.

RB – It looks good form sunrise to sunset – perhaps a tad strong in the late afternoon…

PV – The southerlies also blown all the way right up here. Climbs to 5k with Q’s in the south mainly. You could go far north if you are in the need for distance but beware of the rotors close to the mountains… ;) See Spot

Wilderness – A moderate SW wind day with light rain on occasion from the looks of it. If the rain stops you could probably get your wing up along the coast. Sedge Spot shows rain all day… lol

Plett – Also fresh SW with drizzle on occasion. Uppies looking dryer than Sedge…

PE and PA – It is all strong SW winds here with chance of rain.

EL – Same as above…

Inland – Souhterlies in the southern interior but then west from around the GE range region. Good Q’s north of the SB ranges but lots of CB activity in the eastern interior.

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:11 and setting at 19:27 – day length 14:16. Low at 7:52, high at 13:58, low 19:33. Moderate SW winds with occasional rain. Perfect for everything including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 16 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(1 December 2021) 
Day 616 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2fly people. The Cold Front moving past Maputo while the SAH is shaping up a ridge along the southern parts and the interior trough moving more southerly in dominance. Lots of cooler unstable air around with clouds around the southern parts of the WC. Base around 2/3k near the coast rising into the interior with 6-8k at the SB. Winds are all mostly southerlies along the southern regions but from the central interior it veers to the W. Nothing too strong wind wise with a few spots touching on the 15-20kts mark in the interior in the afternoon. Winds go west from 5k upwards then NW all the way to the Tropopause for a 120kt finish up there. Freezing level between 9 and 13k.

CT – A fresh southerly wind day. No wind-shadow expected – it is all cross shore winds out the front of over 20kts at times. Base around 3k. The main ranges much beter with DTK showing good climbs to 7k in the afternoon. You could go far to the north today. See Spot.

RB – Maybe in the afternoon the winds will pop through…

PV – Another super good day with West wind trending slightly SW in the afternoon. 5-10kts. Climbs to 7k and a day to go east over the Cederbergs where climbs will go to 10k. A sweet flying day here… ;) See Spot

Wilderness – Another beautiful southerly day. Expecting a slight push again over mid day around the Serps and Sedge regions. Sedge going more east but probably flyable until late – some low clouds moving in too late in the afternoon. Map might offer something late in the afternoon though there is signs of the compression bubble shaping up with all the strong winds remaining out to sea.

Plett – Lots more east this side so nothing looking spectacular. Keaurbooms looking to work for a bit late morning so maybe… ;)

PE and PA – It is all strong E to NE winds here. Lots of low cloud around.

EL – Same as above…

Inland – Souhterlies in the southern interior but then west from around the SB range region. Good Q’s around and if you can find that magic spot you can go a long ways…

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:12 and setting at 19:26 – day length 14:15. Low at 6:54, high at 13:12, low 19:33. Light Southerly winds. Perfect for everything including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 18 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(30 November 2021) 
Day 615 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2fly people. A short report this morning… The slight Cold Front moving through the WC today – winds are all W to SW. It looks like a good flying day everywhere. Perhaps later in the afternoon at DTK. But Wilderness should be good too with a light SW start and then be careful with a strong mid day SW pulse moving through as the front pops through. It could get strong for a while then – don’t get caught out. ;) But good flying afterwards at Sedge again from the looks of things. Uppies similar with the strong pulse moving through around lunchtime. PE and EL with a fresh SW that moderates in the late  afternoon… Have a lekker day everyone!

(29 November 2021) 
Day 614 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2fly people. SO back to our normal weather patterns with a CF approaching the WC while the SAH is helping it along. And the interior trough is around the central parts. Winds are generally westerly with a SW along the southern coastal regions and adjacent interior and a more W to NW flow in the central and northern interiors – moderate in the west and light in the south. Some clouds around with base around 6k eventually in the west and 3-4k in the coastal south but rising further inland. So it does look like a promising fine flying day. Winds are all NW from 5k upwards with around the 50-70kts finish up there. Freezing level around 12-13k.

CT – A NW start trending more West. A great flying day with good apostle runs especially for the hangies. It’s a tad breezy perhaps with 15-20kts in spots later on. The main ranges also with a good W to NW wind but the strength could also be a tad much. See Spot.

RB – More Bleh!

PV – A super good day with WNW winds 10kts and base rising to a sweet 6k later on. Just watch the winds with some 15kt spots so you don’t get pinned or blown over the back with the dead on direction! ;) See Spot

Wilderness – A beautiful light S wind trending even a tad SE later on. It is light so probably only Serps and Sedge the better spots. Climbs to 1000 or just over expected. On the flats on the back perhaps up to 3k in the good spots…

Plett – Keaurbooms looking to work late morning and Uppies showing early signs for climbs to 4k! ;)

PE and PA – A light wind start then going onshore trending slightly more east later in the afternoon. Sweet thermal inland with a super seabreeze moving inland.

EL – Same as above…

Inland – Westerly winds with a few strong spots at 20kts but S to SE in the southern and eastern adjacent coastal regions as the sea breeze pushes through here… Most Q’s in the west and few inand…

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:12 and setting at 19:24 – day length 14:13. High at 11:26, low 17:57. Light Southerly winds. Perfect for everything including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 18 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(28 November 2021) 
Day 613 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2fly people. So another day left waiting for the earth to spin around its axis one more time – lets hope tomorrow is better! Lol. Today loads of rain on the west coast as that moisture laden air coming from mid latitudes is dumped along the mountains that side. The southern coastal areas with a general westerly wind – strong in most places while inland it is mostly W to NW winds – also strong in most spots. The low base from the west will lift as one moves to the east with a base around 10k once you reach Graafies areas. The rain also gets less. So the wind and rain making for tough none flyable conditions today. Instead if you look far north, look at the beautiful convergence from the interior trough – flying form Windhoek to the Free State in a straight line. We can dream on these days… ;) Winds remain west with height all the way to the Tropopause (Loads of influence still from that COL that is now to the south of us.) Winds are around 70kts up at the Tropopause and freezing level between 11-13k.

CT – Lots of rain and low clouds around with westerly winds. Doesn’t look lekker…

RB – Bleh!

PV – Perhaps worse than CT! lol

Wilderness – A strong NW going SW but it is a exceptionally strong gradient day so lots of mixing happening in the lower layers making for bumpy flying if you do venture out. The odd soarable occasion might be tempting along our coast but I would be wary. And I recommend leaving Sedge alone for today. Sy lyk beneuk! ;) lol.

Plett – Mostly westerly winds all day… ;)

PE and PA – PE with SW winds moderate only… It is NE to the east but this flow will eventually be over taken by the westerly winds.

EL – NE winds until the SW starts to move in form the west late afternoon. Nothing too strong today.

Inland – All mostly westerly winds with a more NW to the northern interior. Lots of rain in the west moderating to the east. Hhhmmm… The wind making it a non flying day in the WC areas… ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:12 and setting at 19:24 – day length 14:11. High at 10:18, low 16:57. Strong NW then gusty SW. Perfect for socialising including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 21 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(27 November 2021) 
Day 612 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2fly people. It is all IOH and the Cut of low spinning of the end of the interior trough. A deep low circulation causing all the CB’s, and strong winds we are experiencing. Winds re all Nw in the interior, NE in the eastern coastal regions and a shallow SW partly along the southern coastal areas. From 1-2k up the winds are all NW. Lots of CB’s and rain on the cards everywhere. Lots of clouds to with low bases along the coastal areas both west and southern parts. A NW finish up at the Tropopause at 30-60kts with freezing level around 9-10k. Still not a flying day anywhere and the outlook for tomorrow also looking dismal still…

CT – Strong NW winds with low clouds and rain. Even some CB’s…

RB – Bleh!

PV – Also strong NW winds low cloud and rain. Tomorrow too!

Wilderness – lol. Still great outlook for chocolate cake and coffee!

Plett – Same as above… lol (Though Keurbooms is looking in with a shot at lunchtime…) ;)

PE and PA – Strong E to NE but changing around mid day readying for a SW trend for the afternoon…

EL – NE winds all day…

Inland – NW winds with CB’s and rain in most places. Fesh to strong stuff so good for drinking coffee and counting your sheep. ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:13 and setting at 19:22 – day length 14:09. High at 8:58, low 14:35. Strong SW for the morning but SE in the afternoon. Perfect for socialising including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 19 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(26 November 2021) 
Day 611 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2fly people. So after the flurry of long flights with plenty of those over the 100 mile mark, including a new WC record of 216km from PV and a new Kardoesie site record, the current weather putting a stop to all that stuff. Similar pattern to yesterday with that big trough threatening to turn into a cut off low while the IOH is helping to thump that moist air into the circulation from the east. Winds more E to NE in the interior and super strong once again with 30kts all over the interior and 30kts plus along the southern coasts. It curls sharply around on the west coast from the W to the NW even around the low. Lots more CB activity that will spread more to the CT area in the afternoon. These CB’s will spread to the GR in the evening. Lots varying conditions along the west with that deep mid and upper level instabilities around and super strong surface winds. That low circulation along the west coast holding true all the way to the Tropopause – to the east it is all East in the lower layer but backing to the NE then NW with height. Freezing levels around 11-14k.

CT – The general flow still East but trending NE with height though there is indications of a morning wind-shadow around. From mid day onwards it looks pretty Northish and fresh with around 15kts and as the CB’s will move in then it probably wont be flyable. The main ranges still with those strong east flow.

RB – Too east…

PV – It is super strong E to NE in the morning with 40kts striking the valley in spots! Even PB probably just too strong with 15kts or more… Climbs to 6k so not that good really (We getting spoilt now!) ;) And CB’s around…

Wilderness – lol. Well, it even looks too strong for kitesurfing…

Plett – Same as above… lol

PE and PA – Strong E to NE… Very strong!

EL – As above…………

Inland – All NE winds and super strong… Everywhere… With CB’s…  (See rain map!) Another onbeskofde dag! ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:13 and setting at 19:22 – day length 14:09. High at 7:44, low 14:01, High at 20:02. A super fresh SE expected but batten down the hatches for the upcoming days. Perfect for everything including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 20 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(25 November 2021) 
Day 610 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2fly people! Another epic flying day yesterday with Ruard taking the easterly route behind KradouwPiek and striking past the 100mile mark. Heinrich hot on his heals and Cruchie landing in Clan. ;) Lekker ouens! Today a strong IOH battling it out with the well-built interior trough – a super pressure-gradient setting up between these tow while the same time the upper air conditions conducive to helping them along in their mischief. WE have all heard about the strong wind coming and it is just going to build form today onwards for the next two days or so. Strong and deep instability coupled with large scale convergence areas will also shape up for some strong CB’s during the coming days too. Def a red alert time with the today the 40kts level at just 500ft AGL in many places. Small disturbances will bring down some exceptionally strong gust to the ground at times so be careful. Of course it s a non flying day unless you are around PB today! ;) Winds are east in direction all over with a slight more NE direction into the interior. From around 8-10k the wind backs to the NE and then from 14k it is al W winds all the way to the Tropopause for a measly 30kts over CT but 50kt to the North. Freezing level still around 11-12k.

CT – A deep E to NE flow around 15kts but some sheltered spots around the Peninsula – not sure if these will be in a flyable location but SH and LH looks to be just on the edge. If you have big kahunas perhaps getting to 8k above Africa face today is possible… ;) The main ranges of course all flushed with the east winds. (See TH graph)

RB – Too east…

PV – A super day If you can get up there. Winds here around 10kts in general with climbs to 8/10k. But the east to NE winds making only PB flyable. Enjoy the view if you are going up! ;) See Spot.

Wilderness – If you are not up at Map right this moment then you have missed it. ;) Super strong winds expected today with the 40kts at 500ft by mid day already… ;) See TH graph for 12:00.

Plett – Same as above… lol

PE and PA – Not as strong as the western parts but still fresh and picking up into the afternoon with a East wind.

EL – As above but perhaps slightly less in the strength department.

Inland – The East flow all over the show with more NE in the far north. It is lighter in the far interior with good flying possible but the Sea breeze effect super strong and reaching past the GE by end f the day (See Wind graph!) with 30kts plus all over the show! Onbeskof vandag! ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:13 and setting at 19:21 – day length 14:08. High at 6:47, low 12:47, High at 18:53. A super fresh SE expected but batten down the hatches for the upcoming days. Perfect for everything including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 18 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(24 November 2021) 
Day 609 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2fly people! An amazing flight yesterday by Christian Erne with a new PV and WC distance record of 216km. Well done Christian. You can look at his track log here. Today another big day on the cards for the western areas – so more long possible along a similar route as the winds trend a tad light but still with that southerly trend all over. The IOH influence strong all over with lots of moisture around, especially around the southern parts and a slight chance of rain in the eastern coastal regions. Clouds widespread with beautiful Q’s all over and great soaring conditions. The SE in CT still strong but not quite as wild as before. The wind in the interior has a SE trend in the south then veers to the S then SW in the far northern parts. Up at 14k it all goes SW and finishes W at the Tropopause at 60kts. Freezing level around 10/11k in the west but 8500 in the east.

CT – The SE still deep enough to stop the wind-shadow from forming so the 20kts plus winds not making any flying easy (or happen) ;) The main ranges also embedded in the SE flow.

RB – It just could be doable... ;)

PV – Another super day on the cards with high climbs from early already rising during the day with 7/8k late afternoon. It’s a day to head into the Cederbergs form the looks of it with base around 10k. Word of warning though, dress warm as freezing level is at 10k in these parts. :)) If you could head s tad more east into the interior and connect with the clouds heading to Calvinia… Hhhmmm… ;) See Spot.

Wilderness – Another sweet SE day ahead but stronger and probably getting blow out near lunchtime. ;) See Spot.

Plett – Uppies looking at 10kts SE winds so not the best unless you are desperate. lol

PE and PA – Looks like a SE wind here trending a tad more East later on. Could be good at the right spots… ;)

EL – As above but remaining SE. That onshore probably making for good soaring in many spots – 10-15kts…

Inland – SE winds in the southern parts becoming fresh in the late afternoon in the eastern interior. It trends more S and then SW further west and to the north. Loads of Q’s around with high bases every where. A great flying day with winds starting off light at 5kts or less and a few spots touching on the 15kt mark later on.

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:13 and setting at 19:20 – day length 14:07. Low 11:57, High at 18:06. A fresh SE expected. Perfect for everything including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 17 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(23 November 2021) 
Day 608 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2fly people! I have to mention an awesome flight from John Henderson – he flew from Hermanus to Villiersdorp. An unusual flight over 100km. Nicely done John! :) Mainly the IOH dominating or influencing our WC weather except for the extreme western parts where the SAH is helping that SE along in its deep sinful pleasure of plaquing the CT area with those unusable (except for kitesurfing and then only for the pros!) SE wind. The southern coastal areas with sweet SSE winds that go more SW towards the East. It strengthens again towards the east. Lots of clouds around with all the moisture and some rain still possible over the some of the southern mountains. Base from 3k in the south rising steadily to the north. 11k base around the GE region and all southerly winds of light to moderate strength so good flying all over. Winds remain southerly all the way to around 12/14k where it veers to the SW remaining there to the Tropopause for a 40-50kt finish up there. Freezing level around the 11-12k level but a few spots slightly lower in the east.

CT – Still some of the deep SE wind but it is starting to lose some of its poke. IT shallower layer of 30kts still around though and no signs of flying possible form the looks of it. Same on the main ranges.

RB – lol. ;)

PV – Another good day on the cards with climbs over 6000ft. The wind is still very southerly with a slight SSW in it. But no rain and some good clouds around. Probably higher climbs on the cards if you can get to cloud. ;) See Spot.

Wilderness – A sweet day ahead with Map, Serps, Sedge and PR working int he SSE winds. Good climbs and long flights possible for the XC buff’s – despite all the rain we had yesterday. Go big guys! ;) See Spot.

Plett – As above!

PE and PA – A sweet SW to SSW wind all day. 10-15kts perhaps. It is a day for long out and returns along the coast. ;)

EL – Stronger SW so probably not really flyable on the SW spots…

Inland – Sweet Q’s with some OD and rain over the higher mountains. Winds remain Southerly far inland past the GE. It could be a good soaring day If you can avoid the rainy spots. Lol

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:14 and setting at 19:19 – day length 14:05. Low 11:16, High at 17:26. A light SE day. Perfect for everything including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 17 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(22 November 2021) 
Day 607 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2fly people! Some amazing flying that has happened over the past few days. Guys flying from PV to Clan and beyond while some did a route to the east, landing over 100k’s away at the “Padstal” on the edge of the “Knersvlaktes” (Yes, I would also land there before venturing out over the flats with a name like that!) ;) Lekker Wj, Nigel and crew! (Wj got to just shy of 3300mASL). And Dirk managing to get into some convergence yesterday evening at 18:30 sitting pretty at 2500m. Lekker guys! However, today the floods and rain probably on everyone’s mind as the deep trough with lots of moist air influx form the SE helping the developments of CB’s over a very large area in the interior. The only part escaping being the extreme western parts where there is a chance of getting some airtime even. Lol. Winds strong SE along the southern parts and also the southern wester regions and only around the Swartland valley a slight SSW curling in towards PV and Kardoesie. Lots of clouds around with low base along the southern parts and rising to the north and west coast regions. The wind is SE to S into the interior veering in a few spots to the W and even some NW in the far north. This is the pattern to around 14k where we finally get more NW flows however, the deep low is prominent especially in the upper flows where the winds are SW in the west but NW in the east with a strong acceleration taking place from east to west causing all that upper air divergence helping the development of those wide spread CB’s. The end of the trough will eventually spin of into a cut off low that will do its thing to the SE of the country but if you forward the systems play there is a forecast for a more locally stationed cut off low nearer the weekend – so more rain coming! Lol. Freezing level still 11-12k.

CT – That deep SE still around an no letting up. Lol. Chance of CB’s over the bigger mountains too…

RB – You could fly a baton out here today… ;)

PV – Another possibly good day on the cards with climbs over 7500ft possible. The wind is very SE so perhaps PB would be the better option – it is also more west so further away form the CB activity… ;) See Spot.

Wilderness – A coffee and cake day! Lol. ;) See Spot.

Plett – As above!

PE and PA – The wind slackening here and more south to even SW as we move to the east.  Still lots of rain. Lol.

EL – Same as above…

Inland – Strong Southerly winds all the way to past the GE even. Lots of CB’s and rain all over with flooding. Eish… I remember an old time sail plain pilot saying, “if you need lift just head west…”. Lol

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:14 and setting at 19:18 – day length 14:04. Low 10:43, High at 16:54. Another strong SE day ahead of us. Perfect for everything including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 19 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(21 November 2021) 
Day 606 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2fly people! So a exciting day of flying ahead today with the trough having moved down to the south and effecting most of the WC. It is ofcourse bringing with it that big sky country stuff with high bases and strong thermals! (See thermal chart) But we have got 18k bases over the GE today. There is a chance of some CB activity from the strong convergence from the ocean air from the SE and the dryer airmass from the NW along that line. Winds along our coast are strong SE once again so get out early if you can. The west coast a sweet curling around with PV delivering some big air today too. Lots of clouds around in general so should be pretty to see. ;) The wind goes NW form 10k upwards remaining NW all the way to the Tropopause for a 60kts finish in the west but 90kts in the east. Freezing level around 11-12k.

CT – A very strong SE day with some strong down draughts over CB area – no wind-shadow shaping up today. A good day for weather watching! Lol. The main mountains with too much E in the flow so you need to go to PV to get the SW effect.

RB – Blown out already… :)

PV – A good day on the cards with climbs over 7500ft possible. Some big skies to the east over the Cederbergs – it is a day to venture out there with those thermal markers and high climbs. Best XC direction will be to go due east over the Cederbergs – looks like a very west to even NW wind to the north… Lekker! ;) See Spot.

Wilderness – Another strong SE day. Get out early before it blows out. Probably form mid day onwards already…  Lol. ;) See Spot.

Plett – Also a strong SE wind day here… If anything it is early. ;) See Spot.

PE and PA – Scary strong NE winds all day…

EL – Same as above…

Inland – Fresh SE winds moving inland from the south all the way to the GE but it is NW to the north of that. High climbs with sweet Q’s everywhere. A chance of CB’s over the GE area but a great convergence line to run if you can launch form the west and fly to the east – maybe those hangies from PV can do something big today. ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:14 and setting at 19:17 – day length 14:03. Low 10:12, High at 16:23. Another strong SE day ahead of us. Perfect for everything including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 19 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(20 November 2021) 
Day 605 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2fly people! A very short weather report this morning – I have about of food-poisoning and spend all night next to the loo! ;)

Another awesome day of flying along the GR yesterday. Today the SAH dominating with a strong trough in the interior. The winds will all be SE along the southern coasts and increasing during the day. The west coast the winds curl around for a SW component out that side. Looks like the only spots worth a visit is PV – looking good there and the Map that is also looking great for the morning but expecting it to blow out from mid-day onwards anytime…

Enjoy the flying!

(19 November 2021) 
Day 604 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2fly people! So yesterday was the best day I have ever experienced at Sedgefield. Climbing to 3000ft with pacs twice and then then solo at 18:00 in the evening, in smooth lift to 3300ft, landing at sunset at the beach hotel. The hangies where up at 3800ft earlier on too. Plenty good flying everywhere else with multiple sight seeing XC flights from Serps and students having a ball on the coastal ridges. And today looks like we might get a second helping!

Today the SAH still pushing that cooler unstable air onto the entire WC with southerly winds. It is a tad more SW along the southern coastal regions but to the west it is more south and later even some SE. Lots of clouds in the southern parts with base pretty high – 2-3k along the coast rising quickly to 4/5k along the first mountains then 6-8k north of there. IT is 10k climbs over the SB ranges and 12k at the GE. Winds are all southerly in these areas. Winds remain S with height to 10k then a slow veering to the SW and eventually more westerly at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 10-11k.

CT – A strong SSE day with winds going up to 30kts. It is a deep flow with the backing happening only at 4k so no flyable wind-shadow around the peninsula. The main ranges slightly more protected but still a lot of south in the wind. If you do get up you could go a long wat towards the north…  ;) See Spot.

RB – If you are not there already you are missing out! It probably blows out by mid day… :)

PV – Another SSW day with climbs to around 6k. I tis more S to SE above 4k… Still good flying around the Swartland valley today. Watch the sea breeze later on though! ;) See Spot.

Wilderness – Another sweet morning on the coast on the cards with it moderating into the afternoon. Segde again looking on the strong side for the morning but the afternoon should be peachy once again. Lots of opportunities for scenic XC flights around today but unless someone’s heads north it doesn’t look like a record day. Lol. ;) See Spot.

Plett – A tad stronger day with Uppies showing climbs to 5/6k around 10:30! Tats big for here… ;) Then the sea breeze drops base to perhaps half of that… Maybe the jump to the east is on… Keurbooms also looking good. See Spot.

PE and PA – Fresh SW once again that will moderate into the afternoon.

EL – Same as above…

Inland – Southerly winds in most places with a tad of SW in the SE coastal regions. Good flying with exceptionally good climbs and high bases to the north. Just watch the jumps over the Outenikwas – there is some strong shear expected as the winds accelerate over the tops and behind. But once again, if you can get to the right spots it could be amazing. ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:15 and setting at 19:15 – day length 14:00. Low 9:16, High at 15:29. Another light/moderate SSW day. Perfect for everything including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 17 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(18 November 2021) 
Day 603 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2fly people! Everybody chomping at the bit for some XC flying today after the rains. Looks like a epic day to the west but the south and eastern parts a tad still caught in the CF leftovers. The SAH shaping into that classic ridge along the southern coast while the winds here will start to moderate form the SSW. To the far east it is more SW and strong still and to the west it is more southerly with some strong spots here and there. Lots of clouds along the southern parts of the WC clearing to the far interior past the SB ranges and towards the GE. A few Q’s on the west coast to the north of the PV valley. High climbs expected here with sweet thermals to 7/8k. The wind remains SW along the southern coast and adjacent interior but backs to the south further north and in the west with height – all the way past 14k. It then backs to the west for a 70k finish in the south but 100kts in the north. Freezing level 11k in the west but 7500 in the east.

CT – A fresh Southerly wind day with 20kts in the afternoon. It doesn’t look like a good wind-shadow day to me… The main ranges doable but quite a bit of south here too. Not such high climbs here but if you can manage to fly north to the better stuff you could go a long long way… ;) See Spot.

RB – A good day here! :)

PV – A SSW day but higher up it is more S and even SE. IT is a cracking day further north with high bases there around Kardoesie and Renosterhoek. ;) See Spot.

Wilderness – A light rainy start but the promise still holding ture of a spectacular day ahead for us. Perhaps a later start than anticipated but I think from 10/11 the coast should start to work work a great session along the ocean cliffs. Sedge and Serps will both be on fire but perhaps a tad strong early on. Climbs at Sedge showing up to 4k for most of the day! Lol. That’s very unusual for here. Go out there and get high! ;) See Spot.

Plett – Same as Wilderness but a tad longer before starting perhaps. Keurbooms also a maybe but perhaps with a bit of west in it. See Spot.

PE and PA – Strong SW at the start but it does seem to moderate into the afternoon.

EL – Same as above…

Inland – Southerly winds in most places with a tad of SW in the southern parts. Good flying if you can get to the right spots with base rising steadily from north of the first range to the GE. ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:16 and setting at 19:14 – day length 13:58. Low 8:48, High at 15:41. A light/moderate SSW day. Perfect for everything including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 16 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(17 November 2021) 
Day 602 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2fly people! So good to see pilots doing site seeing XC flights – those are my favourites! :) Today a strengthening system building up as the SAH pushes in Cold moist air from the South combining with a very deep upper air trough (there’s very favourable upper divergence taking place over the southern parts of SA). It is setting up t be a mother of fronts from the south! ;) Very strong Southerlies out to sea with perhaps 50kts at times. In the far interior the Westerly will pickup to 40kts in a consistent strong blow out there. To the east the Easterlies are joining the party with 30kts along the eastern southern coasts. Lol. It’s a really weather watching day today. Lots of clouds around in the southern regions with CB activity along the frontal convergence line. To the far northern interior also CB activity (The trough and the frontal system will join into a cut of low in a few days moving off to the SE of the country). But all of this seems to be having a sweet reprieve spell in a “col” on the GR (You guessed it – that awesome place called Wilderness) ;) Perhaps the only spot you could squeeze a flight out of the day today. From 8-10k the winds are all westerlies with a strong 110kts. Freezing level around 11k but dropping during the day to 7500ft from the west as the front settles in.

CT – A wet westerly day and late late afternoon that strong gale force southerlies will move in form the south. The main mountains also full of rain. A weather watching day… lol :) See Spot.

RB – lol :)

PV – Rainy day all day… ;) See Spot.

Wilderness – A light SW start then going SE then the strong southerly in the afternoon. Pretty volatile day but perhaps you could get a coastal flight in while you can see far out to sea on what is coming. Lol. But rain probably from mid day onwards. ;) See Spot.

Plett – Same as Wilderness but probably more SE winds initially. See Spot.

PE and PA – Super strong East to NE winds all day…

EL – Same as above…

Inland – Some lighter winds in the southern Karoo around the GR region but elsewhere strong westerly winds and super strong ones in the far interior especially in the east. Lol. Not a flying day! ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:17 and setting at 19:13 – day length 13:57. Low 8:20, High at 14:32. A light/moderate SW going SE day with possible drizzle. Perfect for everything including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 17 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(16 November 2021) 
Day 601 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2fly people! The CF moving into the southern parts of the WC with cooler air and some sweet soaring conditions. Winds S to SW with a more SW to W component far inland. Lots of clouds around with good Q’s in the southern regions with base form 2-3k along the coast to 4-5k the first mountains and then 6-8k past the SB ranges. It is dry in the west and from north of the SB it becomes blue – perhaps a few small Q’s over the GE up high around 12/13k. The interior trough far to the north of the country where there is extremely big skies doing the rounds! Base at 18k from west to east – you could fly form Windhoek to KZN today! ;) Back home things are more relaxed with the winds remaining S to SW and from 8k or so it all goes west up to the Tropoause for a 100kt finish up there. Freezing level down to 12k.

CT – Another Southerly day trending to the SSW with height. Still not a wind-shadow day with the winds running around the Peninsula as apposed to over it - up to 25kts over the sea so mostly cross winds from the left. The main ranges looking a promising with climbs to 4k and more as you head north. :) See Spot.

RB – Another flyable da here :)

PV – A sweet day on the cards with cooler temps of perhaps 27max and light W to SW winds. Great climbs to 4-5k and easy flying to the north along the mountains. ;) See Spot.

Wilderness – A rainy start but with a promising forecast. Cloudy conditions all day but winds are light to moderate SW going SW with the coasts soarable and also Serps and Sedge working well. Base around 2k. A good day if the rains clears up! ;) See Spot.

Plett – A good day here after the initial rain. Keurbooms looking particularly good today and Uppies also offering something. See Spot.

PE and PA – Strong SW winds with a few spots of rain. The winds will moderate and trend SE from mid day onwards.

EL – Same as above…

Inland – Starting off with light southerly winds int eh southern parts that go more SW to W further inland. Light rain on the southerly mountains. A fresh Seabreeze will kick in in the southern and western coastal regions with up to 20kts winds in a few spots. Looks like a good flying day if you are in the right place. ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:17 and setting at 19:12 – day length 13:55. Low 7:41, High at 14:01. A light/moderate SW going SE day with possible drizzle. Perfect for everything including getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 17 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(15 November 2021) 
Day 600 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2fly people! More great flying yesterday around PV including Cathy forced to deploy her reserve… Today the SAH helping along a CF from the SW as conditions start to get stronger as the front approaches. A S to SW flow along the southern parts but more W in the interior and then in the far east the NE from the IOH dominating. No clouds expected today but a fair bit along both coastlines – low stuff that will only affect the coastal regions in a few spots. Still loads of instability around with the usual spots showing climbs to 10k or more over the GE and progressively lower closer to the coasts. Slight pre-frontal indications in some spots specially later in the day. Winds remain SW along the coast but W in the interior with height but form around 8/10k it is al West to the Tropopause for a 60ish knot finish. Freezing level very high today at 14/15k.

CT – Again a S to SW flow pattern with strong winds at 15-20kts. Not a wind-shadow day with the winds running along the SH and LH region – up to 25kts over the sea and 15kts at launch. Probably a bit mixy and bumpy day. The main ranges looking a tad better but still strongish and climbs to 4k or so… :) See Spot.

RB – It is looking like it could work later on…

PV – Another day with climbs to 4/4500ft on the cards. More wind from the SW later on so try and land by 14:00 or soon after. It gets to 20kts later in the day… ;) See Spot.

Wilderness – A typical prefrontal day though perhaps not as strong with light SW winds in the morning and then building into the afternoon. I t will go more westerly at that time too. Sedge and Serps showing climbs to just over launch with a deepening in the instability layer from lunchtime onwards TOL winds increase to 15kts so the usual strong bumpy stuff is what you cane expect. See Spot.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness…

PE and PA – PE with light variable winds at first then going SW and increasing…

EL – It is all NE wind but it moderates later in the day…

Inland – Westerly winds in the interior starting off light to moderate but getting strong in the afternoon. Some 30kts spots from the WSW as the prefrontal sea breeze moves in…

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:18 and setting at 19:11 – day length 13:54. Low 7:13, High at 13:27 and low at 19:47. A light S day going SW. Perfect for flying and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 19 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(14 November 2021) 
Day 598 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2fly people! Summer is starting to move in while pilots are stretching their wings with some XC flights. Today the SAH shaping into a sweet ridge along the southern parts with a weak trough in the northern interior. Light winds almost everywhere but for the sea breezes that will kick in around the entire WC coastline. The interior with a light NE to NW flow while the southern coasts have a SW start in the east trending to the SE later on. The Peninsula with a shallow S to SW trend with light stuff at TM top height. A blue day with only a few high clouds near the GE. Seems like some low cloud and even foggy patches on the west ad southern coasts but very few from the looks of it. Winds are light all the way to 7/8k where it goes W 15kts. It keeps backing to the SW for a 50kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level still up at 13kish.

CT – A Southerly picking up to the upper teens in knots. It flows around the Peninsula sweetly with a tad more strength out to see. Probably more SSW around here. The main ranges are looking very good with a sweet W to SW wind and climbs to 4/5k. A good day to cruise to the north I think. :) See Spot.

RB – It is up later on but probably too light.

PV – Another sweet day with light W to SW winds all day. Climbs to 4.5k on the cards. Nice! ;) See Spot.

Wilderness – A sweet start with Sedge and Serps offering something from early but then the SE will kick in. Map probably sweet from midday onwards.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies showing some good climbs early on to 4k… ;)

PE and PA – SW winds in the morning but trending SE later on all day…

EL – Same as above…

Inland – Light N to Ne wind in the east but more W in the west. It’s a great flying day no matter what you fly…

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:18 and setting at 19:10 – day length 13:52. Low 6:29, High at 12:46 and low at 19:11. A sweet SE day. Perfect for flying and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 18 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(13 November 2021) 
Day 599 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2fly people! So Bernd and Justin went big yesterday from Waboomberg. Awesome stuff guys! Check it out here!

Today the SAH pushing in CF into the southern parts of the WC with strong SW winds along the southern parts and low cloud. This dries further inland with much higher base and good flying conditions but for the wind that is a bit on the fresh side. A ad more SSW in the west but this veers quickly to the west into the interior – 10-14k bases as you move eastwards along the GE line. Lol. We should run those lines! ;) But it is lower in the southern civilised regions where we are most likely to fly. Winds remain SW with height with a tad WSW at the Tropopause for a 70kts finish up there Freezing level 13k.

CT – A fresh SSW wind day with base around 3k. It is looking like a super good soaring day along those misty cliffs side today… The main ranges als SW but perhaps a tad breezy but doable with some experience… :) See Spot.

RB – Too W… lol

PV – A breezy SSW day here with some flying if you don’t mind the wind. ;) Climbs to 4/5k later on possible… ;) See Spot.

Wilderness – A SW day that is looking good in the morning fir the ocean cliffs. Sedge perhaps a tad on the windy side, especially in the TOL region. lol

Plett – Too strong most probably unless you fly a HG at Keurbooms maybe… ;)

PE and PA – Strong SW winds moving through in pulses with a slight chance of some rain.

EL – As above…

Inland – Fresh SW to W winds with super cool Q’s that become less further inland. High stuff in the eastern interior.

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:19 and setting at 19:09 – day length 13:50. Low early, High at 11:52 and low at 18:24. A fresh SW wind day. Perfect for flying and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 19 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(12 November 2021) 
Day 597 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2fly people! The SAH lightly pushing in some cool moist air into the WC – cloudy and light rain along the southern coast this morning but clearing with some good flying on the cards. Winds S to SE with a SW to W along the west coast. The Southerly winds penetrating far inland to past the GE. Lots of clouds along the southern ranges but it dries by the time the GE is reached. The wind goes SW from 10k and remains SW all the way to the Tropopause for a 70kts finish. Freezing level around 13k.

CT – A fresh SE here for the day with 20kts and more later on. Not much signs of a usable wind-shadow shaping up so… The main ranges from DTK and northwards looking better with a bit more SSW component in the direction. Probably good for some XC to the north. :) See Spot.

RB – Looks good! ;)

PV – A god day on the cards here with light mod SW winds and climbs to 7k in the right spot! ;) See Spot.

Wilderness – A sweet day on the cards if the rain stays away. Sedge and Serps looking good wit climbs to 2k. Map lightly soarable later too…. ;)

Plett – Very similar to Wilderness with the S to SE winds light enough for Uppies See Spot. ;)

PE and PA – Light rain and winds rom the SE all day.

EL – As above…

Inland – A southerly wind day with low clouds in the south rising steadily to the North. Graafies and the southerly facing slopes looking good… ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:20 and setting at 19:08 – day length 13:49. High at 10:35 and low at 17:18. A light cloudy S to SE. Perfect for flying and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 18 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(11 November 2021) 
Day 596 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! A weak Front to the south of the WC driven in by the IOH to hit the southern parts in the afternoon. Its shallow and weak with just a tad more moisture in the lower layers – a slight chance of rian in the late afternoon/evening along the southern mountains. Winds are initially light SE but after the front will increase in strength. The SE is strong around the CP region all day but this curls nicely into a SW to West flow along the west coast with some great soaring conditions out there. Lots of cloud around in the southern parts but the west looking blue. High bases to the east with 13k east of Cradock but 8k in the WC interior then progressively lower closer to the coast. Even a chance of some fog patches along the southern coast in the afternoon. Winds in the interior all easterlies but West north of the GE. The wind goes west from 10k upwards remaining west all the way to the Tropopause for a 60kts finish. Freezing level at 12/13k.

CT – A strong SE wind day with a usable wind-shadow during the mornings but it does seem to erode into the afternoon. The main ranges from DTK and northwards looking sweet with the SW moving in from here. See Spot.

RB – Maybe maybe day… ;)

PV – A SW to W day with a strong sea breeze at the end of the day. Many 15kts plus spots around so land by then. Good climbs to 6k. ;) See Spot.

Wilderness – A SE day with Map probably good for the afternoon. There is a chance of some low cloud moving in and spoiling the fun - maybe. Sedge and Serps will work during the morning but the wind will go more east from mid day onwards. Sedge showing climbs to 2k before lunchtime… If you do get up you can fly to Map. ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with the SE winds but Uppies showing some up stuff… Lol… See Spot. ;)

PE and PA – SE winds trending more east and picking up. Lots of low cloud form the ocean…

EL – As above…

Inland – A sweet day inland with light east winds initially. Good thermal if you can get into the air. But the sea breeze moving in in the afternoon with a few strong spots of 20kts in the late afternoon. Watch the low cloud and possible rain clouding up in the southern ranges…

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:20 and setting at 19:07 – day length 13:47. High at 8:57 and low at 15:41. A light SE start but strong in the afternoon. Perfect for flying and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 17 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(10 November 2021) 
Day 595 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! The SAH dominating our weather with a general westerly flow pattern and some southern variations within along the southern coastal areas. Still some instability around but much less than yesterday. Climbs to 4k in the western regions, rising in the interior with some spots to 11k around the GE and less as you move further south. There are some low clouds out to sea along the west and southern coastal areas with a chance of these making land in a few spots. Winds are light S to SW in the lower parts but then picks up above the inversion as the west increase in strength reaching 50kts from 11k upwards with a 60kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 12k.

CT – A SW lower flow but ore west around TM height. IT gets breezy around the northern Peninsula along the coast. It should be a lekker flying day though – instability to 2500ft in the early periods. The main mountains with the SW winds also nice and flyable with climbs to around 4k. SLP looking to work probably too.. See Spot.

RB – Too much west in it. ;)

PV – SW winds here today with climbs to 4/5k. Relatively strong day form the looks of it with flights to Renosterhoek on the cards. ;) See Spot.

Wilderness – A sweet flight form Theunis form Serps to Sedge yesterday – making the most of the post frontal conditions. A nice looong glider right over Swart-Vlei in the end too. :) Today not so high in the climbs but still some instability with perhaps 500m in the good spots doable. Perhaps another sorty from Serps to Sedge is possible. ;) Winds SSW in general withs a few pulses moving through – 5-10kts. Some of the coastal stuff should work too… ;) See Spot!

Plett – A good day here too with climbs to 3k… Maybe Keurbooms looking up again late morning mid day. Lol… See Spot. ;)

PE and PA – Its SW going to the South later on…

EL – The NE dominating during the day with the SW moving in late in the afternoon…

Inland – A general W wind up to 15kts during the day but the Sea Breeze form the south will move in in the afternoon well over 20kts in many spots. Good lift before that moves through though… ;) A blue day with some Q’s in the far eastern interior where some lift heads up past 13k… ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:21 and setting at 19:06 – day length 13:45. High at 7:34 and low at 13:53. A light SSW wind with sun. Perfect for flying and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 17 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(9 November 2021) 
Day 594 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! The SAH shaping a light ridge along the southern parts of the WC today with some light winds and good soaring conditions. Winds are all SW in the W and Southerlies in the south but light Northerlies in the interior. There is a marked sea breeze moving in on the west and southern coasts – the western one pretty strong with over 20kts. The southern one slightly less but for a few stronger spots at 20kts too. Clouds dissipating quickly form the morning with few around  in the afternoon except for the eastern regions. Base pretty high with 4k in the southern regions and more further inland. The winds go Northerly from just above 3000ft then NW from around 7k backing to the west with a 40kts finish up at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 12k.

CT – Looks like a sweet day with a NW start backing to the SW later in the day, Some 15kts spots but from 2500ft the wind is NE to N and pretty light. Perhaps some interesting flying around the Peninsula if you can put the light upper flow to use… ;) The main ranges with a lower W to SW but the upper flow more NW to NNW. Climbs to 4/5k perhaps. IT gets better to the north. See Spot.

RB – lol. ;)

PV – A good day here again with the post frontal and cool temps with climbs to 6k in the afternoon. Lekker! ;) See Spot.

Wilderness – After yesterdays Spot being correct today is looking not as good as we expected for Sedge. Climbs to 2000ft here but if you can get over the back to the flats its 3k in general but early up t near base at just over 4k. The wind goes Northish (some NE some NW) from just other side of 3000ft. Maybe get high and use the upper winds to drift high out to sea… ;) The coastal spots could work but the Map corner is soft again. ;) See Spot!

Plett – A cracking day here so get here if you can with climbs early over 4k to base. After 11 the sea breeze spoils the fun a bit – Oh I forgot, the winds are pretty breezy N up at TOL. Lol… See Spot. ;)

PE and PA – A slight chance of a few spots of rain here but otherwise looking good. Winds go form SW, moderating to SE in the afternoon.

EL – As above…

Inland – Light sweet wind in the interior from the N in general but the sea breezes pushing in form the south int eh afternoon. They penetrate to just past the SB ranges. Mostly blue with a few Q’s over the convergence regions. Lots of Q in the east though… It’s a good day to be out flying I think. ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:22 and setting at 19:06 – day length 13:43. Low at 12:36, high at 18:51. A light S to SSE wind with sun. Perfect for flying and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 17 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(8 November 2021) 
Day 593 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people! Another sweet day at Sedge yesterday with weak but smooth lift for a lucky few pilots. Today the Cold Front converging with the active interior trough with wide spread and strong rain in many places. This will move rapidly from west to east with little rain in the west but strong rain in the east. Winds are SW to S in the west and southern parts with a strong W to SW meeting the NW interior trough air. Lots of CB’s out there too. Lol. But it does look like some good flying possible in the west so all is not lost. ;) The winds remain SW in the SW corner with a 25kts finish at the Tropopause but NW around PE with a 120kts finish. ;) Action up there! Freezing level down to 7500ft in the SW southern areas.

CT – A Southerly start but trending to the SW during the day. Some rain early but this will move of to the west. It should be flyable at most of the SW spots. The main mountains also looking very promising with the SSW component though perhaps at ad on the strong side… See Spot.

RB – Hhhmmm… perhaps early morning but then a tad too much W in it I think. ;)

PV – One of the better possible spots today. Low base start but finishing with a strong 6k base in the afternoon. Lol. See Spot.

Wilderness – Well, if we get to believe the spot it looks like we might have a sweet late afternoon session at Sedge today. Climbs to near 2k at base. Otherwise it is rain for the morning and more rain. Perhaps late afternoon soaring along the ocean cliffs too. Fingers crossed!  ;) See Spot!

Plett – More rain here with clouds so not as promising as Wilderness… See Spot. ;)

PE and PA – The rian having out here all day it seems. Winds SE and breezy at times!  

EL – As above…

Inland – Lots of rain in the interior with just the far west looking great for flying. Winds strong W in the interior to SW in the south but more SE in the eastern interior. Not a flying day unless you are around the PV region… ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:23 and setting at 19:05 – day length 13:41. Low at 11:39, high at 17:55. A light moderate SW trend with lots of clouds and rain. Perfect for coffee and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature still around 16 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(7 November 2021) 
Day 592 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! Another amazing day along the GR coastline yesterday. :) Today the SAH pushing a tad more as it gathers the cooler moist air towards the WC. (This will converge with the deepening interior trough and bring loads of rain tomorrow btw). But today more windy conditions in the western parts with a lighter S to SE flow along the southern coast. It is SE in the eastern interior and more west in the west. The far north it is W so a sweet light low circulation around the western little Karoo – the high cloud base in this area reflecting the exceptional good soaring to be had here. (See the cloud base map) If you can get here sweet! ;) The skies are blue north of the GE. Some rain again in the east as the eastern part of the trough is pretty active with CB’s but only some light rain along the southern ranges. In a nutshell super good stuff in the west but more low cloudy stuff in the east with rain. The wind goes NW from 6000ft all the way to the Tropopause for a 110kts finish up there. Freezing level around 9k.

CT – A light moderate start in the SSE with a iffy wind=shadow during the morning that will erode more into the afternoon as the wind picks up. 20kts in a few spots expected. There is not much slacking and backing of the wind with height. The main ranges at DTK is looking rather good with some very high climbs to the NW from there in the light wind area… The big mountain to the south doing a great job of blocking the strong S to SE flow. See Spot.

RB – Another possibly good afternoon here… ;)

PV – A not as good as to the south day from here. Lol. See Spot.

Wilderness – A slow start from the look of things with less onshore flow in the morning. Still some instability around so if you are in the right spot you could get to cloud at 2k at Sedge or 1500ft at Serps… It trends SSE later in the day. Not as good as today form the looks of things but still worth it I think. ;) See Spot!

Plett – More SE and less good compare to yesterday…. See Spot. ;)

PE and PA – Still rain on the cards with SE winds…

EL – As above…

Inland – Light east flows in the little Karoo initially but a strong sea breeze in the west pushing through with 20kts spots form the south. Lots of super sweet and high Q’s around the west and interior up to the GE. So good flying in the right places. The east though with OD and lots of rain. ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:24 and setting at 19:04 – day length 13:40. Low at 10:52, high at 17:08. A light SSE trend with lots of clouds. Perfect for anything and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 16 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(6 November 2021) 
Day 591 of lockdown

Good morning all amazing Wild2Fly people! What a great day of lfying yesterday on the GR and today looks like more! ;) A sweet split between the SAH and IOH shaping a slight ridge along the southern parts of the WC. Some rain in the east but it is looking really sweet in the west. Winds are SE to SW in the west, W in the far northern interior and light east to SE in the southern and eastern interior. The south coast with a light S trending SE. Lots of Q’s around with base around 12k along the GE and lowering to the south from there with 3k along the coastal regions. It dries more to the west with the good flying but rain in the east initially. There should be some good XC stuff in the west. Winds go WNW from 8/9k up with a 110kt finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 9/10k.

CT – A S to SW day with some strong stuff along the northern Peninsula shore line. The wind shadow on the city bowl side so perhaps not the best day… The main ranges much better as the wind has time to curl in more to the SW. It is looking great here with flights to PV on the cards. See Spot.

RB – lol I tis actually looking like a great afternoon soaring here… But I think you must go to DTK and fly to PV… ;)

PV – A great day here with W to SW winds and climbs to 6k on the cards. See Spot.

Wilderness – Another good one with early Sedge and then Map for the afternoon. The winds ging to the SSE later on but more SSW in the morning form the looks of things. Good stuff along the coasts too! Its def a day to go flying! ;) See Spot!

Plett – Uppies side a tad more OD with us moving closer towards the rainy side of things. Maybe some Keurbooms but a tad from the east here… See Spot. ;)

PE and PA – Some rain on the cards so not the best of days here… Winds are all SE.

EL – As above…

Inland – A light S to SE start to the day with rain in the east but good stuff in the west. In the far north the wind is W and blue. High clouds along the GE. Some strong S to SE winds later on as the Sea breeze moves in in parts in the west and east. ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:24 and setting at 19:03 – day length 13:38. Low at 10:08, high at 16:45. A light moderate S wind day with clouds. Perfect for anything and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 16 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(5 November 2021) 
Day 589 of lockdown

Good morning all supercool Wild2Fly people! Toay another Cold Front moving into the southern parts of the WC – SW winds trending more W in the interior. Some light rain possible along the southern ranges. Winds not too strong with only a few spots going around 20kts in the later afternoon. (See wind map) Lots of clouds around with the base low along the GR region at 150oft and then rising further inland to a whopping 12/13k along the GE. Some nice Q’s in the west too with PV showing off the white stuff – a good time to go play out there today. The Strong SW Cold Front leading edge just to the east of EL along the east coast. Some CB activity here and inland to the east of Graafies area. The wind is SW in the S and W in the interior but it goes NW from around 7/8k and upwards for a strong 125kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 9/10k.

CT – A SW wind day with some local acceleration at LH and SH. Perhaps some good flying along those other Peninsula spots and the main ranges looking good to with the SW winds here – even if it is a bit OD… See Spot.

RB – lol Still ag shame man! ;)

PV – Again top local spot with great flying and lots of Q’s around today. A SW trend with climbs to 5k perhaps close to 6k later on. See Spot.

Wilderness – It should be a great day at Sedge and the coast if the rain stays away. All day just about. Winds in the 5-10kts range. ;) See Spot!

Plett – Keurbooms is looking particularly great for most of the day if the rain stays away. Uppies very light but maybe it could be just so sweet. See Spot. ;)

PE and PA – It is looking like a great MaitLands day to me. Picking up in the afternoon so Dirk can play too – if it doesn’t rain. ;)

EL – Fresh SW here all day with a slightly better chance of rain…

Inland – A SW in the southern parts with a W north of the GE. Some CB in the east. (actually quite a few! Lol) ;) Some strong SW winds later on as the Sea breeze moves in in the SW parts. ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:25 and setting at 19:02 – day length 13:36. Low at 9:27, high at 15:43. A light moderate SW wind day with clouds. Perfect for anything and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 17 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(4 November 2021) 
Day 588 of lockdown

Good morning all amazing Wild2Fly people! Today is looking like a record day in the interior – flying from the west facing sites and heading east. The SB are going off the scale with 13/14k bases and you can run down wind for the entire length of those ranges and more – 20kts up there to carry you along. Lol. The Cold Front brushing past the SW areas of the WC but with great instability along the leading edge of the front. Some rain in the southern western parts with NW winds and late afternoon a chance of some CB activity around the Riversdale and surrounding region. The NW to SW winds will run up to just shy of the GR coast where the wind is more southerly with even a tad of SE. A few Q’s around along the mountains with very high bases. The interior winds a W trend but more WNW in the far north. A strong sea breeze expected to reach SB ranges by 16:00 over 30kts! A great taster to summer flying. The eastern parts with a SE to NE along the coast and slightly less in the adjacent interior. Winds are all WNW with height all the way to the Tropopause for a 90-100kt finish up there Freezing level around the 9-10k level.

CT – Nw winds with some lowish clouds. If the rain stays away it could be lekker flying though a tad strong perhaps. 10kts lower down with mid to upper teens in knots higher up. The main ranges with a tad more OD stuff and more chance of rain. Maybe too strong? See Spot.

RB – Ag shame man! ;)

PV – Again top local spot with great flying and even some Q’s around. A W trend with upper NW. Climbs to 5/6k. See Spot.

Wilderness – A similar day to yesterday but perhaps not as rough. A tad more SSW during the morning but S in the afternoon. Climbs to perhaps 1500ft at Sedge and Serps. Light soaring at Gerrickes and PR and CP too. Map probably too light. Looks like a sweet day. ;) See Spot!

Plett – More SE influence and the thermic stuff at Uppies not so good. See Spot. ;)

PE and PA – Similar to yesterday with a light onshore start remaining SE for the day.

EL – East to NE all day here…

Inland – A moderate W to WNW wind in most areas – the exception the eastern parts in the south where there is a more S to SE influence form the IOH. The rest is big strong skies with high bases and strong thermals. Bumpy rides for propellor thingies. ;) lol

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:26 and setting at 19:01 – day length 13:34. Low at 8:48, high at 15:03. Again light S winds. Perfect for anything and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 18 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(3 November 2021) 
Day 587 of lockdown

Good morning all super cool Wild2Fly people! A fantastic day of flying yesterday all over the place. Here is a pic by Adam West flying his hang glider at TM. Those things are still so cool. :) Today another Cold Front pushing towards CT so some stronger NW winds along the west with the IOH dominating in the east – in between the changeover area. The Cloud base rising well form west to east – some 6-8k along the mountains in the south and then in the eastern interior very high bases around the 13k mark. Winds are westerly in general in the interior with some WNW trends. The sea breeze very active from the eastern southern parts reaching 30kts in places in the south. Generally some good instability around all over and if you are in the right place today you can still get in on the action before the next front moves through. Winds remain WNW all the way to the Tropopause for 100kts finish up there while the freezing level is around 9/11k.

CT – After yesterdays excellent flying, today is another NW day but a tad stronger with winds perhaps just on the wrong side of the 20kt mark. Some clouds around making things more ominous! ;) If you do fly watch the stronger bits higher up! ;) And the same applies for the main mountains. See Spot.

RB – lol! ;)

PV – Still the top spots of the day. All day it seems with a sweet W wind purring up the front. Strong climbs to 6k…

Wilderness – A light S wind trending light SE later on. Sedge looking good for the morning and then maybe some light stuff at Map in the afternoon. Perhaps a good rest day after yesterdays long hours in the air! ;) See Spot!

Plett – So the wind just a tad too strong for too long yesterday – a bit disappointing after such a good forecast. Today looking like a playful day. Nothing exciting to go any where but good enough to play around a bit. See spot. ;)

PE and PA – Light onshore start remaining SE for the day. The afternoon the wind looks to be dropping as the front moves closer and the IOH shifts eastwards.

EL – East to NE all day here…

Inland – Fresh W to WNW winds in the interior. Some high base in the east, blue in the central parts and then clouds to the west and south. A good day to fly if you can find the right launch! ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:27 and setting at 19:00 – day length 13:33. Low at 8:09, high at 14:24. Light SE winds. Perfect for anything and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 17 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(2 November 2021) 
Day 586 of lockdown

Good morning all amazing Wild2Fly people! The Cold Front moving off to the east while the SAH shaping into a light ridge along the southern parts of the country. Sweet sweet instability left in its wake so its a take off work and go fly day! Good Q’s along the southern parts, drying out in the northern and western parts later in the day but they are nice and high with 5-6k base on the cards. Strong climbs on the cards form most areas as the summer sun mixes with some winter air. Lol. The wind is NW in the west then backing to the SW along the southern parts. The interior light NW but a strong sea breeze moving up from the south later the day in the southern parts. The wind is NW to W with height for a WNW finish at the Tropopause of 100kts. Freezing level between 7500 and 11k.

CT – A super good flying day – perhaps a tad strong but it looks like a big 12 apostle day with high soaring stuff. LH and SH of course working like crazy it seems. The main ranges also super good but perhaps its better to go north for a fligh to the the south form some XC distance. See Spot.

RB – lol! ;)

PV – Amazing day here. All day it seems with a sweet W wind purring up the front. Strong climbs to 6k and Q’s…

Wilderness – A light west start but then the SW popping in around 9:30 for a short soaring session along the coast. It becomes a tad on the light side form the looks of things from mid day onwards. Serps and Sedge the big spots today with high climbs of 3k initially then around 2k for the remainder of the day. Perhaps the coastal soaring will last a tad longer… ;) See Spot!

Plett – Plett going off today with climbs to 5/6k around Uppies. A day to go places! A flight to Oubos is on the cards I think. See spot. ;)

PE and PA – Its all SW winds still but slight chance of rain.

EL – As above.

Inland – Super good flying conditions all over with the post frontal air around. Clouds confined to the southern parts. Winds NW light to moderate but the sea breeze popping in in the southern parts later in the day – up to 20kts in that! ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:28 and setting at 18:59 – day length 13:31. Low at 7:30, high at 13:45. Partly cloudy moderate onshore winds. Perfect for anything and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 16 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(1 November 2021) 
Day 586 of lockdown

Good morning all super cool Wild2Fly people! Today the Cold Front striking the WC with some pre-summer vengeance. It’s a strong one helped along by the SAH – some 50kt gusts expected this morning around the CT region. Lots of rain with even a CB cell or two within the front. Rain all the way north into Namibia. The SW winds stretching along the entire southern and eastern coastal areas – the exception being the GR where there is a bit of a sheltered area for midday but the rain moving in soon after. Inland the wind is W to NW and breezy! Lol. Winds go NW with hight and finishes with 70kts in the south but 120kts further north. Freezing level dropping from 12k down to 7k.

CT – A rainy low cloud and windy day. A NW start but going very strong SW winds as the big stuff hits around 10ish. Perhaps a slight clearing later in the day. Doesn’t look good all day though…

RB – lol! ;)

PV – Also rain, low cloud and W to SW winds…

Wilderness – A cloudy start with the frontal presence all over the skies. But the forecasts show a calm period before the strong SSW pulse an drain moves in around 13:00. The Spot and TH graphs show that we might even have a spell of great flying at Sedge between 12 and 13:00. Lol. Otherwise it is all changing weather so keep a good look out for those strong wind pulse form the ocean side. ;) Lots of rain for the afternoon it seems. ;) See Spot!

Plett – And a similar lookout to Wilderness. Perhaps a tad more windy. See spot. ;)

PE and PA – Its all SW winds with the rain popping at PE at the end of the day.

EL – As above but a lighter start and building during the day.

Inland – A prefrontal region to the east with strong NW winds and very high bases but rain and lower clouds in the west. A great day for weather watching. ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:29 and setting at 18:58 – day length 13:29. Low at 6:48, high at 13:05, Low tide at 19:22. Low cloud and initially light winds but rani and strong winds later. Perfect for anything and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 18 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(31 October 2021) 
Day 585 of lockdown

Good morning all amazing Wild2Fly people! What an incredibly good day at Sedge yesterday – quite a few pilots turning up with some still flying at 5:45 in the afternoon! Today the Cold Front closer to CT with the interior trough along the western central parts while the IOH is dominating on the east. Winds are SW to Nw along the west and interior but more east to NE along the eastern areas. Lots of coastal clouds around but mostly blue day inland. Some high climbs available on the west today with PV showing over 7k TOL – further up the west coast it is even more. And also in the southern ranges of the south coasts if you remain in the north to westerly airflow – out of the stable effects of the IOH coastal air. The wind goes NW with height with a 70kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 14k.  

CT – A south to SW surface wind but trending W to NW with height. If the ocean clouds stay away it could be a good flying day though the SW accelerates around the SH/LH part of the Peninsula so some strong bits of wind along the shore – perhaps over 15kts. The main ranges looking strong with the West wind and over 6k climbs. The upper flow is a tad too strong and I think this might influence the surface flow a tad more than further north like PV. Perhaps not so flyable here… ;) See the spot.

RB – WWB in action! ;)

PV – Perhaps even better than yesterday. Higher climbs with the only down side that the winds up over 6k getting a bit strong with 20kts up there. But it does look good in the valley with a W to NW wind around 5-10kts. Of course more in the thermal going up the mnt! See Spot.

Wilderness – A very different day with the ocean air making things very stable. (Du Toits Farm looking great early on but then it goes west at mid day). Sedge looks difficult with the forecasts not showing much going above launch. Winds are South to SE here but more SE along the coast. Similarly Serps… So perhaps extended foefies at Map might be the order of the day. Lol. Though late late afternoon Buffalo bay might bring in enough wind for a session of flying there. I would keep an eye on that one. ;) See Spot!

Plett – Similar to Wilderness. Uppies with perhaps a 100ft or so above launch possible. Keurbooms a tad from the left… See spot. ;)

PE and PA – The E to NE winds dominating here but if you go inland far enough it is looking amazingly good. All those secret spots should be firing! ;)

EL – As above but stronger even.

Inland – A blue day with fresh NW winds in the west but lighter stuff in the central and little Karoo and in the east. Winds are more west in the southern parts with even a NE flow in the far east. It is good for flying if you can get into the air! ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:30 and setting at 18:57 – day length 13:27. Low at 6:00, high at 12:22, Low tide at 18:42. A SW start going light SSE partly cloudy. Perfect for flying and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 18 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(30 October 2021) 
Day 584 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! After all the rain and thunder today is looking very sweet! Again the SA is feeding in a layer of unstable air around 4/5k thick bringing with it some lekker flying everywhere! Winds are SE in the west veering more to the SSW in the south then more SW in the west. Inland it is very south for a long way into the interior and also light with up to 10kts and a few spots perhaps at tad more. Lots of Q’s around in the south and east – the west as usual much dryer. Base ad climbs rising further inland with up to 10k over the GE. The wind remains southerly with height to other side of 10k before starting a light change to the W and finishing WNW at around 30kts at the Tropopause. Freezing level way up at 13/14k.

CT – A Shallow SE flow reaching perhaps 20kts but it moderates with height and at 2k it starts to back to the east at 5kts. A great wind-shadow day. The main ranges looking sweet too with the SE flow being over powered by the valley anabatic stuff. Some good climbs here to 5k perhaps. ;) See the spot.

RB – Right direction but it looks like it is going to be too light. You guys should have gone to PV today. ;)

PV – A sweet day here with light west winds all the way to the inversion. I tis east to NE above that. Climbs to 4-4500ft on the cards – a brilliant day for those long out and returns along the ranges. It finishes light SW. See Spot.

Wilderness – Still some lingering rain with a W flow but from mid to late morning this will start to clear more and the SW will settle in. It really looks a good day on the cards here – the coastal spots perhaps working for a short while in the morning but it is really the thermic sites that will be the places today. Serps and sedge showing lots of ufn flying all day. It is a day to do some XC too – from Serps to Sedge very doable – or beyond! Base on the back flats around 3/4k. See Spot!

Plett – Similar but better. Climbs to 4k – looks a bit OD but still working well. You can go places I think. Even Keurbooms looks like a good day all day long. See spot. ;)

PE and PA – The SW a tad strong here for the most part. I think Dirk might be happy – ML probably the only spot worth checking out. IT just might moderate enough for super good flying here… ;)

EL – As above but stronger even.

Inland – Lots of Q’s in the south and eastern parts. Winds light southerly mostly. A super good day for flying with the light south winds. ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:31 and setting at 18:56 – day length 13:25. High at 11:27, Low tide at 17:53. A SW start going light SSE partly cloudy. Perfect for flying and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 18 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(29 October 2021) 
Day 583 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! Lots of rain from an almost cut-off-low system – breaking the draught in many of the little and big Karoo regions. The mid level moisture from the north is moving to the east taking with it a lot of the CB action – some remnants still left along the GR but most of it to the eastern parts of the WC. The SAH starting to nudge in on the west with some SW/NW winds. Lots of cloud around – low stuff near the coasts – both west and south coasts. Inland base rises with loads of variations – some spots near the GE up to 12k even. Winds are west in general in the west, SW along the southern coasts (except for the Wilderness region where there is that sheltered region), NW far inland, west in the southern interior but more S to SE in the east. The IOH strong NE winds are active up to the EL region. Winds change to the LP flow from around 10k upwards with SW in the west and NW in the east all the way to the Tropopause with around 50kts up there. Freezing level between 9-10k.

CT – Low clouds winds from the WNW and some rain in the morning but a chance of base lifting and clearing in the afternoon. Perhaps it will become flyable. The main ranges with more cloud and more wind and more rain. Lol. Not looking so good out there… ;) See the spot.

RB – All WWB stuff…

PV – Also that WNW winds around 10-15kts… Base lifting and again a chance of things becoming flyable from mid day onwards. It remains a bit breezy so perhaps not the best of stuff to be in. See Spot.

Wilderness – Another cloudy and CB and rainy start – it looks like a slight gap after this mornings rain but then rain moving in again around lunchtime. The winds are vary varied ranging from SW to NE during the day – still lots of influence form the rain showers. I think even if there is a clearing the grounds are so wet – it’s a hard pish to get a flying spot today. Lol. But the good news is that tomorrow is looking really good! See Spot!

Plett – Same as Wilderness. No, perhaps a bit better for flying form mid day onwards. ;)

PE and PA – Rain and CB’s and SW winds…

EL – As above…. The wind might initially be in the change over areas from SW to NE.

Inland – Less CB’s and clearing form the west. But the east still very very active with CB’s and rain. Fresh W to NW winds except for the eastern coastal areas where the S wind from the coast will penetrate a bit inland. Its breezy. Still a good to watch while drinking coffee! ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:32 and setting at 18:55 – day length 13:23. High at 9:58, Low tide at 16:38. Rain this morning partial clearing in the afternoon with a light SE wind. Perfect for relaxing and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 17 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(28 October 2021) 
Day 582 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! The trough line with the deep low circulation still dominating our WC weather today. Similar to yesterday but for a sharp increase in northerly to NW winds. Lots of rain and CB will be active again from midday onwards. The NW flow dominant from the west to the southern coastal regions with a few east variations. The east dominated by the strong NE flow nudged along by the IOH. Lots of cloud – inland bases are around 8-10k with some low coastal clouds along the west and southern coastal regions. The winds remain NW all the way to the Tropopause for a 75kts finish. Freezing level around 11-12k.

CT – Looks like a NW wind day but with a strong gradient – the winds quickly increase from a lighter foggy surface flow to 30kts at 3k. The main ranges also with very strong flows not far above the ground. So probably not a flying day. Be careful if you are tempted to fly. ;) See the spot.

RB – All WWB today…

PV – Similar strong NW winds here – as usual slightly protected from the strong stuff but still too much to fly I think. Again those CB chances around in the day. See Spot.

Wilderness – Another cloudy and CB day ahead of us. Though around midday there seems to be a shallow SE surface flow setting up. It is short lived and probably very vulnerable to the movement of the CB cells so it might not even happen. Lol. A day for coffee most probably! See Spot!

Plett – Same as Wilderness.

PE and PA – Again a light east and perhaps even variable start. But then it is NE winds.

EL – As above….

Inland – Lots of strong NW flows with a few changes in the SE region. But its all cloudy with CB activity once again all over increasing in the afternoon. Good to watch while drinking coffee! ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:33 and setting at 18:54 – day length 13:21. High at 8:12, Low tide at 14:28. Northerly wind trending east, thundery, thick clouds. Perfect for relaxing and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 22 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(27 October 2021) 
Day 581 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! The interior trough finishing into a strong low pressure system over the WC is dominating our weather today. Lots of CB’s on the cards for mid day – expecting hopefully some good rain in the dry parts of the Karoo. ;) Not a good flying forecast as the winds are pretty strong all over the show – NE in the interior trending north with a east on the coast like yesterday. Some fog on the northern west coast, and low clouds around Agulhas with clouds on the coast in the east. High base in the interior with 10-13k on average. Hhhmmm… Winds back to the Nw with height for a 50kts in the west and 100kt in the east finish. Freezing level around 13k.

CT – IT is a SE start but we expect this to veer to the SW trending to the west later day here. CP more SE perhaps but it curls hard to the northern Peninsula form the SW and then W to even WNW. Some instability to 4k perhaps and it just could be good flying here. A chance of some CB’s moving in from the north and spoiling the fun though. The main mountains a bit dynamic today with a smaller window to fly in I think. It gets stronger NW later on. See the spot.

RB – All WWB today…

PV – Chance of CB but also a window around mid day with a light West expected and climbs to 4/5k. It gets stronger and more NW to N in the late afternoon. :)

Wilderness – A short gap in the morning at Map but it is expected to get blown out early again. Well, much earlier today. If you are not there yet you probably missed it. Lol.

Plett – Same as Wilderness.

PE and PA – Still those strong E to NE winds all day…

EL – As above….

Inland – NE winds trending to the N further inland with lots of wide spread CB activity. High bases at 10-13k. Hhhmm… Be very vigilant if you fly.

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:34 and setting at 18:53 – day length 13:19. (Only a few days left! If you are one of the lucky ones to read this then find that flash special on our web and save! ;) High at 7:02, Low tide at 12:45, high tide at 19:07. A lightish SE wind start but again picking up strong later in the day. Perfect for flying and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 20 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(26 October 2021) 
Day 580 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! The IOH with a big ridge along the southern parts while the interior trough shaping up large and wide. Strong SE winds along the southern parts with a lighter east interior flow but this changes to north further inland. Some clouds along the southern parts and then a few along selected peaks inland with high bases. Some very high climbs around today and PV is the spot to be from the looks of it. Sweet light west winds and climbs to perhaps 10k! Some rain in the interior with a few wannabe CB cells out there but nothing within the WC region. Winds go from light east to NE then a slow backing to the NW with a WNW finish of 115kts at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 12k.

CT – A strong SE at CP but it does not quite make it to CT during the best part of the day. CT also looking awesome with a nice wind-shadow so much so that even Africa face could be flyable mid day. Perhaps you might have to leave the lift to stay out of airspace! Lol. Later the SE picks up to over 2okts but the shadow seems to hang around longer. The main ranges looking good with the SE above being light so the thermal flow will over power that I think. Looks like an exceptionally high climb day…

RB – Maybe a late afternoon session if the wind moves in here…

PV – The spot to be! 7/8k climbs easy and perhaps even more with light W winds in the valley. It goes more S late in the day. :)

Wilderness – Another strong SE wind day. Light in the morning but by lunchtime it will be blown out today. Get your flying in early!

Plett – Same as Wilderness.

PE and PA – Also a lighter start but the east to EN wind will dominate with very strong winds end of day.

EL – As above….

Inland – Light east in the south and N in the north. The sea breeze will move into the interior from mid day onwards with strong SE winds of 20kts plus. Past the SB ranges. Sweet flying early on though ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:35 and setting at 18:53 – day length 13:17. (Only a few days left! If you are one of the lucky ones to read this then find that flash special on our web and save! ;) High at 6:16, Low tide at 12:05, high tide at 18:19. A light SE wind start but picking up strong later in the day. Perfect for flying and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 18 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(25 October 2021) 
Day 579 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! What a day yesterday! Plenty of XC flights along the GR with some epic flights but the prize goes to Justin Andersen flying from Oubos with a massive out and return of just shy of 150km! Well done Justin! (Though perhaps wasmasjien-Pieter did 87km straight distance over some technically tricky terrain flying from Sedge all the way to otherside of Friemersheim for 87km. A new site record.)

Today the SAH dominating in the west and the IOH in the east. So a bit stronger and more east along the coast but still that instability around in the right places. The GR a tad tamer from the looks of things with some clouds but lower bases from mid day onwards. A strong SE around CP areas with 25kts late afternoon around CT and the NE in the far east around EL and PE. In land it is initially light east but the sea breeze will make its way inland passing Oudshoorn around lunchtime with 20kts plus. IT penetrates beyond the SB ranges. Some Q’s around in the south around the GR region and eastwards mainly. Lots of CB to the NE interior where the trough is pretty active but no rain expected for the WC. Winds remain east to NE all the way to around 14k then backs to the W for a 50kts finish up at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 11k.

CT – Another fresh SE wind day similar to yesterday. Again over 20kts in the afternoon when the shadow will erode away but a good morning of flying to be had. The main ranges with great instability and climbs perhaps as high as 7k. But it is SE so perhaps not doable here.

RB – A great day on the cards here – could get a bit strong in the afternoon.

PV – A great day here from the looks of it. High climbs past 7k on the cards. The wind light SE up there but SW lower down. ;)

Wilderness – A light SE start picking up into the afternoon. A chance of it being blow out late late in the day. There are signs of the compression bubble shaping up so pretty protected around the Map region. Sedge is looking nice and unstable with climbs to 1500ft. Perhaps a bench-up at Gerrickes is possible too – so too an early flight at Buffs. See Spot!

Plett – Uppies looking doable but it is of course tad SE. See Spot.

PE and PA – A light wind start to the day but all trending to that dreaded NE winds. Strong in the afternoon.

EL – Strong NE all day….

Inland – A light east and beautiful start but breezy in the afternoon especially in the southern regions where the sea breeze moves through. IT will blow in excess of 20kts. ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:36 and setting at 18:52 – day length 13:15. (If you are one of the lucky ones to read this then find that flash special on our web and save! ;) Low tide at 11:30, high tide at 17:44. A light SE wind start picking up later in the day. Perfect for flying and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 16 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(24 October 2021) 
Day 578 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! Today the SAH shaping up a sweet light ridge along the entire WC with light winds and sweet soaring conditions. Lots of Q’s in the southern regions – this dries further inland and along the western parts. Winds are all SE but E along the west coast. Instability depth ranging from 3k near the coast rising with 5k along the first mountain ranges and then more further inland from there. There is a marked sea breeze along the west coast and also a strong convergence for the boys in Jozies between the CF and the inland NW – soe CB’s shaping up within this region. But back home all the action is n the sweet unstable air, light winds and lots of Q’s to mark the climbs. Lekker! Winds remain light with height and from around 10k starts to veer to the S and then SW for a W finish up at the Tropopause at 50kts. Freezing level up to 10k but a few 7500ft spots still around – all above the inversion.

CT – A fresh SE wind but it moderates with height so signs of a wind=shadow shaping up. IT gets well over 20kts in the late afternoon. The main ranges with great instability and climbs perhaps as high as 7k. But it is SE so perhaps not doable here… Hermanus is looking great for a flight to Stanford and beyond! See Spot.

RB – A great day on the cards here – especially in the afternoon.

PV – A good day here too. Perhaps a good to go to PB for a flight to the north from there. You might connect with the sea breeze and then really go places. ;)

Wilderness – A good day of flying here too – no need to say take off work and go fly! ;) Winds from SSW going to SSE later on. The ocean cliffs soarable and then also Serps and sedge going off. Initial climbs to 3k and more… All the other inland sports will be good too. :) See Spot!

Plett – Great day here for Uppies and Keurbooms too. You can go places today. See Spot.

PE and PA – Oubos will be on fire today with the ridge working all day. Long out and return runs possible. The coastal winds SW going to SE later on.

EL – SW winds and then moderating to the SE later on.

Inland – A general SE flow pattern with amazing flying. Especially to the south where there are lots of clouds. Lol. ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:37 and setting at 18:51 – day length 13:13. (If you are one of the lucky ones to read this then find that flash special on our web and save! ;) Low tide at 11:00, high tide at 17:16. A partly cloudy start with light S to SSE east winds. Perfect for flying and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 15 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(23 October 2021) 
Day 577 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! Some sweet flying at Sedge yesterday for a lucky few but today a very different story. The Cold Front all over the WC with rain and strong W to SW winds. Lots of clouds around with varying bases – down to 2/3k along parts of the southern coast rising inland to 10/11k in some spots and even higher further to the north. The SW to W pattern well settled into the interior too with some good looking skies. But probably just a tad too strong. ;) Perhaps some moderation in the afternoon in the far SW corner with the possibility of getting some airtime there on those secret spots. Wind remains W to SW all the way to the Tropopause for a 70-80kts finish. Freezing level down to 6500ft in many spots.

CT – Lots of clear spells but those showers coming through at sporadic intervals. Probably a tad too strong most of the times but I think the afternoon showing more moderation in the winds for those secret southerly spots. ;) The main ranges not looking good with more OD and rain.

RB – As above

PV – Lots of rain and around 15kts – a slight chance of clouds lifting in the afternoon for a shot at some airtime. Maybe. ;)

Wilderness – Rainy and windy for most of the day. Lol. Everybody is waiting for the sun to go around the planet one more time! ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness. See Spot.

PE and PA – Super strong SW winds with rain…

EL – As above.

Inland – Lots of frontal rain all over the show – some as far as into Nam! Strong SW to W winds. All day. Good for coffee… ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:38 and setting at 18:50 – day length 13:11. (If you are one of the lucky ones to read this then find that flash special on our web and save! ;) Low tide at 10:33, high tide at 16:48. A rainy morning with strong WSW winds. Perfect for coffee and cake and daring you venture closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 17 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)


(22 October 2021) 
Day 576 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! The Cold Front moving into CT while the CB’s from the interior trough is heading off to the east – strong NW winds in most areas today except for the GR region where some lighter onshore flows are expected. Lots of rain during the night in most of the WC – the CB’s will make way for the CF rain during the day – a short reprieve between the two systems. Winds strong NW in the west and interior with a strong SW pulse makings its way up the south and eastern coast in the afternoon. Lots of clouds around with a highly variable base – low in the eastern southern regions and also in the west. But some high stuff inland with 13k bases around the Middelburg and parts of the GE areas. It is of course just a tad on the strong side of things. Talking of strong I found this Lee Wave at Villiersdorp – 4m/s climb all the way to the Tropopause! Lol – we can dream hey. ;) The winds remain NW with height for around 100kts finish up there. Freezing level 7500-10000 but lowering in the night as the front moves in.

CT – Looking aa bit bleh today! ;) Strong and wet.

RB – As above

PV – Too strong and rain later on. (See Spot)

Wilderness – A rainy start but forecasts showing it is clearing a tad for a mid day session at Sedge possible. Lets keep our fingers crossed. ;) See Spot. PS: Sundays forecast is loosing a bit of momentum with the front lingering a tad longer than earlier forecasts. Keep those fingers crossed! ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness. See Spot.

PE and PA – A light SW start with the strong pulse moving into PE late morning, then PA by mid day and 14:00ish at EL. It seems to moderate slightly behind the pulse…

EL – As above.

Inland – It is just all strong NW winds everywhere in the interior – from the active CB’s to the east and then the strong NW stuff in the west from the approaching front. Still a day to do some weather watching and dream about flying. ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:40 and setting at 18:49 – day length 13:09. (If you are one of the lucky ones to read this then find that flash special somewhere on our web and save! ;) Low tide at 10:07, high tide at 16:22. A rainy morning clearing in the afternoon light S winds. Perfect for walks on the beach and daring you venture closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 18 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(21 October 2021) 
Day 575 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! No news of any flying happening yesterday – wondering if anyone enjoyed that super high temps and altitudes that was up for grabs? Today Lots of moisture in the mid levels from the north feeding into the interior trough. Lots of CB’s along this line from Nam all the way down to the WC in the south. Lots of rain expected and this will intensify during the night and tomorrow. This is all helped by a big approaching Cold Front – a coastal low shaping up ahead of this today along the west of the Ct area. Fresh NW winds expected here so probably not really flying weather I think. The southern coastal parts less effect from these large systems with a sheltered region between the IOH in the east and the above to the west and the interior – a real mixed bag of stuff out there today. Winds are NW in general but lots of gust fronts expected in the interior with up to 40kts of wind possible. Base fairly high with 10-13k in the hot spots. The deep mid level clouds spreading southwards to cover most of the WC by mid afternoon already. So not the best of flying prospects in our region. ;) Winds remain NW all the way to the Tropopause for a 90kt finish up there. Freezing level around 12/13k.

CT – The coastal low bringing a fresh NW wind that will increase during the day. Perhaps a slight chance of flying early on but this gets less later on. Maybe in a sheltered spot but beware of stronger flows higher up. ;) The main ranges probably worse. ;) See Spot.

RB – WWB is out and about. ;)

PV – Not as strong as the CT area so def a chance of getting into the air here I think. Climbs to around 4/5k possible with the NW winds around 5-10kts. CB’s possible later from the North. (See Spot)

Wilderness – Again a light wind day with the trend form the SSW. A shallow layer of instability around again – perhaps climbs to 1000’at lunchtime. Serps and Sedge probably worth a visit. Rain form the CB’s in the late afternoon and settling for tonight. ;) See Spot.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness See Spot.

PE and PA – The east still dominating here with also that shallow layer of coastal instability – nothing big time but probably playful at those secret spots. ;)

EL – As above.

Inland – All NW winds with lots of CB’s around and expecting those strong gust fronts of 40kts possible. A day to do some weather watching I think. ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:41 and setting at 18:48 – day length 13:07. (If you are one of the lucky ones to read this then find that flash special somewhere on our web and save. ;) Low tide at 9:41, high tide at 15:55. A light SSW day with rain late afternoon, maybe. Perfect for walks on the beach and daring you venture closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature another around 20 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(20 October 2021) 
Day 574 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! Some amazing XC flying yesterday for a lucy few pilots from CT going up to 7k and well over 50km from PB. Here’s a clip from Wj and Ria getting high! ;)

Today the interior trough shifting to the south and bringing that hot and deeply unstable conditions with it – it is into the southern Karoo and west coast areas to day. N to NW winds with super high temps and climbs over 10k expected. Even some CB’s form the midlevel moisture being swept down form the north by this afternoon. Along the coastal regions the SAH and IOH combining with a easterly flow. A few strong spots on the exposed points mainly otherwise a stable airmass with 1000ft or less in convection depth today. That inland hot air causing a super strong inversion above this marine air but the cooler air some confort for those seeking rest form the interior heat! :) Winds are NNW form 4/5k upwards everywhere with a slow backing to the West for a 50kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 12-13k.

CT – A super wind-shadow day with a shallow SE that backs to the NE and moderates at TM top. The main ranges with the prospect of having to dive out of airspace with the hot temps and possible super strong and high climbs. ;) See Spot.

RB – Another maybe day…. ;)

PV – A strong N start but it does moderate at mid day into the afternoon with a more NW push and the chance of super high climbs to 10k plus. Look for the high clouds to identify the convergence areas for a sure ride to freezing level! (See Spot)

Wilderness – Again a SE trend but today more of a compression bubble day with strong above our head stuff mixing with the light winds on the surface day. Lol. Sedge looks pleasant early this morning before going to east. Serps could be doable too for a flight to the Map but go early before the shear settles in form the strong mixing between the light surface flow and upper fresh east. See Spot.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness See Spot.

PE and PA – A super strong east wind day… ;)

EL – Those pesky NE just getting stronger and stronger it seems…

Inland – A N to NW wind day – starting moderate but picking up a tad to the low teens inland. Expect some gust fronts from the CB outflows from the GE and northwards. To the south the Sea Breeze penetrating with gutso with a SE direction over 20kts reaching north of the SB ranges at the end of day. A super hot and bumpy day out there.

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:42 and setting at 18:47 – day length 13:05. Its def more than 13 hrs daylight time and nobody reads this shit anyway! (otherwise you would find that flash special somewhere on our web… Ha! ;) Low tide at 9:15, high tide at 15:28. A light SE start but increasing and becoming gusty during the day. Perfect for walks on the beach and I dare you in getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature another around 19 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(19 October 2021) 
Day 573 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! A sweet day of flying yesterday with Oubos delivering a long out and return for G-man and Justin (See link) and then everyone specked at Sedge. Today that SHA ridge a tad stronger with the easterly flow a bit stronger compared to yesterday – it trends SE along the southern coast but more east to NE inland. Still deep instability around and a great direction for some good XC flying if you can get up on some of those secret inland sites. ;) Around 4-8k agl instability depth with climbs to 13k around the GE and 6k along the southern coastal mountain areas. No Q’s expected out there but the east coast region with some of the fluffy stuff. Inland the wind remains light with 10kts or less and so too with height – the wind is relatively light with a E to N to E direction to the Tropopause for a 10kt finish up there. Freezing level around 12k.  

CT – A SE day with strong stuff at CP but it moderates and backs to the NE with height so a great wind-shadow day around the Peninsula. In fact it could be a Africa face late morning day. Deep instability to around 4k too. The main ranges with similar stuff but perhaps the East flow just tad too much for safe flying however for the advanced dude who can battle with some light lee stuff could really get high! ;) See Spot.

RB – Maybe maybe…. ;)

PV – A great day here with lower light SW winds and great climbs to 6/7k. Light NE up high. (See Spot)

Wilderness – A light SE start increasing during the day. Probably by 14:00 getting blown out. A strong gradient with stronger winds higher up which can influence the lift and conditions a tad. Perhaps a shot form Serps to Map early for some. Sedge looking too east. See Spot.

Plett – Also quite a bit of SE influence but still something doable. See Spot.

PE and PA – Lots of Q’s around still with a SE to East wind. It gets breezy later on and the sea breeze will be strong. ;)

EL – As above.

Inland – A sweet east to NE wind and high climbs but later the Seabreeze will push in hard form the south, The seabreeze with a S to SE direction. It is strong along the west coast.

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:43 and setting at 18:47 – day length 13:03. Its more than 13 hrs daylight time! Yay! :) Low tide at 8:48, high tide at 15:03. A light SE start but increasing during the day. Perfect for flying and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature another around 16 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(18 October 2021) 
Day 572 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! The SAH ridging in lightly along the southern parts of the WC today bringing with it some sweet flying weather – light winds and good thermals – well, to the southern areas at least. ;) The western parts with a breezy southerly and also along the most SW parts around the Peninsula where a fresh to strong SSE wind will be blowing. Still some Q’s around but mostly along the central southern to eastern coastal areas. The winds are generally southerly and initially very light inland and along the coast parts. But there is a very active sea breeze that will be making its way inland from the south reaching the SB by 16:00 and the GE by sunset – this one is breezy with 20kts of wind in many spots. But before that the conditions are light and trends west with height. Climbs to 6k around the central Karoo and then 11-12k along the GE. It is very high around the Kamanasie ranges too – it could be a good hie and fly day there. ;) Winds remain southerly to around 15k where it veers to the SW for a 30kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 10k in the west but 7500 in the east.

CT – Strong SE winds for today with little chance of any wind-shadow making an appearance. The main ranges also with the SE influence so perhaps snot flyable. Head north to PV to get in the air from the looks of it. ;) See Spot.

RB – It looks like a great day here… ;)

PV – A SSW day with climbs to 5k. Looks very flyable with winds around 5-10kts. (See Spot)

Wilderness – A sweet post frontal day with all the bels and whistles from the looks of things. Starting light SW the wind will go S from mid day and then trend light SSE later on. Sweet instability around so the best spots will be Serps and Sedge with climbs up to 3k in the right place. A strong but around lunchtime with 10kts plus the thermal gusts. The coasts will get a turn too with some sweet sea breeze soarable stuff at lunchtime probably. It could be a day to go places. Lol. See Spot.

Plett – Def the place to be it seems with climbs to 5k with clouds. Lol. And even that other sweet spot along the mountains towards PE will be good to. ;) Keurbooms also around lunchtime. See Spot.

PE and PA – Lots of Q’s around with a SW wind trend along the coast. But all those inland spots should be firing today. ;)

EL – As above.

Inland – An initial light S to SW wind trending W with height. But watch that super strong sea breeze moving in from mid day onwards. 20kts plus in many spots then. IT reaches the GE by end of day…

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:44 and setting at 18:46 – day length 13:01. Its more than 13 hrs daylight time! Yay! :) Low tide at 8:18, high tide at 14:30. A light Southerly wind day. Perfect for flying and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature another around 14 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(17 October 2021) 
Day 572 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! That big old SAH pumping in the cool wet weather from the SSW onto the entire WC this morning. But the good news is that it is clearing up and very unstable! So perhaps the late afternoon can provide some amazing flying today. :) Winds are all SW in the east and more S in the west. The rain mostly along the southern ranges and then drying quickly further north with a rising base and then around the GE with base up to 13k in some spots it goes blue further north. It is good good flying inland if you can get there today – Graafies certainly looking excellent for some long flights there. In fact anywhere inland if you can get up you will go a long long way today. ;) The trough positioned in the far eastern interior still with some 18k bases but the show is in the central Karoo for sure. ;) The wind remains in the S to SW direction all the way to the Tropopause for a 50-70kts finish up there. Freezing level around 6500’.

CT – Southerlies today around 10kts with a SW trend above – some stronger spots depending on the local flow. No wind-shadow to speak of but some local modification of the wind direction. Rain on and off with varying bases as the shower developments come through. A tricky day for flying but if you choose your moment it could be good. The main ranges similar with more OD in the morning but from mid afternoon it is looking better with some flying possible and a jaunt to the north doable. ;) See Spot.

RB – It could work…! But probably a tad too west. ;)

PV – SSW wind day with base rising to 5k later on. It certainly looks like it could be nice out there after the initial wet form the morning. (See Spot)

Wilderness – A rainy and windy start but there is hope for a great afternoon as the winds are supposed to moderate and the rain become less. Probably a coastal day with the SW winds around 10kts. Sedge doable later but perhaps very wet… See Spot.

Plett – Perhaps the rain remaining for longer than Wilderness today. Keurbooms maybe late in the day. See Spot.

PE and PA – It is strong SW all day with rain. ;)

EL – As above.

Inland – SW winds that moderate inland and to the west. Base rising to the north where it is a cracking day for flying. Base to the east getting to 15k even. SW winds around 10-15kts.

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:46 and setting at 18:45 – day length 12:59. Almost 13 to 12 hours ratio to daylight! Summer is almost here. :) Low tide at 7:44, high tide at 13:56, low tide is at 19:36. A strong W to SW wind starting off but moderating into the afternoon. Perfect for flying and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature another around 14 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(16 October 2021) 
Day 572 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! A fantastic day yesterday on the GR for flying. Many awesome flights done by the guys. Today another CF brushing past the WC with a massive SAH helping it along. Over the next few days expect a lot of cold, wind and rain. So its all westerlies and strong today – the 40kts level less than 1000ft AGL. Some very high bases for a front with 4/6k in most regions and much higher past the first mountain ranges. It is all blue by the GE area. The interior trough far to the NE in the country making Gauteng area exceptionally good. Bases are all over 18k today! (See graph!) Hope someone gets up there to experience the magic. (Though the winds might be an issue for PG’s) ;) Back home the winds remain westerly with a SW trend all the way to around 15k then a slow veering to the WNW for a 100kt finish up there. Freezing level around 6500 but some spots dropping to 5000ft.

CT – A fresh westerly day with some rain. Looks too strong to fly. The main ranges with wind and rain…. See Spot.

RB – WWB is out and about! ;)

PV – Westerly winds with higher clouds but rain on the cards an the wind just too strong to fly. (See Spot)

Wilderness – A too strong to fly west to SW wind day. Rain later on. The end. ;) See Spot.

Plett – As above.

PE and PA – As above.

EL – As above.

Inland – Fresh Westerlies all day with clouds along the southern parts. Not a flying day unless you want to break records (but I’m sure you would break something) lol

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:47 and setting at 18:44 – day length 12:57. Summer is almost here. Low tide at 7:02, high tide at 13:17, low tide is at 19:36. A strong W to SW wind today. Perfect for kiting and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature another around 17 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(15 October 2021) 
Day 571 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! Too much rain yesterday spoiled our fun! Today the SAH pushing in another Cold Front onto the WC with a general westerly flow that will trend more SW in the SW areas later in the day. Some wave activity in the usual lee side wave spots. Lots of cloud around and then rain along the western parts past Springbok to Alexandre bay even. The southern parts also with expected showers with the W to SW winds. The eastern coastal regions still with the East flow pattern but this will make way for the SW pushing up from the west later in the day. Bases low at 2k near the coastal regions but beyond the first mountain ranges it rises quickly with 5-7k north of the SB and then 8k plus over the GE regions. There is a fresh W wind blowing out there. Exploring a little bit north the interior trough has set up solidly running from Windhoek down to Ugy in the EC. Bases are over 18k with a 20-30kts solid NW wind allowing you to fly form Windhoek to Ugy in the EC! (That would be 1400km!) lol. Back home the winds go NW form 6/7k upwards for a 120kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level down to 6500ft in some places.

CT – A Westerly wind day with possible showers later on. Perhaps a chance for a morning flight if it is not too strong. Its breezy with 20kts and then later in the afternoon a tad more SW wind but with that rainy push. The main ranges looking even worse with OD and rain. So not the best outlook today… See Spot.

RB – WWB is out and about! ;)

PV – Westerly winds with low cloud and some rain but perhaps slight rising of base in the afternoon that could be tempting… ;)

Wilderness – A day with SW winds on the cards with a spot of rain but hopefully most of these will be on the mountains leaving the coast clear for some chance at fun! Perhaps a tad too much west now and then btu it does look like we should be able to squeeze some dune gooning out in this day. ;) See Spot.

Plett – Perhaps a chance for getting something form Uppies in the morning but the wind looks a tad strong higher up in the afternoon. Keurbooms remaining too west form the looks of it.

PE and PA – PE starting with the east flow but then late morning sees the SW moving in. It reaches PA by the end of the day.

EL – All NE winds…

Inland – Lots of clouds around in the southern regions but it clears by the GE. Winds are S to SW in the south but W in the interior. It is all westerly winds but SW in the southern coastal regions. Rain in the western parts form the Cold Front moving into the region. Winds are breezy with 20kts in many regions and expect some lee wave in the usual spots. Be sharp if you fly a prop thingy.

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:48 and setting at 18:43 – day length 12:55. Summer is almost here. Low tide at 6:05, high tide at 12:25, low tide is at 18:49. A moderate W to SW wind today. Perfect for flying later and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature another around 15 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(14 October 2021) 
Day 570 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! The SAH pushing in the cooler moist air behind the cold front. Winds are generally westerly but for the southern to SW corner areas that will back to the south from mid day onwards. Some deep cloud development with base at 2k and tops over 12k – expecting some good rain in a few spots. Further inland the air dries with base rising progressively with some decent height north of the SB ranges and up to 10k along the GE. The winds are breezy westerly inland. The eastern coastal region with super strong SW winds all day. From 4k the winds are all westerly then form 14k it veers to the NW with a 110kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level between 8-10k.

CT – Some rain this morning with the deep developments and the winds southerly trending to the SE later on. The winds are fairly light and it looks like the wind-shadow will be active and settle stronger later in the afternoon (unusual!) The main ranges looking too OD and rainy to me – most of the day. See Spot.

RB – A tad too light but the right direction! ;)

PV – Well, it is actually looking very flyable here. The rain and deep clouds not that active this far north – bit of rain in the morning but the afternoon looks like some sweet clouds around 4k and a light westerly wind. Lol. See Spot.

Wilderness – Strong W winds for the morning that is supposed to go SW from mid day onwards only. Hhhmm… Rain during the morning too. But it does look like the wind will settle SW and then back to the SE by 17:00 – so there should be fantastic flying to be had during this backing of the wind. From coastal stuff to Sedge to Serps to Map. Time it right for a Gerrickes jump early then pop over to Sedge for a bit of cloud suck and perhaps go XC towards Serps and Map. Or else just hang around PR for the day for an easy slight down wind jump back to the CP. (This is not a bad place) Lol. ;) See Spot.

Plett – Well, not as good as Wilderness but flyable as the wind backs to the SSW from 15/16:00. Uppies then could be sweet too with weak climbs to 3k.

PE and PA – The backing not making it here it seems so the SW remains all day and strong.

EL – As above.

Inland – It is all westerly winds but SW in the southern coastal regions. This SW winds will penetrate far inland in the east. Lots of clouds around in the south with rain along the mountains. Its fresh with 20kts plus in many spots. West in the west. HHmm… Be sharp if you fly a prop thingy.

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:49 and setting at 18:42 – day length 12:53. Summer is almost here. High tide at 11:04, low tide is at 17:40. A super strong west going SW moderating to the S and even SE later in the afternoon. Perfect for flying later and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature another around 19 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(13 October 2021) 
Day 569 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! A Cold Front heading towards the WC while the interior trough positioned slightly to the west of the centre of the country. Winds are starting to do the usual strengthening NW before the frontal system moves in – CT region should have rain by tonight. The southern coastal regions having still some IOH effect with a easterly flow all the way to Agulhas still. Everywhere else it is the NW, trending west in the interior and increasing in strength. (Some wave action in the lee of some of the bigger mountains can be expected too). Lots of coastal low clouds around along the west and southern parts but clear in the interior except a few very high Q’s around the EC region once again with base around 18k. (A bit strong wind wise up there with 30kts plus..) lol. Back home the wind is NW from 4k upwards everywhere and finishes at 110kts at the Tropopause. Freezing levels up at 13k.

CT – A fresh NW wind with a slight bit of compression in front of the 12 Apostles. Looks like the hangies could fly but then again there is some low coastal clouds around too that might complicate things. Lol General it is upper teens to 20’s in knots. The main ranges also with that fresh NW trend with over 20kts at the mountain top height so probably not a flying day… See Spot.

RB – All wrong way Bob’s in action.

PV – A strong NW day form the looks of it with climbs to 6k possible but also 30kts winds up there. Probably a tad on the strong side but definitely less than anywhere else. Lol. See Spot.

Wilderness – Some low coastal clouds in the region that could effect things but with a bit of luck it stays out to sea. Winds light SSE so Sedge looks doable in the morning until around lunchtime with stuff going above launch at least. Map showing signs of offering extended foefies perhaps? Lol ;) See Spot.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with light SSE.

PE and PA – A light easterly winds here all day – picking up a tad in the afternoon.

EL – As above.

Inland – Initially light surface winds in the southern regions but the NW progressing from the GE further south reaching the SB ranges and beyond later on. It is more west then but strong at around 20-30kts. A weather watching day I think.

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:51 and setting at 18:42 – day length 12:51. Summer is almost here. High tide at 9:11, low tide is at 15:47. A light SSE wind day. Perfect for flying and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature another around 17 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(12 October 2021) 
Day 568 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! Another SAH and interior trough dominated day. The coastal regions stable with only a shallow 1000ft layer of light instability – some coastal fog patches alogn the southern coastal regions for the day. Hot and dry in the interior with only a smidgion of clouds on the edges fo the EC. (See EC Magic graph!) Here you can climbs to 16k (or more) where it is -8 Degrees C. lol The winds up there are NW at just over 20kts. Doable in the hange but too much for the PG’s. Just saying. ;) Elsewhere the winds are southerly in general in the southern parts before the W to NW winds in the far interior take over. This southerly flow changes to NW from around 4/5k upwards. It finishes at 110kts at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 14k.

CT – A southerly wind day up to 20kts or so in the afternoon but it drops off around 2k and becomes much less higher up so the wind-shadow looks like it will be active today. The main rnages looking okish with climbs to 3k with a SW flow. Perhaps Hermanus will offer stuff for the low airtime pilots too. See Spot.

RB – And it does look like a sweet afternoon session might be on!

PV – All Apps showing climbs up to 3k with weak lift and SW winds. Probably climbs just to the mountain tops. See Spot.

Wilderness – Some fog along the coast with a light SSW wind. It does look like Sedge will offer some stuff to play in. Climbs to 2/3ooft above TO possible at 13:00 to 14:00. On such a stable day this sound s like fun. ;) See Spot.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with light SSE.

PE and PA – SW trending the the SE later on.

EL – As above.

Inland – The southerly penetrating past the SB ranges in the afternoon. To the north it is all W to NW winds and breezy as the trough is pretty active. See the EC TH graph. Nice hey! ;) Climbs out on the GE to 12-15k.

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:52 and setting at 18:41 – day length 12:49. Summer is almost here. High tide at 7:41, low tide is at 13:50, high tide at 19:00. Another light SSW wind day. Perfect for flying and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature another around 17 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)


(11 October 2021) 
Day 567 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! The IOH dominating in the east and the SAH in the west. A tad more wind around today with the NW inland winds starting to pickup along the trough line combined with the HP systems. Much higher temps around with mid 30 degrees C inland especially in the west. Still some high climbs around inland but the coastal areas are more stable. A blue day expected with no clouds. The winds are NE along the coastal areas in the east but west to NW in the west. IT is light SE along the southern coastal areas. The winds go NW form 6k upwards to round 15k then backing to the WSW for a 60kts finish up at the Tropopause. Freezing level at 14k.

CT – A light southerly wind day with the winds flowing around the Peninsula. Some stronger spots around the SH and LH shorefront but it does look flyable for most of the day. The main ranges looking very good with some climbs to 5k later in the day. See Spot.

RB – Probably too light later on.

PV – RASP showing its very inverted with high surface temps though the other sites showing some good instability and high climbs around 6-7k. W to NW winds with a WSW in the south.

Wilderness – A light S to SE day with very inverted conditions. Perhaps around lunchtime you could get something happening at Sedge with climbs to 1-200ft ATO. The rest is just light winds..

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with light SSE.

PE and PA – Strong NE winds all day

EL – As above.

Inland – NW flow further inland with a few exceptions – east in the southern eastern regions. Some strong spots with 20kts plus over some of the central higher ranges. 8k climbs in many spots if you can get there.

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:53 and setting at 18:40 – day length 12:47. Summer is almost here. High tide at 6:40, low tide is at 12:39, high tide at 19:00. A light S to SE wind day. Perfect for beach walks and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature another around 21 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)


(10 October 2021) 
Day 566 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! The IOH dominating our weather today while a trough is shaping up along the central west coast. Some sweet unstable air around coupled with the light winds in general is making for a good soaring day – you just need to get out there. A SE flow along the southern coastal areas with a more E to NE trend inland. The flow is blocked by the western mountains so that the whole SW corner is in a nice wind-shadow with some amazing flying on the cards for that area today. General climbs to 6k on the cards. Some clouds around in the eastern coastal areas again with the IOH dropping some moisture around there with an easterly wind. The wind remains light NE to N with height dropping to 5kts and less at 10k before backing to the SW form 14k upwards with a 70-80kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 12k but 14k on the west coast.

CT – Looks like a light NE to N start with a chance to pop over Africa face possibly – but it is looking flyable all day around the Peninsula on the windward slopes. The main ranges at DTK also looking great with SW lowers and light N uppers. 6k climbs possible. But so too BP and PV… See Spot.

RB – Too light I think…

PV – A great day out here with light W winds and the a east upper flow but still light. Climbs to 5-6k and good flying all over. Even PB will be good. See Spot!

Wilderness – A light SE start that will increase in strength with a chance of blowing out from mid day onwards. Sedge doable early but it goes east early too… It could be good at DuToits Farm for the morning…

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with the SE dominating…

PE and PA – Some clouds around with E to SE winds…

EL – As above.

Inland – All light E to NE winds with some stronger east in the upper west coast regions. Good flying all over. Even for the propellor thingies if you get above the inversion. ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:54 and setting at 18:39 – day length 12:45. Summer is almost here. High tide at 5:51, low tide is at 11:48, high tide at 18:08. A strong SE wind from mid day onwards. Perfect for flying and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature another around 17 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(9 October 2021) 
Day 565 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! A sweet day of flying yesterday along the GR with the coast and Sedge being excellent! Today the SAH pushing the CF onto the WC with strong SW winds but it moderates nicely in the west during the day. The east remaining strong. Lots of low clouds around along the west coast with some fog patches and rain over the southern mountains mainly. But inland very high cloud bases for a CF with 6-8k along the first ranges and then over 10k just beyond the second ranges. Winds SW almost everywhere but for the Peninsula and west coast where it backs more to the South at times. The wind remains SW with height all the way to the Tropopause for a SW 80kt finish up there. Freezing levels around 8-9k.

CT – Some rain over the mountains during the morning btu this should clear up during the day. The winds starting off W backing to the SW and then SSE later in the day. It gets to 15kts later but mid day should be very good for flying around SH and LH. The wind shadow looks to be pocking its head out. Lol. Later on some XC to the north very doable form the main ranges… See Spot.

RB – It could be very good in the afternoon.

PV – SSW winds with even some clouds around and climbs to around 4k. It looks like a nice day here too. Perhaps a tad too S later in the afternoon but mid day should be great. See Spot!

Wilderness – A strong SW day expected with flying along the coast being border line on or off. Ther might be a better gap later in the day from around 16:00. Sedge and inland sites too strong unless you are one of those eagles that like flying in washing machines. Lol. Some rain possible but looks like it could be confined to the mountains.

Plett – Looks too strong here all day…

PE and PA – Super strong SW winds all day long….

EL – As above.

Inland – SW winds everywhere with the super clouds rising as you move inland to that 10k around the GE area. Breezy in the east but flyable in the west. Tighten those seat belts!

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:56 and setting at 18:39 – day length 12:43. Summer is almost here. Low tide is at 11:05, High tide at 17:24. A fresh SW wind day with slight chance of rain. Perfect for flying and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature another around 17 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(8 October 2021) 
Day 564 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! A CF moving into CT and the west coast today as the SAH helps it along. Lots of cloud around in that corner but a clear interior until we hit the trough activity to the east with super high bases and flying out there – the EC the best spot today for sure. Back home in the southern coastal regions there’s quite a bit of coastal fog around and low clouds along the coastal areas. Winds are NW to W in the interior with a NW to SW trend along the southern coast. Perhaps some rain around the SW corner as the CF settles during the day. So some flying to be had on the GR probably and then around PV. Winds are all NW from 6kupwards with a 60knt finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 9k.

CT – Looks a tad strong with around 20kts – coupled with the low clouds probably not going to happen. The main ranges also with that fresh NW winds and low clouds. Best to head north to PV… See Spot.

RB – another WWB day.

PV – Looks like a flyable NW wind day with climbs to 4/5k. Even some clouds moving in in the late afternoon. My spot for the day. See Spot!

Wilderness – A low cloud day with onshore winds – probably a tad light for the cast but those coasties are able to squeeze water from a rock it seems – staying up in nothing! Lol. Sedge and Serps the spots. Climbs to around 1000ft. The misty stuff rising as it moves inland for some flying to happen her. Southerly winds mostly with a tad more cloud in the afternoon. See Spot for Sedge

Plett – Again Uppies is even worse that Wilderness…

PE and PA – SW winds here all day with the change over to the NE just around the EL region. Best bet for you guys to go inland for epic epic flying!

EL – SW trending more SE and going lighter as the SW pulse form the south moves to the east. NE to the east from EL. Hit those inland spots! :)

Inland – The EC is the place to be today for sweet soaring – high climbs with very manageable winds. See the cloud base map. Otherwise it is W to NW winds and breezy stuff in the west and central interior.

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:57 and setting at 18:38 – day length 12:41. Summer is almost here. Low tide is at 10:26, High tide this morning at 16:44. A cloudy and light south wind day. Perfect for flying and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature another around 17 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(7 October) 
Day 563 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! Today the weather is unusual with a low circulation setting up along the west coast – it is fairly deep with some moisture in the mid levels and a slight chance of CB activity in the Cederburg region during the day. Those mid level moisture will spread to all parts of the WC with thick high clouds. The interior trough is very active from a thermic point of view with high bases and strong climbs and in the east manageable winds – perhaps. lol The IOH dominating strongly along the southern and eastern coasts and adjacent areas. Lots of low clouds around near the coast that side. The west coast also with low clouds and some fogy areas. And the GR in between the mix of this stuff it seems. Winds are NW to W in the interior except in the east where the east winds is active. Then East to SW along the southern coastal areas. From not far above the ground though the NW wind is active all the way to the Tropopause for a 70kt finish up there. Freezing levels up at 12-14k.

CT – A sweet start with clear skies but this NW wind already up and blowing. IT looks like it will be too strong all day long with 20kts and more most spots. The main ranges are looking similar with slightly less winds but still in the mid to upper teens in knots. See Spot.

RB – NFG today.

PV – The NW also active here with around 20kts blowing. Climbs are available but it is a strong wind day. Perhaps those CB to the N and NE in the mid levels. See Spot!

Wilderness – A tricky day ahead with the change over area in our region as we will trend winds veering from the SE to the W today. The problem is that the east wind is the slightly unstable airmass and then when the S to SW moves in it is very stable. (See Sedge Spot and how things change). It is a tough day to call for flying with extended foefies mostly on the cards at Map. Perhaps with a bit of luck you could get some airtime during some of the wind pulse along the coast but they seem to be sporadic and short lived. Perhaps a bench-up at Gerrickes in the mid morning is possible? Sedge might have something in the east wind that can get you above launch… Hhhmmm…  See Spot for Sedge

Plett – Uppies is even worse that Wilderness…

PE and PA – It is super strong NE winds here all day…

EL – Strong NE winds….

Inland – Strong N to NW winds and then some westerlies in the southern parts. The central regions and especially in the east the winds are NW with super high base and great great climbs out there. (See Cloud base maps) A bumpy day for flying in prop thingies. Lol.

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 5:58 and setting at 18:37 – day length 12:39. Summer is almost here. Low tide is at 9:50, High tide this morning at 16:06. The wind veering from SE to SW today with lots of high clouds. Perfect for beach walks and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature another around 19 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(6 October 2021) 
Day 562 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! So a big congratulations to Andrew Bell for doing a personal best form Uppies day before yesterday – flying just over 80km – landing almost next to Luvain farm. Nice one Andrew! (Share his flight here -

Today another typical summer pattern with the two HP system either side of the country and a trough in the interior – all three effecting our WC weather. Still some moisture form the IOH in the far eastern coastal regions with an easterly flow. That east flow over the entire region and fairly light except along the southern coastal regions and the Peninsula plus parts of the west coast where the offshore flows accelerate a bit up towards the trough regions. Instability nice and deep along the west coast and PB the place to fly today with climbs over 8k possible. (Yes!) Few clouds around the southern parts – more to the east. Winds remain east till around 6k then backs to the N and then WNW all the way to the Tropopause for 110kts finish. Freezing level around 12 – 13k.

CT – The SE a bit more fresher today but the wind-shadow showing signs of kicking in for the morning and mid afternoon. Later in the day it might erode away. The main ranges with too much east wind in it. The flats towards the north are very unstable with climbs to 6k and more on the cards. See TH Spot.

RB – Hhhmm… again looking a tad light.

PV – The surface SW perhaps making it trickier to get into the good east flow above but then just drive to the west to PB for the flight of the day. See Spot!

Wilderness – Again a light start with even some S winds – Sedge shows it is good until 12 before the east gets a bit much. So possible to fly form Serps to Map and then Map is a bit of a trickster today with signs of the compression bubble sticking around to complicate our fun. Light Map till lunchtime before it looks like the wind might come through. But it could be blow out at any stage depending on how the wave effect shifts. Lol Lekker summer! Hehe… Gerrickes could offer something if you bench up early enough. See Spot for Sedge

Plett – Uppies also looking a tad east so not the best but early is doable. See the Spot.

PE and PA – It is all East winds again with low clouds and further east even a chance of rain.

EL – Strong NE winds with a chance of rain.

Inland – Mostly light east winds with a stronger buts close to the southern coasts and then the west coast. Few clouds around – mainly on the southern ranges. A good Prop flying day I think but still some thermals to be had for the soaring enthusiast. ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 6:00 and setting at 18:36 – day length 12:36. Summer is almost here. Low tide is at 9:14, High tide this morning at 15:29. Light SE start and again becoming strong later on. Perfect for flying and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature another around 16 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(5 October 2021) 
Day 561 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! The IOH dominating with a general east flow pattern. The moisture confined to the eastern parts this time but still some great offshore flows in the west with high climbs that side. The flow is very east so it does not make the turn around CP so the N and west Peninsula with very light winds today. Winds  remain light and E to NE until around 7k where it backs to the W remaining west all the way to the Tropopause for a 70kts finish up there. Freezing level around 11k.

CT – A nice unstable day with light winds around CT area – the flow from 1000ft is E to NE late morning before going more NW. Probably a Africa face flight for the late morning and then heading down the 12 Apostles around lunchtime… The main ranges also looking great despite the upper east flow – enough thermic activity should help to make if flyable along the western faces. Lol See Spot.

RB – Hhhmm… Looking a tad light.

PV – A great day here with climbs over 6k. Light SW flow up the front and east higher up. PB is looking better though (See spots)

Wilderness – A sweet light wind start with flying possible at Sedg and Serps. But it gets strong from late mid day onwards with Map probably the place to be. Expecting it to get blown out early afternoon… Gerrickes could offer something if you bench up early enough.

Plett – Uppies also looking sweet enough for early flying. The afternoon too east… See the Spot.

PE and PA – It is all East wind with low clouds and further east even a chance of rain.

EL – NE winds with rain.

Inland – East to NE winds 5-10kts. Some high clouds in the east inland regions. A good day for flying perhaps at DuToits with good climbs expected to 6k. Still some instability out there to be nabbed. ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 6:01 and setting at 18:35 – day length 12:34. Summer is almost here. Low tide is at 8:39, High tide this morning at 14:54. Light SE start becoming strong later on. Perfect for flying and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature another around 17 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(4 October 2021) 
Day 560 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! What a flying day yesterday. The Wilderness was your proverbial “Playground in the Sky!” Lots of airtime by loads of pilots. But the flight of the day comes from Wj and Phil who found a new site and had the full Monty! Today the SAH shifting gears into the IOH with a ridge along the southern parts of the WC. Still lots of cold and moist air being fed in form the eastern areas this time with a tad too much rain for those awesome XC skies we have been hoping for. Base in the east very low with 1-2k along the coast regions then rising towards the west – 3k at Wilderness and 4/5k past Swellies and then 6-7k tops on the west coast. Winds are SSE lower down but backs to the east with height. Strong offshores in the southern west coast areas. The east flow sticks to 12k where it veers to the SW for a WSW finish of 60kts at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 6-7k in some spots in the south – higher in the west.

CT – A strong and deep SE flow here with instability to 6-7k. Again it does not look like any usable wind-shadow shaping up. The main ranges also with the strong east winds. PB def the best option. Lol See Spot.

RB – lol. I saw someone flying at RB yesterday. So HG is not dead yet… lol

PV – All over the back flows so PB the place to go today. Looks good there.

Wilderness – After some excitement from last nights forecast for some XC flying the rain from this morning was not quite what was on the cards. Lol. Much lower bases than expected with the 2-3k on the cards for the day. It is still possible to get over the back but probably a slower pace than what was planned at first – lots of OD on the back ranges and the low bases persisting to well beyond Grg from the looks of it. Southerly winds that trend more SE later on and with height. The ocean cliffs along PR should work, Gerrickes point and maybe Map late afternoon. Serps and Sedge both with good thermal options today.

Plett – Uppies looking sweet with a chance of connecting to Sedge today I think. See the Spot. Lol.

PE and PA – SW start to the day then going S and SE later on.

EL – Also the SW start but with rain. Going SE to East later on. Even some CB activities.

Inland – East winds that pickup speed to the west. The central parts and eastern parts with some good flying prospects if you head north to the edges of the OD stuff. You just need to get int the air. ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 6:02 and setting at 18:35 – day length 12:32. Summer is almost here. Low tide is at 8:04, High tide this morning at 14:20. Light onshore winds with occasional ran. Perfect for flying and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature another around 13 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(3 October 2021) 
Day 559 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! The SAH dominating our weather today with a last push of cooler moist air form the south. Lots of instability around with good flying to be had in the right places. Still some rain along the SW corner mountain areas though. It dries fairly quickly and just past the SB ranges things get open and blue. The winds are all light S to SW. Base around 2k in some southern parts rising to 7/8k north of the SB ranges and the Cederberg. Light winds mostly all the way up there too. ;) The wind remains SW all the way to the Tropopause for a 50kts finish. Freezing level around 6000ft.

CT – A fresh SSE wind today in the upper teens in knots. Base between 2-3k with tops from 6-8k. Not much of a wind-shadow from the looks of things. The main ranges a tad better I think and a day to go XC to the north where it opens more and climbs will be higher. See Spot. Hermanus perhaps the clouds are very low with some rain later as it goes S.

RB – It just could be another good day! (Is HG dead?)

PV – A good day here I think with the SSW winds. Climbs to 5k and flights to the north def on. :) See Spot.  

Wilderness – A light W start but from 10ish it should be up enough to start flying. It def looks like a fly and not go to church kind of day! ;) The ocean cliffs and Sedge both should be working for most of the day. Early you can get very high at Sedge and if you get on to the back flats you should be styling! ;)

Plett – Uppies looks astonishingly good today with climbs at the bets times to 6k! See the Spot. Lol.

PE and PA – Fresh SW winds all day. But inland it should be very good with much less wind and high bases.

EL – As above but also going more S later on.

Inland – Light SW winds all over the interior it seems. Good climbs over the bigger mountains. A good day for flying I Think no matter where you launch from. ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 6:045 and setting at 18:34 – day length 12:30. Summer is almost here. Low tide was at 7:28, High tide this morning at 13:46, low tide is at 19:55. Strong SW wind with rain. Perfect for flying and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature another around 14 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)


(2 October 2021) 
Day 558 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! The Cold Front dominating our weather as the SAH helps to push in the cold and rainy weather onto the entire WC. S to SW winds – strong all over with 20kts and more in many spots. Beyond the first mountain ranges the base lifts to around 4-6k and then around the GE it dries more with higher base but still the SW winds pushing far into the interior. I did find a sweet convergence line along the trough line – this time far in the interior over Botswana. But look at that sweet distinct line of convergence! (See the graphs) I do know the sail plane guys fly in Bot with some big out and returns. (Its dreaming of flying weather of course!) ;) Back home the winds remain SW all the way up with a gradual veering to the West near the Tropopause for around 60kts finish up there. Freezing level is down to 4500ft in the south.

CT – A strong S wind day with base around TM tops and tops at 6k or so. Doesn’t look good for any usable wind-shadow… Hhhmmm. Even the main mountains re looking a tad on the strong side with the very southerly winds making things tricky. (See Spot.) Tomorrow looking decidedly better – perhaps a good day for some XC flying to the north – Hermanus also looking sweet for tom.

RB – Another great day on the cards here… (Do you guys still fly? Your group has not had a post for weeks… :0

PV – Also very southerly and fresh winds but climbs to 4/5k with clouds around. Could be a run to the north thought the winds are fresh… :) See Spot.  

Wilderness – A very strong SW wind with rain. It looks like a slight clearing up later in the afternoon but the winds look strong still. Tomorrow however is looking very good with possibly coastal flying in the morning and then Sedge in the afternoon. ;)

Plett – As above. Lol.

PE and PA – A vert strong SW wind with rain.

EL – As above.

Inland – Strong SW winds penetrating far into the interior with the rain and clouds lessening as the airmass dries out. Base rising with GE around 10k. A bit windy to fly I think… ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 6:05 and setting at 18:33 – day length 12:28. Summer is almost here. Low tide was at 6:48, High tide this morning at 13:11, low tide is at 19:19. Strong SW wind with rain. Perfect for coffee, cake and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature another around 13 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(1 October 2021) 
Day 557 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! Some great flying by Barry and co at PB yesterday. Here’s a pic of what the day looked like. :) Today its all SAH stuff with a SE to SW flow patterns onto the WC. Lots of clouds around with rain along the southern parts but for a bit of a gap around the GR during the morning. Coastal fog along the west and southern coasts. But as you move inland the picture changes dramatically. Awesome soaring conditions in the interior and the western parts. (See cloud base map to get the picture!) but the eastern parts of the central trough still doing its thing with all those CB activities… Winds are SW with height in the west but NW in the east. From 30k up it is all NW with a 40-60kts finish up there. Freezing level around between 8500 and 10k.

CT – Very strong and a deep SE wind today with thick clouds over TM. No wind-shadow that I could see. The main ranges also with too much SE in the wind. But if you head north to PV you will score! ;) (See Spot.)

RB – It could be a great afternoon and then get blown out! ;)

PV – A great day here with SW winds and climbs to over 7k with clouds up there in the afternoon. Def the place to be and spot of the day! :) See Spot.  

Wilderness – A W to SW start with lots of low clouds around. A few sunny spots but it should OD soon. Rain in some spots. Perhaps a coastal soaring bit at lunchtime if the coastal clouds is high enough. Though Sedge looks doable, the upper winds look too strong there for me ;)

Plett – As above. Lol.

PE and PA – A SW wind day and low clouds. Possible rain around PE but it looks less to the east.

EL – SW wind later with clouds but the rain does seem to show…

Inland – Beautiful clouds everywhere with OD stuff in the south and rain. Those CB still very active in the trough in the eastern interior but in the WC interior especially to the west it is look fantastic for soaring. High base and sweet winds in the west. (The east is strong NW) 15k bases at Middelburg and Colesburg.…

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 6:07 and setting at 18:32 – day length 12:26. Summer is not here yet. Low tide was at 5:55, High tide this morning at 12:27, low tide is at 18:36. Lots of low clouds with rain especially in the afternoon with strong wind. Perfect for coffee, cake and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature another around 17 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(30 September 2021) 
Day 556 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! So we were blessed with an epic morning yesterday before the rain and winds moved in. Today the IOH helping to keep feeding that CF air onto the eastern parts of the WC while the SAH does its thing in the west. The air dries out considerably along the western parts so some good flying to be had that side if you can find a place to get into the air. The winds are strong east along the southern parts but does not quite make the turn around the Peninsula so a nice wind-shadow setting up for the day. Lots of clouds inland, low bases in the southern eastern areas but rising steadily to the north and to the west. (See Map) and then the central trough very active with CB’s and rain – especially along the astern side of the convergence line. Winds are east to around 6k where it backs to the NE the N and finally form 14k its all NW to the Tropopause for a 50-70kt finish up there. Freezing level at 10k.

CT – Strong SE winds at CP but a nice wind-shadow around the west and N parts of the Peninsula with deep instability at mid day. The main ranges with a tad too much east wind but maybe Paarl Rock could get you up to 6k. (See Spot.)

RB – It could be a sweet afternoon…

PV – Looks like a good day here with climbs to 6k and winds SW but more S to SSE higher up. See Spot.  

Wilderness – A strong east wind all day with a high gust factor. I would be very wary to fly if you go out… ;)

Plett – As above. Lol.

PE and PA – Very strong NE winds with rain all day long…

EL – As above.

Inland – Varied with rain and wind in the east and high bases with good flying in the west. Far inland in the trough the CB’s are active on the eastern part of the trough. The western side is looking very good though. 15k bases…

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 6:08 and setting at 18:32 – day length 12:24. Summer is not here yet. High tide this morning at 11:08, low tide is at 17:28. Windy cloudy rainy day. Perfect for coffee, cake and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature another around 15 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(29 September 2021) 
Day 555 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! What a fantastic day of flying yesterday – here on the GR and in CT area too! Lots of pics and video to follow for the rainy days ahead.(and just a friendly reminder that the Peninsula sites are very sensitive – please follow the correct protocols when you are flying there) ;) Today the SAH pushing in the Cold Front from the SSE – a very different direction from the usual NW that accompany the fronts. So strong east flow pattern in the WC today with lots of cloud and rain along the southern areas. The SAH and CF also disrupting the inland trough with the magic flying conditions we have had for the last week – the trough having moved way inland to the NE of us – still those 18k plus cloud bases out that side. Nam is the record breaking spot at the moment! Back home, the west coast with offshore flows so no rain there and def the spot for flying today. The GR with a morning break before the winds and rain move in around mid day. Winds remain East with height till around 10k before a sudden change to the W and NW. NW all the way to the Tropopause for a 70-80kts finish up there. Freezing level at 8500ft but 10k on the west coast.

CT – Strong SE winds and no wind shadow on the cards. The same for the Main ranges. All easterly flows and strong. IT is a day for PB.

RB – Hhhmm… Looks very east but you could probably get some flying in on the eastern butt…

PV – Too much east but if you go across the valley to PB you could just score the flight of the day. Base is high over 7k and climbs can get you up there too. Def my spot for today. See Spot.  

Wilderness – A small chance of some flying in the morning but then the wind and rain moves in. Strong SE winds for the rest for the day. ;) (See Spots) ;)

Plett – Like Wilderness but maybe a tad better today. Lol.

PE and PA – Strong East winds and rain all day long…

EL – As above.

Inland – The east winds in the whole WC region as the CF moves in from the SE. Lots of rain and low clouds in the southern eastern parts. But in the far north and west it is sweet high cloud bases with some good conditions – ok perhaps the winds might be a tad strong. Lol. It’s a bumpy day for prop thingies out there. ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 6:09 and setting at 18:31 – day length 12:22. Summer is coming! High tide this morning at 8:52, low tide is at 15:05. A sweet morning but strong SE winds from mid day with rain. Perfect for coffee and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature another around 15 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(28 September 2021) 
Day 554 of lockdown

Good morning all you supe cool Wild2Fly people! A wonderful windy day on the coast yesterday as some managed to land in the bush! ;) The interior trough still on record distance level while the passing Cold Front has left a sweet playful layer of instability in its wake. ;) Lots of clouds around to mark thermal today and sweet wind strengths in most places too. The winds are SSW along the western parts, SW along the southern coastal regions and southerly in the southern interior while going NW north of the GE again. Good climbs to be had in most popular places with sweet flying on the cards. Winds remain SW with height until after 10k where it veers to the west and then NW for a 80kts finish up there. Freezing level around 11k.

CT – Fresh SSW winds along the shore front by LH and SH form the looks of it. Instability to 4k. Probably flyable but with some tricks up the sleeve. ;) The main ranges looking better with SSW winds and climbs to 4k and there should be some Q’s to show the way towards the North. :) (See spots)

RB – Hhhmm… Maybe something there later on if its south enough.

PV – A okish day I think with winds perhaps a tad too much south in it. Climbs to just over 4k. Maybe some Q’s in places which can make it more pleasant.  

Wilderness – It is looking so sweet today – it’s a leave work today I think. Early coastal flying and then Sedge or Serps for the rest for the day. Lol. Love the GR! ;) (See Spots) ;)

Plett – Like Wilderness but not as good. Actually looking bad here… ;)

PE and PA – A SW wind day with moderation into the afternoon. Maitlands should be sweet!

EL – As above.

Inland – Southerlies in the south then veering to the WNW north of the GE. High climbs out there once again – especially to the east where we get more trough action. Lots of clouds in the other regions showing a great looking sky!

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 6:11 and setting at 18:30 – day length 12:20. Summer is coming! High tide this morning at 7:30, low tide is at 13:20 and high tide 19:43. A Sweet SW to S day all day. Perfect for flying and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature another around 15 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)


(27 September 2021) 
Day 553 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! An amazing long weekend we had on the GR with great socials and good flying. :) We are not sure how the Gatskop went though we wish that all went well flying wise. ;) Today the Cold Front dominating the WC weather with rain in the southern areas and strong W to SW winds. It trends more southerly in the SW corner region. Lots of clouds around with base mostly below the mountains tops in the west and southern parts, not that much rain with tops not that high (around 8k perhaps). The trough in the centre of the country is the best I have ever seen it – it is a huge record day if anyone is lucky enough to be flying out there. You can run from Windhoek all the way to past Bishu in the EC! Base in some places are well over 18k – Cradock is sitting pretty at 20k! Oh my hat! Drool big time! The winds back home go NW form 10k upwards with a 100kt finish up at the Tropopause. Freezing level 12k in the east and 8k in the west.

CT – Looks like a rainy and low cloud day with fresh SW winds trending S later on. A tricky wind for wind-shadow flying – it looks like it spikes at 20ks along the waterfront area so probably not the best day to be flying. The SW spots in the south looking also a tad too much S. The main ranges with low clouds and rain. (See spots)


PV – A clagged in day…  

Wilderness – Looking very strong with the WSW winds at 15kts plus. Then later it does drop but it seems very west so things not looking that good. (See Spots) ;)

Plett – Like Wilderness but stronger and more west.

PE and PA – Starting off light but then the SW winds push through and gets strong. The SW reaches PA around midday and then EL at 14:00.

EL – NE start and then the SW moves in around 14:00.

Inland – West in the W with a tad more SW in the south and then the NW winds in the far eastern interior where that record trough activity is happening. Yoh!!! 20k climbs at Cradock today!?

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 6:12 and setting at 18:30 – day length 12:18. Summer is coming! High tide this morning at 6:44, low tide is at 12:33 and high tide 18:53. A fresh SW wind day. Perfect for beach walks and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature another around 17 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(26 September 2021) 
Day 552 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! The inland trough taking advantage of the slackness of the SAH, who is posed to strike at the WC with the next cold front. Light winds for today all over it seems – especially in a shallow layer over the ground. 2-3k of instability depth in most coastal regions and parts of the adjacent interior. Further inland when one moves into the inland trough airmass things get very good with strong high climbs for this time of the year. Once again the Lesotho region with exceptionally high cloud bases of 18k! NW winds in the central interior with more west to S and even SE in the west and southern parts respectively. Winds go west form above the inversion – 2-3k and remain WNW all the way to the Tropopause for a 110kts finish up there. Freezing level still up at 13k.

CT – A shallow SE flow accelerating around the prominent corners of HangKlip and CP. It curls around the Peninsula with a SW component on the NW side. Looks like it will be flyable here – pending that low ocean clouds! Lol. The main ranges looking sweet with light SW flows trending wet perhaps and climbs to just over 3k. Above it is W to NW. Perhaps a XC to the N is on along the mountains for those Gatskop fever guys. Or Franschhoek is looking sweet today too for fun flying… (See spots)


PV – Perhaps you will get to Mnt top height though the inversion looks just below the tops from what I can see. So not the best outlook. See Spot.  

Wilderness – A light wind cloudy start with initial Southerly trending to the SE from mid day onwards. Looks like a gap for late morning at Sedge and then from mid day onwards moving to Map day. The cloud cover might make it slow to start at Sedge perhaps… But Map is looking very good in the afternoon with perhaps even a chance of it being blown out later. (See Spots) ;)

Plett – Perhaps an earlier one at Uppies though the winds are quite SE… See Spot.

PE and PA – A light SW start to the day that will back sweetly all the way around to finish NE at the end of the day. If your timing is god you can get in some cool flying today.

EL – As above.

Inland – A light Southerly to SE wind in the south and West in the west and NW north of the GE line. The SE to the south will pickup in the afternoon with some strong spots around at 20kts. Speck out over Lesotho! ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 6:13 and setting at 18:29 – day length 12:15. Summer is coming! High tide this morning at 6:10, low tide is at 11:59 and high tide 18:19. A cloudy light S wind start turning into a fresh SE wind at the end of the day. Perfect for flying and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature another around 16 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(25 September 2021) 
Day 551 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! What a day at Sedge yesterday – most pilots left while it was still super sweet for flying having had enough! Lol Today a bit different as the Cold Front makes inroads towards CT with some prefrontal stuff there and the adjacent parts. Strong NW winds in the interior and along the west. The south coast still protected with light SSW flows. Lots of low clouds around along the coast on the west and just a smidgeon along the southern coasts. Instability depth much shallower along the coasts compared to yesterday and then 2-3k to the first mountains but in the central interior it starts to rise dramatically with 8k over the SB ranges and 11k along the GE. The main DB has got base nearing 19k and with winds just 10kts up there! Wish I was there! See TH graph) Back home the winds pickup speed quickly with height in the WNW direction – lots of prefrontal wave around and again a monster wave of 5.5m/s climb over the Villiersdorp valley! (Dreaming of riding that today – the sailplane guys at Worcester must be carrying lots of Oxygen today!) ;) Winds remain WNW all the way to the Tropopause for a 80kts finish in the west and 60kts in the east. Freezing level around 14/15k.

CT – Again lots of low cloud around that will probably stop play around the Peninsula. The main ranges probably a tad too strong with the building prefrontal winds. (See spots)


PV – Slightly less wind here with climbs to just over the Mnt tops. A general west wind – looking nice actually. See Spot.  

Wilderness – Another light wind day with more stable conditions. Climbs to perhaps 1000ft in a good one. IT looks slightly less wild compared to yesterday but I see a bit more west in the upper flow so probably a little bump now and then. Lol. The coast looking weak once more. Sweet! ;)

Plett – A similar to Wilderness day. See Spot.

PE and PA – NE start to the day here but then the SW creeps in form the west. Its not a strong one so good for flying and surfing and other stuff. Lol PA only going SW late late afternoon.

EL – NE winds all day.

Inland – A strong WNW wind day out there so not the best for flying. Some strong wave activity in the SW corner of the WC. And if you go far enough to the east you get into sweet air with light winds and climbs to over 18k! lol

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 6:15 and setting at 18:28 – day length 12:13. Summer is coming! Low tide is at 11:30 and high tide 17:50. A light SSW all day. Perfect for flying and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature another around 17 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(24 September 2021) 
Day 550 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! Don’t forget the Gatskop fever guys! ;) Today the SAH lightly pushing in behind the Cold Front – light winds in most areas around the WC today. General westerly flow with a SW along the southern coastal areas. Lots of low cloud around along the coasts – but a bit more further out to sea along the southern parts. Instability around the 2-3k depth mostly but once again the trough showing the sweetness in the eastern regions east of Aliwal North. Climbs and cloud over 15k with 20kts winds which is doable! We should be there. Lol Back home the wind remains light and westerly all the way to 10k before it backs to the SW for a 70kt finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 15k.

CT – Lots of low cloud around so it depends on that f the flying will happen or not. If not for the clouds the NW to W winds are light enough for an excellent day of flying… lol. The main ranges looking sweet with the NW to W winds and climbs to 3k. (See spots)


PV – A NW to W day with climbs to 3k – looking sweet if you head south to the bigger cliffs… See Spot.  

Wilderness – A light SW wind day – probably too light for the coastal cliffs to work Looks like Serps and Sedge are the spots to go to. Climbs to 1500ft at the right time possible at Sedge. Looks sweet. ;)

Plett – A similar to Wilderness day. See Spot.

PE and PA – Moderate SW going S winds today – it is looking good for flying. Lots of clouds out to sea with a few spots making the coast. 10-15kts.

EL – As above!

Inland – A very light wind inland day. Most places less than 10knts. Sweet flying conditions with sweet thermals to 7k over the SB ranges – all you need to do is get out there. ;) A good day to fly!

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 6:16 and setting at 18:27 – day length 12:11. Summer is coming! Low tide is at 11:03 and high tide 17:23. Again light SW all day. Perfect for flying and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature another around 16 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(23 September 2021) 
Day 549 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! Gatskop fever should be hitting all of you by now! ;) The SAH and Cold Front dominating our weather as it moves into the WC. It’s a dryer one with no rain but the winds certainly will make its presence felt. Loads of low cloud along the west coast and this will increase during the day. Winds are strong NW in general and of course in the prefrontal areas it is very strong with 30ts in many spots and high temps. There is the usual deep instability ahead of the front with very high clouds shaping up inland of PE and EL. Base out there around 15k. (40kts winds up there!) lol. The IOH still active in the far east with strong NE coastal winds. The GR the change over area as the SW moves up from the west while the NE dominates to the east of here. Lots of wave action along the front edge – see the sweet 4.5m/s climb over the Teewaterskloof dam. (I’ve always dreamed of getting into that little sucker in my hangie!) ;) Looks like some things are meant to remain dreams… lol. Winds are all NW with height with a West finish at 80kts. Freezing level around 13k.

CT – A NW to W wind day with lotas of low clouds and this will increase during the afternoon. Fly early before it clags over too much I would guess. The main ranges are too strong with the prefrontal winds pushing hard over the tops of the mountains. (See spots)


PV – A NW to W day with winds perhaps just manageable for flying. Climbs to 5k at lunchtime from the looks of things. So probably the spot to go to. See Spot.  

Wilderness – A classic prefrontal day with strong upper winds and changing surface winds on the cards. It is a very dynamic day ahead of us with tricky flying conditions to predict. IT is very inverted early on with nothing going past launch height at Serps and Sedge but form lunchtime some movement in the upper flow causing a slight deepening in the convection depth, however, a big however the TOL winds are also very strong which will create shear with a capital S today. Lol. So be very very careful if you go out flying. There is also a strong SW pulse moving in from the ocean that will reach land around 15:00. So keep your eyes open. Lol. Sometimes it good to wait for the sun to go around the planet one more time. ;)

Plett – A similar to Wilderness. See Spot.

PE and PA – PE strong NW winds that will go SW from late morning. PA will be NE at first but late in the day the SW will make inroads here.

EL – Just strong NE all day!

Inland – Strong NW winds every where. The exceptions will be near the coastal regions where the SW from the coast is moving in. Def not a flying day for prop thingies or other. Lol. Those very high gains in the eastern parts of the interior are pretty sweet though (but for the strong winds) ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 6:18 and setting at 18:26 – day length 12:09. And summer is on the way! Low tide is at 10:37 and high tide 16:55. Again light SW but after lunch expecting a strong SW gust. Perfect for beach walks and getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature another around 22 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(22 Sepetember 2021) 
Day 548 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! The IOH dominating in the east with a trough along the western parts while a Cold Front shapes up to the West today. Winds are NE to N inland with an ESE along the southern coastal regions. Some instability around within the IOH inland mass that deteriorates near the coasts. Climbs to 6k in a few spots just beyond the first mountain ranges. No clouds expected today. Winds remain fairly light with 10kts all the way to around 10k where the wind goes NW, then W from 14k with a 100kt finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level up at 13/14k.

CT – There is a dominant NE flow pattern but with a SE surface trend – especially later on. There is still a SE to SW curling effect around the Peninsula around the southern and western parts. Maybe a chance to fly Africa face with the afternoon showing a moderation to 10kts NE direction. The main ranges at DTK with a N dominant flow but perhaps it might be possible to get off – some decent climbs possible if you can. (See spots)

RB – Nothing today…

PV – A Northerly trend but if you could get off again some climbs going to 6k… See Spot.  

Wilderness – A light S to SE start to the day but then the SE will pickup again. This time though the upper NE and temp profile dampening the wind from fully moving into the Wilderness corner so from mid day that compression shadow setting up. So not looking that good here. Gerrickes really looking awesome if you can get that bench-up moment around 11/12ish – just before it goes to east. Looks like you could get very high there today. Sedge showing the SE trend but looking to remain relatively protected from the strong stuff. It will be a bumpy flying spot there today. But my spot for the day will be DuToits Farm! See Spot.

Plett – A similar pattern setting up here… See Spot.

PE and PA – A strong NE wind day… lol

EL – As above…

Inland – Light to moderate N to NE winds in the eastern and central parts but fresh SE in the southern eastern regions. Within the NE mass there seems to be a bit of flying to be had. Du Toits farm is actually looking really sweet until around 14:00 when the SE pushes through but this creates some sweet convergence with climbs to 6k in a wide area to be had. ;) Another pretty day for powered flying though…

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 6:19 and setting at 18:26 – day length 12:07. And summer is on the way! Low tide is at 10:10 and high tide 16:27. Again light S start trending fresh SE later in the day. Perfect for flying and then getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature another around 17 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(21 Septemeber 20221) 
Day 547 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! A wild wind that came through Wilderness yesterday! Shoe! ;) While the CF is running into the southern parts of Mozambique, the SAH is ridging in lightly behind it bringing much calmer weather along the WC regions. Winds are south to SE initially with more East further inland. Not the depth of postfrontal air we expected with around 2-3k in convection depth all over which is a bit disappointing. Still some fun to be had in a few spots. Winds remain S to ESE up to around 7-10k before it switches to West and then finishes WNW at the Tropopause around 100kts in the west and 70kts in the east. Freezing level around 11-12k.

CT – A light S start with a sweet wind-shadow shaping up into the mid day period and good flying around the LH and SH region. Late afternoon sees the SE up to 20kts with a slight eroding of the shadow so just keep tabs on things… Pretty good at DTK from the looks of it with some climbs to 4k. The wind might be a tad too SE… (See spots)

RB – Maybe late in the day for a late afternoon session…

PV – Strangely it looks like an inversion shaping up below the upper Easterlies around 2/3k. So not as good as we expected according to the forecast. Hhhmmm…  

Wilderness – A light S start to the day trending to the SE later on. IT looks like a sweet Sedge late morning early afternoon and then probably a move to Map perhaps. Inland not the deep post frontal instability we expected with DuToits climbs perhaps to 4500ft. Lol. See Spot.

Plett – Looking much better than Sedge so a good spot to go to. See Spot.

PE and PA – Strong SW start that will moderate beautiful into the afternoon for a great flying day. From Maitlands to those col inland sites that should be amazing. Some beautiful Q’s out there too…

EL – As above…

Inland – Some Q’s in the eastern southern parts with the SE flow of wind. IT is east further inland. Climbs to 8/9k over the GE especially near Sutherland. A pretty day for powered flying though…

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 6:20 and setting at 18:25 – day length 12:05. And summer is on the way! Low tide is at 9:43 and high tide 15:57. A light S start trending SE later in the day. Perfect for flying and then getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature another cool 14 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(20 Septemeber 2021) 
Day 546 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! Yippee! The day length is now officially longer than the night! Vat so winter! Some fun rock-n-rol flying yesterday in the prefrontal air in the GR. ;) Today of course the cold front dominating our weather today – the rain this morning in CT will spread quickly to the southern coastal regions by mid day and beyond in the afternoon. It does not quite make it that far inland with the mountains doing its work of blocking the moisture from getting to the Karoo this time around. The wind is SW going South in the west then W going SW along he southern parts while it is SW inland then veering to the W further to the N and east. Lots of cloud around with the moisture mostly confined in the 6-8k layer and below. The wind remains SW all the way up to around 18k where it starts to veer to the West for a 70-80kts finish up at the Tropopause. Freezing level down to 4500 in the far south otherwise its around 7500ft.

CT – Rain this morning with SW winds clearing by mid day with the wind going S. Breezy with 20kts on the cards and no chance of a usable wind-shadow shaping up in this. The main ranges also with that strong southerly component making it very tricky to fly. (See spots)

RB – A great day today after the rain clears away. Maybe float over the back in the lift and see if you can get close to Adams record. ;) Lol.

PV – A fresh southerly wind day with rain in the morning. The afternoon looking too strong with again round 20kts in the region.

Wilderness – A slight light wind start with a SW to even S at times but then all gearing up for the blow popping through around 12:00ish. Very strong SW wind with rain as the front moves in. No flying after that anywhere. So be very watchful and vigilant for the strong stuff – it might pop in earlier than expected. Lol. See Spot.

Plett – Similar to above but more SW from earlier on.

PE and PA – Strong SW from early all day long….

EL – As above…

Inland – SW winds penetrating far inland with the CF bringing rain to the SW areas only. By mid afternoon most of the rain should be gone in the inland areas. Lots of clouds with base form 3k in the south going to 8k along the GE. Very strong SW to W winds.

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 6:22 and setting at 18:25 – day length 12:03. And summer is on the way! Low tide is at 9:13 and high tide 15:27. A light SW start but then super strong at mid day! Perfect for flying early and then getting closer to God. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature another cool 17 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(19 Septemeber 2021) 
Day 545 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! Day length and night are equal parts of 12hrs each! Yippee! lol A light weight CF pushed in by the SAH along the west coat with fresh NW winds and low cloud. Its not very deep with CTops around 4/5k. Some light rain possible. Ahead of it some sweet Q’s with high bases and then the inland trough with exceptional flying conditions – base at 18k in some spots! A breezy SW flow along the southern parts that will make its way up the south coast reaching EL by end of the day. Winds go NW from 3k everywhere with a WNW finish at the Tropopause at 70kts – its 110kts further inland. Freezing level around 9500/11000.

CT – Freh NW winds all day long with low clouds. The main ranges similar. (See spots)

RB – NFG today… Lol.

PV – Another fresh NW day with base up to 3k. Probably too strong to fly I think.

Wilderness – A WSW start to the day reaching 20kts at time during the morning. But then around lunchtime it start to drop quickly with a light wind afternoon trending even to the South! Sedge should switch on from around 14:00 onwards. Some coastal soaring around mid day as it starts to drop form the looks of things – the hangies probably being able to get up in the thick of things from early already. Lol. See Spot.

Plett – Similar to above..

PE and PA – The SW starting early west of PE but NE east form here. The SW will progressively move to the east. It gets fresh with 20kts plus.

EL – NE winds until late afternoon when the SW gets there…

Inland – It is a NW to WNW day inland with some exceptional high clouds in the trough – the eastern interior of the WC. See the cloud base chart! A bit breezy with lots of spots showing 20kts and more.

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 6:23 and setting at 18:24 – day length 12:01. It’s a 50/50 ratio if day/night time ratio! Summer is on the way! Low tide is at 8:41 and high tide 14:54. A fresh SW wind day. Perfect for flying and getting closer to God. Leave work and go get high on life! ;) Max temperature another cool 17 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(18 September 2021) 
Day 544 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! Sweet flying at Map yesterday and some trickling in from Oubos. Today the IOH dominating with strong east flows along the southern coast and NE inland but more N along the west coast. There is a deep coastal low shaping up along the west coast (it dissipates around 10k). It is a blue day with no clouds expected – some out to sea on the west and south coasts. The east flows causing a big eddy around the Peninsula. Winds are pretty breezy in most places today. The wind backs to the NW with height for a 1015kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 13k.

CT – Strong SE winds out towards CP but this curls around the Peninsula causing a bit of a wind-shadow effect as it combines with the upper NE flow. It might even be flyable on Africa face today though above TM the wind does pick up a bit (10-15kts NE at 4k. SH and LH is looking good with a SW flow along that side. The main ranges perhaps too much east trending N to NW later in the day. But some high climbs possible out there.:) (See spots)

RB – Well, I hope you guys are all flown out after the last few good day because today is crap. Lol.

PV – A NW day but it sure is looking good with very high climbs after 14:00 with maybe 9k on the cards. It’s a bit breezy up there with 20kts upper winds… Dress warm! See Spot.

Wilderness – A very strong SE wind on the cards today. Get out early with a small window in the morning before it gets blown out around 10-11. ;)

Plett – Also strong winds form the SE here…

PE and PA – The E to NE winds are slow to start but will finish with a bang! ;)

EL – As above…

Inland – The wind more NE but trending more East during the day in the southern parts. North of the GE the winds are N to NW. and strong. Lol Not the best day to e flying…

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 6:25 and setting at 18:23 – day length 11:59. We are almost at a 50/50 ratio if day/night time ratio! Summer is on the way! Low tide is at 8:04 and high tide 14:18. A strong SE wind day. Perfect for hiking and getting closer to God. Leave work and go get high on life! ;) Max temperature another cool 17 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(17 September 2021) 
Day 543 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! Some sweet flying along the GR late afternoon with quite a few pilots enjoying the sweet air along the coast (even I had a stint in my hang glider to Gerrickes and back!) ;) Today the SAH pushing in with a ridge shaping up along the southern parts. The wind is south in the east trending SE while it is decidedly east and SE in the west. Lots of clouds around in the southern central and eastern parts but drying out to the west. Base around 2-3k along the coasts, 6-7k beyond the first ranges and then up to 9k along the GE. Still quite a few rain showers around in the central southern and eastern parts but these will gradually clear from the west during the day. So some good flying still on the cards for the southern regions but the west with the offshores a tad trickier. Winds remain S to E all the way to around 10-14k where it veers to the SW and then W at the Tropopause for a 110kts finish up there. Freezing levels 6500 in the east but 9k in the west.

CT – Strong E to SE winds with not much of a wind-shadow in the cards. Some deep instability at lunchtime with up to 6k climbs in some spots. Winds very strong at CP and getting to 20kts in a few around the flats and TB region. The main ranges also to much east. :) (See spots)

RB – There is hope for the hangies here today… Lol.

PV – East so no good here but PB is looking up! Some climbs to 6k but a chance of being a bit breezy with the winds going to the upper teens in knots higher up. See Spot.

Wilderness – Again a bit of a wet start but from mid day clearing and a chance of some flying happening. Sedge showing a short but good window if we can believe the forecast. (See the spot) and then it def looks like a sweet afternoon for Map. Maybe Gerrickes too if you can bench up. :)

Plett – It just seems to much east here after the rains…

PE and PA – SW to the east of PE start but this will trend more to the S during the afternoon. Breezy initially. Still a few lingering showers around that could effect things a bit.

EL – As above…

Inland – Inland things are def looking better. Higher bases and the wind south trending the SE and E further inland and to the west. (See the wind and cloud maps) A good day for flying I think if you can get out there some where…

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 6:26 and setting at 18:23 – day length 11:57. Low tide is at 7:19 and high tide 13:35. Again a rainy start but clearing in the afternoon with light SE winds. Another perfect day for flying and getting closer to God. Leave work and go get high on life! ;) Max temperature another cool 14 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(16 September 2021) 
Day 542 of lockdown

Good morning all you super awesome Wild2Fly people! Some super cool flying yesterday – a few brave soles hiking up Rusty Gates and doing over 50km XC flights – Lekker Wj and John and co! Back home PR and Sedge where doing some good stuff, especially later in the day. Today the SAH is pushing in strong southerly winds with lots of rain – the west clearer but the east with lots of rain. Base ranging from 1-2k in some southerly and easterly spots but rising well inland with up to 9k over the GE and then of course that slight shaping up of a trough back towards the central interior with base up at 12/13k and SW winds in that region (We should be specking out at DeAar today guys!) lol. Winds remain S with height and up past 20k starts to veer to the SW for a SW finish at the Tropopause of 70kts. Freezing level ranging between 5500 and 7500 in the southerly areas.

CT – Strong SE winds all day long. It is a deep settle flow with little no signs showing any wind-shadow shaping up. 20kts plus later on. The main ranges also with the SE component so no real flying prospects out there. It looks like a Hermanus day to me. :) (See spots)

RB – Oh more good news for the hangies as RB seems to be firing on all 8 cylinders today. Lol.

PV – A bit of a windy day here with 15-20kts of southerly winds. Perhaps SSW in the valley but more SSE above launch. Maybe good to drink coffee day – unless you are a hardcore dude!

Wilderness – A wet and rainy start to the day but… But it does look like there is silver lining to these clouds. Looks like the rain will stop at mid day and then settle into a SSW afternoon that looks very promising for the coastal cliffs again. Maybe even a later afternoon session at Sedge could be on the cards. So good stuff to look forward to. :)

Plett – Looks like more rain here so not that promising however Keurbooms could offer something at mid day I think.

PE and PA – SW to S winds, strong at times with rain.

EL – As above…

Inland – If you go far enough N it is looking very good – Graafies and DeAar the spots to be I think with the SW winds around and some good clouds and higher base out there. Even it there are a few showers possible with some luck you could navigate around these. South of the SB it is a bit too rainy I think. All S to SW winds in the central to eastern parts but more SE to the west.

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 6:27 and setting at 18:22 – day length 11:55. High tide 12:38, low tide at 18:54. A rainy start but onshore and clearing in the afternoon. Another perfect day for flying and getting closer to God. Leave work and go get high on life! ;) Max temperature another cool 14 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(15 September 2021) 
Day 541 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! A great post frontal airmass around – well kind off… lol between cold fronts – its actually a slightly calmer cold airmass form the south between more defined fronts with some high bases and sweet instability all round. Still some showers around which can stop play but I would say it is a day to bunk work and go fly, especially in the west and south. Winds are all southerly around the 10kts with some 15kts spots and very few nearing 20k (around some corners of the Peninsula and up north at Langebaan later in the day) Base fairly high with between 4-8k over some of the inland ranges. (Cederbergs looking high) Winds remaining light to moderate south all the way up to near 10k today. This is more SW in the west. Further inland to the east the trough is active with that super high bases at 17/18k (Drool!) ;) but strong winds form the NW there. Back home the wind is WNW from around 14k to the Tropopause for a 60-90kts finish. Freezing level down to 5500ft in a few southerly spots.

CT – Hhhmmm… very southerly winds with a curl around the Peninsula for a SSW direction around the SH and LH region – up to 20kts in the later afternoon along the shore. Doesn’t look like a good wind-shadow here today. The main ranges with a SSW surface flow and more SE higher up. But some higher bases and loads of instability so if you can get off anywhere you could go for a descent XC to the north I think. See DTK Spot.

RB – Oh it sure looks good today! Lol.

PV – Also a good day here I think but a bit on the southerly side with the wind direction but high base and great for distance to the North…

Wilderness – Some wet and possible rain in the morning still but the afternoon is sure looking sweet! SW winds around 10kts with everything facing the wind working! Looks like super high bases at Sedge 3-3500ft base (or more!) but with a bit of a wind up there at 15kts so expect some bumps. Lol. The coast is looking super sweet so I think the jump from the hotel to PR is on. And also going beyond to Myolil or more! So bunk work and fly today. ;) Oh and don’t forget to dress warm! lol

Plett – Looks like a chance of more rain at Uppies and actually not looking as good with more OD conditions. Keurbooms looking a tad too west.

PE and PA – Very strong SW winds all day with chance of rain.

EL – As above…

Inland – The Cold Front having gone inland all the way to past the GE areas into he central Karoo. Showers especially over the higher mountains with lower bases in those regions. Wind not so strong except perhaps over the tops of the higher mountains with some spots close to 20kts. Otherwise its around 10kts. All southerlies except in the far NE interior where it will trend to the W and NW.

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 6:29 and setting at 18:21 – day length 11:52. High tide 11:09, low tide at 17:34. A west rainy start but moderate SW later on. Really perfect for flying and getting closer to God. But please, leave work and go get high on life! ;) Max temperature another cool 14 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(14 September 2021) 
Day 540 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! Today the SAH still pumping in that Cold Front air form the SSW of us bringing with it that cold rainy southerly winds. Lots of low cloud around with base at 2ish and tops at 6/7k. Winds are southerly in the west going west in the interior before curling more NW as it joins the very active trough along the central interior. Very strong NW winds there with very high climbs with spots showing base near 18! But of course the winds up to 40kts up there... (You could break a record today!) Drool… ;) The southern coastal regions with southerlies in the west trending more SW in the east. Its not really a flying ay anywhere around the WC – unless you move into the interior around the western parts where the southerly winds will have high bases north of the SB ranges and around the GE line. (See the cloud base graph). Winds are fairly light with height but then form 10k it is all NW again with a 110kts finish up at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 6500ft in the west but 11k in the east.

CT – Fresh southerly winds with rain on and off all day. No wind-shadow time form the looks of it. The main mountains similar so doubtful there will be any flying to be had.

RB – If not for the rain then it could be a great afternoon session. lol

PV – Also looking a bit clagged in for today with the southerly winds…

Wilderness – A westerly start going to the SW later on but then also rain moving in… Hhhmmm… Maybe you could get a gap but its doubtful. lol

Plett – As above…

PE and PA – West to SW winds with the rain remaining out to sea form the looks of things.  

EL – NE winds to start off with but by end of day the SW will move in.

Inland – The Cold Front making a slight bit more inroads into the interior with showers along the SB ranges and in the western interior mountains. Base only rising north of the SB with some 8/9k spots along the GE and 14k around Cradock! But of course those strong NW winds here so not much prospects for flying.

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 6:30 and setting at 18:21 – day length 11:50. High tide 9:17, low tide at 15:34. A light W start going SW with rain later. Perfect for flying and getting closer to God. Either way do go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature another cool 15 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(13 Septembber 2021) 
Day 539 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! Some sweet flying yesterday in the west with rain clearing around the Peninsula for some amazing flying around there. The guys in PV also doing some lekker XC flying. Today the SAH pushing in a bit harder into the WC with the Cold Front offloading its moisture along the southern parts. Lots of cloud all over the show with low bases in the south and adjacent mountains. It rises inland with base around 4-6k. The west also looking clear and sweet but perhaps with a bit of a strong southerly push in the wind. So good in the west but too wet in the southern parts. Winds go NW from 7k upwards remaining NW all the way to the Tropopause for a 70kts finish up there. Freezing level around 10k

CT – A fresh SSE wind day with little chance of a wind-shadow shaping up. Instability to around 4k and some 5-6k bases along the main ranges. If you can find a spot that can handle the SE out there you could fly a long way to the north. Hermanus is also looking good I think with high climbs and a flight to Stanford on the cards.

RB – Sweet amazing day on the cards with the afternoon the best. lol

PV – Another good day I think with climbs to 4k and perhaps a tad more. Maybe some clouds though it might clear up this far north…

Wilderness – Not looking good with mostly rain on the cards but perhaps a chance to get in a Map fight if the rain stops and the clouds are high enough. ;) Sedge looking dead and rainy.

Plett – As above…

PE and PA – SE winds with low clouds around and rain.

EL – As above but the rain perhaps only starting later in the afternoon. SE 10-15kts.

Inland – The Cold Front stuck along the southern ranges with low clouds and rain but to the north of the SB it starts to clear nicely with high bases around 6k. Winds go NW north of the GE but its S to the south of that.

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 6:32 and setting at 18:20 – day length 11:48. High tide 7:53, low tide at 13:54, high tide 20:23. A light SW going SE wind with lots of clouds and slight chance of rain. Perfect for flying and getting closer to God. Either way do go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature another cool 14 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(12 September 2021) 
Day 538 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! The SAH having taken over duties from the CF pushing in some SW to S winds with cooler and rainy conditions in the west but fair soaring conditions along the eastern side of the front. Still that NW in the far interior but this backs to the west and then south as we move to the south with a SE along the eastern coastal regions but more SW in the west. Sweet Q’s to the east of the CF and if you could get into the air you could have a great flight. There is still a trough left over in the interior but this has moved more eastwards. And then that sweet Nam convergence region is still very active today with base near 17k and awesome awesome soaring conditions. :) We drool and wish! Back home the winds go NW from 6000ft remaining NW all the way to the Tropopause for a 100kt finish up there. Freezing level around 13k but dropping to 7500ft in the extreme SW edges of the WC.

CT – A low cloud and rainy day all day long… The main mountains too…

RB – lol

PV – Maye a short flying window in the morning but then lowering clouds and rain for the afternoon. (See spot)

Wilderness – Hhhmm… We have a anticyclonic circulation just offshore from us (Not a coastal low but the opposite!) lol This is effecting our surface winds with a SE start and possible SSW finish. It could also remain SE for longer. So a tricky day to call. Sedge could be the spot for later in the day and Map earlier on. Hhhmm…

Plett – A SE wind day with climbs to 2/2.5k at Uppies. Maybe something around Keurbooms but in general not looking so good. See Spot…

PE and PA – A SW start but a S to SE wind day. Lots of coastal clouds around.

EL – As above.

Inland – The Cold Front moving in form the west with rain but not making much progress into the interior. Still NW wind north of the GE and then mor west in the little karoo and even southerly to the south. Q’s to the west mainly. Hhmm… You could probably fly if you are desperate. lol

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 6:33 and setting at 18:19 – day length 11:46. High tide 6:57, low tide at 12:52, high tide 19:18. A SE going S wind with clouds. Perfect for flying and getting closer to God. Either way do go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature another cool 17 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)


(11 Septemeber 2021) 
Day 537 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! So another day like yesterday – almost! Those big systems still dominating with a large shadow/pool of marine air around the southern coastal regions  that might offer some hope of flying – though lots of coastal fog around which could effect things a lot. The CF approaching and probably reaching CT early tomorrow morning. The trough very active along the western interior with some amazing brilliant flying conditions in Namibia – we should be there guys! This time of year it often cooks! (See the high clouds and drooling line of convergence running down from up there – that is amost 1000miles of convergence! Def record distance possible!) But alas we are down on the southern tip of Africa where things are not so good for flying. Lol. Very strong winds in the interior with that strong shear around and then some monster wave activity for the SW mountains (See the big one near Worcester today!) Winds go NW from 3k everywhere and remains NW all the way to the Tropopause for a 120kts finish up there. Freezing level around 14k.

CT – Like yesterday! ;) Another prefrontal day with strong NW winds associated with a strong gradient in most spots. Low clouds around the coastal regions. The main ranges also strong higher up so not really flying weather. The exception might be PV… (See DTK Spot and TOL winds)

RB – WWB is out and about. lol

PV – Like yesterday! Lol NW winds with the convective layer up to 3500ft and the winds within this layer around PV looking doable. So if you want to fly then this is the place… (See spot)

Wilderness – Like yesterday but perhaps not as good. Looks like more coastal fog around but the spot to go to still Sedgefield. Lift at the good times to 1000ft with a southerly direction in general. At 3k the wind is strong NW. Still looks like extended foefies could be possible at Map from mid day onwards.

Plett – A SE wind day with climbs to 2k at Uppies. A short window form the looks of it. Lol  Again maybe a Keurbooms around lunchtime could be doable? See Spot…

PE and PA – A general East wind near the coast but those strong NW still active inland with late afternoon seeing some very high base developments. Lol.

EL – Should be very strong NE all day here… High clouds inland!

Inland – Again like yesterday. Strong NW winds everywhere with a prefrontal trend in the west and that trough in the central regions. Very very strong stuff again with 30kts plus in many spots. Good for weather watching. lol

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 6:34 and setting at 18:19 – day length 11:44. Low tide at 12:066, high tide 18:29. A light onshore wind with some possible fog patches. Perfect for flying and getting closer to God. Either way do go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature a cool 17 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(10 September 2021) 
Day 536 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! So today we have two really strong pressure systems working in tangent to creating some extreme weather conditions for our region. The Cold Front to the SW at 957Mbar and the IOH at 1040Mbar. Some strong pressure gradients between these two with exceptionally strong winds near the surface today in many places. Some spots showing 50kts in shear strength! Between these two systems we have a strong trough feature indicating some very strong lift and high bases (See the cloud base map - this extends all the way from Namibia where there are 18000ft bases!) Notice the strong convergence and associated shear regions where the inland NW, the coastal NE from the east and the WSW from the west meet. Scary stuff if you ask me (but Dirk the hangie, wants to go fly there today!) lol – OK, I think I convinced him not to fly but to rather do some weather watching. ;) It is however a day for flying from Nam to PE in the strong prefrontal trough – those 30kts upper winds will really blow you a long ways… Hehe… Low clouds along the west coast with some appearing along the southern parts later in the day. And of course those super high clouds along the trough. There is also some strong Lee Wave activity in the SW mountain areas – I found 4m/s climbs near Greyton (the area is renown for super waves! See the Wave spot) In general the winds all settle NW from 3000ft upwards and then just before the Tropopause back to the WSW for a 80-90kts finish up there. Freezing level around 15k.

CT – A prefrontal day with strong NW winds associated with a strong gradient in most spots. Low clouds around the coastal regions. The main ranges also strong higher up so not really flying weather. The exception might be PV… (See DTK Spot and TOL winds)

RB – WWB is out and about. lol

PV – NW winds with the convective layer up to 3500ft and the winds within this layer around PV looking doable. So if you want to fly then this is the place… (See spot)

Wilderness – I am surprised by the GR shadow effect again give the strong stuff going on around the area. And it seems its even deep enough for us to have a go at flying! Early morning offshores but during the day the coastal layer will start to dominate a tad more – the layer looks to be around 1000-1500ft in depth in the afternoon so certainly possible for some flying to take place within this layer. It looks like extended foefies could be possible at Map from mid day onwards. Sedge also showing something to play in but it is all very changeable conditions so WYSIWYG probably the best tool. lol

Plett – A spike of lift at 11 at Uppies to 4k – the convergence as the NW is taken over by the sea breeze though I don’t see how one would get into that – the NW is just too strong to fly! Lol. Maybe a Keurbooms at lunchtime could be doable? See Spot…

PE and PA – A very volatile region today with all the changes happening around your area – loads of strong convergence and shear regions. The cast ranging from NE to S and SW with inland the strong NW. Should be interesting to observe today. Lol.

EL – It is very strong NE all day here…

Inland – Strong NW winds everywhere with a prefrontal trend in the west and that trough in the central regions. Very very strong stuff at BW with even some 50kts shear regions! A def no flying day I would say. Lol. But probably good to watch some of those high clouds shaping up around De Aar down towards PE side.

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 6:36 and setting at 18:18 – day length 11:42. Low tide at 11:26, high tide 17:46. A berg wind morning then light onshore afternoon. Perfect for surfing and getting closer to God. Either way do go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 22 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(9 Septemebr 2021) 
Day 535 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! So loads of great flying all over the WC yesterday. Ria reporting Franschhoek working from early till about 4pm. Barry and crew flew Hermanus to Standford. (Ps I also thought it looked a bit too SW...but it worked for them). LP flew Table Mountain. (Wow! Surprised with this one) ;) And a glider as soaring at St James. The flight of the day though belongs to Josh who flew from DTK to Flyers lodge in PV! Josh said he could have gone to Citrusdal and beyond but he had no retrieve… lol. Today a whole different story as a large Cold Front is shaping up along the SW of the country helping a strong IOH to flex muscles as they help each other with strong NE winds in general. The southern coasts with very strong SE winds. CT region with the NE dominance causing some tricky flying stuff. Lol. Some clouds around the EL and PE side from the IOH influence, otherwise its blue all over. The winds back to the north around 8/10k then to the NW and finally all the way to the SW at the Tropopause for a 60kts finish up there. Freezing level up at 13/14k.

CT – A bit of a berg wind day so not really good for flying, Strong gradients around with the upper flow NE and breezy. 20kts around TM top height. Similar around the main ranges…

RB – WWB is out and about. lol

PV – The N to NE winds also dominating here…

Wilderness – You might get a quick flight in at Map this morning but I think by 10 or soon after it will be all over. Very strong SE winds on the cards today.

Plett – As above…

PE and PA – NE winds all day long with low clouds around.

EL – As above. It  blows at the end of the day. Even the kite surfers are going to be tested. lol

Inland – Strong NE winds everywhere especially over the higher grounds, 20 and even 30kts in spots. Its not a flying day I think.

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 6:37 and setting at 18:17 – day length 11:40. Low tide at 10:49, high tide 17:07. A super strong SE day. Perfect for kitesurfing and getting closer to God. Either way do go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 19 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(8 September 2021) 
Day 534 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! Some sweet flying yesterday in the GR with plenty of sweet little XC flights from Serpentine and then the guys managed to get in some TM Africa face time in as well. ;) Today still some sweet weather around as the light winds form the Col is allowing pudding thermal development in most areas. Lol. Winds are generally SSW along the southern parts, westerly inland but north in the far north. (See map) No clouds expected but for a few along the Peninsula during the morning and the Overberg – perhaps later in the afternoon some moving to the GR region from the south. The wind is westerly with height – from 10k or so it starts to back to the WSW for a 60kts finish up at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 12k today

CT – A SW morning but the south will dominate later in the afternoon. Looks like enough of a shadow around SH and LH for flying to continue – probably SW here as the flow curls around the Peninsula. The main ranges looking sweet too with climbs to 3500ft and light/mod winds – see DTK Spot. Herm looking too SW – Hhhmmm…

RB – It just could be a great afternoon as the south looks to be pushing through here – sunset cruise?

PV – A frustrating inversion around launch height – so iffy stuff. The afternoon looks like the S to SE wind pushes through.

Wilderness – And what do you know – yet another sweet day on the cards with a light SW flow. Sedge the place to be with climbs to around 1000ft on the cards. Its once again better to the east of launch. Lol. The ocean cliffs looking light but probably light soaring happening on occasion.

Plett – Uppies is the spot I think with some good climbs on the cards for the day. See Spot.

PE and PA – Northerly offshores in the morning but going SW in the west with light S to E winds around PE and EL. The SW will push through to perhaps PA side later in the day. ;)

EL – Offshores and then light E to S winds but on occasion the NE wind will push through form the east. We are just on that change region…

Inland – A sweet days of flying out there no matter what you fly. Lightish wind everywhere. North far inland but more W in the central and southern parts. :)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 6:39 and setting at 18:17 – day length 11:38. Low tide at 10:14, high tide 16:31. A light SW day. Perfect for flying and getting closer to God – either way do go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 16 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(7 Septemeber 2021) 
Day 533 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! Some sweet flying yesterday along the GR – lots of first for many pilots. ;) Today a ridge along he southern parts as the front moves north past Maputo – lots of rain in KZN and snow on the Drakensberg. A general east flow around the WC with still some great instability around especially in the central and eastern parts. Some good clouds with base around 6/7k just north of the first ranges. The coast showing the light southerly turning into a fresh SE wind in the afternoon. The western parts with a light SW trend in the surface layer but above the east is active – light in the south but it picks up in the north. Still some good flying to be had all over it seems. Winds back form east to NE up to around 6/7k then it goes SW with a gentle veering to the west at the Tropopause for a 60/70kts finish up there. Freezing level 6500’ in the east but 9k in the west.

CT – A light SW flow around the Peninsula along the surface but NE from 100ft upwards. It is generally light with touching 10kts maybe at TM top height. I think Africa face could be doable late morning/lunchtime. It is looking sweet with climbs to 4k. The main ranges also looking good with a lower SW/W flow and the East showing up around 3/4k. IT is light thought so I think it should still be flyable. See Spot.

RB – Too light and wrong direction.

PV – It is looking like a good day until after lunch when the lower SW brings in a bit of an inversion around the 3/3500ft level. Around 11 to 13:00 you could get to 4/5k. Its light East higher up. (See Spot)

Wilderness – Another sweet day on the cards with a southerly start then the SE will push through in the afternoon. Sedge is looking good for a late morning till early afternoon session even if it will be form the left. Climbs to 1500ft should be on. The challenge is to go left get high enough for a jump to Gerrickes and then a good session there! ;) Map is looking good from lunchtime onwards but perhaps a slight showing of the compression shadow in the mid afternoon. Slight chance of it being blown out later in the day.

Plett – Uppies is looking really good this morning, Anyone flying out there?

PE and PA – Its SE to start going east in the afternoon. Getting breezy in the west around 20kts but moderating to the east for a change. ;)

EL – East winds but nice and light.

Inland – Really sweet inland flying today with high bases and good climbs. Winds are all NE in general. The day to fly form DuToits and head to the west. Maybe make Barrydale! :)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 6:40 and setting at 18:16 – day length 11:36. Low tide at 9:40, high tide 15:57. A light SE start but picking up in the afternoon. Perfect for flying and getting closer to God – either way do go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 14 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(6 Septemeber 2021) 
Day 532 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! A sweet surprise day for Segde yesterday for a lucky few. ;) The SAH pushing in the CF far into he interior today bringing a sweet workable layer of unstable air in behind it. Winds are all SW in general with some more WSW in the East and South in the far west. Lots of cloud around with high bases – 3-4k around the coast, 5-6k north of the first ranges and 8-10k north of the GE. Some rain expected on the mountains mainly though there are some spots in the south of the ocean that could move in late afternoon. All in all it looks like a good flying day if you can get to the right spot. Winds remain SW till around 7k then veers to the West before going the normal NW from 18k upwards to the Tropopause for a 60kt finish up there. Freezing level down to 5500ft.

CT – A SSE day and breezy with 20kts on average and it’s a deep flow so doesn’t look good for usable wind-shadow activity. The main ranges also too much SSE in it to be nice. Need to go far north form the looks of it.

RB – It just might be a good day. The afternoon looking better with the chance of a sunset flight possible.

PV – Doable but it does look a tad strong and southerly in the afternoon. Climbs to 5k.. Yay! (See Spot)

Wilderness – So all indicators say we are in for a great day. Sedge should be spectacular with very high climbs. The coast should be good too with fresh SW winds. And it looks like from late morning this state could last for most of the day. Summer time is indeed approaching! ;) See Sedge Spot for winds TOL – nothing too strong with perhaps a bit over 10kts up there. Perhaps a bit too OD at times and chance of rain late late in the afternoon. Great stuff man! :))

Plett – Uppies also looking very good. Keurbooms just too west in it it seems. But Uppies looks like you could get to base. (See Spot) BTW< Anybody try it our yesterday?

PE and PA – WSW early on but going SW around the 20kts mark with some lighter spots. It goes more SSW in the afternoon and looks like a great Maitlans day.

EL – As above!

Inland – The SW going more S in the southern interior but its breezy with the cold air pushing hard over those mountain stops. 20-30kts over the SB ranges! But high bases north of there. Hhhmm… Its  a good unstable day but probably for those bullish pilots only. ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 6:41 and setting at 18:15 – day length 11:34. Low tide at 9:08, high tide 15:24. A general SW trend all day. Perfect for flying and getting closer to God. But do go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 14 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(5 Septemeber 2021) 
Day 531 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! The Cold Front into CT today and moving into the western half of the WC interior and southern coastal regions during the day. Rain in the west but bases rising sharply towards the west with 10k over the Sutherland GE region but of course much lower along the southern coastal regions. Winds still strong NW in general but will go more WSW in the SW regions while the GR still has some of that protective shadow at play. Way to the east the deeply unstable trough is causing some CB activity with super high bases for this time of the year. (See cloud base map). The winds out there are around 30kts NW – with record distance potential if it where not for the CB activity. lol Winds remain NW with height all the way to the Tropopause for a 80-90kts finish. Freezing level dropping in the SW corner to 5500ft with the edge of the front near the GR rising up to 10k again.

CT – Breezy NW with low bases and passing showers. It goes more WSW later on with a slight chance of moderation to mid and upper teens in knots around the southern Peninsula. Hhhmmm… Maybe there on the lower dunes. The main ranges OD and strong.

RB – WWB is out and About!

PV – Looks like a clagged in day with NW winds and rain all day…

Wilderness – A light W start to the day with some odd SW pulse moving form the ocean during the day. Looks like a period of some coastal soaring in the late morning and then the winds might drop along the coast with sporadic bits in the late afternoon. (Lets hope its completely wrong!) ;) Sedge is looking good to from 11:30 till 15:30 form the looks of it. To the east some high climbs close to 2k (some 13kts winds up there) otherwise around 1000ft from the looks of it. It’s a tad prefrontal so just be aware for a bit of possible mixing up there – though it doesn’t look like anything too serious today.

Plett – There is a good bit of lift at 11:30 with climbs over 5k here from the looks of it. (See Spot) Def worth going out to try and catch those climbs to those sweet Q’s shaping up there at that time. :)

PE and PA – The SW pulse moving through this morning with a SW to S trend in the wind. Maitlands looking ok later for the hangies.

EL – As above!

Inland – Strong NW winds especially in the higher spots. Wave formation in the lee side in the western ranges. Lots of cloud and rain in the west form the front. It does not seem to be penetrating far inland during today – some clouds making it to BW by end of the day. Climbs to 8/9k over the GE, SB and Kamanasie ranges. But alas, the wind… lol

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 6:43 and setting at 18:14 – day length 11:32. Low tide at 8:35, high tide 14:52. A general SW trend all day. Perfect for flying and getting closer to God. But do go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 15 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(4 September 2021) 
Day 530 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! The SAH and Cold Front movements still dominating our weather. A double Cold Front making its way towards CT – should make landfall just after midnight. Today though fresh NW winds in the interior and western coastal regions – a tad on the strong side with 20kts plus in most mountains spots. Wave lift in the lee side of those usual spots out there (See pic of Theewaterskloof lee wave). Lots of clouds moving in form the SW into this corner of the WC. The southern coastal regions still some light IOH action with a S to SE flow pattern. This protected region offering some lighter winds with light soaring conditions. In the far eastern interior near the DB ranges climbs over 15k are to be had but the winds at TOL are over 50ts! So we look, drool and dream! Lol (Note the high base out that side all coloured in red!) The wind is light NW up to 5k in the southern central regions but then it strengthens all the way up to the Tropopause for a 80-90kts finish up there. Freezing level around 9k in the west and 11k in the east.

CT – Fresh NW winds that might be a ok for the hangies but I think all the clouds might just be a bit of a damper. Def a SH day with the winds too strong on the main mountains.

RB – WWB is out and About!

PV – Strong NW winds but lift to 4k. Probably too strong…

Wilderness – A light southerly wind that will trend to the SE later on. Too light for the coast but Sedge and Serps probably offering some stuff to play with. Sedge with the Southerly winds and climbs to around 500ft ATO in the right spot. Could be tricky. There are spots showing climbs to 1000ft ATO to the left of launch… Maye that little convergence region will be active again. Worth a visit for those who know how. ;)

Plett – Also looking like a lekker day here with a SE trend and climbs to around 2k. Too light for the coast though…

PE and PA – Strong E to NE winds with lots of cloud form the ocean. Lol.

EL – As above!

Inland – NW winds everywhere with strong stuff north of the GE and in the far east. To the west the NW also strengthens as the CF moves closer. Clouds shaping up in the SW corner… Hhhmm… It should be good flying in the southern interior for the most part with the propellor thingies. lol

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 6:44 and setting at 18:14 – day length 11:30. Low tide at 8:01, high tide 14:21. Light onshore winds all day. Perfect for brushing up with God over a coffee and getting high on life! ;) Max temperature around 15 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(3 September 2021) 
Day 529 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! It is the SAH and the Cold Front with the westerly marches all around us. Rain in CT on and off today with low clouds and strong NW winds, NW to West in the interior with a sweet sheltered region around the GR with the strong SW winds resuming further to the east from Jbay and eastwards. Some good clouds in the west as the front moves further eastwards during the day, with clear skies form the central interior and eastwards. Some wave lift in the west adjacent to the front. It looks like some sweet soaring within the sheltered GR region in a few spots around mid day for the lucky few who might be in the right place. Out side of those regions it’s a bit on the windy side of things. Lol. Winds go NW with height

CT – Not so good for today. Low clouds with rain and strong NW winds all day it seems… The main ranges similar.

RB – WWB is out and About!

PV – Also clagged in and fresh NW winds…

Wilderness – A slight prefrontal trend but it does look like the gradients are more mellow today with not such strong spikes in the upper flow around Sedge and at Uppies. So it could be sweet at Sedge with climbs to 1000ft and more to the east. SW winds with some S spots but the upper flow veers to the west. Some good clouds further inland over the mountains…

Plett – Also some clouds on the cards with what looks like a good flying day here… Climbs to 4k even. Lol. See Spot.

PE and PA – Very strong SW winds all day but a slight reprieve in the late afternoon. It remains stronger to the east.

EL – The SW moving in during the morning with a very strong pulse. Then its SW strong all day!

Inland – NW winds north of the GE but more west to the south of there. Rain and clouds in the west that  will progressively move to the east reaching BW at the end of day. Lots of wave lift preceding the front in the western mountains. Looks a tad strong for flying in general so be careful.

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 6:45 and setting at 18:13 – day length 11:28. Low tide at 7:23, high tide 13:47, low tide at 19:46. A light moderate southerly wind day. Perfect for meeting God for a coffee and getting high on life! ;) Max temperature around 16 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(2 Septemebr 2021) 
Day 528 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! An amazing day at Map yesterday with a chance of some good stuff today too… ;) A big Cold Front approaching CT (Should make landfall early hours tomorrow morning). A slight Coastal low shaping up ahead of it on the west coast with the usual fresh NW winds along that side. So to the interior except for the southern parts at the coast which is dominated by the SAH with an easterly flow. Some clouds along the eastern southern parts otherwise mostly a blue day. The winds in the east go from east to NE then NW with height for a WNW finish of 130kts at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 10-12k.

CT – Looks like a strong NW flow with the upper flow around launch and Mnt top height just too strong and uncomfortable to fly from mid day onwards. It might even be strong from earlier on but fingers crossed. The main ranges similar.

RB – WWB is out and About!

PV – Perhaps the bets place to try for a flight today with NW winds and cimbs to 4k or so. The wind at TOL s still pretty breezy with mid to upper teens in knots.

Wilderness – Another SE wind day but perhaps more shear in it with the afternoon showing a sharp spike of wind around 700ft – the lower bits in the Wilderness corner much less. But I would say a short soaring window around mid day early lunch before things could get dicey on the wind strength side of things. Some clouds moving in as the stronger winds arrives… :)

Plett – Also the SE winds here with some clouds from before mid day already moving in from the ocean.

PE and PA – Strong East to NE winds here with cloud all day – there is rain out to sea with a chance of a few making it to the coast….

EL – As above but NE!  

Inland – NW winds north of the GE but East to NE to the south of that. Some strong spots in the NW winds but more moderate to the south. Above the inversion the winds veers sharply to the N then NW. Good climbs north of the GE but much weaker to the south. Perhaps 6k around the bigger ranges.

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 6:47 and setting at 18:12 – day length 11:26. Low tide at 6:32, high tide 13:04, low tide at 19:00. Again starting light SE ending very breezy. Perfect for coffee and God but either way go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 16 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(1 September 2021) 

Day 527 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people on this first day of Spring 2021! And happy Aniversary to my parents too. ;) The SAH weakly ridging in on along the southern coastal region while a trough develops along the northern west coast areas. Winds are easterly in general with some strong spots around the southern Peninsula and also in the far east around EL with the NE trend out that side. Some instability after the CF but its confined mostly to the southern areas with an inversion developing along the western parts with the warm offshore flow and cooler southerlies. Lots of clouds around mostly around the southern parts extending to just north of the SB ranges. Base varying form around 3k along the cost to 6/7k north of the SB areas. The wind goes north above the 6k level before doing its usual backing to the NW and then West for a 130kts finish up at the Tropopause. Freezing level around in the morning down to 5k but rising to 8k by the afternoon in the southern parts.

CT – A strong SE wind day with little chance of a wind-shadow developing for flying. The flow is dep and strong though it does back more to the east with height. The main ranges also too much east in it. Hhhmmm…

RB – Another day with good possibilities. Depends on the wind-shadow flow form the eastern mountains but I would say its worth checking it out. Late afternoon better.

PV – The inversion below the Mnt tops. The flow east at ridge height and higher. Hhhmmm… Even PB not looking great.

Wilderness – There is a chance of some early stuff at Sedge before it gets too east around mid day. You could get to 3k around 11 I think. Maybe fly to Map? Lol. The afternoon def belonging to the Map today. IT might get blown out late afternoon but otherwise I expect a sweet long flying day at Map. :)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but the east component making it tricky. See Spot.

PE and PA – Light starts but its an east trending day with a strong finish.

EL – As above but NE!  

Inland – Moderate East winds with lots of Q’s in the southern regions. It clears to the North with spars Q’s north of the SB ranges. A good day for flying if you can get out to the right spots – 10-15kts in general. Winds are N to NW above the clouds…

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 6:48 and setting at 18:12 – day length 11:24. High tide 11:57, low tide at 17:55. Starting light SE ending very breezy. Perfect for coffee and God but either way go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 13 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(31 August 2021) 
Day 526 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! The SAH helping the Cold Front along its merry way across the WC today. Winds SW in general with a backing trend during the day. Lots of cold moisture around so expecting showers along the western and southern regions. Base around 2/3k but further inland it rises ending around 6-8k north of the SB ranges. A bit breezy today with most regions a tad too strong but perhaps you could find a spot between the rain for a quick flight. I think late afternoon on the west your best bet. Winds going west with height and remaining so all the way to the Tropopause for a 130kts finish up there. Freezing level around 5500ft with a few spots in the far south down to 4500. It rises abruptly to the north with BW around 10k.

CT – SW winds trending S later on with passing showers. Around 15ks in general but stronger higher up. Perhaps later on you could get a go at some of those southerly facing coastal spots… The main mountains probably too rainy and too southerly later on.

RB – It could be a good late afternoon if the rain stays away.  :)

PV – A SW morning with low clouds and rain but clearing later however the wind going decidedly S to even SSE. Hhhmmm… Winds are fresh at 10-15kts…

Wilderness – Too strong and too west mostly for the day. Late afternoon sees some SW coming in but probably remaining too strong. Maybe a dune gooning session late afternoon possible though the rain might spoil it. :)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but too west and strong…

PE and PA – Super strong SW winds all day with showers…

EL – As above! Lol.  

Inland – Strong SW winds that will back to the South in the late afternoon. Rain in the southern ranges with lots of Q’s all the way to the GE. Base rising here to around 8k. 10-20kts winds in general. Probably too windy for us to fly…

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 6:49 and setting at 18:11 – day length 11:22. High tide 9:59, low tide at 16:01. Strong West to SW winds with occasional rain. Perfect for coffee and getting closer to God. Either way do go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 14 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(30 August 2021) 
Day 525 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! The Cold Front into CT this morning and will spread slowly into the southern coastal regions during the day – reaching the GR by midnight. Strong Nw winds around the west but westerlies in the interior and the southern parts except for the GR where the SW will make an appearance. Some strong pulses possible along the southern coasts today so keep an eye out. The rain confined to the areas around the SW section of the WC today. Some instability ahead of the front, mostly into the interior with 6-7k climbs over the higher ranges and around 5/6k over the flats. The strong winds though makes for strong shear and it is not a flyable day from the looks of it. Winds remain westerly in general with height all the way to the Tropopause for a 1120kts finish up there. Freezing level today 10k in the east but dropping to 8500ft in the west.

CT – Low clouds and strong NW winds with rain all day.

RB – WWB is out… :)

PV – The clouds thickening here during the day with 3k base and 10k tops by evening. Too strong NW winds today…

Wilderness – A prefrontal day with the usual strong winds higher up. Be careful if you go to Sedge – there’s around 20kts up at the TOL region (1000ft ASL) so expect a lot of mixing and shear turbulence. It looks like a strong pulse popping through around lunchtime – so keep an eye out over the ocean. Probably the best time to try some soaring along the coast. Be careful of venturing too far down PR though as the wind drops again in the afternoon. Lol. Between 12 and 14:00 the best time.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but for more west direction so not good anywhere here….

PE and PA – Strong westerlies inland and SW along the coast. Hhhmmm….

EL – The tug of war between the NE in the east and the SW form the west meeting right around the EL region doing battel all day long. Lol.  

Inland – Just strong prefrontal winds – westerlies everywhere with 20 to 30kts in the higher ground regions. Lift to 8k over the SB ranges but those winds… Ai… Perhaps some Q’s along some of the Outenikwas otherwise they are confined to the extreme west near the front. See Thermal/cloud map.

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 6:51 and setting at 18:10 – day length 11:20. High tide 8:24, low tide at 14:16. SW winds up to 10kts. Still perfect to stock up on real vitamin D – but do go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 19 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(29 August 2021) 
Day 524 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! A sunny reprieve between the frontal systems today as the IOH combines with the approaching frontal system to bring us general NW inland and some light SSE winds along the southern coastal areas today. A blue day with no clouds expected, some sweet instability around but the only thing is a bit of a stronger bit of wind around the TOL areas with mostly the upper teens in knots. The winds will gradually strengthen during the day as the front moves closer – making landfall in CT tomorrow morning around 10. Soe snow still around so a good day to venture outdoors and go check it out. :) Maybe even get a flight in over those cool regions. Winds remain NW until around 14-18k before backing to the west and then a WSW finish of 100kts at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 6/7000’ in the morning but by end of day its mostly around 10k.

CT – Probably a good hangie day as the NW wind is perhaps just a tad on the strong side. Upper teens and more at TM height. But if you stay low it should be ok for PG. ;) The main ranges similar with upper teens near the MNT tops.

RB – WWB is out… :)

PV – The NW less in the valley but still that persistent upper teen region near the TOL….

Wilderness – A day where we could actually be flying. The hard core guys could try DuToits farm with the NW winds out and climbs to 4500ft. Also a tad fresh at TOL with upper teens. Then there is Sedge that is showing promise for some climbs around the 1000ft. It gets less as the day progresses and more east. Map should be good for foefies later on. Lol.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but for a great climb possible around this time as the southerly displaces the NW. A real challenge. Lol.  

PE and PA – Light East going fresh NE later on. To he east there is a marked sea breeze front in the right areas between the East and inland NW… Cool!

EL – As above.

Inland – Some spots strong NW, especially over the higher grounds and to the west. Some snow over the higher mountains so a flight with the prop thingies doable but some shear expected around the inversion. Some good lift around especially to the east. See Thermal map.

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 6:52 and setting at 18:10 – day length 11:18. High tide 7:30, low tide at 13:21, high tide at 19:50. Moring northerlies with light onshore going light SE later on. Perfect to stock up on real vitamin D – but do go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 14 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(28 August 2021) 
Day 523 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people! The SAH ridging in behind the Cold Front – the double front reaching all the way north to the Angola border! Windhoek ahs a max of 10 degrees today! Lol Back home the SAH ridge weakening so winds will moderate in the west but still lots of instability and moisture with passing showers and OD conditions especially along the mountains. Winds trending southerly around 1-15kts but dropping to 5kts in the late afternoon. Base should rise nicely to 4k and more even. So chances of some cool late afternoon flying I think. Oh dress warm btw! Lol For the interior its all S to SW winds breezy to the east and the southern coasts strong W to SW winds. Not much flying ging to happen down this side so its all a west coast day I think. Snow over the high lying grounds. Winds remaining SW to S all the way to the Tropopause for a change with a 90kt finish in the west. Freezing level down to 4500ft but 3500ft in a few far southerly spots.

CT – Another typical CF day with icy showers and moderate S to SW winds. IT should clear some later in the day with a chance of some flying to be had. Base should rise to 4k or more. The main ranges similar but it does seem to get better further north if you are really desperate. See Spot and shower chart for mid day.

RB – Just not enough southerly coming through here. Go to PV. :)

PV – A lower SW with initial low base but once again rising sweetly from mid day onward. Looks like lekker flying here towards the north.

Wilderness – Another day of passing showers with strong Westerlies all day long… Ai.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness…

PE and PA – Strong SW winds all day with passing showers…

EL – As above.

Inland – Fresh S to SW winds – SW in the east and more S to the west. Snow in the morning around the higher ground areas. Passing showers. But clearing form the west later in the day but remaining cloudy in the southern parts. Lots of snow and icy cold conditions around. Base rising to 10k north of the GE. Dress warm if you get to fly. lol

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 6:53 and setting at 18:09 – day length 11:16. High tide 6:51, low tide at 12:42, high tide at 19:09. Very strong westerlies with occasional showers all day long. Perfect to huddle up with coffee and get closer to God – but do go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 11 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(27 August 2021) 
Day 522 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! The Cold Front settled all over the WCC with fresh westerlies and surprisingly high bases. The west with 4-5k bases and inland even a tad higher. There is off course rain and snow on the forecast – the tops seem to be around 16k in spots so I expect strong showers in places but many spots could go with little rain. All things considered it is a good XC day in the west but of course the winds are a tad on the strong side with 15kts plus, especially higher up. The south coast areas with slightly lower bases but very strong west winds. These back to the SW further up the coast. There is another Cold Front right on this one’s heels and it should make CT by mid night tonight and a third not far behind that one so the cold and rainy conditions should continue still for a while. ;) Winds are west all the way to around 10k 20-30kts then WNW going NW at the Tropopause for a 120kts finish up there. Freezing level down to 4-4500ft in most spots in the west.

CT – Another typical CF day with icy showers and strong West winds. It trends more WSW later on. 15kts plus mostly. Probably too strong especially with the passing showers that will cause moments of very strong gust fronts I imagine. The main ranges probably similar despite the high bases.

RB – lol

PV – Also the 15kts plus here with very high bases – looks like 6k possible here but the rain and strong winds higher up not good for safe flying.

Wilderness – Passing showers with strong Westerlies all day long… Ai.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness…

PE and PA – Strong SW winds all day with passing showers…

EL – As above.

Inland – Strong W to SW winds far into the interior with passing showers and even CB activity in the far east. Snow over the higher grounds.

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 6:54 and setting at 18:08 – day length 11:14. High tide 6:17, low tide at 12:10, high tide at 18:35. Strong westerlies all day long with occasional showers. Perfect for hot chocolate in that corner caffe and getting closer to God – but do go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 11 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(26 August 2021) 
Day 521 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! All things are gearing towards the arrival of the huge Cold Front it seems. IT is already blowing with low clouds and rain starting in CT which will just progressively get worse during the day. The rain will spread into the interior and up the southern coastal regions reaching the GR by mid night tonight. Very strong NW winds everywhere except for the GR area where there is a temp reprieve of shelter overed by the ocean corner and adjacent mountains and even the chance of some flying there for today. ;) In the far east the NE winds dominate along the coast but these will also be eroded into the afternoon with a very strong SW pulse moving past EL around 16:00 this afternoon. In fact the whole southern coastal areas are in a very dynamic period with tricky to predict changes that could occur during the day – all due to the really strong winds/pressure differences surrounding the region from the hefty Cold Front. So be careful if you venture out. ;) Winds stay NW (50kts at 3000ft around CT!) strong from low down with a 100kt finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level dropping during the day with 4500ft around the SW corner at the end of day.

CT – A typical CF day with storming NW winds. Low clouds and rain. No flying lol.

RB – lol

PV – Strong NW winds with base at the Mnt tops and lowering.

Wilderness – Right in the sheltered region offered by the ocean and mountains from the upper strong WNW winds. Along the surface things are looking relatively calm with light onshore winds trending SE in the Wilderness corner. IT veers to the W with height. It looks like some foefies at Map will be possible with perhaps some light upflow extending the flight a bit. According to the forecasts there is a strong WSW pulse moving into Wilderness anytime after 16:00 this afternoon. So be vigilant! Sedge lo and behold shows that it might even work here around mid day. Hhmm… (See the TH graph for 12:00) I would be very cautious about this prediction due to the strong winds all around us! Lol. IT is safe to say to expected typical pre-frontal conditions here too. The wind at TOL could get strong anytime with the associated shear turbulence. Hehe…

Plett – Similar to Wilderness…

PE and PA – Initially some East winds but the SW taking over along the coast from late morning around Jbay and PE already. Expect strong SW pulse in the afternoon …

EL – The NE dominating until the afternoon when the SW comes in around 16:00…

Inland – Nothing fresh today – its all strong NW prefrontal stuff. Def stay on the ground today day. Lol. Rain and low cloud moving in from the west and by tomorrow morning the entire WC area will be under the Cf grip.

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 6:56 and setting at 18:08 – day length 11:12. Low tide at 11:40, high tide at 18:03. A light S to SE initially but then going strong WSW later in the afternoon. Perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature around 18 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(25 August 2021) 
Day 520 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! Talking about getting high on life, I have some friends that have had some interesting spiritual experiences lately and with all the crazy stuff going on around the world it is not surprising - please open that door when the Holy Spirit comes knocking guys... Right! ;) On to today’s weather! A Heavy Weight of a Cold Front making it is way to the WC – it should make landfall in the CT area around mid night tonight I think. So some areas starting to show the pre-frontal signs – mostly in the western and western interior parts – with strong NW winds. No clouds expected today with only some areas around the coast with some low clouds moving in ahead of the CF. The southern coastal regions under the influence of the IOH so the winds there trending East with some SE along the south and then NE along the eastern parts. It gets breezy out there in the afternoon. In general not a flying day except for the GR areas form the looks of it. Tough around the Peninsula with a slight slight chance of the morning offering something around SH and LH. Maybe. Lol. Winds NW with height – 30kts around 5k and then all the way up to the Tropopause for a 60kts finish up there. Freezing level around 12/13k.  

CT – Some low cloud out over the ocean that could effect play. The morning showing a slight reprieve in the wind strength up to 2k but this will erode away as the front moves closer. Expecting things to get breezy by mid day… The main ranges similarly with strong winds from launch upwards…

RB – WWB is out and about!… ;)

PV – Another spot that is doable today with some NW winds and climbs to 2500ft. Around 5-10kts for the day and the afternoon sees a more SW lower layer moving in. So better late morning early afternoon.

Wilderness – Some instability around inland with 2k climbs along the plateau late morning. Winds are trending SE with the Map the spot to go I think. No signs of being blown out though some stronger winds further out. Gerrickes could offer something for those in the know and so too Buffs… ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness…

PE and PA – All NE winds all day long – breezy later on.

EL – As above.

Inland – Fresh NW winds all over the show. Its settling prefrontal winds so not the best day to be venturing out there for flying. 30-40kts around 5-10k so expect some CATS if you do go up. ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 6:57 and setting at 18:07 – day length 11:10. Low tide at 11:11, high tide at 17:31. A moderate SE for the afternoon. Perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature around 17 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(24 August 2021) 
Day 519 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! A relatively quiet day yesterday it seems… Today the SAH nudging in a light Cold Front into CT area but the inland NW flow keeping it at bay for the southern areas so it s slow moving. Not much rain expected – its fairly shallow with tops around 6/8 in some spots. Lots of low cloud on the west coast though. This rises quickly towards the east and become blue from around the half way to the Garden Route. Some good bases inland with a few spots spiking up to 8k. Winds are westerly to WNW inland and then remains NW all the way to the Tropopause for a 100kt finish up there. Keep tabs on the Cold Front moving in after this one – arriving CT on Thursday morning. It’s a biggie bringing lots of cold rain and snow… For today the freezing level is around 11k.  

CT – A low cloud with NW wind day. Mid teens in general but sornger spots higher up. Probably tricky to get flying around the Peninsula and then the main mountains looks all OD with light rain. Hhhmmm… Maybe you get lucky at SLP…

RB – WWB is out and about!… ;)

PV – This looks to be about the best spot in the Cape – westerly winds with climbs to around 3500ft maybe a tad more later on. Some clouds around too. See the Spot. :)

Wilderness – A bit more of a light prefrontal day. Soe wind out to sea and higher up but it looks like the Wilderness corner is providing enough shelter for some flyng to happen. Sedge the spot with light SW winds there. Climbs showing up to 1500ft early on but then form mid day onwards down to just above the ridge tops. And typical prefrontal a chance of some shear turbulence if the stronger flow from up high decides to visit! Hehe (or is that HeeHaa!) ;) Hhhmmm. Tricky days these – but we live in hope! lol See Spot.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with higher climbs. Watch the wind at the TOL.

PE and PA – All SW to S winds. Looks like a lekker day but again some gradients around so often the bays with a lighter flow than above…

EL – As above.

Inland – 10-15kts west winds in most areas. 15kts around the 3k going 20knts at 5k A good day for flying – watch the air behind the mountains but today most should be along the valleys for sweeter flying. Prop thingies that is. ;) WE have lift to 5/6k over the Outenikwas and 7/8k over the SB.

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 6:58 and setting at 18:06 – day length 11:08. Low tide at 10:40, high tide at 16:58. A moderate SW turning S wind day. Perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature around 16 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(23 August 2021) 
Day 518 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! So much hype form yesterdays flying but nothing materialised! Lol. It seems that Du Toits was just in positioned in the wrong spot. Today things are looking even less good than yesterday with things turning slightly prefrontal – a Cold Front moving in towards the Cape. It should be here by tomorrow – this on is just a prelude for the big mother load coming in after that. (that snow warning for the coming end of week) ;) But for today it is looking sweet in most areas with light winds generally form the west. Instability around 2-4k depth with weak climbs around 1m/s mainly. No clouds expected but some clouds moving in from the west around the Peninsula in the late afternoon. Winds remain NW with height all the way to the Tropopause for a 60kts finish up there. Freezing level around 11k.

CT – A light west wind with some flow modifications around the Peninsula. A bit of acceleration around the GreenPoint stadium region in the low teens in knots perhaps. Instability to just over 3k in a few places so perhaps some sweet flying around some of those secret west facing spots today. And later that low clouds moving in form the west. The main mountains looking super sweet with W to WNW winds – light stuff with climbs to 3500ft and perhaps more in the right spot. :) FH also looking great. See Spot.

RB – Another Nfg day… ;)

PV – The right wind direction but the instability just too shallow to be great. Mostly below the mountain tops…

Wilderness – It is another light sea breeze day with once again Sedge showing a smidgeon of lift around mid day. 13:00 looking to be the best time for a some soaring probably. The ocean far too light for anything worth while to happen… See Spot.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness – a weak day around Uppies and the coast.

PE and PA – Moring offshores then an easterly trend but some SE in the southern areas first. The far east becoming NE around 15kts.

EL – As above.

Inland – Light NW winds with some stronger spots over the higher mountains. A blue day with climbs to 5/6k over the higher mountains.

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 6:59 and setting at 18:06 – day length 11:06. Low tide at 10:08, high tide at 16:25. Another light sea breeze day. Perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature around 15 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(22 August 2021) 
Day 517 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! After yesterdays great flying everywhere it seems Cross Country fever has struck with pilots from all over heading out to the hills today – all with distance in their eyes. We wish them all lots of luck and may the records fall! :) Todays weather has improved to the east but not as good as yesterday in the west. Inbetween the major weather systems we are still bated in the light wind stuff with less than 10kts all over the WC all day just about. Even with hight the wind purrs along light NW. Some Q’s shaping up mainly around the GR region and inland from there. These indicate the good lift! ;) Some around the Breda’s dorp region too. The wind above 14k does funny direction but remains light all the way to the Tropopause for a W finish. Freezing level around 10k in the west but around the GR 6500/7500ft.

CT – Another sweet day with light W winds. The leeside of TM will have some good climbs. The main ranges still good but no clouds today and the upper winds are more est. But very light. See Spot.

RB – Nfg ;)

PV – A SW wind in the lower layers with climbs to Mountain top height. Lower than yesterday.

Wilderness – It is a northerly spot day with every dude around wanting to trek to the North. Lol. It is looking superb out there with some clouds around at 6-7k and over the Kamanisie convergence it is looking like 8k! Light NW winds up high so a great day for flying out there. Just get up, aim for the clouds and it could be a sweet long XC day. :) Back along the coast it is light onshore flow with Sedge and Serps the main spots. Around 1000ft climbs with early on perhaps 500ft higher. And just over the back its up to 6k! lol.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness and def a day to go XC. Once up aim for the bigger mountains and you will connect with the convergence – 6-7k up you go! ;) See the Spot.

PE and PA – Some awesome sweet flying out your way too – the inland spots should be amazing with the light winds and great Q’s around. The coast also light trending east later on.  

EL – As above.

Inland – Light NW winds with the southerly moving in from the south in the afternoon – but it is also light and might even be kept at bay by the Outenikwas. Lots of convergence – just aim for the clouds and that should be the spot. ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:01 and setting at 18:05 – day length 11:04. Low tide at 9:34, high tide at 15:49. A light sea breeze day. Perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature around 14 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(21 August 2021) 
Day 516 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! Soe great flying on the Garden Route yesterday. Today more of the good stuff all over the country. We are still having an enjoyable in-between the strong stuff period – the SAH is just nudging in with a ridge along the WC while the next Cold Front is preparing to move in behind it. For now lots of clouds and a general SW wind flow all over – slight chance of some precipitation over the mainly the bigger mountains. Bases are sweet for this time of the year with 4k in general near the coasts and a tad more over the first mountain ranges. Inland wind also SW but more W in the deeper interior. From around 6k and upwards the flow is more W to WNW. It keeps a WNW direction all the way to the Tropopause for a 150kts finish! Freezing level 7500 in general but 6000’ in the SW sections at end of day.

CT – A sweet SW wind 5-10kts with base around 4k. It is looking like a great day of flying on the Peninsula. The main ranges a tad more OD stuff but perhaps you could make your way north for a bit of a XC sorty. See Spot.

RB – Light and some WWB stuff. Just go to PV guys… ;)

PV – A SW wind day with the upper flow more southerly. Base around 4k and things are actually looking sweet for this tie of the year. Lekker! See spot.

Wilderness – Also a good day in the making with probably the ocean cliffs being the spot to go for the morning to mid day period. Sedge looking up for the afternoon – but actually also for the morning with high bases, good climbs but perhaps just a tad of strength to make it not for beginners. Lol. Slight chance of rain but mostly over the back mountains.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but higher climbs at Uppies form the looks of things. See the Spot.

PE and PA – SW winds all day with stronger bit s in the afternoon.

EL – As above.

Inland – Relatively light SW to W winds with some good looking clouds and excellent flying conditions out there. Def a great day for some winter XC stuff. If only you had inside knowledge of where to go! Lol. Share with us please! ?

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:02 and setting at 18:04 – day length 11:02. Low tide at 8:56, high tide at 15:11. Moderate SW winds all day. Perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature around 13 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(20 August 2021) 
Day 515 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! Today a sweet sweet day of flying all over the country. Light winds as the pressure systems take a rare winter break offering us light winds, sweet climbs and Q’s everywhere. Winds remain light with the exceptions of CP, parts of the Peninsula and the far east where it pops over 15kts late afternoon. Even with height it stays light, perhaps a slight northerly trend but less than 10kts all the way past 10k before at 20k it goes west and picks up with a 90kts west finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 6500ft.

CT – A good day of flying with a light to mod SW trend at LH and SH. The main ranges sweet also with climbs to 4k with Q’s up there. See Spot. Even Hermanus is looking good for a mid day sorty.

RB – OK, too light here… ;)

PV – Hhhmm… The forecast shows it to be relatively stable but I think we might be surprise. Looks light W to SW with upper NE and climbs to 3/4k later on.

Wilderness – Stop work and go fly today. Sedge is the place with climbs to 1000’ or just over for the mid parts of the day. Arer it might trend more SE. Serps should be good too… And of course DuToits! ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but early around 11:30 you could get up over 3k…

PE and PA – Early light onshore winds trending to the east later on with some strong spots around.

EL – As above.

Inland – Light northerly winds except in the far south where the sea breeze SSE will pop through. Lots of Q’s around with sweet thermals everywhere. Climbs to 6/7k just north of the mountains. A flying day for sure.

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:03 and setting at 18:04 – day length 11:01. Low tide at 8:14, high tide at 14:29. Light south to SE winds. Perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature around 13 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(19 August 2021) 
Day 514 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! A surprisingly good day along the Wilderness ocean cliffs yesterday… Today the SAH helping the Cold Front air into the interior with lots of rain and a general southerly push. The instability nice and deep so lots of rain in many places it seems. The west coast relatively dryer than the southern and interior parts. This will remain for most of the day but a smidgeon of hope for flying around Hermanus, RB and even PB. Lol Winds southerly to SE all the way up to around 7/8k before veering to the SW and W. Remaining west all the way to the Tropopause for a 80kts in the south but 110kts in the interior finish. Freezing level down to 5500ft in a few parts in the south. Not much snow in the forecast even though the freezing level is so low…

CT – A upper teens in knots SSE wind day. No wind-shadow on the cards from the looks of things. Perhaps look at Hermanus and PB… The main ranges with too much SE in it. Oh and still some showers out there…

RB – Maybe day – with some Apps calling light wind while others show mid teens in knots. So maybe… ;)

PV – Too over the back with a SE trend. And some rain still… ;)

Wilderness – Man, lots of rain! Lol. All night and still falling. It should start partial clearing from mid day but the winds remain light. Maybe a session along the ocean cliffs could happen if you are vigilant.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness…

PE and PA – SW winds that will trend South from mid day onwards. With rain. Lots of rain form the looks of things…

EL – As above….

Inland – Southerly winds with low cloud especially along the GE. But north form there the winds veers to the SW and W. Ahead of the cold front air the flying looks fairly good actually. Lol. If only you could get there. ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:04 and setting at 18:03 – day length 10:59. Low tide at 7:23, high tide at 13:40, low tide at 19:47. Light southerly winds with rain till mid day more or less… Perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature around 13 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(18 August 2021) 
Day 513 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! The Cold Front the dominating feature in todays weather. A southerly wind around the Peninsula that will slowly make its way to the east along the southern parts. For the rest of the WC it is all SW to WNW winds, not too strong in the interior in general. Loads of clouds and very deep instability and development in the SW areas as the front moves in – base dropping to 1000ft in some spots with 16-18k tops. Lots of rain around too that will spread to the central interior and along the Garden Route at the end of the day. Not much in terms of flying prospects to be honest. Lol. The wind eventually al goes West for a 110kts finish up at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 7500ft but a few spots lower than that.

CT – Looks like some partly cloudy stuff with rain and low bases today. A southerly breeze that will trend more SW around the northern parts of the Peninsula. The main mountains too OD and rain I think.

RB – lol…

PV – It looks like a low cloud day with lots of rain all day long….

Wilderness – A light wind start trending to the SW late morning. Perhaps 10kts? Looks like some rain on the mountains might change the wind for us around lunchtime with a westerly flow for the afternoon. Hhhmmm… So a maybe day with a short mid day window along the coast if it doesn’t rain.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness…

PE and PA – South to SW winds all day with lots of clouds around.

EL – As above….

Inland – The front active in the west with rain that will spread to the central parts of the WC. Winds all WNW around 10-15kts. Some stronger bits over the higher grounds. Base varying from 1000’ AGL in the west in places to 4-5AGL in the eastern areas. Some possible good flying in the eastern interior…

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:05 and setting at 18:02 – day length 10:57. Low tide at 6:18, high tide at 12:36, low tide at 18:44. Light start from the west, trending SW late morning but a chance of rain too. Still perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature around 14 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(17 August 2021) 
Day 512 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! The Cold Front into CT with low clouds, WNW winds and some rain. This will move up the southern coastal areas during the day – reaching the GR at end of day. There is also a strong trough in the central to eastern interior with some chance of rain there – even CB activity that will spread down to the EL area at the end of day. Strong NW winds in the trough region. It’s a tricky day to find a spot to fly safely. Lol. The GR on face value looking promising but beware of strong shear moving from late morning mid day into the region. Winds are generally west in the south and NW in the interior. NW higher up all the way to near the Tropopause where it goes west for around a 100kt finish up there. Freezing level dropping around the SW corner to 7000’ but 10k in the east.

CT – A low cloud and rain on and off day with 10-15kts WNW winds. Probably strong in the corner regions so a tricky day for flying. The main ranges OD and too strong…

RB – WWB is out again…

PV – Clagged in mostly with the low cloud and fresh winds…

Wilderness – A SW wind trending W and even S at some stage during the day with a chance of a strong pulse moving in late in the afternoon. It is a very dynamic pre-frontal day so please be careful if you go out to fly. Sedge especially can be very nasty today so beware! TOL winds are very erratic but in general strong with over 20kts at just 1000ft. (Its one of those days you will get strange bumps wishing you where on the ground type of thing!) lol. Expect this form mid day onwards but be careful during the late morning anyway. The coast probably some sweet soaring spells in the late morning mid day period but becoming more variable after that. If it doesn’t rain too much tomorrow is looking very sweet…

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but more wind up there with the associated shear turbulence… lol

PE and PA – All SW winds and strong up along the coast with the upper winds strong NW.

EL – As above but with the chance of CB moving in from the north in the late afternoon.

Inland – The prefrontal clouds in the west with a slight chance of rain on that side while the interior and east is dominated by the trough line and fresh to strong NW winds. Some high bases around these parts and even some CB’s later on. Hhhmm… Tricky flying day.

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:06 and setting at 18:01 – day length 10:55. High tide at 11:10, low tide at 17:19. Light start but moderate WSW winds later on. Still perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature around 17 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(16 August 2021) 
Day 511 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! A lucky few nabbed the flying of the day yesterday with the rare day at McClears beacon on Table Mountain. Thanks for the pics Wj! A little coastal low shaping up around the Peninsula coupled with a strong trough along the west coast as a Cold Front makes its way towards the country from the west. Strong North winds along the west coast with 30kts from 2000ft and 40kts at just over 3000ft in the area. Slightly more moderate in the interior but still too strong for flying. Some high Q’s in a few spots – 16k north of Uppington! But 12k around Kuruman and Kimberly – looks like a bit of convergence there. Lots of Q’s in the east with slightly lower stuff. All just out of interest – the areas influenced by the IOH are a bit more settled for flying. In the west as the front moves in the presence of a low isothermic layer setting up conditions for some wave formations as you can see from the surface winds charts – though Skisight is not showing big strong stuff as one would expect. I found a 3m/s spot. Lol. So nothing exciting for us form a flying point of view. Winds remain NW all the way to around 30k then a backing to the west for around 70kt finish. Freezing level around 13k

CT – A strong NW wind day with a strong gradient showing up infront of that big old mountain. 20kts around the 1000-1500’ level so probably too strong for flying and even for the hangies it is a strong day. The main ranges also in a similar boat. SLP a maybe but I would be wary of flying there because of all the strong stuff all around! ;)

RB – WWB is out!

PV – Strong NNW winds…

Wilderness – The NNW winds just above our heads – some warmer temps around but a chance of some flying on the coast in the shallow ocean air. Even Sedge shows a small window over lunchtime with enough up stuff for top landings! ;) IT is breezy NW above that so be wary but probably worth keeping an eye on it if you want some air time.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but the north influencing Uppies more. Light SE on the coast.

PE and PA – The IOH dominating here with those strong NE winds all day…

EL – As above!

Inland – Its all prefrontal building N to NW winds. Strong with many spots at 30kts! I would polish my plane and drink coffee today… ;)  

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:07 and setting at 18:01 – day length 10:53. High tide at 9:33, low tide at 15:39. Light offshores going to light onshores. Perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature around 20 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(15 August 2021) 
Day 510 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! Some exciting flying around DuToits yesterday with Map delivering some amazing goods too. Today the IOH dominating with a trough shaping up along the west coast. It is al N to NE flows in the boundary layer with a few minor exceptions. Some good soaring conditions in the east and central parts but slightly less so in the west – up to 6-7k climbs in the right spots. Mostly blue day with some good Q’s in the east. So some good flying around if you can get to the right spot. The NNE flow all the way up to around8k where it veers to the S and then eventually W at the Tropopause for a 40-50kts finish up there. Freezing level up to 13k in the west but 9k in the east.

CT – A shallow S to SW flow as this curls around the Peninsula but from 1000ft it is NE around 5kts. I notice a stronger blurp at 4k later at 4k… But it does look like a possible good day around LH and even Africa face with the upper NE flows… The main ranges still having some upper East flows that could spoil it a bit.

RB – That shallow S just might make it to RB but it will probably be light…

PV – Again the convection depth is shallow up to 2k with the upper flow being E to NE. Perhaps PB might be better? Though there is that slight instability cap at 2k…

Wilderness – A more tricky day with the wind starting off light S that will trend more SE into the afternoon. Map is a bit of a gamble with some Apps showing the wind not reaching into the Map. Buffs is def looking really sweet for those that know how the site works. And Sedge is also promising with the usual instability perhaps up to 8/900ft. Serps looking playable with a XC to Map is also on the cards. And of course Du Toits is still my pick for today with the instability reaching 6k with a NNE wind on that side. If you do go the best time looks to be between 12 and 15:00. Between 15:00 and 16:00 the SE starts to push through so keep tabs on that.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness – actually no. It is looking worse than Wilderness. lol.

PE and PA – Light offshore start with a SE mid day trending to the NE as the day moves on.

EL – As above but with more vooma in the NE later on…

Inland – A sweet NNE day out there with some good instability around 4k AGL in general. No clouds except in the far north from the GE and northwards but confined to the eastern side of the interior. So a nice day be playing out there form the looks of things with the wind at TOL not as strong as yesterday – so expecting things to be a tad more enjoyable. lol

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:09 and setting at 18:00 – day length 10:51. High tide at 8:17, low tide at 14:16. A light S to SE wind day. Perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature around 15 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(14 August 2021) 
Day 509 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! Some cool flying at Sedgefield yesterday for a lucky few. Today the SAH has morphed into the IOH while continuing with the easterly flow of wind over the WC area. Strong SE winds along the southern coasts expected in the afternoon. More protected along the west coast. Clouds shaping up mostly in the interior and south to eastern parts of the coast. Still some good climbs expected out there with 6/7k base in the interior, however the eastern interior still with lots of rain due to a mid level trough and strong convergence – lots of rian in the eastern interior and still snow expected on the Drakensberg. Winds remain East to NE until around 14 then veers to the N for a 40kn finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 7500ft in the interior but 9-10k along the coast and west.

CT – The strong SE confined to the South with LH and SG in a usable wind=shadow form the looks of things. Some instability around so it could be sweet. The wind also backs with height to be more east. Around 10kts at TM height from the looks of things. The main mountains with too much East winds to be of nay use. PB is the place I think.

RB – It’s too light all day long…

PV – Shallow SW going S with east t launch height.

Wilderness – It looks like a strong Map day. Probably blown out by lunch time so dress warm and go early. Lol. Still some good lift out there with 3k expected at Sedge though the winds just too east to be worthwhile and safe!

Plett – Similar to Wilderness.

PE and PA – Super strong E to NE winds especially in the afternoon. Lots of cloud around too…

EL – As above…

Inland – E to NE flows with rain in the eastern interior and very cold conditions. Flyable in the west but not so much in the east. lol

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:10 and setting at 17:59 – day length 10:50. High tide at 7:20, low tide at 13:16, high at 19:45. A very strong SE wind finish. Perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature around 14 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(13 August 2021) 
Day 507 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! That SAH ridging in along the southern parts with cool and very unstable SE flow pattern over the entire WC, especially in the interior. The south coast areas showing some SW to S shallow surface flows. Still a few showers around form the looks of it and snow on the Drakensberg mountains. It’s a bit breezy in most places with 20kts on average with the exception the southern coastal areas and adjacent interior. Some good bases around with 7-8k in the interior but it drops remarkably along the west coast west of the Cederberg ranges. But some good flying expected for the south though perhaps some OD conditions could be on the cards. Winds remain SE all the way up to 24k at 50kts before an abrupt veering to the W and NW to the north. See the Upper winds patterns! Freezing level around 5000ft in general so if you are flying where you can get high dress warm! lol

CT – Hhhmmm the SE just too strong and deep form the looks of it to be flyable. Best bet is of course at PB but the strength could be a problem.

RB – It’s a maybe for the hangies… lol.

PV – Over the back of course…

Wilderness – It really does look good with a light SW to S along the coast going up to perhaps 8/10kts trending slightly SE later. Expect good soaring along the ocean cliffs. But even Sedge and Serps offering some exciting climbs to base if you get it at the right time. Over 3k at Sedge at 11… Hhhmmm… I’m going to give it a go! ;)

Plett – Also good but more SE flow and looks like OD conditions. Still you can get high all the way to cloud. Maybe fly to Wilderness. :)

PE and PA – Also the moderate SE winds and deep instability high bases. Some rain perhaps. Good if you can get into the right spot. Dress warm! lol

EL – As above…

Inland – Perhaps doable in the southern parts but it is breezy for the SE I think…. Snow in the eastern berg… Very cold stuff still around. It gets very good in the far interior and west but the winds are a bit much out there I think…

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:11 and setting at 17:59 – day length 10:47. High tide at 6:31, low tide at 12:29, high at 18:54. Moderate SW to S winds trending SE later. Perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature around 13 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(12 August 2021) 
Day 507 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! The SAH settled with fresh southerly winds all over the WC today. Icy cold stuff as the southerly fetch is pretty long so snow expected on the interior higher grounds. Winds around the 20kts mark along the coasts with slightly less in the interior though that’s mainly just a wind gradient effect – its still breezy higher up! Lots of cloud around with base around 2/3k in the coastal regions and then up to 6-8k progressively further inland though at parts of the front edge it is much lower – around the Graafies area… Rain expected all over but clearing in the SW corner and parts of the south later on. It doesn’t look like any flying is going to happen except perhaps for the hangies at RB. Lol. Wind remains southerly up to 7/8k then goes more SW and around 24k more W to WNW for a 100kts finish up at the Tropopause. Freezing level down to 4500ft in the south.

CT – Fresh SSE winds all day long with base around 3k or so. Tops at 8k dropping to 6k later on so the chances of precipitation lowering then. Too strong to fly for PG I think.

RB – Well, it could be strong but on like donkey! That’s if its not raining. lol.

PV – Too strong southerly…

Wilderness – Hhhmmm… I think too strong and rain on and off. Very cold. Maybe a smidgeon of a chance for some dune gooning late afternoon… If you are desperate. ;)

Plett – Same as above….

PE and PA – Also still southerlies all day long. 20kts…

EL – And would you believe here too though much stronger with a touch of west in it!

Inland – Fresh southerlies all the way past the Sutherland.  Snow expected there ad some rain on and off. Very cold conditions!

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:12 and setting at 17:58 – day length 10:46. High tide at 5:49, low tide at 11:49, high at 18:11. Strong SW winds all day with rain mostly. Perfect for getting high on coffee somewhere warm! ;) Max temperature around 12 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(11 August 2021) 
Day 506 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! The dominating feature it the approach of Cold Front form the SSW today, striking CT around sunset today. It’s a biggy so will bring lots of rain and even some snow on the inland higher grounds over the next day but today there seems to be some sweet flying around in most places! WSW winds along the western parts trending NW inland and SW along the southern coastal regions. There is the NE presence around the EL area. Clouds shaping up around the SW section of the WC and then also some very high Q’s around the Graafies region. Winds trend NW with hight with a WNW finish of 100kts at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 10-11000ft but dropping to 4500ft tomorrow!

CT – A WSW wind day with base around 2k so the 12 Apostles probably not on. It might also be a bot breezy up there though around launch at SH and LH it should be a good day for flying. The main ranges also doable but just watch a bit of a stronger bit near TOL. SLP probably good for the hangies.

RB – WWB is out and about!

PV – Looking sweet with the WSW winds going SW and clouds moving in late afternoon. Climbs to just over the Mnt tops…

Wilderness – We are expecting a big day here today with the coastal cliffs probably being soarable from around 10/11 this morning already. A slight drop around the lunchtime period but it looks to be firing on all cylinders again from 15:00 onwards. Sedge looks doable but perhaps a bit on the strong side on occasion, especially later in the afternoon. ;)

Plett – Uppies looking good but probably a bit on the strong side, so I would be wary…

PE and PA – Moring offshores then SW in the west and NE to the east.

EL – NE dominating here all day with a slight moderation late in the day as the SW moves closer.

Inland – It is fresh to strong WNW winds every where as the front moves in. Not the best of flying day though some good instability with Q’s around Graafies today. Tad strong for flying though…

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:13 and setting at 17:57 – day length 10:44. Low tide at 11:12, high at 17:33. A moderate SW wind day. Perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature around 15 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(10 August 2021) 
Day 505 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! A nice weather change as we bathe in the col area between the SAH and IOH on the east. Light winds around today everywhere with even soe sweet flying in a spot or two. Winds trend S to SE along the southern coastal areas, N to NW in the interior and more SW along the west coast. Between 1-2k instability depth in most areas. No clouds expected. Winds trending W to NW with height all the way to the Tropopause for a 50kt finish up there. Freezing levels up at 11000ft.

CT – A sweet day out here with light SW surface flow around the SH and LH area but it is NW from around 1000ft and higher. The main ranges also looking sweet with climbs to 3k on the cards there and light winds.

RB – lol. Not enough wind today…

PV – Shallow instability with the wind NE above that.

Wilderness – A light onshore start with Sedge and serps being the first spots to work. Climbs to around 1000ft expected. Light S winds. And then a chance for Map to offer something from 15:00 onwards. Sweet day I think. Oh yes, its cold! Dress warm! ;)

Plett – As above. Uppies showing limbs to just over 2k…

PE and PA – Light S to SE winds here…

EL – As above!

Inland – Light N to NW winds with the exception being over the top of the higher ranges where mid to upper teens are expected. Still a sweet day for flying.

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:14 and setting at 17:57 – day length 10:43. Low tide at 10:37, high at 16:57. Light SE winds today. Perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature around 13 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(9 August 2021) 
Day 504 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! The SAH pushing in hard behind the Cold Front onto the entire WC today. The rain steadily moving to the east as it clears partially in the west. This one is moving far inland with rain possible as far north as Uppington! ;) Winds al SW with a more Southerly trend along the west coast. Low clouds along the southern regions around 1-2k then rising further inland with 5-7k north of the SB ranges. Perhaps some flying around the Peninsula region with some of the southerly facing sites otherwise it is looking a tad strong and wet in most other places. Winds remain SW all the way to the Tropopause for 50kts finish in the west but the east it goes NW up there for 130kts! Freezing levels down to 4500ft in a few spots in the south.

CT – A cloudy windy southerly day with instability up to ear 4k. Not much of a usable wind-shadow on the cards today lol. And the main ranges too fresh south… Groenberg?

RB – Ooohh…. Maybe maybe! It is in the low teens but just above its over 15kts. So it could be a sweet day. Maybe drift down wind for a crack at that record? lol

PV – Too strong south I think.

Wilderness – Windy and rainy morning then into the afternoon a slight chance of the wind dropping enough for some dune gooning stuff. The later the better the chance! But its cold! Dress warm! ;)

Plett – As above but more wing and rain.

PE and PA – Strong SW winds with rain.

EL – As above!

Inland – Fresh Cold Front SW winds being pushed far into the interior from the vris SAH to the west of us. Cold rainy air all the way in to past Graafies with some spots of rain perhaps as far north as Uppington! ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:15 and setting at 17:56 – day length 10:41. Low tide at 10:04, high at 16:23. Strong SW winds with rain this morning. Perfect for getting high on life with coffee! ;) Max temperature around 13 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(8 August 2021) 
Day 503 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! A real prefrontal day for the east while the west is already into the rain today. So nothing exciting for the WC in terms of flying unless you are into strong wave lift – of which there seems to some action around the western mountains with 3/4m/s climbs going up past 20000ft. lol. NW inland and strong. No clouds expected except in the SW bit as the front moves in. The coast with initial NW offshores but going W and some spots with gusty SW winds. It is NE in the far eastern parts. Winds remain NW with height with a strong 150kts finish up at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 10k in the east but dropping to 7500ft in the west as the front moves in.

CT – A cloudy rainy and NW wind day. OD and too strong to fly.

RB – As above

PV – Looks pretty but too strong with the NW fresh at 20kts plus. Later it OD’s as the front moves in more.

Wilderness – A lovely sunny morning with light W winds. IT is a frustrating day with all the forecasts going from nice last night to dismal this morning. Sedge looking light and stable – very inverted with 0.5m/s climbs to below launch, lol. And lots of W trend in the flow. Hhhmmm… then the coast is looking light with the odd 5-7kts spurt. But lots of direction changes from SE to S and then very west especially late in the afternoon. If you are lucky and in the right place at the right time you might get a few minutes. Having said that, there is wind out to sea so perhaps some of that might come in and surprise us all. So keep an eye out! ;)

Plett – As above but more west in the flow.

PE and PA – Offshore starts then a SW trend but the change to NE from PA and eastwards.

EL – Offshore start the NE winds pretty breezy. The SW trend moving in form the west but not quite making it all the way here by end of the day.

Inland – Strong NW prefrontal west winds so not the best time be up in the sky – no matter what you fly I think. Though in the vert far east, say towards Zastron it might be moderate enough for some good flying still… ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:16 and setting at 17:55 – day length 10:39. Low tide at 9:39, high at 15:51. A light to moderate SW with a bit more in the late afternoon. Perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature around 18 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(7 August 2021) 
Day 502 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! A fun day of flying around CT yesterday with plenty guys flying TM off the top. Some local Wilderness fun stuff at Sedge and a cool pic from John Henderson. Today looking similar but perhaps a tad more in the wind form the NNW around the west but in general light winds – we are in the breathing space just before the next Cold Front moves into CT. Inland all westerlies but light so looks like sweet flying out there too though more stable than the previous two days. No clouds expected. The southern coastal regions with a SE trend in the afternoon but also light. It is only in the east that the east winds pickup with EL going to 20kts late in the afternoon. Winds remain light up to the 5/6k level then picks up all the way to the Tropopause for a 140kts finish! Freezing level around 11000ft.

CT – Another lightish wind day with perhaps a tad more to yesterday. Maybe another 12 Apostle flight is possible. Lol. The winds are NNW above the surface flow that is light and trending to the SW around the shores of Sea point. The main mountains much more stable so perhaps not the best time to go out there for anything exciting.  See Spot DTK.

RB – Too light and WWB is out…

PV – Too stable with inversion at 1000ft and N winds above that. Good for riding those horses…

Wilderness – Looks like a similar day to yesterday with light playful stuff at Sedge even though it is form the SSE (from the left of launch). Map probably foefies – slightly extended perhaps later on. Serps could offer some scratchy flights and maybe the challenge is the make it to Map. ;) See Spot.

Plett – Plett looking very stable too with similar stuff to Wilderness.

PE and PA – The east wind starting light and going to around 10-15kts in places.

EL – Same as above but more power to the east – 15-20kts.

Inland – Again mainly a westerly to WNW flow pattern with some sweet flying if you are in the right spots. Lol. Winds do pickup with height but remains manageable to around 9k. Especially in the east. IT gets breezy that height in the west as the front moves closer. ;) A good flying day especially in the central southern parts.

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:17 and setting at 17:54 – day length 10:38. Low tide at 8:59, high at 15:18. A light onshore with a SE trend later in the day. Perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature around 15 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(6 August 2021) 
Day 501 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! Here is another epic pic taken by Dirk Vander Thermal. Can you count how many vultures there are? Lol. He hot to almost 10k and has made everyone jealous with his flying at Zastron – apparently a whole herd of PG’s from PE and EL are heading there right now to join him. Lol Today we are in between two fronts with some sweet post frontal stuff around – though in some areas it is a bit shallow. Light winds all over except for the eastern coastal parts and eastern interior too. (NW inland and SW along the coast) It is light south along the GR trending more SE later in the day while the west coast has a NNW component for the most parts. Q’s confined to the southern coastal regions with the interior and west coast blue. In the west the winds remain light all the way to around 9k where the W winds start to dominate to finish with a strong 130kts at the Tropopause. Freezing level between 8500 in the east and 10000 in the west.

CT – Looks like a sweet day with SH and LH looking great. Some low cloud out to sea but it should not influence the flying I think. Good instability at mid day to 3k. A jount down the 12 Apostles is possible. Perhaps a more N trend in the wind direction today up high. The main ranges also looking good with climbs to 4k perhaps. IT does have a north trend up there. Might be a day to fly from PV to the south. ;)

RB – WWB is out…

PV – Looking promising with a NW to N trend higher up but climbs up close to 4k are possible. The valley is more W which is good. Go XC to the south day.

Wilderness – A sweet day expected I think – some clouds out to sea and the wind purring along southerly with some good soaring bits at Sedge. The Wilderness corner is looking light but probably some extended foefies on the cards. See Spot.

Plett – Plett similar to Wilderness but once again some OD expected at Uppies and chance of Keurbooms working well today.

PE and PA – A SW start trending to the South and moderating to a sweet 10kts. Some chance of rain in the morning and midday but this is clearing later on. Good flying expected.

EL – Same as above but the SW remains fresh all day – 15-20kts.

Inland – Mainly a westerly flow pattern everywhere and sweetly light for good flying of anything. 5-10kts with a few spot to the mid teens in the far east. Blue day and then the winds pickup from around 5/6k upwards at 15kts. In the southern interior it trend south later in the day.

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:18 and setting at 17:54 – day length 10:36. Low tide at 8:24, high at 14:46, low tide 20:40. A light onshore wind form the SSE wind day. Perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature around 15 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(5 August 2021) 
Day 500 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! The Cold Front parled along the southern parts of the WC bringing low cloud, cold and changing winds along our short coast. SE around the western southern parts but more SW along the central and eastern areas. A S to SW trend light in the southern interior but NW again further north of the GE where there will be some very Q development around 12k. A mixed bag of flying prospects form the looks of things but it is very laden with the Cold Front ingredients – nothing too exciting from the looks of things. Wind low are SE veering to the SW then W and finally NW settled from 10k upwards with a 110kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 8500ft in the southern most parts.

CT – A mixed cloudy day with some low stuff over the ocean but rising quickly as it reaches the warmer and dryer grounds. The SE fairly light, backing and moderating even more with height so a good wind-shadow on the cards. The main ranges looking promising even if the upper flow is easterly – it seems light up there so it might be possible to fly with the lower WSW.

RB – Too light a day here…

PV – With climbs to Mnt top and a light east flow at the top its all a maybe. Depends on the dominance of the thermal flow up the front.

Wilderness – Some low clouds around the coast with spots of rain on occasion. Winds are all very light so the coasts not looking promising. Sedge showing a bit of a gap around mid day/lunchtime. See Spot.

Plett – Plett similar to Wilderness but more OD at Uppies and chance of light rain. lol

PE and PA – A easterly flow with rain and CB possible…

EL – Same as above t seems slightly less rain…

Inland – Still some good flying stuff in the far interior in the east but locally its all cloudy CF stuff with light S to SW winds. The base does rise brilliantly beyond the first range with 6/7k north of the SB ranges. Could be good flying if you are at the right spot – even for propellor thingies too.;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:19 and setting at 17:53 – day length 10:34. Low tide at 7:46, high at 14:10, low tide 20:02. A cloudy day, spot of rain and with a light onshore flow. Perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature around 15 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(4 August 2021) 
Day 499 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! Here is another special pic from Dirk Van der Thermal. Betties bay as few see it. :) Today the Cold Front having moved into the southern parts of the WC with cloudy and cool conditions – perhaps a spot of rain here and there. A slight bit of instability around but its weak and light with perhaps 1k in the climbs. Winds are SW in the east and then SSE in the west. Nothing too strong but a bit extra around Cape Point and also in the far east where the SW will be on. There is a sweet winter trough in the central parts of the country with exceptionally good soaring conditions for this time of the year. Middelburg showing climbs over 12/13k with clouds around – thought its -8 degrees up there! Lol. Winds in the south go NW from around 7k upwards and remains NW all the way to the Tropopause for a 80/90kts finish. Freezing level down to 9000ft in the SW areas.

CT – A SE day up to 25kts in some spots. But it does look like the wind shadow will be up and about as the winds do moderate with height and back to the east. The main ranges of course over the back so not that good.

RB – And what do you know – it could actually be a flyable day here later in the afternoon if the wind picks up enough. Worth keeping tabs on it.

PV – The SSW is shallow and backs to the S with height. This layer is only around 2k deep so not the best day out here at all….

Wilderness – A light SW day with some spurts of wind around lunchtime that might just make the coast flyable too. Sedge is showing a mid day spurt with some good climbs to over 1000ft and some soaring after that. So its looking up. Oh, I did forget – there is a chance of some light rain so…

Plett – Plett similar to Wilderness with more OD and Uppies with some better climbs I think before going SE. Yes, the light rain… lol

PE and PA – Its SW start that will moderate in the afternoon.

EL – SW all day long from 20kts down to less than 10 later in the day.

Inland – The inland trough active northwards of the GE but extending pretty far to the S in the east. Very high bases and good instability out there. Lighter winds in the little karoo southern areas with some low clouds around. Much calmer compared to yesterday! ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:20 and setting at 17:52 – day length 10:33. Low tide at 7:02, high at 13:27, low tide 19:17. A cloudy day with a light onshore flow. Perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature around 14 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(3 August 2021) 
Day 498 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! What an unusual pic from the Karbonkel berg – perhaps only hangies can get that far out to sea for this view. Thanks Dirk! Today its all bergwinds in most areas with some having a shallow protected layer along the surface but above its all bergwinds and strong NW winds. The Peninsula the exception with the protected layer a tad thicker with 3k doing its thing ad then the NE coastal flow in the far east.. There is another Cold Front moving in form the south that will influence the southern parts only – the IOH will stop the inland movement of this one. Blue day with clouds along the SW tip of the WC only. Some coastal fog patches even perhaps. Winds remain NW with height with a 90kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level at 10k.

CT – Light winds along the surface but a NW trend. 5-10kts but then jumping to 20kts at or just above the TM height. So LH and SH should be good. Some low cloud out to sea that could influence things a bit. The main ranges looking a tad strong at TOL so I would be careful. See DTK Spot.


PV – It looks NW and just doable maybe, but again a bit of strong stuff at TOL. Hhhmmm…

Wilderness – Strong NW winds this morning but there is a shallow variable SW bit popping in around mid day or just after. It is not very thick but probably doable on the ocean cliffs if your timing is right. That’s about it for Wilderness lol.

Plett – Plett similar to Wilderness but even less onshore flows…

PE and PA – NW here for most of the day with the NE creeping in form the east late in the afternoon.

EL – NE all day long.  

Inland – NW winds everywhere inland – vris, blou en onbeskof. ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:20 and setting at 17:52 – day length 10:31. Low tide at 6:05, high at 12:30, low tide 18:18. Strong warm bergwind this morning and then a SW pulse in the afternoon. Perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature around 16 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(2 August 2021) 
Day 497 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! Cool flying around the CT area yesterday and if you are sharp you might get in another session. lol The IOH dominating our surface weather today – the remnants of the cold front spread along the southern parts and the southern bits of the west coast. It’s a pretty shallow east flow so it is not penetrating much further than the first mountain ranges along the southern parts. Low clouds along the coast but it rises quickly as we move inland and then dries out soon after that. (See cloud map) Winds are ESE and fresh along parts of the southern coast but moderates north of the first ranges. Light E to N and then NW flows to the north of the GE. From 6/7k the wind backs to the NW and then W all the way to the Tropopause for a 70kts finish. Freezing level still at 12.

CT – Again some low clouds out to sea but it does look like the northern parts of of the Peninsula should remain clear. A SE surface flow but form 1k it is NE to N 5kts or less. Perhaps a day for Africa face or the 12 Apostles? The SE is fresh along the southern Peninsula with a SW curl around along the SH and LH shores. The main ranges with perhaps too much east wind above.

RB – Light winds with that S not getting in here today.

PV – Also a low inversion and the winds being every way but up at either the east or the west. Lol.

Wilderness – After yesterdays westerly fiasco we are hoping we get a bit more airtime today! A wet and partly cloudy start but it does look like we might get a bit of Map at lunchtime. Though it does look like it might even blow out early and of course  a chance of rain… Hhhmmm…

Plett – Plett similar with a strong ESE and chance of more rain.

PE and PA – Not as strong here in the Eas department but pretty cloudy and rainy for the most part… lol

EL – Same as above.

Inland – It is actually looking like a sweet flying day anywhere inland away form the Cold front effects today. Light winds in most places with 10-15kts NW at the GE. Only above 7/8k does the west wind dominate strongly.

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:21 and setting at 17:51 – day length 10:30. High at 11:11, low tide 17:01. A cloudy SE wind day. Perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature around 16 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(1 August 2021) 
Day 496 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! A westerly flow over the entire WC with a CF approaching form the south today. Some low clouds along the southern parts of the country – including the Peninsula. These should get more as the fort moves closer – (the SAH is shaping up right behind so that a SE flow will dominate by tomorrow). But this change also means some change in the airmass so perhaps there might be some instability for us to play in. :) A shallow lighter wind area along parts of the south coast that just could be what the Dr ordered. Elsewhere inland it’s a blue day with fresh W winds with 20kts in many places. The east similar. Winds remain W with height with a tad of WSW at the Tropopause for a 80kts finish up there. Freezing level up at 13k.

CT – Some low clouds around which could effect play, otherwise a light surface W flow. Its upper teens at TM top height. The main ranges looking OK with manageable winds I think and climbs to 3k.

RB – lol.

PV – Looking sweet with a west wind so things could be soarable – especially at Kardoesie. Still that low inversion so not much in terms of thermals above the mountain tops.

Wilderness – There are some wind out to sea but looks like the Wilderness corner will be lighter. Still enough for the coastal cliffs to become playful I think around lunchtime. Sedge also looking sweet with some instability to around 1k – enough for sweet flying. Some clouds around that will move in after lunch (or even before – I see some out already this morning.)

Plett – Plett with a bit more climb but the wind seems a bit more West here with stronger winds at the TOC. So be careful.

PE and PA – W in the morning going strong SW for the day. Some good climbs inland but the upper winds just too strong for flying. lol

EL – Same as above.

Inland – Those Westerly winds just too dominant and strong for anything fun to happen. A good day for drinking coffee and telling flying stories.

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:22 and setting at 17:50 – day length 10:28. High at 9:42, low tide 15:36. A partly cloudy light SW wind day. Perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature around 15 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(31 July 2021) 
Day 495 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! Today the IOH and some SAH influence along the west coast dominating our weather pattern but the deciding factor along the western parts is the presence of a strong gradient with light winds on the surface and 20-30kts around 2/3k. Very stable conditions expected – even more so compared to yesterday and the strong gradient probably spoiling the ide of flying especially in the bigger mountains. Some instability in the east again around Graafies with climbs to 9k. The general wind flow is NW with NE in the far eastern coastal regions. It backs to the W around 18k then SW at the Tropopause for a 70-80kts finish up there.

CT – Light west to even SW flows along the surface but NW from 1k upwards. 20kts plus at TM height so the gradient could influence things a bit and mix it up. ;) Probably if you remain below that 1000ft level it could be ok. The main mountains looking more iffy with the gradient even stronger out there.

RB – Light and WWB is out.

PV – 20kts N at 2k and stable – good for horse riding.

Wilderness – Light winds with a west trend during the day but east later on. It is very light with no lift expected around Sedge or Serps… And even the northern sites are expected to be bumpy due to the strong NW gradient out there. And weak and stable conditions out there any way… The hope lies in tomorrow is looking better. :)

Plett – As above!

PE and PA – Those East to NE winds dominating here but not too strong. If you venture inland there is hope! Some flying possible at the inland sites that can handle the NW….

EL – Same as above.

Inland – Some light surface winds in the little karoo but NW just above that. Strong bits over the higher grounds with 20kts on the GE. A good prop thingie day especially in the south. ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:23 and setting at 17:49 – day length 10:27. High at 8:34, low tide 14:28. A beautiful light wind day. Perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature around 18 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(30 July 2021) 
Day 494 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! Today the IOH resting widely over the entire country and bringing with it some light winds with just a smidgeon of instability. There’s really nothing exciting that I see out there other than light student stuff but perhaps with a bit of luck something could be squeezed out there. 5kts or less in many spots – form the coast to far inland. No clouds expected. Instability depth between 1-2k mostly. The winds trend west with height but its still only 10kts at 6k. The best spots are far to the east with Middelburg region showing climbs to 10k. We can dream hey! ;) Winds back to the SW with height for a 40kts finish up at the Tropopause. Freezing levels up 12k.

CT – Light NW winds so SH and LH should be flyable. Perhaps you could sneak up to the 12 Apostles in some light stuff… The main ranges also light NW and instability to around 2/3k. FH is looking the best spot to me… ;)

RB – Too light for anything.

PV – Light W with instability to around 1000ft. Hey, you can still go horse riding...

Wilderness – Light onshore flows. Even less in the Wilderness corner. Looks like a smidgeon of lift at Sedgefield that might get you up 3/400ft over the top just after mid day. But otherwise pretty weak everywhere.

Plett – This is my GR spot for the day with some playful stuff around lunctime from the looks of things…

PE and PA – Sweet light winds here too – kind of. Trending light E to NE later in the day…

EL – Same as above.

Inland – Light winds with a W to NW trend far inland. Some sweet flying along eastern parts of the GE around the GR and Middelburg areas… A good day for flying out there… ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:24 and setting at 17:49 – day length 10:25. High at 7:43, low tide 13:38, high tide 20:10. A beautiful light onshore wind day. Perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature around 15 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(29 July 2021) 
Day 493 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! Yesterday turned out to be a great day for flying with the Wilderness ocean cliffs firing, Sedgefield surprising us all and the SH with some amazing Kommetjie runs! Today a whole different story with a Cold Front into CT with rain and moderate NW winds today. A slight chance of some clearing very late in the day. The rain is very shallow with tops around 6/7k so the mountains are doing a great job of blocking the rain from spreading too far into the interior while the strong west winds seems to be driving it past the southern coastal areas. Strong W to SW winds down there with surprisingly similar direction in the interior. Lots of clouds in the west and parts of the southern interior with rising bases towards the east. It is looking good north of the SB with up to 15kts in general up there. Winds remain westerly with height – 30kts form 3k and then backing to the SW near the Tropopause for a 70kts finish. The freezing level down to 7500ft in a few southern spots otherwise its 11000ft.

CT – A big change form yesterday! Rain and low cloud mostly with the odd open spot appearing here and there. lol

RB – As above

PV – Not so rainy but very N in direction here with a poor forecast. Best to drink coffee and maybe feed the horses I think.

Wilderness – The West winds pretty breezy and stubbornly sticking very west form the looks of things. A chance of a late afternoon stint along the cliffs is always good to give us some hope of getting into the air today. ;)

Plett – Very fresh and westerly winds all day…

PE and PA – Very strong SW winds, even far inland – though the skies here probably looking really good for flying. :) The strength is the problem…

EL – Same as above.

Inland – The W winds pretty strong, especially in the southern parts with some pretty good looking high clouds. But north of the SB ranges the wind moderates nicely and it looks like a sweet flying day out there. Even if fly with one of those prop thingies. ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:24 and setting at 17:48 – day length 10:24. High at 7:00, low tide 12:57, high tide 19:25. A surprisingly light wind start but picking up this morning from the WSW. Still a perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature around 17 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(28 July 2021) 
Day 492 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! A kind a postfrontal day but still a lot of cloud and rain around making things tricky to fly. A general westerly flow that trends more SW in the S and more NW in the interior. Lots of lingering showers along the west cats and adjacent regions form the looks of it – base there from 2500 and rising to 3500’ or so. It steadily gets higher further east and into the interior with the exception parts of the GR and in the eastern coastal areas. The clouds clear in the eastern interior and there are a few spots with very high bases around Graafies and the GE. Winds are pretty moderate with the tops of the higher grounds perhaps a tad more. NW all the way up to the Tropopause for a 100kt finish. Freezing level 5500 in the west but 9000ft in the east.

CT – Depending on the cloud and rain it just could be a good flying day at SH and LH. The main mountains looking a tad too OD with still some rain.

RB – As above

PV – Less rain here and a shot at being flyable around mid day. But light and weak lift expected.

Wilderness – Some rain for the morning then a clearing around the mid day region that sees some SW winds moving in after mid day. Looks like the coast and Sedge could deliver some sweet stuff if your timing is right. See Sedge Spot and the GR winds at after 14:00….

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but less good. Keurbooms too west and Uppies a bit OD…

PE and PA – Looks like a W to SW start then a sweet backing all the way around to finish off the day with a E to NE in the east. Lots of cloud around with unstable conditions so probably some good flying to be had.

EL – Similar to above and then far inland some 12k bases with exceptional flying in the NW but watch the upper strength to the east. ;)

Inland – A sweet day with lots of Q’s to the west and a few high ones to the east showing the convergence along the escarpment. IF you get into the right place it could be spectacular today… NW winds in the interior mostly. lol

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:25 and setting at 17:47 – day length 10:22. High at 6:20, low tide 12:19, high tide 18:45. A chilly cloudy morning with W to SW winds later on. Perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature around 13 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(27 July 21) 
Day 491 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! The Cold Front moving in along the west coast regions during the day but not into the rest of the WC during the day. (Some rain into the central parts and the GR by 3 tomorrow morning only.) It is a strong prefrontal day for the rest of the WC region with strong NW winds with a few spots showing over 30kts! Eve along the southern coastal regions the shallow variable flow is dubiously precarious as the 30-40kts is just overhead in many places. Some strong wave action over the usual spots – see the wave spot over the Hex-river valley a 4.5m/s climb around there all the way perhaps to near the Tropopause! The winds NW all the way up there with a 70-80kts finish. Freezing levels 11-12k but lowering to 7500ft in the west by tonight.

CT – Eish! Very strong NW winds with 40kts up at TM – low cloud and rain in the afternoon.

RB – As above

PV – Probably getting too windy for even horse riding! Some cool Q’s around at Mnt top height so should be pretty to watch as the front moves in later in the afternoon.

Wilderness – A strong NW start but quickly moderating as the shelter of the coast helps to bring in those SW to S flows form the ocean later this morning. One could be suckered into trying to fly the ocean cliffs but be very careful. (See the crazy TH graph and wind profile for Wilderness coast!) lol.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness…

PE and PA – Offshores and then some lighter coastal variants of wind toying with wind lovers…

EL – Similar to above but the NE winds trending a desire to move in from the east to EL but that might be all it turns out to be…

Inland – Even stronger than yesterday so good to stay indoors and drink good stuff but if you are brave you might go outside to watch the winds… lol

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:26 and setting at 17:47 – day length 10:21. High at 5:41, low tide 11:43, high tide 18:06. Settling into a sweet day along the coast as the bergwinds abate for another front arriving early tomorrow morning. Perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature around 22 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(26 July 2021) 
Day 490 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! Strong prefrontal conditions all day long as those isobar tighten up with the approach of the next cold front. It should reach CT tomorrow morning around 6. 30kts from 1000ft upwards in most places today with 40kts over the higher mountains. NW winds dominant except for a few sheltered spots along the southern coastal areas but these are extremely shallow in nature. Then to the fer east the NE is blowing along the eastern coast. Some wave lift around the eastern parts – I saw some 3.5m/s climbs going to around 20k. Winds remain NW all the way to the Tropopause for a 70kts NW finish. Freezing level between 10 and 13k.

CT – Strong NW winds with 30kts not far above the ground.

RB – As above

PV – A bit windy but another fantastic day for horse riding!

Wilderness – A god day for doing washing again with the bergwinds helping to dry things out! ;)

Plett – As above…

PE and PA – Similar to above

EL – Lo and behold the NE still hovering around here!

Inland – Extremely strong NW winds so def not a day for flying! ;) The 30kts level not far above the ground with extreme shear expected in many spots in excess of 25kts! lol

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:27 and setting at 17:46 – day length 10:19. Low tide 11:06, high tide 17:27. A strong bergwind day! Perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature around 22 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)


(25 July 2021) 
Day 489 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! Some sweet flying yesterday at Map for a lucky few and then I believe the CT guys had some magic around the Peninsula too! Today a very different story as the IOH starts to muscle in keeping the CF at bay out to the west of the country. The interior with strong N to NW winds especially along the west coast with 30kts at 2/3000’ in a few places. The southern coastal regions also with loads of subsidence heling to keep that cool ocean air layer very shallow so a low inversion around the southern coastal areas. Of course inland where there is a bit of instability the winds just too strong for comfortable flying. Lol. Looks like this might be the pattern for the next few days… Winds moderate again from 5/6k to the 10k level then backs to the S at 10kts for a gentle veering to the WSW at the Tropopause at 100kts. Freezing levels up at 11000ft.

CT – A strong wind gradient as the North winds pickup up from near zero at the surface to 20-25kts at TM top height. So it’s a doubtful day but maybe SH and LH could have something. The main ranges too strong up top and mixy and stable as a barn door…

RB – WWB is out again

PV – Fantastic day for horse riding!

Wilderness – A day to laze around at home (or what ever tickles your fancy!) but its stable as it comes with light S to SE winds going more E late late in the day. To the north it is also too strong for the northerly sites with that 20kts very common around 3k. Buffs and those spots looking teasingly too light. ;)

Plett – As above… (See GR wind map)

PE and PA – Moring offshore and the light winds with the NE boundary to the east of PE.

EL – NE dominating all day. Strong.

Inland – Generally N to NW winds with 20kts over the taller mountains. It is a bit mixy especially along the west coast with low level Jets shaping up – so probably some bumps around for the prop thingies! ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:27 and setting at 17:45 – day length 10:18. Low tide 10:28, high tide 16:46. A light wind day all day long! Perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature around 17 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(24 July 2021) 
Day 488 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! A sweet day at Map yesterday late afternoon for a lucky few pilots. Today the IOH settled in over the country with a NE flow direction except for the southern coastal regions where it will be ESE and the Peninsula region where the air is sheltered from the nigger NE effect by the large main mountains. Not much in terms of instability – much less than yesterday and it is of course a tad warmer. Still some pockets of icy air around especially in the southern slopes of the larger mountains. Some strong spots in the interior with the upper west coast showing 30kts at 2k. and a few 15kts shallow spots along the southern coast. No clouds expected today and not that much excitement form a flying point of view except if you are really clued up around the Peninsula! ;) The winds go southerly from around 17k upwards the finishes SW between 30-50kts. Freezing levels up at 11k again – the cold stuff far to the east!

CT – A relatively light wind day with upper NE of 5-10kts. Maybe Africa face could be doable. But perhaps so to the Noordhoek valley regions… LH and SH doable too. The main mountains very stable so nothing exciting there.

RB – A too light wind day here…

PV – Also a stable and light day here but to the north the NE winds is blowing strong!

Wilderness – A rather shallow SE predicted for the mid to later part of the day. Map could be a light soaring option or a benchup at Gerrickes could be a good challenge. Eve Sedge is showing some lift but probably a bit of a challenge with the light Southerly going east soon flow here too…

Plett – As above with upper north and the light SE winds in the lower parts. The bay seems very sheltered again. (See wind map here)

PE and PA – Moring ing offshores then going very strong NE winds later on 25kts plus!

EL – See above.

Inland – Generally N to NE winds with some strong spots over the higher mountains of 20kts. Weak thermals only with low climbs. The strong N winds stop at 10k where it goes surprisingly light… (Go up there in your prop thingie for a smooth ride! (and don’t forget that flight suit!) ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:28 and setting at 17:45 – day length 10:17. Low tide 9:47, high tide 16:05. A light wind start but mod SE trend in the afternoon. Perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature around 14 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(23 July 2021) 
Day 487 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! So Heinrich flew yesterday over the snow making us all jealous. Here is a pic of him – note those classic South African snow shoes! lol Today the IOH taking over as the SAH has shifted to the east bringing an easterly flow over all of the WC. Still that cold air around but with that the promise of some instability, especially in the central regions. The offshore flow along the west coast drying things out and a slightly lower inversion around there. Lots of clouds around in the east and central parts but blue and dry in the west. (Still some rain around the eastern coast). Of course lots of snow to see so if you are lucky enough to get into the air it should be real pretty but Cold (Yes, the C is a capital! It’s a flight suit day!) ;) The east to NE flow all the way up to around 8k where it goes to the south and veers a tad to the SSW at the Tropopause for a 40kts finish up there. Freezing level around 4500ft in the central and eastern parts but 10k along the west coast.

CT – The flow seemingly more from the SW before going SE later in the day. But sweet unstable air up to 2/3k so the flying should be good in a few spots around the Peninsula. The main ranges too dominated by the easterly flow to offer anything exciting I think. But you could go explore those secret snow spots though..

RB – A too light wind day here…

PV – The east wind dominating things a bit so even though there is a SSW flow in the valley it is too shallow to be of any use on launch… But Picketberg looks like the buzz today. (Se Spot!)  

Wilderness – Maybe some wet spots early on but it should dry out nicely. :) Really looks like a sweet Map winters day from lunchtime onwards. But you’d better bring those flight suits cos its going to be very cold! ;) Some sweet instability around too so Sedge and Serps both should offer something at mid day – if you can get onto the back flats at lunchtime it could be sweet for an hour or two! Base around 2500/3500ft. Of course Gerrickes should offer a good bench-up too with an initial S push in the wind making most of the ocean cliffs flyable for a while before the wind backs more east.

Plett – As above but more clouds and odd spot of rain and no good options for the east wind…

PE and PA – The winds are onshore with lots of rain on the cards still…

EL – See above.

Inland – A general E to ENE flow inland with 10-15kts. Lots of snow and clouds around – base around 3/4k AGL so should eb a good day to go look at the snow in your prop thingie. But dress warm! ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:29 and setting at 17:44 – day length 10:15. Low tide 9:04, high tide 15:291. A light wind start but mod SE trend in the afternoon. Perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature around 12 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(22 July 2021) 
Day 486 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! That SAH still reaching far south to bring us that icy cold super snow conditions today – especially along the mountains of the GR. That freezing level low around the 3500ft range around the south. Winds S to SW with moderate speeds in the west but strong in the east. Still rain along the southern parts and more towards the west with partial clearing in the west. It still doesn’t quite look like we will get in any flying today but there are reports of lots of snow along the Southern mountains which could be worth seeing. ;) The winds remain W to SW all the way to the Tropopause for a 100kts finish over PE but 60kt over CT.

CT – Base around 2/3k with a S to SSE trend 10-15kts. It is a deep flow so no wind-shadow on the cards from the looks of things. Passing showers possible especially along the main mountains.

RB – It might just be possible for a flight later in the afternoon with low teens in knots on the cards but with a bit of luck it could be more.

PV – A SSW valley trend but S to even SE around launch height. Climbs to just above the mountain tops. It could be possible to fly towards the north from here but perhaps not the best day. Did I say to dress warm?

Wilderness – Lots of rain still for the day on the cards with fresh westerly winds. It should moderate slightly late late in the day with a smidgeon of south in it but doubtful it will be enough to fly in.

Plett – As above with a bit more in the rain and wind department.

PE and PA – Still strong SW winds with rain all day.

EL – See above.

Inland – SSW winds in the interior with light rain and and snow in the southern parts – especially over the higher mountains. It could be flyable for a propellor thingy but probably better to wait for tomorrow to look at the snow… More coffee and movies time ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:29 and setting at 17:43 – day length 10:14. Low tide 8:17, high tide 14:34. More fresh westerly winds with icy rain. Perfect for coffee and reading! ;) Max temperature around 10 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(21 July 2021) 
Day 485 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! The next Cold Front already into CT and will reach the GR just after lunch. This tie the SAH with a long southerly fetch so bringing up that icy cold air from the south with loads of snow falls expected this time round. Freezing level down to less than 3500ft by the end of day in many places and this will continue into tomorrow too. Winds are strong W to SW along the coastal areas with slightly more WNW in the interior. No flying on the cards that I can see so its all weather watching and movies I think! ;)

CT – Low base with tops around 14k and then partial clearing at the end of the day with rising base to around 3k. The SW winds remain fresh around the 20kt level though…

RB – As above.

PV – Lower base and rain with 20kts SW winds.

Wilderness – A beautiful clear morning but the winds are already up in the icy air that will just get colder later on. Rain from after lunch from the looks of things. Too strong for any flying with the WNW going to the SW at the end of the day around 20kts with rain.

Plett – As above

PE and PA – Those strong WNW winds slowly trending to the SW and the rain reaching here end of day.

EL – See above.

Inland – By the end of the day there will be rain all over the WC interior from Graafies and westwards with very cold conditions and lots of snow. Lots of snow form the looks of things… More coffee and movies time ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:30 and setting at 17:43 – day length 10:13. Low tide 7:24, high tide 13:41, low tide at 19:41. Again fresh westerly winds with rain in the afternoon. Perfect to get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 14 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(20 July 2021) 
Day 484 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! (No pun intended!) The Cold Front settled across the WC with rain, fresh SW to W winds in the south and even some snow over the higher grounds in the interior. The far interior with strong NW winds running along the leading edge of the Cold Front. Lots of rain in the west and the southern parts. Around EL lots of interesting events with convergence between the NE form the IOH and the NW offshore flows with the SW from the approaching front. Winds are W to NW with height with a 100kt NW finish in the east. Freezing level low at 4500ft in the west that will move in to the east late evening and tonight. And the next CF striking CT tomorrow already! ;)

CT – 3kbase but mostly rain…

RB – As above.

PV – Lower base and rain.

Wilderness – Wind and rain… Lol

Plett – As above

PE and PA – The rain moving in here during the day but being halted by the IOH around EL. SW winds all the way to EL but NE east from there.

EL – See above.

Inland – Rain in all of the WC but across the borders the edge of the front with strong NW winds. This will change by this evening with the rain and snow over the higher grounds settling in every where. Coffee and movies time ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:30 and setting at 17:42 – day length 10:12. Low tide 6:24, high tide 12:39, low tide at 18:38. Fresh westerly winds and rain all day. Perfect for coffee and movies! Either way go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 12 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(19 July 2021) 
Day 483 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! The Cold Front moving into the Peninsula as we speak with rain settled there by mid day. This will spread to the western half of the WC by the end of the day and into the whole WC by mid night tonight. Winds are SW around the SW corner of the WC but W along the southern parts (with some few SW exceptions) and then NW in the interior. The far eastern coasts still with that dominant NE trend. The Q’s and rain moving in from the SW during the day progressing to the western central parts at end of the day. I think the re are still some good flying to be had along the southern coastal areas. ;) Winds are NW from 4k upwards with a 70kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level dropping to 7500ft in the west at the end of the day but 5500ft by early moring.

CT – SW winds with rain and low cloud from mid day onwards. It is lacks to reach the main mountains form the looks of it so perhaps a short flying window at DTK? ;)

RB – As above.

PV – A Westerly start but it goes S at the end of the day with rain moving in during the evening. Last day for horse riding!

Wilderness – It is looking like a sweet SW wind today – a tad W to start with but by mid day it will be sweet SW from the looks of things. Sedge good but probably a tad bumpy and strong as the wind at 1000ft is around 15kts. Lol

Plett – Looking just too west in it to be exciting (or it probably will be exciting if you fly!) ;)

PE and PA – Strong NW starting of that will back to the SW during the day. The SW reaching PA at the end of the day.

EL – NE dominating to the East but EL self in that change area so the winds vary from onshore and light to fresh NE and back again. ;)

Inland – Again the prefrontal strong NW winds everywhere today with the front moving in from the west. Cold and rain all over by the morning! Not the best day to be out there… ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:31 and setting at 17:41 – day length 10:10. Ten Ten! That has a nice ring to it. ;) High tide 11:25, low tide at 17:25. A SW wind moderate in strength before the Cold Front arrives early evening. Perfect to get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 16 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(18 July 2021) 
Day 482 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! A sweet day yesterday for a lucky few at Sedge field. Today a very different story with the approaching Cold Front things have turned typical non flying pre-frontal with strong gradients and NW winds almost everywhere. The exception is the sheltered low level regions along the coast and an NE to East flow in the eastern parts of the southern coastal areas. Conditions are very stable, even further inland with the only real signs of lift coming from wave formations but even these are 2.5m/s and reaching just 15k in the usual hot wave spots. (The NW winds drop off with altitude) No clouds expected. The NW stays all thew ay to just shy of the Tropopause where it backs to the West for a 30kts finish up there. Freezing level up at 12000ft. (12k)

CT –Short and sweet – 30kts from 2000ft so be careful if you might be fooled into thinking you can fly. Its dicey! ;)

RB – Thank goodness its WWB day! ;)

PV – And the horses are out to play!

Wilderness – A light E flow – varying due to the low inversion – below or level with Sedge launch. Lol. Above that the winds trend NW. A coffee day! ;)

Plett – As above

PE and PA – NE winds dominating

EL – S above.

Inland – Strong NW winds over the higher grounds but some deceptive light winds in the lower valleys due to the strong gradient. Lots of shear expected so be careful if you get sucked(ered) into the air by a propellor! ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:31 and setting at 17:41 – day length 10:09. High tide 10:04, low tide at 16:05. And would you believe another light wind sunny day! Perfect to get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 18 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(17 July 2021) 
Day 481 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! Still the HP systems dominating but some frontal movement just to the south of us as another Cold Front is slow to move in. Its impacting the southern most parts though with a smidgeon of a bit of better instability offering some flying for a few spots. The winds are generally westerlies but some shallow southerlies around along the Peninsula and adjacent regions. Also some clouds around here. Westerlies for the interior too but many spots with very light winds. No clouds expected out there. Along the GE some deeper instability around with good climbs to around 9k to be had. The winds remaining W all the way to the Tropopause for a 40kt finish. Freezing level still around 10/11k.

CT –A SW to S wind day so the wind-shadow will fire on all cylinders. There is a sweet layer of instability around the Peninsula up to around 2k and with the lighter winds all those southerly Peninsula sites could be sweet. Hermanus even is looking promising. The main ranges a tad stable looking around DTK and northwards. See Spot.

RB – the right direction but it is looking just teasingly too light. ;)

PV – It sure looks like another excellent horse riding day!

Wilderness – The slight instability has moved in along our coast line so it looks like Sedge and Serps can offer something worthwhile around mid day. Peak climb to 1500ft form the looks of it if your timing is on it. ;) The coast looking very light and iffy. (See Spot)

Plett – Uppies showing some higher climbs but light winds so it looks like a thermal timed launch. Perhaps its worth the look I think to get up to 4k… ;) And Keurbooms just might deliver something soft after lunch if you mis the elevator at Uppies.

PE and PA – SW winds along the coast but a large wind shadow pool around Maitlands bay form the looks of it. Hhhmmm…

EL – SW to S winds with all those coastal sites facing S looing sweet. With the 10-15kts winds…

Inland – Westerlies with light winds in the southern ad central interior. Good propellor thingies flying I think. ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:32 and setting at 17:40 – day length 10:08. Record low temps in the interior so it does seem like summer is on its way! Lol! ;) High tide 8:49, low tide at 14:49. And would you believe another light wind sunny day! Perfect to get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 15 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(16 July 2021) 
Day 480 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! Another special day of flying yesterday along the GR but today a different story! We are in between weather systems with some calm, light winds along the coastal regions (Col) with a W to S trend but further inland the HP systems taking over with some fresh NW wind, especially over the higher grounds. It is stable unfortunately so not much to look forward. A blue day everywhere. From 2k the winds are around 20kts NW and remains NW all the way to around 30k where it backs to the west for a 40kts finish up there. Freezing level up to 11000ft today.

CT –A light surface wind day but from 2k the winds are close to 20kts so staying low probably the best bet (in case you were think of TM) ;) It is NW to W so there will probably be something at SH and LH. The main ranges much the same but nothing indicating to go over 2k in climbs. See Spot.

RB – lol!

PV – Also a stable horse riding day.

Wilderness – Another light onshore day but this time very stable with no sign that anything is going over the top of the hill. Hhhmm tough… (See Spot)

Plett – Uppies with a similar outlook to Wilderness – Uppies showing up to500ft which is at TO hight. Light on the coast.

PE and PA – the morning offshores then a light onshore trending to the east later on around 10kts maybe. All the good stuff much further inland today.

EL – Same as above but the NE dominating with a bit more in it.

Inland – NW flows with light stuff in the valleys but the tops with 20kts and more over the higher mountains. Strong gradient today so there could be bumps up there…;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:32 and setting at 17:39 – day length 10:07. Record low temps in the interior so it does seem like summer is on its way! Lol! ;) High tide 7:46, low tide at 13:45, high tide at 20:16. Another light wind sunny day! Perfect to get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 15 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(15 July 2021) 
Day 479 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! What an amazing day of flying all over the WC yesterday – the spot of the day def going to SH where more than a dozen Kommetjie runs were made. Some plots doing it twice in one day! :) Today the HP systems still dominating our weather with light W to NW winds. Weak instability in the west and it improves to the east. Smidgeon of Q’s around Agulhas area the rest looks blue. I think there is still some good flying to be had everywhere but it is lighter compared to yesterday. Winds remain WNW till around 10k then SW for a SW finish at the Tropopause of 60kts. Freezing level at 7500 in a few spots in the south.

CT –Another sweet day on the cards form the looks of things. Much less wind so perhaps a more challenging day but the 12 Apostle still possible today. The main ranges looking sweet too with climbs to around 3k. FH and SLP also flyable too. See Spot.

RB – lol!

PV – A bit messy here with more stability and south to even easterly flow over the shallow instability. So not a good day out here form the looks of things…

Wilderness – A light and more stable day compared to yesterdays amazing Sedge flying (and some good coastal doings too) Sedge probably your best bet with light lift around mid day to perhaps 2/300ft ATO. Serps similar but the coast very light. (See Spot)

Plett – Uppies showing a spike of a climb to 4k probably just as the quick Sea Breeze pops through. It will be a rather hit and mis affair as it doesn look like any strong winds popping in to help with getting up until after the good stuff is past. See Spot.

PE and PA – Inland def into the better soaring air with spots showing 4/5k AGL gains. The coastal winds lighter but still trending SW and even S towards the east.

EL – Same as above.

Inland – Winds more W trend but the deep interior trending more NW and even NE along the west coast. Still a good propellor thingy flying day out there. Remember to dress warm! ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:33 and setting at 17:39 – day length 10:06. Record low temps in the interior so it does seem like summer is on its way! Lol! ;) High tide 6:53, low tide at 12:53, high tide at 19:22. Another light wind sunny day! Perfect to get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 14 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(14 July 2021) 
Day 478 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! The SAH and LSH dominating the post frontal conditions around the WC. Lots of sweet instability around with flying on the cards just about everywhere. Lighter winds around with a NW flow along the west coast and the interior with SW along the southern parts for the afternoon. Some clouds in the SW corner otherwise surprisingly blue in the rest of the country – a few spots with soe flat Q’s in the Eastern Outies. The wind remains NW to 10k then backs to the WSW all the way to the Tropopause for a 60kt finish up there. Freezing level 5500ft in a few southern parts.

CT –it is looking like a great 12 Apostle day for the hangies and possibly for some PG’s. NW to WNW all day around 15kts. The main mountains also looking up with climbs to just over 3k and winds into the lower teens but to the south it picks up with SLP strong at the top. See Spot.

RB – WWB is out and about still!

PV – Looking sweet with climbs to just over 3k and NW winds around 10kts.

Wilderness – It is one of those unstably post frontal days with climbs again going over 4k at Sedge. The problem is the wind that is stubbornly predicted to remain WNW until close to 14:00 at which stage the high climbs also move inland quickly. I would still say take the afternoon off form work for the best flying time between 13:00 and 14:30 or so. Oh yes, dress warm! Lol. Very light on the coast so probably some scratchy stuff around there.

Plett – Uppies with the WNW winds sticking until closer to 16:00 so not looking good despite the high climbs of over 5k on the cards… See Spot.

PE and PA – The morning offshores then the SW trend for the rest of the day. 10-15kts mostly.  

EL – Same as above.

Inland – NW winds dominating but much less so compared to yesterday. IT is 5-10kts in the southern parts with only the higher grounds showing the stronger flows of close to 20kts. O good day for flying but dress warm! ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:33 and setting at 17:38 – day length 10:05. One would be forgiven for thinking the days are getting even shorter given this cold spell! Lol! ;) High tide 6:07, low tide at 12:09, high tide at 18:37. Sunny day with light winds form the sea! Perfect to get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 14 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(13 July 2021) 
Day 477 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! Reports of snow coming in from all over – we have some on the mountains behind Karatara. The SAH continuing to push in that icy air with sporadic rain all over the WC but it is clearing and moderating in the west from lunchtime onwards. There is even a chance of flying in the afternoon! Towards the west the SW to W winds increase and dominate with snow and rain especially over the southern mountain ranges. This remains the patter for the rest of the day. The upper flow SW trending W near the Tropopause for a 60kts finish – its 100kts NW east of EL though. Freezing level down to 4500ft with a few areas at 3500.

CT – SW winds 10-15kts and more this morning but moderating nicely to 10kts or less and clearing more. Base around 3/4k this afternoon so a chance of some cold but good flying I think. This true for the main mountains also. One could even fly XC to the north from DTK for a short window. lol

RB – WWB is out and about still!

PV – Similar to CT with a SW wind trending S later on.

Wilderness – Strong west winds all day though moderating into the afternoon it looks to remain too strong to fly. Snow on the Outenikwas I hear. If there is a gap its probably worth looking. ;) The base is lower here compared to the west with chances of rain on and off all day. In particular the freezing level very low over Grg this morning at just 3500ft!

Plett – Same as above….

PE and PA – Very strong SW winds all day here with slight chance of rain.

EL – Same as above.

Inland – Icy cold conditions with snow on especially the higher grounds. Strong SW to W winds moderating from the west later in the day. Stay inside and drink coffee… ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:33 and setting at 17:38 – day length 10:04. One would be forgiven for thinking the days are getting even shorter given this cold spell! Lol! ;) High tide 5:27, low tide at 11:31, high tide at 17:55. Strong winds and rain with icy cold temps! Perfect to stay in bed! ;) Max temperature around 11 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(12 July 2021) 
Day 476 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! Today’s Cold Front an biggie with a strong southerly fetch in the SAH pushing in icy cold air with snow following in its wake. Rain in CT and the west coast already that will spread to finish over the entire WC by the end of day. Strong NW winds in the interior with strong SW wind following the front along the west and southern coasts. Some very high prefrontal Q’s out towards Middelburg and Graafies but of course too strong for us to fly in. So prepare for lots of rain and the cold weather over the next 2 days… The winds remain NW going SW in the west at the Tropopause for 130kts NW in the east and 70kts WSW in the west. Freezing level dropping in the west to 4500’ during the day with a few spots even less than that.

CT – Bleh! Rain and wind!

RB – As above!

PV – As above

Wilderness – A softer start but from after lunch that Cold Front will push in with a vengeance! Oohh and be careful If you think you can go to Sedge for a flight before it strikes… Lift to around 800ft initially but the winds at that hight are picking up quickly spiking over 40kts in the afternoon so there will be a bug chance of extreme  shear and associated turbulence. Be extremely careful.

Plett – Same as above….

PE and PA – NW offshores during the morning trending then SW but the strong stuff and rain only hitting here early evening.

EL – The N offshore trending NE at the end of the day.

Inland – Very strong prefrontal stuff with the Cold Front moving in from the west. Extreme cold and snow this afternoon and into the night. I would not fly anything today.

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:34 and setting at 17:37 – day length 10:03. And its more than 10 hours now! Lol! ;) Low tide at 10:54, high tide at 17:18. A sweet start but clouding over with the cold front moving in after mid day. Perfect to go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 17 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(11 July 2021) 
Day 475 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! Some sweet flying in CT yesterday with Signals hot for the hangies and TDK great for the paries. Today that snow-bringing Cold Front even closer to CT but not before we have a chance to do it all again. Strong NW winds in the interior but less so on the west coast and the GR southern coastal areas. In the far east the IOH active with the NE winds along the coast. Winds start to pick up from 5k at 20kts NW then goes up to 40kts at 10k and 130kts W at the Tropopause. Freezing level 9k in the west and 11 in the east.

CT – Another day perhaps like yesterday but from lunchtime the clouds will start moving in from the SW as the fron gets closer. So get your soaring laong SH in during the morning if you can. SLP also doable btu fresh winds there and then TDK lighter so it should be cool there too I think. See spot for DTK.

RB – As above!

PV – And would you believe its another day you can keep the horse in the stable and go flying – light lift on the cards with climbs to Mnt top height.

Wilderness – Oohh… that ocean coolness bringing lots of stability along the coastal sites – less lift compared to yesterday but a chance even if it’s a small chance of something coming up on PR late morning and so too at Sedge. The afternoon is very light. (See Spot) Light onshore winds expected all day.

Plett – Uppies showing a sweet spike at mid day with climbs to perhaps 4k. Looks like a late start with 14:00 the wind turning and coming up leaving a small window to get away. lol. Def worth having a look if you are in the area.:) See Spot.

PE and PA – Offshore starts then trending east. To the west of PE it is more SW but the Ne dominating to the east. 10-15kts.

EL – Offshores then the NE are on.

Inland – In the south the lower winds are light but from 5k upwards the NW winds start to blow. Inland over the higher grounds the NW blowing over 20kts. It is all gearing up for the snow bring CF moving in tomorrow… Fly now – even if it is a propellor thingie! ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:34 and setting at 17:36 – day length 10:02. And its 10 hours now! Whoopie! ;) Low tide at 10:20, high tide at 16:43. Another light onshore wind day. Perfect to go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 15 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(10 July 2021) 
Day 474 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! Well, some very lucky people got higher than ever at Sedge yesterday – I saw Trevor, Roy, Pete and Sue and some guy flying a Pluto 2 up over 1000m over the Sedge village! Excellent stuff guys. :) WE are still in between the frontal westerlies with a trough down the west coast with clear icy cold skies all over the show. Some Q’s in the SW sector of the province with NW winds 15-20kts in many spots especially over the higher grounds but generally it is light winds in the interior with some good flying conditions around. Winds pick up at from 10k upwards, stays NW to the Tropopause for a 100kt finish. Freezing level up at 8500ft.

CT – NW winds more moderate from yesterday so probably a sweet 12 Apostle day on the cards. Looks to be around 15kts. Slight chance of rain though. The main mountains probably a tad stronger so not that good there then. See Spot SLP.

RB – As above!

PV – Another not too bad day but a lower climbs expected with just reaching the tops of the Mnts. NW winds 10kts and less lower down.

Wilderness – The instability further inland so it doesnt look accessible form Sedge or Serps. You might need to go hiking on the Outenikwas to get into that lekker air again. Sedge probably some climbs to 800ft but a big change compared from yesterday (See Spot) Light onshore winds expected all day.

Plett – Looking good here, slightly less good from yesterday but still epic flying to be had. Even Keurbooms looking up. :) See Spot.

PE and PA – Strong West as a start then moderating to a SSW again.

EL – As above.

Inland – Less wind compared to yesterday. Some strong stuff still present over the higher grounds but the little Karoo again with light NW winds and some good thermals for soaring causing a bump if you are flying a propellor thingie. Oh yes, dress warm! ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:34 and setting at 17:36 – day length 10:02. And its 10 hours now! Whoopie! ;) Low tide at 9:47, high tide at 16:09. A light onshore wind day. Perfect to go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 15 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(9 July 2021) 
Day 473 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! Post frontal conditions everywhere, with a westerly flow in general. Still some rain along the western parts, especially the south. Some good flying to be had in the areas outside the rain with high Q’s around for this time of the year. It is cold out there if you do venture out so dress warm! Lol. Perhaps a day not to go to work! :) Winds are NW all the way up to the Tropopause for a 130kts finish up there. Freezing level around 6500ft in parts of the south.

CT – the heavy rain and strong winds have moved east so some clear patches moving though though the winds looking to be 15-20kts so probably a bit on the strong side still. The main ranges more OD with rain probably. But if you head north it gets better. See Spot DTK.

RB – As above!

PV – It is actually looking very promising for today with the NW winds moderating in the afternoon with good looking Q’s around 4/5k level. It could just be a doable day.

Wilderness – Leave work for this afternoon and go flying! A deep instability layer around with climbs over 4k expected for at least some part of the day in all the spots. Probably very W till early afternoon but then it looks like it could be really good. Sedge and Serps the good spots today. Even with a chance of venturing over the back for a short XC too! (See Spot)

Plett – Same as above but higher base and climbs. BE ready as soon as the S component comes through – late one by the looks of it.

PE and PA – Strong West to start with then moderating and backing to the SSW.

EL – As above.

Inland – Strong NW over the higher grounds moderating slightly into the afternoon. Some rain in the SW areas with Q’s but blue to the east. The little Karoo with lighter winds but still freshening up with height so not the best day for flying I think. Oh yes, dress warm! ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:35 and setting at 17:35 – day length 10:01. And its 10 hours now! Whoopie! ;) Low tide at 9:14, high tide at 15:36. Fresh NW offshore start then lighter onshore for the afternoon. Perfect to go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 15 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(8 July 2021) 
Day 472 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! A sweet day of flying yesterday on the GR and also in CT. Super cool TM flying yesterday by Wj, Barry and gang! Today a whole different story as the Cold Front strike the western coasts with vengeance – very strong wind all over the WC with the CF pushing those NW winds to 40kts less than 1000ft AGL in many places. Strong rain as well that will spread to the rest of the WC by early evening. Its not a flying day anywhere even if there are strong prefrontal lift with Wave on the cards – too wild and torn apart to be of any use for any pilot – no matter what you fly! ;) The winds remain NW with a 160kts finish over CT! Freezing level dropping to just 4500ft by this evening in the west…

CT – Woeste winde today with strong rain. The NW will moderate ever so slightly as it backs to the SW late in the day… See TH :)

RB – As above!

PV – Not even good for horse riding! (as above)

Wilderness – A beautiful morning but the strong NW not far over our heads. A sweet sheltered region along the GR but its not good for flying. The winds light offshore but then later in the day the westerly will start to dominate and bring rain in early evening.

Plett – Same as above.

PE and PA – Early morning offshores with a NE dominance to the east. The interior of course with those strong NW winds. Rain by mid night.

EL – As above but more NE dominance.

Inland – Super strong NW winds with 40kts around 1000ft AGL in most places. In the wrong place it would be easy to go for involuntary flights today… ;)  Rain moving in from the west covering most of the WC by mid night.

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:35 and setting at 17:35 – day length 10:00. And its 10 hours now! Whoopie! ;) Low tide at 8:41, high tide at 15:02. Offshore start with strong W winds as a old front moves in early evening. But before its perfect to go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 21 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(7 July 2021) 
Day 471 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! The IOH dominating with a trough along the west and another CF making its way towards the WC form the west. A stable day for the WC with N winds in the interior and easterlies along the southern coastal regions. No clouds expected – though the EC interior has some sweet Q around 10k with some amazing soaring on the cards if you can get there. ;) Back home it’s a light wind, stable day all over the WC. Some strong winds spots in the interior but more to the NE parts. Else up to 5k not a bad prop flying day. The wind backs to the W from 12/14k then all the way to the SW for a 130kts finish up there. Freezing level 13k in the west and 10k in the east.

CT – A light SW surface flow but otherwise light N. IT could be a 12 apostle day or a flight off the top might be on the cards… The main ranges very stable… See TH :)

RB – Nothing happening here all day!

PV – Another good day for horse riding…

Wilderness – Some light lift at Sedge on the cards that could be usable between 11 and 12 then it will be too hard form the left (might even be o earlier on). Perhaps Serps could offer a flight to the Map today. And Map a maybe chance of something light after mid day – 5kts. Could be just maintainable from the looks of things…

Plett – Stable here too – Uppies showing light lift to 1500ft. Too east for the bay…

PE and PA – The offshore of the morning then it goes to light easterly winds.

EL – As above but if you go far enough inland you could get some good stuff in the NNW winds out there… ;)

Inland – A light northerly day in the southern Karoo areas, picking up to fresh N further north. Its strong to the NE interior withs some Q’s out that area. Its not bad up to 5k then the north picks up a bit more. Relatively stable air…

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:35 and setting at 17:34 – day length 09:59. Speeding up towards summer now – almost 10hrs of daylight! Low tide at 8:06, high tide at 14:27, low tide at 20:16. A light south-easterly in the afternoon. Perfect to go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 14 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(6 July 2021) 
Day 470 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! After such a sweet day yesterday today is a bit of a let down! ;) The IOH dominating more with N to NW winds in the interior and a southerly trend along the southern coastal areas and NE in the east. A lower inversion so the instability not that good. A Blue day with no clouds expected. Some breezy spots in the interior higher grounds form the NNW. The northern west coast with NE offshore trends. Most regions from 3k upwards the wind is NW and backs to the W for a 60kts finish up there. Freezing level around 10k.

CT – A southerly wind day with the inversion around 2k. A wind-shadow on the cards but probably a SW trend along the shorefront at SH and LH. The main mountains looking very stable with the SE dominating form the looks of it. ;) See TH :)

RB – A prospective flying day with the southerly picking up especially in the afternoon. A maybe soarable day.

PV – A stable day with light winds in the valley and more East upper trend. Absolutely perfect for horse riding here…

Wilderness – A light southerly to SW wind day. Not enough on the coast for anything to happen there but a maybe day for Serps and Sedge. Light lift to around800ft so probably not a bad idea to hang out at one of these spots…

Plett – Climbs to 2k on the cards for Uppies. Light along the coast.

PE and PA – The offshore of the morning then it is light S trending to the E and NE later in the day.

EL – Fresh NE east of EL that will want to move to the west late afternoon. ;)

Inland – Some fresh NW wind over the higher grounds today – def more than yesterday. A blue day but still good for flying. Especially south of the GE where the lower winds will be more mod to light. :)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:35 and setting at 17:34 – day length 09:59. Speeding up towards summer now – almost 10hrs of daylight! Low tide at 7:29, high tide at 13:48, low tide at 19:35. A light southerly wind day. Perfect to go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 14 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(5 July 2021) 
Day 469 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! Today looks like another stop what you are doing and go flying kind of day. :) The SAH ridging in along the southern parts of the country bring with it lighter winds all over the show. The flow trends SW to S along the southern parts but then curls around to the east for the interior. The interior very light with less than 5kts in most spots except for the west coast where the offshores accelerate to the 20kt mark there. The southern parts with some sweet Q’s around the 4/5k level and this is where most of the sweet flying should happen. But the Peninsula also looking up! Winds remain light to 10k then go W with a steady increase to the Tropopause for a 60kts in the South but 100kts in the North finish up there. Freezing level at 9k but there is a marked inversion around 5k where the temp is only 2 degrees C!

CT – Light SW to S with instability to MT top height. The main mpountians also with some instability to 3k but the upper flow is east around 5kts so that might put a damper on things. ;) See TH :)

RB – IT could be good direction wise but a bit light…

PV – Again the MT top flow is a easterly but the lower bits are W. Looks like only 2k instability depth…

Wilderness – One of those classic post frontal instability days with light winds to go with it! Climbs at Sedg to 3k on the cards mid day and over 4k on the plains on the back. The plains should have some Q’s to help things along. Def a day to explore some XC over the back day… See Sedge Spot! ;)

Plett – An amazing looking day for Uppies today! Q’s at 5k and climbs all the way! Could do some distance today. But dress warm! Its 2 degrees up there! ;)

PE and PA – More SW winds here again with the offshores in the morning. But also the instability inland to be had… 15kts SW

EL – Same as above but perhaps a tad more in strength.

Inland – A very sweet inland day with light winds everywhere. Light southerly in the south but east in the north. The wind is strong along the west coast area with the offshores. Def a day to go out and fly! :)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:35 and setting at 17:33 – day length 09:58. Slowly creeping towards summer – the days are getting longer! Low tide at 6:47, high tide at 13:03, low tide at 18:50. A mod to light SW start going to SSE later in the day. Perfect to go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 15 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(4 July 2021) 
Day 468 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! Check out this new sky people interview range from your own media presenter Jeff Ayliffe. ( The SAH pushing in that cold maritime polar air onto the entire WC. Cold, cloudy and rainy on the west with cloud base around 2/3k then rising steadily to the west as the air dries a little bit in its westerly flow. Base in the interior 5-8k in a few spots with some good soaring on the cards. Winds have also clamed down quite a bit with around 10-15kts all the way to 8/10k with the stronger westerlies only starting up above that. The exception is along the coastal areas where south of the first mountain ranges the wind is still pretty fresh with 20kts and 30kts to the east especially. Showers mostly in the west but a few spots along the south and southern interior possible. Winds remain west all the way up with a 160kts at the Tropopause. Freezing level down to 6500ft in a wide region along he southern parts.

CT – WSW winds 10kts with some variations. Cloud base around 2/3k. Chance of some showers especially around the main mountains. So a cold flying day but def doable along the SH and LH areas. (or other southern spots) ;) See TH :)

RB – lol WWB out of course…

PV – Lighter W winds but with low clouds on the mountains and a chance of rain and OD mostly.

Wilderness – Still the strong W winds with the WNW in the morning and WSW in the afternoon. Some Apps showing a gap between 11 and 13:00 along the dunes before going strong again – its worth monitoring it closely. Hhhmmm dress warm! lol Sedge def a bit of a washing machine but tomorrow looks exceptionally good! (Organise to fly and no work for Monday!) ;)

Plett – Strong WSW so not good for here – Piesangs too strong I think.

PE and PA – Similar pattern to yesterday but colder. ;) NW off shores during the morning but then later it backs to the SW still 20kts plus range. The odd shower possible.

EL – Same as above.

Inland – A sweet day inland form the looks of it with lighter west winds all over except around the southern near coastal parts. 10kts up to 7/8k and maybe up to 15k to 10k. Base around 4k AGL in the interior – rising to the west. A good soaring day and also for the propellor thingies. ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:36 and setting at 17:33 – day length 09:57. Slowly creeping towards summer – the days are getting longer! Low tide at 17:58, high tide at 12:09, low tide at 17:57. Strong NW going to strong SW in the afternoon. Perfect to go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 15 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(3 July 2021) 
Day 467 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! A sweet session at Sedgefield for a lucky few. But today the Cold Front dominating the WC weather as the winds and rain spreads during the day. NW in the interior backing more W along the coastal areas. 20-30kts in most places but moderating along the west coast later on. Rain along the western ranges spreading to the GR by this afternoon and along the western central interior. Cloud base low in the west around 2k rising towards the east with 6.7k around the little Karoo interior. Winds remain NW with height all the way to the Tropopause for a 130kt finish. Freezing level 6500ft in the SW corners rising towards the east – 8500 over Wilderness.

CT – A rainy wintery day. Slight clearing later in the afternoon with the winds backing more W. The main ranges strong winds and rain all day. See TH :)

RB – lol WWB out of course…

PV – NW winds with low cloud and rain all day. Not even good for horse riding.

Wilderness – The strong NW winds already here with the trend to the WSW later in the day. It remains strong and the rain should hit us soon after lunchtime. Don’t know about you guys but I miss the Red Bull X Alps entertainment. So the Sedge Spot is there also then for entertainment purposes. ;)

Plett – Same as Wilderness.

PE and PA – NW off shores during the morning but then later it backs to the SW and increases in strength to 20/30kts later in the day. No rain here for the day.

EL – Same as above.

Inland – Still those prefrontal NW winds – very strong in places with the 30-40kts level not far above our heads. Rain and low cloud to the west that will sloly makes its way to the east during the day reaching the mid interior end of day. Rain in the west. Still not a flying day even for the propellor thingies. ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:36 and setting at 17:32 – day length 09:57. Slowly creeping towards summer – the days are getting longer! High tide at 11:03, low tide at 16:56. Strong NW going W winds all day. Perfect to go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 20 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(2 July 2021) 
Day 466 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! To the north the LSH and IOH dominating the interior weather but fur us in the south we are still in the grips of the westerly flowing air of the frontal systems. CT already feeling the stronger NW winds with cloudy conditions. The full rain and system will hit landfall tomorrow morning early. For the remainder of the day its all fresh NW winds everywhere except for southern coastal areas where there is a shallow SE flowing bit – perhaps 1000ft deep. It is generally very stable with weak thermal development but the isotherm around 3/4k around the CT area makes for ideal wave conditions – so there should be some amazing wave clouds over those SW ranges today. 5/ms climbs in there some going all the way to the Tropopause. Winds gently backing from the SW to W for a 100kt finish up there. Freezing level up at 14k today.

CT – Low cloud moving in from the W. Wind NW with 20kts around 2k. A chance of a small gap around mid day if the wind is light enough around SH but probably too strong. The main ranges def too strong. See TH :)

RB – WWB out of course…

PV – Still those strong NW winds but blue skies around making it very suitable for some good horse rides.

Wilderness – A light stable wind day with a S to SE trend. It doesnt look strong enough for anything to get excited about. Perhaps a smidgeon of something going to 600ft at Sedge but if it will be usable is another story. Map should provide sweet foefies though… ;)

Plett – Uppies Spot showing some good lift to 4k however I think the winds up there at 30kts a tad too strong. Though I suspect there will be an inversion between the lower southerly moving into the upper WNW winds. ESE on the coast.

PE and PA – Offshore morning then the light SE trend will move in here too.

EL – Same as above.

Inland – Those NW in the deep interior that trends more W to the south still very strong with 20-30kts spots in places. Strong wave activity in the SW regions. A blue day except for around the SW corner of the WC. Probably still not a flying day even for the propellor thingies. ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:36 and setting at 17:32 – day length 09:56. Slowly creeping towards summer – the days are getting longer! High tide at 9:50, low tide at 15:48. Light morning offshores with a light SE trend in the afternoon. Perfect to go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 18 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(1 July 2021) 
Day 465 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! While we have been coping with a few unusually hard storms in the WC Jeff managed to snag an interview with Red Bull X Alps Champion Chrigel Maurer. Most of you know that Chrigel had us on the edge of our seats for a few days on this epic adventure. ;) Here is the link for that chat!

Today its all frontal westerlies with rain and fresh winds almost everywhere. It has moderated from the strong stuff from the past two days though there are still a few strong spots in the interior. 20-30kts mostly with less along the west and southern coasts in most spots. Loads of clouds around with base 2/3k in the west rising steadily towards the west. 8k around Graafies and BW area and low along the southern coasts again. The wind remains W till around 14k then backs to the SW for a 130kt SW finish up at the Tropopause. Freezing levels around 9/10k in the west but 7500 to the east as the frontal systems moves past.

CT – Some low clouds around during the morning but I see a sweet flying afternoon around SH and LH today. IT could even be a 12 Apostle day. 10-15kts with perhaps a tad more up heigh. The clouds rising for the afternoon form the looks of it. The main ranges a tad more clagged in for longer and a bit more wind so late afternoon a maybe out that side. See TH :)

RB – WWB out of course…

PV – Fresh NW winds with low clouds and chance of rain for most of the day….

Wilderness – The wind just too west and fresh to offer any flying though I notice a slight backing to the SW late late afternoon with enough moderation to maybe be flyable along parts of the coast. Keep an eye on it! ;)

Plett – Remaining strong and very west here all day…

PE and PA – Low clouds around with strong W winds that will back to the SW from mid day and the afternoon. 20kts plus winds all day.

EL – Same as above.

Inland – Still strong westerly winds in most places with rain in the western areas. There is some wave action around the lee of the bigger ranges. 6m/s in the lee of the Cradock ranges today. Else lots of clouds around with base around 5/6k in the interior mostly but lower to the west. Probably still not a flying day even for the propellor thingies. ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:36 and setting at 17:31 – day length 09:55. Slowly creeping towards summer – the days are getting longer! High tide at 8:41, low tide at 14:42, high tide at 20:16. Fresh Westerly winds all day long with the chance of a smidgeon of rain. Perfect to go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 17 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(30 June 2021) 
Day 464 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! So the terrible storm has come and gone – over night. Or has it? The next one is right behind it so no time for breathing for the CT guys as the rainy strong winds continue today with the next front striking home this evening. 30kts plus winds with the 40kt just above our heads. The rest of the country the winds are very strong NW inland with showers in the NW sector of the WC and down to the SW corner but it is dryer by the time the winds get to the GR areas. Some protection here to as the strong winds mostly blow over our heads in the GR with Wilderness very sheltered but of course not flyable. Perhaps a bit more rain on the cards by tomorrow from the next CF. Winds remain NW all the way to the Tropopause for a 100kts in the west but 150kts in the east finish. Freezing level at 6500 in the SW section but 9k in the east. Not a flying day so why not watch the last guys make it home on the Red Bul X Alps before the stop clock. :)

CT – Well, no doubt another coffee and weather watching day ahead. Classic winter weather with one front after the other moving through. The next one making CT early evening. See TH :)

RB – As above.

PV – Still those strong NW winds with base just below MT tops and rain. It will get worse this evening.

Wilderness – Partly cloudy day with the winds strong WNW above our heads and a tad more W along the beach. Some less strong winds on the coast but well, its not flying weather at all. ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness…

PE and PA – The morning low cloud clearing as it moves further out to sea while the strong W winds start to moderate form the west and backs to the SW.

EL – Same as above.

Inland – Those really strong NW winds still dominating with low temps on the higher grounds. Rain in the NW areas but dry to the east. This is the case all day. Still not a flying day so watch the last athletes make it home on the Red Bull X Alps as they jostle for a finish before the end of the clock! ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:36 and setting at 17:31 – day length 09:55. Slowly creeping towards summer – the days are getting longer! High tide at 7:42, low tide at 13:45, high tide at 20:16. On and off strong W to NW winds all day. Perfect to go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 18 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(29 June 2021) 
Day 463 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! So Chrigel Maurer won his 7th consecutive Red Bull X Alps race yesterday in superb maestro fashion. What a performance. :) Today its cold front weather all over the WC as the Cyclonic circulation on the west coast brings rain along the southern and SW regions for most of the day while the winds are NW inland but E to SE along the southern coastal regions. Lots of low cloud around the southern and SW corner parts. Some mid level development in places with an odd chance of rain inland as the strong flowing air runs that tight isobar region in front of the front – 50-75kt at 5k! The winds remain NW all the way to the Tropopause where it does a spectacular 180kts NW finish! Freezing level is up to 9000ft today.

CT – Another coffee day as base remains low around the Peninsula region with rain and a SE surface wind trend. It goes NW quickly though. 30kts NW at TM top and NW to the north. The main ranges the same. See TH :)

RB – As above.

PV – Fresh NW winds with chance of rain. Too strong to fly anyway and terrible for horse riding too.

Wilderness – Cloudy and rainy morning then as the offshore east winds starts to turn more east to ESE it looks like a maybe slight gap for flying at the Map. But a maybe. And as the winds starts to come up more there is a chance  of that low cloud cover moving in too… Most likely a coffee day too…

Plett – Similar to Wilderness…

PE and PA – Low clouds along the entire coast and the light morning winds will make way for the East to NE wind to dominate into the late afternoon.

EL – Same as above.

Inland – Those strong NW prefrontal winds remain to the north with 20-30kts in some places and especially in the west 50-75kts at just 5k! Some mid level instability with the chance of a few showers. It is not a flying day. Another day for not flying so still time to watching those incredible aviation athletes on the Red Bull X Alps as they jostle for second place! ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:36 and setting at 17:31 – day length 09:55. Slowly creeping towards summer – the days are getting longer! High tide at 6:50, low tide at 12:55, high tide at 19:23. Rainy morning with an ESE wind for the afternoon. Perfect to go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 13 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(28 June 2021) 
Day 462 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! Yesterdays performance by Chrigel Maurer was riveting and spectacular. I hope you will be watching that now that most of you are home bound with this level 4 lock down. Yesterday a few hangies managed to fly in the strong NW winds at SH. Here is a pic to celebrate. Todays weather is a spectacular Cold Front that is already in CT and surrounds and will move inland reaching the GR from around mid day. Strong NW to W winds ahead of the rain but going W to SW after the front moves in. No flying to be had anywhere. Rain spreading inland to Sutherland, Prins Albert and other side of Plett. Winds remain NW all the way to the Tropopause for a 160kts finish up there! Freezing level down to 5500ft in a corner section in the SW otherwise rising towards the east. 7500 around the GR.  

CT – Mostly rain with low clouds – tops to 20k! Winds going SW around 15kts. The main ranges the same. Coffee days… ;)

RB – As above.

PV – As above..

Wilderness – Partly cloudy start but it will get worse as the front moves in around mid day. Strong winds all day but a slight moderation in the late afternoon. Sedge spot shows the spike in lift before the cold and rain sets in. Coffee day too…

Plett – Similar to Wilderness…

PE and PA – West winds backing to the SW from mid day. The clouds moving in from 15:00….

EL – A very strong SW gust front moving in late afternoon from 16:00 onwards the line of clouds will accompany this buster.

Inland – Very strong prefrontal NW winds but backing to the W and SW as the front moves in. It will move in about half way across the WC interior during the day. 20/30kts over some of the higher grounds. Def not a day to be flying but spend some time watching those incredible aviation athletes on the Red Bull X Alps! ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:36 and setting at 17:30 – day length 09:55. Slowly creeping towards summer – the days are getting longer! High tide at 6:01, low tide at 12:09, high tide at 18:34. Strong West wind all day with rain in the afternoon. Perfect to go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 18 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(27 June 2021) 
Day 461 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! Its been a while since we have had so much Red Bull X Alps action! Hope you are watching! ;) (Here is the link for those interested - ) Today another CF approaching the WC leaving the usual tightening of the isobars over the area – strong NW almost everywhere with the exception along the southern coasts and the far east. Here the winds will be light onshore trending easterly. In the far east the IOH is doing its thing with fresh NE winds. There is not much in terms of instability over the entire region with around 2k AGL the best thermal lift. Even more stable closer to the coast. Sme wave lift in the lee of the usual hot spots but nothing to write home about (I think I saw 3m/s climbs to only 15k…) ;) Winds remain NW all the way to the Tropopause for a 120kt finish up there. Freezing level up at 9000ft.

CT – A strong NW wind with 20kts below 1000ft. All day. The main ranges even stronger. Looks like clouds moving in in the late afternoon as the next front approaches with rain from the evening. The big stuff from mid night onwards.. See TH

RB – As above.

PV – Some lift to mountain top height but it is too strong up there with 20kt winds running down the ranges.

Wilderness – A weak day – see the Sedge Spot. Very light winds today with foefies I think everywhere. Perhaps a slight chance of something happening that was not forecasted at Sedge around mid day. ;) Otherwise a weak bleak looking day. (Coffee and red bull X Alps watching!)

Plett – The NW around Uppies showing some lift to 4k but of course it is 27kts up there. ;) The ocean air stable stable stable! Keurbooms a maybe but probably too hard from the left.

PE and PA – Offshore winds until mid day then trending more NE in the east. But not strong.

EL – As above but the afternoon seeing strong NE winds along here…

Inland – No clouds around but strong NW winds all over the show. It moderate in the southern areas in the late afternoon but there are still 20kts winds at the top of the mountains. I would rather watch those awesome aviation athletes on the Red Bull X Alps! ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:36 and setting at 17:30 – day length 09:54. The days are now getting longer so it’s all downhill back to summer from here! Low tide at 11:25, high tide at 17:47. Light onshore winds slowly going to the east. Perfect to go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 16 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(26 June 2021) 
Day 460 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! If you are not watching the Red Bull X-Alps race you are not a pilot! Things are heating up in the front and Chrigel is not just having is his way this year. ;) The SAH ridging in along side the CF with a strong westerly flow of cold air all over the WC today. Still rain on and off in most of the coastal areas, especially the western parts. The winds 20-30kts and base between 2/3k along the west and southern parts, rising further inland to 4/5k AGL towards the GE regions. Too strong form the looks of it to fly for the most part and unless you are very lucky it is doubtful you will get any airtime today. Winds remain westerly with a smidgeon of WSW at the Tropopause for a 120kts finish up there. Freezing level down to 6500 in the SW corner today.

CT – A more WNW direction but still breezy with the 20kts from 1000ft upwards. Also rain on and off around the Peninsula with more ODD and rain along the main ranges. Maybe for the hangies at SH of the rain stops long enough… See TH

RB – As above.

PV – lol. Net soos bo! ;)

Wilderness – Strong westerly winds but a bit more WSW late in the afternoon – though it is still looking too strong. But maybe we are lucky! ;) See the wind at TOL wind at Sede!

Plett – Same as Wilderness.

PE and PA – Very strong west to start off with then going SW but very strong all day long with rain on and off…

EL – As above.

Inland – Very strong westerlies all day in the interior with lots of cloud and a small chance of a few showers here and there. IT seems to stick for the day – a day to drink coffee and watch the weather. ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:36 and setting at 17:30 – day length 09:54. The days are now getting longer so it’s all downhill back to summer from here! Low tide at 10:41, high tide at 17:00. Strong westerly winds all day. Perfect to go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 16 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(25 June 2021) 
Day 459 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! The Cold Front into CT this very moment with strong winds and rain, maybe even CB’s too while the usual strong NW winds dominate over the rest of the WC region. The rain is confined mostly to the western areas as the NW wind drives it out to sea before it can get to the eastern parts. So offshore winds with a slight shallow onshore along some of the southern coastal areas – though it is very very shallow. The eastern parts dominated byt the NE winds form the IOH – some cloud that side too. The wind is NW all the way to the Tropopause but for a bit more West in it up there at 130kts. Freezing level down to 7500ft in the western parts.

CT – Looks like wind and rain all day. Coffee time. Lekker man. ;) See RASP TH

RB – As above.

PV – Net soos bo! ;)

Wilderness – lol. I had to include Sedge Spot just for the fun of it. ;) See the wind at TOL!

Plett – Same as Wilderness.

PE and PA – Cloudy and E to NE winds…

EL – As above.

Inland – Strong NW winds all over the show – typical pre-frontal conditions. Nasty to fly in. ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:35 and setting at 17:29 – day length 09:54. The days are now getting longer so it’s all downhill back to summer from here! Low tide at 9:57, high tide at 16:15. Bergwinds today! Perfect to go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 20 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(24 June 2021) 
Day 458 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! A short report today – the IOH dominating the WC weather today as a reprieve between the cold fronts. Light winds in al of the WC today. Lots of cloud and rain in the eastern arts but sunny in the west. Cold air around so some instability and the promise of flying on the cards in most of the popular spots along the south. The winds are generally east trending NE with height up to around 5/6k where it backs to the NW again and picks up with a strong finish at the Tropopause of 135kts! Freezing level down to 6500 in a few spits else its 7500 in general.

CT – Looks like a sweet flying day around the Peninsula with light winds mostly. Instability to just over 2k form the looks of it. The main mountains also looking good with DTK looking sweet. See Spot.

RB – Looks like the right direction but a bit light.

PV – Light W in the valley with climbs to 2k mostly but perhaps a tad more towards the mountain tops..

Wilderness – IT looks like Sedge from mid day onwards working till 15:00. Then maybe a lighter Map late afternoon with conditions perhaps soarable but not toplandable. Sedge showing climbs to 2k at mid day. :) It is a bit wet so perhaps a late start. See the Spot.

Plett – Looks like a short window with chance of rain after that. The coast very light.

PE and PA – Looks like rain on the cards here for most of the day with some SW in the west and more East winds in the east.

EL – As above but perhaps more E to NE dominance later on.

Inland – Surface winds all easterly that trend N with height and then above the inversion it goes NW and is breezy – from 6/8k. Lots of clouds around with rain in the eastern coastal areas.

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:35 and setting at 17:29 – day length 09:54. The days are now getting longer so it’s all downhill back to summer from here! Low tide at 9:11, high tide at 15:28. A cool day with light S winds trending light SE in the afternoon. Perfect to go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 14 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(23 June 2021) 
Day 457 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! The SAH shifting in behind the CF bringing rain along the southern parts and the interior during the course of the day. Winds are westerly mainly but SW along the southern parts and NW in the far eastern interior. Lots of clouds around today with a marked NW to SE line in the interior as the Cold Front moves along to the east. Varying bases but in general pretty high considering. 2/3k in the west and rising towards the east. In the far east there are still some signs of bergwinds as they move into the KZN region. Back home the wind is still pretty breezy, especially inland over the higher grounds. 20kts plus in many spots. It remains westerly in general from 5k upwards all the way to the Tropopause for a 110kt finish up there. Freezing level down to 6500ft in a few spots in the SW areas today but 10k to the east.

CT – Perhaps another coffee, movie and weather watching day. Rain on and off all day. The wind will back to the SW and even S later in the day and a slight clearing in the rain in the late afternoon. The main ranges more OD and rain all day.

RB – As above…

PV – Rain for most of the day here with base at MT top and tops around 10k.

Wilderness – And it cloud just be a great day around mid day – before the rain moves in. SW winds expected with enough in it to make the coastal cliffs flyable but Sedge also showing signs of some good flying around mid day. Sweet. :)

Plett – I think Keurbooms looking up at mi day before the strong stuff comes through. Uppies with a bit of too much wind higher up even if it does look good.

PE and PA – W winds during the morning going variable in the Maitlands bay area until mid day where the SW will start to push through. Might be a window before the strong stuff comes through after lunch. ;)

EL – West starts then variable with a S trend picking up to around 15kts but fresh SW to the West later.

Inland – Strong W winds in the interior all day. Some spots of rain moving in from the west during the day. Probably reaching as far as Sutherland but some spots also along the GE to Graafies. Lots of cloud around so be careful if you venture out there in a propellor thingie…

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:35 and setting at 17:29 – day length 09:53. By a few seconds less than the longest night tonight! It’s all downhill back to summer from here! Low tide at 8:24, high tide at 14:40, low tide at 20:39. Cool day with SW winds and rain in the afternoon. Perfect to go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 16 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(22 June 2021) 
Day 456 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! Today the Cold Front into CT and the surrounds while the Bergwinds have shifted further east. Still the strong NW winds in most places but the GR letting up as the CF moves closer. Rain in the west that will gradually spread to the east from late afternoon into tomorrow. Not much on the cards from a flying point of view – let me rather say there is nothing on the cards from a flying point of view. Lol. Rain and wind taking care of that. I did find some amazing wave action inland near Graafies and BW. The lee of Sutherland producing a monster today going up past 30k with 8m/s climbs! See the graphs. Winds remain NW all the way to 30k then it backs more west for a 115kts finish up at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 8500 over CT but higher to the east.

CT – Another coffee, movie and weather watching day. Rain all day with base around 1k and tops at 12k…

RB – As above…

PV – Rain and strong wind here too…

Wilderness – Still that bergwinds around but not as strong. It will back to the west later in the day with even a shallow onshore flow around the Wilderness corner. But it might be too shallow to fly in. See the TH graph. So be careful if you do.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness.

PE and PA – The bergwinds in full force this side of the country today. All day. ;)

EL – Same as above. Should be super surfing conditions though. ;)

Inland – Strong NW still around but the wave action is what is different today. See the Climb rate graph patterns and Wave cut. 8m/s is not too shabby hey. But only for the very very skilled glider pilot I would guess. Best for the rest of us to watch and drink coffee. ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:35 and setting at 17:28 – day length 09:53. By a few seconds less than the longest night tonight! It’s all downhill back to summer from here! Low tide at 7:35, high tide at 13:50, low tide at 19:47. Bergwinds for the morning then going W to SW later and moderating! Perfect to go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 21 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(21 June 2021) 
Day 455 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! Would you believe that its winter solstice day – the shortest day of the year. So from tonight it is down hill towards summer! ;) Bergwinds bergwinds bergwinds! Strong pressure gradients between the IOH and the Cold Front system to the SW of us with the resulting NW winds. The 40kt level less than 1000ft in many places today. Def not a flying day but I did manage to find some very strong wave lift over the Hexriver valley – over 5m/s climbs but of course even for the sail plane pilots it’s a bit much. Lol. The NW remaining all the way to the Tropopause with a tad more west at the top – 138kts up there! Freezing level still around 11k with the exception of the wave formations – in some spots freezing level up to 15k! (That’s amazing – see spot)

CT – A coffee, movie and weather watching day I think! Even if there is a strong gradient along the CT waterfront with lighter winds it is very strong above your heads. Lol. Strong NW winds all day with the CF cloud reaching CT by sunset. Rain tomorrow morning. See Spot TH.

RB – WWB in full force today!

PV – Not even good for horse riding! :)

Wilderness – Not even good for surfing its so strong offshore! The NW blowing 40kts at less than 1000ft AGL! :)  See Spot.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness.

PE and PA – The bergwinds to the west but dropping off to the east.

EL – Offshore morning but not as strong as the west. Hogsback looking just too strong but further east its seems to be doable with some good winter flying and high climbs. The coast will be NE around 10kts later in the day.

Inland – The whole of the WC interior flooded with super strong NW winds. So only that which fall out of your pocket will be flying today (or at least I hope so!) ;) Some strong wave formations over the higher peaks born out of shear wind strength! ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:35 and setting at 17:28 – day length 09:53. The longest night tonight! Yay! Then its downhill back to summer! Low tide at 6:42, high tide at 12:56, low tide at 18:52. Even stronger bergwinds today! Perfect to go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 28 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(20 June 2021) 
Day 454 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! Well done to Sebastien Kayrouz for his new PG world distance record flight. 613km as the crow flies. 11 hours in the air. Man, that is hardcore! :) One could do that today in SA with the super strong NW bergwinds predicted for all over the show – 30/40kt in some spots today. The big CF setting up to the west of the country while the IOH and LSH holding the fort over the interior while the isobars are tightening up between these two systems over the next few days. Some Q’s around BW at 13k otherwise it’s a blue day. I’ve included the surface temps map this time to show the marked bergwind heating taking place along the coastal areas – classic adiabatic heating and terrible flying conditions. Lol. Winds are NW all the way to around 14k where it backs to the W and then from 20k it goes WSW for a 100kts finish over CT but just 50kts over Knysna. Freezing level still around 11k.

CT – A beautiful start around CT with super calm winds while just above your heads that NW is pocking holes through the walls. It looks like the strong gradient remains all day – but it’s a fris gradient so I would be very careful if you think you could od a foefie at SH! Lol. The main ranges of course also too much strong bergy stuff. See Spot TH.

RB – Northerly here…

PV – Another great day for horse riding! :)

Wilderness – Def a day for going surfing! The offshores staying all day from the looks of it. Notice the TH graph showing the NW blowing 25kts at just 500ft AGL! :)  See Spot.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness.

PE and PA – The bergwinds dominating to the west but there is a slight NE trend to the east.

EL – The morning bergwinds will make way for the NE later in the day

Inland – The higher grounds especially at 20kts plus NW winds. It does moderate a tad towards the central eastern areas but along the southern ranges and the west it is very strong bergwinds stuff. Don’t fly unless you want to scream for your mommy…

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:35 and setting at 17:28 – day length 09:53. The longest night tonight! Yay! Then its downhill back to summer! Low tide at 5:44, high tide at 11:55, low tide at 17:52. Strong bergwinds all day long! Perfect to go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 27 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(19 June 2021) 
Day 453 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! A sweet sweet day on the GR yesterday (And Maitlands offered something too!) but from today it is all changing as a big Cold Front moves towards the WC. And how appropriate as we move into the longest night time of the year. Lol. The IOH moving off to the east while a trough is shaping up ahead of the CF along the west coast. Winds are all northerly except for a shallow E to SE flow along the southern coastal regions. IT gets very breezy around 5k at 20kts plus in most spots with all the higher grounds also up at 20kts. So a steep wind gradient around with the associated shear. No clouds expected and some spots showing some surprising light instability though I think it a bit tricky to fly with the threatening northerlies in most places. Winds go west from 14k with a 40-50kts west finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 12k.  

CT – A clear start with a shallow S flow near the Peninsula. It quickly backs to the N with the far south showing lighter north but rising as we move towards the north. Probably some flying happening at SH and LH though just keep an eye open for some light shear turbulence. Towards the main ranges it is just too much north in it I think to be nice – some big bumps probably around. Lol. See Spot TH.

RB – Northerly here… (See Spot)

PV – Looking stable again with the northerly wind dominating. Perhaps even some NE in it. A brilliant day for horse riding though. :)

Wilderness – A sweet holiday day. But it does not look like there is much chance of flying. Perhaps a foefie or two at Map late in the day. Sedge also very stable but perhaps if you are desperate you could hang out here, you, just in case. ;) And then there is a slight chance of something happening at Buffalo bay. Though it looks like it might just be too light there too. And it gets worse over the next few days. Hhhmmm…. ;) See Spot.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness.

PE and PA – The usual offshore start with strong NW to N trends. It will veer during the day to a ENE winds with up to 15kts in places.

EL – Similar to above.

Inland – Northerlies all over with strong winds over the higher grounds. The northern west coast strong NE offshore flows. A breezy flying day with zero wave index but still some shear mixing so tighten those set belts if you do venture up. ;)

For Wilderness -  Sunrise was at 7:34 and setting at 17:28 – day length 09:53. 1 day to the longest night of the year… Yay! Then its downhill back to summer!  High tide at 10:44, low tide at 16:44. Offshore start this morning remaining northerly until after lunch for a light light SE finish. Perfect to go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 19 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(18 June 2021) 
Day 452 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! A cool flight done by Ross yesterday crossing the ocean from Gerrickes to Myoli beach. Today is looking even better! :) The IOH dominating the WC weather with fairly light winds and a sweet unstable layer around the southern parts left over form the passing Cold Front. Winds are mostly light east to NE with a bit more southerly along the coasts. A few Q’s around the southern parts with climbs in the 2/3k AGL range. Above 10k the wind backs to the S but from 18k it is SW all the way to the Tropopause for a 50kts finish up there. Freezing level around 11k.

CT – A sweet looking day here with a light SE surface flow that quickly backs to the east around 5kt. Instability around 2k. You could fly Africa face today along with most of the usual spots. The main ranges more stable with the East wind stopping play there today. See TH graph.

RB – Just too light to soar but if your timing is on for a thermal… ;)

PV – Also very stable here with the shallow instability layer form the valley not going over 1500ft. All day… Above that it is east. :) See Spot.

Wilderness – Aaaahh a sweet day ahead of us with some amazing flying to be had on the plateau – the trick is to get there. Sedge showing climbs to 1500ft perhaps higher but then just over the back it is up to 2500ft. Some Q’s around too. To top it off it looks like Map could be soarable in the late afternoon as well. So drop the work and go flying today. ;) See Spot.

Plett – and it looks amazing here too - Uppies showing some good flying - maybe today you could get to the Wilderness area... Keurbooms also showing some good stuff for lunchtime. Yippee! ;)

PE and PA – The usual offshore start with light SW to S wind. It goes more pronounce SW to the east. But the rain looks like it might stop the fun/

EL – Similar to above but more SW in the direction – and the rain.

Inland – A light East day with amazing flying to be had all over the show. Some OD conditions around the Graafies BW region but this too should break up after lunch. To the west near the west coast the wind gets a bit stronger with some 15kts spots around. IT is light even with height. Sweet!

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:34 and setting at 17:28 – day length 09:53. 2 days to the longest night of the year… Yay! Then its down hill back to summer!  High tide at 9:26, low tide at 15:30, high tide at 22:00. A S start with a SE end to the day. Perfect to go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 16 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(17 June 2021) 
Day 451 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! What a sweet day at Segd yesterday. Today quite a bit different as the CF is pushing into CT with a fresh westerly trend along the southern coastal areas and slightly less further inland. Rain for the WC corner spreading to the adjacent mountains in places later in the afternoon. Lots of Q’s around with low bases in the west rising to the east with Uniondale around 6/7k. The wind is around 10kts inland but over 20kts from 5k upwards. It is more south of the Outenikwas by quite a bit. The west winds remain all the way till around 10k then it backs to the SW all the way to the Tropopause for a 70kts finish. Freezing level around 10k.  

CT – A real winter day with low clouds and NW wind with rain It backs to the SW in the mid afternoon with a chance of some clearing taking place then. The main ranges all clagged in with rain. You need to go north for some good flying. ;)

RB – As above…. ;)

PV – This is the place for the day. The CF not making it here during the day with DTK also looking sweet. Climbs to 3k or so with sweet thermals and light westerly winds. :) See Spot.

Wilderness – A tricky prefrontal day with probably a strong gradient along the Wilderness coast. Fresh wind out to sea that seems to be going over our heads mostly. Lol. With a bit of luck it will come in and be consistent enough for some dune goon flying along the coast. Sedge looking a bit stable according to the forecasts… Hhhmm…  See Spot.

Plett – Uppies showing a spike of lift to 4k but then the winds at TOF is just terrible… lol. ;)

PE and PA – The usual offshore start but then the W will back to SW with a 15-20kt finish to the day.

EL – Similar to above.

Inland – A light W wind start to the day with some good propellor thingy flying. Some Q’ along the southern ranges with some thermic activity around there. The wind only get strong west above 5k. And rain over the west and then southern ranges late in the afternoon as the front pushes in.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:34 and setting at 17:27 – day length 09:54. A few days left then it’s the longest night of the year. Yay! Then its down hill back to summer!  High tide at 8:12, low tide at 14:17, high tide at 20:51. A W to SW day picking up in the afternoon. Perfect to go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 18 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(16 June 2021) 
Day 450 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! The Cold Front air all over the WC today with a fresh W wind in most places. Lots of cloud around with rain in places – mostly on the bigger mountains. Base from around 1/2k in the SW rising to the north and to the east. Its up at 10k around the GE and Middelburg region. Reasonable thermal in the right place but the wind causing some brokenness. A NW wind along the west coast but it backs to the W along the southern areas with some areas with a SW surface trend. Its breezy with height again with 20kts from the 4k mark and upwards. A 60kts finish from the west while the freezing level still down at 8500 in the south but 10k in the north.

CT – A bit of a wintery start to the day with rain especially over the main mountains. But a chance of some clearing along TM with especially the hangies in with a chance to cruise those 12 Apostles. Might drop to 15kts. The clouds can make it complicated so be careful. (See Spot)

RB – that NW spot could work…. ;)

PV – It does look like it could work even though there is a north trend in the wind. It looks better to the north with some rain and lower cloud to the south. See Spot.

Wilderness – A beautiful start with zero wind in the corner. It will trend light SW around mid day with a chance of some flying at Sedge. I doubt anywhere else will work. Too light for coastal stuff from the looks of it. Perhaps getting to 1k ASL. See Spot.

Plett – Looking worse compared to Wilderness. And Keurbooms looking at too wet. Maybe Piesangs…? ;)

PE and PA – The usual offshore start the a sweet SW settling for the day. Maybe up to 15kts at the most.

EL – Similar to PE and PA.

Inland – Strong NW winds to start off with but it will go West from late morning onwards. Breezy with some 20kt spots. Lots of clouds around with a chance of rain along especially the western and southern ranges.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:33 and setting at 17:27 – day length 09:54. I few days left then it’s the longest night of the year…  High tide at 7:09, low tide at 13:15, high tide at 19:48. A light onshore day expected. Perfect to go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 16 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(15 June 2021) 
Day 449 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! A sweet Map day yesterday for a lucky few. :) Today a strong trough line shaping up between the cooler air from that Cyclonic circulation along the west coast and the warmer inland air from the NNW causing some strong rain and CB activity. These will be in a NW SE line running across the WC interior, spreading to the southern WC ranges. Winds are NW in most place today with a few coastal low lying sheltered area but this layer will be very shallow. A strong NW in the lower layers with 30kts from just 1500ft upwards. Temps in the west low to mid teens but to the north and east it is all low to mid twenties. Not the nest flying conditions. Wind remains NW all the way to the Tropopause for a 80kt finish. Freezing level down to 8/9k in the west from the CF inflow.

CT – A fresh NW day with some fog patches over the ocean. Depending these it could be a good SH and LH soaring day. Rain mostly on the main ranges but here the wind is looking too strong for flying. (See Spot)

RB – I would open that NW launch again if I were you guys…

PV – Too North, too strong and chance of rain…

Wilderness – Looks like deep developments to wards the NW that can bring rain to the area. Fresh to strong NW winds on the cards all day. The shallow W to SW form the ocean looking paper thin today… lol. See Spot TH.

Plett – Same as Wilderness ;)

PE and PA – The rain not getting here it seems. Winds are offshore with a NW trend. Slight W later on. Nothing strong by the looks of it except far to the east where the NE shows up.

EL – Light offshores then later in the day the NE starts to dominate.

Inland – Strong NW winds and even stronger just a tad above the ground today! ;) CB and rain in the convergence line from the CF influence to the west and the warmer NNW flow from inland. The line is NW to SE across a wide stretch from Springbok down to Plett. Not the best day to venture out there…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:33 and setting at 17:27 – day length 09:54. Something still feels so bad about seeing less than 10 hours day light time…  High tide at 6:18, low tide at 12:24, high tide at 18:55. A Nw wind dominating for most of the day. Perfect to go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 19 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(14 June 2021) 
Day 448 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! Some sweet coastal flying along the GR yesterday for a lucky few. Today the tussle between the LSH/IOH and the CF on the west still ongoing with rain moving in by tonight along the western parts. The flow is SE along the central southern coast but SW to the east and a shallow SW along the southern west areas. But the trend just above our heads are NE then an abrupt backing the usual NW from around 4/5k upwards. Its breezy up there with the high spots still close to 20kts along the GE. Some sweet instability along the southern parts in a shallow layer – even some good looking Q’s over some of the southern ranges. It is better to the east but gets lower to the west. A few fog patches along the west coast still roaming about. And a NW 100kts finish at the Tropopause while the Freezing level still around 12k though .

CT – A light wind day with a wind-shadow around the SH area. Looks like instability up to TM height in the right spot though depending on those fag patches. ;) The main ranges looking sweet in the late afternoon when the W gets a bit more deeper. Even FH could work later in the day but earlier the southerly flow is dominant here. (See Spot)

RB – Its still NFG here!

PV – The instability layer too shallow today with the MT wind too north. Light winds in the valley. See Spot

Wilderness – A light wind morning with a slight SE trend form mid day onwards. Map could be flyable from mid day on but probably not toplandable. Sedge is showing some instability to 1000ft but the wind will be very east side on. It does seem like it could work. :) I think a cool flying day ahead of us.

Plett – Not as promising as Wilderness I think with weak low climbs at Uppies. And very east at Keurbooms. ;)

PE and PA – Again those offshore starts but then a light SW will settle in for the day form PE and westwards.

EL – SW winds here…

Inland – NW trends everywhere except in the southern parts where there is an easterly to NE flow. It looks like a blue day except in the far southern coastal parts. 20kts on the high spots. From 5k upwards its very breezy NW.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:33 and setting at 17:27 – day length 09:54. Something still feels so bad about seeing less than 10 hours day light time…  High tide at 5:34, low tide at 11:42, high tide at 18:10. A light SE breeze for most of the day. Perfect to go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 17 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(13 June 2021) 
Day 447 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! A large CF system to the west of the country while a sweeping tail nudges in along the SW corners with some chance of light rain around CT area. Winds are Nw in general along the west but more SW along the southern coastal parts. Lots of cloud along the west and parts of the Overberg but it clears towards the GR areas. A shallow instability layer around from the Cf influence with a chance of some flying on the cards. Towards the GR the winds are more SW but perhaps a tad W just above our heads. Further inland there is some good spots around along the GE with 10k climbs and some good looking Q’s on the cards out there. The wind is decidedly NW  and finishes with breezy stuff up there – west at 120kts up at the Tropopause! Freezing level along the west is 14k but 11k in the east.

CT – A bit breezy and perhaps rainy with low cloud during the course of the morning – 1k base with 5k tops. A maybe chance for the afternoon for some clearing and flying to happen, The main ranges perhaps better missing a lot of the moisture it seems with a NW trend out there. (See Spot)

RB – WWB is happening!

PV – It is looking sweet for winter I think with climbs to 3k. Some cloud around with base around MT top height. NW wind with 1.5m climbs to base. Around 10kts up there. ;)

Wilderness – A more breezy WSW day so a chance of the ocean cliffs working but also out to Sedge things could be good. Perhaps a tad too much west in it for things to be really excellent but it could be a flying day none the less.

Plett – I think it has too much west in it here to be worth it but you don’t go you wont know for sure! ;)

PE and PA – Offshore starts but the SW will settle in for the day form PE and westwards. The wind goes NE to the east of PE and PA areas.

EL – NE winds here…

Inland – More breezy spots form the NW especially over the GE and other higher spots. Some good looking Q’s over the bigger mountains. 20kts plus on the high spots. It a breezy day…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:32 and setting at 17:27 – day length 09:55. Something feels so bad about seeing less than 10 hours day light time…  Low tide at 11:06, high tide at 17:31. A light WSW breeze for most of the day and it might be more in the afternoon. Perfect to go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 17 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(12 June 2021) 
Day 446 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! A short report today because there is not much to report! The inland High (a rather large LSH system) dominating the entire country with war dry airmass – loads of subsidence in the SW areas with stable conditions today. No clouds expected but for some fog patches around the west and parts of the southern coast. There is a light shallow coastal sea breeze layer along the southern coastal regions. Nothing to write home about at all. NW interior winds with a very strong gradient in most places. Light on the surface but increasing in strength for around 20kts at 3k and 30kts at 5k. The higher ranges with some stronger mixing taking place so some spots probably OK but others could be a bit bumpy. This is the pattern of the day. Wind remain NW with hight but nearing the Tropopause it backs to the west for a 100kts finish up there. Freezing level around 12k everywhere.

CT – Those fog patches still around and if they clear it could be ok for flying around SH and LH. Might be fresh higher up but if you stay low it could be ok. The main mountains looking very stable with no lift on any of the forecasts. Strong winds from 2/3k upwards NW trend.

RB – WWB is out in full strength today.

PV – Stable and brilliant day for horse riding. Shallow light W but N above that. ;)

Wilderness – another very weak day with no lift on any of the forecast models. And the wind is light so no ridge soaring either. Hhhmmm… Du Toits and the inland sites showing similar trends.

Plett – Same as Wilderness today…

PE and PA – After the morning offshores the wind trends SW all along the coastline here.

EL – More SW winds here…

Inland – Less wind than yesterday but still some 20kts over the higher peaks around. A sweet day but perhaps not the best for flying. Looks like a steep wind gradient with 20kts from the 3/4k level upwards…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:32 and setting at 17:27 – day length 09:55. Something feels so bad about seeing less than 10 hours day light time…  Low tide at 10:32, high tide at 16:56. Another light onshore wind day with lots of high clouds. Perfect to go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 18 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(11 June 2021) 
Day 445 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! A sweet pic from Rouberre’s cool XC flight from Du Toits farm day before yesterday to wet your appetites. Today the LH combined with the IOH standing its ground halting the CF infiltrations. The southern coastal region Col filling in so a tad more windy with a NW trend in it. Less clouds inland but still pretty foggy around the southern coastal areas. Less so on the west coast and CT area. The sweet instability from yesterday fading away so a more stable day – combined with more wind making for not great soaring stuff. Broken climbs round to MT height on the higher spots and much less in the flats. Perhaps one could squeeze out a flight at PV today in the NW flow predicted for the area. Otherwise 20kts over the higher inland spots, a slight moderation into the late afternoon. 20kts from 3/4k upwards NW in most places. The wind remains W all the way to around 30k then backs to the WSW for a 40kts finish up there. Freezing level 14k along the west but 12k in the east.

CT – A more tricky day – NE flows in the morning but it will back to the N and then NW in general. A shallow layer going W around SH area. Up to 15kts so it could be a 12 Apostle day for the hangies or brave PG’s. ;) That is if you can negotiate the shallow bottom layer. The main ranges not that good with weak stuff at DTK with a breezy top layer so not the best day out there.

RB – WWB is out in full strength today.

PV – There could be a good spell around mid day if it were not for the strong upper winds – 20kts at the TOL! Lol. (See Spot) ;)

Wilderness – A weak day yesterday and even more so today. Some coastal fog around so not a good day for flying. Even going north is not so good as the upper flow is forecasted to be breezy with 20kts from 3/4k upwards. (See Spots)

Plett – Same as Wilderness today…

PE and PA – A fresh offshore for the morning but then it trend to the NE. The further east the stronger the NE wind.

EL – Offshore morning going fresh NE…

Inland – A breezy day today with 20kts over the tops of the higher mountains. No clouds expected except some around Middelburg and eastwards from there. Not the best day for flying out there with more shear and weak thermals around.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:32 and setting at 17:27 – day length 09:55. Something feels so bad about seeing less than 10 hours day light time…  Low tide at 01:00, high tide at 16:22. Another light onshore wind all day to day Perfect to go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 21 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(10 June 2021) 
Day 444 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! Sweet flying everywhere yesterday with today perhaps more of the same! Sweet TM flying (thanks for the pics Wj!) while Rouberre did a nice little XC from Du Toits and a few locals had almost 2 hours of airtime at Sedgefield. The slack col area still around along the Southern parts of the WC with light northerlies inland and light sea breezes along the coast. Still some fog patches around along the southern parts, especially around the Overberg region. Less Q’s inland with most of the good clouds along the GE areas and northwards. Some good flying inland with light climbs to 6k along the southern mountains and then to 9/10k further inland from there. A tad more wind along the northern west coast areas with a NE flow here but otherwise it is all less than 10kts. The wind backs to the NW around 15k then keeps going for a 40kt west finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 12/13k along the west but 9k in the east.

CT – Another sweet day with more light winds around. Still some of those fog patches around but it should clear mostly. Perhaps the wind a touch more form the south lower down but at TM height it is still NE and light so Africa face might be doable again. The main ranges looking really good with some good climbs to 6k around DTK – light winds but a NE upper flow form the looks of it.

RB – Again too light today.

PV – There is a N to NE trend at mountain top height but lower down a NW flow. If you can get off it is looking really good with climbs to 6k. (See Spot) ;)

Wilderness – Another light onshore sea breeze flows today with a smidgeon of lift at Serps and Sedge. Perhaps up to 700ft again. Du Toits Farm is still looking like the spot for today – so if you can get there do it. (Remember to pull out at 6k for the Air Space limit!) ;) (See Spots)

Plett – There is an exciting short window that show climbs to 6k at Uppies – if anyone would like to take up the challenge… Otherwise light sea breeze…

PE and PA – The usual light offshore start with light east during the day that will go more NE later on and pickup to around 10kts.

EL – More NE trend from earlier on here…

Inland – Another amazing day of flying ahead out there with sweet thermals to 6k over the Outenikwas and more further inland. Du Toits looking great again with the light N winds. Lots of Q’s around the GE and northwards. Again a good day to go flying anything. (See Q’s map.)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:31 and setting at 17:27 – day length 09:56. Something feels so bad about seeing less than 10 hours day light time…  Low tide at 9:30, high tide at 15:50. Another light onshore wind all day to day Perfect to go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 19 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(9 June 2021) 
Day 443 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! A sweet col region around the Southern parts with light winds in most areas today. The wind does trend to the north in general except along the coasts where the sea breezes will bring in a slight onshore flow. Some instability around especially over the larger mountain ranges with the CB and Outenikwas showing some good climbs to 7k. Loads of Q’s around which will help indicate the best spots. Some rain in the far far northern interior and light stuff to the south of the Overberg out at sea. Perhaps a spot or two of coastal fog along the southern and CT coast line too. The wind is northerly up to 18k where it turns S to SW for a 20/30kts SW finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level 12k in the west but 9k in the east.

CT – A super cool light wind day here with some coastal fog. Perhaps a slight SW flow along the SH region of up to 10kts. But in general light winds so it could be good again to fly Africa face or 12 Apostles or some of the other spots. DTK along the main ranges is also showing some fun flying (See spot). And FH super light too. Looks like the sea breeze is capping the lift at SLP though for a low 1000’ if you are lucky…

RB – Too light today.

PV – Light variable flows in the valley with super light lift on the cards. It still trends N to NE with height. I would probably trend to getting out that saddle for a good horse ride! ;)

Wilderness – Light onshore sea breeze flows today with a smidgeon of lift at Serps and Sedge. Perhaps up to 700ft. lol. But the exciting spot looks to be DuToits Farm! Sweet climbs to 7500ft on the cards – (Remember to pull out at 6k for the Air Space limit!) ;) (See Spots)

Plett – There is an exciting short window that show climbs to 4k at Uppies – if anyone would like to take up the challenge… Otherwise light sea breeze…

PE and PA – Light offshore flows to start the dy but trending to a light SW and S wind later on.

EL – Same as above.

Inland – A sweet sweet day of flying inland with lots of Q’s around. Some are pretty high with 8/9k bases for this time of year. A general light N to NE flow so you can fly almost anything today for fun. (See Q’s map.)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:31 and setting at 17:27 – day length 09:56. Something feels so bad about seeing less than 10 hours day light time…  Low tide at 9:00, high tide at 15:19. A light onshore wind all day to day Perfect to go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 18 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(8 June 2021) 
Day 442 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! The Cold Front making an unusual landfall along the northern west coast with rain up there and into the interior. But it does not make it down to the SW and southern parts of the WC. Winds are still northerly in general but not as strong as yesterday. More clouds around in the interior form the CF action. The LSH and IOH still dominating in the central and southern eastern regions. Winds in the mering along the southern parts all offshores but then trending NE in the east and some light shallow onshore stuff in the south. A complicated upper airflow with south over CT and NW over Knysna the stronger region of 60kts at the Tropopause near Springbok! Freezing level at 11k in the south but up north around the CF region its down to 8500.

CT – Again Northerlies with a NW variation at lunchtime. Strong gradient present so perhaps not the best combination for flying. 20kts from 1k upwards so probably still too strong to fly.

RB – Sam as above.

PV – Also the northerlies still around here but more clouds with chance of rain in the afternoon – especially to the north. Base around 4/5k with tops at 11/12. A cooler horse riding day at least. ;)

Wilderness – Northerlies during the morning but the cool onshore breeze from late morning (or earlier I see on some forecasts) with that shallow oscillation of onshore then offshore happening during the day. Its 20ts at 1500’. But then we need to work on that northerly launch at Sedge! See the Spot forecast! Lol. We could be high and smiling today… :)

Plett – Northerlies all day here (Similar to Wilderness…)

PE and PA – Offshores during the morning trending to the NNE then NE later on. This pattern is stronger to the east but above it is still that upper Northerly dominance…

EL – More NE dominance during the day.

Inland – Again very strong Northerly winds specially over the high grounds. The cold front bringing rain in the north western parts. It will spread to the east and some spots towards the south. Not the best day for flying. (See Q’s map.)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:30 and setting at 17:27 – day length 09:56. Something feels so bad about seeing less than 10 hours day light time…  Low tide at 8:30, high tide at 14:47 and low tide at 20:35. Some northerlies mixed in with southerlies in cycles all day! Perfect to go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 23 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(7 June 2021) 
Day 441 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! No flying yesterday for what I heard and today looking even worse. Very strong Northerlies everywhere with the exception of a few sheltered regions along the coast – but this flow is very shallow, 500ft or less. Some NE trend in the far East but still going north just above that. The isobars really tightening up between the LSH (combined with the IOH) and the approaching CF that is very north along the west coast. This CF will move into the interior first before reaching CT tomorrow but not at all the southern coastal parts. Winds today are 30kts or more from 1/2k upwards but surprisingly only up to around 50kts at the Tropopause NW. Freezing level still around 11/13k.

CT – A pressure gradient ahead of TM on the north side but otherwise very strong Northerlies – 20-30kts form 1k already. See RB TH graphs. Not a flying day.

RB – Sam as above.

PV – And more of the same – might even be  a scary horse riding day. :)

Wilderness – Even stronger than yesterday Northerly winds. All day.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness…

PE and PA – Again the start of the IOH NE winds. They increase to the east but still that upper Northerly dominance…

EL – Similar to PE.

Inland – All very strong Northerly winds except for the far eastern areas where there actuall will be some Q’s. The wind here might be more manageable – 15-20kts. Lol (See Q’s map.)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:30 and setting at 17:27 – day length 09:58. Something feels so bad about seeing less than 10 hours day light time…  Low tide at 8:00, high tide at 14:14 and low tide at 20:03. Strong Northerlies all day! Perfect to go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 24 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(6 June 2021) 
Day 440 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! The Du Toits sortie from yesterday less exciting than expected but the CT guys had an epic at TM. Today its strong northerlies everywhere as those isobars tighten with the approach of the next CF over then next few days. Some instability further inland but the coastal regions very stable as the warm northerlies over flows the cooler regions. Its very breezy with a strong gradient so expect some shear in the first few thousand feet near the ground. Its close to 30kts at 2k AGL in many places. No clouds around and so we don’t expect much flying either. Even for the propellor thingies. ;) Wind remains northerly till around 15k then it backs to the W and then SW for a 30kts finish at the tropopause. Freezing level still around 11k.

CT – Fresh bergwinds today with those northerlies doing 20-30kts around 2k AGL. Good for ground handling training in a few spots though. ;) (See TH)

RB – I would not even fly the north side of RB even if it were allowed! lol

PV – All so dominating Northerlies – fresh and scary! Def a horse riding day. :)

Wilderness – Those northerlies continue to blow all day – the afternoon it might be just above our heads a s a shallow variable sea breeze moves in. Be careful if you fly in it. There could be some unexpected speed bumps. ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness…

PE and PA – PE the start of the IOH NE winds. To the east they increase. Ut there is still the upper Northerly dominance…

EL – Similar to PE.

Inland – Some stronger winds over the tops of the SB ranges but in general a light moderate NNE wind day. The north is deep all the way up to 15k. A great Du Toits flying day.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:29 and setting at 17:27 – day length 09:58. Something feels so bad about seeing less than 10 hours day light time…  Low tide was at 7:28, high tide is at 13:38 and low tide at 19:28. A light SE wind day. A fresh offshore morning but then some variable flows around after that. Perfect to go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 20 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(5 June 2021) 
Day 439 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! Another sweet Sedgefield day yesterday. Today the IOH dominating over the entire country – a CF to the south of us but kept offshore by the Northerly winds – this one will not make landfall at all. A SE trend along the southern parts but light N to NE inland with marked NE winds along the west coast. A fairly stable day with no clouds expected anywhere. Further inland some thermal activity but confined to the higher ranges and from SB and northwards. Perhaps some light activity around the north side of the Outenikwas too. Winds are NNE but then from around 15k it goes SSW with a 20kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 11k.

CT – A light variable wind day but east at CP. A shallow SW flow trending form mid day around SH. It is all very light stuff so probably a sweet day here. The main mountains with the upper northerly trend but FH is looking to be the most promising spots with a NW flow up to around 3k. (See TH)

RB – Too light for anything but a braai I think. :)

PV – Stable as a horse house. NE uppers with light shallow variable lower layer. A great horse riding day. :)

Wilderness – The Map looking lighter than yesterday so not a soarable day I think. But Gerrickes point maybe and def Buffs! Sedge very stable with the east flow above our heads. A doubtful day there I think with climbs to 500ft ASL. Def a day to go to Du Toits Farm with a sweet 10kts of NNE wind all day long. Maybe mid light climbs to 4500ft. But it looks like one of those days that you will fly till sunset in the smoothest sweetest air imaginable. Go if you can.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness…

PE and PA – Again the offshore start then the eats will take over and end up very strong at the end of day.

EL – Similar to PE.

Inland – Some stronger winds over the tops of the SB ranges but in general a light moderate NNE wind day. The north is deep all the way up to 15k. A great Du Toits flying day.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:29 and setting at 17:28 – day length 09:59. Can you believe we are less than 10 hours of day light now.  Low tide was at 6:50, high tide is at 12:58 and low tide at 18:49. A light SE wind day. Perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature around 18 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(4 June 2021) 
Day 438 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! What a sweet day at Map yesterday. Amazing! :) Today the SAH shaping up with a ridge along the southern parts – light onshore flows expected in most spots except the southern Peninsula where the SE will be active. Light instability in a very shallow layer almost everywhere with few spots going over 1k AGL. IT is better in the east with the west very stable. Inland the winds back from S to E with offshore flows along the west coast. No clouds expected today. The wind veering from SE to S and then to the SW progressively so that the SW is settled from 14k upwards. 70kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 10k.

CT – A shallow SE presence today but above it remains east. Some 15kt spots in the afternoon around the Peninsula except the south where it will be 20kts. 1k instability otherwise a big wind-shadow day all day long. The main mountains with too much East flow to be worth it. And stable. A propellor day perhaps.

RB – There is some southerly on the cards but if it will get to soaring strength remains the question. A close call…

PV – Shallow S to SW winds but east above that. Not even PB looking good. Weak climbs to a few hundred feet AGL. A great horse riding day. :)

Wilderness – A light onshore day with weak lift at Serps and Sedge. Sedge probably the place to hang out around mid day. Always a good chance of something stronger than forecasted coming through. ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness…

PE and PA – Offshore start then turning to the SW with light winds all day.

EL – Similar to PE but once again stronger with the SW winds…

Inland – A sweet day for flying inland with light southerly winds trending to the east in the western interior. Perhaps the day to go for sweet soaring along the mountains at SB! Winds remain light S up to 8k…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:28 and setting at 17:28 – day length 10:00. Still stuck on 1 hours… lol Low tide was at 6:04, high tide is at 12:09 and low tide at 18:02. A cool light wind onshore day. Perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature a chilli 15 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(3 June 2021) 
Day 437 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! Another sweet hour of soaring at Sedge yesterday with a big change today. For starters it is only 10 hours of day light hours. Hhhmm… The SAH shifting into the IOH position with a decidedly easterly flow pattern over the entire WC. It is a deep flow with the wind going to southerly only at 10k and upwards. The east is unstable but the west coast not – seems that there is just not enough surface heating to break the stability. Lots of Q’s along the SE parts but dry offshore in the west. Base pretty high around the GR at 4k plus. The inland flow all easterlies. A chance of rain in the eastern coastal regions with the onshore flow there. The wind from 10k upwards remains southerly to the Tropopause for a 60kts finish. Freezing level around 11k but inland of EL it is 6k (Those snow on the DB!)

CT – Fresh SE around CP but the rest of the Peninsula with light variable winds – perhaps a slight easterly trend. Fresh east in some places along the main mountains. So SH should be doable with the “wind-shadow” The wind does seem to curl around the Peninsula to here from the strong Easts at CP.

RB – NFG today with the light stuff…

PV – A stable day with maybe maybe something popping off to maintain top height. Else its east above. It is a def a PB morning but form lunchtime a surface SE trend going S later in the day. Perhaps up to 10kts.

Wilderness – We some surprisingly unstable air out there and if you could get off inland somewhere it could be lekker. ;) Along the coast the SE will pickup to sweet soarable strengths in the afternoon – Map could even be blow out! My choice would be to camp there from 12 onwards… ;)

Plett – Lighter SE winds with Uppies showing similarly high climbs and instability.

PE and PA – Southerly winds with some showers increasing to the east. It moderates later in the day.

EL – Similar to PE but stronger S to SW winds remaining fresh into the afternoon.

Inland – The east winds far into the interior. Some sweet looking Q’s but most will burn off after lunchtime. Around 10kts east mostly. Du Toits side on winds but perhaps you could get off in a thermal and get up. ;) Climbs to around 5k doable.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:28 and setting at 17:28 – day length 10:00. Its just 10 hours of day light time – def a sign of winter! ;) High tide is at 11:02, low tide at 17:02. A SE day becoming strong in the afternoon. Perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature a cool 17 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(2 June 2021) 
Day 436 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! So yesterdays rain making the flying conditions appear only very late in the afternoon but at least we got some airtime! ;) Today another CF on its wat bring rain to the SW coastal areas at end of day. Winds are S to SW with a SE trend in the west and northern interior. The convection depth is shallow with around 1-3k AGL at most (that’s further inland near the GE areas) otherwise a slow weak day with probably some pleasant flying in most areas. The Peninsula with some pretty breezy SE winds though. Winds go westerly above the southerly flow from around 5k upwards with a 60kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 10k

CT – A fresh to strong SE flow but there are signs for the wind-shadow sticking around for a while. Maybe eroding later in the afternoon. The main mountains also with that SE flow so probably not flyable – maybe Paarl Rock? ;)

RB – If you are not there already you are missing out. Looking like a an excellent soaring day here with a slight chance of getting blown out in the afternoon. But with a bit of luck it could be one of those days with a sunset cruise at the end of it. ;)

PV – A very southerly day with weak lift. Not even going above the mountain tops. So probably best left for horse riding… ;)

Wilderness – A lighter SW wind day with some sweet climbs on the cards for Sedgefield. Maybe Serps also – best times from 11/11:30 till around 14:30 maybe 15:00. Perhaps just a tad over 1k. The coast looking a little weak but there is a chance of something soarable popping in during the morning along the coast. And then the rain will move in late afternoon… lol

Plett – A sweet pop in the lift around lunchtime with climbs to 3500’. If you are not working it might be worth trying to get into one of those. Keurbooms is also looking promising from mid day for an hour or two. ;)

PE and PA – Breezy SW winds with chance of rain mostly to the east, most probably in the afternoon.

EL – Similar to PE but chance of more rain.

Inland – Southerly winds trending more SE in the west and central northern interior. Some clouds around the Overberg region and very few in the southern areas but loads in the east. It’s a great prop flying day with thermals on the weak side and low climbs. Maybe SB pass could be very flyable today too. ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:27 and setting at 17:28 – day length 10:01. Its just 10 hours of day light time – def a sign of winter! ;) High tide is at 9:38, low tide at 15:48. A light SW wind all day. Perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature a cool 16 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(1 June 2021) 
Day 435 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! We are celebrating the first day of winter! And it looks like another sweet flying day. (Yesterday was a playpark along the Wilderness cliffs) :) The SAH pushing in that CF air all over the country – snow falls on the Drakensberg with a spot of rain along the southern parts of the WC. Lots of cloud around with base varying from 2/3k along the coastal plains to 6/7k in the interior. Winds are all SW to Southerly with a smidgeon of SE around the SW parts of the WC. The winds go due south from around the 6/7k and remains southerly all the way to the Tropopause for a 60kts finish up there. Freeing level at 10k in the west but 7500 in the east.

CT – Partly cloudy with SE winds pretty light to moderate with a chance of a wind-shadow shaping up even if the SE is fairly deep – all the way up to cloud base which should rise to just above the TM tops. The main mountains with a shallow SSW trend but the upper flow is SE around 5-10kts. IF you could get up it could be a flight to the north. There will be a marked west coast sea breeze front around mid day – if only… ;)

RB – The right direction for sure but probably frustratingly light. Though with some thermal cycles it could just be enough to get you up. Perhaps you could drift towards that sea breeze convergence… ;)

PV – There could be some fun flying with the lower SW trend but it is more southerly at the top. Climbs to mountain tops on the cards…

Wilderness – Again a westerly start, sticking around for a while with the SW popping through from after 11 only. The ocean cliffs should be sweet for a few hours – even PR looking good. Sedge perhaps in the mid afternoon but it is not as promising as it was from yesterdays forecast. I suggest getting out and flying at lunchtime at the very least! ;) Oh, before a forget, there is a slight chance of rain that might want to spoil things… lol

Plett – Again looking to be too much west in it all day but the sky is looking great with climbs at Uppies to 3k…

PE and PA – Breezy SW winds with rain, most probably in the afternoon.

EL – Similar to PE.

Inland – The SW perhaps more in the south then trending southerly further inland. Some beautiful looking skies around with Q’s popping at sweet heights, especially around the GE. There is a chance of rain along the southern ranges but this gets less towards the north. Some 20kts winds over the top of the SB ranges otherwise 10kts in general.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:26 and setting at 17:28 – day length 10:02. High tide was at 8:17, low tide is at 14:30, high tide again at 21:01. Another moderate SW wind tapering off in the late afternoon. Perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature a cool 16 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(31 May 2021) 
Day 434 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! What a beautiful day of flying at Sedgefield yesterday. Today the CF being pushed into the WC by the dominant SAH – winds are W to SW in general. Rain in the west and some along the southern parts. Cloud base ranging from 2k near the coast and first ranges rising inland to 5-6k further inland but 12k in the prefrontal conditions around Victoria West and Graafies area (the trough region) which is looking sweet for this time of the year. Winds remain SW going southerly from 14k all the way to the Tropopause for 100kts finish up there (Actually I include the upper flow pattern which is unusual – S over CT but W over Plett at 30kts.) and then freezing level down to 7k with a few spots perhaps down to 6500.

CT – A rainy day with SW winds. The afternoon looks like perhaps some clearing and a chance of flying. Especially along the Peninsula but the main mountains probably more OD and chance of rain. 10-15kts so verry flyable if it is clear.

RB – OMG! ;)

PV – A bit of light variable winds in the morning with the W going more Southerly later on. Looks like a small break that could be flyable otherwise clouds are too low and rain.

Wilderness – Westerly start that might go SW from around 10/11 with a possible flying window between then and 15:00. The wind goes very W even NW later on. A chance of rain so that can complicate things a bit more though the forecasts seems to show the rain should pop in later on. ;)

Plett – Too much west in it today and very breezy for anything to work form the looks of things.

PE and PA – PE showing the SW wind moving in lightly but from PA and eastwards the wind is NE.

EL – The NE wind dominating here all day long.

Inland – Starting light wind but picking up fresh to strong in places W to SW winds. The west is very cloudy and rainy. The east with high bases and good soaring conditions. Hhhhmmm… wish I was there! ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:26 and setting at 17:29 – day length 10:03. High tide was at 7:10, low tide is at 13:22, high tide again at 19:51. A moderate SW wind all day – a slight chance of rain. Perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature a cool 16 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(30 May 2021) 
Day 433 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! A beautiful day in between the frontal movements today. Flying on the cards just about everywhere so drop what you doing and head out for some winter fun! :) Some clouds around in the south and SW parts, base around 3-6k over the back mountains. Some smooth light but sweet climbs around with light winds – a general NW in the west trending more N towards the central and southern interior while a Southerly is present along the southern coastal areas. Late afternoon that goes more ESE. The wind remain light all the way up to 15k where it goes West and picks up with a 80-100kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level up at 10k

CT – A light N start but around mid day it will settle into a sweet NW around 5-10kts. A great 12 Apostle day I think. The main mountains also offering some flying with 3/4k climbs and a light to moderate NW flow.

RB – Haha… ;)

PV – The wind goes N above the inversion which is light from around 2/3k and upwards. Below that a sweet westerly breeze mostly. It gets better towards the south…

Wilderness – A light southerly wind starting from around 10/11 this morning. It will trend more SE after lunchtime onwards. Map is looking very light all day long. Perhaps a soaring spot at mid day. Sedge even though it is side on is looking better around mid day. Climbs to just over 1k. It is east up there but light. Def a fly day! ;)

Plett – Ooohh even Keurbooms looking good at lunchtime. Uppies showing beautiful Q’s around mid day so its looking worth a visit even if it is more SE in the wind…

PE and PA – light offshores going light onshore mostly but its fresh SW to the east.

EL – A SW trend for most of the day...

Inland – Very light winds inland so it’s a cracker of a flying day, It trends N and then NW in the west. The Q’s confined to the southern ranges mostly. Sweet flying day indeed. ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:25 and setting at 17:29 – day length 10:04. High tide was at 6:14, low tide is at 12:26, high tide again at 18:51. A light southerly to SE wind day. Perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature a cool 15 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(29 May 2021) 
Day 432 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! A weak SAH helping to nudge the frontal movement of westerly flowing air onto the WC. Strong WSW winds in general with rain, especially in the west, clearing towards the east. Lots of clouds around with base ranging from 2k to 6k in the central interior. Winds around 10-15kts inland but 20kts plus on the coast. The winds remain WSW all the way up to the Tropopause for a 120kts finish. Freezing level down to 7500’ in parts of the south.

CT – WSW winds around 15kts with 20kts from 2k upwards. Lots of low clouds form the SW so perhaps a flying spot here and there in between the rain. The main mountains not that great.

RB – Hehe… ;)

PV – Also rain and low clouds with SW to S winds all day. 2k base with 8k tops.

Wilderness – WSW winds with a smidgeon of SW in the corner form the looks of things between 10 and 11. I would be ready from 9 onwards because it is looking dismal from mid day and later with stronger winds and rain. Look at Sedge winds at TOL! ;)

Plett – Just too strong and too west all day…

PE and PA – Fresh SW winds all day with a spot of rain now and then.

EL – Same as above.

Inland – Further north it does clear with higher bases and slightly less winds – still a W direction. The south very strong with 20kts in a few spots and of course the rain showers passing through from time to time – most likely in the west and closer to the coastal ranges.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:25 and setting at 17:29 – day length 10:05. High tide was at 5:25, low tide is at 11:37, high tide again at 17:59. A very windy west wind with rain in the afternoon. Perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature a sweet 17 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(28 May 2021) 
Day 431 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! And would you believe, another great afternoon yesterday at Sedge for a few lucky pilots. Today the CF settled in CT and the west with very strong westerly winds over the entire WC. Rain in the western parts for most of the day with some spread in the interior. Looks like from the GR and eastwards it is remaining relatively clear of rain. Some clouds around, low base in the west, rising progressively to the east – some sweet high bases in the interior and eastwards but of course those winds just too strong to head out and fly! ;) Looks like a slight chance of flying in the sheltered corner of Wilderness today. Winds are west, backing to the SW with height for a 80-100kt finish at the Tropopause.

CT – Hhhmmm… Rain and strong NW to W winds all day.

RB – Ai… ;)

PV – Also rain and low clouds all day. Some open spots in the afternoon and to the north but probably a tad on the strong side…

Wilderness – Those fresh westerlies all over the place but a slight chance of some protection for a bit of a less strong spot in the Wilderness corners. It might be worth keeping an eye on the dunes for some dune gooning. Though the strong winds are just above our heads so it might be a bit of a bumpy ride. ;)

Plett – Just too strong and too west all day…

PE and PA – Another off shore start then trending to the SW with strong winds all day.

EL – Same as above.

Inland – Very very strong westerlies with rain in the west. Some Q’s with higher bases to the east. Stil a day for weather watching rather than being in the air.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:24 and setting at 17:30 – day length 10:06. Low tide is at 10:51, high tide is at 17:10. A windy SW breeze for the entire day – stronger in the afternoon. Perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature a nice 20 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(27 May 2021) 
Day 430 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! I great little afternoon yesterday at Sedge for a few lucky pilots. Today a CF approaching CT with strong W to NW winds all over. The exception is the southern coastal areas where the winds will trend a tad more SW later in the day and moderate. No rain expected but perhaps some around the SW corner where there will also be some Q’s form the approaching front. Lots of high cirrus around so that plus the winds not good for thermal production. It is instead more of a wave day – big climbs in the lee of the larger NW facing ranges. The wind remains NW to W all the way to the Tropopause for a 100kts finish up there.

CT – Looks like some low cloud and fog this morning, clearing partially later on. Still, the winds probably too strong for flying with the 20kts starting from 500ft upwards… The main ranges too strong too…

RB – lol… ;)

PV – Fresh NW winds from mountain top height and upwards but lower down there is a window of flying for the more adventurous… ;)

Wilderness – A general westerly day with the afternoon seeing some SW. The late morning might see us with a tad of coastal stuff though it seems a bit west. Perhaps form around mid day. The upper winds are pretty breezy with 15kts and more. Sedge might offer something after lunch but not too exciting from a thermal point of view. But there will be some airtime around for the astute dude… ;)

Plett – Very west and not much happening at Uppies. Maybe something very late at Kerubooms as the wind goes more onshore …

PE and PA – An offshore start then the wind will trend to the SW. Still looking amazing for the surfers lol…

EL – Same as above.

Inland – Very strong NW winds especially north of the GE with the trough and front tightening those isobars out there. 30kts in many places. It is a little bit less to the south but still very breezy so not a flying day I think unless you are a glider pilot looking for wave. :)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:23 and setting at 17:30 – day length 10:07. Low tide is at 10:07, high tide is at 16:24. A light to moderate SW breeze for the morning getting lighter during the afternoon. Perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature a sweet 17 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(26 May 2021) 
Day 429 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! I was about to start complaining about our spate of bad flying weather of late when I looked at all the cyclonic storms striking other countries – wind, floods, waves, death… The CF moved past during the night along the southern parts and it did not leave that cooler and unstable air in its wake this time around. Instead we are still left with the cold but weak and stable flying conditions. Light winds in most areas today with a S to SW trend along the southern parts mainly and then NW in the central interior north of the GE. Very light convection within a shallow area of 1k on average and only once to the north and eastern parts of the GE does it improve somewhat. Some Q’s in the southern areas that might mislead us into thinking it is looking great. (Let me know if this forecast is wrong please! :) we need some flying news!) The winds go NW form 3/4k upwards with a backing to the W at the Tropopause at 60-90kts.

CT – Light N to NW trend with a more W upper flow – it might just be doable to 12 Apostles today if you can bench up (Fingers crossed!) The main mountains looking very light in terms of lift and lots of thick cirrus clouds not helping things at all. However FH could be amazingly sweet with light NW winds out there. And of course SLP just might be THE spot to be at today.

RB – Oh dear… ;)

PV – Very light winds from W to S along the surface. And not much in terms of lift – a smidgeon around KD area according to the Spot…

Wilderness – Last night it was still looking like a sweet forecast for Sedge but it changed this morning so it is not looking good. Light winds in the Wilderness corner with a smidgeon more at Sedge – a south direction there with now a weak and poot thermal outlook. Less than 1m’s climbs broken up in two pulses according to Spock. Hhhm…

Plett – Same as Wilderness…

PE and PA – The SW around here but not in strength – it is looking really sweet for the surfers though…

EL – SW trending S later in the day 10kts.

Inland – 20kts NW winds north of the GE but to the south of that below 5k it is a sweet flying day. Light winds with stable air. A few Q’s over some of the higher mountains but very weak and light lift so good for propellor thingies.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:23 and setting at 17:30 – day length 10:08. Low tide is at 9:24, high tide is at 15:40. Light sea breeze all day with cloudy conditions. Perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature a cool 16 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)


(25 May 2021) 
Day 428 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! The CF moving in on the west, a trough along the central interior with the IOH along the eastern coastal regions jockey for dominance. Lots more cloud along the west coastal and later along the western southern areas. Winds fairly light along the GR regions and along the west coast but breezy further inland with westerly to NW winds. Rain of course along the western ranges with a band of CB’s along the GR and out to sea. This will dissipate and move more eastwards with the systems. Not the best day for flying but there are a few spots one could squeeze some airtime from. (KD being a possibility!) Winds are all NW from 5k upwards with a slight backing to the West at the Tropopause at 70kts.

CT – Misty morning with chance of rain. A chance of some clearing from lunchtime onwards so perhaps some flying later in the day. The main mountains looking not so good all day long…

RB – WWB is out! ;)

PV – Some variable winds but it all does trend westerly – low clouds around but some clearing happening too especially to the north with Kardoesie looking promising in the afternoon. Some convergence to the N and in the valley that could produce some sweet stuff – See Spot! ;)

Wilderness – A light onshore wind day with poor prospects of flying. Sedge might offer something but there’s also a smidgeon of rain for this afternoon. And perhaps even some coastal fog moving in. Hhhmmm… See Sedge Spot!

Plett – Same as Wilderness…

PE and PA – Again the fresh offshore winds but from mid day onwards trending light variable – still in the change area from the IOH dominance along the eastern coast where the NE starts to blow.

EL – Similarly as above…

Inland – Fresh westerlies in the western interior going NW in the central parts but SW near the coastal areas. 20kts or more in some spots. Those CB’s around for the morning in the southern ranges – these will clear from mid day onwards.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:22 and setting at 17:31 – day length 10:09. Low tide is at 8:41, high tide is at 14:55 and low tide again at 20:52. Light sea breeze all day with cloudy conditions – maybe a smidgeon of rain. Perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature a warm 18 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(24 May 2021) 
Day 427 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! Today the LSH dominating the interior with the IOH along the eastern coastal areas and the approaching CF in the SW corner. Pretty breezy conditions all over with NW winds – the 20kt level around 500ft AGL in most spots with 30kts over the higher mountains. No thermal lift really – low index with strong winds to break up any convective lift but a high probability for wave formation – see RASP surface map. Some 4m’s climbs in lots of the lee side mountain areas. The winds remain NW with a WNW finish of 80kts at the Tropopause.

CT – A strong gradient around with light winds along the surface but its breezy just above. 20kts from 1k upwards. Clouds along the Peninsula progressing towards the main mountains during the afternoon. The main mountains also too windy – see DTK Spot and note the upper winds.:)

RB – WWB is out! ;)

PV – Strong NW winds with 20kts plus from 1000ft upwards in most places… Again a horse riding day I think. ;)

Wilderness – Lekker warm berg winds that will last until lunchtime before the SW pulse will move into the coast. It is shallow and sporadic – not really a flying SW that will come and go fairly quick from the looks of things. Still fresh W above our heads. See Sedge Spot!

Plett – Same as Wilderness!

PE and PA – Again the fresh offshore winds but from mid day onwards trending light variable – still in the change area from the IOH dominance along the eastern coast where the NE starts to blow.

EL – The NE dominating here all day.

Inland – Strong NW to W winds in the south. All day. 30kts on the higher grounds. Not a day to be in the air I think. Lots of wave trends behind the mountains too…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:21 and setting at 17:31 – day length 10:10. Low tide was at 7:57, high tide is at 14:10 and low tide again at 20:07. A hot bergwind morning with a west wind mid afternoon and later. Perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature a warm 25 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(23 May 2021) 
Day 426 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! Today the IOH dominating with northerly winds over the interior but it is also trending to be slightly prefrontal – especially in the west with very stable conditions and some breezy conditions. No clouds expected all day with strong subsidence continuing along the southern and west coastal plain areas – its been a while since I have seen such a low thermal index – zero Joules in many areas! (0J) There is a strong gradient present almost everywhere with the 15-20kt level starting from 1000ft AGL in most spots with 30kts at 3000’. It will continue to increase during the day as the next CF moves closer to CT. So nothing exciting on the cards today. Winds back with height – NW at 10k then continues to back with a WSW at the Tropopause of 50kts.

CT – Relatively light winds around the Peninsula on the surface but its fresh at 1500ft with 15-20kts up there. So be careful if you fly. The main mountains with a similar situation. 20-30kts from 3-5k. So some mixing possible – not that there is any thermic activity so rather don’t be tempted to fly. ;) lol See DTK TH Spot!:)

RB – WWB is out! ;)

PV – Very northerly and even thought the Spot shows a climb at mid day, do not the winds at TOL! So rather go horse riding I think. ;) See Spot

Wilderness – If you look at the Sedge Spot t is a s stable as they come. Lol. North above us with a shallow coastal breeze that trends SE. Maybe maybe a bench up at the Gerrickes GP. Or Buffs but even there it seems just too light for it being fun. Map looking like nothing and then the guys heading to the North for the hike and fly I would be very wary of that. Stable conditions out there with fresh winds of 15-20kts at 3000’ all day. ;) See Sedge Spot

Plett – Same as Wilderness!

PE and PA – Initially offshore winds but trending light variable – this is the change area from the IOH dominance along the eastern coast where the NE starts t blow.

EL – Offshore starts but then the NE will dominate around 15kts with more further out to sea.

Inland – A fresh northerly wind day especially over the bigger ranges. Up to 30kts in some spots. A very stable day for flying if you can handle the breeze. IT will get progressively stronger as the CF moves closer with tomorrow very strong.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:21 and setting at 17:32 – day length 10:11. Low tide was at 7:11, high tide is at 13:42 this morning and low tide again at 19:24. A sweet winters day with light variable winds. Perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature around 19 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(22 May 2021) 
Day 425 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! The SAH positioned right over the country bringing with it light winds almost everywhere, a slight trough off the west coast but mostly a blue day with cold air and a poor thermal index all around. Thought in the right spot it could be very pleasant flying for PG’s. There is a bit more action towards the eastern parts of the country with a slight bit more in the depth and strength of the thermals – even a few Q’s shaping up. Winds in general are North and then from 5k it backs to the NW to settle SW from around 10k and upwards all the way to the Tropopause for a 60-80kts finish up there.

CT – A NE start so perhaps Africa Face could be doable during the morning. IT backs to the North with hight at 5kts. After lunch it looks like a shallow S pushing in with SW along the SH/LH area. But its all pretty light stuff… Even the main mountains with a shallow inversion and weak conditions – I think FH perhaps the best spot with climbs to 3k or extended foefies… See Spot!:)

RB – WWB is out! ;)

PV – A cold stable day out here with shallow SW air and N upper bits at launch. So not really a flying day…

Wilderness – A classic winters day after strong frontal movement as the HP sits over the interior. Northerly winds in general with a shallow SE along the coast that could be good or frustrating depending on where it gets to penetrate into to. At the moment the pressure gradients are weakening so its not looking that good along the coast but inland the northerly sites are all looking promising. Luvaine the best climb area with DuToits showing climbs to 4k between 12:30 and 14:30. The Outenikwas North sides showing climbs to 5k. IT goes slight NW at TOL. Locally Sedge could offer something at mid day even if it is crossed from the left. And a bench up at Gerrickes if the SE comes through. Map in the frustrating inbetween spot. :) See Sedge Spot

Plett – Even in the SE trend there seems to be something to use at Uppies. (See Spot…)

PE and PA – Light offshores starting then trending onshore with a SE trend of 10kts.

EL – As above!

Inland – A sweet sweet wintersday of flying out there with light N winds everywhere. IT trends NW later in the west. Otherwise a fine day of propellor stuff and even for the soaring stuff. ;) Lol. :)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:20 and setting at 17:32 – day length 10:12. Low tide was at 6:12, high tide is at 12:32 this morning and low tide again at 18:29. Another cold windy, wintery day with light winds. Perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature around 14 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(21 May 2021) 
Day 424 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! (No pun intended!) Another cold rainy day ahead of us as an additional cold spell is driven across the WC by the SAH. Strong WSW winds with rain showers and a partial clearing from the west in the late afternoon. In general base is low 2/3k with tops ranging from 8 to 12k. Most rain along the western ranges but also reaching past Graafies in the eastern interior. Winds remain very strong SW along the southern and eastern coasts. It finishes with a 110kts WSW at the Tropopause.

CT – Winds more W to SW with a slight moderation in the late afternoon which could just be flyable. ;) The main mountains remaining rainy and clagged in I think for most of the day. Lol. More winter! :)

RB – WWB is out! ;)

PV – Another cold rainy day. The winds do moderate a bit in the late afternoon but the base stays below the mountain tops with odd rain spots.

Wilderness – Another winters day here too. Rainy with strong WSW winds. It does slacken off slightly in the late afternoon but its doubtful that it will be straight and light enough to fly along the dunes. Hot chocolate baby! ;) (See Sedge Spot)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness…

PE and PA – Strong SW winds and passing showers mainly in the morning…

EL – As above!

Inland – Those wintery westerly winds blowing inland all day with passing showers. It does moderate wind wise form the west late afternoon. Hhhmm… not a day to be in the air. Lol. :)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:19 and setting at 17:33 – day length 10:14. Low tide was at 5:22, high tide is at 11:20 this morning and low tide again at 17:31. Another cold windy, rainy wintery day. Perfect for coffee and hot chocolate but do go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 14 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(20 May 2021) 
Day 423 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! The CF the dominating feature in todays weather. Rain form the west reaching to the east and to the Oranjemund in the north by end of the day. Winds are strong NW 30kts and more almost everywhere except the GR and eastwards during the morning. The SAH is pushing behind the front bringing cold and rainy conditions for the whole WC over the next two days. Winds are 100kts at the Tropopause.

CT – Base can be low during the morning at times with CB’s and tops all the way to the Tropopause. The winds will trend a bit W later on with a partial clearing towards the afternoon. Lol. Its winter! :)

RB – WWB is out! ;)

PV – Rain and more rain – low base and top to the Tropopause. ;) Strong NW winds.

Wilderness – A short reprieve during this morning btu some rain arriving before mid day already. The heavy stuff from early lunch from the looks of it. Its coffee and movies weather! ;) (See Sedge Spot)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness… (See spot!)

PE and PA – Though the winds are light to start off with (it trends W) the rain will be here too in the mid afternoon already with increasing winds.

EL – As above!

Inland – Batton down the hatches as they say – the NW winds are strong and all over the interior today with strong rain in most places – CB’s also wide spread as the rain fronts move in form the west. Initially Graafies area and eastwards are clear but late afternoon will see the rains move in here too. :)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:19 and setting at 17:33 – day length 10:15. High tide is at 10:08 this morning and low tide is at 16:18. Another cold wintery day with light onshore winds. Perfect to go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 19 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(19 May 2021) 
Day 422 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! That approaching CF the dominant feature in todays WC weather. Strong NW winds all over the WC except the southern coastal areas where we still have that shallow cool ocean layer protecting us form the strong upper NW’s. Very little thermal lift around with stable air along the coast – far inland there are some wave induced climbs to be had and of course the whole WC a wave flight playground today. I even found a good wave over Graafies and here is a strong climb of over 7m/s at De Doorns! The winds remaining NW all the way to the Tropoause for a 100kts finish.

CT – Looking very strong NW – a prefrontal trend with 30kts st TM top height. Those winds 20-30kts starting from 1000ft AGL in most places so def a day to just hang out on the beach and drink coffee perhaps. The rain reaching CT by 9/10ish tonight. Lots of rain with CB’s at midnight. See RB TH Graph.

RB – WWB is out! ;)

PV – Fresh NW winds on the mountains 20kts plus so probably a bit too strong.

Wilderness – Another light wind stable day on the cards. I don’t see any flying other than foefies in all the sites today. The north side of the Outie also way too strong. And the next two days are not any better either with those prefrontal NW winds making inroads into our area. (See Sedge Spot)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness… (See spot!)

PE and PA – Light offshores with some variableness in the surface flow. The upper winds all NW. Further east the NE is dominant.

EL – The NE winds are pretty fresh here…

Inland – A superb wave day in the WC SW region making it def not such a good day for propellor thingies with the fresh NW winds up there. 30kts in many spots on the grounds. See the Wave pattern of the surface winds. And a big wave over Graafies today too. lol :)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:18 and setting at 17:34 – day length 10:15. High tide was at 8:34 this morning and low tide is at 14:50. Another cold wintery day with light onshore winds. Perfect to go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 18 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(18 May 2021) 
Day 421 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! Another great flying day all over the WC – flights at SLP, Du Toits and the GR. 50ks for Pieter and 60k out and return for Fanie and just loads of airtime all over. As they say, from hero to zero – today a bad day for flying almost everywhere with a new CF making its way towards CT. Strong NW winds settling in inland with a shallow cold coastal layer along the southern parts light southerly winds in general along the coasts – perhaps a tad more west in the west and east in the east. A blue day with no clouds expected and very little thermal lift anywhere. The strong NW winds though are again great for wave lift – see the RASP surface wind patterns so if you are in the know with a sailplane dude, ask for a flight. :) Winds are NW from surface to the Tropopause with a 90kt finish up there…

CT – After yesterdays epic a bit of a let down. The inversion around 1000ft with the fresh NW above that. 20kts from about 2000ft so just be wary if you go high… ;) The main mountains I think with the strong gradient probably making it a bit dicey to fly. Besides its very stable so just ridge lift mostly… ;) See Spots and TH

RB – WWB is out! ;)

PV – Fresh NW winds on the mountains 20kts plus so probably a bit too strong.

Wilderness – After such sweet stuff at Sedge yesterday today an absolute disappointment – light stable winds everywhere. Just above  our heads the NW is blowing. Its too strong for anything on the north side of us so… Maintenance and coffee time it seems! (See Sedge Spot)

Plett – The NW hanging out at Uppies so don’t get fooled by the lift profile ;) Its north and strong high up! (See spot!)

PE and PA – Offshore winds with the change from NW to NE as we move more towards the IOH dominance region. But it remain fairly light here all day too…

EL – Perhaps more of an NE trend here…

Inland – A good wave day in the WC SW region making it not such a good day for propellor thingies with the fresh NW winds up there. 20kts from 2k upwards and a bump now and then from any upwind mountain very possible… lol :)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:17 and setting at 17:35 – day length 10:17. High tide was at 7:18 this morning, low tide is at 13:31 an high tide again at 20:06. Another cold wintery day with light onshore winds. Perfect to go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 17 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(17 May 2021) 
Day 420 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! Some great flying yesterday all over the WC – SLP delivered some good stuff and so too the GR coast. Today the SAH almost right over the entire country – still some cold unstable air around with some Q’s around the southern mountains mostly. Winds are very light N to NW inland with a SW start going to the S later on in the south. Climbs around 2-4k depending where you are so do go out and get some flying on this Monday. Winds are all SW from 8k and remains SW with a slight WSW trend at the Tropopause at 90kts.

CT – Looks like a great day of flying on the Peninsula with high base around 4k and sweet climbs from the right spot to base. SH will over something though you need to be closer to the big mountain to get into the good stuff. The main mountains also looking sweet with DTK after lunch and FH my spot for today I think. Dress warm out there! Lol ;)) See Spot.

RB – WWB is out! ;)

PV – Some climbs left to around 4k at lunch time. Light W winds….

Wilderness – Maybe the coast during the morning but it looks like Sedge is the spot for today with a chance of getting to 3k during the first morning sea breeze pulse. (yeah!) ;) Thereafter lowering to around 2k. The Outenikwas should be very sweet too with the winds going from SW to SSE later on. (See Sedge Soot)

Plett – I think today is Uppies’s day. Base around 4k from 11 onwards for a good day of flying out here. Def worth the trip. Even a chance of exploring some XC over the back. Maybe maybe Keurbooms could turn at lunchtime with enough S in it to offer something too. (See spot!)

PE and PA – The inland sights should offer something with lighter SW winds and less than yesterday along the coast. The SW still around for the day.

EL – Same as above.

Inland – A spectacular flying day out there with ight winds all the way to the inversion which should be around4-7k pending how far north we go. The Q’s over the bigger ranges. The general directions will be N to NW. :)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:17 and setting at 17:35 – day length 10:19. High tide was at 6:23 this morning, low tide is at 12:34 an high tide again at 19:06. Another cold wintery day with light onshore winds. Perfect to go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 15 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(16 May 2021) 
Day 419 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! That big old SAH pushing in the cold moist air behind the CF all over the WC today. Winds are all SW with some W and Southerly variations in a few spots. Lots of Q’s around with the odd shower in between. Base pretty good for this time of year – 3/4k on the west coast with a bit lower along the southern coastal areas. It is higher on the back ranges increasing further inland with 6/7k north of the SB ranges. Very unstable and very cold too! ;) There are some very wet spots around dampening the thermals, notably in the eastern areas of the WC. The wind is 5-10kts in general but along the eastern parts it increases with 20-30kts still out there. Winds remain westerly all the way to the Tropopause for a 80-90kts finish.

CT – A SW wind day with high bases around 4k. SH should work and also SLP. Bt I think my choice would be to try some XC flying from DTK to PV area. Just dress warm! Lol ;)) See Spot.

RB – WWB is out! ;)

PV – Some Q’s to the south with base around 4k. Sweet flying along the whole length of the range down to Renosterhoek today. 5-10kts SW with a smidgeon of S in it later.

Wilderness – Some good rain last night in into the morning but we should have enough clearing taking place for us to go fly. Again a cool winters day so dress warm! ;) Looks like a SW day along the coast with the wind increasing towards the east. We are expecting 10-15kts so it will be breezy. Probably the CP the place to be camping out today. :) Sedge showing a big sky but the winds higher up just too strong to make anything pleasant there today. Maybe Gideon on his HG…lol. (See Sedge Soot)

Plett – I think it’s a day to come visit us in Wilderness! ;) Just too much west in the wind here form the looks of it. And surprisingly Uppies not showing the good stuff despite the winds… (See spot!) lol

PE and PA – Strong SW winds here all day. 10-20kts plus in places.

EL – Same as above.

Inland – Fresh SW winds all the way to north of the GE where it will veer more westerly. Some wintery showers passing on occasion. A good day to drink coffee unless you are a flying die hard! You could squeeze some flying in somewhere – Q’s all over with some lift in the right spots. Even for the propellor thingies… :)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:16 and setting at 17:36 – day length 10:20. High tide was at 5:42 this morning, low tide is at 11:52 an high tide again at 18:19. A cold wintery day with isolated showers and fresh SW winds. Perfect to go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 15 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(15 May 2021) 
Day 418 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! The CF into CT with a vengeance. Strong winds and rain all day there… The front will move up the coast reaching the GR early evening with rain. Winds are all strong NW inland and along the west coast but along the GR it is light S to SE. This layer is very shallow (up to 1k in a few spots otherwise less) with the west to NW just above that. Not a flying day but there is that big wave possibilities up there – I found this almost 8m monster over Mount Fletcher! (See graph!) Winds remain NW with a 90kts finish up there.

CT – NW wind and rain. Maybe even some CB’s…

RB – Lol. ;)

PV – A perfect winter’s day – NW winds and rain with base well below the Mnt tops and cloud tops past 18k…

Wilderness – The CF moving towards Wilderness while we are having a beautiful day preceding the rain. Unfortunately its not good for flying. You might get an extended foefie at Sedge but I would be very wary of that – the morning shows a bit more depth in the coastal air but it gets eroded from mid day onwards and becomes very shallow by end of day (perhaps 500ft only) and there is a fresh west above us. So perhaps its better to wait for a gap tomorrow afternoon – with a bit of luck we might get into the air on the coast then. ;)

Plett – Maybe a short flying spell before mid day but again, I would be very wary about that – see the spot winds for TOL later in the day (over 40kts up there!) So with those high wind possibilities I would just rather stay put and drink coffee. ;) (See spot!) lol

PE and PA – A similar shallow SE flow along the coast here but perhaps a tad deeper than the GR. The west is just above that.

EL – Same as above.

Inland – Rain in the west moving to the east reaching the GR coast by 9 this evening. Very strong NW winds inland trending west later on. A good coffee day. ;) The SAH pushing in behind the front reaches far south so it will bring very cold air in from tomorrow onwards… 30kts plus in most places. A good weather watching day with all the clouds moving in. :)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:15 and setting at 17:37 – day length 10:22. High tide was at 5:09 this morning, low tide is at 11:17 an high tide again at 17:48. A cool start with mid level clouds – wind remains light S to SE but the rain moves in early evening. Perfect to go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 18 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)

(14 May 2021) 
Day 417 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! Today the CF causing pre-frontal conditions all over the WC. Strong NW winds but for a selected few spots along the southern parts. These winds also bringing with it a good chance of some wave lift which probably makes the glider pilots among us drooling to be up there! (I see over Greyton some 5m wave going from 5k to well over 20k!) Warm temps inmost places 30 degrees or more but the extreme WC parts less than 20. Further inland it is very unstable with some climbs going to 14k – some beautiful Q’s inland probably making it look like a dreamy sky but of course those winds well into the 30kts region so not good for any of us! ;) Towards the coast the cold coastal air causing that very low inversion but also that bubble of calm. Winds almost SE along the southern parts during the morning but that will change during the day. The west coast with those strong gradient NW winds so probably not happening there either with the NW all the way up to the Tropopause for a 90-100kts finish.

CT – The Prefrontal NW starting to make inroads with 20kts at 1000ft. Big wave systems setting up in the lee of all those NW facing spots. Perhaps some sweet looking lentis could form to make you drool (or cover in fear!) ;)

RB – Hehaaa!!!  Lol. ;)

PV – Also those NW here with 20kts making it too much for any flying. It increases drastically with height.

Wilderness – After such a sweet surprise from yesterdays good flying today is the complete opposite. Very stable conditions along the coast but not far inland once you hit those NW winds the convection is pretty deep! But of course those winds just too much to handle for the average pilot. lol

Plett – From the Spot you get an idea of the WNW convection depth… (Check out those TOL winds!!!!!  (See spot!) lol

PE and PA – A very shallow NE flow along the entire eastern coast with some 15kts spots. It starts light and picks up during the day. Late afternoon perhaps a change from the west of PE side coming through as the wind goes to the W…

EL – Same as above.

Inland – A great Q filled sky but those winds just too strong to be up there in almost anything. Unless you are a glider pilot hunting for some wave lift to the west its best to just do some weather watching! ;) 30kts plus in most places…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:14 and setting at 17:37 – day length 10:23. Low tide is at 10:46. High tide is at 17:08. A shallow light cool onshore flow for most of the day. Perfect to go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature only 19 degrees C but just above the hill it is going to 28! Enjoy the day! :)

(13 May 2021) 
Day 416 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! Yesterday saw another fantastic day of flying along the GR. Great coastal at mid day and sweet Sedge later in the afternoon. Today the SAH fading quickly as a strong CF makes its way towards the west coast. Inland the trough dominating along with the LSH – some sweet instability along the central interior with climbs to around 10/11k. The coastal areas along the south still with a lingering bit of instability to around 1500ft perhaps and the west-coast with a tad more over the mountains. Some Q’s around the SW areas of the WC. Winds are westerly in general with some SW spots along the south but from 3k upwards its west all the way along the southern parts but NW to the N. The wind finishes at the Tropopause at 80kns NW.

CT – the NW settling as the front approaches – it picks up a lot above the inversion with around 15kts at 3k but then quickly to 25kts at 4/5k. So lower its good but if you et up on the main mountains it might be a bit breezy up there. (See Spot and TH). ;)

RB – Hhhmmm WWB is out today. Lol. ;)

PV – W to NW winds with some climbs up to mountain top height. There’s a week convergence around the Bermuda triangle at lunchtime. See Spot. :)

Wilderness – It looks like a bit of a sea breeze pulse moving in at around 11 at Sedge. Climbs to just over 1000ft on the cards. It looks like it could be sweet around the lunchtime period. I think the coast probably too light today… (See Sedge Spot!) :)

Plett – It does look like Sedge is better. ;) (See spot!) lol

PE and PA – A sweet start with light winds but then the SW trend will pick up during the day finishing around 20kts.

EL – Same as above.

Inland – Fresh NW winds north of the GE and more W to the southern parts. Breezy with 20kts plus in many spots but in the far south in the lower valleys it is a tad less. Perhaps not the best day to fly but doable for the propellor thingies. ;) …

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:14 and setting at 17:38 – day length 10:24. Low tide is at 10:18. High tide is at 16:37. A light offshore to start then going SW at late morning dropping again for the afternoon. Perfect to go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature only 16 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(12 May 2021) 
Day 415 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! A sweet session yesterday at Sedge but a great little flight for Sean at NHP (see the pic of him looking at Kalkbay harbour.) Weatherwise its a very similar pattern to yesterday – the SAH along the west and south while the LSH dominating inland. Still that slight instability along the southern parts with climbs perhaps to 2/3k in the right spots but surprisingly stable conditions in further inland places. A few lost clouds along the southern parts today. Winds offshore along the coast inmost places but then the southerly winds will start. It is more SW along the central and eastern southern parts while the WNW is blowing far inland. From around 3k upwards the west dominates with a slight backing to the SW at the Tropopause for 70kts up there.

CT – Another beautiful day with light southerlies modified around the Peninsula – some SW bits at LH and SH. Instability to maybe 3k or just below over the Peninsula and perhaps its possible to fly along the NH peak again. The main mountains not so good with much more stable air and even a touch of SSE at FH… (See Spot and TH). ;)

RB – Hhhmmm WWB is out today. Lol. ;)

PV – Very inverted today with light SSW winds. Perhaps 1000agl lift bubble to play in. :)

Wilderness – After yesterdays sweet instability it look like we might have another go at the mid day flying pulse at Sedge. Climbs indicated to 2k – which is sweet for this time of the year. The main coast could perhaps offer something to play in as well around mid day but it des drop and back to the S and then SE late afternoon. (See Sedge Spot!) :)

Plett – And would you believe it somehow is not happening here today… ;) (See spot!) lol

PE and PA – The SW winds up here today all day long…

EL – Same as above.

Inland – The winds much lighter inland today and it does look like a great propellor thingy day. The West will pickup a tad in the afternoon but nothing too strong with less than 10kts south of the SB ranges. Some thermal over the bigger ranges with light playful climbs to a just a tad over the tops. A few lost Q’s over the tops of the higher ranges along the South… ;) …

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:13 and setting at 17:39 – day length 10:26. Low tide is at 9:51. High tide is at 16:08. A NW breeze during the morning changing to SW and then S for the afternoon. Perfect to go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature only 17 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(11 May 2021) 
Day 414 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! The SAH still dominating the WC weather except for the far inland parts where the LSH takes over things. Winds inland are all NW with some breezy spots with 20kts or more around the GE and other higher spots. Along the coast it is more moderate except in the east where the SW is blowing a bit. The southern parts light SW with similar stuff around the Peninsula and up the west coast. Still that sweet shallow instability to play with – light climbs to around 1-2k AGL in most of the popular spots. Some west coast and southern parts with early morning for – most should burn off during the day. The upper flow all goes W to NW from around 3k upwards. 60-70 W at the Tropopause.

CT – A light S to SW wind trending west with height. The inversion around 1k along the Peninsula. Probably some foefies at SH and LH. The main ranges looking very sweet especially FH (See TH there). ;)

RB – Hhhmmm WWB is out today. Lol. ;)

PV – Light sweet stuff to maybe 3k. Kardoesie looking better with the SW light winds. (See Spot) :)

Wilderness – It looks like we might be in for another sweet day at Sedge – the best times seems to be from 12 till 14:30. We might even have some sweet Q’s popping to help point out the convergence. :) The coast too light… (See Sedge Spot!) :)

Plett – Another sweet day for Uppies on the cards with climbs to 3k doable around mid day. That’s sweet for this time of the year. (See spot!) lol

PE and PA – The W to SW winds still blowing here but it does loose some steam between PE and EL. Some low cloud around here too with some of the coastal spots looking good.

EL – Same as above.

Inland – Fresh NW winds inland from SB ranges and northwards. It is more westerly to the south. Again the sea breeze penetrating inland with light to moderate winds – 10-15kts perhaps up the SB. Could be sweet in a propellor thingy and even for a none propellor thingy too ;) …

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:12 and setting at 17:40 – day length 10:27. Low tide is at 9:25. High tide is at 15:40. Another light southerly day with lots of low cloud all day. Perfect to go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature only 16 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(10 May 2021) 

Day 414 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! The SAH still dominating the WC weather except for the far inland parts where the LSH takes over things. Winds inland are all NW with some breezy spots with 20kts or more around the GE and other higher spots. Along the coast it is more moderate except in the east where the SW is blowing a bit. The southern parts light SW with similar stuff around the Peninsula and up the west coast. Still that sweet shallow instability to play with – light climbs to around 1-2k AGL in most of the popular spots. Some west coast and southern parts with early morning for – most should burn off during the day. The upper flow all goes W to NW from around 3k upwards. 60-70 W at the Tropopause.

CT – A light S to SW wind trending west with height. The inversion around 1k along the Peninsula. Probably some foefies at SH and LH. The main ranges looking very sweet especially FH (See TH there). ;)

RB – Hhhmmm WWB is out today. Lol. ;)

PV – Light sweet stuff to maybe 3k. Kardoesie looking better with the SW light winds. (See Spot) :)

Wilderness – It looks like we might be in for another sweet day at Sedge – the best times seems to be from 12 till 14:30. We might even have some sweet Q’s popping to help point out the convergence. :) The coast too light… (See Sedge Spot!) :)

Plett – Another sweet day for Uppies on the cards with climbs to 3k doable around mid day. That’s sweet for this time of the year. (See spot!) lol

PE and PA – The W to SW winds still blowing here but it does loose some steam between PE and EL. Some low cloud around here too with some of the coastal spots looking good.

EL – Same as above.

Inland – Fresh NW winds inland from SB ranges and northwards. It is more westerly to the south. Again the sea breeze penetrating inland with light to moderate winds – 10-15kts perhaps up the SB. Could be sweet in a propellor thingy and even for a none propellor thingy too ;) …

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:12 and setting at 17:40 – day length 10:27. Low tide is at 9:25. High tide is at 15:40. Another light southerly day with lots of low cloud all day. Perfect to go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature only 16 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

Day 413 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! We have less than ten and a half sun hours in a day now… Well, yesterday we had short magical window along the coast and it was so great to get back into the air. Today the SAH still dominating with a general westerly flow of air – breezy along the eastern coastal regions and moderating to the west and further inland. Some Q’s around in the southern areas with a few fog patches along the west coast areas. The southern coastal plains areas having a shallow unstable layer pushed in form the ocean – enough to actually have some fun in. Even along the west though not high, the shallow layer could offer something to get some airtime in it. Winds are west initially with height before backing to the SW for a 70kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – A southerly with instability to TM top height initially. The winds trend to the SW with height around 10kts. So the shore front with that typical SW flow around 10kts or a tad more. If the fog plays along it could be flyable here. The main mountains also with light promise. Up to 3k instability so DTK and FH offering something light to have un in. See Spot ;)

RB – Hhhmmm WWB is out today. Lol. ;)

PV – Here too a smidgeon more instability compared to yesterday. Still the SSW winds around and climbs to just over mountain top height. (See Spot) :)

Wilderness – After yesterday slate morning spell along the coast we might just have a bit more fun today at Sedgfield with a shallow bit of light instability – perhaps from as early as 10 till just after midday it seems. Climbs to just over 1000ft on the cards if you fly well… (See Sedge Spot!) :)

Plett – And Uppies has me excited for a late morning climb to cloud – looks like a bit of a sea breeze movement. (See spot!) lol

PE and PA – Again those SW to W winds here but not as strong as yesterday.

EL – Same as above.

Inland – The morning starting with light westerlies inland and then mid day sees the sea-breeze moving in form the south getting to the SW ranges by end of day. Winds picking up to 15kts in the strong spots – so a moderate day it seems. Could be sweet in a propellor thingy and even for a none propellor thingy too ?…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:11 and setting at 17:40 – day length 10:29. Low tide is at 8:59. High tide is at 15:11 and low tide again at 21:03. Light SW winds along the Wilderness side with a few clouds around. Perfect to go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature another 18 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(9 May 2021) 
Day 412 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! The SAH shaping a huge ridge over the entire country with loads of subsidence and pretty stable conditions all over the WC. Not much of a flying prospect unless you fly one of those propellor thingies. Or perhaps you can find a hill facing the wind and get some soaring done. Winds are NW around the west coast but trending to the S and SW. The south coast with strong westerlies and a WSW trend here and there. These follow the coast all the way past EL and its pretty breezy at 20-30kts in the east. Inland the coastal strength slowly abates and the wind backs to the S from Graafies and northwards. No clouds expected – a few perhaps over the Outenikwas or in the SW around Elgin. The winds remain SW trending S inland all the way to the Tropopause for a 50/60kts finish.

CT – A shallow NW flow but SW above that. Some fog patches in the early morning otherwise not a bad day for hiking or such. That inversion spoiling the fun (around 1k or less). Perhaps the main mountains might offer something ore with DTK and FH possibilities. There too we have the NW shallow flow going SW from 3k upwards or so… See Spot ;)

RB – Hhhmmm WWB is out today. Lol. ;)

PV – IT is flyable here and perhaps you can maintain or climb below the mountain tops. Again the wind are southerly to slight SW… (See Spot) :)

Wilderness – After the rain we are expecting a big day but alas. It seems not so. Very stable conditions with light lift around Serps and Sedge going to less than 800ft ASL. Less than 1m/s. And the winds are so funny here it seems laughable. Strong WSW out to sea with light fingers moving into Wilderness. Frustrating strength I think. Then offshore from 15/16:00 onwards. Looks like a strong gradient too with some fresh winds not far above our heads… (See Sedge Spot!) :)

Plett – More west but more chance of finding a climb at Uppies… lol

PE and PA – Super strong west to SW winds but no rain expected.

EL – Same as above.

Inland – Fresh WSW in the south but moderating and backing got he south as we move inland. Some light thermic stuff further inland but it is still nothing to write home about. Could be sweet in a propellor thingy though…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:11 and setting at 17:41 – day length 10:31. Low tide is at 8:33. High tide is at 14:43 and low tide again at 20:35. Light to moderate WSW winds today but fresh west this evening, perfect to go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 18 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(8 May 2021) 
Day 411 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! The SAH shoving that cut=off low out the way to the east while bringing in some cold moist air from the south with rain along the entire southern parts, clearing partially from the west later on. Winds are very strong along the GR and eastern southern coasts as the flow accelerates towards that cyclonic system. Loads of rain in that area – those CB’s also around PE and adjacent interior moving to the east during the day. Inland winds are all southerly and pretty fresh in the central parts with 20kts around the Graafies and De Aar areas. The rain all the way to the SB ranges. Loads of Q’s around too with low bases around the coast but rising steadily inland with around 3/4k AGL north of the SB ranges but for the most part its pretty rubbish out there.

CT – Winds are all Southerlies trending to the SW later on. Around 10-15kts in a few spots. Low base at 1/2k so flying around LH a small maybe. The direction not good for a wind-shadow so very cross conditions and probably with the associated trubs… The main mountains looking better with climbs to 4k around lunchtime. Worth checking out DTK then – if it doesnt rain!) ;)

RB – Hhhmmm not enough wind or right direction today. Lol. ;)

PV – A doable day with weak climbs to mountain top height perhaps a tad above. Winds 10 going to 15kts so perhaps a chance to drift down wind along the ranges… Chance of rain to the south. (See Spot) :)

Wilderness – Hhhmmm. Easy today. NFG! Lol. Strong wind and rain all day it seems… (See Sedge Spot!) :)

Plett – Worse than Wilderness. lol

PE and PA – And worse than Plett! Hehehe… Super strong west winds and rian.

EL – Same as above.

Inland – Rain moving inland to perhaps just north of the SB ranges. It increase to the east inland of PE. Winds fresh southerlies all the way past Uppington! Not the time to be in the air really…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:10 and setting at 17:42 – day length 10:32. Low tide is at 8:05. High tide is at 14:13 and low tide again at 20:06. Strong west winds and rain. So dress up and head to the coffee shops either way go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 17 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(7 May 2021) 
Day 410 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! The Black SE is over and in its place a cut-off low has formed – the centre to the S of us and so too most of the rain. Still some influence along the southern areas with the Overberg taking the most rain with heavy showers along there today spreading to the GR by early evening. Winds there are SSW veering to the W as it moves over the GR and then to the NW offshore as it curls around that low – a very deep system that keeps the circulation going all the way to the Tropopause! Southerlies along the west coast with rain along the mountains in the late afternoon, and then W as we move inland veering to the N towards the central parts. The Trough active with CB’s along the central eastern areas – east of De Aar and Graafies. Its very strong along the southern coastal areas with 25kts plus and then also along the trough with 20kts surface winds. 100kts up there at the Tropopause and 30kts over CT.

CT – Those super strong stuff are done leaving a steady southerly with low clouds and chance of rain later on. The wind-shadow shaping up but it will be more to the east side of SH so not the best. The main mountains only marginal better with the southerly a bit dominant and that SW push shallow and coming in late. See DTK Spot…

RB – It just could be fun here today. Lol. ;)

PV – Some fun to be had around Kardoesie I think but a strong southerly trend in the winds so not the best but still the spot for the day. (See Spot) :)

Wilderness – A small chance of some flying to be had along the coast this morning before the strong WSW winds move in from the west. The wind will get pretty breezy well over 20kts. lol (See Sedge Spot!) :)

Plett – That WSW winds hitting a bit later here at mid day and not offering much here either. (See Spot)

PE and PA – PE with light WSW winds as we move into the change over to the NE winds at EL. This region not moving much with the end of day stil WSW in PE and NE in EL.

EL – Same as above.

Inland – The Overberg with loads of rain. Then those CB’s along the trough line to the east of De Aar and Graafies. Winds NW along the trough line but more west in the west. The cut-off low will bring more rain to the GR area in the evening that will move further inland. (Still deep deep instability so those drops could be BIG with a chance of some flooding)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:09 and setting at 17:43 – day length 10:34. Low tide was at 7:32. High tide is at 13:39 and low tide again at 19:33. A light wind morning with the WSW picking up in the afternoon. Go early and get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 19 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(6 May 2021) 
Day 409 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! The so called Black South Easter continuing its dominance around the WC – the SAH and trough still cuddling up bringing us that strong SE winds and CB’ activity. CT area really taking the brunt of those deep SE winds today with 40ks and more in some spots this morning combined with a chance of CB’s and deep seated clouds and rain. A lot of the southern coastal regions experiencing similar stuff though a bit lighter winds though the Overberg and south coast regions can still get strong rains. Inland the wind curls around the trough point (It later will develop in a Low that I thought seems to want to be a cut-off low) but the circulation clockwise with the centre around the GR area or just offshore – it complicates the GR winds today going from E to S to W during the day. That inland flow also following this trend but mostly its NE in the east backing to the W in the west. CB also present in a wide area. The upper air winds doing a similar cyclonic circulation with height and only above 28k does it settle more into a NW pattern all over though 100kts over Graafies and just 30k over CT.

CT – Batton down and wait this one out. 40kts in many spots and rain with even a CB or two. :) The main mountains are the same. See the TH graph for RB…

RB – Lol. ;)

PV – The strong SE not getting here today so it does look like a mid day window as the west flow deepens. Kardoesie looking the most promising for a sweet flight after lunchtime. Still the best spot of the day I think… (See Spot) :)

Wilderness – No sunrise this morning and sporadic rain all over the show. Those winds not quite as strong as forecasted. To me it looks like you could squeeze a flight in around mid day as the wind goes S to SW – that is if the rain gives us a gap which is possible. lol (See Sedge Spot!) :)

Plett – Way worse than the Wilderness area from the looks of it … (See Spot)

PE and PA – A light start wind wise with a NE trend but it will increase during the late morning and early afternoon to finish off with 20-30kts in the late afternoon. A slight chance of rain.

EL – Same as above.

Inland – Some strong North flows during the day. Lots of CB activity and rain inland in a broad area. The wind does trend a bit NE in the East and more W in the west but in general is north. Still a great day for weather watching. (Deep deep instability so those drops could be BIG with a chance of some flooding)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:08 and setting at 17:44 – day length 10:35. Low tide was at 6:50. High tide is at 12:57 and low tide again at 18:54. Fresh SE winds with some strong rain during the day. Put on your moon suit and go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 18 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(5 May 2021) 
Day 408 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! So no real flying news from yesterday (only hiking news) ;) And today that SAH position perfect for cuddling up along the extended interior trough bringing us those so called Black South Easter rain. Strong SE winds with rain for the next day or two on the cards – lots of deep instability with CB’s going all the way to near the Tropopause. The SE flow deep with a backing to the NE from around 8/10k and then NW above 12/14k. Low clouds along the southern coastal areas, rising further inland and to the west. So not exciting form a flying point of view. Lol.

CT – The strong SE flowing past out to SE at CP with a light SE that will increase in the late afternoon around CT area. It backs more east with height. The instability around here too so a good chance of some CB activity and rain around. Perhaps a wind-shadow flight in the afternoon at LH could be possible unless the CB activity messes things up. ;) The main mountains looking a bit better with a northerly start but then the NW to W working during the late morning mid afternoon. The wind is still east above that layer and still those CB activity making things very exciting so eyes wide open if you are desperate. See spot.

RB – Some Southerly later in the day flowing through but probably too light and those CB’s… ;)

PV – Northerly start but a west to NW moving in late morning so a chance of some flying here. Less of a CB chance but it is still there so it depends if those guys are around or not. Otherwise perhaps the best spot of the day… (See Spot) :)

Wilderness – Loads of clouds around (great sunrise hey!) with the promise of strong SE winds and rain to come. Probably more from mid day onwards on the rain department. Lots of CB activity so the rain a bit tricky to predict. Maybe a flight in the morning could be done at Map… lol (See Sedge Spot!) :)

Plett – Very easterly form early on already. So probably a no go day even if Uppies shows some climbs… (See Spot)

PE and PA – The SE winds changing here due to the trough influence. (it extends way out to sea this time) So lighter winds with even a SW flow around mid afternoon. This pattern extends past EL – lighter winds of 10kts at times perhaps but still a chance of CB activity here increasing later in the day…

EL – Same as above.

Inland – A general N to NW flow inland with the SE influence in the southern regions – it might extend to the SB later in the day. Of course those CB activity spicing things up out there all day… A great day for weather watching. (Deep deep instability so those drops could be BIG with a chance of some flooding)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:08 and setting at 17:45 – day length 10:37. Low tide was at 5:51. High tide is at 11:57 and low tide again at 18:01 this evening. A light SW start going to nothing and then light East for the late afternoon. Another perfect day to go play outside and to get high on life.. ;) Max temperature around 18 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(4 May 2021) 
Day 407 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! The interior trough and LSH dominating most of the WC weather with the SAH just slightly offshore form the Cape with an influence along the coastal western parts. Winds are W to NW along the west coast mainly with lots of coastal fog around the west. It remains NW further inland but the inland trough with airflow from the far interior taking over bringing with it some super amazing soaring conditions. Also some instability with a chance for CB’s along the western interior that will spread a bit more to the east and southwards – around Middelburg by late afternoon. Base around the 12k mark for the interior with very manageable surface winds other than some gust front influences later on. The IOH having some influence in the far east with those NE winds but for the South coast areas its still light variable onshore flows from SW to East. Winds are NW from 5k everywhere and backs gently to the WNW to the Tropopause for a strong finish of 80-100kts.

CT – The surface wins flowing around the Peninsula. SW at SH and LH again but the SE poking its head out in the afternoon. Its more North above the inversion at TM top heights. The main ranges out of that mix and looking fairly good. Climbs to perhaps 6k on the cards in the right spot – some convergence around the DTK region. See spot.

RB – Looks like a lightish day with occasional winds in the right direction. :)

PV – A sweet day here form the looks of it with westerly winds and upper NW trend. Climbs to 6k in the convergence regions which moves from PV area then towards bumpy in the late afternoon. (See Spot) :)

Wilderness – Light winds for the morning with a SW early trend that will disappear to nothing around mid day then a SE trend after that. Not much in terms of instability with weak and low climbs if nay around Serps and Sedge. Im thinking of going to the Kammannasie ranges again today if anyone cares to join let me know. lol (See Sedge Spot!) :)

Plett – A day that is looking decidedly better than Sedge. :) (See Spot)

PE and PA – A W to SW pulse moving in around the PE area that will move eastwards but not quite make it to EL… Some 20kts spots…

EL – Those NE winds on fire here again today…. ;)

Inland – N to NW winds in the interior that will trend westerly later on. Loads of Q’s around with some rain and CB’s in the western interior. The sea breeze will move in again from the south in the late afternoon perhaps making it to the SW in a few spots. 15kts. Some strong convergence around again with sweet instability to 10/12k. Could be a nice day to be in the air… ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:07 and setting at 17:46 – day length 10:39. High tide this morning is at 10:23, low tide is at 16:44 this morning. A light SW start going to nothing and then light East for the late afternoon. Another perfect day to go play outside and to get high on life.. ;) Max temperature around 20 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(3 May 2021) 
Day 406 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! A sweet days of flying at DuToits yesterday for a lucky few who made the trip. Today the IOH dominating with a ridge over the interior while the trough is active along the western parts. Some CB activity over the west coast ocean in the afternoon – an unusual event. Winds are NW in the interior, N along the west, light and variable along parts of the southern coast and east in the east. Not much in terms of thermal activity – the windy conditions mixing the convective flow quite a bit plus low inversions along most of the lower lying areas near the coast. Hot temps in the south with the bergwinds active today and the NW direction not good for those inland northerly facing sites. Winds remain NW in general all the way up to the Tropopause for a 50kts finish.

CT – Northerly winds and fairly breezy with 30kts at TMT op at times. Thought there is a strong gradient so don’t be fooled into thinking its flyable. ;) Expect some mixing and turbulence and if you don’t get that you are lucky. ;) The main ranges showing some good lift to over 6k but again you have to contend with the fresh North and some mixing going on. (See DTK TH graph)

RB – Def WWB is out today… :)

PV – N to NW winds all day with breezy conditions. Not good for fluing – flying! (lol – good for flunging yes…) even if the spot is showing climbs to over 6k… (See Spot) :)

Wilderness – Bergwinds today until the afternoon where some east shows up. Not really a flying day but I’m sure someone will squeeze something out of the day again. ;) Sedge Spot showing amazing height gain at mid day… Hhhmmm.. Probably if you can get off on the northside I think you have a chance to get into that stuff… lol (See Sedge Spot!) :)

Plett – Like Wilderness but you need to take off to the north west! Maybe Buffels Nek ;) (See Spot)

PE and PA – The East winds dominating here at 20kts…

EL – Those NE winds on fire today…. ;)

Inland – The NW blowing today with over 30kts over the higher spots. It backs more west near the southern ranges. Not a nice day to be in the air… ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:06 and setting at 17:47 – day length 10:40. High tide this morning was at 8:37, low tide is at 15:04 this morning, high tide is at 21:35. Some fresh NNW bergwind gusty winds during the morning but moderating in the afternoon. Just perfect to go play outside and to get high on life.. ;) Max temperature around 25 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(2 May 2021) 
Day 405 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! The LSH dominating the weather today with a trough along the west coast. N to E flows and something in-be-tween in most places. The exception around the southern coastal areas where s very shallow layer of SE to E winds flow along the coast below the upper offshore winds. It’s a pretty stable day in most places with light weak thermals except for the trough areas where the winds are fresh NE and some climbs to 5/6k AGL can be had. The winds remain northerly all the way up to the 14k level where it does a trick with some anticyclonic circulation over the little Karoo before eventually settling back to the WNW at the Tropopause at 20/30kts.

CT – A light SW surface flow around the LH and SH area but more southerly in the south. Above 1k its NE mainly. A sweet day above the inversion if ou can get there. I thought Africa Face could have something. The main ranges with the N influence. Maybe a good day but I’d be wary of the N flow up there though it does look pretty light in the southern regions. (See DTK TH graph)

RB – WWB is out today… :)

PV – It is very N to NE. I would go to PB today. IT could be great there…. (See Spot) :)

Wilderness – Light S to SE winds increasing to the east. Ver stable day out there with poor poor climbs. IT could go to 7ooft ASL but its very weak and peraps not enough to climb in. My option would be Buffs just after mid day. (Or Join us at DuToits farm) ;) (See Sedge Spot!) :)

Plett – Like Wilderness but worse! ;) (See Spot)

PE and PA – The East winds dominating here at 20kts…

EL – A light wind start with a Soft SE after that. It will go more East to NE at 10-15kts. ;)

Inland – All blue day out there with no clouds and strong winds from the north in the morning over the higher grounds. IT will moderate in some spots. The far NE inland areas its very strong NE winds (On the west side) But light in the little Karoo. Light thermals so perhaps a good propellor thingies day. For the DuTOits group it could be good or just too light. ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:05 and setting at 17:48 – day length 10:42. High tide this morning was at 7:21, low tide is at 13:38 this morning, high tide is at 20:07. Light S to SE winds making it perfect to go get outside and get high on life.. ;) Max temperature a cool 19 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(1 May 2021) 
Day 404 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! A sweet sweet day at Sedge yesterday! Today the SAH shaping into a ridge with the LSH but widely spaced isobars with the trough along the west coast the only area with some breezy conditions. The thermal index pretty weak but still some flying to be nabbed if you are in the know. ;) A blue day on the cards except in the far east. Winds are all light S to SE with a N trend inland but then at 10k its all back to S again all the way to the Tropopause for a 30kts finish.

CT – A sweet wind-shadow day with light SE in a shallow layer quickly dropping to almost no wind at around 1500’. IT might even be a Africa face day with the E and NE trend up there. The main mountains offering a bit of something with sweet light thermals to around 4k. (See DTK Spot)

RB – Looks too light here all day long… :)

PV – There is a upper East trend but it is light so I think there will be enough to get you off at DK and KD. Climbs to 4k at best. (See Spot) :)

Wilderness – More S to SSE trend in direction, the usual weak stuff at Map but probably good for foefies with a bit more later in the day (It might be worth keeping tabs on it incase). Sedge still the goto spot of the day even though it is cross form the left it should be enough for late morning early lunch to get you up and around. (See Spot!) :)

Plett – Like yesterday similar to Wilderness – just not as good. ;) (See Spot)

PE and PA – Strong NW off shores to start but backing to the SW and then S later on while moderating to around 10kts.

EL – As above! ;)

Inland – A sudden contrast to the clouds it’s a clear blue day and good for propellor thingies to fly all over the show from the looks of it. Light winds with a north in the morning going more east during the afternoon. Later there is a light sea breeze pushing through form the south but it only gets into the little Karoo and not over the SB ranges. ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:05 and setting at 17:48 – day length 10:44. High tide this morning was at 6:24, low tide is at 12:38 this morning, high tide is at 19:00. Light SW to S winds making it perfect to go get outside and get high on life.. ;) Max temperature another cool 16 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(30 April 2021) 
Day 403 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! Another sweet coastal flying day along the GR yesterday. Today the SAH dominating again but with even better flying conditions on the cards. Southerly winds all over the WC with a few variations in specific spots. The Southerlies blowing far to the north past Upington. The CB activity confined to the far NE parts of the countries interior. Some beautiful Q’s around the 4k level AGL almost everywhere around in the WC. A tad higher over the bigger ranges. The winds remain southerly all the way to the 18k level where it veers a tad to the SW al th way to the Tropopause for a 50kts finish.

CT – Base around 4k with the SE all the way up there – it does back-off up there though so looks like a wind-shadow during the morning but seems to erode after mid day – so keep an eye on things. The SE dominating the main mountains but a shallow S to SW popping up from DTK and further north so it might be possible to get up somewhere but I would remain around the flats to avoid some of those bumps. But it could be a day to fly some distance to the north… (See DTK Spot)

RB – It is looking like a sweet day here. Probably from late morning… :)

PV – A lot of S and SE higher up but def a chance to get off and fly. Climbs to 5k doable and flying to the north on the cards. But watch any scratching…! (See Spot) :)

Wilderness – A sweet light W start before going SW. I think the coastal spots will be amazing enough but Sedge looks like it is going to go off. Def the day to practice thermaling all the way up to cloud base which looks like it could be as high as 3k! (You could hop over the back with that.) ;) Serps also offering the same stuff with a good soaring space over the flats towards Karatera. (See Spot!) :)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness – just not as good. ;) (See Spot)

PE and PA – Strong SW winds here that will moderate a bit form the west.

EL – As above! ;)

Inland – Those sweet looking skies ll over the show though there is a chance of some OD in many spots. Even a slight chance of some rain around mid day. The southerly winds around 10kts with some spikes to 15ks here and there. I think a happy day for flying for the soaring pilots… ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:04 and setting at 17:49 – day length 10:46. High tide this morning was at 5:37, low tide is at 11:49 this morning, high tide is at 18:08. Light SW to S winds making it perfect to go get outside and get high on life.. ;) Max temperature another cool 17 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(29 April 2021) 
Day 402 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! A sweet day at Sedge yesterday was a pleasant surprise for a lucky couple of pilots. Today that SAH strong and heavy as it pushes in the CF air from far south. Cold, windy and rainy conditions in most places of the WC. A strong trough inland with CB’s along a NW/SE line De Aar and Middleburg and beyond region. Strong W winds along the southern coastal areas, southerly inland and SE to S along the west coast. Base varying from 2k to 4k in most spots. Winds go NW from 10k upwards except for over the CT region where it remains SW until just before the Tropopause before also going WNW – 60/80kts.

CT – Strong and deep SE winds with no wind-shadow around. Base at 3/4k. IT should clear more later in the day. The main mountains also not good with the strong 25kts plus winds coming over the back. (See RB Spot)

RB – If you are an early bird it should be amazing soaring from sunrise till it gets strong or bumpy. :) (See Spot!)  ;)  

PV – Hhhmmm… I think too strong and too south to even SE in the south. Some climbs to just over 5k doable. It gets markedly better to the north. Kardoesie a smidgeon of hope though I think too strong there too. (See Spot) :)

Wilderness – Strong westerly winds to start off but from lunchtime it will become more SW and moderate a bit. The big rains seems to be moving in from late afternoon so it does look like a window of coastal soaring is on the cards. But perhaps there is also a chance at Sedge though I think it is a bit on the strong side… ;) (See spots)

Plett – Lots more west for long it seems. With more rain… (See Spot) ;)

PE and PA – Super strong SW winds all day long with rain.

EL – As above! ;)

Inland – Very cold and fresh southerly winds all day long all the way past the GE even. Those CB very active in the trough with Graafies, Middelburg and De Aar lining up along that CB line. Not a flying day but I bet the farmers are happy.  ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:03 and setting at 17:51 – day length 10:47. Low tide is at 11:05 this morning, high tide is at 17:21. Strong West to SW winds with rain especially in the late afternoon. Dress warm and go get high on life.. ;) Max temperature another cool 16 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(28 April 2021) 
Day 401 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! The interior trough along the western parts while the SAH dominates in the remainder of the WC with left overs form the CF and another approaching the WC. Winds are southerly along the west coast and southern coastal areas except for the easter parts where the East from a weak IOH is persisting. Lots of moisture around with rain but some partial sunny spots in a few spots but over all temps are pretty low. Even some CB’s in the central interior around Middelburg area. The winds in the interior once again N to NW north of the GE line. Winds go N to NW from 5k upwards with a 80kt finish at the Tropopause.

CT – A fresh southerly day with base around 2k. It might clear partially later on as the cloud depth decreases during the day. 20kts so probably not good for flying. Even the main mountains with the fresh southerly making for cross and mixing winds.

RB – It just could be a really great day of flying here for the hangies today. All day! (See Spot!)  ;)  

PV – A southerly day and fairly fresh so perhaps not the best day to fly but Kardoesie might offer something with a lighter start and some clouds around 4/5k after lunch. The wind does get fresh here to in the afternoon. (See Spot) :)

Wilderness – Finally it looks like we might get some flying done today – Sedge the spot by the looks of things. Climbs to around 1k with a southerly trend perhaps but enough to get some airtime I think. Maybe some of the coastal spots might also offer something though it looks a bit on the light side. Maybe with some luck something stronger might pop in. ;) (See spots)

Plett – Similar trend so it just might work – perhaps a bit more in the SE department lol (See Spot) ;)

PE and PA – The East winds looking to still dominate here for the day…

EL – As above! ;)

Inland – A beautiful light wind morning in the interior but for north of the GE where the NW is blowing from early already. The little Karoo with sweet air until just after lunch when the southerly starts to make an appearance. It will pick up with many spots over 20kts in the late afternoon.  ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:02 and setting at 17:52 – day length 10:49. Low tide is at 10:23 this morning, high tide is at 16:28. A light wind in between cold front day. A chill in the air but perfect to go get high on life.. ;) Max temperature another cool 16 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(27 April 2021) 
Day 400 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! The CF moving into the entire WC region with low clouds and rain mostly around in the western parts. Winds are generally westerly with a southerly trend in some parts around the SW section of the WC. Some instability around but the thermal index not that great – seems the winds are breaking up and mixing things up a bit so expect some turbulent flying if you get a chance to fly. Loads of clouds around today too and way up north to past the GE regions – all westerlies up there btw. The winds become lighter around the SW corner so if the clouds lift then some flying should become possible. Winds are NW higher up all the way with a slightly more west in it at the Tropopause 60kts.

CT – A SW start to the day with base up to 2k otherwise lower in most spots. The winds become lighter later with a more South trend. The mountains looking very OD with varying areas of rain and lifted bases – some as high as 3k perhaps. SLP looking not too bad in the morning but signs of the southerly popping in after lunch so be wary… ;) (See SLP Spot)

RB – A WWB day! ;)  

PV – NW to W winds with cloud low along the mountains. A Chance of rain on and off. If you fly be careful of cloudsuck and being trapped on the mountains… (See Spot) :)

Wilderness – Another tricky day with mixed reports – some rain just after lunch but perhaps it will be more along the mountains. Winds are very westerly with sporadic SW spurts during the day. The mid day pulse probably the best one – so Sedge and even the coast could work for a bit. Sedge looking a bit bumpy to me with the upper flow fairly brisk at 15kts around 1k and up. Very west so be wide awake. Lol. Another WYSIWYG day! ;) (See TH graphs and spots)

Plett – Similar trend with fresh west flows and sporadic climbing pulses popping through. lol (See Spot) ;)

PE and PA – Strong SW winds all day with rain mostly just inland…

EL – As above! ;)

Inland – Strong West winds everywhere that will trend more southerly in the southern parts in the afternoon… Rain also around especially along the western mountain ranges. These will spread more eastwards during the day reaching the Kammannasie ranges in the later afternoon.  ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:02 and setting at 17:53 – day length 10:51. (Feel the pinch of winter approaching!). Low tide is at 09:43 this morning, high tide is at 15:57. Lots of high cloud around later and moderate SW winds. Perfect to go get high on life.. ;) Max temperature another cool 18 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(26 April 2021) 
Day 399 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! That CF making inroads into CT today and will spread along most of the WC during the day. Strong NW winds expected except along the southern coastal regions where there are some varying winds on the cards but just above our heads the NW will dominate. ;) Rain with CB activity in a few spots around the SW areas spreading to the inland regions of the GR by mid day and the afternoon. Hhhmm… It does not look promising for flying today – lots of thick upper air clouds around stopping even the sail planes form exploring the chance of strong waves today. We should have gone to Barberton where conditions are looking really epic! :) Enjoy guys! ;) Back home the winds go 20kts NW from 1/2k and then increases all the way to the Tropopause for a 80kt finish up there.

CT – Strong NW winds with a chance of CB activity. 20kts plus all over so I doubt flying is doable – even for the hangies… (See CT TH graph)

RB – A WWB day! ;)  

PV – Strong N to NW winds so even though it might look sweet for a while around mid day the winds will probably be too strong A chance of CB’s and rain too… (See Spot)

Wilderness – Hhhmmm another terrible day that seems so tricky to predict. Winds seem all over the show. Strong NW winds above with some changing surface flows. Rain around that will impact the surface winds too. The Sedge Spot is looking dismal (yesterday it still looked sweet so we had high hopes!) But today is a bit of a guessing game form the looks of it. So my forecast is WYSIWYG! ;) (See TH graphs and spots)

Plett – Looking worse than Sedge today! lol (See Spot) ;)

PE and PA – Light variable winds with the NW inland trend but NE around PA and eastwards.

EL – Totally NE dominance again! ;)

Inland – A strong NW wind day with 30kts plus in some high ground areas. CB activity spreading along the southern mountains ranges in the southern parts from the west. Hhhmmm not a flying day. ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:01 and setting at 17:54 – day length 10:53. (Feel the pinch of winter approaching!). Low tide is at 09:03 this morning, high tide is at 15:16 and low tide again at 21:14. A high cloud day with light to moderate SW winds. Perfect to go get high on life.. ;) Max temperature a cool 18 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(25 April 2021) 
Day 398 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! So a few lucky pilots managed some sweet flying at Sedgefield yesterday for a surprising day of good flying. Alas, it seems we are back to the winter blues with dominating northerly winds and a shallow cold ocean layer around the coastal areas. A chance of some fag patches along the west and southern coasts again while the inland air with the strong subsidence has caused lots of stable conditions around most of the WC. The LH bringing in the N to NW flows inland that is combining with a CF that is pretending to be a cut-off low to the west of CT. Strong NW flows around the CT area. The only instability to be found around the North side of the GE. Winds are fairly strong with 20kts plus over the higher mountains. It remains NW all the way to the Tropopause for a 60kts finish.

CT – It is one of those days that might have some sweet spots of flying – strong NW around TM top but quite a gradient setting up in-front of that big old rock. Chace of some fag patches, thick upper air clouds and a chance for some hangie 12 apostle stuff – all depending on the gradient. The main mountains also a maybe – perhaps if you stay low around launch height but it is fairly fresh from 3k and higher. (See CT TH graph and DTK Spot)

RB – A WWB day! ;)  

PV – A smidgeon of lift to mountain top height around lunch time. Else breezy N to NW with some W later on. (See Spot)

Wilderness – Hhhmmm as stable a day as they come! Lol. Surprising after yesterdays Sedge instability. Hot inland temps with a NW flow. Shallow cold ocean air circulating around the coast – it trends SSW for a while but later light SE. Or it could just end up doing what ever it wants. ;) (See TH graphs and spots)

Plett – Looking worse than Sedge today! lol (See Spot) ;)

PE and PA – The IOH dominance still felt with those NE winds all day here…

EL – As above! ;)

Inland – A clear day with no clouds. Stable around the southern Karoo with NW winds everywhere – breezy in parts. Very! ;) North of the GE there is some thermal with climbs to 12k even at lunchtime. Choose the wrong spot and you could see some heavy bumps! ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:00 and setting at 17:55 – day length 10:55. (Feel the pinch of winter approaching!). Low tide is at 08:24 this morning, high tide is at 14:36 and low tide again at 20:34. Another foggy start but a chance of some clearing with sun. Light light winds all day. Not too perfect but still go get high on life.. ;) Max temperature a cool 19 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(24 April 2021) 
Day 397 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! So a sweet day yesterday for a few hikers that went up the Kammannasie mountains. Your truly being one of them. ;) 50ks XC but some amazing scenery over those majestic mountain ranges… Today not as good. The IOH to the east (NE winds along the eastern coastal areas) while the inland trough is along the west coast (N to NW winds along the western interior and down towards FH region even) with wide isobars and the southern coastal areas in a col region between the IOH and SAH still with those pesky fag patches appearing where ever there’s cold enough oceans around. Not the best da of flying on the cards though there are a few convergence regions that will offer some good flying for the sharp sticks. Should be a blue day. Winds are light to around 10k where it is decidedly NW and breezy going West with a slight S to the west up at the Tropopause of 40kts..

CT – A shallow SE flow with a strong inversion around 1k for the day. A good wind-shadow day from the looks of things. The main mountains with a low inversion around 3k with a few spots more than that. But just above the inversion the wind is breezy from the N to NW. FH looks too much SE in it… (See DTK Spot)

RB – A frustrating light day form the looks of it. But maybe? ;)  

PV – A inverted day with few things going above 2/3k. Northerly above that… Hhhmmmm (See Spot)

Wilderness – Hhhmmm those fag patches are persistent. Still around today but with a chance of some clearing around Sedge perhaps. (Looks more in the late afternoon again.) We might get up at Sedge with a southerly wind to 800ftASL. Lunchtime the best time. As for the rest its just weak…

Plett – Looking worse that Sedge today! ;) (See Spot) ;)

PE and PA – Strong NE winds all day here…

EL – As above! ;)

Inland – Another clear day with no clouds expected except in a few convergence spots. Westerly in the west but S to SW in the east pretty far inland. Some interesting convergence areas around the Middelburg region. Hhhmmm. Climbs to 12k here. To the south the Kammannasie ranges with lower tops – some spots to 7k (yesterday it was 10). A bit more wind higher up today…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:59 and setting at 17:56 – day length 10:57. (Oh o… - we now have less than 11 hours of daylight in a day!). Low tide is at 07:43 this morning, high tide is at 13:55 and low tide again at 19:09. Another foggy day probably with light winds… Not too perfect but still go get high on life.. ;) Max temperature a windy cool 21 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(23 April 2021) 
Day 396 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! The IOH dominating strongly in the east while the tail end of a double CF approaches CT. A coastal low making its way to the east along the coast reaching Wilderness area just after lunch. Still those pesky fag patches along the westcoast and parts of the southern coastal areas but with soe clearing as the front moves in and chances the airmass somewhat. Climbs to 10k or more to the north of the GE with progressively less the closer to the coast you get except over the higher mountains. It looks like a no cloud day. A tad disappointing along the west coast with the prefrontal effects making inroads to the south western parts of the WC (CT area). So strong NE winds along the south eastern coastal areas but making way for the WSW low moving up the coast – will reach Eersterivier by end of day (shy of Jbay). Winds go NW from 3k upwards but then changes to the south in the eastern parts of the WC but more west in the west with 60kts at the Tropopause.

CT – Very foggy with NW winds – it gets breezy at TM top height so a strong gradient around there. Along the main mountains some flying to be had in the lower areas but it does get strong from 4k upwards. So watch places like FH. (See DTK Spot)

RB – Another WWB day… ;)  

PV – A light W with some convergence around the BP areas after lunch. But it’s a mild day so just above the peaks kind of scratchy flying until you get the convergence where you can get to 4/5k. ;) (See Spot)

Wilderness – The fag patches should be clearing today as the westerlies move in. IT suddenly looks promising for some local flying with the coast maybe offering something from lunchtime onwards. It looks a tad west but might be enough up to stay up. ;) Sedge also looking better than yesterday so this might be the better spot to go to… (See Sedge Spot). ;) I have included the convergence over the Kamanasie ranges with a spot – this is still where I’m off to today. ;)  

Plett – Outlook seemingly worse than Wilderness with the SE winds dominating until mid afternoon when the west pushes in. But its pretty west then. (See Spot) ;)

PE and PA – Strong NE winds all day here…

EL – As above! ;)

Inland – A clear day with no clouds expected. NW winds to the north of the GE with west in the southern parts. 10-15kts with a few 20kts spots over the higher mountains. The southern parts starting of light west to NW but the sea breeze moving in from the south in the late afternoon with 15kts to 20kts in places. Climbs up t 10k over the bigger ranges.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:58 and setting at 17:57 – day length 10:58. (Oh o… - we now have less than 11 hours of daylight in a day!). Low tide is at 06:59 this morning, high tide is at 13:10 and low tide again at 19:09. A westerly flow form mid day up to 10kts perhaps. Perfect to go get high on life.. ;) Max temperature a windy cool 21 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(21 April 2021) 
Day 395 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! A double CF approaching the WC but before that the IOH and inland trough dominating – strong East winds along the east and southern coastal areas while most of the inland areas are NW to W with super good soaring conditions around. CB’s in the central eastern parts. ;) Again those coastal fag patches along the southern parts and also around the Peninsula and west coast this morning – a partial clearing in some areas only. Looks you need to go a bit inland to get into some air that will be flyable! A general N to Nw along the west coast. Climbs varying from 3k to over 6k in a few lucky spots. The south coast areas more stable with 1-2k only. OF course further inland it does improve. Winds are NE from 3k backing to the N then NW with a strong turn to the south from around 14k upwards and an unusual South finish of 50kts at the Tropopause.

CT – If the mist stays away it could be sweet around the Peninsula. Light N winds but local changes with soe apps predicting SW along the LH areas coast. The main mountains looking very  good with NW wind in general and climbs to 6k (or more for FH but changing from 14:00 onwards there). Could be great in the mountains but watch for strong NNW high up at times… (See DTK Spot)

RB – Another WWB day… ;)  

PV – W to NW day with weak climbs to 4/5k at most. (See Spot)

Wilderness – Another fag patchy day but we hope there will be some clearing – enough to fly at least! Winds are predicted to increase to 20kts and more with a bit of an east trend which is not the best for us. Probably blown out by mid day. Even Buffs are in the mist and blown out form early according to the forecasts. If you are a brave soul (nut) you could get high at Sedge though! ;)

Plett – Outlook similar to Wilderness but there is some hope for Uppies with some early clearing and sun! ;)

PE and PA – Strong NE winds all day here with a chance of rain especially in the east…

EL – Some rain around especially for the morning that is effecting the winds a bit. Lighter than expected with a straight east later on… ;)

Inland – Those CB’s around in the eastern interior around Graafies region. Winds there from East in the south to NW in the north. Some strong spots with the gust fronts around – over 30kts at times. Otherwise to the west it is fair weather Q’s with base around 15k. Winds NW 10-20kts in some spots. A great soaring day out there… East to SE winds in the southern interior but north of the GE it is all NW winds.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:58 and setting at 17:58 – day length 11:00. (Only 11 hours of daylight time now!). Low tide is at 06:07 this morning, high tide is at 12:16 and low tide again at 18:20. A partly misty cloudy day with fresh SE winds later on - perfect to go get high on life.. ;) Max temperature a windy cool 21 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(20 April 2021) 
Day 394 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! The SAH dominating to the south of us with a ridge along the southern parts, joining the LSH with a trough along the west coast. The winds Se along the south curling around CP with a SW to W and then NW component along the west coast as it joins the trough flow. NW further inland once again with still those sweet high clouds and some lekker flying along the interior and especially the west. Some coastal fag patches along the southern and western coastal areas too. Those CB’s have moved off to the eastern interior. Instability a tad low along the coastal areas increasing as we move inland. The winds going NW from around 3/4k except along the west where its NW from the surface up. West around 18k with a slight WSW up at the Tropopause at 50kts.

CT – Another sweet light wind day with some apps showing a light east to NE component to 4k. That means Africa face should be cool during the morning! :) The usual light SW along the SH and LH sides. The main mountains with some good flying with NW flows and late climbs to 6k perhaps. (See DTK Spot)

RB – Another WWB day… ;)  

PV – Westerly flow trending more NW with hight. Looks like some convergence from 15 onwards between DK and PV. Climbs to 6k then. (See Spot)

Wilderness – A light wind start with a SW trend but later in the afternoon some SE moving in from the east. It does not seem to make it to Map unfortunately. But Sedge could give us something around lunchtime today. Perhaps Gerrickes for a bench up and even Buffs late morning….

Plett – Outlook here is worse than Sedge. ;)

PE and PA – The SE going more easterly here with a NE to the east. Around 10-15kts at most.

EL – Same as above but more NE… ;)

Inland – NW winds all the way trending more W in the southern parts. Still those good Q’s in the interior with CB in the western parts. Some strong gust front flows expected out there too… 12k bases from the looks of it.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:57 and setting at 17:59 – day length 11:02. High tide is at 10:54 this morning, low tide is at 17:13. A high cloud day but light winds so perfect to go get high on life.. ;) Max temperature a windy cool 19 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(20 April 2021) 
Day 393 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! The IOH dominating with a huge ridge along the southern parts – strong east winds along the coast again but the direction with more of an easterly component. Some CB activity around the southern mountains and coastal areas that will clear during the day and spread northwards. Winds inland NE to Northerly trending more NW later in the day. Some sweet Q’s north of the GE again today with some good flying. The Winds around CT curling in from the SE flowing around the Peninsula with a SW component along the west coast. Winds much lighter today probably bringing some big fire fighting relief! Above the inversion winds do a long slow backing from the NE to N then W to finish with a SW at the Tropopause around 50kts.

CT – A light wind day with the inversion around 1/2k. It is NW above that with a S to SW flow below. There should be a good wind-shadow shaping up today. The main mountains also looking really good with climbs peaking just above 6k. (Se DTK Spot)

RB – And it is WWB outing time… ;)  

PV – Light W to SW winds for the most part with a slight SW push later in the afternoon from the south. There is a convergence spot setting up at Bumpy around 15:00 with climbs to just over 7k form the looks of it. Hhhmmm…. (See Spot)

Wilderness – Those thunder storms cracking up the skies this morning. They should clear and move of to the north and westwards during the course of the morning. The wind is still on for SE but it goes East and then NE very quickly with height. So Map could have a very short window but with so much east in the forecasts it sounds like a real mis and hit affair. It should be blown out and if it does slack off a bit its probably because of the east component. See the Map TH graph for 11:30.

Plett – Same as above… ;)

PE and PA – The NE flow really strong out to sea but slightly less along the shores…. The rain and those CB activity – they hang around here for longer from the looks of it…

EL – Same as above… ;)

Inland – Looks like a Du Toits morning up to 14:00 when the SE will push in. Of course the CB;s not really making that an option. Lol. The inland winds of NE backing to the NW later in the day. A few strong spots around with 20kts on the cards. CB’s hanging around in the east all day. But in the far north and west things are really good with NW winds and sweet climbs to 13k. (That’s where we should be!)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:56 and setting at 18:00 – day length 11:0. High tide is at 8:54 this morning, low tide is at 15:30. The CB’s should clear during the morning with a windy day later on. Still perfect to go get high on life.. ;) Max temperature a windy cool 20 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(19 April 2021) 
Day 392 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! Today the SAH pushing in hard behind the CF. Very strong SE winds all over the show with a bit more south to the east and more east in the west. Lots of rain along the southern parts clearing as we move inland. The CF air with SE winds up to around 6/7k then it starts to back quickly with a westerly flow form 10k and upwards. There is a slight chance of some CB activity for inland along the GE area where the skies are actually amazing for flying. The inland LH does a sweet anticlockwise circulation bringing in some amazing soaring conditions to the central Groot Karoo areas today. High bases and sweet climbs to 14k with 10-15kts winds. That’s where we all should be! ;) Winds are W to WNW all the way to the Tropopause for a 60kt finish up there.

CT – Very very strong SE winds with 40kts plus at times this morning (I hope that fire is under control!) So not good news for that. Def no flying on that side with a deep flwo and not a usable wind-shadow shaping up. SE along the main mountains all day long. (See RB TH graph)

RB – Probably too strong and a bit too much east but its probably worth checking it out. Test your bravery!  ;)  

PV – IT is vert stable in most forecasts but for a small window to the north around Kardoesie. The upper flow is still east though it could be light enough to fly from here (See Spot) lots of upper clouds form the looks of things. PV probably too much east on the top and PB with the right wind direction (sort of) but stable form a thermic department) Hhhmmm…. (See Spot)

Wilderness – An easy forecast today. Strong SE wind and rain. All day. ;)

Plett – Same as above… ;)

PE and PA – More Southerly in wind direction otherwise similar as above…

EL – Southerlies and rain all day long… ;)

Inland – The SE winds penetrating all the way to the GE areas with a chance of rain. Cloud base from low around Oudshoorn rising steadily to 7/8k north of the SB ranges. But then North of the GE the wind is NW with high bases and good flying.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:55 and setting at 18:02 – day length 11:06. High tide was at 7:27 this morning, low tide is at 13:48 and High tide at 20:27. A hot cloudless day with light winds – perfect for everything. Do go get high on life.. ;) Max temperature a windy rainy and cold 18 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(18 April 2021) 
Day 391 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people! The SAH helping to race a CF in towards the WC – the CF striking CT from this evening and early morning tomorrow for the GR area. Some IOH dominance in the east with NE winds along the costs but then the inland trough setting up along the western parts of the WC with strong soaring conditions – high bases near 15k from the Worcester mountains stretching to the north as far as the eye can see. Winds inland are all W to NW and fairly fresh with the approaching front. Even CT very pre-frontal with some strong N to NW winds – 30kts from 2k upwards already in some spots this morning. For the rest of the area the instability stretching to the southern mountains but the coastal plains very stable. Only a shallow ocean layer bringing some light relieve for the hot temps expected today. (and of course those stable none flying conditions!) ;) Winds are W to NW from 2k upwards all the way to the Tropopause – 30-40kts from 3k upwards.

CT – Strong inversion with N to NW initially but it does trend a tad more WSW later in the day with signs of some moderation then – so maybe a chance of a flight somewhere. The main ranges also looking very strong but of course those epic strong thermic stuff just inland (Look for those high Q’s this afternoon out there). Probably too strong for the PG and HG pilots… ;)

RB – WWB is out and about! ;)  

PV – Some high climbs out there but also some strong NW winds. 15-20kts making it too strong for safe flying in a PG and only very brave Hangies could do it (But I don’t know any of those any more) ;) (See Spot)

Wilderness – Another hot and inverted day. Surface winds are all light SW starting but ending more Easterly. Inversion top from 3ooft to 500ft. Looks like a beach hangout day to me. ;) Its W to NW above that.

Plett – Same as above… ;)

PE and PA – The IOH mixing things up here. The NE wind starting to hangout increasing towards the East.

EL – Strong NE winds. ;)

Inland – Hot hot conditions with some pre-frontal stuff around – strong West winds moving in form the west in the afternoon – those super high stuff helping with that flow in the west. In the central parts its all NW to W winds 15-20kts. Not the est fo flying days! ;) But a challenge for soaring pilots to explore 15k bases along the western regions today…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:55 and setting at 18:03 – day length 11:08. High tide was at 6:36 this morning, low tide is at 12:49 and High tide at 19:17. A hot cloudless day with light winds – perfect for everything. Do go get high on life.. ;) Max temperature a windy and cool 25 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)


(17 April 2021) 

Day 390 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! After the strong SE winds yesterday some pretty stable conditions settling in today all over the WC. The exception is the Western parts with some good spots around in the Swartland valley. Bumpy peak supposed to each 10k in the convergence after 15:00 today. ;) For the rest the IOH dominating with strong NE flows along the eastern parts of the Southern coasts. It does get lighter towards CT where t curls more towards the west as the inland flows is effect by a weak trough along the west. Very light winds for the most part across the entire region – 10-15kts at most. No clouds once again. For the most part it is a weak day with low climbs. Winds go West form 3k upwards and then SW from 19k and continues to back to the S at the Tropopause for a 30/40kts finish.

CT – A very shallow S to SW flow and super strong inversion all day. (From near the surface to close to TM top!). Light SW trend around the LH and SH areas. The main mountains looking better with DTK offering some climbs to 5/6k perhaps.

RB – Another light no fly day today… ;)  

PV – Again a very slow start but a strong finish especially at Bumpy form 15 onwards. Here in the convergence you could get to 10! And the winds are not that strong either. So maybe some cool video and pic opportunities! ;) Else its light Westerlies all day… (See Spot)

Wilderness – A lighter S to SE day with frustrating stable conditions – Sedge offering just over launch hight – so maybe we are lucky or it could suck even more! ;) Perhaps something might happen at Gerrickes for a bench-up. Map dismal weak. Buffs a maybe…

Plett – Same as above… ;)

PE and PA – Super strong NE winds here all day long!

EL – Same as above!!! :)

Inland – Stable stable and weak conditions mostly. Perhaps over the bigger mountains some climbs to 7/8k (Only over the highest parts of the SB ranges) otherwise a super day for propellor thingies out there!

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:54 and setting at 18:04 – day length 11:10. High tide was at 6:01 this morning, low tide is at 12:09 and High tide at 18:31. A cloudless day with light winds – perfect for everything. Do go get high on life.. ;) Max temperature a windy and cool 18 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)


(16 April 2021) 
Day 389 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! The CF heading strongly up into the Northern parts of KZN while the SAH is pushing in behind it (it will morph into the IOH) with strong easterly flows. It is slightly ENE inland remaining like that all day – even far north of the GE. The flow depth up to 6/8k level in some spots. Some spots going over 20kts and of course the southern coast with over 30kts in spots. The flow does bypass CP leaving CT with light SW winds as it curls around back towards the west coast. No clouds today. Stable conditions near the coasts with climbs between 500ft and 1500ft. The first mountains some spots reaching 5k. Further north still 5k AGL at most. The wind goes W above the inversion and remains westerly all the way to the Tropopause where it does a bit of a funny dance around today ;)

CT – Light SW to S flows around the Peninsula with a lekker convergence over the Cape flats. A bit of a low inversion around LH and SH so not much expected along the northern parts but Africa face looking thermic with light NE to N winds at the top – so maybe a window to fly here. The main ranges with SE winds but from 14:00 onwards the west flow moving in and climbs to 5k or so possible.

RB – A no fly day today… ;)  

PV – A slow start but a sweet window from 13/14:00 onwards with the best spots to the south from Dasklip launch. Perhaps making it to 6k even. Light winds today with maybe just over 10kts surface winds from the SW later on. (See Spot)

Wilderness – A strong ESE wind day expected with Map showing promise for a short window in the morning. From mid/late morning it looks blown out. Strong at the other spots so probably not worth looking at them. Buffs blown out at sunrise already it seems.

Plett – Same as above… ;)

PE and PA – The SE winds losing momentum as we move closer to the CF effected area… So from PE it starts to veer to the S towards EL and drops in strength…

EL – The SE to S winds could make all those onshore spots work. :)

Inland – All those record skies moved to the north by the CF so the east winds dominating for a change from the usual NW winds. Moderate flying skies with climbs to 3/4k AGL around 3-4ooft/min. Not bad for propeller thingies I think. ;) The East flows getting strong to the south near the coast…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:53 and setting at 18:05 – day length 11:12. High tide was at 5:31 this morning, low tide is at 11:38 and High tide at 17:56. A low cloud day with rain in the afternoon. But do go get high on life.. ;) Max temperature a windy and cool 18 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)





(15 April 2021) 
Day 388 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! A light CF moved into the southern parts bringing low clouds and pretty stable conditions along with it. IT is effecting the southern and western coastal areas and only much further north do we get out of its clutches. PV valley and southwards falling inside this region. A strong SE trend here but then it curls to the west with the inland areas just absolutely going off! Its day for record distances flying from Southerland areas and heading down wind west to WSW. 15k bases and a healthy rate to carry you along. :) (Lets hope Josh is out there!) ;) Winds along the southern parts trending SSW but then more West later in the day – some rain along the southern parts from mid day onwards. From 3k its all west then SW from 10k all the way to the Tropopause for a slightly or W finish at 60kts.

CT – A strong SE day with RASP showing a wind-shadow during the morning but then from mid day onwards it erodes away. The wind is strong all the way past TM top height so all signs that doesn’t look good to e for a wind-shadow. Then the main mountains looking terrible with strong SE winds everywhere lasting all day. ;) (See RB TH graph)

RB – Early morning could be sweet. Probably  a tad strong later on in the day but there are some calmer areas that could move into the RB area making it possible for some flying. ;)  

PV – A very SSE day with 15kts from mid day onwards already. A stable day with low inversion and weak climbs in general. Maybe PB could offer something to play in but even here the 10-15kts are looking a bit breezy. Some spots showing climbs to 5k but I doubt that. Not the best of days… (See Spot)

Wilderness – Another foggy coastal patchy start but some partial lifting in the late morning. There is a good chance of some rain from mid afternoon onwards. It is looking very west for Sedge later on and so too for the coastal cliffs. Strong winds further out to sea which could move in though most apps are not predicting this. Still, keep an eye out for anything stronger that could move in. Maybe a coffee day…  ;)

Plett – Some interesting bits at Uppies for late morning that could make it worth exploring. Otherwise too west for the rest fo the area… ;) (See Uppies Spot) ;)

PE and PA – Fresh SW start and for the rest of the day. Rain later on might get to the coast.

EL – As above. :)

Inland – Oh boy! That record skies along the GE area with 15k cloud bases and strong W to WSW winds to help you go far… Epic stuff out there. But to the south the effects of the CF with low clouds and strong windy conditions – over 30kts over the higher grounds in the afternoon. Some rain moving in into the southern parts later on making things more complicated. Not a flying day here for props or otherwise! ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:52 and setting at 18:06 – day length 11:14. High tide was at 5:05 this morning, low tide is at 11:10 and High tide at 17:26. A low cloud day with rain in the afternoon. But do go get high on life.. ;) Max temperature a cooler 18 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)




(14 April 2021) 
Day 387 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! The SAH dominating along the southern parts while the LSH circulation still bringing that good soaring stuff from the N and NW – the inland trough with brilliant soaring conditions inland with 14k bases plus and a W to NW wind out there. (We should be there! Josh!?) ;) Again the fag-patches along the southern parts with light southerly winds – low weak climbs. The mountains a tad better but as soon as you move more north it changes drastically. The west coast not as good as yesterday but still over 6k climbs along the first ranges there. Winds all go West above the inversion and from around 3k its west to 14k then SW all the way to the Tropopause for a 50kts finish up there.

CT – Another strong low inversion with a southerly below and light east above to TM top hight. The wind=shadow firing on all 4 cylinders today but perhaps too inverted for anything exciting to happen. The main ranges much much better with the high temps and climbs to 6k out at DTK… (See DTK TH graph)

RB – A maybe day here. Low inversion but perhaps enough SSE pushing through to be lightly soarable…

PV – A lot of S trends in the wind today but still some great soaring on the cards with climbs over 6k. Less windy than yesterday I think and much easier to drift to the north towards the pass. In some spots just a tad over 10kts low teens I think. (See Spot)

Wilderness – Another foggy coastal patchy start to the day but I think at mid day Sedge will offer us something to play in. It is weak stuff with nothing really working on the coast.  ;)

Plett – A bit up form yeyserday with Uppies showing climbs to 2k (1k above launch) ;) (See Uppies Spot) ;)

PE and PA – A SW start that will moderate during the day and go more S to SE. 15kts or just over at times.

EL – As above. :)

Inland – Again those epic skies to the north with high temps and 14/15k bases – super soaring conditions. But it lowers to the south with the SB and the Kamanasie showing up to but then it lowers to 6k along the Outies and less along the coastal plains. Fresh winds to the north with Westerlies dominating and later the southerly creeping to the north with 20kts along the tops of the SB and Outies later on.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:52 and setting at 18:08 – day length 11:16. Low tide is at 10:44 and High tide at 16:58. Light winds and high cirrus clouds all day so a good day to do everything and anything! But do go get high on life.. ;) Max temperature around 19 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)




(13 April 2021) 
Day 386 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! The weak Southern Systems allowing the interior trough and northerly air to move far to the west and east – bringing that good soaring weather into striking distance of some of the sites today. A bumpy peak convergence setting up with climbs doable to 10k today. Further inland some very high Q’s with base around 14k. All W to NW winds out there. No rain expected anywhere. The coastal areas still those seawards fag-patches with morning and afternoon increased movement towards the coast. Weak and stable climbs and air near those. S to SE trend in the south, east in the east and more W to SW along the west coast. From 3k the winds go NW trending west and from 14k it goes back to the NW for a 60kts finish.

CT – A strong inversion once again with westerly trend. Southerly on the surface and more west above the inversion. Light winds with local acceleration of 15kts at times. Looks like some Southerly push in the late afternoon with an increase in wind but perhaps also some low cloud from that. The main mountains better flying with a NW trend, later a lower SW will push through. Some strong bits higher up. Climbs to 5k around DTK but it gets better further north. (See DTK TH graph)

RB – Again a low inversion and light SSW wind day here for the most part…

PV – A much stronger day compared to yesterday. From 14 onwards there is a distinct convergence setting up from Bumpy into the valley with climbs to 10k possible. Just watch those upper winds which will drift you back at over 20kts up there during the active period! (See Spot!) Some increased surface winds too so be careful of getting pined on the mountain 15kts expected with possible stronger spots from 14:00 onwards in a few areas… Elsewhere climbs to 7k also on the cards. (See Spot)

Wilderness – Another foggy coastal patchy day. Perhaps during mid day some clearing around Sedge for flying there… But another weak day with 5kts or less winds along the coast. Sedge maybe (if it is open here) allowing climbs to 700ft ASL. lol Buffs could be a nice surprise today – looks like a bit of a SE wind there with the mid day time period getting to soarable strengths… ;)

Plett – It is looking bleak here today! Lol ;) (See Uppies Spot) ;)

PE and PA – A light wind start but then the SE to E winds will pickup for the day. Perhaps reaching 15kts or just over at times.

EL – As above but with more ENE. :)

Inland – The GE areas with super high and cool Q’s around today. That is where we should be today for a last season long distance flights… Closer to the coasts its very stable with weak and low climbs. The SB ranges and the Kamanasie ranges showing lift to over 10k. Good flying for prop thingies to the south but get up early if you are to the north before the thermals start. The sea breeze pushing through Oudtshoorn at 16:00 with over 25kts.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:51 and setting at 18:09 – day length 11:18. Low tide is at 10:10 and High tide at 16:32. Light winds and high cirrus clouds all day so a good day to do everything and anything! But do go get high on life.. ;) Max temperature around 19 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)




(12 April 2021) 
Day 385 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! Sedge once again surprising us yesterday with an hour of sweet flying. Today looking not a good but we live in hope! ;) The SAH to the west and the IOH to the east dominating with a light mood – the inland trough active with NW winds and some Q’s with good soaring and climbs to around 12k. But the HP systems having had enough time over the last few days to really dampen the instability along the coastal plains with poor thermals and iffy flying conditions. Fag patches once again especially along the southern coastal areas and increasing their encroachment along the coast in the afternoon. Winds Easterly in the east and the more S to SE around the CP corner with a S to SW component along the west coast. From 3k the wind trends NW then at 14 it is west and continuous with the backing to the SW from 20k to the Tropopause.

CT – A light wind, shallow inversion SE day with a biiig wind-shadow. Some fog patches around but most should not get near the coast. The main mountains with a tad more instability with DTK looking to the best in the area if you are desperate for some flying. (See DTK TH graph)

RB – A low inversion and light SW wind day here for the most part…

PV – Another even weaker day with a NW start backing to the SW later in the day. Climbs to the mountain tops if you are lucky. Lol. 5-10kts wind at most. (See Spot)

Wilderness – A lesser day compared to yesterday… hm… Those fag patches really messing things up a bit I think but maybe a small smidgeon of a window around mid day/lunchtime at Sedge again. But I am not hopeful at all to be honest… lol

Plett – Only a little bit better at Uppies with the coast very light winds… ;) (See Uppies Spot) ;)

PE and PA – A light wind start but then the east will start to dominate as the IOH works its dominance in the area… Maybe up to 15kts in a few spots.

EL – As above but with more ENE. :)

Inland – Another sweet light wind start but more westerly winds dominating from the SB and northwards from there…. Some big skies to the north again with climbs and some Q’s to 12k… To the south the W to S winds increasing in the west up to 20kts in some spots. In the SE the SE winds dominating. Weak thermal activity in the south so good flying for prop thingies.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:50 and setting at 18:20 – day length 11:20. Low tide is at 9:54 and High tide at 16:05 and low again at 21:58. Light winds and high cirrus clouds all day so a good day to do everything and anything! But do go get high on life.. ;) Max temperature around 19 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)




(11 April 2021) 
Day 384 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! The SAH domination a bit stronger with the inland trough still pumping sweet high bases just north of the GE today. More stable along the coastal regions – west and southerly coasts – with a southerly trend. Still some fag patches around but with a bit of luck you will not be covered by these and be able to get your wings out at least! ;) Climbs between 1 and 2k in general along the plains, at the first mountains it does go up a tad 3 maybe 4k but the inland ranges going progressively more 6-8k along the deeper Cederbergs and SB ranges while its 13/14k in the far north! Join Josh out there! ;) Winds all go NW from 5/6k upwards then at 18k W all the way for a W 70/80kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – A beautiful day with high cirrus around and a light to mod SE wind of 15kts. Inversion at 1k with lighter winds and east trend above. SO a sweet wind-shadow day all day long. The main ranges with weak climbs to 3k or maybe just above. The SE creeping in from the south so just watch those southerly areas (FH and SLP) (See DTK TH graph)

RB – Another possible day with the afternoon the better time I think.

PV – A weak day with low climbs – just above the mountain ranges for the most part. Light SW winds with a southerly trend in places later on. Again the sea breeze not really making it in here later on. (See Spot)

Wilderness – I was hoping for a better day compared to yesterday but perhaps not. Probably similar with ups and downs all day. Looks like two peaks coming in – 12:30 and 14:30. Southerlies – up to 750 asl but a patch here and there to 1k. The coast too soft for anything exciting going on. So lets see what happens. ;)

Plett – Again a bit better than Sedge but still nothing to get excited about. ;) (See Uppies Spot) ;)

PE and PA – Another light SW start to the day with the wind backing to the S and SSE later on. IT remains light with 10kts in a few spots. Maybe some light rain too.

EL – As above but with a SE in the afternoon later in the day. :)

Inland – Another sweet light wind day in the south but fresh north of the GE. Later on the South will move in to north of the SB ranges with the mountain tops going over 20kts in a few places. Still sweet for the propellor thingies. North of the GE its high bases and amazing soaring conditions for this time of the year.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:49 and setting at 18:11 – day length 11:22. Low tide is at 9:30 and High tide at 15:38 and low again at 21:33. Light winds and high cirrus clouds all day so a good day to do everything and anything! But do go get high on life.. ;) Max temperature around 19 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)





(10 April 2021) 
Day 383 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! So while we have been sitting ducks on the hill in the fog, Josh went to the north into that big sky air and flew an amazing 181km the day before! Here’s his track log. Lekker Josh! :)

For today that SAH still hanging around with weak pressure gradients and only the inland trough with a bit of meat in it – some fresh westerlies expected inland north of the SB ranges. To the south and along the coasts its all light southerly flows with perhaps a 10kts here and there. Still lingering fog patches around all the coastal areas with partial clearing during the day. Instability around 1-2k along the coastal plains then a slow rise over the first ranges perhaps 4k with only from the SB ranges rising to 8k and of course northwards from there the westerly airmass with higher climbs and a few lost Q’s late afternoon around 13/14k. Winds are all WNW above the inversion then at 30k it is more west with a 70/80kts finish at the Tropopause

CT – Again some fog patches around, especially to the west – most will burn off leaving a sweet day but with a S to SW wind component. Inversion rising to TM hight during the best part of the day. The main mountains still looking best with some flying around DTK and northwards. FH looking good until around 15:00 when the SE might creep over the back. Maybe even HM if the gof goes away. (See DTK TH graph)

RB – Another possible day like yesterday - It could work here with 10-15kts so probably a bit light but you never know unless you go! ;)

PV – Another very mild flying day with climbs to 3/4k today. Again light winds starting W going SW. The sea breeze not really making it in here later on. (See Spot)

Wilderness – Looks like a similar day to yesterday today – mild climbs at Sedge but I think Serps could be even better. Later in the afternoon some low Q’s moving in that could signal some sweet flying too… Very light along the coast though with a few fag patches out to sea – some could touch the coast now and then…

Plett – Uppies looking better than Sedge at least but still weak and low! ;) (See Uppies Spot) ;)

PE and PA – A sweet light wind day in the whole area with only a bit of SE in the afternoon from the east.

EL – As above but with a SE in the afternoon later in the day. :)

Inland – A light wind in the south day but fresh from the SB ranges and northwards. Mostly west winds to the north 20kts plus at times. Blue day with maybe a few lost high Q’s late in the afternoon. To the south things are sweet for propellor thingies. The S to SE winds picking up over some of the southerly mountain tops in the afternoon.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:49 and setting at 18:13 – day length 11:24. Low tide is at 9:04 and High tide at 15:11 and low again at 21:08. Another sweet maybe misty but mostly sunny light day good for doing everything and anything! But do go get high on life.. ;) Max temperature another cool 18 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)




(9 April 2021) 
Day 382 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! The SAH still dominating though weakly in most areas – its also pushing in a CF that should reach CT by end of day. Its pretty weak so don’t expect much rain. Similar conditions today compared to yesterday along the coasts but for less fog patches – which is encouraging. Still low climbs and very stable air around with less than 1k along the southern coastal areas, a tad more near the mountains. More to the north but even there its still weak and not that great until we reach the norther side of the GE. Here the west wind is breezy and there’s some better climbs out here – though a blue day compared to yesterday and lots of high cirrus around in most places. Winds go WNW form around 4k upwards with a SW trend from 18k and a SW 50/60kt finish at the Tropopause.

CT – Some fog patches around which should burn off leaving a sweet day with a working wind-shadow. The main mountains still looking best with some flying around DTK and northwards. There is a SE from around 3/4k upwards so just keep that in mind. (See DTK TH graph)

RB – It could work here with 10-15kts so probably a bit light but you never know unless you go! ;)

PV – Another mild flying day with climbs to 3k today. Again light winds SSW and later some 10kts plus moving onto PV around 17/18:00

Wilderness – Another foggy start but it does seem to be less compared to yesterday. Light winds with Sedg still the go to spot of the local area… Climbs less than 1k but maybe a moment for some flying. (I would consider visiting Louvain today with light S winds on the cards and climbs there to 3/4k possible) ;)

Plett – Uppies looking better than Sedge at least! ;) (See Uppies Spot) ;)

PE and PA – Again light winds start but then the onshore SE flow will start and maybe those ocean cliffs will become playable again.

EL – As above but with a SW start going more S during the day. :)

Inland – Another amazing start with light winds everywhere and some low cloud initially. Even later in the day the afternoon the winds look to be light to moderate southerly. To the far north the W winds still dominating but with no Q’s expected. Lots of high cirrus though… a good day for propeller thingies.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:48 and setting at 18:14 – day length 11:26. Low tide is at 8:36 and High tide at 14:41 and low again at 20:40. Another sweet misty light day good for doing everything and anything! But do go get high on life.. ;) Max temperature another cool 18 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)




(8 April 2021) 
Day 381 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! Sedge pulled a rabbit out the hat yesterday afternoon with sweet sweet flying after a long morning of mist and cross winds – just rewards for those that waited! Today the SAH still dominating with the inland trough still showing us up with epic inland flying. The pressure gradients weak so light winds in most places. The southern coastal areas still plagued with the coastal fog – perhaps more today than yesterday! Mainly a southerly wind trend. Those inversions also lower and deeper – 1-2k along the coastal areas and just 3/4k along the first mountain ranges. Only past the GE does things become amazing with Q’s and great climbs to 12/13k. Westerly winds out there. Winds remain light with a west trend above the inversion. From 10k it backs more SW with a WSW finish at the tropopause of 50kts.

CT – Another beautiful wind-shadow day. A strong inversion starting just above the 1k mark. The main mountains looking sweet with W to SW winds and climbs to 4k. Probably the best places to be. FH offering a mid day upwind window to go play in… ;) Also FH a  See DTK Spot.

RB – Perhaps another afternoon of soaring on the cards… ;)

PV – A weak flying day with climbs to 4k at most – the convergence very far north with a chance of climbs to 5k here but its more over the PB ranges) Light winds with a S trend later on. KD the best spot probably.

Wilderness – Another foggy start with a southerly trend in the wind. Again the best bet of waiting at Sedge for those gaps and hopefully getting some airtime. ;) Perhaps 1k climbs if it works.

Plett – Looking less wind here today with fog over the ocean and adjacent areas. Not the best of days but maybe you could get something at Uppies to satisfy that ich… (See Uppies Spot) ;)

PE and PA – A light wind start but then the onshore SE flwo will dominate with perhaps 15kts at times. So unless the fog  stops play maybe those ocean cliffs could work.

EL – As above but just a tad less in the wind department. :)

Inland – Another amazing start with light winds everywhere. To the far north the W winds dominates and is quite fresh today – more than yesterday. Good soaring skies to the north but the south very stable and a good day for propeller thingies.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:47 and setting at 18:15 – day length 11:28. Low tide is at 8:02 and High tide at 14:08 and low again at 20:09. Another sweet light day good for doing everything and anything! But do go get high on life.. ;) Max temperature a cool 18 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)




(7 April 2021) 
Day 380 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! The SAH with light dominance around the WC today while a sweet trough brings super cool flying in the interior. Pretty stable around the coastal plains with 2-3k climbs but a bit more on the mountains with 5-6k there. Few clouds around the south but sweet stuff north of the GE with high base around 13k. NW to W winds out there while the eastern parts of the coast shows SW flows and SE in the west. In general it is much lighter than yesterday so a sweet day ahead of us I think. The wind goes west from 6/7k upwards ad backs to the SW at the Tropopause for 60-70kt finish.

CT – A beautiful wind-shadow day with pleasant flying I think. A strong inversion starting just above the 1k mark. The main mountains again good with a deep enough SW flow to get up in but a SE trend higher up. I tis light though so should be ok. See DTK Spot.

RB – Looking like a sweet afternoon of soaring to me… ;)

PV – A more southerly and stable day with climbs to 4/5k at the most. The strong SSW winds not getting into the valley by end of the day so that is a bonus. ;) (See spot!)

Wilderness – A bit of a coastal low to the SE of us bringing some low clouds (fog perhaps) in parts. Maybe enough SW for some early soaring along the coast otherwise Sedge could be good from mid day onwards – the morning with quite a bit of west in it so not that great there I think. Perhaps 1k climbs?

Plett – Keurbooms looking to be good as the SW goes more Southerly around mid day. Uppies with some climbs to maybe 3k? (See Uppies Spot) ;)

PE and PA – A light SW start with the winds touching at 20kts. IT moderates again later in the day…

EL – As above but just a tad more in the SW department…. :)

Inland – An amazing start with light winds everywhere except perhaps in the far east. It is light southerlies in most places but W north of the GE – and this is where the sweet flying is to be had today – a last seasonal day for going very far! ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:46 and setting at 18:16 – day length 11:30. Low tide is at 7:20 and High tide at 13:27 and low again at 17:31. A sweet day for doing everything! But do go get high on life.. ;) Max temperature another cool 19 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)




(6 April 2021) 
Day 379 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! The CF effects still lingering on as the IOH pushes in that cool moist air onto the southern parts – still that shallow layer of misty weather with things going northerly from around 4/5k upwards. Its not as ad as yesterday so some partial clearing taking place during the course of the day. The western parts of course in stark contrast with beautiful sunny westerly winds and great flying around the Swartland valley. CT just on the edge of the change of things but most of the bad stuff to the S and SE from there. The inland areas with N to West winds in the west and good flying for today. The winds eventually going West from 10k upwards with a 30/40kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – A beautiful wind-shadow day here with the SE very shallow and it is NE to N above that in the morning with a bit more NW later on. So perhaps one could get above that shallow SE and get onto Africa Face or the 12 Apostles with some luck… The main mountains also good with the NW to SW later dominating – the SE is more on the east of the mountains it seems. See DTK Spot.

RB – Too light and for the wrong direction … ;)

PV – A very nice day here today with climbs to 6k in most spots. Winds are light W for the most part and only very late in the afternoon a bit more of a push from the SW. (See spot!)

Wilderness – Another cloudy foggy start but there is some hope for a little bit of clearing to take place. Unfortunately when it does the winds are picking up strong too. Hhhmmm… Looks like a small window between 9 and 10 for a flight at Map – just when the wind goes form E to SE… ( Another day to wait for the sun to go around the planet one more time… ;)

Plett – Same as Wilderness! (See Uppies Spot) ;)

PE and PA – A light SE start to the day but then the East picks up – stronger in the west than the east. 20-30kts in some spots.

EL – As above but actually with less wind to the east!

Inland – Winds are E to SE in the south with soe 20kts spots later in the day. North of the GE it is all westerly winds around 10kts only. Some very good flying ou there with beautiful Q’s in most places…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:46 and setting at 18:18 – day length 11:32. Low tide is at 6:17 and High tide at 12:26 and low again at 18:40. Another perfect wet forest walk day or book reading in those coffee shops! But do go get high on life.. ;) Max temperature a cool 19 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)



(5 April 2021) 
Day 378 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! As if symbolic – He has risen – we ended up rising to great hieghts over Sedgefield with some amazing flying yesterday! Even the hangies were skying out! ;) What a blessing to be living here! Today the CF has the entire southern parts in its cooler and rainy grip as the SAH pushes in the moist air form the south – it is not that deep with the SE flow going W again from around 7k and upwards, but enough depth and moisture for some sweet precipitation to happen.IT looks like this is here for the day with strong SE winds along the southern coast and rain all the way to other-side of the SB ranges. (In the far north the rest of the country is having a super good soaring day btw) CT with strong SE winds and the clouds clearing on the west coast dissipating to the north. The winds above 7k remains W all the way to the Tropopause with a 50kts finish up there.

CT – Strong SE wind day with good depth in the wind layer so not much of a wind-shadow chance shaping up. Even the main mountains are plagued by the strong SE flows and you need to go all the way to the north fo the Saron mountain to get the SSW wind curling in for some flying today… See spot for RB.

RB – It could be another sweet day – a bit strong in the afternoon but maybe it holds… ;)

PV – A nice day here I think with light mod SSW winds and the strong SSW only getting here late in the afternoon – after 17:00. Q’s around with climbs to 4/5k even in a few spots. Great day to amble to the north… (See spot!)

Wilderness – A cloudy foggy and rainy day with strong SE winds. We are hoping for a small gap or window in the morning at Map but at this stage it does not look like it. Its strong higher. Hhmm… Sometime you have to wait for the sun to go around the planet one more time… ;)

Plett – Same as Wilderness! (See Uppies Spot) ;)

PE and PA – The SE winds dominating here too with the strong onshore flow also setting up the scene for rain. All day… 10-20kts SE winds.

EL – As above!

Inland – The S to SE winds all the way inland to the GE where it veers to the W. Rain in the south with low clouds around. (See map) A good coffee day unless you are very far to the NE. ;) lol

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:45 and setting at 18:19 – day length 11:34. High tide is at 10:43 and Low tide 17:20. A perfect wet forest walk day or book reading in those coffee shops! But do go get high on life.. ;) Max temperature a cool 18 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)



(4 April 2021) 
Day 377 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people! He has risen today! And may it be a great blessing to you all. :) So yesterday all the site predictions were completely opposite! Lol. For today a big cold front sweeping up towards the WC, pushed along by the SAH. Late afternoon will see some light rain along the SW parts of the WC, spreading during the night to the rest of the region. CT with low clouds during most of the morning with partial clearing later on. To the far east the IOH still dominating with the NE winds along the coast but these will be retreating to the east in the afternoon as the SW spreads up that side too. Inland a W flow with some high base in the mid afternoon along the GE (13k) otherwise clouds confined to the southern areas form the CF influx. Winds SW to W inmost places. From 5k upwards it is all W winds with a 50kt finish at the Tropopause.

CT – A foggy cloudy start but mid morning base should be around TM top or just below. A S to SW day with some stronger bits around the corners. The main mountains with SW going S flow. Some flying doable and some good Q’s out in the valley and flats form the looks of it. See spot for DTK!

RB – It could be a sweet late afternoon flight day. ;)

PV – It looks like a very southerly day with just a smidgeon of W in it. Still some flying to be had – just don’t scratch too close to the little hill. Perhaps Kardoesie a better option. (See spot!)

Wilderness – All things considered it doesn’t look too bad. A light SW day so Serps and Sedge the places to be with climbs to just over 1k possible. Clouds moving in from lunchtime. Perhaps the coast will be too light. Map could be foefyable in the late morning with enough S in it here…;)

Plett – It actually looks really sweet for here with good climbs ta Uppies for a change – 3k and nice winds from the S to SW. Even Keurbooms could deliver from late morning into the early afternoon before the winds go too west. (See Uppies Spot) ;)

PE and PA – Another offshore and light wind start to the day but then the SW will start to dominate and move in.

EL – A NE wind start that will lighten up and change to the SW in the afternoon…

Inland – Light SW to W winds in the morning. Then the Southerly pushing hard in the afternoon with 20-30kts over the tops of the southern ranges. It reaches all the way to the GE. High clouds along the GE in the mid afternoon making us drool for that soaring. lol

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:44 and setting at 18:20 – day length 11:36. High tide is at 8:47 and Low tide 15:24. A light wind from the west start going SW during the day. Still perfect to go get high on life.. ;) Max temperature a sweet 20 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)



(3 April 2021) 
Day 376 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! What a sweet day at Sedge yesterday! Awesome for those that made it. :) Today the IOH dominating in the east with the SAH on the west with both systems fairly weak. Light winds along the west coast with some low clouds/fog out to sea. Early morning low clouds in many inland spots all of which should burn off during the course of the morning with the exception of the far eastern coastal areas. The southern coast areas with an easterly flow – a few spots with up to 15kts or just a tad more. Inland winds are light NE to NW. Some instability far inland still remaining but near the coast its less than 100ft climbs. Winds go NE to NW from 3k up and then backs to the SW from 10k with a 30/40kt finish at the Tropopause.

CT – A light W to SW flow with very stable air near the coast. IT looks like a SW trend around H and SH but still very stable indeed. Some low clouds out to sea which should dry out before it gets to land. The mountains looking completely the opposite. Light west winds with climbs to 5k. You could explore around the mountains today… See spot for DTK!

RB – A light frustrating west to SW day here… ;)

PV – A sweet sweet day here with light westerly winds to start off with the fresh SW only popping in very late in the afternoon from 17:00 onwards it seems. 15kts then. Climbs in the mid afternoon to 5k. Light winds high up too… :) (See spot!)

Wilderness – A easter flow with very stable conditions along the coastal plains – despite yesterdays sweet instability that saw very buoyant air even in the overcast. If you can try and go to DuToits for some sweet thermal flying with 5k climbs for almost the whole day. Map should be maintainable for the afternoon but from 17:00 there is a distinct east flow going NE soon after. I think Gerickes is the spot with a morning bench-up as soon as it is on. And then you could go to Buffs for soaring from 10 onwards with a chance of it getting almost blown out by 12! ;)

Plett – Again a stable day here with Keurbooms perhaps some extended foefies (or you could stay up a bit. Its also an east trend here… (See Uppies Spot) ;)

PE and PA – An offshore start to the day but then the east winds will doainte with some spots reaching 20kts or even more…

EL – Similar to above…

Inland – Early morning clouds that will burn off with light NE to N winds. Trending to the NW later on. Some stronger spots early over the bigger mountains. No clouds expected. Sweet thermals over the bigger ranges with DuToits my local spot of the day. Climbs to 5k very doable with a light NNW trend.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:43 and setting at 18:22 – day length 11:38. High tide is at 7:32 and Low tide 13:52. An offshore start then going east with a light SE later in the day. Still perfect to go get high on life.. ;) Max temperature a sweet 20 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)



(2 April 2021) 
Day 375 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! The IOH and SAH still hanging around with that weak bean shape (ridge) around the CP from east to west, with loads of clouds and some rain along the southern parts of the WC. Winds still pretty light everywhere with a few exceptions – the southern west coast and the extreme NE areas where the trough is very active with high bases and strong NW winds. The southern cloudiness dries towards the north of the SB ranges and up the west coast from Stellies northwards. Some upper instability from the central GR southern Karoo and eastwards with deep developing clouds. This should start to clear during the day. The winds are light all the way up to around 4/5k where it goes NW then backs to the WSW from 10k upwards with a 90kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – A fresh SE with base around or just below TM top height. Not much of a shadow day with the SE 20kts with 15k still up at TM top height. All day by the looks of things. The main mountains much better, with some convergence along the Groot Drakenstein ranges at Stellies by lunch time (base looks near 6k then!) but more moderate at DTK. (See spot)

RB – Looks like a great afternoon could be up here!… ;)

PV – A bit of a SSW day with climbs to just over 4k in general. Not the best from the looks of things. Perhaps north of Kardoesie the wind is more up! :) (See spot!)

Wilderness – A rainy morning again but it looks like a specific pulse of southerly winds popping through at 13:00 with about one to two hours at most of good flying. You could be at Map, the Hotel, CP, PR or Sedge and at that time it should all be good! ;) So keep tabs of the rain and the offshore winds suddenly changing from lunchtime onwards for a bit of fun. :))

Plett – Hhhmmm not as good as Wilderness area at all. More clouds and more rain… (See Uppies Spot) ;)

PE and PA – SW winds with rain for most fo the day – perhaps clearing from the west later on. 10-20kts…

EL – Similar to above but a tad stronger and rain remaining…

Inland – Lots of clouds around all the way past the SB ranges but with light winds. Lots of wet grounds around so some sweet propeller flying conditions for the most part. Light thermals if any. Winds very light during the morning but from lunch time the southerly will pickup with a 20kt finish in some spots.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:43 and setting at 18:23 – day length 11:40. High is at 6:38 and Low tide 12:34. High again at 19:10. Do you feel winter is here! ;) Another light moderate S day with a slight chance of some light rain. Still perfect to go get high on life.. ;) Max temperature a cool 17 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)


(1 April 2021) 

Day 374 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! So I was going to do that April fools weather forecast but…

The SAH warping into a bean around the southern tip of Africa – ridging it seems – with wide spaced isobars supposedly with light to moderate winds in most places. Though for the far interior and west coast this is not true. Strong SSE winds along the west coast and Westerlies north of the GE expected. Some CB activity in the central eastern parts – again along a line past Middelburg and Tarkastad region. Rain for the morning along the southern coastal areas and extending into the interior scattered to even north of the SB ranges. This will clear during the course of the day. Winds are light N above 5k in the south but fresh in the far interior – trending NW to 14k where it backs to the SW for a 70kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – A few early morning showers possible but clearing quickly and the SE winds settle to 4k. Not the best conditions for the wind-shadow to shape up I think with up to 25kts in the afternoon, moderating from 3k upwards only. The main ranges doable in the morning I think but the SE also moving in here from mid day so be watchful. Its worse in the south but improves to the north. (See DTK Spot)

RB – Looks like a fantastic day for flying out here!… ;)

PV – A light wind start with westerly flows trending a bit SW later on. Some Q’s around but most will burn of after mid day especially to the north. Some climbs around to 4/5k at best around SkerpHeuwel north of Kardoesie. (See spot convergence for there at 15:00).

Wilderness – A rainy morning but supposedly clearing. Winds is light S to start of with (but calm in the Wilderness corner) Map looks like it will improve later in the afternoon for some flying there and lo and behold Sedge Spot says we are going to fly even during the morning with a S wind and climbs to 2k!? Well, I would love to see that. :) Aprils fool!? Hehehe…

Plett – Plett looking not as good as the Wilderness area. Maybe Keurbooms might have something around mid day before it goes too east… (See Uppies Spot) ;)

PE and PA – It is SW winds all day here but moderating nicely and backing a tad to the S later in the day.

EL – Similar to above but a tad stronger…

Inland – The CF effects all over with some lingering rain in the southern areas till mid dayish. Winds are southerly here going SE in the afternoon. To the far north around BW it is NW going W 20kts. CB’s building in a wide area in the eastern interior. (See map) Nice flying along the southern coast around Wilderness area…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:42 and setting at 18:24 – day length 11:48. Low tide 11:44 and High tide at 17:37. I can feel winter is on its way! ;) Another light moderate S day going SE later. Rain clearing. Still perfect to go get high on life.. ;) Max temperature a cool 18 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)


(31 March 2021) 
Day 373 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people! The SAH driving in behind the CF causing a general SW flow along the southern parts and more W to NW further inland. Rain along the SW parts of the WC spreading slightly to the eastern parts by late afternoon – will be in Wilderness in the late afternoon early evening. So low clouds in the SW but rising quickly to the NE. Some CB activity form the prefrontal and trough inland combination around the Middelburg area. Some strong bits around with 20kts plus in a few spots. Notably difference is the early morning in the little Karoo around Oudtshoorn and to the south but this too changes later in the day. Winds go NW from 6k upwards all over with a 50-100kt finish in the late afternoon at the Tropopause.

CT – Rain from the morning until later in the afternoon – some partial clearing with the winds from the S to SW so not wind-shadow and could be tricky. Some southern spots could be cool though… The main ranges too clagged in but it does clear further to the North. (See DTK Spot)

RB – A WWB day!… ;)

PV – It is a westerly day with low clouds from the south but to the north is sweetly clear with some high Q’s. Fly Kardoesie and go North to Skerpheuwel. (See spot convergence for there at 15:00).

Wilderness – Another prefrontal day with similar stuff to yesterday at Sedge but a tad better – watch the stronger upper winds later in the day that will bring some mixing and shear. Around 1000k climbs. Looks like the low clouds and rain moving in from 17:00 onwards but some Apps don’t show this. Light wind start with a SW trend in the afternoon but S in the morning for the Wilderness area.

Plett – Hhhmmm similar to Wilderness with Uppies showing morning climbs to 4k! Maybe Keurbooms might offer something at mid day too. Nothing too strong in winds with the strong upper stuff only for very late afternoon. (See Uppies Spot) ;)

PE and PA – It is SW winds all day here pretty moderate with few places over 20kts it seems…

EL – Same as above!

Inland – Strong NW winds north of the GE but SW to the south of that. CB’s moving south from the north to end around Middelburg and Tarkastad late afternoon. Winds in that area southerly over 20kts. A good morning of flying but later it gets very strong…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:41 and setting at 18:26 – day length 11:45. Low tide 11:44 and High tide at 17:37. I can feel winter is on its way! ;) Another light moderate S day going SW later. Still perfect to go get high on life.. ;) Max temperature a sweet 20 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)


(30 March 2021) 
Day 372 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! The CF approaching CT while the inland trough is going off! And the IOH dominating with strong NE winds in the eastern coastal regions. High bases inland along the trough region with super duper good flying – one could go far today from west of Uppington down towards BW and beyond. NW winds out there and base around 15k. Along the west coast its all foggy and bad with NW going W winds. Inland though the clouds evaporate with some good flying around the Swartland valley and CT mountains. The southern coastal areas with a slight moving Coastal low and SW winds moving up towards the GR area. Strong in the west but petering out around the Wilderness region. The winds are strong NW from 5k upwards all the way to just before the Tropopause where it backs to the west for a 50k finish.

CT – The fog spoiling all the fun otherwise it could have been and epic 12 apostle day I think. The main mountains clearer with some good flying. Watch the valleys with stronger flows up high with 20kts around 3/4k… (See DTK Spot)

RB – A WWB day!… ;)

PV – It is a NW start going W so a sweet convergence setting up around Bumpy peak into the valley around 15:00. Climbs here might get you to just past 5k. Otherwise its climbs to 4k average. Sweet flying along the ranges here… (See PV Spot)

Wilderness – A tricky day to call with the SW moving up towards the GR but the upper flow influencing the direction around the Wilderness area. The shadow effect causing for frustrating conditions to call with the trend being for the SW to move in but the corner and stronger upper flows might cause more of a westerly trend here. Sedge with climbs to just shy of 1k. Though from after lunch some strengthening of the TOL winds could cause some shear (slightly more bumpy or maybe more than that ;) The coasts probably with a moment or two of some soaring today…

Plett – Hhhmmm similar to Wilderness with Uppies SW and Keurbooms too much west in it. It doesn’t look that good but probably doable for a flight if you really want to get in the air (See Uppies Spot) ;)

PE and PA – It is strong NE winds here all day long…

EL – Same as above!

Inland – Strong NW winds to south of the SB during the morning but the S to SW winds from the south penetrating to the GE region by end of day. Lots of 20kts plus spots. High clouds in the NW airmass with super hot temps inland too. All upper thirties! Maybe not the best day for flying unless you get up super early of are into records! ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:40 and setting at 18:27 – day length 11:47. Low tide 10:44 and High tide at 16:56. I can feel winter is on its way! ;) A light moderate W to SW day. Still perfect to go get high on life.. ;) Max temperature a sweet 22 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)


(29 March 2021) 
Day 371 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people! So the IOH dominating in the east while another CF is approaching CT from the west with a slight coastal low to the SW of CT. Inland the trough active along the western parts of the interior while there are big CB’s around the Lesotho region. For the coastal regions the Easterly flows causing large scale stability along the coastal regions and close interior with a low inversion and weak climbs. Further inland it does improve with the higher grounds being the better spots. 6/7k over the SB tops, similar in the Cederbergs and then 11/12k north of the GE. Winds NW star trending west up there and then SE to E in the southern interior. The winds all go NW from around 6k then SW from 14k with a 30-50kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – A chance of fog patches moving in which will put a damper on the flying otherwise it looks like a NW wind here and fairly light. So perhaps its possible for some sweet 12 Apostle flying. The main mountains with Nw starts and then a WSW lower finish. 15kts up there so watch the penetration over some of the bigger ranges. Could be nice out there though… (See DTK Spot)

RB – A WWB day!… ;)

PV – A slow start with NW winds – fairly light all day and the climbs coming from mid day onwards. Some convergence setting up late afternoon around the Bumpy area. Perhaps getting to 6k here… (See PV Spot)

Wilderness – A strong East wind out to sea with the lighter stuff blowing onshore around Wilderness. Perhaps Serps could offer something to play with and drift towards Map. Map is a maybe with light winds on the cards. Best time around mid day but the it looks like the wind line receding and dropping again after that. Hhhmm… A stable day in general around here… (A bench-up at Gerrickes or early Buffs is also on the cards) ;)

Plett – Hhhmmm a very stable day here from the looks of it… (See Uppies Spot) ;)

PE and PA – It is strong NE winds here all day long…

EL – Same as above!

Inland – A sweet day for flying prop thingies – again. ;) Some thermals especially over the bigger ranges but nothing too wild or strong. NW trending west north of the GE with some CB’s in the far east. Clear to the west. Looks like some high Q’s popping in the late afternoon around BW for a wishful thinking finish to the day…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:40 and setting at 18:28 – day length 11:48. Winter is on its way! ;) A sweet start to the day with les wind compared to yesterday. So all in all perfect to go get high on life.. ;) Max temperature a sweet 20 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)


(28 March 2021) 
Day 370 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! So a kick-ass part from last nights Masked signalling the clos of the 2021 Wilderness Paragliding Festival. And would you believe that today it is flyable once more!

The IOH dominating today shaping up ridges along both sides of the country and helping the trough to be more active along the western interior. Winds are all easterly along the southern coasts and more NE to N further inland with a mix along the west coast from SE to NW further north. Few Q’s expected today except for the eastern coastal and adjacent interiors. Some instability around but the rains dampening much of that in the areas where the rain has been falling. Elsewhere it seems pretty pleasant. The wind is all N from 5k upwards continuing to back to the NW at 10k then W at 14k and WSW at 18k for a 50kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – IT looks like a shallow SE up to 2k deep with a light NW above. IT should be a good wind-shadow day but with soe strong SW flows offshore from SH and LH. The main mountains looking okish but the SE pushing through in the late afternoon form the south so be careful there. (See DTK Spot)

RB – A frustrating day I think with light teasing stuff probably… ;)

PV – A light weak day with all that high cirrus dampening things a bit. To the North it is better with Kardoesie and Northwards the best options for late afternoon sweet flying. (See KD Spot)

Wilderness – A strong ESE day expected so get out early if you can. Chances are goo that it will be blown out by 11 (or earlier) but with a bit of luck who knows? Maybe we can fly till 12! Lol ;) Buffs should be good early but it doesn’t seem like enough south early on for Sedge or Gerrickes to be too exciting.

Plett – Also a strong SE day here with nothing too exciting on the cards or worth braving the cross winds at Uppies. ;)

PE and PA – Though it’s a lightish start the E to NE winds will blow and dominate here all day. Lots of cloud around and chances of some rain along the coasts…

EL – Same as above!

Inland – IT actually looks like a brilliant day for prop flying thingies – light moderate NE winds with more east in the east. The SE will move inland faster form the east reaching Graafies by late afternoon. Less to the west.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:39 and setting at 18:30 – day length 11:50. Winter is on its way! ;) A calmer start but it is not going to last long. Strong SE winds a get out early and go get high on life.. ;) Max temperature a windy and cool 19 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)


(27 March 2021) 
Day 369 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! A friendly reminder of our masked ball tonight at the Farhills Hotel. Please support this last event of the Wilderness Paragliding Festival and join in the fun!

Remember those super hot days two days ago? Well Josh went to Kardoesie and went straight over the back, over the Cederberg mountains for a awesome 112km flight! Mooi Josh! ;)

The CF all over the WV with a southerly winds trending SW in the east and SSE in the west. Some rain along the southern parts and a tad inland clearing later in the day. Clouds around with base ranging from 4-6k along the west coast and adjacent mountains to 2/3k along the southern coastal areas rising inland with 4-6k towards Oudtshoorn and the SB ranges and 6-8k north of that. The southerly flow penetrating far inland to other side of the borders and remains that way with height with a SW trend from 14k and then a 70-100kt finish at the Tropopause.

CT – A deep fresh SSE wind with base around 4k. Not the best outlook for a wind-shadow today. Winds around 25kts in the afternoon. The main mountains with a lot of fresh southerly winds so a tricky day to fly. But with the unstable air the experienced pilots could squeeze a flight out towards the north…;)

RB – A sweet looking day here! Go play! See Spot!

PV – Cloudy start that dissipates during the day. Quite a bit of a southerly trend in the flow but flyable none the less. See LD Spot.

Wilderness – A very west start with it gong SW from around 11 onwards. The potential for it being a great flying day if the rain stays away. Probably some showers around the late morning mid day period but a chance of some good coastal flying in the later part of the afternoon.

Plett – Fresh SW winds here with a tad too much west in for Uppies or Keurbooms to be any good. Piesang valley also strong….. (See Spot) ;)

PE and PA – Blowing SW winds all day here…

EL – Same as above!

Inland – Some rain around the bigger mountains with southerly winds. Strong over those big hills with 20kts plus in places. It does moderate later in the afternoon. A mix bag of flying…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:38 and setting at 18:31 – day length 11:53. Winter is on its way! ;) Chance of rain and fresh SW winds but still perfect to go get high on life.. ;) Max temperature a cool 19 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)


(26 March 2021) 
Day 368 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! And what a super duper Wilderness Paragliding Festival this has been! Flying every single day for ten days in a row with sweet socials and awesome people – what more can you ask for? :))

Today the CF moving into the western parts while the IOH is dominating the east. The CF for starters in a very shallow layer with base around 2/3k and tops at 6k but still some rain in and around CT from this morning already. Fresh NW winds that is expected to moderate slightly by end of day especially further north but it remains strong to the south. Some strong prefrontal activity, wave lift over the western mountains and inland with a chance of some CB’s around the southern ranges in the mid afternoon even. Some high cloud bases out there with 12/13k along the SB and even ore further north. Quite a bit of wind around so the thermal index not the best with lots of shear expected – so not the best of soaring forecasts around. Winds are NW from 3k upwards with a 50-70kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – Rainy, fresh NW winds (20ks) and low clouds, rising to TM top height in the afternoon. Probably too strong to fly though it could moderate enough by late afternoon/ early evening. The main mountains too strong and with lots of clouds… (See DTK Spot) ;)

RB – Another WWB is out and in full force today I think. ;)

PV – Perhaps some rain but a fresh NW start moderating in the afternoon. Base rising during the day with perhaps some flying in the later afternoon possible. See spot.

Wilderness – A prefrontal day with us smack bang in the middle of the strong NW to the west and strong NE to the east. Its always interesting flying in these conditions that can be excellent to poor. ;) Probably some coastal cliffs play time during the morning with some clouds moving in at around mid day. As things drop Sede could be playful though the spot forecasts are not the best for here – apparently the thermals are not going to be so great. Though we have proven the spot forecast to be wrong on many occasion. I think that as the clouds move in we could get some fun stuff taking us all the way into the white stuff at Sedgefield… ;) There are some very strong winds out to sea though – so do be vigilant and keep a good look out. These often make a pulsing move into the Wilderness coastline which forecasts don’t always pick-up on.

For tomorrow the Cf is here with some rain and fresh WSW winds… ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with a bit more wind. I think Keurbooms could offer something though some mixing are on the cards making things perhaps not that smooth and easy! (See Spot) ;)

PE and PA – Blowing NE winds all day here…

EL – Same as above!

Inland – The strong W winds moving in from the west during the course of the day as the CF moves in. Some CB’s expected over the central SB and even the northern parts of the Outenikwas. IT mixing day so not the best of flying conditions out there.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:37 and setting at 18:33 – day length 11:55. (We are accelerating towards winter now – so exciting! Almost time to fly with beanies!) ;) A prefrontal day with lots of action. A strong SW during the day but still perfect to go get high on life.. ;) Max temperature a hot 23 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)


(25 March 2021) 
Day 367 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool Wild2Fly people! And would you believe we are having more flying today! This first ever Wilderness Paragliding Festival is turning out to be such a good thing for flying! :))

(Still can not believe we have surpassed 1 year of being under lockdown… (Still shacking of the heads here…)

Another Cf making its way towards the Cape. But for today the IOH dominating our weather today with an active trough along the central to eastern interior with CB activity. However the western trough still some remnants with still persisting high temps and great soaring along the west as the hot temps creates a sweet heat low for cool flying! (No pun intended!) lol (See cloud base map). Winds are fairly light except along the coast where the SE will once again dominate increasing into the afternoon. Lots of clouds around in most areas today. Winds light to moderate southerly inland, a western seabreeze along the west coast, with late afternoon a slight increase in strengths to the south. Winds remain light with height and only from 14k does it pick up to more than 15kts with a 50kt WSW finish at the Tropopasue.

CT – The CF effecting things with the help of a slight coastal low shaping gup and bringing in N to NW winds along the northern Peninsula. To the south the SE still having an influence but the NW should dominate most of the day. So expecting good flying along the northern parts of the Peninsula. The main mountains also looking very good with the Paarl area showing some convergence that will make you have to dodge airspace. ;) (See DTK Spot) ;)

RB – Another WWB is out and in full force today I think. ;)

PV – A hot day with amazing flying I think with the convergence being the hot spot. Just look for the clouds – they will give away the convergence region (See spot) and climbs here could take you close to 10k… :) No strong winds expected here today.

Southern areas

Wilderness – Another sweet slow start but with the promise of the winds moving in again around mid day. Today looks a bit better than yesterday with probably a longer flying window for Map. I still expect it to blow out in the afternoon – just exactly when is the tricky question! ;) Some playful stuff once again at Serps with Sedge probably a small window before it goes very east and strong out there. For the Buffs supporters it looks like a very small window between 9 and 10 - perhaps very east before then. NB! A word of caution here – there is no escape if you get blown over the back. And the wind will pick-up very quickly today so be very very careful! ;) PS: Do ot launch nfront of the parking lot. You MUST walk to the normal launch which is way donw the beach up the footpath. Please. (and especially do not enter any gardens) :)

For tomorrow there is all change going on as things turn pre-frontal! ;)

Plett – Similar to yesterday - the SE slightly earlier here than Wilderness and a maybe short window at Uppies in a bit of cross wind…. (See Spot) ;)

PE and PA – The East blowing all day here – going up to 30kts in most spots…

EL – Same as above!

Inland – Light to moderate southerly winds today with lots of CB activity in the central and eastern interior. The west with superb soaring conditions. To the south the sea breeze moving in from those strong SE winds along the coast. Another wary (scary!) day to be in the air… (see chart)


(24 March 2021) 
Day 366 of lockdown

Good morning all you magnificent Wild2Fly people! What a sweet get together this first ever Wilderness Paragliding Festival is turning out to be! More flying and super good socials on the cards today. :))

But before I continue – notice those lock down days.. Would you believe it has been on continuously for more than a year now… (Vigorous shacking of the heads here…)

And the guys in CT had an pic flying yesterday with light winds making thermaling along Africa face at TM possible. Thanks for the pics WJ!

Today the IOH dominating with strong east winds along the southern coastal areas. A bit more moisture around so some fog patches along the coastal areas but these will burn off during the morning. A slow start around the Wilderness area but the SE will kick-butt today with many spots reaching 30kts or more. Further inland the Trough is along the western interior again with CB activity – this time more than yesterday with some CB as far south as CT around mid day even. Winds are generally NE inland and later with the CB popping up – variable and some strong gust front activity. Winds are also pretty variable with height but from 30k it does trend back to the west with a WNW finish of 40kts at the Tropopause.

CT – The strong SE heading further out to sea form Agulhas rather than CP and a coastal low out to sea the NW of CT – so light winds and even NW from 1000ft up flow around SH and LH. Maybe some CB activity reaching CT by mid day thought probably it remains more to the north. The main mountains could be good but for the slight SE winds that could be a hindrance – though it is not that strong so the thermals could dominate upslope flow – late afternoon looks like some good climbs out there.. (See DTK Spot) ;)

RB – WWB is out and in full force today I think. ;)

PV – Another hot day with more CB activity so that might put a damper on things otherwise it could be another high climbing day – though not like yesterday. (Did anybody fly out there yesterday?) So just under 10k climbs possible today.

Wilderness – A slow light wind start. The strong wind blowing past further out to sea. But by 12 the wind should provide for some fun stuff at Map with the strong stuff popping through by lunchtime or soon after. The fun flight of the day I think will be short XC from Serps to Map at 12. (See Spot) (You may go to 1000ft ATO at Serps) ;)

For tomorrow it seems another but sweeter SE day. ;)

Plett – The SE starting earlier here and a maybe short window at Uppies in a bit of cross wind…. (See Spot) ;)

PE and PA – The East blowing all day here – ging up to 30kts later in most spots…

EL – Same as above!

Inland – Light to moderate E to SE winds in most area for the morning then picking up with some stronger spots around. Those CB activity bringing some strong gust fronts around too – a vert wary day to be in the air… (see chart)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:36 and setting at 18:35 – day length 11:59. (WE have cracked the 12hour mark today with more dark than light – that sounds so ominous! ;) Another sweet morning with an afternoon of strong SE winds. Still perfect to go get high on life.. ;) Max temperature another sweet 22 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)


(23 March 2021) 
Day 365 of lockdown

Good morning all you super cool and awesome Wild2Fly people! And would you believe the prospects are looking amazing for 10/10 flying days for the first ever Wilderness Paragliding Festival! Yesterdays flying at the Map was super special and today is looking up for more of the same! :))

The SAH still dominating but the inland trough making inroads towards the south bringing that super duper awesome soaring weather with it! A kick-ass day along the west coast with well over 10k climbs around the PV valley and adjacent areas today. Light surface winds also predicted for the west with N to W winds but along the southern parts the SE will dominate with a totally different airmass and flying. There are some CB expected along the western interior, moving southwards reaching perhaps the Citrusdal areas by late afternoon. The central interior with light easterly winds that will pick-up in the afternoon trending SE. Stronger to the south. The southern coastal areas again with SE and strong in the afternoon. Winds are fairly light with height with changing directions but eventually trending W to NW with a 20/30kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – Again strong SE around CP but it trends east and drops in velocity with height. A good wind-shadow day expected around LH and SH. The main ranges with a mix of SE in the south but trending N to W towards the N. DTK offering a window in the moring perhaps but I would just drive to Kardoesie – no questions asked today. ;)

RB – Hhhmm… Perhaps a bit of a frustrating day here with lighter winds. Just drive to KArdoesie! ;)

PV – A day with light winds that vary from NW to SW in a few spots during the day 5-10kts average. But some amazing height gains possible across the whole valley though the convergence regions are standouts. The best spot is Kardoesie today and along the range towards Skerpheuwel. Climbs to 12k possible (or more!) watch for OD conditions towards Citrusdal later with a chance of CB’s out there. But def a day to go and explore those upper air stuff! Even some cool Q’s shaping up there at mid day. This is an easy pick for spot of the day! :)

Wilderness – Another beautiful start with light SE winds and a more gentle progression into the afternoon of strong SE winds. Looks like it will blow out again but a tad later compared to yesterday. With some luck we might fly until 14:00 even. ;) For those that want something a bit more exciting than Map soaring can try their luck at flying XC from Serps to to Map. Climbs to ceiling seems possible at 11/12 for a easy run to Map. (You may go to 1000ft ATO at Serps) ;)

For tomorrow it seems another SE day. ;)

Plett – A similar day here with signs of some windshadow over the bay (See Spot) ;)

PE and PA – An E to NE start from 5-10kts in the morning to 20-30kts in the afternoon.

EL – Same as above!

Inland – Light easterly winds in the south that will increase in strength during the day with a SE trend (some 20kts pots). But N to NE trend further inland. The trough position to the west with superb soaring conditions and CB’s along that area (see chart)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:35 and setting at 18:37 – day length 12:01. (We are being robbed of 2min of sunlight every day now!! And Autumn is settling well!). Another sweet morning with an afternoon of strong SE winds. Still perfect to go get high on life.. ;) Max temperature another sweet 21 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)


(22 March 2021) 
Day 361 of lockdown

Good morning all you fantastically amazing Wild2Fly people! The weather is being awesome to us with a good run of flying for the first ever Wilderness Paragliding Festival! That fancy dress was just amazing yesterday :))

That SAH well settled with a strong ridge along the southern parts of the country, joining forces with the interior trough – some strong SE winds along the western coastal parts of the WC expected. A blue day in general with few clouds around – some on the far eastern coastal areas and then in the western interior along the trough. But some instability around with some good climb possible along the northern western parts - 10k in the Cederbergs and above the GE but just 6k along the SB and less along the Outenikwas… The winds also light in the interior and only around 8k the start of a westerly flow. Even then it changes direction often all the way to the Tropopause for a 20k West finish.

CT – The SE pretty shallow and mostly towards CP so a sweet wind-shadow day around. Perhaps slightly eroded in the late afternoon when the winds could reach 30kts in a few spots. The main mountains once again dominated by the SE flows – some wind-shadow effect early in the morning but its skin deep so be careful if you are thinking of venturing to DTK – perhaps its better to head more north towards PV ;)

RB – Another possible good day just depending on the convergence between the ESE and the S…;)

PV – A lighter wind day with climbs tough to the 5k mark but if you can go north and launch at Kardoesie you could connect with the convergence setting up form there towards Skerpheuwel and climb to close to 10k! IF you head towards Maanhaarberg you will get to that magic 10k mark and even more to the north in the Citrusdal valley…

Wilderness – A beautiful start to another sweet day. Its going to be a SE day from start to finish – though you could get high at Sedge again early on. (Yesterday the guys got to 2000’ there.) But it will be all Map flying for as long as the wind does not get too strong. IF you dive deep into the specifics you will notice a low level wind spike that causes some interesting flying at Map on occasion. ;) But I suggest getting there early as you can and fly as soon as its doable. ;)

For tomorrow it is another strong SE day with conditions less good. ;)

Plett – A similar day here to Wilderness… (See Spot) ;)

PE and PA – Sweet light winds around here with the SE not as strong. Some Q’s moving in from the east later in the day – increasing to the east.

EL – A SW start but backing to the SE during the day with a more E finish. 10kts in most spots so it looks like a great coastal soaring day!

Inland – Light NW to West north of the GE but E to SE south of there. A good morning of propellor flying weather but the afternoon sees the winds picking up again with 20kts in a few spots – especially along the southern parts. No clouds expected in our area…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:34 and setting at 18:38 – day length 12:04. (We are being robbed of 2min of sunlight every day now!! And it is the 2nd day of Autumn!). A sweet morning but then a strong SE wind picking up for the afternoon. Still perfect to go get high on life.. ;) Max temperature another sweet 19 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)


(21 March 2021) 
Day 360 of lockdown

Good morning all you super awesome Wild2Fly people! AND another super flying autumn day for the first ever Wilderness Paragliding Festival! :))

Today the SAH shaping a slight ridge along the southern parts, splitting that Southerly winds to SE in the west and SW in the east. A lot of moisture around in the shallow surface layer with a slight chance of rain along the GR this morning, increasing to the east and clearing from the west during the day. The clouds blacked by the secondary ranges mostly so the western interior and coastal areas clear today. The winds become pretty slack from around 5k upwards and then at 10k trends to the SSW for a chance and stays in that direction all the way to the Tropopause for just 20kts finish up there…

CT – IT looks like another fresh SE day but not as deep as yesterday so the wind-shadow shaping up – especially in the morning and early afternoon. It does go over 25kts in the mid and later afternoon with the shadow eroding at that time. The main mountains dominating by the SE winds with super strong areas reaching 30kts or more. (See TH graph for the Paarl area)

RB – It could work but it seems that perhaps RB could be in the region of convergence between the SE and the S so maybe not that strong Else most areas seems blown out…;)

PV – A very southerly kind of day with climbs to just above 4k. The wind does get strong form the south later on.

Wilderness – A cloudy start with low cloud and even a chance of light rain during the morning. But all indication are for this to clear by mid day for a sweet afternoon at Map. Probably from 12 onwards the best time. IT looks like a marginally soarable day so perfect for action and flights down along the highway and to the beach. Sedge shows surprisingly something early on but the clouds I am looking at is way below the forecasted 2500ft base! lol. So a small system during the morning suppressing the winds but by 11 this should start to clear with low cloud far out to sea but it is not on the cards that these should bother us. Base up by then to 2k perhaps. And of course later afternoon a bit more of a soarable bit – around 10kts I hope.

For tomorrow it is a strong SE day with a good morning of flying but blow out later. Good for hang gliding! ;)

Plett – Keurbooms once again a bit of an upspurt during the late morning. Uppies not as good a Sedge though probably more realistic. lol  (See Spot) ;)

PE and PA – SW winds that will moderate into the afternoon and back to the SE. Some rain but also decreasing into the day.

EL – Similar to above with the SW hanging around for longer.

Inland – For a change the far interior looking sweet with light surface winds form the north for most of the day. Good propeller thingie stuff but towards the south the SE will increase during the day with very strong winds to the west especially. Only the central area inland of the GR looking relatively lighter with some flying. Lots of clouds around in the little Karoo but clearing to the north. 20kts plus over the big western mountains.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:34 and setting at 18:39 – day length 12:06. (We are being robbed of 2min of sunlight every day now!! And it is the 2nd day of Autumn!). Another sweet morning with a slight slight chance of rain but a clear afternoon and SE wind. Still perfect to go get high on life.. ;) Max temperature a sweet 19 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)


(20 March2021) 
Day 359 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. And another super flying day for the first ever Wilderness Paragliding Festival and would you believe that today we are doing more of the same! :))

Another CF moving into CT today driven by the SAH while the IOH is standing its ground making it difficult for the new CF to run unabated up the southern coast line. Run and the SW making its way for the west during the course of the day probably reaching the GR in the mid afternoon. Further inland the trough very active with CB’s today in a broad region with a W to NW flow. Initial NE on the east coast but this will change in spots from the west as the SW moves up the coast. The SW remains till around 8k where it veers to the W and then NW with a 30kts finish at CT and a 60kts near Wilderness.

CT – Another fresh SE day with a deep flow and little chance of a usable wind-shadow shaping up. Again even the main mountains dominated by the SE flow so not much from a flying point of view. (See RB TH grpah)

RB – If you are not there soaring already you are missing out! Probably blown out later on. ;)

PV – A southerly kind of day with strong stuff moving in form the south later on. Climbs to 5k at the better spots but mostly later in the afternoon for this to happen. See Spot for PV.

Wilderness – And a slight prefrontal day with some SW pulsing on the cards and associated clouds (varying cloudbase) so its worth keeping an eye out to sea for any of those strong wind lines – if it is looking strong land and wait for it to settle or pass before flying again. It looks like a good SW day for some coastal flying increasing towards mid day. Some rain moving in from the SW from as early as 14:00 however most Apps show it from around 17:00. Sedge and Serps will be very strong with some rough rides out there so be careful if you venture inland. ;) (See all the winds forecast charts and sedge Spot!)

For tomorrow it is a lighter SW start but quickly backing to the S and then SE from 10/11 onwards. Perhaps some early morning rain – a small pulse around 10/11 but then a dry and cool afternoon form the looks of things. ;)

Plett – Keurbooms looking sweet during the late morning but then the SW pulse moving in around 13:00. Uppies looking very up and down with two distinct SW pulses moving through. Probably a bit of a rough ride out there! ;) (See Spot) ;)

PE and PA – Light SE start remaining lightish until late afternoon when the SW makes it way up there.…

EL – Similar to above with the SW moving in early evening.

Inland – SW to W winds in the south but NW to the north and West along the western interior. Lots of CB activity from south of Uppington to other side of Graafies. Some high Q’s developing out there with soe strong spots of wind caused by these CB’s. A general SSW flow moving inland as the front increases its effect. 20kts plus over the big mountains.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:33 and setting at 18:41 – day length 12:08. (We are being robbed of 2min of sunlight every day now!! It is the first day of Autumn!). Another sweet morning with a chance of rain in the afternoon. Still perfect to go get high on life.. ;) Max temperature a better 21 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)


(19 March 2021) 
Day 358 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people. And what an excellent start we had yesterday for the first ever Wilderness Paragliding Festival! Great flying and today we are doing more of the same! :))

The CF has moved into the WC with various influences – dry along the west coast with SE to SSW winds while its slightly wetter along the southern parts but not as expected. Slight chance of rain along this area only later in the day. Winds will go from SW in the morning till middayish then back to the SE by late afternoon and that is when most of the rain is expected. The System is relatively deep with winds only going back to the usual NW upper flow from 8-10k upwards with an 80kts finish up at the Tropopause.

CT – A fresh SE day with dominating SE to E flows along the main mountain ranges. Only a slight chance of the shadow shaping up but this will decrease int the afternoon form the looks of things. 30kts in many spots. (See RB Spot)

RB – Looking really good but perhaps a tad strong later in the day. ;)

PV – Climbs around the 4 perhaps 5k mark with SSW winds. It does get breezy in the south later on so be wary if you find yourself in the air at that time.

Wilderness – Ag what a pleasure to be here! It is looking like a fantastic morning of flying into the early afternoon from there on it might OD in many spots with a chance of light rain moving in – increasing probably as the winds back to the SE. Looks like a quick backing around mid day from lekker SW to suddenly going Southerly from 13:00 onwards (for those thermic flyers) It does look like the ocean cliffs will be flyable form early on for most of the day. Some light spots but if you are good you could squeeze staying up through them. I think Sedge and Serps will still be amazing with good climbs into the clouds around 11 to 13:00. It could be good enough to venture over the back and try get to Map (If you do this I recommend planning to finish the flight at 14:00 before the lower cloud will move in from the ocean along with the SE.) ;) (See all the winds forecast charts and sedge Spot!)

A quick looks at tomorrows weather shows another CF moving into the GR area from mid day onwards – winds are SW in general. Still keeping those fingers crossed the rain chances becomes less… ;)

Plett – Uppies not looking too shabby today with even Keurbooms on the cards too at mid day… (See Spot) ;)

PE and PA – Fresh SW winds trending SE later on…

EL – Similar to above but the SE only moving in by early evening…

Inland – SE winds in the south but NW to the north and West along the western interior. Some high Q’s developing to the east from lunchtime onwards but clear to the west. Some spots getting to 20kts especially in the south. The SE winds moving in to well north of the GE as the SAH pushes the cooler air up into the interior. No CB expected and only slight chance of light rain in the south.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:32 and setting at 18:42 – day length 12:10. (We are being robbed of 2min of sunlight every day now!! Autumn’s around the corner!). A clearish start but becoming cloudy from mid day onwards. Still perfect to go get high on life.. ;) Max temperature a mild 19 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)


(18 March 2021) 
Day 357 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. A great kick off for the Wilderness Paragliding Festival today with some sunshining weather around the area. :))

A CF approaching CT – it seems to be loosing momentum with less rain on the cards compared to previously expected – lets hope it keeps this trend. So the SAH in the west and IOH dominating in the east while Wilderness area is sitting pretty in the middle enjoying the slack conditions. Strong NE in the east and fresh NW to SW in the west. The Westerly will be moving up the coast during the day but might not reach the GR by the end of day (or if it does it will be late late afternoon and early evening) No rain expected today for the whole WC. The usual NW far inland and just above our heads from around 3k the winds all go NW with a 50kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – A NW start around the Peninsula with a mid day afternoon backing to the WSW. Some cloud expected from mid day with a low base and tops just above TM top. If you fly in the morning don’t get caught as the cloud moves in! ;) The main mountains also not looking too bad though there is a strong wind around the southern ranges which could make things a tad unpleasant. (See TDK Spot).

RB – Too much west in it today…;)

PV – A sweet WNW start trending to the WSW later on. Climbs to 4k in general with some Q’s moving in form the south by late afternoon.

Wilderness – Aaahhh… The question is are we going to fly today!? Yes we are! :) Light onshore winds with a chance of it being just strong enough for some coastal cliff soaring. Though the inland sites will be the spots to e with both Sedge and Serps delivering some sweet fun flying – even if it is pretty slow and weak with climbs hardly reaching 1000ft. Later in the day the wind will veer more to the WSW as evening approaches but perhaps this is when the Wilderness Beach Hotel can offer something to play in with enough onshore component (slightly less west) than the rest of the ridges. (See the wind graphs for the area). There are some low cloud spots out to sea but these are not shown to move in over the land – probably evaporates as it reaches the shore but to the west of us some fog patches are forecasted (so it might have some influence here) ;)

A quick looks at tomorrows weather shows the CF moving in during the night with a slight chance of rain and SW winds going SE – fingers crossed the rain chances becomes less… ;)

Plett – Perhaps Uppies a bit better than the Wilderness ridges and some doable moments at Keurbooms on the cards too… (See Spot) ;)

PE and PA – Fresh NE winds all day here…

EL – Similar to above…

Inland – Low and behold those CB’s are not on the cards today even though the trough is still there – slightly less moisture moving in form the north as the CF approaches CT and is changing the origins of that upper airmass. NW winds mostly around the 10-15kts range btu the it will increase along the mountains to the south as the CF starts to have an impact in the area. Some 20kt plus posts expected then. ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:31 and setting at 18:43 – day length 12:12. (We are being robbed of 2min of sunlight every day now!! Autumn’s around the corner!). A clear sunny day expected so perfect to go get high on life.. ;) Max temperature a mild 21 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)


(17 March 2021) 
Day 356 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. Tomorrow is the start to the first ever Wilderness Paragliding festival! (18 to 28 March 2021! :))

The SAH still dominating with a slight ridge along the southern parts and the inland trough with good flying but OD conditions and CB activity in a wide spread area in the interior. Winds are all S to SE along the southern parts – fresh in a few spots in the late afternoon – but NW north of the GE except later in the day when the southerly will creep up to past there. Lots of Q’s around but the west is blue. A few fog patches on the northern west coast with some lower clouds along the southern oceans with a slight chance of effecting the southern coastal areas – even a slight chance of rain in a few spots possible. The winds are light with hight with a N trend going NW from 4k upwards and a 30-50kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – Strong SE around CP but it curls around with a SW component around SH and LH – light winds expected here for most of the day with probably some good flying too. The SE to the S is not very deep either so all these help for a good wind-shadow area to play in today. The main mountains also looking up with perhaps some E to NE in the morning but this will be dominated by the NW to W winds and late some SW from the west. (See TDK Spot).

RB – Too much west in it today…;)

PV – A NW start to the day but the afternoon finishing SW. Climbs to 5/7k in the best spots. Light winds with a slight push in the late afternoon with up to 1kts at TOL.

Wilderness – Again lots of clouds around but most will clear during the day along the coast with some blue skies. Winds initially S and light but from lunchtime the SE will start to push in from the east. Perhaps reaching Map by late late afternoon. Base around 2/3k on the plateaus so if you can get there it could be fun. Sedge and Serps should be great during the late morning and early afternoon – a small window to get high enough to jump to the back possible.

Plett – Also a S to SE day with Uppies showing some fun times… (See Spot) ;)

PE and PA – Light wind starts with a later E to NE trend. There’s a high chance of ran and even CB activity here today…

EL – Similar to above…

Inland – High bases but with the high probability of CB’s in a wide spread region (See rain map). It is clear to the west with a NW wind trending W to SW later on perhaps 15kts in some spots. If you can is the CB’s it should be good flying… ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:31 and setting at 18:45 – day length 12:14. (We are being robbed of 2min of sunlight every day now!! Autumn’s around the corner!). A partly cloudy day with strong SE winds for the afternoon. Perfect to go get high on life.. ;) Max temperature a cool  20 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)


(16 March 2021) 
Day 355 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people. 2 days to go to the first ever Wilderness Paragliding festival! (18 to 28 March 2021! :))

The SAH still dominating with a very active trough along the central parts. CB’s in the interior though a tad more to the east with some light rains along the southern coastal parts during the day possible. Winds are generally SE along the southern parts and Southerly up the west coast and NW in the more northern interior. Around CP and the west coast its strong and dry while the southern parts are lighter with more moisture and low clouds around for the most part. Flying a bit of a mixed bag with the southern parts not much in terms of thermic activity, improving along the west (well, actually some pretty good spots along the west!) ;) and the then interior though high bases the thermals a bit shredded due to winds and rain. The winds along the southern parts are lighter with height then form around 10k it starts the usual W to NW march increasing with a much calmer 20-30kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – Another strong SE wind day, dryer compared to yesterday with some good instability along the west coast – there should be sweet Q’s today. Still strong higher up with not much of a wind-shadow shaping up from the looks of things and then the main mountains are all SE winds and pretty fresh. You need to go far north to get a bit of SSW component…

RB – It looks like a good day here according to the Spot report with some high clouds too… Maybe a day to drift north and go for Adam’s record! ;)

PV – Still a lot of southerly in the wind but not as strong as yesterday and much better thermic wise. Climbs to perhaps 6k in some spots with sweet clouds in the south. Be careful though with the southerly component and very strong S winds late afternoon form the south.

Wilderness – Lots of clouds still around but less chance of rain compared to yesterday. SE winds though it starts of light. I think Map the place to be from mid day onwards. It might blow out very late in the day so it might just be a lekker flying day for the most part. :) It looks  a tad too east and fresh for anything worthwhile inland to happen. Maybe Gerrickes and Buff for an earlier session. ;) 

Plett – Also a very se day with not much flying prospects – unless you have those secret SE spots to enjoy ;) (See spot).

PE and PA – A chance of some CB’s otherwise lighter winds and onshore flows mostly with an East trend perhaps reaching 15kts in the strongest bits.

EL – Similar to above…

Inland – Again the usual pattern of NW winds to the north of the GE with SE trends to the south of that. Rain along the mountains expected with CB’ along the trough line – mostly to the east of the interior. Lots of variable surface winds around the CB regions it seems. Probably a good WW day. :)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:30 and setting at 18:46 – day length 12:16. (We are being robbed of 2min of sunlight every day now!! Autumn’s around the corner!). A cloudy day with slight chance of rain and soe fresh SE winds. Either way go get high on life.. ;) Max temperature a cool 19 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)


(15 March 2021) 
Day 354 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. And surely the big news of the day is that Peter Wallenda has finally tied the knot to Sue Day – congratulations!!

And a reminder that we now have only 3 days to go to the first ever Wilderness Paragliding festival! (18 to 28 March 2021! :))

A cut off low wanting to form just to the south of us that is causing some strong SW winds along parts of the southern coast but S to SE winds along the west coast. The SAH already pushing in its dominance once again. The CB activity still strong long the trough – connecting out to sea with the low. Lots more rain from the looks of it as the SAH helps to bring in that warmer moist air from the IO onto the southern parts. However those CB activity moving off to the east running form PE/EL and northwards. Lots of cloud everywhere with the sun peaking out here and there with a bit of luck. Not much form a flying point of view with RB for the hangies about the best spot of the day! Lol. Winds go NW from 10k upwards with a 0-80kt finish up at the Tropopause.

CT – A strong SE wind day with lots of low cloud and no inversion or letting up of the winds so it doesn’t look like any wind-shadow shaping up. The main mountains dominated by that strong SE winds so no safe prospects out that side either. Looks like a WW or perhaps more like a BR day! (That one is for WJ!) ;)

RB – It just could be a sweet day here all day long with weak lift so t should be smooth flying and perhaps holding just enough to remain flyable all day long…

PV – A very southerly day though not as strong as yesterday. Weak climbs with base rising to 4k maybe to the north. Not the best of day with the cross wind that is remaining all day long…

Wilderness – Hhhmmm… Still lots of cloud around with the prospect of more rain but perhaps not as much as yesterday. The winds are supposed to be strong WSW so there is hope for a bit of a clear spell and more upslope along the ocean cliffs. Lol. But inland its too windy for things to be anything worthwhile safe flying… 

Plett – Also a very W day with poor outlook for flying… (See spot).

PE and PA – Lots f rain on this side with those CB active all day here. Looks like the surface winds reflect some of that too with variable but a general W trend…

EL – Similar to above…

Inland – NW further inland but the SAH helping the southerly to take over things from mid afternoon onwards. It penetrates beyond the GE by late afternoon. Lots of rain on the cards for the farmers. The CB’’s moving to the east but more rain all day long – especially along the SB and southwards from there. Still a good WW day. (or BR day!) ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:29 and setting at 18:47 – day length 12:18. (We are being robbed of 2min of sunlight every day now!! Autumn’s around the corner!). A cloudy day with rain but the CB’s are gone. Either way go get high on life.. ;) Max temperature a cool 20 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)


(14 March 2021) 
Day 353 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people. 4 days to go! The first ever Wilderness Paragliding festival! (18 to 28 March 2021! :))

A pleasant surprise at Sedge yesterday afternoon with some sweet amazing flying. Today the CF having moved over leaving a layer of moist air in its wake while the SAH is ridging in behind it – a general SE flow all over the WC today with a NW above that. Inland the trough very active with loads of CB’s around that will spread all the way south over the coastal areas and out to sea. In the far east the surface winds starting off SW but those will back to the SE during the day as well. So lots of low clouds along the southern coastal areas and thick mid-levels inland and adjacent areas. Those upper NW winds carrying all that stuff down to the south with it. The winds end with 70-80kts at the Tropopause.

CT – Fresh SE winds with a chance of a wind-shadow during the morning and lunchtime but it is eroded soon after as the SE deepens and strengthens. The main mountains also not looking that good with the East winds dominating there all day long. A few shadowed spots but these are very dynamic and moving around rather quickly so be very careful if you try to venture out there…

RB – IT just could be a sweet day here with the mid day and early afternoon the best. It will blow out later…

PV – It is a very SSW start to the day with low climbs perhaps up to 4k but it gets strong Southerly quickly with 20kt at TOL even from mid day already. So be careful if you fly. Land early! ;)

Wilderness – A light S start with some flying possible in the late morning at Serps, Map and Sedge. Maybe even Gerrickes for a bench-up! ? But it looks like rain from lunchtime onwards. With some luck we will get a window of flying in before this happens. ;) Late afternoon even CB’s moving in from the north.

Plett – It looks like the rain is here from earlier compared to Wilderness so perhaps not as good a forecast…. (See spot).

PE and PA – Initial SW but quickly backing to the SE from the west. Also rain later and some chance of those CB’s later on.

EL – SW start then backing to the SE.

Inland – NW north of the GE but E to SE to the south of that. Some spots over 20kts especially to the western interior. Then of course loads of CB activity which will spread all the way south over the southern coastal areas late afternoon. Be very careful if you fly out there today… Maybe still better to just do some WW. ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:28 and setting at 18:49 – day length 12:21. (We are being robbed of 2min of sunlight every day now!! Autumn’s around the corner!). A cloudy day with rain and even CB’s in the afternoon. Either way go get high on life.. ;) Max temperature a cool hot 21 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)


(13 March 2021) 
Day 352 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. 5 days and counting! The first ever Wilderness Paragliding festival! (18 to 28 March 2021! :))

The CF right on CT doorstep today with the associated strong NW winds. There is a bit of a gradient so in some spots it might seem light but just 1000ft up it is close to 20kts and form there it just gets stronger! ;) Big wave day around the Western parts. To the north the trough is very active with amazing soaring conditions – high bases but also some CB activity, some as far south as Graafies area. But of course with the front those isbars helping ot make the wind just too strong for us to fly. 20-30kts NW in most places. To the far east the NE dominating form the IOH and then the GR right in the “col” change over area with light winds along the surface and a bit more instability compared to yesterday. Above from 3k upwards the wind are all NW finising with 100kts at CT and 70kts at Wilderness!

CT – NW winds with a strong gradient – could be those prefrontal jukky NW winds ;) and the the CF moving in early evening – some rain and winds going more SW. Even the main mountains good to do some WW today. ;) Especially if there are any wave clouds forming.

RB – WWB is out and about today;)

PV – Another strong NW to W day with some convergence setting up around PV town from mid day moving towards the launch as the wind backs to the west. But its very strong up there so probably best to just WW. (See TOL winds of spot) ;)

Wilderness – A light SW day with some flying probably to be had at Sedg around mid day. Climbs to 1000ft doable according to the forecast. Get it while you can I say because the CF is here tomorrow! ;)

Plett – Similar to Wildernes with a maybe Keurbooms but Uppies with a small window around mid day too (See post).

PE and PA – Initial NE in the east but the west the winds popping in form the changing – light to varable S to SW winds.

EL – Strong NE winds here all day 20kts…

Inland – That hot NW winds all the way south to the first mount ranges of the coast. High cloud bases with some OD and CB around the central parts. Not good for flying unless you are brave but excellent for WW! ;) South of the southern ranges if you stay low there is a sweet flying spot within the or just above the convection layer (up to 1500ft with light thermals) ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:27 and setting at 18:50 – day length 12:23. (We are being robbed of 2min of sunlight every day now!! Autumn’s around the corner!). It is a light wind day for us with little to none flying prospects. Foefies at Map! Maybe practice those fancy dress suit launches! ;) Either way go get high on life.. ;) Max temperature another hot 22 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)


(12 March 2021) 
Day 351 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people. Six days to the main event! The first ever Wilderness Paragliding festival! (18 to 28 March 2021! :))

A large CF to the west with a strong trough along the western interior and the IOH on the east dominating our weather today. NE winds along the east coast all the way to the eastern parts of the GR but this will move to the east during the day as the CF moves closer form the west. The CF will influence CT from tomorrow onwards mostly but some upper influences today from the tightening isobars – some strong NW winds up there! Inland strong NW winds as the prefrontal trough creates some super duper strong soaring conditions with 18k bases – Loeriesfontein, Calvina, Willeston epic high stuff but the NW pretty breezy out there. Lol. Some low clouds around the coasts with poor soaring – stable conditions along most of the coastal plains today not helped by the thick mid and upper clouds today either. The best spot that is within reach of most pilots will be Kardoesie with some mid afternoon sweet stuff – my spot of the day. Conditions also very cool for wave activity in the SW parts of the WC. Winds in general are NW except for a very shallow layer along the southern parts increasing in strength with a 70kt finish up at the Tropopause.

CT – A good early morning I think with NW winds and a chance to explore the 12 Apostles. Its breezy up there with 15k at TM top but def manageable for PG. By mid day the surface winds trend SW which will break some of tat good lift to bench up to TM. Very stable and north in the upper air along the main mountains. The inversion showing a stable change from the SW lowers to the NNW upper but its best to be wary I think.

RB – WWB is out and about today;)

PV – NW to W all day with high clouds dampening the climbs. PV with perhaps 3/4k weak stuff but Kardoesie seems to be better with the spot showing up to 5k in the mid afternoon. ;)

Wilderness – A stable day with really nothing on the cards. With a bit of luck you might find some coastal spot with just enough wind to keep you up for while. Even Buffs doesn’t offer anything more than local dins and will be a gamble…

Plett – Similar to Wildernes today….

PE and PA – Fresh to strong NE winds to start with that will veer to the East later on. Maybe some of those onshore spots will work if its not too strong…

EL – Strong NE winds here all day 20-30kts…

Inland – Fresh spots during the moring especially the GE area with 20-30kts of surface winds. To the south the SE winds are around to 4/6k level before going NW. This changes at the GE areas. Lots of high cirrus clouds but there are some very high Q’s expected along the higher mountain areas that connect with the NW instability. Loeresfontein area in particular and along the N/S line. (See cloudbase map). So lekker to dream hey! ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:27 and setting at 18:51 – day length 12:25. (We are really being robbed of 2min of sunlight every day now!! Autumn around the corner!). It is a light wind day for us with little to none flying prospects. Foefies at Map! Maybe practice those fancy dress suit launches! ;) Either way go get high on life.. ;) Max temperature around 22 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)


(11 March 2021) 
Day 350 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people. One week to go to the start of the first ever Wilderness Paragliding festival! (18 to 28 March 2021! :))

Here are some amazing Wave clouds from the past CF that moved over the WC. Pics taken at McGregor by Ruan. Awesome! :)

Today a mild SAH shifting in behind the CF with surprisingly light winds in almost all areas of the WC. There are still some wet spots around during the morning and mid afternoon but it dries during the day almost everywhere. Loads of Q’s around with a few spots showing excellent soaring conditions. Winds re generally eats with some NE trend inland and a SE for the afternoon along the coast. The west cast has mostly N to NW in the upper winds (a slightly different SAH source for here). The East is present all the way up to around 6k where it backs to the N and then WNW from 14k upwards and a 80kts WNW finish at the Tropopause.

CT – A good flying day I think with instability to 4k around the Peninsula. Up to 15kt SE later but it is light at 2/3k with a NW trend up there. The surface winds curling around TM with a SW component along the shore front at SH and LH. Some great flying to be had along the main ranges with strong lift according to the forecasts – despite all the recent rains. Winds do trend NW with height so its hard to go anywhere to the north and if you head south you will bump heads with the SE which will make for interesting flying indeed! ;) lol. FH with that mix between these two winds with some times being very good for flying – the SE influence in the morning and late afternoon again – so be wide awake if you fly here…

RB – Some Southerly late afternoon but it does seem a bit light… ;)

PV – Looking like a sweet day here with NW to W winds all day long and sweet Q’s all over the show. Best climbs seem to be north of Kardoesie with maybe 5k climbs that side.

Wilderness – A light wind start with mid level clouds. Then later some higher thicker cirrus clouds around which will dampen the thermals somewhat otherwise it could have been an amazing XC day. The winds trend S to SE from late morning mid day already with the afternoon going SE. Map should be very cool late afternoon – probably good form 14:00 onwards already. ;) Earlier flying from Serps to Map should be very sweet.

Plett – Plett looking cool to with Uppies mid morning flights and the SE moving in a bit later on. Keurbooms perhaps doable but a lot of SE in the wind…

PE and PA – Fresh SW start and by mid afternoon the winds will start to moderate and back to the S and even SE. The rain will also become less…

EL – Similar to PE but the SW hanging on for longer as the tail end of the CF moves past here….

Inland – Some light rain stull present in a few spots but all of that will clear during the day. The winds are light easterly trend all the way to the GE and north of there it is NW. Nothing strong with perhaps 10-15kts around at the most in a few spots. A sweet flying day with Q’s everywhere.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:26 and setting at 18:53 – day length 12:27. (We are really being robbed of sunlight daily now!! Autumn is coming soon!) A sudden calm after the storm today with light wind start and then a SE breeze for the afternoon. Def a day to go get high on life.. ;) Max temperature around 20 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)


(10 March 2021) 
Day 349 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. 8 days to the start of the first ever Wilderness Paragliding festival! (18 to 28 March 2021! :))

The CF dominating our weather with rain in CT all day and up the west coast, spreading to the east during the day. Very strong NW winds around there with 30kts at 1000’ and 40 just above that. The winds should moderate slightly in the afternoon. Inland the strong winds also dominating from west to east with some very high clouds and strong lift preceding the front. Of course those winds way too strong to fly so its just WW time. The rain should spread to the GR by late afternoon/early evening. Way to the north the trough active around Kuruman and Jozies areas. Lol. Winds back home are NW from the surface all the way to the Tropopause with a slight W backing up there and a 90kts finish.

CT – Strong NW winds and rain all day. Low base with tops around 12/14k… See SLP TH graph with winds 50kts at 3k mid day!

RB – Big WWB out today! ;)

PV – Also rain and strong NW winds all day…

Wilderness – A clear warm day with some katabatic heating around as the strong NW descends down to the lee side of the Outies. Still some high clouds at 7/8k – see the spot for Grg and the winds at TOL! Very windy with 30kts around 1000ft near the coast. Lots of variable winds out to sea - lots of mixing caused by the adjacent high mountains. Very west to NW all day but late afternoon sees the SW finally coming through (Too strong of course!) and with a chance of rain at that time. A WW day!

Plett – Similar to Wilderness!

PE and PA – Light winds start with some spots of strong offshore flow. This will change to onshore flows with SE winds and then trend NE in the east later on. The CF moving in through tonight only.

EL – SE then NE later on. Light to moderate winds.

Inland – Another day of WW! Strong winds form the W due to the CF moving in – 30kts plus in most places. Lots of rain expected in the west and then moving to the eat reaching as far as Sutherland, PrinsAlbert, Willowmore by early evening. And by morning into EL and Graafies.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:25 and setting at 18:54 – day length 12:29. (Oooh sunset now before 19:00!! Autumn is coming soon!) A strong WNW wind day with rain early evening. Visit the Lienkies corner for a bit of shelter or walk down wind with masks and goggles! ;) The forest walks would be the best today to shelter form the winds. Either way go and get high on life. ;) Max temperature around 28 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(9 March 2021) 
Day 348 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people. 9 days to the start of the first ever Wilderness Paragliding festival! (18 to 28 March 2021! :)

Today the first big CF of the year moving into CT – a classic one with the building NW winds and then the rain late afternoon persisting for a day at least from the looks of it. And of course effecting all those areas close to the western parts of the WC those building NW to W winds. Some big wave around the CT mountains – should be pretty visible too I think. Otherwise a clear day from a Q point of view (except from the inbound CF and then those high cirrus over the entire WC. The southern coastal areas still very protected from the CF influence with very light winds to start the day and then a gradual build during the day of onshore winds. NE winds in the eastern parts but generally a southerly and SW in the GR areas. Inland the westerlies dominate and will build strongly during the day with 30kts plus in the west penetrating all the way to Uniondale and Willowmore by late afternoon. North of the GE it is all WNW winds and also breezy as those pressure surfaces are steeply tilted between the trough and that CF. Though again the finetuned trough extending in a long line from Nam past Bloem for some record soaring conditions out there. Over 17k climbs near Botshabelo. (It extends all the way to McClear!) (Dream!) ;) Winds all go NW from around 3k upwards backing to W from 14k with a 100kt finish at the Tropopause.

CT – Still thick Cirrus clouds that will be complimented with Q’s moving in from the west from mid day onwards. And of course those building WN winds which is already to strong from the morning. TM top height going to 40kts with the 30kts and more on some spots on the surface possible by mid afternoon. The main mountains also very strong NW winds so its def not a flying day. Lol.

RB – Big WWB out today! ;)

PV – Also a breeze NW day with winds in the upper teens all day – increasing to the south. Lift going to 5k in the best spots. Better to watch weather today. ;)

Wilderness – Yesterday a super coastal soaring day as it turned out but today much less in the wind department from the looks of it. (Thought this awesome place often has sweet surprises) ;) IT looks like a super light off-shore start to the day with some light onshore winds by late morning mid day. Its possible it could get soarable along the ocean cliffs but generally a light wind day. SW till lunchtime and then a S to SSE trend in it. Sedge showing some lift to just over 1k. Serps very similar with the window an hour before mid day the best. Hhhmmm…;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness, just slightly les good. ;) lol. Light onshore flows with Uppies showing climbs to perhaps 2500ft. Maybe a light soaring flight at Keurbooms doable at lunchtime.

PE and PA – The E to NE wind trending here but it is light and changing from the west as the CF shits closer. A light wind day here in general which is cool I suppose. ;)

EL – Light NE wind all day form the looks of it.

Inland – A light wind start in the east but the west already having fresh westerly winds. This will build during the day covering almost the entire interior from west to east ;) well just past Willowmore area where there is a more S to SE trend in the south. A few lost Q’s possible over some of the higher ranges inland but that west wind going over 30kts on average remaining strong from GR and up. Probably a day best spend drinking and practicing WW. (Weather Watching!) lol.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:24 and setting at 18:55 – day length 12:31. (Oooh sunset now before 19:00!! Autumn is coming soon!) A big CF moving towards us so enjoy today because tomorrow is going to be pretty deurmekaar… So go enjoy perfect beach and forest walks! Go and get high on life. ;) Max temperature around 20 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)


(8 March 2021) 
Day 347 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. Things are heating up for the first ever Wilderness Paragliding festival – 18 to 28 March 2021! Watch this space!  

The SAH dominating with W to SW winds along the entire WC area. Lots of clouds around with some rain especially along the southern parts with bases varying from 1500ft in southern parts to 3/4k in the west and of course more in the interior. Climbs are weak for the most part due to thick mid level clouds which will dampen the thermals quite a bit. Best spot looks to be DTK with some sweet mid day lifting with TOL around 4.5k and sweet winds too. Otherwise strong SW along the southern and eastern areas, moderating from the west during the day. In the interior its W in the far north but SSW in the south. But then while we are all grovelling in the CF remnants the sweetest trough line is setting up today with record distance possible (Drool) See the Cloud base SA chart for the distinct setup – 15k base is not too shabby! ;) Winds remain SW to W but then WNW from 6k up trending W with a 80-100kt finish at the Tropopause.

CT – Those thick mid levels hanging around all day with a S to SSW trend. 15kts but more around the corners with the seafront at SH 15-20kts at times. Too side one for the wind-shadow to shape up from the looks of things but maybe… ;) The main mountains at DTK actually looking not bad and some sweet flying to be had there around lunchtime and for once it does not nec get better further north! ;)

RB – Hhhmm Just too much west in it! ;)

PV – The thick mid levels blocking much of the surface heating so not the best out look but there is something to be had during the mid afternoon. WSW trending SW later. Climbs to 4k at the best spots but Im hopeful that it might clear more than anticipated. ;)

Wilderness – A cloudy rainy start to the day but all indicators that things will clear partially from mid day onwards. Sedge offering something to play with from mid day onwards and possibly Serps too. The west should back to the SW around mid day with perhaps 10kts to play along the ocean cliffs. Some rain on the cards but probably more towards the mountains. So the outlook not hopeless! ;)

Plett – Uppies actually looking terrible and not as good as Sedge. A bit more west here on the cards with too much of that for Keurbooms to work. And Uppies not offering anything either.

PE and PA – The SW winds dominating here all day and really fresh further east.

EL – Fresh to strong SW all day long here….

Inland – Light winds in the interior with only a slight increase during the afternoon. So it doesn’t look like to bad a day to fly with those propellor thingies. Some spots perhaps going to 15k in the late afternoon. Some Q’s shaping up in most regions with base at 12k around the GE in a few spots.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:23 and setting at 18:57 – day length 12:33. (Oooh sunset now before 19:00!! Autumn is coming soon!) A very cloudy day with poor sun possibilities and a W wind going SSW later on. Go later for perfect beach and forest walks! Go and get high on life. ;) Max temperature around 19 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)


(7 March 2021) 
Day 346 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people. Things are heating up for the first ever Wilderness Paragliding festival – 18 to 28 March 2021! Watch this space!  

The longest flight of the 20/21 season - 427km in a Paraglider. Few have gone that far and yet Josh believes more is possible. He writes: “Morning, Wednesday when we drove up was the record day i think. Clouds streets from Calvinia to Carnarvon and beyond, high base, till sunset, no OD. Post frontal, lots of rain the night before. Only problem Thursday was OD, i had to fly around storms, probably wasted 30+min and 50k distance and 2hrs landing before sunset. 600k+ is definitely doable?it's what I said all along, i just need to be there on the right day.☔”

Today a CF moving into CT as the SAH is pushing in the cooler wet air form the south – southerly winds dominating behind the front but just ahead it’s a much more westerly component along the southern coast before the rain will move in by late afternoon. Far inland it’s the usual NW component north of the GE with 12k climbs no clouds out there today (Only the frontal stuff along the coasts). I notice north of Kimberley the best spot with well over 15k bases and sweet climbs out there. (Drool!) But back home its more complex with loads of low clouds moving in form the south along the southern parts in the afternoon that will dampen the flying in these areas. Winds are south to westerly up to 6k then it is all NW from there with a gentle backing to the WSW at the Tropopause for a 70kts finish.

CT – A low cloud rainy start especially around the Peninsula but it will clear from mid day onwards with even a chance of a wind-shadow appearing for the afternoon. SSE winds up to 20kts then. The main mountains also clearing into the afternoon with base rising rapidly to around 4k but much more to the north.

RB – It just might be a sweet afternoon into the sunset! ;)

PV – Actually a really lekker day here I think with Kardoesie the place to be – the clouds rising here with 6k bases and sweet flying around the lunchtime period. SW winds with a tad more southerly in the afternoon especially to the south near PV.

Wilderness – A partly cloudy start with a lot of promise on the cards of rain to come but perhaps some sweet on-shores just before – we hope! Some apps showing a good Southerly before the rains but others showing a frustrating westerly trend before the rain comes. Climbs to just over 1k at Serps and Sedge with clouds at mid day onwards and base lowering all the time. So a tricky day to call with a mixed bag of changing conditions – even a chance of some strong pulses moving in from the south so keep an eye out on the ocean for those windy signs! (see Sedge Spot)

Plett – Uppies looking good around mid day for a good spell and wow – Uppies showing climbs to 5k between 10:30 and 12:30! I would go for that! ;)  

PE and PA – Light winds as a start with a SW trend. Inland looking pretty good with some workable bases from the looks of things…

EL – Fresh SW all day long here….

Inland – A light wind start but then the southerlies moving in form mid day onwards with the late afternoon seeing spots of over 30kts north of the SB especially! No CB’s expected but rain this evening in the south with the SB blocking most of that moisture from moving further north.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:23 and setting at 18:58 – day length 12:36. (Oooh sunset now before 19:00!!) Autumn is coming soon!) A partly cloudy start but clouding over for the afternoon and rain. Go early for perfect beach and forest walks! Go and get high on life. ;) Max temperature around 22 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(6 March 2021) 
Day 345 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. Here are two links for yesterday’s long flights – one from Andrew and Pete on their new Plett site distance record (104km) and the other of Josh’s long XC flight of 427km!

Today another CF approaching CT and will influence the WC weather during the course of the day – some strong SW pulse along the southern coasts. Q’s developing along most of the west coast during the day but much lighter winds here compared to the southern parts. The rain and stuff only happening tomorrow mostly. Winds remain a general SW to WNW form south to north with hight to around 6k where it is all WNW winds all the way to the Tropopause for a 70kts finish.

CT – Some cloud around with base around TM tops and westerly winds. It does look like a 12 Apostle day to me but does depend on the cloud development. The main mountains with initial NW going W winds – 10-15kts. Se depending where you are just watch for the stronger flows over some of the bigger ranges for that penetration! ;)

RB – Too much W in it I think all day…

PV – A good looking day here with around 10kts and a few spots going just above that. Climbs to around 5k but the convergence setting up in the mid afternoon from Bumpy peak with climbs here even out in the valley to 6k. Slight chance of some Q’s later in the afternoon.

Wilderness – A super cool morning with light SW winds and the calm before the storm thing. Though it looks like the light stuff will remain for just about most of the day. The SW popping through from late afternoon only. Some light instability around for Serps and Sedge but a warning out for some shear expected from 13/14:00 onwards out there. TOL around 1000ft and 20kts expected up there! (See spot!) So perhap snot the best forecast… ;)

Plett – Very similar to Wilderness today… Also watch the wind at TOL.

PE and PA – Fresh NE winds for the day but then the SW eroding and moving in form the west reaching PE near sunset only…

EL – Fresh to strong NE winds all day…

Inland – Again a light start with even a Northerly trend but the West moving in from late moring from the west, slowly backing to the SW in the south later on. 20-30kts in the afternoon! Climbs at lunchtime to 9k over the SB and 12 at Graafies though its west so not the best direction for there. ;) Blue day mostly.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:22 and setting at 18:59 – day length 12:38. (Oooh sunset now before 19:00!!) Autumn is coming soon!) An awesome start but then the SW will come through strong in the afternoon. Go early for perfect beach and forest walks! Go and get high on life. ;) Max temperature around 22 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)


(5 March 2021) 

Day 345 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. Here are two links for yesterday’s long flights – one from Andrew and Pete on their new Plett site distance record (104km) and the other of Josh’s long XC flight of 427km!

Today another CF approaching CT and will influence the WC weather during the course of the day – some strong SW pulse along the southern coasts. Q’s developing along most of the west coast during the day but much lighter winds here compared to the southern parts. The rain and stuff only happening tomorrow mostly. Winds remain a general SW to WNW form south to north with hight to around 6k where it is all WNW winds all the way to the Tropopause for a 70kts finish.

CT – Some cloud around with base around TM tops and westerly winds. It does look like a 12 Apostle day to me but does depend on the cloud development. The main mountains with initial NW going W winds – 10-15kts. Se depending where you are just watch for the stronger flows over some of the bigger ranges for that penetration! ;)

RB – Too much W in it I think all day…

PV – A good looking day here with around 10kts and a few spots going just above that. Climbs to around 5k but the convergence setting up in the mid afternoon from Bumpy peak with climbs here even out in the valley to 6k. Slight chance of some Q’s later in the afternoon.

Wilderness – A super cool morning with light SW winds and the calm before the storm thing. Though it looks like the light stuff will remain for just about most of the day. The SW popping through from late afternoon only. Some light instability around for Serps and Sedge but a warning out for some shear expected from 13/14:00 onwards out there. TOL around 1000ft and 20kts expected up there! (See spot!) So perhap snot the best forecast… ;)

Plett – Very similar to Wilderness today… Also watch the wind at TOL.

PE and PA – Fresh NE winds for the day but then the SW eroding and moving in form the west reaching PE near sunset only…

EL – Fresh to strong NE winds all day…

Inland – Again a light start with even a Northerly trend but the West moving in from late moring from the west, slowly backing to the SW in the south later on. 20-30kts in the afternoon! Climbs at lunchtime to 9k over the SB and 12 at Graafies though its west so not the best direction for there. ;) Blue day mostly.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:22 and setting at 18:59 – day length 12:38. (Oooh sunset now before 19:00!!) Autumn is coming soon!) An awesome start but then the SW will come through strong in the afternoon. Go early for perfect beach and forest walks! Go and get high on life. ;) Max temperature around 22 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)


Day 344 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people. So yesterday was a big day for a few pilots – Pete and Andrew flying over 100k’s form Plett (Uppies), Jack going over 100ks from DTK and then the big one going to Josh Degenaar flying over 400km from Copperton to just shy of Molteno! We will post the track log as soon as we get it. This is a pic of the big flight. Lekker Josh! :) Today not as good with the trough having moved to the north and eats with the clouds running in a line form Uppington past Kimberley Bloem. Some CB’s to the far east but nothing around the WC. Along the coasts it is the SAH ridging in along the southern parts with a S to SE trend – initial SW along the eastern coasts but this will also back to the SE later in the day. Light inland winds except for the far northern areas and again later the Sea breeze picking up as it moves inland around 15-20kts from the SE. Some Q’s in the south and especially to the east. Climbs around 2k along the southern coasts, rising to 4k along the mountains and then perhaps 8k further inland along the SB ranges. Winds go West from 6k and then a slight WSW trend from 18k upwards with a 50kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – Looks like a big wind-shadow day with perhaps a light SW trend here. The main mountains actually looking really good with soe convergence over the bigger mountains behind DTK with climbs going to perhaps 8k here… ;) A fresh SW wind later in the afternoon.

RB – Too much W in it I think all day…

PV – Another sweet westerly start trending to the SW with climbs to 5k. To the north around Kardoesie a steady rise in climbs as the convergence sets in running from PB to Eendekuil to the Pass. Not too strong in the late afternoon either so a lekker day of flying here I think.

Wilderness – A SE prediction on the cards but perhaps not as strong as previously thought. It’s a soft start with only the afternoon picking up for some Map fun I think. It might even last all day here with the strong winds seemingly not making it all the way up here. The morning could be sweet at Sedge and Serps for some flying and the run from Serps to Map is def a good one for the morning to do.

Plett – After yesterdays long flights (2 x over 100km from Uppies!) Today the SE trend but not before there is a good spell at Uppies in the morning . See Spot! Maybe Keurbooms might have something in the mid morning before its too SE…

PE and PA – A light SW start but trending to the SE during the day…

EL – Fresh SW winds and then form mid day backing to the SE around 15kts.

Inland – A sweet start with light winds in most places but then the Sea Breeze moving in in the afternoon. Breeze then with SE trends around 15-20kts. Some clouds around here and there with high bases at 7/8k.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:21 and setting at 19:01 – day length 12:40. (How quickly the darkness is eroding the light… Ouch!) A sweet light SE wind day with a chance of picking up later in the afternoon. Perfect for beach and forest walks! Go and get high on life. ;) Max temperature around 21 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)


(4 March 2021) 
Day 343 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. That CF tail swept into the west of the WC during the morning with low cloud and slight chance of rain. IT will clear during the day and turn into a glorious flying day though. Inland the Trough very active with breezy NW winds north of the GE. Some CB’s in the south and eastern parts. Later the Sea breezes from the south will make inroads towards the GE with winds also reaching 20kts plus in places. Expecting some OD stuff along the Southern mountains as the CF works it way towards the GR during the day. Winds are SW to W up to 6k where its all west then a gentle NW trend towards the Tropopause with a70kts finish up there.

CT – A low cloud start with some rain but it will clear for some cool flying along the main mountains from DTK and northwards. (CT with a bad wind-shadow outlook with southerly winds all day around 15-20kts). The further north the better it gets especially later in the day. It could be another long distance day form DTK – but at the inversion the winds go N to NW so better progress just below that. ;)

RB – It just could be a sweet late afternoon here… :)

PV – A sweet westerly day going SW later with initial low clouds but rising rapidly during the day – getting to 6k in the north late afternoon. Strong sweet flying I think.

Wilderness – Some rain moving in from the south late afternoon early evening with some stronger winds then but for the late morning it looks like light SW winds with mid day light soaring along the ocean cliffs. My pick is Sedge or Serps with some great flying late morning again. Climbs to 2k with even a bit of Q’s forming up there.

Plett – Uppies looking the best with 4k climbs and Q’s and a chance of doing some good XC… Keurbooms switching on from mid day onwards for some cool fluing too I think. :)

PE and PA – Moderate SE winds for the most part with low clouds especially later on.

EL – Those moderate SE winds all along the coast here making for a pleasant change. ;)

Inland – A rather windy day north of the GE – NW 15-20kts. But strong thermals and high bases with a few CB’s to the south and east. The sea-breeze moving inland (see graphs for morning and afternoon on surface winds) making for very windy conditions in the afternoon. Fly in the southern parts during the late morning to avoid the strong stuff! ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:20 and setting at 19:02 – day length 12:42. (How quickly the darkness is eroding the light… Ouch!) A sweet light SW wind day with a chance of some rain later in the afternoon. Perfect for beach and forest walks! Go and get high on life. ;) Max temperature around 21 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)


(3 March 2021) 
Day 342 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people. The CF having moved to the south of us while the SAH is shifting the tail end towards CT. Moderate W to SW winds here while the IOH is dominating in the east again with those NE winds and the trough in the central wester parts with good soaring conditions – some CBs to the east of the trough line. The southern coast with SW winds, a few spots reaching 15kts but for the most part its moderate to light. Some clouds down south with the west dry and the inland areas with high Q’s – base up to 15k! Winds inland getting strong W to NW around 15-20kts in a few spots and then also int eh eastern coastal regions the sea breeze moving inland with a SE direction and topping 20kts in some spots too. From 6k the winds go NW with a slight backing to eh west at the Tropopause for a 60.70kts finish up there.

CT – Some fog patches for the morning but these should clear during the day. A light N start but quickly going W trending SW later on. It is looking like a good flying day here while the main mountains are also not too bad with the W to SW trends. Not very high climbs out there but still fun stuff.

RB – WWB is out today…

PV – A SW day with climbs to 5k in the right spot otherwise its 4k. Perhaps reaching close to 15kts in the late afternoon making it a good day for PG until sunset. At Kardoes and north towards Skerpheuwel it should be great later on. ;)

Wilderness – IT is looking like another great day at Sedge – probably late morning the best time so don’t mis out again! Yesterday was amazing! (See pic) Perhaps some light coastal soaring stuff – though there are some stronger winds far out to sea which can change things a bit. Just keep an eye out for that. There is a small chance of light rain around the Knysna region and maybe here too. Else its up to 2k climbs… Very lekker!

Plett – Same as Wilderness with Uppies looking sweet with climbs to 3k and Keurbooms having a shot at being flyable from mid day onwards…

PE and PA – SW winds moving up to EL during the day.

EL – The NE dominating here in the morning but then the SW will move in late afternoon….

Inland – Another good flying fay though perhaps a bit on the strong wind side with 15-20kts inland in some places later in the day. CB in the SE parts around Middelburg, Tarkastad areas. The sea breeze moving in later on as well with some 20kt spots around.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:19 and setting at 19:03 – day length 12:44. (How quickly the darkness is eroding the light… Ouch!) Another partly cloudy day with light SW winds all day long. Perfect for beach and forest walks! Go and get high on life. ;) Max temperature around 21 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)


(2 March 2021) 
Day 341 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. In the east the IOH dominating while the CF moving in from the west influencing the west while the inland trough with slightly less CB activity nudges in from the north in some places. Winds are NE in the east and NW in the west with a mixed influence along the southern parts. Inland its NW. Some strong spots in the west as the CF influence with tightening isobars brings in that 30-40kt level down to 5/6k – a strong inversion below that with some flying in places within this shallow layer but the upper strong winds could create some interesting mixing and also wave above that. Beautiful clouds inland with most of the west and parts on the southern regions clear except for some wide spread coastal fog. Most should burn off later in the day. Winds are all NW from 4k upwards then at 18k it backs to the west for a 50kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – Again a foggy start with a northerly component. A strong inversion setting up from TM and higher where the winds go from 10kt to almost 40kts at 6k. A great wave setup so those usual wave spots probably working well for the first time this year. ;) The main mountains probably too strong higher up so if its weak lower down be very careful when you get higher – that gradient is pretty severe today I think. Personally a weather watching day here… ;) (See TH for RB) Lol.

RB – lol. See above…

PV – A NNW start but it backs sweetly to W during the day. Climbs to 4k were the inversion starts but there is a convergence setting up over PF from around 14:00 where you could get to 6k but… but the winds up there is pretty strong so watch your drift if you fly ;)

Wilderness – A strong SW popping during the morning that will probably be flyable before and after but during perhaps a tad too strong (Don’t get trapped along PR!). Lots of west in it initially but form mid day onwards it moderates and the coast and Sedge or Serps should be come very sweet for the afternoon. Lekker!

Plett – Same as Wilderness with Keurbooms having a shot at being flyable from after lunch. Some CB over the mountains that can influence things…

PE and PA – The start of the IOH influence with the strong NE winds to the east. So the change happening around here. It does look like the SW wins around Jbay and PE but from PA the NE gets the upper hand. Those inland CB’s… hhmmm..

EL – The NE dominating here….

Inland – A good looking day inland but for some CB’s mostly in the southern and eastern regions otherwise a amazing flying day to be had – high base with clouds all over the show! Winds NW around 15kts but in the far west and south some stronger spots form the CB and also the CF moving closer to CT.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:18 and setting at 19:05 – day length 12:46. (How quickly the darkness is eroding the light… Ouch!) A partly cloudy day with strong SW this morning with a sweet afternoon on the cards. Go and get high on life. ;) Max temperature around 26 degrees C for this morning but cooling to 22 for the afternoon! Enjoy the day! :)


(1st March 2021) 
Day 340 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people. A warning out today of extreme surface winds fluctuations due to loads of thunderstorm activities all over the WC. In addition there is a large CF to the west of us with an associated coastal low causing some strong shallow Norhterly flows along the west coast. This flow also is over TM just above the cooler surface air (some fog patches) with extreme mixing taking place. (Similar to the CT bergwinds effect). It is not a flying day so be very very careful if you venture out. The CB activity starting mid day in earnest already with many northerly flows reaching down into the southern coastal regions. Winds remain northerly all the way to the near the Tropopause where it acks to the west for a 50kt finish up there.

CT – Some fog patches around but these should clear quickly. Then deep mid level clouds moving in from the north as the CB activity moves in here too. Strong wind gradient with 20kts N at TM top and near 40kts at 4/5k. The mountains are very strong so do not venture out there unless its for weather watching. (See surface wind graphs) these are all over the show with extreme gusts of near 4okts at times. Lol.

RB – lol. See above…

PV – CB activity with strong gust fronts moving in plus the wind in general is strong Northerly. A bad day for flying in deed. ;)

Wilderness – Some coastal fog in patches along the coast. A very inverted day along the coast caused by the strong IOH flow pushing in only a very shallow layer of marine air onto the coastal regions. Above the wind is North and those CB’s will be moving in around lunchtime with a chance of rain and some strong northerly to westerly flows. IF you fly its during the morning but keep an eye on those CB’s moving in form the mountains. Light S to SE winds early on.

Plett – Same as Wilderness…

PE and PA – Those monster NE winds dominating al day. 30kts and more!

EL – As above…

Inland – Base around the 10-12k level with strong CB activity from late morning into the afternoon. Very wide spread rains with strong gust front actions from the looks of things. So def not a flying day. Stay on the ground and do some weather watching! ;) (See graph)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:18 and setting at 19:067 – day length 12:48. (How quickly the darkness is eroding the light… Ouch!) A high cirrus cloud day with light winds in the morning but some rain and CB winds in the afternoon so get out early for those beach and forest walks. But do go and get high on life. ;) Max temperature around 26 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)


(28 February 2021) 
Day 339 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. The SAH morphing into the IOD with a strong ridge along the southern parts while the inland trough is right along the west of the country producing a combination of high surface temps with that deep instability associated with the trough right along the west coast. PV and the Cederbergs today all time highs. (40 degrees C and 10k plus gains!) Some CB’s along the GE line later this afternoon with very strong SE winds along the southern parts of the country. This changes to N form around 6k and then W from 30k with a 30-50kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – Another good wind-shadows day though the morning is a bit tricky with a shallow SW and then the upper NE that is quite fresh. Mid morning this will dissipate and it actually looks like a light wind day around SH and LH with the wind-shadow in play. Towards the S the SE very strong out there though. The main mountains dominated by that western trough position and a northerly flow of deep instability. Go far north to get into some W flowing air to launch and to not get blow to the south by the strong upper N winds.

RB – lol. Too hot to be sitting out here today. You need to be at base in PV! ;)

PV – Hhhmmm… Really hot surface temps of 40 degrees but a chance to get really really high. There is a bit of a strong N wind up high so try to get to the north towards Bumpy get to 10k (or more) then jump over the back into the Cederbergs for that magic high clouds and 15k climbs! Please send us the pics for tomorrow!

Wilderness – Another light SE start but then the winds picking up quicker today compared to yesterday. So get out early. It will be blown out before late morning I think. Also a steep gradient setting up which can make things a bit unpleasant. Let hope it does not! ;) (All the other spots will be blown out.

Plett – Same as Wilderness…

PE and PA – A monster E to NE day… 30kts and more later on.

EL – As above…

Inland – Another beautiful light E to SE wind start to the day with increasing strengths into the afternoon from the SE. Some CB’s around the GE area and more in the late afternoon. Again fly early for the propeller thingies! ;) (See graph)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:17 and setting at 19:07 – day length 12:50. (How quickly the darkness is eroding the light… Ouch!) A strong SE wind day so get out early for those beach and forest walks. But do go and get high on life. ;) Max temperature around 21 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)


(27 February 2021) 
Day 338 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people. The SAH still dominating with that ridge along the southern parts coupled with the trough along the west coast. Still that deep easterly flow all over with high temps in the west and associated high climbs (over 7500ftASL) Winds around CP are very strong and this will migrate northwards not helping those fires in Jonkershoek much. Some clouds around even into the interior but these will clear by mid day with only a small edge along the southern and eastern coastal regions after lunch. Far inland though west of Kimberly high bases with the sweetest climbs – NW winds 10-15kts all the way to base at 15k. Dream and drool! ;) Back home, winds along the southern parts are strong SE in the afternoon but a sweet start though. From 10k the winds go N but then back to the WSW from 30k to finish at 50kts at the Tropopause.

CT – A good wind-shadow start with light east winds around the City but its strong at CP. Later the SE will move in and erode the wind-shadow with very strong winds 20kts plus again. The main mountains pretty useless for flying with the strong SE winds dominating.

RB – Probably a tad too east but it does look like the east facing slope could offer something later in the day. (See spot graph!) Or the Southerly could move in here later I think…

PV – Super strong S winds in the south that will move into the PV valley late afternoon. The best spot is to the north at Kardoesie where you could sit pretty at over 7500ft for most of the day. ;) See graph. Some very strong thermic stuff so be careful!

Wilderness – Another light SE start but then the winds picking up progressively. Again the apps showing some strong low level flows with a strong gradient – 20kts around 1000ft but much less on the surface for the Map. IT will blown out in the afternoon but its just a mater of when! Fingers crossed it is late! ;)

Plett – The SE dominating here with things just probably too cross to be any fun. But climbs doable to over 3k…

PE and PA – A light wind start but then increasing as the East starts to dominate.

EL – Similar but perhaps with a tad more South initially…

Inland – Another beautiful light E to SE wind start to the day with increasing strengths into the afternoon from the SE. So fly early for the propeller thingies! ;) (See graph)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:16 and setting at 19:08 – day length 12:52. (How quickly the darkness is eroding the light… Ouch!) A cloudy start with a fresh SE wind from late morning onwards. Perfect for beach and forest walks. Do go and get high on life. ;) Max temperature around 21 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)


(26 February 2021) 
Day 337 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. Today the SAH dominating again with a ridge along the southern parts. A broad sweep of easterly winds all over the WC with a very deep influence – it remains easterly all the way up to over 12k! The west coast with a strong SE flow especially in the south where some spots will reach 40kts. Typical the clouds confined to the south and eastern parts of the province. Some good soaring conditions inland with those sweet looking Q’s with relatively light winds – all those E to SE facing spots should be really good. Towards the coast the wind increasing in strength but for the change over spot between the GR and EL – SE to the west and SW to the east. Above 14k the wind becomes unusual with SSE flows in the east and SW in the west 30-40kts finishes up at the Tropopause.

CT – Another day with deep super strong SE winds. No wind-shadow shaping up form the looks of it – extreme shear around the southern mountains and Peninsula with 40kts low level winds in many spots. A day to look at the sky of go further north. ;)

RB – A tricky day with the ESE winds on and off during the morning depending on the position of the east wave – it could be blown out or too light or just right! ;) Late afternoon looks blow out though…

PV – An east start with the valley slowly producing the SW winds to flow upslope. It will be coming up but over head the E will be there with the transition relatively smooth 2-5kts change over. Some high climbs on the cards with over 6k gains. The SW very strong in the south but further north a bit of a sheltered region.

Wilderness – A cloudy misty start with a ESE wind. The apps shows some strong low level flows with a strong gradient – 20kts around 1000ft but much less on the surface for the Map. Fingers crossed it is not so! ;) But blown out from midday onwards (maybe even earlier) ;)

Plett – The SE dominating here with things just probably too cross to be any fun. But climbs doable to over 3k…

PE and PA – Winds starting light with a SW trend but going S to SE during the day.

EL – Fresh SW start that will moderate during the day and back to the S.

Inland – A beautiful light E to SE wind day inland except on the higher GE areas where the east will be fairly fresh. IT gets stronger further west. Some sweet fluffy looking skies around the little Karoo all day. Later on the SE winds will incres to the 10-15kts level.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:15 and setting at 19:09 – day length 12:55. (How quickly the darkness is eroding the light… Ouch!) A cloudy start with a fresh SE wind from late morning onwards. Perfect for beach and forest walks. Do go and get high on life. ;) Max temperature around 20 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)


(25 February 2021) 
Day 336 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people. I have not had any news fo long flights from the west but the GR was awesome yesterday and today looks to be another one. ;) The IOH dominating with the inland trough shifting slightly to the east. SW winds pushing up form the south onto the area with a strong S to SE trend along the west coast today as the two systems helps with some acceleration along the western parts. Not as good as yesterday along the west and perhaps real rest day. ;) The southern coastal areas are looking good though with moderate to strong SW winds and a slight chance of light rain in a few spots increasing tonight. Q’s along the southern parts only with a few lost high ones along the GE at 12/13k. The S to SW trend runs far inland to north of GE and this pattern is fairly consistent all the way up to the Tropopause for a 50kts finish up there.

CT – A deep super strong SE today with the inversion above TM height. It will be 30kts and more in a few spots so not a good day to try for a wind-shadow… The main mountain not any better with the SE flow dominating for most of the southerly and mid ranges. (See Spot) ;)

RB – If you are not up there this morning right now you  are missing out. It will blow out before lunch for the rest of the day…

PV – A very southerly day with climbs 4k and just over 5k in a few of the better trigger spots. However the very fresh southerly wind will make flying very unpleasant. 15-20kts from mid day onwards…

Wilderness – A WSW start but going fresh SW from 9”30/10 onwards. A slight slackening around mid day but it should be another sweet afternoon with SW to SSW winds. Sedge looking good but strong. So be wary if you go out there. Serps similar ad also a tad OD conditions so perhaps not the best to go for XF flying. However, it could be one of those sweet days to try flying to Plett! :)) See spot.

Plett – Keurbooms looking good for an hour or so from 13/14:00 otherwise perhaps a tad west in it. Uppies with some OD conditions and climbs to 4k winds at 10kts perhaps a tad fresh but doable for the big boys.

PE and PA – Strong SW start around Jbay and PE a bit less. The wind will trend S to even soe SSE later in the day especially to the east. 10-15kts except that strong morning start around Jbay..

EL – Light wind spots starting but then moderate S to SE winds later on. 10-15kts.

Inland – Southerly winds far inland – light in the morning especially in the lower areas. Later the Southerly will get very strong especially on the higher grounds with 30kts over the SB ranges. Clouds will dissipate in the far north with the east and south bits remaining. A bit more wind than yesterday so the flying will have a bit more bite! ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:14 and setting at 19:11 – day length 12:57. (Less than 13 hours day light time! Ouch!) Another SW day – a bit stronger than yesterday. Perfect for beach and forest walks. Do go and get high on life. ;) Max temperature around 20 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(24 February 2021) 
Day 335 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. So even with the poor outlook for the west coast Jack Henderson did another epic long flight from DTK! 100miles! Well done Jack!

Today the SAH still dominating our weather – a slight CF brushing by along the southern parts, small influence along the west. Conditions very similar today compared to yesterday for the entire WC though maybe slightly better along the west coast. Some sweet looking Q’s mostly along the southern parts and the first mountain ranges drying quickly as we go inland. The trough in the western interior with CB activity to the east of that. Nothing really getting into the WC. Southerly winds along the southern parts with a few SW to SE variations. And late afternoon again strong winds in the interior and long the west coast. Winds remain south to5k then a backing to the west for a gentle backing to the WSW all the way to the Tropopause for a 50kts finish up there.

CT – Typical SE winds 20kts with strong bits depending on the local flows. Inversion around 2k with a slight slackening and backing to the east at TM height. A small wind-shadow a possibility. The main mountains looking sweet again but for the SE influence later in the day from the southern parts. DTK looking sweet again for long flights to the north. Lol. Those poor retrieve drivers. (See Spot) ;) (Just a word of caution – as you guys are pushing the distances be careful for those very strong winds late in the afternoon from Clan to Klawer.)

RB – A slow start but a very strong finish… Sunset probably blown out.

PV – Another sweet day wth a bit more in the climbs. 5k very doable and a tad more in the right place. IT is a bit southerly later in the day so be wary for getting too close to the mountains! And again some strong late afternoon winds today around 15kts. :)

Wilderness – Another very sweet light SW day on the cards. The coastal cliffs light soarably – best time during the late morning but it should be really epic at Serps and Sedge. Again climbs to just over 2k from both sites expected. See spot.

Plett – Another day like yesterday but for high base and better climbs with 4k or just over doable from 10 this morning already! You can somewhere with that height. ;)  And again Keurbooms looking particularly good from late morning into the afternoon! :)

PE and PA – Some SW during the start of the day but trending more Southerly from mid day onwards. Moderate winds 10-15kts at most.

EL – Also a cool lighter winds day with S to even SE winds later on.

Inland – Slightly lighter compared to yesterday, especially form the west but the late afternoon it will blow again as the Sea-breeze moves into the interior. To the N of the GE the winds are W to NW. A few very high clouds here… ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:13 and setting at 19:12 – day length 12:59. (Less than 13 hours day light time! Ouch!) Another light S to SW day. Perfect for beach and forest walks. Do go and get high on life. ;) Max temperature around 21 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(23 February 2021) 
Day 334 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people. Another sweet long distance day yesterday from DTK with Jack Henderson flying 147km to the north from Du Toits Kloof Pass. Nice one Jack! :)

Today the SAH dominating while the trough has shifted quite a bit to the west. A light CF approaching CT (See the rain graph). Winds are generally W to SW with a few Southerly and even SSE bits in the southern interior. The west coast inversion lower than yesterday so not as good but still some flying to be had. A mostly blue day except in a few spots along the GR and of course along the Trough where there is a chance of some CB activity too. Winds all go Westerly from around 5k with a WNW trend in the East and WSW in the west with a 80kts and 50kts finish at the Tropopause respectively.

CT – A fresh SSW wind today so not the best for the wind-shadow. Expect some convergence and turbulence around the coasts – instability to TM top height or just above. The main mountains with a bit better conditions and DTK still being the easiest and most convenient spot today. Late afternoon sees some 15-20kts spots occurring. (See Spot) Still possible to fly north but not as high as yesterday. ;)

RB – Another possible late afternoon flying day and looks more doable for a sunset session…

PV – Another sweet start. More South in it today with climbs to just over 4k perhaps reaching 5k in the best spots. Some strong late afternoon winds today at 15kts peaking around 20k… :)

Wilderness – A very sweet light SW day on the cards. The coastal cliffs light soarably – best time during the morning but it does look more like a Serps and Sedge day. Climbs to just over 2k from both sites expected. See spot.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies over 3k climbs and Keurbooms looking particularly good from late morning into the afternoon! :)

PE and PA – Fresh SW winds dominating all the way up here. Maitlands looking good for the hangies especially…

EL – Same as above…

Inland – Another sweet morning with light winds in most regions but the S to SSE really picking up in the afternoon. The west is very fresh with the Westerly winds moving further inland – even north of the GE. Some CB’s NE from there. Sweet looking skies around Graafies.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:12 and setting at 19:13 – day length 13:01. (And 13 hours of day light hours is here!) A light SW day. Perfect for beach and forest walks. Do go and get high on life. ;) Max temperature another 20 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(22 February 2021) Day 333 of lockdown.

Day 333 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. Today the IOH completely usurping Guambe and dominating most of even the WC coastal weather. (I notice that Jet stream still active with close to 200kts winds!) ;) Here the trough active inland with soe CB activities but it is far to the NE (See the graphs. Still some drooling flying just west of the trough to be had. East to SE winds along the east and southern coast areas with a SW up along the west coast. It is a mainly blue day with no clouds expected. Lower climbs compared to yesterday but the west coast with more W trends so some good flying on that side expected. The winds go North along the southern parts from around 3k and above though fairly light. Then a progressive increase with a 100kts finish over PE but just 50kts over CT at the Tropopause.

West coast

CT – A strong inversion developing from TM hight and lowering during the day to around 2k. Southerly winds around 15 perhaps touching 20kts but it does moderate upwards form the inversion to perhaps 5kts. The wind-shadow should be active enough to fly and use today. Some fresh winds along the shore expected at times. The main mountains looking really sweet today with a nice west to start the day. Later it will trend more SW with the far south showing some S to SE late late afternoon signs. Climbs to just over 5k on the cards and improving to the north. Again some good flight to the north possible today. ;) (See DTK TH graph)

RB – Another possible late afternoon flying day and a maybe lasting to the sunset times…

PV – A sweet day with light WNW start then gong to WSW later in the day. A touch over 10kts late afternoon. 5k climbs but from Eendekuil to the pass late afternoon the convergence setting up there and over Eendekuil you could get well over 6k…;)

 – A sweet light SE start to the day with it picking up during the afternoon. A chance that Map could get blown out but with a bit of luck it will hold all day. ;) Flights form Serps to Map doable during the mid to late morning then the winds getting a bit strong. Sedge is looking very east from early on all ready so probably not worth visiting

Plett – Similar to Wilderness – lol :)

PE and PA – A sweet light wind start with the afternoon an Easterly winds settling in – stronger to the east.

EL – Same as above with the mid day and later wind NE…

Inland – A sweet morning with light winds in most regions. It is NW north of the GE but sweet south of that. Later the Southerly sea breeze pushes through again with some 20kts posts, especially over the bigger mountains. 6-8k climbs north of the Outnikwas ranges on the cards but the sea breeze spoiling that quickly.;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:11 and setting at 19:145 – day length 13:03. (We are sneaking up to just 13 hours day light time!) A fresh SE day for the afternoon. Perfect for beach and forest walks. Do go and get high on life. ;) Max temperature another 20 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(21 February 2021) 
Day 332 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people. Lots of news and interesting stuff this morning! :) I found a very strong jet stream to the SE of us – 190kts is not bad! ;) Maybe also helped by the tropical storm Guambe that is moving out to sea to the east of us. It is twisting the inland trough way more towards the east – some exceptional soaring conditions inland around Kuruman central regions – base at 17k all the way! Drool! But back home things are not so bad. Yesterday a couple of 100k plus flights from DTK towards the north – this pic form Wj on his way to cracking his 100k too! Lekker! :) On the GR it was an epic coastal soaring day. Today still that frontal moving flow with a fresh CF passing by again in the dark hours but a bit more in the wind department for things to be too exciting form a flying point of view. Still loads of cloud around with high bases in the west and inland (5/6k) but lower along the southern coastal regions. Strong SW winds along the southern and eastern coasts with a more Southerly component up the west coast. Winds are southerly far inland helping that inland convergence around Kuruman even! From 10k it goes more west and then at 30 it is NW with a 130kts finish at the Tropopause.

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. I found a very strong jet stream to the SE of us – 190kts is not bad! ;) Maybe also helped by the tropical storm Guambe that is moving out to sea to the east of us. It is twisting the inland trough way more towards the east – some exceptional soaring conditions inland around Kuruman central regions – base at 17k all the way! Drool! But back home things are not so bad. Yesterday a couple of 100k plus flights from DTK towards the north – this pic form Wj on his way to cracking his 100k too! Lekker! :) On the GR it was an epic coastal soaring day. Today still that frontal moving flow with a fresh CF passing by again in the dark hours but a bit more in the wind department for things to be too exciting form a flying point of view. Still loads of cloud around with high bases in the west and inland (5/6k) but lower along the southern coastal regions. Strong SW winds along the southern and eastern coasts with a more Southerly component up the west coast. Winds are southerly far inland helping that inland convergence around Kuruman even! From 10k it goes more west and then at 30 it is NW with a 130kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – A tricky looking day with the fresh southerly. Base around TM top with some strength flowing over that mountains so the wind-shadow a maybe but probably a shy on. The main mountains also with a lot of southerly in it making for very turbulent conditions. Maybe a good rest day for yesterdays long flights! ;) (See DTK TH graph)

RB – IT could be a sweet late morning with some Q’s and maybe even a chance to float to the North and go a long way. ;) Maybe a sunset cruise too but it looks a bit strong later in the day.

PV – Also the more southerly winds around today – the morning earl better than form lunchtime onwards. Still some good Q’s in the morning but a chance of it burning off in the afternoon. Nothing too special today. ;)

Wilderness – A very West start with some strong SW out to sea. Rain out there also but it doesnt show that it will move in until early evening. There is chance for it to be flyable on occasion (probably too strong mostly) with the afternoon perhaps the better time to try some dune playing. Of course Sedge and Serps only for the crazy! ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness – no its much worse than Wilderness! :)

PE and PA – Super strong SW dominating all day…

EL – Same as above…

Inland – Southerly winds with a light morning then picking up during the day. Some pretty clouds around and the day in the Little Karoo looking very sweet for flying. But strong over the tops of the bigger mountains. Probably a drool and watch day more than anything… ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:10 and setting at 19:15 – day length 13:05. (We are sneaking up to just 13 hours day light time!) A strong SW wind day so walk down wind in the beach. Slight chance of rain late afternoon though some rain out to sea which could move in sporadically. Or choose the sheltered forest for those special windy sounds but do go and get high on life. ;) Max temperature another 20 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(20 February 2021) 
Day 331 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. I am sure some of you have noticed the tropical storm Guambe that has now shifted southwards and effecting a big part of the Northern KZN coast. Lots of rain out there but down south where we are it’s the usual frontal systems – the Cold Front moving through during the night leaving the usual cool, moist air in its wake across the entire WC region. Lots of cloud around today with a good chance of rain along the southern areas – it does get less later in the day but there’s more coming during the night and tomorrow. ;) Winds are SW along the southern parts and WNW north of the GE. Few Q’s out here but the cover gets more further south. 11k here but 8k around the SB areas and then 4/6k along the southern ranges and a few spots along the southern coat lower than that. Winds go NW from just shy of 10k and remains NW all the way to the Tropopause for a 120kts finish.

CT – It is looking like a sweet day if the rain stays away. WSW winds with initial base above TM but later drops to TM hight. Around 5-10kts with a few stronger spots in the corners etc. The main mountains looking promising with a chance for some long flights form the south to the north I think. ;) (See DTK spot graph)

RB – And today it is a WWB day!

PV – Another sweet day with light W to SW wind perhaps a few spots going over 10kts later in the afternoon. Clouds during the morning but most burning off from mid day onwards. Getting to 6k on the best part of the day with no significant convergence setting up except that usual upward stuff flowing into the Renoster hoek ;) The Cederberg looking better with some amazing Q’s out there if you want to do the big jump into them…

Wilderness – A light to moderate SW wind day. The ocean cliffs should be sweet but Sedge also looking good. Maybe a bit strong there but it does look like a day to be climbing up to base. Oh and that is of course of the rain does not spoil things – there is a chance for rain to be popping in on and off hopefully more off than on! ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies perhaps not that good but Keurbooms is looking sweet from lunchtime onwards! :)

PE and PA – Strong SW winds all day with a slight moderation in the south and backing to the South. But to the north it remains strong SW.

EL – Same as above…

Inland – A lighter wind day in the morning but then the usual strong stuff for the afternoon. Rain as far as Graafies this morning but clearing during the day. Winds are SSW in the south but WNW in the North. In the far east it is SE…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:10 and setting at 19:17 – day length 13:07. (We are sneaking up to just 13 hours day light time!) A cloudy with chance of rain SW wind day. Perfect for a beach walk and swim in the warm water. (Or choose the forest) but do go and get high on life. ;) Max temperature another 20 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(19 February 2021)

Lost report!

(18 February 2021) 
Day 329 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. The Cold Front having moved over the entire WC during the night. Some light rain along the coasts. A relatively breezy W to SW winds in most places. It is NW north of the GE though. Clouds confined to south of the SB and the main Cederbergs on the west. Base around 2/3k close to the coasts but rising further inland and during the day. 4/5k along the first mountains and up to 8k further inland around the SB and Cederburgs. The thermal index with quite a bit of shear/mixing so most spots showing some turbulent climbs – probably lookingbetter that what it is day. ;) Winds go NW from 6/7k upwards and finishes at 110kts at the Tropopause!

CT – Looks like a SSW day so could be very bumpy or if enough W is in it then it could be ok! ;) Base around TM height or just above. IT goes more S later in the day but it doesn seem like a wind-shadow day – perhaps a bit but it seems to be more around the harbour/stadium side of things. The main mountains perhaps with a low cloud and windy start but it looks like it could become a good day to go north. It goes more S later and further north. (See DTK spot graph)

RB – Only late afternoon a maybe enough wind popping through. Otherwise light and too west in the beginning.

PV – Some cloud during the morning then quickly burning off and it actually looks sweet. It does go ver south in the afternoon so don’t fly and scratch too close to that mountain. ;) Up to 5k maybe and 10-15kts in the strongest bits. See graph. ;)


Wilderness – A fresh to strong SW day form the looks of it. Slight chance of some rain. But it does look like we might get a classic coastal day. A slight break just before lunch but then after that a good afternoon form the looks of it. If you launch after lunch you could try and get to Plett! Just get there late from 16:00 onwards when the widn at Robberg is dropping so the landings will be safer. ;) Segde looking a bit rough and bumpy. ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies looking OK late in the afternoon otherwise a tad too west during the morning and early afternoon.

PE and PA – Strong SW winds with slight moderation from the South late afternoon.

EL – Same as above but no moderation!

Inland – WNW north fo the GE otherwise W in the west and then SW in the south. A bit more Southerly in the trend late afternoon with some strong spots over the bigger mountains. Fly early if you can otherwise it’s a bit of a windy day… ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:08 and setting at 19:19 – day length 13:11. A moderate SW wind day – slight chance of rain. Still perfect for a beach walk and swim in the warm water. (Or choose the forest) but do go and get high on life. ;) Max temperature a cooler 20 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)



(17 February 2021) 
Day 328 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people. The IOH dominating in the east, the trough along the eastern central parts of the country while another CF is heading towards CT. Mostly a blue day out there with no clouds except late afternoon around the WC corner as the front starts to make its presence felt. Flying a mixed bag with excellent conditions in the west but the GR quite inverted near the coast with a strong inversion though inland some high gains possible. However the winds are pretty strong as the front pushes the west will move into the interior for the west with 20kts plus in many spots. The southerly sea breeze will also move in along the central southern parts with 25kts plus in places. But climbs to over 10k over the SB happening today – perhaps on the north of the Outenikwas too. But those are just dream and drool country. Lol. Winds go NW from around 4/5k and remains NW all the way to the Tropopause for a 110kt finish up there

CT – An early sweet NW start with sweet flying on the 12 Apostle doable but do finish by 12 as the lower SW will move in and start to mix things up. From mid afternoon and onwards the clouds will also make an appearance from the SW. The main mountains perhaps a tad strong NW to start off with but the SW taking over form mid afternoon onwards. Climbs to 6k on the cards.

RB – It is light and west but from after 16:00 things could happen for a late session as the southerly comes through here around 15kts. SO maybe! ;)

PV – A sweet day form the looks of it with a NW start but then going west for most of the day. Later form the south the wind does go a tad more SW. A convergence from 13:00 at Dasklip that will migrate northwards with climbs to over 6k in the right spot. ;) See graph. ;)



Wilderness – A light SE wind day perhaps becoming lightly soarable at Map. Its pretty stable along the coast with climbs to 1000’ only. Sedge probably not much fun but Serps could be enjoyable – bumble along to Map for a challenge! ;) Buffs probably the best spot for some fun flying.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies reaching 2k maybe…

PE and PA – The NE winds dominating all day long and strong.

EL – Same as above!

Inland – West in the west increase and moving further east during the day. (See maps) The southerly sea breeze also making inroads along the GR getting as far as the GE even. Strong NW further inland form there. Not the best day to be flying but clear skies. ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:07 and setting at 19:20 – day length 13:13. A light to moderate SE wind day – perfect for a beach walk and swim in the warm water. (Or choose the forest) but do go and get high on life. ;) Max temperature a sweet 22 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(16 February 2021) 
Day 327 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. A sweet day of soaring late afternoon yesterday along the GR coast with Rouberre and Klip flying to Buffels late late afternoon even! ;) Today a strong SE on the cards for the southern areas as the SAH pushes in behind the CF. Some sweet instability around, especially along the west coast where it looks like good convergence between the inland east winds and the SW sea breeze moving in. Clouds confined to the southern and eastern areas. A slight chance for rain during the morning periods along the southern coasts but clearing during the day. The SE to E winds are deep – up to 10k before there’s a abrupt change to the SW and then W winds from 14/16k upwards with a 100kts finish west at the Tropopause.

CT – An early deep instability around with a E to NE flow so a chance of getting very high today over the mother city. But then a shallow SE flow will bring in an inversion from mid day blocking that instability. Some strong winds again in the late afternoon up to 20kts but a good chance of a wind-shadow holding up. The main mountains more influenced by the SE flow so not that good until much later in the day when the SSW moves in. However some good convergence setting up along the mountains so big climbs on the cards in the right spot – up t 8k!

RB – Light morning but a chance of some soaring after lunch. Then late afternoon the East wind pushing through – a chance of some convergence between the S and the E winds then… ;)

PV – A east start but then by mid day the SW will win the battle with some amazing sweet flying on the cards. Strong climbs to over 7k in many places. The upper flow will remain East. See TH graph. ;)

Wilderness – A NE start but by 10 the winds should be SE. It looks like a short coastal window before it gets too strong. The Map might work from 10 to 12 if we are lucky then the strong winds are set to stay for the rest of the day. Then you can go kite surfing for a swim in that very warm ocean!

Plett – Similar to Wilderness…

PE and PA – The SE wind not so strong here and it looks good for those onshore spots to be working today…

EL – Same as above!

Inland – Al SE to E winds and not very strong except for the southern coastal regions. A nice day out there and flying with both the thingies with propellors and without should be good! ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:06 and setting at 19:21 – day length 13:15. Strong SE winds from mid day onwards. But you can still go for a beach walk and swim in the warm water. (Or choose the forest) but do go and get high on life. ;) Max temperature a cool windy 20 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(15 February 2021) 
Day 326 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people. The Cold Front has moved into the entire WC region bringing with it strong SW winds with a southerly trend on the west coast and inland. The early morning rain will clear during the day. The strong wind not making for any pleasant flying or thermals – the shear index pretty high all over the show. Over 30kts inland over the mountain tops. The convection depth also not that much with 4/5k depth at best and that far inland. Q’s in the west and south but the western areas will clear during the day. The southern winds far inland past Uppington and into Nam! ;) Winds remain S all the way to 10k where it will go SW then W with a 70kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – An initial SSW start but quickly going to the South. Base around TM top height going perhaps to 4k. Its fresh with no inversion so not much of a wind-shadow shaping up… The main mountains also with the Southerly trend so expecting turbulent conditions along the mountains especially with the instability and strong winds around.

RB – It is looking very good here today but will probably blow out by mid day. If you are not up there already you are missing out. ;)

PV – Initially some clouds to the south that will burn off quickly. Winds are fresh today with that Southerly trend so not the best conditions. Rough climbs expected so if you do fly stay in the valley! ;) (See graph)

 Wilderness – Strong SW winds for most of the day with a chance of things moderating from 15:00 onwards. With a bit of luck we should get some sweet sunset soaring in today! ;) Oh, Sedge and Serps of course only for the mad and dumb today! ;) lol Oh yes, you can still go for a swim in that very warm ocean!

Plett – Similar to Wilderness…

PE and PA – Those SW winds very strong and dominating all day. Chance of rain increasing to the east but PE should clear by mid morning.

EL – Same as above!

Inland – Very strong Southerly winds all the way as far as you can go today! No clouds from North of the SB ranges. Def not a flying day out there…  ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:05 and setting at 19:22 – day length 13:17. Strong SW winds all day. But you can still go for a beach walk and swim in the warm water. (Or choose the forest) but do go and get high on life. ;) Max temperature another humid 23 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :

(14 February 2021) 
Day 325 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. The inland trough shifting to the east and those CB’s slightly less. There is more frontal influence in the WC especially the coastal areas – loads of cloud around today with base varying from 1500’to 5/6k north of the first mountain ranges with the pop to 12k along the GE. Rain in CT from the front and this will move into the rest of the WC as the front moves further inland and to the east. Winds Westerly in the west and S to SW along the southern coastal areas. Still some CB activity in a few spots but these are now upper instability and CF combined – PE to Willow ore areas at mid day. A very tricky day for flying with lots of weather dynamics going on but the best place seems to be the norther west coast areas like Kardoesie! ;) The wind goes NW from 6k upwards with a 50-80kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – A rainy day during the morning but it should clear from mid day onwards with westerly winds. Base should be around TM top height. Perhaps some SH and LH soaring on the cards but watch the thicker cloud and being sucked over/into it along he 12 Apostles! The main ranges in the afternoon probably too strong to fly…

RB – WWB is out today! ;)

PV – Low clouds in the south but it rises significantly to the north. The Bumpy convergence seems to be active again late afternoon for some fun flying. :) (See graph)

 Wilderness – The humid air still hanging around (The ocean is so warm!) with low cloud and chance of rain in the afternoon. There is a chance for a sweet spell of soaring at Sedge from lunchtime onwards if the forecast is correct – before then it is very on and off with pulses of soarability popping through. (See graph!) The coast I think is just too light for anything worthwhile today… But with the warm ocean you can always go for a swim! ;)  

Plett – Looks worse than Wilderness with low cloud, rain and zero lift anywhere except late afternoon at Uppies but even that is very iffi! Lol. (see graph)

PE and PA – Looks like CB and rain from early. Slight chance of clearing after mid day but otherwise not a flying day… Winds southerlies from the looks of it.

EL – Strong fresh SW winds that trends to the South later in the afternoon all day. Also chances of rain here all day…

Inland – The westerlies dominating again except in the eastern interior where it will be South to SE. Those CB’s active around the WIllowmore regions (See graph) High clouds along the GE but the winds are a bit on the fresh side in most areas for any good flying to be had. W to SW winds most areas… ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:04 and setting at 19:23 – day length 13:19 (Sunrise at 6 – a psychological turning point…;) A light S to SE day with CB rain from the north from late afternoon onwards… Still perfect for beach walks and everything else! Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature another humid 23 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(13 February 2021) 
Day 324 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people. Still that very active trough along the western interior of the country bringing CB’s all the way down to the Outenikwa ranges by late afternoon – once again. ;) The coastal surface winds influenced by the CB movements so expect even offshore winds late afternoon along parts of the southern coastal areas. Inland between the CB the cloud base is pretty high with some spots up to 15k, though around 10k in the little Karoo areas. (See graphs) The IOH far off to the east with a small influence on those parts – for the remainder it is all frontal movement dominating our weather with West winds in general all along the western parts of the interior. Along the central southern coasts we are in a slight col area with varying winds ranging from W to SE and a mixed bag of flying down there. From 5k the winds go NW and remain NW all the way to the Tropopause for a 50kts finish.

CT – A sweet westerly to NW wind day. Looks like the 12 Apostles could be sweet if not for some low cloud that might spoil things now and then. ;) The main ranges also looking good with around 10kts westerly to NW flow and climbs to 5k general. It is more NW to the south and later in the north will trend slightly WSW.

RB – WWB is out today! ;)

PV – A great day of flying here with that sweet westerly flow. Climbs to 5k with some spots to 6k later in the day – especially in the convergence area. The convergence setting up between BP and The pass for the afternoon (See graph)


Wilderness – Another cloudy start with light winds but it will trend SSE around mid day. A tricky day to call with the wet ground and light winds – the coastal areas with light soaring at times at the right place and Sedge a maybe but very side on winds from the east for a short part of the day. Some CB’s moving in again late afternoon according to the forecasts with rain. Probably from 16:00/17:00 onwards.

Plett – Similarly to Wilderness with the SE trend and Uppies a side on maybe day – Keurbooms similar. A chance of that CB rain moving in form the north late afternoon. (see graph)

PE and PA – A SW trend with the odd spot reaching over 15kts but in general there is quite a bit of changing flow going light and even SE later in the afternoon around PE side but PA seems to hang on to the SW with 10-20kts even...

EL – The NE winds creeping in form the NE side otherwise a pretty light and varying wind day here…

Inland – A westerly flow to the western interior, going NW further north and towards the central parts. Those CB’s causing some strong gust front areas exceeding 30kts at times in the afternoon. Rain is a bit more centralised compared to yesterday. To the south and east the southerly creeps inland penetrating as far as the GE in a few spots to the east. Again some flood warnings out there so be careful in those dry river beds! ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:03 and setting at 19:24 – day length 13:21 (Sunrise at 6 – a psychological turning point…;) A light S to SE day with CB rain from the north from late afternoon onwards… Still perfect for beach walks and everything else! Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature another humid 24 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(12 February 2021) 
Day 323 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. A complex day with the southerly migration of the trough line. It is very active from north of Windhoek all the way down to the Outenikwas and later this afternoon extending out to sea. Wide spread CB activity inland – a sweet convergence of midlevel moisture from the North with the W to NW from the frontal movement to the west and south of us. So some flash flooding warnings inland and please don’t go kloofing on the GR (or anywhere else for that matter!) ;) The CB rain should be good inland with some coastal areas also receiving a good share but then it will lessen by tomorrow and be replaced by the approaching CF with the associated frontal rain. Winds mainly S to SW along the coast but Ne in the east and inland west in the west and north in the central and more northerly areas though the CB’s will affect the surface winds greatly. Southerly trend all the way to just past 6/7k then the N to NW flow takes over all the way to the Tropopause for a 20-40kts finish up there.

CT – A southerly wind day with loads of high cloud cover. The inversion between 2/3k. The wind does slack a tad at TM top height but it veers to the WSW up there. The wind-shadow on the south side of the harbour side at SH. Strong cross shore winds expected so be carefull. 20kts and more. The main mountains with more S to SW trends but the S to SE in the south effecting those sites. North of Bainskloof it gets better and trends more W.

RB – Hhhmmm… Another looking promising sunset cruise day ;)

PV – Westerly with a slight NW upper trend but SW later in the day. Climbs to 5k with a few spots in the convergence area going above 6k. The convergence region around BP into the valley at 14:00 then towards the pass at 16:00 and south of Eendekuil. See the graph… ;) Winds 5kts but then 15kts SW late afternoon.

Wilderness – A cloudy start with W to SW winds. From mid day it might vary somewhat depending on the CB outflow to the north of us. Perhaps a promising forecast for Sedge (see graph) with some flying to be had there depending on the rain. The coast will also be on and off but with a bit of luck you might get in a good one. More low clouds moving in from late afternoon. ;)

Plett – It is very on and off here from the looks of it. Perhaps more influence from the CB to the north. See the graph. Perhaps not the best day… ;) (see graph)

PE and PA – Some strong CB activity here and even spots of NW to N wind flows from the approaching inland rain. To the east the NE wind still dominates with fresh to strong stuff. 20kts..

EL – The NE winds on the ball here… 20-30kts.

Inland – An even more complicated day with wide spread CB increasing in the late afternoon. The west wind will increase form the west as it moves into the little karoo. Some flood warnings out there so be careful in those dry river beds! ;)

(11 February 2021) 
Day 322 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people. Some sweet flying yesterday with another round coming up today, even if there are some changes in the air! ;) The trough still very active but some south propagation on the cards bringing those CB activity down with it. Late afternoon CB over the SB and perhaps even the Kamanassie and parts of the Outenikwas in the east later on. Some high cirrus clouds also around along the west and to the north also effecting the thermal areas. Along the coast the SAH in the west and IOH to the east in dominance but with a slack area in between (The cool GR region!) Climbs not the best along the coast with 1/2k on the southern parts, 3/4k on the west coast even though there is some very high temps around there – upper 30ties! But some convergence areas setting up with 7500’ climbs – should be some reprieve from the hotness up there! ;) Winds are all S to SE but form 5k it is light N then gradual backing to the NW and just before the Tropopause it goes west for a 40kts finish up there.


 – Looks like another sweet wind-shadow day – better than yesterday. Strong inversion from 1000’ SSE flow 25kts but just 5kts at TM top. The main mountains also not the best but northwards it gets much better with some W to NW winds moving in. To the south FH the SE is dominant and DTK a bit tricky in the change area…

RB – Its looking promising for a sunset cruise here today ;)

PV – Westerly winds mostly with sweet flying – climbs to 5/6k but then the convergence moving in and climbs here late afternoon despite the cloud cover getting you to 7500ft. See the graph… ;) Winds 5kts but then 15 late afternoon. 


 – A cloudy and light variable winds to start with but then the SSE will dominate. Perhaps get to light soaring stuff at ap again like yesterday. There is enough south in the wind for the coastal cliffs to work similarly to yesterdays conditions. Sedge and serps both looking very sweet again with Sedge a tad off to the left with that SE component. But again it should be good from 11 – 13:00 from the forecasts. Climbs just over 1000ft  ;) (See graphs)

Plett – Similar to yesterdays forecast. Keurbooms a maybe but Uppies seems doable. Uppies showing climbs to just past 2000’… (see graph)

PE and PA – Another beautiful light wind start, trending East later on increasing from the east to 20kts..

EL – It starts of strong NE and remains that way all day. 20-30kts.

Inland – A complicated day with wide spread CB activity especially in the late afternoon. Winds strong but varying depending on the CB activity. The morning looks sweet enough though for some flying… ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:01 and setting at 19:26 – day length 13:25 (Sunrise at 6 – a psychological turning point…;) Another light SSE day with more clouds. Still perfect for beach walks and everything else! Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature another 23 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(10 February 2021) 
Day 321 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. Some interesting action happening with the large dominance of the inland trough – the SAH influencing the southern parts of the country on a lighter scale. The trough helping that acceleration of southerly winds up the west coast exceeding 35kts in places. This trough is causing some sweet convergence regions – including that strong Namibian sea breeze front that today culminates in loads of CB’s! (See maps) Even in SA there is amazing convergence between Springbok, Pofadder and Loeriesfontein with extremely high bases here and climbs possibly to 18k. But these spots are all just drool and dreaming spots – I doubt anybody is lucky enough to make use of these amazing soaring conditions happening out there today! ;)


CT – Another day with strong SSE winds – 25kts later on. The wind-shadow maybe around during the early morning but then is eroded by the stronger flow. Strong inversion present but the higher winds just a tad too much to stop the over the top flow from happening by the looks of it. The main mountains still with the SE influence – FH fresh SE all day but a possible flight from DTK earlier on. Some decent climbs on the cards here with a good chance of good XC flights to the north. 6k climbs (or just a tad more here) but near Saron the climbs get lower…

RB – Again a good morning but looks blown out in the afternoon… ;)

PV – Some conflicting reports for PV with one more S and low climbs, the other showing more SW with slightly higher climbs. Seems like it’s a slow start here with after lunch only things get going. Still some S winds higher up. Perhaps 5k on the cards…

Wilderness – Another light onshore wind day with a SSE trend. Perhaps 10kts at times. Sedge and serps both looking very sweet again with Sedge perhaps a tad off to the left with that SE component. But it should be good from 11 – 13:00 from the forecasts. Climbs to near 1500ft. The coast also doable even if it will be a cross wind SSE leg in it. ;) (See graphs)

Plett – Keurbooms not on the cards today I think with too much East in it. But Uppies seems doable. Not as good as yesterday with climbs just past 2k… (see graph)

PE and PA – Another beautiful light wind start, trending SW but then backing ot the S and E later on. 10-15kts…

EL – Same as above but in the north more NE in the direction.

Inland – Another light wind morning making it sweet for propeller thingies. Later the southerly push will again see close to 20kts in places reaching up to the GE. From there it is light W to NW winds with some amazing high clouds north of there.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:00 and setting at 19:27 – day length 13hrs27min (Sunrise at 6 – a psychological turning point…;) A light SSE day with some clouds. Perfect for beach walks and everything else! Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature another 21 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)


(9 February 2021) 
Day 320 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people. The IOH still domainting with light CF movements to our south. Inland the trough line very west, positioned very much along the Namibian west coast with the centre running west of Keetmanshoop and Upington. (Once again the magic sea-breeze convergence setting up today - this time even higher climbs possible!) ;) Drool! A secondary convergence/trough line far to the east bringing all that rain and CB’s to the highveld. But for the WC it is a fairly chilled day with mild weather – more subsidence, lower climbs, the GR with less wind but the west coast still with that strong southerly winds. A relatively blue day with very few clouds around – some on the higher mountains. Sutherland with climbs to 12/13k, SB with just over 6k but parts of the Cederbergs up to 10k… The wind is S to SW in general all the way to 18/24k where it veers to the NW for a 40kts finish up at the Tropopause.  Freezing level around 17/18k today!

CT – Very similar to yesterday with a dubious wind-shadow on the cards. Up to 30kts in places later today. The main mountains also with strong southerly winds with around 4k climbs. Further north it does improve a little but you will be hard pushed it seems to get more than 5k today. Again looks like a sweet morning in Hermanus though… ;)

RB – I can just leave this here from yesterday - If you are not up there you are missing out. Probably blown out late afternoon… ;)

PV – A southerly kind of day with climbs at most to 5500ft. But another fresh day so windy which should make you stay in the valley if you fly! ;)

Wilderness – A light onshore wind day with maybe soarable spots along the ocean cliffs. Serps and Sedge being the better places to fly. Not high climbs with maybe 1500ft at best but otherwise some fun flying on the cards I think. That is if you get a spot between all the students out there – loads of local and visiting school active at the moment so keep an eye out for the inexperienced traffic you might find up there! ;) lol.

Plett – Keurbooms a maybe with a bit of an east component around mid day. But Uppies looking good with climbs from 10 going over 3k all the way till after 15:00. The winds also has an east trend but it should be manageable.

PE and PA – A beautiful light wind start with the wind picking up in the late afternoon to the low teens perhaps. All S to SE winds.

EL – Same as above.

Inland – Light wind morning with beautiful propeller thingie flying all round. Later the southerly does push trough more, especially in the west with some 20kts plus spots around. For the braai manne of Louvain the forecast is not as good as yesterday for flying home late afternoon today with up to 20kts south blowing over the mountains from 14:00 onwards. But to the south of the mountains the weather is fine until sunset even. (See late afternoon wind map)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:59 and setting at 19:28 (Sunrise coming up to 6! – the days are shortening…). A sweet light S wind day. Perfect for beach walks and everything else! Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature another 21 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(8 February 2021) 
Day 319 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. I noticed that strong sea breeze convergence setting up today along the Namibian coast (see map) – it could be the longest (and highest gains!) in the world! Extending over 600km and with climbs past 13k! Drool! ;) Back home its another sweet February day with the SAH with a slight ridge along the southern parts dominating our weather. Clouds along mainly the southern coastal areas – most of which will dissipate by late morning. Winds are all in the S to SW range. Slight instability with climbs to just over 4k along the west coast but here its mostly fresh southerly winds. 8k over the deeper Cederberg’s but just 6k over the SB and 10-12k over the GE further north. Winds remain S to SW far inland today. In fact it remains SW all the way to the Tropopause for a 50kts finish up there! Freezing level around 16k today – way above the CF movements! ;)

CT – Another very fresh SSE day with strong winds all the way up past TM top height so a bad day for the wind-shadow to shape up. Once again the main mountains not faring any better with very side on conditions and the SSE making things bumpy and combined with poor lift to around 4k not the best day to go flying out there… Hermanus is looking sweet though… ;)

RB – If you are not up there you are missing out. Probably blown out late afternoon… ;)

PV – Similar to yesterday but even slower and lower climbs. Just over 4k mostly with strong S to SE winds.. Bleh! ;)

Wilderness – A SW start with probably the coastal cliffs playable early morning but by 11 it all seems to slow down and even a tad S in it. Serps and Sedge looking promising with climbs to 1500’ but lift not the best though it should be playful and fun. The Q’s will burn off late morning I think. ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but Uppies having climbs to 4k late morning! :)) And Keurbooms looking up for the afternoon as the SW moderates and backs more S…

PE and PA – Again Fresh SW which seem to hang around all day…

EL – Same as above but slight moderation and backing to the S later on.

Inland – Still those S to SW winds reaching far inland. Mostly a blue day with few clouds. The sea breeze strengthening again with some 20kts parts later in the day – stronger in the west and less in the east. No rain expected today for us. (Some CBs to the far east though) (See late afternoon wind map)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:58 and setting at 19:29 (Day length is 13 hrs and 31 min – we have broken through the 14hrs mark – winter is marching closer!). A sweet moderate to light SW day making it perfect for beach walks! Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a cooler 21 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(7 February 2921) 
Day 318 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people. The CF moving up the eastern pars of the country with a influence mainly along the southern parts – those first ranges blocking most of the cooler moist air from penetrating too far inland. The SAH pushing in behind it with a SW general flow – some S to even SE parts along the west coast. Further inland it veers to the west but remains fairly S to SW in the southern and eastern parts. Loads of cloud along the southern parts but dry on the west coast. Some CB activity along the eastern inland escarpment areas (See map). The winds go west at 10k but then SW from 14k all the way to the Tropopause for a 70kts finish. Freezing level around 16k today – way above the CF movements! ;)

CT – A very fresh southerly day with deep instability to TM top height. Not really a wind-shadow day with some strong side on winds at SH. I would be very wary of flying today… The main mountains not faring any better with very side on conditions and the SE just above your heads.

RB – It could be one of those days where you can fly early morning and then again for a sunset session – though it might be a tad strong then. ;)

PV – Another fresh Southerly day with only the lower layers trending a bit SW. 10kts but 15kts in the afternoon. Climbs to 5k maybe. So again not the best forecast. Be careful of flying near the mountains today…

Wilderness – A SW day with probably some good coastal soaring on the cards. Sedge could be on depending on the strength of the wind – cloudy with base around 1500ft. There is some rain predicted so this will complicate things a bit. But in between I think we could het soe sweet flying. ;)

Plett – A bit on the WSW side early on but after lunch it backs nicely so I think Keurbooms will be on. Uppies showing climbs to close to 4k at 11 but then the base drops to 2k after that…

PE and PA – Fresh SW starts. Some rain on occasion. But the wind will moderate and back to the South during the day. …

EL – Same as above.

Inland – S to SW winds from the front movement but no clouds north of the SB ranges. SB could be good for flying early but from 13/14:00 the S wind will pick up 10kts becoming 15 and 20 at the top later on. CBs inland to the east. 9k climbs north of the SB and 12/14k on the GE. The wind is west up there. Some awesome lift out around Middelburg and north of there… (See late afternoon wind map)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:57 and setting at 19:30 (Day length is 13 hrs and 33 min – we have broken through the 14hrs mark – winter is marching closer!). A SW day after the light CF passed during the night. Its still perfect for beach walks! Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a cooler 21 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(6 February 2021) 
Day 317 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. Another sweet day ahead of us with a Cold Front moving in towards CT (Should make landfall around midnight). The IOH is dominant with SW winds along the coasts and quite far inland – De Aar to near Uppington. An active trough with some CB cells around the GR area late afternoon (see Map). Some good flying inland from Uppington down to the south near De Aar and beyond perhaps. ;) NE winds in the far east from the IOH but this will propagate to the east during the day. Not much clouds around – the eastern coast with lots but the central Karoo with few clouds and the west with none. Perhaps some fog patches along the southern coast in a few spots too. Climbs to 1500’ around the GR and 5/6k on the west coast. Further inland more. Winds remain SW to 10k and then goes NW for a bit and then it backs to the SW for a 30kts at the Tropopause.  Freezing level again around 16/17k.

CT – A bit more of a south day trending SW with height which is not conducive for a wind-shadow to form – or at least if it does it is on the City bowl side of things. The beachfront with strong SSW winds up to 20kts so be careful. Some instability deepening too around mid day with 4k climbs but it could be very dynamic around the LH and CB beach… The mountains looking ok from DTK and northwards. FH too much S and W in it.

RB – It does look like it could be a sweet end to the day with a sunset cruise here…Fingers crossed! ;)

PV – A fresh day with 10kts and then later 15kts form SW to S. Nothing too special but a run towards Renosterhoek always on the cards.  5-6k climbs at the best.

Wilderness – A light SSW coastal wind day with even some west along the coast later on. IT does seem like Sedge and serps will be the best spots to hang out at. Perhaps 1500ft in the climbs. 2500ft on the back towards the mountains.

Plett – Again lift to 3k with late morning the best time… It looks like it will be sweet for most of the day. Keurbooms looking promising too late morning an dearly afternoon…

PE and PA – A East to NE start but the SW moving in from the south. It is slow in its progress reaching PE around 16:00…

EL – NE start around 15kts but going East later and moderating to around 10kts.  

Inland – SW winds all the way inland past the GE except for the eastern parts where it is N to NW. A strong CB convergence line setting up way to the eastern interior (see map) with late afternoon CB around GR area. The SW with the Sea breeze picking up to a SSW later and becomes very strong with over 30kts at times. (See late afternoon wind map)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:56 and setting at 19:31 (Day length is 13 hrs and 35 min – we have broken through the 14hrs mark – winter is marching closer!). Another sweet light wind day making it epic for beach walks! Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature another sweet 22 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(5 February 2021) 
Day 316 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people. A sharing of space around the WC between the IOH in the east bringing easterly winds and rian to the eastern coastal areas while the SAH is bringing cool dryer air to the wester parts with the usual typical SW to S conditions out there and the far interior with high bases and initial N winds going S later in the day as the Sea breeze moves in. No rain expected except for the far eastern areas. Climbs up to 6k on the west coast, 2k along the GR, 8k over the SB ranges and 12k over the GE. Winds are fairly light with height with a light south going NW from 10k upwards with a 40kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 16/17k in the southern regions.

CT – Another classic Southerly day with up to 25kts in the afternoon but sweet inversion around 1500/2k and lowering of wind with height – 5kts at TM top. Looks like a sweet wind-shadow all day long. The Main mountains sharing the Southerly influence with FH not working all day and DTK working till late afternoon when the South moves in.

RB – Looks like it will work form late morning onwards but perhaps a chance of a sunset cruise if it is not a tad strong… ;)

PV – A more southerly day with climbs up t0o 6k if you are lucky. Not as sweet as yesterday and no real convergence around with some far in the north near Renosterhoek. 15kts later on as the sea breeze moves in.

Wilderness – A sweet southerly wind with perhaps not enough along the coast I think. But Sedge and serps should be great with climbs to perhaps 1500ft. Sedge will go a bit east but probably not enough to stop the flying.;)

Plett – Again lift to 3k with 12:00 the best time. Still very east in the direction but it should be doable. Keurbooms looks like it ahs to much east in today… Nothing strong with 10kts in the peaks…

PE and PA – Fresh to strong E to NE winds with clouds and chances of some rain.

EL – Similar to above….  

Inland – Not as light as yesterday but still a sweet morning with great prop thingy flying to be had. High clouds along the GE and some of the bigger ranges. And then that southerly wind pushing far inland and up to the usual 20kts plus strengths. SBP should be great for a good morning session of flying but from 14:00 watch the sea breeze picking up here…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:55 and setting at 19:32 (Day length is 13 hrs and 36 min – we have broken through the 14hrs mark – winter is marching closer!). Another sweet light wind day making it epic for beach walks! Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a sweet 22 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(4 February 2021) 
Day 315 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. The weak CF sweeping over the southern parts of the country with little effect – some cloudy parts in the southern parts south of the firth mountain ranges – light rain perhaps around the Overberg region. Otherwise the SAH with a slight ridge along the southern parts with light winds in the southern and eastern areas. The west coast with a tad more SE wind. The inland trough very active with high clouds and CB’s but these are far to the east of the trough centreline. Winds re the usual NW out there. Some good flying to be had to the west of this line though (See cloud map). Climbs to around 6k along the west coast with less to the south – around 1-2k here but of course rising sharply at the first mountain range. The light winds making it attractive to fly some of these ranges but watch for a strong Sea-breeze pushing inland later in the day with spots exceeding 25kts! The winds are light S to past 5k then its WNW up to 14k before it backs to the WSW all the way to the Tropopause for a 50kt finish up there. Freezing level around 15k in the southern regions.

CT – A classic SE day with 25kts in the afternoon but sweet inversion around 1500/2k and lowering of wind with height – 5kts at TM top. Looks like a sweet wind-shadow all day long. The Main mountains influenced by the SE with FH a no go from the looks of it and DTK changing to SE around lunchtime. But further north it is looking sweet.

RB – Another sweet day on the cards here from the looks of it. ;)

PV – A WSW start around 5kts with light winds at TOC – slight east drift there perhaps. But later the winds go SSW at 10kts. Best lift out to the north past Kardoesie.

Wilderness – Another sweet day on the cards from the looks of it. A tad more south and slightly less than yesterday but probably the usual morning onshore flow for some sweet ocean cliff soaring. Serps and Sedge should be good too with climbs to 1500. (Just watch the ocean – if its capping stay on the ocean cliffs but if not then the inland sites start to be sweet) ;)

Plett – Another good day for Uppies with climbs to 3k and with some cloud. Only thing is the east in the wind which can make it tricky. Keurbooms looks like it also could have something with enough south in the east to be flyable before and after lunch.

PE and PA – A light SW start but it backs to the SE with most spots less than 10kts – some perhaps reaching 15. Slight chance of rain from PA and eastwards and the there are some CB activity to the north far inland which might have some influence though…

EL – Similar to above….  

Inland – A sweet light variable wind start all the way to the GE with north to the north from there. It will gradually pick up during the day with a southerly trend and finish strong with the sea breeze reaching 25kts or more in places – especially over the SB ranges. CB east from GR in a North/South line.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:54 and setting at 19:32 (Day length is 13 hrs and 38 min – we have broken through the 14hrs mark – winter is marching closer!). A beautiful day with light Southerly winds. Perfect to go for beach walks yay! and getting high on life! ;) Max temperature a sweet 21 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(3 February 2021) 
Day 314 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people. Another amazing day yesterday, especially in the WC where all the sites were flyable at one stage of the day. Today a slight change but still good in most of the spots. A CF approaching CT while the SAH is pushing in new air just ahead and behind it, the inland toruhg having a shift to the east and the IOH retreating to the east. No rain expected in and around the WC – some CBs to the far north and east of the torugh line and maybe a bit along the Overberg and CT mountains early evening as the CF moves in. The wind a tad fresher inland too with the W in the west and Southerly in the south penetrating with some 20kts spots around. Very high clouds inland with the GE showing at 14k in places. Over some southern ranges a few lost whisps around at 10k too… Climbs still high 2k along the southern coastal spots and 5/6k along the west coast. Winds are all NW from 5k upwards with a 50kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level up at 16k but a few spots of 14k in the southern eastern regions.

CT – A southerly day – it does veer with height to the SW so a chance of the wind-shadow shaping up today but there are 20/25kts spots just offshore from CB so a would be very wary… The main mountains with a west to NW start but the SE eventually penetrating in over the back at most of the southern spits like FH so be careful for that. Hermanus looking particularly good today to me.

RB – It looks like a great day here – stronger in the late afternoon but a possible sweet sunset flight on the cards… ;)

PV – A sweet day here with 5/6k climbs bt if you can get to Kardoesie and out towards Eendekuil you will enjoy the convergence with climbs to 7500’ out there. ? Later the SW will push in to 15kts…

Wilderness – A sweet SW to S day – it doesn’t quite look like the coastal cliffs will offer anything great but Serps and Sedge will be amazing I think. Good climbs to 2k for most of the day. Lol.

Plett – Sweet Uppies with 3k climbs most of the day  - winds SW to S later. And then Keurbooms also looking like it could deliver some sweet flying with good onshore flows here for the late morning and early afternoon to work well.

PE and PA – A sweet light wind start with offshore winds and then late morning the SW starting up maybe up t 15kts in a few spots otherwise 10kts. Inland it blows strong with 20kts SSE winds over the mountains.

EL – Similar but remaining light variable for most of the day.

Inland – To the west and south strong winds moving in from both the front and sea breeze effects. But further inland from those (See maps) the wind is initially light N to NW with amazing flying conditions. Sweet clouds with a marked line between Carnavon and down to BW – that is the line to fly today if you are out there!

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:53 and setting at 19:33 (Day length is 13 hrs and 40 min – we have broken through the 14hrs mark – winter is marching closer!). A beautiful day with light SW to S winds. Perfect to go for beach walks yay! and getting high on life! ;) Max temperature a sweet 22 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(2 February 2021) 
Day 314 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people. Another amazing day yesterday, especially in the WC where all the sites were flyable at one stage of the day. Today a slight change but still good in most of the spots. A CF approaching CT while the SAH is pushing in new air just ahead and behind it, the inland toruhg having a shift to the east and the IOH retreating to the east. No rain expected in and around the WC – some CBs to the far north and east of the torugh line and maybe a bit along the Overberg and CT mountains early evening as the CF moves in. The wind a tad fresher inland too with the W in the west and Southerly in the south penetrating with some 20kts spots around. Very high clouds inland with the GE showing at 14k in places. Over some southern ranges a few lost whisps around at 10k too… Climbs still high 2k along the southern coastal spots and 5/6k along the west coast. Winds are all NW from 5k upwards with a 50kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level up at 16k but a few spots of 14k in the southern eastern regions.

CT – A southerly day – it does veer with height to the SW so a chance of the wind-shadow shaping up today but there are 20/25kts spots just offshore from CB so a would be very wary… The main mountains with a west to NW start but the SE eventually penetrating in over the back at most of the southern spits like FH so be careful for that. Hermanus looking particularly good today to me.

RB – It looks like a great day here – stronger in the late afternoon but a possible sweet sunset flight on the cards… ;)

PV – A sweet day here with 5/6k climbs bt if you can get to Kardoesie and out towards Eendekuil you will enjoy the convergence with climbs to 7500’ out there. ? Later the SW will push in to 15kts…

Wilderness – A sweet SW to S day – it doesn’t quite look like the coastal cliffs will offer anything great but Serps and Sedge will be amazing I think. Good climbs to 2k for most of the day. Lol.

Plett – Sweet Uppies with 3k climbs most of the day  - winds SW to S later. And then Keurbooms also looking like it could deliver some sweet flying with good onshore flows here for the late morning and early afternoon to work well.

PE and PA – A sweet light wind start with offshore winds and then late morning the SW starting up maybe up t 15kts in a few spots otherwise 10kts. Inland it blows strong with 20kts SSE winds over the mountains.

EL – Similar but remaining light variable for most of the day.

Inland – To the west and south strong winds moving in from both the front and sea breeze effects. But further inland from those (See maps) the wind is initially light N to NW with amazing flying conditions. Sweet clouds with a marked line between Carnavon and down to BW – that is the line to fly today if you are out there!

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:53 and setting at 19:33 (Day length is 13 hrs and 40 min – we have broken through the 14hrs mark – winter is marching closer!). A beautiful day with light SW to S winds. Perfect to go for beach walks yay! and getting high on life! ;) Max temperature a sweet 22 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)


(1 February 2021) 
Day 312 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people. The Cold Front having past over night leaving some sweet unstable air but also some very wet ground so the thermal outlook perhaps not the best. The SAH pushing in behind it with S to SE winds pushing in far inland reaching as far north as Carnavon. It does of course improve further inland as it dries a tad more with base on that side around 11/12k. But nearer home it is much less and doubtful to reach base even if it looks good later on. Some sweet soring to be found along the coasts with the S to SE winds. It is fresh around CT with deep instability and even out at PV side the East dominating quite a bit. Winds go West from 8/10k upwards with a SW finish of 50kts over CT but WNW at 100kts over Wilderness! CT Freezing level down to 11k in a few spots in the south.

CT – SE flow all the way up to 5k. No wind-shadow from the looks of it. Very very strong along the west coasts today with 30kts the norm. The main mountains also very strong with the SE flow… A no good day form the looks of it…

RB – IT looks like it could be a sweet day out here. Some lighter spots on the cards even with the strong bits closer to the mountains and then at the coast. Some “bouncing” over RB… ;)

PV – A tricky day with the East trend in the wind. IT does go SW to the north but its not very deep. So be careful if you fly. The upper flow is over the back and then SSE at mountain top height. The thermals might pull it up straight though… Some very very high clouds in the north in the afternoon around 9k. Maybe if you are lucky you could get up there from Kardoesie side…

Wilderness – A rainy start but clearing mid morning. The SE is sweet and deep so the Map will produce some good lift. The wet grounds making thermal flying a tricky bit btu there is some stuff to be had. Serps will get you into airspace quickly from mid day onwards. It should be a sweet flight to Map though. Sedge too cross and fresh. Bench-up from Swartvlei is on. It looks like it can get blown out in the afternoon…

Plett – SE dominating here too. So a tricky day but around 14:00 there is a chance of getting up at Uppies to 3500ft. Though it is 10kts SE at launch.

PE and PA – SW to S winds today. The onshore spots should all work – 10-15kts. The wet grounds making the inland sites slow and soft. ;)

EL – A SW start but it backs to the South early and the fresh breeze will moderate from 15-20 to 10-15kts. So most of the spits should produce some sweet flying.

Inland – Another Q fille sky with some OD to the south. The little Karoo with sweet clouds and good looking conditions though a bit breezy with plenty 20ts spots and some even higher. All post frontal S to SSE winds. Not really a flying day I think… Though you could get to 18k over the Berg today… ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:51 and setting at 19:35 (Day length is 13 hrs and 44 min – we have broken through the 14hrs mark – winter is marching closer!). A wet morning but dry afternoon with SE wind. Perfect to go get high on life today! ;) Max temperature a cooler 19 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(31 January 2021) 
Day 311 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. A wonderful day yesterday along the GR with many XC flights and people going up 3000ft at Sedge! Even the students where up over 1500ft or more at times! :) Today the ColdFront moving into CT dominating the weather with a slight delay and reprieve along parts of the GR and eastwards. Strong winds in CT and then some rain in the late afternoon. Still ok to the north at PV but breezy in the interior with westerly winds. The wind is fresh WNW from the surface all the way up to the Tropopause for a 50-80kts finish up there. On the eastern coast a light IOH influence with NE winds here but light. This will change to SW late in the afternoon. Pretty clouds around most places. Low in the west around 3/4k but rising in land with the little Karroo up at 6-8k and even more on the GE with 12/13k there. CT Freezing level around 15/16k.

CT – It doesn’t look like a flyable day here with low cloudy start to the day and then strong winds up at the mountain with over 20kts in most places. The main mountains also very fresh and building as the front moves closer.

RB – WWB is out again today. ;)

PV – It looks like a sweet day here with light to mod westerly winds and some low clouds along the mountains. Watch getting trapped though against the ranges with the cloud base so low. Wind up to 15kts in the south after lunch for a moment but otherwise 5-10kts mostly. The late morning mid day the best time with the afternoon becoming stable…

Wilderness – Another SW start with mid day light S trend. Much more stable with climbs perhaps to 1k. Mid afternoon and later the upper west increasing which will deepen the instability but also cause some turbulence with the gradient difference. Hhhmmm… after yesterday it is looking like a rest day! ;)

Plett – Upies on the other hand is looking very good. Climbs still up to 4k with a lower S trend. It holds till 15:00 where there might be an upper west influence… Keurbooms a maybe too but quite a bit of east in it before a bit of west late afternoon moves in.

PE and PA – A light wind start varying in places but the SW will dominate more and more during the day.

EL – A north east start but form mid day this will be eroded by the SW moving up the coast. Nothing too strong though.

Inland – A sky filled with nice Q’s… Strong westerly winds in the west as the front moves closer. So perhaps a good day to be looking at the sky though perhaps an early morng flight for the propeller thingies could have been on. The winds will build during the day – W mostly but NW in the north. Rain in the west from early evening. Midnight along the GR coast and inland areas. 20/30kt spots late afternoon.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:50 and setting at 19:36 (Day length is 13 hrs and 45 min – we have broken through the 14hrs mark – winter is marching closer!). A sunny light wind day. Perfect to go get high on life today! ;) Max temperature around 23 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(30 January 2021) 
Day 310 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people. What a sweet day yesterday with playing along the coast in the morning finishing with a sweet Sedge afternoon. And today is looking up too! Some unstable and a tad more moist air left over form a light sweeping tail of a CF from yesterday evening left over the SW parts of the WC. This layer should bring some sweet soaring ahead of tomorrow’s more prefrontal stuff. Winds are SW to S along the coasts, SW to W further inland and in the far north it is NW. (See maps). Some sweet Q’s on the cards along the coastal areas with high bases along the southern ranges. It could be a good day to fly to the west from some of those secret spots around Robertson/Riversdal areas I think. ;) 4/6k base heights with some spots even more. No rain expected and inland winds light at first with some 15kts posts later in the day. The sea breeze in the south also with some stronger bits later on, especially over the bigger mountains. The wind remains SW with height all the way to around 8/9k where it veers to the NW all the way to the Tropopause for a 30/40kts finish up there. Freezing level around 15/16k.

CT – A more W to SW day with base around 3/4k. 10kts mostly so looks like a sweet flying day with the usual acceleration around the corners etc. LH looking sweet. The main mountains looking very good with the SW to W flow and flights to the north from all the popular spots are on the cards today. Some clouds around in the south but this dries to the north. Be careful of SLP – I see some S to SE flow in that area that could complicate things. 4-5k climbs mostly.

RB – WWB is out today with the too much west in it I think. ;)

PV – A sweet looking day with the W to SW flow making for cool flying conditions along the range. 5k climbs mostly and no significant convergence areas on the cards for today… Later in the day 10-15kts.

Wilderness – Another SW start but this time it is lighter so the coasts will be tricky. Sedge and Serps the places for sure. Climsb to perhaps 2k with even some cloud around mid day. The usual mid day stronger bits popping in too. Perhaps a better finish compared to yesterday but not as long lasting I think. Lets see what happens! ;)

Plett – Epic Upies today with climbs to 4k on the cards. Sweet SSW winds all day long too… Keurbooms looking in the ball park before midday and just after so a cool day out here it seems.

PE and PA – A light start with a SW trend. Midday sees it peaking around 15kts then a moderates a bit for the afternoon and even some backing to the south in places.

EL – Same as above…

Inland – Another sweet morning for the propeller thingies and then some thermal clouds mostly in the southern parts up to the SB ranges. Some high climbs around to 8/9k. Above the GE it goes to 11/12k with NW winds up there. 15kts so nothing too wild. ;) Later the Sea-breeze moving in from the south with 15-20kts spots.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:49 and setting at 19:36 (Day length is 13 hrs and 47 min – we have broken through the 14hrs mark – winter is marching closer!). A sunny light/mod  wind day with a SW wind. Perfect to go get high on life today! ;) Max temperature around 21 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)



(29 January 2021) 
Day 309 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. Yesterday Pieter DeBeer did a spectacular flight from DuToits Farm all the way around the Kamansie mountains landing just past the Uniondal/Willowmore road. The distance was just over 100km I heard. Welldone for opening and exploring new routes Pieter! (See pic) Today the SAH dominating with a light tails weep of a CF just reaching in to the WC around late afternoon. The inland trough widely spaced and the IOH to far to the east to do much to us. Winds are SW in general along the southern parts, backing more S initially inland but NW further inland. And then west towards the west coast. A blue day expected so very few clouds around but for the Overberg coast areas. Climbs to 2-4k along the coastal parts then 5k along the first mountains rising over the higher ranges. Climbs to 12k on the GE ridge – so nothing exceptional but some sweet soaring to be had in the right places. The se-abreeze pater picking up the wind to 15/20kts in a few spots. The wind finishes at the Tropopause SW at 30kts. Freezing level back up to 16k.

CT – Another S to SW day with instability all the way up to 3.5/4k. It is SW up there around 5-10kts. The surface corners again up to over 20kts at times with the very fresh cross winds at SH and LH. The main mountains once again SW but not as high climbs as yesterday. 3500-4500k with 5k at the best times and spots late afternoon. Again it gets slightly better to the north.

RB – Looks like a frustrating day with just or just not soarable conditions all day long…  ;)

PV – Another OKish day with SW winds that trend SSW later around 15kts. It starts of 5-10kt with slow climbs at the beginning but at 15:00 you can get to 5k…

Wilderness – A light/moderate start of SW winds that will get lighter again at mid day but it remains SW all day form the looks of it. 2k climbs mostly and it looks like Serps and sedge will be sweet though perhaps a bit fresh at mid day – but perhaps flyable until 5 this afternoon even. ;) The coasts will be better in the morning.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but Uppies with climbs to 3k. A sweet day here actually. Even Keurbooms has a shot mid to late morning I think.

PE and PA – The SW winds dominating here all day it seems but to the east t will back to the south later in the afternoon and moderate nicely.

EL – A SW start but going S from mid day onwards and dropping to below 10kts. Those local spots should be good…

Inland – Another sweet morning with the propeller thingies should be up and about. Slightly less in the thermals compared to yesterday but some 7/8k climbs possible over the SB ranges. Winds are all SW to W all the way to the GE and then NW to the north of that. The Sea-breeze again moving in form the south with some 20kts spots.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:48 and setting at 19:37 (Day length is 13 hrs and 49 min – we have broken through the 14hrs mark – winter is marching closer!). A sunny light/mod  wind day with a SW wind. Perfect to go get high on life today! ;) Max temperature around 20 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(28 January 2021) 
Day 308 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people. The SAH still dominating as it ridges in along the southern parts. However the isobars widely spaced as is the inland trough so surface winds lighter and moderate compared to yesterday. A S to SW trend in most areas except the far eastern coastal areas where an easterly will move in later in the day. The light winds making for some sweet thermal all over the show – a tad lower climbs along the west coast, especially along the southern areas where the ocean sea-breeze will move in a lower inversion from mid day onwards (like DTK). Climbs mostly around 2/3k along the coastal regions and then progressively more towards the larger mountains with around 8k over the Cederbergs and SB ranges are doable. Winds remain light with hight but from around 10k it is all W in the south and S to the north but then form 15k it is all Westerlies with a 30kts WNW over CT and 80kts over Knysna. Freezing level back up to 15k.

CT – Winds today are S on the surface veering to the SW at TM height. 5-10kts with some 15/20kts spots around the corners and sides due to local acceleration. The wind-shadow on the wrong side of SH so not the best day to fly I think. A bumpy and very fresh cross shore flow on that side. DTK not that good either – FK looking sweet in the morning but late afternoon sees a SE flow moving n over the back so be careful if you fly here. IT does improve to the north.

RB – light most of the day but late afternoon sees a chance of enough wind for a soaring session. Maybe even into sunset though it looks to be dropping again then.

PV – WSW start with a SW finish around 15kts. Climbs to 5k between 14/15:00 at best.

Wilderness – A light wind day with a S to SSE trend later on. Sedge could work though a bit side on. Most other spots will have wind coming up but all on the light side making the flying a bit frustrating. Serps should be sweet for flying to Map. Climbs to 2k possible.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but Uppies with climbs to 3k. The wind is a tad more SE here.

PE and PA – SW start but this will back to the S and then East later especially in the east.

EL – A SW start but quickly going to the East with rain and cloud increasing to the east.

Inland – A sweet morning of propeller thingy flying but from mid morning the thermal kick in with sweet climbs and moderate winds. Mostly SW to S in direction. Late afternoon sees a bit of a sea breeze push through with some spots reaching 15.20kts. No rain and few clouds expected.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:47 and setting at 19:38 (Day length is 13 hrs and 50 min – we have broken through the 14hrs mark – winter is marching closer!). A sunny light wind day with a slight Southerly wind. Perfect to go get high on life today! ;) Max temperature around 20 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)


(27 January 2021) 
Day 307 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. A massive SAH dominating our weather, pushing in cooler air in behind the CF that is moving far inland. Lots of frontal uplift in combination with the inland trough causing lots of convergence and ripe conditions for extensive and deep CB activity. Flood warnings in land and especially to the eastern interior from De Aar and to the east. It dries out to the west but the winds are strong so not much from thermal points of view due to high level of B/S ratios. Still the Cederbergs looks like high climbs of over 10k on the cards – though like I said the strong winds probably enough to keep you away form those big hills… lol. So the S to SW winds run all the way up to around 6/8k where it veers to the SW and then a gentle veering further to the NW at the Tropopause for a 110kt finish. Freezing down to 12k in the SW areas!

CT – A deep strong SSE wind flow with the inversion around 4k. Some cloud at TM top but not much of a wind-shadow day. The main mountains also with strong southerly flows so not a flying day out there – 20kts or more mostly…

RB – An early monring sesh was on but it will get blown out during the day even more… Probably too strong for a sunset session but maybe … ;)

PV – Looks like a strong south day with 20kts winds. Climbs to 5k so not the best day to fly anyway. Over the back the Cederbergs are showing high climbs to 10k plus. But best to watch from the ground today I think… ;)

Wilderness – Looks like another strong SW start to the day with a moderation around 11 to midday. Then another pulse moving in after lunch with the rain after that. Hhhmm… Maybe some dune gooning during the morning I think. The afternoon the wind goes more SSE.

Plett – Mostly strong SW but then after lunch also the rain and the backing of the wind to SSE. Tricky to find a flyable gap I think… :)

PE and PA – A light wind start to the day around PE with the SW moving in from mid day onwards and the progressing further up the coast. Around 15kts with rain from the looks of it.

EL – Starting with a SE wind here it will slowly veer to the SW after lunchtime. Of course loads of rain around here…

Inland – Strong southerly winds moving far inland with 20-30kts in places. Rain and CB’s especially in the eastern interior with flood warnings in place. The west is clear and dry but windy! A coffee day from the looks of it.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:46 and setting at 19:38 (Day length is 13 hrs and 52 min – we have broken through the 14hrs mark – winter is marching closer!). A partly cloudy day light to moderate from the SW. Perfect to go get high on life today! ;) Max temperature around 22 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(26 January 2021) 
Day 306 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people. A cold front moving into CT during the day with a S to SW wind – light rain by late afternoon especially along the Overberg areas. SW to S winds along the southern coastal regions with the eastern areas light S then a light moderate SW creeping up the coast. Inland to the  far north it is NW winds and towards the south more W and then SW from the coastal areas creeping inland and becoming very strong with 30kts in places later on. A chance of rain along the GE and perhaps a CB or two especially to the east. Soe very high bases around DeAar with 15/16k. Instability along the coast noting exceptional with 3/4k in most spots before the mountains and then rising further inland. Strong convergence as the front moves inland though to the north of Sutherland and those areas. Wind is light NW from just above 6/7k with a 80kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing at 16kin the south today!

CT – Another strong SE to S day and with the frontal push it doesn’t look like a usable wind=shadow day. The main mountains around DTK also very strong S winds so again probably not really worth it out there.

RB – It is looking good for an early morning sesh and probably till mid day when it gets blown out for the afternoon. But maybe with some luck a sunset session might happen… ;)

PV – Perhaps not the best of days with climbs to 4/5k and SW wind to start with. The sea breeze is moving in early today – perhaps with the frontal movement push so from 14:00 already we have 15kts of SSW winds. So fly early if you must. ;)

Wilderness – Looks like a nice SW day going more south later in the day. Fresh in the moring and then moderating. Early evening some light rain maybe. Sedge will work but is strong during the morning – climbs to 2k. Late afternoon probably better here…

Plett – Keurbooms looking sweet for the afternoon! Uppies with climbs to just over 3k but breezy SW winds over 10kts. Late afternoon the sweeter time.

PE and PA – SW winds around 10kts with some 15kts later on.

EL – Light wind during the morning with the SW creeping up from the SW slowly during the day. Late afternoon the SW moves in.

Inland – A sweet morning inland but wild afternoon! Strong winds building in the west as the CF moves in combined with the SW sea breeze from the south – strong convergence along the GE with some rain there and even the odd CB especially to the east. 30kts out there in many places in the afternoon. Very high base over the GE and De Aar regions.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:45 and setting at 19:39 (Day length is 13 hrs and 54 min – we have broken through the 14hrs mark – winter is marching closer!). A partly cloudy day light to moderate from the SW. Perfect to go get high on life today! ;) Max temperature around 22 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(25 January 2021) 
Day 305 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. Some fun down in the Cape with a few hangies flying some XC at PV. Maybe they will go far today… A classic weather pattern around the country with the SAH in the west, the trough inland and the IOH in the east dominating our weather. The CF having left some sweet unstable air around most areas for some good flying. There is a bit of strong wind along the coastal areas that will be excellent for the kite surfers (if they can escape the cops!) ;) Inland the winds are much lighter with an East trend in the east, North in the north and west in the west. (See graph). No rain expected but some light showers in the eastern coastal areas. Few clouds around. Wind is North from 4k upwards remaining light with 10kts at 10k then NW all the way to the Tropopause for a 80kts finish. Freezing at 15kin the south today!

CT – Another strong SE day but with an inversion shaping up around 1500ft and the wind dropping in strength with height. It does look like a grat flying day around LH and SH with late afternoon seeing perhaps a SW cross shore flow instead of the calm wind-shadow. The main mountains are looking excellent with the east flow light and by mid day the west will be deep enough and dominate for the rest of the day. High climbs and flights from Bains, DTK all the way north to PV and beyond are doable today.

RB – Some wind late morning that should last till sunset. It just could be enough for a sunset sesh… ;)

PV – A super sweet day expected here. Winds are all WSW trending SW later on. Climbs to 6/7k and higher over the back in the Cederbergs. Late afternoon sees a sea breeze move in with around 15kts SW winds. Big flights def on the cards with lighter flows higher up. A day to explore over packhuis pass and towards the NE – maybe Clavinia and beyond? Or big out and returns. Or fly from DTK to Klawer for a more sure thing… ;) ;)

Wilderness – A strong SE in the cards so get your flying in early. Looks like it might blow out as early as mid morning but with a bit of luck it will hold till mid day… ;)

Plett – Same as wilderness but looks even stronger…

PE and PA – The east to NE winds blowing like the clappers today. All day long with a slight chance of rain…

EL – Same as above with a slight chance of light rain…

Inland – A beautiful day inland with light winds – the strong coastal stuff blocked by the mountains until the afternoon when the sea breeze will penetrate to the SB ranges. The GE showing some amazing climbs with high clouds around 13/14k.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:44 and setting at 19:39 (Day length is 13 hrs and 55 min – we have broken through the 14hrs mark – winter is marching closer!). A sweet sunny but windy day. Perfect to go get high on life today! ;) Max temperature around 22 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(24 January 2021) 
Day 304 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people. The end of the Tropical cyclone up in the north but loads of rain and floods for the northern Limpopo areas... (See graph). The CF far into the interior and up the coast into Mozambique. Behind it the SAH is ridging in along the southern parts with fresh to strong E to SE winds but initially SW in the southern and eastern coastal regions. Some rain still around but this will clear up from the west during the day. Clouds mainly confined to the southern and eastern parts of the WC. The west coast is dry mostly with the upper flow easterly. The wind is SE in the interior far up onto the GE platau with convection depth around 5-6k AGL. Lots of rain remaining in the eastern parts especially near the coast. The wind remains SE up to 6k then does a quick backing to the west – west al the way to the Tropopause for a WNW finish of 80/90kts. Freezing at 14kin the south today!

CT – A strong SE wind with the inversion at 4k. It does back a tad to the ESE but remains strong all the way up. So no wind-shadow on the cards for flying today. All day long it seems. Up to 30kts later on. The mountains showing a similar trend. Some Katabatic heating from the main mountains down onto the western flats in the south…

RB – WWB looks good for an early morning sesh then gets blown out but a chance of a return for a sunset session. ;)

PV – The east flow higher up making it tricky to fly the main ranges but the lower flow is SSW. This improves later in the day but remains fairly E to SE upper flow. IT will be bumpy flying along the mountains so be careful. PB seems a tad too south too. If you can get off a down wind run towards Graafwater to connect with the sea breeze convergence will get you to 7/8k and then off to Niewoudville. :)) It should be a great challenge to the hangies… ;)

Wilderness – A rainy start but clearing quickly with a SW wind that also will back quickly to the S and then SE for the afternoon. Everywhere will work today at some stage. Sedge is looking sweet with high climbs to 3k so a chance for the XC crew to try their luck form there – it should be doable with enough south in it till 12 I think. Map might get blown out by mid afternoon too…

Plett – Keurbooms looking good for the mid to late morning as the wind goes from SW to SE. Uppies with a short window in the morning before it goes too East. Climbs also to 3k. It seems to remain OD for longer here…

PE and PA – A fresh SW start that will back to the S and then even SE in the south. Rain hanging around for longer here – into the afternoon with slight clearing from the west.

EL – Strong SW with rain backing to the S and SE later on at 15kts but looks like the rain hangs in there… ;)

Inland – S to SE surface flows with many strong spots at 20ts plus. It increases in the afternoon. The SE trend all the way up past Brandvlei even! Clouds around the southern central parts dissipating to the north. Lots of rain in the eastern southern parts remaining all day there.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:43 and setting at 19:40 (Day length is 13 hrs and 57 min – we have broken through the 14hrs mark – winter is marching closer!). A rainy start but clearing with fresh SE later on. Perfect to go get high on life today! ;) Max temperature around 20 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(23 January 2021) 
Day 304 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people. The CF far into the interior and up the coast into Mozambique. Behind it the SAH is ridging in along the southern parts with fresh to strong E to SE winds but initially SW in the southern and eastern coastal regions. Some rain still around but this will clear up from the west during the day. Clouds mainly confined to the southern and eastern parts of the WC. The west coast is dry mostly with the upper flow easterly. The wind is SE in the interior far up onto the GE platau with convection depth around 5-6k AGL. Lots of rain remaining in the eastern parts especially near the coast. The wind remains SE up to 6k then does a quick backing to the west – west al the way to the Tropopause for a WNW finish of 80/90kts. Freezing at 14kin the south today!

CT – A strong SE wind with the inversion at 4k. It does back a tad to the ESE but remains strong all the way up. So no wind-shadow on the cards for flying today. All day long it seems. Up to 30kts later on. The mountains showing a similar trend. Some Katabatic heating from the main mountains down onto the western flats in the south…

RB – WWB looks good for an early morning sesh then gets blown out but a chance of a return for a sunset session. ;)

PV – The east flow higher up making it tricky to fly the main ranges but the lower flow is SSW. This improves later in the day but remains fairly E to SE upper flow. IT will be bumpy flying along the mountains so be careful. PB seems a tad too south too. If you can get off a down wind run towards Graafwater to connect with the sea breeze convergence will get you to 7/8k and then off to Niewoudville. :)) It should be a great challenge to the hangies… ;)

Wilderness – A rainy start but clearing quickly with a SW wind that also will back quickly to the S and then SE for the afternoon. Everywhere will work today at some stage. Sedge is looking sweet with high climbs to 3k so a chance for the XC crew to try their luck form there – it should be doable with enough south in it till 12 I think. Map might get blown out by mid afternoon too…

Plett – Keurbooms looking good for the mid to late morning as the wind goes from SW to SE. Uppies with a short window in the morning before it goes too East. Climbs also to 3k. It seems to remain OD for longer here…

PE and PA – A fresh SW start that will back to the S and then even SE in the south. Rain hanging around for longer here – into the afternoon with slight clearing from the west.

EL – Strong SW with rain backing to the S and SE later on at 15kts but looks like the rain hangs in there… ;)

Inland – S to SE surface flows with many strong spots at 20ts plus. It increases in the afternoon. The SE trend all the way up past Brandvlei even! Clouds around the southern central parts dissipating to the north. Lots of rain in the eastern southern parts remaining all day there.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:43 and setting at 19:40 (Day length is 13 hrs and 57 min – we have broken through the 14hrs mark – winter is marching closer!). A rainy start but clearing with fresh SE later on. Perfect to go get high on life today! ;) Max temperature around 20 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(22 January 2021) 
Day 302 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people. An awesome day before yesterday with Josh flying just over 350km as the crow flies. This is an amazing flight and the longest in SA for a few years now as far as I can recall. Have a look here at his track log!  We have tropical storm Eloise up in the NE corner of our SA map with a cold front approaching CT rom the SW – two very extreme weather systems that will impact our country weather over the next few days. For the WC though it’s the IOH, inland trough and a bit of the CF approaching us that is dictating the flying. Strong NE flows along the eastern coast still around with a chance of rain as the moisture from the IOH is carried onshore. There’s a slight chance of the inland trough activity causing some CB’s in the easter southern interior and the SE winds curling around the Peninsula again for the SW component up the west coast. From here the winds veer inland for a more westerly component and eventually the NW in the central parts. Very high clouds expected again in the interior around the 13/14k mark. Some chance of OD conditions – 15-20kts out that side. Closer to home the southern coastal with a tad more climbs in it that yesterday but still relatively stable perhaps 1500ft along the southern coastal areas. Rising towards the mountains and on the west coast it is a better day compared to yesterday with better climbs and not as strong SW wind moving in later on. The winds are all NW from 5/6k upwards with a west finish at the Tropopause around 50kts. Freezing up to 17/18k today!

CT – Looks like a super cool day with the winds backing to the west at TM top height at 5kts, a strong 1000ft inversion (or just above) and SE winds to 20kts at most. So another super sweet wind-shadow day all day long form the looks of it. The main mountains also looking better with DKP a day to go from there to PV that is not so scary strong. ;) Slightly more moderate wind Starting NW but going W to SW later today and climbs 4/5k but more in the convergence areas.

RB – It just might be too light all day but maybe later afternoon a bit more..;)

PV – A good day here with slightly less winds. The convergence setting up from bumpy peak into the valley – this move northwards to Eendekuil between 14:00 and 16:00. You could get to 8k in there… ;) Up to 15kts later on. Wind is W5-1okts but SW later to 15.

Wilderness – A light wind start with a SE trend – supposedly strong later on but I notice a steep gradient along our area of coast so probably a bit frustrating with the lighter shadow bit creeping into the Map area this afternoon. I noticed 5kts on the surface and 15kts at 500ft. Hhhmmm… Something to be had at Sedge eary – bit form the left but climbs to 500ft above maybe for a while before it gets too strong by mid day. Serps to Map is n though… ;)

Plett – Same as Wilderness with Uppies showing climbs again to just over 2k but quite easterly. Low cloud early evening it seems…

PE and PA – The IOH dominating here with NE to E winds – 20kts in a few spots. Pretty cloudy towards the east with a slight chance of rain to the east and inland.

EL – As above…

Inland – Another beautiful day out there with partly cloudy skies today. A lighter wind start but the NW to the north up to 15kts and the strongest bits to the far western parts it seems. Some CB activity in the southern eastern regions this afternoon. ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:41 and setting at 19:41 (Day length is 14 hrs and 0 min). A light SE start picking up during the day but remaining light in the Wilderness corner. Go do something that will get you high on life today! ;) Max temperature around 23 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(21 January 2021) 
Day 301 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. So day 300 of lock down has come and gone like we are living in some kind of Mad Max movie scene. Classic system positioning today with the IOH on the east and SAH in the west with the sweet Trough line running down the centre of the country. Cloudy along to the east coast with NE to East winds this veers to the SE along the southern coastal areas and then continues to the S and eventually SW further up the west coast. Strong along parts of the southern regions with 20kts around. But much strong and lower inversion present form the few days of ocean air presence so conditions up to the mountains weaker and lower in convection depth. Once past the mountains thing improve quite a bit with climbs to 8/10k but of course further north into the big sky country there’s cumies everywhere all up around 14/16k. NW to W winds in the south 10-20kts up high so if you can get out there it should be pleasant flying. No rain expected but late evening a bit for the southern parts of the Overberg. Winds go NW from 4/5k up wards and trends W for a 30-50kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing up at 15/16k.

CT – Another day with a super strong inversion and slackening and veering of the wind to west at TM top height. 15-20kts on the surface but 5kt and less at TM top. Its warm up there today with 25 degrees from the looks of it but a super large wind-shadow on the cards so LH and SH should be light and sweet today – the inversion making it pretty inverted though. Should be there all day long. The mountains starting off okish but the SE pushing through in the mid afternoon period so not that good out there. You need to go further north… ;)

RB – Another later day but it gets very strong so probably blown out for a sunset sesh…;)

PV – A hard day I think with initial weak climbs thought he west wind should help things quite a bit. Convergence setting up between Bumpy and moving north to Eendekuil around 14:00/15:00 and within here there’s a chance of climbing to over 7k… Otherwise it is 4/5k with the odd spot of making 6. It goes SW and strong later on around 15-20kts.

Wilderness – A light wind with inverted conditions. Weak climbs to 1000’ at Sedge and Serps. Serps should be challenging to fly to Map. Winds are SW to start off with then backing to the SE during the day. It remains light at Map all day at maybe 5kts….

Plett – Same as Wilderness with Uppies showing climbs to 2k…. ;)

PE and PA – The IOH dominating here with NE to E winds – 20kts in a few spots. Pretty cloudy towards the east but no rain expected.

EL – As above…

Inland – A beautiful day out there with blue skies and few clouds except north of the GE where it will look like a cauliflower field. ;) Winds are fairly light at 10kts W to NW but later the SSE winds form the sea breeze moving in at 20kts but penetrating only to the SB range it seems. Early morning some sweet propeller flying around to the north. ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:40 and setting at 19:41 (Day length is 14 hrs and 1 min). A light sea breeze start trending lightly to the SE. Perfect to go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 22 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)


(20 January 2021) 
Day 300 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people. The CF moving into Mozambique with the SAH ridging in along the southern parts to eventually spin off into a IOH. Still some strong SW winds to the eastern coastal parts but SE along the GR and veering up along the west coast for a SW trend on that side. It curls inland with the usual westerly flow inland and NW further to the north. Clouds confined to the southern eastern parts mainly with some rain along the eastern coastal areas. Pretty windy in many spits spoiling some of the thermal fun – the best parts being the west coast areas with climbs to 6k in the mid afternoon period. The air around most of the WC showing just up to around the 6k convection depth. North of the GE it is much more with the 13/14k climbs though the clouds much further to the east. Winds go light NNW from 5k upwards then backs quickly to the west with a WSW finish at the Tropopause of 30-50kts. Freezing level back up at 16k today.

CT – A strong inversion shaping up at around 1k with the SE winds backing to the east and dropping to 5kts or less at TM top height. A good combo for the wind-shadow to shape up so it looks like a sweet shadow day around the SH and LH region. Towards the big mountains SLP and FH dominated by the SE flow and the change happening around DTK but a bit dubious around here with still some upper East influence into the early afternoon. Climbs to 6k possible before the sea breeze moves in.

RB – It looks like a mid to late afternoon day here with a chance for a sunset flight. … ;)

PV – A typical PV day with the SW winds 5-10kts and then some 15kts spats late afternoon. Climbs up to 6k in the mid afternoon in the better areas.

Wilderness – A rainy start with a fresh SE trend. It looks stronger than forecasted yesterday so if there’s a chance of flying come early to Map. Probably blown out by mid day but t could happen even earlier. Sedge and Serps just too fresh East even form early I think. The day should clear later on.

Plett – Same as Wilderess…. ;)

PE and PA – PE with a light S to SE start but to the east it is SW during the morning. To the east this SW will slow and back to the S and then later on East. Rain around for most of the day – especially to the east.

EL – As above…

Inland – A sweet light wind start in the little Karoo. No clouds expected with the rain and moisture blocked by the Outenikwas and SB ranges. The SE will move inland during the afternoon but only penetrate to the north of the SB mountains. Some 20kts posts around. Clouds far inland are all to the east of Middelburg with few along the edge of the GE.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:39 and setting at 19:42 (Day length is 14 hrs and 3 min). A cloudy Start with SE winds during the day. Perfect to go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 20 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(19 January 2021) 
Day 299 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. So yesterdays long flight by Patrice was from Swellendam (I forgot to mention that) ;) Here’s a pic from him on the way. Today a CF moving into CT with a strong SAH pushing it along so expecte fresh winds today – probably increasing as it moves into the WC. Direction is all SW with some southerly bits in the SW corner but W further inland. The high grounds even fomr early moring already winds of 20kts expected. Some clouds around – OD in some southern coastal areas base from 2-3k rising as we move further inland. North of the first ranges it goes to 8-10k and over the GE rises to 14/15k and more in a few spots. (The trough line sweetly active here with very high climbs from Uppington all the way past Middelburg – if you can manage the 20kts winds it’s a possible record day!) ;) (See graphs). NE winds along the eastern coastal areas that will be replaced by the SW as the front moves into the WC. The wind is all west from 6k and NW from 8/10k with a 120kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level dropping ot 13k in the SW today.

CT – A clear start but some low clouds moving in late moring in the mid parts of the Peninsula – the northern parts relatively clear. Al SSW winds mostly and fresh along the shore front at LH and SH of 20kts. No wind-shadow today with too much South in the wind so be careful if you fly in the cross conditions. Gets worse later on as the wind backs a tad more… The main mountains with a very southerly component so also not the best day out there and the wind is fairly fresh with 15kts (and more in spots) on the cards…

RB – There is a chance of a sweet afternoon and sunset soaring flight happening today… ;)

PV – A more southerly day and fresh with 10-15kts from the morning already. Some clouds but more to the south. Kardoesie looks like the best spot with 6k climbs after lunch and the wind a tad more up the slope here…

Wilderness – A fresh SW day from the looks of it. Some rain later on but probably on the mountains leaving the coast still flyable. Sedge with climbs to over 2k but of course the wind fresh with 15kts up there – plenty bumps for sure! ;) The coast def the place to be. The afternoon sees a bit more of a bump in the air as the shear increases a tad more (slightly strong bits higher up) ;)

Plett – The SW fresh here too with Uppies showing rising base to 4k after lunch! Hhhmmm… The winds are fresh SW though. A tad too west for Keurbooms to be sweet. ;)

PE and PA – PA with NE wind to start off with but PE areas already SW from early. The SW will move up the coast all the way past EL late afternoon. 3okts at times!

EL – Strong NE winds to start  but form mid day the SW will move in and pick up to 30kts later in the day…

Inland – A sweeter start but the SW and then S sea breeze later on will bring very strong winds inland with 20-30kts winds moving all the way to the GE by evening. Ontop of the GE the air is big sky country with high base along that trough line – especially to the east (See graph and good cloud line) Some CB’s late afternoon in the south eastern sector around Adelaid… And rain along the southern parts of the mountains of the Klein Karoo later on…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:38 and setting at 19:42 (Day length is 14 hrs and 4 min). A cloudy SW wind day. Perfect to go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 22 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)


(18 January 2021) 
Day 298 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people. So a sweet day yesterday with plenty pilots taking advantage of the conditions for some XC flying. Morgan did his first PG XC from Swartberg Pass getting to 7000’ and managing to go half way to Meirings poort landing in the foothills for a long walk out! ;) See the pic above of him enjoying a bird encounter (What bird is that?) ;) But the flight of the day going to Patrice managing to go from all the way to just shy of PV. Here’s a track log of his flight. Superb! ;) Today less clouds and a tad lower climbs along the southern and western parts but further inland the trough action starting up so some higher climbs out there. Winds are strong SE along the southern parts but it does not quite curl enough to make it around the CT Peninsula so NW to W along the west coast but for the late afternoon where the SW will move in rom the south. Climbs in spots to 6k, 2/3k along the south but over 13/14k on the GE. Winds out there are NW. Winds all go NW from 5/6k upwards with a WNW finish at the Tropopause of 80kts.   Freezing level up at 16/17k!

CT – A sweet NW start backing to the SW and eventually S later in the day. But until about mid day it will be sweet. 5-10kts initially but 15kts S later on though a low inversion setting up so the wind-shadow looks like it will be in full effect as the flow seems to curls around TM with an onshore at LH and SH. The main mountains also pretty good with NW to start but from 14/15:00 it goes more W to WSW so a late jolly along the range towards the north could be a plan.

RB – Initial WWB but late afternoon a Southerly pushing in though it is doubtful it will be strong enough to be cool… ;)  

PV – A NW start then later going more W to WSW. 5-10kts or less… Sweet convergence setting up from mid day to about 16:00 between Teenage tit and Bumpy peak out into the valley. So look out for this – maybe some dusties in the valley probably. 6/7k climbs in here…

Wilderness – A light SE start picking up to be blown out around midday form the looks of things. So get to Map early if you can. All the other spots are very east from early so doubtful they will work. Perhaps an early XC from Serps to Map could work! ;)

Plett – Also very east from early. Uppies showing climbs to just over 2k initially… The SE spoiling the fun it seems.

PE and PA – Some clouds here as the IOH moisture reaches to here with strong E to NE winds all day. Maybe even some rain but better chance for that to the east.

EL – Strong NE winds here with clouds and some light showers possible.

Inland – Another beautiful day inland with initial light winds – south in the south but north in the north. Few clouds around but those that pop up will be over the higher peaks and high! 10k or more! So still some good stuff to be found out there if you are lucky enough. Later on the sea breeze will push in again form the south with 20kts in places creeping all the way to the SW range by late afternoon.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:37 and setting at 19:43 (Day length is 14 hrs and 5 min). A sweet start but a strong SE wind day from mid day into the afternoon. Perfect to go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 21 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(17 January 2021) 
Day 297 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. The CF far to the NE of the the country but still some sweet cool unstable air pushed up by a weak SAH form the south – still some lingering lowish clouds along the southern coastal areas with even a spot of light rain during the morning. This should clear by late morning in most spots – perhaps hagin around in the east for a tad longer. The surface winds still fresh SW in the east but mor Southerly in the central and western areas. It is fairly light inland with a light N initial flow and then a light S but this will turn into a very fresh southerly sea breeze in the late afternoon – 20-25kts in places. Instability within this layer up to 6/7k in depth with a few of ht ehigher mountains giving a bit more – the Cederbergs going to 10/11k, as the GE, the SB just over 8k but the Q’s confined to the southern parts of the country with the firt ranges blocking most of the moisture. Some good flying ot be had if you can get to a good spot – inland def some XC potential on the cards especially with the lighter surface winds on the cards. A bit more tricky to the south and especially to the east with the lower base in those areas. Winds go westerly above the Southerly inversion from around 6/9k upwards for a 50kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level up at 16k!

CT – A light wind start so the protected areas active around SH but the wind does pick up to 25kts later in the day with a on/off chance of the shadow being active. The inversion is high and the wind drops to about 10kts at TM top height so perhaps that’s not enough. The FH side with dominating SE winds all day with the SW flow kicking in from DTK and Bainskloof however only from mid day onwards is it deep enough to negate the SE upper flow. From then and northwards it is looking not bad with some sweet climbs to around 5/6k.

RB – From lunchtime it looks like it will work with a chance of even doing a flight to PV today. ;)  

PV – A SW day in general with initial SE upper flow. Later this will weaken and quickly back to the NW with height – it seems to be above the inversion so shouldn’t effect the flying. A nice day with some moderate climbs around. Sweet!

Wilderness – A SW start that will back to the SE during the day. SO a Sedge start I think then a drive to Map for a late afternoon soaring to finish the day. Perhaps some XC potential for the hardcore dudes from Serps and Sedge though it just doesn’t seem to be as good as expected. Climbs to 2500’ mid morning then lowering into the afternoon with the back flats only a tad more. IT seems you need to travel just north of the mountains or out towards Riversdale to get into the sweeter EXC air…

Plett – Some OD inland it seems which is sticky to break up. Still Uppies with weak but perhaps sweet climbs to 3500’. Keurbooms looking doable during the morning while the SSW wind lasts. The SE spoiling most of the fun when it settles in.

PE and PA – The SW still here during the morning but it will quickly dissipate form the west backing to the south and even light SE in the west.

EL – Strong SW at 25kts during the morning but by mid day it will have backed a bit and weakened to finish the day S to SE 10-15kts.

Inland – A beautiful day inland with light winds of a southerly trend for most of the day. Only late afternoon sees the strong SSE push form the coast moving inland – that sea breeze effect of 20kts. It reaches just north of the SB by late afternoon. Some good flying in most spots until the sea breeze gets to it. ;) Du Toits, SB pass and Riversdal would be great XC spots today. IF you can get on the western Outenikwas a long flight towards Worcester is very doable…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:36 and setting at 19:43 (Day length is 14 hrs and 7 min). We are losing about 1 min a day of daylight time… Ai! ;) A late afternoon SE day… Perfect to go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 21 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(16 January 2021) 
Day 296 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people. The CF having moved far inland leaving sweet unstable air in its wake. However for the most part the winds are still strong so the Southern coastal areas and initial inland parts a bit on the fresh side with WSW winds. The west coast looking nice with more manageable stuff out that side. Some rain this morning but it lifts quicky and turns into a sweet flying day. Base ranging from 2/3 around the coast, 4/5 near the first mountains and then up past 6k once you go further inland. The CF layer of air is not more than 7/8k in depth so even out at the GE base is around 9/10k. But it should be good flying though with no more CB activity for the region today. :) Winds remain W to SW all the way tot eh Tropopause for a 50kt finish up there. Freezing level up at 17k!

CT – Rain with low cloud start and NW winds. Base will rise quickly sitting around 1k above TM. It is looking sweet with 10-15kts winds and going form NW to WSW perhaps. Generally it remains W so looking good for the 12 A’s. The main mountains similar with a bit more breezy stuff – be ware of FH but DKP with NW start then going more W. 10-15kts. So be watchful. Better to the north it seems. And of course SLP looking sweet especially for the hangies from mid day onwards. ;)

RB – WWB is out again today in full force… ;)

PV – Some clouds in the morning but after lunch most will burn off. A good day here with climbs to 5/6k. 5-10kts winds. Starting W with a slight SW trend later on. Its more in the Cederbergs. Sweet!

Wilderness – A strong WSW flow out to sea along the whole coast with 20-30kts out there. The Wilderness corner slightly sheltered with a bit more SW turning in here however the strong gradient present looks like it will mix things up again – almost like yesterday. I think a small window early (now) before it gets too strong and then the trend will be for the surface winds to drop around mid day again but the upper winds remain strong with 20-30kts around 1500’. Again a very high Shear gradient on the cards for Sedge and Serps (15kts shear diffs) and a westerly trend in the flow just above your head so be very careful if you try to fly at one of those spots. Lol.

Plett – As above…

PE and PA – Dominating strong SW winds all the way up the coast. 30kts…

EL – As above…

Inland – Strong W to SW winds all over the inland spots. Some areas at 20kts in a bit more in the south later in the day. Sweet looking Q’s up the SB and then some further to the NE. No rain expected from CB’s. A tad fresh for most sites out there today.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:35 and setting at 19:43 (Day length is 14 hrs and 8 min). We are losing about 1 min a day of daylight time… Ai! ;) A strong WSW wind day… Perfect to go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature a breezy 22 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(15 January 2021) 
Day 295 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. The CF into CT this morning and it will move further into the WC during the course of the day. Winds are westerly with some slight NW in the far north and bits of SW in the southern coastal areas on occasion. Still very active trough down the interior with CB activity – it all propagates east wards with a slight pause in the central WC areas including the coast but then the frontal rain also bringing a chance of some CB’s with it. It’s a very iffy flying day today with few places seemingly offering short windows at times. The rain in the west hampering play and even in between the rain the winds are pretty strong so a tough one to call. The GR areas in a similar position with a small window of flying perhaps just before lunch. Huge variation in cloud base and lift heights with the NE areas showing up to 15k and then the west and southern parts perhaps 1000’. Cloud base reflecting this nicely. The NE winds dominating in the far eastern coastal areas but this will erode away as it is displaced by the advancing frontal SW. The westerly trend runs all the way up to around 12/14k before the NW winds take over for a 100kt finish up at the Tropopause.  Freezing level up at 13k in the SW today…

CT – Low cloud and rainy morning with a partial clearing around mid day. Even a chance of some CB’s. Winds are NW to W all day with some breezy patches. The adjacent moutnains also clagged in with strong W to NW winds. Hhhmmm no flying day here… You will have to head far north for a maybe flight. ;)

RB – WWB is out today in full force… ;)

PV – Base starting below the mountain tops but rising to around 3500/4k towards the north so the mountain tops should be open. The wind starts NW and trends W during the day but remains breezy with 15ks so in the venturis it will be more – probably too strong to fly especially with all the cloud suck around too! Lol

Wilderness – A low cloud start with a WSW wind. The winds will be fresh during the morning looks around 15/20kts, a tad stronger than expected from yesterday. At mid day it will die down quickly with light winds on the surface but with a strong gradient and moderate shear expected. Sedge is showing just 5kts on the surface but with a 15kts shear trend – so any one flying expect some washing machine stuff! ;) In the late afternoon another pulse expected but this one seems to have quite a bit of westerly to even NW influence. Hhhhmmm. Not the best out look but with a bit of luck and good timing one could squeeze out a flight along the coastal cliffs just as the wind starts to drop before lunch/midday.

Plett – As above…

PE and PA – PE starting NE early moring but quickly turning to SW as the coastal low moves eastwards. This will settle in the afternoon with ip t 20kts spots. Also lots of rain expected here with CB activity.

EL – The NE dropping around mid day for the change over. And also rain and even CB’s as above…

Inland – Strong westerly winds in places with that SW influence from the south in the afternoon – see graphs. CB along the Outenikwas but moving to the east during the day. It is more active in the east. Less in the central and western parts compared to yesterday but the frontal rains effecting the west. Not really a good flying day (Except for Morne who manage an early morning propeller flight around his farm in the langkloof!) ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:34 and setting at 19:44 (Day length is 14 hrs and 9 min). We are losing about 1 min a day of daylight time… Ai! ;) A west to SW day with a break after lunch… Perfect to go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 23 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(14 January 2021) 
Day 294 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people. WE are still open to suggestions fro improving the weather report format - just text me privately. ;) A CF making its way towards CT while the inland trough is far to the SW of the country with a very active trough – loads of CB’s all over the interior expected today again. The low helping to accelerate the wind along the coastal areas with a easterly trend. Some very strong areas again with in excess of 30kts. A bit warmer along the southern coasts and that heat wave along the west coast with slight relief as the NW wind settles in along that side. CT with a mix of wind with the change over happening in your area today. Inland of the GR some sweet light wind regions but also some strong spots from the CB flows – see graphs. Wind is NE along the coast from around 2k upwards but light trending north and then from 6/7k it is all NW winds increasing in strength with a 80kts finish at the Tropoause. Freezing level up at 15/16k in the SW today…

CT – The SE flow confined to the southern Peninsula from the looks of it with a NE start around SH. It backs to the SW around late morning along the surface with the change to NW just above the inversion that is around 1000’. This is the pattern all day. NW at TM top around 15kts by the looks of it. The main mountains with a tad too much strength in the NW flow to my liking… Almost like a touch of pre-frontal flow… ;)

RB – WWB is out today in full force… ;)

PV – A NW to W flow all day here – perhaps abit of a N start but slightly lower temps – mid thirties I think. And some good climbs in the convergence area as the NW/W flow goes around PB and meets in the valley centre from PV to Dasklip during the mi afternoon times. No clouds but perhaps a dusty might indicate its location. Climbs in here to 7k… Over the back into the Cederergs some amazing clouds sitting pretty at 13/14k. But 20kt winds that side from surface to base… ;)

Wilderness – A slightly less strong day today so it might be flyable after the long break of no flying. Fingers crossed that we can get some airtime. It is however not looking the best. Strong out to sea with East flow from 1500/2000’ above. Late afternoon sees even NE to N flows at 2k (Perhaps form the inland CB activity) But with some luck we can get something at Map. (Looks like light surface winds and breezy at launch height – this pattern becoming stronger from mid day onwards)  ;)

Plett – As above…

PE and PA – Even stronger today compared to yesterday with NE winds all along this stretch of coastline. 20-30kts all day long…

EL – As above…

Inland – Another day of wide spread CB activity – even more compared to yesterday. Strong varying surface flows with 20kts plus in spots. There is a westerly to NW trend in the west and north. The southern parts with some lighter lower winds during the morning with some sweet propeller thingy flying doable I think.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:33 and setting at 19:44 (Day length is 14 hrs and 10 min). We are losing about 1 min a day of daylight time… Ai! ;) An afternoon of strong SE winds with a slight chance of rain. Perfect to go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature a windy 24 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(13 January 20210) 
Day 293 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. So I was wondering if there are any of you that might want to see something different to improve these weather outlooks. Maybe send me a personal message with your suggestions. :) For today though its another dismal southern coast day with cool, rainy and windy conditions while the heat wave along the west coast and in some inland parts continues. Some high climbs in the PV doable perhaps 9k especially in the convergence areas but with surface temps near 40 degrees C you better be strong! ;) The temps along the southern parts much cooler at around 22 but of course no flying prospects at all. Inland a similar position with wide spread CB activity as the moist northerlies continue to flow in over the interior with some interesting mid level convergence going on – that combined with the super high surface temps, suffice to say its CB city out there today. ;) Maybe a slight break in the pattern by tomorrow though at this stage it seems slight. Winds go NW from 6/7k but then a S to SW flow from 18k until just shy of the Tropopause before it settles back to NW around 30kts. Freezing level up at 16/17k in the SW today…

CT – Like yesterday but perhaps not as strong with just over 20kts in some spots later in the day. It does drop and back to the east with height but most Apps don’t show the wind-shadow being settled and strong… Hhhmmm… The East winds still dominating the main mountains so best to go north to PV…

RB – Also a mixed day with a maybe flyable time in the afternoon. IT does drop towards sunset and might be strong enough for a smoother late afternoon finish…;)

PV – Another very hot day here but some cooler air if you can get into the convergence that will be active in the valley from Eendekuil and shifting to the south towards Bumpy and into the valley. Again late afternoon one could get to 9k or higher… Hhhmmm… 40 degrees on the ground best you hope you get up there. ;)

Wilderness – Another terrible day… The SE flow still up to 5k in depth over Map with 30kts at 1000’... Ai.

Plett – As above…

PE and PA – Still east to SE winds further north… Stronger to the west with 20kts plus down there but moderating to the east. It is though very moist and OD all day with chance of rain.

EL – As above but lighter wind and more SE trend in it. Maybe some of those onshore spots could work… 10kts…

Inland – More Cb activity today compared to yesterday from the looks of it. Even the northern parts of the Outenikwas could have some as the upper northerlies pushes these to the south. The SE flow penetrating to the GE by end of day with 30kts in some spots.. Still not a flying day I think. lol

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:32 and setting at 19:44 (Day length is 14 hrs and 12 min). We are losing about 1 min a day of daylight time… Ai! ;) Another strong SE day with rain on and off. Again, so perfect to go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature a windy 23 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(12 January 2021) 
Day 292 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people. The SAH dominating along with the inland trough – somewhat spread allowing for a wider ad less defined line of CB activity. (Some mid level moisture from the north converging within this area from the looks of it, helping those CB development). The SAH ridging along the southern parts with less NE influence form the IOH to the east. Still those very strong SE flows along the southern parts – the flow is strong within a 4/5k layer with loads of moisture too so some rain possible in some spots. It does dry to the west and especially as it flows over the western ranges combined with some adiabatic heating. The west coast with some lighter winds today with the sea breeze only moving in later. The typical W to NW flows inland with that wide spread CB activity (See graphs) and the sea breeze picking up to 35kts and even ore in some spots late afternoon! This pattern seems to be hanging around for the next few days too. Between 5/6k the wind backs abruptly to the NW and finishes NW at the Tropopause around 70/80kts. Freezing level around 14/15k in the south.

CT – Another strong SE day with instability to around 4k and again maybe enough backing and slowing down with height around the SH and LH area for a usable wind-shadow to form. Personably I doubt it though… The mountains again with strong SE flows so I would head north. Some strong convergence areas around between the SW from the west and the SE from the mountains… Looks for the clouds that will mark these…;)

RB – Another mixed day with a light start but probably soarable in the mid afternoon and then some movement of the convergence areas so RB could go light again…;)

PV – A really nice day here I think with light winds W to SW flows and the usual climbs to hight around 14:00. But I think the best bits is the prospect of some convergence from the SE flow to the south meeting the SW from the coast. Look at the clouds to find the sweet spots but it looks like PV town should have it late afternoon from 16/17:00 with climbs to 9k! Sweet! So explore to the south if you fly here and hang around for the convergence – it should be west of Saron from around 15:00 and you can follow it towards PV…

Wilderness – Crapity crap crap! This SE is deep and mean. Yesterday we were at Map early but two gusts exceeding 50kph put a stop to even the hangies wanting to play… lol. Some lowering of base in the afternoon with rain on the cards. A deep 30kts flow around 1500’ all over the show.

Plett – As above…

PE and PA – The east winds dominant all the way to just shy of EL. Also some chance of rain on and off during the day…

EL – A light wind start with the East wind only really starting from mid day here… IT is not as strong as yesterday.

Inland – Wide spread CB activity with soe strong parts around Willowmore form the looks of it. Some even as far south as close to the Outenikwas – over the Kamanasie ranges. The wind will also be very strong in some spots in the southern Karoo with 35kts on the cards. Not a flying day I think. lol

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:31 and setting at 19:44 (Day length is 14 hrs and 13 min). We are losing about 1 min a day of daylight time… Ai! ;) Another strong SE day with rain on and off. Again, so perfect to go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature a windy 23 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(11 January 2021) 
Day 291 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. Today a strong gradient between the two HP systems and inland trough resulting in strong coastal winds as they flow around the southern point of Africa. (See graph). The eastern coast with 30kts NE winds, the GR with 20kts SE and then the southern Peninsula with 25kts SE winds that move out to sea for the most part – only late afternoon seeing the curl coming back onshore for the west coast. Inland the trough very active with the eastern side showing CB activity and also a broad band along the southern parts along the Great Escarpment region. Perhaps some as far south as the Kamanasie ranges or even the Outenikwas. Loads of Q’s around today, even some around along the western ranges. Winds from 6k are all N with a backing to the NW and then a 115kts finish at the Tropoause. Freezing level around 14/15k in the south.

CT – A strong SE day but perhaps with enough backing and slowing down with height around the SH and LH area for a usable wind-shadow to form. Its still a maybe though… The mountains tricky today with some parts showing strong SE winds but a few sheltered spots with interesting convergences setting up. High bases if you can get into those… ;)

RB – A bit of a wind-shadow area round here with only part of the day being blown out. So a maybe day ;)

PV – A sweet light wind start with the SW winds dominating around 5-10kts. Only late afternoon after 16:00 does the strong SW show up with 15kts. Late afternoon also sees convergence around Eendekuil and renosterhoek with climbs perhaps over 8k… Else its around 5k.

Wilderness – A SE day with Map the place to be. Def blown out later but some Apps showing that only after mid day. Others by 10/11. Hhhmmm…. Some good skies inland though…

Plett – All SE everywhere with not much chance of flying…

PE and PA – Those super strong E to NE winds dominating here and all the way eastwards all day long…

EL – As above…

Inland – Some awesome action along the central parts and eastwards fo the trough with long flight convergence setting up from east of Uppington down to east of Middelburg. If it weren’t for the CB’s at the end point it could have been a day for world records I think. ;) Winds west to NE far inland with the sea breeze again moving in to north of the SB ranges. 20kts in a few spots. (See the graphs) Some cool bases over the higher mountains…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:31 and setting at 19:44 (Day length is 14 hrs and 14 min). We are loosing about 1 min a day of daylight time… Ai! ;) A strong SE day for the afternoon. Again so perfect to go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature a windy 22 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(10 January 2021) 
Day 290 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people. Some interesting flying form DTK yesterday with a tough XC flight from there to the other side of the Voelvlei dam by WJ and Clive. All into the upper NW wind – some strong lift of 8m’s at time flying straight for long periods of times as they ran the cloud streets into wind. They landed at just after 13:00 just before the strong SW pushed in! Thanks for the pics WJ! Today the CF all over the WC with rain along the southern parts but dry along the western side as the SAH causes the offshore flows over the western mountains and the adiabatic drying. Its breezy along the west with 30kts plus today. In the East the SW winds will back to the SE by mid day onwards. Inland its initially light east but then the SSE will penetrate again to otherside of the SB ranges going over the 20kts mark often. Further north its beautiful light W to NW winds with high bases – 13-14k. Further east the CB’s marking the eastern edge of the trough line. Generally lightish winds with hight and then from 7/8k it goes west to NW to eventually finish at 100kts at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 14/15k in the south.

CT – A sorng SSE wind day touching on 30kts later on. Its strong all the way past TM top height so not much of a wind-shadow shaping up today. The Main mountains also influenced by the E to SE winds… All day. ;)

RB – IT could be a great morning with a chance of it holding for a sunset flight too! ;)

PV – A fresh Southerly day form the looks of it. A tad SSW up the front but from 4/5k it backs quickly to the east and then N. Probably a good day to get to Renoster hoek quickly! ;) Climbs to 4/6k pending on where you are.

Wilderness – Rain till mid day then clearing with the SE wind picking up. Nothing form the looks of it at the thermic sites but maybe some soaring at Map in the afternoon. A chance that it will become blown out late afternoon too…

Plett – Similar to Wilderness today… Uppies showing zero lift today! lol

PE and PA – Those strong SW winds quickly backing to the SE by mid day. The rain also abating form the west so looks like all those onshore spots might fire today… :)

EL – As above…

Inland – A light wind start in the little Karoo but soon the winds pickup to 20kts with the SSE winds form the coast moving inland. The clouds evaporating from just north of the SB ranges with the other high stuff over the Escarpment to the north. Around DeAar things are sweet for flying with manageable W to NW winds and high bases… Still that line to run from Uppington to Middelburg… ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:30 and setting at 19:45 (Day length is 14 hrs and 15 min). We are loosing about 1 min a day of daylight time… Ai! ;) Rain till around mid day the a SE wind dominating. Again so perfect to go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature a cool 20 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(9 January 2021) 
Day 289 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. A CF making its way into CT later today with the SAH positioning dominantly behind it. The inland trough deepening with CB’s to the east of the line but some sweet record breaking streeting to the west of it. To the south the CF right inbetween the SAH and IOH, influencing the region with a complex mix of low cloud and strong upper westerly winds. I see it looks like a frustrating on off too west at times flow along the GR coast. Lol. Ai. Well, loads of Q’s around with strong instability as soon as one moves far enough inland. The Riversdal ranges are superb but the wind a tad on the strong side with 15kts. And so it is with that pre-frontal build-up in a way. The far east with strong NE winds that will slowly move eastwards as the front moves up the coast – the wind dying down before starting with a general SW trend. The wind is SW to W but from around 10k upwards it trends NW with a 100kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 14k in the south.

CT – A S to SW day with initial fog with some influx of low cloud from the SW. Around id day it looks doable with the typical SW bump and some strong cross shore flows near the ocean. Hhhmmm… The main mountains with a W flow trending SW later on. Not that good at DTK but FH showing the most promise – though a tad stronger later on. Climbs to 6k perhaps here..?

RB – WWB is out today! ;)

PV – A typical SW day with some good climbs to 6k. A sweet start but the winds picking up early with 14:00 already well into the 15kt category. Convergence around Eendekuil then shifting to Skerpheuwel for strong climb to perhaps 7/8k here.

Wilderness – Hhhmmm…. A general SW flow with from mid day the instability deepening as the upper flow increase in strength form the west. Sedge will also go more west from late morning lunchtime onwards – clouds shaping up then. Getting strong in the afternoon too. Not the best of days I think - bumpy yucky day I think. The coast with frustrating blobs of soaring stuff popping through periodically from the looks of it. So not what we expected from yesterday. Lol. From mid day onwards a chance of low cloud mixing in from the ocean and late afternoon even some rain…  Hhhmmm   ;)

Plett – Uppies with climbs to 3k but winds picking up form mid day well over 10kts… Keurbooms a maybe during late moring but from lunchtime the WSW popping through strong and of course form the right.  lol

PE and PA – Those strong NE winds dominating here with wind dropping form the south as the SW starts to move up the coast. SW at Jbay by 15:00 and EL by end of day

EL – As above…

Inland – A light wind start in the little Karoo but soon the winds pickup with typical prefrontal strength. NW far inland with W to the west and SW to the south. Later the seabreeze influence also adding to the mix with spots going over 30kts! Not a flying day in the mixing regions but far to the north some record breaking stuff running from Uppington to Middelburg. ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:29 and setting at 19:45 (Day length is 14 hrs and 16 min). We are loosing about 1 min a day of daylight time… Ai! ;) The SW picking up during the day with a slight chance of rain late afternoon… Again so perfect to go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature a warm 23 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(8 January 2021) 
Day 288 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people. A light CF brushing up along the southern parts during the early hours of this morning with a partial clearing from the west and south during the late afternoon. The SAH will be pushing periodical moist waves onto the WC during the course of the next day or two with rain likely in these waves. But today it seems the west coast is better but of course far inland it is just amazing today! The interior trough with a capping high so CB’s confined to the far eastern parts leaving the central parts with sweet flat Q’s reaching 16k or more in the late afternoon – and all that with light manageable winds of around 10kts. Oh sweet man! Along the southern parts its strong SW in the east and then more southerly trending SE later in the day from the GR to the west. Cloudy and rainy during the morning. The west with strong SSE winds moving up the coast and penetrating inland during the afternoon. It curls further to the west as we move inland to eventually join the trough flow of NW winds. Clouds confined to the southern and central parts today. From 7/8k the flow all goes NW with a WNW finish at the Tropopause of 70kts.  Freezing level around 14/15k in the south.

CT – Another strong SSE winds day that remains pretty fresh at TM top height (15kts) but perhaps with a east trend up there which seems to help the wind- shadow shaping up. It reaches over 30kts on the surface in a few spots. I would keep an eye on it – it might be too strong still over the back to fly in that shadow. The main mountains with way too much east influence to fly today form the looks of things. ;)

RB – IT is strong today with the afternoon blown out. If you get out early enough you could get in a flight though I suspect it could be a bit on the bumpy side of things.  ;)

PV – SW to SSW flow today with the climbs progressively getting higher during the course of the day. It looks like a very strong SW sea breeze is moving into the valley form the south from around 15/16:00 onwards with the leading edge producing some very high climbs over 8k. Though I would be very careful as the winds will exceed 20kts on the surface behind it lol. ;)

Wilderness – A rainy morning with some clearing taking place from late morning into the afternoon. Winds will start SW but from mid day go SSE. I think the SSE spots will work in the afternoon but it depends on how wet you want to get your glider too. CP could be fun at lunchtime during the S to SE swing. ;)

Plett – Hhhmmm looking dismal al day here to be honest… Too east too wet… too OD… lol

PE and PA – Strong SW start that late afternoon moderates to a southerly flow and even SSE in the south.

EL – Same as above but SW remains for longer…

Inland – Now we are talking! The CF clouds blocked mostly by the first mountains. Base to the north of the Outies around 4/5k and then from the SB it goes up more – 8k and rising with of course the GE over 12k. Further east and inland the trough edge with that sweet amazing flying conditions from Middelburg northwards with 15k bases and drooling stuff… (The line is form Uppington to Middelburg). Late afternoon sees the SSE sea breeze blowing up inland all the way to the GE in a few spots.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:28 and setting at 19:45 (Day length is 14 hrs and 17 min). A rainy start but partial clearing in the afternoon. Again so perfect to go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature a warm 22 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(7 January 2021) 
Day 287 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. The IOH dominating in the east with strong NE winds along the eastern coastal areas which is joined by the SAH to the west as the wind curls around the southern parts and Peninsula for a S to SW flow along the west coast that continues the curling inland to a westerly component. IT  is joined by the inland trough that helps this curling to a NW component further inland. Later in the day the Seabreeze along the southern parts will move inland reaching over 25kts in places especially north of the SB ranges to just shy of BW late afternoon/early evening. Before that though the skies will be filed with sweet high Q’s and excellent soaring. 12-15k bases along the GE, lowering to the south for still a high base over the SB at 10/12k. IT is 4/5k along the first mountain ranges and 1/2k along the coastal spots. Clouds mostly confined to the inland and coastal south and eastern parts. From 6/7k the flow all goes NW to finish with a WNW flow of 70kts at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 15/16k in the south.

CT – Another fresh southerly day with a strong inversion around 2k with a SW trend above that. The wind goes from 20kts on the surface wnd drops to 5k just above TM top height. It does look like the wind-shadow will be active around SH area but keep an eye out on the edges for any surface stronger bits that could make things interesting if you are too close to the edge. ;) The main mountains also looking better today with the early shallow SE making way for a settled and deep W to NW flow all day long (FH and DTK areas) and only from around 16:00 the SE flow starts to dominate again. High climbs possible to around 5/6k on the best parts.

RB – WWB in the morning and light but it does look like a good chance for a solid late afternoon/sunset session could be on the cards. ;)

PV – Classic PV with 5kn westerly winds trending WSW later on. The Bumpy convergences should be active from 14:00 onwards with climbs here to perhaps 8k! (See graph) Lekker!

Wilderness – Some conflicting reports for Wilderness – those with a sweet SE flow at Map for the afternoon and then others showing the compression bubble setting up from mid day onwards with the surface winds even going SW in the Map corner from 16:00! Sedge and Serps looking very stable with climbs perhaps to 1000’ Sedge with SE winds 5-10kts. IT might be worth visiting here in the morning before it is suppose to get a tad stronger for the afternoon. All in all a toss up of where to go – Gerrickes point would be my choice if you could get up with out putting your feet on the beach! ;)

Plett – Uppies with climbs to 2k and SE winds at 10kts. Probably quite a bit more in the gusts… Too east I think for Keurbooms… Hhhmmm…

PE and PA – Strong E to NE wind finishing the day with 20-30kts in places…

EL – Same as above…

Inland – A light wind start in the little Karoo with a N trend. AS the thermals kick in the wind will increase trending to the west before that strong Seabreeze pushes in from the South. 25kt in places so its fris one. ;) Some possible OD with a slight chance of rain around the BW area and even a CB or tow but more to the east from there…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:27 and setting at 19:45 (Day length is 14 hrs and 18 min – still 4 hours and 26min longer than the shortest day.) A light inshore SE trending day and again so perfect to go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature a warm 23 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(6 January 2021) 
Day 286 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people. The weak CF having pushed into the WC and interior over night with ever slightly cooler temps and a few spots of light precipitation around the higher mountains this morning. The SAH dominating with a weak ridge shaping up along the south but the west coast still pretty active with strong southerly winds that curl inland with a SW to west component. Its mostly blue along the west but lovely Q’s inland and along the southern coastal parts. All those CB’s confined further north and eastwards as the trough has weakend with surface inland flows all southerlies far into the interior. It is all fairly weak with only the sea breeze to the south later in the day that reaches perhaps 20kts in a few spots in the southern area (See the graphs). Climbs around 2/3k along the coast rising to 4/5k at the first ranges but then 6/8 north of those and of course over the GE it is 12k and more. Winds are light with height and trends westerly from 6/7 in the south but is west everywhere form 10k upwards for a 70kn finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 14/15k in the south.

CT – Another fresh southerly day with a strong inversion but it seems like the wind strength, though moderating is not doing it quick enough for a strong wind-shadow to form. IT could be doable but the strong winds are close to the shore around Greenpoint areas… The main mountains with a shallow SW but SE from 2/3k upwards so perhaps not that good. lol …

RB – Sweet! Another great day on the cards I think… ;)

PV – SW trending SSW later on – starting 5ks but it does reach 15kts and a few spots of 20k in the south. Climbs to 5k but in the good spots you could get to over 6k… Wind trends east to NE with height at 5kts.

Wilderness – A SW start trending to the SE later on. Not that strong with perhaps 10kts in a few spots thought it looks more like 5-7kts. Good climbs to be had at Serps and Sedge going over 2k. The clouds burning off by late morning form the looks of it though probably some on the back ranges still. The coastal ridges could offer something light but it seems weak all day here…

Plett – Uppies looking amazing with climbs over 4k late morning early afternoon with Q’s. Keurbooms could also have something at mid day to play in. Sweet! ;)

PE and PA – A SW morning but trending to the S and SE later on. Inland sites should be cool with the sweet unstable air around….

EL – Same as above… Looking sweet inland here with the S trending SE and beautiful Q’s ;)

Inland – All southerly winds inland with Q’s in most places. SB pass looking good for the morning as soon as the cloud breaks but land early afternoon before the sea breeze pushes through. ;) No CB’s in our area but sweet Q’s probably as far as the ye can see! ;) A day for out an returns!

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:26 and setting at 19:45 (Day length is 14 hrs and 19 min – still 4 hours and 27min longer than the shortest day.) A light inshore day so perfect to go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 21 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(5 January 2021) 
Day 285 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. Still loads of moisture around the WC and SA interior – I see CB’ spread out over most of the southern half of Africa! Lol. The trough has shifted slightly to the east with a definitive LP system setting up centred round Vanwyksvlei, De Aar Carnarvon area. Strong convergence here with strong CB activity. But CB activity still wide spread over the interior – stronger in the east and clearing in the west. The WC coast effected by the SAH with a weak CF moving up to the south of us. Winds are strong southerly around the Peninsula and west coast but much lighter along the southern coastal parts – more cloud here with light rain at times. And to the east the winds are SW with some strong bits around EL. From 7/8k the wind goes west and the finishes with 80kts at the Tropopause.  Freezing level around 14k in the south.

CT – A fresh southerly day with not much chance of a wind-shadow shaping up. Base around the Peninsula around TM top height but rising quickly as we move North. Very side on along the main mountains so perhaps not the est of days out there…

RB – Another great day on the cards I think… ;)

PV – A very southerly day with 10-15kts later on. But some good clouds around and high climbs in the convergence areas – notably towards Skerpheuwel side – perhaps getting to 7k if you are lucky… ;) I suggest stay out in the valley and drift to the north f you do decide to fly.

Wilderness – A low cloud maybe rainy day with light SE trend in the wind. Looks like the OD will be on us all day so a weak day at Serps and Sedge – probably Serps the best bet from around 11:30 till 14:30/15:00 for some fun and light thermic stuff which could get you floating towards Map. But it depends on the rain too…

Plett – Uppies looking terrible with OD and low cloud all day. Hehe… Low cloud staying for most of the day along the coast also. Maybe if Keurbooms is clear you could get some light soaring or extended foefies..?  ;)

PE and PA – A SW trend with the stronger parts to the east. IT is more southerly later on. Also low clouds for most of the day.

EL – The SW getting up to 20kts at times… ;)

Inland – Northerly surface winds in the east but SW to W in the west. The Southerly sea breeze moving in from the south later in the afternoon with some 20kts spots (see the graph). Some higher bases around ear the G Escarpment – 12k it seems – but loads of chances in the central and eastern parts for CB’ activity. I heard some good relief for some of the dryer farm areas from yesterdays rain. Maybe there is more instore for today. :)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:25 and setting at 19:45 (Day length is 14 hrs and 19 min – still 4 hours and 27min longer than the shortest day.) A light SE day with low clouds. Still no excuse to go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature going up to another humid 22 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(4 January 2021) 
Day 284 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people. Some surprisingly sweet flying at Sedgfield yesterday with convergence setting up to the east of launch for those that where in the know how! ;) Today a very different story with the trough to the east being loaded with moisture from evereywhere! ;) CB activity expected almost all over the WC and the rest of the country. Moist air being fed in from the IO along the southern coastal regions (hot and humid stuff flowing down from the NE of us) while at the same time a large amount of low level and mid level moisture is flowing form the Congo and adjacent subtropical northern parts of the Southern Atlantic, all converging with a sweet mix of upper westerly jet-stream adding some sheat to the systems. Suffice to say that the storm index are high and we expect CB almost everywhere (except for some of the coastal regions but at times spill overs can be expected here too) A surface SE flow curling around the Peninsula for a west along the western parts. North inland but from 10/14k it backs to the W for a 80kts finish at the Tropopause.  just about everywhere   Freezing level around 14k in the south.

CT – A Southerly day with a side shore flow around LH and SH area but late afternoon seems to show some signs of the wind-shadow shaping up. The mountains with more promise with the westerly component here. High base around the 6k mark but with a high probability of CB’s so be careful!

RB – IT just might be a great afternoon here… ;)

PV – A W to NW wind day around 5-10kts with high probability of CB activity. Base also around the 6/7k level. Exciting stuff! Lol.

Wilderness – A difficult day to call with all the moisture around. The winds starts more east but will go SE during the rest of the morning and into the mid part of the afternoon. Then the wind seems to drop – I think a very strong gradient developing with surface winds 5kts and up at 700ft its 20kts. So Map probably the best bet during the morning but it could be frustrating late on with funny holes appearing in the sky… lol. The low cloud could also be a factor but most apps show it will be open for the most part of the day here. Perhaps not the smoothest of days then. And then of course the chance of the inland CB’s also having a finger in the local pie! ;)

Plett – Same as Wilderness it seems. ;)

PE and PA – A light wind start to the east of PE with even some SW flows. It backs to the S and then SE during the day. Perhaps a few spots around 15kts.

EL – Similar to above but with a more NE trend later on.

Inland – Northerly surface winds with loads of OD and almost 100% chance of CB activity. All the way to the south along the Outenikwas even. Lets hope the dry areas get some good rain.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:25 and setting at 19:45 (Day length is 14 hrs and 20 min – still 4 hours and 28min longer than the shortest day.) A strong SE day. Perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature going up to 22 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(3 January 2021) 
Day 283 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people. Still the SAH in the west and IOH in the east dominant along the coast but the inland trough shifted quite a ways to the west – now along the west coast. The end result with lots more CB activities along a wide range from west to east as far south as Willowmore and the SB ranges this afternoon. (See graph influences) Winds are lighter though with a northerly trend inland. The southern coastal areas quite inverted with the cooler more moist air from the IO influencing the coastal flying with even some coastal fog areas – NE winds that curl along the southern coast to SE before moving further out to sea around the Peninsula – not really making that corner up to the north! ;) The west coast though is phenomenal today. The heat wave conditions continuing there and once temps of 39degrees are reached climbs to 10k possible, especially in the convergence areas. Yoh! Hehe. Winds are generally light with height around the southern parts of the WC but from 10k upwards it is more westerly with a WSW finish at the Tropopause of 80/90kts. Freezing level around 14/15k in the south.

CT – A tad more wind but it does look like the wind-shadow will be around day all day. Perhaps a bit more confined later on with strong SE winds in the area. The mountains showing some heigh temps and climbs to 6k with higher in the convergence areas but the SE winds spoiling it in the south. From Wellington and northwards it is more SW.

RB – The right direction with a chance of good flying all day. Maybe a sweet sunset cruise if it holds… ;)

PV – Another super hot day with W to SW winds. Looks like late afternoon convergence setting up around Bumpy with some super high Q’s popping around 10k. A challenge to get up there then! ;)

Wilderness – Strong east flows far out to sea that curls into the Wilderness coastal region. A SW start but it quickly trends SE. A shallow unstable layer with climbs to around 1k around at Sedge and Serps. Strength 10-15kts to the east but Map with that super sheltered gradient area again probably making it that frustrating not enough top top-land but scratch around day…

Plett – Tricky day with Uppies probably too east to be any fun. Climbs to just shy of 2k maybe. Another rest day here it seems. ;)

PE and PA – NE winds with a light start but getting to 15 maybe 20kts later on.

EL – Same as above!

Inland – Light winds around mostly trending N with the coastal flow not reaching far inland. Those CB activity dominating around Willomore in an east to west direction from there. Some high bases especially around the Sutherland areas form the looks of it. 15k here but slightly less in the surrounding spots. Nothing exceptional t seems.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:24 and setting at 19:45 (Day length is 14 hrs and 21 min – still 4 hours and 30min longer than the shortest day.) A strong SE day. Perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature going up to 22 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(2 January 2021) 
Day 282 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people. So an interesting day at Map yesterday with early morning thermal triggering spots right on the map making for interesting top landings! Only much later the SE winds brought some sweetness that we know so well. ;) And for general information, remember you need to be signed up with a school to fly under level 3. And if you do land on the beach and get confronted by the cops, you must say you are sorry it was not on purpose but an emergency landing and move off the beach soon as you can. :) For Map pilots, the Map is a registered training site for our ATO so perfectly legal to do training there. (Similar to an aerodrome).

Today the SAH, IOH and inland trough joining formation with just the right pressure gradient to create strong SE winds along the southern coastal areas. 20-30kts in most places today with only a short morning window of flying around the GR. CT however sees the return of a super sweet wind-shadow while PV is a super heat wave grip and with slower conditions than expected. Onto the Great Escarpment there will be amazing soaring stuff with super high bases – when I grow up I want to be a sail-plane day! :) The trough very far north but late afternoon sees some CB activity along the Middleburg BW Graafies region. Winds north up there. From 7/8k the winds all go westerly and remains so for a 100kts finish up at the Tropopause. Freezing level at 15k in the south.

CT – Looks like a sweet wind-shadow day all day long. The wind drops and backs to the east with height. The mountains are very east but Paarl rock could offer some great stuff from lunchtime onwards. The mid afternoon being the better time. 6/7k climbs?

RB – The right direction but it seems a bit weak today… lol. ;)

PV – Super hot with shallow SSW flow and east above. Its not strong east so it should be flyable but be careful. Climbs from lunchtime to mid afternoon the better time to fly. Maybe up to 6/7k otherwise with just not the right climb you are struggling at 3/4k.

Wilderness – A super strong SE day expected. But the morning will over some sweet flying at Map. With the beach closures Map is about the only place so probably very crowded! Lol. It looks blown out by 11/12ish…

Plett – Looks too strong SE from early to fly at Uppies and of course Keurbooms too side on. A rest day here it seems. ;)

PE and PA – Super strong NE winds all day long! ;)

EL – Same as above!

Inland – The strong SE sea breeze penetrating to the SB ranges by end of day. But early on it will be a sweet morning of light E to NE winds. It should be a blue day with the Q’s popping around the Great Escarpment area with CB’s around there later in the afternoon. Not that a great day for long distances but some good flying to be had around the escarpment region.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:23 and setting at 19:44 (Day length is 14 hrs and 21 min – still 4 hours and 30min longer than the shortest day.) A strong SE day. Perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature going up to 21 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(1 January 2021) 
Day 281 of lockdown

Good morning and happy new year to all you amazing Wild2Fly people. The CF has moved far inland as the SAH is giving it a nice shove up into the interior. Winds are S to SE all over the show but perhaps a slight SSW start along pats of the southern coastal areas. Some early morning rain along the GR but this will clear during the morning. Clouds mainly in the eastern coastal parts and then a tad more inland from EL. Some CB’s to the very far eastern interior but no effect on the WC weather. The winds remain SE with height till around 8k where it quickly veers to the SW and then does a slow veering to finish NW at the Tropopause at 115kts. Freezing level at 14k in the south.

CT – A super strong and deep SE flow reaching 35kts but probably more some spots. No chance of a wind-shadow today… And the Mountains are all too east.

RB – A chance of some flying here today. It seems to be right on the wind line edge so it could be great or too light. Maybe blown out later in the day though it could hold too… lol. ;)

PV – It is windy and just too much east in it. All day. (A slight SSW later in the day but it is shallow and the wind remains side one slightly over the back so be wary if you try to fly today… Besides it doesn’t seem to be that good either for flying… ;)

Wilderness – Aahh… What a great day on the cards. The ocean cliffs to start with – and even Serps and Sedge will work early on today with a southerly wind. There could even be climbs well over 3k at 11 this morning – there could be something there for the XC buffs, the flight to Map from Sedge is very on today. (Or beyond if you are that way inclined!) ;) The afternoon looks like a sweet Map finish from after lunchtime. A great day of flying ahead of us here… ;)  

Plett – Uppies a bit OD and 10kts or over during the morning. A SE trend later on but SSW start. Climbs to just over 4k doable here. Keurbooms looks amazing to me from mid morning already until it goes too east. ;)

PE and PA – A strong SW start but moderating during the day with a S finish of 10-15kts. A little bit more rain but still clearing late morning from the west.

EL – Very strong SW start (20-30kts) but late afternoon sees a moderating and backing to the S. Rain same as above.

Inland – SSE winds far into the interior – all over the WC today. Clouds are confined up to the coastal ranges with few north of the Outenikwas. It is strong in the west and especially along the west coast with 20-30kts southerlies out there. A breezy day to fly with climbs to 6-8k north of the first ranges. IT remains that way even on the Great Escarpment.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:22 and setting at 19:44 (Day length is 14 hrs and 22 min – still 4 hours and 31min longer than the shortest day.) A southerly wind trending and picking up SE later on. Another day to do what ever you want but its perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature going up to 18 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(31 December 2020) 
Day 280 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people. The SAH still dominating our weather with the help of a CF making its way to CT – should be there by late afternoon early evening. Winds are all westerly with SW to NW variations – mostly SW in the south with the NW further inland to the north of the Great Escarpment. Some clouds around too today – most of these along or close to the coastal areas but some wide spread Q’s further inland – 4/5k on the coastal plains, rising to 8k inland of the first mountains and then inland of the Great Escarpment it goes to 18k in a few spots! 20-30kts out there especially in the late afternoon. Some CB’s again to the east of the inland trough. Winds go NW from around 8k and finishes at 120kts at the Tropopause. Freezing level at 13k in the south.

CT – A cloudy start with base around TM top height again. Winds are SW mostly around 10-15kts so a breezy day I think. Base lifts around mid day and then later on lowers as the front moves closer. Could be sweet day depending on the wind strength – some acceleration around the GP areas again along the shore. The mountains also looking sweet with another shot at flying towards PV from DuToits etc ;)

RB – lol. Again WWB is out in full force! ;)

PV – The convergence up north at Renosterhoek with climbs to 7k there – for the rest it is breezy SW winds ad climbs to 5k. Some Q’s in the south mostly later in the day. Lekker! ;)

Wilderness – Fresh SW winds out to sea that might pulse through to the coast now and then. Serps and Sedge probably doable late morning/mid day but then a tad stronger in the afternoon. Climbs once again to around 2k. Seems more cloudy later on. Hhhmmm… Tricky to call this one – coast that could be light to sweet or Sedge that could be strong or nice! ;)  

Plett – Looking a tad breezier to me with climbs at Uppies to just over 3k. 10-15kts out there so perhaps not the best. Keurbooms will work though the west influencing it a bit.

PE and PA – Again some SW winds 10-15 with a few spots reaching 20kt.

EL – To the west it is SW but to the east it is SE to E. The SW change over hangs on right on the town of EL all day it seems… ;)

Inland – Again a sweet morning in the karoo but it changes by mid day. Winds are westerly in general reaching 20-30kts in some spots later in the day. Some sweet Q’s in the southern areas with dry in the western interior but high base in the eastern interior. CB much further east today. Perhaps not the best day for flying out there with the breezy conditions…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:21 and setting at 19:44 (Day length is 14 hrs and 23 min – still 4 hours and 32min longer than the shortest day.) A moderate SW wind day on the coast – another day to do what ever you want but its perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature going up to 21 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(30 December 2020) 
Day 279 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people. The SAH still dominating the WC weather with some sweet unstable conditions and a general westerly flow pattern. The inland trough active with a very distinct line of CB activity to the east of the trough (see the rain chart) with that Lesotho HP helping the SW winds all the way up the KZN coast. Some high bases inland once again with 15k around Middelburg and then those CB to the east of that. The west coast with W to SW winds and so too the Peninsula. The southern coastal regions with early morning cloud which should become less during the day. A few seemingly lost Q’s around some of the bigger peaks. Winds are NW from around 5/8k upwards with a 120kts finish up at the Tropopause. Freezing level down to 13k in a few spots in the south.

CT – A cloudy start with base around TM top height. This will clear and the winds should be Westerly with a SW trend later on. Looks great all day. The mountains looking sweet to. Could be a day to fly from DuTOits to PV… ;)

RB – Again WWB is out in full force! ;)

PV – Not much convergence today with sweet climbs to 5k average. A few spots a tad higher. W to SW winds 5-10kts. Lekker

Wilderness – A light onshore coastal wind here today with Serps and Sedge a tad better with the help of the thermal flow. Climbs not that high with again around 2k on the cards. A little bit more if you get onto the back plateau. The mountains though much better though the sea breeze def spoiling those higher climbs today.

Plett – This is the place to be with climbs over 4k today starting early already with 10 this morning. A day to go XC from here and getting over 6k over the back mountains. After lunch the sea breeze drops this to 3k only… Keurbooms not strong enough I think.

PE and PA – Again some SW winds 5-20kt spots.

EL – Another light wind start with the SW moving in from the west after mid day.

Inland – A sweet morning in the karoo with the stronger bits starting after mid day – it will be the sea breeze moving in form the south again. A good day  to fly out there though. West north of the great escarpment with around 15-20kts on the surface. Groofies with S to SW winds so perhaps not a bad day there. CB’s to the east of Middelburg. (It does look like a sweet run along the edge of the CB lines from Uppington down to past Middelburg for those long distance dreamers. ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:21 and setting at 19:44 (Day length is 14 hrs and 23 min – 4 hours and 32min longer than the shortest day.) A light onshore wind day so you can use what ever you want but its perfect for getting high on life! ;) Max temperature going up to 21 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(29 December) 
Day 278 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people. A awesome Map day yesterday with the hangies showing us how its done. ;) Just a reminder that PG and HG training may take place under level 3. Sign in with any school and remember to wear your mask and sanitiser and social distancing where applicable. (Two seater training may take place). Weather wise the SAH is dominating with some cooler slightly unstable air along the west and southern parts with a general westerly flow – CF layers are being pushed onto the WC by the SAH so some light rain possible on the higher grounds along the southern parts but only a small chance. The inland trough also very active with the appearance of the Lesotho HP system so a tad more convergence along the eastern parts of the trough but the main ingredient is the mid-level moisture being brought in form the north causing wide spread CB activity along the central and eastern interior regions. For us its from VanWyks Vley to past the east of Graafies and further south. Along the southern parts the wind is SW to S except in the far east where the NE still has a fluttering influence but it peeters out as the SW replaces it later in the day. Winds go NW from around 8k upwards with a 110kt finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 14k.

CT – A beautiful day here on the cards with NW to West winds all day long. Instability around 4k. 5-10kts with a few 15kt spots later on. Sweet!

RB – WWB is out in full force! ;)

PV – That convergence still active from launch and into the valley with climbs to 6k n this spot. Winds are West o WSW 5-10kts all day so an awesome day expected with sweet flying along the range… Do those out and returns! ;)

Wilderness – A moderate SW wind for most of the day. Sweet flying from Serps and sedge expected with easy manageable climbs to 2k. The coastal ridges also working. There might be a spot of rain around mid day that might spoil things a tad… ;)

Plett –Similar to Wilderness… Uppies starting clagged in but then clearing quickly with climbs to just over 3k. Keurbooms also looking amazing for most of the day.

PE and PA – SW winds 5-20kt spots.

EL – A light wind start with the SW to the west creeping towards ya! ;) IT wil move in the mid afternoon from the looks of it.

Inland – Again blue skies to the west but the further east you go the  more the chances of OD. Super high base along the great escarpment especially to the east with Middleburg region showing 18k. Winds are still strong NW with 20-30kts. But the little karoo with a sweet start to the day. Later the S in the south (sea-breeze) and W to the west will pickup and blow substabcially. 30kts in spots. The east and interior with wide spread CB activity. (See graphs). Perhaps again, not really a flying day out there…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:20 and setting at 19:44 (Day length is 14 hrs and 24 min – 4 hours and 32min longer than the shortest day.) A strong SE wind day making it perfect for down wind walks on the beach or if you are into it, those special sheltered forest walks. Either way go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature going up to 21 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(28 December 2020) 
Day 277 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people. What a great late afternoon on the GR coast yesterday. Hope you didn’t miss out! ;) Today a very different picture as the three major weather determinants are all jostling for dominance! A CF helped along by the SAH way off to the west dominating the western parts of the weather with S to SW wind that veer to the west and eventually NW as it joins the inland trough that is governing in the deeper interior. The usual deep instability inland with very high bases along the Great Escarpment today up to 17/18k even but with super strong NW winds 20kts plus with 40kts at base! The west with the usual instability with 4/5k climbs except in the convergenc eregions where you can get more. To the south and east the IOH is flexing muscle today with strong east flows, well over 30kts east of the GR coastline veering to the SE along the southern parts. It does slacken to the west swapping dominance to the SAH from around Agulhas where the winds are only around 10kts before picking up again to the west to wards the Peninsula. Winds are all NW form 5/6k upwards with a 115kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level at 14k in the South.

CT – Right in the change area with some differing forecasts here – some with a NW start with the southerly popping through in the mid afternoon. Others showing the Southerly starting much earlier – so you need to keep an eye on things here. Probably a more WNW start but then watch for that S coming through. The usual local strong corners when that happens. The mountains looking sweet again with W to NW winds except in the south where the S to SW will creep in later.

RB – Again too much west I think to be sweet. ;)

PV – Sweet convergence setting up from launch towards PB. Climbs in here perhaps as high as 7/8k. To the north much more stable with 4k on the cards… Its better to the south though so the W to NW initial winds good for moving there. 5-10kts but some spots with 15kts later on.

Wilderness – A strong SE day on the cards with more strength to the east. IT does look like from mid day as it gets stronger the compression bubble effects Wilderness a tad more. The strong spot around 1000’ from the looks of things with 20kts there. So a coin toss of wether it will get blown out early or not. From 11/12 onwards after initially picking up it looks like a slight drop until 14:00 and then a tad more. But it is all borderline for the PG if it will be blown out or not. Safer to get there earlier. It is sweet for hangies all day long… ;) (The inland sites too much east)

Plett –Similar to Wilderness… with the bay having a large calm area as the gradient sets in. Uppies fresh east.

PE and PA – Some light rain during the morning with very strong NE winds all over.

EL – Rain in the morning lessening during the day with super strong NE winds ;)

Inland – Super high base along the great escarpment 14/18k with some OD up there even – stratoQ’s ruling the show. Very strong NW winds out that side so not good for us but we can dream. ;) The little Karoo region with relaive calm winds but form the afternoon this will also change with the SE near the coast moving inland and the stronger W to NW winds moving in from the west. Not really a flying day out there…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:19 and setting at 19:43 (Day length is 14 hrs and 24 min – 4 hours and 32min longer than the shortest day. A strong SE wind day making it perfect for down wind walks on the beach or if you are into it, those special sheltered forest walks. Either way go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature going up to 22 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(27 December 2020) 
Day 276 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people. A light Cold Front moving into the WC during the course of the day. The SAH helping it along with a generous push from the SW. Already the Peninsula areas are clagged in with low base – this should lift and clear quickly during the day. Westerly to Southerly winds around here. The CF wrapping along the southern coastal areas around mid day with a chance of rain along the southern parts and parts of the west coast mountains. But it does clear later in the day and moderates slightly form the west. To the east the SW winds dominate along the coast form the CF movement and the winds are not so good for thermals – lots of weak stuff and broken lift around and low bases along the south. IT is around 2/5k all the way to the Swartberg ranges and only north of those does the base lift to respectable 8/10k and even further over the great escarpment areas. 13/14k here!) That inland trough persistent with strong NW winds out there but the CF W to S winds penetrating close to Uppington and bloem by end of day. Winds are SW to W but from 10k upwards it trends NW for a 100kts finish up at the Tropopause. Freezing level dropped to 13k in the SW sections.

CT – A cloudy start with a surface southerly trend but it does veer to the SW with height. IT is 10-15kts but around the Peninsula corners local acceleration over 20kts at time. (Green point lighthouse area etc) It does not look like a sweet day here… But the mountains looks like it will clear early with some flying here. Watch the wind which can be strong at times with 15kts and of course some stronger spots on the mountains edges… ;)

RB – Too much west in it again…

PV – A cloudy start but base will lift and some flying possible. Climbs to 4/5k mainly and the Q’s become less during the day. A southerly surface trend later on. Probably the best spot for the day I think. ;)

Wilderness – A strong SW wind day on the cards with some rain maybe at mid day. Dubious if it will be flyable during the morning... But it moderates sweetly in the afternoon with even Sedge showing promise for a sunset flight. ;) IT will be of course terrible around mid day here… lol It is a great hangie day though… ;)

Plett –Similar to Wilderness… but remaining fairly breezy for longer at Uppies…

PE and PA – A strong SW day all day long… 20kts plus.

EL – SW all the way through. ;)

Inland – The CF moving in from the SW with S to W winds – the southerlies getting strong in the south with 25kts spots a plenty. ;) The rain is blocked by the coastal ranges but the winds seem to penetrate far inland. Some good flying far inland the trough area still around.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:19 and setting at 19:43 (Day length is 14 hrs and 24 min – 17 seconds shorter than the longest day of the year…) ;) Still at 4 hours and 32min longer than the shortest day. A strong SW wind day with rain on and off. Perfect still for the beach and forest. Either way go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature going up to 19 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(26 December 2020) 
Day 275 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people. WE have another cold front approaching CT – it will make landfall around midnight but with very little rain on the cards. For today though the CF and SAH influencing the west with a trough inland but to the east and a light wind col region along the southern parts with a minor influence in the east from the IOH – more clouds that side from the moist ocean. Some good flying I think in the west wit instability around 4/5k around the west coast, rising further inland with awesome soaring conditions along the greats escarpment and adjacent higher grounds – Q’s up at 13/14k. But a strong westerly wind in the west spreading eastwards during the day. A slight chance of CB’c in the east inland of EL area. Here the NE will dominate along the cast later in the day. The GR coast with a light onshore going SE wind but in the west late afternoon it will drop and trend WSW. Not much in terms of instability along the southern coastal areas though so a tad disappointing I think. Only north of the first mountains does it switch on with a bang! ;) Winds go NW from around 8k with a steady increase in strength and a W finish at the Tropopause at 60-70kts. Freezing level still around 14k in the south.

CT – A SE start to the day but it will gradually veer to the SW as the CF moves in closer. Some clouds in the far southern part of the Peninsula later on. Around midday it should be good btu for the local acceleration along the shorefront at Greenpoint with 20kts possible here… The mountains looking great today with W winds and climbs to 5k – the southern parts succumbing to the sea breeze from around 15:00 with lower climbs and SW winds.

RB – Probably too much West in it I think…

PV – A day for the Eendekuil convergence setting up from lunchtime onwards. Climbs here might get you to 8k! But it’s a breezy day with 15-20kts from 15:00 onwards out in the valley so be careful.

Wilderness – A light wind start with a SSE trend. Perhaps seeing 10kts mid afternoon around Wilderness. Buffs will be a great spot for the afternoon with 10-15kts there. Sedge and Serps looking not so good with climbs to around 1000ft ATO but from lunchtime it gets even less with the sea breeze dampening the weak instability. Perhaps the most fun will be flying from Serps to Map today. ;)

Plett –Similar to Wilderness with Uppies showing lcimbs to 2500 mid moring but from mid day it lowers drastically with weak climbs becoming more broken from after lunchtime to less than 2k. Hhhmmm…

PE and PA – Initial SW but then going S and then SE with an east finish to the day. To the east it is more NE – 15-20kts.

EL – SW start but quickly going S then NE later in the day with 15kts average.

Inland – Some sweet clouds along the higher inland mountains with high bases at 13/14k. Winds are W in general with a NW trend north of Sutherland. Some CB’s in the eastern parts around Bedford and Stutheim areas. Here the winds are S to SE. Westerly winds with it picking up in the west and form the S later as the sea breeze moves in.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:18 and setting at 19:43 (Day length is 14 hrs and 25 min – 14 seconds shorter than the longest day of the year…) ;) Still at 4 hours and 32min longer than the shortest day. A beautiful day with sweet onshore winds – perfect for the beach and forest. Either way go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature going up to 21 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(25 December 2020) 
Day 274 of lockdown

And a blessed Christmas to all you amazing Wild2Fly people. :) Some amazing flying with a sweet convergence area setting up in front of launch at Sedgefield yesterday – flying till after 17:00 getting high in sweet climbs! What a Christmas blessing! ;) Today a CF moving past to the south of us – enough to effect the coastal regions. Westerly winds with some SW spots in the south. It is strong out to sea and around Agulhas but it doesn’t seem to move into the GR corner so a bit frustrating on of coastal stuff there today. The Peninsula with some low cloud and SW to S winds. The interior with some good flying conditions with high base, initially light west winds but the seabreeze moving in from the south strongly in the afternoon (The inland trough very well positioned with sweet soaring stuff out there!) To the east the IOH dominant with fresh NE winds along the EL coastal areas but this will slowly be eaten up by the CF westerlies as they move up the coast. Winds generally remain westerly all the way to the Tropopause for a 60-80kt finish up there. Freezing level down to 14k in the south.

CT – A SW start with clouds around the south. Base will lower in the afternoon so fly during the morning and early afternoon. Maybe even a sprinkle of rain in the south later. Looks like the winds pick up to 20kts along the shorefront at SH/Greenpoint area so be careful. ;) The mountains looking great today – FH with sweet flying around 5-10kts climbs to 5k…

RB – WWB is out today!

PV – A good day here with SW winds going a bit S later but climbs to 5k in the south but to Renosterhoek it is 6/7k.

Wilderness – The W to SW wind a bit on and off today with more westerly trend later on. Sedge will be working but the west trend might not be the best though the lapse rate is not strong so that might compensate for the west turbulence. ;) Climbs to 1000ft above should be doable. The coast will be frustrating on and off to with quite a bit of west in it especially later on ;)

Plett –Similar to Wilderness with the west picking up after lunch. Hhhmmm…

PE and PA – NE winds during the morning with the SW moving in after lunch up the coast.

EL – NE but it drops in the late afternoon when the west moves up here…

Inland – Sweet clouds around with base north of the Outenikwas around 6-8k. North of the SB ranges it goes even higher so some good flying out there. Westerly winds with it picking up in the west and form the S later as the sea breeze moves in.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:17 and setting at 19:42 (Day length is 14 hrs and 25 min – 11 seconds shorter than the longest day of the year…) ;) Still at 4 hours and 32min longer than the shortest day. A beautiful Christmas day with sweet onshore winds – perfect for the beach and forest. Either way go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature going up to 21 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(24 December 2020) 
Day 273 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people. The CF moving way into Maputo today and the SW winds all over the country. The SAH dominating in the west with a wide and slack ridge along the southern parts – notably CT with light winds today especially during the morning. Still lots of cloud and rain in the early morning but this should break up during the course of the morning making for a sweet day ahead of us. The skies should start to open up with sweet Q’s just about everywhere in what seems to be a nice post frontal day. Late afternoon sees the usual southerly sea breeze moving inland in the southern Karoo regions with some spots between 15-20kts which is about the strongest for the day. Along the southern coasts the winds are SW trending S later on. Instability 2-3k near the coast but rising quickly at the first mountains with 6/8k north of those and then 13k onto the great escarpment areas. The clouds also thinning out the further inland we go. Winds are all W to SW all the way to the Tropopause for a 60kts finish up there. Freezing level still up at 14k in the south today!

CT – A rainy start but clearing with S to SW winds. Base will rise during the day and winds are around the 5-10kts range. Perhaps some local acceleration around some spots of the Peninsula. If the wind shadow is there it could be sweet otherwise watch that Southerly rotor! ;) The mountains looking sweet when the clouds clear with 5k climbs and W to SW winds here. ;)

RB – WWB is out today!

PV – A cloudy and clagged in start but it lifts quickly for a beautiful and even blue day in most spots. Climbs to 5/6k at most with SW to a S wind in the end.

Wilderness – Also a clagged rainy start but again it should clear quickly with a SW wind along the coast – nothing strong on the cards but intermittent sweet soaring. Sedge and Serps should be very sweet from around 10:30 onwards I think. Probably working till late – 16:00 maybe? Climbs to just over 2k initial and some clouds around to make it really fun. ;)

Plett –Looking good here too – clearing form the morning with Uppies showing climbs over 3k and Keurbooms sweet from the mid day time slot.

PE and PA – SW winds 5-15kts varying during the day. Some rain this morning slight clearing later on.

EL – Similar to PA.

Inland – A good day inland with SW to S winds around 10kts mostly. A few spots reaching 15k later in the afternoon. High climbs at Graafies wit 9/10k on site and more near Middelburg. Some sweet Q’s around too… You could go far today out there. ;) SB pass also looking good with launch from early already – 9 you could be up and soaring. By lunchtime the winds pickup with 10-15kts. So land early if you can.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:17 and setting at 19:42 (Day length is 14 hrs and 25 min – 8 seconds shorter than the longest day of the year…) ;) Still at 4 hours and 32min longer than the shortest day. A sweet light to moderate wind day perfect for forest and beach walks. Either way go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature going up to 19 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(23 December 2020) 
Day 272 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people. A double CF moving into the WC and the rest of the country (last night and today) with the help of the SAH to the west of us. The inland trough has shifted far to the east – those CB activity all over the Jozies areas today). For us its all W to SW winds, very breezy at times with excess of 25kts on the cards and rain intermittently. Base pretty varied with some good spots on occasion – the western ranges starting with rain in the morning but it seems to be liftin and then at lunchtime a sweet 4/5k base with W to SW winds on the PV side. But in general its not such a good day with a poor thermal index and lots of shear around (those winds doing its thing). The little Karoo mostly blue skies with the Q’s packing in the east parts of the WC region. Winds remain W to SW all the way to the Tropopause for a 90kts finish up there. Freezing level still up at 14k in the south today!

CT – Looks like a westerly day with some good flying around but late afternoon sees a lowering of the base and even rain later as the CF moves in here. The mountains a bit breezy with low cloud so head north. ;)

RB – WWB is out in full force! ;)

PV – A cloudy and clagged in start but from mid day onwards it will lift pretty quickly and really turn on. Should be sweet flying for the afternoon then – base around 4/5k and nice Q’s…

Wilderness – After a bitter sweet day at Map yesterday with today a hot-rod day on the coast! Strong WSW winds on the cards with rain but some less strong spots in between. lol. We are getting some pulses form the strong stuff out at sea with seemingly two def strong bits for the day. One moving in late morning with a reprieve after lunchtime and then the other moving in late afternoon. So you could get some flying in in between that stronger stuff. But you need to be patient and flexible. :)

Plett –Also strong WSW winds here all day – more so than Wilderness… Doubtful it will be flyable anywhere here…

PE and PA – Strong SW winds all day increasing later on.

EL – Starting of light S to SE even with that SW crawling up the coast to strike around lunchtime. ;)

Inland – It is pretty clear in the west with the Q’s congregating mostly in the east. Base varied with 6/8k south of the SB ranges and 11-13k along the western parts of eh GE but then east of Middelburg there are bits that go to 14k – but all of it strong westerly winds… 20kts plus on the ground… Not the best flying day.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:16 and setting at 19:41 (Day length is 14 hrs and 25 min – Enjoy one of the longest day of the year today! Still at 4 hours and 32min longer that than the shortest day. A windy day but great for those sheltered forest or down wind beach walk! Either way go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature going up to a windy 21 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(22 December 2020) 
Day 271 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people. Again the SAH on the west, IOH on the east while a very active trough is down the centre of the country bring with it loads of CB activity – rain and thunder around as far south as the north of the Outenikwas by mid day even. Otherwise the IOH shoving in loads of moisture along the southern coastal areas with a chance of rain (and low cloud). Not as bad as yesterday but still enough to make flying a bit of a gamble. Climbs to 4/5k along the first ranges but going to 8/9 just north of those. The SE winds along the southern parts with some spots reaching 20kts. Inland its north and light but then the west will dominate form the west and of course that sea breeze rushing in past Oudshoorn from mid afternoon – 20kts spots. The SE curling around the Peninsula with a W to NW component on the west coast. Lots of thick mid level clouds around – lots of CB spillage moving down to the south. Winds go WNW from around 6k upwards with a 100kt finish at the Tropopause.  Freezing level still up at 14k in the south today!

CT – A W to SW wind start but a chance of that southerly pushing through in the afternoon so keep eyes out for that. Looks like the wind-shadow will stick but perhaps a dubious moment or two on the cards! ;) The mountains showing some fresh NW winds today with maybe some SE later in the south.

RB – Could be sweet in the afternoon but a west moringing ;)

PV – The NW dominating there today with the north not as good as the south, A sweet convergence setting up over PV which will migrate towards Dasklip. Climbs within this to 6k on the cards but otherwise not so good in the other places. 3/4k perhaps.

Wilderness – Another misty start with rain but clearing along the coast slightly. Well the clouds will be above launch by the looks of it. SE winds, Sedge probably just doable but it is very east and 10kts so not pleasant there foresure. Map the best bet in the wet and it could be fairly okayish at times… Looks like the strong stuff staying out to the east with a strong gradient at Map again. (The wind is there but we don’t get high kind of stuff!) ;)

Plett –Uppies with a SE trend but climbs to 2k. Late afternoon it looks like the low clouds will move in again and clagg it in.

PE and PA – The E to NE winds dominating here… 5-15kts of wind. More rain especially to the east. Its very OD inland with rain.

EL – Similar to above with the NE winds…

Inland – Lots of clouds around today with base around 10k in the north. CB activity on and off but lots of them to the north and east. Some surface winds influence from the CB activity with some variable strong winds in action out there… To the south the SSE winds dominate and gets strong (once again!) Another not really a flying day except in the far west ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:16 and setting at 19:41 (Day length is 14 hrs and 25 min – Enjoy the day after the longest day of the year today! Still at 4 hours and 32min longer that than the shortest day. (Ironically here in Wilderness we are probably not even going to see the sun!) lol. Go for a forest or beach walk! (If you don’t mind wind and now and then a bit of rain). Go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature going up to a windy and humid 22 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(21 December 2020) 
Day 270 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people. Today is the longest day of the year – summer solstice! Yay! Hehe… The SAH ridging in along the southern coastal areas bringing with it some very moist air from the IO – loads of low cloud and misty conditions with rain – looks like that for most of the day but a slight lifting of base in the afternoon. But the winds are all ESE around 15-20kts along the coast. This air is blocked  mostly by the first mountains rages and quickly dries out in the little karoo and then form the SB ranges it becomes clear and blue skies. But then we have mid level moisture moving in from the north and a sweet mid level convergence line (SW from the south and NW form the north) causing wide spread CB activity from other side of Sprinkbok down in a line running just north of Graafies. So plenty of rain inland expected too. The west coast seems to be the best with some flying to be had in the PV valley. CT with strong SE winds. Winds are lighter from 2k upwards then NW from 6k for a bit before backing to the SW in the midlevel’s and again back to the NW from 24k upwards with a 90kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level still up at 14/15k in the south today!

CT – Another strong SE wind day. 20-30kts. Stronger with height and the inversion much higher so not much of a wind-shadow day expected. Even the mountains with the SE dominating. Foehn stuff in the lee as the clouds evaporate on the west side… ;)

RB – Could be sweet form early already then getting pretty wild! ;)

PV – Much more southerly in the south and breezy there but to the north at Kardoesie is looking ver sweet. Some high and thick cirrus but Kardoesie showing WSW winds 5-10kts and climbs to 6/7k maybe.

Wilderness – Misty and rainy and windy ESE winds. This afternoon it looks like base will lift over Map but the winds are strong with a lot of east in it. So its to looking good… I think it is too much east and strength for the other spots to work. ;)

Plett –Similar out look to Wilderness.

PE and PA – E but then going more SE further to the east. A tad less low clouds here with 5-15kts of wind. Its very OD inland with rain.

EL – Similar to above with the SE to S winds…

Inland – The clouds confined to the coastal plains but then starting to clear in the little Karoo with east winds. From north of the SB ranges it is clear but towards the north form there the CB activity with some upper air spillage moving to the south. Lots of surface winds influence from the CB activity with some variable strong winds in action out there… To the south the SE winds dominate and gets strong (once again!) Not really a flying day ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:15 and setting at 19:41 (Day length is 14 hrs and 25 min – Enjoy the longest day of the year today! It is 4 hours and 32min longer that than the shortest day. (Ironically here in Wilderness we are probably not even going to see the sun!) lol. A day for movies and books with coffee and popcorn! Or if you are adventurous go for a forest or beach walk! (If you don’t mind wind and rain). Today another the high court ruling will be done on the current beach closure stuff. ( Go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature going up to a windy and humid 21 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(20 December 2020) 
Day 269 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people. And what a sweet sweet day it was at Sedge yesterday – flying until very late in the day. :)) Today the SAH starting to dominating more shaping up a ridge along the southern coastal parts with an increase in the wind strengths in this area. The trough still active inland with lots more clouds development and even some CB just north of Graafies area. Base out there still very high with some spots around the 18. A sweet convergence setting up in the death valley behind the Cederberg ranges with base there going up to 13/14k! Some clouds along the southern coastal areas too with early morning OD stuff around. Winds are all SE in the southern WC parts except for the west coast where it backs into the SW flow towards PV side. Further north it is westerly today. From 10k upwards it is all WNW with a 80kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level still up at 15/15k in the south today!

CT – Another strong SE wind day. 20-30kts. Slightly less potential in the wind-shadow shaping up so do keep a watchful eye out on the conditions. DuToits also too much SE in it for it work.

RB – Another potential late afternoon day at sunset. You can fly at mid day in the bumps if you want…;)

PV – Another sweet day here with SW winds and climbs to 6k and some 7k spots. Over the back into the Cederbergs it gets much better and just to the east of the Cederergs the convergence will create some sweet high Q’s later in the day. 13k bases up there…

Wilderness – A strong SE wind day with a small chance of some flying early this morning at Map. The forecasts show some too strong from 9 already and others a maybe until 10/11. Hhhmmm… Def too much east and strength for the other spots to work.

Plett –Similar out look to Wilderness. Looks like a slight dropping of SE in the bay as the wind-gradient sets in there…

PE and PA – E to ENE winds here 15-20kt and a chance of rain to the east.

EL – An early morning SW but the IOH relinquishing its hold so the wind will quickly back to the SE and become pretty light for the day. A chance of some rain here…

Inland – Another day of strong SE sea breeze penetrating inland into the southern parts – reaching close to the Great Escarpment regions. North of that the West winds blow with great soaring conditions and high bases. The CB activity in small pockets just north of the Graafies area – so Middleburg showing the influence of the CB activity – varying winds later and spots of weak lift later.1

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:15 and setting at 19:40 (Day length is 14 hrs and 25 min – bar a few seconds but this is the longest day time for the year – 14hrs and 25min. Enjoy it while it lasts!) A light onshore wind day. Great for walking on the beach and in the forest. ( Go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature going up to a windy and humid 22 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(19 December 2020) 
Day 268 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people. A sweet summer pattern with the IOH on the east, the SAH on the west and that inland trough dominating our WC weather today. No rain expected until tonight along the southern coastal areas – some CB’s over the Central Berg. But today is a inland record setting day. I hope someone is out there making use of the exceptional soaring weather (See graph with the convergence patterns showing the long cloud streets) Base around 18k in most spots out there with WNW winds. We can all just wish and drool! ;) NE in the far eastern coastal parts, more S along the GR and SSE to SW along the west coast before it veers as it moves inland. From 8k upwards the wind is all WNW all the way to the Tropopause for a 50-60kts finish up there. Freezing level around 17k in the south today!

CT – Similar to yesterday it seems - strong SE wind day with 20-30kts and again a strong inversion from 1000’ with an east and lowering of wind trend with height. The wind- shadow seems to be active today again. The mountains with a chance to fly during the morning to early afternoon before the S and SE starts to dominate. DuToits changing around 14:00 it seems…

RB – A very strong day here with a slight chance of a sunset flight. IT starts light though…

PV – A good day here with a sweet convergence setting up in the mid afternoon around Skerpheuwel and into the valley with climbs here to 7k. SW winds 10-15kts. After 17:00 it will start pushing 20kts in places so be careful. Otherwise its 5/6k climbs. The Cederbergs again with 8k climbs…

Wilderness – A light wind day with the inversion between 1-1500’. SW to S winds up to 10kts at most. IT is pretty stable but Serps and Sedge could deliver some flying. The coast might offering some sporadic time slots for staying up. Around mid day the better time form the looks of it. Some cloud moving in from the ocean just after lunch. Lets keep our fingers crossed! ;)

Plett –Similar out look to Wilderness but more SE in direction. Uppies showing climbs to just shy of 3k but it is weak…

PE and PA – SE winds here with some clouds around. 5-15kts most of the day.

EL – Strong NE winds here around 15kts. A tad more out to sea. Inland some Q with base 3/4k with the East winds

Inland – The sea breeze will once again move inland during the afternoon because of the extreme heat low setting up in the far inland record breaking day. :) Over 30kts in the little karoo in place this afternoon so be careful! North of BW and the Great escarpment (actually even further south initially) the base is way past 15k. With 18ks bases in a few spots. Strong climbs with WNW winds. Drool if you are a glider pilot!

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:14 and setting at 19:40 (Day length is 14 hrs and 25 min – bar a few seconds but this is the longest day time for the year – 14hrs and 25min. Enjoy it while it lasts!) A light onshore wind day. Great for walking on the beach and in the forest. ( Go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature another sweet 21 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)


(18 December 2020) 
Day 267 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people. That SAH still dominating with a ridge along the southern parts. Winds are SE in general in the south but veering to the west far inland as usual – around the Great Escarpment areas. A bit of tightening of those pressure gradients along the coast and later as the sea breeze penetrates inland with spots reaching 25kts. Instability similar to yesterday – 2-3k near the coast but 4/5 near the first mountain ranges. 7/8k over the inland mountains but a whopping 13/16k on the great escarpment – especially to the east where the Q’s will cover the skies. :) Some rain in the easter inland parts clearing form the west but the chance of rain remains from EL and inland from there. Winds are SE in the south and west in the north but from around 8k it all goes west then backing to the SW with a 30/40kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 14k today…

CT – Another strong SE wind day with 20-30kts and again a strong inversion from 1000’ with an east trend with height. It is light at TM top height (we hope!) ;) SO some graphs showing a good wind-shadow especially in the morning. The mountains with a chance to fly during the morning to early afternoon before the S and SE starts to dominate. It could be a day to fly north from DuTOits etc..

RB – IT looks like it could be a sweet late afternoon flying day…

PV – Looking better than yesterday with a tad more SW in the direction and some good climbs around KArdoesie from 14:00 onwards. Perhaps over 6k here… The Cederbergs again with 8k climbs…

Wilderness – A strong SE wind day. IT seems borderline for how long it will last but try and get out early if you can. Could be blown out by 10 already or with a bit of luck hold a tad longer… But good for top landings. Very east in all the other spots form early already.

Plett –Similar out look to Wilderness. Doesn’t really look flyable at any of the sites I think… lol

PE and PA – SE winds here too bu a light start to the day. It will reach 15-20kts later and trend more east.

EL – Same as above.

Inland – A few fresh east wind spots in the morning with rain in the mid and eastern parts of the little Karoo. CB activity east of Middelburg. The sea breeze once again will push hard into the central parts reaching 25kts in places. Clouds confined to the east.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:14 and setting at 19:39 (Day length is 14 hrs and 25 min – less than 20sec daily increase in day light time now… We are almost at the max daylight time point…). A strong wind day so not great for beach walks (not that you can but at least you are not missing much) so good for flying and walks in the forests. Go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature another sweet 21 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(17 December 2020) 
Day 266 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people. The SAH dominating with a slight ridge along the southern coastal areas. The winds up a bit form yesterday along the west coast and inland but still sweet along the GR. A lot of thick cirrus around which will dampen things in terms of climb rates. The Peninsula with a stronger SE compared to yesterday with low cloud in the south. The coastal flats with climbs between 2/4k, rising at the first mountain ranges and more so beyond those. The Great Escaprment very good with some climbs reaching 18k! (Graafies, BW and Cradock regions) Some very high Q’s around here. CB in the far east marking the eastern edge of the central trough region. Cluds along the southern coastal regions as well. Winds are generally southerly with a SE trend later on. The southerly penetrating inland strongly again with 20kts posts all the way to the Great Escarpment by early evening. From 8/9k the winds go west and remain west all the way to the Tropopase with a 40-60kts finish. Freezing level around 14k today…

CT – Another strong SE wind day with 20-30kts with a strong inversion from 1500’ and a east trend moderating at TM top height. Again the graphs all show a cool wind-shadow all day long… The mountains being influenced by the SE flow so they are not good.

RB – If you are not there already you are missing out! Probably blown out later.

PV – Another average day for PV wit lower SW trending to the south with height. Climbs moderate to around 4k – a few spots a tad higher.

Wilderness – A SW start to the day trending more S and even SE later in the afternoon. The spots to be will def be Serps and Sedge with the coast a tad on the light side. Pulses of soaring bits I think. A few Q’s shaping up to excite all the good pilots. But the thick high cirrus dampening the XC potential.

Plett –Similar out look to Wilderness with Uppies showing climbs to just over 3k. Keurbooms once again could work on the more south facing slope from late morning till just after lunch I think.

PE and PA – SW winds 10 - 15kts initially but dropping during the day and going south.

EL – Same as above.

Inland – Light wind start with a Southelry trend but west to the north of the GE. Some very high climbs out there in the convergence with some Q’s around 16-18k! The southerly coastal sea breeze picking up in the afternoon again with 20kts spots in a few places. Otherwise another bumpy day for flying propeller thingies but lekker for the hangies and parries if you can get up into the right place. ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:14 and setting at 19:38 (Day length is 14 hrs and 25 min – less than 20sec daily increase in day light time now… We are almost at the max daylight time point…). Another sweet light wind day. Only good for flying and walks in the forests. Go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature another sweet 20 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(16 December 2020)
Day 265 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people. The SAH dominating our weather with the typical inland trough (which is more east along the Kimberley line). Mainly SW to SE winds in a few spots. The winds are fairly light for a change except for the CT area (as usual!) ;) with 25kts in places around the Peninsula. Inland the winds are initially light and almost variable perhaps a east trend. Later in the day the Sea breeze will move inland with a strong southerlies, especially along the west coast. Instability along the coastal plains a tad less than the previous days with 2/3k’s on the cars, the mountains with 4/5k and then inland towards the SB and other mountains nit too shabby with Sutherland escarpment going to 12k. IT is mostly a blue day all over the WC. Winds remain light all the way to 6/7k where it changes to west with 20kts at 20k but then dropping again for a would you believe 1-4kts at the Tropopause over the WC! Freezing level around 15k today…

CT – Another strong SE wind day with 20-25kts but a super strong inversion from just above 1k and lighter winds above that. The graphs all show a cool wind-shadow all day long… The mountains initially SW winds 5-10kts with climbs to around 4k or just over. The sea breeze will reach DuToits pass around 15:00 capping the climbs. But to the north it remains sweet.

RB – Perhaps more of a later day today form the looks of things. Could be a sweet sunset flight if the wind drops a tad…  

PV – A SW day with climbs to just over 4k with some spots perhaps reaching 5. Not the best of days out here but still should be fun. It gets better by miles into the Cederbergs with 8-10k out there and west winds – so perhaps a day to try going out directly over the back…

Wilderness – A SE trend today with maybe 10kts later on. Climbs at Sedge to just over 1k. Serps should be amazing with easy flights to the Map. And Map will be frustrating with perhaps soarbale at times but very very hard to top land. Lets see who gets into trouble! Lol Gerrickes benchup will be doable, CP and even perhaps PR with a bit of a cross wind could work.

Plett –Similar out look to Wilderness with Uppies showing climbs to just shy of 2k. SE winds 10kts. Keurbooms could just work on the more south facing slope around mid day.

PE and PA – SW winds 10 - 15kts initially but dropping during the day and going south.

EL – Same as above.

Inland – Light wind start with the southerly picking from mid day onwards – it makes it all the way to the Great Escarpment by evening. Climbs to 12k on the escarpment. Swartberg pass is looking good today for those wanting to do their 5000’ launches. ? Between 15:00 and 17:00 the best times to fly out there. Perhaps climbs to 8k then – the surface winds going more SSE from 17:00 onwards up to 15ks maybe. So should be sweet I think. Otherwise another bumpy day for flying propeller thingies but lekker for the hangies and parries if you can get up into the right place. ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:13 and setting at 19:38 (Day length is 14 hrs and 25 min – less than 20sec daily increase in day light time now… We are almost at the max daylight time point…). Another sweet light wind day. Only good for flying and walks in the forests. Go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature another sweet 20 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(15 December 2020) 
Day 264 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people. The CF moving past KZN and penetrating far inland with southerly winds heading past Uppington and Bloem today. Winds are pretty breezy in the late afternoon but a sweet light wind start to the day except in the west around CT where the SE will really do its thing. 30kts in some spots. Q’s confined to the southern parts only form the looks of it with some good flying along the GR coastline. Climbs to 2/3k along the coast then rising with 4/6k around the northern parts of the first mountain ranges with the Great escarpment region a tad more dampened with 10k on the cards. To the east it does get better with Cradock going to 13k… CB activity also out in that areas – to the east. Winds remain S to SW all the way to the Tropopause for a 50kt finish. Freezing level around 14k today…

CT – A strong SE wind day with 20-25kts but around 2k the inversion helps to move this more east with a slight lowering in the strength. Strong along the mountains ranges also so not the best conditions out there..

RB – If you are not there  already you are missing out!  

PV – A tough day with strong Southerly trends in the wind. Climbs to 6k in a few spots possible but 20kts winds moving in from the south after lunchtime…

Wilderness – And another sweet day on the cards from the looks of it. Serps and Sedge the place to be with climbs to around 2k. Winds are SW around 5-10kts according to the forecasts. The coast also offering some flying – just make sure you top land. Sweet! :)

Plett –Similar out look to Wilderness except a bit more OD during the moring, clearing after 14:00 a bit. Uppies showing climbs to just over 3k. Keurbooms looking good from late morning and into most of the afternoon.

PE and PA – SW winds 10 - 15kts. OD in the morning a slight chance of rain. Clearing in the late afternoon.

EL – A more southerly wind trend but late afternoon trending back to the SW 10-15kts.

Inland – Clouds to just north of the SB where base is around 8k. A strong day out there with the southerly picking up once more – 15-20kts. The southerly pushing far north past the great escarpment. CB’s in the far east. A bumpy day for flying propeller thingies but lekker for the hangies if you can get up into the right place. ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:13 and setting at 19:37 (Day length is 14 hrs and 24 min – less than 20sec daily increase in day light time now… We are almost at the max daylight time point…). A sweet day that is perfect only for forest walks. WTH man!? Go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature a sweet 20 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(14 December) 
Day 263 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people. The CF moving into the western parts of the WC today – it is a summer front so not cold but some clouds and light rain in a few spots. But some sweet flying to be had in the what looks like a gentle change – it just gets more cloudy. :) So loads of Q’s around all over the show but blue further inland. Very high climbs in some inland spots. Just north of Graafies area it looks like 18k is possible… Some CB activity in the far eastern interior. Some light rain along parts of the southern coasts later on. Winds are all SW to S but NW inland and initially along the west coast. The wind is NW from 10k upwards all the way to the Tropopause with a 70kts finish up there. Freezing level around 12k in the a fw southern parts.

CT – Base around TM top height or just below. It will thicken during the day. But some sweet flying to be had around SH. Winds westerly mostly with a Southerly later in the afternoon – worth watching that one after the last CampsBay landings! ;) The bigger moutnains looking a tad too OD but to the north it clears and gets very good.

RB – WWB is out again!  

PV – A good day here I think. The clouds will thicken later in the afternoon. But just after 14:00 to 15:00 base could be close to 8k in some spots! SW winds for the most part – 5-10kts with some 15kts spots later.

Wilderness – Another sweet day on the cards from the looks of it. Serps and Sedge the place to be I think. Sweet climbs with some Q’s on and off – later more clouds with OD. But climbs to just over 2k doable with ease. The coast also offering some flying with a SSW trend. Sweet! :)

Plett –Similar out look to Wilderness with Uppies showing climbs to just over 3k. Keurbooms looking very good from just before mid day and into most of the afternoon. More clouds and perhaps light rain later on.

PE and PA – SW winds 15-20kts with chance of rain later on.

EL – Same as above…

Inland – Some clouds in the little Karoo with alight wind start but the wind will pick up strongly from mid day onwards with 30kts Southerlies blowing up into the Karoo. IT will reach the great escarpment early evening. North of that some strong thermal activity with a few spits with exceptionally high bases – 18k. Else for the propeller thingies watch the strong southerly push – it is looking very strong…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:13 and setting at 19:37 (Day length is 14 hrs and 24 min – less than 20sec daily increase in day light time now… We are almost at the max daylight time point…). A partly cloudy day with more clouds later and chance of light rain early evening. Perfect for forest and beach walks – go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature a sweet 21 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)


(13 December) 
Day 262 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people. Some great flying around the WC yesterday – sweet Sedge as usual and then a cracker of a flight from Bernt flying fromWaboomberg to land just over 200k’s further after an 8 hour flight and climbing to over 11k at times.  Amazeballs! :)) Today a CF is approaching CT with NW to W winds on the west while the IOH is dominating on the eastern parts with an east trend along the southern parts. Inlnad the trough centre is quite to the east but the NW winds are still dominating. A Blue most ly with verey few clouds if any. It is still good on the west with climbs to 10k over the Cederbergs and 6/7k on the PV side. To the south it looks like a sweet DuToits farm day with NNE star and a NNW after lunch. But by 15:00 the coastal SE will come through so get your flying in early. The winds all go NW from 6/8k upwards with a 50kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level back up to around 13k in the south.

CT – It looks like a sweet Apoptle day but with some stronger winds up there so be careful. 20kts at 4k but the compression will def have more running over the TM tops… IT trends a tad more WSW later on. The mountains with a bit more wind so probably too strong for FK and the likes. SLP prob okish but not such good climbs there form the looks of it. (for the hangies) ;)

RB – WWB is out again!  

PV – A NW day with limbs around 6k in general but the convergence areas showing up to 7500’. IT will set up from Dasklip into the valley towards PB – moving north and south. Startign more towards PV town at 11:00. That could be fun though a bit breezy perhaps with 10-15kts... ;)

Wilderness – A bit of a chance from the last few days with a SE trend. It could be sweet at Map, Gerrickes and Buffs – starting earlier to the east. But there can also be a slight bit of mixing from a shallow shear layer due to the steep gradient – 6kts on the surface with 15/20kts at 500ft. Maybe a day of not getting high even though the wind is blowing! ;) But the forecast could be wrong – I hope for that! Lol.

Plett –Similar out look to Wilderness… Not so lekker! ;)

PE and PA – Very strong E to NE winds over 25kts in many spots..

EL – Same as above…

Inland – Du Toits looking surprisingly good this morning until just after lunch time. Climbs into celling easily. Else the trend is to the NW later on and then the SE sea breeze will move through from mid afternoon but not penetrate that far inland. Strong climbs and thermals out there with no clouds on the cards – in the west a few spots going over 20kts…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:12 and setting at 19:36 (Day length is 14 hrs and 24 min – just a 30sec daily increase in day light time… We are almost at the max daylight time point…). A sweet start to the day but the wind will pick up in the afternoon form the SE. Perfect for forest and beach walks – go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature a warmish 22 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)



(12 December) 
Day 261 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people. The SAH dominating with the inland trough way more to the east in the interior – loads of CB’s out towards Bloem and beyond but a few possible around the SB and adjacent areas today. Some rain on the cards for parts of the little karoo it seems. A tad more to the east. But the west looking really good with sweet Q’s and base around the 10-12k mark. Winds are light southerly along the south coast and fresh along the western side. A sweet unstable airmass still around with loads of cloud – the clouds starting to break up from the west but a chance of OD in many parts. The first mountains with around a 5k base then rising quickly as we move inland. A bit of a dull weak area in the eastern parts (see climb chart) no doubt some left overs form the rain from yesterday. The wind is southerly penetrating far inland to past VanWyksvlei by evening but form 10k upwards it starts to go NW – a bit of a difference with the upper winds near the Tropopause being SW at 50kts over CT but NW 100kts over PE! Freezing level still down near 10k in the south.

CT – A southerly wind day with instability to 4500’ with clouds up there. A tricky day for flying around TM with no real usable wind-shadow shaping up at SH and LH. Even inland near the mountains (in the far south there could be a spots of rain even) the southerly making things tricky… But high bases with good flying once you are up. Maybe Paarl rock?

RB – IT could be a sweet day here – especially later on.  

PV – The wind trends very south but the thermals will pull it up enough for launching. SSW surface flow trending south and then east with height. Climbs to6/8k in the right parts with cool Q’s. The Cederbergs looking spectacular with base 10-12k. Though up heigh the winds are east around 5kts.

Wilderness – Another amazing day ahead of us with a SW start then trend into the south during the day with a SE to finish it all of. Some OD this morning but this will clear mostly by mid day. Great climbs at sedge early on to 3k but then lowering to around 2k for the rest of the day. It is a day to go over the back if you want. Just watch the OD on the back areas which will make things slow – so not a far day but a sweet day none the less. The coastal cliffs should also be very sweet…

Plett –Similar out look to Wilderness but more OD I think - maybe even some rain? Uppies does not seem to be clearing until very late in the day. Base around 2500/3k. Keurbooms looking like a session might be on the cards around midday/lunchtime. Lekker! :)

PE and PA – More OD and chance of rain increasing here. Winds are SW to S and moderate. To the east it gets stronger though…

EL – As above but the SW start trending S and the SW again around 15kts mostly…

Inland – Again a light start picking up during the day. Rain and even a CB cell or two around the Little Karoo and SB ranges possible. Looks like a sweet day of flying none the less if you go west with high bases out there and good climbs. The east is not as good as the west with weak areas between BW and Graafies – extending eastwards… Probably rain I think causing this. It is very good in the far west though. The southerly going to 15/20kts in a few spots later on.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:12 and setting at 19:35 (Day length is 14 hrs and 23 min – just a 30sec daily increase in day light time… We are almost at the max daylight time point…). A cloudy start but some sunny patches later on. Perfect for forest and beach walks – go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature another sweet 20 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)


(11 December 2020) 
Day 260 of lockdown

260… hhhmmm that sounds like a good flying distance to me! ;) Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people. Some sweet flying at Sedge yesterday for a lucky few. (and some serious turbulence for the CT guys who landed at the Glen clubhouse field! Lol!) Today a CF approaching CT with the help of the SAH while a trough dominates the centre and the IOH is active on the eastern parts of the country. Loads of moisture around with plenty clouds. Bases varying from just 1000’ along parts of the west and southern coasts rising as we move inland with 4/5k near the first mountains ranges and then further inland to 8/10k and then along the great escarpment we get to 12k in the west rising to the east again to 14k pat Cradock areas. Still some CB activity but mostly to the east – much less than yesterday. Winds are west in general with a NW trend in the north and more SW in the south. Some spots reaching 20kts especially in the late afternoon. From 6k upwards it is all NW with a 120kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level still down near 10k in the south.

CT – Loads of clouds around with tops past 10k. Chance of rain and winds starting NW going more W later on. A maybe day with some spots perhaps clearing enough for a bit of a flight to take place but it doesn’t look like the best of days… ;)

RB – Too much west in it all day…  

PV – A very cloudy day with thick mid levels and then some Q’s around 4/5k. Winds are westerly 5-10kts a few spots reaching 15k later in the day. Some convergence over PV town just after lunchtime.

Wilderness – IT looks like another sweet day here with loads of thick mid levels and some Q’s – around 2k so not the best time for XC flying. Sedge is looking sweet for most of the day and some soaring possible on the coast too – thought a tad light I think. A slight chance of rain.

Plett –Similar out look to Wilderness with Uppies looking sweet with climbs to 4k doable. 5-10kts of wind S to SW. And Keurbooms also looking sweet around midday/lunchtime. Lekker! :)

PE and PA – Loads of cloud, chance of rain with SW winds – 5-15kts at times. The SW stops around PA from where it is East eastwards from there.

EL – SE winds mostly all day… Lots of clouds around. Slight chance of rain. CB’s inland…

Inland – A light wind start in the little Karoo with an SE trend. NW north of the great escarpment. Some chance of rain in the southern ranges and even over the SB ranges. The wind swill trend S to SW later in the day all the way to the Sutherland areas. West elsewhere. Sweet climbs over the great escarpment with tops 12/14k.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:12 and setting at 19:34 (Day length is 14 hrs and 23 min – just a 30sec daily increase in day light time… We are almost at the max daylight time point…). A cloudy day mostly with moderate SW winds. Small chance of rain. Perfect for forest and beach walks – go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature another sweet humid 20 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)


(10 December 2020) 
Day 259 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people. A very active trough once again with the influx of mid level moisture so once again loads of CB activity over a wide area including the little Karoo from Worcester in the west stretching eastwards into KZN. Base around 8-10k behind the first mountains but going to 11k around Sutherland and higher to the east getting 15k around Cradock. NW winds out there with a S to SSE trend in the south. The southern coastal areas in a col area with a southerly trend that will go more SE later in the day. Nothing too strong with the far east reaching 15/20kts around EL. Loads of clouds around with varying heights. Rain along the mountains mostly. The west is the best with a westerly trend. Winds are all NW from 6k upwards with a 100kts at the Tropopause. Freezing level slightly down to 10000’ in the south.

CT – Base at TM top as a start but going to 4k with a W start trending SW and then a southerly later on. IT is not strong except for some acceleration around the Peninsula reaching 15k along the shorefront at LH area. IT looks like a great days of flying. The mountains looking superb with very high bases – more to the north. A good day to explore those XC legs along the range – initially hard going with head winds but later it seems to go a tad more WSW which can help. ;)

RB – Too much west in it all day…  

PV – A awesome day on the cards here. Sweet Q’s with base going to 8k later in the day. A WNW start trending to the WSW later on. 5-10kts for most of the day with a few 15kts spots near the surface later on.

Wilderness – A sweet day here with a Southerly wind trending a tad more SE later on. Map seems like a good play ground with the odd time getting high enough for top landings - late afternoon looks better. Serps should be very sweet for flights to the Map. Sedge also great from 10 to around 14:00 when it might become a tad unpleasant with a bit of east in it. Though it could hold for even longer. Climbs to 2k initially then down to 1500’. Hardly anything over 10kts here today. Loads of CB’s inland.

Plett – Similar out look to Wilderness with a tad more SE trend. Keurbooms with a small chance just before lunch though it is a tad light. Uppies with climbs to 3k some OD here and the SE wind trend 10kts. Loads of CB’s inland.

PE and PA – A SW start in the west but quickly going East. The east gets strong to the east but here it is 5-10kts with a few spots going to 15k later in the day. Loads of CB’s inland.

EL – East to ENE with 15kts later and a few spots reaching 20. Loads of CB’s inland.

Inland – Those CB’s very active today with rain along the Outenikwas to the east and west. Base pretty high around 6k and more to the north. North of Sutherland the CB activity drops off. Winds are all NW to the north and S to SE in the south. Some 20ts plus spots later on… Hhhmm tricky!

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:12 and setting at 19:34 (Day length is 14 hrs and 22 min –so summer is officially here – yes!). A cloudy start but opening later and then cloudy again. Small chance of rain. Perfect for forest and beach walks – either way go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature a humid 20 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)


(9 December 2020) 
Day 258 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people. The cut-off low has moved way south of the country with all those strong CB activity leaving the WCV exposed to the SAH influence. Still loads of moisture around from the ground to around 10/11k with a chance of rain over the mountains around mid-day and later. Looks like some low clouds on the ocean too that will effect the coastal regions during the day. Winds are SW along the southern coasts, breezy in places but not quite as expected. A strong gradient around along the southern coastal areas so probably some ‘chop’ in the air. ;) Inland it is SSW penetrating to north of the SB ranges in the later afternoon – 25kts in a few spots then. IT veers to the NW further north. Loads of clouds even out here but yesterdays wide spread CB’s and wet ground dampening the thermals a tad. Only 10-11k climbs on the cards at the Great Escarpment. From 10k upwards the winds are all WNW with a 80kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level slightly down to 11500’ in the south.

CT – Base around TM top height with a S to SW trend in wind. It will accelerate around the Peninsula with some 15 and perhaps even 20kts spots near the shore of SH. Maybe a bit of light rain… Probably a tad too much south in the wind along the inland mountains too for it to be any fun. ;)

RB – If there is a chance of flying it will be a verry late afternoon flight but it seems like it will be just not strong enough…  

PV – Base around 4k rising perhaps a bit higher. Winds are also a tad southerly with a slight West in it. Not the best day around so stay in the valley away form the mountains perhaps. ;) Later there is some convergence from Skerpheuwel and northwards. Perhaps climbs to 5500’ if the clouds allow it.

Wilderness – Not as strong as we expected by the look s of it. There is a bit of a strong gradient so that chop in the air. A chance of sone dune gooning along the lower dunes on the coast is on. Rain expected but it looks to be on the back mountains mostly. Low clouds drifting in from the sea late morning midday that can make things a bit interesting. Def too strong for the inland sites I think…  

Plett – Similar out look to Wilderness. Initially Upies with base at 4k but strong west winds then when it does moderate the low clouds will move in. Same for Keurbooms – a very small window perhaps lunchtime but soon it looks like the low clouds will move in for the later afternoon.

PE and PA – The SW winds stronger here for most of the day.

EL – Same as above…

Inland – Those CB’s off to the east but leaving lots of wet ground in the little Karoo. Some clouds around with the S wind picking up during the day. It gets to the great escarpment late afternoon with spots reaching 25kts. Else where it is WNW winds mostly. Some rain along the southern ranges in the midday to afternoon times.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:11 and setting at 19:33 (Day length is 14 hrs and 21 min –so summer is officially here – yes!). A cloudy low cloud kind of day. Perfect for forest and beach walks – either way go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature a humid 21 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(8 December 2020) 
Day 257 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people. A very active trough down the centre of the country extending far out to sea causing CB activity over a very broad area, extending into the GR and the secondary convergence region a tad out to sea. Loads of moisture around so some complex low level clouds along the southern coastal parts with a general light SW flow except for the eastern parts where the IOH is dominating with strong NE winds (See the wind charts). Inland the CB activity mixing things up with rain adjacent to strong climbs (see climb rate charts) with some varying wind directions but a general N to NW flow pattern that will go more west later on, on the inland side. Too much CB activity for any record setting purposes today but some sweet flying to be had once again along the west coast – the PV valley living up to its name of being the most consistent summer flying spot. (even if its strong and for big boys many of those days!) ;) So a chance of rain on the cards for most of the WC (except PV of course!). Winds are all NW form 5k upwards with a 50kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level 13k in the south.

CT – Low clouds around that will clear somewhat during the day, especially the tops but base perhaps a tad frustrating along the western side of the Peninsula. Some 300ft spits but hopefully clear enough at times for a flight. ;) Winds are NW to W 5-15kts. The main mountains with NW to West winds with low clouds in the south rising quickly to the north.

RB – Again WWB is out in full force! ;)

PV – Another good day here with NW to W winds. It does pick up in the mid afternoon with 15kts and some spots perhaps even more. But good convergence setting up from 13/14:00 between PV and Dasklip out into the valley that could get you up to 6500’. Some clouds mostly to the south but perhaps a good indicator of the convergence – so heads up! ;)

Wilderness – A light wind day starting of SW then supposedly S later on. But there is some indicators that there will remain a W trend in the flow… Sedge probably the place to be with the light conditions. The coast looking a tad frustrating to me. Lots of low cloud around but it should lift enough for us to fly. Then there is a chance of some rain – probably from the Midlevel instability with CB’s to the north of us spreading out to the south… (The LP flow to the south of us sucking in the warm moisture from the KZN coast and spitting it out along the GR coast) ;)  

Plett – Expecting a tad more wind early from the SW. Keurbooms looks like a sweet mid day luchtime switch on. Uppies with climbs to just shy of 3k at the best time – wind goes SSE mid afternoon with another SW push afterwards… Thick high level stuff mid afternoon…

PE and PA – SW winds with a few spots showing a S trend later this afternoon. Lots of low cloud along the ocean but just inland strong NW winds with some very high bases but of course the strong trend for CB activity and rain… ;)

EL – Same as above except for the coast with the very strong NE winds 25kts plus! which dominate until very late in the day…

Inland – Broad area of CB activity with a general N to NW wind trend. Some spots up to 25kts but others varying to the east even (Probably form the CB activity) The wind trend west to the west and flying conditions improve in that direction. In between the CB’s the base is high and probably really pretty to behold! ;) But perhaps not the best day to be flying….

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:11 and setting at 19:32 (Day length is 14 hrs and 21 min –so summer is officially here – yes!). A cloudy low cloud kind of day. Perfect for forest and beach walks – either way go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature a humid 21 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)

(6 December 2020) 
Day 256 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people. So WJ had a great flight from PV towards Wellington (anyone else?) At the top is a pic of him sitting in the convergence just before Groenberg. Lekker! Today a similar day to yesterday – the strong SE winds along the southern coastal regions and rain during the morning – even some CB activity out to sea. Low clouds along the coast but rising to 6k north of the mountains with the SB at 9k. Lighter winds for the little Karoo but at the Great Escarpment it is strong WNW winds and once again very high cloudbase of 18k plus in a few spots. CB to the east of the inland trough – and one could have flow very far from NE of Uppington down to past Richmond once more… (Dreaming yes!) ;) The west coast with sweet onshore flows and great flying again (like yesterday) Looks like great convergence setting up over the wind farm at Saron – climbs to 7/8k on the cards. Winds are all NW from 10k upwards with a 50kt finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level 13k in the south.

CT – Again strong SE along the southern Peninsula but SW to West in the north. Some clouds during the morning but clearing mid day. IT gets better to the north – a brilliant day inland for flying today…  

RB – WWB is out in full force! ;)

PV – Fantastic day with NW to West winds and high climbs with clouds to boot! Good convergence from 14:00 onwards west of Saron. Watch the clouds I think. 7/8k climbs? ;)

Wilderness – A strong SE day with light rain this morning – drying a little bit but the wind remaining strong. It’s a tad east above our heads but cloud be flyable for a hangie or two! ;)

Plett – Strong SE form early on all day long…

PE and PA – Again a day of strong easterlies all day long – oh an drain too! ;)

EL – Same as above…

Inland – Light winds in the little Karoo but from 14:00 onwards the SSE winds penetrating past Oudshoorn and onwards – almost ot eh Escarpment with 35kts winds! High base along the escarpments – 18k! It is another record high day – you need O2! And that flight from NW of Uppington down to Richmond and beyond is still on! CB’s to the east.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:11 and setting at 19:31 (Day length is 14 hrs and 20 min –so summer is officially here – yes!). A strong wind day so go hide in the forest. Otherwise its perfect for kitesurfing and getting high on life! ;) Max temperature another windy 20 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)



(5 December 2020) 
Day 254 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! I wonder if people actually read this shit… The IOH, SAH and inland trough in a perfect triangle setting up a strong typical summer pattern. CB’s inland to the east of the trough while the coastal winds will pickup to 30kts in most places. It is a light wind start mostly so a sweet morning to be had with some flying before things get too strong. The inland westerly winds area into the super cool deep instability air with climbs in excess of 16k on the cards. Some amazing Q’s out there. And relatively light wind so good for PG and HG… But along the coastal regions much lower climbs. The southern plateaus’ around 3k the west coast 4k but around the PV valley rising to 7k. And further inland steadily more. The wind is light NW from 6/7k upwards in the south. It trends slightly west at the Tropopause for a 50kts finish up there. Freezing level 13k.

CT – Strong SE day with early instability at 4k. Winds will pick up to 30kts later but there is a strong inversion shapingup with a slight slackening in the upper wind. It is still around 10kts up there so not so sure about that wind-shadow thingie… The mountains with the strong SE influence but further north it improves with a west influence.  

RB – Looks like later afternoon day here…

PV – Looks really good today with climbs to 7k and maybe even a tad more in places. Winds are all westerly 5-10kts. A bit more SW later in the day. The Cederbergs up to 11k west winds… It could be a day to head straight over the back towards Southerland…

Wilderness – A SE day with a sweet start being soarable at map form around 9/10 this morning. It will blow out around lunchtime or soon after that. (Except for the hangies) ;) Buffs and Gerrickes doable but much earlier.

Plett – The SE also on the cards to be strong here. Uppies very cross and climbs to just over 2k. SO probably not worth heading out.

PE and PA – Those NE winds dominating with 30kts at most spots today…

EL – Same as above…

Inland – A sweet morning with East flows in the south and West in the north. Amazing high Q’s in the north areas with great great soaring to be had out there. The winds pick up later in the afternoon with some 20-30kts spots…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:11 and setting at 19:30 (Day length is 14 hrs and 19 min –so summer is official here I guess – yes!). A light start in Wilderness – go for you beach walk early and hide in the forest in the afternoon. Perfect for kitesurfing and getting high on life! ;) Max temperature another windy 18 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))



(4 December 2020) 
Day 253 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! That SAH really strong and dominant combining forces with a strong inland trough causing strong E to SE winds along the south coast. The strong winds breaking the thermal up along the coastal regions – see the graphs. Some rain around especially in the morning but it will clear from the west during the day. Clouds confined to the EC and southern coastal areas – it dries quickly inland and along the west coast. Deepening instability the further west we go with the PV valley showing up to 8k in convection depth. Base going to around 9k near the great escarpment. Winds out there are all easterly with a SE trend near the coasts. A light start but increasing during the day. The east changes to a light west around 8/9k and then remains W to SW all the way to the Tropopause for a 50kts finish up there. Freezing level 13k in the west but 11 in the east.

CT – Another strong SE day with instability to 4k. Winds get to 30kts later in the day. Not much of a wind-shadow shaping up that I can see today… The mountains plagued with the strong east flowing air. Some Fhoen conditions along the southern west facing mountains. A convergence line setting up between the SSW coastal flow and the inland ESE flow from the mountains (for what its worth!) ;)

RB – Looks a tad too east and light with the strong stuff going past to the west… Hhhmmm. Maybe later in the day something will come through.;)

PV – A tad too east – PB def better in the morning. High climbs doable up to 8k in a few spots at lunchtime. East up there but later a shallow SW near the surface (2/3k deep).

Wilderness – Windy and/or rainy here today. :) You might get a lucky gap on some secret east facing dune but I doubt that. ;)

Plett – As above! lol

PE and PA – Those East winds with rain hanging around a tad longer than the western spots…

EL – Same as above…

Inland – A sweet easterly wind day and if you can get on the edge of the cloud range you can score. Great flying to be had in these areas with sweet strong climbs. The coasties wishing they could be out there! ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:11 and setting at 19:29 (Day length is 14 hrs and 18 min –the daylight increase is slowing down as we approach the middle of summer – yes!). a rainy windy morning clearing in the afternoon but more wind! Perfect for kitesurfing and getting high on life! ;) Max temperature a cool and windy 17 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))


(3 December 2020) 
Day 252 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! A strong Sedge day yesterday with climbs to just over 1000m reported by some (yours truly too) ;) Today not quite as good but perhaps better in that it will be slightly less strong. :) The SAH moving to the south of us, still very strong and over the coming days it will flex its muscles with strong SE flows bringing cooler moisture up with chances of rain along the southern coastal areas. But today it’s still shaping up so we have a more SSW flow on the cards with some sweet soaring conditions. Some clouds increasing later in the afternoon. Still SW in the east and SE in the west. Inland the southerly push will penetrate to the great escarpment of Sutherland and BW with west winds north of that. Some very high clouds in the eastern parts of the escarpment with climbs to 15k on the cards. The winds go west from 10k upwards with a 50kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level down to 11k. 

CT – Another strong SE day with a low inversion but the winds remaining strong to over 4k. A slight chance of a wind-shadow in the morning but I doubt it will be vert usable. The strong southerlies still too much along the mountains I think. Rain moving in late afternoon by the looks of it.

RB – Once again if you are not up there soaring already you are missing out! ;)

PV – Again a very southerly day and strong. I think the 15-20kts winds will probably not make things flyable. PB also too south. But climbs to 5/6k doable. Less wind in the Cederbergs and climbs to 10k on the cards there…

Wilderness – Already a few Q’s popping promising a good days of flying. Climbs in general around 2k with some 3k spots on the plateau. 5k on the Outies. A SW start with a slight S finish. Looks like less SE trend today. 5-10kts I think Sedge should be great until very late in the day. Serps too. But the coastal boys should also have some bits to play with. ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies showing climbs to just shy of 4k late morning. IT should be a very good day here too for most of the day. Keurbooms looking doable around mid day with enough S in it to work.

PE and PA – SW winds 10-15kts and some clouds. IT gets very breezy inland later on.

EL – Same as above with a moderate SW to S flow getting less to the east.

Inland – A beautiful start to the day with light east winds in most areas. Later the southerly sea breeze will increase progressively with 20kts spots especially over the higher areas. IT is west north of the Southerland escarpment. Very high clouds around the Middelburg and eastwards area…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:11 and setting at 19:28 (Day length is 14 hrs and 17 min – the daylight increase is slowing down as we approach the middle of summer – yes!). A sweet day with light to moderate winds. Perfect to go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a cool 18 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))



(2 December 2020) Day 251 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! Here is a sweet video of Admas XC flight the other day - a very technical flight as he explains on the video. ;)   

The graphs are below this report. ;)

The SAH shaping a ridge along the Southern parts with slightly wider isobars so the winds abating nicely along the southern parts. But it sure accelerate around the Peninsula sweeping up the West coast in the usual strong summer SSE pattern. This brings in more ocean air making conditions a tad more stable and mixed near the strong coastal winds. Further inland it is sweet with good flying around. Clouds confined to the Southern parts with initial OD and even some rain but clearing gently from the west. Winds along the GR going from SW to SE later on – it remains SW in the east but more SE in the west. Inland a sweet SE to E trends with a touch NE slightly AGL but it is all fairly light winds, even north of the Sutherland escarpment. Around 10/14k it all goes westerly and then NW at the Tropopause for a light 30kts finish up there.  Freezing level still up around 13k. 

CT – A strong SE day with the inversion initially around 4k so hardly a chance of usable wind-shadow on the cards. It goes to 30kts later on… The mountains also suffering from the strong east.

RB – If you are not up there soaring already you are missing out! ;)

PV – A southerly day except to the north near Kardoesie where the lower SW will be more dominant. Around 5k climbs. Later 20kts form  he south creeping through from the south. Very strong on the coasts which could move in earlier than forecasted.

Wilderness – Some OD this morning with a later clearing than expected. But when it does clear.. Oh boy! Its sweet ass climbs at Serps and Sedge to close to 4k – even just after lunch! ;) Winds are light W to SW early but then will start with a SSW trending slightly more SE later. 5-10kts in general.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but perhaps Uppies with a tad more SE. Keurbooms looking doable around mid day with enough S in it to work.

PE and PA – SW winds 10-15kts with a slight chance or rain during the morning. Clearing later.

EL – Same as above with strong SW winds…

Inland – SE to E winds – all light stuff with some spots reaching just over 10kts later in the day. IT looks blue with no clouds expected – the coastal mountains blocking that ocean moisture.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:11 and setting at 19:27 (Day length is 14 hrs and 1 min – the daylight increase is slowing down as we approach the middle of summer – yes!). A cloudy start but clearing later with light S to SE winds. Perfect to go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a cool 17 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))


Wild2Fly weather report Acronym sheet

IOH – Indian Ocean High Pressure System
SAH – Southern Atlantic High Pressure system
B/S - Boyancy Shear ration
CB - Charlie Bravo, Aviation term for Thunderstorms
CATS - Clear Air Turbulence
GR - Garden Route
WWB - Wrong Way Bob
CT – Cape Town
CP – Cape Point
LR – Lapse Rate
LH – Lions Head
SH – Signal Hill
SLP – Sir Lowries Pass
FB – False Bay
RB - Rondebossie
PV – Porterville
CP – CarPark
BH – Beach Hotel
WC – Western Cape
PE – Port Elizabeth
PA – Port Alfred
W – West
OD - Over development
Q's - Cumulous clouds
SW – South West
WSW – West South West etc
If I have missed anything let me know.


(1December 2020) Day 250 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! With disbelief I look at that number of 250 lockdown days... What a mess! Ai. So Pieter DeBeer also doing a respectable XC distance day before yesterday from DuToits farm – 60km for him ;) Of course, Josh's flight of over 300k's is the flight to beat thus far for this season. :))
Today a strong SAH dominating our weather pushing the maritime airmass far inland, capping some of the deeper instability we have had over the last few days. Middelburg down from 18k to just 10 today… Winds are very strong as the CF combining with that SAH sweeps the southern areas with SW winds – 20- 40kts on the cards for the coastal regions and inland not far behind that. Clouds moving inland to around the second ranges, like the SB areas where they start to dissipate. But the coastal areas with loads of OD and even light rain later on. (The tops are not very high so not much precipitation depth). Winds re SW into Namibia and past Bloem. IT remains SW all the way to the Tropopause for a 70kts finish up there. Freezing level still up around 13k. 

CT – A SW start around 10-15kts but reaching 20kts in a few spots. Loads of cloud around with chances of rain. Later it trend to the south. Not the best day for flying… The mountains a tad too southerly and pretty fresh I think.

RB – I think still too much W in it…

PV – A very southerly day and pretty breezy. Loads of cloud with base at mountain top height for the morning rising slightly in the afternoon but going very south at 20kts…

Wilderness – Very strong SW winds all day with rain late afternoon/early evening. IT doesn’t look like anything is going to happen – except for some super fast wings low down on the dunes maybe… ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but even strong winds…

PE and PA – Up to 40kts SW winds along the coast. Rain later too…

EL – Same as above…

Inland – All SW winds way past Nam… Very strong in the afternoon too going over 20kts in most places. Some CB’ but far to the east.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:11 and setting at 19:26 (Day length is 14 hrs and 15 min). A strong SW wind day with clouds and slight chance of rain. Perfect to go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a windy 19 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(30 November 2020) 
Day 249 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! Some awesome flying yesterday for the guys who went to Oubos. An out and return task of 95km done by a few guys. Lekker! And then, on the 26 November Josh Degenaar did an incredible 305km flight from VanWyksvlei to Colesberg. Here is his track log and a pic of his flight. Awesome!

 Today we have another CF moving up the coast. This one with less moisture and not much rain but it is bringing with it some cooler unstable air that will provide some sweet flying in the shallow layer of cooler air. Winds are all SW to W in general. The clouds mainly confined to the coastal areas and adjacent mountains. Base around the 2/3k mark. However, just ahead of the front, around the Graafies and Middelburg areas there is some amazing convergences taking place with the inland airmass so hot and dry it is producing some record high climbs here. Base will be around 18k! And there are some SW surface winds that veers to the NW with height. Def doable for HG and PG! Who’s on it!? :) So winds remain westerly with height and then a slight WNW trend at the Tropopause for a 80kts finish up there. Freezing level still up around 13k.  

CT – A SW day with some clouds around. There’s a slight chance of some rain but mostly out to sea – probably moving in very late in the afternoon with a bit of a stronger bit of SW wind. All around 10-15kts and slightly more later on. So looks like a good but strongish day… The mountains a tad too strong I think.

RB – Well, after the good flying over the last few days some rest on the crds! ? WWB is out again.

PV – A 10-15kt SW wind day with climbs to the 5k level. Some Q’s in the far south. A bit windy but sweet day it seems.

Wilderness – A SW day from the looks of it. 10-15kts with less later in the late afternoon. Some cloud around too at the 2/3k level. Probably a tad strong for Sedge but doable. Climbs to 3k at least in the late morning but lowering after that. Some strong wind out to sea so a chance of some stronger bits moving in on the coast.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but just a tad on the stronger side. Uppies with climbs to 3500’ but also lower later on. I think it is probably just too strong to have fun while flying. ;) Keurbooms just too west from the looks of it.

PE and PA – All strong SW winds to just past PA where the NE dominates. The NE will be over taken by the advancing SW from the West during the afternoon, spreading to EL

EL – NE to start with then SW later in the afternoon. Could be a good switch to watch! ;)

Inland – All SW to W winds with epic epic high cloud-bases around the Escarpments – Graafies and Middleburg areas really going off today…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:12 and setting at 19:26 (Day length is 14 hrs and 14 min). A moderate SW wind day with clouds. Perfect to go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a sweet 19 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))



(29 November 2020) 
Day 248 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! The SAH shaping into a col that will turn into a IOH but meantime the isobars are widely spaced – similarly with the inland trough that seems to have lost some of its intensity. So light winds for the most of the WC with the exception around CT and Peninsula and some of the higher inland ranges late in the day. Instability up to 12k with light winds up t 10kts over the Sutherland escarpment – which is sweet and unusual! It lowers as we move closer to the coasts – PV valleys around 5/6, the south coastal plains around 2/3k. The wind remains light S to SW to above the inversion where it is W then a slow backing to SW for a 50kts finish at the Tropopause.  Freezing level around 13k.  

CT – Another strong SE day on the cards but a strong inversion around 2k so a good wind-shadow shaping up in the morning and early afternoon. Then it’s a maybe for later on… ;) Inland looking great for flying but the winds SW and up at 4/5k the light East trend. From FH northwards it shouldn’t be bad…

RB – It could be another cracker of an afternoon here…

PV – A sweet day with light SW winds and climbs to around 5k. A few spots will see you over 6k later on. The sea-breeze barrelling through very late but it can be 20kts…;)

Wilderness – A SW start but trending to the SSE later on. A great day for Serps and Sedge with sweet climbs to over 2k up t early lunchtime. It does drop and trend more SE from then on. But a great day expected.  

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with some Q’s around. Base 3/4k early on but lowering later. Sweet climbs on the cards. The ranges to the east looking very sweet with S to SW winds (S lower and more SW higher up) with around 10kts average. So should be sweet for the flyaway… :))

PE and PA – Initially WSW start and breezy but will moderate during the afternoon and back to the south.

EL – SW fresh in the morning but late afternoon sees a moderation and backing to the S.

Inland – All light southerlies moving far inland to just past the Sutherland escarpment where it does a veer to the SW and then West. A sweet light wind day inland with good flying all round. Moderate to strong climbs thermic wise and no clouds on the cards. It could be sweet at Swartberg Pass...  Great morning and evening for propeller thingies…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:12 and setting at 19:25 (Day length is 14 hrs and 13 min). A light wind day with few clouds. Perfect to go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a sweet 18 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))



(28 November 2020) 
Day 247 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! The SAH and the inland trough dominating our weather once again. But the trough reaching far south with a wannabe cut-off low shaping up causing some moist air and widespread convergence along the southern coast with the result that the chances of rain over the ocean and on the adjacent mountains are pretty good today. Probably from lunchtime onwards it should reach the coast. This system mix is causing some intereting surface flows along the southern coasts making things trickier than usual. ;) Further inland loads of clouds rising steadily into the trough effected area. Its good on the west coast with some high bases there (8k or so) Some CB’s in the far east in the central trough line – a very active line from far inland all the way to past the coast. Winds are Southerlies with some SE to SW variations in places – strong once again around the Peninsula and west coast. Also some 20kts spots over the higher mountains inland, especially later on. The rain running aground at the SB mountains from the looks of it. The southerly winds doing a slow veering finishing with a WNW at the Tropopause around 110kts. Freezing level around 10-11k.  

CT – Another strong and deep SE with hardly any wind-shadow on the cards. Base around 3k and lowering later on. 30kts in places. Inland looking great for flying but the winds very southerly.

RB – Another good day on the cards here! :) Probably blown out late afternoon though…

PV – There is a bit of southerly trend in the wind so not the best day but the conditions are very good. KArdoesie looks the best early with west winds and even before 12 getting up to 6k. Some Q’s to the south and west. Later climbs to 7 maybe 8k doable… ;)

Wilderness – Some rain on the cards for us but it does look like this will only move in from lunchtime. Winds are SW with a stronger spell just before the rain gets here. Early on most of the spots should be doable – Sedge obviously depending on the wind strength. Base around 1000-1500’. Looks like the rain will stop around mid afternoon with another chance at flying. Lol. ;)  

Plett – Looks like a slight SSE trend at Uppies with climbs to 3k from 10 to 11. Also the rain moving in from mid day. Keurbooms also looking sweet before the rain gets there.  

PE and PA – Initially varied winds here, perhaps a light SW but the rain will move in with SSE winds. To the east the NE will dominate initially but the SSE will usurp it later in the day.

EL – NE and even N offshore till late afternoon when at first SW and then SE will move in. Some rain out to sea and to the SE with CB’s to the N complicating the surface winds in the region.

Inland – All southerlies moving far inland to just past the Sutherland escarpment where it does a veer to the SW and then West. Strong convergence in the areas again – 20kts plus winds later on in a wide region. South of the SB ranges the low base and rainy stuff from the ocean felt to here. Those CB;s east of Middelburg very active today.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:12 and setting at 19:24 (Day length is 14 hrs and 12 min). A light wind start with rain moving in around lunchtime. Clearing again later on so go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a windy 18 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))


(27 November 2020) 
Day 246 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! I got pointed out that in 2017 Lars-Anders climbed to 4350mASL over Bumpy-Peak. That’s scary high man… ;) It doesn’t look like any of those climbs are on the cards today but perhaps a few spots will get you close! ;) The SAH combined with the strong inland trough causing a strong acceleration around the southern tip of Africa – so typical of summer! Very strong SE winds along the southern coasts today but initially moving past CP before making the turn up the west coast. Later the wind will blow like the clappers around CT also. Some Q’s in the east around PE to EL and beyond. Nothing much inland. The winds are NW from the Sutherland Escarpment line and northwards. Some high climbs around over the mountains and good flying along the west coast areas today – bar the strong SSW sea breeze. From 10k the wind is NW all the way to the Tropopause for a 110kts finish up there. Freezing level around the 11k level…

CT – The morning showing a sweet wind-shadow for flying with the wind trending east and going lighter with height. But from mid day this will be eroded and a strong deeper SE setting up for the mid and late afternoon.

RB – Another good day here! :) Probably blown out late afternoon though…

PV – Initially a East with shallow SW but the WSW will start to dominate from late morning onwards. IT is a great day here with good strong climbs. 8k in some spots. Watch a very strong Sea-breeze moving in late in the afternoon. 20kts and more in places. ;)

Wilderness – If you want to fly you must get up early – probably doable form 8 at Map till 9 and then signs are strong for a very early blow out. I expect it to happen from as early as 9 even. It will be over 30kts later on! Similar pattern along the entire GR – good news for the kite surfers hey! ;)

Plett – Similar forecast to Wilderness.

PE and PA – The SE beginning to moderate from here and eastwards. Still picking up to 20kts plus and more east later on around the bay area but lessening towards PA.

EL – A light SE start and loads of clouds in the morning. Picking up slightly in the afternoon with a more East trend. Even a chance of light rain later on.

Inland – All easterly flows in the southern areas. IT is a light sweet morning. The SE will push through hard in the late afternoon all the way up to the great escarpment – 20kts plus. Climbs inland over the bigger mountains pretty good with SB showing 11k.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:12 and setting at 19:23 (Day length is 14 hrs and 11 min). A very windy day so get out very-very early otherwise you are going to just go down wind! Either way go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a windy 18 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))



(26 November 2020) 
Day 245 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! Yesterdays pic was from Sean. But today we have one form WJ of that epic PV day. How high is that I the PV valley!? Amazing!

Today the SAH and CF movements still dominating with a SW flow pattern - some SSE variations along the west coast and a tad more westerly inland. Sweet clouds and instability but with a bit breezy conditions making some parts a bit rougher than others. Base pretty varied with the coastal plains from 2/3 up to 4/5 along the first ranges but then further inland rising quickly to respectable 8k and then that convergence line along the great escarpment from 14k in the west to 17k in the east! ;) The usual sea-breeze pushing hard late afternoon with the SB showing 25kts plus southerlies going all the way to the Sutherland escarpment. From 10k the wind is west remaining west all the way to the Tropopause for a 120kts finish. Freezing level around the 9k level…

CT – A strong SSE day by the looks of it – a sweet start but progressively getting stronger blowing out in most places in the late afternoon. An early morning wind-shadow – maybe - but def breaking up as the wind starts. The SE flow strong up to 4k with an isotherm layer from 2/3k… The mountains not doable form the west side but if you can get to the east side and fly that “other” side it could be amazing. Some high Q’s with 8k bases in some spots… ;)

RB – Epic day here! :) Probably blown out late afternoon though…

PV – SW to S winds here with 15kts later on. Climbs to 5k in a few spots but the Cedererbgs the place to be. 12/13k bases further east! Lol. ;)

Wilderness – More clouds compared to yesterday with hopefully slightly less wind though still looks like some strong spots during the day. Wind looks like it is pulsing form the SW 7-15kts all day long. There is strong stuff out to sea so be aware of those stronger lines moving in from the SW… Maybe light rain later on. ;)

Plett – Similar forecast to Wilderness but Uppies looking blown out all day. Keurbooms looking sweet late afternoon. Also chance of rain late afternoon early evening.

PE and PA – Those SW blowing strong all day long here…

EL – As above – all day long. ;)

Inland – Again a sweet morning with westerly winds but the coastal southerly pushing hard from midday onwards reaching the Sutherland escarpment at end of the day. 20kts plus southerly later on. Big skies for thermic flying today though. No CB’s and doable westerly winds from east to west. That convergence line could be amazing to follow – especially in a hangy. ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:13 and setting at 19:22 (Day length is 14 hrs and 9 min). Another breezy coastal day with slight chance of rain late afternoon/early evening. Go out early and get high on life! ;) Max temperature a sweet 19 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))


(25 November 2020) 
Day 244 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! So the other day we had those epic conditions at PV. A lucky few got into that. This is a pic from WJ (or Sean) of that day. Over 3000m. It’s the highest I’ve seen anyone out there in the valley… Epic stuff man! ;)

The SAH and CF movements still dominating with westerly winds. It becomes a tad more SW to even S in the southern inland parts this afternoon. Sweet instability and Q’s around with strong climbs almost everywhere. Base between 4/6k around the coastal plains but some very high climbs further inland. Up to 14k over the Sutherland escarpment! It looks like a great day to go places. :) The EC far inland with some great convergence and very-very high bases – 17k in a few spots! Winds remain westerly all the way to the Tropopause for a 50/60kts finish. Freezing level down to 9000’ in a few spots in the south…

CT – NW start but going SW during the day. 10-15kts. Base around 3/4k… Could be a great day of flying around the Peninsula… And also along the main mountains. Maybe some XC to the north from Du Toits even… Nothing too spectacular in hight but around 5k things are very doable… ;)

RB – Hhhmmm… another WWB is out day…

PV – NW start but going very SSW later in the day. Just over 5k in a few spots. A very flyable day here…

Wilderness – Looks like a WSW start going more SSW later in the day. 10-15kts initially but moderating later. Strong climbs with Serps and Sedge indicating initial base around 4k. Later on climbs will moderate to just 3k. ;) All in all a good day of flying ahead…

Plett – Similar forecast to Wilderness with climbs at Uppies a tad higher. Perhaps some OD later on. Keurbooms looks amazing in the afternoon.

PE and PA – Strong SW during the morning but moderating later in the afternoon. More clouds around here with an early morning chance of rain even…

EL – As above with the strong SW going to S in the east later in the day.

Inland – A super sweet morning with a light winds – westerlies in general. Some kickass thermal starting mid to late morning with high bases, especially over the bigger mountains and escarpments. The wind will become more SW and even S in the southern areas picking up t 20kts in a few spots. (See the graph)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:13 and setting at 19:21 (Day length is 14 hrs and 8 min). A beautiful day ahead of us here. Go out early and get high on life! ;) Max temperature a cool 17 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))


(24 November 2020) 
Day 243 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! So a beautiful day along the GR yesterday with great flying along PR and at Sedgfield. :) Today the CF into the entire WC today with strong westerlies everywhere. Rain progressively from west to east – CT clearing from late afternoon but the GR and eastwards only starting in the late afternoon. Base very high preceding the front – 4/6k in the east before the front moves in. 12k north of the Sutherland escarpment. Some CB activity eastwards and inland of EL. Winds over 30kts at times along the coast and not far off from that inland either. Not the best day for flying it seems. Winds remain westerly all the way with a slight WNW bit at the Tropopause for a 130kts finish up there. Freezing level down to 7500’.

CT – Rain this morning with strong NW winds that will back to SW from mid day onwards. It will moderate a bit but still be on the strong side with 15knts later. Maybe a doable session in that far south spot… The mountains remaining rainy and strong.…

RB – WWB is out today…

PV – The wind is NW then W upper teens in knots. The base also at mountain top with tops around 10k. Looking a tad on the strong side with some cloud-suck that can get you int trouble next to those mountains! ;)

Wilderness – A surprising clear start with the bad stuff only moving in around 14:00. Before then the wind is around 5-10kts SW to S and even a bit of SE near the Map. Very high bases initially though the upper flow is still fresh westerlies. But the Buster coming through is a big one so be very careful if you are tempted to head to the coastal cliffs… Should be great weather watching stuff though! ;) Rain at that time too.

Plett – Uppies showing high climbs with base at 6k in the morning but I think the wind just a tad too west and getting fresh quickly. After 14:00 onwards the clouds will also start to drop and that buster will also move into the area later on. Not a flying day it seems…

PE and PA – SW winds 20kts freshening even more late afternoon with rain…

EL – As above with the strong SW belting past late afternoon early evening… 30kts plus…

Inland – Some very high bases in places but those westerlies just a tad on the strong side for any flying to happen. There will be a SSW flowing inland form the south in the afternoon with very strong winds – 20kts plus. Not much rain expected inland though…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:13 and setting at 19:20 (Day length is 14 hrs and 7min. A beautiful morning but from 14:00 the strong winds. Clouds and rain will move in. So be busy right now - go out early and get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 22 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))


(23 November 2020) 
Day 242 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! A sweet day of flying around the GR yesterday but a good one for Ryan and a few close friends who snuck in a great flight on the western Peninsula the other day. (See the pic!) Today the approaching CF with the help of the SAH dominating our weather. Its all westerlies with some lower clouds moving in from the west later on. This air mass moving in far inland usurping the usual outer space type stuff from the De Aar and inland areas. The trough has moved far to the east this time with the associated CB activity. But the westerlies with a SW influence on the southern coastal areas. The Wilderness corner with slight less strength wise but still some good flying to be had before the lower cloud and light rain will move in late afternoon early evening. Winds go NW from 5k upwards with a West finish at the Tropopause 60kts initially but then 100kts in the west later today. Freezing level around 10/11k.

CT – Some OD stuff to the west as the CF moves in with those westerlies. Base just above TM top but this will lower later in the afternoon again. Winds are NW to W light initially but going up to 15kts. Looks like it could be a slot for some 12 Apostle soaring. ;) A bit strong on those other inland mountains…

RB – WWB is out today…

PV – The wind is NW to West 10-15kts by the looks of it. Initial climbs to 4/5k but then base will drop, especially in the south with the tops covered in cloud.

Wilderness – Another SW day with some strong stuff out to sea. IT could be sweet on the ocean cliffs with Sedge tethering between sweet and strong. Cloud dropping in the afternoon with rain late afternoon early evening.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies showing climbs to just over 3k during the best part of the day – late afternoon sees the base lowering with OD. But Keurbooms looking really sweet all day long just about! ;)

PE and PA – SW winds 10-15kts all day btu it curls sweetly to the SE as it moves inland. The OD breaking up late morning…

EL – NE in the east with the SW slowly creeping in from the west. Looks like it reaches EL early evening only.

Inland – A light wind start – the Westerlies far inland but the southerlies just north of the SB ranges. The South winds will increase and move inland to north of the SB late afternoon – 20kts. But so too will the westerlies increase to 20kts further inland. Some sweet clouds in the south and along the Sutherland escarpment with 11k bases out there – 8-10k near the SB…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:14 and setting at 19:19 (Day length is 14 hrs and 6min. A moderate SW day with small chance of rain late afternoon. Either way go out early and get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 20 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))


(22 November 2020) 
Day 241 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people!

Hhhmm… 241 days of lockdown. Disturbing isn’t it.

The CF moving up into the KZN coast while the SAH is pushing in slightly cooler air onto the southern parts of the country. Lots of cloud around with some sweet Q’s to mark those lekker lift sources. :) Winds in general all southerlies with a few SSE and SW variations around. Some windy inland spots especially over the bogger mountains – the SB going over 25kts south from early already. Fr up the east coast the SW is also pushing over 25kts. Inland and mainly to the east the CB cells are active again today – high  bases out there with 14/15k. Back home it is a more moderate 3/4k on the plateaus before the mountains rising steadily going inland with 5/6k over the mountains and then 8k further and up. :) Winds all go NW from 10k upwards with a 100kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level down to 9000’ in a few spots in the south.

CT – Another SSE day with the wind sgetting to 20kts in a few spots later on. Looks better early form a wind-shadow point of view with later the SSW component along the shorefront pushing 15kts and the shadow going to the east… The mountains showing a tad too much SE with hight but lower down it is SW. Hermanus is looking kinda sweet to me.

RB – IT looks like a great afternoon here with perhaps sunset session on the cards…

PV – Summer is here with PV having one good day after the other. W to SW winds 5kts mostly with climbs later on around 6k with a few spots to the north (Past Kardiesie) showing up to 8k. Some high Q’s out that side… Lekker! :)

Wilderness – A SW day form the look so fit with all the spots working. A bit of  a strong bit moving in mid/late morning but it should pass quickly. Else looks like around 10kts for the most part. Sedge looking a bit rainy. It could be ok but perhaps a tad too west here. Watch those top landings then! ;) But PR should be amazing!

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but maybe a tad too west for Keurbooms to be fantastic – but it looks doable. Uppies showing rain with thick mid levels - climbs to 2500’. SW to WSW winds around 10kts.

PE and PA – A SW start but form mid day the rain will start to move in sporadically and the wind will also drop down with some offshore bits.

EL – Remaining SW here but moderating later a bit. Also rainy…

Inland – All southerlies with strong stuff over the tops of the bigger mountains. 20kts in a few spots later. Those CB’s running in a wide space from the Middelburg areas eastwards.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:14 and setting at 19:18 (Day length is 14 hrs and 4min. A cloudy day with thick mid levels but some wind late morning. Rain from mid day. Either way go out early and get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 19 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))



(21 November 2020) 
Day 240 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people!

I don’t know about you but I find something very disturbing about a lockdown number of 140…

OK! The weather today dominated by a typical CF approaching CT – a strong active inland trough with CB’s, the IOS with strong NE winds on the eastern coast with the easterly flow eroded and replaced by the westerly influx from the west due to the CF. The fore runner being the coastal low moving up the southern coast. Prior thought things are very inverted with the hot W to NW offshore flow making for not cool flying along the southern coastal areas. The west is still really sweet with the PV region offering great soaring though the wind getting a bit strong there with 10-15kts. Some clouds – low along the coasts but over 15k inland around the SB ranges. And CB’s moving south reaching even Willowmore later in the afternoon. But a exciting convergence line setting up probably due to the CB influence but the forecast showing a long continuous line that can break world record! Lol (Ja, we can dream hey!) ;) Winds are all WNW from 6k upwards with a 50kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level still around 13k.

CT – Still unstable to around 4k with West up there and S on the surface. Some strong SW along the shore front at SH… The mountains a maybe – watch the wind strength I think might get a bit strong out there…

RB – WWB Is out today…

PV – Another good day but not like yesterday. Climbs only to 5k… West winds around 10-15k with it probably gusting over the 20 I think. So fly early and land early. ;)

Wilderness – It might be a frustrating day leaving you chasing the wind if you don’t watch it I think. Lol. The wind is SW but trend west with height. Climbs perhaps up to 1000ft but probably on the weak side. As the front moves closer (coastal low) the instability increases slightly with a peak around 15:00 just before the stronger wind moves in. Hhhmmm…

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies showing climbs to 2500’. SW winds around 10kts initially. Watch the stronger wind late afternoon moving in.

PE and PA – Strong east winds making way for the SW from late afternoon onwards…

EL – Remaining NE winds all day here…

Inland – A strong wind day with the West wind dominating and increasing during the day. 20-30kts late afternoon so not a flying day. Those CB’s also moving southward past Graafies and to Willowmore areas. A light and sweet start though…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:14 and setting at 19:17 (Day length is 14 hrs and;00 onwards. Go out early and get high on life! ;) Max temperature a sweet 23 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))



(20 November 2020) 
Day 239 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! The IOH dominating with the help of a trough along the west coast. This trough is bringing some superb soaring along that side of the province and again, if you are not going to PV (or north of there) you are missing out. ;) SE flow for the southern coastal areas, becoming very breezy in the afternoon with many spots exceeding 20kts. Inland its sweet initially with light east wind but then the seabreeze will move in with soe strong SE winds reaching to the north of the SB mountains. The only clouds are along the eastern parts of the coast and a few very high lost Q’s to the north of Loeriesfontein (Here you can climb to 16k here!). The SE winds curling sweetly around the Peninsula for a SW flow along the southern parts of the west coast. For the most part the wind is easterly to NE up t 8k and then it backs to the N and eventually NW for a 100kts finish inland at the Tropopause but 30-50kts along the coast. Freezing level around 13k.

CT – Deep instability with 4k climbs around the Peninsula SW winds except in the south where that SE will dominate. The mountains also showing W winds trending N with height but good climbs to 8k in most places.

RB – Looks like too much W in it here…

PV – Another super day here with climbs to 7-9k in places. Strong lift. General West winds. It is fairly light until late afternoon when the sea breeze moves in at 20kts so do land before that! The best spots over the mountains by PV or at Kardoesie.

Wilderness – A SE day here with a strong blown out finish to the day. Buffs is on very early, also an early bench-up at Gerrickes. And of course Map should be doable from early on too. From mid day most place looks like it will be blow out.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies showing climbs to just over 2k but the SE wind picking up briskly. Maybe a beach spot in the bay facing the SE could be just whats needed. :)

PE and PA – Strong east winds all day. It trends more NE in the east later on. More clouds around in this area

EL – As above.

Inland – Initially a light east flow that will trend SE and become strong as the sea breeze moves inland. 20kts in a few spots!

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:15 and setting at 19:16 (Day length is 14 hrs and 1 min today!) A blue day with strong SE winds later on. Go out early to the beach. Either way go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature a windy 21 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))


(19 November 2020) 
Day 238 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! A great social meeting last night at the Wildfarm. :) Thanks for supporting this guys! Today the SAH still dominating pushing the SE flow far into the interior (way past Sutherland) in a sweet unstable layer up to around 10k in depth. Above that the wind veers to finish NW at the tropopause 100kts in the north and 50 in the south. The CB activity moving off to the far east. Sweet clouds mostly in the central and eastern parts of the WC with the west a blue day. But some good flying to be had within this unstable layer – 2-3k climbs near the coast, 6k on the mountains and more further inland. Freezing level around 12k.

CT – Another deep SE day with the morning less wind so a chance of some flying up to late morning I think. But the afternoon picking up with 20kts plus with no inversion to 4k, just a slight backing in the wind to the east. The mountains with similar conditions so not looking that great for launch. But once in the air it will be epic. :)

RB – A light start but the afternoon could offer some soaring. It seems a tad east so the steeper shorter face might work more…

PV – The main trend is East in the wind but there are signs of a late morning early lunch SW component that will make it launchable. 5-10kts. Great climbs along the mountains with Kardoesie showing over 8k!

Wilderness – Despite the wet grounds it does look like some good thermal flying on the cards with sweet instability to 3k and even a tad more to the mountains. Some OD initially but clearing after lunch. Looks like there could be enough S in the flow to make the coastal ridges work – PR and also Gerrickes could be an easy bench-up. Map might be sweet this afternoon. What a lekker day! ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with the OD hanging around till mid-dayish. SE winds around 10kts at Uppies but climbs to over 4k on the cards.

PE and PA – Southerlies all day here with more chance of rain… Looks like OD sticking longer here too…

EL – As above with near the coast a higher base but inland low cloud and OD with chance of rain. It does lessen later in the afternoon…

Inland – The SE winds pushing far inland with some good instability. To the east some ticker OD conditions but westwards it starts lifting and the OD breaking up. Light winds in the morning but going to 15lts in places for the afternoon.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:15 and setting at 19:15 (Day length is 14 hrs on the dot today!) Another cloudy day, slight chance of rain otherwise perfect for doing everything! Either way go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature another 18 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))


(18 November 2020) 
Day 237 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! A friendly reminder of our social tonight at the Wildfarm Packpackers 18:00. There is a covered braai, bar and pizza on order. If you are in the areas please do pop in. :) Weather and safety wise today another rainy day along the southern parts and strong winds along the west coast. The SAH dominating with the deep instability along the south and to the east still very persistent form the aftereffects of that cut-off low that has dissipated and moved seawards of the KZN coast. For us there should be some clearing happening later today from the west. Winds trend SE to S with up to 30kts in places – especially along the west coast and inland. The Southerlies penetrating strongly during the day to the Sutherland escarpment even. Those CB activity around Middelburg DeAar and eastwards mostly. Winds remain S till past 10k where it will start to veer to the W and then NW for a 100kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level in the South around 9k.

CT – A very deep SE wind 20kts pluss all the way to past 4k so not any usable wind-shadow on the cards. The inland mountains with too much east in the wind and strong so not really a flying day           

RB – Probably good already but def blowing out soon! :)

PV – I have not had a report if anyone got into the late afternoon convergence over PV town yesterday…? Today strong southerlies that trend SE quickly so a very cross wind and over the back mountain on the cards. Still good instability with base high around 7/8k. Some OD in the valley but to the north things are looking better. A great day of soaring – a pity about the strength and direction. ;)

Wilderness – Looks like another rainy day. Winds moving around a bit due to the rain with SE and even North winds at some stage today. Be careful f you do venture out and are tempted to fly in a rainy gap along the coast..

Plett – Similar to Wilderness…

PE and PA – Southerlies all day here with rain…

EL – As above. 20kts plus…

Inland – The southerly winds getting very strong during the day – building from a calmish morning but finishing with 20-30kts in most spots in the late afternoon. The rain clearing from the west…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:16 and setting at 19:14 (Day length is 13 hrs and 59 min!!) Another cloudy and rainy day. Be brave and go for a beach or forest walk!  But either way go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature a cool 18 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))


(17 November 2020) 
Day 236 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! A varied weather pattern across the WC – rain and trending cut-off low rain along the southern coastal regions, CB’s inland and then amazing conditions in the west. The SAH and inland trough the major determinants of our weather today with the southern parts of the trough the interesting bit – this is the start of the cut off low as a bit of it will break free from the trough ending in a stand alone LPS while the Lesotho High “cuts” if off from the interior normal trough conditions. So very rainy in that area over the next few days. However, on the flip side, the west coast is seeing some spectacular flying conditions today – if you are not in PV today you are missing out big time. Yoh yoh yoh!!! (I am facing an audit – wtf man!?) lol hehe. Winds are S to SE along the southern coast and adjacent interior, NW inland. NW from 10k upwards with a 110kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 9k in the SW sector of the WC elsewhere 12/13k.

CT – Looks like some deep Q’s from 2k to 16k tops with a fresh SE flow all day… Head north! ;)

RB – Probably a bit wet but the direction is good…! :)

PV – And we have the best I’ve seen it here in a long time. All NW to W and late some SW in the south flows – 5-10kts mostly. Sweet Q’s around. But it is the convergence regions that should perk you up. Be ready from 15:00 when it shapes up in the valley from Bumpy then towards PV town self where from the looks of things at 17:00 you could climb to 10k! And the wind remains less than 10kts. Yoh yoh! :) Lets hope the forecast is right! (See TH graphs!)

Wilderness – Looks like rain all day long… And tomorrow too. Maybe we should all go to PV. :)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness hehe – pop corn and aidit times! (Yuck!)

PE and PA – Fresh NE winds and rain… Oh and CB activity!

EL – As above. NE winds up to 20kts…

Inland – SE in the southern areas but NW north of the escarpment with wide spread CB activity. (Head west!) ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:16 and setting at 19:13 (Day length is 13 hrs and 57 min!!) A cloudy and rainy day! Walk in the rain, stay indoors with a good book or go to PV!  But either way go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature a humid 20 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))


(16 November 2020) 
Day 235 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! So a sweet day for the students on the GR yesterday while Adam made good use of some instability at RB flying all the way to the Piekenierskloof pass – a tricky flight with the first 16km under low airspace ceiling of just 700m! 130km total – spiralling don from 5000’ cos he was supposed to home at 14:00 already! Hehe… Here’s the link for his track log and the opening pic…  Today the IOH dominating in the east, the trough active inland with CBs in a similar line as yesterday and the SAH having some input on the west. (Looks like a cut off low shaping up over the next few days so we might get a bit more rain). Today a long ridge along the southern coastal areas with a dominating SE flow pattern. Instability here around 3/4k going to 68k north of the first mountains and then 10k from the SB ranges towards the great Sutherland escarpment where the clouds can get to 18k later in the day today! (drool! Or is that “suuuck!) ;) Loads of Q’s around with quite a bit of OD going around on the southern parts. The west coast mostly clear. CT SE going up to 30kts. The winds going NW from 6/7k upwards with a 100kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level 11/12k along the south.

CT – The SE is up again with some slackening and backing near the TM tops. The wind-shadow active in the morning and maybe early afternoon but it gets eroded so becomes dubious I think. Hermanus looking too strong. Great instability along the mountains but the SE trend not making things very doable..

RB – Might already be working…! :)

PV – Another good day here with a tad more west in the wind. Strong winds moving in very late and more in the southern parts of the valley… Climbs to 6k and more in a few spots perhaps.

Wilderness – A southerly start to the day trending SE with 20kts at Gerrickes later on. Sedge early looking good with a chance of soe XC flying for the pro’s towards Serps. But it gets strong east there by mid day. Map with a slow starting bubble while the strong wind lurks out to sea from the looks of it. Probably blown out later in the day and even a chance of rain later too. ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies showing climbs to 3k… Thebay also with a bubbles effect while the wild side is 15-20kts…

PE and PA – Light to moderate E to NE stronger later on. Light rain possible here…

EL – As above. NE winds up to 20kts…

Inland – A light wind start in the little Karoo with strong climbs and high bases. Some CB’s again north south in the Graafies, middleburg DeAar line. High base there… The sea breeze SE pushing past the SB later n the day with 30kts in a few spots!

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:17 and setting at 19:12 (Day length is 13 hrs and 56 min!!) A cloudy day mostly with moderate SE winds – light rain later on. Perfect for doing almost anything. Go and getting high on life! ;) Max temperature a humid 19 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))


(15 November 2020) D
ay 234 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! A sweet day of flying along the GR coast yesterday finishing with some on and off good soaring flights at Sedge. Today not quite as good as the CF and widening isobars effect dampening some of the coastal flying. The inland trough still very active with CB activity down the central parts (Still that cool convergence line to the west of the CB – see the convergence graph – maybe not a record day but still! ;) The SE wind doing its thing around the Peninsula (I believe the hangies are already soaring at RB right this moment) :) Good instability along the west coast PV valleys though the southerly trend might make things tricky. The southern parts with a SW start and a SE finish. Most with light to moderate winds and low clouds around. The seabreeze making it all the way to the Sutherland escarpment by end of day with some 20kts plus spots. North of there the big skies are active with base around 14/15k but strong NW winds up there (3kts in spots!) Along the southern parts winds are S but go NW at 6k. Remaining NW all the way to the Tropopause for a 100kts finish. Freezing level still around 11k in the south.

CT – The SE is up and running with a slight slackening and backing to the east at TM top height. The wind-shadow best in the morning after which it will erode and shift more to the Seapoint stadium side. Some 20kts SSW spots along the shore front later on… But Hermanus should be very good today. Lol.

RB – Already cooking! :)

PV – The wind SSW mostly with steady increasing climbs for a 14:00 tops just over 6k. But the wind gets fresh in the afternoon with 20kts so be wary! Don’t get caught in the Renosterhoek end of the valley! ;)

Wilderness – Sweet rain last night so a wet moring with loads of cloud. Probably OD all day long I think with a small chance of rain mainly on the mountains - becoming less during the day. Winds light SW start then slow backing to the S for mid day and then SE late afternoon. Probably best bet for s Serps or Sedge start and then mid/late afternoon when the wind goes too east move to Map. Good day for students. Sedg could offer climbs to 500m around 11ish I think. ;) PR and CP could also offer something f the wind gets strong enough…

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies showing not to be as good as Sedge… OD with base around 2500’. Keurbooms a maybe late morning if there is enough S in it…

PE and PA – Light to moderate SW start and then trending S to SE later in the day.

EL – As above.

Inland – The Southerly winds in the south with around 4/5k base. At the Sutherland escarpment the change happens with base going to 12k and to the NE north of Middelburg it is 14/15k. Middelburg Graafies Colesburg with CB activity… 20kts plus in a few spots to the south

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:18 and setting at 19:11 (Day length is 13 hrs and 54 min!!) A cloudy day mostly with light winds. Perfect for doing almost anything. Go and getting high on life! ;) Max temperature a cool 17 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))


(14 November 2020) 
Day 233 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! The Cold Front moving into CT this morning rain from 10 onwards form the looks of it. SW winds here but further inland the trough with those NW winds – still very high bases but more chance of OD and CB activity (See the thermal map for a good indication of the CB active area) and then another amazing convergence setting up between the CB line and the NW on the west. Hhhmm… Drool! One can go really far in that! Lol. In the east the IOH is active and as the front passes it looks like conditions might trend towards a cut-off low – therefore all the rain they forecast for next week. But today along the southern coast its all SW winds – strong in places over 20kts and some low clouds – 1000’ or so. Rain only tonight along the GR. The SW will move inland get very strong all the way to the great escarpment Graafies and Sutherland area. From 6k the wind is NW all the way to the Tropopause for a 110kts finish up there. Freezing level along the southern parts down to 11000’.

CT – A NW start but quickly going to SW as the front moves in with rain. Some 20kts spots around. Inland its all clagged in but late afternoon/early evening it starts clearing already…

RB – WWB out again!

PV – The morning and early afternoon looking OK – pretty good actually – if you can get to Kardoesie it stays ok for longer. But the W to SW will pick up strongly from mid afternoon onwards with 20kts on the cards so land no later than 15:00 I think. ;) Climbs to over 6k possible later.

Wilderness – Looks like a sweet SW start with the ocean cliffs flyable with around 10kts and then the afternoon is reserved for Sedge or Serps. Perhaps a XC from Serps to Sedge for the gifted. Good climbs with initial base close to 3k and then from 13:00 onwards dropping a bit and the OD moving in from around 15:00 it seems with even lower base. ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies a tad strong over 10kts but climbs to just over 4k at the nest time. Keurbooms also doable but maybe a tad too much west to be perfect.

PE and PA – All strong SW winds all day with the low coastal clouds… 30kts in paces…

EL – Also those strong SW winds all day like above…

Inland – Still that good flying stuff but more CB activity later in the day – a nice defined line form the looks of it from North to South starting east of Upington. See the convergence graph! The SW moving inland later on all the way to Sutherland with 30kts in places…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:18 and setting at 19:11 (Day length is 13 hrs and 52 min!!) A cloudy start but the winds moderate form the SW becoming lighter. Rain this even so the day perfect for doing anything. Go and getting high on life! ;) Max temperature a sweet 20 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))


(13 November 2020) 
Day 232 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! Today is a record breaking day. The approaching CF and the inland trough with the IOH in such a position, that we have the inland N to NW winds combined with the right amount of moisture and depth of instability – base around 15/16k, and winds 15-20kts, a slight chance of some CB activity but these are well west of the good flying region. Eish. I wish someone was out there to test these things. Oh, well. We can dream and drool I guess. ;) Have a look at the convergence map of SA – those cloud street lines looking like finger prints ending in the coastal sea-breeze convergence front near the coast… Amazing! Back home on the southern coastal areas its light bergwinds with hot temps and a strong inversion. There is a coastal low pulse moving up to strike the GR around 15:00. On the west coast things are looking better with instability to 4k and westerly winds. Winds go NW above the inversion with a steady increase to the Tropopause for a 80-100kts finish up there. Freezing level at 15k.

CT – NW to SW winds with the inversion around 4k. Above the inversion the winds are NW with a steady strength increasing to 50kts at 10k. I don’t see much shear around but the strong inversion could cause some mixing. 12 Apostles looks doable to me… Inland a tad too strong I think with the 20kts at mountain top level…

RB – WWB out again!

PV – A general westerly flow around 5-10kts with climbs to 4k all day from the looks of it. Seems like a sweet day. Nw above the inversion.

Wilderness – An inverted hot light bergwind morning with a shallow coastal onshore flow S to even SE initially. Around 15:00 the WSW pulse will pop through so keep an eye on that. It looks like a bumpy WSW maybe not the best for flying but I know some pilots that will try anyway. ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness…

PE and PA – Things chance here with the IOH dominating and very strong NE winds all day long… 30kts in paces…

EL – Also those super strong NE winds of 30kts plus…

Inland – That amazing record breaking NW flowing airmass. Initially climbs to over 10k north of the Outenikwas. The Seabreeze penetrating to other side of Oudtshoorn later in the day. But further inland its high bases and strong climbs 15/16k with well organized streeting! Drool! lol

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:19 and setting at 19:10 (Day length is 13 hrs and 51 min!!) A beautiful morning with hot light wind conditions. The late afternoon seeing a strong WSW breeze from the ocean. Go and getting high on life! ;) Max temperature a hot 30 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))


(12 November 2020) 
Day 231 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! The IOH dominating with those SE coastal flows – 30kts in a few spots – while a CF is making its way towards CT influencing parts of the west. Mostly a blue day for the WC with a few clouds out to sea except in the far eastern coastal regions where these clouds will make landfall. And then far inland around Douglas some very high Q’s at 16k where its epic NW flying conditions. (Drool!) Still, we are having some of that good air just north of the first range of mountains with climbs over the Outenikwas and the northern parts of the PV valley with up to 8k possible today. Winds are N from 3/5k upwards and then around 14k it goes SW for a 30-40kts finish up at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 15k.9

CT – Looks like a NE start backing to the NW but only above the surface winds which are S to SW around 5-10kts in a few spots. The inversion very low – less than 1k and the N above that. Hhhmmm… The mountains with that N to NW winds and high base with super hight emps out there – it does look flyable to me and not really berg-windy (smooth wind strength increases with not much shear from the looks of it)

RB – Too light and WWB out again!

PV – A N start going NW with climbs to 8k possible toady – mid thirties so a hot day here… 5-10kts NW going to 15k up high!

Wilderness – Similar to yesterday but with a bit more of East trend higher up. Also that low level mini jet making an appearance so the SE at Map and Gerrickes with a bit of a shear in it later on. Late morning could be better with a bit of sweetness before the shear shakes things up a bit. It could get blown out again. (Probably!) ;) Climbs along the coast to just over 1000ft…

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with the SE trend but climbs at Uppies to 2k…

PE and PA – Strong NE winds with 30kts in a few places… Some low cloud moving in around PE later in the afternoon.

EL – Also those super strong NE winds of 30kts plus in places and some cloud and even OD along the coast…

Inland – A beautiful start again to the day with light winds in most spots. Climbs over the SW and northern Outenikwas to 8k. The SE sea breeze penetrating to the SB range by late afternoon and pretty breezy at 20kts plus.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:20 and setting at 19:09 (Day length is 13 hrs and 49 min!!) A beautiful morning with a bit of a SE wind later in the day. Perfect for everything! Go and getting high on life! ;) Max temperature a warm 23 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))


(11 November 2020) 
Day 230 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! What a  beautiful place we life in! Another spectacular day of flying on the GR – some sweet XC flying on the flats and would you believe a chance of some good things happening again today! The SAH ridge morphing into the IOH during the day with a E  to SE flow over the entre WC. Very strong again in the southern Peninsula areas and a few spots along the southern coast but for the most part the strong wind staying away until late in the day. Some sweet Q’s around in the eastern southern coastal areas – this will clear more from the west during the day. Instability around 2/3k along the southern coast plateaus with this ocean airmass undercutting a tad more inland instability as it moves inland during the day. 6k climbs behind the first mountain ranges for the most part. Inland the wind is SE to East then veers to the south deeper inland. From 10k upwards the wind is SW and remains WSW all the way to the Tropopause for a 60kt finish. Freezing level around 11k.

CT – Looks like a sweet wind-shadow day here. 25kts in the south but the inversion around 1500’ with a lowering in the wind helping the wind to flow around the Peninsula rather than over it. ;) A tad too much East near the mountains…

RB – Could be good today… ;)

PV – Lower SW but around mountain top height it starts to back to the SE which could make things a bit bumpy… lol. Climbs to 5k…

Wilderness – A relatively clear start with light winds form the south. It does trend SE during the day with some strong winds out to Gerrickes and Buffs. Wilderness perhaps only getting into the strong stuff late afternoon. Might get blown out at that point but if some apps are to be believed even early afternoon. ;) Climbs to 3k doable on the plateaus… Gerrickes a bench-up doable. Buffs on too.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with the SE trend but climbs early up to 4k doable at Uppies...

PE and PA – The E to NE winds dominating here but inland some good Q’s and some XC potential on the cards I think. Base between 4/6k.

EL – NE winds 10-15kts. And some lower cloud inland with a chance of OD conditions. Hhhhmmm…. Do uoi guys fly out there other than at Hogsback? :)

Inland – A beautiful start to the day with light winds in most spots. The SE sea breeze penetrating to the SB range by late afternoon and pretty breezy at 20kts plus.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:20 and setting at 19:08 (Day length is 13 hrs and 47 min!!) A beautiful morning with a bit of a SE wind later in the day. Perfect for everything! Go and getting high on life! ;) Max temperature a sweet 19 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))


(10 November 2020) 
Day 229 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! Another amazing day yesterday along the GR coast with a sweet finish to the end of the day. Today The SAH shaping a bit of a ridge along the south with an initial SSW flow trending south and then SE later in the day. The strong stuff around the Peninsula as the winds accelerate up the west coast due to those tight isobars form the west coast trough. 30kts at time here. Inland the winds are all SE in general with some Q’s in the eastern parts – Graafies area. Base here around 6/7k. The winds get to 20kts late afternoon here to. Elsewhere it is pretty sweet actually. Still some sweet instability around with 3/4k climbs along the coastal plateaus and 6/7k behind the first mountain ranges. Wind veers to the SW around 10k and then to the WNW for a 50kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level up at 11k.

CT – A lighter start but before mid day it is over 20kts with the initial instability replaced by the ocean inversion. IT doesn’t look like much of a wind-show shaping up – close to 30kts and very slow slackening with height in the wind… The mountains not much better with those southerly and even east winds.

RB – The wind looks like it is coming through with a bang and gets blown out later on. ;)

PV – Its an early flight from 11 to 14:00. Then the wind will increase close to 20kts and go mor south. Up 5k climbs…

Wilderness – Some startoQ’s around with the SSW light wind start. Serps and Sedge looking sweet early on with good stuff – expecting climbs to over 3k until it goes too east. Map looks like a sweet late afternoon day… Gerrickes a bench-up doable. Buffs on too. So sweet all around actually.

Plett – Uppies similar to Wilderness.

PE and PA – SW winds start but this will moderate later and back to S and then SE. Slight chance of light rain later on.

EL – The light SW will back to the SE and even NE in the north with that slight chance of rain later – increasing to the east.

Inland – SE winds everywhere with the Graafies escarpment reaching 20kts in the late afternoon. Cloudy in the east but blue in the west. A sweet flying day in general.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:21 and setting at 19:07 (Day length is 13 hrs and 46 min!!) A cloudy morning with light winds trending SE later on. A sweet day with beach and forest walks on the cards. Go and getting high on life! ;) Max temperature around 17 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))


(9 November 2020) 
Day 228 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! Some sweet flying yesterday along the Wilderness ocean cliffs and it looks like today will be another one like that. The SAH pushing in unstable air form the SW along the coast but southerlies inland all the way into Namibia. From 8k the wind veers to finish NW from 10k upwards. Cloudbase pretty high near the coasts with 3/4k on the cards. But from around PE in a N to S line to the east the CF still having a influence with lower bases and rain. The winds finishes at 110kts NW at the Tropopause. Freezing level down to 6500’ in the south.

CT – Breezy S to SW winds. IT starts of light so an early flyable window I think but then picks up to near 20kts for the mid to late afternoon with a southerly direction – the wind-shadow not the best from the looks of it. The mountains also a tad on the breezy side with the southerly.

RB – IT could be sweet today… ;)

PV – Winds also a tad too southerly but it could be doable as the thermals pulls things up straight enough to launch and fly. Climbs to 5k possible…

Wilderness – It looks like the rain has moved on earlier than predicted leaving it flyable for us form early already. The ocean cliffs the place to be with flights from here to Plett on the cards… Sedge and Serps should be doable form later in the afternoon – say 15:00 onwards. Climbs there to over 3k on the cards…

Plett – Uppies looking a bit strong wind wise with 15kts most of the time. Only very late on the afternoon things moderating enough for some flying – perhaps. ;) Keurbooms looking to be the better choice working from late morning till late in the day…

PE and PA – SW winds with rain all day. Slight moderating and maybe some clearing from the west later in the day…

EL – As above but stronger SW winds 20kts…  

Inland – The southerly winds all the way deep into the interior today. Some spots up to 20kts especially over the tops of the mountains. Sweet thermal clouds around the southern ranges.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:22 and setting at 19:06 (Day length is 13 hrs and 44 min!!) A wet morning but clearing quickly with onshore winds. Beach walks to the east the best bet. Go and getting high on life! ;) Max temperature around 16 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))


(8 November 2020) 
Day 227 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! The Cold Front westerlies still dominating over the WC as the SAH helps to push in that cooler and unstable air onto the southern parts of the WC. The far interior still having the NW dryer and warmer airmass with even higher climbs. The west coast with lower bases varying from 2k up to 4k and rain. The cloud base increasing with height again to the east. There is another coastal low moving up the coast and will reach the GR around 14:00 maybe light rain later on there too. Some lower clouds popping in at that time. Just before thought conditions in some spots really good. Winds are strong in the west and moderating towards the east SW in general with even an S trend in some GR spots. From 5k it is all WNW with 120kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level down to 7500’ around CT but up to 15k east of PE.

CT – Around 20kts on average for the day westerly winds mostly. The mountains too strong and SH and LH a tad much for the PG but possible for the Hangies especially later in the day if it clears and lifts more. Could be a good 12 Apostle run pending on the hight of the clouds and the rain.

RB – WWB is out today… ;)

PV – A low base start but rising steadily to just clear of the tops. Perhaps a tad on the strong side with loads of cloud suck around – base at 3k and tops at 10! 15kts… Hhhh,mmmmm…

Wilderness – Another light start from the looks of it but there is some good WSW winds out to sea so it could be some good soaring along the ocean cliffs all day. A strong pulse expected at lunchtime (14:00 more or less) so keep an eye open to the ocean for this. Sedge looking good with climbs to 500m from 11 onwards and even more as the instability deepens before the SW pulse moves in. Some clouds also coming with that pulse…

Plett – Uppies is looking epic at 10:30 if your timing is good. Just as the west starts going more south get up and you could climbs to 8k! Soon after an inversion forms and you will be capped at just 4k… lol. 10kts from the looks of things.

PE and PA – S to SE winds around 15kts… Inland some good flying to be had with good instability. But further inland it is more W to NW and some strong spots of 20kts.

EL – As above…  

Inland – WNW far inland backing more westerly to the south. The S to SW seabreeze penetrating inland to just north of the Swartbergs in a few spots. High bases with 10k near the Outenikwas initially before that sea breeze kicks in.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:23 and setting at 19:05 (Day length is 13 hrs and 42 min!!) A sweet morning with a stronger bit of wind at lunchtime and some low clouds moving in then. Still a perfect to g and getting high on life! ;) Max temperature around 21 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))


(7 November 2020) 
Day 226 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! Another CF pushing into the WC with strong WNW winds all over the show. 2-30kts but a few spots might get to 40. Strong wave activity also around (see the graphs and clear wave markings) Rain expected along the SW sections but not as much today as yesterday. The coast trending a tad more WSW in the direction but the GR coast with a bit of shelter today and some surprising light wind areas around Wilderness. Cloud base also rising steadily from the west at low bases – 2k or less to 10k in the east inland of PE. Winds are all WNW from 3k upwards with a 120kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level down to 7500 in a few spots.

CT – Very strong NW winds here all day – even for the hangies… Even a spot of rain with still some deep Q’s around. Even stronger along the mountains.

RB – WWB is out today… ;)

PV – Also clagged in start but when it clears it will be too strong… 20kts…

Wilderness – Remarkably it looks like the prefrontal activity is going off all around and over us! ;) The forecasts are showing sheltered flow here with a southerly trend. Late afternoon it even looks like Sedge is developing some instability with climbs to just over 1000’. Above the inversion it goes west. (Early morning mid day the inversion is very low) Strong west winds out to sea though so keep an eye out for any wind-lines moving in from there..

Plett – Uppies with a strong west start but then late afternoon from 15:00 onwards the sea breeze moves in here with a SSW component and climbs to 2k… Its also light and protected in the bay with some WSW spurts from Robberg side possible…

PE and PA – Here we are having some NE winds – light in the west but stronger to the east. All day. Inland it is very strong West winds so not the best of days except for some sheltered spots along the coast…

EL – As above… NE dominating here…

Inland – Very very strong WNW winds of 20-30kts all day long… 40kts not far above the ground. So not a flying day out there…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:23 and setting at 19:04 (Day length is 13 hrs and 40 min!!) A sheltered region of light wind around the Wilderness coast area today so enjoy it as the CF lashes out everywhere else. Perfect to g and getting high on life! ;) Max temperature a sweet 23 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))



(6 November 2020) 
Day 225 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! The dominant feature is the Cold Front making it is way into the WC. Rain in CT already and spreading to the rest of the area during the course of the day. Base around 2k with tops at around 12k. Strong WNW winds expected everywhere with a few sheltered exceptions. 20-30kts. All the winds breaking up the climbs so not much out there today. The southern coast with breezy WSW winds and a strong SW pulse moving through in the mid afternoon bring what looks like a strong rain front. Keep tabs on that if you do try and venture out. ;)

CT – Low clouds with rain and NW going W winds. Doesn’t look good all day.

RB – WWB is out today… ;)

PV – Also clagged in all day from the looks of it…

Wilderness – Some broken low level clouds around with lots of mid and high level stuff and light winds. Winds seem to be very west until that strong gust front moves in around 14:00 but of course with the associated rain. Might be great for weather watching. ;) Unless there’s enough south in the wind it doesn’t look good for even playing on the dunes…

Plett – According to the forecasts you might get an early flight in at Uppies around 10 but the it start to go pear with winds picking up from the west and thickening clouds. That same gust front expected soon after 14:00 with base dropping right to almost ground and rain… Hehe… Really looks like a weather watch front… ;)

PE and PA – The winds trend WSW and then late afternoon that same front move in from the west here… So it doesnt look like anything flyable today – could be good for surfers at J-bay though as the swell builds during the day to finish with what looks like solid 6ft lines! ;)

EL – As above with the gust front ending up between PA and EL around 19:00…

Inland – Very strong W to WNW winds and the rain blacked around the Swartberg ranges form the looks of things. Again not a flying day as the pushing front causes those strong prefrontal winds… Some spots with high base at 12k or so…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:24 and setting at 19:03 (Day length is 13 hrs and 39 min!!) A very strong SW pulse moving in around 14:00 with rain. Worth looking out for that so don’t get caught. Plan your walk on the beach and forest accordingly. ;) In between its still perfect to g and getting high on life! ;) Max temperature a sweet humid 22 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))


(5 November 2020) 
Day 224 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! A very active trough with the centre circulation right over the southern Cape combine with loads of mid level moisture from the north causing wide spread CB (Thundershowers) across the whole of the WC today. From the west to the east, from north to the south. Perhaps a few coastal spots could be spared but still a high possibility of some rain. Winds are NE in the far eastern coastal regions but then light variable along the GR coast line – perhaps a SW start but then trending SE later. The west is all N to NW winds with the Peninsula a tad more WSW later in the day. The low circulation moving ESE during the day so most activity moving in that direction. So loads of thick mid and upper level clouds from which we can expect some CB’ and rain. A few spots with lower bases around the 4k range with even deeper development with some CB’s packing quite a punch. In general it is not really a flying day but you could get away with soe shallow coastal flows on some small sheltered site if you are lucky. ;) Winds go NW from 10k upwards with a strong WSW Jet stream just to the west of the country (that approaching CF) while the flows overhead remain light at 30kts Northerlies. Freezing level around 12k.

CT – A low cloud start with a NW general flow. This should clear with the winds WNW and later even a tad WSW. Some higher clouds and a chance of CB’s during the day – mostly on the mountains. Some strong spots on the mountains…

RB – WWB is out today… ;)

PV – Some fresh North winds trending NW with a good chance of some upper CB activity. The inversion around 4k…

Wilderness – A light wind start with a chance of some fog patches. SW to begin with trending more SSE later on. I think there’s a chance of some flying to be had at Sedge from 10 onwards till mid afternoon. It will be on and off with thick upper cover but that is about your best bet for today… (Of course that is if the rain stays away) ;)

Plett – It looks like Uppies could be doable with some instability here up to 3k late morning early lunch and SSW winds. But the chance of CB activity probably making it a dicey choice. Rain at any time from the NW as those CB’ could move in and influence the flying field. :)

PE and PA – The NE winds dominating during the morning and afternoon except in the west where the south will move in late afternoon. But those CB and rain moving in at some stage during the day with high chance of rain from PE to EL during the day. The NE up to 20kts….

EL – As above but NE winds all day long….

Inland – Those strong CB activity everywhere. Surface winds starting of E in the south early on but this will make way for the West that seems to dominate all day with fresh spots – those CB activity causing loads of surface influences on the winds… Def a day to stay on the ground lol.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:25 and setting at 19:02 (Day length is 13 hrs and 37 min!!) A light wind day with chance of some CB and rain. Still perfect day for forest and beach walks. Go and getting high on life! ;) Max temperature a sweet humid 23 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))


(4 November 2020) 
Day 223 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! We are still mulling over the amazing record flight fro our local almost coastal site – Serpentine – flow by fit and strong pilot Theunis De Bruin. (Please watch his tracklog animation – here is the link to the track log animation of the record flight) (

The SAH dominating with a very active inland trough with deep instability and a lot of moist air being fed in form the north causing conditions favourable for strong CB activity inland today. Mostly confine to the north of the SB ranges but some spilling even further south perhaps coming in overhead of the GR coastline later on. The surface winds inland are also a veritable seesaw ride with the models picking up on the CB activity and indicating even some strong gust-fronts! Along the coasts there’s some fogy patches along the southern coastline but most of that should lift with reasonable base of 1-2k. A small chance of some light rain along the southern coasts too. A general SE flow along the coast with strong stuff again passing Agulhas and into the Peninsula. 4k instability depth around here and up the west coast but deeper inland more with parts of the Cederbergs showing 9k climbs. Winds go NW from 6/7k upwards but then goes light over Riversdal with CT showing SW at 30kts and Wilderness NW at 20kts. Freezing level around 13k in the south.

CT – A poor wind-shadow day with the depth of the strong SE flow – increasing in the afternoon to 25kts up to 3/4k. The mountains not looking much better for flying with the SE trend…

RB – Another day for RB to show off as a playground for the hangies…

PV – The SW winds up to 4k where it backs to the east. Climbs in general to around this height but over the back into the Cederbergs t gets much better. Perhaps a chance of OD upper air stuff with some CB’s…

Wilderness – Another light wind start with a S to SE trend. It looks like it will get blown out late n the day at Map but before that we should get some cool flying in here… It looks very eats for Sedge from early on but perhaps you could get a chance at Gerrickes for a bench up. There is a very small chance of some light rain early and again early evening.

Plett – The SE flow dominant here too but some climbs to 3k at Sedge on the cards. Some high clouds around dampening things a tad but there should still be some good climbs around. Similar chance of rain as Wilderness…

PE and PA – A relatively light wind start but the SE flow reaching 20kts in some spots. Slight chance of light rain early and later on too…

EL – And some light wind around here even into the afternoon with a SE to NE trend 5kts to 15kts. Thick upper air clouds and relatively low climbs inland too.  

Inland – Those strong CB activity along the a very wide area – almost the entire inland region north of the Sutherland escarpment but then moving southwards in the afternoon. Initial SE flows but in the afternoon the stronger N flows from the CB activity moving south past the SB later on… Def a day to stay on the ground lol.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:26 and setting at 19:01 (Day length is 13 hrs and 35 min!!) A foggy beach start but clearing mostly with light SSE winds to start. Windy late afternoon but still perfect day for forest and beach walks. Go and getting high on life! ;) Max temperature a sweet humid 22 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))


(3 November 2020) 
Day 222 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! It was so cold at cloud-base that record day – this is the TH graph for the Riversdal area – Everyone that flew that day and got high said the same. Dit was vrek koud! ;) (Please watch his tracklog animation – here is the link (

With the two HP system dominating either side of the country the inland trough has deepened and intensified with some CB activity from the west coast to the east possible today. But with it also the prospects of soe super duper epic high soaring conditions from the far north down to north of the SB mountains. 18k bases in quite a few spots. Winds are all N to NW up there. It backs to the west in the south and then the southerly from the sea will push in later in the day – strong in place reaching 30ts in places! For the coasts it si pretty foggy on both sides but clearing somewhat along the southern coast and in the southern west coast areas. Winds are S to SE in general with strong winds around Agulhas up to CP. Instability along the coastal plains around the 2-4k level with the good stuff to the north and further inland. Winds remain SE up to 6k where it goes west veering to the NW for a 15kts NW finish over the coast. Freezing level around 14k.

CT – Another sweet wind-shadow day with the SE pretty shallow below the strong inversion around 1k. That is if the low cloud dissipates. ;) The stronger SE pushing through late afternoon might change things… FH looking good up to around 14:00 when the SE makes an appearance. DuToits should be good too with climbs to 5k and W to SW winds…

RB – It looks like a super good late afternoon session can work here…

PV – W to SW winds with climbs up to 6k in the right spots… 5-10kts with some 15kt pushes later in the day… another lekker day :)  

Wilderness – A light wind day with coastal fog patches. Pretty stable with Sedge and Serps showing a struggle to get above launch. Perhaps sup to 800ft ASL… Winds remain light SSE with even the coastal cliffs showing few spots worth flying…

Plett – Also the SE flow with Uppies showing climbs to 1500ft. All day.

PE and PA – Some strong East to NE winds with 20kts in some places…

EL – The NE winds more moderate here with 10-15kts on the cards. Inlnad is where the action is though… ;)  

Inland – A westerly start with light to moderate winds all the way to the Sutherland escarpment but NW to the north from there. Very high bases around these central parts with CB activity around the escarpment and northwards. The sea-breeze pushing through later in the day is very strong – even up to 30ts in places. It gets to just shy of the Sutherland escarpment late late in the day.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:27 and setting at 19:00 (Day length is 13 hrs and 33 min!!) A foggy beach start but clearing mostly with light SSE winds. Another perfect day for forest and beach walks. Go and getting high on life! ;) Max temperature a sweet humid 22 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))



(2 November 2020) 
Day 221 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! I was chatting to Theunis about his flight noticing his wandering off away from the main mountains towards the end of his record flight. (Please watch his tracklog animation – here is the link ( The previous day I noticed that the forecast showed the convergence line moving away form the mountain (which is unusual – the mountains are usually the best bet for good lift!) For this reason I did not mention it in the prediction but as it turned out it seems like it was spot on! (See the convergence graph late in the afternoon and compare that to Theunis last part of his flight) Interesting hey! ;)

Today the SAH and IOH has weakened substantially compared to yesterday so much less wind inland and during the morning along the coasts. Though it does pick-up again in the afternoon again. The inland trough shifted to the west so some epic flying inland from the west coast today – (See the blue streeting map!) Climbs at Springbok to 15k doable today but look at Kardoesie as my choice of the day! It is within striking distance of all pilots and climbs there today going as high as I have seen it in a long long time (see regional report) :) Elsewhere the coastal plateaus with climbs in the order of 2-4k near the mountains (weaker than yesterday). 5-6k just beyond those and then far inland the good airmass with the 10k plus climbs. Some epic clouds to the east again along the Graafies area showing the moisture boundary. Winds are fairly light and SE with height all the way to 5k where it goes NW remaining light with a backing to the SW at the Tropopause for a 30kts finish up there. Freezing level around 13-14k.

CT – A sweet wind-shadow day with the SE confined to the southern Peninsula The inversion setting at at 1-1500ft and a SW trend around LH and SH. The mountains closeby with too much SE in them but further north it gets really really good!

RB – Hhhmmm it looks a bit frustrating here today with the wind seemingly not getting into gear. A maybe day later on…

PV – So PV should be good with the expected Westerly flow of air but if you go further north and launch at Kardoesie you should be in for some great action. Strong climbs towards Skerpheuwel with the whole higher ground section there in the convergence region and climbs indicating over 10k. (Maybe 13k!) See the TH graph for 14:30 there… Lekker! :)

Wilderness – A sweet light wind start with some low cloud over the ocean. It should clear for some flying with slightly lighter but in some respects similar to yesterday conditions. Serps should be sweet for a jaunt from there to Map (my local cool choice I think). Sedge looking a tad more east compared to yesterday and then there’s Buffs and also another possible bench-up at Gerrickes early on…

Plett – Very similar to Wilderness with Uppies showing climbs to around 2500ft. SE winds 10kts there but some strong spots far out to sea…

PE and PA – Again the very strong NE winds here with 30kts at times…

EL – NE winds all day and super strong at times… 30kts plus!

Inland – A sweet day with light SE winds all the way to the Sutherland escarpment. The Seabreeze will push through late in the day progressing to the SB mountains. (See graph) Sweet clouds to the eastern half far inland…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:28 and setting at 18:59 (Day length is 13 hrs and 31 min!!) A few low cloud patches but clearing with the light SE picking again in the afternoon. Another perfect day for forest and beach walks. Go and getting high on life! ;) Max temperature a sweet 22 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))


(1 November 2020) D
ay 220 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! Here is the track log of Theunis’ flight. Pretty darn amazing If you ask me! ;) (  Today a similar pattern to yesterday but a slight tightening of the isobars between the SAH and IOH so a tad stronger winds along the coast, especially in the late afternoon with many spots going 30kts plus! Those CB activity inland again but more to the east. Instability around 1-2k near the coast but rising to 4/5k at the first range then 6/7 beyond that. A few Q’s along the eastern southern coast regions. The SE winds are dominant all the way inland way past the Sutherland escarpment. It remains SE all the way to 10k then a slow veering with a SW finish at the Tropopause of around 30kts. Freezing level up at 13k.

CT – Similar to yesterday with the very strong SE winds around, especially in the afternoon The morning looks flyable with the wind-shadow working but from midday onwards it will errored as that SE picks up. Terrible on the mountains too – SE out there.

RB – A sweet day on the cards here… :) Probably blown out again later on.

PV – A SW flow up to around 4k then it goes East. Winds are light up there on the change so it should be sweet. Very high climbs expected with KArdoesie showing 8k from 2 onwards. Watch out for the strong sea breeze moving in from around 16/17:00… 15-20kts then! ;)

Wilderness – Another SE day like yesterday but it does get blown out early. Also another low level “jet” so this is capping the climbs making for those frustrating stuff of strong wind but not getting very high… ;) Sedge showing 11 clock climbs to just shy of 3k but the wind very east already at that time… Maybe a bench-up at Gerrickes early on…

Plett – Very similar to Wilderness with Uppies showing climbs also to around 3k… But more SE blowing there too compared to yesterday…

PE and PA – Very strong East to NE winds here with 30kts at times…

EL – NE winds all day and super strong at times… 30kts plus!

Inland – A light wind start with a sweet morning of SE flow but then late afternoon sees the wind picking up again toe 20kts SE in many places….  

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:29 and setting at 18:58 (Day length is 13 hrs and 29 min!!) A light SE start but strong in the afternoon. Another perfect day for forest and beach walks. Go and getting high on life! ;) Max temperature a sweet 20 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))


(31 October 2020) 
Day 219 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! And do we have some awesome people in our group! Well done to Rouberre and Theunis for smashing the GR and Serpentine site records with incredible flights yesterday. 137 and 161km respectively (That’s as the crow flies!) more than 6 and half hours in the air and it was sooo cold up there! So kudus to these tough “young” pilots (Well, they are much younger than me anyway!) ;) I will publish more flight details over the days to come so we can all share in this huge paragliding achievement.

Today the SAH still dominating with a wide spread trough inland and the associated CB cells (bread and good rains expected inland from the BW line and eastwards) But to the west it is very good flying. The unstable layer along our coasts still there but much shallower with 2/3k climbs over the coastal plains and a tad more near the mountains. Few Q’s around so a blue day. Stronger SE trend in the wind with 20kts in some places later in the day. Very strong SE around the Peninsula with a more S to SSW swing at PV or more towards Kardoesie. West of the trough line climbs to 10-14k expected in the far north west but that abrupt line of CB’s canning anything to the east. (See graph) Winds remain east all the way to around 10k but then veers to the SE again for a 30/40kts finish up at the Tropopause (See strange upper air winds graph!) IT is NW far inland. Freezing level around 12k…

CT – Very very strong SE winds today all the way up to 3/4k so not much of a wind-shadow shaping up. Again not looking good for flying to be honest…

RB – Another good day on the cards with some strong thermals and high climbs expected (6k!) But probably blown out again later on.

PV – Upper flows are ESE but lower it is southerly. Very strong at 20kts later in the day at PV and very south but at Kardoesie a slight reprieve with a more SSW component and 5-15kts from morning till late. Some spots showing very high climbs with 8/9 doable… ;)

Wilderness – A SE trend with the winds picking up in the afternoon to around 15kts average. Map could get blown out. Still some climbs to be had at Serps and Sedge late morning before it goes too strong SE. Maybe 2k climbs with up to 3k on the plateau.

Plett – Very similar to Wilderness with Uppies showing climbs to around 3k… The SE blowing there too with around 10kts…

PE and PA – SE winds here all day reaching 20kts late afternoon in a few spots.

EL – The SE start but then trending more East and NE later on with 15-20kts on the cards…

Inland – A large CB active region to the east of the trough (See rain chart) but to the west it is clear and strong. A east wind in general for the whole interior expected – even up past the Sutherland escarpment. IT reaches 20kts plus late afternoon in many spots…  

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:30 and setting at 18:57 (Day length is 13 hrs and 28 min!!) A light SE start but picking up strong in the afternoon. Another perfect day for forest and beach walks. Go and getting high on life! ;) Max temperature a coolish 17 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))


(30 October 2020) 
Day 218 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! The SAH shaping a sweet ridge along the southern parts of the WC bringing in a layer of cool and sweetly unstable air. This unstable layer is around 4-6k in thickness and spread around most of the WC and into the interior especially along the western parts. The eastern interior still with those CB cells where the edge of the CF runs into the inland trough and NW flows. Strong winds along the west coast breaking up the thermals a bit but the southern coastal areas with light southerly winds and good thermal soaring on the cards. Some OD with a Strato-Q layer initially in the east from Knysna eats-wards but this should open up during the day. The wind goes NW from 6k upwards finish at the Tropopause WNW around 120kts. Freezing level around 10k but the inversion at 6k with temps around 2 Degrees at that point.

CT – Very strong SE winds today all the way up to 3/4k so not much of a wind-shadow shaping up. Not looking good for flying to be honest…

RB – This is looking great for an early morning sortie… Probably blown out later on.

PV – Strong winds form the S with some SE in it so not the best day out here…

Wilderness – Looks like a great day’s flying ahead of us with very high climbs expected at Serps and Sedge – 3-4k. Winds SW with a SSE trend later in the day. The ocean cliffs should offer something to play in but it is light all day. Some OD early on but clearing quickly. A good day for some XC potential – probably Serps the place with a longer SW influence than expected to give that extra distance! (and perhaps a later start because of all the rain form last night in a few spots though the forecasts shows starting at 9:30 already!) ;)

Plett – Very similar to Wilderness but a tad more OD early on. Uppies showing climbs to 4500’. Keurbooms a tad light but a maybe… Afternoon SE from lunchtime onwards already.

PE and PA – The coastal winds SW start with Maitlands working but then it goes SE from mid day onwards. Inland from PE is about the line of the good flying air with the east not that great. So inland of PA not that good with loads of OD around… Also rain from here eastwards...

EL – SW winds most of the day with OD conditions and rain and inland some CB activity. IT does go more SSE late in the afternoon…

Inland – Those CB activity to the Eastern interior (See rain graph) but in the south a good flying day with winds only reaching 15kts from 16:00 onwards. A good day for flying out there – even SB looking good for most of the day but late afternoon getting a bit breezy there I think.  

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:31 and setting at 18:56 (Day length is 13 hrs and 26 min!!) A light south wind day. So perfect for forest and beach walks all day long! Go and getting high on life! ;) Max temperature a cool 16 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))


(29 October 2020) 
Day 217 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! A great 12 Apostle run done by the hangies in CT and then here in Wilderness a fantastic XC flight by Theunis flying from Serps all the way to Knysna! (44k’s as the crow flies!) And its just the start of the season! ;) Today changing all the good flying as it moves into the interior with the help of the SAH pushing in hard behind it. Loads of CB activity along the front edge – the EC interior with some good rains on the cards form this. Winds are breezy SW along the coasts with a W to NW trend in the interior. Rain in CT areas this morning still but it will clear from the west later on. Varied cloud bases all over trending from 1k to 7k AGL pending on the convergence and CB activity. A few spots with some flying possible today. Winds go NW from 6k upwards with a 120kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level down to 5500’ in the far SW corner of the WC.

CT – A rainy morning with NW winds that will back to the SW around 15kt later in the afternoon with skies clearing and base rising opening up some flying options around the Peninsula. Still looks too strong for SLP and FH.

RB – lol. Still WWB is out!

PV – Clagged in for the morning but also clearing somewhat in the afternoon with 15kts WSW winds. Could be doable late in the day for a short soaring sortie… ;)

Wilderness – The SW winds building during the day with some rain on and off. The best is mid morning for some dune gooning along the cliffs before the wind gets too strong – that is if the wind stays away… ;)

Plett – Very similar to Wilderness with Uppies a tad strong and Keurboom too west so not that good…

PE and PA – Strong SW winds moving on from the west from around midday onwards. More rain here and eastwards too… The wind to the east starting SW but going east for a short bit before the strong SW moves in from the west.

EL – SW start then NE winds to the east with lighter winds to the west preceding that strong SW moving up the coast. Lots of rain for areas from the looks of it..

Inland – Strong NW winds in the north backing to the W and then SW further south and into the afternoon. CB activity in the east especially along the CF leading edge. (See the grpahs and figure it out!) ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:32 and setting at 18:55 (Day length is 13 hrs and 24 min!!) A SW wind day with rain on and off – it gets really strong this afternoon so a day for forest walks with your rain kit or reading that good book! Either way go and getting high on life! ;) Max temperature a sweet 19 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(28 October 2020) 
Day 216 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! The SAH dominating today as a CF is moving into the WC from the west. A sweet heat low and trough in the interior with those CB activities mainly in the east near the Drakensberg areas. Winds NW in the interior with the southern coastal flows SW. Later in the day some of this strong SW flow will meet the inland NW causing some big convergence with climbs over 15k inland from EL… (yoh!) Else some Q’s on the southern coastal areas and over the Peninsula. Sweet instability almost everywhere with the SAH air providing some 3-6k of instability depth. Above this layer the wind goes NW and remains NW all the way to the Tropopause for a 105kt finish. Freezing level around 13k but lowering during the night with tomorrow below 5k in the SW…

CT – A strong NW day with things looking good for a 12 apostle hangie day. Mostly around 20kts so it will be strong – but perfect for those topless hang gliders! :) The mountains also a tad too strong as the front pushes in… Small chance of rain later on otherwise it is looking like a sweet NW (No prefrontal stuff…) ;)

RB – lol. WWB is out! But it doesn’t matter since you guys will be specked over TM!

PV – NW winds around 15kts with some good climbs to 5/6k here. Probably a tad on the strong side for PG….

Wilderness – It looks like a sweet flying day with some early coastal soaring and the moving onto Sedge and Serps. With the strong and high climbs there could be soe strong bits so just beware. Climbs to just shy of 3k with Q’s on the cards. The wind goes decidedly NW above base strengthen quickly so there might be some mixing near the TOC areas. Probably not a good day to head to the mountains but remaining along the costal flats should be sweet! :)

Plett – Very similar to Wilderness with Uppies not showing any higher climbs than Sedge.

PE and PA – Moderate SW winds that will trend a tad more S later on. Far inland is where the action looks to be as the NW clashes with the SW. (See graph) Perhaps too strong for us mortals to want to venture out into that but we can dream!) ;)  

EL – The SW staying for longer and going S to SE from the East later in the day.

Inland – Strong NW winds initially all the way to the backside of the first ranges. The SW reaching the SB mountains by late afternoon. Its very breezy then with 20ts in many spots. The convergence showing climbs to 16k!

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:33 and setting at 18:55 (Day length is 13 hrs and 22 min!!) Summer time is here!!). A light moderate wind day from the S to SW with some high cirrus clouds later on. Perfect for doing anything and getting high on life! ;) Max temperature another sweet 20 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))


(27 October 2020) 
Day 215 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! Inland a very active trough running down the centre of the country with CB activity along that line and eastwards. Strong winds out there with NW reaching over 25kts in places. A CF approaching CT with loads of low cloud there today and NW flows… Along the southern coastal areas initially the IOH dominating with strong NE to E winds but quickly being eroded by a low moving up the coast bringing with it SW winds all the way to just shy of PA by end of day. Some low clouds spots around the coast but quickly rising as it hits the land. The SW winds will penetrate inland and strengthen reaching 20kts in many spots by late afternoon. The morning is light and sweet. Winds trend west from 4k upwards and then NW all the way to the Tropopause for a 90kts finish up there. Freezing level around 13-14k.

CT – Loads of low cloud and NW winds. Winds 10-15kts. Some depth in the instability with 3/4k but rising near the mountains. The southern ranges looking a tad strong with some 20kts post at the top but to the north it does moderate and improve.

RB – lol. Too much west in it today I think…

PV – A NW start going west low down but climbs up to 6k doable at the best times – 14:00 or so. So not a bad day out here by the looks of it. 10kts…

Wilderness – Low cloud start to the day but it should clear a bit with some climbs at Sedge doable to 1300’ I think. It is a tad more west up top and from 14:00 onwards a stronger upper west flow setting in making for bumpy conditions from then onwards… Probably too light along the coast. Hhhhmmm… Lets hope the forecast is wrong and it is better than predicted! ;)

Plett – Looking clearer here with Uppies showing climbs to just shy of 3k. Similar increase in winds at TOL. Up to 18kts up there. But could be sweet late morning.

PE and PA – Strong NE winds 20kts which will moderate and then go SW in the west later on. A slight chance of some CB activity inland to the north but probably more to the east…

EL – Strong NE winds all day with CB activity further inland.

Inland – Strong CB activity from Graafies region increasing to the east but clear and good stuff west of that. High base on the Sutherland escarpment. But winds picking up in the afternoon with 20kts plus in many spots.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:34 and setting at 18:54 (Day length is 13 hrs and 20 min!!) Summer time is here!!). A light wind day with initial low clouds clearing but the cirrus remaining. Perfect for doing anything and getting high on life! ;) Max temperature a sweet 20 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :)) 

(26 October 2020) 
Day 214 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! A great day of flying on the GR yesterday with coastal soaring in the morning and Sedge delivering the goods from mid-day till late – it was good to see the hangies also flying about! Today the strong IOH pushing in the strong wet SE winds onto the southern parts. Very windy and cloudy conditions with a chance of rain mostly to the east. The first mountains doing their part to block this moisture flow as it clears inland with just the dryer surface winds penetrating up to the Southerland escarpment areas by late afternoon. Pretty windy inland at that time too. A broad band of CB cells from the Graafies area eastwards and northwards along the east of the interior trough – to the west some good bases and good flying. From 6k the winds all trend NW along the southern parts. Winds remain NW all the way to the Tropopause for a 80kts finish.

CT – The strong SE winds mostly to the south today with a SW curl around the Peninsula and then mainly west to NW winds along the western parts. The inland sites not so good with the SSE east winds dominating here but probably from DuToits and northwards it could start working.

RB – Too much west in it today I think…

PV – Looking great here again with climbs to around 5k and W to NW winds. 10kts average.

Wilderness – A very wet and windy start with strong SE winds on the cards 20kts plus for most of the day. No chance to fly really….

Plett – Similar to Wilderness. Low clouds and wet  stuff and strong SE winds…

PE and PA – Wetish and windy E to NE winds! All day!

EL – As above! lol

Inland – That broad CB activity with perhaps some spreading southward reaching the Oudshoorn SB region. Windy later on with 15-20kts in same spots (See graph) From 6k upwards it is all NW winds…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:35 and setting at 18:53 (Day length is 13 hrs and 18 min!!) Summer time is here!!). A wet and windy start with less rain later but a lot more wind! Find that sheltered spot with hot chocolate or go for a down wind walk on the beach. But go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a windy 20 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))



(25 October 2020) 
Day 213 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! The SAH dominating as it pushed in the CF onto the WC during the day. A line of CB activity along the Graafies escarpment running east west from west of BW into Lesotho. Some strong winds inland during the day especially in the east with 30kts late afternoon in many spots. Mostly S to SSE wind but it is SW to W in the west and deep interior. Along the southern coast the winds are SW with a Southerly around the Peninsula. Again some strong spots out there exceeding 20kts. The instability varying greatly with the influx of the CF with low base along the southern parts but quickly rising to the north of the mountains. 8/9k along parts of the little Karoo and north of the Southerland escarpment it goes to 14k and more. Winds go west from7k upwards and remain WNW all the way to the Tropopause for a 100kts finish in the SW sector. Freezing level lowering from 15k to 13k along the southern parts.

CT – A cloudy start with fresh Southerly winds. The wind=shadow probably settling into action later on as the inversion lowers to 1500ft. Otherwise a windy day for the most part. The moutnains also not that good with the S to SE winds dominating – you have to go north to find those SW winds along the ranges…

RB – Looks like a good day here! Could be working form early to late!

PV – Looking great here to day with climbs over 5k and SW winds at midday. 10kts.

Wilderness – Another low cloud start but it will rise and it should be a sweet flying day at Sedge and Serps. Perhaps there will be enough for a morning coastal stint but from 12 onwards there should be good stuff at the Sedge shop…

Plett – Looking epic today with initial cloud at 2-2.5k but as soon as it clears climbs will go to 4k. Wind will trend southerly and some Q’s shaping up in the afternoon with base around 3500’. Keurbooms also getting in a shot from late moring into lunchtime by the looks of it. Sweet sweet!

PE and PA – Again that fresh SW start to the day which will moderate and back to the S in the afternoon. Initial a few spots maybe touching on 20kts but much less afterwards. Maitlands could be sweet late morning…

EL – Also the SW breezy start and a much later backing to the SSW. Very strong winds inland on the higher grounds with a southerly pushing 30kts in spots. CB activity over the bigger northerly ranges…

Inland – That line of CB activity from east to west along the Graafies escarpment but a spot or two perhaps further south than that. Winds get strong in the afternoon with 30kts in a few spots southerly.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:36 and setting at 18:52 (Day length is 13 hrs and 16 min!!) Summer time is here!!). A drizzly and misty start but lifting for a sweet light wind onshore day - perfect for doing almost everything day. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a sweetish 9 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))


(24 October 2020) 
Day 212 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! Still that active trough inland with CB activity mostly around Tarkastad region and eastwards. High temps inland with high bases and great soaring if you are a lucky one to be out there. For the coastal regions its all rather misty and low cloudy this morning but it does seem to clear quickly as one moves inland. Both west and southern coastal regions affected but base rises to 1500ft and more just a few K’s form the beach in most areas and it does get less as the day progresses. Winds in general are westerly with some southerly components in the southern coastal areas. Again the dominating NW inland and above but late afternoon the southerly penetrating in to just shy of the Southerland escarpment. Not so windy out there so a rather pleasant day. Winds are WNW form 6k all the way to the Tropopause for a 50kts finish. Freezing level around

CT – A foggy start but it should clear for some flying I think. It is however always threatening to fog up with the dew point and ocean surface temps so close to one another. Winds are SW but NNW above the shallow coastal inversion. But inland it warms up quickly and it doesn’t look to shabby at all for flying out on the mountains. W to SW lower down but NW higher up – climbs to 4k mostly. Stay low to make progress to PV ;)

RB –Hhhmmm… Just not enough oomph here today…

PV – Not a bad looking day here with climbs in the south to 5k but less to the north. West winds in general 5-10kts.

Wilderness – Misty start but again it should lift as soon as we move inland. A southerly trend in the wind today – nothing strong predicted with 5kts average and a few stronger bits here and there – mainly thermal driven I think. Sedge and Serps the spots to be with some sweet flying to be had I think – climbs to base around 1-1500’ on the cards. Mid day the best time.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies showing initial climbs to just over 2k but lowering later on. Winds S to SE. 5-10kts.

PE and PA – A fresh SW start to the day which will moderate and back to the S in the afternoon. Initial a few spots maybe touching on 20kts but much less afterwards. MAitlands could be sweet late morning…

EL – Also the SW breezy start and a much later backing to the south and even a slight SSE.  (again!) NE winds with 20kts plus later on. Looks like Hogsback action not so much into the good stuff with that a tad further north today…

Inland – A light wind start in the little karoo but it will pickup during the day for a 15-20kts finish mostly W to SW winds. The southerland escarpment starts with 15-20kts NW going 25kts later in the day. So a strong day out there… Those CB activity around the Graafies to Tarkastad areas and eastwards…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:37 and setting at 18:51 (Day length is 13 hrs and 14 min!!) Is summer here!!). A misty start but lifting for a sweet light wind onshore day - perfect for doing almost everything day. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature another humid sweet 21 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))


(23 October 2020) 
Day 211 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! The trough in the interior has deepend and moved further south – even some CB activity around the Graafies area and southwards by mid afternoon (Note the patchy base hieghts in that area due to the CB activity - see graph). Very high temps in the area with upper thirties in many places – well, except for the winds which have also increased a bit with many 20kts spots around of NW flow out there. But we can dream and those very high cloud bases with some amazing flying to be had in the areas are going to be cool to drool at – watch those CB’s though! ;) Along the coast the IOH is dominating the coastal flows with strong NE winds along the eastern parts reaching all the way almost to Plett during the early morning but the coastal low moving up the coast from Agulhas bringing with it a spurt of SW winds. Low clouds along the southern coastal regions as the cold ocean air flows in under the warmer inland stuff with a strong inversion and even a few fog patches. So coastal flying varied but further inland

CT – A more unstable start with a SW trend with instability to 3/4k but from midday onwards the southerly will under cut that with a strong lower inversion and the typical large wind-shadow setting up along LH and SH area. Some 20kts spots around the Peninsula but it does drop quickly form 1k upwards with a SW to W trend up there. The mountains not looking too bad with climbs up to 4k and W to NW winds but a tad SW later on. Around 10kts I think…

RB –Hhhmmm… IT looks like a teasing day to me but a chance of strong enough stuff moving in for a later afternoon stint. But often Im wrong and it could be good all day… ;)  

PV – From launch to the south it is actually looking good with climbs up to 5k at the best moment – west winds with a SW trend later on. Kardoesie later on climbs lowering to less than 3k…

Wilderness – The coastal low bring in some SW winds but it does seem to be  pulsy in nature – so one and off stuff I think. Probably a coastal start with a chance of Sedge afterwards… The wind is a more West with hight and breezy up there with mid teens in knots. The coastal fog and low cloud could also complicate things a tad… ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies showing climbs to just shy of 2k but if the coastal low cloud doesn’t spoil things it looks like Keurbooms could be great from mid day onwards…

PE and PA – The NE winds dominating here all day but later the SW moving in from the west finishing between PE and PA late afternoon. All the action of course far inland today…

EL – Also (again!) NE winds with 20kts plus later on. The action is all further inland with strong specking out stuff – though a tad stronger wind wise today compared to yesterday – and a chance of some CB activity…

Inland – Light Northerly winds to start with but then the SW will move in form the south during the day getting to just past the SB mountains by late afternoon. NW winds form the Southerland escarpment northwards. Those CB activity around the Graafies/Middelburg and eastwards areas. Base over 13k in most places and winds pretty breezy with 20kts in many spots.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:38 and setting at 18:50 (Day length is 13 hrs and 12 min!!) Is summer here!!). Another light SE day making it perfect for doing almost everything day. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a sweet 21 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))


(22 October 2020) 
Day 210 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! Still the pattern with the IOH in the east, the SAH to the west and the inland trough – NE winds to the east with a SE trend along the southern coasts, SW up the west coast and the Southerland escarpment and northwards it is NW. The trough and central areas with incredible good flying – base at 18k in a few posts – Hogsback with just shy of 14k today! See map!) For the coastal areas it is very stable with most spots showing an inversion much lower than 1k. So flying a bit frustrating today I think. Blue mostly with a few fog patches around the Overberg coastline. The winds go NNW from 6k upwards finishing W at the Tropopause at 60kts. Freezing level around 14/15k.

CT – Another typical summer pattern with strong inversion at 1k, winds up to 20kts in spots but dropping from the inversion upwards with a N flow above. So a good wind-shadow day form the looks of it. A bit too inverted along the mountains today too…

RB –This might be a good day for some fun especially late afternoon I think…

PV – Again the inversion is low – below the mountain tops. SW lower but NNW above. Not a good day…

Wilderness – Another light SE day with a strong er and lower inversion. Sedge might offer something around mid day but it will be just above TO and moderate in climbs. The coast looks very light to me…

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with inversion at Uppies around 1500ft. SE winds up to 10kts but less in the bay…

PE and PA – A lighter start  but still those NE winds with the afternoon producing those 20kts spots along the coast.

EL – Also NE winds with 20kts plus later on. Go far inland to Hogsback today… Looks like specking out conditions to me! ;)

Inland – In the east it is east flows before the NW big air is encountered. Looks big convergence around the Hogsback area (see graph) But light NE to N for the little Karoo and then NW north of the Southerland escarpment. Strong in the north with the little Karoo fairly light with 5-10kts mostly. Climbs varying with a few spots going to 10k…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:39 and setting at 18:49 (Day length is 13 hrs and 10 min!!) Is summer here!!). Another light SE day making it perfect for doing almost everything day. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a sweet 20 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))


(21 October 2020) 
Day 209 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! Some good flying yesterday along the western mountains and also along the Wilderness ocean cliffs. Today a much lighter day and lower inversion so nothing as exciting on the cards from most places – the exception the interior of the EC where soe high climbs and light winds can deliver some good flying. A weak IOH and SAH on either side of the country with two inland troughs dominating the weather. *(See the graphs). Winds are generally easterly with a more southerly trend around the Peninsula and up the west coast where some parts will have the SW flow up there but just inland it seems to be strong East. The winds go West again form 10k upwards for a 30-50kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level at 13k.

CT – A strong inversion around 1k with a southerly below that – up to 15kts perhaps along the shore fronts but a good wind-shadow day it seems. The wind goes west and is lighter from 1k up wards. The inversion inland not helping any flying today…

RB –Too light it seems for a maybe late late afternoon…

PV – The winds are SW but trending south later on. Perhaps not the est day with climbs to 3500’4k.

Wilderness – A light SE day with a maybe maybe lightly soarable Map from mid day to mid afternoon. Sedge could offer something thermic wise from 11 till 13:00 I think with enough south in it before it goes to east. Buffs will cook. Maybe Gerrickes could be doable with a bench-up too… :))

Plett – SE flow with climbs at Uppies to 2k initially but then to perhaps just above 1500’. Around 10kts…

PE and PA – The strong NE winds around here all day… 10-15kts with a few spots reaching 20kts later afternoon.

EL – Also NE winds with 15-20kts later on. But inland it drops quickly and can be very good with Hogsback showing up to 10k climbs. There are some clouds to the east which will make their way westward reaching PA late afternoon…

Inland – All east flows even north of Southerland but from here it will start to back to the NE and then N. 10kts average with climbs to 11k along the escarpment. No clouds expected. Its E to NE just north of the southern mountains near the coast. Could be a sweet late afternoon powered thingy day… ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:40 and setting at 18:48 (Day length is 13 hrs and 8 min!!) Is summer here!!). A light SE day making it perfect for doing almost everything day. Perfect to go get high on life! ;) Max temperature another mild 18 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))








(20 October 2020) 
Day 208 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! Some sweet flying yesterday at Sedge and around the CT Peninsula. Today looking like more of the same though some big changes underfoot – the SAH dominating our weather today with its more westerly centre pushing the SW winds deep into the interior while the CF passed by us during the night now moving up into KZN. The interior trough and heat wave being displaced and so too all that great record flying weather. But we seem to be having it a bit better in the WC with sweet W to SW winds trending more south later in the day – including the interior. Strong spots in the east but lighter in the west. Sweet Q’s in the southern parts but quickly drying out north of the first ranges. Climbs 2/3k near the coast and 4/6k at the first mountains. The EC having their own mix with some good looking Q’s inland (See Cloud map). The winds remain SW all the way to 14k where a veering takes place to the W for a 100hts WNW finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 9/10k.

CT – Another good day on the cards with westerly winds in general. Some SW spots around LH and SH corners – 5-10kts with some 15k spots. Instability still around with base around 3/4k along the Peninsula but higher on the main mountains. Another day to go from SLP to PV and beyond! ;)

RB –Too west here all day or if the south comes through it might be too light…

PV – Another good day with 5-10kts of W winds trending more SW later in the day. Climbs to just shy of 5k…Q’s in the far south…

Wilderness – A strong SW start with the coastal cliffs flyable until mid day when it will moderate and the it looks like Sedge might be awesome for the afternoon – especially late afternoon with sweet climbs to 2500/3k! So something to look forward to. :))

Plett – Looking a bit strong and too much west early on but late afternoon from 15:00 onwards it looks like Keurbooms will be good and maybe even Uppies.

PE and PA – The strong SW winds dominating all day… 20-25kts. A tad of moderating in the west late in the day.

EL – The SW 20-30kts dominating here all day. It moderates inland and backs to the south with some good flying deeper inland before the wind gets too strong.

Inland – A SW breezy start but it does moderate a tad and backs to the S in most spots. Probably just too strong for the likes of SB and areas… 9/10k climbs north of the SB and Graafies with SW to S winds and climbs to 9k – towards Middelburg there are some Q’s and higher base. Could be good out there…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:42 and setting at 18:48 (Day length is 13 hrs and 6 min!!) Is summer here!!). A strong W to SW start moderating into the afternoon. Perfect to go get high on life! ;) Max temperature another mild 18 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))


(19 October 2020) 
Day 207 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! Still that SAH dominating in the west while the inland trough is as good as it gets and the east has the NE winds form the IOH. The GR areas seemingly in the col between these three systems for another light wind day. Winds are SW to S along the southern parts then trending west to WNW further north. The exception is the far eastern coastal areas with the IOH pushing that warm air and NE winds along those eastern parts. Even CB activity out there but hardly anything for the WC on the cards. Some sweet looking Q’s around along the southern and western parts, slowly drying out further north. Good thermals to 1-2k along the southern coastal parts, rising quickly to 4/5k near the mountains and more further inland. The western parts looking exceptionally good with great flying to be had along the mountains from SLP to PV – perhaps picking up a tad on the strong side later in the day. The winds trending west to WNW with hight all the way to the Tropopause for a 130kts finish. Freezing level around 12k.

CT – A sweet unstable day with instability to 4k around TM a general SW trend with 15kts along the shore at times. Inland along the mountains should also be great with a SW trend and good climbs and hights.

RB –Too west here all day…

PV – A great day here with climbs to just shy of 5k and W to SW winds 5-10kts. Q’s in the far south…

Wilderness – Another light S day with sweet climbs along those coastal thermic sites. Sedge and Serps should deliver the goods. The coast also a maybe but possibly a tad on the light side. Further inland it gets so much better!

Plett – Another good day for Plett with Uppies showing climbs to around 3500’ around lunchtime with S winds trending SW with height around 5- 10kts. Even Keurbooms perhaps a tad light. ;)

PE and PA – A east to NE day here with spots reaching 15kts. Late afternoon the SW will start moving from the west. It gets really strong inland mid afternoon with 20kts spots around…

EL – The NE winds dominating here all day with 20kts and even more expected all day…It moderates a bit inland where it will veer quickly to the W as we strike that inland airmass… But that looks too strong to fly in.

Inland – A W to SW flow inland with some strong spots at 20kts plus, especially late in the afternoon. Climbs to 10k and just over along the higher mountains and Southerland Escarpment. So perhaps a too strong day to fly… That record breaking stuff in the trough much further north – north of Kimberley areas… (Again it is 15k plus base!)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:43 and setting at 18:47 (Day length is 13 hrs and 4 min!!) Is summer here!!). A light S to SW windy with some high clouds slowing down the sun. Perfect to go get high on life! ;) Max temperature another mild 18 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))


(18 October 2020) 
Day 206 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! The SAH still dominating the WC weather with that strong inland trough continuing to bring that heat wave and record soaring conditions for those that dare. ;) North of Kimberley and Uppington climbs to 14-18k doable in that broad band of epic thermic soaring trough. Temps in the upper 30s Celsius and even touching on 40 in a few spots. Back home we are spoilt by the cool air brought in from the ocean with more temperate temps – from 20 near the coast to 28 on the other side of the mountains. And so too it reflects the flying conditions with 1-2k inversion near the ocean but quickly going to 4-7k just before and otherside of the mountains. Some Q’s along the coast and coastal plains but it dries out to the north between the first and second mountains. And of course then those high Q’s within the centre of the trough but those are far north. Winds are S to SW along the southern parts but NW north of the Southerland escarpment. The wind goes NW from 6k upwards with a 110kt finish at the Tropopause over the southern coastal areas. Freezing level around 13k.

CT – Loads of cloud around and even soe fog patches along the coast. IT should clear partially for some flying with that S to SW winds around LH and SH – up to 15kts along the shore at times. But its pretty unstable so could be good… Maybe along the moutnains by DuTOits and FH it could work with enough West in it there… Hermanus also a maybe at mid day with enough south in it…

RB –It’s a maybe here for late afternoon as the southerly finds it way here with maybe enough oomph for the hangies to stay up. ;)

PV – Not looking bad with climbs to around 4k and W to SW winds… 5-10kts.

Wilderness – It looks similar to yesterday with the coast probably more flyable in the morning than later. And Sedge should be good from around 11 to around 15:00 from the looks of things. Partly cloudy day. Looking great further back near the mountains though…

Plett – This looks to be the place to be with Uppies showing climbs to just over 4k around lunchtime with SSW winds 10kts. Even Keurbooms is looking good at mid day /lunchtime. ;)

PE and PA – The SW dominant here with upper teens mostly. Maitlands possible. ;)

EL – The SW breezy here with 20kts all day… Some inland flying to be had with a SW to S trend here but then on the further higher grounds the hot temps and strong stuff happen …

Inland – Again mostly SW in the southern interior going West then NW further north. That record breaking stuff north of the great escarpment. Lower climbs to the south of that with up to 10k on the higher grounds. (But north it is 15k plus!)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:44 and setting at 18:46 (Day length is 13 hrs and 2 min!!) Is summer here!!). A SW windy start but moderating with some low clouds moving in from the ocean. Still no excuse to go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a mild 18 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(17 October 2020) 
Day 205 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! The SAH still dominating in conjunction with a large inland trough with super high temps and record breaking flying weather far inland. (See graph and base!) IF you could get out there to break that record.. Locally the winds are all SW along the southern coastal areas but NE in the far east from the IOH. There is some low cloud along the coast which will complicate things for flying but probably some good air in between. Instability around 1-2k near the coast and rising further inland. Winds are W to SW inland near the coast but then veers to the west from around the great escarpment regions. (That’s when we move into that record breaking air!) ;) Winds remain westerly all the way to the Tropopause for a 90kts finish up there.

CT – The inversion around 2k with westerly trend above that. Surface winds around S to SW. It will probably trend more SW at LH and SH up to 15kts along the shore. Might have some lower cloud move in but only a maybe. So could be good…

RB –Still remaining too west here all day by the looks of it.

PV – Another not bad day with west to SW winds and later climbs to just over 4k. Maybe a tad more to the north. Around 10kts.

Wilderness – A possible early morning coast flying day otherwise it looks like it is going to be a Sedge and Serps day. Some low clouds moving in form the sea later on. But Sedge should keep working I think. Just over 10kts on the cards but maybe a few spots with a bit more. A sheltered bubble shaping up in the Wilderness to PR corner from the looks of things.

Plett – Looking good here today with less cloud but a tad stronger wind. Uppies with climbs to just shy of 3k and SW winds going SSW. Around 10kts but more earlier on. Keurbooms could also be good pending on the low cloud as it moderates and backs more SSW around mid day.

PE and PA – IT is strong SW moderating to the east going NE just short of EL.

EL – The NE winds will gradually weaken and back to the S and then SW as the SW starts to move to the east during the day…

Inland – Mostly SW in the southern interior going West further north. That record breaking stuff north of the great escarpment. Lower climbs to the south of that with up to 10k on the higher grounds. (But north it is 15k plus!)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:45 and setting at 18:45 (Day length is 13 hrs!!) Is summer here!!?). A SW windy start but moderating with some low clouds moving in from the ocean. Still no excuse to go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a sweet 21 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))


(16 October 2020) 
Day 204 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! What an interesting days of flying at Sedgefield and the coast yesterday – the wind playing ping pong it seemed with pulses coming through varying from too strong to fly to nothing in between! But amazing flying was had none the less – pic from Kirsten! Today the IOH dominating with the usual easterly flow of air along the southern coasts but the East escapes past CP unable to make that quick turn towards CT so CT and west coast with a W to NW flow today. Far inland a trough with some amazing flying but it is north of Kimberley Pofadder area. (Check out the cloud street lines near the Nam border – it is very hot out there!) Drooling flying stuff hey! ;) Closer to home its kind of a normal pattern with east flows in the east that backs to the NE inland of the GR but it is NW north of the Southerland Escarpment. Few clouds except for some of the southern coastal areas (even a bit of rain in the EC coast) and then in the very far north. Winds are NW from 6/7k upwards then west from 10k all the way to the Tropopause for a 80/90kts finish up there. Freezing level very high at 14/15k.  

CT – Looks great with the NW to SW winds around the SH and LH areas. Maybe even in the mountains thought the wind is in the mid teens in knots out there so might be a tad strong. Early climbs to 5k on the cards there but lowering later on.

RB –It stay too west here all day by the looks of it.

PV – Not a bad day again with lunchtime climbs to just shy of 5k I think. Westerly with a slight more WSW finish. Around 10kts.

Wilderness – I picked up a strong flow between 5-700ft around 20-25kts with the winds much lighter low down and again dropping from above that mini jet” for lack of a better word. This might give us another one of those days where the wind seems strong but we don’t get that high! ;) Lets hope this is wrong and we get good flying . Hehe… Probably blown out after lunch but maybe even earlier… Sedge and Serps too strong and Buffs could have something early before blowing out.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness – Uppies showing climbs to 1500ft and some sheltering in the bay from the wind in the morning – but its blowing just above!

PE and PA – That E to NE winds really doing its thing! 20-30kts!

EL – As above! 30kts plus! Chace of light rain along the coast this moring but clearing fromt he west. Far inland it is east 10-15kts with climbs to 5k perhaps. ;)

Inland – So that flow quite complex with east in the east, NW in the far north and NE inland of the GR but then west further west from there. All around 10-15kts. It all goes NW from 6/7k upwards trending west. Looks like a mixed day of flying with bumpy conditions probably for most of the day… Lol.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:47 and setting at 18:44 (Day length is 12 hrs and 58 min – almost that 13 hours of daylight time with just 11 for the night! Roll on summer!). A light wind and sunny start but then a quick pickup of the wind for a windy mid day and afternoon. Still no excuse to go get high on life! So go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a sweet 21 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(15 October 2020) 
Day 203 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! The SAH dominating with a trough along the NW/SE axis inland. Some good soaring conditions along the trough with good hights to be had – 13/14k. Some streeting possible though not much cloud around. Closer to home the winds are Southerly in general with SE to the west and SW in the East. IT gets breezy inland in the afternoon with many spots showing 20kts plus winds all the way to the Southerland escarpment and then it is W to NW winds also breezy with 15-20kts out to the north. Some low clouds moving in from the south along the southern coastal areas as another CF is pushed in towards the WC – it should reach us during this evening. Winds go West from 10k and remain west all the way to the Tropopause for a 80kts finish. Freezing level at 13/14k.

CT – Another day of strong SE wind with an inversion around 2k. IT does moderate above that so there is a chance of a wind-shadow shaping up though it seems not a clear cut one. 20kt plus winds out there today…

RB – It could be a great day here just about all day long! ;)

PV – I think a good day possible with climbs to 5500’ on the cards with SW winds all the way up there. It does trend a tad more southerly later on in the south but at Kardoesie it looks great – winds 5-10kts start but mid teens late afternoon.

Wilderness – A SSW day with some sweet instability around with climbs starting off at 1000’ then getting better after lunch form the looks of things. Some cloud moving in with 1500ft base. It could be a great day of flying I think. Perhaps a tad light on the coast. But Serps and Sedge should be good.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with the SSW winds 5-10kts. Uppies showing climbs to just shy of 3k. Keurbooms looking good around lunchtime too.

PE and PA – A SW start with 20kts spots but then moderating around PE spreading to PA later in the afternoon.

EL – Also that SW winds but remaining breezy here all day… Hogsback region showing 20kts later in the afternoon moving in from the coast. ;)

Inland – The SW moving in from the coast all the way to the Escarpment with 20kts plus in places. North of there it is W to NW winds with 10-15kts starts and finishing later with 20kts in some spots. A blue day mostly and perhaps even in the cloudless sky a chance to go some distance if you connect with one of those “streets”. Lol.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:48 and setting at 18:43 (Day length is 12 hrs and 56 min – the sun really stretching its legs now - roll on summer!). A light wind and sunny start with a few low clouds moving in this afternoon – still perfect for doing anything today! So go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a sweet 18 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(14 October 2020) 
Day 202 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! After a windy start the afternoon turned out great with lovely flying at the CarPark yesterday. Today the IOH dominating with an easterly flow – SE along the southern coastal areas and part ways inland were it will trend more east to NE and then N to NW around the great escarpments. No clouds expected except for the eastern coastal areas. Instability around 1-2k near the coasts and 4/5k AGL north of the mountains. The EC being better with some areas showing up to 9/10k climbs (Hogsback looking great today!) The winds will pickup over 20kts later in the day in a few spots along the Southern coastal areas and also inland as the sea breeze moves inland. The wind goes NW from 6k upwards then west to SW at the Tropopause for a 60kts finish.

CT – A shallow SE flow with NW trend above that (1/2k AGL) A good Wind-shadow day on the cards all day. Probably a SW trend at SH and LH. Some west trend along the mountains up to 4500 then it goes more NW. SO maybe some flying to be had out there too….

RB – The right direction but it doesnt look like the strong stuff reach RB today. Frustrating close… But maybe I could be wrong! ;)

PV – A frustrating day here I think with the lower SW up to near Mnt top height and the NE winds from there upwards. So could be a tad bumpy… ;) Climbs to 4k maybe…

Wilderness – A SE wind day with it being soarable from around 10 onwards I think. A chance of it being blow out later in the afternoon but it could hold all day here. Too stron SE from early for Sedge to work and Serps a maybe – down wind dash for Map is on around 10/11 I think for those that want a bit more excitement. ;) Buffs will be on in the morning before blowing out too…

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with the SE on from early at Uppies – low teens in knots with climbs to 2k initially then down to 1500.

PE and PA – A SW start but then it backs to the S and SE from late morning with a SE to E trend all day. Some spots reaching 20kts in the late afternoon.

EL – Same as above near the coast but inland some good air around – notably the Hogsback region with climbs to 9/10k on the cards and relatively light wind up there too… ;)

Inland – The winds are all around the 5-10kts SE to NE even during the morning but after lunch the more southerly spots picking up to 20kts SE. North of the Southerland Escarpment the winds are NW. Some good climbs expected out there especially in the eastern parts.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:49 and setting at 18:43 (Day length is 12 hrs and 54 min – the sun really stretching its legs now - roll on summer!). A light wind start but the SE picking up during the day for a more windy finish – still perfect for doing anything today! So go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a sweet 17 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(13 October 2020) 
Day 201 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! A CF moving past during the night while the SAH is pushing in strong cold air from the SW onto the entire WC. Some light rain this morning and clouds which will clear during the day. Few clouds by this afternoon except in parts of the southern coastal areas and along the eastern escarpment regions (Graafies areas). Instability around 4/5k AGL inland and 1-3k along the coastal plains. Most areas too strong to fly but the GR showing an afternoon window of lighter winds. The winds remain SW all the way to the Tropopause for a WSW finish of 100kts up there. Freezing level around 12k.

CT – A strong S to SE flow with inversion around 2k. A slight wind-shadow on the cards today but I don’t think it will be enough to fly safely. The mountains also too much south in the wind and upper teens in knots so the strength also just a tad too much. (CT with 20ks in many spots)

RB – I think it could be a good day here. Start from early before it gets too bumpy… ;)

PV – Hhhmmm… Upper teens in knots and very South in direction. Best to drink coffee and weather watch… ;)

Wilderness – Strong WSW start with 20kts plus at times but it does show that it will moderate and should be flyable from around mid day onwards. If it moderates enough then even Sedge should be super great late afternoon. Otherwise it is all coastal soaring with the Hotel and PR being the places to be.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but with more winds and it remains strong till later in the day. It does look like it just could be a great finish with both Keurbooms and Uppies being flyable from around 16:00 onwards…

PE and PA – The SW just blowing here all day…

EL – Same as above… Eish… ;)

Inland – The SW winds all the way to the Southerland Escarpment where it becomes more Westerly. That CF air still only around 4/5k in instability depth so not much to write home about from a flying point of view. Winds in the mid to upper teens in strength.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:50 and setting at 18:42 (Day length is 12 hrs and 48 min – love the sunrise before 6 now! Roll on summer!). A windy start but it could be a great ending to the day – still perfect for doing anything today! So go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a cool 16 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(12 October 2020) 
Day 200 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! The SAH dominating on the west and the IOH dominating in the east. A blue cloudless day form the looks of it with the WNW trend dominating with the exceptions along the coastal areas. Strong NE in the east with a SW presence in the west. The coastal areas a tad on the stable side with a low inversion but just a tad inland it quickly disperses with some sweet spring thermals despite the blue skies. (Oh some high cirrus around to dampen things out a bit) ;) 10-15kts in most areas but a few reaching 20 here and there. The EC showing some really good flying – Hogsback looking really good with climbs to 8/9k and winds around 10-15kts. The WNW winds remaining all the way to around 14k where it backs to the SW with a 70kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level up at 13/14k.

CT – A light moderate NW start trending slightly to the SW. 12 Apostles beckoning but a strong gradient with 20kts up near TM top so be careful. Perhaps more a hangie day up there… SLP and FH also looking doable but for the chance of strong winds – especially later on.

RB – WWB is out! ;)

PV – A NW day with climbs to 4k. It doesnt look too bad with winds 10kts or just over.

Wilderness – A light wind day with stable conditions – weak climbs at Sedge and Serps on the cards. A S to SE trend in the wind. Too light for Map I think. Maybe maybe Buffs could offer something…

Plett – Similar to Wilderness, SSE winds up to 10kts with Uppies showing climbs to 1500’…

PE and PA – E to ENE winds here increasing in the afternoon to 20kts…

EL – 20kts NE winds along the coast but not too bad inland with Hogsback showing WNW winds and climbs to 9k…. ;)

Inland – WNW winds everywhere around 10-15kts. Thermic activity up to the inversion 5/6k along the first Mountains and then up to 8/9k past SW and Southerland. A good propeller thingy day I think…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:52 and setting at 18:41 (Day length is 12 hrs and 50 min – love the sunrise before 6 now! Role on summer!). A sweet sunny day - perfect for doing anything today! So go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a warmish 19 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(11 October 2020) 
Day 199 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! The IOH dominating today with a SE flow over the entire WC. Still some moisture and rain along the eastern coastal areas with the Q’s limited to the eastern parts of the WC. Pretty windy along the GR and southern Overberg regions. As the wind reaches CP it curls around with a more southerly to SW direction up the west coast but this flow is shallow with the predominant flow SE from 3k upwards. High climbs on the west with the inversion around 4-7k. The southern coastal regions much less with base 2-4 but rising quickly near the mountains. 10-15kts inland SE remaining SE all the way past 10k where it does a veering to the South and then SW to the Tropopause for a 60kt finish up there. Freezing level down at 6k in the east but 10k over CT.

CT – A deep SE flow 15-20kts making way to the SW. It actually looks like a sweet day of flying along LH and SH today. The mountains a bit too much SE…

RB – A soft day here as most of the wind heading past way to the south…

PV – Perhaps a PB start but there is a lower SW coming through at mid day. PV probably a tad too much from the south with the upper SE trend. But some good climbs doable at the best times – 7k? 10-15kts but strong early…

Wilderness – It is looking like a cool SE day with Map the place to be. IT should be flyable from early into mid day but then quickly becoming too strong I think.:)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness, strong SE winds so Uppies very cross from the left.

PE and PA – The winds still SE but lighter here with 10-15kts on the cards. From PA and eastwards a chance of rain on the cards…

EL – SE winds with lower clouds and chance of rain inland.

Inland – SE winds everywhere with low deep clouds in the east but clearing to the west. IT is looking good at GR as the clouds should be opening here with sweet looking Q’. 7k climbs here and along the SB ranges with Southerland going to 8/9k but no clouds here…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:53 and setting at 18:40 (Day length is 12 hrs and 47 min – sunshine starting to accelerate at 2min a day! Role on summer!). A light wind start but windy later in the day. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a cool 15 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(10 October 2020) 
Day 198 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! Some awesome rain falls yesterday with over flowing dams! There are some inland high lying areas that had a light sprinkling of snow! The CF moving up towards Maputo while the SAH is pushing in cool and moist air onto the entire WC. Mostly a SE trend except for the eastern parts where it is still SW. Some rain along the southern coastal areas and some way inland but it will clear from the west. (I noticed an incredible sea breeze convergence line running up the west coast – you could go over 500k’s in that one today! ?) The SE winds penetrating far inland. It’s a very deep system with winds SE all the way to 10k where it veers to the SW and then eventually to the west for a 50kts finish up at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 5500’.

CT – Strong SE winds with 20-30kts. Clouds are high with base around 4k. IT is a deep SE system so not much luck with a wind-shadow.

RB – Again a great direction but go early before the strong stuff!

PV – It is over the back here so it is a great great Picketberg day. High base at 7k! And around 10-15kts winds…

Wilderness – Winds trend SE picking up to around 5kts. Map should be excellent with a slight chance of it becoming too strong. Still a chance of some rain but some good clear spell in between I think so a good chance of some flying happening. :)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness, SE winds around 15kts and rain on and off…

PE and PA – Stronger winds with a SW start but then backing to the S and even SE in the west later on. Probably a greater chance of rain here…

EL – SW strong and rain…. ;)

Inland – It looks like SE winds everywhere with low cloud in many spots. Strong winds over the higher grounds. Probably not the best flying day out there…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:54 and setting at 18:39 (Day length is 12 hrs and 45 min – love the sunrise before 6 now! Role on summer!). A windy, rainy day so perfect for those indoor escapes! So go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a chilly 13 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(9 October 2020) 
Day 197 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! A fantastic day at Sedge yesterday for the lucky few that made the trip! ;) Today the CF driven in by the SAH dominating the weather today. Strong winds from the S with some SW trends in the east and perhaps SE in the west. Lots of rain on the cards with low base in the south around 2k and tops between 10/14k. It does rise further inland with 4/6k by the SB mountains and then up to 10k from the Southerland escarpment and further north. There is a chance of some CB activity inland to the east of the great escarpment. Winds are all southerly but from 10k upwards it backs to the NW remaining NW all the way to the Tropopause for a 120kts finish up there. Freezing level at 5500/6500 in the far SSW.

CT –  A good morning for ran. Southerly winds around 20kts so a breezy wet day. The base does rise to around 3k later on but still high tops so chance of rain remaining.

RB – Good direction but the rain probably not allowing you guys to play. ;)

PV – Low base start with rain but it does rise to 3/4k late afternoon but so too the S to SSE winds…

Wilderness – Winds are SW to W and later more SSW. Low clouds with rain increasing at mid day I think. Some strong spots but if you are desperate you could hang out at the CP for aa short stint of play on the dunes. (Personally I choose the hot chocolate thing!) ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness today….

PE and PA – A chance of CB perhaps though it looks to be more to the east. Sunny spots on occasion. Looks quite gusty with all the rain around so not really flying weather. The winds west going SW later with rain moving in late afternoon.

EL – CB activity this morning with a partial clearing later today but then the frontal rain settling in this evening. Some sunny spots but also that varying winds so not the best day for flying.;)

Inland – A strong S to SW wind day with over 20kts on the higher grounds. Some rain cells reaching all the way north to the Southerland escarpment. Good for the farmers but not a good flying day. ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:55 and setting at 18:39 (Day length is 12 hrs and 43 min – love the sunrise before 6 now! Role on summer!). A windy, rainy day so perfect for those indoor escapes! So go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a cool rainy 15 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(8 October 2020) 
Day 196 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! The SAH starting to push in that CF onto the WC – making landfall by late afternoon on the Peninsula with a few prefrontal sprinkles of rain along the southern coastal areas. The inland trough also more active with much more cloud development over the northern central Karoo and even some CB activity along the great escarpment (Southerland – BW). Winds are SW along the southern and western coastal regions but NW in the far north along the Southerland escarpment. Some breezy bits around CT especially later on when the front moves in with S winds exceeding 20kts. For the rest of the areas its around 10kts. Winds go NW from 4/5k upwards remaining NW all the way to the Tropopause for a 120kts finish up there. Freezing level up at 12k but it will lower to 8500’ early evening in the SW corner of the WC.

CT –  A great start to the day with high base and a SW wind trend. IT looks like a great day of flying around LH and SH but in the afternoon the base will drop to around 2k as the front moves closer. The mountains probably a tad on the stronger side but otherwise initially very good with good climbs and high bases (some spots perhaps at 6k)

RB – Another late afternoon day will be possible…. ;)

PV – A SW start with climbs to 4k initially but a sweet burst of good air preceding the front with the late afternoon finishing with a even higher climbs to 5/6k base and SW winds.

Wilderness – Still those low clouds hanging around along the ocean with a light SSW flow pattern. It might get soarable along the ocean cliffs but it seems a tad light at the moment. Sedge will start strong and should be flyable from early (from 10:30 onwards) and then a mellowing out from 13:30/14:00 onwards as the clouds will start to lower and the sun disappear. Maybe the base will lower earlier already making the flying window smaller. Serpentine should also be very good. :) Rain most probably from the afternoon – perhaps more towards the mountains. (Lets hope!) ;)

Plett – Uppies with initial climbs to 3800ft but then mid day sees the clouds lowering and climbs dropping to just 2k by 14:00. A bit light for Keurbooms I think.

PE and PA – A light SW trend all day long with some spots showing p to 15kts.

EL – Still that SW coastal flow but further inland at Hogsback very high climbs to 11000’. The wind is a tad strong with 20kts plus out there. ;)

Inland – Another cracking day on the cards with higher temps and high climbs. The escarpment going to 13k plus in spots. Some very high Q’s around in many areas however, the wind is starting to increase as the front is nudging closer. Probably a good day for the hangies more than the PG (Or sailplanes!) ;) The SB ranges showing base at 8/9k but then rain moving in from the south along the southern mountains ranges from late evening.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:57 and setting at 18:38 (Day length is 12 hrs and 41 min – we have broken the 5 o clock barrier! Role on summer!). A sweet light wind day with cool air becoming more cloudy from mid day onwads. Perfect to do everything! So go get high on life! ;) Max temperature and another 18 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(7 October 2020) 
Day 195 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! Well, looks like that “inbetween” the IOH and SAH/CF driven systems remaining parked over the WC areas. The coastal areas still having loads of low cloud and even some fog in places with a partial clearing during the day. Clouds mostly confined to the southern areas south of the mountains. The exceptions are the inland regions which are dominated by an inland trough with some exceptional soaring conditions around. Very few clouds out there, mostly indicating the convergence regions with high bases around the 13/14k level. What is sweet is that the winds are not that strong with mostly around the mid teens – so very flyable out there. NW far inland with the SW to S closer to the coast. The NE dominating along the eastern coastal areas. Also some amazing stuff around the EC at the Hogsback area. Winds go NW from 5k and remain NW all the way to the Tropopause for a 40kts finish up there. Freezing level up to 13-14k.

CT –  Another typical SE wind summer pattern from the looks of it. Clouds round the eastern and southern parts mostly with tops at TM hight – winds at the top are more westerly maybe a few fog patches on the western parts. Strong inversion/isotherm around 1-2k with the winds going west this time above the 1-2k inversion. Some strong SE around at 20kts near the surface. Loads of low cloud to the SE around Hermanus areas though…

RB – It could be a good early morning session but it gets blown out later in the afternoon… ;)

PV – Again a SW day with a slight more West in it further north (at Kardoesie) Its not looking too bad here with climbs just shy of 4k and west winds. PV slightly less…

Wilderness – We still have that low cloud marine air around but not so bad that we cant fly I think! ;) A foggy start but it should clear once again similar to yesterday – with climbs to around 1000’ on the cards. The ocean cliffs lightish again with a maybe maybe soarable spurt now and then.

Plett – Uppies with a nice S to SW wind and climbs to 2500ft. Also some clouds moving in later in the afternoon.

PE and PA – SW start but again trending S to SE. 5-10kts mostly. It is NE to the east near PA.

EL – NE dominating along the coast. The place to be is inland at Hogsback! ;)

Inland – A cracking day on the cards with higher temps and high climbs. The escarpment going to 13k plus in spots. Some very high Q’s in some spots too. NW winds 10-15/8knts. Def a day to fly out there I think. ;) Hogsback looking amazing too…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:58 and setting at 18:37 (Day length is 12 hrs and 39 min – we have broken the 5 o clock barrier! Role on summer!). A sweet light wind day with coolish becoming cloudy conditions. Perfect to do everything! So go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 19 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(6 October 2020) Day 194 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! Some amazing flying around lately with Pieter DeBeer managing a respectful 55km from DuTOits farm site yesterday. But also WJ who got to 2300m in the PV valley with an amazing flight almost completing a large triangle out there. (See the pic) A SAH shaping up to the west of the country slowing down the approaching CF. The IOH still dominating to the east bringing us that moisture laden air along the eastern and southern coastal regions. Instability still sweet but very good in the east and further inland but slightly less energy around in the southern parts compared to yesterday. A slightly more complex airflow around too with a few wind direction changes around 7k and upwards – it can cause some CAT’s at those levels (If you climb high it could get bumpy up there) ;) A general S to SE flow all the way from the coast inland to past the Southerland Escarpment. Late afternoon picking up to 15kts in a few spots. The wind ends at 30/40kts SSW at the Tropopause today. Freezing level up to 15k.

CT –  A typical SE wind summer pattern from the looks of it. Strong inversion/isotherm around 1-2k with the winds going more east and dropping in strength up there. So a good wind-shadow on the cards with probably a SW trend in the flow in this area. The mountains with too much SSE in it today…

RB – It could happen mid/late afternoon today…. ;)

PV – A SW low down but it trend veery southerly at launch and even SE. Climbs to just shy of 4k. Perhaps not the best in terms of wind direction…

Wilderness – Still some low cloud around but I think it should clear quite a bit with lovely flying at Sedge and Serps. Maybe something in it along the PR coastal cliffs with the Southerly trend (or even CP but I think it might be too light here) Still some very low clouds over the ocean that can creep in now and then but probably dissipate as it moves inland.

Plett – Uppies a tad more SE today around 5-10kts and climbs to 2500’. A few Q’s around by the looks of things in the area. Frustrating direction on the coast and light.

PE and PA – SW start but quickly trending S to SE. 5-10kts mostly.

EL – SE with a NE trend in the far north. Inland it is excellent flying here with sweet Q’s and high base at Hogsback. Light east winds that go W near base.

Inland – It looks like another good day inland but with less clouds. Still some good stuff along the Southern ranges with winds SSE on the surface and higher up backing to the NW and then to the SW again. But there should still be some great flying to be had in the areas you can find a launch facing the wind (more or less) ;) Base around Sutherland around 10/11k. But just over 6k north of the Outenikwas – 4k along the southern parts…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 5:59 and setting at 18:36 (Day length is 12 hrs and 37 min – we have broken the 5 o clock barrier! Role on summer!). A sweet light wind day with cool cloudy conditions. Perfect to do everything! So go get high on life! ;) Max temperature and another 18 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(5 October 2020) 
Day 193 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! Some good flying yesterday in the WC with FH being the better spot I think. Today some more of the same I think while we are having a reprieve between the frontal movements. The IOH dominating in the east with strong NE coastal winds and that shallow low cloud marine air pestering the boys on that side – some of that present around the coastline everywhere with low cloud and mist this morning and some spots persisting during the day. But a great area of good flying to be had around the first and second range of mountains with sweet Q’s and high bases around 5/6k and perhaps a touch more in some spots. Winds are all light and W to SW in direction except for the far east. Winds remain SW to west up to around 10k where it becomes fresh WNW and remains all the way to the Tropopause for a 40/50kts finish up there. Freezing level up to 12k.

CT –  It looks like a another good away from the Peninsula – unless the low cloud clears. SW around LH and SH and over 10kts along the shore. But the real places to be is inland along the mountains with FH and DuToits stealing the show. ;)

RB – A maybe baby day I think. Nothing making me too excited here…

PV – Another sweet day – blue by the looks of it with climbs to 4k and SW winds trending south higher up.

Wilderness – We are still having that low cloud marine air along the coast that clears as soon as it hits the warmer grounds. Mixed flying along the Serps and Sedge ridges seems to be what is on offer. Very similar to yesterday but for the wind direction being marked SW. (Which could be sweet!) ;) Inland it is rocking good!

Plett – Uppies def the place to be with high climbs around 4k early but then lower to just over 3k. S to SW winds with a W upper trend. Could be really sweet… Too light for the coast or Keurbooms to be exciting.

PE and PA – The SW still near PE but east of there the NE dominating. Looks like low clouds near the coast but for a short while just inland there is some good stuff happening! (The sea breeze will spoil it here early afternoon with up to 20kts East winds moving in.)

EL – Pure NE winds! 20-30kts at times!

Inland – The Southerland Escarpment showing good lift with few Q’s at 10/11k. West winds. The SB looking amazing. The Outnikwas also looking amazing for a short while before the Seabreeze spoils it. And of course my fav is near Riversdal – you could get a few K’s out there today. ;) Mostly S to SW winds in the little Karoo – 10kts average.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:01 and setting at 18:36 (Day length is 12 hrs and 35 min – 6 for sunrise – role on summer!). A sweet light wind day that is perfect to do everything! So go get high on life! ;) Max temperature another sweet 18 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(4 October 2020) 
Day 192 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! Looks like we can fly today! ;) The IOH dominating today as the rain and convergence dissipate and move eastwards. Still some rain around PE and EL areas but this too will clear in the afternoon. Winds on that side are all fresh NE along the coast with low base. But to the west its looking sweet. A large pool of light calm air inland with a slight W to NW flow in it. Some high clouds around at 10k especially along the Southerland escarpment. The Southern coastal areas also light S to SE winds but to the west it is more SW to W. Base higher in these areas with some sweet flying around. Winds are all NW from 3/5k and upwards with a west finish at the Tropopause of 130kts! Freezing level around 11k.

CT –  An amazing day ahead with light NW to W winds. Some SW variations around some of the points and noekies but the general flow is W to NW. 5-10kts perhaps. In the afternoon a shallow SE will move through but LH should be well protected. Instability and cloud around 4k. SLP and especially FH should be fantastic!

RB – Hhhmmm… Looks too light to me today. ;) Wort driving to PV or FH!

PV – A great day here with W to NW winds as a start and climbs to 6k. It will trend more SW later on. Sweet Q’s to the south and over PB by the looks of it.

Wilderness – A light wind day with some sweet clouds over the mountains. 4-5k base out there. Winds starting of south but trending SE later on. Sedge and Serps the places to go with climbs to 1500/2000’ on the cards. Map a maybe late afternoon.

Plett – I think Uppies is looking good at lunch time with climbs to 3/4k doable. But later it lowers to just over 2k. The wind should straighten a tad and be more S before the SE returns.

PE and PA – Strong NE winds and the chances of rain from here and more towards the east.

EL – Same as above

Inland – Light NW start with the southerly moving in to reach the Sutherland escarpment late afternoon. Still light winds so a great day for flying out there. All day. Lol

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:02 and setting at 18:35 (Day length is 12 hrs and 33 min – Where is summer!?). A sweet light wind day that is perfect to do everything! So go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a sweet 18 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(3 October 2020) 
Day 191 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! The SAH still wrapped around the southern African point, ridging in along both sides but weakening of that inland trough so the CB activity not really happening today. So that crazy weather starting to shift towards the east – the convergence line (and trough) along the eastern escarpment with loads of rain around KZN. We are starting to see some clearing along the west coast but the southern coastal regions still windy SE with rain. As we move north from there past the first mountains the cloud base rises sharply – from just 2000’ or so to the south to 5/6k towards the north. Winds are easterly from the ground up to around 10k from where it starts to back to the west with westerlies settled from around 13k upwards. Still that jet inland but abating over the coastal areas – 120kts of GR but 60 over the coast. Freezing level around 8500’.

CT – The SE winds still dominating but trending a bit more easterly with height. That strong wave effect not around today – some windy parts in the morning but settling during the day – around 15ks but 20kts plus to the southern parts of the Peninsula. Base in the south low at 2k but 4/5k to the north. Perhaps even a wind shadow hapening today...

RB – IT just could happen here today… :)

PV – A short lunchtime window looking doable with SW winds to just over mountain top height. Trending south later. High base here…

Wilderness – Another windy and rainy day but no CB activity anymore. More time to watch the flying videos… ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness.

PE and PA – Also rainy and super strong SE winds but slightly less towards PA side… CB activity…

EL – Same as EL…. Inland its just OD and rainy…

Inland – Easterly to SE winds with 15-20kts in the south but moderating further north. It is ESE all the way past Southerland. Rain also possible past GR areas… Again no flying for anything to be honest… All day! ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:03 and setting at 18:34 (Day length is 12 hrs and 31 min – Where is summer!?). More wind and rain but slightly less compared to yesterday… Still perfect for hot chocolate and something indoors, unless… Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature another chilly windy 15 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(2 October 2020) 
Day 190 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! Some crazy weather out there yesterday and some of that continuing today. Loads of LH and SH wind talkers with winds over 200kph! (The combination of lee side wave and venturi with that low level SE jet doing its thing!). (Look at the wave graph – 12 Apostle lee wave going to over 20k!) Yeeha! Lol. Seems slightly less today but still some strong stuff around today. The SAH wrapping around the strong inland trough with some extreme acceleration along the southern coastal regions with the climax the decent on the western side of the CT mountains. (There is a complex upper air stuff that is helping this unusually strong setup of winds – see the flow pattern at 14k – a sweet anticyclonic circulation in the mid levels) This is what is helping setting up the CB activity we will experience along the southern coastal areas as well as along that super strong convergence region as the moist air form the IO undercuts the moist mid level air coming from the NW. This will still hang around for another day or so before the SAH will break up and weaken that strong convergence out there… SO in the south a strong and very deep easterly flow and further north it is west. This shape is maintained more or less all the way to the Tropopause where the jet stream is north of BW (very far north). Freezing level in the south around 7500’.

CT – Still those very very very strong SE winds with more crazy stuff happening but moderating during the day. Not as strong as yesterday but look at that lee wave being TM. Climbs of 2m/s up to 20k! Hehehe…

RB – Say no more! ;)

PV – lol. Over the back and man – still blasting strong stuff but you could go look at Picketberg! ;)

Wilderness – Another windy and rainy (CB activity!) kind of day – 20kts plus with even 30kts gusts at times… All day. More time to watch the flying videos… ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness.

PE and PA – Also rainy and super strong SE winds but slightly less towards PA side… CB activity…

EL – Same as EL…. Inland its just OD and rainy…

Inland – 30kts winds SE in the south meeting along the escarpment areas. (See the pic of the convergence line!) CB activity along this area, drifting southwards form the upper air direction. Again no flying for anything to be honest… All day! ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:05 and setting at 18:33 (Day length is 12 hrs and 29 min – Where is summer!?). Hehe… Loads of wind and rain and cold so perfect for hot chocolate and something indoors, unless… Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature another super chilly windy 15 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(1 October 2020) 
Day 188 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! Yesterday delivery some sweet flying at Sedgefield (See short video clip from Gideon) Some pilots getting to the white room at 2000ft ATO! Today is a typical black South Easter day with storm strength SE winds all over the WC. The SAH pushing in hard as it shapes up against the inland trough with a tightening of those isobars and the resulting acceleration of the winds. Look at the wind prediction for PV – I have never seen such a strong low level jet here, going up close to 50kts then down to almost zero at 6k! (See graph above) (Bet it will be interesting flying if you where up there!) lol. Loads of moisture from the ocean and later combining with that inland trough with some CB activity inland to the NE areas (These will move more central to the WC in the next few days). Rain all over with those 30kts plus winds in many spots. Some might even gust over 50! So not a flying day form the looks of it! ;) Winds remain SE then at 10k start to back to the N with a NW finish at the Tropopause of 30-40kts near the coast but quickly going 100kts inland. Freezing level around 6k in the south.

CT – Very very strong SE winds with crazy stuff happening everywhere mixed in with some rain now and then too! ;) Even some wave action over the city bowl and in the lee of the 12 Apostles… Nice! Hehe…

RB – Hahaha…! Perfect direction! ;)

PV – lol. Over the back and man – blasting strong stuff!

Wilderness – A windy and rainy kind of day – 20kts plus with even 30kts gusts at times… All day. Time to watch the flying videos from the last few days… ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness.

PE and PA – Also rainy and super strong SE winds but slighty less towards PA side…

EL – Slightly more southerly start but then going more SE to E later on with 20-30kts in the south but 15kts in the north… Inland its just OD and rainy…

Inland – Super strong SE winds all the way inland to the furtherst WC border. Loads of low cloud around in the south and rain on and off. 40ts just above so no flying for anything to be honest… All day! ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:06 and setting at 18:33 (Day length is 12 hrs and 26 min – role om summer!). Loads of wind and rain and cold so perfect for hot chocolate and something indoors, unless… Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a super chilly windy 13 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(30 September 2020)


Day 187 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! Another awesome PR day along the GR with Gary Terry doing the jump to Gerrickes and back to the Hotel twice! ;) Sweet stuff Gary! (OK he was flying a hang glider!) lol. Today a very large SAH pushing up a CF from the SSW – it should make landfall late afternoon in CT with some rain. This system is setting up rain for the whole coming weekend by the looks o fit so if you can get your flying in today. ;) Still some great instability around with beautiful Q’s in most of the southern parts, even up into the PV valley today. Base around 4/5k but north of the mountains going up to 7/8k. SW winds in the west and southern regions but NW inland. The southern winds will reach the Southerland escarpment by end of day with some 25kt bits in there – so getting breezy! The eastern parts still dominated by the IOH with EL and close to PE experiencing those strong NE coastal winds. Winds go NW from around6k and then remains NW all the way to the Tropopause with a 110kts finish. Freezing level around 9k but late afternoon it lowers in the SW to 5500’ as the front moves in.

CT – A slightly light wind start but becoming fresh SW – its looking really good for Kommetjie again but do land before the rain moves in from the SW – it should be clearly visible over the ocean – some 20kts plus winds coming in then. Else some flying ta LH and maybe SH. The southern mountains perhaps too strong with upper teens up there.

RB – After  a good day yesterday it is out with WWB again!

PV – Actually not looking too bad here today with sweet Q’s and climbs to 4k and 10kts SW winds. IT will pickup later to 15kts SSW. But get up earlish and it should be great!

Wilderness – I think we are in for a really sweet day of flying with a light wind start and slowly picking up. Probably not more than 10kts. I think Sedge and Serps should be cool with just over 2k climbs – maybe more if you can connect with some of the clouds that should be 3/4k further inland. The clouds should lower from mid afternoon as some of that CF moisture starts to move in over the GR areas – OD then form 15:00. Maybe light rain early evening. In general a lighter coastal day but sweeter inland than yesterday. Still something there for the XC buffs! ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies being good with 3500’ or just a tad more climbs from early already. Also that  early OD conditions from 14:00 I think but a good fun day of flying here. Keurbooms a maybe but looks a tad light.

PE and PA – Light SW in the west but it changes to NE in the East. The SW will move past PE around mid day…

EL – NE 20kts all day. Very good inland but perhaps just a tad on the strong side for PG- probably sweeter for a hangie… ;)

Inland – The southerly pushing inland to Sutherland escarpment and pretty breezy with 25kts over the bigger mountains. But a sweeter start. Good thermals inland with the east very good. Clouds confined to the S and the SW parts.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:08 and setting at 18:32 (Day length is 12 hrs and 24 min – daylight starting to win big time now!). A light wind day with clouds moving in in the early mid afternoon. Perfect for doing anything! Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature another cool 15 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(29 Septemeber 2020) 
Day 186 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! Yesterday another cracking day on the GR (and almost everywhere else) :) Today the SAH still pushing in some cool unstable air form the SW, slightly stronger compared to yesterday. IT is more Southerly along the west coast and inland with even a slight SE trend in the west. Some sweet Q’s around along the southern ranges but it dries out further inland and to the east. Slightly lower climbs with that unstable layer around 4/5k in depth. The winds remain southerly till 10k where it backs to the SW all the way to the Tropopause for a 70kts finish. Freezing level around 6500’ to 7k today.

CT – A strong southerly day with a slight wind shadow along SH side – it’s a tad too south for the shadow to be in the right position I think. Unstable to 4k here…

RB – Hehe… IT is on today! Probable even from early on already. Maybe strong at mid day but perhaps a sweet evening to be had…

PV – Another good day with climbs to 4/5k but a slight SE trend higher up. Not as good s the last two days…

Wilderness – Another great day on the cards with SW winds all day – it can be strong at times at the upper limits of flying but otherwise mostly around the 10kts mark. Serps and Sedge looks to be a tad on the strong side most of the day except late afternoon. Probably great for the hangies all day though! Climbs to 4k on the cards and sweet Q’s just inland. Possible OD conditions over the mountains. Still something there for the XC buffs! ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness. I think Uppies probably a bit on the strong side. Keurbooms should be superb late afternoon but maybe Uppies at that time too… ;)

PE and PA – Strong SW all day but a slight moderation ate afternoon….

EL – Also strong SW winds all day. Inland it is Westerlies around 15knts but great soaring stuff all the way to 8/9k! (Maybe just a tad strong!) ;)

Inland – Another amazing day for soaring with high base and super fine climbs on the cards. Wind is south to SE in the west. Clouds confine to SW and south of there I think. Around 10kts mostly… So sweet early and late powered fluing! ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:09 and setting at 18:31 (Day length is 12 hrs and 22 min – daylight starting to win big time now!). A moderate SW wind day with some clouds mostly towards the mountains. Perfect for doing anything! Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a cool 15 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(28 Septemebr 2020) 
Day 186 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! Yesterday a cracking day almost everywhere with reports of super good flying coming from lots of places. The southern coasts a bit strong so not much action inland but for a few strong pilots – Rouberre notably flying from Serpentine to Myoli beach in very strong stuff. But Perhaps Adam taking the prize for the day with epic flying in the PV valley – base at 6k and sweet clouds everywhere with light winds to boot! :) (See the pic!) Today still the SAH pushing in some cool unstable air form the SW, slightly drier with fewer clouds and lower climbs closer to the coast. The westerlies and SW winds all the way inland past the Southerland Escarpment. The convection depth around 6k AGL average but slightly less to the coast and more towards the North and the east. Winds remain West all the way to the Tropopause for that 110kts finish up there. Freezing level around 6500’ today.

CT – A perfect 12 apostles day with high clouds and instability to 5k with moderate NW to W winds. Some SW spots near the surface but a great day for flying. Also from the neighbouring mountains sites – SLP and FH and DuToit’s etc things will be amazing! ;)

RB – Hehe… Still WWB!

PV – Another amazing on the cards here with 5k climbs and some Q’s but mostly to the south while the north looks clear. 5kts SW in general.

Wilderness – Ooohh… so def lighter today so Serps and sedge should be good. Its not as high as yesterday but should still be plenty fun with 1500/2000’ climbs – just over the back things get really really good. 4/5k and some sweet clouds on the mountains. (Could be something int here for the XC buffs! ;)

Plett – Uppies is looking amazing today with a window in the late morning of connecting with the good stuff that can put you into the big mountain air for serious XC stuff…. ;) Fingers crossed!

PE and PA – A sweet moderate SW day with good good flying inland. Go find that secret spot and go somewhere!

EL – SW to SSE along the coast with 5-15kts at most I think. But inland it is amazing! Hogsback going to 9/10k with light 10kts winds west and more SW on the ground.

Inland – Another amazing day for soaring with high base and super fine climbs on the cards. Lucky if you are out in those areas… :) All west to SW winds.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:10 and setting at 18:31 (Day length is 12 hrs and 20 min – daylight starting to win big time now!). A light to moderate SSW wind day with blue skies and clouds to the mountains. Perfect for doing anything! Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a chilly 14 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(27 September 2020) Day 185 of lockdown… Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! A large area of post frontal air over the entire WC as the SAH hits the sweet spot. The inland trough to the east leaving us with W to SW winds all over the show. Instability around 6k depth almost everywhere with a few spots near the coast showing less and some further inland a tad more. Nothing over 15kts except for the far eastern parts where there are still some 20kts SW spots lurking around. Loads of Q’s around to show those sweet 500ft/min climbs but a slight chance of some OD along the southern mountain ranges – even a spot of rain perhaps! Winds remain SW to around 10k then veers to the WNW all the way to the Tropopause for a 120kts finish in the north but 70k along the southern coastal areas. Freezing level up to 5500’ (Some light sow yesterday!) ;)

CT – From yesterdays amazing day to an even better one today with base around 5k and moderate W to SW winds – all the inland sites will be working so just go choose your spot! Even LH and NHP will also be on!

RB – Ai! Still WWB!

PV – An awesome day here with base looking like it might even go more than 6k! Sweet west winds up t 10kts trending more SW lower down later on.

Wilderness – A day to start early on the coast and then at mid day switch to Sedge. Sedge will be going off with super climbs to over 3k! (Serps too btw!!) Early OD perhaps but there should be a line of in between the mountains and the coat that could be worth following for the XC buffs! ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Keurbooms firing on all 8cylinders in the afternoon I think! Uppies also very very good apart form the possible OD.

PE and PA – Hhhmm the SW winds still a td on the strong side here with 20kts and even more on occasion. Showers out to sea perhaps influencing those stronger bits.

EL – Same as above!

Inland – A super awesome day for soaring with those light to moderate W to SW winds moving far inland. Could be a good day to fly from the Southerland escarpment and head to the east with the W tail winds… 10k base and more! Some OD in the southern ranges with the west to SW winds.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:12 and setting at 18:30 (Day length is 12 hrs and 18 min – daylight starting to win big time now!). A moderate SW wind day with partly cloudy skies. Perfect for sheltered forests or scarfed beached walks! Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a chilly 14 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(26 September 2020) 
Day 184 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! The CF strongly settled over the entire WC with westerly winds and passing showers. Base low in the west but rising towards the east and inland. 2k or less in the west and up to 8k far inland and to the east. Almost everywhere it is over 20kts. A tough day to find a flying spot! Westerly all the way to the Tropopause for a 110kts finish up there. Freezing level around 4500/5500.

CT – A WNW start but trending WSW around 10-15kts. Some rain showers but inbetween the western parts of the Peninsula could offer some flying for the hangies mostly. Pending on the base and rain of course… Too strong towards the bigger mountains.


PV – A low base start but rising and by the early afternoon it could be very soarable. Winds around 10kts so watch for cloud suck! ;)

Wilderness – Very strong westerlies all day with a slight SW trend later in the afternoon but then the chances of rain increases. Inside the Wilderness corner a maybe for some dune gooning for the hangies… ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness. Too strong and rainy especially later on.

PE and PA – Again those super strong SW winds. More westerly inland but all too strong to fly!

EL – Same as above!

Inland – A very windy day with 20kts plus in many places, especially on the high lying grounds. Slight chance of some showers in the SW areas. Not a flying day.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:13 and setting at 18:29 (Day length is 12 hrs and 16 min – daylight starting to win big time now!). A strong west wind day with rain moving in later in the day. Perfect for walks in the sheltered forests! Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a windy and cool 15 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(25 September 2020) 
Day 183 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! The CF already into the western parts of the WC with rain and strong winds. NW going SW on that side. Preceding the front the winds are strong but base is nice and high with 6/7k in the little Karoo regions but 10k and ore north and eastwards of the Southerland escarpment. There is a very strong convergence line preceding the strong coastal WSW winds as it moves up the coast. A def warning for pilots along the coastal regions for strong pulses of SW coming through during the day. Further inland the wind is 40kts at around 2k AGL with the 50kt mark from about 8k upwards. IT remains WNW all the way to the Tropopause for a 115kts finish. Freezing level around 7500’ in the west but 12/13k in the east.

CT – Strong NW winds start with rain going more SW and slight clearing late afternoon. Not looking much like flying weather today…

RB – Same as above….

PV – Clouds below the tops all day with rain. West winds…

Wilderness – A light wind start with the SW going S and even SE at times. Possible to find some flying moments in that time. But watch for that very strong SW winds moving in from the ocean – specifically around 15:00 when 30kts is coming in with rain follows – it should be clearly visible. ;)

Plett – Not much shelter here so strong WSW winds al day… Rain late afternoon too…

PE and PA – All strong SW winds all day long here.

EL – Same as above with mighty strong convergence just inland between the WNW and the WSW coastal winds…

Inland – A windy day with 40kts in the high lying grounds. Not a flying day. Rain moving in from the SW later in the afternoon in the southern parts.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:15 and setting at 18:28 (Day length is 12 hrs and 14 min – longer days now!). A light wind start but quickly picking up form the west. You can still go do stuff though so go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a windy but sweet 21 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(24 Septemeber 2020) 
Day 182 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! A large CF approaching form the west with a strong inland trough down the centre of the WC. Some influence in the far east from the IOH with some NE winds out that side. The inland mass very unstable with some super strong soaring conditions – climbs in excess of 13k in some spots on the cards with high Q’s in many spots. This mass moving pretty far south with the NW winds trending West in the south up to the Coastal ranges. South of these the winds and coastal air influences with shallow layer in resulting inversion. Winds are generally light S to SE. A few fog patches along the west coast. The winds are all WNW from 3k upwards with a 50kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level up at 13500 to 15k.

CT – Another shallow Southerly day – it is lighter than yesterday wind wise with perhaps lower teens along the Western Peninsula. The inversion around 1k so LH and SH maybe flyable. Above this the wind is W to NW and increasing – the inland mountains like FH probably being too strong with 15-20kts except in the early morning where you could probably have some flying. Nothing too good with the inversion around 2500/3k.

RB – Not looking good today….

PV – IT could be doable at Kardoesie with some light west slowly increasing with hight. Inversion around 2500/3000’.

Wilderness – Another light wind day with that low inversion. Probably very similar to yesterday. Maybe Buffs late afternoon becoming strong enough for good soaring. So something at sedge at mid day maybe with a Southerly trend. ;)

Plett – Like yesterday, similar to Wilderness with Uppies showing climbs at mid day to just 1500’….

PE and PA – Another light SE trending east day – perhaps reaching mid teens in knots in the bay area…

EL – Also east here but decidedly stronger inland with the westerlies around 20kts. If only you could get in the air - (Hogsback to 13k!)

Inland – A windy inland day with 30kts over the Southerland escarpment. Stronger thermals so very strong day with winds around 20kts W in the south but NW further north. Rough day for flying or if you are strong for going far in a hang glider today. ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:16 and setting at 18:28 (Day length is 12 hrs and 12 min – longer days now!). A light wind day – perfect to do your holiday things. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature another sweet 19 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(23 September 2020) 
Day 181 of lockdown… Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! A sweet trough extending all the way down the central parts into much of the WC today. The IOH and SAH pretty weak close to the coasts with small influence. Light winds all over with a few exceptions – notable around the western Peninsula where close to 20kts SSW could be on the cards. Inland some good flying with deep instability and high climbs especially further north of Southerland. To the east around Hogsback it is up to 12k! 10kts surface winds so def flyable out there! ;) The coastal regions light and a bit stable with the inversion around 1000’. But near the mountains this rise steely with 4k at the first ranges and then 5/6k just beyond those. Winds are Southerly along the southern parts and NW further inland. From 5k it is all NW winds with a gentle backing to the SW form 10k upwards and a 40kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 13500.

CT – Again that very shallow SE (around 1000ft) with a strong inversion so the wind shadow in full effect. Winds are SW at SH, perhaps up to 20kts. FH again is very sheltered and should be good for flying from early already and staying flyable all day. Climbs perhaps to 4k at mid day. Hermanus also looking sweet I think

RB – A Maybe for the late afternoon again though I think it will be too light today…. ;)

PV – Not looking too shabby today with a late start -a round 12:30/13:00 only but climbs to 5k doable. SW lower winds but near 4/5k it goes NE. Not very strong so should be sweet…

Wilderness – Another light wind day with that low inversion. Possibly something at sedge at mid day. Its all a Southerly trend, maybe a tad more at Buffs today but it is all pretty iffy… ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies showing climbs at mid day to just 1500’….

PE and PA – Also light south to SE winds all day – not more than 10kts in a few spots by the looks of things…

EL – And the same here! :) I would trek inland for that awesome NW to W wind stuff! (Hogsback to 12k!)

Inland – Another good day for powered flying I think but perhaps more thermic with super high climbs, especially in the east and further North. Light variable winds in the south during the morning to mid day.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:17 and setting at 18:27 (Day length is 12 hrs and 10 min – longer days now!). A light wind day – perfect to do your holiday things. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a sweet 19 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(22 September 2020) 
Day 180 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! After a great day of flying on the GR yesterday some I am sure would be happy for the break in flying today – a more inverted day with poor flying prospects. The SAH domination on the west with the IOH on the east and a slight trough in the inland areas. Wide spread isobars so very light wind around – the exception being FB with soe 20kts late afternoon SE winds and in the far east some NE winds around EL also touching 20kts. For the rest its all less than 10 or 5kts. A blue day with no clouds around and coastal light instability between 1-2000’ AGL. North of the mountains it rises slightly with the best spots over the peaks with Southerland climbs to 7/8k. The winds inland are also quite variable but east north of the Southerland Escarpment. It also switches quite a bit on the way to the Tropopause but finishes SW around 40kts. Freezing level around 13k.

CT – a very shallow SE today (around 1000ft) with a strong inversion so the wind shadow in full effect. Winds are SW at SH, perhaps up to 15kts but later in the afternoon strong over FB and TB -at 20kts. FH however is very sheltered and should be good for flying from early already with the S to SE wind only reaching here around 15:00. Climbs perhaps to 4k at mid day.

RB – A Maybe for the late afternoon I think…. ;)

PV –  A very southerly day with east on top. So again not the best here…

Wilderness – Light wind start but trending S later in the day. IT s a tad more around Sedge and towards Buffs but lightly thermic so weak climbs around. Inversion just shy of 1000’. Probably mid day the best time at Sedge or Serps. A maybe also for a bench up at Gerrickes though it could be just too light. Even Buffs looking just too light…

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies showing climbs at mid day to just 1500’….

PE and PA – Also light southerly winds but turning east eastward of PE and increasing in strength.

EL – Looks like strong NE winds along the coast all day here… Inland looking sweetish with light winds and climbs to 4k on average… Hogsback also sweet…

Inland – A great day for powered flying I think but something in there for the thermal flyers too. ;) Light to mild lift with climbs to 7/8k around the higher peaks. Winds are variable in the south but east in the north.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:19 and setting at 18:26 (Day length is 12 hrs and 08 min – longer days now!). A light wind day – perfect to do your holiday things. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a cool 18 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(21 September 2020) 
Day 179 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! The CF moving up into the south of Mozambique while the SAH is pushing in cool unstable air onto the WC. Winds are fresh SW in the east but more S to SE in the west. Inland it curls more Easterly later in the afternoon. Early cloud and even rain along the southern coast but clearing during the day. Eventually a few Q’s along the southern parts of the WC. Winds trend S to with height and then just before the Tropopause it is SW for a 60kts finish. Freezing level around early this morning as low as 4500’ in a few spots but I rises quickly during the day to 11000.

CT – A partly cloudy start with SE winds – it will clear during the day. A cool wind shadow around LH and SH in the afternoon. It is over 20kts in many spots later on.

RB – Looking great for flying today! Seems better in the afternoon but could be working form early already! ;)

PV –  Not so good with a shallow SW and climbs maybe to Mnt top hight. The East is blowing above that,.. Maybe PB…

Wilderness – A strong west and rainy start but it will clear nicely and moderate while backing to the SW and even S later in the day. So early coastal cliff soaring and then a Sedge afternoon by the looks of it. Some mid day climbs at Sedge over 3k doable. But it looks strong at that time…

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies showing climbs at mid day to over 4k. But Keurbooms is looking sweet from lunchtime as the wind backs more to the S….

PE and PA – Those strong SW still dominating all day but it does moderate late afternoon at PE so Maitlands is looking really good.

EL – Looks like the SW is strong here all day long…

Inland – A strong southerly start in many spots but trending more SE inland during the afternoon. Above the inversion – around 78k at the most – the winds go back to the South… Hhhmmm… still not the best day to be flying I think;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:20 and setting at 18:26 (Day length is 12 hrs and 05 min – longer days now!). A strong westerly breeze with cloudy conditions in the morning but clearing beautifully later in the day. Perfect for everything! – go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a cool 159 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(20 September 2020) 
Day 178 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! The CF pushing through the entire WC with strong westerly winds and rain in the west spreading to the east late afternoon and early evening. Base low in the west around 2k but rising steadily and past the first mountain ranges inland it is 6-8k and looking good but for the strong winds. ;) It is 20kts in most places so just a tad too strong to fly. The exception might be a small window along the GR coast. Winds remains west all the way to around 25k then goes NW for a 110kt finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 10000’.

CT – Rainy and windy with a west wind all day long. Base around 2k so a small maybe chance to fly in a few spots around the Peninsula I think – more suited for hangies with the fresh winds. ;)

RB – Just not today…

PV –  A northerly start but the frontal west moving in in the afternoon. Base probably below the mountain tops so I doubt it’s a worthwhile flying day…

Wilderness – Strong West winds to start with then late morning it will back to the SW. IT is supposed to get strong later in the afternoon but there is a chance of some lighter winds in the Wilderness corner so the dunes might be flyable. Just keep your eyes open towards the ocean for signs of stronger wind. ;) Rain probably only late afternoon or most likely early evening.

Plett – Stronger W to SW winds so it doesn’t look like a flyable day here…

PE and PA – Those super strong SW dominating all day… Inland also strong.

EL – Same as PE…

Inland – Strong westerly winds everywhere today. 15-25kts o the surface and stronger with height. Hhhmmm… a day for hot chocolate out there! ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:22 and setting at 18:25 (Day length is 12 hrs and 03 min – longer days now!). A strong westerly breeze with cloudy conditions all day. Perfect for sheltered forest walks or a rushing down wind jog on the beach walks – go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a windy 19 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(19 September 2020) 
Day 177 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! The CF moving past the N coast of KZN while we have some unstable air in its wake across the WC – though not the best as is usual in post frontal stuff! Convection depth around 2-4k up the first coastal ranges with some Q’s and even some OD in parts of the GR. Wind are generally light with a S to SE trend along the southern parts and into the Peninsula but then there is a curl around to the W for the inland parts of the West coast. The wind is still light inland with max 20kts later in the afternoon on the higher grounds but in the lower valleys it remains 10kts and less. Winds go NW above 5k then W from 18k to the Tropopause for a 50kts finish. Freezing level around 11500’.

CT – A Southerly wind moving around the Peninsula with a SW component along the SH and LH shore front. 15kts at times. However, as soon we move inland the wind veers to the W from mid day onwards. SLP might become doable after mid day but it looks like FH will be the spot today when the SE stops around mid day with climbs to 4k at 13:00 on the cards.

RB – Just not enough in the SSW today…

PV –  It looks like a sweet day here with climbs at times to 3500/4k. W to SW winds but north above the inversion.

Wilderness – Perhaps a chance of some OD during the day (According to the forecasts) with winds southerly and more SE later in the afternoon. There is a sweet unstable layer to play in it seems with climbs to 1500’ near the coast and close to 3k on the coastal plateau. Map might deliver something though it does look like the good winds just don’t get all the way there so could be a bit frustrating. Gerrickes could offer a bench-up if your timing is good. But Sedge and Serps are the best spots I think.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies S to SE winds 10kts and climbs to 3500 early on then lowering to 2500/3000’.

PE and PA – SE winds with some spots in the bay going to 15kts. Inland it is looking sweet with lightish winds and good soaring up to 3500ft near the coast but just further inland it goes to 5k.

EL – A S to SE coastal wind that backs to the E inland. Some good soaring inland with 5/6k on the cards.

Inland – NW winds north of the Southerland escarpment but light E to S south of there. Some good thermals with climbs 4/5k AGL in most places.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:23 and setting at 18:24 (Day length is 12 hrs and 01 min – a mile stone I think!). A light SE breeze with partly cloudy conditions all day. Perfect for forest and beach walks – go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a cool 16 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(18 September 2020) 
Day 176 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! Some great flying along the GR sites yesterday. ;) SLightly less on the caards today with the CF moving into CT today with the westerlies still dominating all over the WC. Some clouds around but confined mostly to the SW corner from the frontal activity. Not much of a prefrontal build wind wise ahead of this front (its not very deep) so light winds in the interior and still some super soaring conditions to be found. A SW trend along the southern parts but looking a tad light along the GR side, picking up again once we move eastwards of the Eden area. Inland it is all westerlies up to 20kts perhaps on the higher parts. Inland climbs going to 10k over the Escarpment area and down to 7/8k further south at the SB and then 4-6k along the first ranges. Some great conditions inland of PA for those willing to explore… lol Winds remain west to around 18k then veer to the WNW for a 70kt finish up there. Freezing level 11500 in the southern areas.

CT – A clear start but then the clouds shaping up around the 2k level. Thicken during the day with chance of some rain. Tops not much over 6k. Early on it is looking sweet along the SLP and FH side but SLP starting to OD mid day. FH holding on with base around 4/4500’ and 5-10kts of wind. Could be a great day here…

RB – Ag shame man…lol.

PV –  Promising start with SW winds and climbs to 3500’. Then it goes more south with a chance of some Q’s mostly in the South around 3500’.

Wilderness – Some high cirrus clouds dampening the shallow instability so a weaker day expected at Sedge and Serps. Late morning climbs to 1500’ maybe but dropping from lunchtime onwards. So go early I think. The mountains in the back looking very good though!

Plett – Looking lighter compared to yesterday with climbs to 3500 most of the day. Also that cirrus layer blocking the strong stuff but it looks sweet to me. SW winds 5-10kts.

PE and PA – Stronger SW here with some 15kt spots.

EL – SW to the west but NE further to the East. Inland though along the seabreeze front is where the action lies with super conditions and climbs to 9k in most places!

Inland – Another sweet day for flying everywhere with the light winds and unstable conditions. Mostly blue inland with climbs to 10k further north and 6-8k along the southern ranges. 10-20kts at most all the way to 10k before it picks up in the west winds.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:24 and setting at 18:23 (Day length is 11 hrs and 59 min). Another beautiful day ahead with beach and forest walks for everyone on the cards. Light breezes from the ocean. No excuse to go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a coolish 17 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(17 September 2020) D
ay 175 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! We are right in-between the receding IOH to our east and the SAH to our west, which is helping along the next CF. But for today it looks like a sweet day and another one I would suggest dropping work and going flying. ;) Light winds everywhere with 5-10kts and a few spurts up to 15 on the higher grounds. The sea breezes moving inland from all around our coastlines with sweet instability from 2k to 4k then rising to 5/6k at the first mountain ranges and up to 8k at Southerland and the SB areas. Some Q’s around but not much. Winds remain light till 8/9k where it goes decidedly NW with a slow increase all the way to the Tropopause for a 60/70kt finish. Freezing back up to 13k…

CT – Looking super good for SH and LH and also for the 12 Apostles. NW to W all day 5-10kts. SLP and FH and the likes also very good with climbs to around 4k possibly higher along the mountains.

RB – lol. Not that time of year it seems. WWB is out today!

PV –  A good day for PV with SW winds up to Mnt top height but then it turns to light east to NE and even N. So climbs expected to just near or over the mnt tops…

Wilderness – A sweet day of flying ahead with a light SW start trendin South later on. 5-10kts mostly on the cards with Sedge and Serps looking amazing. Climbs to over 2k very doable. 4-500ft/min climbs on the cards by the looks of things. ;) Lets hope it it what they say it is today! Lol.

Plett – If you go early it say sweet climbs to 5k with some cumies too!. By 12/13:00 this will lower to 3500 for the rest fo the day while the wind backs to the SE. Perhaps on the light side and too east for Keurbooms…

PE and PA – The SW backing to south later on – a bit more here with 10-15knts.

EL – SW with a slight backing to the south but a super good seabreeze again moving inland. Some great flying at Hogsback and area with 9k on the cards and light winds too!

Inland – A sweet day for flying everywhere with the light winds and unstable conditions. Mostly blue inland with 4/5k AGL instability around. IT is NW higher up and further north but light S in the south.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:26 and setting at 18:23 (Day length is 11 hrs and 57 min). A beautiful day ahead with beach and forest walks for everyone on the cards. Light breezes from the ocean. No excuse to go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a cool 16 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(16 September 2020) 
Day 174 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! So yesterday some good flying reports with the DuToits gang doing some distance in tricky wind conditions. Here is a short clip of the climb over DuToits farm yesterday. Pieter DeBeer managed a respectable 50k’s. Sweet! Around Wilderness the easy locals made good use of a great flying day with all the sites working at some stage of the day. ;) But today its different as a Cold Front pushes its way into the Cape while the SAH is helping the westerlies to dominate all over. Inland still some good unstable air around with high bases at 8-10k in many spots. Some good Q’s around too. The wind is picking up a bit so some shear and mixing of the thermals around – 20kts in most spots. Just a tad on the strong side for sweet flying. The coast under the W to SW influence with the GR having a bit of a sheltered flow trending even SE in the Wilderness corner. The Strong SW moving in only early even by the looks of it with some rain. Winds remain westerly all the way to 18k where it backs more SW all the way to the Tropopause for a 100kt finish. Freezing level around 7500’ in the south and 8500 further north.

CT – Looks like the cloud will move in mid morning with strong NW winds – around 20kts all day long. Rain on and off too so not a flying day. (How was the flying yesterday?)

RB – Ai. WWB is out today!

PV –  A clear start but near mid day the clouds moving in and thickening with a chance of some rain. Base just below the mnt tops and tops around 6/7k. Westerly winds around 10-15kts.

Wilderness – It looks like a light S to SW day with some sweet flying I think late morning to early lunch. Probably too light for the coast to work but Serps and Sedge should be nice – climbs to just past 1000ft on the cards. The instability deteriorating from 13/14:00 and onwards with the inversion lowering and the thermals broken up then. So get out and start flying from 10 till 13:00. ;) A very strong SW buster moving in from 18:00ish with the rain. Just keep tabs on it – sometimes they move in earlier…

Plett – Uppies looking doable late morning but at mid day the SW pushing a bit strong over 10kts. But climbs could be up to 4k initially here and then a similar pattern to Wilderness – broken climbs and lowering of the inversion… Keurbooms could be sweet from 10-12. Then it looks like light switchy winds in that part of the bay…

PE and PA – The SW dominating with 20kt spots around all day…

EL – Similar to PE. But some strong Seabreeze convergence regions if your psot and timing is right. 8k climbs not far inland doable but winds lower to upper teens so perhaps on the strong side… But that Seabreeze still begging to be explored boys! ;) Lol.

Inland – Still good instability but a tad more wind around with all westerly flows. 20kts or just over in the big wind regions with mid teens in most other spots. The clouds and light rain moving in from the west but should be confined to the southern regions only.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:27 and setting at 18:22 (Day length is 11 hrs and 55 min). A beautiful day ahead with beach and forest walks for everyone on the cards. Some rain by early evening and a bit of wind in the afternoon. No excuse to go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a coolish 18 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(15 September 2020) 
Day 173 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! The IOH dominating along the southern parts with a wide spread trough inland bringing with it all a light wind day with superb soaring ocnditions. Drop what ever you are doing today and go fly! ;) Winds are light N to NW inland all the way to 8/9k where it does a marked backing to the NW. Along the south coast areas it is S to SE but still light with 5-10kts the average flow. Some sweet Q’s around too with base around 5/6k along the first mountains and higher further inland. Around 500ft/min climbs all round. Some thick high level clouds in a few spots that will put a damper on the climbs but it should still work I think. Winds remain NW to the Tropopause for a 60kts finish over CT but 100kt over PE. Freezing level around 6500 to 7500 further north…

CT – The Peninsula with a SW surface flow but N to NW from 2500 upwards. Instability to 4/5k. It looks absolutely amazing along the main mountains with a light NW wind and base up high at around 5k. SLP and FH will be going off big time with amazing sweet flying everywhere. It might be worth launching further north to do a cross down wind XC towards FH. 5-10kts with a few gusts over that.

RB – Again WWB is out today!

PV –  An amazing day here from the looks of it. Base around 5k and sweet 500ft,min climbs with NW to W winds. Later in the day there is a SW trend lower down.

Wilderness – A light S to SE wind day with sweet instability and even some Q’s to help show the way. Some models show climbs to over 4k at Sedge early on but then to 2500ft later. A S to SSE direction so Sedge should be going off all day. Serps too but airspace is in the way here… ;) Even some coastal soaring later but it looks light. Map could also have something later in the day….

Plett – Looks good for XC from Uppies too. Maybe fly to Map! :) Early climbs to 5k  but its north above 3500k. Later on 14:00 a inversion develops at 3700’. But super good flying to be had here today. Direction SSE 5-10kts.

PE and PA – Some strato layer here that could thow a spanner in the works as there seems to be some more moisture around pushed in by the IOH. Base at 3000’ more or less but looking like OD. It gets less further inland SE winds up 15kts in the bay.

EL – Similar especially to the west with some OD close to the coast but lessening further inland. There is a thick stratus layer at mid level further inland that can damper things a bit… A SW start but it backs to the SE with a marked Seabreeze moving inland, Explore that Seabreeze boys! ;) Lol.

Inland – A super good flying day inland. N to NW winds with high bases around Southerland escarpment – 10k… 10-15k winds. Slightly less to the south but SB showing light N to NW winds with base at 7/8k. The DuToits boys should be good early but watch the SE coming in as early as 13:30 already… ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:28 and setting at 18:21 (Day length is 11 hrs and 53 min). A light wind day increasing on the coast later but perfect morning for doing almost anything. So go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a cool 15 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))


(14 September 2020) 
Day 172 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! Still those CF westerlies dominating the WC weather today – strong along the coast but a def moderation compared to yesterday. A chance of some precipitation but base are still around 3k in the west rising inland to around 4/6k behind the first ranges and then 8/9k around the Southerland escarpment. Winds are still westerly, some WSW spots inland but more moderate at 15kts. Some 20kts posts on the higher grounds). Winds remain W to NW with hight with a 60kt finish over CT but 150kts over PE!) Freezing level around 5500’.

CT – SW winds with base around 2/3k around the Peninsula but lots of OD and even lower base along the mountains so DuToits not looking good. 10-15kts mostly. SLP a maybe – looking too S here to me…

RB – Again WWB is out today!

PV –  IT is looking sweet at mid day to 14/15:00 with base just clear of the tops. 5-10kts west winds. IT goes south later on. Some deep development so watch the cloud suck! ;)

Wilderness – Slightly less wind compared to yesterday but def more SW so some good flying along the coastal cliffs. There are signs of 25kts coming in from the sea so do keep your eyes open! Too strong for Sedg and Serps… Slight chance of rain too… But more likely later in the afternoon.

Plett – Same as Wilderness…. Too strong for Uppies and just to west for Keurbooms to be lekker…

PE and PA – Also strong SW winds here all day and slight chance of rain…

EL – It does moderate a tad here it seems but still SW and strong. Maybe those SW facing dune corners could work… ;) Lol.

Inland – West to WSW winds 10-15kts mostly. Some good flying possible with some good looking clouds around. A good day to go far from Southerland I think… ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:30 and setting at 18:21 (Day length is 11 hrs and 50 min). A windy day along the coast later on with a chance of rain. Still perfect for those forest walks. So go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a cold 16 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(13 September 2020) 
Day 171 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! The Cold Front sweeping across the WC dominating with very strong Westerlies. It is pretty dry so not as much rain as normally associated with CF movements so some high bases and only a slight chance of precipitation – more on the western mountain ranges. But the winds are all 40kts plus in most places so a windy and non flyable day all over the WC. Though we have some climbs of 5/600ft/min the shear ration is bad so rough stuff on the cards (all theory of course – doubt anyone will try to see if that is the case!) ;) Base in the west near the coast around 3k but steadily rising towards the east with the EC base just ahead of the CF up at 14k plus! Winds remain W to NW all the way to the Tropopause for a 150kts finish up there! Freezing level down to 5500 in the SW but still up at 13k in the North and to the east.

CT – Chance of scattered showers with strong WNW winds all day…

RB – Again WWB is out today!

PV –  Also that strong NW 20kts plus! Slight chance of rain with some good looking Q’s streaking over those mountains to the west!

Wilderness – Sheltered along the coast with some sporadic calmer periods of SW to even S at times however those will be short lasting. Above its strong Westerlies (40kts at 2k!). Slight chance of showers but very slight. High base along the mountains at 4/5k…

Plett – Same as Wilderness….

PE and PA – Also strong WSW winds here all day…

EL – The SW and NE bumping heads in the EL area with before lunch the change to the west but then moving past EL around mid day finishing to the east in the afternoon. Some hectic stuff inland with the super strong WNW meeting the coastal flows… Strong convergence and very  high bases preceding the front. Good to watch! Lol.

Inland – The Southerland escarpment showing 50kts winds!!! So windy inland with high clouds and good weather watching stuff all over the place. :)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:31 and setting at 18:20 (Day length is 11 hrs and 49 min). A blistery day with the WSW winds. Best used for those protected forest walks. Either way go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a windy 20 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(12 September 2020) 
Day 170 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! That CF approaching CT while the IOH dominates on the east. Some strong winds along the coast and inland as those isobars tighten up preceding the front. We still have that deep unstable inland airmass that is being sucked closer to the coast – for the GR and EC people if you watch inland you should be able to see those very high Q’s at around 15k! Drool! ;) But the winds are 30-50kts up there so not a flying day for us. The GR coastal regions settling for that strong inversion again as the warmer upper air flows over the cold sea air creating that strong inversion. IT is very think so be careful when/if flying. Winds remain NW above it all the way to the Tropopause for a 129kts finish. Freezing level up at 13k!

CT – An strong surface inversion around with 16 degrees on the ground and 22 degrees at 1500’ in most areas which sets the scene for a strong wind gradient – it can be frustratingly mixy (or not!) with stronger winds just above the lacks surface flow. Its an added complication to the typical “prefrontal berg winds” Though the berg winds seem to be further eastwards towards the Overberg and GR areas. SLP looks too strong to me with 20kts at MT top so a good chance of some mixing taking place here. The upper winds build during the day but the shear factor seems to be reasonable. (10kts or less – but that can still be bumpy enough!) ;)

RB – WWB is out today!

PV –  A unstable layer with NW flow in the upper teens in knots up to 3500ft but then 20kts quickly above that. So probably not the best of days to fly…

Wilderness – Strong NW above with a shallow coastal layer along the coast. This layer will be eroded during the day as the W to SW moves up the coast by mid day… It doesn’t look like a good day with some strong shear in the SW… Maybe some coastal soaring but it looks bumpy.

Plett – Same as Wilderness….

PE and PA – Strong East flow here from the IOH – it will go SW in the afternoon form the west.

EL – Strong NE all day and super strong stuff inland with base over 15k in places. Drooling Q’s from the looks of it! (But too strong to fly)

Inland – A super strong wind day with 40-50kts just above the ground but high climbs with high bases in most places. OF course it is not a day to be in the sky I think! ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:33 and setting at 18:19 (Day length is 11 hrs and 47 min). A calm start but it will get a bit windy later on. Still great to get your tes wet or chill in the forest. Up on the plains it is super windy and hot! (Bergy!) Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a windy 19 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(11 Septemebr 2020) 
Day 169 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! The IOH/SAH and inland trough along the western interior dominating the WC weather today. Still loads of moisture today with the Indian ocean influx along the southern coast areas – low cloud and some rain for early morning but clearing during the day. Winds down there strong Easterlies all day with up to 25kts along the coast. This air penetrating inland quite far – all the way to the greater escarpment areas where it butts up against the dryer NW air mass which is giving us exceptional soaring conditions for this time of the year (A taste of summer!) high bases around 14k with around 20kts of NW winds. (See the thermal map). Perhaps Nieuwoudtville and Louriesfontein could be the spots today – if you can launch there you could cut cross down wind and head for BeauFort West! :) The East flowing layer up to around 5/6k where it backs quickly to the NW from 7k upwards. It remains NW all the way to the Tropopause where it backs slightly to the West for a 100kts finish. Freezing level still up at 13k.

CT – Strong SE at CP but it drops towards CT where it will be light SW around SH and LH but with a lower east and then at TM top a light N. Perhaps making Africa Face flyable today. Instability to MT top height. Some high cirrus cover for the most part.

RB – Hhhmm… Not looking very promising with the SE staying out to the south.

PV –  A shallow light SW layer with the winds N to NW at MT top height. The NW layer the good one but you need to move further inland to get into the good stuff. Nieuwouldville!

Wilderness – Wet and more wet with morning low cloud but clearing on the cards for late morning. The wind does look a tad on the strong side but perhaps a window in the mid to late morning available at Map. Else strong E to SE all day…

Plett – Same as Wilderness….

PE and PA – Also the strong East to NE winds here all day… Rain early on but clearing during the day…

EL – Strong NE all day… Not that good inland either – just NW of Hogsback is the good stuff though it looks a bit strong there…

Inland – The more stable airmass in the south with a S to SE trend all the way to the Escarpment where the good NW airmass takes over with epic flying stuff! Who will get into that today? Hhhmmm… (drool!) In the Little Karoo the winds go NW from 6/7k upwards…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:34 and setting at 18:19 (Day length is 11 hrs and 45 min). A cloudy wet start but clearing nicely later in the day. A windy day making it perfect for down wind walks on the beach or hiding in the wet forest. ;) Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a windy 19 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(10 September 2020) 
Day 168 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! The CF moving up the KZN coast while the SAH is feeding in a shallow layer of cool moist air in behind it. Mostly around 6-7k in depth) Winds are SE along the southern coastal regions with some chance of rain along the coast and first mountains but drying quickly after that. Further inland the winds are easterly all the way to the escarpment where we hit the dryer mass with a N to NW circulation and some superb soaring conditions today. (See thermal graph and line of good air!) Base out there at 14k today! But back home it’s a maybe day for most places. Winds go NW from around 8k upwards and remains NW all the way to the Tropopause with a 90kt finish up there. Freezing level still up at 13k.

CT – A strong SE day wit h instability up t 4k… The clouds confined to the east and windwards side of the SLP mountains. A slight chance of a wind-shadow at SH and LH. 20kts plus at CP and most of the southern Peninsula. Tricky day…

RB – IT might happen for the late afternoon. Looks like a wave pattern in the SE wind with 15kts on RB or missing it at ties… Instability to 3/4k…

PV –  SW in the layer up to launch height but then an east trend above that. The inversion just over 3k… So could be doable…

Wilderness – If the rain stays away then Map could be flyable. Sedge too east and it looks like OD and rain mostly… Probably only the coastal SE facing spots with a chance pending on the rain…

Plett – Same as Wilderness….

PE and PA – Also that East winds here with a chance of rain. Further inland is the best option if you are pressed to fly…

EL – SE winds trending NE as one moves inland. Some good flying in spots inland with base around 6k and 5-10kts winds in this layer…

Inland – The clouds running all the way to SB with base out there around 5/7k. SB pass could be flyable with S to SE winds up to 10kts. North of the escarpment it is a magic day with 20kts WNW and 14k base… (drool!)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:35 and setting at 18:18 (Day length is 11 hrs and 43 min). A cloudy day with rain on the cards. Hide in a book store or go wild and get wet in the forest! Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a cool 16 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(9 Septemeber 2020) 
Day 167 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! The SAH helping a cold front along to the SW of us with a SW flow moving up the coast. This meets the IOH NE flow down the coast around the EL area. (west of EL during the morning but late after noon then to the east of EL). Inland there is a slight trough down the central parts with winds SW in the southern areas then veering to the NW further north – around the Sutherland escarpment areas. The east once again very good flying with the west more influenced but the prefrontal NW winds, though some areas are having a reprieve as the front is more southerly moving. Some low cloud in most southern and western parts which should clear during the morning – a few fog patches on the northern west coast and base around 2/3k along most of the coastal plan areas. Mostly around 10kts with some stronger spots along the coast. Hogsback once again its into orbit time with climbs here to over 13k! Dress warm! Lol Winds go NW from 5k upwards all the way to the Tropopause for a 50kts finish over Wilderness but 80kts over CT. Freezing level still high around 13k…

CT – A SW to NW trend with instability to just above TM top height. The low cloud should burn off leaving a sweet looking sky – some clouds around the Peninsula but with a SW wind that trends more S later in the afternoon. Should be great flying late morning mid day already I think. Then SLP and FH should deliver the goods too with the afternoon the better time as the winds moderate slightly up there…

RB – Maybe a late afternoon possibility though I think it will be too light and just too much west in it.

PV –  A west from launch height with instability to just below launch height and a more SW to S lower layer on the ground. Could be okish if the west dominates the lower stuff a bit more…

Wilderness – Looking like a great day of flying here. The coastal cliffs should work but also Sedge with climbs to 1600ft o the cards. Winds around the 10kt mark but some spots more with up to 15kts possible – just keep an eye on the wind lines – if there are white caps be ware of Sedge, if no white case then Sedge could be good. Possibly a late afternoon sweet time at Sedge I think…

Plett – A bit stronger here with Uppies at 15kts so probably a tad strong mostly – climbs to 2600ft. Keurbooms looks like it could be doable… :)

PE and PA – SW winds here all day with Maitlands looking very good.

EL – The change over area with SW in the west and NE in the east. But the days best stuff is way inland at Hogsback with climbs to 13k plus possible. Probably best for the hangies with the 15kts winds on the cards… But maybe…

Inland – Mostly WNW winds with SW in the south. The better stuff to the east and slower and lower climbs in the west. A few higher spots in the south becoming very windy with 20kts plus on those mountains…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:37 and setting at 18:17 (Day length is 11 hrs and 41 min). A cloudy morning but clearing and some windy stuff form the ocean but still beach walks and forest hikes are a go! Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a cooler 18 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(8 September 2020) 
Day 166 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! Another CF approaching form the west with a NW/bergwind trend shaping up on the western parts while the IOH is dominating in the east with strong NE winds along the eastern coastal regions. Inland it is generally NW with 20kts plus on the higher areas. A dry day with no cloud or rain on the cards. Perhaps a smidgeon around CP. Quite stable in most parts with the warm upper air overlying the cooler coastal areas. The west coats with 1000’ in convection depth, even less along the GR regions but within the Northerlies there is a bit more in it with around 4k depth and improving to the east. Hogsback looking particularly enticing today. ;) Winds remain NW all the way to the Tropopause for a 50kts finish. Freezing level very high, around 15-16k!

CT – A SW to W surface trend but it veers more NW at TM top height. Lightish winds up to 2k but then a gradual and strong increase from around 10kts to 40kts at 8k. Below the inversion the flying should be ok but I would be wary of the higher sites like SLP or FH though…

RB – WWB is out and about!

PV – Its 20kts at MT top hight with a shallow inversion around 1500’. Lighter on the ground but not the nicest of days…

Wilderness – Some offshore winds this morning then that SE trend from the spill-over of the IOH and strong NE around PE. Strong inversion around 500/800ft. A smidgeon of lift possibly at Sedge at mid day with the SE perhaps coming up just enough for a light thermal or two. Serps the same…

Plett – Same as Wilderness but even less of a climb at Uppies once the coastal breeze gets in.

PE and PA – Those easterlies dominating here all day. Stronger to the east…

EL – Very strong NE coastal winds but further inland once out of the coastal air flying is really good with a light enough W wind and climbs at Hogsback up to 9k doable. Around 10kts…

Inland – Thos strong winds on the higher parts with around 4k convection depth. Its more stable to the west with increased instability to the east. Early and late a nice propeller flying day…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:38 and setting at 18:17 (Day length is 11 hrs and 38 min). A beautiful summer in winter day so everything on the cards to do – beach walks and forest hikes. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a hot 24 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(7 September 2020) 
Day 165 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! Japan struggling under the onslaught of Typhoon Haishen while we are being blessed with sweet light weather after all the rain. Some superb flying in a few spots – mostly the eastern parts with 6k bases and 500ft/min climbs. It convective depth gets shallower to the west with 3k along the west coast however into the bigger mountains its back up to the 6k lark. Winds are fairly light form the IOH influence with a light SE trend along the southern parts except for CP where it will reach over 20kts again though not getting much to the northern Peninsula. Winds are light all the way to 7k where it goes westerly and remains WSW all the way to the Tropopause for a 60kt finish. Freezing level up high at around 13k.

CT – Another good day with the wind shadow working well. Still some instability around with climbs to just over TM tops doable. Perhaps more of an ENE flow above 1000’ so Africa Face more likely today than yesterday I think… The east making SLP and FH not really good options today. Paarl Rock could work though…

RB – Looks too light here…

PV – A shallow low SW but it goes East quickly and then backing all the way to the North at 6k. A funny inversion around 3500’ but into the Cederbergs you could get past this to around 6/7k… Its not looking that good though…

Wilderness – Seems like a good day on the cards with initial light SSE winds trending more SE later on. Map might work late afternoon – some lower clouds moving in from the ocean at that time too… But Serps looking the best with climbs to 1800ft on the cards for almost the whole day – and looks like some Q’s should be around too. It could be an XC day if you can skirt east of the airspace onto the mountains… Sedge with too much east in it but doable and climbs to 1300’… Buffs will be soarable from early on already and worth a trip out there…

Plett – Same as Wilderness but climbs at Uppies to 2300’ from the looks of things.

PE and PA – A slight chance of light rain but dissipating during the day. Looks like a light SE wind day… Some good spots inland if you can get to them.

EL – More SW start but then later it will trend to the SE along the coast. Inland it is looking really good! 6k bases with some great flying out there…

Inland – A day with light winds everywhere – trending SE in the south and more N to NW inland. Around 4-5k instability depth around. Clouds mainly in the far south. A sweet day for propeller things too – especially early and later in the day.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:40 and setting at 18:16 (Day length is 11 hrs and 36 min). A beautiful day after all the rains – perfect to go do just about anything! Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a cool 15 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))


(6 September 2020) 
Day 164 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! World extreme weather update e with Typhoon Haishen starting to strike Japan with sustained 215kmh winds and gusts to 250kmh. Its slightly less than the previous 300kkh but remains a super typhoon. Back home the IOH dominating with a large swath of SE to East circulation over the entire country – helped along with that mid level trough – this time it has shifted a bit more to the east – bringing that CB activity and wide spread rain over the southern coastal regions and the eastern interior. By the time the air flow has reached the western parts it has lost a lot of the moisture so the west no rain expected. This also leaves us with higher cloud base and better thermic conditions in the west. Surface winds are also very light with around 10kts in most places. So sweet in the west but wet and rainy in the south and east today. ;) Winds are 5-10kts E to SE all the way to around 10k where it backs to the NW but SW in the west. The SW to NW change goes with the mid level trough and remains all the way to the Tropopause for a 40-80kts finish. Freezing level around 8500 in the south but 11500 in the north.

CT – A sweet looking day with around 5-10kts of east wind around the Cape Flats and North side of the Peninsula with high climbs (perhaps over 4500k). There is strong SE winds at CP point which might move in a tad closer but it does look like a good wind-shadow day with being able to get high over SH and LH – perhaps onto Africa face even with the upper east winds… Watch airspace! ;) Paarl rock also looking sweet! :)

RB – It might be thermic on the eastern slopes – you need to time it right though…

PV – Mostly too east here but it does look very good for Picketberg! Climbs to 6k or more on the cards… - 5010kts wind making it extra sweet!

Wilderness – lol. Ag shame man. Its raining cats and dogs at the moment! ;) light southerly winds and a maybe of partial clearing late afternoon… (probably not!)

Plett – Same as Wilderness.

PE and PA – Also rain and variable winds – SW to NE along the coast with CB activity…

EL – Same as PA…. This is right under that mid level trough…

Inland – Some good flying to the west fo the trough today with high bases – perhaps 10k or more around Sutherland. Rain in the east but excellent flying in the west. Some of the central parts also looking good but only north of the Swartberg Ranges – south of these its OD and rain…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:412 and setting at 18:15 (Day length is 11 hrs and 34 min). A rainy day all day long it seems – so huddle up on a cosy couch for some good hot chocolate and book! Either way go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a cool 15 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(5 Septemebr 2020) 
Day 163 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! While we all marvel at our strong winds when we get 50kts anywhere near the surface, I’m once again astounded at those tropical storms – the latest is Typhoon Haishen, the biggest storm to hit the west Pacific this year, just south of Japan. It is a category 5 Typhoon with sustained 120kts winds and gusts exceeding 300km/h! (See the graph!) Back home we have a perfect layout with SA forming the dividing line between the SAH and the IOH. What is of interest is that we have a active trough preceding the CF, with mid level convergence between the two pressure systems. (See the graph!) This is causing some CB activity and rain preceding the frontal rail – CT with frontal rain and the GR and into the interior and eastwards rain from the midlevel instability. By early even the frontal rain should arrive on the GR with the Trough moving more east. There are a lot of complex levels of cloud – low bases and spots around 10 in the west while more eastwards there can also be low bases with tops exceeding 20k. (In the far east around the Dragensberg there’s some epic high bases over 14k!) Nothing in it from a flying prospect but for lighter interior winds – except for under the mid level jet regions where some surface gusts can exceed 20kts. The coastal winds S to SE along the west coast, Varying along the GR but later trending SW. And the EC with SW winds following the coastal low moving into KZN. Wide spread rain also added in the mix so not really a flying day I think. Winds are NW with hight and remains so all the way to the Tropopause for around 60/70kts finish. Freezing level at 7500 in the west and 13500 in the east.

CT – a misty low cloud morning clearing to around 1000’ on the SH side with a strong gradient – 20kts at TM top height but it looks fairly sheltered on the beach with little wind. If not for the cloud it could have been a hangy day perhaps. SLP and FH way too strong and gnarly today… ;) Rain by tomorrow moring from the front it seems.

RB – Another WWB day!

PV – Some instability to perhaps 4k but the winds upper teens in know with NW winds. The BS ration not in our favour either. Weak climbs with 300ft or less.

Wilderness – A kinda light wind rainy day with varying wind. Initially S to SE even but then later it will trend to the SW. IF the rain stays away then maybe a soaring flight can be squeezed out on the coast somewhere…

Plett – Same as Wilderness.

PE and PA – More stronger SW winds from here on to the east. Rain and even CB activity from mid day onwards.

EL – Strong SW winds along the coast with the rain kinda inbetween here. Lots of mid to low level cloud but from Hogsback further north it goes into orbit stuff! ;) Conditions are improving inland and further east…

Inland – Some strong bits on the higher ground along the trough line at 20kts. But elsewhere light winds from the surface to around 5k. From there the mid level jet starts with 50kts NW winds (see graph). Varying Q’s with rain in this area. Probably interesting to look at! ;) Though in-between and early on looks like some sweet propeller flying time…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:42 and setting at 18:15 (Day length is 11 hrs and 32 min). A light wind, rainy day so dress for wet and go for that forest or each walk – or huddle up on a cosy couch for some good hot chocolate and book! Either way go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a cool 16 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(4 September 2020) 
Day 162 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! A typical winter pattern with the SAH on the west helping a CF to move towards the WC, a trough inland down the central regions and the strong IOH to the east dominating that side with the easterly winds. IT is very prefrontal with strong inland NW winds 30knts on the high parts. 30kts along the eastern coast with NE winds and 30kts SW at Agulhas, so lots of action (and big fear factors if you are in the wrong place!) ;) Some low cloud and fog in the west but this should clear during the day with a rising base to around 1/3k at the mountains. Some light instability in the lower layer but the winds are making it too broken up for any worthwhile climbs. However there is a isotherm layer above this and with the strong iwnds it’s a good wave day! Some 5m/s climbs in the right spots on the cards (for the sailplane guys if they are into it – for us its dreaming time) lol. (See the sweet forecast graphs with the wave patterns!) Wind remains NW all the way to the Tropopause for a 100kts finish up there. Freezing level way up at 13k.

CT – a misty low cloud morning clearing to around 1000’ on the SH side with a strong gradient – 20kts at TM top height but it looks fairly sheltered on the beach with little wind. If not for the cloud it could have been a hangy day perhaps. SLP and FH way too strong and gnarly today… ;) Rain by tomorrow moring from the front it seems.

RB – Another WWB day!

PV – Some instability to perhaps 4k but the winds upper teens in know with NW winds. The BS ration not in our favour either. Weak climbs with 300ft or less.

Wilderness – A kinda sweet day for the beach and forests but that northerly inversion settling in on the cooler coastal air so our local sites very inverted. We are in that col area between the SW moving up form the west and NE from the east, so nothing too strong on the cards however, there is some strong westerly flow over head producing some mixing in the lower surface layers making for some bumpy air. Perhaps the coast can be soarable at times but with that funny kinda bumps in the air. ;) There seems to be a slight deepening of the convective depth around Serps/Sedge for the afternoon but still a lot of mixing taking place so if you are getting in the air somewhere probably not the most comfortable flying conditions.

Plett – Same as Wilderness.

PE and PA – The change area between the NE in the east and SW to the west. Later in the day the NE seems to be trumping a bit making into the PE bay…

EL – Hhhmmm…., Hogsback showing climbs to 13k with a westerly flow but it is just in the unpleasant range of mid to upper teens in knots. Strong climbs expected here over 6000ft/min. But the coast blown out form the NE…

Inland – Strong NW winds all over (20kts plus) with around 4k instability in the west but deepening to the east. No ran expected. And not the coolest flying weather around. Def not for the Little or great Karoo!

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:44 and setting at 18:14 (Day length is 11 hrs and 30 min). A moderate wind day making it perfect for forest and beach walks. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a warm 24 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(3 September 2020) 
Day 161 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! That cut off low dissipating far to the south of us while the IOH dominating the WC weather as it curls around the whole country bringing us northerly winds all over the WC. Some coastal influence too with a light S to SE trend along the southern coastal areas. Inland some spots getting to 20kts over the higher grounds but for the most part a lighter wind day. Mostly blue with a few clouds in the tip of the SW corner and then far to the east – east of Hogsback with some high base there of 10k. Varied flying with the west coast having some north in it and a shallow NW layer with inversion around 3k. IT gets better to the east and further inland. Winds go NW around 5k but then backs further west from 10k and finishes with WSW at the Tropopause 60kts. Freezing level around 14k.

CT – A northerly start and some breezy spots around but the winds will moderate from mid day onwards. Up at the inversion height the winds increase to near 20kts so be wary if you fly SLP or FH – inversions around 3-3500’.

RB – Again WWB is out in full force today!

PV – a shallow layer of SW but N above that so probably not the best conditions around. Weak climbs and a bit windy up there too…

Wilderness – A light onshore start that will back to the SE with maybe a 10kts at Map. Buffs will be very good with it being flyable there from late morning already. Maybe Sedge will offer something before it goes too east.

Plett – Same as Wilderness with Uppies showing climbs to just over 2k…

PE and PA – Light to moderate SE winds here but with a sweet sea breeze convergence setting up between the inland NW and the SE moving in from the coast. Some good heights and climbs in these area doable.

EL – Hogsback looking sweet with Westerly winds and climbs to near 10k! There is also that sea breeze moving in with the chance of connecting with it somewhere from your local secret spots! ;) See the graphs.

Inland – Light to moderate N to NW winds mostly. Some reasonable climbs in places with 4-5k layer of instability. The little Karoo and DuToits – looks thermic with climbs to just over 5k – improving slightly to the east – so maybe Luvain is better than Toits. Remember the SE will move in here around 15:00 so land before! (See graphs)  Could be exciting flying! ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:45 and setting at 18:13 (Day length is 11 hrs and 28 min). A calm day ahead with a light onshore breeze picking up later in the afternoon but with comfortable temps making for perfect forest and beach walks. But go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 20 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(2 September 2020) 
Day 160 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! I cant believe we are on day 160 of lockdown... Hhhmmm... So that deep cut-off low has move just to the south of CT bringing loads of rain to that part of the WC. (most of ti is out to sea though). There is also a trough line running north south but will mostly be around the PE area with CB activity there today (It was all over the WC last night). The IOH helping to accelerate the winds to this low with very strong NE winds along the eastern coastal regions. But so too the feed into the low form the NW accelerating with a very shallow but deep 50kts layer along that side. (See the spectacular TH graph for CT with the low but deep 50kts winds). Low cloud base here around 1500 – 2000’with tops exceeding 14k. Just beyond the western mountains it changes dramatically with much higher base and little chance of CB’s but still those strong winds all over the WC. 12k base in a few spots far inland and to the east. All in all not a flying day but loads of action for the weather watchers with systems that don’t come together often! ;) Winds trend NW with height with 50kts up to 10k in the west but in the East there is a mid level jet with 110kts at 20k up to 24k before dropping again for just 50kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 7500 in the west but 11500 in the east.

CT – Rain and gale force NW winds all day…

RB – WWB is out in full force today!

PV – N to NW winds over 40kts at times with low clouds and rain and chance of CB activity!

Wilderness – NW winds for most of the day. A slight WSW trend later with perhaps some low coastal shelter but just a smidgeon above our heads the NW is very strong! Def not a flying day – the shear factor (or fear factor!) lol, in excess of 25kts!

Plett – Same as Wilderness…

PE and PA – Those upper strong Northerlies bringing in that mid level instability with CB activity for most of the day for your area… It looks like offshore winds all day here with the NE coastal stuff just around the corner towards PA.

EL – Very-very strong NE winds here all day… The NE penetrating far inland but just over head the NE to N winds blowing strong!

Inland – 40kts winds over the higher peaks with a belt of CB activity in the eastern interior. Exceptionally high wind shear factor today with 25kts in most places so not a day to go flying really… Also the rain on the western mountains…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:46 and setting at 18:13 (Day length is 11 hrs and 26 min). A very windy day but with comfortable temps making for perfect forest walks. The beach could be a bit sand-blasty! ;) But go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a sweet 22 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(1 September 2020) 
Day 159 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! The IOH dominating with a vengeance today, kept in strength by a strong and deep inland trough. The trough will deepen and move southwards bringing some CB activity with it down to the coastal regions of the WC by early evening. Winds are very strong easterly along the coast with 25kts average in most places. Inland very similar with the deep easterly flow backing slightly the further north we go as it follows the NE isobar lines form the trough. The CB activity are all mid level instability so base are high around 12k with tops near 30k. The southerly movement of the trough will cause a LP separation, almost like a cut off low with loads of rain for the SW areas of the WC tonight and into tomorrow morning. For today the winds remain easterly with a gentle backing to the NE with hight finishing with a north trend at the tropopause at 50kts. Freezing level at 8500 n the west and 12k in the east.

CT – Easterlies all day with thick mid level clouds. CB’s by mid night. 20kts average with a few slightly sheltered spots put it doesn’t look lekker for flying…

RB – Probably too east to be great fun. Only the short easterly face might be doable today…

PV – All easterly winds here today. So PB looks straight up but it will be too strong to fly with 20kts plus on the cards.

Wilderness – Light east start but picking up quickly to 20kts plus. Late afternoon and early evening will see those CB activity moving south from behind the mountains with possible showers increasing chances during the night.

Plett – Same as Wilderness…

PE and PA – East to NE winds and very strong stuff all day!

EL – Also that strong NE flow (20kts plus!) and a chance of rain during the day. CB chances increasing during the night.

Inland – Strong East winds with a NE trend in the north. High base near Sutherland escarpment around 13k. CB activity moving in with the trough as the mid level low moves to the south.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:48 and setting at 18:12 (Day length is 11 hrs and 24 min). Some high clouds around while the SE winds will pickup in the afternoon. Perfect for forest sheltered forest walks but don’t get caught on the river in a canoe! The wind will only allow you to go one way! ;) Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a cool 16 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(31 August 2020) 
Day 158 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! Another fun day out on the GR yesterday but as expected the lions share to the guys flying the west mountains. Thanks for the video WJ! (See attached link!). Today a CF touching CT at this moment and will progressively move into the SW parts of the WC. The SAH high shifting to the south of us as it builds over the next few days with strong winds expected so try get your flying in today! ;) The West coast being under the CF influence so rain and OD during the course of the day. It is better to the east with some good flying expected along the eastern parts of the GR – especially if your timing is good. Some high climbs in a few spots going over 6k. Some high Q’s over the inland mountains around lunchtime. Winds along the southern parts trending southerly but going East to NE in the east. Inland though it is mostly westerlies with some of the higher grounds (to the west) going over 20kts. The wind remains westerly with hight all the way to the Tropopause for a 60kts finish up there. Freezing level around 6500’.

CT – NW start then going SW as the front moves. Rain most of the day so not a flying day really… Base around 1500’ and tops over 10k.

RB – Same as above!

PV – Also with the CF taking over here by late morning with rain – low base and high tops at 10k.

Wilderness – A day with promise! Some deep instability around with the Outenikwas showing indications of lift going to 8k! Sedge and Serps at the swing of the sea breeze a chance to get very high and drift with the west winds for some XC distance on the cards. Winds stronger early but it trends around 10kts mid day. Maybe later in the afternoon a extra pulse moving in from the ocean. Just keep eyes on that. Else the coast should be just just soarable I think.

Plett – Uppies showing a sweet window of convergence today around mid day with as the wind comes up being able to climb over 6k today! Perhaps some good XC miles on the cards… A SSE trend in the bay at Keurbooms later on.

PE and PA – SE surface winds that will trend to the east and NE and strengthen later on. Also some good flying conditions around at all the inland sites – the Westerly airmass being superb!

EL – SE start but the NE taking over and picking up. Strong Seabreeze convergence as the NE winds move inland. Hogs should be amazing…

Inland – Light to moderate westerly winds with good climbs and good thermals going to 9k at Sutherland escarpment. Good Q’s preceding the CF from the west. Watch the high clouds forming over the high mountains ahead of the CF… If you fly dress warm! lol

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:49 and setting at 18:11 (Day length is 11 hrs and 22 min). No rain with a cool SW breeze from the ocean after midday. Dress warm and go for a forest or a beach walks! Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a cool 16 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(30 August 2020) 
Day 157 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! Some sweet but icy cold Post frontal air left over the WC with some good flying conditions, especially in the west and further inland. (The SAH continuing to feed that air in all day today). Good looking skies with cool Q’s in most places. Winds are West in the west, SW along the Southern coastal regions and then more Southerly inland. Light winds inland with less than 10kts in most spots. Some excellent flying to be had out there form your secret spots – maybe even those cool flight over the snow being on the cards today. Climbs over 500ft/min most spots. The exception is the eastern parts of the GR where there is still lots of wet ground and a bit more breezy conditions so not such strong climbs rates on the cards with a poor SB mixing ratio. Winds remain light S till around 10k where it veers a bit to the WSW all the way to the Tropopause for a 60kts finish up there. Freezing level around 4500’.

CT – Light westerly winds with deep instability – up to 4k around the Peninsula (Looks like base just above TM.) But all the spts working by the looks of it – SLP, FH, DuToits etc. You take your pic. All of them will be super sweet. Maybe some XC flying towards PV on the cards too…

RB – WWB is out today so time to go visit FH I think! :) (Oh did I mention to dress very-very warm!) ;)

PV – Looking very good here to day with les chances of Q’s. More to the south and deeper inland. But light Westerlies with climbs to 5k on the cards here…

Wilderness – Still that breezy Wests for the morning but backing to the SW from near mid day. The coastal cliffs looks good today with a chance for Serps and Sedge to deliver some exciting stuff! For the hardcore XC guys flying from Serps to wards Sedge or inland and beyond are doable. Winds up there on the strong side with 15kts on the cards. Some OD on the bigger mountains probable and some rain out there too. It increase to the east towards eastern Plett side. (Maybe even some CB’s!) ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but deeper vertical development in the clouds. 15kts plus winds. Base around 3500’. Chance of rain and OD in the mountains. Not as good as we thought it might be… Even Keurbooms remaining a bit too west

PE and PA – A good chance of rain with Maitlands a maybe after lunch… W to SW winds…

EL – Not looking like rain but strong SW winds on the coast and just too strong for inland flying with 15kts plus out there.

Inland – Into the central Karoo a good looking day – better to the west – with good Q’s and light winds with excellent flying on the cards today. Swartberg Pass my pick for today with probably snow on the peaks and good flying to be had here – a strong morning but mid day nice moderating of the wind to less than10kts and base 6/6500ft… (Dress warm!) lol

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:50 and setting at 18:11 (Day length is 11 hrs and 20 min). No rain but still a cold day with a SW breeze from the sea. Dress warm and go for a forest or a beach walks! Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a cold 12 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(29 August 2020) 
Day 156 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! The SAH pushing in all that freezing cold weather form far south onto the entire WC. Winds are Southerly in the west but veers SW along the southern coastal regions and also westerly inland. Rain and snow on all the prominent areas all day. Even a chance of CB activity in places with those tops exceeding 20k. Winds are strong with 20-30kts in places. Base starting low around 1k but rising to around 4k in the west and higher inland with Sutherland Escarpment and further east to 10k. The GR with lower base around 1-2k. The strong winds making for turbulent conditions so not really any flying around – the exception being Rondebossie hill for the hangies – a maybe here this afternoon… Winds veer around 10k to the WNW and then finish with a mighty 170kts over EL but just 60kts over CT. Freezing level down to 3500ft in a few places.

CT – Low cloud this morning but base rising to just over 4k. Winds re 15-20kts Southerly all day. Rain this morning but clearing partially mid day onwards.

RB – Good wind and flying conditions for the hangies if the rain stays away. It looks promising for the afternoon… (Oh, dress very  very warm!) ;)

PV – Too much south in it and strong – 15-20kts so not really flyable…

Wilderness – Rain and strong winds all day it seems. More specifically it looks like strong SW at mid day but some calmer spots soon after with the winds veering more westerly at times… (Snow on the Outenikwas!)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but stronger westerlies with rain and snow on the larger back ranges...

PE and PA – Here too more into the grips of the passing CF with very strong SW winds and rain.

EL – Same as above!

Inland – Winds are all W to SW in the southern parts with loads of snow, CB activity and rain. Icy cold stuff everywhere with freezing level down to 3500ft. Strong 20kts winds in most spots. Again a very high shear factor around so best to drink coffee!

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:51 and setting at 18:10 (Day length is 11 hrs and 18 min). Rain and wind all day. Stay warm and dry with a good book and some red wine and chocolates! It’s also a way to get high on life! ;) Max temperature a sweet 12 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(28 August 2020) 
Day 155 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! Some super flying at Sedgefield yesterday for a lucky few pilots! ;) Today the dominant feature is the CF moving into the WC – rain already in CT and spreading gradually to the west during the day. This one is helped along by a strong SAH to the west of us, pushing in some really cold air form the south. So expect some wide spread snow again form tonight and tomorrow over all the higher peaks (and the not so high ones!) ;) Winds will be all westerlies with some north and south variations in a few spots. Strong. Very strong with most inland and coastal spots exceeding 20kts and a few spots reaching 40kts at times! The BS ratio not cool so even with some instability around the thermals will be rather turbulent. Lol. Winds remain WNW all the way to the Tropopause for a 140kts finish up there! Freezing level dropping in the west to 4500’ from tonight spreading to the east.

CT – Looks like a typical winters day – strong NW winds and rain. Base around 2k with tops exceeding 14k!

RB – Same as above!

PV – Same as above too after a quick slightly clearer start…

Wilderness – Very westerly flow of air and the usual protection in the Wilderness corner but by mid day we expect some backing to a SW. There is very strong SW winds just out to sea that are hinting at moving onto the coast at Wilderness from late afternoon - possibly 25kts plus winds so do keep a good look out. It is expected to have moments of 15kts winds during the afternoon too so careful! (Stay away from Sedge btw! And if you don’t please don’t forget to tell us about it!) ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with very strong W to SW winds all day….

PE and PA – Also that strong SW along the coast with the west inland stuff…

EL – Same as above!

Inland – A shredded day from the looks of it but still some very high cloud with base around 10k in the central Karoo and Sutherland Escarpment areas. Very strong Westerlies – all prefrontal stuff so not great for flying! A very high shear factor around so best to drink coffee!

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:53 and setting at 18:09 (Day length is 11 hrs and 16 min). Get out early for your forest and beach walks because late afternoon sees very very strong SW moving in from the sea. Either way go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a sweet 19 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(27 August 2020) 
Day 154 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! The SAH to the west, the IOH to the east and a trough inland in the eastern parts with CB activity around the Drakensberg. An interesting mix with a small coastal low early on along the west coast which will dissipate but the N to NW winds along the west coast remains. Some early fog patches here and inland in a few spots – most will clear during the day. Some good looking Q’s in most places today with high bases – the lowest probably around the Peninsula with some as low as 2k later on. Some strong NW winds in the higher spots inland again, increasing towards the east as we move towards that trough. The coast winds a moderate SW along the southern coastal regions but in the east the IOH dominating with very strong NE winds up there (20kts plus!) The winds go NW form around 10k upwards remaining NW all the way to the Tropopause for a 100kts finish. Freezing level down to 7500’ in the west but 10k in the east.

CT – A NW start to the day but it backs to the SW later on with 10-15kts around the Peninsula. IT does look like a good flying day with maybe the winds being a tad on the strong side in a few spots. The mountains around SLP and FH def too strong at the top with 20kts in spots up there. Out in the valleys however it looks like nice base with some sweet flying conditions if you can stay away form the mountains!

RB – WWB out in full force!

PV – Perhaps just too much N in it but later it looks to go a tad more NW. But the 15kts plus perhaps just a tad too strong for any comfortable flying I think. Base around 3500 with tops at 6k. It seems to thicken later on…

Wilderness – That sweet SW layer of unstable coastal air abounding along the coastal plains with some nice thermic action today. The back ranges up to 5/6k with a few Q’s but Sedge only giving us that 1500’ climbs with 5-10kts of SW winds. IT goes a bit west higher up but seems not go over 10kts for quite a bit. Serp a good option to fly to Sedge today (or beyond!). The coast could be flyable with PR probably being the better bet.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but Uppies showing huge climbs to 5k from 11 till after 13:00! Also west higher up but not over 10kts so a cracking day! Keurbooms could deliver something playful I think with the SSW wind at times pushing in there with just over 5-7kts perhaps…

PE and PA – PE just on the edge of the Easterly influence but to the east it is all NE winds and strong.

EL – Very strong NE winds along the coast. A complex mix inland with strong WNW meeting the in-curling of the E to SE coastal winds. But some good base and flying possible if you are on the ball – personal I think it a bit strong…

Inland – An amazing day by the looks of things in the little Karoo and central parts with very high bases and westerly trends in the wind. A strong convergence line near the Sutherland escarpment running to the east between the inland WNW and the southern WSW winds… One could go far there today I think!

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:54 and setting at 18:09 (Day length is 11 hrs and 14 min). A sunny day with moderate onshore winds. Just perfect for forest and beach walks - go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a sweet 17 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(26 August 2020) 
Day 153 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! The SAH moving in behind the Cold Front pushing cool moist air onto the WC. Winds are all easterly with some local modifications for a SE direction. This layer is pretty deep with the east flow up t 8k inland with some sweet looking flat Q’s out there. The clouds thicken a bit along the southern coastal regions but for the most it is a great soaring day with good climbs and instability within this layer. 4/5k base along most of the Eastern coastal areas, lowering a bit along the GR and Overberg spots (Some OD around) but then drying as the air moves over the western mountains again. A shallow SW flow in the PV valley but the east is dominant above. From 8k to 12k the wind backs to the NW and remains NW all the way to the Tropopause for a 90kts finish. Freezing level around 8k…

CT – A deep unstable SE wind north of the City – the strong stuff to the south near CP. A moving wind-shadow form the looks of it with 25kts out to sea around LH and SH – the wind drops dramatically further North and inland towards Dbnville. Maybe one could squeeze a flight out somewhere…

RB – IT could work later on but seems to be on the weaker wind line. Its thermic though!

PV – I think that Picket berg would be the better bet with even the odd high flat Q around. Climbs to 5/6k probably. PV self the wind at launch could be a bit over the back – even if the valley winds are S to SW.

Wilderness – Some sweet instability around with base probably around 2-3k. Sedge and Serps showing promise with sweet climbs at late morning in early lunch to 2500k with clouds… (Some OD around) I think Map will be the place with a sweet SE picking up in the afternoon reaching 15kts – perhaps even getting too strong! Before that it is looking sweet!;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but Uppies showing climbs to 3/4k at base but that SE direction around 10kts remaining. (Some OD around)

PE and PA – A S to SE direction along the coast but with that sweet unstable air inland making most sites flyable. Looks like 50ft/min climbs at the best parts dropping after 14:00. Could be a sweet short XC day… (Some OD around)

EL – A SW start that will gradually moderate and go more S to SE inland. Same good air as above near the coast but further inland some strong Easterlies around.

Inland – IT is looking like a good flying day out there with climbs and Q’s around to 67k in the little Karoo and even more further north. The winds are all Easterly within this layer but then above that backs to the NW.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:55 and setting at 18:08 (Day length is 11 hrs and 13 min). Cloudy this morning with a light SE wind picking-up in the afternoon. An amazing day for forest and beach walks - go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a windy 19 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(25 August 2020) 
Day 152 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! A CF making its way into CT during the day – light rain possible form this morning already – spreading eastwards during the day. Winds are NW prefrontal inland but trending SW to the south of the Sutherland escarpment and on the southern coast but strong NE in the eastern coastal parts. There are a lot of clouds around with good looking Q’s preceding the front covering most of the SW parts of the WC. Base starting high at 4k but then lowering to just 2k later on as the front moves in. Some very high climbs in the eastern interior up to 13k (mostly strong NW prefrontal stuff) but 7-8k around Sutherland, 6k in the little Karoo and of course much less on the coastal plains. Winds are all NW from 10k upwards finish at 130kts NW at the Tropopause. Freezing level 11k in the east but lowering to 8k in the west.

CT – Looks like rain for the day and increasing later on too. Low base with high tops around 10k. NW winds and breezy!

RB – WWB is out today (oh and the rain)

PV – The morning is looking good with westerlies at 10kts but as the front moves in the winds pickup and base drops from a cool 4k to less than 2k! And then rain…

Wilderness – A strong SW pulse moving up the coast expected to reach Wilderness just after lunch (13-14:00) so do keep your eyes open for this one. The coast probably the best bet but expect some bumps due to a stronger flow higher up (One report said 27kts at less than 2000’!). Sedge stable during the morning but the instability depth increasing as the SW pulse moves closer but so too the wind increase making Sedge a washing machine at mid-day so be careful if you venture out here…! ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but Uppies showing climbs to 5k – however the winds then are all westerlies and near 20kts! It is looking too west for Keurbooms too…

PE and PA – The meeting  point between the NE form the east and the SW from the CF moving up the coast happens around PE – shifting to the east of PE in the afternoon.

EL – Very strong NE winds along the coast here all day…

Inland – Strong NW along the escarpments but SW in the little Karoo areas. Its all prefrontal so loads of shear and mixing around and not the best day to be out flying. Rain moving in from the west later on.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:57 and setting at 18:07 (Day length is 11 hrs and 11 min). A good morning but the wind will move in from mid day onwards. Still fantastic for forest and beach walks go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a windy 19 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(24 August 2020) 
Day 151 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! So after a superb days flying yesterday along the GR today’s bit of rain a welcome rest! ;) Some moist air being shoved onto the WC from the SSE by a long finger ridge of the SAH bringing some light rain along the southern coastal areas. It does stretch inland to just north of the Swartbergs but only for the morning. Base will rise during the day with some good looking skies inland! Q’s inland all over the WC. SE winds around 10kts all the way inland to the Southerland escarpment where the upper NW takes over and dominates. NW 20kts there which also is the direction above the inversion and cloud tops to the south. The NW remains till around 11k where a gradual backing to the west sees a 120kts west finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 11k.

CT – A SE day with a good wind-shadow all day by the looks of things. Instability here to around 4k with the SE backing to the East and dropping in strength 5kts and less. There is a shallow SW flow near the mountains but the SE flows over the top so DuToits etc not on today.

RB – There is strong SE winds over FB but it doesn’t look like it is reaching DBNville…

PV – SW up to 3k then the N takes over. So inversion at the mountain tops…

Wilderness – A light onshore with some rain on the cards. To me it looks like the cloud depth not enough for any significant precipitation so perhaps we could get some flying in around or just after mid day. Later on the clouds look to thicken and base lowers which could spoil things a bit. Sedge could be good for an hour at 13:00 with high cloud base… And Map could switch on for a short while too before the lowering clouds (maybe rain) might spoil it late in the afternoon…

Plett – Also SE but a similar to Wilderness with Uppies base at just over 3k. It lowers in the afternoon too…

PE and PA – A Westerly start but near mid day the SE will move in from the ocean with lowering base and chances of rain. Up to 15kts.

EL – W start then the SE also moving in from the ocean with lowering base and chances of rain. Some spells of good flying inland with good looking base. Further inland there is that lurking strong NW flow…

Inland – Ontop of the Southerland Escarpment area it is 20kts NW winds but to the south it is all SE winds around 10kts. Some good flying in this layer with base at times up to 7k… Rain along the coastal ranges most of the day…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:58 and setting at 17:06 (Day length is 11 hrs and 09 min). Another day to explore this amazing area – forest and beach walks are all doable! But take your rain coat with! ;) Max temperature a cool 16 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(23 August 2020) 
Day 150 of lockdown

Yesterday another great day of fying at Sedgefield for all the newbies - and it looks like we are going to have more of the good stuff today! ;) Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! The IOH circulation dominating inland but the SAH having the upper hand along the SW parts and along the Southern coastal regions. Deeper instability in the inland NW mass but stronger winds so not the best for flying for us but the SW trends along the southern parts is looking really good – up to 3k along the southern coastal areas and just a tad lower along the west coast. Around 10kts with the later afternoon seeing an increase along the west coast otherwise it is actually sweet and good to fly in. Winds veer from the SW to the WNW at 5k then remains WNW all the way to the Tropopause for a 50kts finish. Freezing level around 13k.

CT – A southerly surface trend that veers quickly to the SW. 5-10kts in most places with the inversion high around the Peninsula and parts of the SW corner (4k!) but it lowers quickly near the mountains to around 3k. Still the wind directions could make many parts of the range soarable so DuToits looking good. But SLP and FH could be maybes but later the southerly could mess around things in these spots…

RB – WWB and light all day I think…

PV – A shallow SSW layer up to 2k with North above that so not looking the best here I think…

Wilderness – It is looking like a great day as soon as the winds back to the SW from the West start. Good climbs at Sedge and Serps expected at mid day with perhaps 2k gains! The coast looks a tad light…

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but Uppies showing lift to just over 3k at 10kts… Keurbooms looking just too light and a bit west but it is a maybe…

PE and PA – Moderate SW winds here… IT backs to the south further east around 10kts…

EL – Southerlies all day with some good flying in this layer – inland climbs to 3500. Near Hogsback the WNW takes over but 20kts being just too strong to be of any use…

Inland – 20kts plus over the higher grounds WNW winds all day long. Instability up to 9k in places but the winds causing just too much mixing for things to be any pleasant for flying… South of the mountains in the ocean air is the pace to be today!

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:59 and setting at 17:06 (Day length is 11 hrs and 07 min). A day to get out into the forest (or into those beach walks). Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a cool 17 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(22 August 2020) 
Day 149 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! Again the IOH dominating over most of the WC but the SAH influencing the SW corner. Some sweet instability in the inland NW mass with climbs to 9k doable, especially in the eastern interior. However, the wind is just a tad on the strong side with 20kts on average in most places. The southern coastal areas having a very shallow southerly push form the ocean that is wedging in under this inland NW causing a strong inversion around 500’ to 1000’ in most spots. So not the best soaring forecast on the cards. Winds are NW to the 10k level then backs to WSW all the way to the Tropopause for a 60kt finish up there. Freezing level way up to 15k…  

CT – A W to NW trend mostly with the inversion around 1000’. Above this the wind increases sharply with the 20kt mark around 2000’. So maybe SH and LH could be doable if you stay low… SLP and FH all looking too strong…

RB – WWB and light all day I think…

PV – Starting N but it does look like a backing to the NW around lunch time. It is 15kts average so strong but some climbs doable here to 5k. Probably ore a hangie day I think. ;)

Wilderness – NW above our heads with a shallow SSW flow along the coast. The inversion around 500’ but it does look like the afternoon sees a slight raising of that to perhaps 1000’. Winds are light so perhaps nothing to get too excited about. Sedge and Serps the spots to try and squeeze some airtime out of the sky… ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but Uppies a tad higher with 1500’ doable. IT turns west higher up.

PE and PA – Light west to SW trending NE in the east later on.

EL – Onshore SE backing to the NE in the afternoon. Far inland the NW just too strong to be flyable…

Inland – 20kts plus NW winds that trend westerly in the south later on. in most places with some 500ft/min climbs to 9k in the good spots. Just a tad too windy for decent thermals and flying…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:00 and setting at 17:05 (Day length is 11 hrs and 05 min). Another beautiful winters day ahead of us with light onshore winds – just perfect for weekend action. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a sweet 19 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(21 August 2020) 
Day 148 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! A little bit of post frontal air around with some flying in a few spots it seems. A moderate IOH and SAH sharing the WC weather – mostly the IOH dominating the flow over the country while the SAH will nudge in a light bit of SE in the SW corner late in the afternoon. A blue day with few clouds even if the morning is showing some wide spread fog patches inland and a small patches along the coasts. This should all clear by mid day. Winds are NE in the east veering to the SE along the southern coastal areas while we have a NW general flow inland – trending NE in the northern parts of the west coast but backing more N to NW towards CT. Inland the boundary layer going up to 9k especially in the east Hogsback area while the little Karoo is just over 6k. Climb rates moderate with 500ft/min on the stronger bits, the coastal regions around 300ft/min. Winds remain N to NW to 10k where it does a quick backing to the SSW all the way to the Tropopause for a 60kts finish up there. Freezing level up at 11000’.

CT – I think it can be a beautiful day here with initial NW to W flow up to 15kts in the strongest parts. The 12 Apostles beckon! Late afternoon sees a SW surface trend around SH and LH but the flow at 2k remains W. SLP a maybe and so too FH with a chance of it being a tad strong at 15kts at times. Maybe more for the hangies… :)

RB – WWB and light all day I think…

PV – A bit of an upper N to even NE trend from mountain top height and higher but perhaps the surface NW trend might keep it going up. 4k climbs in most areas except to the north near Kardoesie where the convergence can get you up to 6k! 10-15kts at times…

Wilderness – A light SSE trend today with some instability around. Climbs to 1500’ on the cards at Serps and Sedge but Sedge might trend too east later on. Map seems to be in a teasing mood and not delivering enough oomp for it to become soarable. Buffs is also teetering on the soaring side but most often it does get strong there so it is not a bad option for the afternoon… ;)

Plett – Also the SE trend here with Uppies showing initial climbs to just over 2k. Later it drops to 1500’

PE and PA – Light onshore winds in the morning with the SE picking up into the low teens in knots. Looks like an amazing seabreeze convergence setting up between PA and EL today….

EL – SE winds around 10kts with some good thermic flying along the Seabreeze possible as it moves inland.

Inland – General NW winds but around mid day there is more of a North trend making spots like DuToits very attractive for flying – getting to 6k is doable here… ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:01 and setting at 17:04 (Day length is 11 hrs and 03 min). A sweet winters day that is great for beach walks and heading out into the forest. Either way, go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a cool 17 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(20 August 2020) 
Day 147 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! Another Cold Front slipping through into CT during the night with rain this morning spreading to the GR by late afternoon. The SAH still active helping to push up the cooler air form the south with a W to SW component along the WC in most places. Again it is strong along the coast with 20-30kts Westerlies especially to the east. The Clouds confined to the SW areas of the WC with some high bases just north of the first ranges – it looks like some very sweet flying north of the Swartberg ranges – 8k bases with 500ft/min climbs on the cards! At the Southerland Escarpment it is up to 10k. The winds remain westerly all the way to the Tropopause with a 80knt finish up there. Freezing level around 7500’.

CT – Looks like a N to NW start backing all the way to the S late late afternoon. Base around 2k with tops up at 7/8k. Some rain on the cards so a iffy day…

RB – Maybe late late afternoon but I doubt it with all the rain on the cards…

PV – It could be a good day flying here with 10kts SW winds at launch, some Q’s around with base perhaps 3/4k but thickening clouds with a slight chance of rain in some. Could be good….

Wilderness – Westerly morning but there are signs that some SW bits will push through for a flyable spurt during the day before the rain gets here. Maybe two pulses - 12 and around 14:00... Rain moving in after that (or even some earlier – just keep an eye on it). Sedge looks a tad too west and too strong to be comfortable I think… ;)

Plett – Too strong and too much west with the rain popping in later in the afternoon…

PE and PA – Just inland there is some sweet climbs with high Q’s that will progressively develop over the mountains near the coast and then move inland and improving – again high base of 8k but then those darn winds. 15-20kts inland and more on the coast SW…

EL – Offshore winds backing to the West and then SW steadily increasing during the day…

Inland – Some amazing prefrontal flying as the SW moves inland during the day – 8k bases in the best spots with 10kts inland around the little Karoo increasing to the North. Rain moving in near the coast from the west. Swartberg pass looking a bit strong with 15kts… It seems to be a watch and drool day… ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:03 and setting at 17:04 (Day length is 11 hrs and 01 min). Another cool day with rain moving in later. Go out early for a walk in the shelter of the forest and take off your shoes for some grounding exercises… Either way, go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a cool 16 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(19 August 2020) 
Day 146 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! So with the level 2 lockdown the good news is that we are allowed to fly tandem again (with strict Covid19 procedures of course) But it is a bit closer to that sense of normalcy I guess! Yay!  Today the post frontal air all over the WC with some sweet instability up to 6k inland and around 3k near the coastal plains. Some clouds during the morning in most places but this will burn off during the day with just some Q’s mostly in the SW and southern areas. Wind from the SAH ridge is giving us a general westerly along the southern parts but it does a sweet backing to the south further inland and eventually more easterly north of Carnarvon Brandvlei De Aar etc… The northern west coast beign offshore. There should be lots of snow around and the winds inland are generally light with 10kts and less in most spots – so a perfect day for flying out there. Winds back from west to SW above the inversion and then remains SW all the way to the Tropopause for 70kts finish. Freezing level around 5-6k but rising in the west to 10k.

CT – West to SW trends 5-10kts with some Q’s in a few spots early on but will trend to dry later in the day. It is a perfect day for flying at SLP and DuToits and FH – most spots probably working all day long…

RB – Too light I think…

PV – A tad too much south in the direction for my liking but some instability to 3500ft in most of the spots so it is doable… Kardoesie areas looking the best.

Wilderness – Well, I think it is going to be an epic day. Stronger stuff during the morning with coastal soaring and then as the wind moderates and goes a tad more SSW Sedge should kick in with soe sweet thermic flying for after lunch part of the afternoon. Early climbs there possible to 4k but a tad too west to be attractive I think. Perhaps 2k later on?

Plett – Its looking a tad too west here to me for things to get really good or pleasant… Climbs possible to 5k but 10-15kts west up there. It doesn’t quite turn on for Keurbooms either…

PE and PA – Those strong Westerlies dominating with a chance of some showers for most of the day. It moderates a tad in the west – Maitlands could be an option…

EL – Stronger here with a slight moderation in the afternoon but it still looks a bit too strong to fly. Low clouds form the morning will rise during the day with base ending around 6k…

Inland – Light SW winds around the little Karoo with some good thermic activity and base at 6k… The clouds quickly dissipate from North of the Outenikwas during the day… Swartberg pass should be flyable too…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:04 and setting at 17:03 (Day length is 10 hrs and 59 min). Another cold windy day but with no rain. Go for a brisk beach walk or within the wet forests…. Either way, go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a cold 14 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))


(18 August 2020) 
Day 145 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! A quick note for Ric who did a quick 12 Apostle flight yesterday – from SH to Kommetjie before the CF pushed in! But of course the Cold Front dominating the WC weather (and news!) with freezing level down to 3500ft in many places. Not surprising there’s wide spread reports of snow – the Outenikwa pass has snow, Table mountain has snow and its vrot on the higher grounds inland… Winds are SSW in the west but more WSW in the east – stronger to the east as well with 30-40kts in some spots! Unfortunately there’s lots of rain so getting out the snow areas could be a bit of a sloshy affair. A big storm swell running along the coast with swell of 6/7m – so the surfers are happy I’m sure. But nothing out there that looks remotely like flyable conditions for today. Lol. Out of interest the North KZN coast enjoying a seriour SW buster with 20kts plus SW headd butting the 20kt plus NE along the coast. Now it is possible to air surf that wave! (See pic) ;) The winds remain SSW all the way to the Tropopause for a 80/90kts finish.

CT – Strong SSW winds with passing showers. 15-20kts. Base 2/3k with tops around 6/7k…

RB – As above…

PV – SSW winds 15-20kts with passing showers – base at 2/3k and tops at 6/7k…

Wilderness – Very strong Westerlies with rain all day long! lol

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with some CB activity out to sea…

PE and PA – Very strong Westerlies 25-35kts with rain and some CB activity – mostly out to sea…

EL – Same as PE and PA.

Inland – 15-30kts SW winds inland with rain and snow on the higher grounds. Base looks sweet out here with 6k from the Swartberg and 8/9k near Sutherland. Its very cold and windy out there so dress warm! ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:05 and setting at 17:02 (Day length is 10 hrs and 57 min). A real winters day with rain and strong wind all day. Best to find hat perfect coffee and book corner and get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 11 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(17 August 2020) 
Day 144 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! Well, some amazing flying from yesterday around the western parts – Du Toits being really good and even I had a lucky gap at Swartberg pass for a flight over the light snow on these peaks. Today the CF striking CT at this very moment, spreading over the entire WC during the course of the day. It’s a Biggy bringing in snow all over the place form the looks of it by mid night and into the day tomorrow. Strong increasing NW during the course of the day with the cold and rain moving in form the west – rain and cold reaching Willowmore and the GR by end of the day. It doesn’t look flyable – perhaps in the east a few spots could offer something – but its mostly prefrontal so be ware. Winds remains NW all the way to 20k then backing to the west for a 80-100kts finish up there. Freezing level lowering during the day with midnight as low as 3500ft in a few places…

CT – Rain starting about now increasing during the day with strong WNW winds…

RB – NFG here…

PV – Rain also from this morning with strong WNW winds…

Wilderness – Breezy NW winds up there with a sheltered shadow over the coast. Winds here are trending southerly but very light with a quick veering to the west with height. There is a very strong SW pulse moving in by late afternoon – we expect it to be here anytime 1round 17:00. Keep your eyes open!

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but more westerlies at Uppies and the SE in the bay very shallow – 5-800ft…

PE and PA – The E to NE winds dominating here with a slight moderating in the west as the SW and front moves in closer. But it remains NE to the east all day at 20-30kts in places…

EL – Same as PE and PA.

Inland – The strong W to NW prefrontal winds dominating everywhere with the exceptions being the near coastal areas around PE and EL where some flying is possible within this layer - - up to 4500ft. Du Toits areas all too strong WNW over 20kts… For the rest its bracing for the snow and approaching cold front and snow! ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:06 and setting at 17:02 (Day length is 10 hrs and 56 min). A sweet day ahead with shelter and calm before the storm… Enjoy the outdoors today and get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 17 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(16 August 20202) 
Day 143 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! The SAH ridging in over the country still lavishing the WC with cold post frontal unstable air. It is more windy to the east while the west is moderating during the day and will produce superb flying conditions for the day. But its cold! Snow in many of the high places from last night and freezing level still low at just 4500ft! lol. PV valley and those parts def the place to be with 4/5k bases and 500ft/min climbs on the cards – light SW winds to boot! For the rest of the province the winds are SW in general strong along the southern coastal areas with 15-25kts in most place and even 30kts in the east. The interior with SW winds 10-15kts in the east but less than 10 in the west. Some sweet looking Q’s around so def a good looking day for flying. But dress warm! Lol. Winds remain SW all the way to the Tropopause for a 100kts finish. Freezing level around 4500’.

CT – Moderate S to SW winds start but dropping during the day. Maybe 10kts at times near the shore at SH. But it looks like the od shower passing through during the day. DuToits probably the place to be for a flight to PV. IF its too rainy then move more north along the range for launch.

RB – a WWB day! ;)

PV – Super cool here for the day. Base around 4/5k with sweet flat Q’s. My spot for the day! :)

Wilderness – Strong West winds for the morning all the way to around 14:00 where it shows some sign of backing to the SW and moderating enough for a small chance of flying. Perhaps a window from 2 to 4 if the rain stays away… ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but nor moderating enough here for flying and a slight more chance of rain moving in from the ocean,

PE and PA – Very strong SW winds with rain out to sea – CB activity out there in the moring and a slight chance of some of that making it to the coast…

EL – Same as PE and PA.

Inland – Sweet light winds in the west increasing slightly in the east to 15kts. It looks like a cold but perfect day to go fly out there (or watch the snow) ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:07 and setting at 17:01 (Day length is 10 hrs and 54 min). A cold and windy day with a very small chance of rain. Dress warm and brave a walk – head into the protected forests and get high on life! ;) Max temperature a cold 12 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))


(15 August 2020) 
Day 142 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! Soe sweet flying yesterday in CT and along the GR with the students from Wild2Fly and Wallandair having an epic time. Here’s some pics of Adam enjoying the 12 Apostles yesterday – only in a hang glider folks! ;)Of course today in stark contrast with the CF having the WC in its full grips. The SAH well formed to shove some cold and even snowy conditions pushed up form far south onto the WC. (Snow tonight on the higher ground inland.) Winds are all strong South Westerlies with 20-30kts along the coast and also mid twenties inland. Good rain in CT this morning but it should moderate during the afternoon. The rain spreads into the interior during the afternoon passing GR late afternoon. Loads of clouds around with base varying from 1500’ along the GR rising inland to 5/6k. Tops up to 12k in places. Wind remains SW to around 15k then veers a tad to the WNW to the Tropopause for a 110kts finish up there. Freezing level down to 4500’ in places. Of interest is the very strong SW buster movign up the KZN coastline this afternoon. I got this depiction of the winds surrounding this phenomena from windy. Should be soem interesitng shear areas (and lift!) around there... :)

CT – Strong SW winds and rain all day – partial letting up in the afternoon.

RB – Rain and a WWB day! ;)

PV – Clagged in all day – maybe a slight lessening up late afternoon…

Wilderness – Looks like wind and rain all day long… A good rest day. ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness. Strong SW winds.

PE and PA – Rain from late afternoon with very strong SW winds…

EL – Same as PE and PA.

Inland – Strong West during the morning backing slightly to the SW during the day. Rain moving in form the west reaching GR and beyond by mid afternoon…. Cold and snow tonight on the high grounds…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:08 and setting at 17:00 (Day length is 10 hrs and 52 min). A cold rainy and windy day all day long! ;) Stay indoors with a good book or movie. Either way get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 13 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(14 August 2020) 
Day 141 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! A very large SAH pushing a strong CF towards the WC with a large fetch behind it with cold and snowy conditions from tomorrow evening on. But not before we still have a shallow layer of post frontal air along most of the WC areas that promise some good flying. A general westerly flow pattern with NW inland and more Southerly along the southern coast. The inland NW with some deeper instability but the winds a tad too strong out there with 20-30 in a few spots (convection up to 9k in paces) but the shallow coastal air the more promising mass to fly in with convection from 1500 to 4k in the further eastern areas. Some Q’s around the SW parts with the rest a blue day. There is a isotherm layer around the 3k level in the SW promising some wave activity – you can see the surface wind prediction reflecting the wave patterns too. Winds remain NW to the Tropopause with a 80kts finish up there. The freezing level up at 11500’.

CT – NW winds around 15kts. Some cloud around lowering during the day to perhaps 2k around the Peninsula. It is higher to the east near the bigger mountains. Slight chance of some precipitation but the big rains moving in early tomorrow morning. It can work at SH and LH but watch the venturi areas I think…

RB – a WWB day! ;)

PV – NW winds 10-15kts with climbs to just below mountain top height. It will probably go to mountain top height but it is not that great flying conditions I think.

Wilderness – A sweet sheltered area with a light onshore flow for the mid parts of the day. Probably not enough for good soaring along the ocean cliffs but Serpentine and Sedgefield will be the places to hang out. Climbs to 1500 on the cards but the wind veers to the NW up there so if you climb that high it might get a bit bumpy. ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but with a tad more SSE trend and climbs at Uppies to 2500’ on the cards. IT could even be doable at Keurbooms…

PE and PA – Light SW to S winds along the coast. IT trends more East in the afternoon in the east.

EL – Strong West winds far inland with initially a SE trend along the coast penetrating to near Hogsback. Some convergence between the coastal winds and the inland West. The west looks a bit strong for flying with mid to upper teens but the SE more moderate with climbs to 4k in here. (The west winds the instability going much higher) The SE will trend more E to NE later on. (You guys must be getting vat this week with all the food Steff has supplied!) lol

Inland – Strong NW winds with some prefrontal trend in places – gusts exceeding 30kts in the higher spots. The coastal southerly surface wind penetrating to the SB late afternoon otherwise it is mostly westerly. It should be a sweet propeller day if you remain below 2500’ late afternoon on the coastal flats…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:09 and setting at 17:59 (Day length is 10 hrs and 50 min). A beautiful day with a slight bite in the air. Perfect for doing everything and anything. Go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature another 16 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(13 August 2020) 
Day 140 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! The SAH dominating the WC weather with a weak ridge nudging in some cooler air over the western parts in the south. Still those very strong SW winds along the southern and especially the eastern parts but it moderates further west as we move towards the centre of the SAH ridge. Instability around everywhere and if the wind is not too strong (in the west) it should be good flying. Plenty of Q’s today too but it starts to dry out deeper inland. Mostly confined to the southern parts of the WC. Winds are W to NW up to 6k where a chance takes place – backing to the SW and then remains SW all the way to the Tropopause for a 50-60kts finish. Freezing level around 10-11k.

CT – Looks like a sweet NW wind around 10-15kts with the inversion around 4k. Some clouds around, especially along the mountains. 12 Apostles would be really amazing today I think. Maybe SLP and FH. Watch the wind chance at 4k (NW to SW). Early is better with lighter winds around 10kts here I think.

RB – WWB out playing a lot lately…;)

PV – That W layer with a change at MNT top height – it seems funny stuff here with the forecasts saying it veers more north before a sudden backing to the SW. Hhhmm… I think it will just be West with the upper flow at the inversion changing to the SW. Should be good flying up to 4k… Some Q’s to the south.

Wilderness – Very strong Westerlies this morning with a slow backing to the SW but remaining strong until lunchtime. From lunchtime onwards it should moderate enough for some good coastal flying. There is even a chance of late afternoon flight at Sedge if the winds drop enough.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but stronger so not really happening for you guys today…

PE and PA – Very strong SW on the cards so it does not look like a flying day…

EL – Again the winds too strong today so it does look like some more eating games on the cards! ;)

Inland – Climbs to 5/6k with all westerly winds and SW above that. 10kts average mostly – the trend is increasing to the east and less in the west.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:11 and setting at 17:59 (Day length is 10 hrs and 487 min). Another windy day but late afternoon should be sweet for walking on the beach. Either way, go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 16 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(12 August 2020) 
Day 139 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! Another wintery day around the WC with the CF westerlies dominating – helped along by the SAH. Strong winds again as another CF is approaching CT even while they are still in some post frontal air. More rain for this evening expected when the CF makes landfall tonight. Strong NW to W winds in the interior with some spots again touching on that 40kts mark. Loads of low cloud around in the west during the morning with a slight chance of rain – base around 2k with tops in the 6k range. Drying out a lot towards the GR where the NW to W winds will dominate again. Towards PE and PA again the dominating SW winds on the cards but slightly less in the eastern interior with 10-15kts in a few spots – so maybe some flying to be had around Hogsback today… Winds remain WNW with height all the way to the Tropopause with a 100kts finish. Freezing level between 7k in the west and 10k in the east.

CT – Cloudy and some rain – most over the mountains with strong NW winds all day. Base around 2k…

RB – WWB strongly in action…;)

PV – Clagged in, base around 2k and tops at 6k with a chance of rain and strong NW winds all day…

Wilderness – Again those strong WNW winds dominating but a slight sheltered region in the Wilderness corner that might even produce short spells of some flyable conditions along the coast. It looks to be too west I think but we do live in hope! ;) Sedge is west but climbs could go to 5k! ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but even stronger Westerlies all day…

PE and PA – Morning offshores that will trend to the SW in the afternoon.

EL – From PA side towards EL the coastal winds are lighter with a southerly trend. Late afternoon sees a complete backing to the NE from the east of EL. Inland the WNW dominate but around Hogsback there is some Southerly influence that in places could be flyable – possibly getting over 7k in some spots. Maybe less eating for the Hogsback guys today..? ;)

Inland – Again those very strong WNW winds with 40kts in some of the high places. Very cloudy towards the west with some clouds and good base further eastwards. IF not for the strong winds it could be a sweet day out there…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:12 and setting at 17:58 (Day length is 10 hrs and 47 min). Another windy day best spent in the sheltered forests. Or again in the lee of Gerrickes point if you are in the know! Either way, go get high on life! ;) Max temperature another windy 19 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(11 August 2020) 
Day 138 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! Yesterday Grove flew at Lone hill to Louvain - getting to 6000' a few times! He says he was too cold (and too scared!) to take a picture for us but the views were of the best he has ever seen form p there! (Good flight Grove!) ;) Strong frontal movements the order of the days for this week by the looks of things as the frontal driven westerlies sweep across the WC – the exception being the eastern coastal part where the IOH still has some hold with NE coastal winds out there. There is a strong SW buster that will shape up and move up the coast between PE and EL this afternoon. The Cold Front rain being dropped along the west coast mountains leaving slightly drier air over the interior with passing showers out there. Base low in the west but rising to the east. Instability around but it is varied perhaps due to the wet ground in many places. Winds are 20-30ts in most places with a fee 40kts spots in the interior today. So west coast its westerly winds around 20kts, the interior its westerlies around 30-40kts, the southern coastal areas it is westerlies 20-30kts and even to the east in the EC it is westerlies 20-30kts. IT remains west all the way to the Tropopause for a 110kts finish up there. Freezing level around 5500’ in the west and 10k in the east as the front moves in.

CT – Rainy and strong westerlies with some clearing for the afternoon. It looks like it remains strong for flying but maybe some dune gooning for the hangies on the west coast in those secret spots?

RB – Again WWB is out and alive! (but there is a west facing slope up there!) ;)

PV – Clagged in, rainy and strong west winds all day I think…

Wilderness – Small chance of rain but mostly its very strong and gusty westerly winds going slightly WSW in the mid part of the day but it looks like its not enough south and remaining too strong… Hhhmm…

Plett – Even stronger Westerlies all day…

PE and PA – A deceptively sheltered start along part of the coastline here with some light winds around but then the SW will start to shape up and form into a strong buster between PE and EL this afternoon. (See graph)

EL – Light east winds to start  with but increasing and backing to the NE to the east during the day. The major change comes in the shape of a buster moving up the coast from the west reaching EL around 16:00… Strong W winds in the interior which will increase as the buster moves in. It is not looking good for flying around Hogsback. More eating for the Hogsback guys..? ;)

Inland – Exceptionally strong westerlies far inland with 40kts in places. High base along the Sutherland escarpment – perhaps at 10k. Some scattered showers intensifying to the west. Not good for flying…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:13 and setting at 17:57 (Day length is 10 hrs and 45 min). A windy day best spent in the sheltered forest walks. Or in the lee of Gerrickes point if you are in the know! Either way, go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a windy 19 degrees11 C! Enjoy the day! :))

(10 August 2020) 
Day 137 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! The CF leaving some sweet unstable air in its wake – there should be loads of Q’s around to show us a good looking sky! Circulation mostly dominated by the inland HP system with a large anticlockwise circulation around SA. NE winds along the norther west coast which backs more N to NW closer to CT. It is still a tad on the strong side here with 15-20kts and a slight chance of some precipitation. Winds are light in the interior with around 4-6k AGL depth of instability. A W to NW flow around the WC interior mostly. The southern coastal areas starting with strong Westerlies backing during the course of the day to finish with a SE trend along the GR. Further west it remains more SW all day and increases in strength. The EC with strong West inland and SW along the coast. Winds are N to NW initially but then backs to the WNW all the way to the tropopause for a 100kt finish. Freezing level around 10k.

CT – IT could be a great 12 Apostles day for the hangies most probably. Might be a tad strong for the PG. Late morning with some thicker clouds so the afternoon seems to be the better time to fly. SLP and FH too strong today…

RB – WWB is out and alive!

PV – N to NW wind initially but the late afternoon sees a slight backing to the NW. 10-15kts with some climbs around to 4k. Could be a good day to the south of Dasklip I think.

Wilderness – It is looking like a super flying day today with good soaring along the ocean cliffs for the late morning until after lunch. The backing and slackening making Sedge worth a look especially as the instability could see some good climbs – earlier perhaps to 4k though the winds will be strong at that point for flying here. Map could be good for students late afternoon.

Plett – Stronger W to SW flow here with the S coming in later in the afternoon. Keurbooms looking really sweet as soon as the wind straightens enough and Uppies has a window between 13 and 14 for climbs to 5k! (As soon as it is light enough to fly – seems a tad strong earlier on!)

PE and PA – The SW blowing just too strong all day here for anything to work – maybe Maitlands for the hangies?

EL – Also not looking that great with the strong flow following the CF up the coast – 15-20kts inland and more along the coast… Another day of eating out there? ;)

Inland – The strong winds confined to the coastal areas with lighter stuff inland around the central WC. A general W to NW flow pattern with some sweet instability all around. Du Toits farm could offer some late sunset veering to the N for a sweet sunset flight... Worth keeping an eye on that one. ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:14 and setting at 17:57 (Day length is 10 hrs and 43 min). A windy start but moderating and going onshore to the SE later in the day. A walk along the beach or a walk in the shelter of the forests. Either way, go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a coolish 17 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(9 August 2020) 
Day 136 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! A wave of Cold Fronts pushing through lashing the WC with strong westerly winds and loads of rain along the western mountain ranges. A few odd showers to the east of this line but blustery strong westerly winds all over the show. Cold inland temps today at 7 degrees with some instability around but of course the winds just shredding those thermals apart making for a high B/S ration everywhere. The 50kts level less than 1000’ AGL in a few spots today! (See graphs!) 25kts plus shear values around so highly unlikely to be a flyable spot around today. Winds remain westerly all the way up to the Tropopause for a 110kts finish. Freezing level down to around 6500’.

CT – Base around 2k with tops 10-12k. Lots of rain on the cards here today with westerly winds around the 20kt surface range.

RB – Rain and WWB is very active!

PV – Rain with base at 2 and tops at 10k with strong westerly winds all day.

Wilderness – Slight chance of rain but mostly just very windy with WNW winds 20kts but after lunch some moderation expected with a WSW direction. Highly unlikely the dunes will be flyable but fingers crossed anyways! ;)

Plett – Stronger Westerlies here with no S in it…

PE and PA – WNW trending more west during the day with some sheltered spots in the bay later in the afternoon on the surface only…

EL – Very strong Westerlies inland and even stronger SW along the coast all day long. Doesn’t look like a flyable day here so the Hogsback crowd probably going to eat themselves silly! ;)

Inland – Again those strong W winds spoiling any chance of flying with the 50kts level less than 1000’ AGL in a few spots! A few showers out there too…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:15 and setting at 17:56 (Day length is 10 hrs and 41 min). A windy day with WNW winds and a slight onshore trend later in the day. Walk down wind along the beach or find shelter in the forests. Either way go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a coolish 19 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(8 August 2020) 
Day 135 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! And an amazing flying ay yesterday too – the pilots who risked going to DuToit’s farm rewarded with some great-great flying until way after sunset! (Grove flew Louvains - got just over 4k and landed at the guest farm!) :) Today a big prefrontal day with a coastal low preceding the front dominating the weather in the west while the IOH is doing its thing in the east and also in the interior. Mostly very strong NW winds (40kts at TM top expected) but 20-30kts in most interior places except for the southern coastal areas where there will be a light s to SE flow pattern as the IOH NE winds creep further down the coast. Strong wave effects today with 8m/s climbs over De Doorns! The wind remains NW with height with a 140kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 10-12k.

CT – Those very strong N to NW winds all day with strong wind shear expected.

RB – Again WWB is very active!

PV – Very strong N to NW winds here all day too….

Wilderness – A sheltered and light offshore start which will remain light for the day but trending to the S and SE later on. Sedge with a smidgeon of up flow but the inversion just about at launch height so nothing really good expected there today. Even Buffs is looking too weak…

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but with a tad more SE so not good there either…

PE and PA – Initial offshores then a easterly trend – picking up in the afternoon. PA strong NE all day here….

EL – NE from the start getting to 30kts later in the day in places. Inland its strong NW with a high wind shear factor in most places of 25kts…

Inland – Those strong NW winds spoiling any chance of flying as the CF approaches from the west. Wind shear exceeding 25kts in most spots.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:16 and setting at 17:55 (Day length is 10 hrs and 40 min). A sheltered light wind day for Wilderness making it perfect for walks on the beach or in the forest. Either way go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a comfy 22 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(7 August 2020) 
Day 134 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! A classic IOH dominance day – the air circulating anti clockwise inland so that the west coast is offshore (and strong in the north) and the southern coastal regions (close to the coast) northerly. The south coast having that E to SE wind direction trend while it is W to NW along the west coast in some spots. Some great flying on the cards in a few inland spots with some instability up to 5 perhaps 6k. No clouds expected so a blue day on the cards. The EC also having some good spots  -notably around Hogsback today. (See graphs) Winds remain N until above the inversion where it backs to the west all the way to the Tropopause for a 130kts finish. Freezing level around 10k.

CT – Light NW flow with gentle increase with height – 10kts at TM top height so it could be a sweet day if you can bench up at LH to get onto the 12 Apostles. SLP and FH could also be really good with light NW winds but just note around 3/4k the wind does veer back to the North so it could influence things a bit. (Makes flying not boring! Lol)

RB – WWB is out today. There is a sweet looking Sea Breeze convergence setting up over Atlantis – maybe that aero towing thing is a great idea to connect with this kind of thing… ;)

PV – There is a sweet but shallow SW with climbs perhaps to mountain top height. The only thing is the wind is N to NE above that making for an interesting mix… lol. It’s a maybe day I think – pending which airmass will dominate around MNT top height.

Wilderness – A NE start which will veer to the east to SE during the day. Some instability around with initial climbs at Serps and Sedge perhaps to 1500’ but the wind is very east so not too promising for flying. Map is a maybe in the afternoon though it is looking a tad light (but lets hope the forecasts are wrong!) My spot to chose for our area is Buff where the wind will be strong enough for good soaring. Might even get blow out here… ;) Gerrickes point is a maybe – doesn’t look south enough for a bench-up. The north sides is looking amazing today though…

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but with more east so not good there either… (Buffs is close enough!) ;)

PE and PA – Initial offshores then a SW trend that will back to the east late afternoon. Some Q’s from here and eastwards so it does look like a good flying day inland.

EL – SW coastal winds backing to the SE and E during the day. Inland SW but going NE in most spots. Hogsback showing some convergence today with climbs close to 9k and even some sweet looking Q’s. 3-600ft/min climbs at the best times – 12 – 15:00. Lekker!

Inland – Du Toits north looking very good with climbs to 5500’ and winds never exceeding 15kts at height. It could be one of those sweet days all the way till sunset… Further north - north of the SB it is N to NE winds – some 20kts spots over the high lying ground again but moderating during the day it seems.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:17 and setting at 17:55 (Day length is 10 hrs and 38 min). Still cold air around with the winds easterly in direction. No rain and no clouds expected. Looks great for walks on the beach else its hot chocolate and good book weather! Either way go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a cold 16 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(6 August 2020) 
Day 133 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! So yesterday was a special but cold winters day of flying all over the WC. Here’s some cool pics of some of the province wide action – just love those colours form the Swartland valley (thanks for the pic Adam!). Today another strong CF passed through the night, this time leaving some snow in its wake on the higher grounds inland. A strong SAH helping to move the cold air far into the interior with a fresh S to SW flow of wind. Winds are pretty strong in most areas so not much prospects of flying except around the Peninsula and surrounds (A nice change!) ;) Still the cold unstable air with clouds around – base ranging from 2/3k near the coast up to 9k near Sutherland Escarpment where the southerlies are pushed even way further into the interior. Winds remain South with height with a veering to the West just before the Tropopause for a 130kts finish over the interior but 70kts S over the south coast regions. Freezing level around 5000’.

CT – Southerly winds around 10kts – nice and light with a large sheltered  area around LH and SH today. Later it will trend SW here but still probably less than 10kts. Base looks to be around 2-3k with a chance of some thermic activity here. SLP too much south in it (Herm too much SW!) FH similar with the southerly but Du Toits could be more SW however there’s a bit of a SSE at altitude… lol.

RB – Right direction but could be a bit light. Maybe maybe later in the day…

PV – Still looking good here like yesterday but with more wind and a southerly direction in it.

Wilderness – Strong SW up along the south coast today with a slight chance of the Wilderness corner moderating enough in the afternoon to be dune goonable. :) Inlnad some good clouds but the winds are just too strong today…

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but with more punt in the SW wind!

PE and PA – Also like Wilderness with a slightly better chance of rain and even more punt in the wind! Lol

EL – Strong SW winds along the coast and inland. Very cloudy with OD in places and just too strong to fly anywhere today.

Inland – The wind backing to the south further inland and moderating. Snow around the escarpment regions especially in the east. Some high and cold bases out here… ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:18 and setting at 17:54 (Day length is 10 hrs and 36 min). A cold windy day but it does seem like the rain is not on the cards for the day. Looks great for walks on the beach else its hot chocolate and good book weather! Either way go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a cold 14 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))


(5 August 2020) 
Day 132 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! The Cold Front sweeping past Maputo today while the SAH is shaping a sweet ridge along the southern parts with a trough in the central regions. There is an amazing mass of unstable air behind this front with what promises to be not a too a shabby winters flying day. :) (But dress warm!). Some sweet looking Q’s around marking those lovely thermals with climbs 3-500ft/min (might get some stronger ones around PV today). Winds are light S to SE in general along the southern parts except around the Peninsula with 15-20kts in places. Inland very similar with a gentle veering around to the west and then NW further inland we go. There’s rain mostly out to sea with the odd chance of a few spots reaching the shore, especially around the PE side. Winds go back to NW from 10k upwards with a slow backing to the W for a 150kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level just shy of 5k.

CT – Again some fresh SSE winds around 15-20kts. It is a deep layer withbase around 4k and little wind-shadow shaping up. Hermanus looks doable with enough south in the wind at launch at 10kts or so. SLP and FH with too much S and even SSE in it – so to Du Toits today. Maybe if you are hardcore! ;)

RB – IT is looking great to me!

PV – The better spot of the day I think. Strong climbs and some Q’s around all the way to 5k – maybe even a tad more. SSW winds up to 10kts.

Wilderness – A light SSE day but with amazing unstable air around. It is very wet from all the rain form yesterday so probably will only start working later than expected I think. Also a chance of some OD. But a good chance of some climbs close to 4k over Sedge doable today. 5-7kts mostly but possibly 10kts with some luck. I think the coast probably a tad too light but maybe light scratching possible at times. You will be close to freezing level once at cloud so dress warm! lol

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but with a tad more SE in the direction.

PE and PA – Rain out to sea with a chance of some stuff moving onto the shore. Winds are S to SE light in the morning but picking up a tad in the afternoon.

EL – Similar to PE but with a tad more push in the East wind later in the day. Again the chance of some OD conditions inland otherwise also looking amazingly unstable for flying with sweet flat Q’s around – best window from 11:30/12 to maybe 14:00. East winds in general.

Inland – Light winds with an E to SE trend. A chance of some light rain and low cloud in the Langkloof and northwards of there at times. Otherwise very cold conditions with freezing level at mountain top near Swartberg. Unstable conditions but with the wet ground around there could be some sweet propeller flying areas around.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:18 and setting at 17:532 (Day length is 10 hrs and 35 min). A cold day with light winds around. If you are not flying walks on the beach should be cool else its hot chocolate and good book weather! Either way go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a cold 12 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(4 August 2020) 
Day 131 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! Yesterday some lucky pilots getting some good flying at  Sedgefield and DuToits pass near CT. Sweet! Today the CF dominating the WC weather today with cold rainy and windy conditions all over the region. Winds are SW with a southerly trend along the western parts and SW along the southern coastal areas. It is SW inland all the way to a line form Uppington to De Aar towards the EC coast, where it is NW (strong prefrontal). Rain for most of the southern regions with the large SB mountains blocking most of the rain from moving further north. Base around 2k in general with tops around 8k (It does vary slightly form place to pace). Rain probably putting  stop to any flying with the exception of CT for RB where the hangies might might have a shot at getting some strong Southerly air. The winds remain SW to around 10k where it veers to the West all the way to the Tropopause for a strong 150kts finish up there! Freezing level around 4000ft in the SW corner but seems there’s too much rain around for snow…

CT – Strong (20kts) deep Southerlies all day with base around 2k and tops at 8k with rain on and off.

RB – A maybe day if the rain stays away.

PV – Very southerly in direction but also the CF with 2k base and 8k tops. Rain on and off…

Wilderness – Strong SW winds with the rain on the cards for most of the day. (You had to have had your chance yesterday it seems!) ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness.

PE and PA – Very strong SW winds along the coast with rain on and off all day.

EL – Similar to PE are with strong SW coastal winds and then the SW penetrating inland during the afternoon making for some very turbulent and sheary conditions where it mixes with the inland W to NW winds.

Inland – SW winds for the Oudtshoorn valley and north of there. Some good looking clouds north of that but strong wins at 15kts increasing with height. It is very cold out there so dress warm for you adventure!

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:19 and setting at 17:52 (Day length is 10 hrs and 33 min). A real winters day with rain and strong winds. Dress warm for your outing or find a sheltered corner with hot chocolate and a good book! Either way go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a cold 13 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(3 August 2020) 
Day 130 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! The CF into CT today helped along by the SAH. A trough along the western parts of the country while the IOH is doing its thing in the east. Winds are NW inland with20-30kts along the higher grounds – a little less than yesterday – but conditions are still strong NW to W in the inland regions. A WSW along the southern parts and around EL the change over to the IOH NE winds along the eastern coastal regions. Still winter conditions with light to moderate climbs – mostly around 2-300ft/min with the best parts around 500ft/min. Winds are NW all the way up to just before the Tropopause where it backs to the West for a 120kts finish. Freezing level is around 11000’ but it is expected to drop to less than 4000’ by tomorrow morning so snow possible on the higher grounds.

CT – A cloud layer around 2k with the tops around 4k. IT looks like it will thicken later in the afternoon with an increased chance of rain. Winds are westerly with a few variations around the Peninsula. It is 20kts from 2k upwards except in the SW parts of the Peninsula so maybe some soaring along the lower ocean cliffs possible if the rain stays away. SLP and FH probably clagged in but also too strong.


PV – Looks like the best spot of the day with light westerly winds and climbs to 3-3500’. The larger cliffs o the south of Dasklip launch looking very sweet for a afternoon flight along them.

Wilderness – A SW day with some strong stuff out to sea – it might pop in to the coast so keep a good look out. Else it looks around 5-10kts mostly with Sedge also showing promise of offering a good day. Climbs to 4/500m possible.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies maybe going up to 2500’

PE and PA – SW winds along the coast with the inland parts too strong NW. Maitlands probably doable, The SW stops just after PA where the change over to the NE happens – settled east of EL.

EL – Too strong inland today I think with 15-20kts in most spots. The coast with light winds all within the change over region from SW to NE. (See graph)

Inland – Strong NW winds trending W further south. Again not the best of days with some prefrontal strong winds on the cards. 50kts around 8k…Strong wind shear north of the Outenikwas ranges (See graph) Some good flying along the coast possible.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:20 and setting at 17:52 (Day length is 10 hrs and 32 min) Some more cooler wind from the ocean today but still perfect for hiking in the forest or on the beach– go get high on life! ;) Max temperature a cool 19 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(2 August 2020) 
Day 129 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! An approaching CF tightening those isobars so loads of strong bergwinds around today. Far inland the high spots around the Sutherland escarpment winds expected to reach the 40kts mark! Most of the WC with a shear value exceeding 20kts. So its not the best day to try go out flying. Lol. The inland high still dominating with the IOH doing its thing in the east with some strong NE coastal winds along the eastern coast. The offshores expected to dominate for most of the day along the southern coastal areas with very high temps (close to 30 in many spots!) but a SW pulse expected very late in the afternoon. The EC might be the exception with possibly some flying out there as the berg winds not quite reaching that far in the scary strength department for today. (But it is still a maybe around the Hogsback area). The wind remaining NW all the way up with a slight backing to the W at the Tropopause for a 60kt finish up there. Freezing level still up at the 13k level.  

CT – Some lighter surface wind but very strong higher up. 20kts plus lurking from around 2000’ upwards so be very careful if you get tempted to go fly anywhere. SLP and FH all scary conditions today so beware…


PV – All northerlies with 20kts plus at mountain top level and stable…

Wilderness – Strong NW winds all day with that SW pulse looking like it might get to us around 17:00. But even then it looks pretty strong and it could be a mixy turbulent one. Be careful if you are trying for that CP or dune gooning flight. lol

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but the SW not making it here…

PE and PA – Strong NW winds all day but the coastal NE making inroads from the afternoon onwards. It is NW inland and not good…

EL – A chance of some flying here as the NE form the IOH dominating and slightly less strength in the inland W to NW winds. Strong convergence again today so if you are on it you could pick a spot!

Inland – Those NW killing all flying today with that string wind shear factor of 25kts almost everywhere. So find a good book and some red wine to chill today… lol

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:21 and setting at 17:50 (Day length is 10 hrs and 30 min) A hot berg wind day – pretty windy but again some shelter in Lienkies corner for the beach goers. IT is however perfect for hiking – go way up into the mountains and get high on life! ;) Max temperature a really hot 27 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(01 August 2020) 
Day 128 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! Today looking not too shabby. The IOH with a weak ridge along the southern parts, the inland trough along the west coast being the major players in the WC weather. Winds are NW inland in general and light S to SE along the southern parts and S to SW along the west coast areas. Some fog patches around in the south but this should all clear by late morning. No clouds expected. More stable in the west with an increase in the instability to the east along the coastal regions. Inland though the northerly air mass dry with some depth in the instability. This mas also gets better to the east (Once again the Drakensberg areas being superb for flying.) The usual 20kts plus over the higher escarpments but much lighter in the valleys with a West trend later in the day. The coastal southerly penetrating to around the Swartberg ranges too. The wind remains NW to around 0k where it starts to back to the west then SW at the Tropopause at 60kts. Freezing level around 13k.

CT – The surface winds trending SE but it backs quickly to the NE then N from around 1=1500ft AGL. Fairly light so a sweet windshadow around LH and SH with some light thermals to just above launch during the mid day part I think. Around 10kts at TM top height but perhaps more in the venturi’s… SLP looks like the shallow SE just enough to meddel the flying there… Same at FH but perhaps a better chance from lunchtime onwards of the NW taking over. Perhaps the corner on the DuToits pass could work for some light thermic soaring again…

RB – Too light…

PV – Again frustrating shallow surface inversion with the northerlies above that… To the far north just past Klawe it looks like a amazing seabreeze convergence moving in late afternoon (see graph) Not sure how you will connect with that one though… Maybe aero towing? Hhhmmm,,,

Wilderness – Some light soaring at Sedge yesterday but today actually looks a bit better. Winds looks like a light SSW start then backing ot the SE later in the day. It is weak with maybe 5-7kts at times. Some sweet instability at Sedge with just enough depth in it to have fun in. Climbs to 500m perhaps? Best time from as early as 10:30 with some luck otherwise just before mid-day before the wind goes too much SE.

lett – Similar to Wilderness but with more SE so Uppies direction not the nest. Climbs maybe to  just over 1500 but it is light…

PE and PA – Light offshore to WSW start that will back to the east eventually. Nothing above 10kts but lighter in most places. Again the inland W to NW coverging with the seabreeze ins some spots with some amazing conditions if you can pin point or luck into the right place. ;) See graph!

Inland – Dominating NW that will trend more west later in the day. 10kts average. Some light instability around with 3k AGL in general. The coastal southerly penetrating to the Swartberg Range mostly by 16:00. Excellenr propeller flying in the south all day long. :)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:22 and setting at 17:50 (Day length is 10 hrs and 28 min) Another amazing day with everything to play with on the cards. Light winds and mild temps. Perfect for walking on the beach or in a forest somewhere. (Or way up into the mountains even!) Go out and get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 17 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(31 July 2020) 
Day 127 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! A day of HPS dominating everywhere – not a cloud in the sky today. The SAH dominating in the west and the inland H inland with loads of subsidence in the west but some cool instability in the eastern parts of the country – over the Berg – Sanie Pass would be the place to launch to day with strong climbs to over 14k! (Hans you lucky ding!) ;) Back home its nothing of the sorts with winds W to NW inland with 20kts plus over the higher escarpments again – this will trend westerly in the south and NE offshores in the far northern west coast regions – perhaps 3k AGL instability in a few spots. A shallow Southerly in a few spots around CT but W above that. The southern coastal regions very light winds with 5-7kts on the cards. The inversion very shallow here today unlike the previous days action with around 1000’AGL the norm. Winds are NW up to 6k then backs to the WSW and remains WSW all the way to the Tropopause for a 50-60kts finish. Freezing level up at 13000’.

CT – light wind start with a southerly direction on the surface but it is WNW above that. IT will trend SW at SH and if you can bench-up high enough you could get onto the 12 Apostles today… SLP looks sweet as the shallow SE curls around for enough up here to fly. It could be strong higher up so just watch the penetration. FH in n similar fain – looks a tad strong just above launch…

RB – Too light and WWB…

PV – Shallow inversion in the valley with a SW down low but that NNW still doing its thing up at mountain top height I think….

Wilderness – After yesterdays awesome conditions today is a bit of a let down with weak climbs expected and light SSW winds along the coast. Maybe some climbs up to 1000’ at Sedge during the best part of the day but it looks a bit light and tricky to me. Maybe it will be good! Fingers crossed! ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies weak and climbs to just shy of 2k a maybe.

PE and PA – Also not the best of conditions around here but it does look a bit better than down along the GR. It is light offshore then going light onshore before trending NE along the coast – perhaps touching 10kts in places. Still some cool convergence regions inland if you can find the spot!

Inland – NW to the north trending to the west in the south. In general 10kts but its 15kts just above with a few 20kts spots on the higher grounds to the north. The eastern parts of the country the in place to be by the looks of it… lol (Hans you so lucky dude!) ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:23 and setting at 17:50 (Day length is 10 hrs and 27 min) A beautiful day – light winds and mild temps. Perfect for walking on the beach or in a forest somewhere. (Or way up into the mountains even!) Go out and get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 18 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(30 July 2020) 
Day 126 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! The CF passing us through the night, once again leaving some sweet post frontal flying conditions in its wake. The SAH dominating with a ridge extending along the southern coastal areas helping with lighter and more flyable winds. Direction is generally from the SW but a few variations around – notably more southerly along the west coast and CT area. Clouds confined again to the southern parts of the WC with a few spots of OD with strato Q’s. Base between 2500 and 6k further inland. Most of the strong winds following the CF up the coast with PE and beyond showing the usual 20kts plus stuff. The rain mostly offshore but from just beyond Plett it will reach the coast with some rain eastwards from there. The GR should be good – we should be able to see the convergence offshore with the rain out there as it moves past us. (We hope!) ;) Inland light southerlies around 5kts with a gentle increase with height in the SW. Few clouds out here. The wind remains SW all the way to the Tropopause for a 70kts finish up there. Freezing level between 10 and 12k.

CT – A southerly start over the flats with light NW to the west of the Peninsula. Looks like the southerly will take over from mid-day onwards with SW trend around LH. SLP and FH also with that funny southerly at the wrong height seemingly messing up things. (Though FH looks flyable early on with the southerly messing it up after 12:30/13:00 only...) Perhaps Bainskloof should be better with the SW trend holding. Instability up to 3500 so perhaps not the best day for XC but maybe it could be soarable along the mountains here…

RB – Too light and frustrating I think.

PV – Once again that southerly component not making it the best and the instability just too shallow with perhaps 2k in depth.

Wilderness – An amazing day yesterday for flying. With a bit of luck we might get another good day. Probably stronger coastal soaring from 11 to 13:00 and then a late afternoon at Sedge my idea of Paradise. But for the hard core dudes Sedge looks like it will produce humdinger climbs to over 3500ft between 12 and13:00! Some sweet Q’s up there too. IT looks like it will be strong but doable for the big guns… See graphs.

Plett – Tricky here today with perhaps just too much west remaining in the wind for it to become super… Maybe some OD conditions around Uppies too… Keurbooms also seemingly remaining too much west in it – but lets hope I’m wrong! ;)

PE and PA – Some rain for the better part of the day but from late afternoon it should move on. Strong SW so n maybe for the hangies at Maitlands… PA and up to EL side also a very strong W to SW day…

Inland – North of the GR it is looking very sweet with some Q’s around to just north of the Outenikwas. IT is SW but along the SB it is south and light. It could be a good day for flying here with soarable conditions along most of the range. Further north it is all less than 10kts southerly but to the east it gets stronger and veers to the west.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:24 and setting at 17:49 (Day length is 10 hrs and 25 min) A string windy morning day with cool breeze from the ocean. The clouds should become less later in the afternoon. Grab a jacket and go for that walk - get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 17 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(29 July 2020) 
Day 125 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! Today almost a summer pattern with the SAH dominating along the west, the trough down the centre of the country and the IOH to the east. The SAH pushing in some sweet moisture laden unstable air bringing a chance of some good flying along the parts of the WC. Base around the 2-4k level depending how far inland we are. The clouds confined to the SW areas and the southern parts of the WC by the looks of it. Winds are westerly in general with some SW and even NW variations. Kimberly with climbs to 13k and then Underberg showing 14/15k with some clouds with temps up there at -9 degrees! (Dress warm Hans!) ;) EL area with a cool seabreeze convergence setting up between the inland W and the coastal SW. Winds are WSW all the way to just before the Tropopause where it goes WNW for a 10kts finish. Freezing level around 12k.

CT – A sweet looking day with light SW around CP and W to NW at LH in general. Base around 3k but later in the day looks like it lowers to 2k. SLP will work but some lower cloud around there. FH looking amazing for the afternoon – after a morning of some varying winds from the looks of it. Maybe a good day to go XC along the mountains to the North…

RB – WWB out today! ;) (See the video of those hangies hanging out there yesterday! And that cloud street!)

PV – Hhhmm,… A bit of a southerly trend from the looks of it. Seems better to the far south than up at Kardoesie – inversion around 2500/3000’. Excellent as soon as you cross over the back…

Wilderness – Yesterday was super good along the coast and today looks like another great day on the cards. Winds look a tad lighter to me so maybe Sedge could be the place to go with climbs to just shy of 2k at the better time. (BTW – it looks like tomorrow its going to be even better!) See graphs.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies showing climbs to 3500’. But Keurbooms again looking like the better spot to me for some sweet soaring from mid-day onwards.

PE and PA – The SW dominating with some strong spots along the coast. Some cool convergence as the SW sea breeze moves inland. Some great potential here for you guys to explore!

Inland – The SW penetrating all the way to the Southerland escarpment but it goes WNW north of there. Super amazing thermic conditions to the east of Middelberg/DeAar areas as you move more to the centre of the trough. Closer to home it is all W to SW winds inland and around 10kts.  

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:24 and setting at 17:48 (Day length is 10 hrs and 24 min) We have another clear but cool day. Again perfect for forest or beach walks with a light jacket handy. Go get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 17 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(28 July 2020) 
Day 124 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! The SAH dominating with some influence inland form the inland HPS and then a small coastal low along the southern coastal parts helping the SAH to push in a bit of moisture for some low cloud and even a chance of light precipitation along the Overberg and the GR early evening. The winds are SE around CT and then veers to the SW along the southern coastal areas all the way to PE before the IOH influence does the E to NE winds so often found along the northern parts of the EC coast. Some strong winds inland with 20-30kts NW on the higher escarpments. But strong thermic activity inland with climbs to 12k doable in some spots if only it weren’t for the strong wind! Looks like the best spots to fly are within that shallow moist laden southerly along the southern parts of the WC today… ;) The Wind is NW with hight with a gentle backing to the W for a 130kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level down to around 10k.

CT – A fresh SE around 20kts with 25kts out to sea. A chance of a wind-shadow around but it looks dubious to me. Thin  layer of StratoQ’s around 2k. Maybe Hermanus might offer something if the clouds aren’t too low… Around 10kts there – supposedly. ;)

RB – Looks very sweet to me here all day long!

PV – Some instability up to 2500ft with a shallow SW. Looks like Kardoesie the best option with a nice West there for the afternoon and a soaring flight on the cards down to Skerpheuwel at least.

Wilderness – After yesterdays sweet winter SE at Map today is looking promising with a light SW along the coast – the chance of the ocean cliffs working and then Sedgefield too are all doable today I think. Sedge looks to offer some climbs to just shy of 2k on the best part. Late afternoon sees some low cloud moving in from the W. Around 10kts on the cards but there are some stronger bits out to sea which could move in though it is not predicted to do so.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies showing climbs to just over 3000’. But Keurbooms also looking to produce some sweet soaring from mid-day onwards.

PE and PA – SW in the west with that NE in the east. The usual strong convergence regions with the inland west meeting the ENE from the coast – though the west is looking a tad strong for flying to me.

Inland – WNW winds making the winds just too west for flying in most the good spots. And of course the strength also a factor with 20kts plus in most spots. Climbs though can be really good with 600ft/min all the way past 10k possible in many areas inland. 12k also in a few spots. Great winter conditions if only for the 25kts winds up there! ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:25 and setting at 17:48 (Day length is 10 hrs and 22 min) Another clear but cool day. Great for forest or beach walks with a nice jacket handy. Late afternoon sees some low cloud moving in and a slight chance of drizzle. ;) Max temperature around 17 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(27 July 2020) 
Day 123 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! The front far off to our east with the IOH starting to dominate again as it shifts in over land with the large anti clockwise surface flow bringing us the characteristic inland northerlies in the WC. A SE trend along the southern coast reaching upper teens in a few spots. Most of the SE moves past CP leaving CT sheltered from the strong flow. Some unstable air in the Cf wake but it is to as deep as we had hoped. Instability up to 3k AGL in the best spots. The southern west coast with just 1-2k of soaring depth but a bit further north there is a sea breeze convergence between the NE inland flow and the up moving southerly that curls west flowing inland here. (See graph) Inland the Northerlies reaching 20kts again over the higher grounds but it is much less in the valleys with the southern regions mostly less than 10kts. It trends NE here. The wind remains Northerly up to the 8/9k level before backing to the WSW but with a very distinct strength difference in the upper air – see graph. It is 100kts plus over CT while Plett has just 15kts. Freezing level around 12k.  

CT – A fresh SE in the south but it moderates into town. A shallow Southerly that changes around 1k backing to the east and then north all less than 10kts It is north at TM top height. SH and LH probably flyable most of the day…

RB – Too light and frustrating here today… ;)

PV – The inversion pretty low at 1-1500AGL and a surface southerly with the Northerlies above that. Not the best day out here…

Wilderness – Looking like a sweet soaring day here with some nice instability around – climbs to 2k mostly perhaps a tad higher over the back. Winds will start southerly but quickly back to the SE. The Map looks like it should be sweet after lunchtime with 10kts on the cards. Sedge will have a window between 10:30 and 11:30 of getting away in enough south to go XC. Maybe fly to Map today? Serpentine looking amazing with climbs past ceiling(careful!) but it should be easy to fly to Map from here… Buffs looks like a short window before becoming too strong by mid-day. Even Gerrickes having a moment of a bench-up to the top.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies showing climbs to 2500. It is SE here all day.

PE and PA – An E to SE coastal flow around 10kts mostly so perhaps ome of those coastal spots working. Good convergence areas setting up between the inland Northerlies and the coastal inflow again.

Inland – The wind has too much NE in it for DuToits areas to be worth it. Climbs to just past 5k on the best time but the winds here going to much east I think. IT looks sweet for hike and fly along the Outenikwas though with light winds all the way up past 5k… :)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:26 and setting at 17:47 (Day length is 10 hrs and 21 min) A clear but cold day. So go for that forest or beach walk but dress warm! ;) Max temperature around 16 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

( 26 July 2020) 
Day 122 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! A big change from the last few summer in winter days as the CF moved in during the early hours of this morning onto the WC. Cold unstable air with rain everywhere. It does clear around CT with most of the rain from early this morning with a SE wind. The southern coastal areas with rain for most of the day with a SW wind, increasing in strength the further east we go. Base looks around 2k with tops early on around 10k but the tops will lower during the day and so too the chance of precipitation. Freezing level pretty high (6800’) ;) so no chance of snow this time around. Past the first mountain ranges the clouds should start to open up with some good looking Q’. Base mostly around 6k inland of the bigger mountains with above the Great Escarpment some Q’s at 9k. The winds are SW in the east and SE in the west. The CF layer Southerlies up to the 6-9k mark and then a sharp veering to the West. The west wind remaining all the way to the Tropopause with a huge 150kts finish up there!

CT – A fresh wet SE start with the SE at 15kts all the way to 4k. On the surface t will increase to 20ts for the afternoon. No usable wind-shadow today but it does clear with no rain probably from late morning already.

RB – As soon as the rain stops it could be a sweet day here! Muddy but sweet! ;)

PV – Mostly clear skies but the wind with too much South and even some SE in it.

Wilderness – Rain mostly but a chance of some clearing later in the afternoon as most of the rain should be inland on the mountains. The wind is SW trending a tad to the SSW around 10-15kts. It just might turn into an amazing coastal soaring day later on… Be ready for those gaps n the rain. ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but with a bit more wind – base around 3k. Uppies probably a bit strong and Keurbooms too much west in it.

PE and PA – The sweet soaring stuff now gone and instead we have the frontal westerlies – WSW on the coast and ore West inland but too strong to fly – 30kts plus on the coast! All day.

Inland – The wind most southerly with a SW trend in the east and SE in the west. The rain confined to the southern parts with the mighty Swartbergs doing the dividing. Wind 20kts in some higher spots but moderating north of the SB. Some sweet looking Q’s north of that.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:27 and setting at 17:46 (Day length is 10 hrs and 20 min) Its winter in all its glory. Find a warm fire with a good book and some hot chocolate. ;) Max temperature around 15 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(25 July 2020) 
Day 121 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! A typical winters pattern today as the approaching CF is setting the scene for usurping the IOH and its inland effects. The winds increasing today to the point that even for the eastern Cape things probably becoming a bit strong. Around CT the front moving onto CP by late afternoon already. Rain from early hours of the morning and then spreading to the Southern coastal regions by tomorrow late morning. The wind inland strong with the Great Escarpment with close to 40kts this morning and 20-30kts in on the other higher spots – the shear factor in many spots exceeding 25kts – so not really a flying day. One owuld expect wave with the strong winds but the isother layer aove the high inversion so wave only starting from 10k upwards today (For what its worth!) ;) Despite the strong wind that is spoiling the fun the sweet winter instability still around inland with lift up to that inversion around the 9k level. The Cookhouse area producing some of the best convergence I have seen in a long time (see the graph) and then those at Hogsback could luck into some sweet flying today by remaining in the convergence zone and avoiding the stronger wind. (See graph) But just to let the CT boys in on a West Coast secret there is that sweet Sea Breeze convergence setting up NW of Nieuwoudtville, just when the strong N makes way for a slightly lighter West moving in from the coast. Over 10k doable here with a bit of luck! (See graph) ;)  The wind remaining NW all the way to the Tropopause where it backs more westerly for a 110kts finish. Freezing level at 9500 over CT and 13k near EL.

CT – A cold surface layer with light NW winds wind some sporadic fog patches while the NW is blowing up top. 30kts at TM top height. Its strong NW everywhere so not a flying day. Maybe worth a drive to Nieuwoudtville and exploring the big passes out there? (Perhaps best suited to the Hardcore hangies - if they still exist!)


PV – Also the prefrontal NW winds and strong but late afternoon does see a backing to the west and moderating a tad – so could be some ridge soaring on the cards then…

Wilderness – The strong NW offshores dominating all day once again. Late afternoon sees the SW pulse moving up the coast but it does not penetrate with any brunt into Wilderness. Maybe around 17:00 if you are desperate along the coast you could find a drop in the bucket to play with…

Plett – Similar to Wilderness.

PE and PA – Strong NW winds all day – it actually builds in the afternoon. There is still sweet unstable conditions inland and some strong convergences setting up around Cookhouse (WNW meeting up with the NNW here( while downwind from Hogsback there’s the sweet slack area of converging air between the NW from inland converging with the SW from the southern coast and the NE from the North coast. This area producing a col region where you can escape the strong and building NW winds. Go study those Apps and find the safe sweet flying spots!

Inland – The wind-shear expected to exceed 25kts in many places. Strong on the Sutherland escarpment at near 40kts. It’s a typical prefrontal day so if you have a choice stay on the ground. The only exceptions are in the far east where the winds are still not affected by the approaching CF. Lol

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:27 and setting at 17:45 (Day length is 10 hrs and 18 min) Its another sweet summers day in winter! The bergwinds making it great for forest walks or even getting a suntan on the beach! Go and get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 25 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(24 July 2020) 
Day 120 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! The IOH inland flow still dominating with the changes happening in the west as an approaching CF is tightening up some of those isobars with stronger Northerlies in these areas. Still a slight ridge from the SAH causing things not to go the classic frontal approach pattern with a slight slackening late afternoon for the SW areas of the WC. A blue cloudless day it seems which just prevents the sweet winter soaring weather form being perfect. That sweet mass of dried inland air still delivering the goods with climbs up to 9k very doable in the east and parts of the southern WC. The south and to the west the wind is a tad on the strong side (20kts) so most of the spots not really flyable. (except for the hardcore hangies but they are not just endangered but rare as hen’s-teeth nowadays!) ;) Some amazing sea breeze convergence along the eastern Cape coastline – to the west of this the conditions remain amazing. (See graphs) An interesting difference on the west coast is north of Klawer where there is also a sweet sea breeze convergence area (partly also the influence of that SAH ridge nudge that helps to slacken the winds here producing some flyable stuff within the otherwise too strong Northerlies. (see graph) Nice! Winds remain NW with height around 20-30kts but around 30k it backs to the W for a 110kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 11-13000’.  

CT – Looks like the north wind is going to be strong here all day long. A slight slackening in the late afternoon but probably still to strong – except maybe for those hard to find hard core hangies!


PV – So inverted with the strong N winds. The Citrusdal valley the same but into the Cederbergs things start to happen – though the winds still to strong to be of any use…

Wilderness – The NW dominating all day long with some light spurts of onshore flow now and then. It looks shallow and short lived. Mostly the inland NW is very unstable and if you could get up into it (strong!) you should get very high today). Check out the surface inversion around the Sedge area for 7 tonight! ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness. If you have big cahunnas you could try Bufffelsnek today – lol – get up to 9k…

PE and PA – The wind is much lighter here inland side with NW around 5-10kts mostly. The coast with a strong NE wind, especially to the north that will curl in causing some amazing convergence along the coast there. (see graph) Still amazing thermic soaring inland here with climbs perhaps not as high as yesterday closer to the coast but 7k still plenty to go for!

Inland – Strong 20-30kts in the bigger escarpments and mountain tops. More wind in the west but it is much less to the east. Great winter instability with climbs to 9k in many spots. But the wind in the Outdshoorn areas just a tad too strong. Sporadic spots with up to 20kts wind shear. So perhaps not the best for propeller thingies.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:28 and setting at 17:45 (Day length is 10 hrs and 17 min) A hot winters day making it great for forest and beach walks. Go get high on life. ;) Max temperature around 25 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(23 July 2020) 
Day 119 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! Another day with the IOH dominating with a sweet ridge over the country – I say sweet since the pressure gradient is weak and winds are light with some amazing soaring conditions along the southern parts of the country – the inland parts of the WC enjoying these great conditions with climbs up to the 10k mark. The western parts however having some influence from the trough and approaching front with some acceleration in the wind strengths just causing enough mixing for conditions not to be so sweet. Warm temps for most of the WC except for the southern coastal areas where there is a lot of coastal fog and some mist in the low-lying areas along the coastal plains. Mot of these should burning off by midday but a few spots along the coast hanging around stubbornly. Winds are N to NW inland with an East influence along the coast. A few inland spots touching the 20kts mark but these are mostly in the west. To the east the winds are 10kts or less. The lower areas also sheltered. Again the coastal SE shallow and curling around CP with a SW influence around SH and LH. Winds remain NW till 10k were there is a backing to the WSW all the way to the Tropopause for a 70kts in the south and 100kts in the north finish. Freezing level around 12500 in the west and 10000’ in the east.

CT – Another fogie morning but most of this should clear by midday. Probably some flying to be had at SH and LH in the shallow area along the coast to be had but it looks a but strong N up at TM height. That north increasing in strength from 2000’ upwards. SLP and Franshoek looking a bit strong I think - 20kts at 3500/4000' so be careful if you do venture into the sly up there... ;)

RB – Too light.

PV – Still the low inversion (less than 1000’) with uncomfortable North winds above that…

Wilderness – We might have some stubborn foggie stuff around for most of the day. With some luck it might clear before mid day. Within this cooler ocean layer we should get some flying in at Sedge. Probably from 12 onwards with 13:00 looking to be the best time. At most up to 1000’ but later getting less - maybe 1-200ft ATO.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies avery shallow SE and climbs to maybe a 1000’. Buffs could work for a short window between 12 and 13:00. Then the wind will back and the sea air will spoil things.

PE and PA – Offshores that will veer to the East as the sea breeze moves. Around 15kts NE to East along the coast but lighter inland. Another awesome day for flying inland with plenty of convergence spots and climbs up to 10k in the light NNW winds up there… (see the graphs)

Inland – Some of the high spots still touching the 20kts but def lighter, especially to the east. But strong N in the west. Good climbs still around with 500ft/min and 10k climbs around the southern parts of the inland areas. Again a sweet propeller late afternoon day on the cards too.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:28 and setting at 17:44 (Day length is 10 hrs and 16 min) A foggie day for the coast with a slight chance of it clearing at midday. If you need warmth go inland. ;) Max temperature around 19 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(22 July 2020) 
Day 118 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! Looks like the IOH shaping a ridge into the interior curling around Botswana with the usual NW flow pattern in the inland WC areas. A trough along the west coast again. There is also a light SE flow along the southern coastal areas which continues around CP, turning SW up the west coast. Once again a very shallow flow perhaps 1000' in depth. The SW veering to the WNW with height quickly taking over. Some fog around here for the morning but it does look like this will clear by midday. Generally lighter winds compared to yesterday with some cool instability inland (well for winter anyway) some spots showing the NW climbs going up to 10k here and there with 500ft/min climbs. (BW and Graafies areas). The coastal plains very stable again with light climbs perhaps 1500’ AGL at best. Another sweet convergence inland of PA (see graph). Winds remain NW all the way to the Tropopause with a 100kt finish. Freezing level around 11000k.

CT – Fog for the morning (will clear by mid-day) with a light S surface flow. It veers to the WNW at TM top height with around 15kts here. Looks stable around SH with inversion at launch height. A surface SW trend later in the day. LH might be best to handle the SW and getting up with a chance to jump to TM. Franshoek looking good to me with 5kts surface winds and a steady increase with height – 15kts at 4000’. (Maybe strong during the midday part but could be flyable there all day…)

RB – Too light.

PV – Light SW surface flow quickly veering to the NNW. Inversion around 1000 AGL. Doesn’t look good – maybe some spots for a bit of ridge soaring…

Wilderness – The trend is S to SE with some shallow instability at Sedge and Serps. You could try the Serps to Map technical XC. Probably best at Sedge from 11 to 14:00 I think. Buffs in the very late afternoon could become soarable… Worth keeping tabs on that one.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies SE and climbs to 1500’.

PE and PA – Offshores that will back to the W then SW changing to the E just after mid-day. Perhaps reaching 10kts. (Strong Seabreeze convergence inland of PA – see the graph)

Inland – Lighter NW with up to 20kts on the higher spots but in general it is around 15kts and less in the shallow valleys. Some sweet winter instability south of the great escarpment with some climbs to 10k on the cards if you are a lucky pilot o be bale to get out there… A sweet propeller late afternoon day on the cards too.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:29 and setting at 17:43 (Day length is 10 hrs and 14 min) A sweet day ahead but slightly cooler to yesterday – still a good day to get high on life! ;) Max temperature around 19 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(21 July 2020) 
Day 117 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! Another sweet winters day for a lucky few. The LSH dominating inland flow with mostly the NW winds, a trough along the west coast, the IOH giving us that E to NE flow along the eastern coastal regions and the SAH with a slight SW influence in the SW corner of the WC. Still some spots touching 30kts NW over the higher escarpment areas but some interesting sea breeze convergence regions along the west coast (See Nieuwoudtville graph – climbs here perhaps to 9000’!) and on the east coast (inland of PA - see graph below). It is a blue day with no clouds and actually very stable conditions all over the show (the exceptions being the convergence regions). A slight chance of some wave in the lee of some of the bigger mountains but nothing exceptional. Along the south coast areas the NW offshores dominate for most of the day with only light onshores making it in sporadically in some parts of the afternoon. There is a slight SW push form the SW being strongest around the Agulhas areas but slowing down the further east it moves. The Peninsula showing the best promise for the day though. Winds are NW all the way to the Tropopause for a 115kts finish up there. Freezing level slightly down to 11000’.

CT – The strongest part of the day is the morning but from midday it will start to moderate. 20kts up at TM height but perhaps slightly less late afternoon. It looks like a great day for flying SH with the chance of doing the Apostle jump. Else looking epic up to 2000’ at SH/LH. SLP and FRH probably too strong but for that moderation late afternoon making them maybes. There’s still strong NW just above (20kts 4000) so this could spoilt things a bit.

RB – WWB is out.

PV – Same as yesterday - a light surface WNW but just above the NNW is still dominant. Very stable and probably too much North in it a the MT top height.

Wilderness – Looks like it might be too offshore today with warm temps. Probably some SSW onshore spurts during the day and if you are on it you could squeeze in a short soaring flight along the ocean side cliffs. Mostly this flow will probably be too light. Inland is a strong inversion – check out Sedge’s TH graph midday for 800ft level!

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with some strong NW flows inland but sheltered and light onshore in the bay…

PE and PA – Those NW offshores but the IOH reaching here with those E to NE winds along the coast. Some convergence areas around where these meet – notably inland from PA – around the Stutterheim area. (See the convergence graph – climbs to 6/9k possible here!)

Inland – Still those higher spots showing strong 20-30kts NW but sweet light stuff in the  low lying valleys. Late evening in the southern parts is looking very sweet again. 15-20kts W at 5000’ but only light shear in a few spots (except near Cradock with 15kts shear around!).

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:30 and setting at 17:43 (Day length is 10 hrs and 13 min) A super duper day for the beach with warm temps – you could do the forest walks too and be just as high on life. ;) Max temperature a sweet 24 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(20 July 2020) D
ay 116 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! Another complex pattern with lots of influence from the pressure systems around us. The west coast trough still there with the IOH shaping a defined ridge inland maintaining those inland NW flow pattern. The SAH due south of us effecting the southern coastal areas with a light SE flow pattern with some initial low clouds except for the PE area where a small coastal low is shaping up causing a small area with a SW flow. Agulhas and CT area the SE strengthens a bit to 20kts but this be mostly out to sea as it flows past the Peninsula with a very sheltered CT and west coast region. And stable. Lol. The whole west coast area with a very shallow SW surface bit of instability up to 1000’ deep in the best of places I think. Just above the Northerlies dominate. Again just over 20kts NW over the Sutherland escarpment and a few other high lying areas with the usual winter sheltered valleys. Even out here the instability up to 2/3k AGL at the most. Winds remain NW all the way to the Tropopause for a 90/100kts finish. Freezing level also 12500 region.

CT – Shallow SE around CP that will curl around the Peninsula for a WSW around SH but its very shallow. Above the wind is light up to 2k with a NE trend then backing to the N at TM top and above. Africa face could be doable with a NE of 5kts along here. Franshoek showing light NW but then from above the inversion a sharp increase in wind with 20kts at 5000. So could be sweet but depends if the top will penetrate or influence the lower areas…

RB – Again looks too light here…

PV – Same as yesterday - a light surface SW but just above the NNW is still dominant. Very stable too so not good here – too north for soaring too I think.

Wilderness – That cool SE ocean layer providing us with enough instability to create some usable thermals. The morning low cloud should disapte later this morning for a clear spel over midday but some moving in again late afternoon. Wind wise it is lighter today with less than 5kts along our ocean side – S to SE direction. So the thermic bit probably helping the flow at Sedge and maybe Serpentine for some flying. Best time looks to be 11:30 to 14:00. Sedge obviously going too east later on I think. Serps again might offer something to cling to and make your way to Map for that short XC challenge.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness (and yesterdays forecast) with Uppies showing climbs perhaps to 2-2.5k but the direction remains SE. Probably the best spot to try hang out – 2/300ft/min climbs.

PE and PA – Light offshore before the westerly shows up. It is light trending SW fr most of the day. Further up the coast it trends more NE…

Inland – Again those higher spots showing strong 20-30kts NW but sweet light stuff in the  low lying valleys. If you stay here it should be sweet propeller thingy flying. Late evening in the southern parts is looking very sweet I think. 20kts at 5000’ but only light shear in a few spots expected.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:30 and setting at 17:42 (Day length is 10 hrs and 12 min) Another cool day with a light SE breeze. Perfect for those beach walks and forest walks. ;) Max temperature a sweet 18 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(19 July 2020) 
Day 115 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! A mix of weather system today but at least there’s nothing strong about any of them – a weak SAH in the west, a slight trough along the west coast and the IOH doing its thing in the east. Its NE to N inland during the morning but by mid-day it does trend to NW again. Inland 15kts in the strongest parts except for the Sutherland escarpment with up to 20ts spots otherwise around 5-10kts. The south coast SE trend that backs to the NE in the PE area. SE around CT too. Weak and shallow instability in most places – nothing more than 1500’AGL and of course some spots up to or just above the mountains tops. Winds are actually NNW not far AGL remaining NW all the way to the Tropopause for a 60kts finish. Freezing level around 13k.

CT – The SE looks very shallow today so many of the NW spots will probably work. LH and SH in the windshadow with light winds along the coast. SLP and also Franschoek are options today I think – perhaps and early SE shallow flow at these but it should all turn to WSW trending to the NW with height.

RB – Looks too light here…

PV – A light surface SW but just above the NNW is still dominant. Very stable too so not good here – too north for soaring too I think.

Wilderness – A light offshore ENE for the early morning but a def SE trend along the coast. Some reports showing a bit of hope for Map for just after lunch a bit of a stronger bit but I doubt it will be soarable. Sedge showing some instability up to 1500 though we probably be doing ok to get to 1000’ Its 2-300ft/min if we are lucky but the East direction probably not the best. I think from 11-12:30/13:00 the times the thermals could pull it straight enough for flying. But then Buffelsbay looking very promising today I think – could be an hour of sweet soaring on the cards here… Serps might offering something to cling to and make your way to Map for a short XC challenge.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies showing climbs perhaps to 2-2.5k but the direction remains SE. Probably the best spot to try hang out – 2/300ft/min climbs. It looks very east and a low inversion up at Buffelsnek – the real N hanging out much further north.

PE and PA – Light offshore before a gently onshore turn during late morning. It will trend to the East and then even NE later on perhaps up to 15kts

Inland – Some strong 20-30kts NW along the Sutherland escarpment with less in the lower lying areas again. Some spots more westerly while in the south a SE trend near the coastal mountains. A low lying inversion with poor climbs in the shallow layer. Its not a bad day to eb flying propeller thingies though a few spots inland near the bigger mountains showing some higher values on the wind-shear scale.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:31 and setting at 17:42 (Day length is 10 hrs and 11 min) A cool day with a cooler SE breeze bringing the temp down just a bit. Still great for those beach walks and forest walks. ;) Max temperature a sweet 18 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(18 July 2020) 
Day 114 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! The strong berg winds loosing power today as the CF to the south of us turns out to be a weakling, a sudden shaping up of a SAH ridge takes it out so it just a fizzles into a slight W trend with a few bits of shallow cloud. So winds around the Peninsula moderating. Further inland there’s still some oomph in the NW with 30kts on the higher spots – especially around 3k where the 20-30kts is blowing all over the WC but again it moderates later in the day and backs more westerly. Not much in instability around except in the southern areas where the SW starts to change things a bit. A bit late in the day though so the instability moving in only in the mid afternoon part of things – before this the inversion is low and strong. Winds are NW going WNW all the way to the Tropopause with a 70kt finish. Freezing level still around 13k.

CT – WNW winds with some low layers of cloud shaping up around mid day – it is thicker in the south of the Peninsula with probably a shorter spell in the north. It could be a grand apostle day flight with a layer of low cloud shaping up below making things really interesting! It looks like it does clear late afternoon so you should be able to land again. I would stay away from SLP for midday but late late afternoon could be sweet – a bit strong over the top early on.

RB – WWB is out!

PV – This place could be good in the later afternoon! Sweet convergence setting up from PB to Saron from lunchtime This will move more onto the southern PV mountains for a mid afternoon feast. 10-15kts WNW winds by then and 2-300ft/min climbs to 5k perhaps? Looks dope to the north though…

Wilderness – It looks like an interesting day for Wilderness. Starting off with strong NW winds that will eventually make place for a breezy SW but it is lazy to come in properly. The SW dances around the Wilderness corner with a bit of a stronger bit but then frustrates the hell out of us along the KK and PR parts while Sedge could be good or scary later in the day. As the upper Westerlies increase it will start to deepen the instability around Sedge so from 15:00 onwards climbs should get better and go a bit higher but so too the wind might veer a bit more west, which is not the most kind-hearted of directions for Sedge. ;) So keep you eye on the ball so to speak if you fly. In short around lunchtime we could get some sea breeze spurts to keep us busy and in the afternoon Sedge could be really exciting…

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but actually less good today. Conditions stuff around a bit more here with the West and NW flow for longer... The SW never really gets in on the action at Uppies but Keurbooms is in with a shot around 14:00 with a strong bit moving in.

PE and PA – Offshore NW winds but the at lunchtime a few decent SW pulse pushes through with 15kts in them. Looks like at least 2 good one. (Some light NE bits in between but it should be easy to spot those…)

Inland – Strong 20-30kts NW again especially along the escarpments with 15knts in between. A warm day out there. Still strong gradients and high shear values. So not the best of flying days. It is more westerly later in the day…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:31 and setting at 17:41 (Day length is 10 hrs and 10 min) Another awesome summer in winters day. Great for the beach or forest walks.;) Max temperature a sweet 23 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(17 July 2020) 
Day 113 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! A bergy day in most places as the large inland High with a approaching CF dominates our weather. Once again strong Northerly winds on the escarpments and high grounds with light winds in the sheltered valleys. Loads of subsidence towards the southern parts of the WC as the Northerlies descends with the help of the topography and HP. Very stable conditions along the entire west and southern coastal plains. The NNE offshore component along the west coast still present with a strong flow here reaching all the way to the Peninsula this time. The winds should build during the day with 20-30kts in many of those higher spots. The windshear value increase during the day too with 25kts in quite a few spots late afternoon. In short not a flying day it seems. The strong winds are only in the shallow layer near the ground and from around 5000’ upwards it decrease to around 20kts NW and from 30k it backs to the SW for a 50kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level up around 13500’.

CT – A strong gradient and chance of wind-shear. Probably sheltered around the LH and SH area but strong up at TM top height. Northerly. SLP becomes very bad in the afternoon.

RB – WWB is out!

PV – Again that super inverted breezy Northerly!

Wilderness – A light north wind day with maybe a light East component in the afternoon. No sign of anything usable around today. If you fly with a propeller thingy watch the northerlies – a very strong surface inversion with 25 degrees at 700’ and 10kts of north above that. There could be some spots with random mixing taking place. If you stay low along the coast it probably should be fine. ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness.

PE and PA – Offshore winds until late with a possible trend to the NE later on.

Inland – Strong N to NW winds especially along the escarpments. Strong gradients and high shear values. So not the best of flying days.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:32 and setting at 17:40 (Day length is 10 hrs and 9 min) A awesome summer in winters day. Great for those beach or forest walks.;) Max temperature a sweet 21 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(16 July 2020) 
Day 112 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! The inland High still dominating but with a slight more east movement and a trough just offshore along the west coast. A lot more subsidence so very stable conditions all over with blue skies - no clouds expected. Winds again Northerly but NE along the west coast – some very strong spots here with a low level jet over Vredendal (40kts at 2500’!) The high lying grounds around 15-20kts perhaps but much less in the lower valleys. The wind is actually quite light all the way up to around 10k with just those few spots - and in the ground layers - being strong. Otherwise around 10kts average out there... The southern coastal areas a light easterly trend and around CT light SE surface winds but quickly trending E to NE. Winds remain NW with hight but then at 10-14k backs to the SW with a 30-40kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level up at 13500’.

CT – Light east with flow moving around the Peninsula – SW along the LH/SH shore fronts. But perhaps one could get off for a Africa Face flight today with the upper flow light NE… Some lift expected along the east facing slopes.

RB – Too light out here…

PV – Breezy NE and very inverted.

Wilderness – Hhhmmm… a tricky day with the shallow coastal S trending East later and the North above that. With a bit of luck Map might might become lightly soarable in the afternoon. There’s a slight chance of Sedge offering something in the earlier southerly with climbs to 7/800ft but its probably going to be too light. Buffs looking more promising with a bit more in the wind strength there…

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies showing SE and climbs to 1500’

PE and PA – Offshore winds until late when a light SW will make its appearance… 10kts..

Inland – Very stable inland with light climbs but perhaps DuToits and Luvaine showing a bit more in it than yesterday. In the right spot it might might become soarable for a bit or with some luck it could even be one of those magical evening glass off flights with a cool sunset… ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:32 and setting at 17:40 (Day length is 10 hrs and 7 min) Another beautiful day after the cold fronts with sun and sun – but the chill is in the air so dress warm for your outdoor excursions! ;) Max temperature up to a cool 17 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(15 July 2020) 
Day 111 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! A beautiful clear sunny day with light winds in most spots so perfect for checking out all that snow! (And of course shacking the chills out of your wings too. ;) A large HP system over the entire country with widely spaced isobars except for the northern west coast areas – so a pool of shallow cold änd not so unstable air all over the show. Winds are NE in the far north, backing to the north in the south trending NW later in the day. 10kts in the strongest spots it seems except those west coast areas with 20kts NE winds out there. The instability not very deep with around 1500ÁGL average but some spots slightly higher (and others less!) The winds remain N to NW all the way to around 10k where it does an abrupt backing to the SW all the way t the Tropopause for a 30-40kts finish. Freezing level back up a 11k however a strong isothermic layer keeping the temps low for the lower layers – 5 degrees from 4k all the way up to around 9000’ ;)

CT – Looks like a fantastic day of flying out here with SH, LH and also SLP probably going off! W to NW 5-10kts with maybe a slight SW later in the day. Dress warm!


PV – A shallow SW flow of 5kts up to 2000’but then N to NW above that. Hhhmmm, I think the shallow SW might push up onto the tops so it could be doable. Perhaps not the best day here…

Wilderness – It looks like a lunchtime could bring us some onshore flow with Sedgefield probably offering some light thermal flying. Perhaps getting to 1000’in light lift. I doubt anything will be strong enough for the coast.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies showing WNW until late in the day with a smidgeon of hope as it swings 9Maybe not even that). 1500’on the cards then but it looks a bit iffy to me.

PE and PA – Offshore winds until late when a light SW will make its appearance… 10kts..

Inland – We had high hopes for Du Toits and Luvain’s north facing sites but the oomph in the north and instability losing some momentum. Weak lift on the cards here with some early morning spurts in the north that could be soarable, but it does go light and backs to the WNW. So not the best! Even further north to the Sutherland escarpment its shallow and cold with weak climbs.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:33 and setting at 17:39 (Day length is 10 hrs and 6 min) A beautiful day after the cold fronts with sun and sun – but the chill is in the air so dress warm for your outdoor excursions! ;) Max temperature up to a cold 15 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(14 July 2020) 
Day 110 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! Another cold and wintery day ahead of us with strong W to SW flows inland and along the coasts as the SAH is still pushing in that freezing air onto the coast and deep into the interior. The SW wind flow very deep with only a slight veering to the west at the Tropopause – 50-70kts from 14k all the way to the top. Some instability in the lower layers with base varying between 2k to 4k in a few spots and tops around 8-10 mostly for the day. The strong winds not making for pleasant thermic conditions so probably a no flying day almost everywhere – the only exception I see is perhaps along the southern Peninsula with a few spots facing the SW where some flying could be on the cards in between the passing showers. Freezing level still around 4500’ so loads of snow possible inland – increasing to the east.

CT – SW around 10-15kts with some SW facing spots possibly offering some flying moments between the passing showers. ;)

RB – As above

PV – SW winds around 10kts so a slight chance between showers and if the base is high enough it could be doable…

Wilderness – The WSW winds probably too strong all day long here with a bit more rain on the cards. A slight chance of some clearing later in the afternoon with most of the activity, including CB cells out to sea. A very large swell running so watch the wash on the beach if you do venture down that way!

Plett – Similar to Wilderness – 30kts plus wind just out to sea. Odd chance of a CB cell or two but most out to sea…

PE and PA – Westerlies 30-40kts with rain and chance of CB cells…

Inland – SW winds around 10 to 15kts with 20kts in the east with a backing to the SSW further north. Lots of snow around the escarpment and high lying areas such as Graafies and surrounds. Rain showers on and off but nothing drastic (There seems to be an upper inversion curbing the convection and precipitation depth – no developments over 10k mainly).

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:33 and setting at 17:38 (Day length is 10 hrs and 5 min) Another strong WSW wind day with rain. Watch the big surf if you venture onto the beach! I recommend you find A WARM SHELTERED SPOT WITH A GOOD BOOK! ;) Max temperature up to 8 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(13 July 2020) 
Day 109 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! The next CF starting to do its thing from the west with rain spreading to the east during the day. Exceptionally strong westerly winds with 40kts from just 1000’ AGL almost everywhere today. It is not a flying day for certain with the shear factor exceptionally high over 25kts across the entire WC all day. A worthy note is the very low freezing level – down to just 4000; in the west which will spread to the east as the front moves does its easterly dance. We are expecting a lot of snow over the next 24hrs! Unfortunately most of it further inland than our local Outenikwas but we are hoping we will get something along the GR mountains by tomorrow morning. ;) (I suppose a second worthy mention are the exceptionally large wave expected along the coast with up to 10m swell at times! Most will probably move past to the west out to sea but the deep exposed points might pick up some of that!). Winds remain westerly all the way to the Tropopause with a 115kts finish up there.

CT – Rain and wind all day…

RB – As above

PV – Rain and wind all day here too…

Wilderness – Less rain here today but very strong westerly winds… Some high cloud base just after lunch with ratty strong lift around the coast all the way up to 7000’ (Well so the forecast says!) ;) It might be worth looking out for the tell tale signs of this 6/700ft/min lift going up around Sedge! (I did get some early morning wave induce strato Q’s over Wilderness – see the pic).

Plett – Similar to Wilderness – 30kts plus wind just out to sea. Odd chance of a CB cell or two…

PE and PA – Westerlies 30-40kts…

Inland – North of the SB it is all 40kts plus surface winds! Rain increasing from the west. From mid-night and the early hours of tomorrow morning we expect the buld of the snow falls to happen…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:33 and setting at 17:38 (Day length is 10 hrs and 4 min) Strong west winds with high clouds and some sun and rain mixed in! Find a good long book and wait for the weather to get better again. ;) Max temperature up to 8 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(12 June 2020) 
Day 108 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! A reprieve day between the two massive Cold Fronts – a day you can all go out and enjoy the snow! Reports of good snow in many places. Unfortunately it is all prefrontal northerlies again so no flying anywhere on the cards – 20kts plus north winds just about anywhere. Its possible for some flying at Du Toits farm if you fly a hangie but there are just too few of them around these parts these days… It’s a blue day with no clouds expected – perhaps a few wisps of high cirrus clouds. Cold and windy conditions inland with strong north winds especially on the higher grounds. In the low-lying areas some shelter expected. Instability around but surprisingly not as good as expected – some spots up to 6k inland but then some wave conditions above that in the strong Northerlies expected. Winds back to the NW with hight all the way to the Tropopause for a 115kts finish. Freezing level early moring is low in many spots - around 6000' but as the day warms a bit it jumps to above the inversion to 11000’! (See the graphs how it works!)

CT – A clear day but the north wind is spoiling the fun. A strong gradient with 20kts plus just a 1000’ and above. Rain by midnight again as the next front moves in.


PV – Northerlies here too and breezy at mountain height. Good to go watch the snow… ;)

Wilderness – Northerlies above but light on the surface. We might even get a slight east trend later on. But its very very light.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness…

PE and PA – The NE will start late morning and get up to 20kts later on!

Inland – A beautiful clear sunny day but breezy north winds. Some wave activity around with 20-30kts in some spots. Good to go look at the snow! Rain from the west again from mid-night onwards.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:34 and setting at 17:37 (Day length is 10 hrs and 3 min) A light northerly wind day with sun. Try to get your Vitamin D shot today because the next CF is on the way! ;) Max temperature up to 8 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(11 July 2020) 
Day 107 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! The CF pushing as far north into the Caprivi strip! Back home it is real wintery weather as the SAH is pushing in icy cold and snowy weather onto the entire WC. Strong W to WSW winds around 20-30kts but moderating in the west during the day. Rain also moderating with a chance of some flying to be had out in the west with 10-15kts of winds and high bases. Of course dress warm goes without saying! Lol Very unstable air with climbs in the sweet spots around 500ft/min. Winds remain WSW all the way up to the Tropopause with a 125kts finish. Freezing level down to just 5500ft!

CT – Clearing with base getting to above TM top and WSW winds around 15kts. Dress warm but it is very possible for some good flying along the southern Peninsula ocean cliffs to be had. Perhaps more a hangie day…


PV – Also clearing with 5-10kts WSW winds on the cards. Base slightly lower than CT but also high enough for the tops to be clear later in the day. I think it could also be super flying along the westerly slopes with some good climbs here and there. Kardoesie probably the best bet from 14:00 onwards I think.

Wilderness – It looks like a stay I bed day to me… ;) Even if it clears (maybe later) it remains very west and strong…

Plett – Similar to Wilderness…

PE and PA – Even stronger WSW winds here with 30kts possible…

Inland – initially its 20-30kts WSW winds – stronger in the east but moderating in the west. The rain will also start to get less from the west with just occasional showers. But there should be epic snow almost in all the high spots and even the not so high ones. ;) Very cold conditions with nothing going above 5 degrees today in the inland areas. Below freezing during the night of course.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:34 and setting at 17:37 (Day length is 10 hrs and 3 min) Another windy and rainy day. Perfect for a good book, red wine and chocolate day! ;) Max temperature a cold 13 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(10 July 2020) 
Day 106 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! The strong winds a thing of the past but still most spots between 20-30kts NW. The sweep of the rain reaching as far north as Walvisbaai. For the WC it is rainy and windy with CB activity in the western parts. A slight slackening in the rain around the GR for the afternoon with light E to SE winds. The trend is northerly just above this layer but not as strong as predicted. The snow starting early evening around Sutherland as the freezing temps lowers to 6000’ and the rain abates a bit. Saturday is the big snow day it seems with icy temps all over the WC. Still rain on and off. And another CF striking us on Sunday so its real wintery weather for the next4 days it seems – hardly a chance for flying unless something drastic changes. Fingers crossed! Winds remain NW with hight all the way to the Tropopause for a 158kt finish! Freezing level 6500 in the west but 8/9k in the east. This will lower too over the next 24hrs.

CT – Rain and CB all day long. Tops around 24k!

RB – As above

PV – As above.

Wilderness – Some rain this morning with base around3k. Apparently this will rise later on and the afternoon with a slight clearing… Hhhmm… Im not convinced! Light light ESE. At most 5-7kts at Buffs but it does try to go ENE so it doesn’t seem like its flyable anywhere.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness…

PE and PA – It doesn’t look like much rain here – perhaps tonight with a little bit. It looks light S to SW winds 10kts so maybe it could be playable at Maitlands?

Inland – 20-30kts NW along the high lying grounds. Strong rain in the west propagating to the east. Snow falls starting as early as lunchtime around Sutherland area but tomorrow loads all over – especially Graafies too… The strong winds not making for good flying but far inland some climbs to 10k in the 30-40kts NW up there! Lol. Otherwise its mainly rain and cold weather moving in from the west. Mid day at Sutherland and early evening by Graafies…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:34 and setting at 17:36 (Day length is 10 hrs and 2 min) A windy ad rainy day. Def a books, red wine and chocolate day! ;) Max temperature a cold 16 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(9 July 2020) 
Day 105 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! Some serious stuff for storm chaser/watchers happening today. The mother CF making landfall today in CT – rain starting from anytime now onwards. The internal pressure of the centre of the “cold front” down to 955MB. The surface winds reaching 50kts NW in many places today. The exception will be the low lying areas and also parts of the GR with some spots (like Plett bay) with light winds for most of the day. There is a strong SW wind also creeping up the southern coast as the front moves closer. It should reach Wilderness around 17:00. Very high Q’s preceding the front with 10k base around Sutherland (but those super strong NW winds!) Of course loads of wave activity around with all the wind action. Very stable and low thermal index for all the coastal areas (only far inland some exceptions but of course the shear ration just unbelievable today – exceeding 25kts in most places!). The winds remain NW all the way up to the Tropopause with a 150kts finish up there! Freezing level around 8k in the west and up to 14k in the east. It lowers to 6k by tom morning.  

CT – Strong NW winds and rain all day! Later a chance of CB activity – flood warnings are out over the next 48hrs…

RB – As above

PV – As above.

Wilderness – Some "low" Strato Q’s at present – wave induced it seems - it might clear with the NW offshore winds dominating. Late afternoon the SW buster moving up the coast with a very slight chance of a dune gooning session on the cards. But it will probably be very sketchy! ;) Rain by midnight.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but a good spell of the calm before the storm out over the bay…

PE and PA – Strong NW winds until late afternoon when the SW will push in from the west.

Inland – Gale force winds in places with 50kts in some spots… Some interesting Q’s pre ceding the front in the west for those weather watchers. And looks like serious cold conditions over the next week even as another big CF is following this one for the guys out on the farms… Snow for a few days it seems…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:35 and setting at 17:35 (Day length is 10 hrs and 1 min) The calm before the storm in a few spots but stormy already in others! Get the books, red and wood ready! ;) Max temperature a hot 25 degrees C! Enjoy the day! :))

(8 July 2020) 
Day 104 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! So the talk is this biiig CF approaching CT that is supposedly going to bring loads of snow, wind and very cold weather from Thursday and into the weekend. Well, it looks like the rumours are true. Extremely strong NW winds tomorrow as the prefrontal stuff builds for the onset of this big guy. So be prepared. Today looks like the last possible flyable day for perhaps a week to come – lets hope Im wrong. Parts of the WC bathed in the col between the IOH and a trough on the west coast. Mostly a strong NE flow in the east, strong N inland and on the west coast but some light protected areas along the southern coast and it is within this area that there could be some flying to be had. Though early on Africa face in CT also looks flyable with light NE winds predicted for the morning only backing to the N from mid-day onwards. Here there will be a slow increase in the strength as the day unfolds. No clouds around but perhaps some high cirrus from the west as the CF starts to approach. Winds remain NW with height around 30kts mostly but then backing to the WNW near the Tropopause for a 60kts finish. Freezing level around 10000 in the east 12000’in the west

CT – NE winds 5-10kts all the way up to 4k during the morning but then backing to the N from mid-day onwards. Africa face looks doable for the morning… (Probably last day of flying for a while) ;)


PV – Very north and very inverted day so not good for flying…

Wilderness – An easterly flow but it does look like a possible South in it early on at Sedge and Serps with some nice instability up to 2k initially but then 1k later on. It could start being flyable there from around 11:30 till 14:00. Fingers crossed! Buffs is also looking flyable with up to 15kts by mid-day. .

Plett – Uppies unfortunately disappointing today with hardly any depth in the instability east flow. It is very east and climbs perhaps just a tad above launch height. Some strong N just above here. Keurbooms also light and east…

PE and PA – Strong NE winds 15-20kts but a tad calmer in the bay.

Inland – Strong N winds especially on the higher grounds with 25kts for most of the day in many places. It is very stable with loads of subsidence all around – warm surface temps and already a slow build for the approaching CF. Winds are going to reach gale force NW tomorrow so be prepared.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:35 and setting at 17:35 (Day length is 10 hrs!!!) A sweet winters day – enjoy it – it is the calm before the storm! ;) Max temperature a cool 18 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))

(7 July 2020) 
Day 103 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! The SAH riding in behind the CF bringing with some sweet cold and unstable air. After the rain moves past there should be good flying in the right spots – the GR particularly sweet from 14:00 onwards. Winds are SW to SE but Westerly initially along the southern coasts but S to SE along the west. Further inland the wind backs nicely  from SW to SE beyond the Sutherland Escarpment as it follows the bend of the SAH. Instability up t 4k AG in a few spots from some sweet thermal flying – climbs around 4/500ft/min during the early afternoon. Q’s around along the southern coastal areas mainly but also a few further inland. The wind veers from 14k upwards to the NW for a 125kts finish at the Tropopause! Freezing level around 8k in the south and 9k further North.

CT – S to SE winds up to the low teens in knots. Perhaps there’s a wind-shadow but it doesn’t look that good to me… ;)

RB – Too light but the right direction!

PV – Good air but also too south and even some SE in the direction. The thermals will pull things up on launch but it could be a bit turbulent and slightly lee along the range..

Wilderness – Aaahhh… A tad west a bit rainy and windy for the morning but from 11 onwards it should start backing to the SW. It looks like we are for a good day – the ocean cliff for the beginning followed by sweet Sedge late afternoon I think. :) Some high climbs possible at sedge – maybe over 3k up! Windy at first but as soon as it drops enough to fly there should be climbs around 4/500ft initially then lowering to 2-300ft later on. )Spot on flying)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but a later backing to the SW perhaps only after 15:00. Climbs at Uppies going to 4500! Keurbooms should offer some soaring very late in the afternoon…

PE and PA – Strong SW winds 30kts!

Inland – Sweet CF southerlies all over – it backs to the SE further north. Nice unstable air for some good flying – Swartberg should be good with some good soaring to just above the peaks with a light southerly around 3-4kts – perfect for the bigger mountains. Around Graafies some sweet Qs around 6k base…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:35 and setting at 17:34 (Day length is 9 hrs and 59min!). A cold and windy winters day. Late afternoon is better for the beach walk. :) Max temperature a cool 16 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))

(6 July 2020) 
Day 102 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! Another CF fast approaching CT today with strong NW prefrontal winds everywhere. Some low lying areas are sheltered and the GR remaining sweet all day – a SW moving in here very late in the afternoon. CT with rain early evening and through the night but it should be clear again by morning. Stable conditions all over except a slight bit of instability in the inland NW with some spots showing weak climbs to 2k AGL but those in sync with the wave should produce better results reaching perhaps 6k. Strong wave around again with Dedoorns to Robertson showing strong wave – you could tow into it and connect around 4500’ and climb to 25000’ today with 5m/s lift most of the way! ;) Winds are NW all the wat to near the Tropopause where it backs slightly to the W with a 95kts finish. Freezing level still very high at 13/14k.

CT – NW with a strong gradient – it is 20kts plus at TM top. Clouds moving in by late afternoon.


PV – The strong NW influence out this way all day too…

Wilderness – A sweet day for chilling with the NW 15-20kts at 2000’ above our heads. IT is very stable with the shallow onshore hardly above any of the low hills… Late afternoon sees a SW pulse moving in which could be flyable if you are on the coast and your timing and luck is in! ;) Rain setting in through the night.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness. Even Uppies showing no lift in the light Southerly…

PE and PA – Strong Offshore flows here all day long. The SW reaching here only during the evening.

Inland – A Classic NW prefrontal day with strong winds reaching over 30kts in places. Oudshoorn surface sheltered again with light winds there. ;) IT remains like this all day long…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:35 and setting at 17:34 (Day length is 9 hrs and 59min!). A sweet winters day with light winds and lots of sun. Be careful of walking on the beach – we still have a massive swell running. ;) Max temperature around 21 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))

(5 July 2020) 
Day 101 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! The CF just brushing past the south of the WC – rain in CT for today but slight clearing later in the afternoon. Strong west flow with a few protected spots in the lower valleys – 20kts in many places – a WNW start but a SW trend later in the day. Looks like some Q’s along the SW and Southern parts, again clearing slightly as the front moves further east. A slackening in the wind for the afternoon expected too. Weak thermal index with perhaps 300ft/min in the better parts. The stronger wind in the south not helping with that. ;) It  backs to the WSW from 14k up wards with a 120kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level still up at 13k.

CT – NW and rainiy start but backing to the WSW later. The cloud seems to remain though it is not as deep so the rain will stop later. Best bet is to head north towards PV.


PV – It actually looks really sweet for Dasklip with the best part from there to Saron – sweet light west winds with climbs to 3500 – maybe a tad more with the help of the ridge lift.

Wilderness – Perhaps a similar day to yesterday – very west (20kts) just above our heads which will have a ratty effect on the surface winds. Poor instability around so nothing worthy at Sedge and Serps (and very cross again) Even along the coast it is looking frustrating with few forecasts showing a good enough backing to the SW. Maybe later in the day but then the wind drops too…

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with the west not really making things pleasant here… Uppies climbs to 3500k but 20kts west winds up there! Later it does back a touch to the SW but then a low inversion…

PE and PA – Strong WSW winds 20-30kts WSW!

Inland – a slight NW start on the higher spots with 20kts on the cards. IT remains upper teens for the morning mid-day but then a slackening later on. In the south the wind will back to the SSW. The Q’s confined to the South and SW areas. Some climbs over the higher mountains with 6/7k possible but the shear ration not in our favour.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:35 and setting at 17:33 (Day length is 9 hrs and 58min!). Again some high cirrus clouds with a WSW wind and a hug swell so be careful If you are any where near the sea! ;) Max temperature around 20 18 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))

(4 July 2020) 
Day 100 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! Wow! HArd to believe we have reached day 100 of this bad thing... Sigh. A sweet day of flying and training at Sedgefield yesterday. Different today with a tightening of the isobars as the another Cold Front approaches CT (Rain by early hours of tomorrow morning). A shallower layer of instability extending along the southern coastal areas – around 1000ft in the good parts, with further inland a bit better. However the stronger winds messing with that B/S ration and very few places getting above 200ft/min. The best bet is for some ridge soaring spots. ;) Some Q’s in the SW as that front moves closer but in general the wind is very westerly in direction with a small chance of a bit of SW moving in along the GR after mid-day. The wind remains W to SW all the way to the Tropopause with a 115kts finish over CT. Freezing level around 13k.

CT – NW trend with strato Q layer around 2k. Should be good flying below this so SH and SH probably good. 15kts so maybe breezy in a few spots.


PV – Maybe some ridge soaring because the thermal index is NFG. ;) W to NW winds 3-10kts in spots.

Wilderness – A lot more west in the wind today – much moving past out to sea. Sedge looks like it could be doable but it is very west with climbs to 2-300ft ATO. Forecast shows it being too light on the coast but lets hope that is wrong and a sweet pulse comes through.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with the west not really making things pleasant here… Uppies climbs up to 1500’…

PE and PA – 15-30kts WSW!

Inland IT is mostly WNW far inland and SW in the south. Most spots around 15-20kts so n breezy day out there…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:36 and setting at 17:33 (Day length is 9 hrs and 57min!). Some high clouds around blocking the sun so a bit cooler than yesterday with an extra bit of wind. ;) Dress warm for the beach or just go enjoy hot chocolate and a good book. ;) Max temperature a cool 18 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))

(3 July 2020) D
ay 99 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! A sweet layer of unstable air along the southern parts in the wake of the frontal movement but still slow along the west coast and most of the interior. Early morning low cloud in many spots but this will clear with some good looking Q’s along the GR area for most of the morning and early afternoon. A slight col area around the WC so not any strong winds expected. There’s a general W to SW flow along the southern parts and perhaps a touch NW further inland. Even the Sutherland escarpment with less than 10kts! Winds will trend more S to SW later in the day. Above the inversion (from around 3k in many spots) the wind goes NW but from 10k it backs to SW all the way to the Tropopause for a 50kt finish up there. Freezing level around 12500ft ASL.

CT – Light winds in most spots but later a def SW trend. Some convergence again along the eastern Peninsula slopes – being the best spots but SH and LH probably flyable…

RB – Too light

PV – light SW surface flow but then backing to the east around launch height – the inversion below so probably not even a chance of a thermal pulling it straight! ;)

Wilderness – The GR is where the action is today with a SW flow trending west with hight. But it will go more S later in the day. Instability up to 2500 near the coast at Sedge with some lowering to around 2k later in the day. There should be some sweet looking Q’s late morning and early afternoon. Climbs around 300ft/min but with the odd 500ft/min possible. Could be a tad strong around midday… Possibly an XC day for the experienced pilots too ;) There is a chance for the coast to work at times too but I think it might be light here mostly…

Plett – Similar here with Uppies showing climbs to just over 3500ft. Q’s here to play with and then going more south later in the day. Keurbooms looking sweet after mid-day when the wind backs a bit more..

PE and PA – W to SW winds 10-15kts…

Inland Light winds everywhere for the day – a sweet day. Most of the Q’s remaining south of the Outenikwas. Some thermic activity, especially over the bigger mountains with climbs perhaps up to 6k or so.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:36 and setting at 17:32 (Day length is 9 hrs and 57min!). Partly cloudy during the morning and mid-day but clearing in the afternoon for the a great late afternoon beach walk. ;) Max temperature a cooler 18 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))

(2 July 2020) 
Day 98 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! The CF making inroads in the CT area and will spread to the south coast areas from the late afternoon and onwards. Some low cloud form many parts of the WC this morning but all will clear with the exception of the SW parts associated with the CF. Winds start of NW but will quickly back to the WSW as the front moves in. Again some light instability inland with some areas showing climbs to 6/7k even but the strong west winds 20-30 up there will not make things that flyable. ;) I did find a 4m sec wave just north of Aberdeen which I though was unusual. (See the graph) Otherwise the winds remain WSW all the ay to the Tropopause for a 6-70kt finish. Freezing level around 12500’.

CT – The low cloud moving in from early already with good rain from late morning. Looks like the trend all day.

RB – See above ;)

PV – More westerly today around 10kts so a chance of getting in a flight before the CF. A shallow unstable layer up to2k thick with SW direction before going west. A layer of strato Q’s moving mid afternoon…

Wilderness – Some low cloudiness around but this will clear with a west ging SW flow along the coast. It looks like we might get around 10kts so probably a dune day. It’s a tad strong just above so I would be wary of going to Sedge. It might be ok for the more experienced guys. Not too much there in terms of thermals with the best part seeing climbs to just over 2k but then as the sea air moves in more it lowers to just below 1000’ if you are lucky I think. Probably from 11 – 14:00 the best time to fly but with a bit of luck it will extend beyond that. :)

Plett – Again stronger and remaining west here all day it seems. Uppies with all mid teens in knots with the best part showing climbs to 2500’ but with a lo to west in it. It does moderate late afternoon but remains westerly…

PE and PA – We are back to the strong WSW winds all day here 30kts at times…

Inland Starting off with a WNW flow by late morning this will all be W to SW flows. Up to 20kts early but moderating during the day to 10-15kts. The frontal stuff seems to be blocked by the mountains for now. Upper winds remain strong.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:36 and setting at 17:32 (Day length is 9 hrs and 56min!). A cloudy start but some clearing during the day… I still gravitate towards that good book and bottle f red! hehe… ;) Max temperature a cooler 18 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))

(1 July 2020) 
Day 97 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! A sweet day of training at Map yesterday by many schools – it was so good to see so many newbies getting in some airtime again. :) The IOH dominating to the east and inland with east on the coats and northerlies inland while the SAH is nudging in in the west with another CF approaching the Cape – expecting rain by tomorrow in CT. It is a blue day with no clouds expected – perhaps some high cirrus in the SW corner of the WC. Surface winds reaching over 20kts NW over the inland higher mountains, especially along the Sutherland Escarpment with 30kts possible there at times all day long. A general WSW along the southern coastal region but much of the wind not making it in to the GR instead remaining out t sea. Some instability around further inland with a few spots reaching 2000’ AGL. The south and west coasts very stable with not much in terms of thermals around. The wind remains WNW all the way to the Tropopause with a 70kt finish up there. Freezing level around 14k in the west and 12500’ in the east.

CT – Some instability around Africa face and around the corner and SE facing areas for the hikers out there. Otherwise its light winds with a increasing NW trend with hight. SW probably around LH and SH coast in the afternoon perhaps 10-15kts at times. Could get to 20kts near the top of TM later on so just keep eyes open if you are lucky enough to get up there.. ;)

RB – Too light and WW is out.

PV – Again that pesky North from around MT height spoiling play I think… Shallow instability in the valley with perhaps a more westerly trend.

Wilderness – NW offshore for the morning with a chance of a bit of SW pulsing through after lunch time. There is some strong winds far out to sea but it is not reaching the coast from the looks of it. Just above the winds trend west and does move into the upper teens in knots. A shallow bit of instability at Sedge – maybe to 700 but seems weak in potential available energy so I don’t expect much. It could be doable but with a west trend in it around midday/lunchtime. Lets hope I’m wrong and it is better! lol

Plett – Def stronger but with too much west in it this time round. Uppies very west with after lunch perhaps climbs to 2k. Wind seems mid teens in knots with 20 not far above… Keurbooms too west all day I think. Robberg going over 15 at times..

PE and PA – Strong NW offshores but mid afternoon that SW coming through here in the id teens in knots. It gets to PA late afternoon but not too strong form the looks of it.

Inland It is all NW winds with 20kts plus on the higher mountains and S escarpment.  Some instability around 2000’AGL in a few spots going to just a tad above the mountain peaks. Low in the valleys some light winds in the sheltered areas. Also poor TPE.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:36 and setting at 17:32 (Day length is 9 hrs and 56min!). Yay! We are on our way to summer! The days are getting longer hehe… ;) Max temperature a sweet 21 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))


(30 June 2020) 

Day 96 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! The IOH dominating with East to Northerly flows today. Some early morning fog patches – widespread but clearing during the day – a blue day on the cards with a few wisps of high cirrus remaining. An easterly along the southern coastal areas but NE inland. A few spots reaching 15-20kts over the higher peaks. In the valleys it should be mostly near calm winds. The west coast with a strong inversion no more than 2k AGL and a light SW to S in this layer but t goes NE above that. In general it is wintery unstable so some climbs to perhaps 6k in the best spots inland but mostly around 4500’ ASL North of the Outenikwas with a N trend (Variations between NW and NE are around). Winds trend to the NW between 6-8k then backs hard to the SW from 10k upwards remaining SW all the way to the Tropopause. Freezing level around 14k.

CT – a general light wind day with a southerly trend in the south on the surface but Northerly above 2k. It is all light stuff with some 10kts SW around the LH and SH ocean front possible. A nice unstable layer around at lunchtime but it could be effected by the closeness of the ocean – so inside Africa face probably better (if you can get there!) ;)

RB – Too light here all day I think.

PV – Hhhmmm…. Not as good as expected after the CF passage – shallow instability but very little energy with light winds and a NE trend at MT top height so not good…

Wilderness – Its looking up for some good flying here today with a light SE from midday onwards on the cards. Map probably soarable in the afternoon. But Serps the in spot for the day I think with from 11 to 13:00 sweet runs on the cards from there to Map. :) Climbs to celling hight doable. Sedge also on between 11 and 13:00 I think with good climbs though the wind will be cross here. Buffs def on today and might get blow out there…

Plett – Too much east winds here today so it s a hard call. The hardcore pilots could get something at Uppies though I think it will be too east to be pleasant…

PE and PA – Light offshores with light onshore at starting at mid-day – a slight east trend. A sweet change!

Inland Northerlies as far as the ye can see! It is light with just over 10kts in a few spots (The early morning escarpment winds will die down quickly) so its looking like a sweet day for flying out there. Climbs to 6k near the bigger ranges possible.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:36 and setting at 17:31 (Day length is 9 hrs and 55min!). A sweet SE day with around 10kts on the cards. Go early to get calm conditions on the beach and afterwards settle for a good books and some hot chocolate! ;) Max temperature a cool 17 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))

(29 June 2020) 
Day 95 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! The SAH dominating as it is pushing in behind the CF feeding cool and rainy conditions to the CT area and later to the southern parts today. Winds are NW to SW in the SW corner, strong WSW along the south coast areas, moderating inland and more southerly along the west. The wet grounds making thermals elusive and weak along the southern coastal plains and partway up the west coast. A smidgeon of hope flaring up towards PV but even here it is very subdued and too south in the wind. Further inland it dries a bit more and there’s some climbs up to 6k in most spots with a few good looking Q’s around too. ;) I did find an interesting bit of lee wave over the Swartberg north of DeRust. Nothing strong with 350ft/min climb but its there and I think the thermals below this area will probably be wave enhanced so could be interesting exploring around here... The wind remains SW with hight all the way to the Tropopause with a 65kt finish. Freezing level around 13k…

CT – Looks like rain all day long here but at least the winds have dropped – still NW trend…


PV – The winds trending S to SW maybe. Clearing to the north. It’s a maybe if the wind plays along with some climbs to just over mountain top. Up to 10kts wind…

Wilderness – A clear day initially but rain moving in late afternoon. The wind still breezy W but it does look like soarable bit moving in just before the rain. ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but the west trend remaining…

PE and PA – Still strong WSW of 25-30kts with the rain moving in from the ocean late afternoon…

Inland SW winds all the way past Sutherland and beyond. Instability around 2k depth in most spots north of the SB ranges. Some good looking Q’s in the area but also some strato Q layers in the south. 15-20kts but moderating further north. No rain on the cards here as the mountains seem to be blocking most of it.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:36 and setting at 17:31 (Day length is 9 hrs and 55min!). Slightly less wind with good sun but rain again from around 17:00. Its still a day for books, fires and hot chocolate! ;) Max temperature a cool 18 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))

(28 June 2020) 
Day 94 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! The strong Cold Front still the flavour of the day but as it moves further east the winds backing a bit more towards the SW. Along the southern coast it will still trend a bit more westerly with very strong wind increasing to the east but moderating nicely in the west. The rain also becoming slightly less form the west but cloudy conditions persisting all day. Some instability around with around 3-500ft/min climbs in the best spots but the strong winds and wet grounds dampening the thermic development. The best spots in the west for this afternoon where I think enough clearing and moderation will take place for some flyable conditions around PV. Base around 2k in the west and southern parts and rising as you move further inland. Some sweet looking skies today inland with cool Q’s and SW winds around 10-15kts inland (but 20kts plus along the southern coastal areas). The wind remains SW all the way to the Tropopause for a 70k finish. Freezing level around 8500.

CT – SW winds around 15kts with rain during the morning but clearing in the afternoon. The base around 2-3k so n chance for some flying at SH or LH with the West winds…


PV – Low base with the cloud tops covered but around mid day a partial clearing in a few spots with base rising to perhaps 3500’ and 10kts of West winds. (Maybe some WNW in it at times) But def n chance to get into the air in this area… ;)

Wilderness – Rainy at the moment and much of that persisting for the day with strong W to WSW winds. Hhhmmm… Looks like we have to wait for tomorrow…

Plett – Similar to Wilderness…

PE and PA – Still 30-40kts West winds!

Inland The winds moderating sweetly north of the mountains with 10-15kts – the further north the lighter by the looks of it. Remaining SW all over the WC interior with a good looking base around 6-7k. Cold but very flyable – there’s a need to dress warm if you do get airborne. ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:36 and setting at 17:30 (Day length is 9 hrs and 55min!). Very strong W to WSW winds all day with cloudy and rainy conditions. Another day for books, fires and hot chocolate! ;) Max temperature a cold 16 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))

(27 June 2020) 
Day 93 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! A very strong prefrontal day for the GR while CT and surrounds are having a serious case of winter! Rain and strong winds with the 50kts level below 2000’! (100kts at just 18000’ btw) The rain mostly along the western ranges but the front strong enough to move this inland though at a slower pace than expected. Rain to only reach Wilderness area by early evening. Not much of a thermic day anywhere with the strong winds shredding any lift in the weak instability but of course there are some prefrontal wave conditions going on again. I found a forecast of over 5m/s again north of De Doorns (There must a be a big mountain there somewhere…) lol. 120kts WNW at the Tropopause. Freezing level down to 6500 in a few spots but over 7k mostly so not the best for snow by the looks of it.

CT – Serious rain and NW wind all day…

RB – As above

PV – As above! ;)

Wilderness – Already extremely gusty with 25kts shear factor – WNW winds that will go more west later in the day but remain very strong. Rain from early evening.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness… Oh yes, some huge swell around today (Going over 7m!)

PE and PA – 30-40kts West later on!

Inland Strong NW winds exceeding 30kts in places and rain moving in from the west reaching Lainsberg late afternoon. Looks like the Langkloof and little Karoo will get some rain during the night though…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:36 and setting at 17:30 (Day length is 9 hrs and 54min!). Very strong winds all day long but we have sun until late afternoon at least. Def a day for books, fires and hot chocolate! ;) Max temperature a WINDY 19 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))

(26 June 2020) 
Day 92 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! A winters day with cold westerly winds all over the WC. Rain in most spots but the lion’s share dropping along the west coast mountains. Base around 2-4k along the coast with tops varying from 17k in the west and south in the morning but lowering as there is partial clearing from the west. (Though there is another CF ready to pounce within 24hrs though). Even a chance of some CB activity – mostly along the southern coastal areas. Winds reaching 25kts at a few inland spots in the east but around 10-15kts in the west. Very little SW trend along the southern coastal areas so not looking that good for flying – besides the further east we go the stronger the wind (as we move closer to the tail end of the CF). No lee-wave around the WC today but perhaps some interesting spots of convergence -  Winds remain westerly with hight (besides a funny kink around 20k – between the two CF) ;) with around 80kts finish. Freezing level around 6k (so maybe a light sprinkling of snow on the highest mountains though not much predicted).   

CT – A rainy morning but it will clear during the day. A slight chance of getting into the air late afternoon though I think the clouds will probably not allow you to get onto TM. 10-15kts WNW.


PV – A rainy morning but it also clears partially during the day. Base should lift to clear the mountain tops with a WNW wind around 15kts. A dubious day with all the cloud around…

Wilderness – A typical winters day with strong West winds and rain. The wind is very west but some indications of a few onshore enough pulse from around 13:00 onwards – pending on rain – mostly around 7-15kts.

Plett – Not as lucky as Wilderness with the winds remaining westerly all day here from the looks of it. Very strong out at Robberg with 25kts…

PE and PA – 25-35kts WSW winds all day …

Inland Some good looking skies around with deeply developed Q’s all over the inland parts of the WC. Still those strong westerly winds so not the best day for flying but a smidgeon of instability around with up to 500ft/min climbs in a few spots. Well, its worth dreaming hey… ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:36 and setting at 17:30 (Day length is 9 hrs and 54min!). A windy and rainy day – on off – still best for books, fires and hot chocolate! ;) Max temperature a cold 17 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))

(25 June 2020) 
Day 91 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! Another bergwind day as the CF approaches CT with rain setting in there around 17:00. Very strong NW winds all over the show with a high wind-shear factor of 25kts plus in many spots today (so not a good day for flying!) ;) Some instability shaping up along the west coast but the winds are just too strong to fly with 20kts (and more) in most places. The southcoast once again stable with the strong NW offshores and hot temps all round. Some reprieve moving in with a little coastal low from around mid-day with a cool shallow SW pulsing up the coast – reaching the GR around 15/16:00. Short lived with only a very slight chance of catching a soaring bit along the coast of your timing is right. Further east the NW offshore remains all day. Once again the strong NW winds with an isotherm layer causing some spectacular Pre-Frontal wave formations. Over 1000ft/min climbs in a few spots with the strongest one I could find just north of DeDoorns. (You could go past 40000ft with that one!) lol. The winds remain NW with hight with 120kts at the Tropopause over CT. Freezing level lowering to 9000ft.

CT – The cloud just thickening during the day with rain along the southern parts of the Peninsula from as early as 15:00 I think.


PV – Strong N to NW winds so not a flyable day here…

Wilderness – Another strong NW day with that coastal low bringing in some SSW winds anytime between 15:00 and 17:00. It looks very short lived and not that strong so we will be lucky to get a good bit. Lets hope we do! ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but the SW a tad later here…

PE and PA – NW offshores all day here too with perhaps more NE at PA…

Inland Again those very very strong NW blowing everywhere inland of the WC Strong today. Strong blustery conditions. Good for drinking beer! lol

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:36 and setting at 17:29 (Day length is 9 hrs and 54min!). A bit more of a windy day but sunny non the less with plenty of vitamin D on the cards. ;) Max temperature a sweet 25 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))

(24 June 2020) 
Day 90 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! We have a new hang gliding out and return world record. 222miles! Read about it here. ( As for our weather today it is all prefrontal strong NW stuff. Strong shear turbulence in most place with the steep gradient between the lower and just above wind speeds. TM top is 40kts but 1000’ AGL it is 15kts. Still some fog patches along the west coast abut also along parts of the southern coastal areas too. These should clear up later in the day. Hot temps along the southern parts as the descending offshore air warms up. Many spots inland with 30kts plus. A bit sheltered along the southern coastal regions but not like yesterday – the shallow coastal bubble being eroded buy the strong NW above for most of the day leaving us with light offshore winds in these areas. Still that isotherm layer in the SW parts so a chance of some strong wave lift in the lee of the larger mountains. I found this one just to the east of Grabou… 900ft/min climbs – not too shabby! ;) The winds remain WNW with hight around the 40-50kts mark all the way to the Tropopause. Freezing level up at 14500’.

CT – Another foggy start but clearing. Strong bergwinds with 40kts up at TM top.


PV – Also bergy with strong north winds all day.

Wilderness – Not a good day for the GR with the NW blowing just above our heads all day long. We might get light winds but it will have a N trend mostly.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness – Uppies with 35kt NW! Its def time for more Great White shark watching! lol

PE and PA – NW offshores all day here too…

Inland Strong NW winds with 30kts in many spots. It’s a perfect day to stay on the ground!

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:35 and setting at 17:29 (Day length is 9 hrs and 54min!). Another amazing day for Wilderness if you are on holiday with plenty sunshine and warm weather. Its terrible for flying though ;) Max temperature a sweet 24 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))

(23 June 2020) 
Day 89 of lockdown

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! Another typical winters day over the WC with those NW inland flows and slight variations along the sheltered southern coast. Mostly a light SW trend here as the wind curls around the Agulhas point cutting in below the upper NW. Still those foggy areas along the west coast with some clearing happening only in the afternoon. Generally very stable with around 500-1000’ thick light convection depth across the western parts and even less in parts of the south coast. Even north of the first mountain ranges it barely rise to more than 1000’ AGL – the Sutherland Escarpment offering 2k AGL. Very strong NW winds here with up to 30kts at times. What is cool is the isotherm layer just above the shallow convection layer with 30-40kts winds above that – a prerequisite for some good wave conditions. The best one I could find is one of my favourites but not explored often enough is the dramatic lee-side of Hottentot mountains – kind over the Tierwaterskloof dam. Just over 3m/s climbs here to 30k on the cards here today! :) Winds remain WNW all the way to the Tropopause with a 40kt finish up there. Freezing level around 13500’.

CT – Another foggy day clearing only in the afternoon. 25kts at TM height so quite a dramatic gradient around with that cold Atlantic ocean air making for light winds on the surface. It’s a dubious afternoon for flying around LH or SH with some areas of shear around…


PV – Very similar to yesterday with a low inversion and westerly surface flow but veering to the N at launch height. Pretty breezy up there too.

Wilderness – Hhhmmm, it does look like Sedge could offer something with climbs perhaps just shy of 1000ASL. Its very weak and light so probably lucky to get above launch I think. A small chance of something strong enough for light soaring along the ocean cliffs during the morning (we might see a spot of up to 10kts SW) but then it dies and is light for the remainder of the day.

Plett – Uppies showing promise with climbs to just over 2000’ around lunchtime – I think this is my choice spot for today. Keurbooms looking a bit light but some strong stuff around Robberg… It is marked NW from 3k up.

PE and PA – Moring offshores here and then a trend to SW in the afternoon. Around 10-15kts at most.

Inland Strong NW winds in most spots especially along the escarpments with up to 30kts in spots. Very stable conditions with hardly anything going more than 1000’ AGL. Its pretty breezy up there so perhaps not the sweetest day to up there…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:35 and setting at 17:29 (Day length is 9 hrs and 53min!). Another amazing day for Wilderness with plenty sunshine even if we have only gained 8 seconds in daylight, the march to summer has begun. ;)s Max temperature a sweet 20 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))

(22 June 2020) 
Day 88 of lockdown

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! Its down hill towards summer! Not that we are complaining because so far the winter flying has been great. ;) Today still the typical winter flow pattern with the NW inland flows as the IOH also ridging inland to shape up with the LSH dominate our WC weather. Some coastal wind variations with the action around the Jeffreys area today with a marked convergence setting up (If you are in the aera it might be interesting to watch as the inland WNW but heads with the Coastal East moving down the coast from PE side.) For the west coast it is again fog patches which mostly should burn of by mid-day. The boundary layer around the 2k AGL along the west with no clouds but some Q’s around the SW corner of the WC at 2/3k. The inland NW with deeper instability and spots getting to 9k at 400ft/min (notably north of the Sutherland Escarpment). The southern coastal areas a lot more stable compared to yesterday with the shallow ocean air wedging in under those NW offshores. Higher up the winds back to the SW for a moment at the mid-levels before veering back to the W for the last stretch to the Tropopause for a 70kt finish. The freezing level around 12k.

CT – Foggy start but it should clear with a chance of flying at LH and SH and even a jump to the TM areas. The winds are low along the surface but pretty breezy up at TM height form the looks of it. (SLP looking good to but maybe on the strong side above)


PV – I think the winds just a tad too much north at MT level to make it sweet. The lower surface winds do have a west trend but it doesn’t look like it carries through to the top. But some climbs possible perhaps getting a 500’ ATO… Probably south of Dassies on the bigger cliffs the best soaring.

Wilderness – Well, after two great days it looks a bit iffy with light onshore surface winds and a strong inversion settling in. Sedge nothing as high as the last two days but I think still some flying to be had with maybe up to 400ft ATO doable. ;)  

Plett – Same as Wilderness with Uppies remaining NW until very late in the afternoon. Probably not worth it. Even Buffels neck looking a tad strong NW before going west around mid-day.

PE and PA – The NE dominating here all day around 15kts with the change around Jbay with that convergence setting up. (See graph)

Inland Strong NW winds in most spots especially along the escarpments with more than 20kts in spots. Some instability with climbs to 9k on the escarpment. It backs during the day with a westerly finish in most places, especially in the south.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:35 and setting at 17:28 (Day length is 9 hrs and 53min!). Looks like a sweet day in Wilderness with light onshore winds around the mid part of the day. Max temperature a sweet 19 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))


(21 June 2020) 
Day 87 of lockdown

Good morning all you super awesome Wild2Fly people! With the longest night and shortest day of the year officially a thing of the past we are happier than usual. The days are now getting longer and we are finally on the down hill towards summer! :) And as mother Nature determined winter solstice produced some fine winter soaring weather along the GR with many pilots getting some well deserved airtime after the 3 months of rest. Hhhmm…

Today the CF heading up towards the KZN coast while a weak ridge is still nudging in that cool moist air along the Western Cape mountains with rain over the CT and adjacent areas for today. Loads of fog patches around for the morning but all of them clearing during the day. The rain unfortunately not reaching the GR or south coast areas but possibly enough South in the West wind here for another day of good flying on that side. The wind up high breezy with close to 20kts in most spots but low to mid teens near the surface. Some Q’s around with 2000’ and less in the west but rising sweetly towards the east with the GR around 4/5k along the coastal plains, 6k+  north of the first range of mountains and a tad higher further north over the higher grounds. Upper winds remaining W to WNW all the way to the Tropopause with a 100kts finish up there. Freezing level around 9000’.

CT – Looks like more sweet rain today with NW winds around 10-15kts. Partial clearing later in the day.

RB – See above!

PV – Similar to CT.

Wilderness – If you can get up it could be a good winter XC day with the high base and some good climbs 500ft/min on the cards. The wind is a bit too west and too strong for comfort. Sedge a maybe for late afternoon when it calms down a bit – with late afternoon climbs still possible to around 1500’ then. Hoping for some coastal soaring from mid-day onwards if there is enough South in the wind – looks like a lot of west in the direction unfortunately. Fingers crossed!  

Plett – Same as Wilderness with perhaps even less of a chance of the enough southerly appearing. Eish! The skies should look soooo good!

PE and PA – Strong WSW all day. 15-20kts.

Inland Westerly winds all over the show but strength moderating all the time as the front moves further east. The west of course cloudy and rainy with the skies looking sweeter further east from there. Westerly winds which should back to south by late afternoon in the south. Some amazing convergence over the SB at mid-day. (See the pic)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:35 and setting at 17:28 (Day length is 9 hrs and 53min!). The wilderness corner should be sheltered for a cool walk on the beach. Max temperature a sweet 20 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))

(20 June 2020) 
Day 86 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! Happy winter Solstice day! Its officially the longest night and shortest day of the year. Only 9 hours 53min and 23. So I heard vitamin D is in short supply…

A slight front preceding the bog one today – already its making itself felt around CT. Still the NW winds in the interior but some curling in a shallow layer along the south coast with a SW backing to the south trend during the day. Above still fresh NW winds and over 30kts in a few spots in the interior. Looks like this front will bring some sweet rain again over the next 2 days to the west coast areas but it’s a bit shy for the rest of the WC with the GR not really looking like its going to get much from it – most of the rain dropping on the west coast and the upper NW flow keeping it out to sea along the southern coastal regions. Still some flying to be had in this shallow layer along the south coast I think but not looking so good anywhere else. Winds remain NW with a WNW finish at the Tropopause of 130kts. Freezing level over CT area around 8500’ and over BW at 10000’.

CT – around 10kts low NW winds but low clouds for most of the day – in the afternoon deeper instability moving in with base at 2k and tops over 20k… So rain on the cards increasing tonight. Of course no flying lol.

RB – See above!

PV – Possible to get off early today I think with mod NW winds but from 14:00 onwards the winds will increase and become strong – 15-20kts NW. Rain also for later on.

Wilderness – Some mid level clouds around with those strong upper NW winds making for a windy evening and morning. It should moderate nicely with a light SW moving in from mid/late morning. I think Sedge will probably the better spot to be with it backing more to the S as the day progresses. The sweet time perhaps lunchtime. Climbs to 1500’ perhaps…

Plett – Same as Wilderness with Uppies showing a late start with 14:00 showing a window for climbs to 2500’ light SW going S. Above those NW remaining. Probably too light for Keurbooms but maybe…

PE and PA – The morning NW backing to the SW and then S later on. Strong but moderating later.

Inland Very strong bergwinds with gusts around 30kts in a few spots. It can also be sweet and calm in some of the low lying areas… The CF moving in, in the west with rain from late afternoon with good rain along the SW sector of the WC tonight and tomorrow. In general not the best day to go flying.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:34 and setting at 17:28 (Day length is 9 hrs and 53min!). The 20 June we will see the longest night and shortest day! Max temperature a sweet 21 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))

(19 June 2020) 
Day 85 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! We are celebrating winter Solstice – today and tomorrow – the longest night and shortest day of the year. Officially for George the day length is only 9 hours 53min and 23 Seconds with tomorrow being just 3seconds shorter (The shortest day). Then its down hill to summer! :)

Today the dominant feature is the approaching CF that is tightening those isobars against the tall standing LSH. Its another day of Bergwinds everywhere with N to NW winds. Stable conditions with strong subsidence especially along the west coast areas. To the east and further inland there is some shallow instability but its very broken up due to the strong wind/shear conditions. No clouds expected though from CT if you look towards the SW you should see the Front approaching from late afternoon. Warm temps especially along the southern parts for a summer in winter day! Winds remain NW all the way to the Tropopause for a 120kts finish. Freezing level around 11k around CT but up to 13k to the east around Uniondale…

CT – Again that amazing low level Jet along the west coast with 40kts at TM top height, Northerly all the way as the air is sucked and squeezed to the south along the coast and approaching front. Rain probably by midnight or early hours of tom morning. Of course no flying lol. (If you can check out the winds with height all the way to the Tropopause - see the link with the low level jet with the mother load at the Tropopause!) Sweet! ;)

RB – See above!

PV – Same as above.

Wilderness – Again a day of NW winds for most of the day – perhaps a slight reprieve late afternoon with light surface flows but still NW just above.

Plett – Same as Wilderness but interesting one of the Apps showing some deep instability between Knysna and Plett with climbs to 5k but all NW winds around 20kts right to the coast. (The B/S ration indicating that it wont be very pleasant!) lol.

PE and PA – Moving into he NE from the IOH here with stronger stuff further east. Around 10-15kts at PA. PE mostly offshores all day with Northerlies…

Inland Very strong bergwinds with gusts around 30kts in a few spots. It can also be sweet and calm in some of the low lying areas… In general not the best day to go flying.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:34 and setting at 17:28 (Day length is 9 hrs and 53min!). The 20 June we will see the longest night and shortest day! Max temperature a sweet 21 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))


(18 June 2020) D
ay 84 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people! Today the IOH still dominating with the northerly flow all over the WC. There is a CF approaching CT – should make landfall by Sat. But a typical bergwind day everywhere with loads of subsidence and acceleration along the west coast. Absolute stability today with no lift and loads of shear around. Up t 40kts low level jet along the west coast and over CT as well. Offshores along the entire south coast too all day long. Winds remain N all the way up to 20k where it goes to the SW with a WSW finish of 80kts at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 12500’

CT – Strong beregwinds with loads of shear around today. All northerlies….


PV – Bergwinds galore! NNE winds and strong.

Wilderness – Northerlies all by the looks of it.  

Plett – Bergwinds all day long here too…

PE and PA – Norhterlies here too…

Inland Very strong bergwinds with gusts around 30kts in a few spots. It can also be sweet and calm in some of the low lying areas… In general not the best day to go flying.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:34 and setting at 17:28 (Day length is 9 hrs and 53min!). The 20 June we will see the longest night and shortest day! Max temperature a sweet 21 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))

(16 June 2020) 
Day 82 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people! The IOD dominating the weather today with a easterly trend all over the show. Mostly light winds with a few exceptions along the higher escarpment areas where the wind can reach up to 20kts. Around Stillbaai and Agulhas it will be 15kts. Inland it will trend more NE and even N in a few spots in the south but to the west it is all offshores with the easterly winds. The boundary layer pretty low with loads of subsidence around so again weak climbs to perhaps 3k AGL in the best spots (Above the Sutherland Escarpment). Stable along the west and southern coasts but a few convergence spots showing some potential (Perhaps a Q or two showing up in these areas). Winds go north with hight up to 7k then veers to the east with a fee dances from south to east before just shy of the Tropopause it veers to the SW fr a 20-30kts finish. Freezing level around 10k in the east but up to 12k on the west coast shores…

CT – Very stable easterly but light winds so the flow will move around the Peninsula with a SW component along the shores of LH and SH. Probably very light on launch. Looks like a bit of convergence to the SE of Africa face and Devils Peak – looks nice along the backside here… ;)

RB – To light and frustrating

PV – Very Easterly with even some NE at times and stable here all day long.

Wilderness – The offshore start to the day that will veer to the NE and E before around mid-day start with a ESE trend at Map. It might get light soarable at Map in the afternoon. The winds does trend NE with height. Sedge could be doable for a short window between 11:30 and 12:30 I think. Southerly here at that time with climbs to just shy of 2k. From 13:00 it will probably be too east. Serps perhaps the sweeter option for a light thermic flight from there to Map.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with the SE flow – Uppies with climbs to just shy of 2k with that SE wind at 10kts. (I think Buffels could be the spot today)

PE and PA – Light NE start but the afternoon the East winds picking up to finish in the upper teens in knots.

Inland The light winds are all easterly with a few spots hosing NE trends. A blue day out here with relatively stable conditions except for the convergence spots – around the Kamanasie ranges and inland of Knysna today especially some convergence on the cards. (See the pic) climbs in these areas going to 5k…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:33 and setting at 17:27 (Day length is 9 hrs and 54min!). The 20 June we will see the longest night and shortest day! Max temperature a cool 16 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))

(15 June 2020) 
Day 81 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! That CF moving past KZN leaving behind it sweet cold unstable air over the WC. The SAH ridging in sweetly behind the CF pushing that cold unstable air over the entire WC region. Some fresh snow even possible over the Sutherland Plateau during the night and this morning. The rain this morning should also start to moderate and become less for the afternoon. Winds starting off W to SW along the southern coast but backing more southerly into the afternoon. Light winds mostly around 5-10kts with the CT area showing stronger SE winds up to 20kts in a few spots. Sweet Q’s around too with the boundary layer around 2kAGL along the coastal plains, going to 4k behind the first ranges and then 6k north of the second mountains. Climbs in general around the 300ft/min. All in all not a bad winters day. :) Winds remain southerly with hight with a SSW finish at the Tropopause at 30-50kts. Freezing level around 7500’.

CT – An unstable SE day with the wind-shadow shaping up in the afternoon.

RB – Seems like the SE never quite makes it out here… Light and frustrating.

PV – Very Easterly here all day long. 2k AGL instability so climbs probably going to just over the tops of the mountains but that east trend probably making it tricky. More southerly in the valley.

Wilderness – The morning rain should become less and if it stays away it really looks like a great day for flying here. Winds starting very west but going SW from 11 onwards. Around 5-10kts. Perhaps the ocean cliffs could offer something late morning. Probably Sedge being the best spot with strong climbs of 500ft/min on the cards I think – 2500ft around 11:30 doable but then lowering to 1500’ or so for the lunchtime stint.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with a lunchtime  slot possible for Keurbooms but Uppies taking the lime light. Just after mid-day a slot open for climbs to 4500’ by the looks of it. It will drop a bit later as the wind here goes a tad more southerly. Some flat Q’s and even a spot of OD after lunch. But the place to hang today I think.

PE and PA – Lots of rain this morning but clearing later on. Winds 10-15kts SW

Inland For a change that NW not around with the winds very southerly all over the interior. It will even go SE in the afternoon. Nothing too strong with 15kts at most in a few spots – otherwise 5-10kts. Nice unstable air with sweet Q far inland. I think SW could be a strong option today…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:33 and setting at 17:27 (Day length is 9 hrs and 54min!). Approaching our longest night and shortest day! Max temperature a cool 15 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))

(14 June 2020) 
Day 80 of lockdown

Good morning all you supe duper Wild2Fly people! What an amazing flying day it was yesterday with Franschoek being the hot spot it seems – some pics one could be forgiven for thinking you were in the Alps! :) Today the isobars just tightening a bit more as another CF approaches the Cape – the winds a bit stronger so probably not as much fun as yesterday. Most of the higher mountains 15-20kts. Instability a tad lower too with 1-2k AGL in most spots. There is a low potential energy base so weak climbs on the cards. General NW flow inland that will trend a bit more SW in the south during the afternoon. High cirrus for most of the day and a bit of Q development in the SW parts of the WC as the front shifts closer – rain in CT probably by late afternoon already. Its 60kts WSW at the Tropopause and the freezing level around 9000’.

CT – Starting of with a NNW wind but backing to the west from around 1000’ up. IT does look like the 12 Apostles should be doable today though watch for some low cloud moving in from early afternoon. Light lower down but 15ks or just over near TM top.


PV – Perhaps the best spot just north of Kardoesie with it becoming soarable on the steeper cliffs. Climbs to just over the tops of the peaks but with the lunchtime westerly it should become soarable. 2/300ft/min climbs to boost things along to. It does back more SW from 14/15:00 onwards…

Wilderness – The NW start but mid-day seeing a backing to the WSW. It just doesn’t seem to want to turn on for us with a lot of W in the winds. There should be enough in the strength for the coastal cliffs to offer something even if it will be very west. High cirrus most of the day with lower Q’s moving in late afternoon. Sedge and Serps showing some weak climbs but very westerly – I would hang out at hotel or Paradise dunes probably…

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but perhaps even less of a chance of it backing to the SW enough for flying. Uppies remaining west and Keurbooms a maybe…

PE and PA – 20kts W all day.

Inland The NW this morning at over 20kts in the higher spots but less than 5 in the low sheltered areas like Oudshoorn valley. The wind will back to the WSW in the southern parts form after lunch reaching up to BW by 16:00. Very weak climbs with 1k AGL on average in the flats but some maybe reaching just past the top of the bigger peaks. 6k at the SB…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:33 and setting at 17:27 (Day length is 9 hrs and 54min!). Approaching our longest night and shortest day! Max temperature a cool 17 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))


(13 June 2020)  
Day 79 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly super heroes! The CF a thing of the past while the SAH has ridged into the interior, eventually morphing into the LSH. Slightly warmer temps all round with some light instability still available in a few spots. Still not the climbs we want but better than nothing! ;) Winds trending light NW in the interior and a tad WSW along the coast in general. The boundary layer around 2k AGL with a few exceptions along the coast (lower) and further inland (higher). A few Q’s around, the GR looking sweet and a spot of two in the SW section of the WC. The Swartberg area also with some Q’s (There should be some pleasant winter lift around here) but then blue further inland and to the west. The wind is 50kts West at the Tropopause with the freezing level around 7500-8000’.

CT – Some thick high cirrus moving in from mid-day but it does look like a great SH day with the 12 Apostles beckoning. Maybe 15kts up high… (Franshoek was epic!)


PV – Very light conditions with up to 2k AGL instability but with weak climbs. IT also is a bit north around MT top height so perhaps not the best day here…

Wilderness – Still a too west trend, especially just 500 or so AGL. A light SW after midday expected but it all seems just too soft with not enough energy to produce good climbs – with a bit of luck 2-300ft/min. Sedge the best bet around 13:00-15:00 I think. High cirrus later too which will further block the surface heating.

Plett – Similar out look to Wilderness but I think Keurbooms could become straight enough around 14/15:00 for a maybe flight. Uppies showing very west… Maybe a look at Buffels with the WNW winds?

PE and PA – 20kts SW moderating to 15…

Inland Mostly light NW to W winds everywhere. Some sweet spots around the Kamanasie ranges, the SB and Outenikwas – Q’s on the cards here with base perhaps as high as 6k (unfortunately all WNW winds). Another beautiful day for flying on the cards especially for the propeller thingies that can reach those amazing snowy spots! :) (Guys flew DuToits but cross and weak climbs - few got up to 200ft ATO)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:32 and setting at 17:27 (Day length is 9 hrs and 55min!). A party cloudy day with light winds… Max temperature a cool 17 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))

(12 June 2020) 
Day 78 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! Snow all over the show like Christmas! The big CF making its way out towards Southern Madagascar already but behind it the SAH ridging in behind it with a layer of super cold unstable air.  Some low cloud this morning in most places but later on the base will lift and the skies should be looking really good – the exception being some SW parts of the WC where a layer of stratoQ’s around 4k will block much of the heat of the sun. The winds mostly westerly but much calmer inland than yesterday. The South coast areas still very strong with 20-25kts from Agulhas and eastwards. Base from 2k along the coastal areas rising to 6k behind the first mountains with some spots up to 8/9k near the Great Escarpment. The winds remain westerly with hight with a slight WSW flow at the Tropopause but only 40kts around the SW parts of the WC. Freezing level around 6k.  

CT – Looks like a super nice day for the 12 Apostles. Mostly W to NW winds however the cloud near TM top showing OD so watch you don’t get misted out! ;)


PV – Looking very sweet especially to the south with A NW to West flow. Its probably very wet but the unstable air should produce some climbs to around 4k. Some flat Q’s to the south mainly.

Wilderness – Looks like a strong westerly day with a slight trend to the WSW later in the afternoon. It moderates slightly then but still too cross and probably too strong. Sedge showing climbs to 4k but with 20-25kts winds just above launch lol. To west also…

Plett – Similar out look to Wilderness but again slightly stronger winds.

PE and PA – Again 30kts with some spots going close to 40kts WSW winds. 4m swell moving into Jbay so the surfers probably very happy…

Inland Partly cloudy for the most part otherwise clear skies with snow in many places. A cold unstable layer up to 4k thick in spots. Winds much lighter with 5-10kts all round so a beautiful day for flying on the cards especially for the propeller thingies that can reach those amazing snowy spots! :)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:32 and setting at 17:27 (Day length is 9 hrs and 55min!). Still strong westerly winds all day… Max temperature a cold 15 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))

(11 June 2020) 
Day 77 of lockdown

Good morning all you Wild2Fly super heroes! The centre of the CF far south of us and moving eastwards pretty quickly while the SAH shifts in behond it - reaching far south and feeding all that cold air onto the entire country. We have icy cold conditions in the interior with a low freezing level bringing wide spread snow in man of those snowy hot spots. The big rains are over but still some lingering deep showers for the day – base around 2k with tops going past 20k so expect hail and lightning even... The winds have also gone down a notch with 20-30kts but a few spots moderating in the afternoon. The winds are all westerly in direction with SW in the west as the IOH curls the winds from the far south onto the country. Still too strong to fly mostly. The strong wave for the WC also dropped with the deeper instability in the atmosphere and the direction being more westerly than those better suited NW winds. (Except for the berg where things are still rocking with climbs exceeding 40000’! - see pic) Over the WC the winds remain westerly all the way to the Tropopause with 70kts over CT and 100kts inland from Uniondale further to the N and E. Freezing level down to just over 4000’ in a few spots – Sutherland area around 1000’AGL.

CT – Very strong WSW winds all day with showers. Too strong to fly.

RB – As above

PV – As above. Base around 1500-2000 with tops at 22k. Snow on the bigger peaks.

Wilderness – Its WNW this morning with a smidgeon of a WSW just after lunch and then WNW again – 20-30kts but late afternoon should see some moderation. Partly cloudy with chance of showers in the afternoon.

Plett – Similar out look to Wilderness but stronger winds.

PE and PA – Up to 40kts Westerlies here… Jaybay should start firing big time from today as the big 6m swell moves into the bay…

Inland Wide spread snow and very cold conditions especially with the strong Westerly winds bringing the wind chill down to below freezing in many places. 20kts but some spots over 30 at times…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:32 and setting at 17:27 (Day length is 9 hrs and 55min!). Strong westerlies with some sun and a chance of rain in the afternoon. Max temperature a cold 14 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)) 


(10 June 2020) 
Day 76 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people! For the weather watchers the next few days are a feast – it is not often we get such a strong midlatitude cyclone perfectly shaped settling over the entire country! The pressure in the centre, which is some 500km due south from us, is down to 985Hpsc with sustained surface winds of 50kts! So again we have those strong NW winds with the brunt of the cold weather shedding rain on the western part of the WC. The topographical uplift and convergence created by the mountains along the west coast boosting the already CB filled skies causing much of the rain to fall out there leaving cold and dryer air with only scattered showers to feed in the interior. Winds here are up 40kts in places with 20-30kts the norm. The 50kts level around 3000’. Snow starting tonight already along the higher grounds on the west coast then spreading with falls possible over the next 2 days. There are some massive lee-wave activity over the Drakensberg and my forecasting app showing one bar with 4m/s climbs going past 12000MSLA! (The App cant show anything higher!) How high would one be able to go! Mind you, the winds up there is blowing at 110kts so not the easiest wave to fly I would guess but def doable! Freezing level over CT dropping by the hour with mid-day level around 6k and inland of the GR around 10k…

CT – Rain with CB possible and wind all day…

RB – As above

PV – As above. Base around 1500-2000 with tops at 22k…

Wilderness – The strong winds starting a tad later this morning as we are in a sweet sheltered bubble for the morning (This is such a cool place!) ;) But then the winds will pickup with WNW winds 20-30kts expected for the next 2-3days even. Rain today only from early evening but it will be scattered only with most of the good stuff left on the west coast side.

Plett – Similar out look to Wilderness.

PE and PA – Very strong NW winds with no letting up during the day.

Inland Those strong NW winds of 2-40kts in spots. Around 3000’ AGL the 50kts mrk so pretty wild conditions no matter what you are flying. There should be some amazing Q's preceeding the front with some spectacular wave clouds to the east.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:31 and setting at 17:27 (Day length is 9 hrs and 56min!). Not a bad day with the strong winds shaping up for the afternoon. ;) Max temperature a mild 22 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))

(9 June 2020) 
Day 75 of lockdown

Good morning all you super duper amazing Wild2Fly people! Well all the talk about town is this midlatitude cyclone shaping up over the next couple of days that will probably make life very interesting for all of us. Def warnings out of loads of rain starting around mid-night in CT tonight and perhaps wind damage in those exposed areas over the next few days. Very strong NW with most of the interior around 25kts surface winds today but this will increase to 30-40 knts in places over the next three days. (Looks like widespread snow by Thursday.) For today, some mid level and high cirrus clouds but mostly a stable day especially along the coastal plains with some fog along parts of the southern coastal areas. There’s some convergence inland along a slight north/south trough shaping up before the front moves in with climbs to 11k but of course it is all wishful thinking due to the very strong winds up there. ;)  50kts around 5000’ almost everywhere. This layer will lower over the next 24hrs as the front moves into the WC with a decidedly westerly direction – it is huge with a sweep extending far up the west coast reaching to past Luderitz in Namibia. Still those 120/140 kts NW up at the Tropopause and the freezing level slightly down to 10000’.

CT – A pretty sheltered start to the day with the winds only starting to build from mid-day onwards. IT even looks like it could be flyable in the morning around LH and SH. Lol. But from mid to late afternoon things will start heading south as the front starts to move in and by mid-night the rain should start in all earnest. Heavy falls for Wednesday on the cards…

RB – Hhhmmm WWB

PV – Stable and windy with NNW winds and 20kts from 1500-2000’ all ready. Also strong winds and heavy rains expected on Wednesday.

Wilderness – Its bergwinds with strong NW winds until late afternoon when a slight WSW pulse will come through and the winds will settle to a light West for the night. Stable conditions with no flying on the cards.

Plett – Similar out look to Wilderness.

PE and PA – Very strong NW winds with no letting up during the day.

Inland Those strong NW winds of 25kts almost everywhere. It increases with hight so a terrible day to be in the air no matter what you are flying.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:31 and setting at 17:27 (Day length is 9 hrs and 56min!). A berg wind day with summer in winter but be extra careful with any open flames today… ;) Max temperature a hot dry and windy 27 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))

(8 June 2020) 
Day 74 of lockdown

Good morning all you super awesome Wild2Fly people! A large CF approaching from the SW with the dominant NW wind building over the next two days – hot offshore conditions over the southern coastal areas starting today. Looks like good snow by Thursday ;) The LSH dominating for now with loads of subsidence and inverted conditions everywhere. A slight bit of instability around the central areas again but it is actually less than yesterday. Winds around 25kts in many inland parts and in the sheltered lower grounds, just 1-2000’ up we start with 20kts NW. Fog patches everywhere along the coasts today but it will clear during the day. Still those very strong WNW winds up at the Tropopause of 140kts. Freezing level around 11500’.

CT – Foggy morning but it should clear. However its close to 30kts NW at TM height so probably not very pleasant flying. Good chance of shear around for a bergy feel…

RB – Hhhmmm too light all day…

PV – Stable from even low down with those Northerly winds. Strong at MT top height.

Wilderness – A foggy start on the coast but clearing. Light winds along the ocean but just above those offshore NW are active. 20kts at 2k and 30 from 3-4k upwards. A no good day here…

Plett – Same as Wilderness but a slight East  trend in the afternoon.

PE and PA – Offshores and then late afternoon a NE trend.

Inland Very strong surface winds around 25kts in most of the high lying areas. Stable in the lower parts of the little Karoo and Oudshoorn valley. A chance of eave activity on the bigger mountains. Not a good day for flying with the strong NW winds from around 1-2k AGL and up. Loads of cirrus around especially in the west.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:30 and setting at 17:27 (Day length is 9 hrs and 57min!). Some fog patches along the coast but clearing during the day. ;) Max temperature a sweet 22 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))

(7 June 2020) 
Day 73 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! Some flying happening but not as much as expected! Maybe it has to do with the weather and today looking even less favourable to yesterday. The LSH dominating the inland parts with a slight east presence along the coasts. The NW flow still dominating from 1000’ or so and above. The boundary layer very low with the associated shallow convection layer. Some fog and low cloud around along the southern parts and a few in the west. Partial clearing during the day. Very light winds on the ground today. A few spots around the Peninsula with some local acceleration reaching perhaps 10-15kts. Far inland north of the Sutherland escarpment the winds are 25kts NW with some deeper instability with spots indicating up to 11k! (Looks like deepening instability due to the upper jet increasing in strength here). The winds remain NW steadily increasing for a 100kts finish WNW over CT but it is 150kts above this unstable area. Freezing level around 11000’.

CT – A stable day with low inversion – around 1000’ everywhere. SE low down but trending NW above the inversion. Just some local spots of wind acceleration around corners etc with some action. LH and SH should be working if the cloud doesn’t move in.

RB – Hhhmmm too light all day…

PV – A very shallow W but it goes N to NW above that. Another no good day out here.

Wilderness – A pretty cloudy day with a chance of some clearing later on. Still light SW going SE and some instability up to 1200’. But it depends on the surface heating if we will get any useable thermals… Best chance around mid-day.

Plett – Same as Wilderness with Uppies showing something up to 2000’ just after mid-day. Depends on the surface heating…

PE and PA – Light W to SW winds up to 10kts.

Inland That upper air divergence possibly causing some deepening of instability over the central WC regions on the higher ground. Freezing level a tad lower but still those NW winds around the 20kts. In the lower parts of the little Karoo the surface winds are less with the Oudshoorn valley showing 5kts and very stable conditions in the NW flow. Loads of cirrus around especially in the west.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:30 and setting at 17:27 (Day length is 9 hrs and 57min!). Some low cloud around but a chance of it clearing later in the day. ;) Max temperature around 19 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))

(6 June 2020) 
Day 72 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people! Remember that most schools should be open for training if you feel like getting in the air. ;) The IOH dominant but with light winds and stable conditions all round. Again the inland NW flow with a few spots up at 20kts but mostly less than 10. The west cast with loads of fog clearing mostly during the day. Some spots along the southern parts. Winds along the surface light but it trends NW from 1/2000’ upwards. Some low clouds along the coastal parts in the south with a shallow layer of a bit of instability around there. North of the Sutherland escarpment the instability layer increases to perhaps 4k AGL. Otherwise mostly a blue day. Winds are NW from 2k upwards increasing in strength in general to 24k where it backs to the WSW for a 100kts finish. Freezing level still around 12k.

CT – Fog around but clearing during the late morning. A SW flow setting up around LH and SH. It should be flyable as soon as the fog clears.

RB – Very light SE late in the day…

PV – SSW surface flow up to 1000’ AGL but inverted from there with an E to N wind. Another no good day out here.

Wilderness – IT looks like we could have some flying at Sedge and Serps. A layer up to 1500 showing convection but still weak so probably 100ft/min average climbs to just over 1000’. Winds are light SW trending S later in the afternoon. IT should start working I think from about 11:30/12 till 14:00 best times. Too light along the coast.

Plett – Same as Wilderness but a SE trend. Uppies showing climbs to just shy of 2k.…

PE and PA – W to SW winds all day around 10-15kts at most.

Inland Another very stable day with NW winds all over. 20kts on the Sutherland escarpment but around less than 10 most other spots. That deeper instability north of Sutherland still around with climbs in spots to 8/9k.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:29 and setting at 17:27 (Day length is 9 hrs and 58min!). The full moon is up for much longer than the sun! ;) Max temperature around 18 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))

(5 June 2020) 
Day 71 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! A wonderful day for flying as some schools have received their clearances to start training. :) Happy flying for those who are lucky enough to be near an Instructor! Today a bergwind kind of day – the LSH dominating inland with a slight trough along the west coast and a strong CF to the west of us. Offshore flows along the southern parts cause adiabatic warming with warm temps in the mid twenties mostly. IT also produces a strong inversion for the coastal plains. A very strong low inversion – on the surface in places with some light wind in this area but then it quickly picks up to 20kts by 2000’. Expect some strong mixing and shear with some wave activity in those lee parts of the bigger mountains. Winds stick to NW all the way to around 18k then it backs to the WSW for a 60kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 12k.

CT – Some fog patches along parts of the west coast. A NW flow pattern with a strong gradient between the surface and 1500 to 2000’. In a very shallow layer close to the surface you could get some sweet spots but it probably gets a big mixy further up. The hangies could try exploring the 12 Apostles…

RB – WWB is out!

PV – Generally northerly flows with strong surface inversion. Some 20kts spots to the north. Another no good day out here.

Wilderness – Again some high cirrus around. Mostly offshore flows but in the afternoon a shallow onshore flow will ensue. Probably too light to fly in along the coast. And def nothing in therms of thermic activity due to the strong inversion around.

Plett – Same as Wilderness with Uppies remain NW all day except in the very late afternoon with a shallow S creeping in. Another not so lekker day for flying here either…

PE and PA – Strong NE winds here with very strong parts just offshore all day.

Inland Another very stable day with NNW winds all over. 20kts on the Sutherland escarpment but around 10-15kts most other spots. That deeper instability north of Sutherland still around with climbs in spots to 8/9k. Du Toits should be very sweet for soaring with a window around mid-day I think…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:29 and setting at 17:28 (Day length is 9 hrs and 59min!). We are moving to winter solstice. But high vitamin D around today! ;) Max temperature around 24 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))


(4 June 2020) 
Day 70 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people! Exciting times! Maybe we might be able to fly today already… Fingers crossed. ;) The IOH dominating with a large circulation out over the north of the country to curl around with a N to NW flow in the WC interior. It links up with the trough along the west coast and a CF to the west of us. It is very stable once again on all the coastal plains with no prospects of thermal lift. Only some sweet ridge soaring on the cards if you are in the right place. Low low inversions with wind around 20kts from 3/4k upwards. Loads of high cirrus clouds. Winds remain NW all the way to the Tropopause for a 60kts finish up there.

CT – A NE start but it will back during the day with a surface SW flow around LH and SH. Just above the wind quickly veers to the W and NW around 15-20kts so not impossible for epic 12 Apostles today…

RB – WWB is out!

PV – Generally northerly flows with strong surface inversion. Some 20kts spots to the north. A no good day out here.

Wilderness – Loads of high cirrus. A shallow coastal onshore flow trending to the SE even. But it is shallow and offering poor climbs at Sedge and Serps. 800’ but not strong enough for a glider to climbs in.

Plett – Same as Wilderness with 15kts NW from 2k up so not lekker here either…

PE and PA – The IOH really showing teeth eastwards from here with strong NE winds along the coast. Just offshore its going 20kts plus…

Inland A very stable day with NNW winds all over. 20kts on the Sutherland escarpment but around 10-15kts most other spots. North of Sutherland there is actually a cool layer of around 4k depth with nice thermic activity. Du Toits should be very sweet for soaring in the coming days I think…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:28 and setting at 17:28 (Day length is 9 hrs and 59min!). Its depressing to think we have less than 10 hours daylight time… Some vitamin D out there though… ;) Max temperature around 20 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))

(3 June 2020) 
Day 69 of lockdown

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly super heroes! So the courts are on our side it seems… Interesting times ahead. ;) The SAH dominating while its pushing along a weak CF affecting mostly the southern parts of the WC. Still in the far north around Sutherland escarpment that NW flow with the high grounds still close to 20kts. The southerly winds will reach there by end of day. There are loads of clouds around with very thick upper air stuff and the CF shallow stuff with base around 2 and tops around 4/5k. A smidgeon of rain along the southern parts. Above this layer the wind is NW and remains NW all the way to the Tropopause for a 10kts finish up there. Freezing level around 12k.

CT – A SE flow today with a good 20kts at the best part of the day. Of course loads of clouds but the wind-shadow seems to firing on all 4 cylinders all day…

RB – A super awesome day here all day long it seems…

PV – Still that low inversion around 1000k AGL with a mostly a southerly flow low down that trends easterly with height before the NW above that. So not a good day here…

Wilderness – Some cloud around with a westerly flow. It will go more onshore later on but it seems to remain teasing weak with just a few scratchy moments on the cards during late morning to mid day. Weak thermic index for Sedge and Serps especially with all the thick clouds around…

Plett – Same as Wilderness with late afternoon a slight nit of instability setting in at Uppies.  Weak climbs to just over 2k possible with the southerly flow that trends W with hight. Too weak for Keurbooms I think.

PE and PA – SW winds 20kts starters but slight moderation later on.

Inland The southerly with some sweet Q in the Oudshoorn valley up the Swartbergs but nothing after that. The southerly eventually getting to the Sutherland escarpment. NW winds from 5k upwards around 15-20kts.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:28 and setting at 17:28 (Day length is 10 hrs!). Only 10 hours of day light – I don’t know about you but I feel like I am being robbed… ;) Max temperature around 18 degrees C today. Enjoy the day! :))

(2 June 2020) 
Day 68 of lockdown

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people! SAHPA is handing in our Covid SOP to CAA today… Fingers crossed! :)) Still the LSH dominance with those NW winds – strong on the high grounds 25kts in spots, while a shallow coastal layer will produces some SW to S winds along the southern coastal areas. Stable conditions near the coast with the exception in the far northern inland parts with some 2-3k AGL convection depth – but its still weak. What does make up for the lack of thermals is the high probability of strong wave activity in the SW parts of the WC. A perfect isotherm layer laying the foundation for this. :) The wind increases evenly from the surface all the way to the Tropopause for a 110kts finish. Freezing level around 13-14k.

CT – Some thick cirrus around with a chance of fog early on. A SW shallow bit around SH but its NW above with it a great 12 Apostle hangie day I think.


PV – Again very very stable with 500ft inversion and nothing happening above that. :) N to NW winds…

Wilderness – NW above with a shallow and light SW start on the surface trending to the SSE later on. A strong inversion with possibly in theory climbs to 1000’ a maybe but again I think it will be too weak. ;)

Plett – Same as Wilderness but some strong WSW at Robberg which does not quite make it to Keurbooms. Stable inland with that thick high level cirrus.

PE and PA – SW winds 5-10kts becoming lighter late afternoon with a backing to the SE at PA.

Inland That strong winter NW winds again but with some strong wave activity form the high mountains – especially towards the SW. 25kts on the surface in places. But very calm in the shallow valleys. If you know what you are doing you could have a good propeller day… ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:27 and setting at 17:28 (Day length is 10 hrs 1 min). Another sweet sunny day and even a tad warmer than yesterday. Some high level clouds so perhaps not the best for vitamin D… ;) Max temperature a sweet 20ish degrees C today. Enjoy the day! :))

(1 June 2020) 
Day 67 of lockdown

But first day of level 3! Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly heroes! Some exercising and work freedoms gained – the good news is that pretty soon we will be given the green light from SAHPA to resume training as part of the Govs effort to restart the economy. Still no free flying for sport. Hhhmm… The LSH still dominating with the NW winds all over the WC area. The southern coastal areas sheltered with a shallow layer of marine air causing a light onshore flow in most places. Some fog patches along the west coast during the morning with clearing taking place in most areas. Its pretty darn stable with a shallow inversion around 500’ in most spots and even where it is slightly deeper there’s not much lifting potential. Some strong NW wind spots inland around the top of the bigger mountains and the Sutherland Escarpment again. Winds remain NW all the way to the Tropopause for a WNW 80kts finish. Freezing level around 13/14k.

CT – The surface winds probably light SW but its NW higher up at TM top. The fg probably not good for the morning but it should clear later. Hhhmmm… Maybe a scratchy flight along LH but probably only foefie weather. ;)

RB – WWB and too light.

PV – Very very stable with 500ft inversion and nothing happening above that. :) N to NW winds…

Wilderness – Again those NW higher up with a shallow coastal layer on the coast. Some low cloud to the SW of us which might pop in. Light winds again with hardly any lifting potential so it will be very weak at Serps and Sedge. In theory one could get to 1000’ but I think it will be too light. ;)

Plett – Same as Wilderness with a SE trend in the bay and at Uppies. Light light.

PE and PA – SW winds 5-10kts becoming lighter late afternoon.

Inland Again the typical winter patterns with strong NW winds on the high ground areas this morning – 20kts. IT stays strong in the higher spots while the Karoo and little Karoo have very sheltered spots in the lower areas of light winds. A sweet propeller day out here… ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:27 and setting at 17:28 (Day length is 10 hrs 2 min). Another sweet sunny day though slightly cooler than yesterday. Still enough to catch up on that vitamin D rays! ;) Max temperature a cooler 18 degrees C today. Enjoy the day! :))

(31 May 2020) 
Day 66 of lockdown

Good morning you amazingly cool bunch of Wild2Fly people! Happy Pentecost day to you all. Today the LSH dominating the interior with a tough along the west coast and a slight influence along the southern coastal areas from the westerly moving cyclonic systems. It’s a beautiful ate autumn day but its not much good in terms of flying. Very stable all over the show brought on by the subsidence from the LSH and the shallow cool ocean air along the coast is too shallow to produce anything worthwhile. Winds are generally N to NW inland and light SW to S along the southern coasts. No clouds expected. The best TOL inland around the Sutherland Escarpment with around 1500 – 2000’AGL. Winds are strong just above the inversion with 20kts at 3k and 30kts at 5k. It backs to the west from 10k with a 60kts finish at the Tropopause. Freezing level around 14k…

CT – I think it is a super day for the 12 apostles. Probably a tad strong up there so excellent for the hangies. Perhaps a tad SW at SH but it is more W to NW higher up.

RB – WWB is out today…

PV – Similar to yesterday with a low inversion and North above that. Its breezy at mountain top height. N to NW winds…

Wilderness – A light SW start and trending light S later on. A strong inversion with the top at 1500’ with a temp of 24 degrees up there! ;) It might be OK for first tie flights from the dunes… lol.

Plett – Same as Wilderness with Uppies showing NW winds until very late and then the southerly is to shallow as it wedges in under the WNW winds…

PE and PA – Offshore flows until late – it will moderate and go light SW in the west but NE to the east around PA.

Inland Strong N to NW winds in places. The wind gradient pretty strong with some spots showing light winds but from 2000’ AGL the winds are blowing. Its very stable so it should be smooth with perhaps some spots having some CATS. Slight chance of wave activity too so watch the lee-side areas. ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:26 and setting at 17:29 (Day length is 10 hrs 3 min). Another sweet sunny day on the cards so plenty time to catch up on that vitamin D rays! ;) Max temperature a balmy 21 degrees C today. Enjoy the day! :))

(30 May 2020) 

(29 May 2020) 
Day 64 of lockdown… Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! So things are looking up – we might be able to start training soon (yup the logic defies logic – training first then solo recreational flying after!?) lol. But it is what it is I guess. As for the weather it looks like some amazing flying deals coming up for new prospective students as all the schools are desperate for business. ;) Make sure you get the best deal out there! Heheh… Another CF brushing along the coastal regions mostly – it is not penetrating as far inland as the previous one but it is still big enough for loads of rain and strong winds along the coast. Base around 1000’ with tops around 8-10. Freezing level much higher (8000’ along the southern parts) so no snow expected anywhere. Winds are WSW with a southerly along the west coast. There’s no flying expected today even if there is a possible partial clearing around CT for later on. Some 20-30kts spots around but lighter in the west. Winds remain WSW all the way to the Tropopause for a 100kts finish up there.

CT – Another winters day but winds more southerly

RB – As above.

PV – As above but with less wind and rain – clagged in with a slight lifting late afternoon…

Wilderness – WSW winds moderating in the afternoon. The rain should also lessen later on but it’s a stay at home day…

Plett – Same as Wilderness….

PE and PA – Same as above! ;)

Inland Looks like the rai is confined to the south of the Swartberg ranges becoming scattered in the afternoon/ Winds start W but will back and moderate to the SW later on.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:25 and setting at 17:29 (Day length is 10 hrs 4 min). Rain until mid-day then we expect some clearing taking place from the South with scattered showers. Book and bed weather! ;) Max temperature around 15 degrees C today. Enjoy the day! :))

(28 May 2020) 
Day 63 of lockdown
Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! A classic winters day for CT as the cyclonic westerlies from the CF movements dominate our WC weather. Rain and strong NW winds for the SW section of the WC. The rain will only shift to the east early tomorrow morning as the SAH moves to the east abating those NW flow along the interior and GR. But for today its strong winds (some spots with 50kts at just 2000’!) and relatively warm temps along the southern coastal areas. Very cloudy from a solid cover of cirrus clouds. Nothing much in it form a flying point of view with stable conditions – the exception being on the Sutherland Escarpment with some 2k AGL convection depth around there. Still strong NW though. ;) The wind backs to the WSW with height for a 80kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – As good a winters day as it gets – rain and strong NW winds…

RB – As above.

PV – As above but with less wind…

Wilderness – NW initially but backing a tad to the west later on. Bergwind trend. ;)

Plett – Same as Wilderness….

PE and PA – NW winds around 30kts…

Inland Those strong NW winds all over the show today… ;) Maybe good for site seeing all those snow capped peaks…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:24 and setting at 17:30 (Day length is 10 hrs 5 min). A semi hot windy day with more rain for tonight and tomorrow. ;) Max temperature around 20 degrees C today. Enjoy the day! :))

(27 May 2020) 
Day 62 of lockdown… Good morning you super awesome Wild2Fly people! The LH settling over the inland areas with the westerlies form the cyclonic systems dominating along the southern parts of the WC today. The CF up past Maputo leaving sweet snow in many places. Some reprieve today except around the Peninsula where it will remain cloudy and rainy with strong NW winds. Winds are westerly all over, strong in the south and to the west but moderating further inland. Sweet Q’s around in many places with base raining from 3/4k along the west and southern coastal areas to 8/9k far inland. Winds back to the SW with hight with a 90kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – Another wintery rainy day with NW winds 15-20kts. …

RB – WWB is out today…

PV – Westerly winds around 5-10kts with base at 4k or so. It is a good day here today…

Wilderness – Hhhmmm…. Looks like it remains westerly all day but it will moderate in the afternoon especially. Looks like Sedge could offer climbs to just over 4k for most of the day… ;)

Plett – Same as Wilderness with Uppies showing climbs to 4500’ but it is sadly very west…:)

PE and PA – Strong Westerlies with rain and a partial clearing later on.

Inland The strong westerlies around the south and western inland pats but moderating further north. Some good clouds around with base 6k average in most places. Sweet flat looking Q’s but of course ice cold weather. It should be so pretty to fly over those now capped peaks today! ;) If only!

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:24 and setting at 17:30 (Day length is 10 hrs 6 min). A windy day but no rain expected today – still cold though! ;) Max temperature a cold 15 degrees C today. Enjoy the day! :))

(26 May 2020) Day 61 of lockdown
… Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! We could probably say winter has officially started this week – today is as snowy and cold as it gets in SA. :)) The CF spread across the whole country with a SAH pushing in behind it. Winds are SW to S all over the show. Base around 2-3k with tops varying greatly with 8k in the west but way over 12k in the east. Max temps around 10 degrees for the coastal areas all day. The wind backs gently with height to finish southerly at the Tropopause at 100kts. Snow falls expected all over the interior all day long. So def no flying but if you are lucky you might be able to throw some snow balls around! lol

CT – A wintery rainy day with southerly winds. The wind-shadow seems to active all day…

RB – Could be a sweet day all day long! Muddy and wet though…

PV – light showers with SSW winds 10kts – base up at 3/4k with tops 8k.

Wilderness – More into the strong westerly flow with rain and 20kts WSW winds all day.

Plett – Same as Wilderness…:)

PE and PA – Rain and very strong WSW winds all day….

Inland Strong SW winds with low clouds and chance of wide spread snow in many spots. Freezing level down to around 4k. And very cold conditions.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:23 and setting at 17:30 (Day length is 10 hrs 7 min). A real winters day made for fires red wine and a good book! ;) Max temperature a cold 10 degrees C today. Enjoy the day! :))

(25 May 2020) Day 60 of lockdown… Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! Sixty days of no flying… Hhhmmm! But a massive CF covering the WC today – its over CT and will move further into the WC during the day – mid-day along the GR. Very strong NW to W winds 30-40kts in most places with strong wave activity in the pre-frontal areas (look for wave clouds over all the big mountains this moring!) ;) Loads of rain too with even CB activity this evening. Loads of cold air being pushed in from far south so some snow during the night and tomorrow on all the high grounds. Base around 2/3k and tops starting at 12k. It will deepen during the day and early evening (The CB tops will go to the Tropopause) 50ts at 8k and 100kts from 20k and up.

CT – Rain and strong wind all day!


PV – Rain and strong wind all day too!

Wilderness – A sweet warm morning with strong W winds but by mid-day the rain will start. We are in for a windy and rainy week by the looks of it.

Plett – Same as Wilderness but just a tad later with the rain… ;)

PE and PA – Rain arriving PE around 17/18:00. Strong W winds before then.

Inland Serious Westerlies all over with 20-40kts the norm. The rain will spread from the SW sector to the entire WC inland area by end of day. Very cold tonight with snow falls expected on all the high grounds.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:22 and setting at 17:31 (Day length is 10 hrs 9 min). A sunny morning but the rain will be here by mid-day. Strong West winds so batten down the hatches – things will be rainy and windy for a few days coming! ;) Max temperature a windy 21 degrees C today. Enjoy the day! :))


(24 May 2020) 
Day 59 of lockdown… Good morning you Wild2Fly super heroes! One day to go to 60 days of no flying – new records are being broken by so many pilots… lol. A very strong CF approaching the Cape – rain by midnight – and over the next few days even some snow on the high mountains of the WC. The SW parts under the prefrontal influence with low cloud around CT and strong NW winds inland. The southern coastal areas sheltered with a sweet layer of southerly with some last minute flying to be had today in that shallow layer – 1-1500’ thick. NW above that. Around 20kts from 4k upwards. Further inland there’s the usual deep unstable prefrontal stuff – strong NW winds 20kts plus with climbs to 11k. In the SW area a strong chance of good wave activity in the lee of the larger mountains today. The wind backs to the W with hight with a 70kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – Low cloud and strong winds – 20kts plus at TM top. Probably not a flying day.


PV – Instability to perhaps 3k along the mountain ranges but otherwise 1.5-2k in the flats. W to NW winds around 10kts increasing with hight.

Wilderness – Another sweet day here with light southerly winds and instability to 1-1.3k 2/300ft/min climbs. Serps and Sedge the best spots.

Plett – Keurbooms not really shaping up today but Uppies still delivering – a tad SE with climbs to just shy of 2k.

PE and PA – Also beautiful here with light onshore winds later on. (The usual offshores in the morning).

Inland Again those strong spots in the higher ground of NW winds. 20kts at 4000’. The prefrontal thermic stuff preceding the front with climbs to 11k but strong NW winds. Up to just north of the SB climbs can exceed 600ft/min. But in the little Karoo if you stay low some great smooth flying to be had. It will progressively worsen form the SW as the front approaches. :)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:22 and setting at 17:31 (Day length is 10 hrs 10 min). A very sweet autumn day of sun and light winds. Perfect for anything!  ;) Max temperature another sweet 20 degrees C today. Enjoy the day! :))

(23 May 2020) 
Day 58 of lockdown… Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! A weak influence today from the IOH along the SW parts and the inland High for the inland parts. Mostly a westerly trend in the wind, some strong spots on the higher grounds but light in the valleys and lower down. Some sweet looking Q’s in the SW corner of the WC. The boundary layer not that high – around 2k AGL on average. Climbs in the 2-300’min range. Along the Sutherland Escarpment still those strong NW winds with 20kts all day. The wind trend west with height with a 65kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – Looks like a sweet day for the 12 Apostles and also for SLP – though it could be a tad strong ontop here…


PV – HHhmm not as good as one would have thought with the wind aa tad too southerly to be sweet. Some climbs up to peak height but otherwise noting much above 1500/2k AGL.

Wilderness – A beautiful day for the whole southern coastal areas. Light SW winds trending south later on. But sweet climbs to 2k then later 1500’ at Serps and then Sedge.

Plett – Looks like a nice day on the cards for Plett with Keurbooms showing up around midday and Uppies from 12 onwards too. Climbs to just shy of 3k on the cards with a W trending a tad more south later on. Climbs will moderate later too with just over 2k…

PE and PA – Beautiful light SW winds here all day long…

Inland Again those strong spots in the higher ground of NW winds. 20kts at 5000’. Some thermic stuff on the escarpment going to 10k but in the Karoo its still 2k AGL on average. Later it could be sweet for propeller thingies but in the wrong place it could be interesting. :)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:21 and setting at 17:32 (Day length is 10 hrs 11 min). A very sweet autumn day of sun and light winds. Perfect for anything!  ;) Max temperature a sweet 20 degrees C today. Enjoy the day! :))


(22 May 2020) 
Day 57 of lockdown… Good morning you super cool Wild2Fly people! (I wish we could all be hanging in the sky…) :)) Cyclone Amphan has dissipated inland of India but left 84 people dead. Back home the WC is experiencing in between frontal air – cool and unstable layer lavishing the WC. It looks like a sweet flying day just about everywhere. Mostly a westerly flow with some variations in a few spots. The boundary layer around 3k AGL with some sweet looking flat Q’s in the SW corner of the WC. Further inland the NW is blowing again with still some 30kts spots on the Sutherland Escarpment. From 5k it is around 30kts NW then a gentle backing to the W for a 100kts finish.

CT – A sweet WNW for most of the day so an epic flying day for the 12 Apostle on the cards. Perhaps a tad on the strong side but super cool for the hangies.

RB – WWB! :)

PV – A sweet day especially in the south where around mid-day there should eb some sweet Q’s around 3-3500’. W to SW winds 5-10kts. Oh boy! Wish I could be cruising the ridges here…

Wilderness – A sweet light wind day with some instability so Sedge and Serps the hot spots. Climbs to 1500’ (or a tad more) on the cards. Mostly a southerly trend.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but more SE in direction and Uppies also around 1500 to 2k possible.

PE and PA – light SE trend later on.

Inland Some strong spots in the higher ground inland NW to westerly but more southerly in the south and lighter. From around 3/4k and up it is WNW 25kts increasing. Still some chance of wave activity over the higher mountains so watch if you are wanting to fly near them. :)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:20 and setting at 17:32 (Day length is 10 hrs 12 min). A sweet cool day with some chance of a bit of low clouds. Time to recover from yesterdays vitamin D over dose! ;) Max temperature a hot 29 degrees C today. Enjoy the day! :))

(21 May 2020) 
Day 56 of lockdown… Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly heroes! (Hang in there friends!) :) Cyclone Amphan lashing East India and western Bangladesh with 80kts winds and flooding rains. Shame man – like corona isn’t enough… Back home the dominant feature is a CF moving into the WC – it has already making its presence felt in CT with some low clouds which will thicken during the day. Very strong NW winds preceding it with strong wave action over the mountains today. Zero thermal lift except for a short period of instability preceding the front up in the west coast. Far inland on the Sutherland Escarpment there’s good thermic climbs to 12k on the cards but the winds are 30-40kts! lol! ;) Offshore along the southern coastal regions spell strong bergwinds for most of the day. A SW moving in later as the leading edge of the front slides up the coast.

CT – Strong NW winds with thickening clouds and some rain. It doesn’t look like much rain though with clearing by late afternoon already.

RB – As above! ;)

PV – Very stable during the morning but then as the front moves in there will be a hour or so of a great looking sky and NW winds of hang gliding strength. But then the base will drop well below the peaks.

Wilderness – A strong hot bergwind day- after lunch some moderation and lighter winds from the WSW.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness.

PE and PA – Strong NW winds until late afternoon the WSW arrives.

Inland The usual strong NW prefrontal winds. OK very strong NW winds! Wave action a plenty! Not for flying today… ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:20 and setting at 17:33 (Day length is 10 hrs 13 min). A strong gerbwind day with very hot temps all around. Serious vitamin D shots today. Max temperature a hot 29 degrees C today. Enjoy the day! ;)


(20 May 2020) 
Day 55 of lockdown… Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly heroes! (Are we hanging out or what!?) ? Cyclone Amphan making landfall on the border of Bangladesh and India… For us back home some large pressure systems dominating the southern hemisphere – the IOH dominating the whole of SA while a huge CF is gearing up to the SW of us – probably reach landfall by Thursday evening. A blue day expected but some coastal fog along the southern parts which should clear during the day. The winds mostly N to NW all over the WC with some 20-30kts spots in places. A strong inversion in the low levels, especially along the coastal plains with about a zero lift potential. It is a NFG flying day and great for sunning your bleak spots. Winds climb to 20kts before the 2k level and remains in the 30-45kts NNW region till 20k then backs to the WSW for a 60kt finish at the Tropopause.

CT – Bergwinds with a Northerly and some strong shear potential everywhere.

RB – As above! ?

PV – lol. Also strong Northerlies with a good horse you could go somewhere I think! ?

Wilderness – The fog is starting to clear and it will be a glorious day along the GR but just ot good for flying. A shallow SE trend along the coast getting stronger towards the east. It quickly goes North from around 5/800’. ?

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but perhaps a tad more SE trend later on.

PE and PA – NE around 15-20kts…

Inland it is all N to NW winds with some strong lee wave stuff in a few spots. 25kts along the Sutherland Escarpment and some dodgy areas behind the SB. Its best not to fly today though you might be tempted with some pockets of sweeter air – very temp and tempting! ?

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:19 and setting at 17:33 (Day length is 10 hrs 14 min). A light gerbwind day with sweet, hot temps all around. Serious vitamin D shots today ? Max temperature a hot 25 degrees C today. Enjoy the day! ?


(19 May 2020) 
Day 54 of lockdown… Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly heroes! (Hang in there… hang in there…We will beat this thing!) ? The eastern part of India facing a strong Tropical Cyclone – Amphan with 120kts winds and a strong tidal surge. Locally things in stark contrast are so subdued with dead winter kind of weather. The IOH dominating the coastal regions – even on the west coast as the moist air has curled around the southern point of Africa and crept up to the north bringing some fog patches along most of the low lying costal regions today. Partial clearing during the day in most of the spots but along the coastal plains a low inversion and boundary layer – nothing above 1000’ AGL on the west with perhaps 50-100ft showing on your vario and another 500’ along the southern areas and slightly more on the vario dial there. ? Further inland beyond the first ranges the wind is WNW with some instability due to the inland trough but the winds are strong out there – all along the Great Escarpment. It’s a blue day with the wind backing to the west with hight and then a 60kt WSW finish at the Tropopause.

CT – When the fog clears it should be OK for SH and LH with a local SW wind. ?

RB – Too light and WWB s out. Another PHG day! ?

PV – lol. Another no good day with super low inversion and only strips of bogrole able to go up! ?

Wilderness – When the fog clears it could work at the usual Serps and Sedge with climbs to 1200’ ASL or so. 200ft/min or so… Light SW mostly all day. ?

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies going to just over 2k once the mist clears. Some strong SW out at Robberg 10-15kts…

PE and PA – WSW at PE up to 15kts and NE at PA up to 15kts but much stronger further out to sea.

Inland Another sweet day for flying in the little Karoo regions but further north it gets dodgy with that strong NW winds blowing in from the Grea Escarpment. 30kts in psots out there with thermic climbs to 10k. This line stretches all the way to GR it seems. But further south it is sweet, especially if you don’t go above 4k. ? Sweet propeller day!

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:18 and setting at 17:34 (Day length is 10 hrs 16 min). We have reached a slowing down of the night robbing us from the day it seems. ? A misty day along the coast with a good chance of some clearing later in the afternoon. Very little vitamin D options around. ? Max temperature a cooler 19 degrees C today. Enjoy the day! ?

(18 May 2020) 
Day 53 of lockdown… Good morning you super awesome Wild2Fly heroes! (Hang in there my friends – we will beat this thing and be stronger on the other side!) ? The IOH dominating along the southern parts with the inland High giving us the NE backing to NW winds inland today. Another blue day but some thick cirrus moving in from the SW during the day. Once again the boundary low with 1-1500’AGL the order of the day. The west coast is very weak while the south coast areas has a smidgeon more lift. It is generally light winds everywhere except for the CP areas with some spots just shy of 20kts. The wind backs with hight with a WSW finish of 90kts at the Tropopause.

CT – Another sweet wind-shadow here all day long…?

RB – Looks too light here but it is coming up the front at least! A PHG day! ?

PV – It is a very stable day here with light lift to 500’ AGL! ? It is light NE to N above that.

Wilderness – A sweet day I think for Serps and Sedge with climbs to 1500’ from 10/11 this morning already. It will trend more SE during the day but remain light. A good day to fly from Serps to Map! ? Buffs might offer some soaring in the afternoon with a tad more SE there… ?

Plett – Another similar to Wilderness with Uppies going to just shy of 2k. But the high cirrus moving in later on.

PE and PA Also SE winds increasing to upper teens in knots.

Inland A sweet day for flying inland again with light NE as a start gradually backing to the NW especially in the far north. Nothing much in terms of thermals with weak climbs and 1k AGL in mot places. North of the Great escarpment some spots going to 3k AGL with NW winds. Sweet propeller day!

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:17 and setting at 17:35 (Day length is 10 hrs 17 min). Another light wind day but with more high clouds around so not the best vitamin D options. Light winds also. ? Max temperature a cooler 18 degrees C today. Enjoy the day! ? 


(17 May 2020) 
Day 52 of lockdown… Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly heroes! Remember wearing a mask is not to protect you – its to protect your friends from you. Another amazing autumn day but slightly less good compared to yesterday. The inland High dominating most of the weather with a slight coastal influence in the SW tip of the WC by the SAH. Winds are generally NW to westerly inland and a slight Southerly touch in spots along the south – all light winds except during the morning where the Great Escarpment sees 20kts NW downs slope flow and the northern west areas. The boundary layer a tad lower from yesterdays 2k AGL spread but a few spots likely to make that – mostly down to 1500AGL. A blue day but some cirrus moving in from the west during the day. The wind trends westerly with hight with a 50kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – A sweet day here with LH and Signal SW flows all around and climbs to LH tops…. ?

RB – Another too light here today but you might catch a thermal! ?

PV – Light climbs along the mountains with Kardoesie showing the most promise. It is mostly a foefie day with 1000’ AGL climbs in the valley… ?  

Wilderness – Another light sweet autumn day with lower climbs at Serps and Sedge – perhaps to 800/1000’ ASL. But a window of an hour or so around mid-day. Light SW then Southerly… ?

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies going to around 2k. Looking sweet here…

PE and PA Light SW winds here as well. A stunning day.

Inland Another great day for propeller thingies with around 1-2k AGL inversion but weak climbs below it. Mostly westerlies with some stronger wests in the afternoon north of the SB ranges.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:17 and setting at 17:35 (Day length is 10 hrs 18 min). An amazing autumn day ahead of us with lots of sunshine and vitamin D options. Light winds also. ? Max temperature a sweet autumn 19 degrees C today. Enjoy the day! ?


(16 May 2020) 
Day 51 of lockdown… Good morning you Wild2Fly heroes! Remember wearing a mask is not to protect your – its to protect your friends from you. ? A sweet late autumn day ahead of us with the boundary layer around 2k AGL just about everywhere. Light winds as the inland High dominates with a northerly inland and a southerly along the coastal areas. It doesn’t look like any clouds today but for some cirrus in a few spots in the south. The wind above the inversion is north then trends westerly from about 10k with a 50kts WSW finish at the Tropopause.

CT – Light southerlies with climbs to 2k and a pleasant LR. A sweet wind-shadow around with a SW trend at SH all day long. ?

RB – Too light here today but you might catch a thermal! ?

PV – Hhmm…. Still that 2k AGL in the valleys with climbs on the mountains getting to MT top. Even in the Cederbergs it is similar. SW to SSW winds mostly. ?  

Wilderness – Light southerlies with sweet climbs to 1500/2k early on at Serps and Sedge for most of the mid-day parts… the coast too light. ?

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies going to just shy of 3k initially but then gradually lowering during the day.

PE and PA A Offshore start but then it’s the SW trend here but it moderates later on.

Inland Sweet light winds with a N trend almost everywhere. Its more NE in the far north and western areas. That inversion still around 2k AGL but sweet climbs within this layer. A cool propeller thingy day…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:16 and setting at 17:36 (Day length is 10 hrs 20 min). A sweet but cool autumn day. Light winds and some good vitamin D around if you find that sheltered spot! ? Max temperature a cool 18 degrees C today. Enjoy the day! ?


(15 May 2020) 
Day 50 of lockdown… Good morning you Wild2Fly heroes! ;) Well done to the WC for being the best at covid testing in the whole country! A CF is sweeping past the WC today with very strong Westerly winds along the southern parts. Just moderate SW along the west coast. Some showers around with base at 2k and tops around 6/7k. Though there’s some instability around the BS ration pretty wild so very broken thermals on the cards. Inland of the mountains base rises to around 5/6k but to 8k near the Sutherland escarpment. Winds stay WSW all the way to the Tropopause for a 80kts finish.

CT – Slight chance of rain but its mainly SW flow with clouds – base at2/3k and tops at 6. Could be very flyable… ?

RB – Too much west in it today…

PV – It could be a great day here with a SW flow. But some reports saying OD conditions while others say its pretty open with flat Q’s around 4k all over the show… ?  

Wilderness – It seems like the West wind will be too strong all day long and then after a late lunch when there’s some SW in the wind it also brings with it some showers… ?

Plett – Similar to Wilderness.

PE and PA very strong WSW winds at 30kts plus all day…

Inland the SW winds pushing in far inland but not bringing the rain and cloud with it. 15kts in most places with 20kts from around 4/5k and above.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:15 and setting at 17:36 (Day length is 10 hrs 21 min). Strong West winds all day with rain moving in mid afternoon. A sheltered spot will see high doses of vitamin D! ? Max temperature around 20 degrees C today. Enjoy the day! ?

(14 May 2020) 
Day 49 of lockdown… Good morning you awesomely-hanging-in-there wild2Fly people. After our president speech last night I suppose that’s what most of us are doing but probably only just! ? The Inland High dominating with the SAH having some influence in the west. A light wind day in most places but for a few spots inland on the higher mountains where 20kts NWs are possible. A rather disappointing boundary layer hight at 1k AGL along the western plains, perhaps a touch higher in the south. Further inland over the higher mountains things are better with climbs reaching 1k over the peak tops in places. On the big escarpment it is not bad with the boundary layer at 8/9k. It is mostly a blue day with some clouds on the cards for the Cape Peninsula. Light southerly trend in the lower levels but it goes N and NW from 2/3k up and then west from 14k all the way to the Tropopause for a 45kts finish up there.

CT – Soe good instability on the Peninsula today with climbs going above TM. Light south in the lower layers and then NW higher up still light up to 4k. Looks like a sweet day all over the area.

RB – not enough end WWB out today…

PV – A weak day here with low climbs up to 1k AGL. Winds SW in the surface layer then trending north. In stark contrast to yesterday… ?  

Wilderness – Again the offshore cold winds to the start of the day but it should go light south from mid-day with climbs to around 1k around Sedge and Serps. It will trend a tad SE later. ?

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies perhaps reaching just shy of 2k. SE trend later.

PE and PA those offshore morning flows with a light E to NE trend late afternoon.

Inland Du Toits looking good for at least an hour at mid-day with Northerlies at 10kts and climbs to just shy of 5k… But then it trends WNW. And so it is for most inland areas – a N start trending NW to W later on. A few spots with some strong winds like the Sutherland Escarpment.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:15 and setting at 17:37 (Day length is 10 hrs 23 min). Offshore winds but this will moderate and turn into a sweet cool autumn day – sunny and light winds. Max temperature around 19 degrees C today. Cyril se moer man! ?  Enjoy the day! ?

(13 May 2020) 
Day 48 of lockdown… Good morning you amazingly-hanging-in-there wild2Fly people. ?The SAH dominating with the westerly frontal flows dominating, especially along the southern coastal areas. Sweet unstable air around with some good thermic activity around and a relatively high base – the boundary layer around 4k along the western areas and a touch higher in the south and inland – up to 7k around the Swartbergs. A few passing showers possible but the precipitation will be light if any. Winds back to the SW with hight and remains so all the way to the Tropopause with a 60kt finish up there.

CT – Looks a NW wind with a more SW trend with height. Some cloud moving in from late morning and thickening to mid-afternoon. Base around 2k so it could have been flyable…

RB – WWB out today… But the skies should look sweet… ?

PV – The day should look awesome but the winds are a tad too south to be sweet. Still it is very flyable but one of those days when you launch and get out into the valley… Sweet flat Q’s around 4k… ?  

Wilderness – A WNW morning and strong. It should back a it in the afternoon with a slight chance of some dune gooning possible… The skies over the mountains should look sweet though… ?

Plett – Strong WSW here all day…

PE and PA 30kts WSW all day…

Inland Strong westerlies with a SW trend in the south and NW in the north. Some nive Q’s around with base at 5/6k in the south and then rising towards the North with some spots touching even 8k near Graafies area… But the strong winds just not sweet for any flying…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:14 and setting at 17:38 (Day length is 10 hrs 24 min). Strong WSW winds with cool air but some sun around for a vitamin D shot! ? Max temperature around 19 degrees C today. ? Enjoy the day! :))

(12 May 2020) 
Day 47 of lockdown… Good morning you awesome wild2Fly people. The SAH with a trough shaping up strongly over the central parts with the eye towards PE side making for some interesting conditions. Strong WNW winds up at the Sutherland escarpment and from around 4/5k upwards. To the south on the coastal areas the winds are light with a initial SSE influence but then trending SW. Strongish SE along the west coast again. The boundary layer varying with the west coast better today and the southern parts with 2k and less. Thick high cirrus clouds all day form most of the WC. Light rain in parts in the southern Agulhas parts from midday. Westerly finish at the Tropopause at 100kts.

CT – Again a SE flow touching on 20kts in places. It seems to be quite Southerly around LH and SH with a poor wind-shadow. Iffy and even more so later in the day.

RB – Looks like another possible day – not as strong as yesterday but who knows!? ?

PV – Around 3k AGL in the valleys and perhaps a tad higher over the mountains tops. SW trend all day with not a bad Autumn day on the cards. It is weak but should be loads of fun! ?  

Wilderness – Perhaps 1500’ at Sedge and Serps with the winds veering from SSE to SW later on. Sweet weak climbs. Ai… ?

Plett – Same as Wilderness with Uppies showing up t 2k. Kearbooms not looking strong enough but a maybe as the wind backs veers from SE to SW later on.

PE and PA its light winds but from midday onwards NE around PA and going SW at PE.

Inland Hhhmmm a dubious propeller thingie day with strong winds higher up that always make me nervous. IT seems good lower down with light Southerlies in the little Karoo. So if you stay low – some thermals but weak ones. ? On the Sutherland Escarpment its looking very thermic with cool Q’s up at 10/11k. But of course those pesky strong WNW winds – 30kts…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:13 and setting at 17:39 (Day length is 10 hrs 26 min). Thick cirrus clouds around all day so not much from a vitamin D point of view. But who cares if its Rosies birthday! ? Max temperature around 19 degrees C today. ? Enjoy the day! :))

(11 May 2020) Day 46 of lockdown… Good morning you amazing wild2Fly people. The SAH dominating as it starting to push that CF towards CT = first rains late afternoon early evening at Agulhas spreading inland. Winds are SW in the southern parts but SSE up the west coast. The boundary layer a tad better from the stable conditions we have been having with climbs around 2k AGL in most places. Perhaps 4k at the mountains. The larger ranges further back to 6k and then again far west coast perhaps 8/9k! Some strong winds in places with 20kts SE around the CT area. Also some WNW spots inland at 20kts – especially the Sutherland Escarpment. The Southerly will penetrate more inland during the afternoon reaching the Sutherland escarpment by early evening. Winds WNW with height with a strong isotherm layer at the start of these winds (mostly in the southern parts of the WC) so once again a good chance of some wave activity. Up to 45kts in the mid-levels but then a sharp backing to the SW in the upper layers for a 70kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – SE flows but with a good wind-shadow especially in the afternoon I think.  

RB – Looks like a strong day but a great day all day into sunset. ?

PV – Some spots showing climbs to just shy of 4k. A SW flow all over the place. Kardoesie looking the worst today with low climbs. Probably a ridge soaring day there.  

Wilderness – The low cloud should clear mostly with a sweet SW wind. The coasts a maybe soarable at times but Sedge and Serps the places to be. Flyable for a large part of the day. Climbs early on up to 1500’ ?

Plett – Same as Wilderness with Kearbooms looking sweet around mid-day and Uppies with climbs to perhaps just past 2500’!

PE and PA its WNW winds all day up to 20kts.

Inland Again not a good day for propeller thingies. ? Strong wave conditions to the north and pushing SSW form the south. The Southerly will penetrate far inland later in the day. Bumps all around! Lol.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:12 and setting at 17:39 (Day length is 10 hrs 27 min). Another low cloud start but clearing and becoming a sweet day. Plenty time mid day for some vitamin D! ? Enjoy the day! :))

(10 May 2020) 
Day 45 of lockdown… Good morning you awesome wild2Fly people! ;) The LH really strong today with the trough more offshore along the westcoast and some shallow SAH influence along the coastal areas mostly along the southern coastal areas. Strong NW winds in most places today with 20kts plus in quite a few spots. In the south its bergwindy with adiabatic heating and strong gusts on the mountain tops. In general a strong isotherm layer not far AGL so a good chance of some strong wave activity in the lee side of most of the larger mountains. From a thermic side there’s nothing really worthwhile with hardly anything in our general flying area going above 500’AGL. In the far north – north of Vanryjnsdorp and Sutherland it is slightly better for thermals but then that NW wind is still blasting at 20kts so… ? A few fog patches still around along the southern coastal areas but most should clear. Winds are NW all the way to about 20k then it veers to the NE around 20-30kts. (Some interesting stuff with the positions of the Jet streams – loks like a big CF shaping up to the SW of us)

CT – Shallow southerly but otherwise strong N to NW winds above. Probably an iffy day with bergwind mixing I think. ?

RB – Hhmmm…

PV – Extremely stable with a surface inversion for most of the day. Winds start NE and then might go a tad NNW later. So it’s a bad day… lol ?

Wilderness – Warm light bergwinds here for the morning but a light southerly pushing in later on. But it is a shallow layer so its just NFG all day long… hehe… ?

Plett – Same as Wilderness!

PE and PA its N to NW winds here all day…

Inland Not a good day for propeller thingies. ? Strong wave conditions making for tricky to predict flying conditions. It could be a bit bumpy in some spots. Lol.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:12 and setting at 17:40 (Day length is 10 hrs 29 min). A low cloud start but clearing and becoming a glorious sunny day. Time to catch up with that vitamin D! ? Max temps for the Wilderness area around 26 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))


(9 May 2020) 
Day 44 of lockdown… Good morning you amazing wild2Fly people. The SAH and the LH with some influence from the IOH along the southern parts dominating the WC weather. Mostly still stable conditions around with the southern west coast very stable but a definitive line to the north where the trough influence is brining some sweet instability down with it. It might reach Kardoesie in the afternoon. Otherwise its 1000’ and less in the boundary layer, some fog patches and low cloud along the southern coastal areas – it should clear mostly later in the day. Light SE trend except for Buff and then south of CP. Light North inland except at the Sutherland Escarpment. ? Winds trend NW up to about 15k but then it backs to the South with a 30/40kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – A relative light wind day with some coastal flows sucking around SH and LH into towards the flats. Sweet for flying there I think. ?

RB – Too light here all day long…. ?

PV – Another stable day with a N to NW wind around but some instability moving in from the north that could offer something interesting… ?

Wilderness – A south to SE light wind day. It doesn’t look like the Wilderness corner will clear much – small chance late in the day. But Buffs is the place to go to with some good winds on the cards there…. A stale inland day with nothing going up past 500’ ?

Plett – Very similar here but a better chance of clearing from the low cloud. Uppies stable with light SE winds – nothing above 1000’ there…

PE and PA light in the morning but the E to NE picking up to 15kts in the late afternoon.

Inland another great day for propeller thingies. A few spots with a bit more NW wind on the surface but in general light stuff around. Some instability north of the mountains but it is not strong with 2/300ft/min in the best spots. Of course on the west coast to the north it is brilliant. ? lol

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:11 and setting at 17:41 (Day length is 10 hrs 30 min). Pretty misty and low cloudy around Wilderness for most of the day by the looks of it. If you need vitamin D then head north! ? Max temps for the Wilderness area around 20 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))

(8 May 2020) 
Day 43 of lockdown… Good morning you awesome wild2Fly people! The SAH and inland LH with a trough along the west coast dominating our weather. Winds are southerly along the west and southern regions but further inland it is NW – all light except for some spots along the Southern parts of the west coast. Still that winter subsidence and inversions around with poor thermic index – the boundary layer around 500-1000’ AGL in most places. The southern coastal areas a tad better with perhaps something on the cards to be had there. Fog patches along the southern coastal areas especially to the west. Winds trend W to SW with hight with a 40kts SW finish at the Tropopause.

CT – The wind shadow on all day long here… ?

RB – I think it will be too light and perhaps too much west in it. But Maybe late afternoon… ?

PV – Again a very stable day here with light SW winds mostly.

Wilderness – It does look like it can be a sweet day at Sedge and Serps. Climbs to around 1500’ on the cards for most of the day I think. Winds start SW but will trend SSE later on. Not strong but sweet smooth climbs – Sigh… ?

Plett – The same as Wilderness but Uppies showing climbs to around 2000’…

PE and PA that SW staying but moderating later in the day from 15kts to less than 10.

Inland another great day for propeller thingies with hardly any thermic activity and light winds all the way up to 8000’. It starts to move above 10kts from here onwards. Light thermals if any.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:10 and setting at 17:42 (Day length is 10 hrs 32 min). Another light wind all day with some Strato Q’s this morning but perhaps a clearing in the afternoon. Not much around in terms of vitamin D! ? Max temps for the Wilderness area around 19 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))

(7 May 2020) 
Day 42 of lockdown… Good morning you amazing wild2Fly people! Loads of subsidence around with the HP belt quite active but a slight trough along the west coast with Loeriesfontein area about the only place with some lift. For the rest of the WC it is a light wind day with a poor thermic index – zero energy predicted along both the west and southern coastal regions with only a slight improvement inland over the mountains. It is not helped by the presence of thick cirrus everywhere all day long. Winds are light southerly in general but N to NW far inland. Some coastal fog patches in the west and the south. The wind is west with hight with a slight SSW trend close to the Tropopause at 60kts.

CT – Only foefies at LH and SH on the cards I think. A SSW flow initially but the wind-shadow shaping up nicely in the late afternoon. ?

RB – There could be a pulse for some late afternoon sunset soaring…

PV – As stable as a pancakes bottom all day long… nothing available for thermic lift here today… ?

Wilderness – Also a stable day with zero energy available for thermic activity – the thick high cirrus not helping. Light winds all day here… ?

Plett – The same for here as Wilderness…

PE and PA a strong E to NE wind up the coast from the IOH that is slightly active…

Inland the best day for propeller thingies with hardly any thermic activity and light winds to boot. The Sutherland escarpment the only area with strong NW winds and showing some wave/thermic lee side mixing out there. And then of course north on the west coast its not bad… ?

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:09 and setting at 17:43 (Day length is 10 hrs 33 min). Light winds all day with thick high cirrus clouds blocking the sun. Not much around in terms of vitamin D! ? Max temps for the Wilderness area a warmer 21 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))

(6 May 2020) 
Day 41 of lockdown… Good morning you awesome wild2Fly people! The IOH dominating with wide spread isobars and light winds except for the CP area. A S to SE trend along the southern parts and S along the west. In land it is light with east in the east and west in the north. Along the west coast things are very stable with nothing going above 500’ it seems but further inland things improve with light climbs to the top of the peaks and up to 8/9k above the Sutherland escarpment side expected later today. Winds are SW from 8/10k up all the way to the Tropopause for a 30/40kts finish up there.

CT – A strong SE at CP up to 2kts but it does not reach CT where the wind-shadow is big and wide all day long. ? Light winds with not much in terms of thermic activity…

RB – IT is too light here all day long…

PV – Another even weaker stable winter day. Late afternoon sees some flow going up the mountains for a bit of light wind soaring but there’s almost nothing available for thermic lift here today… ?

Wilderness – Another sweet day ahead of us with light SSE winds and some thermic activity around some Q’s to boot. Probably too light for the coast. ?

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Keurbooms a maybe – it might go to much to the SE but in with a shot before that happens. Uppies showing climbs to just shy of 3k at the best time then lowering with a 1500’ at 16:00…

PE and PA SW start but then going South in the south later on. Slight chance of light rain…

Inland Again a great day for propeller thingies with light winds and weak climbs around. The biggest mountains showing some good stuff with SB looking good with 7/8k possible here and light variable so one should be able to get off… ?

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:09 and setting at 17:44 (Day length is 10 hrs 35 min). Light offshores this morning then light SE for the afternoon. Still not much in terms of sunshine but find a sheltered corner and you will be ok ;) Max temps for the Wilderness area another cool 19 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :)) 


(5 May 2020) 
Day 40 of lockdown… Good morning you amazing wild2Fly people! And amazingly we have survived 40 days of lockdown. ? A light CF brushing past the southern parts during the night. Today the SAH dominating – mostly cool shallow instability air fed up into the interior from the south – SW mostly but a area of SE flow above 3k in the west – else it is all SW trends. Few clouds today with some in the SW section of the WC. The boundary layer very shallow along the coastal plains with little energy available for any good thermals – weak climbs up to perhaps 1500AGL especially with loads of thick high level cirrus around. A tad higher over the mountains but you will be hard pushed to get much above them. S to SW winds far inland past Sutherland where there is some thermal activity with climbs to perhaps 3k AGL. The wind remains SW all the way to the Tropopause for a 60-80kts finish.

CT – A SSE flow with a few spots touching 20kts. The wind-shadow should be active but quite a southerly trend so once again the strong cross shore flows at SH and LH.

RB – Aahhh a sweet day on the cards here. Flying from early on I think and a sunset boogie possible too…

PV – A real winter stable day here with nothing above the mountains and you are doing well if you get more than 1500AGL in weak stuff. The wind also trends SE from 3k upwards. No good convergence on the cards either… ?

Wilderness – A light but sweet day I think. A light SW start going SSE later in the day. Around mid-day and just after the best times for Sedge and Serps. Perhaps getting to 1000’ at the best time. ?

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but initially a stronger SW push early on. Uppies with climbs to 2500’ and SW around 5-10kts. It trends more south later but lower climbs. Keurbooms looks very promising to me with a late morning good spell – as the SW starts to back to S…

PE and PA the SW blowing here…

Inland Its all SW winds penetrating far inland. But its light at less than 5kts all the way up to 7/8k. Above that it picks up quickly to 20kts SW at 10k. So a great propeller thingie day. ?

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:08 and setting at 17:44 (Day length is 10 hrs 37 min). Light southerly winds with loads of high level clouds around. Not much in the sunshine and vitamin D to be had…! ;) Max temps for the Wilderness area another cool 19 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))


(4 May 2020) 
Day 39 of lockdown… Good morning you awesome wild2Fly people! Some 40days of lockup coming in tomorrow... Given tradition it shoud be significant. ;) Post frontal conditions - the IOH dominating with her easterly flow patten along the southern coast and NE to NW inland. Some cloud around mostly in the eastern parts – base around 3k near the first mountain range but going up to 6k on the first mountains and into the little Karoo. The Sutherland escarpment with 9-10k base with a NW to W wind up there. Winds to the south are fairly light NE in the morning then going NW later in the day around 5-10kts at most. In the far south the coastal winds will be strong E to SE but moderating toward CP. From 8k and above the west wind pickup all the wat to the Tropopause with a 60kts WSW finish.

CT – A good looking day here with LH and SH working but its probably more a SLP and inland mountain day. Westerly winds out there with trends in spots from NW to SW. Climbs to just over the top of the higher peaks. Could be sweet scenic flights out there…

RB – Too much westerlies here today…

PV – A great PV day with a NW to W start and a WSW finish to the day. Climbs around 2-3k AGL but some spots of convergence going up t 5k. ?

Wilderness – Hhhmm… A cloudy morning with NE winds. These will make way for the ESE winds  with some strong spots around. Map and Gerrickes and Buffs )early buffs!) all possibilities. Not that good a thermic day near the coast with low climbs on the cards – unlike we expected from a postfrontal day. ?

Plett – Similar to Wilderness. Uppies showing climbs to just shy of 2k. But the east winds dominating today – not as strong as Wilderness with the bay more sheltered.

PE and PA Easterly winds around 15kts…

Inland Spots of rain in the east till mid-day maybe. NE to N flows up to 6k then it starts to go NW to W. It will be a great DuToits morning and early afternoon before the SE comes through. A nice convergence going along with it with climbs to 6k on the cards here. The eastern Karoo with some sweet Q’s and not too shabby for flying today. ?

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:07 and setting at 17:45 (Day length is 10 hrs 38 min). A cold post frontal day ahead with strong East winds. Find a sheltered spot for some sunshine and vitamin D! ;) Max temps for the Wilderness area a cool 19 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))

(3 May 2020) Day 38 of lockdown… Good morning you amazing wild2Fly people! The CF layering the SW parts of the WC with sweet cool rain as the CF moves further inland. Some good rain expected with cloud tops around 10k and base at less than 1k and loads of LWC around. Winds are southerly with a SW along the eastern south coast areas. The rain not penetrating much past the Swartberg ranges but the southerly winds going past Sutherland by end fo the day. Some good clouds out north of the SB ranges and also around the Cederbergs and inland from rhere. Winds are South up to 8/9k where it veers to the west and remains so all the way to the Tropopause for a 80kt finish up there.

CT – Low cloud and rain during the morning but clearing during the day. Winds are SSE up to 20kts with the wind-shadow shaping up late morning early afternoon but later eroding away…

RB – Looking sweet for RB today with mid-day being the best.

PV – Hhhmmm a maybe day here however I think too much cloud in the morning and then later when it clears the wind will be too south. But the rain is good! ?

Wilderness – Aahhh rain all day long from the looks of it…?

Plett – Similar to Wilderness… ?

PE and PA strong SW winds 20kts plus at ties.

Inland Rain all the way to the Swartbergs then scattered and dryer from there… Wind are southerly but westerly further north. End of day the south will be way past Sutherland too. There’s some good clouds and lift to be had in a few spots if we could get (and if we were allowed to fly!) ?

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:06 and setting at 17:47 (Day length is 10 hrs 40 min). Ahh sweet rain for a change! Looks like an al ‘dayer’ so settle down with a good book. ;) Max temps for the Wilderness area a cool 17 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))

(2 May 2020)
 Day 37 of lockdown… Good morning you awesome wild2Fly people! The approaching CF dominating our weather today. A generous SAH helping it along makinglandfall early evening today in CT and early morning tomorrow on the GR coast. Fog along the west coast for most of the day and some parts of the south coast too. Preceding is the usual strong W to NW flow – some bergwind conditions expected with very strong surface winds in places 30kts at times. Also lots of wave action today. I see one of the forecasts showing the wave over the Tierwaterskloof dam 3m/s up to 10k! ? Winds are west above the low inversion – up to 1500’AGL mostly. 20kts from 3000’ upwards with a 80-100kt finish at the Tropopause.

CT – The fog stopping play but its bergy so not the best time to go flying. 20kts plus at TM hight.

RB – Too west here again…

PV – A very low inversion keeping things capped to 1-1500AGL almost everywhere. Weak climbs of 1-200ft/min possible however there seems to be a sweet convergence setting up from around 15:00 north of Dassies out into the valley – it trends northwards to bumpy by 16/17:00 with climbs possible here to 5000’ or just over. Winds are very strong west above this… ?

Wilderness – Also some coastal fog around with a slight chance of it clearing. Looks like Sedge could offer something to play in with climbs in SW winds to 1000’ or o. A very strong inversion present above tat with strong west winds above. 20ts at 3k. Strong SW out to sea but it seems it skips getting to the Wilderness coast. (Maybe good but perhaps too west most of the day)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies showing climbs to around just over 2k. I actually think its not going to be so good here with strong shear near the inversion – there’s an abrupt change in wind strength from around 1500/2k to the 3k level. Keurbooms is in with a shot with light SSW winds pending on the fog…

PE and PA light SW winds up to 20kts.

Inland nothing sweet about inland flying today with strong NW going W wind. 30kts along the escarpments everywhere. Also strong wave activity present in the lee of any large mountain. A good day to work on your tan! ? ?

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:06 and setting at 17:47 (Day length is 10 hrs 42 min). Another sweet sweet autumn day with loads of sun to get a summer tan! Yes, some vitamin D! ;) Max temps for the Wilderness area a warm cool 24 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))


(1 May 2020) ?
(30 April 2020)?
(29 April 2020) 
Day 34 of lockdown… Good morning you amazing wild2Fly people! Trust you are all hanging in there! ;) The inland High dominating our weather today with subsidence, low inversions and clear skies with no clouds around. A cut off low along the Transkei coast with the centre out to sea. A trough developing along the west coast. But none of these are really influencing our weather for the day. It’s a great autumn day. Light winds in most places with a SW trend in most places – but SE along the southern coasts and W along the west coast. The boundary layer around 2k AGL along the coastal plains and just above mountain tops over the higher peaks. Up to 3/400ft/min climbs at most in the good spots. SW winds all the way up to the Tropopause for a 30kts finish up there.  

CT – Looks like a good day for flying here with light W winds but moderate NW in the early morning. Should be a great Apostle day I think… SLP also looking awesome today…

RB – Too west here again…

PV – Mostly westerly winds here around 5kts with sweet flying conditions for most of the day. Convergence around PB with climbs to 7k possible here else around 4/5k which is pretty sweet anyways. ?

Wilderness – A stable day with climbs maybe to 800’. Light SE winds with possibly a benchup at Gerrickes on the cards. Maybe Buff too but Map perhaps on the light side…? (Spot on)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies showing climbs to around 1500’. Keurbooms too SE.

PE and PA NE in the morning going more East during the afternoon. Maybe 15kt in spots. Light SE perhaps as high as 15kts.

Inland It is super light winds everywhere with the HP present with less than 5kts all the way up to 4k AGL. A super good propeller thingy day. ? Some lift over the high grounds with climbs to 7/8k possible.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:03 and setting at 17:50 (Day length is 10 hrs 47 min). A sweet warm day and loads of sun to warm your butt once again! Yes, some vitamin D! ;) Max temps for the Wilderness area a cool 21 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))


(28 April 2020) 
Day 33 of lockdown… Good morning you awesome wild2Fly people! Some amazing rain in the WC yesterday releaving the dryness - I kow Wilderness needed it! :) The IOH dominating the WC weather today. The flow is generally easterly with SE along the south coast and NE inland but a varied S to W flow along the west coast. There’s some sweet instability around (post frontal flow) but its not as good as one would expect. The boundary layer around 3/4k along the coastal plains and rising over the high grounds with 7/8k over the Swartbergs and Cederbergs while the Sutherland Escarpment shows a tad more. Only Q’s in the east around the GR areas and line north/south from here more or less. Moderate climbs around and you would be doing good if you saw more than 500ft/min – though I am sure we will all take even a 50ft/min at this stage. ? Winds go South from around 10/12k in the south all the way to the Tropopause for a 40kts finish.

CT – A very shallow Southerly flow early and later on but surprisingly a sweet W at midday with climbs to 4k on the cards.

RB – Too west here today…

PV – A lot of east in the flow but there is a shallow SSW that could make it launchable. Its looking better to the north again with climbs perhaps as high as 7k out there but otherwise its 4/5k around Dasklip.

Wilderness – It’s a sweet Map day today with it probably flyable from as early as 10 already. Perhaps blown out around 15:00 but it should remain good all day for the hangies… ? (Spot on!)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies showing climbs to around 2500’. Keurbooms too SE.

PE and PA Light SE perhaps as high as 15kts.

Inland It is all east winds with a NE trend going N to NW in the afr North. Good Q’s mostly in the east and climbs around 4-6k AGL. Very strong East winds around mid-day in the central parts – 20 plus knots! A few spots of rain mostly in the eastern parts but clearing later on.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:02 and setting at 17:51 (Day length is 10 hrs 49 min). A cold windy day but some sun around to warm your butt with some vitamin D! ;) Max temps for the Wilderness area a cool 19 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))


(27 April 2020) 
Day 32 of lockdown… Good morning you amazing wild2Fly people! So today the deadline for Covid-19 flight proposal submissions… We all pray and have our fingers crossed! ;) The SAH pushing in the cold moist air form the south as the CF moves into the interior. Some heavy falls expected around the little Karoo and GR regions. Base less than 1000’ with tops over 12k and a lot of moisture around! ;) But the inland surface flow is trending east which makes it offshore along the west coast areas – having lost much of the moisture by the time the air gets here and as a result some good soaring conditions north of PV. Base here up to 8k with flat Q’s making us drool. Lol CB activity east of the GR with a very broad band of rain and CB cells inland, especially in the east. Winds are SE along the south coast and inland but WNW north of the Great Escarpment. It goes wet in general above 12k but remains SW over CT all the way to the Tropopause, but W to NW east and north of the GR with around 20-40kts finish up there..

CT – A sweet day with base around 3500’ and moderate Se winds. The wind-shadow should be active all day.

RB – A beautiful day here all day long even if it has some more east in it…

PV – It gets better further north with a very east component. Nothing too strong here so it might even be launchable to the west as the thermals pulls things up. PB should be good early on but the north side of the valley showing base at 7k plus…

Wilderness – Rain all day long with some heavy falls expected today. Thick clouds all the way up to 12k (and some Appps showin deeper development) Winds are fresh SE… Spot on!

Plett – Similar to Wilderness…

PE and PA with SSE winds and chance of rain too…

Inland – It’s rain all over the inland parts of the WC. Heavy falls over the little Karoo for later this morning. All good news! CB cells further north and east. It clears partially to the west and NW. Some good cloud formations out there with base rising steadily from the south – little Karoo south of SB at less than 2k but then 4k north of there and 10k by the Sutherland escarpment.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:02 and setting at 17:52 (Day length is 10 hrs 51 min). It is rain and book weather all day long today.  ;) Max temps for the Wilderness area a cool 17 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))


(26 April 2020) 
Day 31 of lockdown… Good morning you awesome wild2Fly people! The SAH dominating the west while helping a CF along in its path to CT and the rest of the WC while in the east the IOH hanging on with some NE winds along the coast. Still a trough inland with the eastern side very active with CB cells. Some rain along the Great Escarpment in the west possible too. Winds are all WNW inland trending west in the SW areas later on. The boundary layer around 1-3k along the southern ranges with some Q’s over the mountains (a lot more further inland!) while the west coast around PV area things go up to 3-4kAGL near the mountains. The wind is WNW all the way up to around 20k then West to the Tropopause for a 40kts finish.

CT – A tad more South in the wind so the wind-shadow not too great. Strong 20kts SSW on the sea at the shore front. It seems to erode more later in the day.

RB – A great day expected here from mid-day onwards with a super sunset flight time on the cards…

PV – Looks like a swet day here with climbs around 3500’ at Dasklip but to the north from Bumpy to Kardoes in the convergence climbs up to 7/8k doable. Some Q’s shaping up in there around mid-afternoon….

Wilderness – A inverted day ahead of us so not missing much. Sedge and Serps doable with climbs to 800’ a maybe. Winds light SSE. Late in the dya it will drop and go west but very light it seems. (Spot on)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies showing climbs to 1500’ and less. SE here until early evening. Keurbooms too east I think.

PE and PA with NE winds up to 25kts!

Inland – Its WNW for the most part all over. Very good soaring conditions further inland but with a chance of rain and some CB activity especially in the east. Base north of the GE around 10-12k. Sweet! :))

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:01 and setting at 17:53 (Day length is 10 hrs 52 min). It looks like a great day for getting a tan with great sunshine around all day long.  ;) Max temps for the Wilderness area a sweet 22 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))


(25 April 2020) 
Day 30 of lockdown… Good morning you amazing wild2Fly people! The IOH dominating today with a SE along the coast and easterly flow pattern inland. Loads of Q’s around in the southern parts with the boundary layer around 3k AGL in the southern parts and slightly less in the west. Still a chance of CB activity inland along the Great Escarpment intensifying to the east. Winds are fairly light easterly increasing into the afternoon. It remains fairly light with some directions changes up to around 20k before settling in a WSW direction and a 20-30kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – Its more east with the strong stuff towards CP leaving the city bowl and areas northwards more sheltered. A good windshadow around all day.

RB – It doesn’t look like the SE makes it out here…

PV – Surprisingly improved day here with good conditions around to the north. Kardoesie the place to be with climbs after 14:00 going to 5 and possibly to 7k. The Cederbergs very good from the looks of it.

Wilderness – It looks like it is going to be one of those good Map days at the end of the day… Some late moring climbs at Sedge to 1500 or slightly more but the east will spoil it by 12 … Serps the place to be from 10/11 for that flight to Map and then remaining air-born here for the rest of the day! ? Some rain on the mountains I think. (Close eough!)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies showing climbs to around 3k with Q’s. The wind will be more SE so perhaps not the best direction. Keurbooms too SE.

PE and PA Light SW start but by late afternoon it will be trending SE around 10kts.

Inland It is all east winds picking up to 15kts in places in the afternoon. Good clouds around in most places but strong chance off CB activity along the Sutherland escarpment and eastwards.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 7:00 and setting at 17:54 (Day length is 10 hrs 54 min). Some thick cloud this morning clearing during the day so a chance of getting your vitamin D sun-shot later on ;) Max temps for the Wilderness area another medium 19 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))


(24 April 2020) 
Day 29 of lockdown… Good morning you awesome wild2Fly people! The IOH dominating the surface conditions from most of the WC today while the presence of midlevel moisture from the north converges with the IOH cool lower air, producing a line of broad CB activity in the inland areas today. There should be some good rain fall from Citrusdal in the west to EL in the east and north of this line. Loads of high cloud around for the southern regions today. Winds are generally light southerly except for CP and the west coast where the SE will be strong. The boundary layer typically low in the west with up to 2k AGL but a tad higher for the southern parts up to 3k near the mountains. Above the higher ranges climbs can go to 7/8k. Winds again trend west above the inversion with a 20-40kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – Once again strong SE winds with the wind-shadow active all day long.

RB – Looking so good from mid day onwards with a sunset cruise on the cards! Eish! ;)

PV – Another very southerly wind day with a low inversion and poor LR. Up to 2k at most AGL in a few spots. The Cederbergs much better but very thick midlevels with a chance of CB cells north and eastwards.

Wilderness – Oh my hat. We are missing out on some sweet Serps and Sedge flying days… Sweet smooth climbs to 1500’ possible from 11 to 15:00 for the most part. Even with the high cover it should work well. Southerly up to 7kts. Spot on!

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies showing climbs to just shy of 3k at the nbest part of the day, else just over 2k expected. Keurbooms not really on. Loads of midlevel stuff and then late afternoon some low Q’s…

PE and PA light S to SW winds with rain to the east (EL way)

Inland – Sweet light southerly winds all the way up to near the Sutherland Escarpment where it is North in the morning but going more WNW in the afternoon. Some rain north of the Swartbegrs in the morning but the main CB cell activities confined to a line along the Great Escarpment and northwards.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:59 and setting at 17:56 (Day length is 10 hrs 56 min). A thick cloudy day with hardly any vitamin D making it through. Best to read and dream of the day of freedom ;) Max temps for the Wilderness area another medium 19 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))


(23 April 2020) 
Day 28 of lockdown… Good morning you amazing wild2Fly people! The SAH dominating along the coasts while a midlevel trough along the west will deepen and have a greater effect over our weather in the coming days. Lots of mid-level clouds around today. Very stable for the west coast areas perhaps 1000’ AGL weak climbs with the big mountains slightly better. The southern areas a tad better with 2k AGL inversion and light S winds. There’s a chance of some rain along the western parts and this will move further south during the day and tomorrow. An increase chance of CB activity in the central parts especially by tomorrow. Winds trends west with height with 50kts at the Tropopause.

CT – Strong SE winds but the wind-shadow active in all its glory.

RB – On the edge of the strong wind so it could go either way. ;)

PV – A very bad day here with weak conditions and low inversion. Thick mid-levels with a chance of rain later on.

Wilderness – Another sweet day here with Sedge and Serps delivering – light S to SE winds and climbs up to 2k. (Awesome Serps and Sedge with Q's in the afternoon!)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with a tad more SE so Keurbooms not really on. Uppies with climbs just a tad over 2k… Thick mid-levels that could hamper the thermic stuff…

PE and PA also sweet and light SE…

Inland – Again light winds inland with a SE trend in the south but then WNW to the north above the Sutherland Escarpment. Its good out there with 10k climbs even if there is still a bit of high stuff around. ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:59 and setting at 17:57 (Day length is 10 hrs 58 min). Less sun today with lots of midlevel clouds so not much for getting a vitamin D tan. ;) Max temps for the Wilderness area a medium 19 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))


(22 April 2020) 
Day 27 of lockdown… Good morning you awesome wild2Fly people! A fairly stable winters day with the SAH dominating except for the eastern parts where the IOH is helpful with a tad more depth in the instability. Light winds mostly except for the CT area where the SE will pickup with around 20kts later in the day. The boundary layer around the west and southern coastal areas around 2kAGL with the bigger mountains inland around 2k above the peaks. Winds light S to SW trending west with height. Mostly blue with a few Q’s around the The SW corner and perhaps on the Outenikwas by the looks of it. Far inland north of the Sutherland Escarpment its pretty good with 12k climbs and strong west winds. The eastern parts inland even better! ;) Winds finish SW at the Tropopause around 30kts over CT and 50kts north of Sutherland.

CT – Looks like the wind-shadow is active today so a good day going by…

RB – From mid-day onwards it will be on with a sweet sunset flight finish.

PV – a low inversion at perhaps 2k AGL all over the show and S to SW winds 10-15kts in spots.

Wilderness – A light S to SW wind day with a west higher up. Sweet Serps and Sedge with climbs to 1000/1500’ from 11 onwards till late… Sigh… The coast frustratingly light. (Spot on)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Keurbooms late morning early afternoon window but Uppies stealing the show with just over 3k climbs for most of the day…

PE and PA sweet SW of 15kts…

Inland – Very light winds inland up to 5kts with some instability especially over the higher peaks. It trends west the further north you go. In the south still that inversion around 2k AGL but north of the great escarpment it is the good stuff with 10-12k climbs and cool Q to the east…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:58 and setting at 17:58 (Day length is 11 hrs on the dot). A cool but sunny day. Take a dose of Vitamin D while sipping your homebrew while imagining you are on holiday. After the second one you could go naked and after the third even remove your facemask while posing for the neighbour! ;) Max temps for the Wilderness area a rather cool 19 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))


(21 April 2020) 
Day 26 of lockdown… Good morning you amazing wild2Fly people! The Cold Front moving into KZN leaving plenty clouds and cooler air in its wake. A light to moderate S to SW push with some light rain possible along the southern ranges. Base from around 2k with tops near 5/6k so a pretty thick cloud layer for most areas Partial clearing from the west later on. The good air still around to the far North of the Sutherland Escarpment with De Aar and GR with NW winds and base 13k but a chance of some CB activity in the area. To the south of the first ranges the boundary layer not very high with around 3k AGL on average – it is higher further inland over the high grounds. Winds S to SW in the south then veers to the W and even NW in the far north. It remains westerly in general with a 60kts WNW finish at the Tropopause.

CT – A pretty southerly day with base around 3k… A tough day to fly at SH and LH I think with that strong coastal acceleration around 15kts SSW…

RB – Looks just a tad on the light side but maybe…

PV – A very southerly day with climbs to just around MT height. 3500’ later with slightly East up there. In the Cederbergs its more to 6/7k climbs with West winds up there.

Wilderness – Looks like a light SW to S day here with Sedge and Serps the best spots. It looks really sweet with climbs to 1500’ very doable. Light thermals all day long. ;) The coast on and off I think. A chance of some rain on occasion. (No rain else good)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but more thicker OD at Uppies all day. Keurbooms is in with a chance around mid-day… Also rain possible at times…

PE and PA strong SW winds of 15-20kts. More rain to the east…

Inland – Very light winds inland with 5kts or less for the little Karoo – a sweet power flying day I think. Above 5k the wind are West and picks up starting at 10-15kts. From GR and Middelburg northwards we go into some good air with base around 13k but also those CB cells a strong possibility. Its NW winds here…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:57 and setting at 17:59 (Day length is 11 hrs 2min). Another cool and cloudy day with chances of light rain. A good day to keep reading while we all wait patiently for the lockdown to end…  Max temps for the Wilderness area a cooler 17 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))


(20 April 2020) 
Day 25 of lockdown… Good morning you awesome wild2Fly people! The CF into CT with strong NW backing to the SW late afternoon. Rain for most of the day here and then clearing towards the east and north. Further inland there is the usual prefrontal NW stuff with very high base and super strong soaring conditions. Caranvon, BW to Steytlerville it is strong NW with base 13-14k all the way! A slight chance of some CB activity inland preceeding the front. For the southern coastal areas it is mainly W to SW winds – very strong near Agulhas, with the eastern edge around PE before we move into the NE flow from the IOH. The CF will move further west during the evening to cover the whole WC. Winds are NW all the way up to the Tropopause with a marked isotherm layer giving rise to strong wave activity over the high WC mountains today. Its 90kts WNW plus at the Tropopause.

CT – Rain for most of the day…


PV – strong NW winds early with the front moving in in the afternoon with rain.

Wilderness – What an interesting place this Wilderness is. The NW and SW storng stuff seems to be blowing all around us while we are sitting pretty in a relatively calm area – all day long! ;) It’s a tad westerly at Sedge with some climbs to perhaps 1000’ or just over from early (A few small Q's around). The wind goes more west with height but it is failry light so it could be sweet. Its light and frustrating on the coasts. Rain early evening… (Spot on but no rain!)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but a bit better at Uppies. Climbs to just over 2k with SW winds 10kts. Keurbooms right direction but could be a bit light.

PE strong SW winds of 15-20kts and PA with NE winds early on going SW in the afternoon.

Inland – It is very strong NW winds with some spots hitting 30kts on the surface. Very high base to the east with the low stuff to the west. Strong wave just ahead of the front. Its not a flying day unless you go very very far to the NE. ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:56 and setting at 18:0. (Day length is 11 hrs 4min). A cool and cloudy day. Enjoy a good book while we all wait patiently for the lockdown to end…  Max temps for the Wilderness area a cool 21 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))


(19 April 2020) 
Day 24 of lockdown… Good morning you amazing wild2Fly people! A real bergwind day for most of the WC with very hot temps, especially  along the southern coastal regions where upper thirties will be norm. That CF pushing towards CT helping to shape up the ridge form the IOH causing the strong NW flows in the central parts of the WC. Many spots reaching 30kts on the surface today. A very stable day despite the high surface temps and a small chance of some wave activity in the lee of the higher mountain ranges. A SW moving up the southern parts reaching the GR just after mid-day. A blue day - except for far far inland at Douglass and northwards where it is absolutely epic with 13-14k bases and the NW winds more manageable. (Ai!!!) More to the south the winds are NW 20-35kts all the way to 18k where it starts to back more to the W and then SW with a 60kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – NW but bergy with 30kts at TM top height. Probably not a flying day with loads of shear trubulance expected. Some coastal fog moving in in the afternoon too…

RB – WWB lol!

PV – NW winds with very stable conditions also – perhaps some spots with climbs to just shy of 3k. However the winds will be gusty with 15ks and more in places.

Wilderness – All NW and offshores for the morning but it goes onshore around mid-day. It will trend to the WSW but never gets to the point of being very flyable. Not the best of days here… (Spot on)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness.

PE and PA with Easterlies winds up to 10-30kts in the far east...

Inland – It is all NW winds but a tad too strong for flying in all the places. Very stable too with poor climbs expected. Beervlei showing up to 3k AGL but its 25kts!

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:56 and setting at 18:01. (Day length is 11 hrs 6min). No doubt too hot for that Vitamin D shot in the butt. But definitely the time for Covid19 to die in the heat! ;) Max temps for the Wilderness area a super hot and dry 30 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))


(18 April 2020) 
Day 23 of lockdown… Good morning you awesome wild2Fly people! The IOH with its inland counterpart dominating the WC weather today. There is a strong CF moving towards CT expected landfall in about 2 days’ time. But for today much has changed with the High producing allot of descending and inversion building conditions – there are Northerlies mostly with warm offshore conditions close to the southern and western coastal regions. Along the coast the ENE coastal breeze will dominate in the south but in a very shallow layer only. Above 2-3k the wind is decidedly N to NW. The boundary layer very low in the coastal regions but some weak climbs to be had inland with the Sutherland escarpment reaching 10k. It’s a blue day. The wind remains NW all the way to 18k where it backs to the WSW with a 40/50kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – A lot of North in the upper flow with 20-30kts just above TM top. A shallow S moving in later in the afternoon. Looks like some coastal SSW acceleration but a bit iffy if you ask me. A day to be on the look-out for any bergy mixing taking place – though the change in vertical velocities look pretty steady with no large abrupt differences…

RB – WWB is out today!

PV – All northerlies today with high temps and generally inverted conditions. There are some spots where it does look like some lift could be had and climbs to 8k doable. Lol. Some wave action possible inbetween the high peaks tooo…

Wilderness – A hot inverted day though early Sedge could have produced something up to 800’. But from late morning onwards it is all super stable conditions with nothing going up. The best bets are Buffs. Winds are N to NW from 2/3k upwars at 15-20kts. (watch for possible lee wave down flows) lol ;)   (Hhhmmm... light winds but looked doable up to 800')

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with a strong inversion – Uppies showing a super shallow layer with climbs to just over 1k possible… Hehe…

PE and PA with Easterlies winds up to 20kts.

Inland – DuToits and Beervlei the spots to be foresure with North winds 10-15kts and climbs to 7/8k possible at DuTotis and 9k at Beervlei… A goood day for Swartberg (and Outenikwa!) mountain lee waves to form. Sigh…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:55 and setting at 18:02. (Day length is 11 hrs 8min). It is time to work on that butt tan of yours and getting your vitamin D shot. ;) Max temps for the Wilderness area a warm 23 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))


(17 April 2020) 
Day 22 of lockdown… Good morning you amazing wild2Fly people! We are entering the weather period where the southerly cyclonic systems are brushing the WC more regularly as they pulse past us, often aided by the SAH – which is now more to our east rather than to our south. Today again a light pulse feathering towards the Cape while cool Atlantic air is covering the western parts with a very shallow layer of instability. Winds are quite southerly here while the southern coast it is more SW. The boundary layers lower than yesterday with 2-3k on average. Still some clouds in the SW quadrant – base at 3k going to 5/6k north of the first mountains. Winds are NW inland with much more instability with the boundary layer up to 11k over Sutherland. The winds remain NW all the way to 20k where it starts to back to the west with a 50kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – It looks like another flyable day with light southerly winds. Again the local acceleration at Sea-point 10-15kts SW.

RB – It might deliver a sweet sunset flight today…

PV – A pretty stable for PV with climbs only to mountain top. Very southerly trend later on too. Up to 3500’ climbs… The Cederbergs a tad better with 6k on the cards…

Wilderness – A sweet autum day with light SSW winds so Serps and Sedge will be on! Climbs to 1500’ on the cards with a low cloud layer possibly moving in after 14:00… Clearing again later… Hhhmmm. It is NW from 3k upwards – 20kts at 5k. (Sweet day with the cloudy layer from 10/11 already - OD for the afternoon)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but more SSE in the direction. Upppies showing climbs to just over 2k SSE winds up to 10kts. Keurbooms probably too much east in it.

PE and PA with SE winds up to 15kts.

Inland – All NW to W winds but the southerly creeping up to the southern parts of the Swartberg late afternoon. The winds will also trend more West as the day progresses. This is the time that DuToits and especially Beervlei dam starts to work. The later showing a window between 12 and 15:00 with 20kts NW winds and climbs to 9k….

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:54 and setting at 18:04. (Day length is 11 hrs 10min). Man, we are looking forward to the end of this lockdown… Any of you with a butt tan yet? ;) Max temps for the Wilderness area a cooler 19 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))


(16 April 2020) 
Day 21 of lockdown… Good morning you awesome wild2Fly people! The SAH dominating all of the WC with a light CF brushing the SW parts with some sweet cloud but a low boundary layer at 3/4k. Winds are generally westerly with some S to SW variations in the south and W to NW in the west. Again light winds everywhere 5-10kts. Some Q’s in the south over the Outenikwas and Swartbergs at 6 and 9k respectively so some good flying in the W to NW air in those regions. Winds trend SW above 14k with a 40kt SW finish at the Tropopause.

CT – Another sweet day of flying ahead of you with a light west on the cards all day long. SLP, and Sigs should be good… Some low cloud early and later on again.

RB – WWB out today.

PV – Also sweet flying here with W to SW winds lower down and more West higher up. 3/4k in general but 5/6k in the convergence areas – over PB especially. The Cederbergs looking good with 8/9k climbs…

Wilderness – Another slightly mores stable day here with climbs around 1k at Sedge and Serps but late afternoon a slight improvement on the cards with climbs perhaps reaching 1500’. The coast will be frustrating light I think. S to SW wind trending west with hight. (Looked spot on!)

Plett – A tad more oomph in the wind around Robberg  with SW up to 15ks at times. Keurbooms with a short window before midday but Uppies stealing the show with 12 climbs reaching up to 6k! By 14:00 its back down to 3500’ but man! Why oh why…!!!???

PE and PA with SW 10-15kts so Maitlands looking sweet…

Inland – Again all light South to SW winds and far north if veers to the West. Some sweet Q’s over the Swartbergs and other adjacent higher peaks – 8-9k. The Outenikwas looking great with good climbs in the vicinity. It remains light all the way up too 10k…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:53 and setting at 18:05. (Day length is 11 hrs 11min). Just another covid day while we try to remain positive in trying times – just go naked in the garden again! ;) Max temps for the Wilderness area a slightly warmer 20 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))


(15 April 2020) 
Day 20 of lockdown… Good morning you amazing wild2Fly people! Another CF approaching CT – light rain possible by early evening already. For the remainder of the WC it is a very light wind day as we are kinda in a col position between the SAH, inland trough and the IOH. Winds trend light southerly along the coast with some SE to SW variations and a tad more stable air around here. But further inland north of the first ranges it is business as usual with the boundary layer around 5/8k. A few Q’s around but much less compared to yesterday. Above the inversion the wind goes west and remains west all the way to the Tropopause for a 50kts finish up there.

CT – Looking like a sweet W to SW day here with some good flying to be had all day long… Perhaps touching on jus over 10kts SW along the coast. Its great for SLP or any launch spot along the mountains for a flight to the North…

RB – Not strong enough and most of the day too west.

PV – A sweet westerly day here up to 10 maybe 15kts very late in the afternoon. Climbs to 6k in the convergence areas else around 3500/4k mostly.

Wilderness – A much more stable day but with some climbs around at Sedge and Serps to around 800 or 1000’. Mostly less than 5kts in the wind… (Looked spot on.)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but with Uppies showing early climbs to 2500’ and later to just below 2k. Mostly SSE during the day. Keurbooms a maybe with 5/7kts of SSE.

PE and PA with SW up to 10 and a chance of light rain to the east…

Inland – All light southerly winds up to the Sutherland escarpment where it veers to the west. Up 9k over here in climbs and 8 over the other higher ranges. West winds higher up.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:53 and setting at 18:06. (Day length is 11 hrs 13min). Oh my… The darkness is stealing the daylight right from under our noses… Almost only 11 hours of sunlight in the day… Max temps for the Wilderness area a slightly warmer 19 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))


(14 April 2020) 
Day 19 of lockdown… Good morning you awesome wild2Fly people! Another fantastic day ahead for flying as the SAH keeps feeding in a deep layer of instability onto the entire WC. (F#$%! Is this really what we want to hear now!?) ;) SW winds along the southern coast with S to SE along the west coast. The boundary layer around 4k on average with some beautiful Q’s around in most places. Up to 8k over the Cederbergs and Swartberg ranges… Winds higher up around 5-10kts. There’s a chance of some light rain in a few parts of the southern coastal areas later on. Far inland and to the east a chance of CB activity. The winds trend SE with height but then we have an interesting “snake” of the jet-stream near the Tropopause with SW 50kts over CT and NW 80kts over PA with Wilderness in the calm curve at 15kts.

CT – Another day of sweet instability with clouds at around 4k. S to SW winds 10kts with some spots reaching 20kts at times. The windshadow shapes up better later in the day…

RB – It is a super day here and especially for late afternoon sunset cruising! Arrgh!

PV – Climbs to 4/5k expected with some 7k in the convergence areas. SW winds with a SE above 4k… Sweet Q’s mostly over the Cederbergs…

Wilderness – Another awesome day awaits (F#$!) with light SW to S winds and Sedge and Serps with climbs to 2500’ and Q’s deeper inland. Ag I feel clike crying now… I’m so liss man… (Even better than forecasted!)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Keurbooms still showing some promise and Uppies! Ohh Uppies with Q’s and climbs to over 4k on the cards. Sweet puring SSW winds… Ai!

PE and PA with SW 10- 15kts and a chance of rain…

Inland – It is all South to SE winds all the way past Sutherland up to Uppington today with that sweet unstable layer of flat Q’s filled air. It is a day to go far from any of the southerly facing sites today… Still that chance of CB’c to the far east in a line from GR to Carnavon…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:52 and setting at 18:07. (Day length is 11 hrs 15min). A day to lie naked in the garden looking at the sky and dreaming about flying. Ai, I’m so sick of vitamin D already! ;) Max temps for the Wilderness area a cool 18 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))


(13 April 2020) 
Day 18 of lockdown… Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! I don’t know about you but this lockdown is getting to me in more ways than I imagined… Today the SAH lavishing the entire WC with cool unstable air. The winds are S to SW along the southern coasts, S to SE along the west and SW to NW further inland. The boundary layer between 3/4k along the coastal plains and first mountain range, going up to 6/7k further inland. There is a chance of some rain around the Sutherland Escarpment in a line to the ESE with some CB activity for most of the day. Above the inversion the wind is WNW increasing steadily to finish WNW 80kts at the Tropopause.

CT – Sweet instability with clouds at around 4k. S to SW winds 10-15kts at times. No wind-shadow today as the wind creeps along the shoreline…

RB – Hhhmmm Maybbe late afternoon it might come through…

PV – SW winds trending a tad SSW 5-10kts. Climbs to around 3/4k. A good day to have just flown north for a sweetie to Renosterhoek…

Wilderness – A super day on the cards with lightish southerly winds. Some playful times on the coast but Sedge and Serps the place I think with climbs to 2500’ on the cards. You could go somewhere today… ;) (Spot on!)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Keurbooms having a go but Uppies showing climbs to 4k then latter to 3500’ – a southerly wind around 10kts…

PE and PA a light SW start going up to 10-15kts…

Inland – It is all Southerly in the south which veers to the west and even WNW far in the north. The convergence line setting up some CB activity running from Williston to GR…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:51 and setting at 18:09. (Day length is 11 hrs 17min). Looks like some partly cloudy stuff so if you find a sheltered corner you could end up wearing just a face mask while taking in your shot of vitamin D… ;) Max temps for the Wilderness area a cool 18 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))

(12 April 2020) 
Day 17 of lockdown… Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! The CF moving over the entire WC today with very strong westerly winds – over 30kts on the coast at times. Rain clearing from the west from around mid-day onwards while the LE reaches up towards Bloem and into KZN. The boundary layer around the 3/4k level at the first mountains with going up to 8/9k on the Great Escarpment. Winds are west 40kts from 5k upwards with a 100kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – Rainy cloudy morning but by mid-day it should be a cracker of a flying day with 10kts wests and base around 4k… Drats! (It’s the kind of day for those big flights from the south to the north)

RB – WWB out today!

PV – Rainy clagged morning but clearing sweetly by mid-day. 5-10kts W to SW with base just above 4k…

Wilderness – A too strong W to SW wind day. Looks like the rain is skipping this part of the coast ;). (Spot on but for a small window late afternoon a the wind dropped more than forecasted)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with those strong W - SW winds.

PE and PA with SW 30kts plus!

Inland – The we3sdt winds all the way north to the Nam border… Very strong with CB activity and rain spreading eastwards during the day. The far SW clearing from mid-day…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:50 and setting at 18:10. (Day length is 11 hrs 19min). A very windy and cloudy day so no chance of getting that sought after Vitamin D (Perhaps to your neighbours relief!) ;) Max temps for the Wilderness area a surprising 23 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))

(11 April 2020) 
Day 16 of lockdown… Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! That SAH to the east of us helping a CF to shift into CT. The preceding NW winds will build during the day and spread to the rest of the WC. The southern coastal regions with some shelter with light winds but very stable conditions. Low cloud along the west all day and worsening with rain increasing – loads of rain during the night and early morning for CT… The South coast rain by early hours tomorrow morning. Still some flying to possible up at PV side before the CF hits there during the early evening too. And then far inland with Uppington going off! (It could be a record day if your timing and placement was right!) lol. Superb stuff up there as the trough and a sweet convergence is active from east of Mariental in Namibia all the way past Uppington (14k beautiful base here) all the way down past Middelburg… ;) Winds are generaly NW backing to the west for a 100kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – All cloudy and CFty with rain picking up by early evening and bucketing during the night…

RB – WWB out today!

PV – Would you believe it is flyable here today – a late start with 13:00 things starting to kcik off at Dasklip with a convergence in the area and climbs to 5k. A few flat Q’s shaping up in the hot spots. Winds around 5-10.13kts.

Wilderness – Not a flyable day here by the looks of it with high thick cirrus and as the light southerly pushes in it will just create a strong surface inversion all day long… There’s a iffi iffy chance just after lunch for a smidgeon of something going up at Serps and Sedge but short lived… (Spot on)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness so bad at Uppies tooo – maybe 1500’ at the best of times… Light on the coast.

PE light winds but PA east up too 15kts..

Inland – The SW side not much happening with surface winds light in the little Karoo. However just a tad up the NW is blowing. Its strong on the great escarpment at 20kts plus. That trough line running NW/SE very active from Mariental down to past Middelburg… ;) We can so dream about flying in that stuff!

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:50 and setting at 18:11. (Day length is 11 hrs 21min). Another warm enough to be naked day but the thick high level clouds will prevent a real tan! ;) Max temps for the Wilderness area a warm 23 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))


(10 April 2020) 
Day 15 of lockdown… Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! The IOH dominating the WC except for the far eastern sides where the inland trough is active with some CB activity for most of the day. A low inversion around in most places with thick Cirrus clouds dampening the heating of the sun making soaring even more difficult. The boundary layer between 1-2k AGL except for some of the higher peaks where 7/8k can be reached (Swartberg and deeper Cederbergs and Sutherland escarpment areas.) Winds are NW to SW trending west with height except far inland where the NW dominates once again. Fog around the west coast thickening during the day. A 50kts finish W at the Tropopause.

CT – Mostly NW to SW winds but fog keeping htings wrapped all day…

RB – WWB out today!

PV – Pretty stable with climbs hardly going over the mountain tops. Winds are westerly in general with a NW above the inversion. 3500’ climbs at the higher parts of the mountain…

Wilderness – A NW start but later it would have been a sweet day at Sedge and Serps with climbs to just over 1000’ around midday – light S to SW winds. Later oon it is more inverted with maybe 7/800’. Light winds all day… (looked spot on)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but uppies the spot for the day I think with climbs to around 3k for most of the day – despite thick cirrus cover. Light southerly surface winds trending more West with height. Light on the coast.

PE and PA light SW winds…

Inland – Light winds over most of the little Karoo region with a good spot fo soaring north of the Swartbergs around the Laignsberg areas… (Climbs to 4/5k AGL possible here…) Eastwards of a line running from Carnavon, BW to PE the potential for CB activity increases. There is a clear convergence line here with some good clouds around so it could be interesting flying trying to follow this … ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:49 and setting at 18:12. (Day length is 11 hrs 23min). Warm enough to be naked but the thick high level clouds will prevent that looks like you are on holiday tan! ;) Max temps for the Wilderness area another warmish 21 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))


(9 April 2020) 
Day 14 of lockdown… Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! The IOH dominating to the east with a strong easterly influence on that side while it is N to NW inland and NW to SW in the west. There is another CF approaching but the SAH is keeping it at bay so it probably wont be too strong. The boundary layer around 4k at the first ranges (much less at the coast with a strong coastal inversion present) and going up to 6/7k over the second ranges and up to 10/11k o the great escarpment. Winds are westerly above the inversion mostly with a 50/60kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – A SW surface trend mostly with NW at TM top height. Looks like a SW acceleration around the SH and LOH beachfront areas day…

RB – WWB out today!

PV – A N to NW start but more west later on. A sweet convergence starting at PB moving to Bumpy by 15:00. Climbs in here perhaps to 6k or so.

Wilderness – Pretty inverted day with an early morning NW start but later light south to south east. Both Sedge and Serps might get you up to 1k if you are lucky else its just bobbing above launch mostly. Buffs probably the best bet today. (Spot on again!) ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies very inverted with getting up not much above the ridge a maybe. Just above the NW to W is blowing… On the surface its light winds in the bay itself …

PE and PA with strong east influence – up to 30kts in PA.

Inland – A N start that will quickly back to NW and then westerlies for the little Karoo but it remains NW up on the Great Escarpment where there are some good flying up to 10/11k climbs even if the wind is strong. Most of the little Karoo is light with a west trend in it and a very shallow layer of instability 1-1500’ thick. Only the mountains with something decent.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:48 and setting at 18:14. (Day length is 11 hrs 25min). Aaahhh.., the time for naked vitamin D intake is back! ;) Max temps for the Wilderness area a warmish 22 degrees C. Enjoy the day! :))


(8 April 2020) Day 13 of lockdown
… Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! The SAH far to the south of us, busy morphing into the IOH as it shifts from west to east. The effects are a dominant easterly flow over the entire WC. Some strong stuff between Agulhas and CP but then it remains offshore easterlies along the west coast for the most part. Some cool instability around with the boundary layer around the 4/5k level along the first mountain ranges but even up to 7/8k along the western ones. Thick high level cirrus covering most of the WC all day wil effect the surface heating quite a bit. The winds back sweetly from the east to north around 10k and then all the way around to the West at the Tropopause at70kts.

CT – A great morning I think with a good wind-shadow but looks like late afternoon the southerly creeping through and probably spoiling the fun.

RB – It looks protected here all day long from the southerly with light winds all day. A maybe-maybe of the south coming through very late in the afternoon.

PV – Mostly east to SE winds here all day with Picketberg the obvious choice. Instability up to 8k in a few spots otherwise around 5/6k.

Wilderness – A light southerly start but trending SE with around a 15kts finish to the day. Sweet early Sege and Serps on the cards with high climbs possible (3k perhaps). (Spot on!)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies going from 4k climbs to just over 2k before lunch even as the coastal air moves in here… Maybe Keurbooms early before it goes to east?

PE and PA with S to SE winds up to 15kts..

Inland – East to NE winds all the way past Sutherland – a few spots up to 15kts but less in most places. The high cirrus clouds around but very unstable in the east flowing layer. Climbs to 8k over the Sutherland escarpment but in general the 4k thick layer all over the show…

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:47 and setting at 18:15. (Day length is 11 hrs 27min). Still less sun around and too cold for taking your clothes off so keep that bottle and book handy all day long. ;) Max temps for the Wilderness area a cold 17 degrees C. Enjoy that book! :))

(7 April 2020) Day 12 of lockdown… Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! That CF reaching past Maputo today. The WC being lathered in cold polar maritime air – low temps and scattered showers being pushed up from the south by the SAH. It will clear form the west during the course of the day – winds S to SW – it remains SW all the way up, trending WSW to the Tropopause for a 110kts finish up there.

CT – A deep Southerly with the inversion around 4k with some StratoQ’s up there… It doesn’t look to god for a wind-shadow Better in the morning than later I think.

RB – It will be going off for the afternoon with a magical sunset flight possible – icy cold though! ;)

PV – A SSW lower down so it will be flyable but it does trend SE from 4k upwards. Climbs to 4/5k possible. Best spots north of Kardoesie with 10-15kts winds SSW later in the day. The early clouds should also dissipate in the afternoon…

Wilderness – Strong Westerlies during the morning but by mid-day it will start to moderate and go more SW. It should be a great ocean cliffs afternoon…! ;) (Spot on!)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but stronger for longer. Too West for Keurbooms and too strong for Uppies I think.

PE and PA with SW 20-30kts…

Inland – All SW in the east and more SSE in the west. Breezy cold conditions with the boundary layer around 4/5k at the first ranges then climbing with the best around Swartberg or just north from there at 7k.

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:47 and setting at 18:16. (Day length is 11 hrs 30min). Get that bottle of red (if you still have some!) cozy down before the heater because I know the last thing on your mind is taking of all your clothes – it’s artificial vitamin D today for us all… ;) Max temps for the Wilderness area a cold and windy 16 degrees C. Enjoy that book! :))


(6 April 2020) 
Day 11 of lockdown… Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! The CF dominating the weather today with SW to west flowing air along the surface trending WNW with height. The SW parts of the WC with low cloud and rain which will spread to the remainder by late afternoon. It’s a breezy day with 30kts along the coast at times. Preceding the CF and further inland the base is higher with some good looking conditions albeit super windy! ;) Winds are generally 20-30kts form the surface to around 7/8k where it increases stewadily to 130kts WNW at the Tropopause.

CT – Typical frontal conditions with low clouds, strong Westerlies and rain. It will go more SW later and partial clearing in the afternoon.

RB – WWB today…

PV – Mostly clagged in during the moring but lifting a tad to just clear of the mountain tops later in the day. 20kts West winds at times so way too strong to fly…

Wilderness – Still a break form the approaching rain until around 15:00 when the lower clouds and rain will move in. Strong WNW this morning going to the SW during the late morning. Probably a chance of some dune gooning before the rain arrives… (Late afternoon was good)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness. Some high base preceding the front. But way too strong to fly.

PE and PA with SW 30kts…

Inland – All westerlies and breezy with 20-30kts in most places. High fast moving clouds/Q’s at 7-10k. The usual good air stuff far to the east from Bloem down to just east of Aliwal North (13k base out here but very strong NW winds!)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:45 and setting at 18:19. (Day length is 11 hrs 34min). Grab a last bit of vitamin D this morning – find a kite and fly it from your back yard! :)) That's making the most of a Covid Monday! ;) Max temps for the Wilderness area a windy 21 degrees C. Enjoy that book later on! :))


(5April 2020) 
Day 10 of lockdown… Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! Today the CF is right on CT’s stoep with the typical NW flows preceding it. CT should see rain late afternoon/early evening and the winds will go SW at that time too. Still some inland trough activity but further inland and of course those winds really strong with 20-30kts in many spots. The southern coast mostly SW winds. Loads of thick high cirrus clouds around. Theboundary layer still reasonably high with 4/5k along the first ranges for west and south coast areas. Into the little Karoo it is 6/8k and then in the far north going to that 13k and classic skies again. Winds are NW all the way from 2/3k to the Tropopause for a 80kts finish up there.

CT – Again the low clouds around with the NW winds up there… Some parts should clear so another maybe maybe could have been a 12 apostle day for the hangies…

RB – WWB today…

PV – A NW to West day, pre-frontal but a sweet one with winds 10-15kts at most. Climbs to 4k with just over 5k in the convergence area – starting around PV to PB and migrating north to Kardoesie at the end of the day. Some Q’s shaping up later in the afternoon witch will OD between 3-4k.

Wilderness – A surprisingly llight wind day for the CF coming. (Rain by midnight tonight) but for today it would have been an awesome Sedge and Serps day with sweet SSW winds 5-10kts and 1500’ climbs. Some Q’s during the early parts of the day but clearing (except for the high stuff…) (Spot on!)

Plett – Uppies the spot with 3k climbs until near 16:00 when the sea-breeze drops climbs to half that.

PE and PA with SW flows 15kts…

Inland – The NW winds making way for the strong SW pusing in from the SW areas during the course of the day. Its pre-frontal so typical strong and wild! (30kts from 4k upwards…)

For Wilderness, sunrise was at 6:45 and setting at 18:19. (Day length is 11 hrs 34min). If you followed my advice you should have a rather odd looking face mask tan with a sun-burnt butt! lol. The next few days should be sweet recovering with the CF and rain moving in. It’s indoor TLC time with bubble baths, champs and a good book! (You get the idea!) ;) Max temps for the Wilderness area a cooler 21 degrees C. Enjoy a good book! :))


(4 April 2020) 
Day 9 of lockdown… Good morning you super cool Wild2Fly people! So today is another screaming-your-lungs-out-cursing-Covid day. Today the inland trough still very active with sweet flying conditions inland – base around 12/14k. It has shifted a tad more easterly so not as good near the west coast (PV half of what it was yesterday). (You could still fly from Pofadder to PE!) The coastal areas in the west effected by a pushing CF with the cold ocean producing those fog patches in most areas. Just above the winds are W to NW. The southern parts a slight coastal low moving to the east as the W to SW winds make inroads up to near PE before being halted by the IOH easterly winds. Its NW all the way up to above the good flying air where it backs more to the SW for a 60kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – The fog stopping play but if not it could have been a 12 apostle day – especially for the hangies!

RB – WWB today…

PV – Not as good as yesterday but sweet none the less with W to NW winds 5-10kts. It does pickup later to 15ks in a few posts. The convergence starting early at 10:00 over PV running straight to PB. It slowly moves north ending at Bumpy around 16:00 climbs in the convergence to 5 maybe 6 if you get lucky. To the far east over the Cederbergs you get inot the good air again with NW winds and climbs to 11k – the Q’s are more east than yesterday…

Wilderness – A stay on the ground day here all day long… Strong inversion and it aint moving by the looks of it. Maybe enough SE later at Gerickes and Buffs… (Spot on!)

Plett – I have it on one of my forecasting models Uppies with a short window of getting into the good stuff air around 12:30-13:30 with the cycles coming up te front but the wind stil W to NW higher but being able to climb to 11k… lol. Wow! Then the shallow stable coastal air moves in and spoils the fun. ;) Keurbooms seems to remain light…

PE and PA with the easterly flow but just inland that super awesome air showing climbs to 11k right next to the coast! Especially further east…

Inland – Another extremely good day out there wasted away due to Covid. Lol. A flight form Pofadder to PE is def possible today… Ai jai jai! 12/14k base with sweet NW winds 15-20kts all the way… A slight chance of some OD or light rain to the NE sides but otherwise that run surely is possible… Checkout the high stuff over PE today (even near Plett as well)…

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 6:44 and setting at 18:20. (Day length is 11 hrs 36min)  Today its compulsory to do the face-masked-naked lie down in your garden – and don’t worry about your neighbour because they are doing the same after seeing you yesterday! ;) Max temps for the Wilderness area a hot 28 degrees C. (but over 30 just a tad furhter inland!) Enjoy the day from the stoep! :))


(3 April 2020) 
Day 8 of lockdown… Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! So we are breaking records of a different kind it seems – the longest time period in our flying history of no one flying! ;) Today the IOH and a sweet trough along the west coast dominating our weather. The west-coast trough having awesome spectacular most amazing soaring characteristics – high bases and sweet sweet soaring – most spots between 12 and 14k from Springbok in the North past Calvinia and right into the PV valley! It’s a day to break records from PV… Some CB activity but that I way to the north and east side of the trough. Winds out there are all NW between 10-20kts. (You could go towing up there and fly to the SE and possibly break the record today…!) The southern coastal area in stark contrast with a surface inversion stopping everything going up in its tracks. The winds are light southerly trending SE. Maybe Buffs could offer something late afternoon. At 18k the NW flow goes SSW and finishes with 20-30kts S at the Tropopause.

CT – Another sweet wind-shadow day – especially late afternoon when a shallow south pushes through.

RB – WWB today…

PV – A day to remember if we could fly – space out time with NW winds and climbs to over 11k possible everywhere. Further into the Cederbergs its 12kplus with Q’s… Aaahhh today would have been the day I think… Ai!

Wilderness – A stay on the ground day here all day long… Strong inversion and it aint moving by the looks of it. Maybe enough SE later at Gerickes and Buffs…

Plett – Similar to Wilderness…

PE and PA again with SE and E around 15kts.

Inland – Aaaahhhh my word. Today you can fly from Pofadder to past Bedfort in the eastern Cape! It is good out there today! Sweet Q’s in most places at around 13-14k. NW winds all the way up. DuToits will be cracking at mid-day. Watch the Outenikwas for those few very high popping Q’s and drool and cry and scream your lungs out. Damn Covid!

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 6:44 and setting at 18:21. (Day length is 11 hrs 38min)  Go for a face-masked-naked lie down in your garden as you bath in some vitamin D! (The mask is incase your neighbour takes pictures! ;) Max temps for the Wilderness area a warm 25 degrees C. Enjoy the day from the stoep! :))


(2 April 2020) 
Day 7 of lockdown… Good morning you super awesome Wild2Fly people! Stay at home stay healthy to fly another day it seems – but it’s so hard! ;) Today the IOH dominating with a large flow of NE to N except for the shallow layer on the coast that is SE. Superb conditions along the west coast but the coastal flow causing a strong inversion at 1/2k along the southern parts. The boundary layer around the 6-8k mark from most places today. Winds pretty light except for the coast from the GR to CP where it will reach 30kts in places. Few clouds today except for the inland western parts over the Cederbergs notably – base here at 10k. 10kt N wind up there. Farily light all the way to the Tropopause where it is varied – Above CT at SW20ks – nil at Wilderness and NW 20kts further inland at Hopetown.

CT – A sweet wind-shadow day all day long.

RB – IT would have been a great sunset flying day…

PV – W to NW in the valley but going north with height. Nothing too strong with 10-15kts at most. Many areas quite light at 2-5kts, especially in the convergence area in the bermuday triangle today where it could be possible to climb to 10k! If you can get into the Cederbergs then Christmass is very early with sweet bases at 10k or more!

Wilderness – A day for Map mainly – it might get blownout late afternoon… Not good at Sedge with too much east. A maybe for a quicky at Serps to Map… ;) (Never got blown out - was very SW with a edie in the Map region)

Plett – The east early around here too…. Upppies showing climbs to just over 2k but very east…

PE and PA SE and E 20-30kts.

Inland – It’s a great day for Swartberg today with Northerly winds all the time until 14:30 or so when the SE pushes through. The convergence here showing climbs to 8k! ;) Its NE winds all the way inland past Sutherland…

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 6:43 and setting at 19:23. (Day length is 11 hrs 40min)  Go for a face-masked-walk in your garden and wriggled your toes in the grass! ;) Max temps for the Wilderness area a sweet 21 degrees C. Enjoy the views from the stoep and the sunny vitamin D! :))


(1 April 2020) 
Day 6 of lockdown… Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! (Yes, its April fools day!) ;) Almost one week gone… Some thick rainy clouds this morning around Wilderness – the promise is that it will clear with a strong and deep SE wind.  The SAH shifting to the south of us moving into the role of the IOH and lathering the entire WC with easterly flowing air. Some rain around along the coast and inland to the east but this will clear mostly from the west during the day. The west coast with east flowing air also and deep instability – 6k over the Peninsula and up to 8k at PB. Even way up north near Prieska and Uppington the wind is east. Above the inversion it goes west with a 20-40kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – Hhhmmm not a convincing wind-shadow day to me… Too east and strong.

RB – More frustrating today with some times it working on the east slope but loads of light wind spells around… You could get very high in a thermal though! ;)

PV – All east winds so Picketberg firing today with climbs in the valley to the north form launch going up to 8k around 15:00 with just 10kt winds!

Wilderness – A day for Map but it will blow out soon from lunchtime on… Too east for Sedge even form early on. (Too east and strong earlier even)

Plett – Too OD and low base, also the east wind will dominate later on here too…

PE and PA a sweet SE of 10-15kts…

Inland – East winds all the way up north of Sutherland. The Q’s drying out jst north of the Swartbergs with a sweet base there around 8k. If you could fly there that would be the spot… ;) A few spots reaching 20kts up there…

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 6:42 and setting at 19:24. (Day length is 11 hrs 42min)  Go for a solitary walk outside in your garden in the rain – so you can get your toes wet! ;) Max temps for the Wilderness area another cool 18 degrees C. Enjoy the views from the stoep – don’t forget that sunny vitamin D! :))


(31 March 2020) 
Day 5 of lockdown… Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! Ah how it pulls on my heart to see beautiful days blowing by without us being in the air… (Yes, there are more serious matters at hand but hey, I’m a soaring pilot!) ;) A layer of stratocu’s around 4k covering the Wilderness skies this morning – I know these well. They signal an awesome unstable layer wit superb flying conditions – therefore the heaviness of my heart. There’s only so many days in a lifetime you can fly… Each one is precious. The SAH sweeping up some sweet unstable air onto the entire WC today. The inland trough very active with widespread CB activity from Williston down towards Sutherland, BW, Willowmore all the way to the coast near Knysna/Plett. Winds are W initially but then SW along the southern parts. Its south along the west coast. Further inland it is W to NW. The boundary layer around 3/5k near the coast to the first ranges and then steadily higher as you move north from there. The sweet clouds start to dissipate near the Swartberg/ Cederberg ranges where it becomes dry – only to be replaced with the trough activity inland with loads of midlevel moisture sucked in from the north. The winds are 90kts NW at the Tropopause.

CT – Looks like a deep, strong and unstable Southerly with no wind-shadow today.

RB – Aahh… another great day for RB… Ai!

PV – Probably too much south in it but with some sweet flat Q’s around 4/5k it will looks great!

Wilderness – Sniff… A sweet SW on the cards today with the ocean cliffs very flyable for most of the day. Slight chance of rain, especially allong the mountains... (Spot on!)

Plett – Perhaps a bit too west for Keurbooms and too strong for Uppies. OD out there too. Slight chance of rain, especially allong the mountains...

PE and PA a strong SW 20kts plus

Inland – The southerly eventually reaching Sutherland by late afternoon. A sweet looking little Karoo sky today. Butt OD in the east with CB activity. Strong W to NW up there..

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 6:41 and setting at 19:25. (Day length is 11 hrs 44min)  The isolation remains but if you go get your toes wet (garden or car wash) it will help! ;) Max temps for the Wilderness area, 18 degrees C. Enjoy the views from the stoep – don’t forget that sunny vitamin D! :))


(30 March 2020) 
Day 4 of lockdown… Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! The SAH weakening and held at bay by a developing inland trough along the western side of the WC. Only a coastal influence of the SAH in the south and west and the IOH in the far east - even a few fog patches for parts of the GR coast. Conditions not as good as yesterday with a lower boundary layer – 1-2k near the southern coastal areas and 4k at the first mountain ranges, still around 5/6k north of there but 13k north of the Great Escarpment. Some awesome Q’s out there but mostly to the NE areas. For the rest it is mostly blue. Winds are light S to SE alogn the south coast, breey around CP and up the west coast. Above the inversion it goes W to NW with a 70kts NW finish at the Tropopause.

CT – A good wind-shadow day today…

RB – Aahh… another great day for RB today starting probably around lunchtie and finishing strong with a sunset cruise…

PV – Not the best PV day with lower climbs and 5500’ within the convergence north of Kardoesie – the rest again at mountain top height mostly… Winds SW but fresh again SSW from 17:00 onwards…

Wilderness – A really sweet day at Sedg and Serps on the cards with climbs to 1500’ on the cards. Maybe Map late afternoon…. (Spot on!)

Plett – Not so good here with Keurbooms too east and Upies with climbs to 2k only. SE here up to 10kts.

PE and PA a moderate SE wind…

Inland – light winds with a NW trend in the little Karoo with the southerly pushing in mainly in the southern parts – not quite up to the Swartbergs today. North of the great escarpment it is NW winds and strong 20kts plus…

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 6:41 and setting at 19:27. (Day length is 11 hrs 46min)  The isolation remains but if you go get your toes wet (garden or car wash) it will help! ;) Max temps for the Wilderness area, 20 degrees C. Enjoy the views from the stoep – don’t forget that sunny vitamin D! :))


(29 March 2020) 
Wow! Day 3 of lockdown and by now the reality and consequences of Covid19 is probably starting to make inroads into your psyche (like missing out on epic flying!) ;) Good morning you wonderful Wild2Fly people! The SAH pushing in that sweet unstable air onto the entire WC. SE around the Peninsula, southerly up the west coast, SW to southerly on the south coast. The boundary layer around 4/5k along the first ranges, 6/8k to the north of these and 10k along the great escarpment. Light rain along parts of the southern ranges in the morning but clearing form the west. The winds goes west to NW above the inversion with a 70kts West finish at the Tropopause.

CT – Another SE day with a wind-shadow showing up. Would have been sweet!

RB – Aahh… a great day for RB today…

PV – Looks like a tad too much south in it to be awesome. Climbs to 5k with a bit of variation around – 5500; north of Kardoesie and similar to the south of Dasklip. Inbetween much lower at 4k…

Wilderness – Ai. We are missing out today boys and girls! A beautiful day ahead with high climbs at Sedge… The coast could also offer something but it is pretty light later on.

Plett – A great day for Plett too. Keurbooms working well and also Uppie with climbs to 3500’ at base – thick and solid initially but into the afternoon it will thin out and become spectacular with close to 4k climbs and light southerly winds…

PE and PA a strong SW wind here all day…

Inland – the southerly winds going all the way up past Sutherland. A good day for flying out there with awesome Q’s all the way to the Swartbergs – it dries a bit north of that…

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 6:40 and setting at 19:28. (Day length is 11 hrs 48min)  Remain isolated as much as possible – go get your toes wet in the garden (or something!) Max temps for the Wilderness area another 21 degrees C. Enjoy the views from the stoep – don’t forget that sunny vitamin D! :))


(27 March 2020) 
Good morning all you super chilled (but still wild2fly!) locked-down people! ;) It is day 2 of lockdown and I have already had friends complaining about fighting boredom… Man it’s going to be tough haul for them… That CF still marching on to CT but loosing a bit of momentum as the SAH isobars move apart – should make landfall by early evening with hardly any rain. Still winds will increase during the day preceding it with a NW component from 3000’ upwards. The usual SW pushing up the southern coast too. In the east the IOH dominating with some E to NE winds. These will join the NW converging far offshore somewhere along the GR coast. It’s a mostly blue day with some clouds along the SW areas of the WC coast. The boundary layer around 4k on the southern mountains and along the western ranges. The next ones it goes up to 6/8k and up on the Sutherland Escarpment it is 13k but 20-25kts NW winds. It is 70kts W at the Tropopause.

CT – the usual S to SW flow with a strong cross shore component at LH and SH so probably not the best of days to fly.

RB – Its light and frustrating out there today… (Tank heavens!) lol

PV – A normal day here with the convergence north of Eendekuil to Skerpheuwel. At 15:00 winds are 10kts with climbs to just shy of 6k possible. The rest is 4/5k maybe….

Wilderness – looks like a light wind start with a strong surface in version but from late morning there will be a W to SW flow starting to appear. It is probably more of a frustrating day with it being on and off along the coast – the strong stuff staying out to sea… ;) Sedgefield not much better but with climbs to 3-400’ ATO and a W flow above… Just as well hey! ;) (Was and looked epic!)

Plett – similar to Wilderness with Keurbooms starting light SE and a veering to the SW with a maybe short short window. Then probably too much west in it. Uppies with climbs to 2k then 2.5k later however the winds are a tad too west and pushing 15kts and more at times.

PE and PA Initially NE but then the SW coming through late afetrnooon and early evening at PA.

Inland – no rain expected with a build-up of surface winds from the WNW in the north and SW in the southern parts as the front approaches. 20kts and more in a few spots later on. Not a good flying day…

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 6:39 and setting at 19:29. (Day length is 11 hrs 50min)  Please stay at home and get your toes wet in the garden (or something! Max temps for the Wilderness area around 21 degrees C. Another day to sit on the stoep and enjoy some vitamin D! :))


(26 March 2020) 
Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people! So our last day of freedom has arrived. Lockdown at mid-night tonight – wishing you all a fun filled day. ;) The CF has pushed up into all of SA. The WC with brisk cold unstable air fed in by the SAH. Winds are generally Southerly with SE sections on the west and SW in the east. A high boundary layer for a CF – 3/4k along the southern parts and 4/5k on the west not going that high inland with up to 8k near Sutherland. Winds are southerly all the way up to 10k then it veers a tad to the SW all the way to the Tropopause for a 60kts finish around CP but over 100kts West north of Sutherland!

CT – Strong deep SE winds with no inversion so only a slight chance of a wind-shadow late in the afternoon but it might be tight.

RB – An excellent day at RB so if you are not there…. Should start working mid-moring and last most of the day – strong in the mid-afternoon and probably blown out for the evening flight. But who knows! ;)

PV – Strong southerly winds with a SE over the component just at mountain top eight. It is 15kts from early on already so probably doubtful for flying. Kardoesie might be launchable early but its still cross over the back just above your head… 15-20kts seems to be the order of the day…

Wilderness – Some early rain around but it should clear from 9/10 onwards. The wind is def looking great for the coastal soaring session for just about all day long. I would say probably from 10 already if the rain plays ball but we might just be in for a great last day of play. :) Base around 3k – Sedge could be good for the hangies… Else the coastal cliffs are the places to hang out. ;) Strong this morning but moderating sweetly during the day. (Days started later than expected but it turned out good on the coast in the end. Inland looked epic!)

Plett – Looks strong here and more westerly. Too much for Keurbooms and probably too strong and too west for Upies tooo. Maybe Piesangs..?

PE and PA with storng SW winds 20-30kts…

Inland – It is all South to SW winds up into the north of the country. Low clouds with 8k the top if lift at Sutherland so a real Cold Front day. Oh and breezy! 20kts in places…

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 6:38 and setting at 19:32. (Day length is 11 hrs 55min)  A cold rainy morning, clearing late morning and into the afternoon. Last day for you to sneak onto the beach for a stroll – there’s big waves today so watch you don’t get swept of your feet when trying to get your toes wet before lock-down! ;) High tide at 4:39, low tide at 10:43, high tide at 16:55, low tide at 22:48. Max temps for the Wilderness area a cold 16 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(25 March 2020) 
Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! We seem to have some internet problems so my apologies for the late forecast. Today and tomorrow our last flying days it seems so I will try and give my interpretation for the next two days then. ;) And in light of the darkness to follows (Yeah – that was on purpose) lol – I was wondering what to do with the weather report? Should I take off, or should I continue or should I continue but perhaps in a different line (I almost used ‘light’ there) ;) Maybe you guys can let me know what you think.

Today a strong CF approaching the WC with a hefty SAH pushing it along. It should reach CT by mid-afternoon but all the tell-tale signs of tightening isobars as the wind increases in strength as the day progresses. Typical varying pre-frontal boundary layer with low stuff near the coast (1-2k along the southern parts) but very high inland preceding the front (8-10k over the Swartbergs). Winds are all S going SW along the southern parts and NW going W in the west. At 3k over the Outenikwas it will build from 10kts to 30kts by late afternoon. The front will pass overnight leaving cool frontal air for us to play in for tomorrow. ;) Winds are west all the way to thhe Tropopause today with a 80kts finish.

CT – Maybe a window for the morning but the low clouds moving in by mid-day with rain soon follow. Tomorrow it looks strong SSE with probably no wind-shadow around to help matters.

RB – Today is WWB but tomorrow looks good – it will build during the day probably getting blown out nut a chance of a sunset flight.

PV – It’s a pre-frontal day with thhe winds building quickly in the early afternoon. So fly early. Climbs to 4/5k on the cards but by 14:00/15:00 it will already get too strng to fly. In the south the clouds will move in with a low base (below the mount tops and thicken) The north area at Kardoesie remaining open for longer. Tomorrow looking strong and very south all day…

Wilderness – Some coastal fog around but this should clear with a warm sunny day ahead. There is building SW on the way that should reach us late afternoon. Still worth keeping an eye out for this – those signs on the ocean! Sedge should be very inverted with poor thermals. As the SW approaches the inversion will rise a bit but it is unfortunately also very west just above launch. By 16:00 there’s a 20-30kts W up there… Climbs to maybe just above the ridge from mid-day onwards maybe then going up to 400’ ATO from 15:00. Hhhm… not the best forecast! ;) Tonight rain and tomorrow looking better with even some coastal soaring on the cards. (Sedge better than expected and then Hotel late afternoon!)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness today with Keurbooms too light during the moring for anything and Uppies climbs to 2000’ – the wind is going from SE to SW during mid-day part. Also picking up and the inversion lifting to 3k but so too the winds pick-up to 15kts. So be vigilant! ;) It also goes W quickly. Tomorrow looking a tad too west most of the day actually…

PE and PA with East winds 10kts and then going to the SW from 17/18:00 onwards… Tomorrow strong SW 25kts.

Inland – A light wind start in the little Karoo and also light NW up north but by lunchtime the pre-frontal West moving in covering the entire WC with 20kts plus westerlies… It will back to the SW in the far NW areas and increase to over 30kts on the surface. By tomorrow the CF has moved far inland covering the inland areas with spots of rain and southerly winds everywhere.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 6:37 and setting at 19:34. (Day length is 11 hrs 57min)  A warm sunny day – time for you to sneak onto the beach for a stroll, swim and at least get your toes wet before lock-down! ;) High tide at 4:14, low tide at 10:18, high tide at 16:29, low tide at 22:23. Max temps for the Wilderness area another 20 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(24 March 2020) 
Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people! So the days are shorter now than the night but still some good flying to be had (unless the Covid19 does damage there too!) The SAH dominating more as all the systems have shifted eastwards. The CB activity to the far east, the inland trough also a tad more to the east. A lot of high level clouds around that will effect the surface heating and thermals in many places today. The boundary layer similar to yesterday with 2/3k alng the southern mountains 5k to the north of these and 7/8k north of the Swartbergs. The Cederbergs also showing around 8k. 12/13k north of the Greats Escarpment. The winds are generally southerly with a SW in the east and more SE in the west trend. From 10k up it is WNW gong SW at 18k with a 110kts SSW finish at the Tropopause.

CT – Another cool sweet wind-shadow day on the cards with a S to SE wind all day.

RB – And looks like a repeat of yesterday. From mid-day onwards it should start to happen with the sunset flight probably the best bet – smooth and a tad moderation in the wind..)

PV – A cool day in PV with after 14:00 things turning on with climbs to the south of launch going up to 6k but also north of Kardoesie with the convergence present there. Sweet light winds early with the strong stuff coming in late at around 18:00. Its light and a struggle early on…

Wilderness – Some thick high stuff blocking the sun and anabatic flow so a late start with Sedge starting around 11/11:20 I think. Climbs to around 1000’ or a tad above possible today. Should work for the mid-day hours… The coast frustrating light. Serps also ok. (Spot on but higher climbs)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Keurbooms again a maybe with lighter SSE winds. Uppies also SSE with climbs to 2500’ but after 14:00 the thermals will start to deteriorate as more Seabreeze moves in…

PE and PA with SW 10-15kts.

Inland – The little Karoo again with light Southerly winds all the way to the escarpment where it goes WNW and strong at 20kts. Very few Q’s around today with mostly high stuff around. Climbs to 8k north of the Swartbergs. 13k north of the Sutherland escarpment. Light winds all the way to 6k then it backs to the WNW and picks up from 10k its over 20kts WNW.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 6:36 and setting at 19:35. (Day length is 11 hrs 59min)  A Covid19 cloudy day with the beaches closed and no chance of getting your toes wet. Wishing you all a good time during this lock-down. (But if you can go get some sunshine and your toes wet! ;) High tide at 3:48, low tide at 09:54, high tide at 16:02, low tide at 21:58. Max temps for the Wilderness area another 20 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(23 March 2020) 
Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! Still a mix of weather with the Lesotho high, the trough on the west part of the interior, the IOH and the SAH all playing a role today pending on where you are. That sweet unstable air still around but with a tad more moisture that has some OD conditions along the southern parts. Chance of some light rain in a few spots but some parts opening more and getting better. Winds are southerly in general with a SE split in the west and SW to the east along the coast. Breezy along the west coast. Inland its light in the little Karooo but strong NW on the Sutherland escarpment. Those CB activity strong from Graafies and eastwards. From 6500’ and up the wind goes NW and then from 18k it is SW to the Tropopause for a 40kts finish up there.

CT – Another great wind-shadow day on the cards with a S to SE wind all day.

RB – And sweet RB delivering the goods. Again a late afternoon day with the sunset flight probably the best bet – smooth and a tad moderation in the wind..)

PV – Not quite as good as yesterday – perhaps some high clouds blocking the heating a bit. But the winds are the usual WSW start and then SW later on increasing to 15kts. A late thermic start with the good stuff only from 14:00 onwards. The convergence north of Kardoesie where you could get climbs to 5500’. The rest is just above the mountain tops (4k) mostly… ;)

Wilderness – More cloud this mroing but at least the fog seems to have disappeared. :) The forecast at Sedge is for it to start clearing and becoming good for flying. Aparently sweeter thermals and more hight compared to yesterday. OD still over the back so perhaps a flight from Serps to Sedg is possible along the lake hils with a 2k base? ;) The coast weak and probably frustrating with just a few moments of scratchy flights possible. (Almost spot on - just not as high) ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Keurbooms again flyable form the morning but it will lighten up ;) and go more SSE later. Uppies looks like it is OD’d today with weak lift and base at just over 2k. Southerly all day. Could be sweet soaring though. ;)

PE and PA with strong SW 20-25kts.

Inland – The little Karoo with light Southerly winds all the way to the escarpment where it goes NW and strong at 20kts. Base at 6k north of the Swartbergs (less in the Oudshoorn valley) with high base again on top of the escarpment – CB cells to the east but great skies in the far NW.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 6:35 and setting at 19:36. (Day length is 12 hrs 1min)  A cloudy start but some clearing by mid-day so great sunshine for that walk on the beach! Don’t forget to get your toes wet! ;) High tide at 3:22, low tide at 09:29, high tide at 15:37, low tide at 21:23. Max temps for the Wilderness area another 20 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(22 March 2020) 
Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people! Another day with the Trough along the centre of the WC interior dominant but with some IOH and SAH influence near the coasts. Still a sweet unstable layer about so pleasant flying in most places. The boundary layer varied with the south coast more moisture and low cloud at 1/2k levels near the coast but rising to the west near the mountains up to 4k. North of the mountains it goes to 5/7k in a few spots. The west coast around 4/5k and then in thhe afr north on the escarpment (Sutherland and GR line) it is 14k and spectacular out there. Some CB activity in the far NE areas. Winds are southerly along the south coast trending SW to W inland and eventually NW and strong above the escarpment. It is NW from 6k upwards wit a W finish of 40-60kts.

CT – A good wind-shadow day on the cards with a S to SE wind all day.

RB – Again a late afternoon day with the sunset flight probably the best bet – smooth and some moderation in the wind..)

PV – Classic PV with a WSW start and good lift initially along the southern parts from PV to 4k- it will eventually reach 5/5500’ here but around 15:00 with the SSW winds picking up. There is convergence north of Eendekuil/Skerpheuwel with climbs to 5 maybe touching 6k in spots. SW winds and 10-15kts finish to the day.

Wilderness – A light SSW day ahead of us with the clouds around 1-1.5k. Its pretty unstable so sweet flying expected at Sedge and Serps. The coast too light all day I think. From base the wind veers to the west and from 3k upwards it is NW but light in the lower levels. Hard core XC flying with the low base! ;) (Spot on!)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Keurbooms light southerly and probably doable from 11 onwards. Uppies also with lower climbs around 2500’ and southerly winds up too 10kts at the most I think.

PE and PA with light SE winds 20-25kts.

Inland – The little Karoo with varying winds early on from East to S and more West in the west. It will eventually trend more West in most places later on. Climbs here from 4k to 7k in the good spots. North of the great escarpment it is off course big air time with 14k base and strong NW winds (20kts plus). For the Willowmore guys a frustrating day with early light East to NE then N winds and climbs to 4k on the cards but from 12 it will go West quickly increasing in strength and not much more in terms of thermals at the big mountain. In other areas (all around you) it seems to be much better. ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 6:35 and setting at 19:38. (Day length is 12 hrs 3min)  A cloudy day ahead but still perfect for beach strolling. Small surf and early low tide making for a great start to the day - don’t forget to get your toes wet! ;) High tide at 2:55, low tide at 09:04, high tide at 15:09, low tide at 21:08. Max temps for the Wilderness area another 20 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(21 March 2020) 
Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! A weak SAH with the inland low dominating our weather. No rain expected today with some good unstable air all over the place. Winds in general are light southerly along the coast with a SE trend later in the day. Similar inland but going North form the Swartbergs northwards. The boundary layers nice and comfortably high with the south coast indicating 2/3k near the coast going 4/5k along the mountains. Just north of these it climbs to 6/7k and Willowmore areas with lift perhaps as high as 10k later in the day. The Swartberg rnage with a notable convergence line all along the entire range today for mostof the afternoon. The winds goes NW from 6/7k 10kts then backs more to the WSW at the Tropopause for a sub 50kts finish.

CT – Looks like a good wind-shadow day with instability to TM top height at the best part. Some local acceleration of the wind near the shore SW getting up…

RB – Starting after lunch it will get soarable with a strong finish. Probably a great day to plan for a sunset flight.

PV – Another great day on the cards. Light WSW start with the usual SW stronger finish. Looks like punt to the south early on is a good idea – some good lift on the cards between Pampoen and Saron sections. Also some right near the Renosterhoel corner later in the day. 4/5k climbs but slightly more in the hot spots.

Wilderness – Again light W to SW start to the day but probably not good on any of the ocean cliffs. It is however nice and thermic wit Sedge and Serps working beautifully again. There will be more of a SE trend in the wind later on. Climbs to 2k expected – more further back and slightly less later in the day. Probably working from 10 already… Again some XC flying possible for the more experienced pilots… (Spot on!)

Plett – Also similar to Wilderness with Keurbooms a maybe durng the early part of the day with enough south in – it could be light but might work. Uppies showing 3500 climbs at 11 but then base dropping to less than 3k from 13:00 onwards. Still looks sweet for today withwinds remaining fairly light. Around 10kts.

PE and PA with light S winds.

Inland – Winds vaying in direction with S to SE along the southern parts and then W to NW further North. The seabreeze movin in to the Swartberg late in the afternoon with strong convergence along this range for most of the afternoon. 8-10k climbs up here. It looks great for GR also with 6k climbs here but if you can drift with the wind and get over the escarpment you will connect with the convergence and might get to over 13/14k! The Willow more guys should get some E to NE winds and later in the day getting through the inversion to 8/10k. The lift is strong out there today.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 6:34 and setting at 19:39. (Day length is 12 hrs 5min)  A beautiful day ahead with small surf and lots of sun. Perfect for the beach. Go early to get there with low tide. PS, don’t forget to get your toe wet! ;) High tide at 2:25, low tide at 08:37, high tide at 14:40, low tide at 20:42. Max temps for the Wilderness area around 20 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(20 March 2020) 
Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people! A light CF moving in over the WC bringing some cool sweet flying conditions with it. Winds in general are SW going more West with height. A tad more cloud around the southern parts especially around CT with a chance of some rain later on. The boundary layer looking sweet with some nice Q’s around – the southern ranges with around 5k, just north of there up to 7k. the west coast also looking sweet with 5k and the Q’s thinning out to the north. PV should have some sweet flat ones around for a while… The wind is west all the way to the Tropopause for a 50kt finish.

CT – NW going west with loads of low clouds around. It might clear up enough for a flight…

RB – WWB today. Too west.

PV – A super looking day with some flat Q’s around and base up at 5k. Winds are W to SW with the stronger winds moving in again after 17:00. Its stronger in the north but this is also where the convergence will be. From 15:00 between Eendekuil and Kardoes/Skerpheuwel you could get to 7k!

Wilderness – A light W to SW start with a soarable section along the coast between 10 and 11. Then it gradually dies for a light wind afternoon. SSW direction but the upper air still SW going W. Sedge should be good as well with strong spots in the late morning to early afternoon but it looks to moderate in the late afternoon. The sweet Q’s out the back could make some XC flying possible for the more experienced pilots… (Spot on!)

Plett – Also a good day on the cards here with Keurbooms becoming on from late morning and lasting till the wind dies latte afternoon it seems. Uppies with climbs to just over 3k and SW winds. The afternoon also moderating a bit with 10kts then (early on there are 15kt spots…)

PE and PA with strong SW winds 20kts plus.

Inland – SW winds going more west the further north we go. Some good flying skies out there with some Q’s around 7/9k near Graafies. CB cells are way over to the east past Aliwal North…

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 6:33 and setting at 19:40. (Day length is 12 hrs 7min)  Some low cloud around early morning but promising to be a beautiful day with a light onshore wind. Perfect for that walk and time on the beach. Lienkies klip and inside the bay at Gerrickes the best spots. PS, don’t forget to get your toe wet! ;) High tide at 1:49, low tide at 08:02, high tide at 14:06, low tide at 20:12. Max temps for the Wilderness area around 21 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(19 March 2020) 
Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! The inland trough with the centre of the low curve jutting out over the GR areas dominating our weather today. Some fog patches around with most clearing up during the day. Winds are light with a SE trend, curling around the CP with a west and eventually NW component in the far north. The boundary layer varied again with the southern parts between 1/3k south of the mountains then north a tad higher 4/5k. The big jump again to the east of the trough Sutherland escarpment with 13k. No rain expected and no CB activity – few in the far east outside the WC borders. Winds from 6k and up are all W to NW with a 60kt finish at the Tropopause.

CT – Those southerly winds again – around 10-15kts but that local acceleration around the Peninsula giving strong cross shore winds at LH and SH. It is light at launch but perhaps not the best of conditions.

RB – After two bumper days of flying today looks a tad light… ;)

PV – Another sweet day on the cards with W to SW winds 5-10kts going 15 later in the afternoon. Climbs to 4k expected but up to 6k in the convergence areas. This is setting up today from Eendekuil to Kardoesie as early as 13:30 then it will move to the north with the Skerpheuwel and end of the valley excellent for late afternoon flying.

Wilderness – A SE trend. Sedge a maybe early window but it looks to be going east quickly. (by 11) With a bit of luck it doesn’t! Gerrickes with a bench-up possible.  Map is also a maybe with a small spurt around 10-11 then a frustrating light wind bubble setting up until very late in the afternoon. With some luck this could all be wrong and we are going to sky out! ;) (Spot on but for Map only on in the morning!)

Plett – Quite a bit of east in the wind and Uppies showing climbs to just over 2k. So not the best of days out there…

PE and PA with strong SE winds 20kts.

Inland – light winds southerly in general inland all the way to the Sutherland escarpment. North of that it is strong NW winds with 20kts spots. A good looking sky though! ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 6:32 and setting at 19:44. (Day length is 12 hrs 9min)  A low cloud day with a light SE wind. Not as much sunshine today but still worth a cool walk on the beach. PS, don’t forget to get your toe wet! ;) Jigh tide at 1:00, low tide at 07:16, high tide at 13:224, low tide at 19:34. Max temps for the Wilderness area around 21 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(17 March 2020) 
Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people! A weak SAH pushing in some cooler air onto the WC. Still a trough present but way to the east today. A low circulation to the south of the GR helping that nudge from the SAH with a W to SW flow along the southern parts today. A slight chance of a bit of rain along the Overberg ranges and then more eastward towards the GR later on. Inland it is also SW to West the further north we go. The boundary layer varied with a 3/4k on the southern side of the first ranges, 5/7k north of those with the Q’s drying out to the North of the Swartberg mountains. Winds remain westerly all the way to the Tropopause for a 40/50kts finish.

CT – Looks like a very southerly flow today so the wind=shadow a tad compromised with the angle the flow is striking the Peninsula. A fresh SSW flow along the LH and SH seaboard areas but light winds up at the SH launch area. SO perhaps doable…

RB – It should start working around mid-day and then get wild and strong but I think a good chance of a sunset finish with smoother strong stuff.

PV – A sweet morning with SW flow along the surface and climbs to 4/5k with a few spots maybe a tad higher. The wind does trend quite a bit southerly today especially later on with strong stuff coming through around 16/17:00. The best areas are to the south of the Dasklip launch and south of PV. And then to the North of the Pakhuis launch.

Wilderness – Westerly start with this remaining a tad longer than normal. It will go more SW at 11 and should be good for at least an hour to hour and half. A slight break after lunch but with a few more spurts of soaring stuff coming through along the ocean cliffs for the early afternoon. Sedge is looking very west and strong for most of the day. Late afternoon it moderates a bit but it is fairly west still… (No flying on the coast or at Sedge... Too west.)

Plett – Also a tad too west and fresh wiith 10-15kts WSW for most of the day. Keurbooms doesn’t seem to show a window of of flying air today. Uppies remaining fairly fresh but climbs to just over 3k and some Q’s. So if you can handle the wind out there it should be good. ;)

PE and PA with strong SW winds all day…

Inland – SW in the south with good looking skies in the Oudshoorn valley but drying out north of the Swartbergs. Climbs to 7k here but on the Sutherland escarpment I is up to 11k – Should be a blue day out there except for east of De Aar with Q’s and CB activity later on. Winds WNW up to 20kts at times.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 6:32 and setting at 19:43. (Day length is 12 hrs 12min)  A beautiful day with a West start going to the SW later on. Perfect for the beach especially in the Lienkies corner. PS, don’t forget to get your toe wet! ;) Low tide at 06:02, high tide at 12:14, low tide at 18:14. Max temps for the Wilderness area around 23 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(16 March 2020) 
Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! The Lesotho High and trough down the west coast dominating out weather today. The low centre in CT area but it will move to the east during the day to finish around offshore from PE. Winds in general are NE along the southern coast but curling around CT for a W to NW flow up the west coast. Strong CB activity along the eastern parts of the trough line – a lone from Knysna to the NW and east of that. (It could reach as far south as Knysna Plett late afternoon). The boundary layer varied with a strong inversion near the coast alogn the southern parts but 5/6k along the first ranges, 7/8k further north and then 12k in the Sutherland and eastwards areas. Few clouds inland except to the est where the CB activity is at. Winds are WNW to around 15k the goes WSW all the way to the Tropopause for a 50kts finish.

CT – It curls around enough for an initial Westerly flow but it will trend SW all day with a tad more S in it later in the afternoon. Strong just offshore with that southerly by the looks of it.

RB – SW all day but then the Southerly pushing through after 17:00 and it could be flyable..

PV – A really sweet day out here today with light NW to W winds most day and a sweet convergence setting up from PV to Picketberg at 13:30. It will slowly move to the north finishing just north of Bumpy around 16/17:00. Over 6 k climbs in here…

Wilderness – Early morning offshores with an easterly trend. It does swing inland soon enough but the shore areas stuck with a strong inversion. The winds is strong NE out to sea. As the low drifts eastward the winds will start to veer to the south by mid-day with Sedge offering a smidgeon of hope. A shallow layer of slight instability shaping up here with climbs possible to 1k maybe from 12/12:30 to 14:00 the best time. It is WSW above the inversion. (Very stable with only foefies)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but with Uppies showing imporvemennt in the afternoon. Initially it is inverted with climbs to 1k but then from 14:00 onwards the inversion lifting with the unstable layer increasing to 2500’. Winds are SSE but will veer to the SW later on. A area of convergence setting up to the west of Uppies (Uppies just on the edge) from around 15/16:00… Could be sweet here…

PE and PA with strong NE most of the day and PE with a change late afternoon early evening to the SW.

Inland – NNW winds going more Westerly later in the day. Over 20kts in some areas especially along the eastern side of the trough where all the CB activity will occur.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 6:31 and setting at 19:44. (Day length is 12 hrs 14min) A sweet change with light winds from the ocean today. Still some surf around but def the time to spend on the beach and get the tes wet! ;) Low tide at 03:59, high tide at 10:21, low tide at 17:10 High tide at 23:35. Max temps for the Wilderness area around 23 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(15 March 2020) Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people! Thank goodness our flying community doesnt gather in crowds of more than 100! But forgive me for not hugging or shacking your hand anymore ok! ;) And then we have that sudden bad fite on LH last night! Ai! Today the SAH shifting to the east with a strong easterly flow over the entire WC areas. Still some lingering rain along the southern parts but clearing from the west. Base along the southern ranges around 5/6k, north of these it goes to 7/8k and 11k NE of the Sutherland Escarpment. The wind is fresh easterly with 20kts mean, at 8-10k it backs to the north and from 12k it is west again with a 70kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – Strong unstable east winds with a slight chance of some wind-shadow effect around LH and SH. Hope the fire is under control and you guys get the all clear to fly. Base later up to 6k…

RB – Hhhmmm, very, very east. A drop in the wind during mid-day but the moring and late afternoon a possibility if soaring that eastern buttress.

PV – All east to even NE winds. Strong in the morning with 20kts spots but then it moderates with Picketberg the place to be. The best lift seems to be a tad out in the valley according to some forecasts… Maybe some wave effect that is boosting the lift out there? But in the right spot you can get over 8k today. IT trends NE later in the day with speeds 5-12kts maybe 15kts in a few spots.

Wilderness – Its all easterlies with some strong gust factor (def sign of the east wind) but even so for the die-hards there might be a smidgeon of a window around 9-ish just before the strong stuff pushes in for flying at the Map. Otherwise it looks just too strong all day long everywhere! The instability remaining close to the coast with high bases just on the coastal plains… (Also a sign of the east component not allowing the seabreeze to penetrate too far inland) Now if only it wasn’t that strong! ;)

Plett – Same as Wilderness…

PE and PA with parts rain and strong East winds around 20kts.

Inland – The strong winds going far inland too with 20kts in many places. Some good Q’s around with 7/7k base over the Swartbergs and adjacent valleys but the winds just too strong for comfortable flying – a terrible B/S ratio (obviously lots of thermal shredding/mixing from the strong winds). Winds trend NE with height. Perhaps in a sail plane it could be very doable… ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 6:30 and setting at 19:46. (Day length is 12 hrs 16min)  A cold and wet start to the day with some strong east-winds on the cards. Walk down wind on the beach, bare foot, because the surf is big and you will most probably get your toes wet! ;) Low tide at 02:16, high tide at 08:42, low tide at 15:17 High tide at 21:36. Max temps for the Wilderness area a windy and cold 20 degrees C. Enjoy! :))

(14 March 20202) 
Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! Some great flying in the GR and also to the west at PV yesterday. :)) But very differetn today as the CF overriding all the good stuff. A strong SAH pushing the CF up into the WC reaching past Williston and Calvinia by sunset. Cold wet conditions along the southern coastal regions with adiabatic dry conditions along the west coast. Cloud base around 1000’ along the southern parts with tops around 7/8k mostly. It remains clagged in all the way to the Swartbergs but north of there rises to around 7k and then again 11k over the Sutherland Escarpment. Winds are south to south-easterly up to 8k where it backs to the west starting off at 10kts all the way to the Tropopause with a 90kts finish up there.

CT – Some cloud over TM with a deep and strong SE flow. Little chance of a wind-shadow shaping up today…

RB – If you are not out there flying you are missing out. It is strong but should be smooth early morning and blowing out latte morning I think.

PV – A strong Southerly day that will build to over 25kts by mid-afternoon. It is also easterly above the mountain tops so not the best day for flying. Kardoesie might offer something late morning mid-day but 1-2k up it is still east. If you fly do land by 14:00 to miss those strong SSW winds coming up the valley… Even Picketberg is too south low down with the East only starting higher up.  Cederbergs should have some good Q’s but east flows..

Wilderness – South winds with rain all day long… Small chance of getting something wet along the ocean cliffs if you are desperate… ;)

Plett – Same as Wilderness…

PE and PA with rain and initial SW winds then backing to the SSE in the upper teens in knots.

Inland – Low clouds and rain all the way to the Swartbergs. Partial clearing north of these… South to SE trend in the wind with the convection within this layer – up to 11k over the Sutherland escarpment. Only north of Kimberley to go into the west flows with base up at 14k!

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 6:29 and setting at 19:47. (Day length is 12 hrs 18min)  A rainy start to the day with wellies and umbrellas ready for use! ;) If you are brave go get your toes wet! (Alone! Far away from people! Make it a Corona toes wet!) ;) Low tide at 01:14, high tide at 07:38, low tide at 13:58 High tide at 20:12. Max temps for the Wilderness area a cool wet 18 degrees C. Enjoy! :))

(13 March 2020) 
Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! The inland trough dominating our weather mostly with a stretch far to the south keeping the effect of the IOH and SAH more out to sea. Still the CB activity presence all over (increasing as the day goes by) with varying boundary layers – wet in the southern 1 -3k boundary layers and central parts with 8-12k boundary layers – dry in the west from 4-9k boundary layers– and more wet further east. Still those pesky fog patches around with partial clearings in places. Winds in general are southerly with a mid-level NW then going SW with a 50kt finish at the Tropopause.

CT – Another misty morning with a NW to W on the cards. Again if it clears it should be a great flying day.

RB – WWB today!

PV – Another great day on the cards here with 4k climbs in general and a NW going W to SW in the far south wind. The convergence setting up from just north of Dassies and stretching out to the Picketberg range. It starts early from around 14:00 today with climbs in there up to 5500 maybe 6k. It settles around Bumpy peak late afternoon. Winds at most 15kts in a few spots else 5-10kts.

Wilderness – Another crazy misty morning but with hope of some clearing around the Sedgefield area. Winds are SSW trending to the SSE later on. It does look like a smidgeon of some instability at Sedge with the best time probably between 11:30 and 14:00. Perhaps we will get 800’ ;) Let’s hope that mist clears and we might get more! Probably too light for the coastal cliffs…

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but Uppies showing climbs to 2500 with a SSE wind up to 10kts. That sounds like fun to me. Oh, some CB chance for alter in the day…

PE with SWE to SE winds varying but PA with NE winds up to 20kts…

Inland – Again just north of the Outenikwas base rise to 5/8k. CB’s here by late afternoon. In the far north base is higher up to 14k – Willowmore showing 11k. But the spread CB’s make it a risky flying sky…

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 6:28 and setting at 19:50. (Day length is 12 hrs 22min)  A misty start with very light winds and small surf. A perfect mid-day low tide walk on the beach opportunity. Go get those toes wet! ;) High tide at 06:05, low tide at 12:07 High tide at 18:28. Max temps for the Wilderness area around 22 degrees C. Enjoy! :))

(12 March 2020) 
Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people! The IOH dominating in conjunction with the inland trough and Lesotho High. The trough still very active with loads of CB activity across a broad range inland and down to the southern coast. Its more active in the east with the west open with some good Q’s and high bases. There is a coastal low circulation just to the NW of CT. Winds are SE along the southern coast but NW inland and westerlies along the west coast. Loads of coastal fog around borth west and south coast areas with some clearing taking place. NW above the inversion all the way to the Tropopause where it is 40kts – except for the CT area and north of there where it is SW at 40kts.

CT – A misty morning but if it clears it should be a good flying day wiith NW winds fairly light up to 4k – a north trend up there. Later in the afternoon sees a SW along the SH shorefront up to 15kts.

RB – Not too promising with the winds seemingly remaining SW out there. But there is a SE push from the SE later on – maybe maybe it will make it to RB…

PV – A NW start but a great day ahead here as the wind will back to the West for most of the day. Up to 15kts in the north with the convergence setting up between Dasklip and Picketberg from 14:00 onwards. It will move to the north finishing late afternoon just shy of Kardoesie. Up to 6k climbs in the convergence else around 4k…

Wilderness – A misty morning but with some chance of partial clearing taking place. It is all SE winds but a slight shadow at Map so not strong there according to the forecasts. Chance of those CB cells moving down to the coast this afternoon with rain.  Out to the east at Gerrickes there’s 20kt spots so keep an eye out if you do go fly…  

Plett – Same as Wilderness with rain earlier on…

PE and PA with E to NE winds 20-30kts with CB activity

Inland – Base is around 4k south of the first ranges but 6/9k on the north side. Again at the Sutherland escarpment it rises to 13k. CB activity in a broad range reaching all the way to the southern coastal areas all the way past the Overberg to Hermanus. Again a tricky sky to fly in with all the chances of CB’s around…

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 6:27 and setting at 19:51. (Day length is 12 hrs 24min)  A misty start with moderate winds later on. A perfect time for a stroll on the beach. The afternoon a chance of showers so go early and get those toes wet! ;) High tide at 05:23, low tide at 11:35 High tide at 17:46, low tide at 23:45. Max temps for the Wilderness area around 23 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(11 March 2020) 
Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! The inland trough more easterly with the CB activity running in a NE/SW line today – from the CT mountains (Stellies etc) towards the NE past DeAar and further. Some IOH influence on the coast helping to increase those SE winds which are very strong in places with 30kts plus on the cards. Loads of mid level clouds and chance of precipitation in most places. The boundary layer varied from 1/3 along the southern parts, 5/7 north of the first ranges and again 13k north of the Sutherland escarpment. The wind backs from 6k from the east to North then to the NW from around 12k with a 70kts NW finish at the Tropopause.

CT – SE at CP that curls sweetly around the Peninsula with a SW at LH and SH. Light and straight up in the morning with 10-15kts SW alogn the shoreline later. Also later in the day a chance of the strong SE eroding the wind-shadow according to one model but RASP showing it holds. Loads of mid-level clouds and even a chance of some CB activity spilling over to CT.

RB – Hhhmmm SW for most of the day with a slight chance of the SE coming through late afternoon. But it seems very varied so not the best day to take of work and fly!

PV – SW in the south and NW in the North – the convergence setting up south of Eendekuil from 14:00 onwards. It gets breezy to the north with 15-20kts up towards Renosterhoek. Climbs to 4/5k with 6k in the convergence areas. Saron showing chance of CB activity so OD towards the south…

Wilderness – The SE is on the cards with 25kts pushing in anytime from 10 onwards. A very small window of flying just before that – it is nice and light at the moment. Slight chance of rain late afternoon too but then you will probably al be kite surfing anyway! ;) (Spot on)

Plett – Same as Wilderness…

PE and PA with SE winds 20-30kts.

Inland – Loads of midlevel clouds with the CB activity slightly more north towards the Swartbergs and to the NE. Base out there around 7/8k with East winds lower down and the N to NW higher up. A tricky sky to fly in with all the chances of CB’s around…

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 6:26 and setting at 19:53. (Day length is 12 hrs 26min)  A slow start but a windy day on the cards. So get out earlyish for a low tide walk around 11. PS: Don’t forget to get to get those toes wet! ;) High tide at 04:43, low tide at 10:54 High tide at 17:04, low tide at 23:05. Max temps for the Wilderness area a windy 23 degrees C. Enjoy! :))

(10 March 2020) 
Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people! The SAH and inland trough combined with some super moist midlevels drawn in from the north causing wise spread CB activity inland – especially east from BW. Winds out there are NW in the north but SE in the south. The coastal regions also a SE trend with strong winds between Agulhas and CP. Low base along the southern parts with a low boundary layer – 1-3k. 5k northwards all the way to the Sutherland escarpment but 12/13k northwards from there. The west over the Cederbergs are nice and high too with 10k or just over. Winds once again are NW from 6k upwards with a 60kts finish up there.

CT – Easterlies with all the signs of a wind-shadow shaping up for the morning but later in the afternoon it looks to be eroding away. So keep an eye out on it.

RB – A sweet convergence line setting up here today from RB running due north – from late morning into the early parts of the afternoon. Looks to be the SE from the mountains and the more SSW from the Peninsula flow meeting up. Any one with XC ideas – this might be the day!

PV – Still a southerly trend in the flow in the south but up north at Piekenierskloof it is more SW and even W north of there. The boundary layer around 5k with a few spots showing 6 to 7k – especially in the convergence which is showing up today after 15:00 just to the north of Eendekuil and the pass. The Cederbergs should be epic!

Wilderness – Very slight chance of rain today with the easterly winds – it is again breezy out around Gerrickes point with Wilderness showing the very strong stuff late afternoon. I think there is a chance of that stuff popping in from mid-day onwards though… A slight gust factor showing up on some forecasts – usually if there’s a bit of east in it it does that. But it should be flyable from mid-morning already I think. (Very east and ranging from foofies to not flyable at all)

Plett – Once again very similar to Wilderness but a slightly higher chance of rain here – it increases to the east. Uppies showing climbs to 2500’ with ESE winds…

PE and PA with SE winds 15kts and loads of rain!

Inland – The SE flow penetrating far inland all the way to south of the Sutherland escarpment. Wide spread CB activity increasing to the east. Low base in this area at 5k or so. To the North and West its epic with high bases and drooling skies! ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 6:25 and setting at 19:54. (Day length is 12 hrs 29min)  Another windy on the cards with less rain it seems. Get out early before the wind picks-up, low tide mid/late morning and do go get those toes wet! ;) High tide at 04:03, low tide at 10:14 High tide at 16:24, low tide at 22:26. Max temps for the Wilderness area a cool, 21 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(9 March 20202) 
Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! The SAH pushing the CF onto the southern parts of the WC only up to the second range of mountains – the SAH weaker than usual so the mountains enough of a barrier so the cooler air is not penetrating as far inland as expected. The winds veer further inland from SE to west and then NW further north of Sutherland. Rain mostly south of the first range with low base and tops over 10k at times. Winds is SE in general but from 6k it trends back to the NW with a 60kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – Again a deep SE with no inversion but a slight slackening with height. So RASP said not a strong enough wind-shadow for flying yesterday (but you guys did!) and today it says the same (So maybe you will fly again!) ;)

RB – Looks like an east morning with more southerly after lunch and a shorter window form the looks of it before it is blown out.

PV – Again a very southerly day, especially in the south but it does look like a more SW direction out at PKP so probably worth hanging out there. Better climbs there as well with 6k possible.

Wilderness – Aaahhh rain this morning and probably for most of the day. Winds will trend to the SE but I doubt there will be a worthwhile gap to fly… (A big gap in the afternoon of no rain!)

Plett – Same as Wilderness…

PE and PA with SW winds 20kts and rain…

Inland – A tad clearer north of the Outenikwas but rain up to the Swartberg ranges.  Winds are S to SE. Higher base out that side and once again north of te Sutherland escarpment it is up too 13k… Some CB activity in a few spots too… All in all not the best flying day…

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 6:24 and setting at 19:55. (Day length is 12 hrs 31min)  A windy and rainy day ahead. Probably best used indoors unless you are free-spirited and wild at heart! Go get your toes wet! ;) High tide at 03:23, low tide at 09:33 High tide at 15:43, low tide at 21:47. Max temps for the Wilderness area a cool, rainy 19 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(8 March 2020) 
Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people! The inland trough still present along the western interior with CB activity along a broad band just north of the southern ranges. But the SAH helping to move in a CF so this system will start to dominate most of the WC throughout the day. The CF expected to reach CT at mid-day with the southern parts late afternoon into the evening. A SW flow along the southern parts with a shallow layer of marine air – sweet to play in I think. The interior still hot with NW winds, but the western side fresh southerlies as the CF moves in. From 6/7k up it is all NW winds with a 70-80kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – It doesnt look promising with the SSE winds deep and strong. A slight wind-shadow but probably not enough for flying. (Wrong - wind-shadow was working!)

RB – If you are not there yet you are missing out! ;) It will be blow out by lunchtime…

PV – Strong southerly winds today with the onset of the CF. Theboundary layer also not high at around 3k so not a good day here…

Wilderness – Things are looking up here with around 10kts of SSW winds expected. Some lower clouds moving in late morning with base around 12/1500’ at Sedge. Still a slight west in it at Sedge but nothing as hectic as yesterday with the cloudiness around. Playable along the coastal cliffs on occasion I think with Sedge also a good bet. If the ocean is capping be wary of Sedge… A chance of some light rain later on. (80% accurate...)

Plett – Looking great for Keurbooms today with probably form 11 till 15:00 on the cards. Uppies also showing signs of being good late morning and early afternoon but from 14:00 there’s a spike of wind at 15kts which could make things a bit interesting – probably due to the CB activity inland I think. Climbs early to 2500’ then cool Q’s will shape up with base between 2500 and 3. Just watch that wind later on. Alos chance of some precipitation later on.

PE and PA with SW winds 15-25kts. Also some CB activity out to sea and just inland.

Inland – The southerly reaching to Calvinia by end of day with the initial NW backing to the SW and then S as the front makes headway. High base still around with 13k out there. CB’s mostly from BW, to the south and east.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 6:24 and setting at 19:56. (Day length is 12 hrs 33min)  A cooler day with higher clouds and some low ones later on. Still a good day to walk on the beach and get your toes wet! ;) High tide at 02:42, low tide at 08:51 High tide at 15:02, low tide at 21:07. Max temps for the Wilderness area a cool 22 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(7 March 2020) 
Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! That trough in the interior still very active with extreme hot conditions. More CB activity today with active cells from mid-day perhaps form as far south as the Outenikwas going far north beyond our borders. High base inland at 13k plus. NW winds out there 15kts. To the east the IOH with some NE winds along the eastern parts of the WC coast and a slight effect from the SAH on the west coast with fog patches for most of the day and SW flows. From 6k upwards it is all NW winds in most areas all the way to the Tropopause for a 40kts finish.

CT – Hhhmmm SW flows except late late afternoon when a shallow SE comes through. But LH looks SW all day but for the pesky fog…

RB – Again WWB!

PV – Very hot out here with 40 degrees but some amazing flying  - no clouds expected for the PV valley and the boundary layer around the 4/5k level. It will again be a late start with after 13:00 things starting to switch on. SW in the south but more W in the north. Late afternoon sees the stronger SW flow coming through at 15ks average. The convergence position today starts between Eendekuil and Piekeniers kloof pas at 13:00 then trend to the south with 15:00 around the Bumpy peak areas and out into the valley. Climbs here to 7k possible to day. Winds up there W in the low teens in knots. The Cederbergs again very high base with clouds and some OD spots out further west.

Wilderness – A hot humid day with a SW trend. Still a strong inversion present with the upper W to NW winds form the hot inland conditions. A smidgeon of lift at Sedge between 11 and 14:00 by the looks of it. A very shallow layer of some instability up to 1000’ at best I think. The flow is more WSW above the ridge so very different to yesterday. Top landings get bumpy in this direction so be careful. The coast looks like something could come through around mid-day but again it will be on and off wit peaks perhaps just over 10kts SW. Perfect for the coastal gang who likes to hang out at the beach waiting for the winds! ;) (Spot on - strong convergence at Sedge!)

Plett – Aaahhh! A good day here and perhaps worth a drive form Wilderness I think. Keurbooms should work most of the day – from 10 till 15:00. And then Uppies showing SW 10kts with climbs to 3k from 10:30/11:00. Around 14:00 it might drop a tad to 2500’. Robberg with stronger SW but moderating nicely towards Keurbooms.

PE with initial East but by mid-day going SW up to 20kts perhaps. PA with those storng NE winds and the SW only coming in very late early evening.

Inland – A southerly sea-breeze in the south moving up to the Swartbergs but the rest is all W to NW winds. Loads of OD in some spots with CB activity. Super hot conditions out there with many spots at 40 degrees C.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 6:23 and setting at 19:58. (Day length is 12 hrs 35min)  A hot humid day and perfect for the beach. Small surf too so do go get those toes wet! ;) High tide at 01:59, low tide at 08:07 High tide at 14:18, low tide at 20:26. Max temps for the Wilderness area a hot humid 27 degrees C. Enjoy! :))

(6 March 2020) 
Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people! The inland trough along the western part of the WC dominating our weather with a weak influx of the IOH along the southern coasts. Winds are Easterly along the south coast with loads of low clouds around. There’s a small chance of partial clearing in spots but they are tricky to predict. Not far inland it is the opposite with extremely hot conditions and soaring stuff dreams are made of… Upper 30’s in degrees Celsius in most places with base between 12/14k and Q’s just about everywhere. A slight chance of a few CB cells later in the day – some as far south as on the southern coastal mountains. NW winds inland and not too strong either so it is day to go out there and fly if you can. NW all the way to the Tropopause with 40kts finish up there.

CT – Looks like a sweet flying day with light NW-ish winds.


PV – It is into orbit day out there today with NW winds and beautiful Q’s at 12k! Light to moderate winds too with only late afternoon some spots with 15-20kts expected. Dasklip, Pampoen fontein and Piekenierskloof pas all good spots – the main action will start after 13:00 when you will get through the morning lower inversion – but then it will all take off! If you can get yourself out there today and break some height gain records. Looks like 40 degrees in the valley though! (Oh and of you want you can go places too!) ;) (Try Piekeniers kloof pass and head straight downwind over the Cederbergs towards Wilderness!)

Wilderness – Aaah.. its all misted up everywhere and stable conditions all around. Sedge might open sporadically with a smidgeon of a titbit of lift but it doesn’t look good at all. The inversion hangin on at around launch height it seems. Strong SE at Buffs but it doesn’t get to Wilderness – seems to stop just on/shy of Gerrickes. Maybe a bench-up possible here if your timing is right? (OK at Sedge between 11 and 12:30)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but Uppies showing some climbs to 1500’ at least with SSE winds here 5-10kts maybe. The bay remaining light.

PE and PA with E to NE winds 20-30kts.

Inland – Like I said, a massive heat low around the western part of the WC with awesome soaring conditions – the best I have seen in a long time. Du Toits will be off the scale today with NNW winds up to 10kts with a sweet window of taking off between 11 and 13:00. After that the seabreeze comes through here – but very doable for PG. Just watch the airspace! (head east quickly to escape most of it.) ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 6:22 and setting at 19:59. (Day length is 12 hrs 37min)  A cloudy cool day with the low clouds remaining all day… But do go for that cool walk on the beach and don’t forget to take off your shoes and get those toes wet! ;) High tide at 01:10, low tide at 07:17 High tide at 13:28, low tide at 19:41. Max temps for the Wilderness area a hot humid 25 degrees C. Enjoy! :))

(5 March 2020) 
Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! The SAH usurping the awesome northerly trough air with some cooler maritime inflows as a light CF feathers the southern parts of the WC. Still awesomely high Q’s inland but mostly north of the Swartberg ranges and east of the Olifantsrug ranges. Low clouds along the southern parts with a SW surface flow but this will trend more SE later in the day. Strong SE around CP area. Possible light rain around Agulhas. A coastal low offshore PE areas moving to the NE. The boundary layer around 2-3k along the southern coastal plains, 5k north of there, 10k north of the Swartbergs but 14k north of the Sutherland escarpment. Winds are NW above the inversion with a 60kt finish at the Tropopause.

 CT – Strong SE surface winds but a thick isothermic layer and backing and moderating wind with height so a perfect wind-shadow day all day long it seems.

RB – It is on today with the early morning the best time. Blown out after lunch I think.

PV – A slow start to the day with surface W to SW winds. It veers to the NW with height. It looks like climbs will be restricted to 3500’ initially but then after 14:00 some convergence helping to break through the inversion in a few spots. Notably from Piekenierskloof pass to Eendekuil and North to Skeprheuwel. From 15:00 onwards a notable increase in height gain with over 7k possible in the best spots. Watch the strong wind coming through after 17:30/18:00 20kts plus. Its earlier at PV. The Cederbers going off with awesome Q’s out there… ;)

Wilderness – A cloudy start with that light maritime layer bringing soothing cooler stuff for us to play in. It will probably be sweet coastal soaring in the mid to late morning before it will drop and the more inland sites will switch on proper. Though Sedge probably flyable from early already – looks like a SB pulse around 11/11:30 popping through there but then settling for a sweet remainder of the day. Light sweet XC possible from Serps out to the east of the Hoekwil flats (or along the front ridge to Swartvlei) (Spot on forecast)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Keurbooms switching on with enough South in it between 11:30 and 13:30. Uppies also OK from late morning with enough south and climbs to 3k perhaps. Light convergence to the south and west of Uppies maybe some short sweet XC possible out there…

PE and PA with SW winds moderating from the west later on. Some rain later too east of PE along the coast. (From that coastal low influence)

Inland – All SSE winds in the south that will penetrate far into the interior to the Sutherland escarpment. Strong at times with over 20kts. NW to the west and north. Aweosme Q’s out there with a continuation of yesterdays good soaring conditions but further inland.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 6:21 and setting at 19:00. (Day length is 12 hrs 39min)  A cloudy cooler day compared to yesterday. A small sea with small waves. Go either early or late afternoon to catch that low tide. But do go for that cool walk on the beach and don’t forget to take off your shoes and get those toes wet! ;) High tide at 00:02, low tide at 06:09 High tide at 12:25, low tide at 18:49. Max temps for the Wilderness area a cool 22 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(4 Mach 20202) 
Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people! The Lesotho High in conjunction with a trough along the western side of the WC dominating our weather for a change. A CF making its way towards CT with some increase in the W to NW flow, especially higher up. Winds in general are being channelled from the north down towards the southern coastal regions with super-hot conditions along the southern parts – upper thirties in degrees C. So a very strong inversion forming along the coastal parts as the shallow sea-breeze crawls its way under this towards the mountains. A SW pulse moving up the southern coast form the west but not making too much headway past the GR. Some coastal fog along the west coast. Winds are NW in general with a few coastal shallow exceptions. As the front moves in so the upper winds will increase – 50kts NW at 8/10k and close to 100kts at the Tropopause.

CT – The coastal fog spoiling the fun. If it does clear it might be possible for flying at LH and SH. Lower SW trend but upper more NW. Breezy up there…

RB – WWB today!

PV – Again those W to NW flow pattern with a slow start but picking up strong in the afternoon 15-20kts. Low climbs in the morning with perhaps just above the Mountain top. But a strong convergence line shaping up as the wind flows slightly around the Picketberg mountains – expect it just south of Dasies from 14:00 and moving to the North as the wind in the south is more SW but more NW in the north. Climbs within this area up to 7k. But 15kts winds up there so probably a tad risky. ;)

Wilderness – A clear morning with no wind. Its offshore just above us with those high temps and inversion expected in the area. Probably only after lunch the SW making its appearance from the ocean. Some 20kt spots far out to sea but the forecasts doesn show them to get to the coast. Still a good idea to keep your eyes open. It will probably be soarable along the ocean cliffs sporadically late afternoon most likely. Sedge very inverted but the SW wind starting to make inroads there after mid-day too. Slow-slow increase in the coastal depth with late afternoon climbs to 800’ or so possible. (spot on!)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies light NW but as soon as the sea-breeze moves in its very inverted – later perhaps hitting 1000’. Keurbooms a maybe-maybe but the shallow sea-breeze perhaps a tad too south here as it flows through.

PE and PA with E to NE winds up to 20kts.

Inland – Mostly NW winds all the way to the north of the coastal ranges. Some very high bases out there today with exceptional soaring conditions. Probably a bit on the windy side with 15-20kts in most spots. The sea-breeze SW penetrating up the valleys to just past Oudshoorn later in the day. Upper air still NW.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 6:20 and setting at 19:02. (Day length is 12 hrs 41min)  A fantastic beach day. Don’t waste it. Go get those toes wet! ;) Low tide at 04:24 High tide at 10:50, low tide at 17:35. Max temps for the Wilderness area a very hot 30 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(3 March 2020) 
Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! A trough along the western parts with the IOH having a slight effect with a light northerly flow inland. Winds along the South coast a SE trend but in general it is light with Agulhas to CP the exception. The west coast showing a few spots of breezy bits around 20kts NW. No rain expected with mostly a blue day. The boundary layer 1-3k along the southern coast with further inland 7-10k. Winds are light north above the inversion backing to the NNW and then just before the Tropopause it backs all the way to the SW at 40kts.

CT – Loking like a great day for flying with upper N to NW. The surface flow trending more SW and maybe a tad SSW late in the afternoon.

RB – Hhhmmm looks like a stay at home day here…

PV – NW winds today with a strong convergence setting up from Porterville town to Saron. After 15:00 climbs can go to 9k here! It gets a bot breezy during the stronger part of the day 15kts but it does slacken again around 17:00

Wilderness – Ocean mist that should dissipate with a light SE trend. It is one of those days with the strong stuff staying out to sea and not quite getting to Map. ;) Perhaps very late in the day it will move in with more certainty and sweet soaring. Sedge a short window this morning but more east compared to yesterday so perhaps not so good. (It is 20-30kts far out to sea later on) Actuals - the coastal mist dominated all day - few gaps at Sedge)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies showing climbs to just over 2k.

PE and PA with SE getting up to 20kts.

Inland – Mostly light Northerlies but later in the day the SSE will penetrate to the Swartbergs. 7-10k climbs in th northerly part. Mostly 10 – 15kts in the north…

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 6:19 and setting at 19:03. (Day length is 12 hrs 44min)  A misty morning but it should clear by mid-day for a sweet afternoon on the beach. A bit windy perhaps later on but enjoy the low tide at just after 15:00 and get those toes wet! ;) Low tide at 02:30 High tide at 9:03, low tide at 15:49, high at 22:14. Max temps for the Wilderness area another 23 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(2 March 2020) 
Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people! A trough line from east to west along the southern interior dictating our WC weather. Again CB activity inland and especially to the east. Some low level moisture along the southern coastal regions with low cloud which should see a sweet shallow layer of instability shaping up there to play in. A few fog patches along the west coast with partial clearing. The boundary layer at 2-3k along the southern coastal areas, 5/6k along the first mountain ranges ten 8-9k just inland form there but 12k around the Sutherland escarpment areas. Beautiful Q’s in most areas with a few spots of OD and CB’s. Wind low down a SE trend but some SW variations. From 5k upwards there is a distinct SW turn and then it remains SW all the way to the Tropopause with a 65k finish up there.

CT – If the fog clears it should be another sweet day here. Strong SE winds at CP but it curls nicely in for a SW flow around the SH areas. Later on the SE could penetrate anytime after lunch to spoil the fun.

RB – Another flyable day with mid-day onwards it being strong enough.

PV – A lower SW start at 5kts but a strong finish at 15kts. Climbs not the best at initially mountain top height then going to 4/5k at a push after 14:00. The convergence setting up over Eendekuil today from 15:00 onwards with the area from there to the pass and Skerpheuwel the hot spots. Climbs to 5k here but a bit more in the wind at 15k. Further inland over the Cederbergs some sweet Q’s at 9k… ;)

Wilderness – Looks like a great morning with a light SSW trend slightly more SSE just above. The clouds should start to clear by mid-moring with some good thermic flying at Sedge and Serps. Base probably at 1500’ to 2k maybe. Sedge climbs looking to cap at times to 1k… The coastal cliffs probably on and off but light and teasing stuff I think. Map later in the day a slight possibility – worth keeping tabs on that. There's a slight chance of some precipitation but I think if any it will mainly be on the mountains... (Sedge and Serps awesome for almost allday!)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with a maybe at Keurbooms if it is south enough (maybe around mid-day) But Uppies the place to be with the clouds breaking up and base rising from 2500’ to over 4k at the peak time. Initial SSW going SSE winds 10 to maybe 15k at most.

PE and PA with a localised low circulation just offshore but its deep enough to cause some good rain and CB activity out there. The winds at PE onshore with SW initial but then going more SE later as the low starts to fill in. PA similar.

Inland – S to SW winds all the way up pas Sutherland. Its good day at Graafies I think but watch for a few CB cells out that way. High base with excellent climbs. The Swartbergs also with cool Q’s but for a tad too strong winds later in the day – 20kts SSW!

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 6:19 and setting at 19:04. (Day length is 12 hrs 46min)  A cloudy morning but these will clear by late morning. So a great day to go to the beach from lunch time onwards. Enjoy the low tide at just after 14:00 and get those toes wet! ;) Low tide at 01:24 High tide at 7:53, low tide at 14:18, high at 20:33. Max temps for the Wilderness area another 22 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(1 March 2020) 
Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! The active trough inland of the west coast dominating the WC weather. The IOH and SAH more distant and a secondary effect. Strong CB activity inland starting as early as 9 in the moring around Sutherland and reaching as far  south as the Swartbergs perhaps late afternoon. A very broad band effected inland with these rain juggenauts today. Along the coast the easterly wind is accelerated by this trough with strong winds around PE, Agulhas and CP but it doesn’t quite make the sharp turn around the Cape Peninsula so the LH areas and up the west coast are spared with light winds. The boundary layer around 1-3k along the southern coast areas, 4/5k north of the first ranges and then beyond the Swartberg more than 10k. The wet coast areas 4/5k except within the convergence zones where 7-10k become possible. General east lower down, backing to the west above 6k then a late further backing to the SW with a 60kts finish up at the Tropopause.

CT – Another sweet day ahead with flying till dark. Probably a SW trned at launch but the wind-shadow very active. A strong inversion present so perhaps not such high climbs expected.

RB – It looks like a teasing day to me with the wind at mid-day and later almost getting there – probably sporadic soaring I think.

PV – A super swet day ahead with light W to SW winds 5-10kts. General climbs to 4/5k along the mountains but look out for the convergence starting around 14:00 at Bumpy peak, stretching out to Pickerberg. Out in the valley climbs possible to 7k then.  ;)

Wilderness – The strong stuff mostly passing us out to sea with some lighter Southerly flow for the morning mostly. Its pretty inverted but I do spot a tad of instability up to perhaps 1000’ at Sedge so late morning there would be good until the more easterly component spoils the fun after lunch I think. The coast too light and Map also offering only foefies. Even Buffs looking to start at mid-day only. Serpentine could be fun with flights to the Map on the cards… (Sedge on but scratcy and climbs to max 300' ATO)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness… Uppies showing up to 1500’ Light in the bay most of the day.

PE and PA with East winds of 30kts plus from early on…

Inland – SE at the first range but veering to the west in the Oudshoorn valley and northwards. The southerly will penetrate inland to just north of the Swartbergs. CB activity northwards of the Swartberg with very high bases – 10-13k. The surface winds not too strong with mostly 10-15k on the cards.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 6:18 and setting at 19:05. (Day length is 12 hrs 48min)  A beautiful sunny with a very light SE breeze. It’s a perfect day for the beach from early until late. Enjoy the low tide time at just after 13:00 and get those toes wet! ;) Low tide at 00:43 High tide at 7:07, low tide at 13:21, high at 19:32. Max temps for the Wilderness area just a cool 22 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(29 February 2020) 
Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people! The SAH still active but shaping up with more of an extended ridge along the eastern parts and with more of a NE component in the eastern interior. Still those strong winds along the southern parts but with a bit more of a NE upper part so there’s more protection over CT areas as the heavy stuff slides past CP. The boundary layer around 2/3k along the southern areas, 5/6k inland of the mountains with a jump at the Sutherland Escarpment to 11k. A slight chance of some rain from CB in the far NE (Aliwal North areas) Out along the west coast with the offshore trend still a very high boundary layer with a few Q’s over the Cederberg at 10k. Winds are ESE along the coast, E to NE inland. Again above the inversion it backs quickly to the west with a steady increase with height and a 80-110kts finish up at the Tropopause.

CT – CP with over 30kts but there’s a definitive drop in wind from just 1k around CT area and it backs to the ENE. So sweet flying around the LH and SH areas today with the wind-shadow in full effect. Even some instability at mid-day with climbs to 3/4k possible?

RB – Its looking like the Southerly does not quite make it out here for most of the day. But its thermic with high climbs so maybe…

PV – A storng East surface trend and Picketberg should work unitl after lunch I think. A surface SSW along the PV ranges so it might be launchable at times but its def East from mountain top height and above. Its not strong up there so that’s good. But I would check out Piekenierskloof pass and head out to the top of the Skerp heuwel Plateau. There’s convergence up here with climbs possible to 10k! And light winds up there too! :))

Wilderness – Looks like those strong ESE winds still around but with a bit more of a break this morning. Get out early because by mid-day it will be blow out. (Some spots say earlier but I hope its not!) ;) (Strong gradient at Map with light winds going too strong in 10min!)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness… Def too much east in it and strong by 11…

PE and PA with East winds of 20kts plus from early on…

Inland – It is ESE all the way up to the Sutherland Escarpment and north of there its more NE. Nothing too strong with peaks of perhaps 15kts otherwise 10kts or so. CB in the far NE section, otherwise a blue day mostly.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 6:17 and setting at 19:07. (Day length is 12 hrs 50min)  A sunny but cool and windy day. Try get out early before the wind gets too strong and go for a walk with the wind on your back. Oh yes, and do remember to get those toes wet! ;) Low tide at 00:11 High tide at 6:33, low tide at 12:41, high at 18:51. Max temps for the Wilderness area another cool and windy 20 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(28 February 2020) 
Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! That SAH really showing its muscle with strong easterlies all over the WC. Still quite a bit of moisture along the southern parts with rain expected until mid-day then drying somewhat form the west. Over 30kts at CP and along the west coast The boundary layer around 2/3k along the southern parts, up to 5/6k north of the first ranges rising steadily until the Sutherland escarpment where it climbs to just over 10k. The west coast with the offshore flow its high too at around the 7k mark. Winds back to the west from 10k upwards with a 75kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – Very strong and deep SE today. Instability to 4/5k Some cloud on TM which will probably dry out later but all not good news for flying. No wind-shadow around to day by the looks of things…

RB – Ranging between flyable and blown out most of the day – if you are early you could probably play on the eastern section of the hill…

PV – All easterly winds and breezy so its Picketberg that will work for the day. Even so it will probably be on the limits for the experienced pilots only… Climbs to around 7k possible.

Wilderness – Looks like strong east winds with rain in the morning but by mid-day the rain should start to clear but of course the winds are up strong by then. ;) You might get a gap early on around Buffs if the rain gives you a break. Maybe, maybe, Map… (Spot on!)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness…

PE and PA again with a lighter SSE on the cards around 10-15kts. But with rain…

Inland – Its all east to SE winds to north of Sutherland even. Cloudy in the southern parts but clearly as we move to the north. Windy with over 20kts in most places today. Even a spot of rain around in the little Karoo…

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 6:16 and setting at 19:08. (Day length is 12 hrs 52min)  A cloudy, rainy and windy day so no the best for lying on the beach but still great for a down-wind walk. No excuse to get those toes wet. Do it at mid-day to miss the rain and get the low tide. ;) High tide at 6:04, low tide at 12:09, high at 18:18. Max temps for the Wilderness area a cool and windy 19 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(27 February 2020) 
Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people! The SAH pushing in the CF over the entire WC. Southerly winds with a few variations everywhere except in the far north where it will be west. Low cloud with rain along the southern parts but clear in the west. Theboundary layer low along the southern parts at 2k but base rising to 4/5k north of the first mountains and then up to 13k north of the Sutherland escarpment. Rain inland mostly around Graafies region and eastwards from there. Winds trend easterly up to 8k where it goes west and increases in strength to the Tropopause for a 90kts finish.

CT – Strong SE today with cloud at TM top level. IT does not look like a wind-shadow day with no drop in wind strength with height and no inversion present.

RB – This is an early morning day for here with increasing in the day and probably blown out. Some signs of a moderation again later in the afternoon but it might not appear in the area…

PV – Very southerly along the surface with an east trend higher up. Breezy too with 15-20kts in places. Climbs are up to 4/5k. Some convergence in the Renoster hoek end but the upper air is easterly so probably quite bumpy once you get above the mountain tops. Climbs here possible to 6k but its east at 10-15kts up there…

Wilderness – A rainy morning with a similar forecast for the whole day. Winds is southerly mostly up to 10kts probably and it might be possible to fly in between gaps of the rain. (No rain tuntill mid afternoon with great flying in the moring at Sedge and the coast from mid-day)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Keurbooms showing the right wind around lunch time if the rain allows. Base around 2k with tops around 6/7k.

PE and PA again with SW 20kts plus…

Inland – All Southerly winds up to North of Sutherland escarpment where the west will take over and also some high base – 13k. In the C fair to the south it is 5/6k base with clouds to past the Swartbergs. Rain mostly around Graafies area but fingers crossed it is more wide spread. :)

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 6:15 and setting at 19:09. (Day length is 12 hrs 54min)  A cloudy, rainy day for the beach with onshore winds. Put on a rain coat and go get those toes wet – best time at mid-day to get the low tide. ;) High tide at 5:37, low tide at 11:40, high at 17:49, Low tide at 23:43. Max temps for the Wilderness area a cool 20 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(26 February 2020) 
Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! The SAH dominant over the entire WC with another CF approaching us – should make landfall in and around Agulhas this afternoon. For the remainder its all Southerly winds with some SW components in places along the southern and west coast parts but it is more West inland and even NW far north of us. Also some CB activity along the west stretching down to past Sutherland and then eastwards past Graafies. Even as far south as the Swartbergs later on. Base to the north is over 13k but much less to the south – the coastal regions hanging around 1500’ and up to 5k along the first mountain ranges. It is westerly higher up and then NW 60ks at the Tropopause.

CT – A strong SSE day with the winds going west above TM top height. The wind-shadow should be effective though smaller than usual according to RASP. However the coastal fog might put a damper on things…

RB – It starts of light but form mid-day it should pick-up with a strong afternoon finish.

PV – Another day of sweet SW lower layers that tends a tad more southerly late afternoon. 5-10kts in the moring but there’s that storng 15-20kts late afternoon breeze again. Climbs start late from 12:30 to 13:00 with 4 perhaps 5k possible. The convergence setting up over Eendekuil from 15:00 stretching to the pass but it quickly moves to the north – from Skerpheuwel at 16:00. Climbs in here possible to 7k.

Wilderness – IT looks like a great morning with a strong SW wind with all the coastal spots firing away, then it drops at mid-day. By 15:00 some nice clouds should move in with Sedge firing up – base around 1500’ and it should be good flying according to the forecasts. (Just watch the coastal wind – if it does drop then game on!) ;) (Spot on!)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with a strong WSW start but it will gradually moderate and by lunchtime Keurbooms should switch on for an amazing afternoon flying session I think. Uppies with climbs to 3k on the cards but also better later on when the wind backs a bit more and moderates.

PE and PA again with SW 20-30kts…

Inland – All SW winds up to North of the Swartbegr where it starts to veer to the W and then WNW from Sutherland and further North. Base very high out there but around 5/6k in the south. CB activity north of the Swartberg ranges mostly – it is wide spread from the east to the west. :)

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 6:14 and setting at 19:10. (Day length is 12 hrs 57min)  Another awesome sunny day, with a strong SW start but mid-day it drops and becomes light for the rest fo the day. A great day to spend on the beach none the less. Go for midday for a sweet low tide get your toes wet! ;) High tide at 5:10, low tide at 11:12, high at 17:21, Low tide at 23:17. Max temps for the Wilderness area another hot 25 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(25 February 2020) 
Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people! A heat low with the centre east of CT dominating most of the WC weather. The winds are curling around this point with SE trend along the southern coast, curling around CP and then Westerly along the southern West coast with NW further N. Windy bergy conditions inland and along the northern parts of the west coast with over 30kts and 40 degrees C NW here. No rain and or clouds except for the far north inland with high base over 13k. Just inland form the south coast the winds are also N to NW with a slow increase in strength with height. A strong inversion along the southern coastal areas with nothing going over 500’. On the first mountain ranges with the NW winds around 20kts at the tops climbs go to 10k. It remains NW all the way to the Tropopause for a 30-50kts finish.

CT – IT could be a good for flying with a WSW surface component and WNW higher up. 15kts at 2k. It doesn’t look very bergy here to me.


PV – IT looks bergy here to me with strong NW winds all day. 20kts on average. But there is a convergence setting up between Dassies and PV with climbs to 10k possible around 14:00! (If only you flew a hangie) ;)

Wilderness – A very inverted day expected with light onshore flows – just enough to tease you – all S to SE in direction. Stronger winds out to sea between Gerrickes and eastwards to Knysna, perhaps Buffs could offer something also. The inland sights inverted with light teasing stuff too. (Spot on!)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness…

PE and PA with 20 – 30kts NE to E winds.

Inland – All N to NW winds with stronger stuff to the west and NW sections. During the hottest parts climbs can exceed 10k in most inland spots but the wind up there is all 20kts plus NW. Upper thirties in most areas…

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 6:13 and setting at 19:12. (Day length is 12 hrs 58min)  A really great day for the beach with light winds and hot temps. Go for late morning for a sweet low tide and get your toes wet! ;) High tide at 4:43, low tide at 10:46, high at 16:54, Low tide at 22:50. Max temps for the Wilderness area a hot 25 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(24 February 2020) 
Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! The SAH dominating with a ridg along the southern parts and a trough along the west coast. Winds are SE along the southern parts, fairly light but strong towards CP. It is more southerly along the west coast. A blue day mostly with no clouds. Some CB’s far north in Namibia. The boundary layer around the 1/2k mark near the coast but 3/4k along the first mountain ranges and then slightly more further inland. Winds go North at 5k but then SW from around 12k with a 20kts SW finish at the Tropopause.

CT – A sweet wind-shadow day today with the strong SE confined to CP for most of the day, coming through to CT late afternoon. Even then it is light higher up with an inversion by then. Should be good all day.

RB – Again a chance maybe later in the day.

PV – A sweet SW lower layers day with climbs to 4k in general. Piekeniers kloof the best spot to head to Skerpheuwel where there is some convergence from the peak and back on the plateau with climbs to 7k possible… Winds are ENE higher up. After 17:00 watch for the strong SW coming through with 20kt peaks.

Wilderness – A slow light start but with the SE slowly picking up throughout the day. Map should be flyable in the afternoon. Gerrickes and Buffs are also on in the late morning but so is Sedge and Serps with enough south in it with climbs to 1000’. By lunchtime the East will probably spoil things a bit. (Spot on but strong ESE later in the day)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies showing promise with climbs to 2k and a SSE winds of less than 10kts during the late morning. It goes more East later on.

PE and PA again with S to SE winds 10-15kts.

Inland – SE winds in the south which go to light North in the north. All in all a pleasant day inland with no strong winds expected but also thermic climbs not that high either with 10k over Sutherland with WNW winds 10kts and 8k south of there with East winds 10kts.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 6:12 and setting at 19:13. (Day length is 13 hrs zero min)  Another awesome sunny day, a tad cool in the ocean breeze but a great day to spend on the beach none the less. Go for late morning for a sweet low tide get your toes wet! ;) High tide at 4:16, low tide at 10:20, high at 16:26, Low tide at 22:25. Max temps for the Wilderness area around 21 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(23 February 2020) 
Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people! The CF having run over the entire WC leaving cooler air behind. The SAH helping with an easterly flow form the surface to around 10k – a few variations around – SE along the southern parts and later in the day more southerly along the west coast with some spots really strong of 30kts out there. A few spots of rain inland around the Graafies area for the moring but drying quickly for the rest of the day. Few clouds around but for the GR region perhaps. The boundary layer around 2-3k near the coast, 4/5k along the first mountains but on the west coast with the easterly flow some spots over 7k. The wind remains east until about 10k where it veers to the south and remains south all the way to the Tropopause at 60kts.

CT – Its E to SE and breezy with 30kts later in the day. Not much of an inversion so the wind-shadow not shaping up to what its supposed to be. A slight appearance according to RASP but none from the others. Its pretty east with height which might help.

RB – A chance maybe later in the day but surprising light earlier on and very east.

PV – All easterly flows so Picketberrg the best bet. It looks strong there for the moring but around 13:00 dying down with a window until 16:00 perhaps where it goes more SSE. Pretty high climbs possible after 13:00…

Wilderness – A cool SE on the cards with most forecasts indicating it will hold until around lunchtime. Strong likelihood of it blowing out early afternoon. Buffs will work in the morning and possibly Gerrickes for a bench-up. Sedge and Serps indicating erly climbs to 3k but its very east so probably not really worth a try… (Perfect Map day with just too strong by  12:00 - but so boyant with hgih climbs!)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness – ESE winds up to 15kts later on. Uppies showing climbs to just over 3k 10-15kts.

PE and PA with S to SE winds 10-15kts.

Inland – All easterlies with parts in the far north over 20kts. No clouds around and that wind pattern the same – east then south around 10k… most of the WC areas climbs far inland up to 8k perhaps.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 6:12 and setting at 19:14. (Day length is 13 hrs 02 min)  A sunny day but somewhat cooler with fresh SE winds later on. So do get out to the beach early today and go get your toes wet early! ;) High tide at 3:48, low tide at 09:52, high at 15:57, Low tide at 21:59. Max temps for the Wilderness area around 20 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(22 February 2020) 
Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! Today the SAH is pushing up a CF onto the WC – its already touching CT area and also the Overberg with rain. This will spread up the coast during the course of the day reaching the GR area after lunch. Winds are generally SW but will vary in spots – CT backing to the SE later again and a tad more West in laces along the southern coastal region. The boundary layer varying with higher clouds initially but dropping significantly as the front moves in. 4/5k along the first ranges then upwards to 7-8k a tad further inland with the clouds drying soon after the Swartbergs and beyond. In the far north mush higher base and a strong chance of CB activity in the NE areas. The winds remains SW to 10k then goes more W with a WSW finish of 60-100kts at the Tropopause.

CT – Some cloud around already with winds initially westerly but it will trend more southerly later on. Probably best to get flying early before the lower cloud or rain moves in. The wind-shadow seems to shape up late afternoon but the winds seems strong throughout to 4k so keep a good watch on it. ;)

RB – Looks like the late afternoon might see a strong Southerly moving in for some playing out here…

PV – A very southerly wind day and breezy as well. Its 10kts going 15-20 later on with climbs to 4k (RASP says some flat Q’s at 4k) Even down by Piekeniers pass it still is ver southerly and strong – some convergence out in the Renosterhoek corner but to me it looks a tad on the cross windy side… :)

Wilderness – Not what I expected form yesterday report with the sweet SW now looking as if it might be gust and playing on and off with us until later when the rain arrives. 5-10kts with even a bit of West in it on occasion along the Wilderness coast however, there's strong winds out to sea so keep an eye out for any  strong wind signs on the water and land BEFORE it gets to you! (Forecasts show it not moving in untill the afternoon). Maybe it’s all wrong and we got to have awesome flying until the rain moves in later today. :)) (Actuals was an awesome moring till around 13:00 of coastal flying - then on and off and rain by 15:00)

Plett – A chance of Keurbooms working early on but by 10:30/11 the wind goes too west and picks up a bit. Uppies climbs to 3k but also from 11 onwards getting very strong.

PE and PA with strong SW winds up to 30kts!

Inland – SW winds moving far inland with rain up to the Swartbergs later on. Late afternoon the winds picks up 20-30kts in places… CB activity in the NE areas from Graafies and De Aar and eastwards.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 6:11 and setting at 19:15. (Day length is 13 hrs 04 min)  A cloudy day with chances of rain and stronger SW winds from mid-day onwards. Its best to go get your toes wet early! ;) High tide at 3:18, low tide at 09:24, high at 15:27, Low tide at 21:32. Max temps for the Wilderness area around 23 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(21 February 2020) 
Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people! The CF moving up to Maputo while the two HP systems are jostled either side of the country. The GR area right in between making for some lighter winds in that area (Col) a NE to East flow in the east and a SW in the west. Some CB activity inland with rain, mostly in the eastern parts with the west dry. Again the boundary layer varied with 1k near the coast but rising quickly to 5k along the mountain ranges of the south and similar on the west. Further inland it goes to 6/7k and then that jump near the Sutherland Escarpment to 12/13k. Its all N to WNW winds higher up with a 60kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – A SSW wind for the day but it trend west with height so it might be better than anticipated. Instability to 2k with some local acceleration around the corners of SH and LH – 15-20kts perhaps which can effect things a bit.

RB – Maybe in the very late afternoon enough of a SSE push could come through  but it is on the boarder of the SW side also…

PV – A swet day I think with a 5kts start and climbs to just shy of 5k it seems to remain SW till late but there’s some strong winds  on the surface up to 20kts in spots. The convergence today setting up over Eendekuil from 14:30 onwards propagating towards the Renosterhoek area – climbs here perhaps over 6k possible…

Wilderness – A light S to SE day with winds up to 15kts in the east later on. Map probably lightly soarable for most of the day. Sedge and Serps also probably offering something in the late morning especially before the east could throw a spanner in the works a bit. Climbs to 1k perhaps near the coast. (Spot on but Sedge working far into the afternoon with no wind around Wilderness for the most part)

Plett – Very similar to the Wilderness with Uppies showing climbs to 1700. SE winds all day here…

PE and PA with strong E to NE winds around 20kts.

Inland – It is a day to be flying the coastal mountains ranges with most regions showing SW to S winds with spots going to 15kts later in the day. Climbs to 5k most places. Further inland initially light Northerlies but trending NW. Q’s mostly in the south and then the Eastern inland parts where the CB cells will be active. In the right spot could be epic! :)

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 6:10 and setting at 19:16. (Day length is 13 hrs 07 min)  A light sunny SE day with a morning low tide making it the perfect time to be on the beach and getting your toes wet! ;) High tide at 2:44, low tide at 08:51, high at 14:55, Low tide at 21:03. Max temps for the Wilderness area a cooler 22 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(20 February 2020) 
Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! A CF moving on over the WC with the IOH pushing in hard behind it. Strong SW winds with rain along the southern parts with a south along the west coast. Cloud base gets higher quickly as you move inland but much lower compared to yesterday with up to the Swartberg and just north of that base is around 5k. But up to 10k at the Sutherland Escarpment still. Broad region of CB activity inland with rain covering most of the inland regions. Winds are all westerly up to 60kts at the Tropopause.

CT – A very cloudy southerly day with no dropping in strength with height even if there is an inversion present later on. It’s a southerly day with the surface flow around SH and LH SSW and 20kts along the shorefront. Some signs of less wind at launch but it looks to be hard from the left so dubious looking all day long.

RB – It seems a great early morning session to be had here and it might last all day long though it’s a strong finish at the end of the day…

PV – Perhaps too southerly with even SE at mountain top height at PV for it to be a comfortable day. It gets strong later too with 15 and even 20kts spots. Climbs to 4k but Pickenierskloof looking better with more SW direction here and some convergence along the Renosterhoek ranges later in the day.

Wilderness – Windy westerly start with some low cloud around. This will unfortunately thicken as the morning progresses with rain by mid-day. A chance for the wind to back to the SW late morning and moderate a bit but mostly only in the Wilderness corner. It remains more WSW above so not the best outlook today. (Spot on - rain at lunch time with spotty SW winds earlier)

Plett – Very similar to the Wilderness….

PE and PA with strong SW winds 20-30kts.

Inland – Rain setting in along the mountains with even CB activity as far south as the Swartbergs. But more CB’s further north. SW winds that veer to the West as you move further inland.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 6:09 and setting at 19:17. (Day length is 13 hrs 09 min)  Strong westerly winds with rain and lowering clouds at mid-day. Its time to put on the beany and get those toes wet early before the rain! ;) High tide at 2:05, low tide at 08:11, high at 14:17, Low tide at 18:30. Max temps for the Wilderness area a windy 23 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(19 February 2020) 
Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people! The IOH and SAH helping to accelerate the wind around the southern parts of a trough and low running down the west coast. A few coastal fog patches around west and south coasts but in general looking like a good day for flying in most places. The boundary layer varied again with 1-2k near the coast, around 4/5k at the first mountain ranges then climbing quickly to 10-13k further inland. Winds are SE along the coast but N to NW inland and higher up. A 90kts finish NW at the Tropopause.

CT – A light moderate SW day around LH and SH with instability to around 2k initially. Looks good all day – some winds at CP but it seems to curl around the Peninsula sweetly.

RB – It just doesn’t seem to kick into gear here all day long.

PV – A sweet west wind 5kts going SW later mostly 5-10kts but a few spots showing 15kts. Clmbs around 4k but the convergence looks to be setting up between Picketberg and Dassies from 14:30 moving slightly northwards to Bumpy by 16:00 with climbs in here perhaps as high as 8k… NW winds higher up. Some awesome Q’s out in the Cederberg today…

Wilderness – A rather misty start but it should clear up nicely with light SSE winds initially gong more SE later on. Sedge and Serps might offer something early to late morning with climbs to 1000’. Buffs will be excellent from early I think. And Map showing some promise late morning but then dying again for the afternoon according to one of my Apps. ;) (Actuals, misty with light winds everywhere even Buffs. Sedge worked a bit as forecasted - CB's late afternoon over Oudshoorn!)

Plett – Very similar to the Wilderness with Uppies showing climbs early to 1500 but SSE winds but then dropping quickly to a 1000 and less… Keurbooms too much east in it.

PE and PA with strong E to NE winds around 30kts.

Inland – light N winds that will trend to the NW later with the south winds penetrating as far as Oudshoorn late afternoon. For the rest it is looking like a cracking flying day out there with some great Q’s between 10-13k.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 6:08 and setting at 19:19. (Day length is 13 hrs 11 min)  A light SE morning but picking up in the mid afternoon with a chance of rain. A fairly strong swell so be careful of strong rip currents and beach washes. So get out early and get those toes wet! ;) High tide at 1:12, low tide at 07:19, high at 13:28, Low tide at 19:50. Max temps for the Wilderness area a warmish 24 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(18 February 2020) 
Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! The CF way up into Mozambique... The IOH dominating with an easterly flow pattern along most of the WC – only on the west coast it is Southerly and far inland there is a NW trend. Still some moisture and rain around along the southern parts but it does get less as the day progresses. The boundary layer varied but it gets high pretty quickly – 1-3k along the coast, but 5k at the first mountains – quickly up to 10k from there and 13k over the Sutherland escarpment and further N. Winds go NW from 6/7k and finishes with 90kts NW at the Tropopause.

CT – A clear morning with strong SE at CP which is slow to move onto the northern Peninsula. IT gets lighter and more east with height here. The winds at SH and LH initially with a light SW trend and slightly more out to sea but it looks like the wind-shadow will perk up and be more effective in the later afternoon.

RB – Another mid-day start and probably blown out by late afternoon…

PV – an inverted start with things only taking off after mid-day around PV with SW 5kts wind and S 10kts later in the day. But the Piekeniers kloof pass in a better position with some convergence once again on the platau and on towards Renoster Hoek area. Possible climbs here to 7k or more. The deeper Cederbergs with up 10k (or more in places today – NW winds up there)

Wilderness – Again partly cloudy with some rain in places. (Mosselbay area in the mist with rain). Locally its more clear with no rain and a fresh to strong SE on the cards for today. Its very east and over 10kts from early on so it does not look great for and early flight at Sedge or Serps. Even those coastal spots favouring a bit more south in the SE winds are hard pushed for the morning. Most apps show Map blown out by mid-day and possibly even earlier. (Lets hope they are wrong!) ;) So get out there early if you want some flying. (Strong SE winds from early on - good HG weather)

Plett – Very similar to the Wilderness forecast. Upies showing climbs early to 4k but with strong east winds. Then it drops to just over 2k still with strong Easts… Strong ESE winds in the bay over 25kts on the cards at times.

PE and PA with fresh also 25kts plus East winds.

Inland – Easterlies for the most part except in the far west where it starts to veer to the south and eventually SW and even NW once further N. Some CB activity in the far eastern parts but a slither of a chance to have some over the Sutherland Escarpment by late afternoon. Some good looking clouds around especially in the southern parts and far North.  

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 6:07 and setting at 19:20. (Day length is 13 hrs 13 min)  A strong SE wind day so get to the beach early if you can for less wind. Moderate swell of 2m but do go get those toes wet! ;) Low tide at 06:03, high at 12:21, Low tide at 18:55. Max temps for the Wilderness area a sweet 23 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(17 February 2020)

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people! The SAH pushing the CF onto the entire WC with CB activities far inland and rain along the southern coastal regions today. SW winds backing to the SE for the South coast areas, SE to South along the west, S to SW inland with a boundary layer ranging from 2k along the coast to 12/13k along the Sutherland Escarpment. The winds is NW above 8/9k with a 112kt finish at the Tropopause.

CT – Some cloud around which i predicted to dissipate. Fresh SE winds that are pretty deep today but it does back to the east with height. Some indications for a wind-shadow during the morning but this will erode away in the afternoon so keep tabs on it.

RB – A mid-day start but probably blown out by late afternoon…

PV – Some strong Southerly winds around 15kts most of the day except in the far north around Piekenierskloof pass and beyond where it seems to remain lighter and more SW for most of the day. Probably more flyable here than PV area. Climbs to 5k possible here with a light convergence along the Renosterhoek ranges.  The wind backs to the south at 5k.

Wilderness – A partly cloudy start with W going SW winds – probably enough to be soarable along the ocean cliffs around 9/10 from where it will die down and go more S and eventually light SSE. Sedge will work later on but quite a bit of wet grounds around so nothing spectacular – probably a sweet thermic day for students. That being said there is more rain on the cards for later again so flying will obviously depend on that. (Rain inland only with the coast remaining SSW and no sign of the SE - else spot on.)

Plett – Very similar to the Wilderness forecast. With Keurboom switching on from late morning mid-day. Uppies with SW around 10kts with base up to 3k, lowering again to 2 later on. Also that chance of rain so it does depend.

PE and PA with fresh SW winds all day – 20kts plus.

Inland – Southerly winds around 10kts, all the way up to the Sutherland escarpment where it goes NW around 15kts. Base along the Outenikwas 3-4k with the Oudshoorn side 5k and north of the Swartberg going to 8/9k but 12k north of the Sutherland areas. A broad NW/SE band of strong CB activity moving to the NE from Graafies to reach Aliwal North late afternoon. Its clear in the west.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 6:06 and setting at 19:21. (Day length is 13 hrs 15 min)  A SW going SE day with rain. But my guess is that the morning is better with clearer skies and then rain again later on. If you are vigilant you can find the gaps and spend a great afternoon on the beach. Go get your toes wet! ;) Low tide at 04:20, high at 10:47, Low tide at 17:36, high tide at 23:53. Max temps for the Wilderness area a cool 22 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(16 February 2020) 

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! That cut off low on the west coast dissipating as a CF approaches helped along by a strong SAH system. Very strong NW winds just about everywhere with the exception along the GR coast with some low level shelter from the mountains. But even here erratic winds on the cards. Loads of moisture flowing in from the north in the mid-levels so a strong chance of wide spread CB activity over the entire inland areas - base arouund 12k mostly. Some even making it to the GR coast in the mid to later part of the afternoon. Its not really a flying day any where in the WC today… NW all the way up to the Tropopause where it finishes at 120kts.

CT – Strong NW winds with a strato-cu layer around 2-3k for parts of the day. It might be doable for the hangies if there's a gap in the clouds but even for them it will be strong so be vigilant. IT could however be n epic 12 Apostle flight day… ;)

RB – WWB is out today…

PV – Here too those pesky strong NW winds around making it not a good idea to fly… 20kts plus on average I think. And even if you do find a sheltered spot to launch from think carefully as the winds are very strong not so far above your head! Lol

Wilderness – A NW start to the day with some mid-level strato-Q’s as well. Some pretty hot temps forecasted for Wilderness today which usually signals some offshore flow and Katabatic heating – not good for flying. Most apps show varying winds for the GR area but it seems to indicate a mix between a strong SW pulse from a coastal low moving in around 12/13:00 mixed in with the strong upper NW - this at times backs westerly along our coastline. Later on with some rain on the cards these can also add to the mix of surface airflow so a complex day - perhaps not the best day to be out flying. Having said that it is possible for something usable along the coastal cliffs at midday if your timing is right! ;) (Remaining within the very shallow layer on the surface along the low cliffs of CP best bet - you can use the ocean for early tell tale signs of changes, well most of the times anyway!) ;). But be vigilant! (Spot on!)

Plett – Very similar to the Wilderness forecast. I would stay away from the inland sites today.

PE and PA looks to be remaining in the varying offshore flow department with N to NW winds most of the time – 5-15kts. Also possible CB activity.

Inland – Strong NW winds of around 20kts in most places with a high probability of CB activity all over the WC area. That SW penetrating from the coast mostly in the Overberg areas to just beyond the first mountain ranges from the looks of it.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 6:05 and setting at 19:22. (Day length is 13 hrs 17 min)  A varying wind day to spend on the beach. The Wilderness corner the best spot – sheltered from most of the gusts - low tide just after mid-day so go get your toes wet! ;) Low tide at 02:47, high at 09:17, Low tide at 15:58, high tide at 22:09. Max temps for the Wilderness area up to 31 degrees C. Enjoy! :))

(15 February 2020) 
Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people! The IOH dominating with the Lesotho inland high and a trough along the central parts. To the west is a cut-off low but its far offshore so no real effect at this stage form it. Super hot temps inland and on the west coast with some chance of wide spread CB activity inland. Also some very high bases around with 14k on the cards and more in many parts. Winds along the south coast is SSE but will trend more SE later on. A few spots going over 20kts. Still some unstable air around so good flying to be had on the southern parts in the shallow layer – still early morning low clouds around. Along the first mountains the boundary layer around 3/4k. But inland it jumps to 10 and 12k quickly. The wind backs to the NW with hight to finish at the Tropopause at 50kts NW.

CT – SE over 30kts later on but in a very shallow layer so a great wind-shadow day on the cards. Strong inversion present with light winds above 2k.

RB – Picking up during the day with mid-day probably soarable but bumpy and then finishing very strong late evening with a chance of it being blown out.

PV – Very hot (over 40 in the North!) with a slow start and W to NW flow here. It picks up with a storng SW flow lower down later in the afternoon. It looks like some mid-day convergence over the top and north of the Piekenierskloof pass setting up over the mountains. Also at 17:00 form Dassies to Picketberg. These areas could get you very high – one model shows 13k! But otherwise it is hard to break through the inversion wiith just over the tops of the peaks possible. Over the back into the Cederbergs it is very good with 13k out there. (Probably a few lost q’s high up to be seen) ;)

Wilderness – Perhaps a bit more in the SE department to yesterday. Still some sweet instability but get out early before the SE spoils it a bit I think. 15-20kts around Buffs and Gerrickes later on. This wind doesnt seem to get to Map so it might be a bit frustrating here today… Climbs to 2k possible at Sedge and Serps (Airspace at Serps is 1500!) early on and I guess it’s a great day to do the classic Serps to Map flight. (Spot on but for a longer window of flying weather at Sedge)

Plett – More east here so Up[pies not too good – maybe the thermals will pull it up straight enough to get going but the drift is all SE. 2k possible here too but Keurbooms looks to be remaining too easterly.

PE and PA all east winds with a 20kt plus end to the day.

Inland – Light inland flows, generally North but southerly in the south later on. Its NW above the Sutherland escarpment. CB cells in most places even as far south as Willowmore late afternoon. Some super high base in places today… WNW winds up there…

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 6:04 and setting at 19:23. (Day length is 13 hrs 19 min)  A great day to spend on the beach with the sun breaking through the low clouds and low tide just after mid-day a must go get your toes wet! ;) Low tide at 01:42, high at 08:10, Low tide at 14:36, high tide at 20:44. Max temps for the Wilderness area around 24 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(14 February 2020)

Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! A light CF moving into CT today with only a slight chance at rain along the Overberg. Some good instability around with the boundary layer 4-6k in most places along the coastal plateau’s. Some coastal fog along the west coast and a few spots and low clouds in the south. Winds in general are southerlies with a veering to the West as we move to the north. Its WNW northwards from the Sutherland Escarpment. No inland CB activity but a few high Q’s out here at 14k or so. Winds go W from8k upwards with a 60ktsNW finish at the Tropopause.

CT – Another low cloud start with S winds. It should rise enough for flying with a slight wind-shadow and a SW shore component. It depends on how strong it will get there so onsite call I think.

RB – It could be a sweet end to the day – lightish in the morning and lunchtime but promising finish I think.

PV – A sweet W to SW start with climbs to 4/5k. Strong convergence setting up around Eendekuil and the pass around 16:30 but then also some strong winds moving through with a 15kts and some spots even more finish to the day. Perhaps climbs to 6/7k in the convergence…

Wilderness – Still some low cloud around – it should rise to around 1500’ later on. Winds are slightly SW for the morning but will slowly back to the S and a SSE finish. Lightly soarable on the coastal cliffs perhaps but more of an inland day so Serpentine and Sedge the places to go to. Maybe Gerrickes could be flyable from mid-day onwards? (SPot on!)

Plett – Similar to the Wilderness once again but more of a SE trend from early on so Keurbooms doesn’t seem to be working today. Uppies showing climbs to 3k around 11-12 but then a 10kts SE wind component not so great. It drops during the rest of the day.

PE and PA with lightish S to SE winds today – reaching lower teens later on.

Inland – All light southerlies with a veering to the West in the west and far north. Some clouds around in the southern parts with some sweet looking bases in the little Karoo (If you can get there cool!) :) Swartberg wth too much west going south only late in the afternoon. Climbs there up to 8k…

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 6:03 and setting at 19:24. (Day length is 13 hrs 21 min)  A cool beach day in Wilderness with a light onshore breeze all day - low tide at mid-day so a must go get your toes wet! ;) Low tide at 00:52, high at 07:16, Low tide at 13:34, high tide at 19:42. Max temps for the Wilderness area a easy 23 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(13 February 2020) 
Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people! A CF approaching the Cape while a coastal low is making its way up the south coast bringing with it some SW winds. Quite a few low cloud spots along the west coast with some spots along the south coast. To the east the IOH is dominant with strong NE winds along the coast – these head out to sea as soon as they pass PE (some of this flow eventually curls around with the coastal low to feed the GR with those SW winds.) The boundary layer varied with some good instability setting in along the west coast areas while the southern parts have a lower ceiling form the passing coastal low – 4/5k in the west and up to 3k in the south. Past the first mountain ranges it goes up to 8k with the Southerland Escarpment showing 12k. A chance of CB activity but only in the far eastern interior. Winds are generally SW but west from 4k upwards and remains west all the way up to the Tropopause with a 30kts finish.

CT – A low cloud start with NW lower winds but SW above the clouds. The clouds should dissipate with a SW day and instability to 4k. Should be a good day at LH and SH…

RB – WWB is out today…

PV – A NW start but it will quickly back to the W around 5-10kts with a SW 10kt finish to the day. IT actually looks good with 4/5k climbs and the general West flow with a sweet convergence setting up – starting more south around Dasklip towards Eendekuil at 14:00 but moving north to bumpy peak and Eendekuil then on to the pass from 15:00 with Eendekuil and North of the pass for the rest of the day. Within it climbs possible to 6k… :))

Wilderness – Also some low cloud around with a westerly flow. This will gradually back to the SW and it looks like a strong start from 9-9:30 and then a drop in the wind by 11:30/12. It will probably be on and off after that along the ocean cliffs. Sedge could work but seems on the strong side from mid-day onwards. Climbs to 1500’ perhaps. It is westerly higher up. (Spt on)

Plett – Similar to the Wilderness but a bit more wind especially around Robberg. It is a fingers crossed day to see if Keurbooms will switch on – it does drop after lunch but seems to just hang on a tad too much SW for it to really get going… And Uppies looks a bit on the storng sideto me with 15kts hanging around. Climbs to 2500’ just after lunch on the cards…

PE and PA with initial light wind (some NE at PA) but by mid-day the SW will start to move past here and take over. 20kts on the cards later on.

Inland – Light southerly during the morning but then the S to SW will push hard midway into the afternoon. It is upper teens in knots S to SW all the way to the Southerland Escarpment but north of that it goes West. Pretty breezy inland today as the frontal system moves closer…

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 6:02 and setting at 19:25. (Day length is 13 hrs 23 min)  A partly cloudy day with breezy conditions for the moring but from mid-day looking better so def then time to go get your toes wet! ;) Low tide at 00:07, high at 06:29, Low tide at 12:43, high tide at 18:51. Max temps for the Wilderness area a slightly cooler 24 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(12 February 2020) 
Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! The Inland trough very dominant with the HP systems weaker and distant today. Very hot conditions inland with the temp profile extending out to sea along the southern parts – the net result is a strong coastal inversion with poor thermal index. Some low clouds along the west coast and a few spots on the southern coastal regions. Uppies showing a slight improvement to a tad over 1000’ by mid afternoon. And so it is the boundary layer along the coast very shallow with up to 4k on the first mountains but inland it is a different story. Swartbergs again 8k with GR 14k and a chance of CB activity here in the afternoon. Strong east flows along the southern coastal areas but most of the strong stuff is further offshore with weaker eddies reaching the coast – especially along the GR. SW along the west coast. SE in the southern inland parts then W to NW further north. From 7/8k the wind goes W and then backs to the S with a 30kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – A strong inversion but good wind-shadow day with a WSW trend along LH and SH areas. CP with strong SE winds but it curls around sweetly and dissipates further north.

RB – Not looking good with a small chance of something coming up late late afternoon…

PV – A hot day out there with light SW winds. Initial climbs tough with the boundary layer around 4k. But it looks like the convergence will shape up late today starting over Eendekuil towards the Pass from around 16:00 onwards. It should be excellent towards Renosterkop from 17:00. :))

Wilderness – Some low clouds which should dissipate. Strong NE winds out to sea with some spillage towards the Wilderness coast – surface winds initially can vary and even be SW. It will trend more SE as the day goes on but it does not look great. Very inverted at Sedge all day long. So Buffs a good place with a chance of it being blown out in the afternoon. Gerrickes worth a bench up effort. Maybe maybe something at the CP but then oh dear the wind fades on us towards Map with frustrating stuff at Map all day long according to the forecast. (Pretty much spot on! A few stayed up just above launch at Sedge for a short while)

Plett – Similar to the Wilderness area with Uppies perhaps the best place later in the day as the inversion shows signs of lifting a small bit (maybe up to 2k with a low teens SE wind) The bay will also be in a compression bubble effect.

PE and PA with the NE flows around  20kts.

Inland – Again mostly SE surface winds but it goes W from the Sutherland Escarpment. CB activity to the north with 14k bases becoming wide spread in the late afternoon. Swartberg again with promise with upflow from just after mid-day and reaching up to 15kts S late afternoon. Hot out there with low to mid thirties!

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 6:01 and setting at 19:26. (Day length is 13 hrs 25 min)  A perfect beach day around Wilderness with a light breeze all day and low tide at mid-day - a def go get your toes wet! ;) High at 05:45, Low tide at 11:57, high tide at 18:05. Max temps for the Wilderness area a warm 25 degrees C. Enjoy! :))

(11 February 2020) 
Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people! The IOH dominating in combination with a trough along the west coast – SE along the southern parts with a strong southerly along the west coast. The boundary layer varied with less than a 1000’ near the coast but quickly climbing at the first mountain ranges to 4/6k and 8-10k by the secondary mountains. Far inland like the Sutherland Escarpment showing 15k once again with a few Q’s to make us drool. Inland the winds are fairly light but along the coast the winds will get strong from mid-day onwards. At 8k the wind backs to the west and then a gradual backing to the south with a 30kt finish of SSW at the Tropopause.

CT – A strong SE at CP but it is very shallow with light winds at 2k. A sweet wind-shadow day all day long on the cards but generally pretty stable in the day.

RB – It just might start to work here from mid-day onwards but there’s some shadowy spots nearby which are tricky to predict.

PV – Some hot temps with mid thirties here today with initial stable conditions but the possibility of having some climbs mid afternoon to 6 or even more. The wind will be light SW with initial trend to the South at high but later it goes more west up there. Late afternoon it does pick-up to 15kts later with some spots even a tad more. The Cederbergs showing up to 10k in spots…

Wilderness – A very sweet start to the day with light winds and a some low cloud (this will clear during the morning). The winds will be south initially but quickly start to back to the SE from late morning onwards. Its pretty stable out there so not much to be ad at Sedge and Serps today. A short window for PR or CP and Map initially very frustratingly light but probably from mid-day it should start switching on. It looks like a chance of it even being blown out late afternoon. ;) Buffs is on early and so too a quick bench-up at Gerrickes. It gets over 25kts here and out to sea later on… (Mostly spot on - the Wilderness wind appeared later than predicted - by 15:00 mostly blown out for PG)

Plett – The SE influence here even more than Wilderness with it spoiling the fun from early on. Uppies showing climbs to 1200’ for a very very short period then its even less with a pushing ESE.

PE and PA with the same Easterlies 20-30kts at times.

Inland – Mostly SE trend with S further inland. A bit over 10kts so a relatively sweet day out there. Swartberg will be good late moring early afternoon but again watch the wind with an expected SSE direction and 10-15kts on the surface – it will probably be too strong later – however you should be able to get off early. Climbs up to 10k possible! And of course further inland those lost Q’s along the Sutherland escarpment with very high dreamy base at 15k ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 6:00 and setting at 19:27. (Day length is 13 hrs 26 min)  A perfect beach morning with a breezy SE picking up into the later afternoon. A def go get your toes wet! ;) High at 05:04, Low tide at 11:13, high tide at 17:22, low tide at 23:26. Max temps for the Wilderness area a warm 25 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(10 February 2020) Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! The CF pushing up into Mozambique and far up the west coast with southerly winds in most places as the SAH ridges in behind it. Loads of low clouds around along the south coast areas with light rain possible but most of these should clear during the day. A few spots with SE winds reaching 20kts in the afternoon. A big change in the boundary layer height from the coastal areas to just a stones throw inland going from 1k to 10k over parts of the Cederbergs with 8k over the Kamanasie and Swartberg ranges. The Sutherland Escarpment showing up to 15k bases. (Whoop whoop!) No CB activity in the WC today. Above 7/8k the wind goes westerly and then finishes with a WSW at the Tropopause of 30kts.

CT – Strong SE in the Peninsula region but it drops quickly with height and the inversion lowers drastically in the afternoon so a good chance of the wind-shadow being active today. Still some 20k plus spots around.

RB – It looks like it can be good day here with another early morning start – probably a strong day later with a chance of it being blown out again.

PV – A in-between forecast with some strong winds moving in to the valley in the afternoon. It does look like it will switch on around lunchtime (14:00) but a slow start with SW winds. It will reach over 20kts later on. Eventually climbs could reach 5k or so… Some sweet Q’s over the southern Cederberg up high – those wish you were here kinds! ;)

Wilderness – A light west start but it will gradually back to the SW then S and finish off in a SE direction. The clouds will also mostly evaporate during the day. Probably a sweet day for most spots at some part of the day – inland sites get up there before it goes to SE and probably similar to the coastal southerly spots. The plateau is showing climbs to 3500’ with cool Q’s during the early part of the day so some XC potential (if you can get up there…) ;) Sedge is looking sweet late morning mid-day. Probably a chance to bench up at Gerrickes at the right time. PR could be on for a while before it goes too SE. The wind will pickup to 20kts around Buffs area so get there a bit earlier. And with some luck we might get a light soarable time at Map later today too. ;) (Pretty much spot on)

Plett – A light wind start but a small chance of catching an early Keurbooms if your timing is good before it goes to East (mid moring?). Uppies showing climbs with Q’s at 3500’ during the late morning so worth a try here but this will drop to just 2k after mid-day as the SE pulls in with 10-15kts at times.

PE and PA with Easterlies 20-30kts at times.

Inland – Again mostly southerly winds with some great flying out there if you can find a launch spot. Swartberg might be doable but watch the SE coming through late afternoon with spots of 20kts possible (not good to be on those mountains with wind like that!) A few Q’s and a sweet convergence along the Sutherland escarpment with very high base… (Don’t we all wish hey!) ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:59 and setting at 19:28. (Day length is 13 hrs 28 min)  Very light winds this morning and a tad more SE in the afternoon - perfect day for the beach - so go get your toes wet! ;) High at 04:23, Low tide at 10:31, high tide at 16:40, low tide at 22:45. Max temps for the Wilderness area another humid 23 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(9 February 2020) 
Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people! The SAH still dominating but we do have a small low circulation to the south of the GR that is bringing in some SW winds along the western parts of the GR area this morning. Still some low cloud around with a very humid marine air close to the coast but just a tad inland it gets displaced by a slightly dryer air-mass with the base a tad higher in the 2-3k range. Quite a bit of OD expected along the front ranges with a small chance of some rain along the southern coastal areas. The west coast with some strong southerly winds, low cloud and just inland a 3/4k boundary layer but with some mid-level cloud around (Late afternoon a chance of OD anc CB over parts of the Cederbergs..) Sutherland, BW region with a greater chance of the CB activity. Southerly trend in the wind but around 8k it goes west with a 40kts WNW finish at the Tropopause.

CT – Strong SE day with little chance of the wind-shadow shaping up to usable form. The wind is breezy all the way up past TM top height.

RB – It is an early morning day here with it probably being blown out later.

PV – Another poor forecast with more southerly components than we want. Also pretty breezy with 15kts in the afternoon. Climbs to 4k expected and CB possibility over the Cederbergs in the late afternoon.

Wilderness – Initial westerly but going SW so we could be in for a good coastal day during the morning and then a Sedge afternoon. :)) There’s even a slight chance of some XC stuff along the coastal escarpment (if that humid marine layer stays out the way!) ;) (Stronger SW than forecasted)

Plett – Breezy SW this morning but from mid-day Keurbooms should start working and it looks like a sweet time to be had there mid-afternoon. Uppies with climbs to 3k or so and some Q’s around. Perhaps a tad breezy SW there with 10-15kts possible…

PE and PA with a light east then the wind drops as that coastal low circulation approaches from the SW. It seems not to push through with the SE picking up in the afternoon.

Inland – Mostly southerly winds again but with a bit more push in it – too strong for spots like Swartberg today… ;) The southerlies push up all the way past Williston and beyond. Some great Q’s out there with a few OD spots and chance of CB activity – noticeably the southern Cederbergs and Sutherland areas… (13k base out there!)

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:58 and setting at 19:29. (Day length is 13 hrs 30 min)  A lighter wind day again with a SW component but a great day for the beach none the less – so go get your toes wet! ;) High at 03:43, Low tide at 09:48, high tide at 15:58, low tide at 22:05. Max temps for the Wilderness area another humid 23 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(8 February 2020)

Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people! The HP systems dominating to the east and west of us with various influence – most of the moisture on the southern and eastern sides while the west coast is dry (more form the SAH) but the inland trough and associated low playing an important part with some cool instability around, especially on the west coast and north of the Outenikwa ranges. The boundary layer around the 4/5k level mostly – some climbs over the Cederbergs and Swartbergs going to 8-10k with the Sutherland Escarpment having Q’s at 14k… Some CB activity inland but mostly in the far north and eastern parts. A few spots of rain along the southern coastal areas but also more to the east. Winds are decidedly lighter than yesterday with only a few spots reaching 20kts – SE along the southern parts with S to W along the western parts. A few spots of coastal fog along the west coast. Winds are light with height and only past 12/14k does it go west and increase to 20kts and more. A 40kts finish NW at the Tropopause.

CT – Looks like a sweet day with the winds curling around the Peninsula nicely with a west to SW component along the LH areas and further up the west coast. Some local acceleration again along the shore front but it should probably not go much more than 10 or just a tad more. Its unstable too with climbs perhaps as high as 4k.

RB – Probably not the best day with a lot of west in it. Maybe late afternoon the South could make it out here…

PV – A sweet day here with SW winds around 5kts and climbs to 4/5k. Once again a 15kts finish to the day but watch the sweet convergence shaping up this time over Eendekuil and Piekenierskloof pass from 15:00 onwards. The Cederbergs looking decidedly good with 10k climbs out there. If you could sneak over the back early from PV it could be a day for going far to the west… ;)

Wilderness – Looking like a nice day here with light winds trending to the SE. Probably Sedge working nicely with climbs to 1500’ on the cards early on. Later the SE will push through – Buffs, Gerrickes, PR and CP should work during parts of the day and maybe even Map – though the wind doesn’t seem to be make it through here according to the models… ;)
(Not as strong SE as predicted and more low cloud near the coast)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies showing climbs to 2500. A SE component so perhaps not the best.

PE and PA with CB this morning but clearing later on. The wind is Easterly around 20kts…

Inland – Winds are light with a southerly trend in the south and more west in the north. Some good flying to be had out there today with no real strong winds on the cards. Even Swartberg is looking very good today. ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:57 and setting at 19:30. (Day length is 13 hrs 32 min)  A light SE wind day with good sunshine – def a day to go hang out on the beach and get your toes wet! ;) High at 03:02, Low tide at 09:05, high tide at 15:15, low tide at 21:25. Max temps for the Wilderness area a sweet 23 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(7 February 2020) 
Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! The IOH and SAH dominating in combination with the inland low. Wide spread CB activity inland once again from the Swartbergs and then Northwards from there. Some coastal showers this morning along the southern parts but this should get less during the day. Loads of low clouds around in the morning but this too should get less with remaining mid to high levels of cirrus and some nimbostratus. Winds are strong SE along the southern parts and southerly up the west coast. From around 8k it all goes more NW with a 100kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – Strong SE again but with a chance of the wind-shadow around for the morning. Later as the winds pickup it seems to be eroded so keep an eye on it.

RB – Seems light during the day but there could be something to be had late afternoon perhaps…

PV – Again a very southerly day with 15kts later on. Looks like Renosterhoek could be good late in the afternoon if you can get off at Piekenierskloof… Climbs to 5k in the front but the Cederbergs should have awesome Q’s up to 10k. (It’s a bit easterly higher up…)

Wilderness – SE winds going over 20kts. It will get blown out today its just a matter of when. Quite easterly early on with a few spots of showers this morning still… Map should have a short window but with a bit of luck it will hold for slightly longer. ;) (Spot on!)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but more wind…

PE and PA the east winds 30kts… CB activity inland.

Inland – Again loads of CB activity with rain in most of the inland areas. SE winds with once again the veering as we go north. Some high bases north of the Swartberrgs with Sutherlnad region at 12k.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:56 and setting at 19:31. (Day length is 13 hrs 34 min)  A windy day of SE winds ahead but if you are early enough you can go get your toes wet! ;) High at 02:21, Low tide at 08:21, high tide at 14:32, low tide at 20:44. Max temps for the Wilderness area a windy 22 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(6 February 2020) 
Good morning all you super awesome Wild2Fly people! The SAH pushing that CF far inland going into Angola and past Maputo today. Cooler, rainy weather over most of the WC today with strong SE winds along the west coast and moderate southerlies trending SE along the south coast. Heavy showers and CB activity in the eastern parts of the WC with flooding possible (no kloofing today!) ;) Wide CB activity inland all over with only parts of the West Coast escaping the rain. Winds go NW from 9k upwards with a West finish of 110kts at the Tropopause.

CT – Strong SE winds all the way up past 4k so no usable wind-shadow today. Base around the 3k level with tops at 5/6k. It looks like 30kts later in the day.

RB – It could be working but only for the early bird – later probably very blown out…

PV – Not a good forecast with lots of South to even SE in the wind. Some models show a marked East direction, especially later in the afternoon and going very strong with 25kts on the cards in the valley. Climbs are pretty high though with 6-8k possible especially near Renosterhoek area…

Wilderness – Raining day on the cards with southerly winds around 10kts. IT will trend SE later. If you get a gap in the rain then the coast will be flyable. ;) (Much less rain than predicted so loads of flying around mid-day on the coast)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but a lot more rain on the cards…

PE and PA with serious rain and CB activity…

Inland – Mostly Southerly winds that veer to the west and then NW the further north we go. Loads of CB activity with low clouds all the way to Sutherland. Breezy out there with 20kts spots…

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:55 and setting at 19:31. (Day length is 13 hrs 36 min)  Another raining day ahead of us with southerly coastal winds around 10kts. Probably some stronger bits pending the rain. If you are brave go get your toes wet! ;) High at 01:35, Low tide at 07:31, high tide at 13:44, low tide at 20:01. Max temps for the Wilderness area a cool 19 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(05 February 2020) 
Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! Just a note – it is that time of the year when the hammerheads and Great White sharks are around. (loads spotted yesterday) David from can take you out there to go view them. :)) Oh and be careful if you go out swimming too! ;) For the weather we have the CF on CT doorstep – making landfall this afternoon. Strong winds inland preceding it with a very high chance of CB activity almost everywhere except in the western parts. Winds NW inland with a SW component along the southern coastal regions. Still some warm humid stuff around with low cloud and fog patches in places. Inland the boundary layer around 4/5k with higher bases further inland from the first mountain ranges. The wind is West at 50kts around 12-16k but then slackens again towards the Tropopause where it is 40kts W.

CT – A clear morning with some flying to be had – general westerly winds but mid afternoon the front will push in and the base will drop perhaps below the SH and LH launches.

RB – WWB is out today…

PV – A good day by the looks of it here – despite high clouds. A WSW wind around 5-10kts initially but with a surface 15kts finish at the end of the day. Climbs up to 5k on the cards and a good convergence zone setting up over Eendekuil from 15:00 onwards. It will move slightly Northwards late afternoon.

Wilderness – Another semi clear day with the SW trend in the surface flow. Nothing too exciting on the cards but probably a sweet day at Sedgfield to be had with a chance of some of the coastal sites also delivering some flying. It looks a tad on the light side though… Hardly anything over 10kts with rain expected later in the day. (Actuals, Rain moved in at mid-day...)

Plett – A tad more in the wind department here with Keurbooms looking like it could be great for mid to mid afternoon (if the fog stays away). Upppies showing climbs to 3k so it is looking up until late afternoon when the frontal bits arrive with low cloud and chances of rain.

PE and PA also with low cloud at times and SW winds 20-25kts.

Inland – South of the Swartbergs it is SW winds but to the North strong NW winds and CB activity. Again the CB activity moving as far south as the southern mountains close to the coast. (The CB activity wide spread over the entire SA interior)

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:54 and setting at 19:32. (Day length is 13 hrs 38 min)  Another partly misty day for the beach but hot and humid so a perfect time to get your toes wet! ;) High at 00:38, Low tide at 06:31, high tide at 12:48, low tide at 19:14. Max temps for the Wilderness area another hot humid 24 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(04 February 2020) 
Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people! A Cold Front approaching CT with some influence in the mid-levels today. Still the inland trough extending out southwards to sea bringing with it the strong inversion along the coastlines. A cool ocean helping all those foggy areas, spread along the southern and western parts. A few spots with partial clearings during the day. A SE trend in the wind along the southern parts and West to NW along the west.  Inland however it is a different story. The boundary layer around the 4k level along the first mountains but quickly going to 6k and then by the Swartberg ranges it is 10k plus. A chance of some CB activity in the NE inland areas – mainly Graafies and VanWyksvlei and eastwards – but spreading late afternoon south and westwards perhaps reaching even the Outenikwas around 18:00. Winds out there are mostly westerlies out there. It is 30kts NW at 7k and finishes at 50kts WSW at the Tropopause.

CT – Again that coastal fog that might hang around all day… But mod west to NW winds so if it clears it should be flyable…

RB – WWB is out today…

PV – It is looking sweet for a flight to the south today with good conditions up to 4k climbs along the ranges all the way to Saron. You should get your 25k flights in today. ;) Winds are NW to West. The convergence seems to be setting up from Dasklip to Picketberg after 14/15:00.

Wilderness – Another foggy morning again with a small chance of some soaring at the CarPark, Gerrickes and Sedge. Sedge probably the best option with the inland warmth giving the mist time to evaporate… Some models show a chance of late afternoon clearing around the Wilderness corner – hhhmm… Im not sure about that one! ;) (Actuals - much clearer than forecasted with great flying at Sedge)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with light to mod SE flow and inversion inland around 1k AGL. Also foggy for the day with little prospects fo clearing taking place. Uppies probably the best bet but a tad too east I think.

PE and PA also with coastal fog and an E to NE flow along the coast up t0 20kts.

Inland – Mostly W to NW winds around 10-20kts in spots. Some good thermic areas north of the Swartberg with climbs in excess of 10k. CB activity in the NE sector of the WC at mid-day but spreading to the Swartberg (and perhaps south of those in places) late afternoon.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:53 and setting at 19:33. (Day length is 13 hrs 40 min)  Another cool misty day for the beach but hot and humid just a few hundred meters inland. A good excuse to cool down and get your toes wet! ;) Low tide at 05:12, high tide at 11:37, low tide at 18:15. Max temps for the Wilderness area a hot humid 25 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(03 February 2020) 
Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! Foggy coastal areas all round by the looks of it but further inland it gets better and better! The inland trough extending far out to the south, past the coast bringing a low inversion (hot inland air above) with the cold misty air on the coast. Some light rain around the Overberg later on. Some CB activity in the NE parts of the WC with high bases out there – good flying north of the Swartberg ranges with westerlies winds and base starting at 10k. Winds along the coast light S to SE winds with an initial NW along the west coast. Westerlies above the inversion with a finish of SE at 30kts at the Tropopause!

CT – Coastal fog that might hang around all day… But light winds so if it clears it should be flyable…

RB – Looks like another late day with the southerly making an appearance from 16:00 and 17:00 onwards.

PV – Another weak day with climbs to just above the peaks. There’s a light convergence line from the pass out over Eendekuil for most of the afternoon where climbs could be a little bit better. A SW finish around 10kts…

Wilderness – A foggy morning with a small chance of some soaring at the CarPark, Gerrickes and Sedge. Sedge probably the best option with the inland warmth giving the mist time to evaporate… (Actuals was spot on!)

Plett – Looks like a light S to SE day here with Uppies showing climbs to just over 2k.

PE and PA with east winds up to 20kts in the late afternoon.

Inland – Mostly W to NW winds around 10-20kts in spots. Some good thermic areas north of the Swartberg with climbs in excess of 10k. CB activity in the NE sector of the WC.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:52 and setting at 19:34. (Day length is 13 hrs 41 min)  A cool misty day for the beach but with a few warm spells as the fog parts in places. Still no excuse not to go get your toes wet ;) Low tide at 03:37, high tide at 10:10, low tide at 16:58, high tide is at 23:17. Max temps for the Wilderness area a hot 24 degrees C. Enjoy! :))

(02 February 2020) 
Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people! A real mixed bag of weather around today with loads of low level moisture with the IOH dominance along the coasts, fog patches also on the west coast, along with midlevel moisture from up north and weak frontal movement to the SE of us creating the mix necessary for all the CB activity with the mid and high level clouds around. Some hot humid stuff along the southern parts – winds mostly in a E flow pattern along the south, Northerlies inland and SW along the west coast. The boundary layer around the 3-4k mark in most places except for right on the coast where the sea-breeze inversion will be lower. In general the winds veer to the west and then NW with height but there’s a lot of different direction layers around today – a 50kt finish at the Tropopause.

CT – Again a good day by the looks of it. A tad more SW in the direction with the seawards acceleration around the SH coast. The wind should be light up the front but could get tricky stronger near the coast later on.

RB – Hhhmmm looks like too much west in it today…

PV – Even if there’s a lot of high cloud around it should be a sweet day with climbs to 4k and winds starting a tad NW but going W then SW – mostly around 5-10kts but 15 in the later afternoon. Looks like the convergence should be between Dasklip and Bumpy heading out to Picketberg with a slow migration towards the pass…

Wilderness – Looks like a light SE during the morning but after lunch a varied mix of wind directions according to one model – it could be due to some rain activity in our area (there’s a chance of CB’s) so watch that out flow from them. (Good forecast with 90% accuracy) 

Plett – Similar ting here as in Wilderness. An inversion just below 2k – and funny winds after lunch time… (Lets see what comes of this forecast!) ;)

PE and PA with east winds up to 30kts in the late afternoon.

Inland – Mostly N to westerlies but with a light southerly crawling inland in the south. Loads of CB activity all day in a very broad region from Bredasdorp to north of Sutherland and eastwards.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:51 and setting at 19:35. (Day length is 13 hrs 43 min)  A blustery morning with some CB activity and chances of rain. Still no excuse to go get your toes wet ;) Low tide at 02:20, high tide at 08:54, low tide at 15:32, high tide is at 21:40. Max temps for the Wilderness area a humid 26 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(01 February 2020) 
Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! The SAH dominating with a ridge along the southern coastal areas. SE flow along the coast with over 20kts in places. General east inland veering to the SW and then west along the western parts and further north. Some midlevel moisture from the north associated with the inland trough so a good chance of some CB activity from mid-day onwards along the Sutherland escarpment, spreading southwards  in the late afternoon. It probably wont effect the coastal regions. Winds far inland is N to NW. from 10k it is NW at 25kts with a NW finish of 60kts.

CT – A great wind-shadow day expected here all day long. Strong S to SE surface winds over 20kts in the afternoon with a very strong and low inversion.

RB – Looks like it can be fun here today…

PV – A tricky day here with a low SW 5-10kts which then backs to the south and even SE around 4k. It does settle more later in the day with the SW veering to NW from 6k upwards. Nothing exciting from a thermic point of view tih 4k perhaps atad more on the cards. There is a period of cool convergence shaping up in the valley from 16:00 to 17:00 connecting the PV range with Picketberg.

Wilderness – A SE day with a light start. Sedge could offer something during the early morning but it does look like it will go to the East quickly and become rubbish as usual. Gerrickes should be excellent for a long while from mid-morning and then when it gets too strong there you can do the run along PR to the CP. Map looks ok from after lunch with a chance even to get too strong late afternoon. It does depend on that creepy compression zone thingy… ;) Later in the day more clouds with a chance of some rain… (Actuals - loads of mist and low cloud - Map covered for half the day... Flying at Sedge in the moring as predicted.)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness.

PE and PA SE winds around 15kts. Cloudy later on with a chance of rain.

Inland – Mostly light to mod east flow but  NW north of the Sutherland escarpment. CB activity spreading southwards all the way to the Oudshoorn valley even.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:50 and setting at 19:35. (Day length is 13 hrs 40 min)  Looks like a sweet morning – perhaps a bit cloudy – but the wind only starting from lunch onwards. Go get your toes wet ;) Low tide at 01:28, high tide at 07:59, low tide at 14:21, high tide is at 20:25. Max temps for the Wilderness area around 23 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(31 January 2020) 
Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people! A CF approaching CT with a coastal low and inland trough along the centre and southern parts of the WC. Strong NE winds in the east and SW along the western southern parts and S to SW up the west coast. The boundary layer not that high with 1-2k along the southern parts and slightly more up the west coast – PV around 4/5kASL but north of Sutherland it is very high –15kpluus bases… Winds inland are all breezy westerlies with a 50kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – Some low cloud moving in as the front approaches (Even rain along the Overberg areas later today) but CT showing promise of the wind-shadow being active. Perhaps better later in the day as the winds go more SSE and gets stronger.

RB – It could be good here from early on already…

PV – Starting West winds 5kts with initial climbs to mountain top height it will gradually back to the SW from around 13:00/14:00 and climbs should get higher – 4k ASL. The best times will be late in the afternoon with climbs to 5k around the Picketberg pass to Renosterhoek with some convergence in that are…

Wilderness – Looks like a strong SW day form the coastal low. Perhaps it will get blown out from late morning even. Probably on and off during the day along the coastal cliffs. Maybe a tad westerly to spice things up. It doesn’t seem to be one of those smooth SW but a bit blustery with the upper air more westerly in direction. (Some shear turbulence around) Also clouds around. (Actuals was spot on!)

Plett – A fine morning but then the SW will push through and probably be too strong. A slight window perhaps in the late morning at Keurbooms but then it will go too west and get strong.

PE a fine morning but then that SW comes in at mid-day going over 20kts. PA initial NE at 20kts then after lunch the SW comes trough also at 20kts.

Inland – SW going west winds in the upper teens but then later strong southerlies all the way to Sutherland. Its not a great day for flying out there with low climbs south of Sutherland escarpment and a slight chance of CB activity in the far east. North of Sutherland the big skies are present with high bases but also breezy conditions.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:49 and setting at 19:36. (Day length is 13 hrs 47 min)  Looks like another windy day ahead so get out early for getting your toes wet ;) Low tide at 00:49, high tide at 07:18, low tide at 13:29, high tide is at 19:34. Max temps for the Wilderness area another windy 23 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(30 January 20202) Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people!  The IOH dominating the weather today with an easterly flow pattern along the southern parts – its NE to N inland and S to SW along the west coast. No clouds expected but some along the eastern southern parts. The boundary layer around the 4k level but going to 12k north of the Sutherland escarpment. Winds back from the ESE to NE to North with height and then all the way around at the Tropopause where it is SW at 50kts.

CT – Another good day on the cards here with a great wind-shadow and a SW trend at LH and SH.

RB – It doesn’t really look like the southerly will reach here in strength.

PV – W to SW lower layer up to 4k climbs. It does go more SSW later in the day up to maybe 15kts. It veers to the N with height here…

Wilderness – A strong SE day expected so get out early for those other coastal spots. Sedge and Gerrickes should get up to 20kts plus. The Map should hold until around 11 or so before probably getting too strong. It is NE at 2000 this moring but will go more E later on.

Plett – It is very east from early this morning with climbs to just over 2k on the cards. But late morning the wind picking up so probably not the best day for flying here either…

PE and PA 20kts SE here..

Inland – Mostly NE to N winds with a NNW trend north of Sutherland. Blue day out there but a chance of flying Du Toits early today for those with a bit more adventure. ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:48 and setting at 19:37. (Day length is 13 hrs 48 min)  Looks like a windy day ahead so get out early for getting your toes wet ;) Low tide at 00:16, high tide at 06:43, low tide at 12:49, high tide is at 18:54. Max temps for the Wilderness area a windy 23 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(29 January 2020) 
Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people! A great day by a few who lucked into flying Swartberg pass yesterday – making good use of the light wind conditions inland. Today a light CF being pushed in by the SAH from the south onto the southern coastal regions. Some light rain along these areas later today – base around 1-1500’ and tops at 6. Winds in general are SW but going southerly in most places later except in the east where the SW will reign. Southerlies inland to past Sutherland and some sweet clouds around the Swartberg region but blue north of that – climbs to 12 over the Sutherland escarpment. Its 50kts West at the Tropopause.

CT – Looks like a good wind-shadow day with a strong Southerly wind. The wind does remain fairly strong with height so perhaps slight erosion of the shadow later in the day.

RB – It looks like a sweet morning for the early birds who made it out there but its going to blow like the clappers latter in the day…

PV – A strong SW day with climbs to 4/5k perhaps. Southerly up there. Not the best day due to the winds…

Wilderness – A SW mooring with the coastal cliffs probably working. It will become more cloudy later in the morning with a chance of some rian especially over the mountains. Sedge should be good later on with a more southerly and lighter wind and cloud – watch for cloud suck! ;) (PErfect forecast!)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Keurbooms possibly working – it could just be a tad too westerly. Low cloud at Uppies around 2k base with SW winds here. It does look like it will go more southerly late afternoon.

PE and PA 20-30 SW with slight moderation later in the day

Inland – Again mostly southerly winds everywhere all the way up past Sutherland. Some good clouds around Swartberg areas with base at 6/7k. No rain expected. Blue inland with 8k around Graafies and 12k at Middelburg.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:47 and setting at 19:37. (Day length is 13 hrs 50 min)  Looks like a cool slightly windy morning with a chance of rain so not the best day to go get your toes wet. ;) High tide at 06:11, low tide at 12:14, high tide is at 18:19. Max temps for the Wilderness area a cooler 21 degrees C. Enjoy! :))

(28 January 2020) 
Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! The SAH dominating with a ridge along the southern parts. Quite a bit of subsidence along the southern areas of the WC with the inversion lower than yesterday. A blue day with no clouds expected but for a few in the far SW corner – especially later this afternoon with some more moving in from the S. Winds are generally Westerly with some spots with SW and even southerly variations. Strong South up along the west coast. A large Col area inland with light winds in most places. The boundary layer out there also around 4-5k agl. Winds remain westerly with height to finish at 50kts at the Tropopause.

CT – The SW moving along the shore front again getting pretty strong but it could be doable early on. The direction not the best for a cool wind-shadow (more SW trend with height)

RB – Maybe the southerly will come through later in the afternoon but it also might not as it is on that line between the SW and the south…

PV – SW winds 5-10kts with climbs to 4k. Not the best but it should be flyable.

Wilderness – No clouds expected today with the wind starting off W to SW – probably soarable along the ocean cliffs before once again dropping off and becoming scratchy in the afternoon. Sedge should be good all day though its not as good as yesterday with the inversion much lower – expecting climbs to perhaps a 1000’ when the sea-breeze comes through. Even on the escarpments over the back its much lower than yesterday…

Plett – Looks like Keurbooms could offer something around mid-day with a SSE wind but it could have a tad more S in it… Uppies showing climbs to 3k with a sweet SSW wind – especially later on.

PE and PA again around 15kts SW so good for flying here too…

Inland – Once again mostly southerly winds everywhere up to 10kts all the way up past Sutherland. A tad more in terms of height as the temps warm up and the inversion is a tad higher today. 4-5k agl in some spots.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:46 and setting at 19:38. (Day length is 13 hrs 52 min)  Looks like a great beach day so do go get your toes wet. ;) High tide at 05:40, low tide at 11:41, high tide is at 17:47, low at 23:45. Max temps for the Wilderness area a sweet 21 degrees C. Enjoy! :))

(27 January 2020) 
Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people! Rain and wind yesterday after the CF but today it couldn’t be more different. :) A super sweet shallow unstable layer left behind by the CF combined with light winds is making today shape up to be an excellent flying day. Some light rain possible this morning out to sea but non expected on land in the WC. A general W to SW upper but going southerly flow pattern in most places today. Some Q’s along the GR areas else it’s a blue day. Strong Southerly winds along the west coast and a small part of CT area. The boundary layer around the 4-5k AGL range. Above the inversion the wind goes west, Then at the Tropopause it is South at 90kts.

CT – Looks like a good wind-shadow day with a SW trend along the shore line. Pretty breezy in the afternoon so it could influence things a bit.

RB – Maybe a later afternoon day as the wind is slow to arrive out here..

PV – Looking sweet with SW at 5-10kts all the way up to around 4k where it starts to trend east at 5kts. Expect climbs to 5k.

Wilderness – It sure looks sweet – I think a great day for the XC buffs with some good Q’s this morning at around 3-4k. Possibly coastal soaring this morning then dropping off and making Sedge the place to be. But if you can get off at Serps around 10 it is looking good for flying to Uplands today… ;) (was pretty much spot on!)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Keurbooms looking to be on fire late morning just as soon as the strong bit passes. It should be really sweet here for at least an hour or so and then Uppies should be great for the rest of the day. Also good for going places here with climbs to 4k on the cards…

PE and PA 10-15kts SW so good for flying here too…

Inland – Mostly southerly winds everywhere all the way up past Sutherland. Nothing too spectacular in terms of height but a good flying day non the less. (The CF air covering the ground just around 3-4k in depth and limiting things within this layer.)

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:45 and setting at 19:39. (Day length is 13 hrs 53 min)  Looks like a cool slightly windy day but it should be sunny and a great day to go get your toes wet. ;) High tide at 05:09, low tide at 11:10, high tide is at 17:16, low at 23:15. Max temps for the Wilderness area a cool 19 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(26 January 2020) 
Good morning all you amazing Wild2Fly people! But also toe Gideon who is a super amazing Wild2Fly person! He bravely took to the sky with his hang glider even if vastly outnumbered by the paragliders! (I think it was something like 38/1 at one stage) ;) Sedgefield indeed was a crowded house yesterday. Today it’s very different with a strong but fast moving CF passing over the entire WC – reaching even southern Angola by end of today! Strong SW winds everywhere with rain – especially this morning and along the southern parts – but clearing by this afternoon. CB activity in the far NE sections and also along the eastern coastal regions from PE eastwards. Not a flying day anywhere in the WC by the looks of things! SW all the way up to the Tropopause where it is W at 80kts.

CT – Strong SW winds with base around 4k. Probably too strong to fly except for the hangies…


PV – Not a bad day with base around 5k however the wind from the passing front probably just too strong at 15-20kts and probably more on the mountains.

Wilderness – Ooohhh strong SW winds with rain for most of the day… (Actuals the same)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness… 20-30kts SW.

PE and PA 20 -30 kts SW winds…

Inland – those strong South West winds penetrating into the entire WC area today – base around 6k AGL. Strong convergence and OD with CB activity on the front of the CF system as it moves into the northern areas today…

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:44 and setting at 19:39. (Day length is 13 hrs 55 min)  Looks like a wet and windy day for tourists – probably forgiven for not getting those toes wet. ;) High tide at 04:37, low tide at 10:39, high tide is at 16:44, low at 22:46. Max temps for the Wilderness area a wet and windy 19 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(25 January 2020) 
Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people! A CF approaching CT with a coastal low passing along the southern coastal areas. Low cloud along the west coast and parts of the western southern coastal regions. Winds are generally SW with a few variations in places. Again high boundary layer further inland with the coastal plains on the west coast around 4-6k and along the southern regions 1-3k. The mountains it is a tad higher and of course deep inland some awesome climbs around Graafies and Middelburg regions – up 16k bases out there! Perhaps some CB activity too though it looks more to the east. Rain later for the southern parts later on. Winds are NW from 6k upwards with a 60kts finish WNW at the Tropopause.

CT – Looking a tad on the low cloud this morning but a chance of some clearing around mid-day. The winds will be breezy with W to NW winds around 15kts. Later more low clouds are moving in as the front gets closer…

RB – NFG today…

PV – Another excellent PV day with the wind being NW. The convergence moves to the southern parts of the valley around the prison are towards Picketberg. Climbs to 6k out there…

Wilderness – A SW start with the coastal cliffs probably soarable with around 10kts on the cards but the afternoon sees it going more southerly and dropping so Sedge then will be the place. (Actuals low cloud light winds with good Sedge)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with an initial SW flow backing to the SE later. Keurbooms looking particularly good this morning during the backing of the wind… Uppies with climbs just over 3k…

PE and PA also with up to 20kts SW then moderating in the late afternoon.

Inland – S to SW flows all the way to the Sutherland escarpment where it veers to the west and then NW. High climbs out there with some good looking Q’s especially along the convergence lines. If you can get away from Graafies today you could get some good heights… CB activity to the east of there and some propagating to the south getting close to PE and Grahamstown.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:43 and setting at 19:40. (Day length is 13 hrs 56 min)  Looks like another amazing day for tourists – so go get those toes wet. ;) High tide at 04:04, low tide at 10:06, high tide is at 16:12, low at 22:17. Max temps for the Wilderness area a sweet-sweet 25 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(24 January 2020) 
Good morning all you amazing and sunny Wild2Fly people! The IOH active with a NE flow along the eastern parts which curls around Agulhas due to the inland trough with much lighter wind around CT and the west coast. Some fog patches along the west coast and in the western southern parts. There’s a strong likelihood for CB activity inland in a belt from the CT mountains to south of Sutherland and eastwards, spreading as far south as the coast just east of Knysna. The boundary layer low along the southern coast but very high along the west. 6-9k but then 15k plus north of Sutherland. The wind is lightish all the way to the Tropopause with 30kts NW over Wilderness but 30kts S over CT.

CT – A SW flow here up to 15kts at times. Looks good for SH and LH.

RB – Hhhmm… too light here today

PV – A good PV day with sweet SW flow and climbs to 4/5k. Look out for the classic  convergence today between Dasklip and Picketberg. The clouds should show the way but it looks like flights to Picketberg and back will be very doable. J

Wilderness – Very light wind for the Wilderness corner with less than 10kts SE trend. It does pick up towards Sedge with Gerrickes and further east going over 15kts. All the SE spots should work along the coast at some stage. Some instability around but not as much as expected after yesterdays good looking skies. Sedge should offer some climbs late morning to 1000’ but expect the SE to make things unpleasant soon after lunch time. (actuals low cloud at Sedge coast withh ratty thermals but close enough)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with SE flow and Uppies showing climbs to just over 2k...

PE and PA also with strong NE winds 20kts plus.

Inland – Light surface flows and a southerly direction all the way to the Sutherland escarpment with NW north of there. A broad area of CB activity all over. Some high bases around.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:42 and setting at 19:40. (Day length is 13 hrs 58 min – well its official – winter is on its way with less than 14 hours sunshine…)  A sweet perfect day for tourists to go get those toes wet. ;) High tide at 03:30, low tide at 09:32, high tide is at 15:37, low at 21:47. Max temps for the Wilderness area a sweet 24 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(23 January 2020) Good morning all you awesome Wild2Fly people! The SAH and the IOH dominating but loosing al that power that was on display over the last 5 days or so! Still some strong winds along the southern parts but slightly less of that strong sting and less rain. High climbs in the west and inland with lower stuff along the southern coast – 4k versus 8/9k bases. Winds are generally easterly everywhere except in the far north where the WNW dominates from the inland trough, In the south it does back to the North with height to finish NW at the Tropopause 70kts.

CT – Still strong SE winds even at height so a small chance of the wind-shadow shaping up but it does look like something could be there so its worth keeping an ye on it…

RB – Another possible day at RB…

PV – This could be an excellent day with exceptionally high climbs. As the day warms some Q’s should shape up especially to the north with base around 9/10k. Surface winds will be rather tricky with a SE trend so Picketberg def on the cards. But one forecast shows a shallow SW appearing after lunchtime around Dasklip but most likely at Piekeniers kloof pass launch making it possible to get off on the west facing slopes. The wind backs with height with east 10kts at base.

Wilderness – A window of flying this morning at Map but late morning it will be blown out once again. Very small chance of some rain… 
(Actuals was perfect)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness….

PE and PA also with the strong SE winds 20kts and small chance of rain.

Inland – Again strong SE winds and very strong just north of Sutherland Escarpment SE even here. High base with 13k plus on the cards…

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:41 and setting at 19:41. (Day length is 13 hrs 59 min – well its official – winter is on its way with less than 14 hours sunshine…)  Another windy day but the tide has turned! Go get those toes wet. ;) High tide at 02:52, low tide at 08:53, high tide is at 15:00, low at 21:14. Max temps for the Wilderness area a sweeter less windier and no rain 22 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(22 January 2020) 
Good morning all you fascinating Wild2Fly people! The SAH still dominating but with  deeper instability along the southern parts and a good chance of CB activity – even far inland to the Sutherland escarpment. The winds still SE along the southern parts with a backing around CP and a SW along the west coast areas. Low cloud and high tops along the south, some coastal fog along the west coast. Base does rise progressively during the day with 4/5k finish along the west coast areas but 6.7k north of the first range of mountains. The winds are WNW just to the north of Sutherland. Its NW 60-70kts at the Tropopause.

CT – Looks foggy this morning with an increase chance of some rain later in the day. Not that promising but if the fog lifts and the rain stays away it could be doable with a good wind-shadow on the cards today.

RB – It looks like a late afternoon day here with the SE pushing through and keeping the SW at bay…

PV – Cloudy morning with a chance of rain later in the afternoon. A later start by the looks of things as base will start to rise quickly from mid-day onwards. It does look better to the north towards the pass. Watch for OD and some cloud suck later in the day though…Winds are SW 5-10kts mostly.

Wilderness – Still those persistent strong SE winds with some more rain today – even some CB activity! ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness….

PE and PA also with the strong SE winds and lots of CB activity this afternoon.

Inland – Again strong SE winds especially in the east and around the Sutherland Escarpment it changes to the NW. CB activity later in the afternoon all the way up to there – east and west from the looks of things.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:40 and setting at 19:41. (Day length is 14 hrs 01 min)  Another windy and a wet day ahead of us making things difficult for visitors – but it is a day to get those toes wet. ;) High tide at 02:08, low tide at 08:09, high tide is at 14:18, low at 20:37. Max temps for the Wilderness area another windy and now and then wet 20 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(21 January 2020) 
Good morning you awesome and still windy Wild2Fly people! The SAH still dominating but loosing power. Still that easterly flow along the southern parts and also inland. Less chance of rain and the CB activity confined to the eastern parts of the WC. Low base around the southern parts but rising along the west coast. Winds here are more SW in direction. In the far north north of the Sutherland escarpment the wind is NW. Above the inversion the wind trends westerly finishing west at 70kts at the Tropopause.

CT – Lighter winds today with the strong stuff around CP. LH and SH slightly less with a more east component but I think the wind looks like it is going to curl around the Peninsula nicely with a working eddie at SH and LH. CT might reach 15-20kts SE later on.

RB – Could be nice!

PV – Looks like the place to be with SW winds 5-10kts in the moring going up to 15kts later in the day. It also looks like climbs will rise nicely from 3-4k in the mid part to 6k with cloud late afternoon. (actuals perfect!)

Wilderness – Still those persistent strong SE winds with some rin around but less than yesterday so things are in the up! ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness….

PE and PA also with the strong E to NE winds and still CB possibilities…

Inland – strong SE winds especially in the east and once again somewhere around Sutherland it backs to the SW and then around to the NW northwards of the escarpment. CB activity confined to the east of Graafies…

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:39 and setting at 19:42. (Day length is 14 hrs 02 min)  Another windy and a bit wet day ahead of us making things difficult for visitors – but it is a day to get those toes wet. ;) High tide at 01:16, low tide at 07:16, high tide is at 13:30, low at 19:54. Max temps for the Wilderness area another windy and now and then wet 21 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(20 January 2020) 
Good morning you windy, wet but amazing Wild2Fly people! ;) The SAH still dominating hugely – now having shifted almost due south of us with a ridge to the west and east of the WC. Strong winds still along the southern coastal area which then curl around CP and moves up the west coast in a S to SW direction. Rain and CB activity wide spread along the southern parts of the WC – inland all the way up to Sutherland but much more in the east. Base around the Sutherland escarpment and northwards rising up 15k but 6-8k south of there. Low cloud in the southern coastal areas with tops high due to the deep instability. Winds are general east then backs to the North above 10k. It is NW at the Tropopause at 60kts.

CT – Still those strong SE winds but less than yesterday. Chance of some CB cells around during the day. Still a deep SE wind but it is more East at TM height with a tiny tiny small chance of some wind-shadow effect before mid-day – though I doubt it will be a flyable one. ;)

RB – Remaining a challenge!

PV – A smaller chance of some showers here today with SW winds around 10kts. Base around 6k…

Wilderness – Still those persistent strong easterly winds with rain and even some CB activity…

Plett – Similar to Wilderness….

PE and PA also with the strong E to NE winds and CB possibilities…

Inland – strong SE winds especially in the east and once again somewhere around Sutherland it backs to the SW and then around to the NW northwards of the escarpment. CB activity all the way up there too…

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:38 and setting at 19:42. (Day length is 14 hrs 04 min)  Another windy and wet day ahead of us making things difficult for visitors – a movie and pop-corn kind of day! (But I would still go get those toes wet! ;) High tide at 00:10, low tide at 06:11, high tide is at 12:28, low at 19:02. Max temps for the Wilderness area another cool wet and windy 22 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(19 January 2020) 

Good morning you super cool (and wet!) Wild2Fly people! A huge SAH dominating all the WC weather with very strong and deep easterly flows – only from 8/10k does the wind start to back from east to NE with a N finish at the Tropopause. Rain on the cards over the coastal and interior regions with wide spread CB activity. 30kts plus winds in many places especially around Agulhas and the CT Peninsula. This pattern is holding for the next few days so its not good news for pilots.
(actuals was spot on!)

CT – Chance of CB activity with very strong Easterly winds – no wind-shadow except behind your car!  ;)

RB – A challenge!

PV – Also strong east winds with a chance of CB activity here too…

Wilderness – Very strong easterly winds with rain and even some CB activity…

Plett – Similar to Wilderness….

PE and PA also with the strong SE flow and CB possibilities…

Inland – SE winds all the way inland and somewhere north of Sutherland it veers around to the NW and then even N. CB activity all the way up there too…

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:37 and setting at 19:43. (Day length is 14 hrs 05 min)  Another windy and wet day ahead of us making things difficult for visitors – a movie and pop-corn kind of day! (But I would still go get those toes wet! ;) Low tide at 04:51, high tide is at 11:16, low at 17:57. Max temps for the Wilderness area another cool wet and windy 21 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(18 Januuary 2020) 
Good morning you super cool (and wet!) Wild2Fly people! ;) The SAH pushing the cold air far into the interior with southerly winds all the way past Calvinia and Williston. Good rain along the southern parts spreading into the interior past the Swartberg ranges with CB activity further North. Base at 2k along the southern parts with tops initially at 6k but increasing to 10k later in the day. In the far North there’s still the big skies with base up at 12k plus in places. General SE winds but very strong SE winds along the Peninsula exceeding 35kts. Above the inversion it backs to the West once again and from 10/12k upwards its WNW with a 70kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – Very deep SE winds – 25kts at 4k so not chance of the wind-shadow appearing…

RB – Ooohh only early on else its kite flying weather without the sail…

PV – East winds with base at 6/7k but it changes near Picketberg where the coastal Southerly influences things a bit…

Wilderness – After yesterdays playful ocean cliff soaring for far longer than expected today it really is just rain oh still so beautiful rain… All day with strong easterly winds.
(Actuals - as predicted!)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness…

PE again with a slight more southerly in wind direction with rain and CB activity…

Inland – Cloudy and rainy all the way past the Swartberg ranges where it will dry slightly but still passing showers – southerly winds all the way past Sutherland. Here there’s a strong chance of CB activity in a broad area of the interior.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:36 and setting at 19:43. (Day length is 14 hrs 06 min)  Another windy and wet day ahead of us. A difficult day for visitors to find stuff to do. I still say put on your oilskins and take off your boots and go get those toes wet! ;) Low tide at 03:27, high tide is at 09:56, low at 16:39, high at210:46. Max temps for the Wilderness area a cool wet 18 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(17 December 2020) 
Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! The SAH dominating all the coastal and partly inland weather of the WC today – and also for the next few days. A very moist shallow layer producing some good rains along the southern parts – base around 2k and tops around 7k – but the west coast side is hot and dry. A general SE flow pattern with some very strong winds round the Peninsula and partly up the west coast. Here the boundary layer around the 4k mark but over the back NE of the Cederbergs it starts to rise dramatically with the Sutherland escarpment and beyond showing those epic big sky country we love – 13-17k bases in many places – but also some CB activity out there. Winds higher up trend westerly and at the Tropopause it is NW at 50kts.

CT – A very deep SE layer with strong winds all the way up to 4/5k. Looks ike 35kts in spots so doesn’t look good for fying today. (Im sure by now you have come to the same conclusion!) ;)

RB – If you were here early you might have had a shot! ;) It will get blown out later.

PV – Strong SSW winds here of 15kts even from early on with dubious climbs to 4k. It goes more southerly and even SE later so not the best day to fly I think.

Wilderness – Aaahhh beautiful rain… Peace and quiet as mother earth soaks up the wet. Lol. It doesn’t look good today with lightish winds all from the south – even SW at times. Base is low with tops around 7k…

Plett – Similar to Wilderness…

PE and PA with SW winds – up to 30kts at PA – with some rain, increasing later in the afternoon and evening.

Inland – The frontal rain not going past the Swartbergs by much – drying out there with base around 7k… But further north, above the escarpment it is outer-space stuff man! ;) Strong amazing climbs to high bases but the chance of OD and CB cells spoiling it out there… North winds in the north and SSE in the south.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:35 and setting at 19:43. (Day length is 14 hrs 08 min)  A day for umbrellas but no excuse not to enjoy the beach and get your toes wet! ;) Low tide at 02:15, high tide is at 08:44, low at 15:18, high at 21:22. Max temps for the Wilderness area a rainy humid 23 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(16 January 2020) 
Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! A light CF approaching from the SSW of the WC which should start effecting us by late afternoon early evening – a few spots of light rain along the southern parts. Otherwise still that lingering hot humid air from the IOH side of things with a little help from the inland trough which is starting to stretch its legs towards the south – creeping out over the Wilderness area in the mid-levels – it will help shape up a cut-off low however this will happen out to sea with all the rain wasted far to the SE of us! Still the SE trend along the southern parts, a few spots nearing 20kts but slightly less than yesterday, except for CP where it curls around and up the west coast with 30kts at times. SH sheltered from most of the strong stuff. Inland some awesome high stuff at Sutherland and further north – 15 - 18k base with 15k west winds… Over CT and Wilderness the winds finishes westerly 30kts at the Tropopause.

CT – And again the wind-shadow should be firing on all four cylinders… ;)

RB – Get there early for some sweet soaring! It will get blown out later.

PV – High cirrus clouds with climbs at mid-day to 4k but increasing to just over 5k later in the day. SW winds up to 10kts..

Wilderness – Similar to yesterday but more SE form early on so less chance of Sedge working early on I think. Looks like that light CF and low cloud with initial light rain moving in from late afternoon. CP and Map and maybe Gerrickes probably be the paces to try have some fun.
(Actuals - more low clouds covering Map all day - no gap to fly there but the CP got soarable from 11 onwards and then by 13:00 it got covered there too - SSE winds 10-13knts)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness today with SE trend. Not much action in these conditions really… Uppies with the usual SE trend and climbs at mid-day to maybe just over 2k…

PE again with lighter SE flow but PA with the strong NE winds.

Inland – A very strong Southerly coastal wind penetrating inland today going over 25kts in places. Especially north of the SB. Before this however the winds are light North and strong high climbs. Those drooling high stuff around Middelburg and northwards – 18k base in spots.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:35 and setting at 19:43. (Day length is 14 hrs 09 min)  A sweet day ahead with low tide at mid-day and light winds at that time too. So it’s perfect for getting those toes wet! ;) Low tide at 01:16, high tide is at 07:43, low at 14:06, high at 20:11. Max temps for the Wilderness area another humid 26 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(15 January 2020) 
Good morning you super cool Wild2Fly people! A similar pattern to yesterday but the inland trough more to the west side of the country with no rain expected. Still very high climbs inland with 14/15k around the Sutherland escarpment. For the remainder the boundary layer on the coastal plains a low 4k with loads of moisture around along the southern parts – once again low clouds in many spots. Winds trend SE along the southern coast curling up with strong winds around CP and S to SW up the west coast. Just beyond the first line of mountains the boundary layer up to the 10k level with some exceptional soaring. Winds are fairly light with hight with a 20kts SW finish over Wilderness.

CT – Once again the wind-shadow should be firing on all four cylinders… ;)

RB – Get there early for some sweet soaring! It will get blown out later.

PV – not the nest of days with very strong winds expected in the afternoon 15-20kts SSW. Climbs to 4k after mid-day. Once again some great Q’s into the Cederbergs and beyond…

Wilderness – Again the low clouds which should dissipate somewhat but looks to shape up again late in the afternoon. There’s a shallow bit of instability so some flying early at Sedge – climbs to 1000’ perhaps. But the east winds will make it unpleasant soon enough! Lol Map might be doable early afternoon but with that prospect of the low cloud closing things up from around 16/17:00… If the timing is right a bench up at Gerrickes is possible. Or Buffs and CP.
(Actuals - good SSE winds with great soaring along the coastal cliffs untill 14:00. Sedge switched on at 11:30 only. The base did not drop over Map as forecasted - was just above. A short soaring spell at mid-day)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness today with SE trend, Uppies showing up to 2300’ climbs mid/late moring but dropping at mid-day to less than 2k.

PE with light SW this morning and then remaining light winds into the early evening. But PA with initial light SW then the NE takes over and will finish the day at 30kts!

Inland – Southerly in the south and even SE in the eastern parts inland but this curls around in the west to SW and then W and even N northwards of Sutherland. The skies out there will once again be picture perfect with very high Q’s and no OD. The Cederbergs and Swartberg both showing 10k base.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:34 and setting at 19:44. (Day length is 14 hrs 10 min)  A sweet day ahead with low tide at mid-day and light winds at that time too. So it’s perfect for getting those toes wet! ;) Low tide at 00:45, high tide is at 06:50, low at 13:06, high at 19:12. Max temps for the Wilderness area a humid 25 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(14 January 2020) 
Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! Looks like mainly the IOH with loads of moisture and the inland trough dominating our weather today – the SAH a minor influence more up the west coast areas. Low cloud around along the southern parts and a few spots in the south of the west coast but it dries quickly inland with the boundary layer around the 4k mark seawards of the mountains. Further inland we go into the super flying stuff with beautiful Q’s around 8-14k from the Cederbergs all the way past Douglas etc. The winds out there are SE with light winds at base strangely… No CB activity but a few spots of rain perhaps around the eastern Drakensberg  ;) Along the coast it trend to the SE especially later in the day along the southern parts. S to SW along the west coast – strong especially around Agulhas and CP. Some varying winds up to 15k but from there it goes SW with a 80kts SSW finish over Wilderness and 50 over CT.

CT – Looks like our sweet wind=shadow is holding for the entire day…

RB – Another good day here if your time and arms strength is good!

PV – SW up to 4k climbs with a strong finish at 15kts in the afternoon. Maybe a tad higher. Once again some great Q’s into the Cederbergs and beyond…

Wilderness – Some low cloud around with a light southerly initially but then SE later on. Especially around Gerrickes it will be strong with Map area again variable with winds. It is pretty stable with climbs perhaps going to 800’.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness today with SE picking up inland with Uppies showing up to 2300’ climbs.

PE and PA with storng East winds up 30kts…

Inland – S to SE winds all the way up past Sutherland and even Douglas areas… Some beautiful flying conditions out there… Swartberg showing up to 9/10k… Lightish winds everywhere – perhaps 10-15kts in the gusts... Another good day for HG and PG’s!  

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:33 and setting at 19:44. (Day length is 14 hrs 11 min)  A sweet day ahead with only one low tide at mid-day and light winds at that time too. So it’s perfect for getting those toes wet! ;) High tide is at 06:03, low at 12:13, high at 18:21. Max temps for the Wilderness area a hot 25 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(13 January 2020) 
Good morning you remarkably awesome Wild2Fly people! The SAH on the west with the IOH in the east together with the Trough line in the centre of the country dominating the WC weather. SE winds along the southern parts curling around CP with a S to SW along the west coast. Breezy conditions in many places with 20-30kts in some coastal areas – into the upper teens inland. The SSE flow along the southern parts veering to the SW further inland again. Some CB activity from Middelburg and eastwards again with  beautiful Q’s inland with a high base at 10-14k. The coastal plaiins up to 4k near the mountains but much less near the coast. Winds go westerly again with height and finishes with 30kts WSW at the Tropopause.

CT – Again things are looking up for the wind-shadow to hang around all day…

RB – It could be a good day here!

PV – Climbs to perhaps 5k with a SW flow of 5kts going up to 10 in the afternoon with a few spots perhaps touching the 15kts. Some great Q’s into the Cederbergs and beyond…

Wilderness – Strong SE winds along the entire coast with some forecasts showing that compression bubble along the Wilderness cliffs. If it breaks it will get blown out early afternoon else it might just hold and be flyable for a while longer… Early moring could be good for Gerrickes bench-up and CP.

Plett – Uppies getting blown out late morning with climbs to just over 2k. The bay quite protected along the surface with the strong SE winds all around and over the tope according to two models…

PE and PA with Easterly winds 15-20kts.

Inland – Southerly to SE flow in the south which veer to the SW and West further inland. It is a cracking day  for flying out there with OD conditions east of Middelburg. But everywhere else beautiful Q’s and high climbs 10-14k! Upper teens in knots surface winds so good to go for HG and PG’s!  

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:32 and setting at 19:44. (Day length is 14 hrs 12 min)  A super-hot day with excellent beach weather but the wind is going to blow late morning onwards. So get out early and go get those toes wet! ;) High tide is at 05:19, low at 11:25, high at 17:33, low tide at 23:40. Max temps for the Wilderness area a hot 26 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(12 January 2020) 
Good morning you super amazing Wild2Fly people! The SAH dominating with a ridge along the southern parts with a S to SE flow pattern along the southern parts curling around CP and moving up the coast with the S to SW direction. A few Q’s around but not much. Wind are light in general except around the Peninsula and west coast. The boundary layer around the 4k level but once over the bigger mountains much higher – 8k base around Cederbergs and 14k over Sutherland. There’s a chance of CB activity later this afternoon around here but much more further eastwards. Winds from 6k upwards treding west with a 60kt finish at the Tropopause.

CT – A sweet day with the wind-shadow firing on all four cylinders! :) Inversion around 2k with light east winds above that.

RB – Looking good for those who’s timing is right! ;)

PV – Not the best of days with climbs to just over 4k and W winds. It’s a slow start too with SSW winds in the morning. It is around 10kts later in the day remaining SW with a southerly trend higher up.

Wilderness – A light SW flow in the morning which will back to the SE later in the day. It could reach 10kts later on. A bit more instability around compared to yesterday so I think Sedge will be sweeter but it will still trend to the SSE around mid-day.

Plett – Keurbooms looking doable with enough S to SSW in it mid to late morning while Uppies is indicating climbs to just over 3k… Later the SE starts to dominate again…

PE and PA with initial SW winds 20kts but late afternoon going to S and dropping.

Inland – SSE flows along the southern parts which curl SW to West in the west. From Sutherrland it is westerly winds – where the high bases will be found. Some CB activity along this escarpment line that then increases further eastwards. Swartberg and Cederberg showing very high climbs with a few Q’s to show what we are missing! ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:31 and setting at 19:44. (Day length is 14 hrs 14 min)  A hot day with great beach weather – a bit of a breeze from the ocean from mid-day onwards but it should not be too strong. Go get those toes wet!;) High tide is at 04:37, low at 10:40, high at 16:49, low tide at 22:57. Max temps for the Wilderness area a hot 23 degrees C. Enjoy! :))

(11 January 2020) 
Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! The SAH to the west and IOH to the east with a sweet trough in the middle bringing varied conditions around the WC today. Some coastal fog along the west coast this morning and parts of the western southern coast which should mostly clear during the day. A SW flow alogn the western southern parts with varied light winds around the GR and then those strong easterly to the east around PE side. Inland light northerlies trending west with some CB activity in the east (from Middelburg eastwards). Winds are west from 5k upwards with a WNW finish at 60kts at the Tropopause.

CT – A misty start but looks like it should clear with the moring the better conditions. Southerly surface flow trending SW with height. Looks like the usual cross shore winds from the SSW at landing and less up at launch. Reaching 20kts later in places…

RB – I think it has just too much west in to be sweet…

PV – A SW day with 10kts on the cards mostly. Climbs to 4k with a southerly trend up there…

Wilderness – Light winds with warm temps. Strong inversion around but one of the apps showing some instability to 1000’ around Sedge… Probably the place to try ‘hang’. ;) The SW blowing along the western south coast parts not quite making it to Wilderness until very late afternoon/early evening.

Plett – Similar outlook to Wilderness but with more SE trending in the winds. Uppies SE with climbs to 1500…

PE and PA with ENE winds 15-20kts… Very strong out to sea though…

Inland – southerly in the south but  mostly westerlies everywhere – up to 15kts or a touch more in a few spots. Excellent climbs around Sutherland escarpment with base here looking at 13k or more… From Colesburg/Middelburg and eastwards wide spread CB activity in the afternoon…

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:30 and setting at 19:44. (Day length is 14 hrs 15 min). A hot excellent beach day! A light onshore breeze all day long. Go get your toes in the sand and wet your butt. ;) High tide at 03:56, Low tide at 09:56, high at 16:06 and low at 22:17. Max temps for the Wilderness area around 25 degrees C! Enjoy! :))


(10 January 2020) 
Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! The IOH dominating with the strong easterly flow pattern along the southern coastal regions (30kts in places!) which curls around at CP with a SW to Westerly along the west coast. Still some moisture around but confined mostly to the eastern parts of the WC – some rain out to sea with a scattering touching the shore line along the southern parts. The boundary layer pretty high along the southern mountains ranges with some Q’s around 8k. Lowering towards the coast. Far North at Sutherland it is 13k. No more CB activity inland either. At 5k the wind is North at 10kts, at 10k its NW at 10-15kts, then westerly all the way to the Tropopause with a 60kts finish up there.

CT – Looks like a great day of flying out here today. Early with a WSW flow which will veer more SW later. Instability to over 4k at times. IT picks up more southerly later in the day but should remain SW along the :H and SH regions along the shore maybe 15kts at times.

RB – Mostly wrong direction and then if it comes through probably too light.

PV – A great day here with good climbs to 6k W lower down and NW up there but later going SW with 10kts lower down and 5kts higher up.

Wilderness – A strong day ahead of SE. Some models show it blown out by 10 already – so get out early... There’s a lot of east around so few of those coastal spots working today… ;)

Plett – Even windier than Wilderness with winds near 30kts out there today.

PE and PA with E winds 20-15kts…

Inland – Sheltered from the strong coastal winds with some great flying out there. Surface winds are easterly around 5-10kts for most of the day. Some sweet Q’s in the south along the mountains at 8k base and then along the Sutherland escarpment areas at 13k.  

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:29 and setting at 19:45. (Day length is 14 hrs 16 min). A windy but sunny day ahead of us. Get out early before the wind spoils the beach fun ;) High tide at 03:17, Low tide at 09:14, high at 15:24 and low at 21:37. Max temps for the Wilderness area around 23 degrees C! Enjoy! :))


(9 January 2020) 
Good morning you super amazing Wild2Fly people! The SAH pushing a CF towards the WC with a westerly flow preceding it. Still some light rain around in places along the coast and also some CB activity inland but much less than yesterday. Some excellent soaring conditions along parts of the WC before the CF starts to move in by this evening. The boundary layer around the 5-6k level with some sweet looking Q’s in many parts. The GR with much lower base and more cloudy conditions for the day. Winds in general SW lower but West from 5k upwards with a 60kts WNW finish at the Tropopause.

CT – A cloudy start but the day should turn on with the base rising and being very unstable up to base height. All westerly winds. Later in the afternoon as the CF moves in the wind will go more Southerly and the base will lower considerably.

RB – To much west in it today

PV – A good day here with a WSW sart around 5kts with clouds. During the day base will rise to 5/6k with the winds SW at 10kts. It should remain good all day.

Wilderness – WSW winds in the morning which will go more SW and SSW later in the day. The strength will vary from sweet coastal soaring to frustrating spells during the mid-part of the day. Late afternoon looks like another increase again. Base around 1500-2000’ with tops between 4-6k later on. Sedge will probably be sweet with mild thermals due to the wet grounds.

Plett – Similar outlook to Wilderness. Looks like Uppies is on from mid-day onwards.

PE and PA with SW winds 20-25kts.

Inland – S to SW winds all the way to the Sutherland/Middelburg escarpment where it goes west. Some good clouds around here with base at 13k. OD in the east with CB activity around that side but the west is awesome!

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:28 and setting at 19:45. (Day length is 14 hrs 17 min). A cloudy cooler day with some rain this morning. Not really a beach day but it should still be fun to get your toes in the sand. ;) High tide at 02:37, Low tide at 08:31, high at 14:43 and low at 19:58. Max temps for the Wilderness area around 21 degrees C! Enjoy! :))


(8 January 2020) 
Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! A complicated day with an approaching CF SW of CT, loads of deep instability inland with CB activity, a SW pulse moving up the coast but sweeping away from the GR, hot inland air with changing LR and wind directions along the coast. The strong CB activity dominating most of the WC areas with tricky conditions to predict. High clouds with base around 8k inland and NW winds at 20kts from 5k upwards. The east still under some of the IOH influence with some light S to SE flows but changing from the west. Good climbs which will change if it rains. lol – fog around the west coast areas but sweet around PV for a while. The wind is 60kts NNW at the Tropopause.

CT – A foggy start but a chance of things improving during the day. NW winds going SW later with some clouds at 3k moving in around TM. If the coastal fog clears it could be good…

RB – WWB today!

PV – It looks like a great morning with NW winds going Westerly with some climbs at the peak to 6k. Some stratoQ’s shaping up which thickens a bit for later in the afternoon and an increasing WSW wind up to 15kts. So be careful of being trapped on the mountains mid to late afternoon…

Wilderness – Another difficult day with light southerly winds in the morning and strong inverted conditions around Serps and Sedge. A chance of rain from the CB activity moving in from the north in most places. This in combination of the approaching SW will chance the LR so it should become progressively more unstable with a window of some good flying probably from 11 to 16:00 – provided the rain doesn’t mess things up. Looks like that pulse of SW getting to Wilderness is rather short lived and will also quickly go west. Hhhmm…

Plett – Looking worse than Wilderness today with light SE winds initially and a strong inversion at Uppies – nothing above 1500ASL. It doesnt change much form the looks of it and late in the afternoon the wind does go west with hardly any window of flying on the cards. There’s also that CB rain on the cards…

PE and PA with SE to ENE winds around 10-15kts…

Inland – Looks like NW winds all the way to the backside of the Outenikwas. A short spell of southerly penetrating to not much further than Oudshoorn later in the afternoon. But the big news is the deep instability with the CB activity all over the show.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:27 and setting at 19:45. (Day length is 14 hrs 17 min). A good day for the beach but some rain from mid-day onwards… ;) High tide at 01:57, Low tide at 07:48, high at 14:01 and low at 20:19. Max temps for the Wilderness area around 26 degrees C! Enjoy! :))


(7 January 2020) 
Good morning you very cool Wild2Fly people! Total dominance by the inland trough and the IOH with loads of humid and moist air being pushed down from the east along the WC coastline. Some strong east  winds especially in the east with rain – increasing during the day. The boundary layer pretty high with some high  bases around the west and just inland of the first mountains ranges. 6-8k. However there’s a high chance of CB activity in a very broad area covering almost the entire interior – all those moisture being carried down from the north with CB activity even close to the coast later today. Winds are easterly in a shallow layer but it backs to the NW with 30kts NNW at 10k and 90kts NNW at the Tropopause.

CT – A NE start but it veers to the SW and then the typical SSE at 15kts later in the day. Later in the day is also when the wind=shadow will take shape and it will probably be ok to fly. Earlier those typical strong side shore winds…

RB – The direction is right but it might not get strong enough…

PV – SW with a quick backing to the NW above 4k. Some upper air instability so some chance of OD especially over the Cederbergs… Climbs along the front perhaps just over 4k.

Wilderness – A tricky day with the winds starting east and a short SE window but a strong chance of rain with it. Later it goes back to the east again. Above the flow is a lot more ENE. We might get some inland CB activity overspill towards the coast wich will influence our surface winds… If the rain stays away we could get a window at Map…

Plett – Similar outlook to Wilderness. Also increasing chance of rain but there could be gaps for a walk on the beach…  ;)

PE and PA with ENE winds up to 30kts…

Inland – South to easterlies in the far south around 10kts with almost due North winds to the north of that. Some amazing cloud activity with OD and CB cells from the little Karoo all the way north into Botswana today…

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:26 and setting at 19:45. (Day length is 14 hrs 18 min). A humid cloudy rainy day and those gusty easterly winds. Not the best time to head to the beach but with some wellies there could be fun! ;) High tide at 01:13, Low tide at 07:01, high at 13:17 and low at 19:38. Max temps for the Wilderness area around 23 degrees C! Enjoy! :))


(6 January 2020) 
Good morning you super cool Wild2Fly people! The SAH still pushing in the shallow layer of cooler moist air following the Cold Front. Low clouds along the southern parts with a small chance of some precipitation. High cirrus over the entire WC today. Southerly winds light to moderate all the way inland to the Sutherland Escarpment where it again shifts to the west. A chance of CB activity once again far inland, especially to the east. The boundary layer around the 4-5k mark which will be the cap for the low clouds so not that deep for precipitation. The NW settled from 10k upwards with a 70kts WNW finish at the Tropopause.

CT – The southerly winds making it tricky for the SH and LH areas. The wind-shadow just a tad too far to the east with some strong cross shore winds up to 20kts. Probably light enough on the launch for take off. ;) The inversion mostly near TM top height higher in the morning and lowering in the afternoon.

RB – Could be a super cool day here…

PV – A tad more SW today with climbs to just past 4k. The high cirrus probably making it a tad tricky. Some spots just near 15kts in the afternoon.

Wilderness – Hhhmmm… southerly winds popping in with the lower clouds around and prospect of light rain. Once again Sedge should be good (not so rough as yesterday) ;) And mid-day all the coastal spots could work though it’s not forecasted to be over 10kts… Still could be  sweet day if the rain stays away.

Plett – Similar outlook to Wilderness. Southerly with base around 1500 and tops near 5k. IT could be doable at Keurbooms with enough south in it to play…

PE and PA with SSE winds up to 15kts…

Inland – Those southerly winds having a tad east in it and getting up to 25kts in the afternoon north of the Swartbergs. Good looking clouds around 6k south of the Swartbergs and going to 8/9k northwards. At the Sutherland escarpment it jumps up to 12/13k. Again CB activity around Graafies and Middelburg.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:26 and setting at 19:45. (Day length is 14 hrs 19 min). A more cloudy day with some light rain on the cards – mostly inland so the beach could probably be cool ;) High tide at 00:21, Low tide at 06:07, high at 12:28 and low at 18:54. Max temps for the Wilderness area around 21 degrees C! Enjoy! :))


(5 January 2020) 
Good morning you super amazing Wild2Fly people! The SAH helping to push in the CF that will influence most of the WC weather today. Cloudy start to most of the area but clearing during the day in most places before in the afternoon closing up again as the frontal system steps in. Winds are mostly SW with some variations today – nothing too strong with light winds in most areas except for around Agulhas where the winds will touch on the 20kts mark. Some CB activity later today in the NE section of the WC (increasing tomorrow) with a very active low and trough area. The boundary layer pretty high today with parts of the southern ranges showing climbs and base at 6-7k. slightly less along the west coast and of course closer to the sea. Far inland up north the skies are looking great with some good Q’s at 13k and more. Winds are the usual westerly above the inversion 30kts at 10k and 80kts WNW at the Tropopause.

CT – Low cloud around this morning but it does look like a clear spell during the mid part of the day with winds NW to Westerly around 10-15kts. Later in the day as the frontal system moves in the base will drop with some chance of precipitation.


PV – It does look like a sweet morning and early afternoon with light Westerly winds 5kts and climbs to over 5k. Some Q’s but later looking like OD at 5k with some StratoQ’s and later a dropping base as the frontal system also moves in here…

Wilderness – A cloudy and even light drizzle start but it will clear with light SW winds this morning becoming lighter from mid-day onwards. Some OD conditions along the mountains later on with a chance of precipitation. Probably some coastal soaring on the cards for the morning and then a Sedge or Serpentine finish from mid-day onwards.

Plett – Similar outlook to Wilderness with Keurbooms looking really good just about all day. Uppies with climbs to 3500’ and later down to 3k or just under.

PE with 20kts SW winds and PA with 25plus knots.

Inland – All SW winds except for the far east with a SE flow here. Light to moderate winds up to 15kts at most. Good Q’s just about everywhere but a strong chance of OD conditions to the East with CB cells close to the low centre. Swartbergs with climbs to 8500 and 12k on the Sutherland escarpment.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:25 and setting at 19:45. (Day length is 14 hrs 20 min). A dubious start but it should shape up to be a sweet day for the beach from mid-day onwards as the wind dies from the SW and goes light south. Low tide late afternoon should make it perfect. ;) Low tide at 05:03, high tide is at 11:30, low at 18:04. Max temps for the Wilderness area around 23 degrees C! Enjoy! :))


(4 January 2020) 
Good morning you awe-inspiring  Wild2Fly people! Today most of the southern coastal areas under the spell of the IOH with humid air pulled down from the KZN coast causing the hot humid conditions we are having. Its dryer to the west with CT starting to feel the influence of an approaching CF. S to SW winds out on the west and the usual swing to the WNW far inland. Strong chance of CB activity around the Graafies area again with some spilling down to the Plett coastal areas even. The boundary layer around 5k near the mountains on the south and west and then progressively higher further inland. The inland air-mass north of Sutherland showing climbs up to 15k! Winds WNW 20kts at 10k with a 40-60kts west finish at the Tropopause.

CT – S to SW winds with instability to TM top height. Too much SSW in it for the wind-shadow to have an effect so the usual SSW acceleration past the shore front areas of SH and LH. Perhaps up to 15.20kts out there with less on the hill.

RB – Too westerly today I think…

PV – Sweet PV just before mid-day with 5kts west and climbs to just shy of 5k. Later in the afternoon it picks up to 10-15k with a more SW direction.

Wilderness – A muggy start with a surface flow of south on the cards which will gradually back to the SE around mid-day. Very light winds with the coast not really showing anything soarable. But it does looks like a sweet shallow unstable layer with some nice flying on the cards at Sedge early this morning. It will once again erode as the easterly flow starts to influence the thermals getting rowdier – as is typical. Hang out there as long as your arms, stomach or pocket can last! ;)

Plett – Similar outlook to Wilderness but with more height at Uppies on offer – up to 2800’ until just after lunch. Then it drops to less than 2k… some spots touching the 15kt mark I think.

PE and PA with SE winds around 10kts.

Inland – Light surface winds southerly in direction with the gentle veering to the W and then NW at the Sutherland escarpment. The lower humid air causing some CB activity to crawl further south with some just north of the Plett area today. Loads to the east up at Graafies and Middelburg.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:24 and setting at 19:45. (Day length is 14 hrs 21 min). Looks like another sweet day with a partly cloudy conditions for the beach goers in Wilderness area today – low tide mid-afternoon should make it perfect. ;) Low tide at 03:47, high tide is at 10:23, low at 17:03, high at 23:14. Max temps for the Wilderness area a hot humid 25 degrees C! Enjoy! :))


(3 January 2020) 
Good morning you super-duper amazing Wild2Fly people! It tos up between the SAH and IOH dominating our WC coastal weather with the inland trough active with some CB cells in the Middelburg area late afternoon. Winds are all southerly still with some slight variations here and there. The boundary layer around 4/5k level. More moisture in the eastern southern parts with some low clouds around. Many will dissipate by the afternoon. Westerly winds above the inversion with a 30-50kts west finish at the Tropopause.

CT – Another southerly day but less strength in it so a good chance of the wind-shadow to shape up. A tad SW along the shore front with some spots around 15-20kts even. Good luck! ;)

RB – Another possible sweet day out here… ;)

PV – A typical PV day with SW winds around 5-10kts in the midday part with climbs to just shy of 5k. It does pickup  a tad more in the late afternoon with some 15kts spots.

Wilderness – Another good day ahead of us with a slight SSW start and a trend to the SE later on. Possible ocean cliff soaring this morning. Some sweet instability around with Sedge looking really good this morning with some Q’s to shape it up. But by mid-day that east will start to shake things up a bit and probably put a stop to play. Map on the other-hand not looking like it is going to deliver with frustrating extended foefies all day. It actually looks like even less wind later in the day out there… Fingers crossed! ;)

Plett – Similar outlook to Wilderness but with more IOH influence and a SE trend. Uppies showing climbs to just over 3k but that SE trend in it.

PE and PA with Easterly winds of 15-20kts.

Inland – Once again all southerly surface flows to Sutherland where it backs to the West. High climbs out there with a few Q’s at 12/13k. The Swartbergs with good Q’s around 9/10k. Once again the coastal mountains with a high chance of some OD conditions but less than yesterday.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:23 and setting at 19:44. (Day length is 14 hrs 21 min). Looks like another sweet day with a lot of sun for the beach goers in Wilderness area today – low tide just after lunch should make it perfect. ;) Low tide at 02:35, high tide is at 09:15, low at 15:51, high at 21:52. Max temps for the Wilderness area another dubious 23 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(2 January 2020) 
Good morning you super awesome Wild2Fly people! The SAH helping to push a light CF with cooler moist air onto the southern parts of the WC. Lighter winds along the southern coastal areas but fresh along the west coast still. The boundary layer around the 5k mark in most places but low clouds along the southern regions. Very light rain possible along the Overberg parts. Small chance of CB cells around Middelburg area late afternoon. Winds trend southerly with the usual backing to the west above the inversion. WNW at 10k and W at 70kts at the Tropopause.

CT – Looks like  strong Southerly wind with no change in direction all the way to 4k. Even with the inversion strengthening it does bode well for the wind-shadow to shape up. Hhhmm… Good luck! ;)

RB – It could be a sweet day out here… ;)

PV – A good day expected with climbs to 5k and winds 5-10kts initially SW but it does pick up later to 15kts – so a stronger finish…

Wilderness – Very southerly by the looks of things with trends to SW and other models say SSE. Either way I think Sedge and Serpentine will be the winners today. Some lower cloud shaping up again later in the day. Small chance of something soarable along the coast early morning… It does not look as strong for Sedge as yesterday. :)

Plett – Similar outlook to Wilderness with Uppies indicating climbs to just over 2k at base. Perhaps some SE in the direction. ;)

PE and PA with Easterly winds of 25kts…

Inland – Once again all southerly surface flows to Sutherland where it backs to the West. High climbs out there with a few Q’s at 12/13k. The Swartbergs with good Q’s around 8/9k and the coastal mountains with quite a bit of OD around 5k.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:22 and setting at 19:44. (Day length is 14 hrs 22 min). Looks like another sweet day with less sun for the beach goers in Wilderness area today – low tide just after lunch should make it perfect. ;) Low tide at 01:36, high tide is at 08:15, low at 14:39, high at 20:37. Max temps for the Wilderness area a sweet 23 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(1 January 2020) 
Good morning and happy New year you amazing Wild2Fly people! Today slightly less favourable flying than yesterday – the SAH and IOH with the inland trough dominating the WC weather. Again the shallow SE flow with the West above that. This SE flow is les strong today compared to yesterday, noticeable along the southern coastal regions with up to 20kts in a few spots but many others more protected with only 5kts or so on the cards. The boundary layer also shallower with 4-5k at the mountains and a few spots with low cloud along the Southern coastal parts. No rain on the cards (maybe a slight drizzle in parts of the Overberg). Some high clouds out to the North far inland again with 8k over the Swartbergs and 13k in the Richmond area. The west finishes at 70kts at the Tropopause.

CT – Another SE day with just over 20kts on the cards but seemingly less of a chance of the wind-shadow shaping up. It backs to east at TM top height but even if the inversion is lower there’s still some push up there. Let’s hope I’m wrong and its good! ;)

RB – A slow start this moring but it might be a great finish to the day here…

PV – A light SW day with climbs to 5k expected. Also a light finish to the day… Its better in the Cederbergs…

Wilderness – Expect a much lighter day with even a tad SSW along the Wilderness coastline. It looks as if Sedge might be the better option in the morning with a southerly expected until around mid-day when the SE will start to push harder. With the crowds expected on the beach it might just be the better option! ;) Climbs to 1500’. A few coastal spots might work tentatively but the Map area looks like it has a sheltered bit that could make things a bit frustrating today…

Plett – Similar outlook to Wilderness with Uppies indicating climbs to 3k… ;)

PE and PA with SE winds over 20kts today…

Inland – All light southerly surface flows to near the Sutherland escarpment where it veers to the west. The west is the better airmass with high climbs to 13k. To the south it is much less with spots going up to 8/9k at most. The wind remains light with height to the south and even a tad NW at 6500’ over the Outenikwas. A few high Q’s out there.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:22 and setting at 19:44. (Day length is 14 hrs 23 min – can you believe the days are getting shorter again!). Looks like a sweet day for the beach goers in Wilderness area today – all day long! ;) Low tide at 00:49, high tide is at 07:26, low at 13:38, high at 19:38. Max temps for the Wilderness area another cool 22 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(31 December 2019) 
Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! WE are coming to the close of 2019, the end of the teenage years… ;) Wishing you all a prosperous New Year. Today the SAH dominating while the CF is moving up past Maputo. A ridge of high along the southern coastal areas but not strong so the SE winds moderate but very strong around the CT and West coast areas (over 30kts) Still a small chance of some light precipitation along parts of the south coast areas but this should clear mostly form mid-day onwards. The boundary layer around 4-6k in general along the coastal mountains further inland it rises to 8-9k and then near the Sutherland escarpment it is 13k plus. A chance of some CB activity in the Grafies and Middelburg areas for the afternoon. Winds go west above the inversion with a 70kts West finish at the Tropopause.

CT – Looks like a chance of the wind-shadow shaping up for the day. Though the winds are strong to near TM top – so some of that pushing over. Late afternoon sees some erosion of the shadow as the wind picks up to the 30kts range…

RB – Another sweet RB with a good early morning session for those who made the call …

PV – A SW outlook with 10-15kts and climbs to just shy of 6k on the cards. Winds get light with height. Its better in the Cederbergs…

Wilderness – Another good SE day with most of the SE coastal sites working during the day. Gerrickes and CP should work and even Sedge and serpentine early on before the SE winds overpower the pull of the thermals. It might get blown out around lunch time in some spots but Map probably would hold all day.

Plett – Similar outlook to Wilderness with Uppies indicating climbs to 3/3.5k… ;)

PE and PA with SE winds up to 15kts…

Inland – All SE winds far inland to the Sutherland escarpment where it backs to the west and WNW further north from here. Those CB activity confined to the eastern parts (from Graafies and Middelburg and further east.) Big skies along the escarpment with 13k bases. Strong SE flows around the Swartbergs at mid-day with 20kts out there…

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:21 and setting at 19:44. (Day length is 14 hrs 23 min – yes, it’s getting less sunshine now!). A sweet day to head to the beach early moring with less wind but also less sun - later there should be more sun but a tad more in the wind. ;) Low tide at 00:11, high tide is at 06:42, low at 12:46, high at 18:50. Max temps for the Wilderness area another cool 21 degrees C. Enjoy! :))

(30 December 2019) 
Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! Well, I think yesterday was a record day for number of tandem flights flown in one day at Map – not to mention in the morning before the wind picked up it was crowded as hell! Later we had 4 hangies join us up there and it was beautiful! It’s still Christmas it seems! ;) Welcome rain I think for many pilots today. A light CF brushing past the southern parts during the day bringing with it a shallow layer of cooler moist air with precipitation along the coastal and first mountain ranges. Low clouds with tops around 6k, just enough for some light rain in most places – on and off all day it seems. Winds are SE in this shallow layer quickly backing to the West above that. It is dry along the west coast with strong Southerly winds. Inland high probability for CB activity as far south as Graafies. Winds are SW up here quickly going West with height. 15kts at 7k and 90kts at the Tropopause.

CT – A dubious day – though the inversion is there the winds remain fairly strong all the way up pas TM top height. There is a slight wind-shadow but it doesnt look like it is strong enough for flying today. Lets hope the forecasts are wrong! ;)

RB – Sweet RB with a great early morning session for those who made the call …

PV – Very southerly day here with climbs to just shy of 6k. It is south later in the day 15kts so be careful near the mountains…

Wilderness – SE winds in general – very southerly in it so most of the coastal spots should be working. Of course there’s a bit of rain and low cloud in the mix – just make the call on the moment when you get a gap. Around 10kts…

Plett – Similar outlook to Wilderness… ;)

PE and PA with fresh Southerly winds 10-20kts and less chances of rain along the coast here.

Inland – Winds are all SSE with a gentle veering to the SW further inland and by Sutherland escarpment it is westerly to NW winds. It dries as we move further North with the low clouds rising with base at 6k at the Swartbergs and then less clouds beyond here. Those CB activity further North and very intense to the NE around Graaf-Reinet area…

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:20 and setting at 19:44. (Day length is 14 hrs 23 min – yes, its getting less sunshine now!). Not th ebest beach day but low tide in the middle so still worth a walk on the beach with the umbrella! ;) High tide is at 06:04, low at 12:05, high at 18:11. Max temps for the Wilderness area a cool 20 degrees C. Enjoy! :))

(29 December 2019) 
Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! A similar position as yesterday on the pressure systems – the easterly flow patterns along the southern parts and curling around CP and then up the west coast. Cloudy along the southern parts with the chance of some precipitation later on. Far inland a greater chance of CB activity around the De Aar Middelburg areas. Some high bases out there again with 13/14k on the cards. Winds go westerly above the inversion steadily increasing with a 80-90krts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – Looks like a sweet start with the wind-shadow in postion but late afternoon sees a strong increase in the SE wind and an erosion of the shadow so keep a good look-out… Initial instability too 4k but the inversion setting in as the cold southerly air flows through…

RB – Another good day if you timing is right…

PV – A sweet sweet day here. Westerly winds at 5-10kts and climbs too 5k on the cards. A SW trend late afternoon again but around 10kts…

Wilderness – Another good SE start but once again it looks like it is going to get strong at lunch – time. Probably blown out – coupled with some low cloud moving in it just might put a stop to playing. Get out early if you can. ;)

Plett – Similar outlook to Wilderness… ;)

PE and PA also with that strong Easterly flow hitting the 30kts mark today – it is more NE along the PA side of the coast.

Inland – A light wind start inland but during the day the SE will penetrate far inland, curling to the S and then SW as it progresses all the way to Sutherland region. Some high bases further north with a high probability of CB activity out there. Cloudy in the southern parts up to the Swartberrg ranges with 20kts SE winds…

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:19 and setting at 19:43. (Day length is 14 hrs 24 min – yes, 1 minute less sunshine than a week ago!). Get out early because the wind is going to blow from late morning, midday onwards again! ;) High tide is at 05:27, low at 11:27, high at 17:34, low tide at 23:37. Max temps for the Wilderness area a warmer 23 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(28 December 2019) 
Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! An amazing day on the GR yesterday. Today looks like more fun with the SAH forming a ridge with the IOH causing a easterly flow pattern around the southern coastal regions. It is channelled along nicely by the inland trough so there’s some strong wind spots with 30kts on the cards in a few places. The boundary layer around the 4k level but far inland over the Sutherland escarpment some clouds up at 16k! A bit of cloud still around south of the coast along the GR and a chance of some of that moving onto the coastal areas during the day. Winds start to back to the N and then NW from 8k upwards with a 110kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – A sweet wind-shadow start to the day but later in the afternoon the SE just upping in gear with some stronger stuff at height causing the wind-shadow to erode away. So just keep tabs on that one.

RB – It can be another good day here if you time it right. Might be a bit bumpy… lol

PV – SW surface flow with a backing to the south with height and slight SSE up top. Expect climbs to around 4k so not the best of stuff for PV but def flyable. It does pick up in the afternoon to 15ks so do be on your guard. Deeper into the Cederbergs climbs to 10k on the cards…

Wilderness – Looks like a sweet start with a light SE wind. It will become stronger during the morning with a good chance of it being blown out by late morning or mid-day. So get out there early. ;) easterly out at Serps and Sedge so very small window in the morning as the first thermals kick off for the day. Probably a hangie day for later on.

Plett – Similar outlook to Wilderness… ;)

PE and PA also with that strong Easterly flow – it is more NE along the PA side of the coast.

Inland – The surface winds are all easterly during the morning but will go SE in the southern parts late morning to mid-day. Eventually the SE flow will penetrate all the way to Sutherland escarpment. A slight chance of OD with rain on the escarpment late afternoon. 10k over the Swartberg and Kamanasie ranges…

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:19 and setting at 19:43. (Day length is 14 hrs 24 min – yes, it’s less sun than a week ago!)  Get out early because the wind is gong to blow from late morning, midday onwards! ;) High tide is at 04:51, low at 10:50, high at 16:58, low tide at 23:03. Max temps for the Wilderness area a cool 22 degrees C. Enjoy! :))

(27 December 2019) 
Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! The SAH pushing in that cold post frontal air onto the entire WC. Cold and spots of rain around for most of the southern parts but drier on the west coast. Strong S to SE winds around the west coast (over 30kts!) and more southerly along the southern parts. Partly cloudy conditions with super unstable air everywhere – nice Q’s in most places. In general the winds are SE up to the inversion around 5k where it starts to turn towards the west with a SW to W flow from 10k up wards with a 90kts WNW finish at the Tropopause.

CT – It looks like the SE is string and deep all day today with little prospect of any wind-shadow shaping up.

RB – Well, what do you know! If you are there early you could be playing sweetly. :)

PV – SW up to launch height and then it goes more SE – it is 5kts up there so the strong thermal flow up the slope should over power this SE direction. Climbs to 6/7k on the cards and stronger SE higher up. Could be a good day to go far to the N NE direction and connect with some sea-breeze…

Wilderness – Strong Westerly  flow this morning but from around 10 it should start to go SW and then do a slow march all the way to the SE from around 14:00 onwards. If the rain stays away it will be a great day of flying here… Just about every site will work at some stage today though watch the inland sites if the wind is strong…

Plett – Similar outlook to Wilderness… ;)

PE and PA Much stronger SW flow that lingers all day – 20-3okts but less later as the system moves to the east.

Inland – The surface winds are all SSE far inland past Sutherland. Around 10-15kts mostly. It does get less with height so unstable in the cold air below the normal inland hot air (that strong inversion around the 8k mark out there…) Very cloudy in the southern parts but less as we move north of the Swartbergs…  

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:18 and setting at 19:43. (Day length is 14 hrs 25 min)  A cold windy morning so not the best day for the beach. Not often you can wear a scarf in id summer for a walk on the beach!;) High tide is at 04:14, low at 10:13, high at 16:22, low tide at 22:30. Max temps for the Wilderness area a cold 18 degrees C. Enjoy! :))

(26 December 2019) 
Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! After a beautiful Christmas day of flying along the GR today is perhaps a welcome rest day. ;) A strong Cold Front moving in over the WC during the day – its already in CT and will strike the GR soon after mid-day. Strong Westerlies and rain moving in with it. Far inland it is also making its presence felt with the W to NW winds – 30kts on the surface in places, even North of Sutherland. 50kts at the 10k level and 120kts NW at the Tropopause.

CT – Low cloud with strong WNW winds. Base will rise but the winds will remain 20kts or more…


PV – Looks like it is going to be socked in here all day – low base, tops at 10k and strong westerly winds…

Wilderness – A light wind start – varying in direction for us but oddly a SE trend during the course of the morning. There is a high gust factor in most of the Apps so be careful if you fly. Just above our heads the flow is strong west so I suspect the possibility of slight mixing now and then. But we might get some flying in along the coast in this shallow layer – it will veer more to the south and then SSW as the front approaches – a very strong gust front on the cards that should hit the Wilderness coastline around 13:00 or 14:00. Do keep a good look-out towards the sea and LAND well before this stuff hits us. ;)

Plett – Similar outlook with the front striking just a bit later…

PE and PA with initial light southerlies and then SW increasing as the front approaches – late afternoon with 20-30kts winds.

Inland – Strong Westerlies with rain in the west, spreading to the east as the front moves further inland – rain in Sutherland and Uniondale by nightfall. There are high bases and exceptionally strong soaring conditions preceding the front – good to look at and drool I think! ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:18 and setting at 19:42. (Day length is 14 hrs 25 min)  A super hot morning for the beach but then the strong wind moves in by mid afternoon with cloudy conditions. ;) High tide is at 03:37, low at 09:36, high at 15:45, low tide at 21:57. Max temps for the Wilderness area a hotish 24 degrees C. Enjoy! :))

(25 December 2019) 
Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! Merry Christmas to everyone! ;) And well done to Anton for cracking his 25k XC flight with a 33km effort from Serpentine yesterday. Cool dude! :)) OK today there’s some frontal activity being pushed onto the WC by the SAH which is dominating together with the inland trough. (The IOH too far to the east for the WC weather). CB activity again inland but mainly to the NE parts – Molteno to Middelburg and DeAar areas. Strong NW winds out there once more. These NW winds is the general flow pattern with some surface modifications especially along the southern coastal areas where it will curl and be more SW to S in direction. Some high bases around today but the strong winds will probably not make it flyable. Just North of the Outenikwas it looks like 12k and drooling Q’s to look at but 30-50kts NW winds up there! It is 130kts NW at the Tropopause!

CT – Once again those storng NW winds with 15-20kts on the cards. Base will rise to around 4k level. Slight chance of some precipitation. Probably just too strong to fly – maybe for the hangies a good day…


PV – Starting off with N to NW winds and low cloud but rising quickly to 5/6k base but once again those strong NW to W winds here. Probably OK for the hangies but touch and go for the paragliders…

Wilderness – We are so blessed here – truly paradise we live in! :) A fine morning with again the SSW start to the day. It is looking excellent with good flying inland and those sweet scratchy coastal soaring on the cards too. Sedge looking good and it is should be sweet and not as strong as yesterday ;) Some clouds moving in and thickening after lunch with a slight chance of rain else a nice day.

Plett – Early Uppies showing climbs to 4k with a SSE flow. Soon the lower clouds will move in and thicken – base down to 2-2.5k. Keurbooms looking doable but perhaps a too much SE in it…

PE and PA with S to SW winds 10-15kts all day.

Inland – Expecting those strong NW trends again – it is NW at 6k over the Outenikwas. But exceptionally high bases 12k or more perhaps. CB cells very active in the NE areas. East of De Aar… In the little Karoo the surface winds are more S to SW. A good day do weather watching out here… ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:17 and setting at 19:42. (Day length is 14 hrs 25 min – yes its Christmas but winter is now on its way!) ;) A super cool morning for the beach with a light onshore flow. Some cloud and rain moving in from mid-day onwards. ;) High tide is at 02:57, low at 08:56, high at 15:06, low tide at 21:21. Max temps for the Wilderness area a cool 20 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(24 December 2019) 
Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! The SAH pushing in another CF onto the WC. It will affect the CT region and parts of the south-coast today. Strong winds expected in most places except for the GR area where some magic is protecting us. (Yup looks like a cloudy rainy Christmas tomorrow) ;) Inland strong NEW winds with 30kts in many places. Some CB activity in the NE sectors (Malteno, De Aar etc) Rain also expected around CT today. Varying boundary layer with 5/6k along the west coast and then 3-5k along the southern parts but more than 7k just over the back into the little Karoo. A few good looking clouds in this region – south of the CB activity. 50kts NW at 1k and 110kts NW at the Tropopause.

CT – NW winds 15-20kts with initial low cloud which should clear but then as the front moves in it will thicken with base around 2k and tops at 8. Expecting rain.


PV – The spot for the day with West winds of 10kts picking up to 15kts later in the afternoon. Climbs to 5-6k on the cards…

Wilderness – The morning sees some SW winds but again it might be frustrating on the coast so once again I think Sedge is the best bet. The models show the winds to actually die down from mid-day onwards with very little on the coast and with a west direction. So this makes Sedge even more of a choice. It could be worth trying the coast in the morning and then moving to Serps or Sedge.

Plett – Early Uppies showing climbs to 4k with a SW lower and west upper trend. It does get breezy with 10-15kts on the cards. But I think Keurbooms is looking up today – it is looking good just about all day long. (5-15kts at the most)

PE and PA with SW winds 10-15kts all day.

Inland – Expecting those strong NW trends – especially North of the Swartbergs as the wind runs along the trough edge – those CB cells very active in the WNW line today (De Aar area). In the little Karoo the surface winds are slightly less but the upper stuff is trending that W to NW strong flow preceding the approaching front. High climbs over the Swartbegr and Kamanasie ranges today with spots showing drooling Q’s ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:16 and setting at 19:42. (Day length is 14 hrs 25 min – can you believe its all down hill from here again towards winter!). A super cool morning for the beach with a strong pulse of wind moving in late afternoon. Enjoy the sun because tomorrow it’s all gone! ;) High tide is at 02:15, low at 08:13, high at 14:25, low tide at 20:44. Max temps for the Wilderness area a sweet 22 degrees C. Enjoy! :))

(23 December 2019) 
Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! Well done to our own local Wilderness ladies Champ, Khobi for not just winning the ladies division but for pipping most of the men in the comp too! Khobi has now won the ladies championships for the last ten years in a row! (Now that’s something to write home about! :)) Today we have a coastal low moving up the southern coastal areas bringing some low cloud and SW winds to the southern coastal regions. The west coast also with spots of low cloud along the coast. Westerly winds out here. To the far east the IOH dominating with very strong NE winds along the coast but inland the trough very active with some amazing flying conditions with beautiful Q’s to mark the lift and climbs to 14k… Its 50kts from 10k upwards with 80kts finish at the Tropopause NW.

CT – S to SW winds all day. The inversion just at TM top height. The wind veers with height – SW up there at 5kts or so. 10-15kt on the surface. Probably a SW trend along the coast at LH and S with some strong spots again near the shore…

RB – Probably just too much west in it today but a slight chance of the southerly coming through here later on.

PV – Sweet day here with west winds 5-10kts and climbs to 4k. Better over the back. It goes SW late in the afternoon but nothing over 15kts form the looks of it.

Wilderness – Maybe a frustrating day along the coast with winds coming and going as the coastal low moves past. Nothing much over 10kts – less most of the times. There’s a NW flow of 10-15kts at 3000’ until mid-day then it will go WSW up there too. Sedgefield and Serps being the obvious choice with instability to 1000’ and a tad more later on.

Plett – SW on the wild side but SSE at Keurbooms and Uppies. Uppies indicating climbs to 2500 for most of the day – it does look much lighter than yesterday so probably a flyable day there for the most.

PE and PA with that NE trend – strong out to sea and relatively sheltered on the coast. The SW only getting to PE late afternoon and PA remaining NE.

Inland – Light surface flow and NW all the way into the little Karoo. Some high bases up to DuToits even but the wind getting strong at 20kts plus out there. The Sea breeze will move in from mid-day getting to Beaufort at evening with 20kts north of the Swartbergs.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:16 and setting at 19:41. (Day length is 14 hrs 25 min – about as long as it gets! Summer solstice was yesterday btw). A light wind day with some clouds and less sunburn! Enjoy the low tide time of early morning… ;) High tide is at 01:28, low at 07:25, high at 13:40, low tide at 20:02. Max temps for the Wilderness area another sweet, comfy 24 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(22 December 2019) 
Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! Thanks Rosie and Maurits for that excellent end of year braai! ;) Today we are having some super summer weather for a change – the IOH dominating in the east with some flexing of the SAH to the west and a slight trough inland. A general east surface flow except in the west where it is more SW. This layer will back to the north with height and form 6/8k the flow is NW again. No clouds to day, with the boundary layer around 3-4k along the coastal plains but up to 7/8k over the mountains and slightly more further inland. Some 20kts spots along the coast. It is 80knts WNW at the Tropopause.

CT – Looks like a sweet wind-shadow day with fresh S surface winds but it backs with height and drops in strength dramatically. A good low inversion to help should see SH and LH flyable all day.

RB – There could be some action in the mid to late afternoon as the southerly pushes in here… Wait till dark to get some smoother air!

PV – Typical with SW winds around 5-10kts and climbs to 4k. Late afternoon sees it going a tad more S with some spots at 15kts. It is better over the back into the Cederbergs…

Wilderness – Looks like a super morning with a light East wind steadily going SE for the day. It will increase in strength over the course of the morning touching the 15k mark around 11-12. Most of the SE facing spots will work for a while but late afternoon it will be blown out (maybe a tad earlier) but with some luck it will hold for a good while. ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness today. Keurbooms showing just over 2k climbs but with a strong SE wind 10-15kts so probably not the best day to go…

PE and PA starting light SE but finishing over 30kts ESE winds…

Inland – Sweet light surface winds during the moring with a easterly in the southern and eastern parts but going more SW in the west and then NW northwards from the Sutherland escarpment. Climbs eventually at 12k along the escarpment and progressively less to the south. Surface winds do pickup late afternoon especially in the southern parts of the little Karoo with Swartberg showing up to 20kts SE over the mountain tops… Fly early!

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:15 and setting at 19:4. (Day length is 14 hrs 25 min) Get out early for a sweet morning because at mid-day the SE wind will pick up drastically for a windy afternoon... ;) High tide is at 00:33, low at 06:31, high at 12:48, low tide at 19:16. Max temps for the Wilderness area another sweet, comfy 22 degrees C. Enjoy! :))

(21 December 2019) 
Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! Just a reminder of this evenings social bring and braai at the Yacht club at Island lake... (Thanks Rosie and Maurits) :)) The SAH dominating with a strong push from the WSW of frontal systems brushing over the WC. Today a quick passing front moving from CT reaching the GR at mid-day and then onwards up the coast into KZN by late afternoon. Some CB activity far inland in the NE but super fine conditions in the west. The west coast starting cloudy but clearing during the course of the day. The boundary layer scattered today with low climbs in a few spots pending moisture/light rain etc but going up to 5k along the western parts, less along the southern coastal regions and into the little Karoo but rising to 12k over the Sutherland escarpment regions. The wind is westerly above the inversions with a NW finish of 110kts at the Tropopause.

CT – Again some low cloud to start the day and winds SW but drying and base going to 4/5k. Winds will be around 15kts going up to 20kts south with a strong SSW component around the SH and LH regions.

RB – Still NFG today…

PV – Some low cloud to start the day but it will rise and eventually go dry by late afternoon. Looking excellent for flying but more of a SW trend today. Late afternoon sees more southerly with 15kt surface spots so be wary close to the mountains…

Wilderness – A fine start with light SSW winds and some climbs at Sedge and Serps. That coastal SW pulse pushing through just before midday by the looks of it with some light rain and low cloud. Do keep your eyes open for that. Looks like it moderates again afterwards so probably flyable for the rest of the afternoon again in most places.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness. The SW wind - up at 20kts just over 2000’. I would be very wary for that Buffs flight this moring... ;)

PE and PA with SW winds at 20kts all day…

Inland – Surface flows in the SW to West direction all the way up to Sutherland but going slightly more NW from there. Very cloudy in the south due to the frontal system moving through with low cloud, low climbs and some strong spots of SW to W winds.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:15 and setting at 19:40. Get out early for a sweet morning because at mid-day the SW is blowing through with low cloud cooler conditions and some small chance of rain. ;) Low at 05:27, high at 11:48, low tide at 18:21. Max temps for the Wilderness area a sweet, comfy 22 degrees C. Enjoy! :))

(20 December 2019) 
Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! Still that Westerly CF system movements in the SW with a sprinkling of rain around the Peninsula – this will clear during the day with rising base but perhaps still some strong NW winds around. Better looking to the north at PV and a very strong NW to W flow along the southern parts but this will curl nicely in towards the GR with some fine flying weather in those parts. The boundary layer up around the 6k level in most places near the coastal mountains with a gradual increase in height further inland. The wind goes westerly above the inversion with a 100kts NW finish at the Tropopause.

CT – Low cloud this morning which will rise but so too does the wind. Its 20kts at 2000’ so perhaps a tad strong.


PV – A awesome day here with sweet flat Q’s around 6k (will become blue later on) and 10kts West to NW winds with 5kts up high. It lowers later in the day to 5k but wind remains 10kts west.…

Wilderness – Looks like more of an easterly component today with Sedge perhaps flyable early on but then going just a tad uncomfortably strong to the east. Map might be a bit frustrating with conditions soarable but probably not top landable all day. Serps looking sweet I think and maybe some of those ocean cliffs than can handle a bit more east in the wind.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies perhaps just too much east in the wind to be lekker – perhaps up to 3k climbs here… Keurbooms also to easterly all day.

PE and PA again with S to SE winds around 15-20kts.

Inland – A light southerly to SE flow pattern in the south but in the west it is more SW to West with the Westwinds north of Sutherland. Its not a bad day to fly out there with climbs to 12k over the higher mountains and northern parts. 20kts from 10k upwards mostly from the W to NW.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:14 and setting at 19:40 (Day length 14 hours and 25 minutes – from here it looks like its down hill again towards winter ;). A sweet day expected with great beach weather all day long. A light to moderate SE wind expected but get out early to make the best of the light wind. ;) Low at 04:10, high at 10:37, low tide at 17:16, high tide at 24:24. Max temps for the Wilderness area another comfy 23 degrees C. Enjoy! :))

(19 December 2019) 
Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! The western parts being lashed with a CF that is being kept at bay by the IOH. Some rain around the SW parts including the Peninsula with strong NW winds here all day. Again partial clearing later on but the winds remaining strong. 30Kts along the Agulhas coast but a southerly and light in the GR. The far east with S to SE winds from the IOH. Far inland its all westerly winds around 20kts with the boundary layer around 12k. There’s  WSW finish at the Tropopause of 85kts.

CT – Cloudy with some showers and strong NW wind. Doubtful any flying will happen today…


PV – It looks like it could turn out looking good with base around 5/6k however the strong winds will probably ground all flying. NW at 20kts…

Wilderness – A sweet start with light SSW winds up to 10kts by the looks of it with good flying just about everywhere. Sedge and Serp will work and probably most of the cliffs with light soaring by mid-day. Later on the wind trends a bit more SSE and drops after 14:00… The strong stuff remaining to the SW of us but with the 30kts out around Stillbaai it is worth keeping an eye out to sea! ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies showing promise with climbs to 35/4k. Keurbooms remaining to easterly all day.

PE and PA with S to SE winds around 10-15kts.

Inland – Mostly strong westerly winds due to the frontal activity in the west. No rain expected and climbs to 12k from the Swartberg and northwards from there. Not the best day for flying out there…

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:14 and setting at 19:39 (Day length 14 hours and 25 minutes – from here it looks like its down hill again towards winter ;). A sweet day expected with great beach weather all day long. A light onshore push at mid-day but quieting again for the evening. Low at 02:48, high at 09:19, low tide at 15:58, high tide at 22:02. Max temps for the Wilderness area another comfy 22 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(18 December 2019) 

Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! The CF after-flow affecting all of the WC with strong westerly winds and rain in many places. Low cloud and rain along the west coast for the morning but clearing by mid-day. Rain around CT and especially along the mountains for most of the day. This will spread to the GR by mid-day and into the afternoon. Winds SW along the south coast with some strong spots with 20-30kts west of the GR slightly less around the GR and further east. 30kts everywhere at 4/5k , 50kts from 10k and 110kts WNW at the Tropopause.

CT – Pretty cloudy and rainy with strong Westerly winds. Slight clearing during the day around the Peninsula but otherwise this looks like the pattern pretty much for the whole day.


PV – Low clouds and some rain this morning. It will lift with base well over the mountain tops but so then the wind picks up. A strong Westerly day expected here. Probably too strong to fly all day…

Wilderness – Strong wind out to sea so keep your eye on any of that stuff moving in. But a good chance of some flying to be had along the ocean cliffs with the SW winds. Looks like by mid-day some rain moving in. Probably a window of flying from 10 to mid-day I think but with some luck a bit more…

Plett – The bay showing signs of some wind protection with a southerly flow towards Keurbooms but very strong SW to the west of Robberg. This will erode later on and also some rain moving in. Not the best of days for flying…

PE and PA with SW winds 15-20kts and rain later on….

Inland – Its all westerly winds with some very strong spots especially North of the Swartberg ranges with 30kts expected in places. Rain moving in from the west spreading to Sutherland, Lainsburg and perhaps Prince Albert. Not really a flying day… ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:14 and setting at 19:39 (Day length 14 hours and 25 minutes). A sweet morning again with a tad more SW wind. Get out early because by mid-day we expect some rain showers to move in from the SW. ;) Low at 01:35, high at 08:06, low tide at 14:34, high tide at 20:38. Max temps for the Wilderness area a comfy 23 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(17 December 2019) Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! The CF pushing hard into CT and the parts of the South coast while the IOH dominates in the east with strong Easterlies along the far eastern coastal regions. Inland a marked N to NW flow with some high temps around. A lot of pre-frontal conditions around. The CF is tightening up those pressure gradients so strong winds for the most part but for the GR. It doesn’t look like a good day for flying just about everywhere. 50kts from 10k upwards and 100kts NW over CT.

CT – Low clouds around with strong NW winds building all day. More low cloud moving in in the afternoon claggin in the mountain tops so be careful (for the hangies) if you fly – probably no flying today – maybe for the hangies perhaps…


PV – Looks like a blown out day with the NW winds here well over 15kts with some spots hitting 25… Climbs to 6k with strong NW winds all the way up there…

Wilderness – We are in the change area between the pushing CF and the strong Easterlies to the east. So relatively light winds expected here with a trend and change from the south to the west later on. Looks like Sedge will be very stable in the moring but as the change moves in the inversion will lift with some good lift and climbs steadily rising from ridge height to over 1000’ by 14:30/15:00. Just watch late afternoon for a strong spike of SW moving in and winds picking up to 15kts… It could make things exciting for Sedge! The coast looks too light for most of the day with a maybe ridable spike in the afternoon…

Plett – Similar to Wilderness…

PE and PA with ENE winds 30kts all day….

Inland – Initially light N to NW winds but it will pickup soon with an increase from the west. Many spots going over 20kts – hot gusty stuff so not good for flying just about anything.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:13 and setting at 19:38 (Day length 14 hours and 25 minutes). A sweet morning and most day to spend time on the beach – low tide at mid-day with a light onshore and then a possible spike coming through from the WSW later in the afternoon. ;) Low at 00:35, high at 07:04, low tide at 13:19, high tide at 19:26. Max temps for the Wilderness area a hot 28 degrees C. Enjoy! :))

(16 December 2019) 
Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! A Trough shaping up along the west coast, the IOH dominating along the southern parts while another CF is heading towards the Cape. Mostly a blue day with no clouds, the boundary layer around 4/5k along the western parts, around 3/4k on the southern coastal plains with some spots more over the back into the inland mountains – Swartberg up to 10k. Winds are generally easterly in the east but west in the west. Some storng winds later today along the southern coastal area but sheltered for the most part around the Peninsula. The winds back gently with height trending NE, then N, NW with a West finish at the Ropopause at 40kts.

CT – Instability between 3-4k and W to SW winds during the day but later when the southerly comes through the lower inversion shapes up – around 15knts. Looks like the wind-shadow should also shape up then but lets see…

RB – Maybe a late afternoon soaring session could be on the cards today…

PV – Looking sweet with W to NW winds during the start at 5kts. Climbs 4/5k mostly. Nothing too strong near the mountain but that SW pushing though again later in the day – it looks like it will not get to the mountains with vengeance as usual but remain relatively lighter there but still – keep eyes open for later in the day.

Wilderness – A light S to SE start with almost every spot working. 3k climbs expected at Serps and Sedge early on. Mid-day to early afternoon the SE looks to be picking up again with a chance of it being blown out.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness…

PE and PA with SE winds around 15kts.

Inland – Initially light NE winds but later on the SE will penetrate inland along the southern parts as far as the Swartberg ranges. – Around 15kts with a few spikes going more. Good thermals too if you can get into the air in some of the spot. A good moring for the propeller thingies.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:13 and setting at 19:37 (Day length 14 hours and 24 minutes). A sweet morning to spend time on the beach – low tide at mid-day but the wind picking up form then onwards. ;) High at 06:12, low tide at 12:17, high tide at 18:27. Max temps for the Wilderness area around 21 degrees C. Enjoy! :))

(15 December 2019) 
Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! Strong SW winds just about everywhere as the CF is pushed far into the interior today. Some good looking clouds in many places with base along the coastal plains in the 4-6k region and higher further inland. The south coast areas with over 20kts SW winds and the west coast slightly less. Further inland it is not as strong. 30kts from 10k with a SW direction holding at SW all the way to the Tropopause with a 60-90kts finish up there.

CT – SW winds with deep instability to 4/5k. Some clouds near the inversion with a slight chance of rain still around here but mos t of it will be to the eastern mountains (Hermanus etc) A late afternoon southerly push but it does seem to remian SW along LH areas. Possibly up to 15kts near the waters edge but around 10kts on the hill I think.

RB – Too much SW in it. ;)

PV – Looking excellent today with SW winds around 10kts all the way to base. Some sweet flat Q’s for most of the day but less in the afternoon and to the North. Some spots showing spikes to 15kts and possibly in the  far North around Klan and Klawer spikes to 20kts. The afternoon also sees a backing to the south so be careful then of flying close to the mountain. Strong but excellent conditions for the comp.

Wilderness – Along the whole GR today the winds are SW and very strong with a chance of some showers. Def no flying and only good for the hard-core kitesurfers too! ;) All the local sites are in the same boat.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness – strong and some chance of rain on and off…

PE and PA with SW winds 30kts plus and rain.

Inland – SW winds as far as the WC goes. Clouds confined to just north of the Swartberg ranges where it looks to be at 9k base. Excellent flying however the winds are a tad strong for the most part.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:13 and setting at 19:37 (Day length 14 hours and 24 minutes). A very windy day with passing showers so probably not the best time to go to the beach. ;) High at 05:26, low tide at 11:26, high tide at 17:37, low tide at 23:47. Max temps for the Wilderness area a warm 18 degrees C. Enjoy! :))

(14 Decemberr 2019) 
Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! The CF moving in over the entire WC with strong winds, rain and even CB activity. A strong SAH pushing in hard behind it so not the best outlook for the next two days… ;) Winds are generally around 20kts WSW steadily increasing with 50kts at 10000’. This trend is across the whole WC except for the far eastern parts where the IOH is still pushing strong NE winds down the coast to EL. Base pretty high along the southern parts at Riversdal region with 5-6k along the mountains but of course the winds are over 20kts… 110kts at the Tropopause.

CT – Looks rainy and strong Westerlies all day here…

RB – WWB is out today! ;)

PV – Good direction but the strength is another story! 10-15kts with initial cloud below the tops then as base rises the wind picks up with a 20kts afternoon. If the hangies fly be careful of cloudsuck and getting stuck close to the mountain with all tat lift and no where to run kinda situation!

Wilderness – Maybe a shot at a flight early today at the CP dunes but it will pick-up more and be too strong. Later in the day it looks like a slight slackening in the wind but then the chances of rain increases. Be careful of the more southerly direction late afternoon and trapping you against the dune!  Still some CB activities over the back mountains and later in the day rain moving in from the ocean too… All the other sites are in the same boat.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but with more WSW winds.

PE and PA with verystrong SW winds 20-30kts and rain.

Inland – Strong westerly winds out there all the way even north of Sutherland. Rain all over and CB cells along the Swartberg line (more or less) It’s all strong frontal stuff and a day for staying indoors! (except for the Kite-surfers!) ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:12 and setting at 19:36 (Day length 14 hours and 24 minutes). Cloudy and windy day… Get out early for that low tide and before the strong winds and rain hit! J High at 04:44, low tide at 10:41, high tide at 16:53, low tide at 23:03. Max temps for the Wilderness area a warm 23 degrees C. Enjoy! :))

(13 December 2019) 
Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! A well developed inland trough in combination with the IOH dominating our WC weather today. Those CB cells moving much further south today with the activities on our southern mountains ranges from Grabouw extending easterly to KZN – it gets worse to the east. The coastal regions with strong Easterlies in the east but slightly less in the GR corner and picking up again around the Agulhas regions. It curls nicely around the Peninsula for a W to SW along the west coast. Coastal fog along the west in places with a few spots along the southern coasts. The boundary layer nice and high with 5/6 inland from the coast but 2 and less close to the shore. Further north it is once again high bases with 10-12 around the Swartberg and 14 at Middleburg and Sutherland. Winds are Westerly above the inversion with a 90 kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – Some fog around which might just stop play but if it clears it looks good with SW winds along the promenade of SH and LH…

RB – It is too westerly today…

PV – Looking good here with westerly winds of 5kts going to WSW at 10 and climbs to 4/5k… Again those CB activity over the Cederbergs that could influence the local flow…

Wilderness – Much lighter today for our area but still some strong stuff out to sea with 25kts near Gerrickes point for the afternoon. Looks like some protection around the Wilderness corner with the strong stuff not quite making it here… :)) Early on the thermic sites of Sedge and Serps might offer something but it is nothing to write home about out there I think. Climbs to 2k on the cards. Watch late afternoon for CB out flow form the mountains that could influence things on the coast.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness and also those CB activities in the mountains that could move far enough south to have an effect. Even light rain on the cards…

PE and PA with Easterly winds 20-30kts and some precipitation possible …

Inland – Sweet light surface winds inland of the GR with south in the south, west in the west and east in the east. In the far north it more N to NW. ;) CB action in and around the convergence zones among other causes. Further inland high bases and exceptional soaring but for the OD/CB conditions.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:12 and setting at 19:35 (Day length 14 hours and 23 minutes). Once again a partly cloudy day ahead but with the Wilderness corner  being the spot for less wind and a cool walk or time on the beach. Choose low tide for more fun! :) High at 04:06, low tide at 10:01, high tide at 16:12, low tide at 22:23. Max temps for the Wilderness area another warm 24 degrees C. Enjoy! :))

(12 December 2019) 
Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! That IOH still dominating along the southern parts with the low and active trough lining up in an WSW to ENE direction in a ling from The Cederbergs to wards Middelburg with some active CB cells out there today. The coastal winds SE and once again pretty strong with some left over rain in the east near PE. Along the west and southern coastal parts a few low clouds but rising pretty rapidly as we move inland. The boundary layer around 4-6k near the first ranges and then up to 8 and 11k the mid areas with that Sutherland Escarpment and beyond showing base over 14k today. Good flying out there but for the OD conditions. The wind inland is fairly light on the surface and from 10k upwards goes decidedly westerly finishing with a WSW around the CT area at 70kts up by the Tropopause.

CT – Looks like a sweet day of flying with the storng SE winds confined to CP – curling around for a SW direction at LH area. Getting up to 10kts and later in the day  when the stronger SE comes through it looks like the wind-shadow kicks in with a sweet onshore flow at SH.

RB – Starting too westerly but in the afternoon it will start to back to the South enough for some flying to happen. Its just which will turn of first – the bumps or the wind! ;)

PV – Another SW day with 5kts in the moring and 10 in the afternoon. The wind goes more southerly at altitude and climbs expected to 5 perhaps 6k later on. Again those CB activity over the Cederbergs that could influence the local flow…

Wilderness – That pesky strong east wind once again sticking its nose out at us with strong wind on the cards with most places probably blown out as early as 10:30. Even the Map doesn’t look like it is escaping the strong stuff today…

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with much more SE wind so it actually doesnt look like it will be flyable there at all today – even early! ;)

PE and PA with Easterly winds 20-30kts and rain with it clearing form the west…

Inland – Once again theres a southerly flow inland with a great start to the day – light in the moring and into the first part of the afternoon. Especially Swartbegr pass looking sweet until 14:00 with winds southerly at 10kts only and climbs to 11k possible. But after 14:30/15:00 that seabreeze kicks in with 20kts on the cards so be careful… CB action further inland with high bases and exceptional soaring but for the OD conditions.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:12 and setting at 19:35 (Day length 14 hours and 23 minutes). Once again a partly cloudy day ahead but with much more wind for the Wilderness area. Get out early before high tide and that wind gets to you for a great beach day J High at 03:29, low tide at 09:23, high tide at 15:35, low tide at 21:47. Max temps for the Wilderness area a warm 24 degrees C. Enjoy! :))

(11 December 2019) 
Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! The IOH still dominating but with some slackening of wind along the southern parts especially the GR area. There are odd low cloud/fog patches for the west and the southern coastal areas. Still a chance of CB activity inland with some as far south as Willowmore but in general it also looks less active inland for those big rain cells. Winds are mostly westerly but a few southerly variations especially in the southern parts but NE in the far eastern coastal areas. The wind is SW at the Tropopause at 90kts.

CT – Some SE at CP but a SW at the LH and SH areas. It looks like this remains until the afternoon where the southerly pushes hard enough for a sweet wind-shadow to shape up. At least according to RASP! ;)

RB – Looks like a play day for the afternoon on the cards… ;)

PV – A SW start at 5kts with climbs to 5k increasing to 10kts for the afternoon. The wind goes more southerly at altitude. Some CB activity over the Cederbergs that could influence the local flow…

Wilderness – That pesky strong east wind now slackening off with a SSW flow this morning. It is West at 1000’ but slowly the SE will creep in from around mid-day especially in the east around Gerrickes point. The Map looks to remain sheltered with light SE by late afternoon (Typical compression bubble by the looks of it) Serpentine looks sweet for the morning and it could be a day to fly from there to the Map. Sedgefiled looks very promising for the moring but a chance of the wind going east by mid-day. Probably some turbulence again due to the varying wind strengths around.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but more east wind. Uppies doable early on with climbs to 3500 but later down to 2500. The SE up and down during the day from the looks of it – up to 15kts maybe else around 10kts out there…

PE and PA with Easterly winds 20-30kts all day…

Inland – Southerly flow all the way up to near Sutherland where it veers to the west. All around 10-15kts and those CB activity in places from the Cederbergs to past Willowmore.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:12 and setting at 19:34 (Day length 14 hours and 22 minutes). A partly cloudy day ahead with much less wind for the Wilderness area. Get out early before high tide for a great beach day J High at 02:55, low tide at 08:47, high tide at 14:59, low tide at 21:11. Max temps for the Wilderness area a comfy 22 degrees C. Enjoy! :))

(10 December 2019) 
Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! The IOH still dominating with a strong easterly flow pattern along the southern parts. The CB activities more active and moving further to the SW side – Cederbergs and possibly to Touwsriver area. Sweet clouds in most places but for the CB and OD conditions inland in some spots. In general the boundary layer around 2-5k near the coast up to the coastal mountains. Above this the winds backs veers quickly to the west with a 30kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – The strong SE more confined to the south at CP with a softer curling around the Peninsula today bringing SW flow at SH and LH. It looks good all day – the usual southerly later in the day pushing thought that could affect things a bit.

RB – Maybe late afternoon stuff happening here…

PV – Looking good with Westerly winds around 5kts and climbs to 5/6k possibly. It does go a tad more SW later on up to 10kts. OD over the Cederbergs with a chance of CB activity there…

Wilderness – A sweet start with a slow increasing SE wind. Fly early again because by 12 it could be blown out.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness.

PE and PA with SE winds pushing to 30kts today…

Inland – The mountains blocking that strong SE winds with light S to SE winds moving inland all the way to the Sutherland escarpment. Those CB activity all over inland with some as far south as Touwsriver – maybe even towards the Southern ranges with the upper air showing signs of midlevel instability. Not the best day to be flying…

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:12 and setting at 19:33 (Day length 14 hours and 22 minutes). A partly cloudy day ahead with strong SE winds increasing during the day. Get out early before high tide and the wind J High at 02:21, low tide at 08:11, high tide at 14:24 this morning, low tide at 20:38. Max temps for the Wilderness area a comfy 23 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(9 December 2019) 
Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! The SAH propagating to the east taking over the IOH position with a ridge along the southern parts of the country. An active trough in the centre with CB activity I a line east west around the Sutherland escarpment. SE along the coast and another strong wind day. The boundary layer ranging from very stable in the coastal air to 4/6k along the first mountain ranges. Some clouds around in the morning but most will burn off during the day. Futher inland some good Q’s development but of course those OD and CB conditions in the far north. Winds in general SE to E but west to SW along the west coast and then NW north of Sutherland region. Some 25kts posts form mid-day onwards. From 12k it is all west winds and a NW 50kts at the Tropopause in the WC area except for the SW corner where its S 15kts over the CT area for a change!

CT – Once again the day will finish with very strong SE to S winds but initially mostly around CP area. It does look like the wind-shadow will be active for the morning but then the wind picks up quite a bit and might erode all of that away. One of the forecasts shows the inversion will lower to around 1500’ which could be favourable for the wind-shadow to remain – the wind however is reasonably storng all the way up to just over the mountain top height. Fingers crossed! (BTW I see RASP is out of action for a few days now…?)

RB – Looks like another good day I think with the wind coming through around mid-day. Perhaps strong finish at the end of the day?

PV – Looks amazing there today with westerly winds around 5-10kts initially and climbs to perhaps 7k. (Much more into the Cederbergs) The wind does pick-up to over 15kts in the afternoon so be careful of hanging out for too long…

Wilderness – Looks like a short window at Map for the morning with a good chance of it being blown out as early as 10. Maybe you could get lucky early at those coastal cliff sites too.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies showing climbs to just over 2k… but of course the wind not in our favour.

PE and PA with SE winds pushing over 20…

Inland – SE to east flow with a quick veering to the W and NW around the Sutherlnad escarpment area. Loads of CB activity out there today. Climbs over the Swartberg up to 9k with a light start of less than 5kts but at mid-day the winds quickly gather momentum to SSE at 15-20kts! Once again not the best day for being in the sky out there!

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:11 and setting at 19:32 (Day length 14 hours and 21 minutes). A sunny day but once again the winds very strong so do get out early before high tide and the wind J High at 01:46, low tide at 07:35, high tide at 13:49 this morning, low tide at 20:05, high at 23:26. Max temps for the Wilderness area a comfy 22 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(8 December 2019) 
Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! The SAH dominating with a tightening of the isobars along the southern and SW parts of the coast. Stronger SE winds on the cards today with a chance of some rain along the southern parts and also strong CB activity inland along the escarpment around the De Aar Middelburg line. Very strong SE winds around CT today. Lower cloud bases all over with 1500/2000’ range but at mid-day up to 4k along the back ranges. It does dry considerably north of the mountains with higher base and less clouds until we hit the CB activity on the convergence line between the inland trough and the IOH push. Winds quite strong with over 20kts in many spots inland and along the coast. It is SE but west from 10k upwards with a NW finish of 80-100kts at the Tropopause.

CT – Very strong SE up to 30kts with no real inversion – base at 3-4k. It does not look like a strong wind-shadow will form today…

RB – Looks like a good day – get out early before the bumps start! ;)

PV – Very southerly in the wind direction today with a SW start but it backs to south near the mountain tops so be careful of flying close to that hill! It goes south later in the day at 15kts. Expecting climbs to 5k…

Wilderness – Cloudy start with a few spots of rain and SE winds. The direction is still very southerly so most of those ocean cliffs could work this morning. Map will offer something during the morning but I expect it to get blown out before lunch probably.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with a chance of rain and those winds in the 15kts region and more at times. Uppies showing 1okts this morning with base at 2500 – it might go a tad higher… Probably OD conditions.

PE and PA with SE winds pushing to 25kts later in the day…

Inland – SE flow all the way to past Sutherland where it veers to finish WNW. CB activity in a line from De Aar to the east intensifying. Strong winds with over 25kts at times. Not the best day for being in the sky out there!

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:11 and setting at 19:32 (Day length 14 hours and 20 minutes). A cloudy day ahead with strong SE winds increasing during the day – later a better chance of rain. Get out early before high tide and the wind J High at 01:09, low tide at 06:57, high tide at 13:14 this morning, low tide at 19:31, high at 23:26. Max temps for the Wilderness area a comfy 20 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(7 December 2019) 
Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! The SAH dominating our weather with a SSE flow onto the entire WC areas. There’s a heat low in the central parts again with the classic fantastical soaring weather SA is known for. (Any of you notice those sweet looking Q’s inland from the GR yesterday!?) The GR areas with some Q’s around the 3500’ level with good thermic conditions, it rises slightly near the mountains and behind going up to 5/6k. There’s a chance of some CB activity inland in the east (Middelburg area) for the afternoon. The winds are all SSE but then Westerly further north from the Sutherland Escarpment. Surface winds picking up inland to over 20kts in places but fairly light with height with 5-10kts around 5k but from 10k it is all westerly with a 60kts WNW finish at the Tropopause.

CT – The SE surface winds are around with over 20kts on the cards but a strong inversion present with lighter winds above setting the stage for the wind-shadow to hang in place. Looking promising all day long.

RB – Looks like a fun (bumpy!) day here today…

PV – Aaahh.. sweet PV – wth 5kts WSW winds and climbs to around 5k on the cards. It will go more SSW later in the day with 10kts or just over at times.

Wilderness – A sweet day ahead of us with just about every spot working at some stage today. There’s a very slight chance of some precipitation but getting less as the day progresses. I think for the XC guys Sedge should be a great springboard to head towards Wilderness today with base over 3500’ – getting away from as early as 10 this morning. The wind looks like it will be holding SSE until just after lunchtime before it could get a bit strong and cross. Gerrickes a big day expected here… Buffs too… All the spots along the Wilderness ocean cliffs – even PR. Serps looking excellent for a sweet XC to Map and then Map also on but perhaps not as strong as expected here today.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with that a sweet SSE winds and 3500 climbs at Uppies. A slightly increased chance here for light rain else, it seems to be good for most of the day though the wind does pick up a tad later on.

PE and PA with light SSE winds all day… Less than 10kts by the looks of things.

Inland – Again a sweet day with initially light SSE winds, picking up at mid-day with 20kts plus at times in a few spots. CB’s at the Middelburg and east form there. Westerly winds north of Sutherland. Still a few excellent looking Q’s shaping up into the little Karoo later in the day. Some over 15k!

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:11 and setting at 19:31 (Day length 14 hours and 20 minutes). A partly cloudy day ahead with light breeze from the SSE. Late afternoon would be good for the beach with the low tide. J High at 00:25, low tide at 06:13, high tide at 12:34 this morning, low tide at 18:55, high at 23:26. Max temps for the Wilderness area a comfy 22 degrees C. Enjoy! :))

(6 December 2019) 
Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! Some weak systems around but for the inland trough which is producing some superb conditions inland – just North of the Swartberg ranges – 14500’ Bases with sweet westerly winds 10-15kts. Late afternoon sees the Sea-breeze roaring through at 25kts from the SSW though… For the coastal areas the SAH active in the west with a SW flow and the IOH in the east with a NE flow. The GR area having a coastal low to the south with a light SW flow pattern for the day. In general the boundary layer around the coastal areas low at 1000’ with weak climbs but near the mountains it perks up to 4/5k. At 5k the wind is SW at 15kts and West at the Tropopause at 40kts.

CT – A sunny clear start with light NW winds which will back to the SW after mid-day. Some local surface acceleration at SH and LH along the coast but as the South pushes the wind-shadow should shape up for a sweet finish to the day. Light winds higher up with the inversion around 1.5/2k.

RB – Mostly the wrong direction but a small chance of the southerly coming through later in the day…

PV – A sweet day I think with Westerly winds and a SW later in the day. Climbs to 4/5k on the cards. Nothing too strong with perhaps just above 10kts in a few spots.

Wilderness – The coastal low helping and blocking at the same time. Light winds during the morning but it does look like a sweet sea-breeze spike around mid-day for some switched on flying at Sedgefield. The temp profile indicating light lift so with the convergence it might just be very sweet at Sedge and Serps… Winds are SW with a more westerly trend later in the dday. Perhaps just over 10kts by the looks of things. The coast looks light and frustrating today…

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but Uppies showing climbs to 3500’.

PE with SW winds up to 15kts or so and PA with strong NE winds at 20kts. Early evening the SW will reach PA also.

Inland – SW winds in the southern parts but Westerly further inland. Amazing looking sky on the cards with Q’s over 14k and epic flying conditions out there. All this action will help squeeze in  a strong seabreeze mid afternoon and later – 25kts in many spots of SSW winds.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:11 and setting at 19:30 (Day length 14 hours and 19 minutes). A sweet warm day with some SE wind on the cards. Early is better for a day at the beach. J Low tide at 05:18, high tide at 11:47, low tide at 18:14. Max temps for the Wilderness area a warm 26 degrees C. Enjoy! :))

(5 December 2019) 
Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! After a sweet day at Map yesterday today is so very different. The IOH dominating with NE winds shaping up East along the southern coastal area and Northerly inland. The west coast dictated by the trough line running north/south along the western side of the WC. Much more subsidence with more stable conditions along the southern coastal regions. The boundary layer around 2-3k AGL along the southern ranges (less near the coast) rising to 10k with the northerly flow behind the coastal mountain ranges. No clouds by the looks of it with the Northerly flow hanging around all the way up to 15k where it goes more NW. NW 90kts over Graafies but 20kts over CT at the Tropopause.

CT – a light wind start but going more SSW surface winds at mid-day picking up to 20kts later. But the wind goes more NW from 1k upwards which can change things a lot. Tricky day to call but it does seem like no wind-shadow but enough NW in the flow to allow flying to happen for the most part of the day.

RB – Looks like too much west in it for the moring but the Southerly coming through here later in the afternoon.

PV – A NE start but at some time during the day it does seem to come up the slope with a SSW finish at the end of the day… ;) If you do get off climbs to 6k possible by the looks of it.

Wilderness – The coastal inland sites very stable today with poor climbs to 1000’ perhaps. On the platau near the mountains it might go to 2k AGL. Winds are easterly with a tad of SE in it from around 10/11. There’s a storng NE flow to the east of us so maybe some of that might spill up to the Wilderness coastline for a more onshore flow. Some spots at 20kts so some waves of that possible at Map though I think it would probably be one of those on off days - either way a tricky day.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with that eatsrly flow – some storng stuff out here with more than 20kts on the cards. Further to the east it is up to 30kts…. Uppies with climbs to 1k above but those pesky easterly flow probably not the best for here…

PE and PA with very storng E to NE winds… 30kts plus at times..

Inland – It is all Northerly winds – nothing strong with less than 10kts in most places. DuToits looks very good for today if there are those who want to do a road trip out there… Climbs over the Swartberg around 8k. 12k at the Sutherland Escarpment with NW winds.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:11 and setting at 19:29 (Day length 14 hours and 18 minutes). A sweet warm day with some SE wind on the cards. Early is better for a day at the beach. J Low tide at 04:05, high tide at 10:44 this morning, low tide at 17:21, high at 23:26. Max temps for the Wilderness area a warm 24 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(4 December 2019) 
Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! The SAH ridging in along the southern coastal regions sweeping in with an easterly component along the whole WC today. Windy along the SW corner from Agulhas to CP with the summery SE winds. Slightly more moderated further east. Some good looking Q’s in the eastern parts of the GR. Base around 3500/4500. For the remainder the boundary layer at 5/6k along most of the west coast but looks like PV near to 7/8k with the east winds out there. It remains easterly all the way to above 10k where it veers to the SW but further inland the wind is NW at the Tropopause at 110kts. (Ct is SW at 30kts).

CT – Strong SE winds all day with little prospect of the wind-shadow shaping up. It is 20kts all the way to 4/5k backing o the east up there.

RB – I is looking good for the easterly side of the hill I think…

PV – Too much east in I but well worth a visit to Picketberg today. Some mega climbs possible here I think with a chance to hit that 8k mark…

Wilderness – A light SE start with some cloud around. The cloud will burn away as the wind picks up. Probably every spot will be flyable this morning at some stage from Buffs to Gerrickes PR and CP with the Map also putting in a good innings. Looks like it will be blown out in the mid to late afternoon. Very thermic with some excellent soaring for the XC boys – start early before the wind gets too strong but there should be some good Q’s, especially to the east with moderate SSE winds to carry you along for some distance.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies being the XC bet – climbs to 4500 with Q’s around to help show the way. Its about time someone gets to the Wilderness area from there!

PE and PA with a more southerly direction and just into the lower teens in knots. Not a bad day out here either…

Inland – The east wind up to 20kts in places all the way inland to past DeAar region. Climbs to the south of this in the 8-10k range and Q’s further south near the Swartberg ranges. Nothing too exciting! Freezing level back up at 13k..

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:11 and setting at 19:28 (Day length 14 hours and 17 minutes). A slightly warmer day with a SE wind on the cards. Get out early before the wind gets too strong for a day at the beach. J Low tide at 02:40, high tide at 09:27 this morning, low tide at 16:07, high at 22:03. Max temps for the Wilderness area a cool 18 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(3 December 2019) 
Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! Yesterday a up and down day for the GR pilots – some into the sweet stuff and others getting the more rowdy stuff! Today the CF is here with strong support from the SAH pushing in those cool SW winds onto the entire WC. Some very strong convergence and CB activity in the extreme inland NW parts with loads of rain (hopefully some relief to the draught stricken areas!) Closer to home the winds are mostly in the 20kts region so a tough task master for flying. The boundary layer around the 2-3k close to the coast but 4-5k along the mountains and a tad more further inland. Winds go westerly from 7k up and finishes with a 115kts NW at the Tropopause.

CT – A windy and deep SE wind today with little prospect of a usable wind-shadow to form. 30kts at times.

RB – Good early morning action here but I expect it to get too strong by late morning already.

PV – Too much east in the wind form the looks of things so it might be worth a look at Pickertberg though the strength might be risky…

Wilderness – A strong start with 20kts SW winds small chance of some rain in the morning. My sources show not much relenting in the wind strength but for a short period late-late in the day from after 16:00/17:00… Else it seems to be on that 15kts borderline most of the time. Stronger stuff further out to probably not much flying today. PS: Don’t even think about Sedge or Serps! ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with slight chance of Keurbbooms offering something after 17:00… Uppies hhhhmmmm… Say no more!

PE and PA with strong SW winds all day of 30kts at times.

Inland – The Southerlies pushing up far inland to way past Sutherland all the way into Namibia. Very unstable with strong lift and climbs to around 10k out there. The Q’s seem to stop near the Swartberg ranges but that strong frontal convergence line in the far NW with loads of rain and C activity... Freezing level down to 10000’.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:11 and setting at 19:27 (Day length 14 hours and 16 minutes). A windy winters morning with a chance of some showers and strong SW winds almost all day long. Expect very late in the afternoon a slight drop in the winds with a sunset walk on the beach a winner! ;) Low tide at 01:30, high tide at 08:13 this morning, low tide at 14:37, high at 20:33. Max temps for the Wilderness area around 16 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(2 December 2019) 
Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! A sweet day at Map yesterday with everyone having a ball – including David on his U2 who enjoyed a solitary flight landing after 5 only after a few runs to Vicbay and back. Today there’s a CF push from the West with change underfoot. The IOH still dominating in the east with storng NE winds along the coast but to the west a WSW strong pulse moving up the southern coastal regions reaching Wilderness area from around 14:00 to 16:00. Winds are generally Westerly and fairly breezy but a lighter Southerly push along the GR early on. There’s more stable conditions near the coast today with climbs around 1k but rising quickly further inland. The boundary layer at 3-4k AGL up to the first ranges but more beyond those. It is 100kts NW at the Tropopause.

CT – Breezy Westerlies all day. Instability to around 3/4k. Should be a good day if it doesn’t get a tad strong later on.


PV – Looking sweet with a WNW start at 5kts gently veering to the WSW later in the day. Might even be some thin Q’s at 5k near mid-day. A nice day to fly to Saron and then back as far as you can! ;)

Wilderness – A seemingly stable start as things build for that Westerly pulse to move in. Probably frustrating flying before with the coast being too light. Sedge the best bet – initially a sweet S to SW wind but later going more west and becoming a bit strong. Keep an eye out for that building wind from the West. Looks like it will be a tad too westerly when it arrives…

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with the westerly kicking in around 14:00. Keurbooms perhaps offering something just before it gets too west and strong…

PE and PA with strong NE winds of 20kts plus but then late afternoon sees a drop as the wind changes near PE preparing for the SW switch around 18:00.

Inland – Strong NW winds in most places with 30kts around Colesberg. Backing more SW in the south. Winds will build into the afternoon as the front approaches. A chance of CB activity along the centre from the active trough line all the way to Graafies late afternoon. Big skies to the North with base at 14k and even some 12k Q’s around the Swartberg ranges earlier on. Freezing level up to 13500’.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:11 and setting at 19:27 (Day length 14 hours and 15 minutes). A perfect morning with light wind but late afternoon sees a strong spike in the wind from the WSW but that midday low tide walk on the beach still great). Low tide at 00:39, high tide at 07:14 this morning, low tide at 13:22, high at 19:25. Max temps for the Wilderness area around 22 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(1 December 2019) Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! The IOH shaping up for today and a trough down the eastern centre of the country. Still the unstable left-overs form the passing CF over the entire WC so some good flying to be had if you are on it. ;) A General SE trend along the southern coastal areas up to the inversion – it gets lighter with height and then veers to the W. The boundary layer pretty high in most places with 6k along the southern ranges and more further inland. Some good Q’s around the southern areas but blue along the west coast. The wind is West at the Tropopause at 70kts.

CT – All the signs are there for a wind-shadow day with the SE winds around. Inversion around 1500/2k and less winds above that. Picking up to 15-20ks in the late afternoon with some spots along the west coast peaking at 30kts.

RB – Could be a nice day out here. Very unstable and possibly a time to go somewhere?

PV – Another sweet day with a W start at 5kts and climbs to 6k on the cards. Later I goes more SW with 15kts peaks at times.

Wilderness – A strong SE day on the cards with chances that it will be blown out everywhere by midday. So get going to all those cool SE spots - Buffs, Gerrickes, CP early if you can. Sedge showing up 4k earl on but by 10/11 I could be too strong easterly here…

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with a bit more in the SE strength department. Uppies showing climbs to 4k but 15kts on the surface…

PE and PA with 20kts plus SE winds all day!

Inland – A SE to Southerly flow in the south that penetrates all the way to the Sutherland Escarpment where it does an abrupt turn to the west. Around 10-15kts most places but very strong NW I the far NW areas – high bases here too but a slight chance of some CB activity in that southern trough areas… Freezing level down to 12.5k over the Swartberg ranges…

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:12 and setting at 19:26 (Day length 14 hours and 14 minutes). A perfect partly cloudy morning with the wind starting to pick-up mid-day with a breezy SE finish in the afternoon. (Mid-day low tide still great for walks on the beach). High tide at 06:26 this morning, low tide at 12:27, high at 18:35. Max temps for the Wilderness area around 21 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(30 November 2019) 
Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! The CF spread all over the WC this morning with some partly cloudy conditions and a few spots of rain around mainly along the coastal regions (both up on the west and southern coastal stretches.) The air is cool sweet and very unstable with some good flying all over. The boundary layer around 3-6k AGL with some good looking Q’s, especially around the southern parts and into the little Karoo. Wind is SW in general remaining SW and from 6k AGL it veers to the NW from 10k up with a 100kts finish at the Tropopause!

CT – Looks like deep instability up to 6k here with SW winds around 10kts. A slight increase in the late afternoon to 15kts SSW with lowering of the cloud to 4k. It could be a record kind of day to fly from Bains to past Klawer and beyond…

RB – Wrong direction here all day…

PV – A very sweet day with a WSW start at 5-10kts and perhaps some Q’s at 5k in the morning. This should dissipate later on with climbs up to 6k and a slight more southerly in the wind SSW at 10-15kts.

Wilderness – Looks like another good day of flying here provided the rain stays away. Even if there is a bit of rain once it clears the flying should be really good. A lower base but still some good thermals around. Winds are expected to be SW with a short spell of strong winds around midday (15kts or so) but then later on a sweet calming with great flying along all the coastal cliffs and even Sedge might be doable though it could be a tad strong here still…

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with a bit more in the SW strength department. Uppies showing climbs to 3.5k but 15kts SW out there… Perhaps a tad too much west in it for Keurbooms to be sweet…

PE and PA with those 20kts plus SW winds all day!

Inland – A SW flow which will trend more westerly further North. Strength around mid-teens in knots but over 25kts NW around the Middelburg area (along the front edge it seems.) Still some super awesome stuff to the far North with climbs over 15k. A chance of some CB activity along this NW/SE line. Freezing level down to 13k in the southern areas…

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:12 and setting at 19:25 (Day length 14 hours and 13 minutes). Breezy until after lunch but late afternoon sees a drop in the wind. The SW winds bringing some showers this morning. Partly cloudy all day. (Mid-day low tide is great for walks on the beach). High tide at 05:44 this morning, low tide at 11:42, high at 17:53 and low at 23:58. Max temps for the Wilderness area around 20 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(29 november 2019) 
Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! The CF approaching CT with the promise of some light rain on the southern parts by the weekend – else not having too much effect on our weather at this stage. But a change in wind direction with W to SW winds on the west and southern coastal regions. A few spots of low cloud along the western parts which mostly should dissipate during the day. The boundary layer between 2k near the coast to 4k AGL near the first mountain range – progressively getting higher further inland. The strong inland heat lows starting to weaken in the SW parts but it’s still very active in the further NW regions. Some CB activity around GR at midday. Base is still really high out there with spat at 16 and even 18k to the NW. Winds are stronger with 30-40kts from 6k upwards and a 100kts NW finish over CT at the Tropopause.

CT – If the coastal fog.low cloud dissipates it should be affine day for flying around S and LH. Winds look to be generally westerly all day long with up to 15ks in places.

RB – Wrong direction here all day…

PV – A very sweet day with westerly winds ll day around 5-10kts. Late afternoon sees a tad more SW with possibly the odd spot at 15kts. Climbs later in the day close to 6k…

Wilderness – A breezy morning with a SW start with all the ocean cliffs soarable. From around mid-day it will drop and become much lighter (10kts and less) with light scratchy coastal stuff on the cards. Sedgefield should get doable in the late afternoon with climbs indicate to 1800’.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with a longer lingering SW winds. Keurbooms looking very sweet from after 14:00 onwards. Uppies remaining breezy SW with around 15kts and climbs to 3k.

PE and PA with those 25kts plus SW winds all day!

Inland – Much stronger winds around with NW northwards of the Sutherland escarpment and southerly to the south from there. Some spots going over 30kts especially on the Sutherland escarpment. Big skies out there but it seems to be a bit of a strong day for PG and HG. Graaf-Reinet showing some CB activity at mid-day. Freezing level down a bit from the looks of it to 14/15k in most places today…

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:12 and setting at 19:24 (Day length 14 hours and 12 minutes). Breezy in the morning but slightly less in the afternoon – from the SW – with partly cloudy conditions all day long. (Mid-day low is great for walks on the beach). High tide at 06:26 this morning, low tide at 12:27, high at 18:35. Max temps for the Wilderness area around 22 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(28 Novemeber 2019) 
Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! The SAH nowhere today with a CF approaching CT with a serious deep inland trough (very active heat low) with the IOH pushing in some low level easterlies along the southern coastal areas. All the action should be deep inland with over 40degrees C in places and extremely high cloud bases – over 18k! Some record flights possible today out there… Closer to home the coastal regions are still under the cooler ocean air with a shallow layer for us to play in – mostly climbs to 1000’ or so before we enter the very strong inversion with hot westerly winds above. Some lift along the mountains with a few post pocking their heads above the inversion with climbs going higher. Winds are SE along the southern parts and SW along the west coast. Above that from about 2000’ it is westerly to NW all the way to the Tropopause with a 40kts finish up there.

CT – A good day ahead with west to SW winds until late afternoon when a shallow southerly comes through, It looks like it should remain SW along the SH and LH shore front. The inversion rising to about 2k here…

RB – Looks too west to me until late afternoon when it could get flyable…

PV – A sweet day from the looks of it with a W start and a SW finish rangin from 5kts early on and 10kts with a few spots perhaps a bit stronger later in the day. Climbs to 4k expected.

Wilderness – A breezy east at the moment but this should moderate a bit with a SE trend along the coast. It will get sweetly flyable at Map and all the other spots that can handle a SE – Buff and Gerrickes and even the CP. Small chance of it getting blown out later but I doubt it. At 2000’ the wind goes SW and West around 10kts.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with that somewhat more breezy SE and the strong inversion at 1800’ or so.

PE and PA with even stronger easterlies up to 30kts!

Inland – Those super adiabatic conditions starting from the Swartberg/Willowmore region already and improving as you move northwards. Strong climbs expected of more than 1000’/min and a few spots with cloud over 18k. Surface wins are NW reaching over 20kts in places, remaining NW all the way up around 20kts. Freezing level still up at 15/16k in most places today…

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:12 and setting at 19:23 (Day length 14 hours and 11 minutes). Once again looks like a sunny day with more SE coastal winds increasing as day goes on. High tide at 03:26 this morning, low tide at 10:23, high at 16:36, low at 22:45. Max temps for the Wilderness area around 24 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(27 November 2019) Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! The SAH still dominating in combination with an inland wide spread trough. The SAH weakening as a strong CF is pushing up from the SW. Some excellent flying far inland along the Sutherland escarpment and eastwards (base here at 14k) The boundary layer getting less and lower the further south we move closer to the SAH maritime influence. Surface winds in general southerly with a few variations to the SW and SE here and there. The wind goes West above 5k and then finishes with a 45kt SW at the Tropopause.

CT – A typical summers day with a strong surface SE wind and a strong inversion at less than 1000’. Winds are lighter above the inversion so a good wind-shadow day on the cards.

RB – Seems like you could go play here from early already…

PV – A poor day here with low inversion and very southerly winds… All day.

Wilderness – The south coast areas are looking better than yesterday’s stability with a shallow unstable layer along the coastline - some low level stratocu's around this moring. Once again Sedgefield the best bet with climbs initially to 1500’ and then a bit less later on. Winds along the coast starting off with a light SW and then at mid-day going more southerly. Light again along the coast with the ocean cliffs teasingly up and down.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with climbs to 3k and then 2.5k on the cards.

PE and PA with again 10kts SW winds.

Inland – Light winds again in the morning and good flying for propeller thingies but then it will get thermic and good for non-propeller thingies. Southerly in the south but veering to the SW and then W further north we go. By late afternoon it will be south all the way up to the Sutherland escarpment. Climbs over the bigger mountains to 6/7k but more at the Sutherland escarpment with 14k on the cards here. Freezing level up at 15/16k in most places today…

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:12 and setting at 19:22 (Day length 14 hours and 10 minutes). Once again looks like a sunny day with very light coastal winds all day long. High tide at 03:47 this morning, low tide at 9:45, high at 15:58, low at 22:10. Max temps for the Wilderness area around 22 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(27 November 2019) Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! The SAH and IOH domainting either side of the country – a bit of a col area in-between inland with lighter westerlies on the cards. Some more subsidence along the coast with more inverted conditions – climbs not as high or good as the previous days. Looks like a blue day – no clouds expected. Winds in general are Southerly along the southern and western areas but it goes more WSW inland. Still good flying far inland with 12/13k climbs but much more tempered along the coast. It is 20-30kts West at the Tropopause.

CT – Looks like the inversion is back around 1-1.5k. Winds are light at 5-10kts but probably that usual shore line SW acceleration present. Could get to 20kts just offshore…

RB – Seems like you could go play here late afternoon…

PV – 5kts WSW but trending to the SW at 10kts later in the day. 4/5k climbs.

Wilderness – Looks like a light southerly today. More stable along the coastal inland sites with Sedge showing perhaps 1500’ at the best time but otherwise less than 1000’. Sedge probably the best bet with a southerly here for most of the day. Map offering some foefies perhaps and the coastal cliffs teasingly on abd off for those willing to hang around and wait.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Keurbooms looking up at mid-day with 2k climbs on the cards.

PE and PA with 10kts S to SW winds.

Inland – Light winds in the morning and good flying for propeller thingies. Winds are all SW with some spots going to just above 10kts. Climbs over the bigger mountains to 6/7k but more at the Sutherland escarpment with 12/13k on the cards here. Freezing level up at 15k in most places today…

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:13 and setting at 19:21 (Day length 14 hours and 8 minutes). Looks like a sunny day with very light coastal winds all day long. High tide at 03:08 this morning, low tide at 9:06, high at 15:19, low at 21:33. Max temps for the Wilderness area around 22 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(26 November 2019) Good morning
you awesome Wild2Fly people! The SAH still dominating with a ridge extending to the east over the WC. Loads of high level cirrus clouds around today with some thermal dampening. Its still unstable with the boundary layer between 3-4k AGL along the coastal plains, 1-2k near the coast and 4-6k AGL further inland. Some fog patches along the west coast this morning. Winds in general westerly around 10-15kts with some southerly variations in places. It increases fairly uniformly to 10k with 30kts up there and finishes with 50kts at the Tropopause.

CT – If the low-cloud dissipate it should be a fine day with WSW winds around 10-15kts at times. There’s some low cloud to the south that mght move in a bit later at 2500’ or so.

RB – Another too much west day…

PV – Looking sweet with a 5kts WSW start and climbs to 4/5k from 11 onwards with a 10kts SW finish to the day. The Cederbergs higher again with up to 8k.

Wilderness – A slightly more tricky day with strong SW winds out to sea but it does not make it to shore (apparently). Its strong just above us with a westerly trend. The coastline being a bit frustrating during the day with odd times of switching on and off from the looks of things. Initialy southerly but then more SW laterr and even WSW late afternoon. Sedge stable in the morning but then it looks like it will switch on again with a bang. Strong stuff there – doable for the hard-core guys I think. Climbs to 1500’ at 13:00. But maybe this prediction is all wrong! ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Keurbooms looking up at mid-day. It is inbetween the light wind over the bay and the strong stuff to the west. Uppies showing big climbs to 4k but the wind seems to be breezy with 15kts…

PE and PA with waves of very strong SW of 25kts plus at times.

Inland – A fine start with light winds and good flying for propeller thingies. Winds are all westerly with a slight SW component in places. Climbs over thebigger mountains to 8k but more at the Sutherland escarpment with some good clouds in that area – about 13k ASL. Freezing level between 12500ft and 14k further North.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:13 and setting at 19:20 (Day length 14 hours and 7 minutes). Looks like a partly cloudy day – high cirrus – with light coastal winds all day long. High tide at 02:27 this morning, low tide at 8:25 this morning, high at 14:39, low at 20:55. Max temps for the Wilderness area around 21 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(25 November 2019) Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! The SAH still dominating with a sweet push of the unstable air behind the passing CF. Winds are general W to SW everywhere with the boundary layer between 3-4k AGL along the coastal plains but rising sweetly in the second mountain ranges with climbs to 7/8k on the cards. Most of the southern areas with sweet Q’s by mid-day. A few spots with some OD conditions possible. Winds go NW at the Sutherland escarpment with climbs to 13/14k out there. Winds are W at the Tropopause at 80kts.

CT – Looks like a great day out here with W trend all day and base initially around TM top height. Strength perhaps in the mid-teens.

RB – Too much west in it today…

PV – Another good day on the cards here with initial WSW winds going SW up to 10kts in the late afternoon. Climbs to around 5k but more over the back into the Cederbergs.

Wilderness – Looks like a repeat of yesterday – sweet flying just about everywhere. 2.5k climbs at Sedge with 3.5 over the back. Ocean coastal cliffs possibly doable but Sedge the sure bet.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness and again Keurbooms looking good at mid-day. Uppies with climbs to around 3.5k today. Mostly around 10kts but touching 15 at times.

PE and PA with around 20 knots of SW winds.

Inland – Again those S to SW winds which will veer to the W and then NW at Sutherland Escarpment. Another sweet day of flying out there with some strong climbs and good gains. The Swartberg showing up to 10k climbs with some Q’s. Freezing level at 12500ft.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:13 and setting at 19:19 (Day length 14 hours and 6 minutes). Looks like a partly cloudy day with light coastal winds all day long. High tide at 01:44 this morning, low tide at 7:42 this morning, high at 13:56, low at 20:15. Max temps for the Wilderness area around 20 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(23 November 2019) Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! Another epic day of flying on the GR with Map offering everyone some sweet soaring – including the hang-gliders. It was such a special feeling to be up there alone in the paraglider surrounded by no less than 5 hang gliders at one time. :)) Today A CF right on CT doorstep with NW winds and some low cloud starting to push through. Not much rain expected from this one as it is fairly weak and shallow. ASW flow pattern along the southern coastal regions and NW along the west coast. Still some sweet instability around with the boundary layer at the 3-4k AGL level in most coastal regions. Further inland it gets better with the Cederbergs and Swartberg showing 7-9k climbs. Some CB activity midday in the far inland eastern parts. Winds are generally light at 10kts but CT nearer to 20. It remains westerly with height increasing to 90kts at the Tropopause.

CT – Some cloud around with the pushing CF and winds around 15kt but 20 at TM top so it might get a tad strong. The cloud will thicken and base lower into the mid to late afternoon with a chance of some light precipitation. Probably a hangie day but try to fly early.

RB – Too much west in it today…

PV – An amazing day on the cards for PV with climbs up to 6k and some cloud moving in with base at 5 later in the afternoon. Winds ae westerly 5kts but later a tad more SW 10-15ks in spots.

Wilderness – A SW start with the coastal cliffs maybe doable if it is strong enough. Otherwise it is a Sedge day with around 10kts all day long SW and a slight south in it later in the day. Looks like some Q’s around with climbs around 2k possible for most part. Could be fun going XC but base looks a tad low near the coast. ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies showing climbs to around 3.5k today. Keurbooms showing a window just after midday of epic conditions I think – starting strong but moderating to sweetness soon…

PE and PA with mid-teens in knots of SW winds. Light rain possible further east along the coast.

Inland – Southerly winds with a gradual veering to the west the further north we go. It looks like a sweet day of flying out there with some strong climbs and good gains. Sutherland to Middelburg escarpment showing 13k with a few Q’s. Freezing level at 13k.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:14 and setting at 19:18 (Day length 14 hours and 5 minutes). Looks like a partly cloudy day with light coastal winds all day long. High tide at 00:55 this morning, low tide at 6:54 this morning, high at 13:10, low at 19:32. Max temps for the Wilderness area around 20 degrees C. Enjoy! :))

(22 Novemeber 2019) 
Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! What an epic day yesterday with sweet flying along the GR. But the day belongs to Patrice who flew an amazing 316km from Sutherland’s Ouberg Pass to just west of Richmond. Its a new site record - Welldone Patrice! :)) Today slightly less of a SAH push but a weak ridge along the southern coastal areas ushering in the light SSE winds. There’s also a CF approaching CT from the west. Less instability around on the coast but along the first ranges its still pretty good with climbs to 5k expected. Similar along the west coast areas with a SW flow up there. Further inland the good stuff that Patrice flew in still hanging around along the Sutherland escarpment with base at 14k and WNW winds of 20kts. Closer to home along the coastal areas the wind goes NW above the inversion and gradually picks up all the way to the Tropopause for a WNW finish at 80kts.

CT – There’s a conflicting forecast with one saying West winds and it looking pretty good and the other having more SSW in it with those strong SW flow along the shorefront. To me looks like a sweet day of flying. Inversion around 2k. Later more of a Southerly moving in but it is light and probably wont push onto SH…

RB – Too much west in it today…

PV – A sweet start with westerly winds around 5kts and climbs to 4k. Later it will go more SW with 15kts peaks.

Wilderness – A SSE wind direction with over 15kts at the end of the day near Gerrickes point. Probably less in the Wilderness corner but a late afternoon good finish on the cards. Sedge showing some climbs to 1200’ late morning which should last into the early afternoon pending on when the east starts too over power conditions. Most of the ocean cliffs will work at some point today and keep a good look at Gerrickes point for a benchup from the car Park. Will be epic up there today.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies showing climbs to around 3k today.

PE and PA SE winds up to mid teens.

Inland – Light winds this morning with a east trend in the east and west in the west. Further north it is NW (the big air stuff!) Some climbs along the Swartberg to 8k on the cards. Blue day with no clouds except in the far north. Freezing level at 14k.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:14 and setting at 19:16 (Day length 17 hours and 3 minutes). Looks like a beautiful light wind day with good sunshine all day long. Low tide at 5:58 this morning, high at 12:17, low at 18:44. Max temps for the Wilderness area around 22 degrees C. Enjoy! :))

(21 November 2019) 
Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! The SAH still dominating with a southerly push along the west coast areas and more SW along the southern coastal regions. A fairly light day with some sweet thermals – the boundary layer along the coastal plains around 3k AGL. The mountains offering a bit higher with up to 5/6k in places. The secondary ranges with climbs over 6k possible. A sweet trough inland along the Sutherland Escarpment with climbs to 14k and some good looking clouds to boot to! No CB activity except in the far NW sections. The winds are SW but above the inversion it trends WNW with a 80kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – The moring starting with a 2k inversion and SSW winds. This willback a tad towards the SE which will cause the wind-shadow to shape up nicely. Before that happens expect a SSW component alng the Sea-point shorefront up to 20kts at times. Looks like a late afternoon being better kind of day with a lowering inversion and the winds going more SE.

RB – Again a light start with around mid-day the wind coming through. Perhaps a tad west in it today…

PV – Another sweet morning with light westerly winds and climbs to 4k. The wind will go SW at 10kts with a more southerly late afternoon finish.

Wilderness – Today looks like a good day with light SW winds. Up to 10kts at times. The ocean coastal cliffs probably being soarable mid-morning but this will drop to scratchy light lift by mid-day. Sedge and Serps are the optimum spots today with climbs to 1500/2000’ on the cards. Perhaps the early bird who times it well can get more out of it and get onto the coastal plains. The winds are west above 5k.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies showing climbs to around 3.5k. I think Keurbooms looks very sweet today for most of the afternoon. West at the inversion.

PE and PA into the mid teens SW winds all day.

Inland – A beautiful light SW wind start. The wind goes WNW at the Sutherland escarpment. Some good flying far inland with the climbs out there at 14k. The Swartbergs showing up to 8k with west winds up there. Freezing level at 13k.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:15 and setting at 19:16 (Day length 14 hours and 2 minutes). Looks like a light wind day with good sunshine all day long. Low tide at 4:48 this morning, high at 11:12 this morning, low at 17:46 and high again at 23:55. Max temps for the Wilderness area around 21 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(20 November 2019) 
Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! Two amazing days of flying along the Wilderness ocean cliffs has spoilt everyone. What will today brin!? ;) The SAH has shifted more to the north and has formed a ridge along the southern parts. Winds along the south coast and west coast areas lighter and more southerly in direction. There’s a surface low inland with a large area of CB activity for most of the inland regions north of DeAar and Colesburg areas. Along the coastal plains the boundary layer around 3-4k AGL in most places. Above the inversion the wind backs to the NW. It should be a blue day with few clouds with some nice flying to be had. The wind remains NW all the way to the Tropopause with a 50kts finish over CT but 100kts over Wilderness!

CT – Looks like the inversion is present at 1500/2000 with light winds above that so a good chance of the wind-shadow shaping up today. The SSE winds peak around 20-25kts but SH and LH should be flyable for the most part. Perhaps later in the afternoon some erosion might happen.

RB – Perhaps a lighter start but expect it to be blown out by mid-day or soon after.

PV – A very sweet morning with light westerly winds and climbs to 4k until just after lunch. The wind will back to the SW and pick-up to around 10kts. Looks like a sweet day here…

Wilderness – A lighter more southerly perhaps even SSE winds around today. Some instability around with climbs to 3k so not the best day to go XC on the flats but still very doable and should be great fun. Sedgefield a great choice (Looks like it could work here all day) with the coastal cliffs somewhat light and scratchy.  

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies showing climbs to around 3k. The wind is more SE at the inversion.

PE and PA also with SSE winds around mid teens in knots.

Inland – A beautiful light wind start with an east wind which will trend southerly during the day. Some sweet flying over the bigger ranges with the lighter winds and expecting smooth climbs today. North of the Sutherland escarpment the wind is NW. Loads of CB in the far NE section of the WC.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:15 and setting at 19:16 (Day length 14 hours). Low tide at 3:18 this morning, high at 9:50 this morning, low at 16:30 and high again at 22:36. Max temps for the Wilderness area around 19 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(19 novemeber 2019) Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! Some sweet flying conditions doing the rounds and many trying their hand at XC flying. A cool flight by Pieter de Beer from Hoekwil to other side of Sedgfield (and others heading out the same direction yesterday) But the flight to really look at is from Selwin - a hang glider pilot from Gauteng who flew 281km getting up to 5480m! :)) (See the pics below - after the forecast) ;)  For us mere mortals back in the WC, the SAH still dominating the WC weather with cool maritime air being pushed up from the SW. Winds still SW along the southern coastal areas penetrating far inland up to the Sutherland escarpment where it veers to the W. It is southerly along the west coast areas. Some good Q’s along the southern parts but dry in land and on the west coast. The boundary layer still up at very usable heights with 4k AGL on the west and southern coast areas. The wind veers more west with height and is 110kts west at the Tropopause.

CT – Still those strong southerly winds 15-20kts with instability up to 4k. Nothing that shows any good wind-shadow shaping up and if any it seems to be more in the city bowl area with the Sea-point section getting some strong SSW winds accelerating around this corner of the Peninsula. Letts hope its not nothing like this!

RB – Looks like another sweet day for the hangies here with early looking the best part of the day!

PV – A fresh day here with a tad more in the southerly department. 10-15kts with climbs to 4k expected. Not the best PV conditions so stay out in the valley for less turbulence along the mountains die today. The Cederbergs are showing climbs to 6-8k.

Wilderness – It looks like another fantastic day for Wilderness with those sweet SW winds and all the ocean cliffs very flyable. Perhaps a tad stronger than yesterday so just keep a look out for those stronger bits. It is still very good inland with some good looking Q’s and the prospect for some good XC flying though a tad more on the stronger side.  

Plett – Also a great day here and I think Keurbooms should be great later in the afternoon (tad strong early on I think) Uppies also good but perhaps a tad strong – but a good looking sky none the less!

PE and PA with those strong SW winds all day of 20kts plus.

Inland – The SSW winds reaching Sutherland escarpment by late afternoon. Climbs here up to 12k but 7k over the Swartbergs. It is a sweet start to the day though with light SW winds and a fine morning for flying for those propeller thingies. Later on it will get pretty thermic! Late afternoon sees up to 15/17kts in a few spots. Freezing level around 12k.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:16 and setting at 19:15 (Day length 13 hours and 59 min). High at 8:23 this morning, low at 14:51, high at 20:58. Max temps for the Wilderness area around 19 degrees C. Enjoy! :))

(19 November) 
Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! The SAH still dominating but with less moisture around so no rain expected in the WC. (To the far east over the Drakensberg there’s a chance of some CB activity later in the afternoon) Back home it’s a moderate SW along the shouter coastal region with  strong Southerly along the west coast. The boundary layer around the 3-5k AGL with climbs to 5k along the southern ranges and up to 8k over the ranges further north. The winds veer quickly to the WNW along the southern parts form 6k upwards and finishes westerly 80-100kts at the Tropopause.

CT – Strong SE going South today with instability to 3k. It is strong all the way up to TM top height and the direction is causing the shadow to shift to the east and some strong winds along the shoreline of Sea-point (20kts!) So fingers crossed its nothing like that!

RB – It looks like another good day here with it being flyable perhaps to sunset – there is a chance of it being blown out but the topless gliders could probably maintain. Starting of lighter around 10-15kts but going to just over 20kts.

PV – SW at 5-10kts with climbs to 5k. It is more over the back but the later part sees the winds picking up again to 15kts with a more southerly trend.

Wilderness – Looks like a sweet SW day with everything working all day long. Some good instability and a good day to go over the back at Sedge early on. (it will probably be a strong day for Sedge so be careful)

Plett – A great day here too with Keurbooms and Uppies very flyable. Uppies showing lift to 4500’… Westerly drift higher up.

PE and PA with a upper teens SW all day…

Inland – The southerly pushing northwards all the way to the Sutherland escarpment where it goes NW and W. The trough active further eastwards with climbs to 10k east of that. Mostly a blue day out there. Surface winds start light but late afternoon sees up to 20kts in a few spots. Freezing level around 10k.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:16 and setting at 19:14 (Day length 13 hours and 57 min). High at 7:11 this morning, low at 13:19, high at 19:32. Max temps for the Wilderness area around 18 degrees C. Enjoy! :))

(18 November 2019) Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! That SAH still flexing its muscles with a bit more strength in it today. Some strong SW winds being pushed up form the south – the cooler maritime air being pushed far inland with a much shallower unstable layer visiting the likes of De Aar and Sutherland and beyond. Some CB activity inland in the far east. The south coast regions with strong SW on the cards. The west coast with strong southerlies. Most places probably blown out. Chances of rain along the southern parts. Base here between 2k and rising at mid-day to 4k in places but looks like another lowering later in the day. Winds remain SW to S all the way to around 6-8k where it veers to the west finishing with a 110kts at the Tropopause.

CT – Some strato Q’s between 3 and 4k which seems to remain all day. Winds once again very strong southerly at 20-30kts in places. Still a very questionable day for any usable wind-shadow to form…

RB – It should eb super cool for the hangies early morning… But once thermals kick in it will just get vicious. ;)

PV – Another strong southerly day – best to get off early but just after midday it is picking up quickly in the PV valley with 20kts later in the day in mot places… Up to 4/5k climbs.

Wilderness – Strong SW winds which looks like it will increase by midday. It will probably be flyable on the lower dunes at the CP. Base will rise from around 2k to perhaps as much as 4k after lunch. Looks like some thickening again later in the afternoon. Probably too strong for Sedge all day…

Plett – Very similar to Wilderness.

PE and PA strong SW all day – 20kts plus…

Inland – The southerly pushing far north with the Q’s confined to the far southern parts. Climbs up to 10k near the Sutherland escarpment but much lower to the south. Swartberg showing just over 6k… Surface winds up to 20kts in many spots in the afternoon. Freezing level around 12k.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:17 and setting at 19:13 (Day length 13 hours and 56 min). High at 6:15 this morning, low at 12:14, high at 18:29. Max temps for the Wilderness area around 18 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(16 Novemebr 2019) Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! The SAH dominating today helping to just sweep up the tail end of a CF onto the southern coastal areas. Chance of rain along the southern parts with a SSE wind increasing during the day. Very strong around CT area and up the west coast with 30kts plus on the cards. Low cloud along the southern parts but clearing along the west coast. Base rising over the first ranges to 5k and then further inland we still find that cool deep unstable layer with base at 10k and even more over the Sutherland escarpment. Winds are SW out there all the way past the inversion. Higher up it veers west with a 60kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – Base around 1500/2k where an isothermic layer shapes up. Winds are very strong with only a slight slackening above TM top. (You can see the cloud over TM with the tops of the cloud seemingly curling backwards but this is just an indication of less wind higher up (the lower cloud is moving faster than the tops) In short it does not look like a flyable day here with no signs of a good wind-shadow shaping up.

RB – It is one of those very early morning days where you should be out there flying already – getting the smooth air of the strong stuff because as the thermals kick in it will just get vicious. ;)

PV – Get flying early at 10 or 11 with 5kts SW winds and climbs to 4k but be careful of later flight with very strong winds moving in here from lunchtime onwards. Further into the Cederbergs the winds slack and conditions get very good with base at 8k and even some Q’s out there…

Wilderness – With some luck we might have a sweet day of flying on the cards provided the rain stays away. With the SSE direction most of the coastal sites should be flyable. It could get a tad strong later on, especially if there’s some rain moving in from the sea so keep an eye on things. It could be a good Gerrickes bench-up from the car Park day (for some uncrowded flying!) ;)

Plett – Also the SSE winds on the cards with slightly less wind but still that chance of rain.

PE and PA light SW this morning which will back to the S and then SE later today remaining fairly light.

Inland – A surface southerly wind pushing far inland up to the Sutherland escarpment with the winds veering to the SW and then W north of that. The morning wind will be light but it will steadily increase during the day reaching 20kts by mid afternoon. There is even a chance of some CB activity around the Sutherland escarpment mid afternoon but very isolated. Some good Q’s around especially along the escarpment region with base up to 13/14k here. South of the Swartberg the base will drop during the course of the day from 4/5k to 2/3k. Freezing level at 13k.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:17 and setting at 19:12 (Day length 13 hours and 54 min). High at 5:31 this morning, low at 11:25, high at 17:40. Max temps for the Wilderness area around 20 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(15 november 2019) 
Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! Still some awesome flying conditions along the western parts with high climbs – a chance to continue those huge flights from “Big Wednesday” (Well done to Patrice, Jack and Grant for those epic flights! Check it out here… Today the SAH dominating on the west and IOH in the east. The trough line in the centre of the country wide spread and dominated with the southerly flows capping climbs around 12k even above the Sutherland escarpment. But these are the stuff that can carry you all the way from PV to past Calvinia and beyond! Very strong SE along the west coast and light SSE along the southern coastal regions. At 24k the southerly flow backs to the W with a 50kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – An inversion settling in with the strong SE winds 20-30kts. Slight slackening above the inversion (1500’) with a better chance of the wind-shadow shaping up. The strength of the SE should make you proceed with caution – that wind-shadow might not shape up to what is needed.

RB – Another day that will be flyable - just watch the actuals and choose your time (probably earlier and blown out later).

PV – Still that sweet unstable air around with the lower SW and then more S with height. There is perhaps a thin layer of SE around 5k but that will probably be eroded by the dominate SSW flow. More of a blue day today so perhaps a tad more tricky but as the routes to the NE opens up the thermal regions should become more clear and reliance on clouds not as critical perhaps. ;) PV warming to 6k climbs with 8k pus over the Cederbergs and beyond.

Wilderness – After yesterdays unpredictable bonus flying weather today todays rain has also disappeared. It is light SSE flow for most of the day with some showing even a SW. Sedge is an obvious choice and if the wind does pick up then those SSE coastal spots will probably be worth a visit.

Plett – SSE winds with Uppies showing climbs to 3k. SSE winds but above the inversion going SW.

PE and PA strong ESE winds of 20kts.

Inland – The southerly flows continuing with climbs ranging between 4-6k AGL. Some good Q’s around in the southern regions but dissipating towards the north. The southern ranges around Riversdal is looking exceptionally good with alight SSE flow and base around 4-5k. Further North the Swartberg pass is also looking really good with 8k climbs expected and some sweet Q’s… Land before 15:00 as the sea-breeze is expected to push through then at 15kts plus…

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:18 and setting at 19:11 (Day length 13 hours and 53 min). Low at 10:45, high at 16:59. Max temps for the Wilderness area around 21 degrees C. Enjoy! :)) 

(14 novemeber 2019) Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! The active trough line moving to the SE of the country with the convergence line between the IOH and the trough, with all the rain and CB activity, all playing out to sea. Still a chance of some rain along the southern parts but much less than originally predicted. The cyclonic circulation still just offshore from the GR which is causing the coastal flow here to be westerly rather than southerly for most part of the day. The typical SAH dominance along the western parts but with that unstable easterly component – high climbs along the west coast but strong winds, especially along the southern parts. General winds are still southerly all the way up to the Tropopause, finishing up there with 50kts.

CT – Still that deep instability with climbs to 4/5k and strong SE winds all day. It does look like some cloud thickening later in the afternoon but the wind and lack of inversion is not the best combination for a stable wind-shadow to form. It doesn look good for flying here today…

RB – It is a relatively early morning day here but expect it to be blown out by lunchtime I think.

PV – Deep instability with climbs to 6k (or more) with a SW lower component backing to the SE with height. It is an early take off with 5-10kts until just after lunch. Expect the stronger surface winds to push through from the south again during the afternoon. The Cederberg again indicating climbs to 8-9k with the odd Q to make us drool!

Wilderness – A clear morning with the promise of sunshine and flying on the cards. The winds hanging on to that westerly component until around 14:00 when it will back to the SW. It should just get better and better from here on with the wind slackening and going more SSW. The ocean cliffs should be the place to hang out for today…

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Keurbooms in with a chance today but late afternoon as the wind will drop and back more Southerly. Uppies also showing climbs to 3500’ but SW winds at 15kts so probably a tad strong there.

PE and PA with initial strong SW winds which will back to the south and slacken off with a sweet sunset finish of hardly any wind!

Inland – It is all southerly flows way past the Sutherland escarpment today with climbs out there to 10/11k. The clouds mostly in the southern regions with Swartberg pass looking particularly good – base here at 8k with 10kts winds mostly. (Though the pass will probably have a stronger venture effect.) Some CB's in the far eastern parts. Freezing level down in places at 11500’.  

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:19 and setting at 19:10 (Day length 13 hours and 51 min). Low at 10:10, high at 16:23. Max temps for the Wilderness area around 21 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(13 november 2019) Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! A sweet kind-off cut-off low to the SE of us with most of the rain falling out at sea. Winds from there are pushing in with a southerly direction but SW in the east and more ESE in the west. Still some good showers expected along the southern parts but it dries up before we get onto the west coast. The rain penetrating inland onto the flats before the escarpment at Sutherland/GR. Low base to the south but some high stuff to the west and further north. Cederbergs with some scattered Q’s perhaps as high as 10k. It is southerly all the way up finishing with a SW of 50kts at the Tropopause.

CT – Some deep instability with ESE winds getting pretty strong with 30kts at TM height. 20kts and more ont eh surface. It does not look like a flyable day with no signs off any wind-shadow on the cards.

RB – Might be doable early before it gets too thermic.

PV – Instbaility to 8k with a SW low layer and backing to the ESE with height. It might be ok to launch but will have quite a southerly trend. Also watch the strength with a sharp spike going from mid-day 5-10kts to over 15kts at 14:00. (and stronger later on). Similar outlook over the next 2/3days I think for those wanting to miss the rain along the GR. Friday the lighter day.

Wilderness – It’s raining – sweet! Winds are southerly in general with a slight chance of some gaps later today. If you are on it and get the gap you might squeeze something out of the ocean cliffs for flying…

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but the winds starting to go more SSW.

PE and PA with strong SW winds over 20kts. Also a chance of rain getting less later this afternoon.

Inland – Low cloud with showers possible all the way up to SL, BW and GR areas. Later in the afternoon a chance of CB activity to the north around Middelburg. Winds are southerly I general ( some spots close to 20kts) with a SW component to the east. Freezing level up at 16k.  

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:19 and setting at 19:09 (Day length 13 hours and 49 min). Low at 9:38, high at 15:51. Max temps for the Wilderness area around 18 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(12 November 2019) Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! A large IOH due south of us, shaping a sweet ridge along the southern coastal regions combining with a very active trough and distinct low inland of the GR region – these ingredients are giving us the CB activity in a broad region along the edge of these two systems. The whole of the WC southern parts all the way up to north to around Sutherland having a good chance of rain from the CB activity. At least for the GR the strong winds have abated with a lighter SE – 15kts average and a touch of SW even east wards of the GR area. Again not the best for flying today but the rains certainly very welcome. Its NW 50kts at the Tropopause.

CT – Deep instability with CB activity. The SE forming a strong and deep flow today with little chance of any wind-shadow forming. Low cloud for the most part so a good day to just not fly… ;)

RB – It could be flyable here pending on the rain situation. The rain is supposed to become less later in the day…

PV – Very deep instability with the chance of CB’s. Also not the best day here…

Wilderness – Winds initially SW 5kts steadily rising to 10-15kts before a strong SE will push through. But with the CB activity around it could change and be very different. Generally a lighter SW backing to a stronger SE later on. (There's still a very strong SE out to sea) It’s a tough call to make but if the rain stays away it might be possible to find something along the ocean cliffs for flying…

Plett – Similar to Wilderness – winds SW initially but then going SE.

PE and PA with SW winds initially but then the east will move in again. Looks like an interesting eddy shadow between PE and GT…

Inland – Active CB cells along a broad line from east to west once again today  – reaching up the escarpment of Sutherland, BW and GR. Once again not the best day to go flying. ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:20 and setting at 19:08 (Day length 13 hours and 48 min). Low at 9:08, high at 15:21. Max temps for the Wilderness area around 19 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(11 november 2019) Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! Another day of strong winds along the southern parts but the coastal low along the west coast helping to keep those SE running past the Peninsula before curling around form the far north, back down towards the west coast and CT. Deep inland the NW air-mass with west to NW winds up by the Sutherland escarpment with the SE to Southerly to the south of that. Strong chance of some CB along the trough edge, the whole eastern parts and broad line running along east west from Hermanus all the way to Tarkastad and beyond. (Chance of CB's at Rustenburg too!) ;) A chance of heavy falls over the next few days as the active trough line and CB cells shape up in our neck of the woods. Winds are 90kts NW at the Tropopause.

CT – Some low cloud around but a chance of base lifting enough around mid day for some flying to take place. Later in the day it will drop again. Winds start of light N but will be more SE later on – a tad breezy on the corner as the wind accelerates into the harbour area. The strato-Q layer persisting all day by the looks of it…

RB – Not enough punch here…

PV – The strato-Q layer cladding the tops this morning but lifting enough at mid-day for some flying. Climbs to 3500/4k expected with a SW 5kts wind.

Wilderness – Once again those very strong SE winds on the cards with perhaps a very-very small window in the early morning being flyable. Maybe Buffs on the cards for some early morning flying too. A chance of CB activity from mid-day but perhaps convined to the North of us on the mountains. It will increase during the night.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness.

PE and PA with East winds over 30kts all day too…

Inland – Active CB cells along a broad line from east to west – From the Sutherland escarpment to the coastal ranges. Probably not the best day to go flying. ;) To the north of Sutherland the big sky showing base up to 15k with parts further south at 10-12k. Once again freezing level still around 13k’.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:21 and setting at 19:07 (Day length 13 hours and 46 min). Low at 8:39, high at 14:52. Max temps for the Wilderness area another windy 23 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(10 November 2019) Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! That strong SAH that is morphing into the IOH due south of us at the moment with a strong ridge along the south coast regions. Again the inland trough combing to accelerate those coastal winds as they move towards the west past CP and out to sea. A coastal low circulation along the west coast and a rather abrupt change in wind direction in this area – strong SE to the south and then the W just to the north with the Peninsula marking the change over region. Good flying in the far northern air-mass with the NW flow – base around Sutherland at 14k and the Swartberg ranges 10k with the back Cederbergs at 10k too. Along the coastal regions its much less with 2-3k base along the southern parts and some coastal fog along parts of the west coast. The winds in general are SE but WNW above that layer with a 80kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – Seems like some fog at present which hopefully should burn off during the morning. Winds looks like a W to SW direction fairly light with the strong SE further to the south on the Peninsula. Some deep instability in the right spot (maybe Africa face side) with climbs to 4k but the marine air moving in after lunch capping that at just 1000’. If the mist plays ball it looks flyable all day.

RB – The winds seems to remain very west out here with the southerly not making it here…

PV – A tad more inverted compared to yesterday with a lower SW and a more prominent ESE above (launch height). Lift to mountain top height and then that quick change over to the east. The deep Cederberg showing once again exceptional conditions…

Wilderness – Once again those very strong SE winds on the cards with perhaps a very-very small window in the early morning being flyable. Maybe Buffs on the cards for some early morning flying too. Base seems reasonable near the mountains but there is a small chance of some rain and of course those pesky 20kt winds putting an end to us playing out there…

Plett – Similar to Wilderness.

PE and PA with SE winds over 20kts all day too…

Inland – CB in the east along the trough line with some lines to the west in places. SE winds all the way to the Sutherland escarpment again where it will go N to NW. Big skies in the NW air-mass with climbs to 14k while the SE side (GR example) only up to 5/6k only. Exceptions are some of the higher mountains like Swartberg and deep Cederbergs with climbs to 10k and sweet looking Q’s too! Once again freezing level around 13500’.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:22 and setting at 19:06 (Day length 13 hours and 44 min). Low at 8:10, high at 14:24. Max temps for the Wilderness area around 22 degrees C. Enjoy!  :))


(9 Novemeber 2019) Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! What an amazing day at Map yesterday – smooth lift everywhere – a sure sign of summertime being here! Today a different story with the SAH combining with the inland trough causing some pretty strong winds along the coast. SE with 20kts plus in most places today with the exception the west coast regions where the trough causes the flow to curl up the west coast with a W to SW direction. Some amazing conditions in the Cederbergs today with base over 10k! Far inland at Sutherland it is 14k plus! For the coastal plains it is very different with the boundary layer around the 3k AGL range and a tad more over the first mountain ranges. The wind backs to the NW between 5-10k finishing with a 80kts NW at the Tropopause.

CT – SE all day again but with a lower curling around the Peninsula so a SW around the LH region early on. The wind does drop with height with little wind at TM top height. It does look like the wind-shadow will play a role in the morning but the mid to late afternoon sees a strong SE push with quite some erosion around – so keep a watchful eye on that shadow…

RB – The forecast showing the SE not making it to RB all day with the wind frustratingly too much west in it.

PV – My pick of the day with a light W start and then a SW of 5kts for the early afternoon. Later n the day sees the wind going to 10kts and very southerly along the ranges. But good flying early on and if you can hop over the back you certainly can make it into the big stuff over the Cederbergs! Strong climbs out there today!

Wilderness – Very strong SE winds on the cards today with the best bet to try early on at Buffs for some flying. Map might over something but very early only with a small window if anything. All indicators show it will be blown out early today.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness and nothing as exciting as yesterday conditions…

PE and PA with SE winds low 20s…

Inland – SE winds all the way to the Sutherland escarpment where it will go NW. Big skies in the NW airmass with climbs to 15k while the SE side (GR example) only up to 5/6k only. Freezing level around 13k.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:22 and setting at 19:05 (Day length 13 hours and 43 min). Low at 7:39, high at 13:55. Max temps for the Wilderness area around 20 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(8 November 2019) Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! Thanks Jay for a great XC chat last night. Quite a few XC secrets that came out, especially all your routes going over the back at Sedge! Today the SAH is still dominating but has formed a ridge to the east along the southern parts. Winds are SE in general in the lower levels but still going West above the inversion. Still some cloud around along the southern parts with even a slight chance of light rain in the far eastern parts. This should clear as the day progresses. Looks like a good day for XC along the south coast regions. Base from 3/4k over the flats with up to 5/6k on the mountains. CT area very strong SE winds. But its all west from 10k upwards with a 60kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – SE all day here with an inversion forming and lowering to just 1k by late afternoon. Its 25kts plus in places with not much letting up with height so the wind-shadow is dubious for today I think. Perhaps best flying in the moring before it gets too strong but be wary in the afternoon…

RB – It could be a fun day out there with some of that FB winds making it to RB for a late afternoon session I think. ;)

PV – Starting off east so Picketberg probably worth a visit. But my midday there is a shallow SW that should get to the top of the mountain. From 4k it is east again around 5kts. Climbs to 4k on the cards….

Wilderness – Looks like a great day today with some sweet instability. Winds initially southerly with Sedge looking very promising in the late morning up to 14:00 perhaps before the winds will get strong SE. It could be a day to try those XC plans of going over the back with the promise of good climbs with cloud around 3k! Get away before 13:00 though… Some CarPark soaring on the cards too but a def Map late afternoon day. With winds getting up to 15kts from the looks of it.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with some good stuff at Uppies. Base at 3500/4k so a good day for some XC stuff.

PE and PA with SE winds in the low teens. Also a slight chance of some showers in the area.

Inland – SE winds all the way to De Aar, Carnarvon regions with climbs to 9k. The Q’s confined to the southern regions near the coast only. 10kts in general so n sweetish day out there… Freezing level at 12k.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:23 and setting at 19:04 (Day length 13 hours and 41 min). Low at 7:06, high at 13:24, low tide at 19:38. Max temps for the Wilderness area a sweet 18 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(7 November 2019) Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! An awesome days flying along the GR yesterday while the rest of the WC had awful weather! ;) Today it looks like the tables have turned with the SAH pushing in hard behind that CF with SW winds that is pretty strong along the southern coastal regions – 20kts on average. Some rain still around but that should clear later in the day. Cloud base around 3k with tops between 6-8k. It dries out beautifully to the north with higher base and some good flying with lighter SW winds. Some CB activity again inland, along the trough boundary to the NE. Winds remain WSW all the way to the Tropopause where it is 100kts.

CT – WSW all day with base around 3k and tops at 6-8k. It is around 15kts with slight moderation late afternoon. So a tad strong but a very doable day I think.

RB – WWB again!

PV – Perhaps the best spot of the day with base around 3k and winds SW 10kts mostly.

Wilderness – All the forecasts show a strong SW wind in our area that is very flyable for the hangies. ;) There does not seem to be a break around for the PG all day long… But there is always hope! ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness…

PE and PA with upper twenties in knots all day…

Inland – SW penetrating all the way to north of the Sutherland escarpment from where it starts to veer to the W and then NW. Around 10-15kts in most places. Sweet Q’s along the southern ranges but it dries north of the Swartbergs. Base is beautifully high at 10k! Freezing level down to just under 9k…

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:24 and setting at 19:03 (Day length 13 hours and 39 min). Low at 6:27, high at 12:48, low tide at 19:06. Max temps for the Wilderness area a windy 19 degrees C. Enjoy! :)


(6 november 2019) Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! The CF on us with the SAH pushing hard behind it – strong westerly winds almost everywhere except for the Wilderness region on the GR. Some rain along the western ranges and also later on the southern coastal regions – perhaps more confined to the mountains. Base ranging from 2000’ with tops at 8k in the west but just to our North (or before the CF) base rises magically to over 10k and even up  to 18k in the far North. Some CB activity in the NE areas – GR and the likes. It’s a pretty action packed day with loads of weather around. Winds are 30kts W on the surface in many places with a 110kts W finish at the Tropopause.

CT – Very strong NW winds with some rain today. Initial base is low but it will rise to about 3k and then later in the day lower once more. But its probably the winds that will be 20kts or more with 30kts at TM height.

RB – WWB again!

PV – Seems clagged in for the morning but it will lift and base should be just above the tops. Some strong West winds with the low base will make it risky to fly – being sucked up a real possibility! Late in the afternoon it might be doable with the cloud tops lowering so less chance of cloud suck here…

Wilderness – A southerly start with a SW finish today. Looks like the coastal ridges will offer the best play ground for the day. There is a chance of rain from mid-day or just after lunch onwards. All in all not a bad day ahead of us I think. Later even Sedgefield could offer some playful flying…

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies showing climbs to around 3k base but later on dropping to just 2k. Also that rain on the cards…

PE and PA with upper teens in knots SW winds all day. Also the chance of rain later in the day.

Inland – Some strong pre-frontal winds from the WNW, especially north of the Swartberg  ranges. 30kts in places! Some very-very high clouds sparsely spaced at 10k but 13k and more north of GR. Out there the chances of CB activity strong probability. Strong thermals and freezing level still at 14k.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:25 and setting at 19:02 (Day length 13 hours and 37 min). Low at 5:33, high at 12:01, low tide at 18:28. Max temps for the Wilderness area a hot 21 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(5 Novemeber 2019) Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! Today the IOH dominating on the east while a CF circulation is dominating on the west. A very active trough down the centre of the country with some superb soaring conditions on the cards up to the North. Winds in general are all westerlies with a few low level exceptions. Mostly a blue day with some thick high level cirrus in places. The boundary layer along the west between 2-4k AGL with less along the southern parts. The winds are fairly strong, especially in the west as the CF approaches and tightens those isobars. 20kts at 3000’, 50kts at 10k but then remaining fairly constant with a 70kts finish at the Tropopause!

CT – Strong NW winds on the cards. Looks like a strong gradient around – pretty inverted so lower down probably a bit protected from the stronger winds above – TM top height at 25kts plus form mid-day onwards. Lower perhaps 10-15kts but look sharp if you fly! (SLP too strong and probably a tad bergish…)

RB – WWB today!

PV – Looks like the spot for the day. NW winds initially breezy with up to 15kts but then mid-day a drop in the wind with 5kts and climbs to 5k. Later in the day it is around 10kts NW.

Wilderness – A tough day ahead with us being in the calm area between the CF push from the west and the IOH dominance of NE winds to the east. Probably a light southerly flow kind of day with low inversion – hot and tricky conditions. It trends westerly above. Sedgefield the best choice but light climbs predicted so let’s hope for a bit more!

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies showing climbs to 1300’ and light Southerly flow going west above.

PE and PA with very strong E to NE winds of 30kts all day…

Inland – It is all westerlies but for a southerly push form the south along the GR areas. This should penetrate all the way to the Swartberg regions. There is a chance of CB activity in the far NE areas marking the trough line. Climbs up North to 15k! Freezing level still at 14k.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:26 and setting at 19:01 (Day length 13 hours and 36 min). High at 10:48, low tide at 17:29. Max temps for the Wilderness area a hot 24 degrees C. Enjoy!

(4 November 2019) Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! Another excellent day on the GR with Wilderness producing some superb coastal soaring conditions. Well done to Nick and Mariska for their first Paradise ridge flights and for Mariska for completing here Basic Paragliding course! Today a bit of a different story with the IOH and a strong Cyclonic system to the west of us combining to push and suck in unison producing some strong Easterly winds along the southern regions. No clouds expected, with the boundary layer around the 2-4k AGL level with the Sutherland escarpment regions going up to 10k. Some strong climbs out there with 5-6ft/min predicted but probably some 1000’min cores to be found. Above the inversion the wind is Westerly with a 40kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – Strong at CP with a SE up to 30kts ther ebut pretty protected around the LH/SH area. A good wind-shadow today even if there is some deep mid-day instability on the cards. The wind backs to the East and even a touch NE with height at the 5kts range so looks like not a bad day on the cards.

RB – The Southerly might push through here very late today for a soaring sunset flight…

PV – Climbs to just over 4k expected with a SW lower push but above the mountains tops it is more easterly at 2-5kts. Later in the day sees the valley winds going up to the 10kts level so a typical PV summers day.

Wilderness – All the cards show it is an early day at Map with the promise of strong winds for the afternoon. It is all a matter of when it will be blow out – as early as 10 perhaps or maybe it will hold till lunchtime…

Plett – Similar to Wilderness – a strong SE day expected and building into the evening.

PE and PA the SE starting later here but it will also build into the evening – 20 plus knots on the cards…

Inland – The East winds blowing here with 20kts plus north of Willowmore. The east winds go all the way to the Sutherland escarpment. North of here the W to NW winds dominate. It is perhaps not the best day to be flying with strong thermic action and winds that will make for unpleasant conditions. Unless you are in the Northern airmass where it is big sky country! 14k base with a chance of some CB activity especially to the NE. Freezing level at 14k.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:27 and setting at 19:00 (Day length 13 hours and 34 min). High at 9:07, low tide at 15:49. Max temps for the Wilderness area around 20 degrees C. Enjoy! :))

(3 Novemeber 2019) Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! So bok fever running amok everywhere – the fabulous world cup win topped only by the superb flying we had at Sedgefield yesterday with both Grant and Nick completing their last flights for their Basic Paragliding rating. :)) Nick managed to thermal to over 1000’ ATO! Today is another good day of flying ahead of us as the light CF has settled onto most of the WC – the SAH pushing in from the SW a cooler and sweetly unstable air mass. Cloud base around the southern regions between 2-4k near the mountains with a chance of OD on the inversion. Climbs up to 6-8k north of the first ranges and then on the Sutherland escarpment to 10k. Winds generally SW but S along the west coast. Above 5k the winds are all westerly with a 70kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – Some low cloud around which should burn off by late morning – perhaps some lingering stratoQ’s at the inversion around 2-3k. Winds curling around the Peninsula with a SSW component at SH and LH. It gets breezy along the shore touching on 20kts later on. A more SSE push after mid-afternoon settling in which could see the wind-shadow shaping up properly for some late afternoon flights.

RB – Looks like a good day here with strong SE latter in the day. Are you up for the Rondebossie rumble! ;)

PV – Very southerly today with a slight SW along the surface. Around 10kts mostly with climbs to 3/4k. Not the best of days with the cross conditions probably making for some turbulent flying close to the mountains – fly flats I think…

Wilderness – Looks like an epic Wilderness day on the cards with enough SW this morning for a good coastal soaring session. Sedge will be strong for the big boys with base perhaps as high as 3k. (their might some OD with a slight chance of light precipitation). But high climbs with SW around 10kts. The late afternoon sees a beautiful calming which should produce some great soaring out there.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness bt more in the SW wind department. Some 15ks spots this morning and it seems to remain pretty SW so Keurbooms probably a tad too much from the right. But Uppies showing climbs to 3/3500. Also a chance of some OD conditions with SW to W direction up there. 10kts with some 15kts spots especially in the morning.

PE and PA lol. with strong SW winds of 20kts plus.

Inland – All SW which veers to the West northwards of the Sutherland escarpment. 10-15kts most places. The Q’s dissipate around the Swartberg ranges for a blue northerly sky. Perhaps not the best day out there so you can nurse those victory hangovers from yesterdays game! Freezing level up at 14000’.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:28 and setting at 18:59 (Day length 13 hours and 32 min). High at 7:46, low tide at 13:57, high tide is at 20:06. Max temps for the Wilderness area around 19 degrees C. Enjoy! 


(2 Novemeber 2019) Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! Rugby fever is taking over to the point that some are sacrificing good flying just to watch the game! Call yourself pilots!? ;) Lol We wish the bokke all the best but for a few thorough bred pilots there is some good flying on the cards, especially if you are on the GR. A CF approaching CT with some strong NW winds expected in the area. This will curl around Agulhas with a more SW component along the southern coastal areas. Inland and higher up it is more W to NW. Rain by late afternoon on the Peninsula. The boundary layer around the 2-4k AGL range but north of the bigger mountains it is higher with up to 10k over and north of the Swartberg. Winds are 20-30kts from 6/7k then 50kts from 10k with a 70kts finish W at the Tropopause.

CT – 15-20kts NW winds with a touch more higher up. A layer of strato cu this morning which will clear by late morning. Some low cloud moving in again late afternoon/early evening. Probably a hangie or bokke day. :)

RB – WWB! Def a day to watch rugby! ;)

PV – A NW to WNW day with some strong stuff at mid-day – 15kts which over the mountain tops can be much stronger. Climbs to 4k expected. Later in the day some moderation to 10kts so maybe then… Only for the hardcore pilots - the rest should be watching rugga!

Wilderness – A W to SW start with a trend to back to the S after lunch but again to the W mid to late afternoon. The coastal cliffs probably lightly soarable early on but Sedge is probably the best bet for today. A bit of a variable pattern with SW initial, then S and again SW later in the afternoon. Up to 10kts but on occasion some stronger bits possible. Climbs early to 2000’ but later more likely to 1000’ only. Above 3000’ the wind is initially WNW 20kts but going more SW later at 15kts. Ooohh rugby has competition!

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with Uppies initially to 3500’ then later in the day to 2000’. The wind is W to NW above 4000’ and breezy. So who's in the pub? ;)

PE and PA with strong SW winds of 20kts plus. Go Bokke!

Inland – All westerly winds with some very strong areas especially north of the Swartberg – 30kts plus in places. Probably not the best flying day out there even wit the propeller thingies. Freezing level up at 13500’. Yup. Stay in the pub for the bokke today... :))

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:28 and setting at 18:58 (Day length 13 hours and 30 min). High at 6:48, low tide at 12:48, high tide is at 19:03. Max temps for the Wilderness area another 21 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(1 Novemeber 2019) Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! The IOH on the east dominating but some influence from the inland trough (some CB activity to the far north of us) and another approaching CF to the west of the WC having some effect around the Peninsula area. Winds in general easterly along the southern coast areas but NW along the west coast. The wind curls around the Peninsula – East at CP but WSW at SH area. Loads of high midlevel clouds and a few Q’s deeper inland. The boundary layer around 3k along the coastal plains but up to 15k deep inland (North of the Swartberg). Winds back to the NW with height – 50kts at 9k with a 90kts finish at the Tropopauuse!

CT – A WSW direction at SH/LH. It should last all day. All in all an OK day by the looks of it.

RB – Too much west in it today…

PV – Starting NW but finishing WSW at 10-15kts. High thick cirrus around and getting thicker. Climbs to 3/4k perhaps. It is very good over the back into the Cederburgs… (over 7/8k climbs)

Wilderness – A light start but once again the SE trend. Slightly less today for the Map area with the bubble effect protecting it but very strong out to sea and around Gerrickkes and Knysna over 25kts latter in the day. Map should remain flyable. Even Sedge could offer something early morning with climbs to 2k and light SE here initially. It is North at 3k and further up.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with also les wind over the bay later on in the day but remaining SE in direction.

PE and PA with a very storng NE wind all day… (Over 30kts later)

Inland – All Northerly winds – starting more NE the backing during the day to NW. a few spots getting to 15kts except in the far north western parts where it will be W at 30kts. Closer to home along the Swartberg after lunch up to 13/13k but very strong NW winds up there… Freezing level up at 12k.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:29 and setting at 18:58 (Day length 13 hours and 28 min). High at 6:03, low tide at 12:00, high tide is at 18:16. Max temps for the Wilderness area around 21 degrees C. Enjoy! :))

(31 October 2019) Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! A big congrats to Justin from doing his 25k’s XC flight yesterday at PV. :)) Today the IOH is dominating with a SE flow pattern over most of the WC. Above 6/7k the flow backs to the NW and W again with height. Some good instability still around with the boundary layer around the 4-6k level along the coastal plains and first mountain range but up to 10k over the more northern ranges – like the Swartbergs. Some good Q’s still around in the southern parts but drying out quickly to the west and north. From the GR region and westward the SE will pickup with some spots going over 20kts. A 100kt West finish at the Tropopause!

CT – Loos like a summer pattern with a SE backing to East day – initial instability to 4k 10-5kts winds but then the afternoon sees the ususal Southerly surface wind picking up to 20kts in places. Looks like the wind-shadow should hold but a good chance of the erosion of this in the afternoon.

RB – Looks like a good day with a chance of it being blown out later on.

PV – A SW surface flow with east above 4k. Strong climbs to 5/6k expected.

Wilderness – A light start but it will be blown out early I think. The SE should pop through from as early as 8 perhaps, maybe even soarable from 9 or so. One forecast says it will be blown out by 11 so be prepared for early flying. Sedgefield showing a SE 10kts at 10 this moring with climbs to 3500'! (And sweet Q's!) ;)

Plett – Similar to Wilderness. Uppies also exciting high climbs early on before the SE gets too wild... ;)

PE and PA with a light S to SE start and picking up during the day with a moderate mid teens in knots finish.

Inland – The SE penetrating to just North of the Swartbergs in the afternoon with a few spots going to 20kts in the east. Otherwise it is more moderate with 10kts in places and sweet climbs to 10k. Swartberg should be good for the adventurous pilot today! Freezing level up at 10k.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:30 and setting at 18:57 (Day length 13 hours and 26 min). High at 5:22, low tide at 11:19, high tide is at 17:35. Max temps for the Wilderness area around 17 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(30 October 2019) Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! The SAH increasing its dominance as the tail end of the CF starts to retreat to the east along the southern coastal regions. Still some strong unstable conditions all over the WC with strong climbs on the cards. Sweet Q’s along the southern parts and partway into the little Karoo with base ranging from 3-6k along the front ranges and then up to 8k in the little Karoo. Winds are mostly S to SW but going more Westerly with height. Still some strong winds along the southern parts with some spots offering 25kts but most areas will start to moderate into the afternoon. North of the coast it also moderates the further inland one goes. A 120kts finish West at the Tropopause!

CT – Instability to around 4k with a southerly trend in the wind. Up to 20kts in spots on the surface by late afternoon. It doesn look like a usable wind-shadow on the cards but for a bit more SW in it during the morning. This sill get strong as the day progresses with a 20kts SSW finish along the promenade regions so get flying early.

RB – A slow start but it could be a sweet late afternoon of soaring here!

PV – Not as good as yesterday with much more southerly in the direction. Some typical strong climbs for PV on the cards. Winds between 7-13kts initially but later reaching up to 15kts in places. It looks like from 12 to 15:00 the best time with enough SW trend along the mountains but with a southerly drift mostly. Between 4-5k climbs. A tad more challenging with rough air along the range but an easier drift to get to the pass.

Wilderness – Still those strong WSW winds this morning but a def forecast for moderation to happen from lunchtime onwards. It looks like even Sedgfield could offer something from 16:00 onwards. Some good looking Q’s initially with a drop in base expected after 16/17:00.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness.

PE and PA with no sign of those persisting strong SW winds of 25kts plus dying down.

Inland – Again very moderate winds to the North of the first ranges with a SW direction mostly and up to 10kts. Later in the day the Seabreeze will strengthen this in the southern parts up to 20kts in spots. In general excellent flying conditions if you get into the air – strong conditions with 1000ft/min climbs on the cards! The Q’s should make the sky look that much more inviting too! Freezing level between 6-8k.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:31 and setting at 18:56 (Day length 13 hours and 24 min). Low tide was at 10:40, high tide is at 16:56. Max temps for the Wilderness area another windy 17 degrees C. Enjoy! :))



(29 October 2019) Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! The SAH shaping up with a ridge extending into the central WC regions while the CF circulation maintains a stubborn hold along the southern coastal regions with strong WSW winds. All the rain has disappeared, freezing level at 6000’ but not much in terms of precipitation to help those forecasted snow falls. However, a lot of instability around with high bases in most parts of the WC. The coastal areas 3-4k AGL, the adjacent mountains with 6-8k base and the Swartberg with 10k base. Winds are still around 20-25kts along most of the southern coastal regions but does drop off dramatically as soon as we move north over the first range of mountains. IT remains Westerlies all the way to the Tropopause with a dramatic 150kts finish up there!

CT – WSW winds all day with instability up to 4k. A chance of it being a tad on the strong side so probably more a hangie kind of day. 10-20kts at times.

RB – Same as above…

PV – My pick of the day with the winds light ad moderate here for the midday and afternoon and climbs all the way to over 6k! 5kts WSW all the way to the high base. Sweet!

Wilderness – Still those strong WSW winds along the coast with a very very small window of flying possibly on the lower dunes just after lunch. Those 20-25kts very close to the shore… The mountains with very  high base which should be cool to look at!

Plett – Similar to Wilderness.

PE and PA with those persisting strong SW winds of 25kts plus all day.

Inland – Winds much more moderate with up to 15kts on the surface in the strongest parts. But many areas with just 5kts W especially North of the Swartberg. Very high base with good looking Q’s out there. A very flyable day out there but you need to dress warm – freezing level at just 6k!

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:32 and setting at 18:55 (Day length 13 hours and 22 min). Low tide was at 10:02, high tide is at 16:17. Max temps for the Wilderness area another windy 18 degrees C. Enjoy!



(28 October 2019)  Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! The SAH helping to push the CF air onto the entire WC region. Periodic rain showers and even CB activity along the western mountains and spreading to the southern ranges along the south coast during the day – the whole GR with passing showers and CB activity this afternoon. Cloud base ranging from 1500’ in the morning to 3k in the afternoon, especially in the western parts, with tops starting high at over 16/17k and dropping to 12k (also mainly in the west). Freezing level around 6k so a chance of snow on the high mountains but with all the rain it will probably all melt away quickly. Very strong winds W to WSW direction – most place between 15-30kts, it is 50kts from 10k upwards with a 140kts West finish at the Tropopause.

CT – Passing showers with a chance of some CB activity with strong W winds.

RB – Same as above…

PV – Strong westerly winds with base at 2k and tops at 16k. Later it will rise to 3/4k with tops at 12 but it remains windy, cold and rainy all day.

Wilderness – Very strong Westerly winds with a slight trend to SW in the Wilderness corner at lunchtime. Probably too strong to fly all day. Rain on and off with a chance of CB activity this afternoon, especially over the mountains.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness.

PE and PA with strong SW winds of 25kts plus all day.

Inland – Those strong westerly winds persisting with 25kts in places North of the Swartberg. Freezing level ranging from 5200’ in the far south to 6200 near Sutherland. Showers in most of the WC region for the whole day so not the best time to be up in the air!

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:34 and setting at 18:54 (Day length 13 hours and 20 min). Low tide was at 9:24, high tide is at 15:38. Max temps for the Wilderness area a windy 16 degrees C. Enjoy! :))



27 October 2019) Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! That CF right on CT doorstep this morning. Strong NW winds on the cards, increasing in strength during the day and also the rain moving in – some good falls this evening. The strong NW to W winds will propagate eastwards during the day with only the GR, specifically the Wilderness up to about Plett area escaping the strong winds. Some high Q’s preceding the front with the boundary layer up to 10k! The coastal regions the usual lower climbs. By midnight the rain will be over the entire WC coastal regions and the western interior. Winds from 2000’ are over 20kts west, veering to the NW with a 140kts finish at the Tropopause!

CT – Strong NW winds and later rain all day (and night). ;)

RB – WWB again!

PV – The clouds lowering base with rain late in the day early evening. Winds NW and strong.

Wilderness – The strong stuff going around and over us for most of the day. Expecting a SW 5-15kts day but even a bit of S in the afternoon. It is SW at 2000’ around 15kts. Do keep an eye out for any signs of strong winds moving in as there are strong winds not too far out to sea.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness and with Keurbooms having a window late morning. Uppies with a SW 10kts and veering more West with height, climbs to 3k or just over.

PE and PA with strong SW winds of 25kts plus all day. ;)

Inland – The strong West picking up during the day with the Oudshoorn and langkloof going over 25kts west in the afternoon. Rain moving in from the SW corner finding Sutherland, up to Willow more by midnight. Some high bases but in general a high B/S ratio – so rough conditions up there. It’s a good day to watch the rugby! lol

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:35 and setting at 18:53 (Day length 13 hours and 18 min). Low tide was at 8:44, high tide is at 14:58. Max temps for the Wilderness area around 20 degrees in the morning but cooling in the afternoon with the rains moving in. Enjoy! :))



(26 October 2019) Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! The IOH and a strong low to the south of us dominating (this is the low that might bring those expected snowfalls end of the weekend) both contribute with a westerly flow pattern in general but a slight SE in the far eastern parts. Still a few spots of rain around but this should clear during the course of the day leaving a good layer of unstable air. Some good flying conditions with cloud base around the 4-6k AGL level in most places. (Coastal regions less). There’s a chance of some CB activity in the eastern inland parts north of PA region. The wind is NW above the inversion with 20-30kts from 6000’ upwards and a 120kts WNW finish at the Tropopause.

CT – Looks like an amazing day out here with high base (4k plus) and NW winds from 5-15kts higher up. Looks good all day.


PV – Oh my pick of the day! NW to W winds 5 – 15kts with base starting around 3k and rising to over 6k at the end of the day.

Wilderness – A few spots of rain this morning but it should clear. Winds start SW but will back to the SSE later in the day. Map later in the day could work or provide some maintainable conditions and Sedge of course should be the pick during the late morning today.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness but more SE in the wind. Uppies showing climbs to 3500; from 11 with sweet Q’s. They will become less and flatten up against the inversion here later in the day.

PE and PA with S to SE winds 10kts with clouds around 2000’

Inland – West to NW winds but south in the southern parts. The spots of rain will clear except for the far eastern parts where the CB activity will be present. Looks like some sweet looking Q’s making one wish-you-where-up-there kind of day. Up to 10k climbs North of the Swartbergs…

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:36 and setting at 18:52 (Day length 13 hours and 16 min). Low tide was at 8:03, high tide is at 14:17 and low again at 8:33. Max temps for the Wilderness area around 18 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(25 October 2019) Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! A big CF system parked on CT this morning with some good rain. Very deep instability with CB activity around the SW corner of the WC all day and into the early night. Winds very strong NW to SW along the west and southern parts. Cloud base ranging from less than 500ft in the far SW corners to a sweet 6000’ AGL in the east. Its very breezy up there with 30kts from about 3000’ NW to West just about everywhere with a 130kts NW finisg at the Tropopause!

CT – Deep rain all day long with strong NW winds.

RB – Rain…

PV – Clagged in with rain all day long. CB activity around.

Wilderness – Very strong SW winds out to sea with 20kts SW at 2000’. Rain on the mountains but possibly for spots to reach the coast line. There is a small chance of it being flyable on the lower dunes  with windguru showing it might be light enough before lunch but strong winds remain in the area so be extra vigilant if you do try it out. Strong winds might approach at any time from the ocean side. Rain by tonight and early hours of tomorrow morning by the looks of it.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness in general, but more wind. So not really a flying day.

PE and PA with strong SW winds of 25kts plus all day.

Inland – It’s all strong NW winds with most places over 20kts with a tad more W to SW directions in the southern parts. Pretty high base around but the strong prefrontal winds way too strong for any flying activities…

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:37 and setting at 18:51 (Day length 13 hours and 14 min). Low tide was at 7:18, high tide is at 13:33 and low again at 7:51. Max temps for the Wilderness area around 21 degrees in the morning but cooling in the afternoon with the rains moving in. Enjoy! :))



(24 October 2019) Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! A CF approaching CT – some light rain possible today but the real deal moving in during the night. A trough in the central regions – the CF affecting the western parts later on. The IOH adding flavour along the SE parts with an Easterly coastal wind. The boundary layer at 5-8k AGL in the central parts and areas with the NW but much less along the coastal airflow areas – up to 2k along the east and southern parts and a tad more along the western parts. High cirrus in most places today with a strong NW build above the inversion as the CF tightens those isobars. 130kts NW at the Tropopause.

CT – Starting North but backing to the NW during the day. Pretty breezy stuff but some compression shelter along the front of SH and LH from the look of things. Be careful though because it is strong higher up with 20kts plus at TM height from mi-day onwards. SLP too strong an a tad pre-frontal.

RB – Still WWB!

PV – Strong NW winds with climbs to 7k. So very unstable but probably a tad on the strong side for flying. Looks like a 15-20kts WNW finish to the day.

Wilderness – A light East start which will veer to the SE during the day. Looks like lunchtime the strongest part for the Wilderness corner. There are signs for a strong SE trend further east and maybe some of that might make it to the Map for an epic day. Fingers crossed!

Plett – Similar to Wilderness in general, also with a light to moderate SE wind here (Knysna again with the stronger bit!) And Uppies with climbs to 2000’. Its NW above that…

PE and PA with strong NE winds – PA peaking at 30kts late afternoon.

Inland – It’s all strong NW winds with most places over 20kts later in the day. The SE penetrating from the coast to just shy of the Swartberg ranges today. Prettty unstable with the NW flow – climbs over parts of the southern ranges and the Swartberg ranges up to 8/9k and 10k further North.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:38 and setting at 18:50 (Day length 13 hours and 12 min). Low tide was at 6:27, high tide is at 12:44 and low again at 7:04. Max temps for the Wilderness area around 20 degrees C. Enjoy!


(23 October 2019) Good morning
you amazing Wild2Fly people! Today a 180 degree change in direction with westerly winds dominating everywhere. A deep and active LP system to the south of us connecting a strong trough line down the centre of the country. There is however still the post frontal weather being fed onto the SW parts of the WC with NW winds, cloud and rain on the cards. In general some good soaring conditions around but for the strong winds it really could have been an awesome day. 10-20kts flow along the coast, strong parts over the mountain tops especially. Base between 2-3k along the west coast but rising quickly towards the east. Cloud tops around 7-10k. Winds remain westerly and increases steadily with a 115kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – Chance of some rain around with the deeper cloud developments with NW winds 10-15kts. If the rain stays away it can be a good soaring day. Looks like base will drop a tad later in the day – 2k?


PV – Seems like it will be overcast with chances of rain – deep cloud developments with low base 2-3k and tops at 9k. Westerly winds around 10kts.

Wilderness – Strong west this morning backing to the SW and then S but later in the afternoon sees another increase veering to the WSW. Too strong this morning but a chance of a flyable window on the coast during the mid to early afternoon part. Watch for strong wind line moving in form the SW – there remains 20kts out there…

Plett – Similar to Wilderness in general. Keurbooms looks like a window in the afternoon as the wind moderates and backs to the south. Could be sweet. Uppies might be doable but it has a trend to hang around at the 15kts mark. Climbs in the afternoon to 3500’.

PE and PA strong SW over 25kts all day long.

Inland – Strong W to SW winds but with high base in a few spots. Up to 9k over parts of the Swartberg ranges. (Many spots showing good base making us drool for flying!) Looks fairly blue north of the Swartberg ranges with a more W to NW trend. South of the Swartberg there is a more SW surface flow. A storng day for flying so rather drink coffee. ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:39 and setting at 18:49 (Day length 13 hours and 10 min). Low tide was at 5:19, high tide is at 11:42 and low again at 6:09. Max temps for the Wilderness area another windy 19 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(22 October 2019) Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! The IOH and inland trough dominating our WC weather. Today it is more a kitesurfing kind of day! ;)  It is strong SE along the southern parts and SW to W along the west coast. The air is sweet unstable with strong climbs in all areas – well over 500ft/min. The boundary layer between 5-8k AGL so a super good flying day out there if you can get to the right spot. Some Q’s along the southern areas but it will dissipate later on near the coast. A easterly trend in the east but west in the west. From 6k upwards it is all West winds with a 100kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – The SE curling around CP area with more of a SW component around the northern parts of the Peninsula. Deep instability around midday with 6k climbs over parts of TM. The SH coastal area a tad more influenced by the marine air so more stable here. Early morning a sweet wind-shadow but then the SW will start to dominate around the promenade area. There’s a Southerly surface push that comes through later in the day just to keep things interesting.

RB – It looks like the wind remains west here all day…

PV – Looking exceptional for today with 6k climbs and westerly winds. Moring to mid-day around 5kts but then in the afternoon becoming breezy with 15kts on the cards.

Wilderness – A very strong SE on the table today so if you need to fly get out there early. Map is the place. There is a chance that by late morning it will be blown out. Probably more a hang gliding day. Some sweet Q’s inland but the SE coastal wind will make its way to the mountains during the day and start to break up those Q’s.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness… (Looks too strong all day)

PE and PA strong SE to East winds over 25kts later in the day.

Inland – The strong SE coastal flow blocked by the first mountains ranges giving us light winds inland. Mostly Easterly 5kts in the east but west in the west picking up towards the coast. In general from 6k upwards it is all westerly flows. The clouds confined to just past the Swartberg ranges where it will be sparse. A few along the Sutherland escarpment at 12k…

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:40 and setting at 18:49 (Day length 13 hours and 8 min). High tide was at 10:15, low tide is at 16:50. Max temps for the Wilderness area another windy 19 degrees C. Enjoy! :))


(21 Oct 2019) Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! So yesterday some good flying at PV, Gideon doing the crazy hang gliding thing at Sedgefield and well done to Grant for good strong wind soaring at the CarPark. :)) Today the post frontal air all over the show (The SAH pushing the stuff onto the WC) with very strong WSW winds along the southern parts and S along the west coast areas. Rain on and off – base between 3-5 with tops 8-10 at times. A slight slackening in the SW section of the WC later in the day. The wind is west at height with a 130kts finish at the Tropopause!

CT – Base around 3 with tops near 6/7k this morning but it will think out later in the day. Winds starting off SSW but later in the day going SE. It remains fairly storng all the way up to cloud tops so no signs of a usable wind-shadow today with the deep instability and winds.

RB – It looks like a fun day out here. Stronger in the afternoon.

PV – Very southerly surface component so not the best direction. But still deep instability with climbs to 6k. It doesn’t look like any clouds here though…

Wilderness – The strong WSW winds around all day by the looks of it. A nice looking sky at times in-between showers. Some OD’ing on the mountains at times. High base but with enough depth in the clouds for some precipitation. Probably more a hang gliding day.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness… (Looks too strong all day)

PE and PA stronger still those normal SW winds all day with 30kts plus at times.

Inland – Also strong SW winds up to the Middelburg escarpment where it goes more W to NW further north. Some good looking clouds north of the frst ranges with climbs to 7k over the Swartberg. It is a tad strong for flying though… ;)

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:41 and setting at 18:48 (Day length 13 hours and 6 min). High tide was at 8:33, low tide is at 14:55. Max temps for the Wilderness area a windy 18 degrees C. Enjoy!

(20 Oct 2019) Good morning
you awesome Wild2Fly people! What anamazing day at Map yesterday - the Wild2FLy students had a ball with mutliple top-landings - Mariska the star with her first Map soaring (and top lands too!) ;) Today SAH pushing in sweet unstable air onto the WC (A ligt CF - Coastal low passing during the night now making its way along the KZN coast). Some light rain in places along the coast but further inlnad  excellent soaring on the cards today. Some proper summer time thermals with climbs rates exceeding 500ft/min (Probably some 1000’/min cores!) Base around 4-5k along the coastal plains with sweet Q’s in most areas. Base increases the further inland we go with the second range mountains showing climbs to 7/9k! North of the Swartbergs the Q’s start to disappear. Winds are generally SW in direction with a veering to the W with height breezy at times with 20kts W to SW inland and along the coast.

CT – Low cloud initially but this should dissipate and rise up to 4k during the best oart of the day I think. S to SW winds 10-15kts decreasing with height. No inversion so no wind-shadow today. Perhaps the instability will pull the wind up straight on launch but there remains that SSW component along the SH area. Later in the day the base is lowering again to 2k.

RB – I think it will have too much West in it!

PV – An amazing day at PV today with high climbs and sweet Q’s. It is more West at height around 5kts with a 10kts SW on the surface. Later in the day the surface winds will trend more southerly and probably increase to 15kts in places. It’s a good day to go far I think!

Wilderness – The SW already blowing. It looks like a strong coastal morning with the moderating happening at midday. As soon as it does Sedge should become gentler (I think early on it will be very strong and gusty here!) Some good Q’s around too.

Plett – Similar to Wilderness with a upper west and SW lower down. Uppies showing initial climbs to 4k but very west. It is good but strong conditions out there so be careful.

PE and PA strong SW winds all day with 25kts plus at times.

Inland – Up the Swartberg its all SW winds up to 20kts and north of there it is more West with 20kts plus winds at times. Only for the very experienced pilots out there today… (For powered pilots too!)

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:43 and setting at 18:47 (Day length 13 hours and 4 min). High tide was at 7:16, low tide is at 13:15, and high tide again at 19:37. Max temps for the Wilderness area a lekker 19 degrees C. Enjoy!

And yesterdays report for historical purposes...

(Sat 19 Oct 2019) Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! A trough down the centre of the country with exceptional soaring conditions and very high base today from 15k to 17k in places. There’s a chance of CB activity around Joubertinia just after lunch (I suggest a Flash-flood alert for the Knysna to Plett area - all pending on which parts the rain happens). To the west the IOH dominating with a weak ridge along the south-coast – loads of moisture around with low cloud rising to perhaps 1500’ along the coastal regions with some spots clearing. There’s some mid/high level stratos clouds around. Winds along the southern areas all S to SE trends, curling more south around CP with a W to SW comnponent along the west coast. Its all west above the inversion from around 4k upwards with a 80kts finish at the Tropopause.

CT – Another wind-shadow day on the cards with the surface southerly capped by a strong inversion and a west flow from TM top height. It does pick up to 25kts over parts of FB. A layer of StratoQ’s around 14k for most of the day. Flying looks good all day to me.

RB – Another good day here – probably more late in the day...

PV – (my choice today) Looking sweet with 4k climbs and 5kts WSW winds. It gets much better into the Cederberg with climbs to 7k possible out there. That StratoQ layer at 14k very evident effecting the surface heating.

Wilderness – Low cloud this morning which should rise to around 1000’ later on. Winds are all S to SE with maybe 7kts at Map at its peak. After 14/15:00 it starts to drop in the Wilderness corner. Buffs a good pick and also Gerrickes point with a bench-up at the CP very doable today. Maybe up to 15kts at Buffs.

Plett – Those low clouds still around from all low level ocean moisture – Uppies showing a SSE trend with base at 2/2500’. Its all SE winds with the NW appearing above the 4/5k mark. Weak climbs with all the cloud around. And the chance of that CB activity towards Joubertinia could influence things too in your area. Today its worth going to Beervlei dam rather!

PE and PA also with that S to SE trend up to 15kts so a relatively light wind day here too.

Inland – Up the Swartberg its all light southerly winds but North from here we get into the big sky region – Climbs to 15/16k on the cards with the NW winds (probably a record day out there!). Most of the low clouds blocked by the coastal mountain ranges but far to the north look out for those flat and high Q’s to wet the appetite!

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:44 and setting at 18:46 (Day length 13 hours and 2 min). High tide was at 6:22, low tide is at 12:15, and high tide again at 18:35. Max temps for the Wilderness area a lekker 21 degrees C. Enjoy! :))

And yesterdays report for historical purposes...

(Friday 18 October 2019) Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! A weak SAH ridge along the southern parts with a light SE trend along the western GR areas. There is still the inflow of moisture form the North in the mid-levels so the chance of CB activity still around inland around mid-day. The IOH dominating in the far east. A sweet slack wind area in-between the two HP systems that will move slightly to the east along the GR coast. Less rain in the cards from yesterday prediction so the day is actually looking up! J A decent unstable layer along the southern parts with climbs to 4-5k and some Q’s to help it looks more appetising. Along the west the boundary layer a tad lower with 2-3k AGL. The wind is W above the inversion starting off light around 5kts with a steady increase to 40kts NW at the Tropopause.

CT – Looks like another wind-shadow day but perhaps slightly less affective to yesterday. Shallow inversion around 1k. Some signs of more of a SW along the shore front – some 15kts spots out to sea but should be flyable all day.

RB – Another good day here...

PV – Sweet WSW winds around 5kts with climbs to MT top height.

Wilderness – A light SW start with some clouds around. The forecast is looking pretty sweet actually with the slack area passing us and the winds gently trending to the S and then later in the day SE. Sweet instability at Sedge with climbs at 11 up to cloud at 1500’. It should work there all day by the looks of it. Looks too light for anything along the coast…

Plett – Lookiing really good at Uppies with climbs at 11 to 3500’ with a SW trend then going to the S and SE later in the day. Climbs at Uppies lowering a tad to 2500’. Time to fly to the west I think. Keurbooms could work early at 10 already for a while before the winds back too much.

PE and PA with SW start but PE going South later in the day at 10kts. PA remaining SW 15kts.

Inland – A light S to SE in the south with the NW north of the Swartberg ranges. Loads of high clouds around and storng surface winds will reach around 20kts and deeper instability with high base at 14-15k. A strong chance of CB activity here.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:45 and setting at 18:45 (Day length 13 hours). High tide was at 5:41, low tide is at 11:33, and high tide again at 17:51. Max temps for the Wilderness area another sweet 21 degrees C. Enjoy! :))

And yesterdays report for historical purposes...

Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! The SAH dominating in the west (west winds) while the IOH is doing its thing in the east (NE winds). In between it looks like a fast moving coastal low along the Southern parts bringing the associated changes. Still loads of moisture from the IOH with lots of low cloud around the southern coast but some parts should dissipate during the course of the morning. A trough down the central western parts with some CB activity for the afternoon on the cards – strong NW winds out there. Big varying boundary layer with stable coastal parts of less than 1000’ and deeper inland – up to 15k. The coastal plains around the 2-3k level. From 5k the winds are all NW and breezy with 20-30kts from here and a 40kts NW finish at the Tropopause.

CT – Looks like another good wind-shadow day with a southerly surface flow and strong inversion around 1000’ deepening in the afternoon. Winds are 15kts S on the surface but dropping sharply with height as it backs to the NE and then abruptly going west. Looks good all day to me.

RB – Another possible teasing day...

PV – Looks like a sweet day here with light westerly winds and going SW in the afternoon. Perhaps touching 10kts. Climbs to just above the MT tops – 3500’ probably. Above the inversion it is NW. Lots of high thick cirrus around.

Wilderness – Coastal mist this morning which should clear quickly as one moves inland during the course of the morning. Probably a nice clearing window at Sedge. That Westerly pulse still pushing through from early to mid-day but it has weakened somewhat for Wilderness region – 10-15kts at the strongest it seems. But after lunch it moderates backing more to the South, so the afternoon is looking promising for Sedge – one forecast indicating climbs to 1200/1500’ with some Q’s. The wnd is more west with height so there is some negative forecast on the B/S ration (Could be a tad bumpy according to RASP). With some luck some of the coastal cliffs could offer something though with the misty stuff it usually doesn’t.

Plett – That WSW sticking here for a bit longer but mid afternoon things are looking promising. Even Keurbooms seems like it might work as the wind backs a tad more in the late afternoon. Uppies showing climbs to 2500’ – perhaps tad too west in it with height – lowering later in the day to 2k.

PE and PA with a NE start but the WSW pulse moving up quickly at 20kts plus. At lunchtime PE should have a strong SW with PA a strong NE. But by 17:00 its SW at PA too up to 30kts.

Inland – A light west start in the southern parts but NW flow North of the Swartberg. In the afternoon the NW dominates with 20kts plus spots in many places and a strong chance of CB activity, especially in the Western parts. The strong winds do not make for a good flying day…

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:46 and setting at 18:44 (Day length 12 hours and 58 min). High tide was at 5:07, low tide is at 10:59, and high tide again at 17:15. Max temps for the Wilderness area another sweet 22 degrees C. Enjoy! :))

And yesterdays report for historical purposes...

(16 October 2019) Good morning
you amazing Wild2Fly people! Before Typhoon Hagibis fades from the maps, some interesting stats - it is officially the second largest Typhoon in recorded history at 1400km in diameter. (It will cover the entire WC!). No extreme weather for today. We have a trough along the western parts of the country with a weak SAH ridge along the SW WC. During the course of the day this ridge will start to dominate a tad more along the coastal regions. Looks like a blue day with a few early morning StratoQ’s along the GR. The boundary layer around 2-3k thick along the coastal plains with a SE trend, similar depth north of the first big ranges with a light and variable surface flow but near and ontop of the Sutherland/Middelburg escarpment it is 12k climbs with NW winds. At 3-5k AGL the winds trend NW everywhere with a 50kts W finish at the Tropopause over CT but 30kts East north of Middelburg. ;)

CT – A beautiful wind-shadow day on the cards here with a southerly surface flow and strong inversion around 1000’ – less later on – and a 5kts NE to NW wind at TM top height.

RB – Inverted day with teasingly SE winds that might become soarable with a bit of luck – especially later in the afternoon.

PV – SW surface flows up to launch height – the inversion right about here today with the winds going NW above that. Not the best day but probably flyable along the range…

Wilderness – The IOH bringing in stable marine air around our area today with a light SE trend. There's some stratoQ's around this moring but it is forecasted to burn off quickly. Sedge might be doable early on with climbs to 6-700’. But becoming more stable later in the day. It might be playable along parts of the ocean cliffs, Buffs come to mind (Knysna has 15kts spots of SE wind) and with some luck Gerrickes. Map probably offering some extended foefies later on.

Plett – Once again the SE appearing a tad earlier here with Uppies showing climbs to 2000’ with a bit of luck. More lickely 1500’ for most of the day. Probably around 10knts SE winds in general.

PE and PA with a East start around 10-15kts but later in the day going up 25kts ENE winds.

Inland – Once again light and variable winds with a W to NW trend with height. 2k AGL convection depth on average – some climbs to 6/7k above the Swartberg with light NW winds up there. Around the Outenikwas its N at 5kts with the SE penetrating in the afternoon with N at 5k at 5kts. Looks like a sweet day for powered flying.

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:47 and setting at 18:44 (Day length 12 hours and 56 min). Low tide is at 10:29, high tide is at 16:44. Max temps for the Wilderness area a sweet 22 degrees C. Enjoy! :))

Previous reports for historical purposes...

(15 Oct 2019) Good morning you awesome Wild2Fly people! :)) A sweet HP settling in over the WC region with the SAH shaping up a weak ridge along the southern and SW parts. Quite a bit of subsidence around with the inversion lowering but still some good flying to be had – the boundary layer around 1- 4k AGL. No clouds (perhaps a few spots of fog around the west coast). Even up at BW and Middelburg climbs restricted to 4k AGL. And winds are fairly light all over the show with the strongest bits along the coast reaching 15kts (maybe!) over the sea at SH. Winds are SE along the south coast with a S to SW variation up the west coast. At 6k it is west with 20kts from 10k upwards and a 50kts SW finish at the Tropopause.

CT – Light winds for most of the day with a surface southerly that will only pick-up late afternoon. For the most part it is a SW that flows around the Peninsula along the surface. A cool convergence line from south of the city out to Stellies setting up again (If only we could fly there!) Above the inversion (around 2k) the winds are NE to West. In general it looks pretty good all day.

RB – A weak day but it does like a chance of the Southerly pushing through to here late in the day for some soaring.

PV – SSW winds around 5kts with the inversion at 3k. It is light east above launch. Not the best of days but perhaps the instability  will provide enough upslope flow for some flying to happen. Its better in the Cederbergs once again.

Wilderness – Light winds all day with a chance of the SE picking up to over 10kts in the late afternoon. Looks like a Sedge start and then a move to Wilderness later in the day. Winds will start South but back to SE during the day.

Plett – The SE appearing a tad earlier here with Uppies showing climbs to 2500’. Looks like 10kts so probably worth a visit.

PE and PA with light southerly winds up to 10kts – so time to visit all those secret spots!

Inland – Light and variable winds with a S to SE trend all day. It picks up to 10kts in the afternoon but remains light with height. In the far south it picks up to westerly with a 20kts over the Outenikwas at 10k. Climbs to 7k expected over the Swartbergs and Kamanasie ranges. 4-5k in some spots along the south of the Outenikwa’s. A sweet day for flying out there today! :)

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:49 and setting at 18:43 (Day length 12 hours and 54 min). Low tide is at 10:02, high tide is at 16:16. Max temps for the Wilderness area around 21 degrees C. Enjoy! :))

Previous reports for historical purposes...

(14 Oct 2019) Good morning you amazing Wild2Fly people! Today a CF approaching CT pushed along by the SAH, there’s a Trough inland with the IOH dominating along the eastern parts. All of these systems are moving to the east bringing along the associated changes for the day. (Some light rain by midnight and early hours of tomorrow morning along parts of the GR). Some Q's around the SW parts of the WC. There is a warning out today with a strong SW pulse moving up the coast with 25kts plus in places. The boundary layer around 1-4k along the coastal ranges but a few inland spots going higher with 6-7k AGL spots but Koffiefontein regions up to 17k due to the active trough-line. Along the coast the general pattern is Westerly with some NW to SW variations. 50kts WNW from 6/7k upwards with a 80-100kts at the Tropopause

CT – Some low cloud around this morning which should clear with base at 2500/3000’. Winds are all Westerly with a touch of SW 10-15kts. It does get stronger later in the afternoon so just keep an eye on things. 20kts plus at TM top height. Instability up to 4k during the best part of the day. SLP probably too strong.

RB – Wrong wind direction here today.

PV – Looks like the best place for the morning with climbs up to 4k and W winds 5-10kts. But from mid-afternoon the winds pick up to 20kts in places west so being pushed over the back a real possibility so be careful.

Wilderness – With the changes going on from the IOH to SAH dominance we will experience a light morning with an initial sweet SW as early as 9/9:30 with some good soaring for an hour or so. It is then scheduled to drop as the approaching SW moves closer. Light winds around lunchtime but mid-afternoon sees the wind more west and picking up. The SW should make its appearance from 15/16:00 onwards. So fly early if you can. Sedge probably offering some thermic stuff with climbs to 1000’ or so. The flow has some west in it so the B/S ration showing quite a bit of mixing, worsening after mid-day. Some Q’s popping up also to brighten the show.

Plett – Also a light start but the SW appearing a bit earlier so keep a good look-out. Uppies showing climbs to 2-2500’ with a strong WSW component. So the prefrontal stuff not the best for today. Strong just after lunch.

PE and PA super strong NE this morning at 30kts but the SW moving in late afternoon also around 30kts!

Inland – It’s a westerly flow everywhere – all the way up to Uppington with 20kts in places. Increasing with height and 30kts around 7k. Stronger towards the south with 50kts over the Outenikwas at 10k WNW. Not the best day to be flying out there…

For Wilderness, sunrise is at 5:50 and setting at 18:42 (Day length 12 hours and 52 min). Low tide is at 9:35, high tide is at 15:49. Max temps for the Wilderness area a touch warmer than yesterday a warm 22 degrees C. Enjoy! :))

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